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alone 和 lonely 的区别是什么

2023-05-19 18:24:44



1. alone用作形容词时,一般与be动词连用,在句中作表语。例如:

She is alone at home. (她独自一人在家。)

He is not alone in this idea.


2. alone用作副词修饰动词时,应该放在动词后面作状语。例如:

I like to work alone. (我喜欢独自一人工作。)

Han Mei was reading alone when the teacher came into the classroom.


3. alone用作副词时,也可作定语,意为“只有,仅仅”,但必须置于它所修饰的名词或代词之后。例如:

He alone was in the secret. (只有他一人知道内情。)

This year alone, we"ve already planted ten thousand trees. (仅是今年,我们已经栽了一万棵树。)

4. alone在句中的位置不同,句子的意思也不同。例如:

She alone went to college last year.


She went to college alone last year.



1. lonely用作定语时,意为“孤单的,无伴侣的,无人烟的,荒凉的,偏僻的”等。例如:

At heart, I"m a lonely man. (内心深处我很孤独。)

That"s a lonely island. (那是一个荒凉的岛屿。)

2. lonely 用作表语时,可以表示“孤寂的,寂寞的”意思。例如:

We never feel lonely in Shanghai.


I was alone but I didn"t feel lonely.





He stayed at home alone but he was not lonely.


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lonely是寂寞的意思。词典:寂寞的释义:adj. 寂寞的;偏僻的n. 孤独者例句:There is a lonely beach on the other side of the mountain.在山的另一边有一个人迹罕至的海滩。变形:比较级lonelier最高级loneliest1、There is a lonely beach on the other side of the mountain.在山的另一边有一个人迹罕至的海滩。2、The lonely woman is starving for a lover.那个孤独的女人渴望有个情人。3、After he ran away from home, I struggled through the lonely days.他离家出走后,我在孤独的日子里挣扎。4、She lives alone and often feels lonely.她孑然一身 常感到寂寞。5、It can get pretty lonely living by yourself.一个人住可能会很寂寞。6、Oh, wow. But it"s kind of lonely being on the moon all by herself.噢,哇哦!但是她一个人待在月亮上有些孤单吧。7、The book eventually evolved into Lonely Planet, the world"s most beloved travel guidebooks informing and inspiring travellers around the globe.这本书最终演变为《孤独的星球》,即全球最受欢迎的旅行指南丛书。它影响并激励了世界各地的旅行者。8、Being single isn"t all roses. I get lonely sometimes.单身也不是你想象的那么好。有时候我会感到寂寞。
2023-01-07 23:50:181

lonely怎么读 英语lonely怎么读

1、lonely英[ˈləʊnli]美[ˈloʊnli],adj.孤独的; 寂寞的; 在孤单中度过的; 偏僻的; 人迹罕至的。 2、[例句]She showed her sympathy for the lonely man.她非常同情这个孤独的男人。
2023-01-07 23:50:341


是自于加纳的NANA的作品《Lonely》,完整歌词:I am lonely lonely lonely我是这么孤独。I am lonely lonely in my life我的生命是这样孤独。I am lonely lonely lonely我是这么孤独。God help me help me to survive!上帝呀,请给我活下去的勇气。Remember first time we met day one还记得我们见面的那天。Kids in the garden playin" games havin" fun孩子们在花园里正玩的开心。Excitin" and amazin" havin" a real friend of mine很高兴找到自己的知心朋友。Feel my heartbeat and for real friend of mine拥有真正的朋友多么开心。Face to face and eye to eye面对面的眼神交流。Usin" our hands to buy and supply用我们的双手来补偿和交换。Chillin" is cool from January to June从寒冷的一月到凉爽的六月天。And we still sticked together like the glue我们还是无法离散。We know the rules我们知道游戏的规则。Forever you and I believe it was clear是永远那么清楚明白。If I ever should fall如果我跌倒。I could count on you with no fear我并不害怕,还有你可依靠。Runnin" out of time I see who"s fake日久见人心。Alone without protection from all them snakes在这险恶的世界里。All for one one for all I was told“人人为我,我为人人”他们这样告诉我。Black white yellow if your young or old不论你的皮肤颜色还是年龄大小。Nana"s in the house to let you know在这里告诉你。What I see is how I feel and damn我看见的就是我感觉的。I"m alone我只有我自己。I am lonely lonely lonely我是这么孤独。I am lonely lonely in my life我的生命是这样孤独。I am lonely lonely lonely我是这么孤独。God help me help me to survive!上帝呀,请给我活下去的勇气。Everybody"s trippin" on me所有的人都把我践踏。Oh God come help me please上帝呀,快来帮助我。I did some bad things in my life我一定是做错了什么事。Why can"t you rescue me你为什么就不能拯救我。"Cause you"ve got all I need因为你能给我想要的一切。I know I got to pay the price我知道我必须付出代价。That"s why I"m lonely lonely lonely这就是为什么我这样孤独。I am so lonely lonely 我是这么孤独。That"s why I"m lonely lonely lonely 这就是为什么我这样孤独。 歌手简介NANA,出生于1968年10月5日的非洲加纳。来自于加纳的NANA出身于一个富有的家庭,但是父亲在他小时候离他们而去,母亲带着年幼的NANA定居到了德国。十岁的时候他跟随他母亲、3个兄弟姐妹一起来到了德国汉堡。这完全改变了他的生活,当然,也让他学到了很多新东西。Nana很小的时候就酷爱音乐,中学一毕业,就当了一名DJ。
2023-01-07 23:50:491


lonely 是人感觉孤单 (对感觉的形容)lone 是一个孤单的人 (对人物的形容)
2023-01-07 23:51:164


lonely adj.①(lacking friends)孤独的 ‹person, life›she felt very lonely②(isolated)偏僻的 ‹place, building›to walk a lonely roadalone ①(on one"s own)独自的②(isolated)单独的望采纳!谢谢!
2023-01-07 23:51:303


lone [ləun] adj. 独自的;寂寞的;单身的;人迹稀少的lonely ["ləunli] adj. 寂寞的;偏僻的 n. 孤独者
2023-01-07 23:51:462


alone为形容词,意为“单独的”,只作表语,不能作定语。侧重说明独自一人,只表示客观的状态。lonely意为“孤独的”,表示主观上感到孤独、寂寞,它为形容词,在句中作表语或定语。意为“荒凉;偏僻”,多修饰表示地点的名词。 如何区分alone和lonely 一、alone与lonely的区别 1、含义不同 alone是指行为或动作上的,译为单独,独自。lonely是指心灵上的,译为寂寞,孤独。如:I don"t like going out alone at night.我不喜欢夜晚单独外出。 2、词性不同 lonely是形容词,一般不作状语,alone是副词, 意思是“单独地”,“独自”。如:She lives alone and often feels lonely.她孑然一身,常感到寂寞。 3、地点的使用 lonely可用于地点,表示“偏僻,人迹罕至”,而alone不能这样用。 二、alone双语例句 1. If you"re lonely when you"re alone, you"re in bad company.--Jean Paul Sartre 如果你独处时感到寂寞,说明没有把自己陪好。 2. Don"t leave a child alone in a room with an open fire. 房间里有裸露的明火时,不要让孩子独处其中。 3. He knew when to leave well alone and when to interfere. 他知道什么时候该适可而止,什么时候该插手干预。 三、lonely双语例句 1. If you"re lonely when you"re alone, you"re in bad company.--Jean Paul Sartre 如果你独处时感到寂寞,说明没有把自己陪好。 2. I would imagine she"s quite lonely living on her own. 我猜想她一个人过肯定很孤独。 3. Miserable, and unexpectedly lonely, she went in search of Jean-Paul. 内心痛苦、突感寂寞的她去寻找琼-保罗。 alone和lonely有什么区别 1.alone做形容词时,意思为“独自的,单独的”,只能做表语;做副词时意思为“独自,单独” 例如:Her parents were dead and she was along.(她父母双亡,她孤身一人.) 2.lonely做形容词意思为“孤独的,寂寞的,偏僻的,荒凉的”,既可做定语又可做表语. 例如:He has no friend.He feels lonely.(他没有朋友,他感到孤独.) alone与lonely都可意为“独自,单独”,但alone强调客观上“无伴,独自一人”;而lonely表示“感情上孤独,寂寞”,强调内心的主观感受.
2023-01-07 23:52:021


