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2023-07-29 02:51:55

  英语阅读:The Language of Music

  A painter hangs his or her finished pictures on a wall, and everyone can see it. A composer writes a work, but no one can hear it until it is performed. Professional singers and players have great responsibilities, for the composer is utterly dependent on them. A student of music needs as long and as arduous a training to become a performer as a medical student needs to become a doctor. Most training is concerned with technique, for musicians have to have the muscular proficiency of an athlete or a ballet dancer. Singers practice breathing every day, as their vocal chords would be inadequate without controlled muscular support. String players practice moving the fingers of the left hand up and down, while drawing the bow to and fro with the right arm-two entirely different movements.

  Singers and instruments have to be able to get every note perfectly in tune. Pianists are spared this particular anxiety, for the notes are already there, waiting for them, and it is the piano tuner"s responsibility to tune the instrument for them. But they have their own difficulties; the hammers that hit the string have to be coaxed not to sound like percussion, and each overlapping tone has to sound clear.

  This problem of getting clear texture is one that confronts student conductors: they have to learn to know every note of the music and how it should sound, and they have to aim at controlling these sound with fanatical but selfless authority.

  Technique is of no use unless it is combined with musical knowledge and understanding. Great artists are those who are so thoroughly at home in the language of music that they can enjoy performing works written in any century.

  英语阅读:An Empty Box

  Once upon a time, a man punished his 5-year-old daughter for using up the family"s only roll of expensive gold wrapping paper. Money was tight, and he became even more upset when on Christmas Eve, he saw that the child had pasted the gold paper so as to decorate a shoebox to put under the Christmas tree.

  Nevertheless, the next morning the little girl, filled with excitement, brought the gift box to her father and said, "This is for you, Daddy!"

  As he opened the box, the father was embarrassed by his earlier overreaction.

  But when he opened it, he found it was empty and again his anger flared. "Don"t you know, young lady, " he said harshly, "when you give someone a present there"s supposed to be something inside the package!"

  The little girl looked up at him with tears rolling from her eyes and said: "Daddy, it"s not empty. I blew kisses into it until it was all full."

  The father was crushed. He fell on his knees and put his arms around his precious little girl. He begged her to forgive him for his unnecessary anger.

  An accident took the life of the child only a short time later. It is told that the father kept that little gold box by his bed for all the years of his life. Whenever he was discouraged or faced difficult problems he would open the box, take out an imaginary kiss, and remember the love of this beautiful child who had put it there.

  In a very real sense, each of us as human beings have been given an invisible golden box filled with unconditional love and kisses from our children, family, friends and God.

  There is no more precious possession anyone could hold.

  英语阅读:Happiness Equates with Fun?

  I live in Hollywood. You may think people in such a glamorous, fun-filled place are happier than others. If so, you have some mistaken ideas about the nature of happiness.

  Many intelligent people still equate happiness with fun. The truth is that fun and happiness have little or nothing in common. Fun is what we experience during an act. Happiness is what we experience after an act. It is a deeper, more abiding emotion.

  Going to an amusement park or ball game, watching a movie or television, are fun activities that help us relax, temporarily forget our problems and maybe even laugh. But they do not bring happiness, because their positive effects end when the fun ends.

  I have often thought that if Hollywood stars have a role to play, it is to teach us that happiness has nothing to do with fun. These rich, beautiful inpiduals have constant access to glamorous parties, fancy cars, expensive homes, everything that spells "happiness".

  But in memoir after memoir, celebrities reveal the unhappiness hidden beneath all their fun: depression, alcoholism, drug addiction, broken marriages, troubled children, profound loneliness.

  The way people cling to the belief that a fun-filled, pain-free life equates happiness actually diminishes their chances of ever attaining real happiness. If fun and pleasure are equated with happiness, then pain must be equated with unhappiness. But, in fact, the opposite is true: More times than not, things that lead to happiness involve some pain.

  As a result, many people avoid the very endeavors that are the source of true happiness. They fear the pain inevitably brought by such things as marriage, raising children, professional achievement, religious commitment, civic or charitable work, and self-improvement.

  英语阅读:Today is a Gift

  Two men, both seriously ill, occupied the same hospital room. One man was allowed to sit up in his bed for an hour each afternoon to help drain the fluid from his lungs. His bed was next to the room‘s only window. The other man had to spend all his time flat on his back. The men talked for hours on end.

  They spoke of their wives and families, their homes, their jobs, their involvement in the military service, where they had been on vacation. And every afternoon when the man in the bed by the window could sit up, he would pass the time by describing to his roommate all the things he could see outside the window. The man in the other bed began to live for those one-hour periods where his world would be broadened and enlivened by all the activity and color of the world outside.

  The window overlooked a park with a lovely lake. Ducks and swans played on the water while children sailed their model boats. Young lovers walked arm in arm amidst flowers of every color of the rainbow. Grand old trees graced the landscape, and a fine view of the city skyline could be seen in the distance. As the man by the window described all this in exquisite detail, the man on the other side of the room would close his eyes and imagine the picturesque scene.

