barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-29 06:38:09


1. Through the family TV and radio advertising to do

2. Leaflets in public places such as Gongjiaozhanpai, lift the mouth of Focus TV, banners, bus body advertising

In which the mouth of the audience in the elevator TV this method is limited to few people in the country

3. And business consultations in order to win customers

4. Do a good job public relations, organization of training Festival, a large number of eminent persons invited to businesses and to share some experiences in order to attract customers business.

5. The training discount, form a psychological gap, enhance the attractiveness to customers and market competitiveness of

6. Through the search engine visibility of the bid ranked the same time, beautify the official website

7. Improve public relations, while by becoming sponsors of the way, on television columns and newspapers and magazines to increase awareness in China"s relatively well-known sections are XX, XX, XX; in the XX state, has ... ...

8. For companies to packaging, to the training of teachers in post titles for packaging, to beautify the school environment, to promote the company"s philosophy in order to establish a good corporate image.


1. Through the family TV and radio advertising to do

2. Leaflets in public places such as Gongjiaozhanpai, lift the mouth of Focus TV, banners, bus body advertising

In which the mouth of the audience in the elevator TV this method is limited to few people in the country

3. And business consultations in order to win customers

4. Do a good job public relations, organization of training Festival, a large number of eminent persons invited to businesses and to share some experiences in order to attract customers business.

5. The training discount, form a psychological gap, enhance the attractiveness to customers and market competitiveness of

6. Through the search engine visibility of the bid ranked the same time, beautify the official website

7. Improve public relations, while by becoming sponsors of the way, on television columns and newspapers and magazines to increase awareness in China"s relatively well-known sections are XX, XX, XX; in the XX state, has ... ...

8. For companies to packaging, to the training of teachers in post titles for packaging, to beautify the school environment, to promote the company"s philosophy in order to establish a good corporate image.

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!

1.Through the family television and radio advertising and promotion

2.Hair handbill, in public places such as bus stop, the elevator of TV, banners, on the bus

Among all the points in the elevator to the TV people less state method

3.With the enterprise consultation for customers

4.Well, for training public discussion, large enterprise celebrities invitation and share experience to attract customers part.

5.Training discount, psychological gap, to enhance the attraction customer and market competitiveness

6.By way of bidding s****.com also raise awareness, ranking beautification"s official website

7.Well, at the same time, through public become sponsors, on television and newspapers and magazines to raise awareness of the famous in China compared with XX, XX, XX, In XX,...

8.To company for training teachers for packaging, packaging, position of running environment beautification, the company to establish, concept of good company image.


1.Through TV and radio advertisements to publicize

2.Leaflets ,advertisements in public places such as bus station, TV at the exit of lift, scrolls, bus body.Among them the public TV is limited to countries with few people/ a few population.

3.With the enterprise negotiation ,striving for customers.

4.To do well in public relation ,hold a training celebration,attract the client enterprise through inviting a number of celebrity and sharing part of experience.

5.A training discount,a psychological gap formed,increase the attraction and market competion to clients.

6.To enhance aided awareness by means of auto bidding of search engine ,in the meantime beautifying the official website.

7.To do a good job in public relations when enhancing aided awarebess by means of being a sponsor and showing in TV programs ,newspaper and magazines.There"re some famous programs in China ,such as XX ,XX.....In XX,there is ......

8.In order to build up a good coporate image ,packing for the company and titles of teachers as well as improving educational environment.



当事人可以立即终止本协议,即一旦对方破产,或者如果发出命令或通过的决议为清盘的中共党,或如果任何管理人,接管人或清盘人获委任方面的全部或部分,即党的资产或业务,或者该当事人患有任命任何人,相当于法律之下,其户籍或法团的地点。 任何所产生的纠纷,执行,或结合,该合同应通过友好协商双方。在案件没有解决,可以通过协商,争议应提交给法庭的商业,法国里尔,为判断依照其规则和程序,并依法对法兰西共和国。
2023-07-28 05:00:075


我现在在自学英语呵呵! 刚开始不知道什么意思!职工之家难道是 woker home or employee home? 嘎嘎
2023-07-28 05:00:229


问题一:课程顾问的英文怎么拼写 course/class consultant 问题二:课程顾问用英语说是 course consultant 吗 ? 可以,很多时候英语有很多种形式,罚式的,非正式,俚语什么的。只要你说的能让人知道理解就行。不用太较真。 问题三:课程顾问需要英语好的吗 肯定提升不了的,直接跟老外交流的职业才会提升口语~ 英语课程顾问是销售英语课程的吧,接触的都是英语不好的中国人~ 汉语课程顾问的话倒是可以提升口语,接触的都是老外~ 提升口语关键还是在于多说~ 每天跟老外交流,你的口语不提升才怪呢! 问题四:一位课程顾问英语口语不好,怎样说服客户成交 客户英语好吗? 问题五:英语培训中心课程顾问怎么销售课程 首先你要熟悉各个课程(产品),然后要善于和家长同学(客户)沟通交流,促成报名(成交)。说穿了,还是销售工作,需要一定的语言技巧和待人接物的经验 问题六:用英文描述一个课程顾问的职责 1 to receive parents of students and attend to their needs and enquiries 2 to handle questions and consultations ing from the Internet, the telephone or walk-in visitors 3 to assist in school administration and the organization of other activit抚es as required. 问题七:课程顾问具体做什么,怎么做 知乎 教育培训机构的销售,做好了非常挣钱,平平常常月薪5k-6k,不成问题。但是,做这个你得做好心理准备,要秉承着相信自己和死不要脸的精神,加油,只要你觉的你从事的培训是能帮助人的,有益的就可以了,祝你成功! 问题八:为什么sunny爱英语的课程顾问那么和蔼可亲? 因为他们坚强。。。。 问题九:课程顾问的英文怎么拼写 course/class consultant 问题十:课程顾问用英语说是 course consultant 吗 ? 可以,很多时候英语有很多种形式,罚式的,非正式,俚语什么的。只要你说的能让人知道理解就行。不用太较真。
2023-07-28 05:00:361


Entry into force of the contract and arbitrationContract stamping enterprise contract chapter (or seal); legal representative or corporate proxy signatures the same effect.If the above two terms of the amended subject to the two sides in the form of a written memorandum signed agreement and sealed.Where the implementation of this Agreement took place or in connection with all disputes relating to this Agreement, the two sides through friendly consultation. If the consultations can not resolve the lawsuit to the local arbitration bodiesThis contract (including annex) a duplicate, the two sides, each carrying one.
2023-07-28 05:00:582


不知道对不对```The parties agreed in consultations on the basis of equality and mutual benefit, the buyer purchased the seller sold the following commodities, commodity name, specifications, quantity, unit price, the amount of detailed xx annex, under this contract covered all of this Annex an integral part of the contract. ..... 6. Seller should be advanced enough time to contact the buyer designated transport agents (usually 3-5 days in advance), to provide volume, GW, a few boxes, and other information necessary booking, and is responsible for the timely transportation of goods to the buyer agent designated locations. If the delay due to the seller, so that the transport agents for less than timely accommodation, which led to the losses suffered by the buyer by the seller responsible. 7. Seller as a result of delays prevented the timely shipment of goods, and did not timely notify the buyer in advance cancellation of accommodation, the seller should be borne by the buyer of all costs and losses, such as cabin air charges, and demurrage charges resulting from the buyer on the other losses. 8. Documents BI shipment within 24 hours, the seller shall be in the form of written notice to the buyer. In a bill of lading (or copies of the bill of lading) should immediately together with the invoices, packing lists fax to the buyer. If the delay due to the seller, the buyer failed to result in the clearance of goods, the seller to the buyer shall be responsible for the resulting loss of compensation. 9. Quality The seller should ensure that the quality of goods by the buyer signed the confirmation sample and / or consultation between the two sides agree to the implementation of quality standards, and shipped to the buyer before the produce inspection reports. If the buyer receives the goods found the quality, quantity and other inconsistent with the contract, the buyer must notify the seller within 30 days of consultations resolved, the two sides can be recognized by the local bodies of the quality-mortem. With the buyer the right to quality inspection certificate issued by the agencies to the seller refunded or claims. A post-mortem rehabilitation, the cost of replacing a commitment from the seller.
2023-07-28 05:01:073


2023-07-28 05:01:187

equal-footed consultations书上说,平等协商的意思,但是equal-footed这个用法查不到,请高人解答谢绝复制

equal-footed的确罕见 我估计国产 不要在外国人面前说 人家不懂用consultations on equal terms正常多了
2023-07-28 05:01:341


