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die.dead 和death有什么区别.?

2023-07-29 03:14:25


He was born in 1847 and died in




误:His grandfather has died for two years.

正:His grandfather has been dead for two years.

正:His grandfather died two years ago.


Please come quickly; your friend is



He is dead,but his name will live for ever in our

hearts.他虽然死了,但他的名字将永 远活在我们心中.

It doesn"t look like a dead fox.看来它不像一只死狐狸.


His death is weightier than Mount Tai.他的死比泰山还要重.

I heard of his death when I got to his



die:动词,例如I"m dying 我将要死亡

dead 形容词,例如my sister is dead我姐去世了

death名词 例如his death made me sad他的死让我伤心






die 是动词




die vi.不及物动词:He died 2 years ago.他两年前死了。

dead adj. 形容词:He has been dead for 2 years.他死了两年了。

die=be dead

death Cn.可数名词:A typhoon always brings us damages and deaths.台风总是给我们带来灾难和死亡。

Un.不可数名词:We are sorry to his death.我们对他的死感到难过。





Azrael or Azreal? 你写的对吗?
2023-07-27 19:51:095


go to hell
2023-07-27 19:51:3310

death怎么读 汉语拼音

汉语读法dai si
2023-07-27 19:52:153


2023-07-27 19:52:481


die与dead与death的用法如下:die,dead,death三者均有“死” 之意。die是动词,通常句子中做谓语,dead是形容词,做定语,表语。而death是名词,用来作主语、宾语等。主要区别如下:die是终止性动词,表示动作常用作谓语,含义为“断气”。dead是形容词,与be动词连用,常用来作定语、表语或补语,表示死的状态。death是名词,用来作主语、宾语等。另一个相关的词是dying,dying即是die的现在分词,也是个形容词,不表示“已死”,而表示“濒临垂危”、"要死”之意。第三人称单数:dies现在分词:dying过去式:died过去分词:died。died同时也为形容词,死亡蔽埋缓的,已逝的;dying是形容词,快要死的,垂死的还有渴望的意思。dead是形容词,死去宏模的,用法和died一样。dead做副词,完全的,绝对的。dead right就是完全正确。death是名词,还有液虚死神的意思。
2023-07-27 19:53:091


词性分别为:名词,动词、形容词。Death是名词,死亡。例:Iafraidofdeath.我害怕死亡。Die是动词,死。例:Mygrandpa diedlongtimeago.我爷爷很久之前就死了。Dead是形容词,死亡的。例:Thecatisdead.这只猫是死的。扩展资料:英文单词词性用法:1、形容词修饰名词,不可修饰动词。2、副词修饰形容词、动词、形容词的比较级和最高级,表加深程度、或置于句子开头表语气.3、名词不能修饰任何词,它只能被其他词修饰。4、系动词不是形容词,不能用来修饰词,它们就是动词,例如be,get,have,感官动词等。5、介词用来连接地点、时间等或用来构成一个短语。6、冠词用来修饰名词,但the也可用来作特指。7、动词不能用来修饰其他词,它们只能被副词修饰。8、连词是用来连接两个有关联的成份,这两个成份必须是同一类型,即句子连句子、短语连短语等。9、数词用来修饰可数名词或部分不可数名词。10、代词用来代之前面某样提及过的东西。11、感叹词,顾名思义用来表示个人情感。12、助动词没有实际的意义,只是用来加深程度,如用在强调句、倒装句等。参考资料来源:百度百科--词性
2023-07-27 19:53:322


die瞬间动词,也就是死的那一刻 death名词,死亡 dead死的,形容词 dying奄奄一息的,濒临死亡的,也是形容词 例句: 1.His father died last week. 2.She cried out after knowing his husband"s death. 3.He found a dead bird in the garden. 4.The dying man was saved by a kind-hearted lady. die意为“死”,表示生命的结束,是不及物动词,不能用于被动语态;强调动作,是瞬间动词,不能与表示一段时间的状语连用。例如: His father died five years ago. 他父亲去世五年了。 Plants and people die without water. 没有水,植物就要枯死,人就要渴死。 die可以用于进行时态,表示“即将死去;奄奄一息”。例如: He is dying. 他快要死了。 die 的形容词形式是dead,意为“死的”,可作表语或定语。作表语时,表示状态。例如: His dog has been dead for two weeks. 他的狗已死了两周了。 The ground was covered with dead flowers. 地上覆盖着凋落的花。 die的名词形式是death,意为“死亡”。例如: His mother"s death was a great blow to him. 他母亲的去世对他是一个巨大的打击。 ●常用短语 die from 意为“由于……而死”,但一般常用于由外伤、衰老引起的死亡。例如: The old man died from a car accident last year. 这个老人去年死于一场车祸。 die of意思同die from,但它一般指由于疾病、情感等原因引起的死亡。例如: His grandfather died of liver cancer in 1992. 他的祖父1992年死于肝癌。 die out 意为“(家族、物种等)灭绝;绝迹”。例如: Dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago. 恐龙在六千五百万年前灭绝了。
2023-07-27 19:53:531