lonely 形容词alone 副词
2023-01-07 23:52:079

alone 和 lonely 的区别是什么

alone与lonely的区别一、alone既可用作形容词,又可用作副词,意为“独自的(地)、单独的(地)”,侧重于说明独自一人,没有同伴或助手,指的是客观情况。1. alone用作形容词时,一般与be动词连用,在句中作表语。例如:She is alone at home. (她独自一人在家。)He is not alone in this idea.(有这种想法的不只是他一个人。)2. alone用作副词修饰动词时,应该放在动词后面作状语。例如:I like to work alone. (我喜欢独自一人工作。)Han Mei was reading alone when the teacher came into the classroom.(老师走进教室时,韩梅正独自一人在看书。)3. alone用作副词时,也可作定语,意为“只有,仅仅”,但必须置于它所修饰的名词或代词之后。例如:He alone was in the secret. (只有他一人知道内情。)This year alone, we"ve already planted ten thousand trees. (仅是今年,我们已经栽了一万棵树。)4. alone在句中的位置不同,句子的意思也不同。例如:She alone went to college last year.(去年只有她一人考上大学了。)(别人没有考上大学)She went to college alone last year.(去年她独自一人上大学去了。)(没有别人送她去,她自己一个人去的)二、lonely只用作形容词,它在句中既可作定语,也可作表语,表示“孤独的,寂寞的”意思。该词带有浓厚的感情色彩,具有“渴望得到同伴”的含义,其比较级形式为lonelier。1. lonely用作定语时,意为“孤单的,无伴侣的,无人烟的,荒凉的,偏僻的”等。例如:At heart, I"m a lonely man. (内心深处我很孤独。)That"s a lonely island. (那是一个荒凉的岛屿。)2. lonely 用作表语时,可以表示“孤寂的,寂寞的”意思。例如:We never feel lonely in Shanghai.(在上海我们从不感到孤独。)I was alone but I didn"t feel lonely.(我独自一人,但我并不感到孤独。)alone:形体上的单独。lonely:精神上的孤单。他一个在家待着,但是他不孤独。He stayed at home alone but he was not lonely.希望能帮助到你,望采纳!
2023-01-07 23:52:381


2023-01-07 23:52:461


2023-01-07 23:52:522

alone lonely的区别

2023-01-07 23:52:592

alone 与lonely的区别是什么?

中学时,老师强调的是有无感情色彩。alone无 lonely有,
2023-01-07 23:53:074


lonely i"m mr. lonely, 寂寞,我是寂寞先生 i have nobody for my own 我一无所有 i"m so lonely, 我好寂寞 i"m mr. lonely 我是寂寞先生 i have nobody for my own 我一无所有 i"m so lonely, 我好寂寞 yo(you), this one here, 你!你这个人阿! goes out to all my playas(players) out there, man, ya(you) kno (know) 男人你知道的!喜欢在外面搞鬼当花花公子 that got that one good girl dawg 兄弟!你拥有了一个好女孩耶 that"s always been there man like 但男人总是这样 took all the bullshit 不懂的去珍惜 then one day she can"t take it no more and decides to leave 然而有天她不再留恋就决定离开了 yeah 唉! i woke up in the middle of the night 我在半夜醒过来 and i noticed my girl wasn"t by my side, 我才发觉我的女孩已经不在我身边 coulda sworn i was dreamin, 可以跟我说我还在作梦吗 for her i was feenin, 当我感觉到她 so i had to take a little ride, 我就觉得很开心(爽)(有high的意思) back tracking ova(over) these few years, 回想这些年来 tryna figure out what i do to make it go bad, 尝试找出我做错的事 cuz ever since my girl left me, 从我的女孩离开我后 my whole life came crashin 我的一生都毁了 i"m so lonely (so lonely) 我好寂寞 i"m mr. lonely (mr. lonely) 我是寂寞先生 i have nobody to call my own 我一无所有 i"m so lonely (so lonely) 我好寂寞 i"m mr. lonely (mr. lonely) 我是寂寞先生 i have nobody to call my own (to call my own) 我一无所有 cant believe i hadda girl like you 不敢相信我会拥有你这样的女孩 and i just let you walk right outta my life, 而我居然让你离开我的生命 after all i put u thru u still stuck 我这样对你但你仍如此坚持 around and stayed by my side, 陪伴著我为我停留 what really hurt me is i broke ur heart, baby 但真正伤我的是我让你心碎,宝贝 you were a good girl and i had no right, 你是个好女孩但我却没资格拥有你 i really wanna make things right, 我好希望这一切都没发生过 cuz, without u in my life girl 没你在我的生命里 i"m so lonely (so lonely) 我是如此寂寞 i"m mr. lonely (mr. lonely) 我是寂寞先生 i have nobody to call my own 我一无所有 i"m so lonely (so lonely) 我好寂寞 i"m mr. lonely (mr. lonely) 我是寂寞先生 i have nobody to call my own 我一无所有 been all about the world ain"t neva(never) met a girl that can take the things that you been through 在这世界,像是永远无法遇到一个女孩能接受你的过去 never thought the day would come 从没想过那天会来临 where you would get up and run 你起身跑出这里 and i would be out chasing u 我冲出去追你 cuz aint nowhere in the globe i"d rather be, 因为这世界上没有地方值得我去的 aint no one in the globe i"d rather see 也没有人值得我注意的 then the girl of my dreams that made me be so happy but now so lonely 梦里的女孩让我如此开心 但现在却让我如此寂寞 lonely (so lonely) 寂寞 i"m mr. lonely (mr. lonely) 我是寂寞先生 i have nobody to call my own (to call my own) 没有东西是属於我的 i"m so lonely (so lonely) 我好寂寞 i"m mr. lonely (mr. lonely) 我是寂寞先生 i have nobody to call my own (to call my own) 我一无所有 never thought that i"d be alone (be alone), 从没想过我会独自一个人 i didn"t think you"d be gone this long, 更没想过你会离开这麼久 i just want you to call my phone, 我只想要你打电话给我 so stop playing, girl and come on home (come on home), 所以别再戏弄我了,回家吧 ! baby girl i didn"t mean to shout, 宝贝我不是要凶你 i want me and you to work it out, (work it out) 我只是想要解决问题 i never wished i"d ever hurt my baby (hurt my baby) 我从没想过要伤害我的宝贝 and it"s drivin me crazy cuz... 但这却让我抓狂,因为... i"m so lonely (so lonely) 我好寂寞 i"m mr. lonely (mr. lonely) 我是寂寞先生 i have nobody to call my own (to call my own) 我一无所有
2023-01-07 23:53:211

alone lonely 的区别 详细一点

2023-01-07 23:53:341

alone和lonely 两者区别。

alone说的是自己一个人,就是独自一个人(也许并不孤独)比如说,I will play the game alone。说的是,我将自己一个人玩儿游戏。lonely强调的是孤独the old man lives in this house alone .He feels lonely.这个老人独自一个人住在这间房子里。他感到孤独。
2023-01-07 23:54:102