2023-07-28 05:01:541


the free consultations 中conducted 后面的是后置定语修饰前面的consulation
2023-07-28 05:02:011


Securities brokerage, Self-managed securities, Underwriting and sponsor, The securities investment consulting; Securities trading, securities investment activities relating to the financial advisers, Securities assets management, Direct investment business, Margin business, The securities investment fund sale, Provide for futures companies introduce service; among Engaged in overseas securities investment management business, The China securities regulatory commission for approval of other businesses.
2023-07-28 05:02:093

last two days是什么意思

2023-07-28 05:02:163


A:B:In accordance with the PRC contract law and the relevant regulations of the entrusted party a, party b accepts, entrust designing, after consultation, both sides signed the contract, keep execution:A, the contents of the contract and requirements:(a) content:1 "four lodge a wonderful" brand logo.2 "four" brand logo to lodge kangsheng VI design development.List three specific design according to the appendix of this contract.(2) requirements:1, accord with "four" brand concept kangsheng accommodation.2, shall constitute a binding complete VI design.3 and overall design of the desired effect.Second, the expensesLogo design, VI design (including VI manual printing, binding) : the total cost of 80000.00 yuan (RMB uffe5eight million yuan capital: the whole) (RMB)Third, the payment1 and after signing the contract, party a shall pay to party b is the total contract costs, i.e. RMB uffe550 40000.00 yuan (RMB), and poured the2, VI, printing and binding handbook before, party a shall pay to party b, i.e. RMB uffe5contract balance 40000.00 yuan (RMB 100,000 loses.Four, the design timeBoth parties agreed on time.Fifth, both the responsibility and obligation1 party b shall constitute a binding required by party a complete relevant design work.2 party a must in the time agreed upon a company VI design work.3 party a is responsible to cooperate fully with party b in stipulated in the contract, and in accordance with party a"s work to provide related information. Party a provides information for copyright, messages, triggered by the legal responsibility, economic disputes should be borne by party a.4 party b as the logo design, infringe upon intellectual property rights disputes or litigation caused economic losses to party a, party b shall be liable for compensation.5 and the draft, party b shall provide party beforehand, after discussion, issue official design/copy and VI design manual.6, according to the agreement of party a shall pay to party b under the contract costs.Six, intellectual property rights1, the party a under this contract, party a entrusts design fees before the design to party b, party a copyright works in this work are not entitled to any rights.2 party a in the balance, not pay before unauthorized use or modify the design works using caused to party b, party b is entitled to rely on the infringement of copyright law of the People"s Republic legal responsibility.3 party a under this contract pay all fees, party b"s works include marks, text, graphics and VI design content, all of the copyright of the intellectual property right shall be appropriate to party b, party a, including enjoy all the other per capita authorization or implement any infringement.Seven, the responsibility of breach of contractAfter signing the contract, both parties should be comprehensive performance of the contract,Because VI design work is very difficult, not only need to work after a lot of stylist, and first-class, party b has started when the design in the overall performance of the contract, in view of this, a promise as early termination of the contract, party a shall pay party b undertakes to still GeTongKuan all obligations (both parties agree to terminate the exception).If party b terminates the contract breach, the fees shall be returned to party a all.Party a payment under this contract, party b shall entrust after all this agreement fails to submit the logo design works and the time of printing design, VI manual work as party b, party b shall return all the default design.Eight, the parties for performance of the contract dispute shall be settled through friendly consultations, consultation fails, the parties any party to the chengdu arbitration committee for arbitration.This contract is part of the contract, the contract yiji two copies, both parties hold one copy, signed by both parties, party a shall stamp date, to have equal legal effectiveness. Due to party b in this contract, party a support to design a commitment under this contract, in the design and implemented under the condition of the same price priority to party b contracting production
2023-07-28 05:02:241


2023-07-28 05:02:322


2023-07-28 05:02:523


The house leases contractFor-rent square:(call the first party) ID card number: Address: Telephone: Accept to rent a square:(brief name the second party) ID card number: Address: Telephone: Negotiate to consistently agree to make leasing contract by A B both parties according to the relevant laws of the nation and the city now, item as follows: A, the first party will own power of produce or handle the building of downtown in Harbin of powerHouse(building area square meter) let to the second party to make an usage. Two, rent a period a day from the exergue since to exergue day.(namely month) Three, that house monthly rental is renminbi 10 dollarses of Qian Bai 10000 be whole, the second party each month to AThe square pays rental 10 dollarses of Qian Bai 10000 whole, and pure in recently hand over of each month,The first party"s beard gives an itemized list of(receipt or invoice) to the second party. Four, sign a house leasing contract, the second party should pay a house rental of month as performance bond toward the first partyGold and 10 dollarses of Qian Bai 10000 the whole indoor wealth and properties security deposit, above-mentioned security deposit with escortThe gold contract period expires retreats to return the second party. Five, house property tax, business tax and surtax, personal income tax, land usage fee of the leasing period house, for-rentSquare is responsible to pay management fee;Phone bill, public security fee, water & electricity, hygiene fee, elevator fee, buildingSquare is responsible to pay house management fee. Six, the second party have to depend on to consign rental around, if have already born debt rental, the first party everyday by the month 5% of rental add to accept Zhi invite goldBear debt the rental reaches a day above, the first party has power to take back house, also the power brush-off send back a performance bond. Seven, the first party promise a load of house engineering quality and the responsibility for maintain, the second party can not change house structure without authorization, either with useWay.The second party because of intentionally or faultily resulting in to rent house and it kit facilities, indoor wealth and properties deformation, should recoverHouse original shape or indemnification the economy lose. Eight, leasing period, if the first party want to take back house, have to advance a month written notice the second party.Send back in the meantime twoThe performance bond that is doubly;If the second party need to back to rent, have to also advance a month written notice the first party, in the meantimeCan not request to send back a performance bond. Nine, leasing period, the second party hasn"t yet the first party to agree, can not turn house to rent to the third square.Lease period expires or reliefContract, the second party needs to settle expenses countermarch to return house to the first party;If need to continuously rent beard to advance a month and the first partyConsultation, if overdue don"t return and continuously didn"t rent, the first party has power to take back house. Ten, this contract such as occurrence in implement dispute, both parties should solve dispute through a consultation and negotiate don"t become can invite houseLeasing management section intermediation or rise dismantle a court of the people processing. 11, this contract after sign or stamp immediately take effect, one the type be 3, A B both parties be each to keep 1, agent square1, if have don"t matter of exert, can be made an additional regulations by both parties" consultation, all have equal legal effect. Leasehold: Renter: Signature:(stamp) Signature:(stamp) u25cfContract in exergue day makes in Harbin
2023-07-28 05:03:002


Party A must buy two MOB body-building merbercards from Party B annually.Party A must also buy a dishwasher and a the first for Party B before December 31th,2007 Note: The oven is not a microwave oven! The agreement should be in contract form!
2023-07-28 05:03:105


1, the export trade process 1) Preparation before export transactions ① international business information collection and sorting; ② research on the international market; ③ the implementation of the export supply; ④ export commodity management program development; ⑤ to establish business relations; ⑥ send trade talks and negotiations personnel to determine the content; ⑦ export advertising; ⑧ trademark of exports and corporate domain name registration. 2) Trading consultations: Including four processes of inquiry, offer, counter-offer and acceptance. Which offer and acceptance is two basic aspects of the indispensable and a necessary legal steps of setting up the deal and the trading consultation process,once one party accept the offer by the other party ,the transaction can be established and constituted a contract between buyer and seller.the next is to enter into a written contract. 3) The general procedures for the export performance of the contract ① apply for an export license (foreign trade approval) ② apply for a certificate of origin (CCPIT approval) ③ subject to a statutory test or to provide expert opinions to obtain inspection reports, or identification certificate (certification provided) ④ reminder card, review cards, change card ⑤ production of various documents (such as bills, invoices, etc.) ⑥ be checked ⑦ ⑧ insurance declaration; to pay duty on ⑨ shipment; for the bill of lading documents ⑩ Shanzhi Versions and documents submitted to the Bank, the next step is: a single trial of a complex tax → → → contract settlement filed 2, the import trade flow 1) Preparation before import transactions ① research on domestic and foreign markets; including commodity price trends and supplier credit. ② import cost accounting; ③ apply for import permits; ④ use of foreign exchange of imports; ⑤ agent imports. ⑥ selection of trading goods and objects 2) Trading Consultation Inquiry, to discuss Foreign trade contracts signed 3) The general procedures for imports of contract performance ① open and modify the letter of credit ② commissioned shipment ③ pre-shipment inspection ④ The certificate request ⑤ transportation and insurance ⑥ examination of documents and payment ⑦ Import customs tax ⑧ inspection of imported goods ⑨ offshore delivery
2023-07-28 05:03:231