名词变复数规则 1.普通的直接加s 2.以ch ,sh ,x ,s,o,结尾的加es 3.以y 结尾的y改i 加es 4.以f结尾的,f改为ves 5.还有特殊变化的,需要单独记 如woman-women,child-children,photo-photos 所以death的复数是deaths 你记错了哦,ch sh 后面才加es的~
2023-07-27 19:54:011

death 用法

主要是用在形容词的后面death英 [deθ] 美 [dɛθ] n.死亡;死神;(某种)死法,死亡方式;病危复数: deaths
2023-07-27 19:54:102


2023-07-27 19:54:282


2023-07-27 19:54:373


2023-07-27 19:54:484


2023-07-27 19:54:563


短语1.a death"s head at the feast 扫兴的人(或东西)2.After death for the doctor. [谚语]人死了才请医生,太迟了。 pale as death 面无人色,面如死色4.(as) still as death (或the grave) 极其寂静 sure as death 千真万确,的的确确 death"s door 生命危在旦夕,行将就木
2023-07-27 19:55:062


2023-07-27 19:55:141


2023-07-27 19:55:461


Death既是可数名词又是不可数名词。death在意味死亡数或死亡人口这些具体概念是可数的,但在表示死亡这个抽象概念的时候是不可数。 death短语搭配 brain Death脑死 ; 脑死亡 ; 脑灭亡 ; 脑逝世亡 Black Death黑死病 ; 黑暗死亡 ; 黑色死亡 ; 鼠疫 Death Proof金刚不坏 ; 死亡证据 ; 片 Death Valley死亡谷 ; 死谷 ; 死亡之谷 ; 死亡峡谷 death row死刑犯 ; 死囚牢房 ; 死囚区 ; 死囚牢 Death Crimson死亡火枪 ; 死亡深红 Death Wish死亡之愿 ; 猛龙怪客 ; 死亡愿望 ; 求死愿望 natural death自然死亡 ; 生理死亡 ; 正常死亡 Til Death爱你到死 ; 至死不渝 ; 至死方回头 ; 信守婚约 death双语例句 We have no record of his death. 我们没有任何记录,他的死亡。 Leave you, I only death! 离开了你,我只有死亡! Without sacrifice, without death, we should have nothing. 没有牺牲,没有死亡,我们就一无所有。
2023-07-27 19:56:051


death的基本意思是“死,死亡”,也可表示“死亡时刻;死法;死状”“死因”,既可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。death也可表示“死亡的状态”,是不可数名词。例句:Death is one of the great taboos in our culture.在我们的文化中,“死亡”是一大忌。 扩展资料   death:n.死;死亡;生命的终止;死亡状态;永久的灭亡;毁灭;破灭,复数: deaths;   例句:   For a long time his death was concealed from her.   他的"死瞒了很长时间都没告诉她。   Three months after his death, she still felt empty.   他死后三个月她仍然感到心里很空虚。   A young man was found beaten to death last night.   昨天夜里有人发现一名小伙子被打死了。   How she met her death will probably never be known.   她的死因也许将永远无人知晓。
2023-07-27 19:56:121


"死亡"用英语可以说 "death"。"death" 的用法和例子如下:名词用法:作为名词,"death" 指的是生命的终结或停止。例如:The death of his mother was a great loss for him.(他母亲的去世对他来说是个巨大的损失。)She was sentenced to death for her crimes.(她因犯罪被判处死刑。)形容词用法:作为形容词,"death" 用于描述与死亡相关的事物。例如:The family was gathered for a death anniversary.(家人们聚在一起庆祝死亡周年纪念。)A death certificate is an official document that records the details of a person"s death.(死亡证明是一份官方文件,记录一个人死亡的详细信息。)动词用法:作为动词,"death" 的用法并不常见。不过,在某些固定搭配中,"death" 也可以作为动词使用。例如:The disease slowly deathed his body.(疾病慢慢地消磨了他的身体)
2023-07-27 19:56:191


