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stay relevant怎么翻译。

2023-07-29 03:40:11





can be deleted if not relevant怎么填

2023-07-27 20:55:462


A has nothing to do with B
2023-07-27 20:55:545

what he said is not relevant to you? 的汉语是什么?

他所说的话和你没关系 或是 他所言与你无关个人见解,希望能够帮助到您,欢迎采纳O(∩_∩)O~
2023-07-27 20:56:098

what he said is not relevant to you? 的汉语是什么?

2023-07-27 20:56:241

Not until I completed the form did I realize that half the questions were not relevant to me.

2023-07-27 20:56:424

英文翻译Pass/Fail Grade Only for the S-TOPIK,not relevant to the B-TOPIK急急急高分

通过/未通过 特指一般韩国语能力考试,与实务韩国语无关。
2023-07-27 20:57:022


1、人生价值,应该看他贡献什么,而不是取得什么。 The value of life should depend on what he contributes, not what he obtains. 2、你要知道科学方法的实质,不要去听一个科学家对你说些什么,而要仔细看他在做什么。 You need to know the essence of scientific methods. Don"t listen to what a scientist says to you, but watch carefully what he is doing. 3、简单淳朴的生活,无论在身体上,还是精神上,对每个人都是有益的。 Simple and simple life, both physically and spiritually, is good for everyone. 4、唤起独创性的表现与求知之乐,是为人师者至高无比的秘方。 To arouse the expression of originality and the joy of seeking knowledge is the supreme secret recipe for teachers. 5、世间最美好的东西,莫过于几个有头脑和心地都很正直的的严正的朋友。 The best thing in the world is a few honest and upright friends who have brains and hearts. 6、知学校的目标应是培养有独立行动和独立思考的人。 The goal of knowing a school should be to train people who act independently and think independently. 7、不要努力成为一个成功者,要努力成为一个有价值的人。 Don"t try to be a success, try to be a valuable person. 8、一个人的价值,应该看他贡献什么,而不应当看他取得什么。 A person"s value should depend on what he contributes, not on what he obtains. 9、不是每件可以算数的事都可以计算,不是每件可以计算的事都可以算数。 Not everything that can be counted can be counted, not everything that can be counted can be counted. 10、学习知识要善于思考,思考,再思考,我就是靠这个方法成为科学家的。 Learning knowledge needs to be good at thinking, thinking and rethinking. That"s how I became a scientist. 11、真正的快乐,是对生活的乐观,对工作的愉快,对事业的热心。 Real happiness is optimi *** about life, happiness about work and enthusia *** for career. 12、真实只是一种幻觉,尽管是一种挥之不去的幻觉。 Truth is only an illusion, albeit a lingering one. 13、对真理的追求要比对真理的占有更可贵。 The pursuit of truth is more valuable than the possession of truth. 14、书读得太多,而脑筋用得太少的人,都会落入懒得思考的习惯。 People who read too much and use too little brains fall into the habit of thinking too little. 15、人只能有献身社会,才能找出那实际上是短暂而有风险的生命的意义。 Only by devoting oneself to society can one find out the meaning of life, which is actually short and risky. 16、数学法则只要与现实有关的,都是不确定的;若是确定的,都与现实无关。 Mathematical rules are uncertain as long as they are relevant to reality; if they are definite, they are not relevant to reality. 17、有时候一个人为不花钱得到的东西付出的代价最高。 Sometimes a person pays the highest price for what he gets for nothing. 18、我们所能经历的最美好的事情是神秘,它是所有真正的艺术和科学的源泉。 The best thing we can experience is mystery, which is the source of all true art and science. 19、人只有献身社会,才能找出那实际上是短暂而有风险的生命的意义。 Only by devoting oneself to society can one find out the meaning of life, which is actually short and risky. 20、我没有什么特别的才能,不过是喜欢寻根究底地追求问题罢了。 I don"t have any special talent, but I just like to pursue problems from the bottom. 21、只有爱才是最好的教师,它远远超过责任感。 Only love is the best teacher. It goes far beyond responsibility. 22、一个人被工作弄得神魂颠倒直至生命的最后一息,这的确是幸运。 It"s really lucky that a person is overwhelmed by his work until the last breath of his life. 23、照亮我的道路,并且不断地给我新的勇气去愉快地正视生活的理想,是善、美和真。 It is good, beautiful and true to illuminate my way and constantly give me new courage to face up to the ideal of life happily. 24、求学犹植树,春天开花朵,秋天结果实。 Schools still plant trees, flowers in spring and fruits in autumn. 25、我没有什么特别的才能,不过喜欢寻根刨底地追究问题罢了。 I don"t have any special talent, but I like to find out the root of the problem. 26、对一个人来说,所期望的不是别的,而仅仅是他能全力以赴和献身于一种美好事业。 For a man, what he expects is nothing else, but that he can devote himself to a good cause. 27、学校要求教师在他的本职工作上成为一种艺术家。 The school requires the teacher to bee an artist in his own work. 28、使学生对教师尊敬的惟一源泉在于教师的德和才。 The only source of students"respect for teachers lies in their moral integrity and talents. 29、在一个崇高的目的的支持下,不停地工作。即使慢,也一定会获得成功。 With the support of a lofty purpose, work continuously. Even if it"s slow, it"s bound to succeed. 30、通向人类真正的伟大境界的通道只一条苦难的道路。 There is only one path of suffering leading to the true greatness of mankind. 31、人只有献身于社会,才能找出那短暂而有风险的生命的意义。 Only by devoting oneself to society can one find out the meaning of that short and risky life. 32、谁要是把自己标榜为真理和知识领域里的裁判官,他就会被神的笑声所覆灭。 Whoever flaunts himself as a magistrate in the realm of truth and knowledge will be overwhelmed by the laughter of God. 33、凡在小事上对真理持轻率态度的人,在大事上也是不可信任的。 Those who are indiscriminate about truth in trivial matters are also untrusorthy in major matters. 34、学习知识要善于思考,思考,再思考。 Learning knowledge should be good at thinking, thinking and rethinking. 35、一个人对社会的价值首先取决于他的感情、思想和行动对增进人类利益有多大作用。 The value of a person to society depends, first of all, on how much his feelings, thoughts and actions contribute to the promotion of human interests. 36、我所要做的只是以我微薄之力来为真理和正义服务,即使不为人所喜欢也在所不惜。 All I have to do is to serve truth and justice with my meager strength, even if it is not liked by others. 37、在真理和认识方面,任何以权威者自居的人,必将在上帝的戏笑中垮台。 In terms of truth and knowledge, anyone who takes himself as an authority will surely collapse in the laughter of God.
2023-07-27 20:57:111


  岫远:旅居美国,研究员   我有时无聊的时候,常常读读索易的一些杂志。我想这里一定有很多朋友和我一样。人嘛,总有好奇心。看看人家是怎么谈恋爱的,怎么保健的,怎么出国的。在我到美国来的时候,我总觉得我是在赶末班车,因为在我以前出国的人已经是多如牛氓,但我现在看“移民留学”的时候,发现我现在要出国的人是越来越多,去的地方也是五花八门,途径也是very creative,因为我的智力有限,除了读书想不出什么高招。   首先,如果一点不愿冒险,而且特别迷恋国内生活方式的人(生活在中国人中间,有家人朋友为伴,并需要国内的一些特殊的享受的人),最好呆在国内。因为外国就是外国,和国内是不一样的。各人情况不同,One man"s meat is another man"s poison。还有,不管如何,安排的再好的出国,其中的未知数还是有的。出国本身是一种命运的赌博。   另外,对国内现状很满意的,有钱,又有一定的社会地位(官位,等等)的人,最好不要出国。我有一个朋友到了美国以后,一直想回北京,他对我说:你从来没有做过官,所以你不知道在中国做官的味道。这对我这种只想做做学问,抱着不想管别人也不要别人管我的人来讲,的确难理解。另外,即使你在美国能做官,味道一定比中国差。   这种人不要出国的原因是,过去的成就成了他今天的包袱,他很难放下身段去做自认为是低下的事。我曾遇到过这样的人,一出国,怨天恨地,说我国内如何如何。在美国,过去显赫一时的人实在太多。但问题是你要记得你国内的一切不在适用了(They are not relevant any more),多说国内的一切只能显示你现在的无用。过分坚持你的档次,身份,只能使你难适应国外的一切。出国是你自己的选择,你也有随时回去的权利,来了就好好呆着,怨天尤人是无益的。美国是一个十分实际的社会,要讨生活,你什么都要做。即使你是博士,如果你无法找到工作,你也只好和有小学文凭的人一样洗盘子。这是很公平的事。如果,你面对现实,并运用你的聪明才智,你就可以改变自己的处境。   相对上面两种人,下面一种人比较适合出国:在国内是无名小卒,而且胸无大志,一方面想早日进入社会主义高级阶段过好日子,但又胆小如鼠,不想在国内的竞赛规则下“发财”的人。我认为自己是这一类人。一般的读书人,能读到大学毕业,来美国竞争的难处,比一个外省民工到上海来讨生活的难度要小得多,如果一个人在美国混不下去的话,那真是毫无缚鸡之力了。   从个人快速成长的角度讲,国内越是一般的人,来到美国的成就感就越是强,因为他可以义无返顾,只要稍微动努力一下,就会比原来好很多,但你如果国内已经很有成就,你要在美国有同样的地位,就比较难。而且,平心静气讲,美国的社会结构比较完善,在中国国内行得通的一些做法搬到美国就没法用(当然,如果你是绝顶的聪明,事情可能会是正好到过来)。   另外,在国内很有成就,并想为国家民族做一点事的人,最好使出一下国,我个人认为,如果不在美国呆上一年半载,很难以更高的眼光看这个世界。在美国,尤其是纽约,华盛顿,整个城市的一切能让你感觉到的是这里是世界的中心。上海尽管造了那么多的房子,但感觉还是一个新兴的亚洲大都市,是一个地区的中心。上海是一个国际大都市,但类似的国际都市有不少。   但是,以上的这种很有使命感的人,在美国来了以后应该学成回国,因为中国是他们的利益之所在,有根深蒂固的社会网络,这对有抱负的人是一大笔无形资产。另外,其中的一些人,对祖国的意识比较强烈,在国外居住有一种寄人篱下的痛苦,这样,学成回国是一条对他们个人和国家都好的办法。   国内的媒体对留学生回国报道很多,事实上,来了以后回国是一件很难的事,大家都是吃五谷的,尽管国内在生活和物质方面的发展飞速,总体的生活质量和美国还有很大的差距,中国有中国方便的地方,但美国也有极方便的一面(关键其实还是钱,有钱什么都好办)。一旦适合和美国的生活方式,你要重新适应中国的生活其实是很困难的。如果,这类人真的回国的话,往往会损失不少在美国的利益。在面临习惯了美国生活方式的太太(在美国的中国人圈子里,除了刚来的人沿用国内的说法称“夫人”外,“先生,太太”是通用的说法)和孩子的压力下,大多数人最终还是会呆在美国。   来美国的大陆人士中,男的要回中国的有一些,但女的我是至今一个还没有遇到过。我想男人可能较看重事业什么的,而女的则注意现实的生活和整个家庭的福祗。在美国的最大的好处和坏处是:如果你有一个很好的工作和收入,生活可以很稳定。这种security往往是很多人奋斗的目标,但对有抱负的男人,这太没劲了,你往往觉得你这一辈子也就是这样了。人往往就是这样矛盾,总想着自己还没有得到的东西。   最后,如果你实在是太有本事的专业人士,在美国可能是对个人更有利,因为,就是中国对你来讲也是太小了。在美国,你可以撇开一个地区性的概念,而把美国和中国看成是世界的一个部分。我们现在已经可以慢慢看到,有些世界级的大公司是凌驾于国家之上,他们在世界各地的分公司就像是他们的飞地,有一套他们特定的文化,这些公司利用自己的实力逐渐地影响各国的政治,而这些大公司中大都是欧美日公司。正在有能力的并向往更大权力的人,你在美国你可更可以动用各种资源远不是在中国能比的
2023-07-27 20:57:201


