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2023-05-19 18:23:53
TAG: 英语


cats. cat是可数名词


They"re cats


They are cats.


they are cats




They are cats.


They"re cats


They are cats.



cats的意思是高级电视研究中心。abbr.高级电视研究中心(Centre for Advanced Television Studies);计算机自动测试系统(Computer Automated Test System);通信和跟踪系统(Communications and Tracking System);综合分析试验系统(Comprehensive Analytical Test System)。出现的案例高级电视研究中心(CATS)将联盟的目标设定为“推动并资助电视相关技术在本土的独立研究”。在组织模式方面比较灵活,一般有三种组织模式:政府引导联盟模式、工程研究中心模式和工业大学合作研究模式,在联盟治理结构上,多采取契约型治理方式,特别是在联盟发展后期,政府逐渐淡出,让联盟自发形成公司制管理,实现自我管理。
2023-01-07 23:23:301


2023-01-07 23:23:414


2023-01-07 23:23:5512


  cats是猫的名词cat的复数形式======================================== 柳浪闻莺各位芝麻竭诚为您解答您的采纳是我们坚持百度的动力========================================
2023-01-07 23:24:506


2023-01-07 23:25:127


读音[kæts]猫的复数形式。英英释义n.1.feline mammal usually having thick soft fur and no ability to roar: domestic cats; wildcats同义词: true informal term for a youth or man同义词: guy / hombre / bozo3.a spiteful woman gossipwhat a cat she is!4.the leaves of the shrub Catha edulis which are chewed like tobacco or used to make tea; has the effect of a euphoric stimulant同义词: kat / khat / qat / quat / Arabian tea / African tea5.a whip with nine knotted cordsBritish sailors feared the cat同义词: cat-o"-nine-tails6.a large tracked vehicle that is propelled by two endless metal belts; frequently used for moving earth in construction and farm work7.any of several large cats typically able to roar and living in the wild同义词: big cat8.a method of examining body organs by scanning them with X rays and using a computer to construct a series of cross-sectional scans along a single axisv.1.beat with a cat-o"-nine-tails2.eject the contents of the stomach through the mouth
2023-01-07 23:25:361


cats的音标:[kæts],cats:abbr. catalogues (复数)商(产)品目录,说明书; n. 猫科动物; 猫( cat的名词复数 ); 恶语伤人的女人; [美国俚语]爵士乐迷。
2023-01-07 23:25:411


2023-01-07 23:25:471


2023-01-07 23:25:523


cats前面可用buy, catch,, get, found, like, raise, find等及物动词。cats是可数名词复数形式,可以是宾语,对于只要满足意思的及物动词都可以连接。cats最常见的意思是猫,猫科动物,还有动词把锚吊放在锚架上的意思。
2023-01-07 23:26:061

a cat ,cats,the cat,the cats的区别

a cat 和cats都是泛指,前者是单数,后者是复数;the cat the cats是特指,前着是单数,意思是这(那)只猫,后者是复数,意思为这(那)群猫
2023-01-07 23:26:111


2023-01-07 23:26:172


2023-01-07 23:26:253

cats 是什么意思?

2023-01-07 23:26:3511

a cat ,cats,the cat,the cats的区别

a cat 和cats都是泛指,前者是单数,后者是复数;the cat the cats是特指,前着是单数,意思是这(那)只猫,后者是复数,意思为这(那)群猫
2023-01-07 23:27:131