death在意味死亡数或死亡人口这些具体概念是可数的,但在表示死亡这个抽象概念的时候是不可数,所以这里填deaths。 当特指要加冠词,特别是death做主语时,但是在一些俗语时,不用加冠词。常用的搭配:the death of somebody (某人的死) 扩展资料   Her death was a great shock to us all.   她的死使我们所有人都感到非常震惊。   His death was a direct result of your action.   他的死是你的"行为直接造成的后果。   My father"s death had a profound effect on us all.   父亲的去世深深地影响了我们全家。   For a long time his death was concealed from her.   他的死瞒了很长时间都没告诉她。   Three months after his death, she still felt empty.   他死后三个月她仍然感到心里很空虚。
2023-07-27 19:56:451

die dead之类的几种形式和用法区别

die、dead之类的几种形式有:die,dead,death,dying。区别是:形式不同,用法不同,侧重点不同。1、定义不同:(1)die:死亡,熄灭;凋零,枯萎;渴望,盼望。(2)dead:死去的;完全的;无感觉的;呆板的。(3)death:死亡;(某种)死法,死亡方式;病危;死神。(4)dying:渴望,切盼;垂死的,临终的。2、用法不同(1)die:不能用于被动语态;强调动作,是瞬间动词,不能与表示一段时间的状语连用,可以用于进行时态,表示"即将死去;奄奄一息"。(2)dead:常用来作定语、表语或补语,表示死的状态。(3)death:用来作主语、宾语等。(4)dying:用来作状语。3、侧重点不同(1)die:第三人称单数,表示生命的结束,是不及物动词。(2)dead:形容词,与be动词连用。 (3)death:名词,是不可数名词。(4)dying:die的现在分词,形容词。
2023-07-27 19:57:041


复数:deaths。death的中文意思英 [deθ] 美 [dθ]第三人称复数:deathsdeath 基本解释名词 死亡;死神;(某种)死法,死亡方式;病危例句1. It was a matter of life and death to them.对他们来说这是生死攸关的事情。2. The death of her mother was sudden.她母亲的"死很突然。3. The accident was the death of him.他因意外事故而死。death的单语例句1. Acrylonitrile primarily affects the nervous system and lungs, can cause death and may cause cancer.2. The question of how to present bin Laden"s death to the world is a difficult balancing act for the White House.3. A court in East China"s Zhejiang province on Wednesday upheld the death penalty for a businesswoman for cheating investors out of several hundred million yuan.4. The team is coming off an emotional stretch after the death of beloved owner Jerry Buss.
2023-07-27 19:57:241


名词death,形容词/副词dead,动词die,副词deadly . 如: 1.动词和名词:They made sure that he died a horrible death.他们让他死得很惨. 2.形容词:Her husband"s been dead a year now.她的丈夫已经去世一年了. 3.形容词:The dead are people who are dead.死人就是死去了的人. 4.副词:The group had shot【dead】another hostage.该组织又开枪打死了一名人质. 5.副词:His face was deadly pale.
2023-07-27 19:58:161


1,she died--她死了2,Her death---她的死3,She is dead----注意这里就可以有歧义了,dead有"疲倦"的意思,这句话可以理解为"她很累"或者"她死了",dead的用法很灵活,如果说气氛很凝重,死气沉沉的也可以说是"dead air",dead本身也可做名词,死人的意思.4,She is dying----她快死了
2023-07-27 19:58:231


Death,名词,死亡.例:I afraid of death.我害怕死亡.Die,动词,死.例:My grandpa died long time ago.我爷爷很久之前就死了.Dead,形容词,死亡的.例:The cat is dead.这只猫是死的.
2023-07-27 19:58:311


death; die; breathe one"s last; doom; decease
2023-07-27 19:58:477


1、death英[deθ]美[deθ],n.死; 死亡; 生命的终止; 死亡状态; 永久的灭亡; 毁灭; 破灭; 死神。2、[例句]Her death was a great shock to us all.她的死使我们所有人都感到非常震惊。
2023-07-27 19:59:401

death怎么读 英语death怎么读

1、death英[deθ]美[deθ],n.死; 死亡; 生命的终止; 死亡状态; 永久的灭亡; 毁灭; 破灭; 死神。 2、[例句]Her death was a great shock to us all.她的死使我们所有人都感到非常震惊。
2023-07-27 19:59:581