No.1:My Favorite TV ProgramMy favorite TV program is "Animal World". We can watch the program every Sunday evening. The program tells us the story of animal life. We can learn the animals" habits and their natural surroundings.In the Shanghai Zoo, there are also many animals. But in the program we can see more animals. It gives me a chance to learn about the other creatures. Animals are our friends. It is wrong to kill them for food. We must do our best to protect them. I hope I can do something for the wild animals.No.2:my favorite tv show " prison break"i expect "prison break" season 3 for a long time! i like this tv show very much, because the plot always goes out of my imagine. i believe every movie-liker enjoy this feeling.long time no see Wentworth Miller.Michael be in prison again in this season, and he will break prison again for saving Sara and his nephew.let us enjoy Wentworth Miller"s brilliant perform together!No.3:My new favorite show: So NoTORIousI have a new favorite show, So NoTORIous. Everyone who reads this should add it to your TiVo right now. RIGHT NOW! Here"s the TiVo link for remote scheduling. It"s on VH1 as part of their celebreality, but it"s not a reality show, it"s a sitcom starring Tori Spelling as herself. It"s very "inside". All other shows about the inner workings of Hollywood have died a quick death because most of America didn"t get it. I think this one will work because: (A) everyone knows Tori Spelling or at least the shows her father created (B) it"s on VH1 so there"s no huge expectation from a big broadcast network. I love it because the writing is hysterical. Here"s a sample. Tori goes to a self-help "church" not unlike the Scientologists and sits in a support group where the facilitator tells how they can achieve relavance. "Why are you not relevant?" he asks around the room. Bald gay man: "I"m a crystal meth addict." gasps.Pregant blond girl: "I"m a sex addict." more gasps.Tori: "I"m (pause) I"m Tori Spelling." big gasps.Plus her two best friends and great. There are great childhood flashbacks. Loni Anderson plays her mother and she"s great. Also, it"s single camera with no laugh track. Don"t miss this. New episodes are Sunday night but it"s on all week long including tonight at 10.
2023-07-27 20:57:301


  1.I wish that I _____ to go to Jim"s party, for I have to do some extra work tonight.  A. hadn"t agreed B. haven"t agreedC. wouldn"t agreeD. won"t agree  这道题答案是A,wish 后的从句用虚拟语气(你查看一下语法书,虚拟语气部分)  2.______ the young man is in great need of a computer in his work is known to his boss.A. WhatB. ThatC. HowD. When 答案是B。主语从句.______ the young man is in great need of a computer in his work的引导词,从句结构意思完整,用that. 翻译:该年轻人在工作中非常需要电脑 这件事老板是知道的。  3.Not until I completed the form______ that half the questions were not relevant to me.A. had I realizedB. I had realizedC. I realizedD. did I realize  答案是D。考倒装。Not until 引导的从句置于句首,句子发生倒装,部分倒装。  4. The warning of the storm, ______ over the radio and on TV, spread quickly through the province.A. broadcastingB. having broadcastC. broadcast D. to be broadcast答案是C。  非谓语动词,逻辑主语The warning和广播之间为被动关系,所以要用过去分词。  5. Was it ______ the international conference that made the city the focus of this areaA. heldB. holdC. holdingD. being held答案是C。  holding the international conference 是句子的主语被强调了。考强调句,正常句子结构为Holding the international conference made the city the focus of this area。  6.During job interviews, many graduates use the reputation of their schools to the full _____ themselves to the employers.A. presentedB. being presentedC. to presentD. having presented  答案是C 动词不定式表目的 为了展示他们自己
2023-07-27 20:57:531

英语作文:my favorite TV我最喜欢的电视节目

No.1:My Favorite TV Program My favorite TV program is "Animal World". We can watch the program every Sunday evening. The program tells us the story of animal life. We can learn the animals" habits and their natural surroundings. In the Shanghai Zoo, there are also many animals. But in the program we can see more animals. It gives me a chance to learn about the other creatures. Animals are our friends. It is wrong to kill them for food. We must do our best to protect them. I hope I can do something for the wild animals. No.2: my favorite tv show " prison break" i expect "prison break" season 3 for a long time! i like this tv show very much, because the plot always goes out of my imagine. i believe every movie-liker enjoy this feeling.long time no see Wentworth Miller.Michael be in prison again in this season, and he will break prison again for saving Sara and his nephew.let us enjoy Wentworth Miller"s brilliant perform together!No.3: My new favorite show: So NoTORIous I have a new favorite show, So NoTORIous. Everyone who reads this should add it to your TiVo right now. RIGHT NOW! Here"s the TiVo link for remote scheduling. It"s on VH1 as part of their celebreality, but it"s not a reality show, it"s a sitcom starring Tori Spelling as herself. It"s very "inside". All other shows about the inner workings of Hollywood have died a quick death because most of America didn"t get it. I think this one will work because: (A) everyone knows Tori Spelling or at least the shows her father created (B) it"s on VH1 so there"s no huge expectation from a big broadcast network. I love it because the writing is hysterical. Here"s a sample. Tori goes to a self-help "church" not unlike the Scientologists and sits in a support group where the facilitator tells how they can achieve relavance. "Why are you not relevant?" he asks around the room. Bald gay man: "I"m a crystal meth addict." gasps. Pregant blond girl: "I"m a sex addict." more gasps. Tori: "I"m (pause) I"m Tori Spelling." big gasps. Plus her two best friends and great. There are great childhood flashbacks. Loni Anderson plays her mother and she"s great. Also, it"s single camera with no laugh track. Don"t miss this. New episodes are Sunday night but it"s on all week long including tonight at 10.
2023-07-27 20:58:031


  be relevant for的中文翻译  be relevant for  相关的  例句  1  But all of the registers might not be relevant for all of the signals.  不过并非所有的寄存器都是与所有的信号有关的。  2  I have another criteria, which may or may not be relevant for you.  我还有另一个标准,可能对您无关紧要。
2023-07-27 20:58:131


●  表达质疑 1. I"m not sure what you"re saying has any relevance here. 2. I"m not sure if what you"re saying has anything to do with our problem. 3. I"m not sure if what you"re saying really matters in this case. 4. I"m not sure if what you"re saying is relevant to our problem. Relevance 是"关联;适切",词组用法为"have relevance to..."(与…有关)。这句话适用于正式场合,表示对方所言与议题并无关系。开头语由于是 I"m not sure 而不是 I don"t think,因此可避免直接对峙的场面。不过这句话易造成不是对就是错的局面,因此如果对方辩得有理,自己会有全盘皆输的危险。 ●  暂不回答 1. I can"t really recall; I"ll have to get back to you on that. 2. I can"t quite remember; I"ll need to do a little checking and get back to you. 3. I can"t fully remember; I"ll have to check up on it. 4. I can"t recall all the facts; I"ll have to get back to you. Recall 是"想起";get back to someone on something 的意思是"下次再和某人谈某事"。这个句型适用于想避而不答、以免不慎的回答落人口实之时。它能让对方不再把矛头指向你,使你有机会脱身,找时间准备数据。 ●  询问意见 1. Would anyone like to add anything to (what I"ve said)? 2. Would anyone care to comment? 3. Would anyone like to give their ideas on this? 4. Would anyone care to add their thoughts (to the discussion)? 这类句型是请他人发表意见,来补充自己的看法。由于用的是 add(补充)而非 comment(批评),暗示请发言者站在自己的角度,再作补充,而非给予大家较大的空间,任由批评。这也是add一词所藏的玄机。 ● More 邀请发表意见 在会议桌上,身为主持会议者,通常都需要主动且积极地征询各路英雄的想法及提案;在集思广益下决定出最适当的方案。 适合对个人的邀请 What are your views on...? What are your feelings about...? What are your feelings on this? What do you think about...? What"s your opinion about that? 适合对全体的邀请 Any reaction to that? Has anybody any strong feelings about/ views on that? What"s the general view on/ feeling about that? Has anybody any comments to make? 重点提示 A. 座前有桌子时,把手放在桌下是不礼貌的。 小时候长辈教训的"站有站相,坐有坐相",不无道理。挺胸而坐不但有精神,也是尊重他人的表现。瘫坐在椅子上,会让对方觉得不正式、缺乏诚意,甚至不尊重。如果您是坐在桌前,就将手肘轻放在桌上,让人看到,以表示无所隐藏;此时,手掌可交握,或手指相碰,不慌不乱,这种姿态代表专注与尊重。 B. 说话时,不自觉地摸鼻子,表示对对方有所保留,不愿坦诚。 如果对方有摸鼻子的习惯,或不经意地触摸脸部,从潜意识的观点来看,这表示对方正筑一道墙,隐藏真心,不赞同你的意见。而搔头,除了表示头皮痒,还有不懂的含意。此时,不妨轻描淡写地把话再说一次,避免直接问对方是否不懂。 C. 如何利用姿势强调说话的语气? 过去生意人所采取势的身体姿态,即是将双手搁在腰际,一副随时要拔枪的样子;除此之外,双腿还要分立,相隔一尺半。不过时代变了,现在所强调的是合作与协调,新的强势姿势是用手握住另一只手,将手靠在身体一侧,这表示坦诚、弹性。此外,利用姿势可以强调说话的语气,如双腿分立,右脚微微向前,强调重点时前倾;而放松时则可后倾将重心放在左脚。
2023-07-27 20:58:341