the cats 表示这些猫还是猫这类动物 就是表示特指还是类指

2023-01-07 23:27:181

Cats 是什么意思 《德语助手》德汉

2023-01-07 23:27:232

幼儿园小班《 Cats》英语教案

   【活动目标】   1、让幼儿在熟练语言的过程中感知并体验节奏。   2、以音乐为辅使幼儿在游戏过程中记住儿歌。   3、培养幼儿的乐感。    【活动准备】   小猫头饰7个,小鱼头饰7个,音乐磁带。    【活动过程】   1、Greeting:   Good morning boys and girls. Let me see how many kids in our class?(边数边摸自己的头)   2、Warming up   《Walking》《Dance your fingers》   3、出示小猫头饰,学唱儿歌——Cats.   Teacher: Meow. Who is coming?(教师戴上小猫头饰扮演猫妈妈)。I am mummy cat. I have seven bab* cats(伸出7根手指)one cat, two cats…(边唱边逐一将小猫头饰贴在黑板上成一排)How many cats on the blackboard? Let"s count together.(在小猫头饰旁写上“7”,数到Four的时候稍停顿)。   将7条小鱼头饰对应贴在小猫头饰下面,再次感受7以内的"数。   Teacher: Bab* cats are hungry. They like to eat fish. Look, what is this?(出示小鱼头饰)How many fish? One fish, two fish…(数到four时在头饰下写个4,数到最后在头饰旁写个7)。   情景表演:Where are my seven bab* cats?教师预先把7只小猫头饰藏在衣服、袖中、帽子里,教师模仿猫的叫声一只只找出小猫,请幼儿参与数猫,边唱。   Teacher:(藏起黑板上的小猫头饰)Where are my seven bab* cats? Meow, is it here?(指着口袋)one cat, two cats, three cats… Seven cats, more.(再边数将小猫头饰贴在黑板上)   4、小猫过桥   两名助教面对面牵手“搭桥”,本单元儿歌响起,教师就带领幼儿穿过“桥洞”,唱到More时,暂停音乐,抓住一名幼儿,然后继续。   Teacher: who wants to be my bab* cat? When I touch your head, you are my bab* cat.(边唱边选“小猫”)   Teacher: Bab* cats, please make a line. This is a big hole.(指住助教搭桥的“桥洞”)Go through the hole one b* one.(第二次请全体幼儿一起游戏)。   Teacher: Come on, boys and girls, you are my bab* cats. Let"s make a line go through the hole.   5、结束。   The little cats are tired. Say b*e-b*e to cats.
2023-01-07 23:27:341


2023-01-07 23:27:394

在英语中雨下的大为什么叫It is raining cats and dogs

2023-01-07 23:27:582


音乐剧《猫Cats》简介: 《猫》的故事来自诗人T-S-艾略特1939年出版的诗集《擅长打扮的老猫精》(Old pusson"s book of practical cats),大致情节是这样的: 在午夜,一个月色中的垃圾场,杰里科猫群的猫们聚集在一起,在等待他们的领袖的到来,好选取一只将被选到九重天,能获得重生的猫.一只只不同性格、不同外貌的猫相继出现,有年轻天真的白猫维克多利亚,有很骚包的兰塔塔格,以及邪恶的麦克维蒂,它们载歌载舞,展现了一场场精彩的表演…… 但一只瘸腿的母猫出现了,它艰难地上场,外表褴褛憔悴,饱受生活的摧残,大家都避开了它,它悲惨地唱起歌,谁能想到它当年是那样的美貌非凡…… 1981年5月11日,音乐剧《猫》在伦敦首演,从此一炮打红,并凭难以打破的票房纪录成为英国有史以来最成功、连续公演最久的音乐剧。1982年《猫》开始在全世界的舞台剧圣地,美国纽约的百老汇大街上公演,到2000年夏天停演,早已打破了百老汇连续公演最久而且也次数最多的记录。而直到现在.《猫》仍在伦敦西头公演。除此之外,《猫》也是美国最长的巡回演出剧目。 《猫》曾获得七项托尼奖,包括最佳歌剧。而《记忆》一曲则成为现代音乐中的经典,它的演唱者包括世界闻名的歌手芭芭拉-史翠珊(Barbara Streisand)、拜瑞-曼塔洛(Barry mantilow)和茱迪-柯林丝(Judy collins)。 《猫》曾在阿根廷、澳大利亚、奥地利、加拿大、德国、英国、芬兰、法国、荷兰、香港、匈牙利、冰岛、爱尔兰、日本、朝鲜、墨西哥、新西兰、挪威、俄罗斯、瑞典、瑞士、美国和新加坡等地的250余个剧场演出过。 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------比起其他著名的音乐剧,中国听众最熟悉的一定是《猫》。原因不在其他,而在于剧中一首歌的力量,那就是<回忆Memory>。自《猫》诞生以来,<回忆>这首歌就开始传播四海,那如泣如诉的旋律,一下就能抓住人们的心。对于中国听众而言,这首歌的知名度要远远高于《猫》。大多数人也是听了<回忆>之后才知道了音乐剧的《猫》。 <回忆>这首歌是由剧中的魅力猫“格里泽贝拉”演唱的,这是一只年轻时魅力十足而年老后邋遢肮脏的猫,她孤独衰弱,遭人唾弃,流浪在最下等的街区,受到猫族的排挤。她也渴望能升入天堂,但这对她显然是一种奢望。在这个情景下,她演唱了这首<回忆>。在她唱完之后,猫儿们都被感动了,一致推选她升上天堂,全剧落下帷幕。从中我们就可以看出,这首歌在剧中所占的份量,可以说,它是全剧的转折点,也是高潮点,因为所有的猫对“格里泽贝拉”的看法都将在这首歌后发生改变。
2023-01-07 23:28:062