“lonely” 是孤独的意思,强调一种感觉 。用作形容词,例句:1、I feel very lonely without my dog.我的狗不在旁边我就很寂寞。2、The lonely student is starving for friendship.那个寂寞的学生渴望友谊。3、Living on a lonely island can be very lonely.生活在荒凉的岛屿上会很孤独。4、The old man lives alone in a lonely small mountain village.那老人独自一人生活在一个荒凉的小山村里。快速学习英语的简单方法:1、学习英语的首要理念:要努力去了解“是什么”,而尽量少去了解“为什么”。2、学习英语的最好方法:背诵课文。因为英语是我们的后天语言,所以必须将人家现成的东西反复在脑海里形成神经反射,不用关心为什么这样说(同第一点)。3、学习英语需要多种形式的神经刺激。4、学习英语要善于利用零碎时间。5、要着意“卖弄”。
2023-01-07 23:54:471


lonely 指内心孤独
2023-01-07 23:54:577


2023-01-07 23:55:222


alone 单独地,独自的(客观上的)(可做形容词或副词)lonely孤独的(主观上的)(形容词)1、 alone 形容词 adj. 单独的  He is alone.   他独自一人。We are not alone; we have friends all over the world.  我们并不孤立,我们的朋友遍天下。  2、 lonely  形容词比较级: lonelier 最高级: loneliest  形容词 adj. 孤独的;寂寞的She often felt lonely.   她常感到寂寞。  I was alone, but I did not feel lonely.  我虽然孤单,但我不感到寂寞。  形容词 adj. 偏远的;人迹罕至的  They went to a lonely place in the mountains.  他们到了山中寂寞的地方。alone为形容词,意为“单独的”,只作表语,不能作定语。侧重说明独自一人,没有助手或同伴,没有感情色彩的只表示客观的状态。lonely意为“孤独的”,表示主观上感到孤独、寂寞,有较浓的感情色彩,指因缺少朋友、同情、友谊等产生的一种悲伤和忧郁的感情。它为形容词,在句中作表语或定语。作定语时,意为“荒凉;偏僻”,多修饰表示地点的名词。  所以你可以说  I live alone , but I don"t feel lonely!我独自住着,但并不感到孤独!alone还可以作副词。  alone 副词 adv. 单独;独自She went home alone.  她独自回家去了。  After his wife died, he lived alone.  他的妻子死后,他一个人生活。
2023-01-07 23:55:314


alone和lonely的区别有以下几点:词义不同、词性不同、用法不同。1、alone和lonely两者词义不同:alone的意思是独自的,独立的,单独地。Lonely的意思是寂寞的,孤寂的。alone用作形容词,通常只是表示客观上的一个人或没有外人,而不表示寂寞或孤独等感情色彩,并且在句中只用作表语。如:He doesn"t feel lonely when he is alone.他一个人时不感到寂寞。I want to be alone with Mary.我想与玛丽单独在一起。2、alone和lonely两者词性不同:alone可以作形容词,也可以作副词,而lonely只可以作形容词,修饰人时意思是“孤独的”;修饰地方时,意思是“偏远的,荒凉的”。如:a lone house in the field一座田野中的孤屋。a lonely traveller一位孤独无伴的旅行者。3、alone和lonely两者用法不同:alone作形容词时只可以用作表语,不可以作定语,而lonely可以用作表语,也可以作定语。He has been very lonely since his wife left him.自他妻子离开他后,他一直感到很寂寞。The story is about a lonely old man and his dog.这个故事讲的是一个寂寞的老人和他的狗。Hers is a lonely life.她的生活很寂寞。
2023-01-07 23:56:261


lonely和alone的区别:读音不同、意思不同、用法不同一、读音不同:1.lonely读音:英 [ˈləʊnli]   美 [ˈloʊnli]  2.alone读音:英 [əˈləʊn]   美 [əˈloʊn]  二、意思不同:1.lonely释义:adj.孤独的;寂寞的;在孤单中度过的;偏僻的;人迹罕至的2.alone释义:adj./adv.独自;独力;单独;孤苦伶仃;无依无靠;孤独;寂寞三、用法不同:1.lonely用法:lonely作“孤独的,寂寞的”解时,侧重于由于没有别人或其他东西陪伴而感到寂寞孤单,通常用来指人,既可用作定语,也可用作表语。lonely作“荒凉的,人迹罕至的”解时,一般多指地方、房屋等荒凉。the lonely可用来表示“孤独的一类人”。2.alone用法:alone在句中主要用作表语,其后常接介词in引起的短语。偶尔可用作定语或宾语补足语,用作定语时多须后置,偶尔也可前置。alone用作副词的基本含义是指无伴或没有别人帮助而独自干某事。alone用作副词时不用于比较等级。扩展资料近义词:desolate、forsaken一、desolate英 [ˈdesələt , ˈdesəleɪt]   美 [ˈdesələt , ˈdesəleɪt]  adj.无人居住的;荒无人烟的;荒凉的;孤独凄凉的;不幸的;忧伤的v.使感到悲惨;使感到凄凉;使悲伤绝望例句:He was desolate without her. 没有她,他感到孤独而凄凉。二、forsaken英 [fəˈseɪkən]   美 [fərˈseɪkən]  adj.(地方)荒废的,废弃的v.抛弃,遗弃,离开(尤指不履行责任);摒弃,离开(尤指喜爱的事物)例句:He was forsaken by his friends. 他被朋友们背弃了。
2023-01-07 23:56:371

lonely 的歌词

I am lonely lonely lonelyI am lonely lonely in my life I am lonely lonely lonelyGod help me help me to survive!Remember first time we met day one Kids in the garden" playin"Kids in the garden" playin"games heaven" fun Excitin" and amazin" havin"a real friend of mine Feel my heartbeat and forreal friend of mineFace to face and eye to eyeUsin" our hands to buy and supply Chillin" is cool from january to juneAnd we still stiked togetherlike the glueAnd know the rulesForever you and i and believeit was clearIf i ever should fall i could count on you with no fear Runnin" out of
2023-01-07 23:57:014