2023-07-27 20:00:071


2023-07-27 20:00:303


问题一:死英文怎么写 adj.dead n.death 问题二:死的英文是什么 v. die n. death adj. dead 问题三:英文死怎么说 死 1.die 2.end up one"s death 4.pass away 麻烦采纳,谢谢! 问题四:死亡的英文怎么写 动词 die 名词 death 问题五:因……而死亡 用英语怎么写? 因...而死亡有两种说法 1.die of... die of: 因病而死 死于(疾病、过度悲伤等) People are dying of cancer more and more often. 死于癌症的人越来越多了。 2.die from... die from 死于(某种原因, 不包括疾病、过度悲伤等) In a s功vere winter, wild animals can die from lack of food. 在寒冷的冬天, 野兽可能因为缺乏食物而饿死。 问题六:他死了用英语怎么说? he died!!我是正确的!! 问题七:泡死英文怎么写 应该是 pose 这个词吧 pose 译为姿势 问题八:死英语怎么说 要看你需要的是什么词性了 名词为death Death itself is not scary. 死亡本身并不可怕。 动词 die The artist died at the age of 93. 这位艺术家享年九十三岁。 形容词 dead The boy was found dead in a pond. 男孩子被发现死在一个池塘中。 问题九:死了的英文 die 死了 dead 死的 pass away 去世
2023-07-27 20:00:391


die / dead/ dying/ death(1)die 是终止性动词,不用于被动语态。He has died.他死了。He died five weeks ago.他五周前死的。(2)dead是形容词,表状态,可以跟表示延续的时间状语连用。His grandfather has been dead for five years.他的祖父去世已经有五年了。(3)death是名词。He was sentenced to death.他被判处死刑。(4)dying意为“要死了”,是现在分词。试比较:a dead dog 一条死(了的)狗 a dying dog 一条“濒临死亡”的狗初中常见的die短语:die from/ of ……因……而死
2023-07-27 20:01:171

death的名词是死者,可以说the death吗,还有deaths又代表什么,,,该怎么用

可以说the death 表示特指。deaths表示多名死者(是复数形式)有问题追问!满意请采纳!谢谢!
2023-07-27 20:01:251


death是die的名词形式 die v.死;死亡;凋谢;消失;消亡;灭亡;停止运转 n.模具;冲模;压模 第三人称单数: dies 现在分词: dying 过去式: died 过去分词: died 扩展资料   She died as a result of her injuries.   她由于受伤而死亡。   400 people a year die of this disease on average.   平均每年有400人死于这种疾病。   Five people died in a house fire last night.   有五人死于昨夜的住宅火灾。
2023-07-27 20:01:311


Die 动词,死亡,death名词死亡
2023-07-27 20:01:532


1、死亡的动词:Diedie的例句:He died for his beliefs.意思:他为自己的信仰献身。That plant"s died.意思:那植物已经枯萎。2、死亡的名词:Deathdeath的例句:Two children were burnt to death in the fire (= they died as a result of the fire) .意思:两个孩子被大火烧死。He"s drinking himself to death (= so that it will kill him) .意思:他这样喝酒非醉死不可。3、死亡的形容词:Deaddead的例句:He was shot dead by a gunman outside his home.意思:他在家门外被持枪歹徒开枪打死。Catherine"s dead body lay peacefully on the bed.意思:凯瑟琳的尸体安详地躺在床上。词语用法:die的基本意思是指动植物因生命终止而“死亡”。引申可表示“消失,停止运行”“枯萎”等。die主要用作不及物动词,也可用作系动词,接名词或形容词作表语,表示死时的身份或状态。die有时也可用作及物动词,但必须接同源名词death作宾语, death前常可有形容词修饰。die不用于被动结构。die和副词小品词连用可组成短语如die away, die down, die out,均表示由大到小,由近到远,由有到无,指灯光、火光、声音等逐渐消失。die后接介词可组成短语表示死于某种原因。如接介词from表示“死于非命”等,接of表示因“疾病或年老”等而死亡。在口语中, die往往作“渴望、切望”或“强烈地感受到”解,表示一种极度状态,此时用现在进行时,其后可接介词for〔of, to〕或动词不定式。die偶尔可用于进行体,表示“就要死去,渐渐死去”。die的现在分词dying可用作形容词,在句中作定语。
2023-07-27 20:02:071


n. 1.死亡;逝世The death of her mother was sudden.她母亲的死很突然. 2.死因The accident was the death of him 他因意外事故而死.
2023-07-27 20:02:371