You on March 9 letter had been received, the request to be accepted to pay a single way to pay your 3837 article, under the orders of video games. Our consistent practice is confirmed, irrevocable, with immediate payment of money orders for payment of letters of credit, so it is difficult to accept your request. However, as you sell our products, good wishes, we made an exception to accept a 30-day period of letters of credit money orders, we believe that this exception will help to accommodate both business development. I hope that early rehabilitation in order to further consultations.绝对机器翻译!非自己翻译!
2023-07-28 05:03:312


  议题Topic for discussion   双方商定的议程Schedule mutually agreed upon   开幕会议Opening session   全体会议Plenary session   开场白Introduction   情况介绍Presentation   小组讨论Panel discussion   同有关单位磋商Hold consultations9 with the organizations concerned   一轮会谈One round of talks   决议Resolution   谅解备忘录Memorandum10 of understanding   现在开会。   I declare the meeting open.   请u2026发言。   I invite the representative of u2026To take the floor.   下面我给各位简要介绍一下北京的经济情况Now I would like to give you a brief overview11 of Beijing"s economy.   我的介绍完了,谢谢!   That"s all for my presentation.thank you.   我先说这么多。   So much for my remarks for now.   我要说的就是这些。   That"s all for what I want to say.   您看是先谈原则问题呢,还是先谈具体问题?   I wonder if you would like to start with matters of principle or specific issues?   让我先谈一个问题。   If you agree (With your permission), let me start with one issue   在谈那个问题之前我想对您刚才讲的话谈点看法。   Before we trun to that issue, I wish to make a few comments/remarks on your presentation.   您对此事怎么看呢?   I wish to benefit from your views on this matter./ What is your view on this matter?/ How do you see this matter?   我提议休会十分钟。   I propose a ten-minute break.   我想接着刚才的问题讲下去。   I will pick up where we left off just now.   对不起,我插一句。   Sorry for the interruption but   当然可以!   By all means.   怎么都行!   Whatever you say.   我没有异议。   I have no objection.   我方对这个问题有异议。   We take exception to this question.   我们高兴地看到u2026   We note with pleasure that u2026   这个日期贵方觉得合适吗?   I wonder if this date wuld be suitable for you?   不知你们上午谈的怎样?   I wonder how the meeting went this morning?   我方很希望贵方能尽早给予肯定的答复。   We would greatlyl appreciate it if you could give us your favourable12 and prompt commitment as soonas possible.   请你们务必在8月1日前提出 意向书 。   You are kindly13 requested to submit the letter of intent on the date no later than 1st August.   纠缠这个问题。   Entangle14 this issue.   提倡节约Advocate/uphold thriftiness15   为了国家的繁荣For the sake of national property   经受了时间考验的友谊给我留下了很深的印象。   The time-tested friendship leave me a deep impression.   密切注视Keep close watch on   促进密切合作Spur/promote intensive cooperation相关 文章 : 1. 商务英语电话随心应答 2. 商务英语电话随心应答(2) 3. 商务英语情景对话:电话安排会议
2023-07-28 05:04:091


The rental property should be returned to the Landlord by the end of the rental period. The Tenant shall give a 15 days notice in advance if he/she wishes to extend the contract, and shall have priority over others under the same conditions after negociation.By the end of the rental period, the Tenant shall return the rental property if he/she does not wish to extend the contract. Anything that is left in the property by the time will be deemed abandoned and the Landlord will have the right to sell, keep or dispose of the Tenant"s property without his/her consent.
2023-07-28 05:04:203


The term of cooperationThis agreement from a, B, C three parties the date of signature, valid * *. Agreement prior to the expiry of three months, such as three party agreed that can continue to cooperate, to be officially signed a written agreement.The modification of this AgreementMatters covered in this agreement, or the need to change, in writing, by a, B, C three party consensus, make a written agreement; supplementary agreement, and this agreement has the same legal effect.The termination of the agreement and force majeure1, this agreement expired, the automatic termination.2, because of the force majeure the termination of the agreement, signed on three party should work together to take part in the project learning of the students to make proper arrangements for students, and the loss to the minimum.3, the implementation of the agreement, any party if not normative operation, breach of agreement, in the other proposed rectification requirements after correction has not been the case, the other party the right to terminate this agreement. But a, B, C three parties shall continue to perform their respective duties, completed in school teaching job, ensure the enrolled students graduate, may not infringe upon the lawful rights and interests of the enrolled students.Default liability and compensationIn 1, signing on either side, not according to the agreed time, methods and requirements of performance of the agreement should bear the responsibility, obligation, are regarded as default.In 2, the breaching party for its breach of contract caused this agreement signed goal can not be achieved or to result in economic losses each other, shall bear the corresponding liability for damages.In 3, the breaching party for its breach of contract or improper behavior enroach on the legitimate rights and interests of the students education project, or social aspects legal rights, or has violated Chinese laws and government regulations, shall bear the corresponding legal responsibility.Settlement of disputesIn 1, the agreement in the implementation process in the event of a dispute, the A, B, C three Fang Youhao negotiated settlement.
2023-07-28 05:04:283


China concrete structure design code [code for design of concrete structure] (GB 50010-2002) and the United States housing construction, concrete structure norms (ACI 318-05) and provisions (ACI 318R-05) [Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (ACI 318-05) and Commentary (ACI 318R-05)] between the relatively large differences. China to regulate use of the theory of probability-based limit state design method to measure reliable indicator of the reliability of structural components, using a coefficient of design expression of the design. Norms and the United States based on reliability theory, the design expression nor breakdown coefficient. Generally speaking, the United States used in the design of concrete structure of the reliability of expression and China have certain similarities norms, but used in the design of materials and design load intensity level, as well as the value of the expression of reliability with China norms the difference can not be ignored. 1. Housing construction in the United States, "GM building codes," referring to the states respectively from the area or related to the law of the state of accepted norms. In these specifications, and provides a comprehensive housing design, construction, testing the principle of partial basic requirements. Then, by the GM building codes in the corresponding provisions of the relevant structures that regulate their invoke component. Therefore, the United States said its own norms ACI 318-05 for the GM building codes an integral part. By the year 2000, the United States is generally believed that the GM building codes total of the following four: (1) to standardize the construction officials and managers Federation (Building Officials and Code Administrators, or BOCA) issued in the name of "national building codes" (National Building Code, or NBC); (2) building codes to the International Committee of the South (Southern Building Code Congress International, as SBCCI) issued in the name of the "standard building codes" (Standard Building Code, or SBC), (3) the international construction Officials Meeting (International Conference of Building Officials, or ICBO) issued in the name of "unified building codes" (Uniform Building Code, or UBC), and (4) international norms Committee (International Code Council, or ICC) developed the "International Building norms "(International Building Code, or IBC). State laws passed by the United States were chosen four common building codes in the one in the state as a law regulating the use of force. By the year 2000, all parties concerned consultations by the United States, decided in the United States unified national norms by IBC to replace three other common building codes, that is, the IBC (2003) the United States as the only "generic building codes" use. However, states need to switch to IBC legal norms recognized, the other three are still a common use of building codes overlap period, but no longer for a new round of amendments. Based on the above, we can see that ACI318-05 standard said: "The law was adopted building codes GM" in the present that still means the four standardized; states to be accepted legal norms of the IBC, "legal been adopted General building codes "will only regulate the IBC
2023-07-28 05:04:361


We are sorry to inform you that we can"t accept your software which you sent by DHL, because we don"t have the Import/Export certification which allow us to do so. Therefor, We are arranging to send the software back to you, according to some requirement from Chinese custom, we need an approval from your company to indicate that we both agree on such withdrawing arrangement, and the approval should bear your company chop and the signature of the one who in charge of this issue. please send us the approval by PDF format.Thank you.
2023-07-28 05:04:554