抖音那个lonely的歌曲名为《Lonely》。相关资料:Lonely是自于加纳的NANA的作品。NANA,出生于1968年10月5日的非洲加纳。来自于加纳的NANA出身于一个富有的家庭,但是父亲在他小时候离他们而去,母亲带着年幼的NANA定居到了德国。十岁的时候他跟随他母亲,3个兄弟姐妹一起来到了德国汉堡。这完全改变了他的生活,当然,也让他学到了很多新东西。Nana很小的时候就酷爱音乐,中学一毕业,就当了一名DJ。他在很多地方表演,并小有名气。歌词:I am lonely lonely lonely 我是这么孤独。I am lonely lonely in my life 我的生命是这样孤独。I am lonely lonely lonely 我是这么孤独。God help me help me to survive! 上帝呀,请给我活下去的勇气。Remember first time we met day one 还记得我们见面的那天。Kids in the garden playin" games havin" fun 孩子们在花园里正玩的开心。Excitin" and amazin" havin" a real friend of mine 很高兴找到自己的知心朋友。Feel my heartbeat and for real friend of mine拥有真正的朋友多么开心。Face to face and eye to eye 面对面的眼神交流。Usin" our hands to buy and supply 用我们的双手来补偿和交换。Chillin" is cool from January to June 从寒冷的一月到凉爽的六月天。And we still sticked together like the glue 我们还是无法离散。We know the rules 我们知道游戏的规则。Forever you and I believe it was clear 是永远那么清楚明白。If I ever should fall 如果我跌倒。I could count on you with no fear 我并不害怕,还有你可依靠。Runnin" out of time I see who"s fake 日久见人心。Alone without protection from all them snakes 在这险恶的世界里。All for one one for all I was told “人人为我,我为人人”他们这样告诉我。Black white yellow if your young or old 不论你的皮肤颜色还是年龄大小。Nana"s in the house to let you know 在这里告诉你。What I see is how I feel and damn 我看见的就是我感觉的。I"m alone 我只有我自己。I am lonely lonely lonely 我是这么孤独。I am lonely lonely in my life 我的生命是这样孤独。I am lonely lonely lonely 我是这么孤独。God help me help me to survive! 上帝呀,请给我活下去的勇气。Everybody"s trippin" on me 所有的人都把我践踏。Oh God come help me please 上帝呀,快来帮助我。I did some bad things in my life 我一定是做错了什么事。Why can"t you rescue me 你为什么就不能拯救我。"Cause you"ve got all I need 因为你能给我想要的一切。I know I got to pay the price 我知道我必须付出代价。That"s why I"m lonely lonely lonely 这就是为什么我这样孤独。I am so lonely lonely 我是这么孤独。That"s why I"m lonely lonely lonely 这就是为什么我这样孤独。Cheepin" thru the streets at night 穿过午夜孤独的大街。After a fuss and fight 身上带着新添的伤痕。Tears in my eyes 眼含泪水。I"m a man lookin" for the light 去寻找光明。Dark is the path 黑暗是必经之路。He will rescue me 上帝会拯救我。The Lord is my shephard 他就是我的领路人。I"m cool despite emergency 虽然急迫但我内心依然冷静。Whom shall I fear exept the god 除了上帝我谁也不怕。Thank you for the blessin" 感谢上帝保佑。And the skills on the mic 赐予我美妙歌喉。Five years we know there"s no dignity 五年了,我活的没有尊严。Free at last see the light in me 我终将获得灵魂的解放。What goes up must come down 生死交替无法避免。I"ll be around while you heading towards deathtown 我会陪你走向死亡之城。Always look forward hardly never look back 永不回头。So many tears and the snakes on my jack 留过多少泪,受过多少磨难。Now I"m riding in my big fat ride 我已踏上寻找光明的旅途。Your ass is late so look for the line 你来晚了就要排队。Nana in the house to let you know 在这里告诉你。What I see is how I feel so leave me alone我看见的就是我感觉的,所以不要打扰。I am lonely lonely lonely 我是这么孤独。I am lonely lonely in my life 我的生命是这样孤独。I am lonely lonely lonely 我是这么孤独。God help me help me to survive! 上帝呀,请给我活下去的勇气。Everybody"s trippin" on me 所有的人都把我践踏。Oh Lord come help me please 上帝呀,快来帮助我。I did some bad things in my life 我一定是做错了什么事。Why can"t you rescue me 你为什么就不能拯救我。"Cause you"ve got all I need 因为你能给我想要的一切。I know I got to pay the price 我知道我必须付出代价。Knock on my door 有人敲我的门。Whom you lookin" for 你想找谁。A dream or reality enemies at my door 找寻梦想还是残酷的现实?Eyes I realize it"s fantasize 我意识到这是幻想。I must be high 我一定是太激动了。So let me live before I die 所以死之前要好好活一次。Once again grab the bottle twist the cap 抓过酒瓶,卷起帽子。To survive your life is yours 你过你自己的生活。My life is mine 我过我自己的生活。No emotions in this world full of lies 在这个充满谎言的世界没有感情可言。Step by step and be versatile 一步一步来,随机应变。Love peace and crash that"s what it"s all about 热爱和平和破坏,这就是一切。Alone by yourself than you lack there"s no doubt about毫无疑问,你只能依靠自己。I"m always into something making moves to improve 我总是专注一件事情,努力改进。What would you do if you where in my shoes 如果你是我你会怎么办?Boom a letter oops another suicide 情绪低沉然后自杀?Meet me for a ride at the boulevard 我会等着你一起去寻找解脱。Nana"s in the house to let you know 在这里告诉你。What I see is how I feel and damn 我看见的就是我感觉的。I am lonely lonely lonely 我是这么孤独。I am lonely lonely in my life 我的生命是这样孤独。I am lonely lonely lonely 我是这么孤独。God help me help me to survive! 上帝呀,请给我活下去的勇气。Everybody"s trippin" on me 所有的人都把我践踏。Oh Lord come help me please 上帝呀,快来帮助我。I did some bad things in my life 我一定是做错了什么事。Why can"t you rescue me 你为什么就不能拯救我。"Cause you"ve got all I need 因为你能给我想要的一切。I know I got to pay the price 我知道我必须付出代价。I am lonely lonely lonely 我是这么孤独。I am lonely lonely in my life 我的生命是这样孤独。I am lonely lonely lonely 我是这么孤独。God help me elp me to survive! 上帝呀,请给我活下去的勇气。I am lonely lonely lonely 我是这么孤独。I am lonely lonely in my life 我的生命是这样孤独。I am lonely lonely lonely 我是这么孤独。God help me help me to survive! 上帝呀,请给我活下去的勇气。That"s why I"m lonely lonely lonely 这就是为什么我这样孤独。I am so lonely lonely 我是这么孤独。I am so lonely lonely lonely in my life我的生命是这样孤独。
2023-01-07 23:57:161


你好。alone为形容词,意为“单独的”,只作表语,不能作定语.侧重说明独自一人,没有助手或同伴,没有感情色彩的只表示客观的状态.lonely意为“孤独的”,表示主观上感到孤独、寂寞,有较浓的感***彩,指因缺少朋友、同情、友谊等产生的一种悲伤和忧郁的感情.它为形容词,在句中作表语或定语.作定语时,意为“荒凉;偏僻”,多修饰表示地点的名词.alone还可以作副词.alone 副词 adv.单独;独自 She went home alone.她独自回家去了.After his wife died,he lived alone.他的妻子死后,他一个人生活.望采纳,谢谢
2023-01-07 23:57:243

lonely,l"m a lonely是什么歌

是这首吗?Akon-Mr.lonely歌词:Lonely I"m Mr. lonely,寂寞,我是寂寞先生I have nobody for my own我一无所有I"m so lonely,我好寂寞I"m Mr. Lonely我是寂寞先生I have nobody for my own我一无所有I"m so lonely,我好寂寞Yo(You), this one here,你!你这个人阿!Goes out to all my playas(players) out there man, ya(you) kno (know)男人你知道的!喜欢在外面搞鬼当花花公子That got that one good girl dawg兄弟!你拥有了一个好女孩耶That"s always been there man like但男人总是这样Took all the bullshit不懂的去珍惜Then one day she can"t take it no more and decides to leave然而有天她不再留恋就决定离开了Yeah 唉!I woke up in the middle of the night 我在半夜醒过来And I noticed my girl wasn"t by my side,我才发觉我的女孩已经不在我身边Coulda sworn I was dreamin,可以跟我说我还在作梦吗For her I was Fading,是她让我黯然失色So I had to take a little ride,我就觉得很开心(爽)(有high的意思)Back tracking ova(over) these few years,回想这些年来Tryna figure out what I do to make it go bad,尝试找出我做错的事Cuz Ever since my girl left me,从我的女孩离开我后My whole life came crashin我的一生都毁了I"m so lonely (so lonely)我好寂寞I"m Mr. Lonely (Mr. Lonely)我是寂寞先生I have nobody for my own我一无所有I"m so lonely (so lonely)我好寂寞I"m Mr. Lonely (Mr. Lonely)我是寂寞先生I have nobody for my own (for my own)我一无所有Cant believe I hadda girl like you不敢相信我会拥有你这样的女孩And I just let you walk right outta my life,而我居然让你离开我的生命After all I put u thru u still stuck我这样对你但你仍如此坚持Around and stayed by my side,陪伴著我为我停留What really hurt me is I broke ur heart, baby但真正伤我的是我让你心碎,宝贝You were a good girl and I had no right,你是个好女孩但我却没资格拥有你I Really wanna make things right,我好希望这一切都没发生过Cuz, without u in my life girl没你在我的生命里I"m so lonely (so lonely)我是如此寂寞I"m Mr. Lonely (Mr. Lonely)我是寂寞先生I have nobody for my own我一无所有I"m so lonely (so lonely)我好寂寞I"m Mr. Lonely (Mr. Lonely)我是寂寞先生I have nobody for my own我一无所有Been all about the world ain"t neva(never) met a girl that can take the things that you been through在这世界,像是永远无法遇到一个女孩能接受你的过去Never thought the day would come从没想过那天会来临Where you would get up and run你起身跑出这里And I would be out chasing u我冲出去追你Cuz aint nowhere in the globe I"d rather be,因为这世界上没有地方值得我去的Aint no one in the globe I"d rather see也没有人值得我注意的Then the girl of my dreams that made me be so happy but now so lonely梦里的女孩让我如此开心 但却让我如此寂寞lonely (so lonely)寂寞I"m Mr. Lonely (Mr. Lonely)我是寂寞先生I have nobody to call my own (to call my own)没有东西是属于我的I"m so lonely (so lonely)我好寂寞I"m Mr. Lonely (Mr. Lonely)我是寂寞先生I have nobody for my own (for my own)我一无所有Never thought that I"d be alone (be alone),从没想过我会独自一个人I didn"t think you"d be gone this long,更没想过你会离开这麼久I just want you to call my phone,我只想要你打电话给我So stop playing, girl and come on home (come on home),所以别再戏弄我了,回家吧 !Baby girl I didn"t mean to shout,宝贝我无意凶你I want me and you to work it out, (work it out)我只是想要解决问题I never wished I"d ever hurt my baby (Hurt my baby)我从没想过要伤害我的宝贝And it"s drivin me crazy cuz...但这却让我抓狂,因为...I"m so lonely (so lonely)我好寂寞I"m Mr. Lonely (Mr. Lonely)我是寂寞先生I have nobody for my own (for my own)我一无所有
2023-01-07 23:57:361