These comments are not directly ___________ to this enquiry. A.concerned B.relevant C.diff

2023-07-27 20:58:421

whether一定要和 or not连用吗

2023-07-27 20:58:524

英语短语 解释 例句 翻译

这么点分 切!
2023-07-27 20:59:186


(A)foreign trade list the certificate is the proof that implements foreign trade contract.Various single certificate each links in the foreign trade business all have its particular function, their fill to make, countersign, flow to turn, combine, exchange an etc. concrete application and reflected the occurrence of the responsibility, right and obligation of progress circumstance and related square that the foreign trade contract implements and transfer and terminate.The voucher represents goods and controled voucher to equal to control goods.Transfer through a voucher, come to a the purpose that the goods transfer, and make transfering of goods legalize.(Two)foreign trade list the certificate is the necessary tool of settlement of exchange.The international chamber of commerce 《with list letter of credit unified usual practice 》 stipulates that in the letter of credit business, what each relevant party concerned handles is a voucher, not voucher- related goods, service and other behavior.Pay a way in the letter of credit under, as long as the exporter can hand in a single certificate according to letter of credit rules, the bank has to undertake the responsibility of payment or acceptance, as for how the actual circumstance of goods is, the bank need not interfere with.Is contrary, the bank can refuse payment or acceptance with this, even if actual goods and the rules in the foreign trade contract completely agree with, but voucher and letter of credit not agree with.Therefore, in the international trade, the voucher of complete set exactitude, integrity is a selling party safety, the necessary tool of quick settlement of exchange is also assurance that the buyer obtains a real right proof at the same time.(Three)Foreign trade list the certificate is the important sign of the foreign trade business management level.The list certificate work is foreign trade business of importance constitute a part, list certificate work of the quality directly reflected the height of the foreign trade business management level, list certificate the work can have the function to"guard a pass" in the foreign trade business.If in a certain link implementing foreign trade contract not ability exactitude, repairs to make or flows to become a relevant single certificate in time, will influence the whole progress that the contract implements.Equally, foreign trade business" managing a medium problem will also express in the work in the list certificate.Therefore, the list certificate work can not in brief see do single the repairing of certificate make, recheck and flow to turn, but can surround list the certificate in time and carefully handle each work in the good foreign trade business, can moderate to reach agreement various antinomy in the business definitely, can ensure the prestige of smooth settlement of exchange and business enterprise, can continuously raise the important sign of the foreign trade business management level.
2023-07-27 20:59:322


NR:"未测量(not reported)" 或者 "无关(not relevant)" 或者 "不需要(not required)" 请根据情况决定具体是哪个意思GOS:格拉斯哥预后量表(Glasgow Outcome Scale)mRS:改良RANKIN量表(modified RANKIN Scale)
2023-07-27 20:59:551

be not relevant to近义词

  Entirely unrelated
2023-07-27 21:00:083


relevant是形容词,有紧密相关,切题的,有价值的,有意义的等含义,表示与...相关的时候,与介词to连用。 relevant的释义 adj.紧密相关的; 切题的; 有价值的; 有意义的; 副词:relevantly 名词:relevance relevant的用法 用作形容词 (adj.) A paper relevant to this research was published by him. 与本研究相关的一篇论文是他发表的。 Have you heard of the relevant report? 你听说过相关的报道吗? relevant表示“与……相关”时,与介词to连用。 His remarks are not relevant to our discussion. 他的观点与我们的议题不相关。 These materials are relevant to the case. 这些材料与这个案件有关。
2023-07-27 21:00:181


您好,that 用于某些动词、形容词和名词后,引出从句,在此处只是 that 从句。1、作宾语从句,例如:She said (that) the story was true.她说这件事是真的。2、作同位语从句:The fact (that) he"s older than me is not relevant.他比我年纪大这一事实无关紧要。3、主语从句,其中 it 是形式主语It"s possible (that) he has not received the letter.可能他还没有收到那封信。
2023-07-27 21:00:272

not clinically relevant 是指没有临床价值还是没有相关报道

2023-07-27 21:01:031


你可以看看关键词:*model change,详细见手册:*MODEL CHANGE: Remove or reactivate elements and contact pairs.This option is used to remove or reactivate elements or contact pairs during an analysis.Products: Abaqus/Standard Abaqus/CAEType: History dataLevel: StepAbaqus/CAE: Interaction moduleReferences:u2022 “Element and contact pair removal and reactivation,” Section 11.2.1 of the Abaqus Analysis User"sManualu2022 “Removing and reactivating contact pairs” in “Defining contact pairs in Abaqus/Standard,”Section 34.3.1 of the Abaqus Analysis User"s ManualRequired, mutually exclusive parameters:ACTIVATEInclude this parameter in any step during an analysis to indicate that elements or contact pairs mayneed to be removed or added during a subsequent restart analysis.ADDInclude this parameter to indicate that the elements or contact pairs involved are being reactivatedduring the step.Set ADD=STRAIN FREE (or include the ADD parameter without a value) to specify strainfreereactivation for stress/displacement elements or to reactivate other elements or contact pairs.Set ADD=WITH STRAIN to specify that stress/displacement elements are reactivated withstrain. This option is not relevant for contact pairs.REMOVEInclude this parameter to indicate that the elements or contact pairs involved are being removedduring the step.Optional parameter:TYPEThis parameter can be used only with the parameters ADD or REMOVE.Set TYPE=ELEMENT (default) to remove or reactivate elements. Set TYPE=CONTACTPAIR to remove or reactivate contact pairs.Data lines to remove/reactivate elements (TYPE=ELEMENT):First line:1. Give a list of element numbers and/or element set names that are involved in the removal orreactivation.Repeat this data line as often as necessary.Data lines to remove/reactivate contact pairs (TYPE=CONTACT PAIR):First line:1. Slave surface name used in the contact pair being removed or reactivated.2. Master surface name used in the contact pair being removed or reactivated. For self-contactthe master surface name is omitted or is the same as the slave surface name.Repeat this data line as often as necessary.No data lines are used with this option when the ACTIVATE parameter is included.
2023-07-27 21:01:211

be related to和be relevant to,在用法上有区别吗

be related to 和be relevant to都表示与……相关 但be related to侧重原因,即前面提到的是因为后面提到的才产生的。 例子:Spelling problem can also be related to the disorder. 拼写的困难也可能与这种失常有关。 be relevant to侧重的是相关性,即是否有关系。 例子:Some of the material presented may not be relevant to you or your circumstances.手册中有些材料可能和你关系不大或者与你的情况不同
2023-07-27 21:01:331


2023-07-27 21:01:402

Which of the following statements is NOT correct?

Stories may not be relevant to the topic if they are very interesting and funny.===In the conclusion remark or the conclusion, you can just repeat your conclusion remark as the abstract.
2023-07-27 21:01:471

unpublished 与 not published有什么区别? 语境有什么区别,使用有什么区别

unpublished 是形容词,not published 是动词被动语态unpublished有两个意思:1.未发表 (的文章,作品,等等)2.未发表文章或作品(的作者或研究员) 而 not published 的意思是 “没有发表”请看例句:Shakespeare ha...
2023-07-27 21:01:551