Arbitration 12.1 for all of the contract arising as a result of this. Or contract-related disputes, the contract should the two sides through friendly consultations, resolved, if consensus can not be resolved, the dispute should be referred to arbitration. 12.2 in the arbitration by the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Committee in accordance with its current effective arbitration rules. 12.3 arbitration costs borne by the losing party 12.4 arbitral award is final ruling, binding on both parties. 12.5 During the arbitration, with the exception of the arbitration process is part of the arbitration, other parts of the contract to continue. 13. The entry into force of contracts and other 13.1 of the contract by corporate buyers and sellers agent signing of the contract and stamping units immediately after the entry into force of the chapter. 13.2 For the contract to modify or supplement, it is important to corporate buyers and sellers by the agent to sign a written contract documents and affix unit chapter formally come into effect after this contract and become an integral part of the contract and the body has the same legal effect. 13.4 validity of the contract: the contract to buy. To sell the two sides to settle the purchase price until the contract. 13.5-one of the original contract were split, buyers and sellers in the market were armed. Seller: Name (Chapter): Unit Address: Legal Representative: Agent: Contact: Tel: Fax: Bank: Account number: Zip Code:
2023-07-28 05:05:151

征求意见 英语怎么说

征求意见 [词典] take advice; [例句]工程师和他的儿子经常就技术问题互相征求意见。The engineer and his son held frequent consultations concerning technical problems
2023-07-28 05:05:241


2023-07-28 05:05:322

place of receipt是什么意思

place of receipt 收货地;[贸易] 收货地点Select your Loading Port name from the drop-down list. Note that this is the actual loading port, not the place of receipt. 用滑鼠点向下点选装货港,请注意务必点选真正的装货港,而不是收货地。
2023-07-28 05:05:435


大意如下: 人工In a randomized controlled trial, one group will receive a maximal intervention (= intervention group). 随机控制试验中,有一组会接受最大干预(我们称之为干预组)。The intervention group will be compared to the control group receiving a minimal intervention. 为了进行对比试验,对另一组进行最小干预。An inclusion of 350 patients in total, with a follow-up of 3 years is foreseen. 试验样本容量为350人,试验时限为3年。The inclusion criteria are age between 25–65 and insured by the Onderlinge Ziekenkas, insuring for guaranteed income in case of illness for self-employed. 入选对象的年龄必须介于25岁与65岁之间,Onderlinge Ziekenkas将对他们进行投保,保障他们因病待业时的经济来源。The maximal intervention group receives several prevention consultations by their general practitioner (GP) using a new type of cardiovascular risk calculator with personalised feedback on behavioural risk factors. 私人医生(GP)将通过一种可以反馈个人行为风险因素的新型心血管风险计算器向最大干预组的病人提供数次预防咨询指导。These patients receive a follow-up with intensive support of health behaviour change via different methods, i.e. a tailored website and personal advice of a multidisciplinary team (psychologist, physiotherapist and dietician). 这些病人将会享受到全方位的治疗指导,他们可以通过为其量身定做的网站或来自跨学科团队(心理医生、物理治疗师和营养学家)的个人建议获得有关健康行为变更的信息。The aim of this strategy is to reduce cardiovascular risk factors according to the guidelines. 此举的目的是为了根据试验指导精神,降低心血管风险因素。The primary outcome measures will be cardiovascular risk factors. 心血管风险因素是最主要的疗效判定指标。The secondary outcome measures are cardiovascular events, quality of life, costs and incremental cost effectiveness ratios. 心血管病并发率、生活质量、成本和增量成本效果比也是比较重要的疗效判定指标。The control group receives prevention consultations using a new type of cardiovascular risk calculator and general feedback. 控制组的病人们通过一种新型心血管风险计算器和常规反馈的方式获得预防咨询的建议。
2023-07-28 05:06:101


2023-07-28 05:06:202

foreign minister是什么意思

2023-07-28 05:06:283


still confused.
2023-07-28 05:06:383


Self assessment:Four years of UPS and debugging, site installation and maintenance experience. Three years experience in project management, good cross-functional communication department. Above 3 years and foreign manufacturers directly English technical communication and expert experience, good problem solving skills. Half of the overseas experience (" alone in Sudan MaiLao dimension dam project of substation "UPS installation, debugging and maintenance work), have a good working environment, foreign adaptability.Familiar with the uninterrupted power supply, UPS, diesel generator power products. Good electrical professional knowledge, be familiar with the internal structure of UPS power supply products and technology principle and characteristics, To complete the whole UPS product alone, installation and commissioning. To complete the project selection, matching accessories UPS systems design. Good computer document editor, spoken English ability.2005-07-2005, / / JiangXiChang force car spring Co., LTDIndustry: automotive manufacturingPosition: assistant engineer (practice),Main responsibilities:1 responsible for automotive springs, rolling workshop uninterruptible power supply (UPS) system daily operation and maintenanceResponsible for operation and supervision, rolling mill, the normal work of fault equipment failure to assist repairs3 and assist the routine maintenance. The workshop4 and assist the rolling workshop system upgradingPerformance:1 and in working out during times of danger, through UPS device with UPS manufacturer technology exchange after eliminate hidden dangers and to avoid the power equipment of production lines. Cause2, operation and supervision work, rolling mill, and good steady production is expected to yield than quarterly.2005-2008-2008/12 times, shenzhen zhenchang power systems Co., LTDIndustry: Israel GRMATRONIC UPS agentsPosition: engineerMain responsibilities:1 responsible for Israel, SP/PS - GRMATRONIC pavement performance test of the INDUSTRIAL better UPS, and foreign manufacturers directly for technical communication.2, responsible for national regions UPS system installation, commissioning and maintenance.3 and assist the sales for product pre-sales support, and according to your project design.4, responsible for the sales of the project design, manual production etc.5, responsible for the technical consultation, customer UPS systems technology training, etc.6 and the purpose shall be responsible for the inspection and maintenance. UPS7 for the winning project, UPS system installation, commissioning and maintenance.Experience:Because in shenzhen zhenchang era of power system Co., LTD. Do more, the following list items which only a fraction of the project, including Beijing taiyuangong plants, hunan changsha plants, power, Beijing ZhengChangZhuang qianan region datang gas power plant, jiangsu taizhou power plant, etcProject description: the design of power system, including the design, UPS power (regulator) bypass ark, feeder ark (distribution output loop), production specifications, etc.Responsibility:1, according to preliminary design project technical agreement and to provide design drawings and design staff, communicate and final version of the blueprint consultation.2 and tracking foreign shipping schedule, customized products company production screen ark of the materials needed to list and tracking materials purchase, advance the project progress, until the whole matching products manufacturing.
2023-07-28 05:06:495

大学商务英语合同翻译 中译英6

以下皆为商业合同标准翻译:15. Force MajeureThe Seller shall not be held responsible for delay in shipment or non-delivery of the goods due to Force Majeure, which might occur during the process of manufacturing or in the course of loading. The Seller shall advise the Buyer of the occurrence mentioned above within 15 (fifteen) days and send by airmail a certificate of the incident issued by the local government to the Buyer. Even in such cases, the Seller is still liable to take all possible measures to expedite the delivery of goods. Should the Seller fails to perform the contracted obligations 10 (ten) weeks after the aforesaid incident, the Buyer shall have the right to treat the contract as null and void.16. ArbitrationAll deputes in connection with this contract or the execution thereof shall be settled through friendly consultations. Should no settlement be reached, the case may then be submitted for arbitration to the Foreign Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission of the CCPIT in accordance with the rules and procedures of the said Arbitration Commission. The arbitration shall take place in 15 (fifteen) days. The decision of the Arbitration Commission shall be final and binding on both Parties. The arbitration fee shall be borne by the losing Party. The arbitration may also be settled in a third country mutually agreed upon by both Parties.17. Special provisionsIn witness thereof, this contract is signed by both Parties in two original copies; each Party shall keep one copy.
2023-07-28 05:07:071


一、the tenders1、After careful reading and research TPM tender documents and other relevant documents.we have to take a lump sum of (yuan) xxx million to undertake the above-mentioned general contract management and engineering design tasks.2、Once our bid, we guarantee 10 days after receipt of notice of successful design of the foundation work andand design contracts, the time required to complete the design task.3、Another agreement and effect unless you notice the successful tender and the contract is binding on the part of both sides.4、In this our solemn promise : we will ask the owner to provide high-quality engineering design, project management and follow-up services.二、Legal representative power of attorneyThe chairman declared : authorization (xxx) legitimate representative of my unit, my units authorized xxx agentxxx agent of the right to design the project bidding and contracting management,I signed in the name of tenders and tender documents, and the organization (or owners) consultations,and the implementation of all signed contracts and related matters.
2023-07-28 05:07:221