2023-01-07 23:57:425


lonely不可以作名词来用.一定要用的话可以用 loneliness,寂寞,孤单,孤独,空虚. 例子 : The widow is complaining to one of her friends about her loneliness. 这寡妇正在和她的一个朋友诉说她的孤单.
2023-01-07 23:58:021


lonely 英["ləʊnlɪ] 美[ˈlonli] adj.孤独的,孤单的;寂寞的;荒凉的,幽静的;在孤单中度过的 最高级:loneliest;比较级:lonelier [例句]That makes me feel lonely. 这让我觉得特别孤单.
2023-01-07 23:58:071


alone为形容词,意为“单独的”,只作表语,不能作定语。侧重说明独自一人,没有助手或同伴,没有感***彩的只表示客观的状态。lonely意为“孤独的”,表示主观上感到孤独、寂寞,有较浓的感***彩,指因缺少朋友、同情、友谊等产生的一种悲伤和忧郁的感情。它为形容词,在句中作表语或定语。作定语时,意为“荒凉;偏僻”,多修饰表示地点的名词。 alone还可以作副词。 alone 副词 adv. 单独;独自 She went home alone. 她独自回家去了。 After his wife died, he lived alone. 他的妻子死后,他一个人生活。
2023-01-07 23:58:422


一、表达意思不同1、lone:单身的;独自的;寂寞的;人迹稀少的;(Lone)人名;(西、肯)洛内;(丹)隆娜;(缅)伦。2、lonely:孤单的,寂寞的;在孤单中度过的;偏僻的,人迹罕至的。二、词性不同1、lone:通常在句中既可以作名词,也可以作形容词。2、lonely:通常在句中作形容词,修饰主语或宾语。近义词介绍:alone读音:/ əˈləʊn /表达意思:独自的;单独的;孤独的,无依无靠的;唯一的;独自,单独;独力,单干(地);单,只;仅仅……就。词性:通常在句中既可以作副词,也可以作形容词。例句:Lions sometimes hunt alone.狮子有时单独猎食。
2023-01-07 23:58:501

alone 和lonely 的区别

alone 单独的 单独地。强调一个人lonely 指感情上的孤独
2023-01-07 23:59:005


lonely 英["ləʊnlɪ] 美[ˈlonli] adj. 孤独的,孤单的;寂寞的;荒凉的,幽静的;在孤单中度过的 最高级:loneliest;比较级:lonelier [例句]That makes me feel lonely.这让我觉得特别孤单。
2023-01-07 23:59:271


lonely 英["ləʊnlɪ]美[ˈlonli]adj. 孤独的,孤单的;寂寞的;荒凉的,幽静的;在孤单中度过的最高级:loneliest;比较级:lonelier[例句]We have made ourselves lonely.我们一直想让自己孤独。
2023-01-07 23:59:331


除了这三个词汇,还有一个lonesome,如下:Alone   lonely  lone  lonesome 这组形容词都含有“孤独的”的意思。alone 指“独自一人的”, 但未必不快,[作形容词时仅作表语,不能用于名词前],如:1. He was alone in the room. 他独自一人在屋里。     2. Finally the two of us were alone together.最后只有我们两人在一起。Lonely (因为形单影只而感到)寂寞的,孤独的, 如:3. He doesn"t feel lonely when he is left alone.在只剩下他一个的时候, 他并不感到孤独。4. She lives alone and often feels lonely.她独居,常感到寂寞。lone [只用于名词前]孤身的,单独的,独自的,(有时指内心强烈的“忧愁”之感), 如:5. A lone sea gull flew across the sky. 一只孤独的海鸥在空中飞过。6. A lone figure was standing at the bus stop. 公交车站上站着一个孤单的身影。lonesome (没有朋友,也没人可以交流)孤独的,寂寞的, 含有“渴望有伴的孤独感”, 如:7. He was lonesome for a friend.他孤独, 急需找到一位朋友。8. I"ve grown so lonesome, thinking of you.我已变得非常孤独,正想念你。类似意思的词汇还有isolated,  desolate,  forlorn 等。更多的在“词不离句:英语常用词汇8000分级过关‘"(链接请百度“词不离句”)。●不要试图去记那些用法,是记不住的;而是把例句记下来,这样用法也就记住了!通过听录音,复述,默写,就轻松地把句子记住啦!在英语常用词汇里有哪些词汇是同义词,近义词及易混词呢?《词不离句:英语常用词汇8000分级过关》统计如下:从上可见,在英语常用的词汇8000多个里,有过半的词汇是同义词,近义词及易混词,这是很多人没想到的,我们都得区分清楚它们的用法。
2023-01-07 23:59:397


2023-01-08 00:00:269


lonely 英["ləʊnlɪ] 美[ˈlonli] adj. 孤独的,孤单的;寂寞的;荒凉的,幽静的;在孤单中度过的 最高级:loneliest;比较级:lonelier [例句]We have made ourselves lonely.我们一直想让自己孤独。
2023-01-08 00:00:591

lonely 歌词 完整的

LonelyI am lonely lonely lonely (我很孤独) I am lonely lonely in my life (我的生活孤孤单单) I am lonely lonely lonely (我很孤单) God help me help me to survive! (神啊!帮助我生存下去吧) Remember first time we met day one (记得相遇的那天 )Kids in the garden" playin" games heaven" fun (孩子们在花园快乐的嬉戏) Excitin" and amazin" havin" a real friend of mine (多么惊讶和开心我有一个真正的朋友) Feel my heartbeat and for (感觉当我遇到真正朋友时的心跳) real friend of mine (我真正的朋友) Face to face and eye to eye (面对面,两眼相望) Usin" our hands to buy and supply (用我们的手去互相支持?) Chillin" is cool from january to june (寒冷从一月到六月) And we still stiked together like the glue (我们仍如胶似漆) And know the rules (我们知道规则) Forever you and i and believe (相信你我会直到永远) It was clear (这是无疑的) If i ever should fall (即使我跌倒了) I could count on you with no fear (因为有你,我不害怕) Runnin" out of time i see who"s fake (时光飞逝,我看见到欺骗) Alone without protection (不受保护的孤独) from all them snakes (他们象蛇一样狡猾) All for one one for all i was told (我被告知人人为我我为人人) Black white yellow no matter (黑白黄无关紧要) if your young or old (只要你来到) Nana"s in the house to let you know (屋子里的娜娜会让你知道) What i see is how i fell and damn (我对看到的东西感到忧伤) I am lonely lonely lonely (我很孤单) I am lonely lonely in my life (我的生活孤孤单单) I am lonely lonely lonely (我很孤单) God help me help me to survive! (神啊!帮助我生存下去吧) Everybody"s tripppin" on me (所有人使我犯错) Oh lord come help me please (神啊!求你救救我吧) I did some bad things in my life (我做了错事) Why can"t you rescue me (为什么你不来拯救我) "cause you"ve got all i need (你能给我我所需要的) I know i got to pay the price (我知道我要付出代价) That"s why I"m lonely, lonely, lonely (那就是我为什么是孤孤单单的) I am so lonely, lonely (我是如此孤单) That"s why I"m lonely, lonely, lonely (那就是我为什么是孤孤单单的) Cheppin" thru the streets at night (在夜里穿过街道) after a fuss and fight (在一切慌乱后) Tears in my eyes (我的眼眶里有泪珠) i"m a man lookin" for the light (我渴望光明) Dark is the path (前路黑暗?) i know he will rescue me (我知道他会来拯救我) The lord is my shepard (上帝是我的?) i"m cool despite emergency (不管事情多么紧急,我能保持镇定) Whom shall i fear exept the god (除了上帝我该惧怕谁) Thank you for the blessin" and the skils on the mic (谢谢你的庇护和给我歌唱的能力) Five years we know there"s no diggity (五年了,我们知道在那儿没有自由?) Free at last see the light in me (自由后光明来临) What goes up must come down (从哪里跌到就从哪里站起来) I"ll be around while you heading towards deathtown (当你朝着?,我会在你的周围 ) Allways look forward hardlynever look back (总是努力向前看) So many tears and the snakes on my jock (决不回顾那么多眼泪和毒蛇) Now i"m riding in my big fat ride (现在我骑着我肥壮的马) Your ass is late so look for the line (你的驴来迟了,所以找其它的) Nana in the house to let you know (屋子里的娜娜会让你知道) What i see is how i feel so leave me alone (我感觉看见的东西它使我孤独) I am lonely lonely lonely (我很孤单) I am lonely lonely in my life (我的生活孤孤单单) I am lonely lonely lonely (我很孤单) God help me help me to survive! (神啊!帮助我生存下去吧) Everybody"s tripppin" on me (所有人使我犯错) Oh lord come help me please (神啊!求你救救我吧) I did some bad things in my life (我做了错事) Why can"t you rescue me (为什么你不来拯救我) "cause you"ve got all i need (你能给我我所需要的) I know i got to pay the price (我知道我要付出代价) Knock on my door whom you lookin" for (敲打我的门你找谁) A dream or reality enemies at my door (门外是美梦还是敌人) Eyes i realize (眼睛注视着) it"s fantasize i must be high (那是梦想我必须定得很高) So let me live before i die (所以在我死前让我活着吧) Once again grab the bottle twist the cap (再一次抢过酒瓶转动盖子) To survive your life (去拯救你的生命) is yours my life is mine (你我有着各自的生活) No emotions in this world full of lies (面对这个充满谎言的世界已经麻木) Step by step and be versatile (一步一步,方方面面的) Love peace and cash (爱、和平和毁灭) that"s what is"s all about (那就是全部) Alone by yourself than you (比你自己更孤独) lack there"s no doubt about (毫无疑问) I"m always into something (我总是进入到某些东西中) making moves to improve (我可以证明给你看) What would you do if you were in my shoes (如果你处在我的位置) Boom a letter oops another suicide (你会因此而发狂) Meet me for a ride at the boulevard (你骑着马和我在林荫道相遇) Nana"s in the house to let you know (屋子里的娜娜会让你知道) What i see is how i feel and damn (我对看到的东西感到忧伤) i"m alone (我是孤独的) I am lonely lonely lonely (我很孤单) I am lonely lonely in my life (我的生活孤孤单单) I am lonely lonely lonely (我很孤单) God help me help me to survive! (神啊!帮助我生存下去吧) Everybody"s tripppin" on me (所有人使我犯错) Oh lord come help me please (神啊!求你救救我吧) I did some bad things in my life (我做了错事) Why can"t you rescue me (为什么你不来拯救我) "cause you"ve got all i need (你能给我我所需要的) I know i got to pay the price (我知道我要付出代价) I am lonely lonely lonely (我很孤单) I am lonely lonely in my life (我的生活孤孤单单) I am lonely lonely lonely (我很孤单) God help me help me to survive! (神啊!帮助我生存下去吧) I am lonely lonely lonely (我很孤单) I am lonely lonely in my life (我的生活孤孤单单) I am lonely lonely lonely (我很孤单) God help me help me to survive! (神啊!帮助我生存下去吧) That"s why I"m lonely, lonely, lonely (那就是我为什么是孤孤单单的) I am so lonely, lonely (我是如此孤单) I am so lonely, lonely,lonely in my life (我的生活是如此的孤单) Ah, ah
2023-01-08 00:01:081