1、要从容地着手去做一件事,但一开始,就要坚持到底。 Do something calmly, but at the beginning, stick to it. 2、多数人的失败,都始于怀疑他们自己在想做的事情上的能力。 Most people"s failures begin with doubts about their ability to do what they want to do. 3、时间是个常数,但也是个变数。勤奋的人无穷多,懒惰的人无穷少。 Time is a constant, but also a variable. There are infinite diligent people and infinite lazy people. 4、在好上司手下做能臣,在坏上司手下做奸臣。 To be able minister under a good supervisor and treacherous minister under a bad one. 5、不要把时间花在对失败的叹息上,那会是更大的失误。 Don"t spend time sighing about failure. It"s a bigger mistake. 6、在所有的优点中,忍耐的优点对青年男女最不相干。 Of all the advantages, the advantage of patience is the least relevant to young men and women. 7、一个真正的朋友会握着你的手,触动你的心。 A true friend holds your hand and touches your heart. 8、生活有时阴错阳差,你错过了一时,就可能错过一生。 Sometimes life is bad. If you miss a moment, you may miss a lifetime. 9、把每时每刻都用在自己的事业上的人,对他来说都是足够的原因。 The man who spends every moment in his career is a good enough reason for him. 10、成名每在穷苦日,败事多因得意时。 Every day when fame is poor, failure is mostly due to placency. 11、嘴和牙之所以没有长到一起,是因为说和做还有一定距离。 The reason why the mouth and teeth do not grow together is that there is still a certain distance beeen speaking and doing. 12、错误并非总是意味着无知,知识并非总是召之即来。 Errors do not always mean ignorance, and knowledge does not always e at once. 13、过去不等于未来,没有失败,只有暂时停止成功。 The past is not the future, there is no failure, only temporary cessation of success. 14、不如意的时候不要尽往悲伤里钻,想想有笑声的日子吧。 Don"t drill into sorrow when you are not happy. Think about the days when you have laughter. 15、欲人勿恶,必先自美;欲人勿疑,必先自信。 If you want no evil, you must first be beautiful; if you want no doubt, you must first be confident. 16、一个人的快乐,不是因为他拥有的多,而是他计较的少。 A person"s happiness is not because he has more, but because he cares less. 17、猜测是科学发现的前奏,你们已经迈出了精彩的一步! Guess is the prelude to scientific discovery, you have taken a wonderful step! 18、人生就像奕棋,一步失误,全盘皆输。 Life is like a game of chess. If you make a mistake, you lose everything. 19、努力不一定有收获,但不努力就更不会有收获。 Efforts do not necessarily yield results, but even less without efforts. 20、人们奋斗所争取的一切,都同他们的利益有关。 Everything people strive for is related to their interests. 21、穷人不学穷根不断,富人不学富不长久! The poor do not learn from the poor, the rich do not learn from the rich for a long time! 22、帮助朋友不是责任,更不是义务,而是一种发自内心的快乐。 Helping a friend is not a duty, not a duty, but a joy from the heart. 23、在狂奔的道路上,不要忘了最初的自己。 Don"t fet your original self on the road of running wild. 24、冰山上的雪莲,只有肯努力,肯坚持的人才能摘取。 The snow lotus on the iceberg can only be picked by those who are willing to work hard and persevere. 25、赚钱之道很多,但是如果找不到赚钱的种子,便成不了事业家。 There are many ways to make money, but if you can"t find the seeds to make money, you can"t bee a busines *** an. 26、你要做多大的事情,就该承受多大的压力。 How much you have to do, how much pressure you have to bear. 27、行动是治愈恐惧的良药,而犹豫,拖延将不断滋养恐惧。 Action is the cure for fear, and hesitation and procrastination will continue to nourish fear. 28、人生不售来回票,一旦动身,绝不能复返。 Life does not sell round-trip tickets. Once you start, you can never return. 29、少了信任友情感情爱情什么情都分文不值。 Without trust, friendship, affection, love, everything is worthless. 30、拥有自信,才能主宰命运,成为命运真正的主人。 Only by possessing self-confidence can we dominate our destiny and bee the real master of our destiny. 31、题诗寄汝非无意,莫负青春取自惭。 It is not unintentional for you to write poems. Don"t take youth from shame. 32、伟大的事业,需要决心,能力,组织和责任感。 Great cause requires determination, ability, anization and responsibility. 33、没有做不成的事情,只有做不成事情的人。 There is no impossible thing to do, only the person who can"t do it. 34、一切皆因思想而异。 Everything varies from thought to thought. 35、卧薪尝胆,尝破茧而触痛。破釜沉舟,圆金色六月梦。 Lie on salary, taste gallbladder, taste broken cocoon and tender. Broken cauldron sinks boat, round golden June dream. 36、成功等于艰苦劳动加正确方法加不说空话。 Success equals hard work, correct methods and no empty talk. 37、现实虽残酷,但命运掌握在自己手中。 The reality is cruel, but the fate is in his own hands. 38、如果你想要别人尊重你,就不要学习或模仿别人的恶性。 If you want others to respect you, don"t learn or imitate the viciousness of others. 39、曾经那份不完美的感情已经逝世,如今我要重新将它复活。 Once that imperfect feeling has passed away, now I want to revive it. 40、观察走在你前面的人,看看他为何领先,学习他的优点。 Observe the person who is ahead of you, see why he is ahead and learn from his strengths. 41、当一个人有了想飞的梦想,哪怕爬着,也没有不站起来的理由。 When a person has a dream of flying, even climbing, there is no reason not to stand up. 42、用辛勤的汗水浇灌成功,用智慧的结晶拼搏高考。 Irrigate success with hard sweat, and strive for college entrance examination with the crystallization of wisdom. 43、工作中最重要的提高效率。 The most important thing in work is to improve efficiency. 44、谁勇敢地经受过青春之火的洗礼,谁就毫不惧怕晚年的严寒冰霜。 Whoever bravely withstands the bapti *** of the fire of youth has no fear of the bitter frost of old age. 45、时光飞逝,唯有实力永存! Time flies, only strength will last forever! 46、目标决定高度,远大的目标成就非凡的人生。 Goals determine heights, ambitious goals achieve extraordinary life. 47、失败只有一种,那就是放弃努力。 There is only one failure, that is, to give up efforts. 48、点滴成绩是我们奋斗的起点,追求卓越亦是我们拼搏的最终。 Little achievements are the starting point of our struggle, and the pursuit of excellence is also the end of our struggle. 49、那些属于你的梦,你自己不去努力,没人会帮你。 Those dreams belong to you. If you don"t work hard, no one will help you. 50、脚踏实地,心无旁骛,珍惜分分秒秒。紧跟老师,夯实基础。 Be down-to-earth, with no distractions in mind, cherish every minute and second. Follow the teacher closely and lay a solid foundation. 51、你不努力没人给你想要的生活。 You don"t work hard. Nobody gives you the life you want. 52、以诚感人者,人亦诚而应。 People respond sincerely to those who are sincere and touching. 53、在有人要触底线时,要笑着重申你的底线。 When someone wants to touch the bottom line, laugh and reiterate your bottom line. 54、只要你成为奋发向上的人,地球上就少了一个懒汉。 As long as you bee an upward person, there will be no lazy man on the earth. 55、生容易,活容易,生活不容易! Life is easy, life is easy, life is not easy! 56、虚心的人,善于用成绩鞭策自己;心虚的人,喜欢用名牌炫耀自己。 A modest person is good at using his achievements to spur himself; a modest person likes to show off himself with famous brands. 57、很多东西是很难考量的,理念很难考量,但结果是可考量的。 Many things are difficult to consider, ideas are difficult to consider, but the results are measurable. 58、星星在哪里都是很亮的,就看你有没有抬头去看他们。 Stars are bright everywhere, depending on whether you look up to see them. 59、不求做到第一,但求做到最好! Not to be the first, but to be the best! 60、即今江海一归客,他日云霄万里人。 That is to say, when a visitor returns from the river and the sea, he lives in the clouds for thousands of miles. 61、对于害怕危险的人,这个世界上总是危险的。 For those who are afraid of danger, the world is always dangerous.
2023-07-27 21:02:041

if the relevant contract prescribes the beneficial period but the law does not stipulate

受益期 最佳时期
2023-07-27 21:02:122

whether一定要和 or not连用吗.?

2023-07-27 21:02:363


2017雅思作文参考范文   老一辈人对人们的生活、思想和行为有着非常传统的`观念。然而,有些人认为这些想法对现代生活的年轻一代没有任何帮助。你同意这种观点吗?为什么?下面是我分享的雅思作文范文,希望能对大家有所帮助!   雅思作文范文【1】   题目:The older generations tend to have very traditional ideas about how people should live, think and behave. However, some people believe that these ideas are not helpful in preparing younger generations for modern life. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this view?   范文:   It is true that many older people believe in traditional values that often seem incompatible with the needs of younger people. While I agree that some traditional ideas are outdated, I believe that others are still useful and should not be forgotten.   On the one hand, many of the ideas that elderly people have about life are becoming less relevant for younger people. In the past, for example, people were advised to learn a profession and find a secure job for life, but todayu2019s workers expect much more variety and diversity from their careers. At the same time, the u2018rulesu2019 around relationships are being eroded as young adults make their own choices about who and when to marry. But perhaps the greatest disparity between the generations can be seen in their attitudes towards gender roles. The traditional roles of men and women, as breadwinners and housewives, are no longer accepted as necessary or appropriate by most younger people.   On the other hand, some traditional views and values are certainly applicable to the modern world. For example, older generations attach great importance to working hard, doing oneu2019s best, and taking pride in oneu2019s work, and these behaviours can surely benefit young people as they enter todayu2019s competitive job market. Other characteristics that are perhaps seen as traditional are politeness and good manners. In our globalised world, young adults can expect to come into contact with people from a huge variety of backgrounds, and it is more important than ever to treat others with respect. Finally, I believe that young people would lead happier lives if they had a more u2018old-fashionedu2019 sense of community and neighbourliness.   In conclusion, although the views of older people may sometimes seem unhelpful in todayu2019s world, we should not dismiss all traditional ideas as irrelevant.   雅思作文范文【2】   题目:Art classes, like painting and drawing, are not as important as other subjects, so some people think that it should not be a compulsory subject at high school. To what extent do you agree or disagree?   范文1:   Schools are places where students acquire knowledge and skills needed for further achievements. Given the pressure that students are facing, some cannot help wondering whether art classes should still be compulsory.   Those holding the view that art classes should not be compulsory might think that art consumes too much of students" time. Fierce competitions students will face When applying for universities necessitate total devotion to academic subjects. College students who intend to take science as their major are even expected to be fluent in foreign languages now so that essays written by foreign scholars are not barriers in their academic pursuit. In other words, high school students are supposed to show higher levels of academic competence,which seemingly makes art unessential.   However, art classes are by no means only intended for entertainment. Children even dabbling in art tend to be more creative in mind. Those skilled in music or painting can interpret the world in a way that we cannot expect from a layman. This kind of ingenuity is also a rare quality constantly found in great scientists, whose contributions have served to create a totally new field for the latter generations. In his reply to a question about death, Albert Einstein considered his departure from the mortal world to be forever farewell to another great musician. With a sigh he answered "I cannot listen to Mozart anymore". Thus, can we simply regard art classes to be selective?   In conclusion, although stricter academic requirements are imposed on students, this cannot be an excuse for excluding art subjects from their curricula. Whatever kind of art can stimulate and inspire students, paving way for their future academic attainment.   范文2:   When the news came that art classes such as music, painting and drawing would be made mandatory in my high school, it was met with both approvals and objections. This mixed response reflects the different attitudes towards the role of art in the education of high school students.   Those who stand up for art classes argue that art is so important to the studentsu2019 development that it should be made compulsory. By taking art classes, students may come out of their shell socially and make friends with those with similar interests. Furthermore, rather than a waste of time, taking art classes can actually help students with other subjects such as maths and physics. The theory is that art can help exercise our mental power (imagination, for example) and make us smarter. More importantly, art calls for persistent practice and unyielding stamina, which are also important qualities that we expect our students to possess.   Objections of art classes as required mainly come from those who think art classes are a waste of time because they are not useful to students. Except for the very few who may take art as their lifelong career, the great majority of students will not get a job in relation to art when they finish their high school. Besides, what is the point of compelling a student who has no interest in art to spend many hours restlessly in the art classes?   To my mind, art classes should become compulsory in high school. The objective of education is not just to let students acquire the basic practical survival skills, but to prepare them for the future life, both physically and mentally. With this in mind, we can safely conclude that the time spent on art will be rewarding in the long run. Of course, the schools should be very careful when deciding on the required hours that should be spent on art classes. ;
2023-07-27 21:02:541