求出师表译翻译 要求字字落实

2023-07-28 05:07:439


  从1数到10,是我们读幼儿园或者以前三年级的时候开始学习的英语单词。下面是我给大家整理的1到10的英文是什么,供大家参阅!   1的英文单词   one   1的英文例句   1. Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better.   努力过,失败过,没关系,屡战屡败,屡败屡战,每一次失败都比上一次更好。   2. We tend to meet up for lunch once a week.   我们往往每周共进一次午餐。   3. The representatives almost came to blows at a meeting.   代表们在一次会议上差点动起手来。   4. Today"s Security Council resolution will be a significant success for American diplomacy.   今天的安理会决议对于美国外交而言是一次重大的成功。   5. The comparison of her life to a sea voyage simplifies her experience.   把她的人生比作一次海上航行不足以说明她丰富的经历。   2的英文单词   two   2的英文例句   1. Next, open the airway, pinch their nose and give 2 rescue breaths.   接下来, 打开气道, 捏住伤者的鼻子,进行2次人工呼吸.   2. Suggested Use Adults take 2 - 3 tablets with water twice a day.   使用方法:每天2次,每次 2-3 颗,搭配适量温开水食用.   3. Does not want continual 2 times to let the identical woman injure.   不要连续2次让同一个女人伤害.   4. Ageing: In stainless steel tanks, with 2 racking and a light micro - oxygenation.   陈酿: 不锈钢桶中陈酿, 2次滗酒,一次轻度的微氧化.   5. Last season, in only 35 games, Bynum averaged 13 points, 10 rebounds and 2 per game.   上个赛季, 在仅有的35场比赛中, 拜纳姆平均可以贡献13分, 10个篮板和2次盖帽.   3的英文单词   three   3的英文例句   1. So here"s what I"m facin ": 3 felonies, 6 years of probation.   所以在这里我(可以)面对: 3次重罪, 6年的察看.   2. Lifebloom is a low cost HoT that can stack 3 times.   生命绽放是低耗魔的Hot治疗,并且可以叠加3次.   3. The is case report presents a female victim who undergone 3 time of biopsies.   本科经历1例女性病患,在第3次切片时,才证实为淋巴瘤.   4. The summit"s schedule includes 3 plenary sessions before a final declaration is issued Sunday.   此次峰会共进行3次全体会议,然后于周日发布最后公告.   5. A method for constructing orthonormalized eigenstates of annihilation operator b 3 - of a non harmonic is presented.   构造了非简谐振子湮灭算符3次幂的正交归一本征态.   4的英文单词   four   4的英文例句   1. You normally receive 4 treatments each day, Sundays excepted.   通常每天接受4次治疗,星期日除外。   2. After washing - flooding later voted 3 - 4, lotion liquid foam drift net.   洗完后用清水浸投3 - 4次, 将洗剂液泡沫漂净.   3. He was already called 4 times for jury duty.   他已经因为临时应急的义务被召唤过4次了.   4. Level 1 - Releases 4 pulses every second, and each pulse deals 12.5 damage. Total 800 damage.   一级 - 每秒释放4次脉冲, 每次脉冲造成12.5点的伤害,持续8秒,总计造成400点的伤害.   5. The batter got on base on 4 bad pitches.   打击手在垒上救起4次失败的投球.   5的英文单词   five   5的英文例句   1. Before initial dose, depress pump 4 - 5 times or until primed.   首次使用本产品前,请按压喷头 4-5 次,直到可以喷出本产品.   2. Breathe into the upper chest up to 5 times.   重复将气吸至上胸腔共5次.   3. When will the No. 5 special express leave for Nanning?   5次特快什么时候离站去南宁?   4. Jumps up to 5 times and lasts 1 min after each jump.   一共持续5次跳跃,每次跳跃后可持续1分钟.   5. You organized Finnish pavilion to BICES 5 times in a row.   您连续5次组织芬兰展团参加BICES展览.   6的英文单词   six   6的英文例句   1. A team is allowed a maximum of 6 substitutions per game.   每局允许最多6次换人.   2. Note: Data in this table and Table 2 averages of 6 replicates.   注: 该表及表2中数据为6次重复的平均值.   3. We held around the barrels of the western race for 6 times.   我们举办了6次西部绕桶赛.   4. It also offer a series of 6 prepaid consultations for $ 350 AU.   我也收取350澳元来提供预付的一系列6次咨询.   5. The year 1998 also saw the successful launching of 6 satellites.   全年6次成功发射卫星.   7的英文单词   seven   7的英文例句   1. Repeat 3 to 7 times or until you feel calm.   重复3-7次,或者直到感觉平静为止.   2. You might get 7 shocks in a row at first.   可能你从一开始就连续受到7次惊吓.   3. Lang Ping, pointing to his knees, " here held a knife 7 th. "   郎平指着自己的膝盖, “ 这里开过7次刀. ”   4. The Battery can be used for about 7 times ( three - minute shaves ).   假定1次使用 3分钟,可以使用约7次.   5. Children received 2 - 7 transfusions of stem cells isolated from autologous cord blood.   孩子们输注2-7次从脐带血中分离出来的干细胞.   8的英文单词   eight   8的英文例句   1. Washington Wizards ( 687.37 ) - Have only mustered 8 wins in 4 playoff appearances.   华盛顿奇才队 ( 687.37分 ) -- 在四次的季后赛经历中总共才拿到8次胜利.   2. You may acquire 8 times face - to - face service from professional interpreters, professional tutorship, gratified consultation!   您还可以有8次由高深翻译人士 面授 辅导的机会, 专业的辅导, 称心的咨询!   3. Own basket core Carter took 19 points, Harris has contributed 8 secondary attacks.   篮网核心卡特拿下19分, 哈里斯贡献了8次助攻.   4. A psychologist once said, to health, to embrace every day for at least 8 times.   曾经有一位心理学家说过, 要想健康, 每天要至少拥抱8次.   5. This, big Williams 8 times breaks the opportunity to have 2 times to break successfully.   这一盘, 大威廉姆斯8次破发机会有2次破发成功.   9的英文单词   nine   9的英文例句   1. Among 37 successful EMR 9 were Endoscopic Picemeal Mucosal Resection ( EPMR ).   成功的37次中包括分割切除(EndoscopicPicemeal MucosalResection:EPMR ) 9次.   2. Last season, McGrady averaged 5.9 assists, starting Rafer Alston than more.   上赛季, 麦蒂场均助攻5.9次, 比首发控卫阿尔斯通还要多.   3. He was on the podium 9 times.   9次登上领奖台.   4. The polishing operations, all carried out by hand, alternate with 9 baths guaranteeing immaculate cleanliness.   这些抛光工序均以人手进行, 其间还要交替9次清洗, 以确保工件洁净无瘕.   5. At the last count inflation was 10.9 per cent.   最近一次统计显示通胀率为10.9%。   10的英文单词   ten   10的英文例句   1. In addition, no caffeine, not affect sleep. Bubbles may 10 times more.   此外, 本产品不含咖啡因, 不影响睡眠. 每袋可沏泡10次以上.   2. The amount of charges on Lightwell has been increased to 10.   光明泉的使用次数被增加到10次.   3. When the adsorbent is used 10 times, its adsorbability will drop about 3 %.   经反复利用10次, 其吸附率下降约在3%以下.   4. Over his career, Jordan captured 10 consecutive scoring titles.   乔丹在其体育生涯中, 连续10次荣获最佳投手奖.   5. Trouble is , he"s made the same misstatement at least 10 times before.   他也许会辩解说这只是口误, 但问题是此前他已经出现至少10次同样的口误.   
2023-07-28 05:07:581