“lonely”的反义词是animated。lonely [ˈloʊnli]adj. 寂寞的;孤独的,孤单的;荒凉的,幽静的;在孤单中度过的比较级: lonelier 最高级: loneliest例句:1  I feel lonelier in the middle of London than I do on boat in the middle of nowhere. 我身处伦敦市中心比驾船航行于茫茫大海更感到孤单。2  I desperately needed something to occupy me during those long, lonely nights. 在那一个个漫长、孤单的夜晚,我极需找点事做。3 It felt like the loneliest place in the world. 感觉这就像是天底下最荒凉的地方。4 I could see she was lonely. 我能看出她很寂寞。5 I don"t get lonely now because I make the effort to see people. 我现在不觉得孤独了,因为我尝试着与人交往。6 I don"t feel lonely as I"ve made new friends here. 我在这里又交了新朋友,一点也不寂寞。7 He figured out that you"re lonely, like most widows, and he turned on the charm. 他看出你和大多数寡妇一样很寂寞,所以就拿出他的魅力来了。8 I feel lost and lonely in a strange town alone. 在陌生的城镇里只身一人,我感到不知所措、孤单寂寞。9 I"m not perfect but I"m also not emotionally crippled or lonely. 我并不完美,但我也没有什么心结,也不孤独。10 A lonely feeling crept upon my spirit. 一种孤独感爬上我的心头。11 He seemed to me very young and very lonely. 我觉得他似乎非常年轻,非常孤独。12 I would imagine she"s quite lonely living on her own. 我猜想她一个人过肯定很孤独。13 They often have a lonely and solitary life to lead. 他们常常过一种独居的孤独生活。14 She replied to a lonely hearts ad. 她回应了一则征友广告。15 He kept her from being lonely 他不让她感到孤独。
2023-01-08 00:01:161

2ne1 lonely的音译歌词,谢谢啦

起根 内嘎 哈呢 也gi诺 拿喷给 哈起 莫儿拉啊马 难 出多咯米我哈给 duei 过呀内嘎 也讲 卡几 啊他当 您 马儿莫度 特儿林 马楞 啊你呀那多 瓶黑波林内嘎 那 色儿ki满黑诺木 掐看 弄得能 克得 咯音得 OhI don"t know I don"t know内嘎 为 一诺嫩几可脱咯 萨郎额嫩得嫩 哟gi 一嫩得 OhI don"t know一节 难 查古 西破Baby I"m sorry诺哇 一嗦多 难 lonely萨郎哈kin 内嘎 普求看噶 bua一嫩 木难 那儿 用所黑 I"m sorry一给 弄哇 那额 story萨郎一难 内给 夸喷汗噶 bua你 gio特 一所多Baby I"m so lonely lonelylonely lonely lonelyBaby I"m so lonely lonelylonely lonely lonelyBaby I"m so lonely lonelylonely lonely lonelyBaby I"m so lonely lonelylonely lonely lonely你噶 查儿美堂 给 啊nia内嘎 一桑汗 果呀一米 哦内 强不脱难 春皮 黑那 bua 一bio嫩穷满 查累出果 西瓶嫩内哈佩 萨郎啊喷 所弄为一咯克 哈诺p西掐噶几够 为弄ong几诺木 掐看 弄得能 克得 咯音得 OhI don"t know I don"t know内嘎 为 一诺嫩几可脱咯 萨郎额嫩得嫩 哟gi 一嫩得 OhI don"t know一节 难 查古 西破Baby I"m sorry诺哇 一嗦多 难 lonely萨郎哈kin 内嘎 普求看噶 bua一嫩 木难 那儿 用所黑 I"m sorry一给 弄哇 那额 story萨郎一难 内给 夸喷汗噶 bua你 gio特 一所多Baby I"m so lonely lonelylonely lonely lonelyBaby I"m so lonely lonelylonely lonely lonelyBaby I"m so lonely lonelylonely lonely lonelyBaby I"m so lonely lonelylonely lonely lonelyCuz I"m just another girl一八米 为咯问那脱嫩 康替苏我p所 goodbyeCuz I"m just another girl诺木拿 为咯我起根m 你 qio特 一所多baby I"m so lonelylonely lonely lonelyBaby I"m so lonely lonelylonely lonely lonelyBaby I"m so lonely lonelylonely lonely lonelyBaby I"m so lonely lonelylonely lonely lonely
2023-01-08 00:01:212


2023-01-08 00:01:313

i m lonely lonely lonely 歌词

lonely-Akon 是不是这个
2023-01-08 00:01:434


lonely不可以作名词来用.一定要用的话可以用 loneliness,寂寞,孤单,孤独,空虚. 例子 : The widow is complaining to one of her friends about her loneliness. 这寡妇正在和她的一个朋友诉说她的孤单.
2023-01-08 00:01:581