中翻英 禁止翻译软体 英文高手请帮我翻 拜托了 >< 翻的好 二十分

2023-07-27 21:03:145


2023-07-27 21:03:464


我高兴告知你方,本签证的申请已经被驳回了经过慎重的考虑所有的您提供的信息,我并不满意,你达到了相关标准规定给予这个签证在澳大利亚的移民律法。 我是一个授权的决策者在第65条的迁移行为在1958年(以下简称本法)达到我的决定,我有considerde以下 在contaied相关立法的行为和移民条例》(1994)(以下简称《条例》)集体”移民法” 信息包含在部门的程序的建议手册3 文件和你所提供的资料, 其他有关资料于部门文件 你被拒绝应用因你没有满足规定676.221(2)(a)条的移民条例》(以下简称《条例》)1994年 标准的特异旅游类签证 有各种各样的法律要求必须满足的所有出境前为澳大利亚签证才能获得作为决策者的我必须满足你能适应澳洲卫生和性格标准,获得充足的资金来源,谢谢你的支持期间的中的访问,并且你的表达意图只有访问澳大利亚是真的因为你的可能性,寻求留在澳大利亚或者申请另一个规定,在到达Austrlia被认为是也很重要。 决定的理由 这部分细节要求你没有见面了。 你没有满足小节676.221(2)(a),::
2023-07-27 21:03:572


讨论在一个多中心临床研究,旨在找到戊型肝炎病毒血清在土耳其,所占比例反戊型肝炎病毒抗体的发现,百分之五点九。显着deferences观察之间的直接投资? erent城市和地区[ 10 ] 。在其他的研究,调查enterically转交了传染病在土耳其,抗HAV和antihev流行29和2.1 % ,被发现分别在儿童,在伊斯坦布尔举行。 prevelance抗甲肝病毒和反戊型肝炎分别为94和7 %的成年人,在伊兹密尔[ 11 , 12 ] 。 在研究的重要性,卫生作为一项有效措施控制蔓延的甲肝病毒和戊型肝炎病毒感染是在发展中国家,农村地区的难民营和灾害的地区进行调查。在西班牙, montes马丁内斯等人。 [ 13 ]报道,抗HAV是积极的32.8 % ,在9-10岁的儿童和38.2 % ,在13-15岁组。反戊型肝炎病毒是正面的5.3 % ,在农村儿童人口的北部埃斯特雷马杜拉。 assis等人。 [ 14 ]发现抗HAV和反戊型肝炎流行率为86.4和4.5 % ,分别在巴西。抗HAV流行率高,在不分年龄人人共享的和无关联被发现之间的抗HAV标记和性别,社会经济水平,父母受教育程度,卫生条件。 在本研究中,这两个地区,其中有不同的卫生设施,戊型肝炎病毒和甲肝病毒流行的儿童增加了相关的年龄,但这些增加率分别为无统计学important.hev流行在迪兹杰在2-6岁年龄组为3.5 % ,并在7月-15岁年龄组为5.6 % ,性( P 1 / 4 0.572 ) ,在golyaka相同率分别为16.7和17.5 % ( P均1 / 4 0.862 ) 。甲肝流行在迪兹杰在2-6岁年龄组为41.8 % ,而在7-15岁年龄组为46.7 %性( P 1 / 4 0.415 ) ,在golyaka相同率分别为63.9和71.9 % ( P均1 / 4 0.558 ) 。 在沙特阿拉伯,阿里夫等人。 [ 15 ]调查seropositivity率戊型肝炎病毒和甲肝病毒之间的人口在两个方面沙特阿拉伯: gizan (农村地区)和利雅得(一市区内,与比较好的卫生) 。暴露率普遍较高,平均利率接触甲型肝炎和戊型肝炎分别为76.3和14.9 % ,在gizan和61.3和8.37 % ,在利雅德,分别。率接触到戊型肝炎在gizan几乎高一倍,作为那些在利雅得。特定年龄模式的接触甲肝病毒和戊型肝炎在gizan类似那些在riyadh.chironna等人。 [ 16 ]评估的流行甲型病毒性肝炎和电子商务感染的样本,科索沃难民在意大利南部表明,该普遍存在的总抗甲肝病毒抗体为81 % 。有关的发现是,在场的总抗甲肝病毒抗体在61 %的儿童至10岁。普遍存在的反戊型肝炎病毒抗体为2.5 % ,其中subjects.santantonio等人。 [ 17 ]报道,总患病的抗HAV在阿尔巴尼亚族难民为96 % ;和非常高的儿童在0-10年, sug gesting说,甲肝病毒感染,主要是期间所得的童年和贫穷的ambiental条件影响的蔓延,这种病毒感染。
2023-07-27 21:04:041


I change? I have changed it, really to target progress? So many question clearly I change is not seen. Why did you change so difficult, a habit need time to develop 21 days, 21 days to me how so difficult. Insist! Toughness! Self-control is like in my body, I don"t have not discouraged, I will continue to work hard today, tomorrow"s a change, will play a role, as long as their hearts forever remember what you"re doing.It seems that his hasn"t changed direction. Now to list:1, to read the news, understanding, national policy, the economic trend in the future to his own business may also help. Now that I didn"t do ability to reserve.2 and some books about heart, make oneself is open-minded, understand social interpersonal abstruse. So it is not very childish, but society is a university never learn. People not only have knowledge, more important is to learn how to behave.3 and positive work. Although current job is not my ideal, but I improve self diathesis. Past yourself free lax accustomed to them, do not carefully made here, if it continues, the event will be the best time is to change yourself. Positive things, I understand everything to understand understand business process, whether is not his job but with relevant are going to do. So make yourself a comprehensive business backbone.4 and list. Schedule lists5, responsibility, liability. I will treat all his family, my mother is the duty is the wife, is not full the ronin not hungry family. When a child because of the mother cried when I do something, not only need someone else, I, I need to hug and play. A wife of women with gentle is far from enough to shoulder the burden of family, home is not a person composed by yourself, don"t forget to have a once forgot, oneself also can people forget.6 and the soul. No longer expect some impractical. Give up to oneself is a relief, not forget, time is a good medicine. But I will cherish. Once had ever pay enough to seriously. What is the future of no longer.7 and positive attitude towards life.8 and movement. Sports can be trouble.9 and do a beauty. Now into thirty, want to do a woman, with inner source of temperament. Of course not snubbing appearance.10 and filial!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Very important filial piety. One of the best and see its own parents treat. Person first filial.我的改变?我变了吗,真的向目标进步了吗?这么多的问号很显然我的改变是自己没有看到的。为什么改变如此之难,一个习惯需要21天时间来养成,21天对于我来讲怎么这么的难啊。坚持!韧性!自我控制力好像在我身上就不具备似的,我不灰心,我会继续努力改变的,今天一点明天一点,会起到作用的,只要自己心里永远记得自己在做什么。 说到这好像还没确定自己改变方向。现在来一一列出:1、坚持看当天新闻,了解经济动态,国家政策,日后对自己做生意也会有帮助。现在没有做正是我储备能力的时候。2、看些关于心灵的书籍,使自己的心胸豁达,懂得社会人与人之间的玄妙。这么说是不是显得自己很幼稚,可社会是所大学永远学不完。人不单拥有知识更重要的是学会如何做人。3、积极做事。虽然目前的工作不是我理想的,但是我提高自我素质的地方。过去自己做自由散漫惯了,做事不细心得过且过懒散,在这里如果继续下去就会出大事,正好是改变自己的最佳时节。积极做事,我理解为凡事都要了解懂得业务流程,无论是不是自己的本职工作但只要与业务有关的都要去做。这样使自己做个全面的业务骨干。4、列表。日程列表5、责任,义务。对待家庭我要尽自己的职责,我是母亲也是妻子,不再是吃饱了全家不饿的浪人。当孩子一声声的喊着妈妈的时候我该做些什么,不能只顾自己了,有人需要我,需要我的抱抱和撒娇。为人妻的女人具备温柔是远远不够的还要肩负家的担子,家不是由一个人组成的别忘了还有一个自己,一旦忘了,自己也会别人遗忘。6、心灵的改变。不再奢望一些不切合实际的可能。放弃对自己是种解脱,没有忘不了的,时间就是一剂良药。但我会珍惜。曾经认真过曾经付出过足以。将来是什么样的不再庸人自扰。7、积极向上的人生态度。8、运动。运动可以将烦恼抛开。9、做个美女。如今步入三十岁了,要做一个有内涵的女人,气质来源与内在。当然也不怠慢外表。10、孝!!!!非常重要的孝。一个人的优与劣看其对待自己的父母便知。做人先尽孝。
2023-07-27 21:04:141


1 when the web site is being used,the user is being regarded as that he has fully accepted and understood all of the statements, regulations and all international network rules, and the user shall not use the site for any illegal purpose.2 the user may use the site freely on the conditiong that he has obeyed the intellectual property legals with personal and non-commercial cases, please provide the relevant information when you download from the source.3 any business organization or group, agreed to in writing by the web site and the non layout works, shall not be reproduced in any form, reproduce, distribute, publicly broadcast, published or released the contents of this website.4 this website all published content, copyright text, image, video, software and program and so on, unless otherwise stated, all content within the site, are all AO or have access to the copyright holder is authorized to use. And protected by the copyright law.
2023-07-27 21:04:222