  One warm afternoon the man by the window described a parade passing by. Although the other man couldn‘t hear the band - he could see it in his mind‘s eye as the gentleman by the window portrayed it with descriptive words.

  Days and weeks passed. One morning, the day nurse arrived to bring water for their baths only to find the lifeless body of the man by the window, who had died peacefully in his sleep. She was saddened and called the hospital attendants to take the body away.

  As soon as it seemed appropriate, the other man asked if he could be moved next to the window. The nurse was happy to make the switch, and after making sure he was comfortable, she left him alone. Slowly and painfully, he propped himself up on one elbow to take his first look at the world outside. Finally, he would have the joy of seeing it for himself. He strained to slowly turn to look out the window beside the bed. It faced a blank wall.

  The man asked the nurse what could have compelled his deceased roommate who had described such wonderful things outside this window. The nurse responded that the man was blind and could not even see the wall. She said, "Perhaps he just wanted to encourage you."

  英语阅读:Is Packing Important to You?

  A young man was getting ready to graduate from college. For many months he had admired a beautiful sports car in a dealer"s showroom, and knowing his father could well afford it, he told him that was all he wanted.

  As Graduation Day approached, the young man awaited signs that his father had purchased the car. Finally, on the morning of his graduation, his father called him into his private study. His father told him how proud he was to have such a fine son, and told him how much he loved him. He handed his son a beautiful wrapped gift box. Curious, but somewhat disappointed, the young man opened the box and found a lovely, leather-bound Bible, with the young man"s name embossed in gold.

  Angrily, he raised his voice to his father and said, "With all your money you give me a Bible?" He then stormed out of the house, leaving the Bible.

  Many years passed and the young man was very successful in business. He had a beautiful home and a wonderful family, but realizing his father was very old, he thought perhaps he should go to see him. He had not seen him since that graduation day. Before he could make the arrangements, he received a telegram telling him his father had passed away, and willed all of his possessions to his son. He needed to come home immediately and take care of things.

  When he arrived at his father"s house, sudden sadness and regret filled his heart. He began to search through his father"s important papers and saw the still new Bible, just as he had left it years ago.

  With tears, he opened the Bible and began to turn the pages. As he was reading, a car key dropped from the back of the Bible. It had a tag with the dealer"s name, the same dealer who had the sports car he had desired. On the tag was the date of his graduation, and the words… "PAID IN FULL".

  How many times do we miss blessings because they are not packaged as we expected? I trust you enjoyed this. Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; but remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for. Sometimes we don"t realize the good fortune we have or we could have because we expect "the packaging" to be different. What may appear as bad fortune may in fact be the door that is just waiting to be opened.

  英语阅读:The Baby Eagle

  Once upon a time there was a baby eagle living in a nest perched on a cliff overlooking a beautiful valley with waterfalls and streams, trees and lots of little animals, scurrying about enjoying their lives.

  The baby eagle liked the nest. It was the only world he had ever known. It was warm and comfortable, had a great view, and even better, he had all the food and love and attention that a great mother eagle could provide. Many times each day the mother would swoop down from the sky and land in the nest and feed the baby eagle delicious morsels of food. She was like a god to him, he had no idea where she came from or how she worked her magic.

  The baby eagle was hungry all the time, but the mother eagle would always come just in time with the food and love and attention he craved. The baby eagle grew strong. His vision grew very sharp. He felt good all the time.

  Until one day, the mother stopped coming to the nest.

  The baby eagle was hungry. "I"m sure to die," said the baby eagle, all the time.

  "Very soon, death is coming," he cried, with tears streaming down his face. Over and over. But there was no one there to hear him.

  Then one day the mother eagle appeared at the top of the mountain cliff, with a big bowl of delicious food and she looked down at her baby. The baby looked up at the mother and cried "Why did you abandon me? I"m going to die any minute. How could you do this to me?"

  The mother said, "Here is some very tasty and nourishing food, all you have to do is come get it."

  "Come get it!" said the baby, with much anger. "How?"

  The mother flew away.

  The baby cried and cried and cried.

  A few days later, "I"m going to end it all," he said. "I give up. It is time for me to die."

  He didn"t know his mother was nearby. She swooped down to the nest with his last meal.

  "Eat this, it"s your last meal," she said.

  The baby cried, but he ate and whined and whined about what a bad mother she was.

  "You"re a terrible mother," he said. Then she pushed him out of the nest.

  He fell.

  Head first.

  Picked up speed.

  Faster and faster.

  He screamed. "I"m dying I"m dying," he cried. He picked up more speed.

  He looked up at his mother. "How could you do this to me?"

  He looked down.

  The ground rushed closer, faster and faster. He could visualize his own death so clearly, coming so soon, and cried and whined and complained. "This isn"t fair!" he screamed.