Die ... Death...有什么不同... ?

he is death. 他已经死了. 强调事实 (名词) you are so got to die. 你抵死 he died in 1945. 他死于1945 我一定为你国家打到最后一刻. 士兵高叫 death! **** tomorrow will be my execution date! DIE 是动词;DEATH是名词 解释如下: Die: 是动词(died; died; dying) vi. 1. 死[(+of/from)] He died in battle. 他战死疆场。 2. (草木等)枯萎 凋谢 3. (机器)突然停转 The engine died. 引擎突然熄火了。 4. 【口】(常用进行式)渴望 切望[(+for)][+to-v] He is dying to see you. 他极想见你。 5. 变得漠然[(+to)] 6. 变弱;平息;消失;熄灭[(+away/down/out)] His love for science will never die. 他对科学的热爱永不会消退。 Death 是名词 n. 1. 死 死亡[C][U] It was a matter of life and death to them. 对他们来说这是生死攸关的事情。 2. 致死的原因[C][(+of)] 3. 毁灭 破灭 结束[U][S] 4. (常大写)死神[U] 2006-11-20 00:03:36 补充: 听日系我既死期!I am going to die tomorrow. 参考: die 系动词 death系名词 death & rebirth 系死与新生 the flower will die if you don"t plant it
2023-07-27 20:02:451


dead adj.形容词death n. 名词
2023-07-27 20:02:533


2023-07-27 20:01:004


i potato you这里的potato,是作为动词使用的,表示喜欢和爱之间的关系,姑且可以理解为很喜欢,超喜欢(但还没有达到爱的程度)。另外,用土豆potato来表达这样的感觉,是因为土豆在土壤里慢慢生长,像极了从喜欢生长成爱情的过程。
2023-07-27 20:01:011


我晕 一个sms解释这么多 sms就是一般的短信mms是彩信
2023-07-27 20:01:012

Turn Around 歌词

歌曲名:Turn Around歌手:Deniece Williams专辑:When Love Comes CallingSome people are lucky, babyI guess I am tooLove found meAnd I found youAnd everytime I think it can"t get betterYou do something newAnd I"m renewedAnd when it gets colderI think its overLook what you going doEverytime I turn aroundGive me a reasonFor feeling the way that I doEverytime I turn aroundGive me a reasonTo put my faith in youEven when you let me downI forgive youCause I know that you feelin" it tooAnytime I turn aroundMake me believingIn things that I already knewYou wrap me up in kisses, babyHead to toeLet the whole world stareI don"t careYou make me breakfast in bedJust to show meNo one wants me moreI"m so sureAnd when it gets colderAnd I think its overLook what you going doEverytime I turn aroundGive me a reasonFor feeling the way that I doEverytime I turn aroundGive me a reasonTo put my faith in youEven when you let me downI forgive youCause I know that you feelin" it tooAnytime I turn aroundMake me believingIn things that I already knewTurnaround, Turnaround, Turnaround...Turnaround, Turnaround, Turnaround...You knowI knowIt"s hardLet goMy loveWho knowHow long to work itI should knowYes I knowIt"s hardTo let goSo my loveWho knowEverytime I turn aroundGive me a reasonFor feeling the way that I doEverytime I turn aroundGive me a reasonTo put my faith in youEven when you let me downI forgive youCause I know that you feelin" it tooAnytime I turn aroundMake me believingIn things that I already knewEverytime I turn aroundAnd when it gets colderAnd I think its overLook what you going doEverytime I turn aroundAnd when it gets colderAnd I think its overLook what you going doEven when you let me downAnd when it gets colderAnd I think its overLook what you going doAnytime I turn aroundAnd when it gets colderAnd I think its overLook what you going doEverytime I turn aroundAnd when it gets colderAnd I think its overLook what you going do
2023-07-27 20:01:031

Queensryche的《Tribe》 歌词

歌曲名:Tribe歌手:Queensryche专辑:Tribeどんな闇でも 全て捩じ伏せて oh, TRIBE 共に眠るたび暴れ続ける逆巻きPAINさぐり合い 无慈悲な世界 笑みが歪んでく人に隠れて理屈わめく奴に夸るべき出会い、誓い 信の意地 见せてやれ give the BLADE!どんな闇でも どんな痛みも 全て捩じ伏せてやる离れてたって 揃いのポーズで READY FLAG さぁはばたけ一度の人生 心燃やして 同じ野望 ここに在る热い覚悟で绊刻めTRIBE 天上夺うため 共に「TRIBE」作词∶大西真弓作曲∶古贺友弥歌∶下田麻美クールでも切に焦がれた 友との糸笑い合い 他爱ない檄 负けない强さに谛めれるなら始めなかったんだくだらない说教、都合 切り裂いて突き进めDon"t get lost Beat up! I"m BLADE!どんな怒りも どんな混沌も 全て吐き出してやれ遮るのなら容赦しないよ READY DEAD さぁ蹴散らせ间违ってたって 己ルールで 时代変えてやればいいたぎる爪牙で绊刻めTRIBE 最强讴うため 共に【 おわり 】
2023-07-27 20:01:061