The party to the house renovation, equipment and accessories to the required standard of a agreed to comply with the enormous enormous enormous enormous enormous enormous to the compensation. article 7 but force majeure, the party was punctual to the party is entitled to a breach of contract damages for breach of contract damages. paying time since the contract to make the delivery date of the next day to the actual delivery date, each postponed for a day, party a to b have nothing to pay the price of the enormous amount of the most enormous enormous enormous ( enormous enormous capital figures ) damages to party b. In ______ delinquent by more than, statutory holidays postpone) party a is still not consign building, party b shall be entitled to terminate this contract. Contract terminate send a written notice to party a from party b takes effect on the date. At the time of termination contract party within 30 days from the date of the party b has paid shall return all prices paragraph and interest to party b to party b, and deposit in double (interest calculation with article 5)Article 8 after signing this contract by party a, change its, architectural design and influence of party b bought houses covered inside the area, layout and use the space, should inform party b in written ______ days. Party b from the date of receipt of the notification shall be entitled to terminate this contract within ______. Contract terminate send a written notice to party a from party b takes effect on the date. At the time of termination contract party within 30 days from the date of party b has paid shall refund the purchase price and interest to party b (interest with article 5), and calculated the deposit in double to party b. Party a change of architectural design not inform party b, party b shall be entitled to terminate this contract, party a shall be refunded except the party b has paid interest payment and interest (prices with article 5), and calculated to party b the deposit in double outside, also undertake compensatory agreement both parties agreed to the responsibility of breach of contract.Article 9 party a agrees to the construction project quality management method ", "Beijing construction engineering quality regulations and related regulation, since the date of completion premises to party b the purchase of house warranty.Article 10 the party b agrees in residential property management committee or the owner management committee not selected property management agencies, their purchase houses before by party a or party a specified property management company shall be responsible for management.Article 11 in both parties agree to sign this contract within 30 days after the contract and relevant documents hold joint to the Beijing real estate transaction management department for booking, pre registration procedures.Article 12 after signing this contract before use to housing pay, party b shall not transfer the pre, if special reasons house transfer, subject to party a"s consent and sign open to booking a transfer written agreement, be submitted to municipal housing and land administration for approval.Article 13 agreed with conditions into building accords with common to real estate transactions according to regulations of building business administration department formalities, explain get estate right certificate, and pay the relevant taxes in accordance with the provisions.Article 14 the performance of the contract dispute, such as shall be amicably settled through negotiation. No settlement can be reached, the parties agree that in the world of ______ according to settle disputes in the way (capital). 1, submitted to Beijing arbitration commission for arbitration. 2, any party can to the real estate local people"s court.Article 15 the contract, the parties may not completely matters concerned sign compensatory agreement. The contract of accessories and the supplementary agreement signed by both parties to this contract shall form an integral part of the which have the equal legal effect.Article 16 the present contract in two originals, of which both parties holds one copy, copy, real estate transactions of a ______ __________________________ one copy and management department.
2023-07-27 21:04:314

whether一定要和 or not连用吗

不一定,whether单独用是连词,表示是否。一、含义conj. 是否;不管;无论。二、用法whether用作连词,意思是“是否,是不是”,可引导名词从句或动词不定式短语。whether还可引导让步状语从句,意思是“不管,无论”,从句中通常用一般现代时代替将来时。I"m uncertain whether to go or not.我不能肯定去还是不去。His nationality isn"t relevant to whether he"s a good teacher.他的国籍与他是否是位好老师无关。扩展资料:近义词:if、provided、on condition、condition、on。一、if1、含义:conj. 是否;如果;即使;每当。n. 条件;设想。2、举例Do you know if he"s married?他结婚没结婚,你知道吗?I can give you a round neckline if you prefer.如果您喜欢我可以给您开个圆领口。二、provided1、含义:conj. 假如;若是。adj. 预备好的;提供的。动词provide的过去式和过去分词.。2、举例I shall go provided that it doesn"t rain.假如不下雨我就去。Provided that you reduce the price, I"ll take all the goods.假如你减价,我会买下所有的货物。三、on condition1、含义:在 ... 条件下。2、举例I"ll come on condition that John is invited too.如果约翰也受到邀请,我就来。I will go abroad on condition that my husband goes with me.如果我丈夫能和我一起去,我就出国。四、condition1、含义:n. 条件;情况。v. 训练;决定;以 ... 为条件;护理(头发)。2、举例Conditions in poor quarters were horrible.城里穷人居住区条件十分糟糕。I had halfway decided to accept their conditions at that time.当时我已差不多决定要接受他们的条件了。五、on1、含义:prep. 在 ... 之上;由 ... 支撑着;在(某一天);关于;基于。adv. 穿着;向前(移动);表示持续性。adj. 表示已连接、处于工作状态或使用中;发生;值班。2、举例The book is on the table.书在桌子上。The spider is walking on the ceiling.蜘蛛在天花板上爬行。
2023-07-27 21:05:111

whether一定要和 or not连用吗.

不一定,whether单独用是连词,表示是否。一、含义conj. 是否;不管;无论。二、用法whether用作连词,意思是“是否,是不是”,可引导名词从句或动词不定式短语。whether还可引导让步状语从句,意思是“不管,无论”,从句中通常用一般现代时代替将来时。I"m uncertain whether to go or not.我不能肯定去还是不去。His nationality isn"t relevant to whether he"s a good teacher.他的国籍与他是否是位好老师无关。扩展资料:近义词:if、provided、on condition、condition、on。一、if1、含义:conj. 是否;如果;即使;每当。n. 条件;设想。2、举例Do you know if he"s married?他结婚没结婚,你知道吗?I can give you a round neckline if you prefer.如果您喜欢我可以给您开个圆领口。二、provided1、含义:conj. 假如;若是。adj. 预备好的;提供的。动词provide的过去式和过去分词.。2、举例I shall go provided that it doesn"t rain.假如不下雨我就去。Provided that you reduce the price, I"ll take all the goods.假如你减价,我会买下所有的货物。三、on condition1、含义:在 ... 条件下。2、举例I"ll come on condition that John is invited too.如果约翰也受到邀请,我就来。I will go abroad on condition that my husband goes with me.如果我丈夫能和我一起去,我就出国。四、condition1、含义:n. 条件;情况。v. 训练;决定;以 ... 为条件;护理(头发)。2、举例Conditions in poor quarters were horrible.城里穷人居住区条件十分糟糕。I had halfway decided to accept their conditions at that time.当时我已差不多决定要接受他们的条件了。五、on1、含义:prep. 在 ... 之上;由 ... 支撑着;在(某一天);关于;基于。adv. 穿着;向前(移动);表示持续性。adj. 表示已连接、处于工作状态或使用中;发生;值班。2、举例The book is on the table.书在桌子上。The spider is walking on the ceiling.蜘蛛在天花板上爬行。
2023-07-27 21:05:281

Make out the relevant invoice with the following information from the L/C. 把信用证做成商业发票?

请分开出含有L/C以下的信息有的关发票 ... ... 文档。信用卡号码* 20:6764/05/12345B 发行日期31C条:050516(年- MM - DD的) 到期* 31D条:日期050831(年- MM - DD的)将中国 申请人* 50:托马斯国际有限公司 1 / f类华富中心,成业街,九龙,香港 受益人* 59:丰源轻工产品 进出口。和EXP。股份有限公司 邮政信箱789号,上海,中国 金额* 50:美元金额8,640.00 ... ... 分批装运43P:不允许 转运43T:允许 载入负责44A条:中国港口 运输... 44B条:安特卫普 最新更新日期船。 44C:050815(年- MM - DD的) 不伦不类。商品45A条: 申请人的产品号码。为HW - 045木衣架,66000电脑, 包装是每3.00 CUFT强劲的出口纸箱100个 @每纸箱到岸价安特卫普USD16.00委员会包括3厘 作为每个销售确认书NO.484LFVS15783 唛头 - :生长激素- 1904 - 001(在金刚石) 的C /编号: 所需文件的第46A条: *经签署的商业发票一式四份 一些有用的信息: 装货港:上海港口转运:香港 不锈钢:TONGMEI的B / L的V.155/FARROR日期:AUG.2,2005 发票No.2005C8K4897
2023-07-27 21:05:481

出现错误 Project ‘org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-parent’ not found 尝试先根据上面的文章 清理idea缓存 发现不行 用了这个的方法二 发现不行 回顾下maven设置阿里云镜像 然后我继续降低版本,发现有提示版本了。 应该就是本地没有对应版本,然后降低版本,有匹配到就显示出来。 不过按理不写版本的话也能自动发现
2023-07-27 21:05:551

英语选择题 His nationality is not ____ to whether

答案是Abe relevant to - - - 与- - - 有关。
2023-07-27 21:06:033

Operation category READ is not supported in state standby 由于两台namenode都是备节点,需要开启zk初始化, hdfs zkfc -formatZK,hadoop对zk进行创建,谁创建成功谁为主 hdfs zkfc -formatZK hdfs zkfc -formatZK hdfs haadmin -transitionToActive --forcemanual nn1 hdfs haadmin -getServiceState namenode1
2023-07-27 21:06:101

【最高悬赏】爱丁堡大学申请系统中要填写“Relevant Knowledge/Training Skills”?

2023-07-27 21:06:222


2023-07-27 21:06:321


问题一:勇敢的名词用英语怎么说 braveness 问题二:勇敢用英语怎么说 勇敢[yǒng gǎn] 词典 brave; courageous; valiant; gallant; boldness 双语例句 1 我们勇敢反抗了西方强权,这是一种精神上的胜利。 We stood up to the West, and that"s a moral victory. 2 我们必须证明我们有多么勇敢无畏。 We have to prove how gritty we are. 问题三:勇敢的男孩用英语怎么说 brave boy. 问题四:要勇敢! 用英文怎么写? Be brave! 问题五:勇敢这词的英语写法怎么写? brave, 通常我们会用brave encough to do sth.去表示有足够的勇气去做某事... 问题六:勇敢的 [用英文怎么写]???????????? 勇敢的 : 1. brave 2. manful 3. valorous4. valiant 5. stronghearted 6. stout 7. doughty 8. fearless 9. courageous Relative explainations: Examples: 1. 皇上授予这勇敢的士兵一头衔。 The emperor conferred a title on the brave soldier. 2. 勇敢的举动使他赢得了光荣的称号。 His brave action earned him a name crowned with glory. 3. 在各种不同的优良品质中,他也是很勇敢的。 He is very brave, among other good traits. 4. 敌人所有的防御工事都被我勇敢的战士摧毁了。 All the enemy"s defenses were beaten down by our brave soldiers. 问题七:勇敢面对一切 用英语怎么说 1楼face to语法错误 2楼变成两个短句了 3楼比较正确,但是right是哪里冒出来的? 4楼的all the things很中式 face everything with courage 问题八:“坚强的”和“勇敢”用英语怎么说 勇敢brave 不过坚强tough和s触rong tough更表示坚韧 strong表示坚强的意志很好 a strong will~~~
2023-07-27 21:06:351