《cats》 英语简介

  1.Overture [ Top ]  Midnight. Not a sound from the pavement.  Suddenly an explosion of lights and music fills the theatre,  revealing a larger-than-life junkyard. Probing car lights  tear across the darkened landscape of bottles and boxes,  briefly catching the darting image of a running feline.  One by one, the curious cats emerge. Tonight is the one special  night each year when the tribe of Jellicle Cats reunites to  celebrate who they are. The cats emerge singing of their unique  abilities and special traits in a fusion of poetry and dance.  2.Jellicle Songs for Jellicle Cats [ Top ]  3.The Naming of Cats [ Top ]  They are proud, however, and they explain to their human visitors  who they are and reveal that cats have three different names:  the one the family uses daily, the more dignified name and a secret  name. It is the cat"s contemplation of the latter that keeps felines  in deep thought.  4.The Invitation to the Jellicle Ball [ Top ]  The young and innocent white cat Victoria performs a solo  dance. Munkustrap, a large grey tabby who serves as the show"s  narrator, explains that the Jellicle Cats meet once a year to  rejoice! He also explains that they are waiting for their leader,  the wise Old Deuteronomy, who will choose which one of the  Jellicle Cats will this year journey to the Heaviside Layer to be  reborn to a new life!  5.The Old Gumbie Cat [ Top ]  Munkustrap introduces Jennyanydots who sleeps and lounges all  day long. But at night, she becomes a super-active nanny. She  instructs the mice in music and crochet work, and keeps the  cockroaches busy. The cats take this opportunity to dress up with  Jenny and perform an exuberant tap dance.  6.The Rum Tum Tugger [ Top ]  The second cat we are introduced to is "The Rum Tum Tugger,"  a playful prankster that the female cats find extremely attractive.  Tugger explains how fussy he can be: he wants what he doesn"t have,  and doesn"t want what"s offered to him. The one thing that he does  enjoy is being the center of attention, which he is throughout  the number.  7.Grizabella, The Glamour Cat [ Top ]  The evening takes a somber turn when the outcast figure  "Grizabella, The Glamour Cat" appears. Although she is a  Jellicle Cat, the rest of the tribe shun her. She had left  the tribe years ago to explore the outside world. The outside  world has been hard on her, however, and she who was once a  beautiful and glamorous feline is now tattered and torn.  Although she wants to return, the other cats are cruel, clawing  and hissing at her. But Grizabella is proud, and she vows to return.  8.Bustopher Jones [ Top ]  The next cat to join the proceedings is the hefty "Bustopher  Jones." A large "twenty-five pounder," always clad in his  signature white spats, Bustopher spends his time eating, eating  and eating in one of the many English pubs and clubs that he  frequents. Jennyanydots is quite besauntered with him, and helps  sing his praises. He responds, to her great delight, by kissing  her hand.  9.Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer [ Top ]  Suddenly there is a thunderous crash, followed by the sound  of police sirens and flashing red lights. The villainous cat  Macavity is on the loose! The cats scatter, leaving an empty  stage.  Two off-stage giggles signal the entrance of Mungojerrie and  Rumpleteazer, a fun-loving, frolicking team of pranksters,  always getting in trouble with the family with whom they live.  10.Old Deuteronomy [ Top ]  The entire tribe rejoins as their benevolent and wise  leader Old Deuteronomy arrives. The cats adore and respect him.  11.The Jellicle Ball [ Top ]  The action is intruded by yet another crash from the villainous  Macavity, which sends the cats scurrying! Old Deuteronomy soothes  them, as they come back one by one. It is time for "The Jellicle  Ball," the great yearly dance in which all of the cats celebrate!  12.Grizabella [ Top ]  Grizabella intrudes once more, wanting to rejoin her  family and be a part of the celebration. The cats again  scorn her. She is left to contemplate her "Memory" of  the time before she left the tribe, when she was once  young, beautiful and happy.  13.The Moments of Happiness [ Top ]  It"s after the Jellicle Ball, and the cats are resting,  contemplating before they resume introducing more cats.  14.Gus, the Theatre Cat [ Top ]  "Gus The Theatre Cat" appears next. He"s an aged stage actor  suffering from palsy, who worked with the greatest actors of his  day. Gus tells of his greatest theatrical triumphs, and yearns  to do it again.  15."Growltiger"s Last Stand" [ Top ]  In the fantasy sequence "Growltiger"s Last Stand," Gus relives  one such triumph, playing the pirate Growltiger. In this sequence,  Growltiger, a feared feline sea captain and his amour, Griddlebone,  meet an untimely end after battling a crew of Siamese sailors.  16.Skimbleshanks, the Railway Cat [ Top ]  We are pulled back to the present as "Skimbleshanks The Railway Cat"  introduces himself. A friendly uncle to all of the cats, Skimbleshanks  attends the trains he rides, and makes sure every detail is perfect.  17.Macavity [ Top ]  A third crash interrupts the celebration, and this  time the villainous Macavity appears! Two of his henchman  invade the proceedings and kidnap Old Deuteronomy! Two  felines familiar with Macavity, Demeter (a frightened  kitten who had been previously abducted by Macavity) and  the older and more sensual Bombalurina (a goodtime girl  who gets along with everyone) sing what they know of  "Macavity"  18.Mr. Mistoffolees [ Top ]  The Rum Tum Tugger calls in "Mr. Mistoffolees," the original  "conjuring cat" to use his magical powers to bring back their  leader. Mistoffolees succeeds in getting back all of the lights,  relocating Old Deuteronomy, and showing off his magic tricks,  including his infamous "conjuring turn."  19.Memory [ Top ]  At last, the time has come for Old Deuteronomy to make  the Jellicle Choice and decide which one cat will be reborn  into a new Jellicle life. At that moment, Grizabella reappears.  Again she recalls her "Memory" of how things used to be. She  pleads to her brothers and sisters, yearning to come back to  them. This time, through a greater appreciation of tolerance,  the cats accept her back into the tribe.
2023-01-07 23:28:141