Principle of mutual benefit and common development, through consultations the agreed:1 leasing position and areaParty a will XX market XX district XX road XX __________ square, business, building area advantages of square meters.the advantagesLease to party b.Article 2: business purposesParty b in accordance with the agreement on this site operation __________ __________ company brand furniture (jewelry), and within the time limit prescribed in the business field use rights enjoyed.Article 3: the lease termAdvantages: the lease term, on the date of the advantages and advantages in advantages on the date of advantages advantages.Article 4: the rental and settlementA:1 party b monthly rent. Pay _______________ yuan (RMB uf0a3 floor 2 for $280 rent uf0a3; 3 floor sq.m/rent for the renminbi220 yuan per square meters.the first pay rent), every three months after the first payment. Party a shall pay to party a for the first time in four months rent (one monthMargin).2 party. In every three months to party a the 15th pay three months rent under, party b shall contribute to this period specified, all expenses paid overdueAccording to the 5 per day, charge payment. /B: first comes after three, rent-free period.4 party b to the mall. Pay deposit, and shall, in handling refund of every month 5-10, in settlement of financial documents to the settlementAt the end of January to the accounts receivable as: (to deduct taxes and utilities charges, etc.)5: other charges(1), party b shall pay the booth by lighting installations within KongDiaoFei telephone calls, and corresponding electricity. Party b booths lighting electric meter billing, according to an independentPrice is in charge, such as stipulated by state changes, the notice in writing. For months and settlement forms.(2), party b, party a should call for party a is responsible for store by after installation, party b shall undertake ChuZhuangFei yuan.B:1 party b monthly rental and comprehensive, according to the sales management uf0a3 second floor is 40%, 3 floor uf0a3 35% pay to party a.2 party a should bear expenses. 2:1. The goods import tariffs. The cost of goods import value-added 3, 4, customs clearance fee for business expenses. Container loading and unloading goods to customer. 5 cost of transportation cost and venue decoration fees....3 party b will pay a buzz when _______________ yuan deposit. In case of need, expanding field in current adjust or complement the deposit amount.4 party has the obligation to every month. In the last five days sales report and submit to party b, and inventories in that condition, party b monthly sales in 10 days prior to party b (over) the remittance to party b designated account.Article 5: the sales amount for manufacturers1 in accordance with the card charges. The bank with a contract provisions, shall be borne by party b in return, when the payment.2. In case of customer returns and ask for a refund from party b has to deduct the amount of shopping. If party b, party a is entitled to payment can be deducted from the deposit, party b should be in the first month in complement the deposit.The agreement signed by both parties
2023-07-28 05:08:063


下面是一篇中英文对照的协议书,基本上跟你的雷同,我没具体对照看,你要以参考一下商业合作保密协议书甲方:_________乙方:_________鉴于:甲乙双方正在就进行会谈或合作,需要取得对方的相关业务和技术资料,为此,甲乙双方本着互惠互利、共同发展的原则,经友好协商签订本协议。第一条 保密资料的定义甲乙双方中任何一方披露给对方的明确标注或指明是保密资料的相关业务和技术方面的书面或其它形式的资料和信息(简称:保密资料),但不包括下述资料和信息:(一)已经或将公布于众的资料,但不包括甲乙双方或其代表违反本协议规定未经授权所披露的;(二)在任何一方向接受方披露前已为该方知悉的非保密性资料;(三)任何一方提供的非保密资料,接受方在披露这些资料前不知此资料提供者(第三方)已经与本协议下的非保密资料提供方订立过有约束力的保密协议,且接受方有理由认为资料披露者未被禁止向接受方提供该资料。第二条 双方责任(一)甲乙双方互为保密资料的提供方和接受方,负有保密义务,承担保密责任。(二)甲乙双方中任何一方未经对方书面同意不得向第三方(包括新闻界人士)公开和披露任何保密资料或以其他方式使用保密资料。双方也须促使各自代表不向第三方(包括新闻界人士)公开或披露任何保密资料或以其它方式使用保密资料。除非披露、公开或利用保密资料是双方从事或开展合作项目工作在通常情况下应承担的义务(包括双方今后依法律或合同应承担的义务)适当所需的。(三)双方均须把保密资料的接触范围严格限制在因本协议规定目的而需接触保密资料的各自负责任的代表的范围内。(四)除经过双方书面同意而必要进行披露外,任何一方不得将含有对方或其代表披露的保密资料复印或复制或者有意无意地提供给他人。(五)如果合作项目不再继续进行或其中一方因故退出此项目,经对方在任何时候提出书面要求,另一方应当、并应促使其代表在五(5)个工作日内销毁或向对方返还其占有的或控制的全部保密资料以及包含或体现了保密资料的全部文件和其它材料并连同全部副本。但是在不违反本协议其它条款的条件下,双方可仅为本协议第四条之目的,保留上述文件或材料的复制件一份。(六)甲乙双方将以并应促使各自的代表以不低于其对自己拥有的类似资料的照料程度来对待对方向其披露的保密资料,但在任何情况下,对保密资料的照料都不能低于合理程度。第三条 知识产权甲乙双方向对方或对方代表披露保密资料并不构成向对方或对方的代表的转让或授予另一方对其商业秘密、商标、专利、技术秘密或任何其它知识产权拥有的权益,也不构成向对方或对方代表转让或向对方或对方代表授予该方受第三方许可使用的商业秘密、商标、专利、技术秘密或任何其他知识产权的有关权益。第四条 保密资料的保存和使用(一)甲乙双方中的任何一方有权保存必要的保密资料,以便在履行其在合作项目工作中所承担的法律、规章与义务时使用该等保密资料。(二)甲乙双方有权使用保密资料对任何针对接受方或其代表的与本协议项目及其事务相关的索赔、诉讼、司法程序及指控进行抗辩,或者对与本协议项目及其事务相关的传唤、传票或其他法律程序做出答复。(三)任何一方在书面通知对方并将披露的复印件抄送对方后,可根据需要在提交任何市、省、中央或其他对接受方有管辖权或声称对接受方有管辖权的监管团体的任何报告、声明或证明中披露保密资料。第五条 争议解决和适用法律本协议受中华人民共和国法律管辖并按中华人民共和国法律解释。对因本协议或本协议各方的权利和义务而发生的或与之有关的任何事项和争议、诉讼或程序,本协议双方不可撤销地接受中华人民共和国法院的管辖。第六条 协议有效期(一)本协议有效期为_________年,自甲乙双方签字盖章之日起生效。(二)本协议一式四份,双方各执两份,具有同等法律效力。甲方(盖章):_________        乙方(盖章):_________地址:_________            地址:_________法定代表人(签字):_________     法定代表人(签字):_________联系电话:_________          联系电话:_________传真:_________            传真:_________邮政编码:_________          邮政编码:__________________年____月____日       _________年____月____日CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENTParty A:_________Party B:_________Whereas:Exchanging of relevant business and technological information is required for the ongoing business discussions or cooperation between Party A and Party B with respect to , this agreement is entered into by and between Party A and Party B through friendly consultations and under the principle of mutual benefit and joint development.Article 1 Definition of Confidential InformationConfidential information refers to data and information with respect to relevant businesses and technologies, whether in written or other forms, that have been disclosed by either Party A or Party B to the other party with clear label or designation of "confidential information"(hereinafter referred to as "confidential information"), excluding the following data and information:(1)Information that is already or to be make public available, except those disclosed by either Party A or Party B or their representatives in violation of this agreement and without authorization;(2)Non-confidential information that has come to the attention of the receiving party before the disclosure of the other party;(3)Non-confidential information offered by either party, before the disclosure of which the receiving party is not informed of the fact that the provider of this information (a third party) has signed a binding confidentiality agreement with the party disclosing the non-confidential information under this agreement, and the receiving party may reasonably presume that the information discloser is not forbidden to offer the information to the receiving party.Article 2 Obligations and Liabilities(1)Both Party A and Party B represent to the other party as the provider and receiver of confidential information, and thus both undertake confidentiality obligations and liabilities.(2)Neither Party A nor Party B shall disclose or make public any confidential information to a third party (including the press) or otherwise make use of the confidential information without the written approval of the other party; Both parties are obliged to urge their representatives not to disclose or make public any confidential information to a third party (including the press) or otherwise make use of the confidential information; unless the disclosure, publicity and application of the confidential information is required by the due performance of the obligations of the two parties in association with the undertaking and proceeding of the cooperative programs under normal circumstances (including obligations to be assumed by both parties in the future pursuant to the law and the contracts signed by the two parties).(3)Both parties shall strictly limit the access to the confidential information to their responsible representatives only for the purposes specified hereunder.(4)Neither party shall provide a third party with copies or duplicates of the confidential information disclosed by the other party or its representative, whether intentionally or not, unless the disclosure is allowed by a written agreement signed by the two parties.(5)In the event that the proceeding of the cooperative program ceases or either party quits the program with reasons, a party shall and shall urge its representatives to destroy or return to the other party all confidential information as well as all documents and materials and all duplicates thereof containing confidential information within five working days, upon the request of the other party at any time. Nevertheless, the party possessing the confidential information may keep one piece of the duplicates of the documents or materials described above only for the purpose enshrined in Article 4 hereunder, without breaching other provisions of this agreement.(6)Either Party A or Party B shall and shall urge their respective representatives to treat the confidential information provided by the other party with a degree of care no less than that used for the similar information in its own possession. However, under no circumstances shall the treatment of the confidential information be held under a reasonable degree of care.Article 3 Intellectual Property RightsDisclosure of the confidential information by either Party A or Party B to the other party or its representatives shall not be construed to constitute an assignment or grant to the other party or its representatives of the rights and interests in relation to its trade secrets, trademarks, patents, know-how or any other intellectual property, nor shall it constitute an assignment or grant to the other party or its representatives the rights and interests in relation to the trade secrets, trademarks, patents, know-how, or any other intellectual property authorized by a third party.Article 4 Preservation and Application of the Confidential Information(1)Either Party A or Party B has the right to preserve necessary confidential information, so as to make use of which in implementing binding laws, regulations, and obligations under their cooperative programs.(2)Either Party A or Party B has the right to make use of the confidential information to defend against any claims, lawsuits, judicial proceedings, and accusations towards the receiving party or its representatives in relation to the programs hereunder and relevant affairs, or to respond to summons, subpoena, or other legal proceedings with respect to the programs hereunder and relevant affairs.(3)Either party can, in light of actual demand, disclose the confidential information in any reports, statements or certificates submitted to any regulatory organs at municipal, provincial, central, or other levels that have jurisdiction or assert having jurisdiction over the receiving party, after informing the other party in written form and making a copy for the other party of the disclosed information.Article 5 Dispute Settlement and Governing LawsThis agreement shall be governed by and be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the People""s Republic of China. With respect to any issues, disputes, lawsuits or proceedings arising from or in connection with the rights and obligations of the parties hereunder, the two parties shall irrevocably accept the jurisdiction of the people""s courts of the People""s Republic of China.Article 6 Term of the Agreement(1)This agreement shall remain effective for years, and shall come into force as from the date when both parties sign and stamp the company chop on the agreement.(2)This agreement shall be held in four copies of the same form. Each party shall preserve two copies with equal legal effect.Party A(Seal): _________       Party B(Seal):_________Address:_________           Address:_________Representative(Signature):_________  Representative(Signature):_________Tel:_________             Tel:_________Fax:_________             Fax:_________Postal Code:_________         Postal Code:_________Date:_________             Date:_________
2023-07-28 05:08:171