通过故事导入字母读音,而且有适当的练习,唱中练,如at ; 后、音。例如, sa, oi…)等等,进而熟悉这些规则,学习的兴趣会慢慢地消退, an…或ti,因为b 和 d,这里不再赘述、“字母拼读法”等关键字,以及有汉语拼音的正迁移作用。因此,其效果可想而知,国外学生只要会读文章中词;⑦ qu, unvoiced th #47。小学生在学习英语的一开始就建立英语字母代表发音的观念, ng,就能自然而然地说出它的读音后), sh, i…)。但是国外的经验多是建立在母语教学的基础上、义结合在一起,阅读应从辨认单词开始,就可以指导学生根据读音来朗读 It is an apple,应结合学生的实际在教学方法与活动设计上有所创新: 辨音Step 3。书写教学的方法与平时的字母书写教学相同,不能全盘照搬国外的经验、 “How to teach phonics”或“自然拼读法”。为了给学生提供更多的练习拼读的机会:1。因此,适时开展阅读教学就很有必要了,就可以进行拼读教学了, n② c#47,长元音(ai, u, i。拼读应由两个音的拼读开始, n, tip,如在阅读教学中, e, e , ie。拼读教学是培养学生见词读音能力的基础,还能将单词的形, w, ee,念绕口令等活动,因为自然拼读法并不能为学生提供生词的意思,小学生学得快,他们能够很快地掌握字母的发音, ue, p , pin 。网络上相关资源十分丰富。因此在运用自然拼读法的过程中, a, ie…)和其它元音(er,然后到句子阅读, or,就可以张口念, sh。3, er,如A dog is on a log;知道了发音与拼写之间的对应关系. A big pig is in a bin。这样, oa;aelig,对文章中的生词即使是通过音形规律会读、m 和n 等都不在同一组中。一般按照先辅音后元音的顺序进行。3,但是如果不引导他们将字母与发音的对应规律在有意义的情景中运用的话;学习完第一组字母(s,以期将来能够灵活运用、 书写教学字母的书写教学也是十分重要的,唱歌,而对我们的学生而言,因为学生有了汉语拼音的基础,将每个音素配上动作:汪国萍,我认为从小学开始利用自然拼读法(Phonics)进行语音和单词教学, d③ g,应经常性,d, is ,并将之与学生所学的内容相联系,有些做法未必适合我们的教学。因此。因此,教师则开始指导学生把听到的“音”转变成 “形”,是将学生从死记硬背的沉重负担中解脱出来的好办法,学生不仅能内化英语拼写与读音的对应规则,键入 “phonics教学”。长此下去,如is, pin…等: 写音当学生能正确说出单词中含有的音素后, ee,记忆力较好, ar这种分组方式的优点是,提高学生接触字母读音的频率,写下来、拼写以及阅读能力是可行而且必要的,也可将单词印发给学生,还可以编写一些押韵的句子。学生学会了此法、字母及字母组合读音教学运用自然拼读法教学的第一步就是让学生掌握代表英语44个基本音的字母和字母组合, oi,对其日后的阅读和口语能力的培养是有很大帮助的。2, i 。此外, voiced th:在学完第一组字母之后,在港台地区也很流行,再利用图片或实物来导入句子的意义.,让学生在玩中练. 等让学生来朗读与阅读,吟韵律诗,记忆单词成为学生和教师最头疼的问题,辅音字母组合(ch,学习英语的自信心也将受到不小的打击,学习了a #47、加拿大等英语国家有上百年的历史,有必要设计各种有趣的活动, o,如果学生能够流利地拼读单词, little oo。1、 要借鉴而不能照搬国外的教学经验自然拼读法在美国,使学生遇到生词的时候,教师可用已学的字母组成单词,可利用小学生喜爱听故事的特点, f, j, v。还可以设计一些游戏, sit,降低焦虑。目的是让学生听清单词中所含的音素: 听音教师以先快后慢的语速说出一个单词几次,小学生长时间面对一些毫无意义的字母符号, t。下面我再将运用自然拼读法时应注意的问题总结如下。通过长期接触与归纳, b④ ai, or⑤ z, h ,就让学生整体认读单词apple,k…);也有利于区分一些发音容易混淆的字母;k ,为了不影响他们的学习兴趣和效果,2003年第11期, m ,相当一部分学生靠死记硬背记单词,要帮助学生克服遗忘、整洁的书写习惯。这些字母音可分为两大类. It is an ant等句子、 要设计各种有趣的活动小学生的有意注意的时间不会太长,忘得也快,也不能明其义:辅音和元音,吟中练和念中练,帮助记忆。在教学前应拟定一个计划, (1992)则建议将字母音分为七组。此外,这对学生将来的学习是很有帮助的、 拼读教学当学生掌握了一组字母音后(学生看到一个字母,学习辅音是较为容易的;利用小学生具有learn by doing(做中学)的天性,如sat,就容易产生遗忘,来激发兴趣。如, sat,不但学生学习英语的兴趣会下降,学习和记忆单词就会事半功倍,而且拼读,制成海报、 拼写教学Step 1,更能激发学生继续学习的兴趣和信心,通过自然拼读法来培养学生的拼读,贴在课室的墙壁上,学生的 “见词读音”的能力才会逐渐提高,只要利用网上的搜索引擎, th…), t .等。4,再慢慢过渡到多音节词的拼读, r, sin. “小学英语起始阶段培养学生拼读能力的可行性和必要性”《中小学外语教学》。所以,我主要按如下步骤帮助学生培养这一学习习惯, ou。对于低年级的小学生来说:① s 。此外,就可进行单词拼读与拼写的练习,就可以查到无数与之相关的内容, ch,让学生得以有足够机会去了解。Step 2、拼写训练又需要进行大量的机械操练。辅音又包括单辅音(p. 2003,让他们自己拼读,就可以自己进行阅读;#47,然后再进行三个音的拼读操练,Lloyd。经过大量的拼读练习。参考文献,决定这些字母的教学次序, x, long oo⑥ y, p)后,再过渡到一些简易故事的阅读,要在一开始就培养学生规范、出声读。针对自然拼读法是教导学生字母与发音的对应关系,一般就知道其意思威海市南山小学 潘丽珺英语学习中。2。5、 要不断地复习巩固与应用一般说来;元音包括短元音(a, a 、持续性地进行拼读和拼写教学;θ#47, tap、阅读教学由于小学生模仿能力较强, l
2023-07-27 21:06:371


问题一:勇敢的英语 brave 本来就是形容词! adj. 1. 勇敢的, 大胆的2. 需要勇气的;表现勇敢的3. 新颖的;崭新的 vt. 1. 勇敢面对; 不怕; 不顾 n. 1. 勇敢的人2. 美伐印第安武士 问题二:勇敢的名词用英语怎么说 braveness 问题三:勇敢用英语怎么说 勇敢[yǒng gǎn] 词典 brave; courageous; valiant; gallant; boldness 双语例句 1 我们勇敢反抗了西方强权,这是一种精神上的胜利。 We stood up to the West, and that"s a moral victory. 2 我们必须证明我们有多么勇敢无畏。 We have to prove how gritty we are. 问题四:勇敢的英文。。 brave 问题五:用英语怎样表示勇敢,就是用英语介绍勇敢 You know, normally I"d be worried about someone I care about being a stranger in a strange town but based on you, being you, I have great confidence you will find your way and find great happiness. If you did not know I found the way that you approached me when we met was so courageous for someone your age and in your situation. Well, it showed me you are brave, first and foremost, and have grit, goals and determination. I respect that a lot. You have a spark inside kid! --用一段话自然完美地融汇所有关于勇敢的形容词 问题六:勇敢的英语怎么说 勇敢:brave 问题七:勇敢的男孩用英语怎么说 brave boy. 问题八:勇敢 英文翻译 brave 问题九:勇敢的英语怎么说 勇敢brave 不过坚强tough和strong tough更表示坚韧strong表示坚强的意志很好 a strong will~~~ 问题十:“勇敢”用英语怎么说? brave
2023-07-27 21:06:281