有奖励写回答英语中三个”大”字的区别big,huge,large有奖励写回答共2个回答这不科学啊scientistTA获得超过9217个赞聊聊关注成为第137391703位粉丝1、big最通俗、常用,强调比正常程度、范围及规模的标准大,常用于修饰人、物或数量。反义词是little和small。They were all very big and strong. 他们个个高大强壮。China is a big country. 中国是个大国(强调实力)2、 huge强调尺寸、体积”庞大”,容量和数量”巨大”。指体积时,比large所指的体积大,但不强调重量。He lived in a huge house. 他住在一个很大的房子里。He has a huge sum of money. 他有一大笔钱。3、large强调远远超过标准的”大”,可指”数量、容量、体积和面积的大”,比big正式,反义词是small。Shall we go to the largest island or the smallest one?我们去最大的岛还是去最小的岛?China is a large and beautiful country.中国是个大而美丽的国家。(强调面积)
2023-07-27 20:01:073


2023-07-27 20:00:571


2023-07-27 20:00:534


需谨慎。Tribe(TRIBE币)是管理协议的治理代币。TRIBE是最小化挂钩维护的治理,重点是升级和集成。Fei Protocol支持创建基于以太坊的去中心化、可扩展且公平的稳定币。TRIBE是该协议的治理代币。币安网是一款国际领先的区块链数字资产交易平台,它向全球提供广泛的数字货币交易、区块链教育、区块链项目孵化、区块链资产发行平台、区块链研究院以及区块链公益慈善等服务,目前用户覆盖了全球190多个国家和地区。它以140万单/秒的核心内存撮合技术,是全球加密货币交易速度最快的平台之一,也是全球加密货币交易量最大的平台之一。
2023-07-27 20:00:501

Turn Around 歌词

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示! 歌曲名:Turn Around歌手:Westlife专辑:TurnaroundTurn AroundWestlifeSome people are lucky, babyI guess I am tooLove found meAnd I found youAnd everytime I think it can"t get betterYou do something newAnd I"m renewedAnd when it gets colderI think its overLook what you going doEverytime I turn aroundGive me a reasonFor feeling the way that I doEverytime I turn aroundGive me a reasonTo put my faith in youEven when you let me downI forgive youCause I know that you feelin" it tooAnytime I turn aroundMake me believingIn things that I already knewYou wrap me up in kisses, babyHead to toeLet the whole world stareI don"t careYou make me breakfast in bedJust to show meNo one wants me moreI"m so sureAnd when it gets colderAnd I think its overLook what you going doEverytime I turn aroundGive me a reasonFor feeling the way that I doEverytime I turn aroundGive me a reasonTo put my faith in youEven when you let me downI forgive youCause I know that you feelin" it tooAnytime I turn aroundMake me believingIn things that I already knewTurnaround, Turnaround, Turnaround...Turnaround, Turnaround, Turnaround...You knowI knowIt"s hardLet goMy loveWho knowHow long to work itI should knowYes I knowIt"s hardTo let goSo my loveWho knowEverytime I turn aroundGive me a reasonFor feeling the way that I doEverytime I turn aroundGive me a reasonTo put my faith in youEven when you let me downI forgive youCause I know that you feelin" it tooAnytime I turn aroundMake me believingIn things that I already knewEverytime I turn aroundAnd when it gets colderAnd I think its overLook what you going doEverytime I turn aroundAnd when it gets colderAnd I think its overLook what you going doEven when you let me downAnd when it gets colderAnd I think its overLook what you going doAnytime I turn aroundAnd when it gets colderAnd I think its overLook what you going doEverytime I turn aroundAnd when it gets colderAnd I think its overLook what you going doEverytime I turn aroundAnd when it gets colderAnd I think its overLook what you going dohttp://music.b***.com/song/8888073
2023-07-27 20:00:441


2023-07-27 20:00:431