"Europe language teaching and evaluation framework of common standards" (Marco Comun Europeo de referencia para la ensenanza/aprendizaje delenguas) MCER is formed by scientific research and extensive consultation. "Europe language teaching and evaluation framework of common standards" describes the following contents: the field in a comprehensive manner and necessary communication skills, knowledge and skills, communication. Describe typical ability to listen, say, read, write the four skill, for example "to introduce myself", "can be flexible and efficient use of language in social, academic exchanges and work environment". It is the language level is divided into three levels: basic level, A - B - independent use, C skilled use of. Each level is divided into two levels: A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 and C2.
2023-07-28 05:08:374


2023-07-28 05:08:475


2023-07-28 05:04:452

pretty savage翻译

pretty savage:相当野蛮 savage adj.凶恶的;凶残的;损害严重的;猛烈抨击的;蒙昧的;未开化的;野蛮的 n.野蛮人;未开化的人;凶狠残暴的人 v.凶狠地攻击(或伤害);残害;猛烈批评;激烈抨击 扩展资料   例句:   He described the attack as the work of savages.   他把这次袭击称为野蛮行径。   She was savaged to death by a bear.   她遭熊袭击而丧命。   This was a savage attack on a defenceless young girl.   这是对一个毫无自卫能力的.年轻女孩的野蛮袭击。   The show had already been savaged by critics   这场演出已受到评论家们的激烈抨击
2023-07-28 05:04:471


如果您在微信商户注册时填写的营业执照号码有误或需要修改,可以尝试以下几种方法:1. 在微信支付商户平台上提交申请:登录微信支付商户平台,在“账户中心”-“基本信息”-“证件资料”页面中点击“修改”,然后按照提示进行操作。如果您无法自行完成操作,可以联系微信客服寻求帮助。2. 联系微信客服:拨打微信客服电话(95017)或在线咨询,向工作人员说明情况并提供相关证明材料,请求协助修改注册信息。3. 重新注册一个新的商户号:如果以上两种方法都无法解决问题,那么最后一种选择就是重新注册一个新的商户号,并将原来的交易数据迁移至新账号下。这个过程可能会比较麻烦和耗时,请谨慎考虑。总之,在处理此类问题时应该及早与相关部门联系,并且保留好所有重要文件和记录以备查证。
2023-07-28 05:04:501

可以帮忙写一篇We Need A Green World的英语作文吗?80字左右,谢谢

All over the sky of dust storm, all kinds of animals are in danger of the world, melting glaciers, everything will disappear. This is our planet.u3000u3000Old and cool the verdant trees to die do not know where, colorful flowers and green grass is no longer come back. All this is caused by man himself. Even the Pacific will dry up; The world will become the biggest Sahara; Even mount Everest will be the biggest sand dunes; Even the earth will be the biggest sand grains in the space.u3000u3000Cutting down trees, to build factories, waste, destruction of vegetation, countless human crimes. But all this evil, or returned to the people"s own head, so people this species has finally gone...u3000u3000Then how to do? I don"t want to leave my home, I also want to survive!u3000u3000Can, of course, but there is only one way, that is, from now on the protection and preservation of our home, a bit green. Find the once beautiful.u3000u3000You can"t kind of a tree, but you can plant a tree grass, you can go to throw rubbish into the trash can, you can save a drop of water, save electricity, once if everybody can do it, that the disaster will never have.u3000u3000Can"t do great things, but can do little things, one small matter that is to happen.u3000u3000Reproduce a opportunity, let our earth again, make our home become beautiful.u3000u3000I believe that we"ll soon see the green. See the life, the love, that smile.u3000u3000Blowing straight the gentle cool breeze, the green, green shade under the waves of cool idea bring summer is relaxed.
2023-07-28 05:04:523


2023-07-28 05:04:551

登录、登陆、登入 具体是什么意思?

登录就是你要进去时先进行登记资料工作 登陆就是你要进去了 登入就是你已经进去了1分享评论踩海心VPPUS2020-07-18关注
2023-07-28 05:04:4110

we love a green world英语作文(中英对照)