 我需要告诉你的是:你学的 phonics 跟音标一点都不冲突.如果会了音标,英语学了有一段时间了,所谓的 phonics 自然就会了,背单词也是非常容易的(本人自身经验).完全没有必要去排斥音标.  我给你的建议是:学好音标,在看某单词的音标时 要知道该单词中字母所对应的发音,这样久而久之你就自然会了所谓的 phonics .下面是我刚才搜到的一篇文章:Phonics自然拼读法的五大缺点和一大 —— 张海洋目前,不少英语机构都在教Phonics自然拼读法(又叫“自然拼音法”),而他们在推崇自然拼读法的同时,常常又排斥音标,似乎自然拼读法和音标这两者之间是水火不相容的.他们排斥音标的理由主要有两个,一个是音标比较复杂难学,另一个是英语国家基本都不教音标.排斥音标老师常常对学生说:“国外的孩子学英语根本就不用音标”,这导致许多学生看不起音标.说这种话的人似乎没有弄清楚,国外的孩子跟我们中国的孩子有很大的不同,其中最大的不同在于:母语环境有强大的纠错机制,而外语环境却没有.国外的孩子,他们的爸爸妈妈、哥哥姐姐、爷爷奶奶、外公外婆、老师同学,包括孩子本人,全都是讲英语的.遇到不会读的单词,可以问身边的任何人,而且可以问很多遍;发音错误的时候,有无数人会主动帮他纠正,有无数次纠正错误的机会.而我们国内的孩子,他们的爸爸妈妈、哥哥姐姐、爷爷奶奶、外公外婆、老师同学,包括孩子本人,全都是不讲英语的.遇到不会读的单词,一般只能问英语老师,而英语老师根本就不可能耐心回答你(全班几十个同学,每人问一遍,课就不用上了,何况问一遍根本就不够);发音错误的时候,要么没人听出来,要么就会受到嘲笑——因此孩子们都自动养成这样的习惯:少讲英语多讲汉语.国内的英语机构在宣传Phonics自然拼读法的时候,只讲它有什么好处、有什么优点,但却对其缺点避而不谈,这对许多家长和孩子造成了误导.事实上,自然拼读法并不是完美无缺的方法,它有许多缺点(其实比音标的缺点要多),我们本着客观公正和自由争鸣的原则,归纳了自然拼读法的五大缺点和一大误区,让读者对其有更全面的了解和认识.缺点一:发音规则太多,难以掌握专家整理出来的phonics的规则多达200条左右,至少要学一年,甚至两三年以上才能比较完整地掌握.很多人支持自然拼读而反对音标,其中最主要的理由之一,就是音标比较复杂,成为英语学习的负担.然而,认真对比一下就知道,音标只有48个,而其中真正比较难掌握的只有10多个.如果把花在学习自然拼读规则上的时间和精力,拿出十分之一来学音标,估计就学得很好了.语言学家之所以发明国际音标,就是因为英语的拼读规则太多、太复杂,对非母语的英语学习者来说太难掌握,为了减轻学习的负担、提高学习的效率,所以才发明了更加简单、更加容易学习而且更有效的国际音标.认真想一想就知道,自然拼读与国际音标,到底谁才是负担?缺点二:发音规则只能覆盖80%左右的单词国际音标之所以有必要,就是因为单纯靠字母或者字母组合的发音规则,只能覆盖大部分单词,却不能覆盖所有单词.那些不符合发音规则的单词,如果没有音标,就很容易发音错误.多数英语机构宣传自然拼读法能够覆盖80%左右的单词,对此我们只能打个问,因为我们也没有统计,是不是真能覆盖这么多,我们看见过有些机构的宣传是只能覆盖70%的.即使按80%来算,那也就意味着,当我们面对一个陌生单词的时候,即使你掌握了所有的发音规则,你只有80%的把握是发音正确的.换句话说,5个单词之中,你就会读错一个!在不懂音标的情况下,你甚至连读错了都毫不知情.我们随便举一些常见的单词例子,就能说明不符合发音规则的单词是多不胜数的,例如以下这几组单词,拼写规则是相同的,但发音却不同:dear--bear; head--lead; put-cut; live-five; some-home; go--do在英语国家里,有三分之一左右的学生用自然拼音法读不出该读的单词,成为“阅读障碍”的牺牲品.自然拼读法的效果,在英语国家中尚且如此,在非英语国家中就更加可想而知了.当然,公正地说,掌握了发音规则的好处就是,能够大胆地读.即使读错了,也比不敢读、不会读要好.以上这两个主要的缺点,“发音规则太多”、“只能覆盖80%左右的单词”,这两个缺点合起来,是非常致命的.当你发现,花费了大量的时间和精力,掌握了所有的规则之后,却顶多只能做到“5个单词读准4个、另外1个肯定会错”的时候,你大概难以自信起来.相比而言,如果学习国际音标,刚开始可能会有点枯燥,但一旦掌握之后,却能百分百地读准所有单词,那种踏实感是Phonics自然拼读法所不能比的.缺点三:没有讲重音的规律英语的元音是发重音的,因此单音节单词全部发重音.但是在双音节和多音节单词里,只有一个音节发重音.究竟哪个音节发重音,这会极大地影响到这个单词里所有元音的发音.例如这几个单词:phonics ["fɑnu026aks] n. 声学phonate ["fou028aneu026at] v. 发音phonetic [fu0259"netu026ak] a. 语音的这三个单词,词源是一样的,但是其中的字母o的发音却不一样.而第三个单词,则是因为重音后移,所以导致字母o和字母e的发音发生了变化.自然拼读法并没有讲重音的规律,无法从单词外形上判断重音究竟在哪里,因此自然拼读法比较适合单音节的单词,一旦遇到多音节单词就比较困难了,因为有重音和发音变化在里面,元音的发音规律就更加复杂.缺点四:发音品质的问题很多音标的发音是容易混淆的,即使仔细听,也不一定能分辨出到底是发哪个音,必须要查音标才能比较好地确认.尤其是到了一定年龄之后,对声音的分辨力有所下降,就更加难以准确地辨别英语的发音.在缺乏母语般环境的情况下,对语言的学习,音素的掌握是非常重要的.音标就是把英语的音素归纳为48个,基本上所有的发音都逃不过这48个音素,我们只要掌握好这些音素,就能做到标准发音.但是,自然拼读法只是归纳发音规律,并没有强化对音素的掌握,在练习量不足以及缺乏纠错机制的情况下,孩子们在听一些相对复杂的单词的时候,即便老师的发音是标准的,孩子们也难以做到完全的模仿,那么,孩子们所发出来的音,就有可能会出现偏差,单词的音节越多,偏差可能就越明显.假如教学的老师没有非常耐心、非常仔细地及时帮助每个孩子纠正(事实上老师根本就不可能反复给每个孩子纠正),就会导致许多孩子的发音不准确,这个音跟那个音经常混淆,而且难以再纠正过来.缺点五:无法自由选择英音与美音我们知道,英式发音和美式发音是有很大区别的,同样一个单词,英音和美音的发音上可能会有很大不同.例如 lot (adv. 许多),英音是/lu0254t/,美音是/lɑt/,字母o的发音是不一样的,这从音标上,我们就能看出来.我们可以根据音标,来自由选择英式发音或者美式发音.然而如果用自然拼读法,那么,老师是英式口音,那你就只能掌握英式口音,老师是美式口音,你就只能掌握美式口音.事实上,国内大部分的老师,都是中式口音,那你就只好掌握中式口音了.当你掌握了单词的发音规律,并且形成了稳定的发音之后,你的口音就很难改过来,即使你发现自己的口音既不是英式发音、也不少美式发音,你也很难再调整.但是,如果你懂得音标,那就不一样了.当你发现自己的口音不标准的时候,你就可以根据音标,来不断调整自己的发音,想要学英音或者美音都可以.这样的话,自我调整能力就很强.当然,话说回来,对于大部分中国人来说,其实没有必要把英音说得那么地道,只要能流畅地表达、顺利地交流就可以了,毕竟英语不是我们的母语(事实上我们大部分人都没有把普通话说得非常标准,却要求把英语说得很标准,这个要求是太高了).因此,这个缺点,对于大多数中国人来说,其实也算不上缺点.一大误区:单词不用背许多英语机构在宣传自然拼读法的优势的时候,常常举出来的非常吸引眼球的一点就是:学了自然拼读法,就不需要背单词了.这是一个非常大的认识误区.例如这样的宣传字眼:“学生只要掌握了它的规律和规则,就可以达到无需音标、无需死记硬背、见词能读、听音能写.学了这种方法,学生将永久摆脱死记硬背英语单词的痛苦,实现快速记忆单词,提高学习效率20倍.”这样的宣传,完全是不负责的宣传.背单词,要掌握三大要素:读音、拼写、词义.自然拼读法,只能解决读音和拼写的问题,对词义的记忆问题却没有任何作用.事实上,我们常说的背单词,其实主要是针对拼写与词义之间的关系而说的.例如 flake /fleu026ak/(n. 碎片),对于背单词来说,是要看到flake这个英文的时候,能够想起“碎片”这个中文,或者看到“碎片”这个中文的时候,能够想起flake这个英文.而不是看到flake会读/fleu026ak/,或者看到/fleu026ak/,会写出flake.从这个角度来看,掌握自然拼读法,只是见词能读而已,背单词的时候仍然摆脱不了死记硬背的方法.如果说见词能读就相当于背单词,那么掌握音标的人就要开心死了,因为随便翻开任何一本有音标的英文字典,把里面的单词从头到尾读一遍,几万个单词就轻松地背下来了,那可要开心死了——可惜,这只是个不切实际的幻想而已.要想真正大幅提升背单词的效率,用“模块联想”等单词记忆方法会有效得多.当然,当我们对一个单词能读得比较标准的时候,我们提升了学英语的兴趣,这对于提升背单词的效率,也是有不少帮助的,但仍然还是得老老实实地背单词,而且仍然属于死记硬背的方法.总结:1,如果是按照目前国内英语教学的进度,小学三年级以上才学英语的话,那么,直接学音标就行了,没必要系统地学自然拼读.倒是可以在掌握音标的基础上,把相同发音的单词拿出来多对比学习,自然而然就能掌握发音规律.也就是说,可以在掌握音标的基础上,多掌握一些字母或者字母组合的发音规律,慢慢具备见词能读的能力.2,有一些家长,希望孩子尽早开始学习英语.如果在还没有学汉语拼音的时候学英语,这么小的孩子确实不是特别适合学习音标,那么,倒是可以先学习自然拼读,形成一定的语感,等到小学三四年级以上的时候再来学习音标.总的来说,音标与自然拼读,可以相互补充,而不必相互排斥.但是假如这两者之中只能选择一个的话,那么,毫无疑问,应该选择音标!因为,音标是必需的,而自然拼读却不是必需的.掌握音标所花的时间,比掌握自然拼读要少很多,但实用性却要大很多.音标虽然是有点抽象、有点难记,但是它确实是我们中国人学习英语的最重要的基础工具之一,是不可或缺、无法替代的!附:更理性客观地对待自然拼读法的宣传以下是国内某知名外语机构对所提炼出来的自然拼读法的五点好处,在每一点好处后面括号内的红色字体,是我们所作出的理性思考,供参考:“Phonics-自然拼读法”五大好处:★发音,经过一段时间Phonics的训练,孩子朗读时能做到发音准确、拼读快速.从没见过的单词,可以准确拼读出来.即便一本未谋面还有很多生词的英语书,能用拼读法顺利读出、读准确. (能做到这样固然是不错,但是我们只是会读那些生词,但却记不住它们的意思,这样的阅读有意义吗?况且,我们的阅读应该要符合我们的词汇量水平才比较好,没必要读那些有生词太多的书.)★拼写,成为孩子强项,掌握好Phonics,熟知发音规律,只要老师读音准确,哪怕学生没学过这个单词,不知单词中英文含义,也能拼写正确.没见过的单词,读出就能拼写出来.背单词是英语学习中较令家长头疼的问题.掌握了,根本不用花时间在背单词,英语学习变得非常轻松.(听到的陌生单词,虽然能写出来字母组合,但知道它的中文意思吗?反过来说,对于一个没学过的单词,老师说中文,学生能写出英文吗?)★听力明显优于未学拼读法的孩子.由于熟知发音规律,辨别不同音节的能力也会变强. (听力优于那些未学过拼读法而且也没有学过音标的孩子,那是有可能的.但学拼读法的孩子,听力倒不一定会比得上学过音标的孩子.)★对阅读理解的帮助.学习过程中,加入阅读课程,尤其后期,阅读课程广而深.由于能够顺利朗读,英语语感及理解能力相应提高.有拼读法的帮助. (加入阅读是很好的,英美国家的小孩就有很大的阅读量.但只要有足够的词汇量,任何人都可以加大阅读量.学音标的孩子也同样可以加大阅读量.)★孩子词汇量累积快,单词量大再加语感及理解力,阅读英语文章及原版小说成为孩子喜爱的学习方式. (词汇量累积的速度,比起那些没学过音标、单词读不准的小孩,应该会快一些.但是跟那些掌握了“五爪金龙单词记忆法”的孩子来说,速度估计就会慢很多了.)
2023-07-27 21:06:271