2023-01-07 23:28:192


2023-01-07 23:29:103

cats读音 英语cats怎么读

1、cats英[kæts]美[kæts],n.猫; 猫科动物;cat的第三人称单数和复数。 2、[例句]The cat stayed well out of range of the children.这只猫离孩子们远远的。
2023-01-07 23:29:291


2023-01-07 23:29:351


念/kæts/,由于cat的词尾为清辅音/t/(即发音时声带不震动的辅音)加上-s成为复数后,发清辅音/s/;反之,若词尾为浊辅音的名词加-s成复数后,s发/z/音,如card /kɑrd/变复数cards后读/kɑrdz/而非/kɑrds/
2023-01-07 23:29:412

cats是读成 ca ci 吗,ts是一起发成ci吗

2023-01-07 23:29:491

a cat ,cats,the cat,the cats的区别

a cat 和cats都是泛指,前者是单数,后者是复数;the cat the cats是特指,前着是单数,意思是这(那)只猫,后者是复数,意思为这(那)群猫
2023-01-07 23:29:551


cats的意思是高级电视研究中心。abbr.高级电视研究中心(Centre for Advanced Television Studies);计算机自动测试系统(Computer Automated Test System);通信和跟踪系统(Communications and Tracking System);综合分析试验系统(Comprehensive Analytical Test System)。出现的案例高级电视研究中心(CATS)将联盟的目标设定为“推动并资助电视相关技术在本土的独立研究”。在组织模式方面比较灵活,一般有三种组织模式:政府引导联盟模式、工程研究中心模式和工业大学合作研究模式,在联盟治理结构上,多采取契约型治理方式,特别是在联盟发展后期,政府逐渐淡出,让联盟自发形成公司制管理,实现自我管理。
2023-01-07 23:30:011

Play with cats还是cat

Play with cats。cat是可数名词,用a cat或者cats。cat读法英 [kæt]美 [kæt] n.猫,猫科动物词汇搭配:KISS CAT 接吻猫SAND CAT 沙漠猫; [脊椎] 沙猫Cat People豹人示例:Give up on gaming and troll on forums and play with cats instead.不玩游戏,改为边逗猫眯边在论坛神游。词语用法:cat的基本意思是“猫”,指猫的总称。cat还可指包括猫在内的所有“猫科动物”,如狮、虎、豹等。cat引申还可指“人,家伙”,多指邪恶的女人,但有时则随便指一个人而未必带有讽刺的意味。cat多用来指代雌性的猫,所以其代词多为she或her。cat是可数名词,其复数形式为cats。
2023-01-07 23:30:121

cats是读成 ca ci 吗,ts是一起发成ci吗

kai ci
2023-01-07 23:30:304

it"s cat还是it"s cats

2023-01-07 23:30:541


where those they"re in all on duty learned english he likes can take care learning
2023-01-07 23:31:005