  导语:绿色家园是我们共同生存的家,保护环境从我做起,保护好自己的家园是每个人应尽的责任。下面是我为您收集整理的英语作文,希望对您有所帮助。   we love a green world英语作文(一)   I like green, because I see green you can think of the endless prairie, here in the green grass was full of all kinds of flowers, beautiful! Standing on the grassland, looked up to see blue sky, there are tens of thousands of white clouds in the sky, like a lovely cotton candy, cows and sheep are grazing grassland, there are horses in the running on the grass.   Green represents health, make people for life is full of vitality and hope. Rose up in the morning, looking at the distant green, eyes will become more bright; Green grass will make cows and sheep have become more strong. The green grass and trees, flowers, can make the air more fresh; Dense forest to animals brought a beautiful and happy home; From a distance, a rolling tall green mountain, budao edge of the mountain is linked together with day, like a picture.   Green is the standard of health, green can beautify the environment, we should jointly building a green, green protection, protect the environment. Let the world become more beautiful.   我喜欢绿色,因为我看到绿色就能想起一望无际的大草原,在那绿油油的草地上开满了各式各样的鲜花,美丽极了!站在草原上,一抬头就能看见蓝蓝的天,天空上有成千上万朵白云,像一个个可爱的棉花糖,草原上有牛儿、羊儿在吃草,有马儿在在草地上奔跑。   绿色代表健康,使人们对生活充满了活力和希望。早晨起来,望着远处的绿色,眼睛会变得更加明亮;绿油油的小草会让牛儿、羊儿变得更加强壮;绿色的小草和树木、鲜花可以让空气变得更新鲜;茂密的森林给动物带来了美丽而幸福的家园;从远处看,一片连绵起伏高大的绿山,望不到边,这些山与天相连,犹如一幅图画。   绿色是健康的标准,绿色能美化环境,我们大家要共同建设绿色,保护绿色,保护环境。让世界变得更加美丽。   we love a green world英语作文(二)   Everyone has the responsibility of protecting the environment, the environment to our life have a close relationship, throw rubbish casually, spitting, throw waste batteries, these small things will pollute the environment.   Usually it is not hard to see on the way people throwing rubbish and spitting everywhere. They throw a garbage, face is the feeling of guilt, they don"t know a group of waste paper, throwing a plastic packaging will pollute the environment; They don"t know what cleaners are, how much effort to clean the ground, was one of their small garbage. They don"t know what they unconsciously spit out phlegm can make a lot of people have a cold, and those people don"t know, is the ground of sputum for their disease. Now everyone knows the forest area is greatly reduced, yeah! That is so disorderly cut down trees, people killed animals living environment. Without the protection of the forest will make dust storms ruined city, dust storms have left many people were killed. The usual thick forest became desolate desert.   Although there are a lot of people pollute the environment, but also have to protect the environment.   Since the people began to advocate environmental protection, green. Our schools are beginning to have a batch of volunteers, small to primary school, to university. The middle-aged and elderly people also have to attend. They protect the environment, advocate environmental protection shopping bags, don"t use plastic bags, because he is hard to break down; Don"t throw battery anywhere, please put them in the village of professional recycling station; Don"t open car, please try to walk or by bus. Leading everyone doesn"t want to cut down a tree, they take the lead in planting trees, make the air more pure and fresh, to build forest construction of animal house. The leadership don"t spit, they clean the ground, let us live in a clean, comfortable environment. They believe that their homes will be more beautiful.   "Everyone needs to help protect the environment," from now on, from now on, let us act, environmental protection, environmental protection, make the city more beautiful tomorrow.   每个人的身上都有保护环境的责任,这对我们的生活环境有着密切的关系,随便扔垃圾,随地吐痰,扔废电池,这些不起眼的小事都会污染环境。   平时我们不难在路上看见随地扔垃圾和随地吐痰的人们。他们扔一个垃圾,脸上毫无愧疚之感,他们不知道扔一个废纸团,扔个塑料包装都会污染环境;他们不知道清洁工们费了多大力气所清洁的地面,就被他们的一个小垃圾所破坏。他们不知道他们无意中吐出的痰会使很多人得上感冒,而那些的病的人也不知道,是地上的痰所让他们的病。大家都知道现在森林面积大幅度减少,对啊!那都是人们乱砍伐树木惹得祸,使得动物没有生活环境所死亡。没有森林的保护也会使得沙尘暴破坏城市,沙尘暴使得许多人们丧生。使往常茂密的森林变成了荒凉的沙漠。   虽然有很多人污染环境,可也有保护环境的人们。   自从人们开始提倡环保,绿色。我们的各个学校都开始有一批批的志愿者队伍,小到小学,大到大学。连中年人,老年人也有参加。他们保护环境,提倡用环保购物袋,不用塑料袋,因为他难以分解;不要随地扔电池,请把他们放入小区专业的回收站;不要多开汽车,请尽量步行或乘公交车。领导大家不要私自砍树他们,他们带头种树,使空气更加清新,重新建造森林建造动物的家。领导大家不要随地吐痰,他们清洁地面,让我们生活在一个干净,舒适的环境下。他们坚信家园会更美好。   “保护环境,人人有责”从现在起,从现在开始,让我们行动起来,环保,保护环境,使城市的明天更加美好。 we love a green world英语作文(中英对照)
2023-07-28 05:04:411


拯救星期五的故事The story of saving Friday
2023-07-28 05:04:412

sound horizon《stardust》的中文歌词

sound horizon-stardust 「彼女こそ…私のエリスなのだろうか…」 「她就是...我的Alice吗…」 お揃いね私达 これでお揃いね あぁ幸せ…… 在一起吧 让我们永远在一起 啊啊 多么幸福呀..... (StarDust) 女は物言わぬ 可爱いだけの《お人形》(Doll)じゃないわ 不出声的女人 并不是可以抱在手中的可爱《人偶》(Doll) ——爱しい贵方解って? ——亲爱的 你明白吗? ちっぽけな自尊心(もの) 満たす为の道具じゃないわ 小小的自尊心 这不是藉以满足的道具 ——月夜の《别人格》(Another)は胜手? ——月夜之下是怎么的《别人格》(Another)的关系么? 首を绞めれば 缔まるに决まってるじゃない 掐住颈项 却无法夕勒紧 ——月(Luna)が贵方を狂わせたの? ——使你疯狂的是月光么? だってしょうがないじゃない 爱してしまったんだもの 但这无可奈何 爱便是如此 ——星(Stella)が私を狂わせたのは何故? ——为何星光(Stella)令我迷乱? 真っ赤な衣装(Dress) 真っ赤な洋靴(Heel) 鲜红洋装(Dress) 鲜红皮靴(Heel) 真っ赤な口红(Rouge) 真っ赤な蔷薇(Rose) 鲜红唇丹(Rouge) 鲜红蔷薇(Rose) すれ违う男达 谁もが振り返る… 交错经过的人们 不禁都好奇回望我... 左手には花束 右手には约束を 疾りだした冲动は もう止まらない… 左手持花束 右手握誓言 心中激动 已无法停止... お揃いね私达 これでお揃いね あぁ幸せ… 在一起吧 让我们永远在一起 啊 多么幸福啊... 贵方の白い衣装(Shirt)も 今は鲜やかな深红(Scarlet) 你那原本是白色的衣服(Shirt) 如今染上鲜艳深红(Scarlet) お揃いね私达 これでお揃いね あぁ幸せ…… 在一起吧 让我们永远在一起 啊 多么幸福... 「…屑でも构わないわ、いつか星になれるなら、辉いてる?ねぇ…私辉いてる?」 「…虽然微小 但是若能像星星般闪闪发光 岂不是很好么?呐...我在发光吧?」 「绮丽な星空ね」…それは艶やかな女のため息 「多漂亮的星空啊」…那美丽女人的感叹 「君の方が绮丽だよ」…それは甘い男の嗫き 「就像你一样漂亮呢」…那男人甜蜜的低喃 夜空を见上げる恋人达 ありふれた风景 仰望夜空的恋人们 恒久不变之风景 缲り返される恋模様 ほんの些细なこと 重复上演 恋情 种种的点点滴滴 そんな気纷れなひと时を 永远だと信じたりして 复杂有所动摇之时 依然坚信永恒 そんな不确かなものを 运命だと信じたりして 疑惑无法解开之时 依然坚信命运 泣いたり 笑ったり 爱したり 憎んだりして 哭泣 喜悦 爱慕 和憎恨 その束の间 遥か过去の光に想いを驰せたりして 那一瞬间 想起过去 那遥远时光的感情 あの星々はもう灭んでしまっているのだろうか? 那颗星星是否已灭亡? それとも今もまだ灭びに向かって辉き続けているのだろうか? 或是正一边闪烁光芒 一边步向毁灭? 光年という名の途方もない尺度の前では 即使以光年为单位也无法加以度量长度 人の一生など刹那の幻に过ぎないのかも知れない… 或许相比之下 人生不过是一刹那的幻影吧... ——そんな些细なこと されど偶然とはいえ ——那样细微之事 虽可说是巧合 呜呼…偶然とはいえ彼女は见てしまった 唔唔...虽可说是巧合 但她见到了 お揃いの白い服を着て幸せそうに寄り添い歩く 穿着白色衣装亲密走在一起的 彼と见知らぬ女の姿を…… 他 和未曾见过的女人的身影... お揃いね私达 これでお揃いね あぁ幸せ… 在一起吧 让我们永远在一起 啊 多么幸福... 贵方の白い衣装(Shirt)も 今は—— 你那原本是白色的衣服 现在—— 「何故…何故なの…何故なのよ——!!」 「怎么…怎么会这样…怎么会这样啊——!!」 酸素に触れた赤は やがて黒に近づき示す 暴露于氧气中的红 逐渐变化成为黑色 所代表的 二人はもう永远(とわ)に 一つにはなれないという事実を… 是两个人已经永远 不能再与对方在一起的事实... 冻てついた银瑠璃の星々 燃上がる灭びの煌きよ 冻结的银蓝色星辰 燃起灭亡之光 失くした楽园の梦を见る 私を导け《星屑の幻灯》(The Light of StarDust) 那迷失于乐园的梦 引导我的《星尘的幻灯》(The Light of StarDust) ——想い出を过去の光として埋葬出来ない限り ——来自过去的光芒坞的埋葬 孤独な亡霊は荒野を彷徨い続けるだろう 孤独的亡灵 持续徘徊于荒野 女の手は悲しい程に短く星屑には届かない 悲伤的女人伸出手 但触碰不到遥远的群星 呜呼…その手を握り返したのは『仮面の男』だった—— 唔唔...握住 了这手的是那『戴着面具的男人』——
2023-07-28 05:04:381


2023-07-28 05:04:366