  《费切尔的怪鸟》是收录于《格林童话》的一则童话故事,由格林兄弟搜集编撰。这篇故事讲述了一位做尽坏事的巫师最终受到了应有的惩罚的故事。下面,我们一起去看看详情。   Fitchers BirdJacob and Wilhelm Grimm Once upon a time there was a sorcerer who disguised himself as a poor man, went begging from house to house, and captured beautiful girls. No one knew where he took them, for none of them ever returned. One day he came to the door of a man who had three beautiful daughters. He appeared to be a poor, weak beggar, and he carried a pack basket on his back, as though he wanted to collect some benevolent offerings in it. He asked for a bit to eat, and when the oldest daughter came out to give him a piece of bread, he simply touched her, and she was forced to jump into his pack basket. Then he hurried away with powerful strides and carried her to his house, which stood in the middle of a dark forest. Everything was splendid in the house, and he gave her everything that she wanted. He said, My dear, you will like it here with me. You will have everything that your heart desires. So it went for a few days, and then he said to her, I have to go away and leave you alone for a short time. Here are the house keys. You may go everywhere and look at everything except for the one room that this little key here unlocks. I forbid you to go there on the penalty of death. He also gave her an egg, saying, Take good care of this egg.   You should carry it with you at all times, for if you should loose it great misfortune would follow. She took the keys and the egg, and promised to take good care of everything. As soon as he had gone she walked about in the house from top to bottom examining everything. The rooms glistened with silver and gold, and she thought that she had never seen such splendor. Finally she came to the forbidden door. She wanted to pass it by, but curiosity gave her no rest. She examined the key. It looked like any other one. She put it into the lock and twisted it a little, and then the door sprang open. What did she see when she stepped inside? A large bloody basin stood in the middle, inside which there lay the cut up parts of dead girls. Nearby there was a wooden block with a glistening ax lying on it. She was so terrified that the egg, which she was holding in her hand, fell into the basin. She got it out again and wiped off the blood, but it was to no avail, for it always came back. She wiped and scrubbed, but she could not get rid of the stain. Not long afterward the man returned from his journey, and he immediately asked for the key and the egg. She handed them to him, shaking all the while, for he saw from the red stain that she had been in the blood chamber. You went into that chamber against my will, he said, and now against your will you shall go into it once again. Your life is finished. He threw her down, dragged her by her hair into the chamber, cut off her head on the block, then cut her up into pieces, and her blood flowed out onto the floor. Then he threw her into the basin with the others. Now I will go get the second one, said the sorcerer, and, again disguised as a poor man, he went to their house begging.   The second sister brought him a piece of bread, and, as he had done to the first one, he captured her by merely touching her, and he carried her away. It went with her no better than it had gone with her sister. She let herself be led astray by her curiosity, opened the blood chamber and looked inside. When he returned she paid with her life. Then he went and captured the third sister, but she was clever and sly. After he had given her the keys and the egg, and had gone away, she carefully put the egg aside, and then examined the house, entering finally the forbidden chamber. Oh, what she saw! He two dear sisters were lying there in the basin, miserably murdered and chopped to pieces. In spite of this she proceeded to gather their parts together, placing them back in order: head, body, arms, and legs. Then, when nothing else was missing, the parts began to move. They joined together, and the two girls opened their eyes and came back to life. Rejoicing, they kissed and hugged one another. When the man returned home he immediately demanded the keys and the egg, and when he was unable to detect any trace of blood on them, he said, You have passed the test. You shall be my bride. He now had no more power over her and had to do whatever she demanded. Good, she answered, but first you must take a basketful of gold to my father and mother. You yourself must carry it there on your back. In the meanwhile I shall make preparations for the wedding. Then she ran to her sisters, whom she had hidden in a closet, and said, The moment is here when I can rescue you. The evildoer himself shall carry you home. As soon as you have arrived at home send help to me. She put them both into a basket, then covered them entirely with gold, so that nothing could be seen of them. Then she called the sorcerer in and said, Now carry this basket away, but you are not to stop and rest underway. Take care, for I shall be watching you through my little window. The sorcerer lifted the basket onto his back and walked away with it. However, it pressed down so heavily on him that the sweat ran from his face. He sat down, wanting to rest, but immediately one of the girls in the basket called out, I am looking through my little window, and I can see that you are resting. Walk on! He thought that his bride was calling to him, so he got up again. Then he again wanted to sit down, but someone immediately called out, I am looking through my little window, and I can see that you are resting. Walk on! Every time that he stopped walking, someone called out, and he had to walk on until, groaning and out of breath, he brought the basket with the gold and the two girls to their parents house. At home the bride was making preparations for the wedding feast, to which she had had the sorcerers friends invited. Then she took a skull with grinning teeth, adorned it with jewelry and with a wreath of flowers, carried it to the attic window, and let it look out. When everything was ready she dipped herself into a barrel of honey, then cut open the bed and rolled around in it until she looked like a strange bird, and no one would have been able to recognize her. Then she walked out of the house. Underway some of the wedding guests met her, and they asked, You, Fitchers bird, where are you coming from? I am coming from Fitchers house. What is his young bride doing there? She has swept the house from bottom to top, and now she is looking out of the attic window. Finally her bridegroom met her. He was slowly walking back home, and, like the others, he asked, You, Fitchers bird, where are you coming from? I am coming from Fitchers house. What is my young bride doing there? She has swept the house from bottom to top, and now she is looking out of the attic window. The bridegroom looked up. Seeing the decorated skull, he thought it was his bride, and he waved a friendly greeting to her. After he and all his guests had gone into the house, the brides brothers and relatives arrived. They had been sent to rescue her. After closing up all the doors of the house so that no one could escape, they set it afire, and the sorcerer, together with his gang, all burned to death.   从前有个巫师,装作穷人,挨家挨户地乞讨,而实际上他是碰到漂亮姑娘就抓。谁也说不上他把姑娘们抓到哪儿去了,因为他带走的姑娘没有一个回来过。 有一天,他来到一家人门口,这家人有三个漂亮的姑娘。他背着一个篮子,像是准备装人们施舍的东西,样子活像个身体虚弱、令人怜悯的乞丐。他求那家人给他点吃的,於是大女儿走了出来。巫师不用碰她,姑娘就会不自觉地跳进他的篮子,然后他就迈着大步朝密林深处自己的住所逃去。 他住处的一切摆设都是那么富丽堂皇,还给姑娘准备了她可能想到的每一样东西,他总是说:「亲爱的,你跟着我会过得很幸福的,因为你要甚么有甚么。」 过了几天,巫师对姑娘说:「我得出门办点事情,你得一个人在家呆两天。这是所有房门的钥匙。除了一间屋子外,其余你都可以看。这是那间禁室的钥匙,我不许任何人进去,否则就得死。」同时他还递给姑娘一个鸡蛋,说:「保管好鸡蛋,走到哪儿带到哪儿,要是丢了你就会倒大霉了。」 姑娘接过钥匙和鸡蛋,答应一切都照他的吩咐做。巫师走后,姑娘把屋子从楼下到楼上都看了个遍。所有房间都是金光闪闪的,姑娘从没见过这么多财富。最后她来到那间禁室,想走过去不看,可好奇心驱使她掏出了钥匙,想看看和其他的有甚么不同,於是将钥匙插进了锁孔。门「哗」地弹开了,她走了进去。你们想她看到了甚么?房间中央摆着一个血淋淋的大盆,里面全是砍成了碎片的人体;旁边是一块大木砧板,上面放着一把锋利闪亮的大斧子。她吓得连手里的鸡蛋都掉进盆里去了,结果上面的血斑怎么也擦不掉,她又是洗又是刮,还是没法去掉。 巫师不久就回来了。   他要的第一件东西就是钥匙和鸡蛋。姑娘战战兢兢地将钥匙和鸡蛋递了过去,巫师从她那副表情和鸡蛋上的红点马上就知道她进过那间血腥的房间。「既然你违背了我的意愿进了那间屋子,现在我就要你违背自己的意愿再回到那里去,你死定了。」巫师说着就拽着姑娘的头发,一路拖着进了那间屠宰房,把她的.头摁在砧板上砍了,把她的四肢也砍了,让血满地流淌,接着就把屍体扔进盆里和其他屍体放在一块儿。 「现在我该去把二姑娘弄来了。」巫师自言自语地说。他又装扮成可怜的乞丐,来到那家人家乞讨。这次是二姑娘拿了一块面包给他,他只碰了姑娘一下就像抓大姑娘一样把她给抓住了。二姑娘的结局也不比大姑娘好,她也在好奇心的驱使下打开了屠宰室的门,看到了一切;然后在巫师回来时被同样杀害了。巫师又去抓第三个姑娘,她可比姐姐们聪明、狡猾多了。当巫师将钥匙和鸡蛋交给她,然后出门旅行时,她先是小心翼翼地把鸡蛋放稳妥,然后才开始检查各个房间,最后来到那间禁室。天哪!她都看到些甚么了?她的两位好姐姐双双躺在盆里,被残酷地谋杀了、肢解了。她开始将她们的肢体按顺序摆好:头、身体、胳膊和腿。甚么都不缺时,那些肢体开始移动,合到一起,两位姑娘睁开了眼睛,又活过来了。她们兴高采烈地互相亲吻、互相安慰。   巫师回来第一件事照例是要钥匙和鸡蛋。他左瞧右看找不出上面有血痕,於是说:「你经受了考验,你将是我的新娘。」这样一来,他不仅对姑娘没有任何魔力,而且不得不按照姑娘的吩咐去行事。「哦,真是太好了!」姑娘说,「你先得亲自扛一篮子金子去送给我父母,我则在家准备婚事。」说着就跑到姐姐们藏身的小房间,对她们说:「现在我可以救你们了,这坏蛋会亲自背你们回家。你们一到家就要找人来帮我。」她将两个姐姐放进篮子,上面盖上厚厚一层金子。然后对巫师说:「把篮子扛去吧。不过我会从小窗口看你一路是不是站下来偷懒。」 巫师扛起篮子就走,可篮子重得压弯了他的腰,汗水顺着面颊直往下淌。他刚想坐下来歇一歇,篮子里就有个姑娘在喊:「我从小窗口看到你在歇息了,马上起身走。」巫师以为是新娘子在说话,只好起身接着走。走了一会儿,他又想停下来歇息,立刻听到有人说:「我从小窗口看着你呢。你又停下来休息了,你就不能一直走回去吗?」每当他站在那里不动时,这个声音就会又喊起来,他又不得不继续前进,最后终於扛着两个姑娘和一大堆金子气喘嘘嘘地来到姑娘父母家中。 再说三姑娘在巫师家里一边准备婚宴一边给巫师的朋友们发请贴。她准备了一个咧嘴露牙的骷髅,给它戴上花环,装饰了一下,然后将它放到阁楼上的小窗口前,让它从那里往外看着。等这些事情都做完了,姑娘跳进一桶蜂蜜,然后把羽毛床划开,自己在上面滚,直到浑身都粘满了毛,人像只奇异的鸟,谁都认不出她了为止。她走到外面,一路上都碰到来参加婚礼的客人。他们问她: 「费切尔怪鸟,你怎么到的这里?」 「从附近的费切尔的家走来的。」 「年轻的新娘在干甚么?」 「她把楼下楼上已打扫得整齐乾净,我想,这会儿正从窗口向外张望。」 最后,她碰到了正慢慢向家走的新郎。他也一样问道: 「费切尔怪鸟,你怎么到的这里?」 「从附近的费切尔家走来的。」 「年轻的新娘在干甚么?」 「她把楼下楼上已打扫得整齐乾净,我想,这会儿正从窗口向外张望。」 新郎抬头一望,看见了那个打扮起来的骷髅,以为那就是他的新娘,便向它点头,很亲热地和它打招呼。可当他和客人们走进屋子时,被派来救新娘的兄弟和亲戚也赶到了,他们把屋子的门全部锁上,不让一个人逃出来,然后点起火来,把巫师和他的那帮人全部烧死了。
2023-01-07 23:56:501