It rains cats and dogs.为什么要译成大雨倾盆

2023-01-07 23:31:204


2023-01-07 23:31:353


[ kæts]
2023-01-07 23:31:502


猫[脊椎] cat; hide oneself; go into hide更多释义>>[网络短语]猫  cat;Cats;猫 (消歧义)小野猫  Pussycat Dolls;The Pussycat Dolls;Wildcat天猫  Tmall;Lynx;Sky Lynx   
2023-01-07 23:31:581

lt一Cats B.likes怎么选?

高兴帮助你It _ cats.It是代词, 表示它, cats是名词cat的复数, 表示猫, 给出的like在这里是做动词。因为主语是it, 它是是第三人称单数,谓语动词是根据主语的人称单复数决定,所以这里的谓语动词也要用第三人称单数形式, 要选 likes, likes是like的三单形式, 表示喜欢It likes cats.意思是, 它喜欢猫。它应该指某种动物。如果是 It looks like cats.意思变为, 它看起来像猫。所以要根据主语, 动词, 句子意思来判断填什么。请采纳
2023-01-07 23:32:042

CATS 凯师高中和剑桥教育集团是什么关系?

剑桥教育集团成立于1952年,是全球最具规模并处于领先地位的国际教育集团之一。旗下拥有CATS Colleges(中国、波士顿、伦敦、剑桥和坎特伯雷)和CSVPA剑桥视觉及表演艺术学校。目前,在中国上海已经有两个校区了,接下来成都和青岛也会有学校。
2023-01-07 23:32:131


like miao miao miao
2023-01-07 23:32:266


cats are cut animals and cats is a kind of animals with soft fur ,snout,and retractile claws.It has pointy ears,pound eyes.Dou you know?fishes and mice are their favorite food.they sleep in the daytime and do most of their movements at night.Besides we should love cats ,because they are our best friends. 猫是可爱的动物,和猫是一种拥有柔软的毛,鼻子,以及伸缩自如的爪子的动物.它们有尖尖的耳朵,圆圆的眼睛.你知道吗?鱼和老鼠是它们最爱的食物.它们在白天睡觉,并且大多数活动是在夜间进行.还有我们应该爱猫,因为它们是我们的最好的朋友.
2023-01-07 23:32:492

It rains cats and dogs 为什么要翻译成大雨倾盆。

2023-01-07 23:32:573


2023-01-07 23:34:461

keep cats是什么意思

2023-01-07 23:34:544


How many cats does he have?
2023-01-07 23:35:228


2023-01-07 23:35:5511

“Rain cats and dogs”是什么意思?

下倾盆大雨或者 如果直译 就是 天上下猫,天上下狗 也就是形容 大雨倾盆,雨下得很猛烈 Rain Cats and Dogs(倾盆大雨)这一短语的出处也不得而知。有记载的用法首次出现在朱纳森·斯威夫特所著的《礼貌会话》一书中,该书大约写于1708年,三十年后才出版。斯威夫特的著作是讽刺一些陈词滥调的,因此,上述短语在斯威夫特写书相当长一段时间就已经在用了。   罗森指出,该短语有更早的一种变体,“Rain Dogs and Pole cats”,(“下狗和鸡貂”),来自理查德·伯罗米的《1652年城市妙语》。关于这一起源的意见包括:   ·古体法语Catdoupe意为瀑布或大瀑布。   ·雷电大作与猫狗打架的声音相似。   ·北方神话中,猫对天气会产生影响,此外,暴风雨之神欧丁(Odin)是由狗和狼侍俸的。   伯罗米所引用的上面这些说法是不可能的,因为古代英语的变体中“Pole cat”与“Cat”是相对立的,说它是从Cat doupe 传下来也不可能。同样,由于Polecats(鸡貂)也并不是Cats(猫),而是类似黄鼠狼或臭鼬之类的动物。至于猫科动物具体神秘特征的涵义,同样也是不可能的。   还有另一种说法是在古老的伦敦,一场倾盆大雨后常常是汪洋一汽,淹死许多迷路的狗和猫,因此,雨停,水退后,满街死狗死猫,似乎天上落下了众多的狗和猫似的。这种说法听起了像是花言巧语,但早期这一词组用到Polecats,又使上述说法不太可能。   因此,关于这一短语的奥秘仍然没有什么满意的解释。
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