you would never ask me why ,my heart is so disguised, i just can"t live a lie anym翻译中文是什么意

You would never ask me why, my heart is so disguised, I just can"t live a lie anymore.你从来不会问我为什么,我的心太被掩饰了,我不能再活在谎言中了。
2023-01-07 23:56:561


容字组成的词如下从容不迫[cóng róng bù pò] 从容:不慌不忙,很镇静;不迫:不急促。不慌不忙,沉着镇定。造句 看她从容不迫的样子应该没有问题。2.义不容辞[yì bù róng cí] 容:允许;辞:推托。道义上不允许推辞。造句 保护人民群众,是我们警察义不容辞的责任。3.谈何容易[tán hé róng yì] 原指臣下向君主进言很不容易。后指事情做起来并不像说的那样简单。造句 想把这个逆子管教明白,谈何容易。4.容光焕发[róng guāng huàn fā] 容光:脸上的光彩;焕发:光彩四射的样子。造句 再能看见你荣光焕发的样子可真好。5.罪不容诛[zuì bù róng zhū] 诛:把罪人杀死。 罪恶极大,杀了也抵不了所有的罪行。造句 他啥杀了人犯了错,罪不容诛啊。容读音róng   部 首 宀  笔 画 10 五 行 土基本释义1.包含,盛(chéng):~器,~量(liàng),~积,~纳,无地自~。2.对人度量大:~忍,宽~。3.让,允许:~让,不~人说话。
2023-01-07 23:56:581


1:A 意图,目的 :2: D口音 3:D假装 4:A代替 5:C
2023-01-07 23:57:035

sheep and cattle的英语翻译

你好!sheep and cattle绵羊和牛
2023-01-07 23:56:496


描写菊花的优美句子如下:1、我最钟爱的是那开得正旺的“瀑布”菊,那无瑕的色彩,那修长迷人的花瓣,那碧绿的叶子,那傲霜挺立的茎,组成了一道静止无声散发着薄香的“瀑布”。可真比大诗人李白描述的庐山瀑布还要美。  2、大厅中间有两座宝塔形的花台,共有三层菊花,更是朵朵奇妙,千姿百态,使人目不暇接;有的瓣儿上短下长如同无数小手伸出的“千手观音”,有的像螃蟹那样张牙舞爪的“蟹菊”,还有小球似的“紫绣球”……最惹人喜爱的还是“羞人答答”,片片细长的花瓣一齐一垂,真像一个做错了事的小姑娘那样低着头。  3、瞧,那一盆菊花,白里透黄的花瓣细长细长的,黄里透红的花蕊,散发出诱人的香气。原来这一盆是“白马追凤”,真是名副其实呀!这盆花的左边雪白雪白,像白色的骏马,右边金黄金黄的,像一只五彩的凤凰,一白一黄,一左一右,十分惹人喜爱。  4、菊花的颜色五彩缤纷,白的似雪,粉的似霞,黄的赛金  5、美丽的菊花散发出诱人的香味,每一个人到了那里都要弯下腰来闻一闻,仿佛吸足了氧气,站起来就觉得心旷神怡,走起路来显得那么精神。  6、那一大片一大片的茶菊花,有像雪一样白的花瓣,金黄色的花蕊和碧绿的茎,茎上挂着几片小嫩叶。  7、看那朵朵菊花,红的似火,白的如云,粉的像霞。关于爱情的至理名言  8、当百花凋零万叶枯黄时,秋菊却傲然地挺立,像松柏那样经风霜耐严寒。  9、深秋,树木凋得慢,空气来得燥,天的颜色显得淡,并且又时常多雨而少风。就在这个悲凉的季节,菊花却在秋风中,怒放。原来咱们的小区里树木不少,可惜深秋到了,都凋零了。平时看惯了美景的我,两眼充满了饥渴,在小区中寻觅绿色的影子。然而看到的只是褐色的交错和光秃秃的树枝和病恹恹的面容。  10、我爱菊花,因为它婀娜多姿,香味芬芳;因为它不畏严寒,傲视寒霜。  11、秋天,许多娇艳一时的花凋谢了,枯黄了,而秋菊却以惊人的毅力,开出了美丽的花。  12、11月8日星期六,我和林柏君、林思绪一起去大观楼看菊花。公园里的菊花真美啊!有黄色的,有白色的,还有红色的。在一棵菊树的下面,有一种菊花的名为“黄香梨”,它是黄色的,远看像橙子,近看它有很多花瓣,像一个花球,十分美丽!今天我看了菊花,觉得菊花很美。我喜欢菊花!  13、满山坡盛开着黄茸茸的野菊花。它那小小的绿色叶片衬托着它那小小的黄色花朵,好看极了。可当它没有开花的时候,人们以为它是一棵棵小草。秋天,一旦开花,它就很美,美得自然,美得朴实。
2023-01-07 23:56:441

late和late for用法有什么区别?

Late for 的 late 什么词
2023-01-07 23:56:447