  Something strange happens.

  The air caught behind his arms and they snapped away from his body, with a feeling unlike anything he had ever experienced. He looked down and saw the sky. He wasn"t moving towards the ground anymore, his eyes were pointed up at the sun.

  "Huh?" he said. "What is going on here!"

  "You"re flying," his mother said.

  "This is fun!" laughed the baby eagle, as he soared and ped and swooped.

  "Yes it is!" said the mother.



问题一:“鞋柜”英文怎么写?!? shoe box 问题二:请问鞋柜的英语怎么说 鞋柜 [词典] shoe cabinet; Shoebox; Shoescase; [例句]鞋柜-你把鞋放进鞋柜里。 Put the shoes in the shoe cabinet 问题三:鞋柜英文 【汉语】鞋柜 【英语】shoe cabinet 【音标】 英语读音【?uu02d0 ?k?b?n?t】 美语读音【?u? ?k?b?n?t】 【例句】 The pany offers the bed, wardrobe, shoes cabinet, etc. Free of charge. 公司免费提供床、衣柜、鞋柜等。 问题四:鞋柜的英语怎么写? 鞋柜 词典 shoe cabinet; Shoebox; Shoescase shoe case 网络 鞋柜 问题五:我把我的鞋放在鞋柜上(英文怎么写?) I put my shoes on the shoebox 问题六:你的私人鞋柜 英文怎么写? your private shoe cabinet 就这样,希望可以帮到你!
2023-07-27 18:54:331


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ShOEBox鞋柜是达芙妮国际控股在2004年5月1号推出的全新业态的零售及商品集约化品牌。SHOEBox是永恩 集团是由集团董事长张文仪与集团总经理陈贤民先生于1987年在香港创立,已发展成为一个以鞋业研发、生产、加工及销售为主的多元化经营集团,旗下各项业务遍布中国大陆、香港、台湾、欧洲及北美洲各地。永恩的长期目标和经营理念,反映了集团追求优质、卓越、创新的精神。集团创立初期,主要业务以OEM为主,80年代后期两岸开放后,永恩开始在中国内地拓展业务。1990年以自创“达芙妮”品牌进入大陆内销市场,“达芙妮”已成为中国女鞋知名品牌,而本集团亦成为中国鞋业生产和销售的领导者。1995年本集团整合内地业务,以“永恩国际集团有限公司”成功在香港的联交所上市。从此,集团规模扩充更加快捷,鞋类外销与内销成为集团的两大重心。进入21世纪,中国经济的高速增长,为集团发展提供庞大的契机。为了进一步开拓市场,集团在2004年5月1日推出全新业态的SHOEBOX鞋柜。她以丰富多样的鞋款和全新的量版式经营方式面向市场上数量最为庞大的中低端消费者,在为实现集团成为享誉全球之领导企业的长期目标上更进了一部。
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sealbox是是鞋柜ShoeBox品牌。它是达芙妮投资(集团)有限公司旗下品牌。为鞋类量贩店,开创了中国鞋业界先河,产生于2004年, SHOEBOX鞋柜以“鞋柜鞋不贵"为品牌口号,采用多品牌通路经营模式,和达芙妮品牌共同发展。SHOEBOX鞋柜在情感上,商品巧妙的融合文化与情感,强调鞋包覆着生活轨迹,是艺术创作,同时也是情感与记忆。“我们卖的不只是鞋,是美好生活的期待”中shoebox的理念。为了更好地体现通路特色及对消费者的服务,鞋柜推出多个不同品牌以满足各种消费需要:追求品味舒适的男鞋OSWIN,简单、休闲,知性、自信的淑女鞋RENEE,青春、甜美的少女鞋PINKII以及充满天真烂漫气息的童鞋SWEET BAY BAY。涵盖各个年龄层和消费需求的品牌阵容,为鞋柜“全家人一站式购鞋”的购物理念做出了最好的诠释。
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2023-07-27 18:55:063


shoe cupboard?
2023-07-27 18:55:163


常用的是 shoebox
2023-07-27 18:55:232


是OSWIN(奥思文),这系列是达芙妮国际控股下属Shoebox(鞋柜)的男鞋系列。Shoebox(鞋柜)已发展为多品牌经营的形态,所要传达的是一种“全家人一站式购鞋”的理念,进而发展出LOVE、FAMILY、TREE、OSWIN,充满爱的鞋柜Full of Love,全家人的鞋柜Fou your whole family,陪你成长的鞋柜 Grow with you;“鞋柜鞋不贵、大家都爱鞋柜”是鞋柜推行的平价策略。为了进一步开拓市场,集团在2004年5月1日推出全新业态的SHOEBOX鞋柜。她以丰富多样的鞋款和全新的量版式经营方式面向市场上数量最为庞大的中低端消费者,在为实现集团成为享誉全球之领导企业的长期目标上更进了一部。扩展资料:集团创立初期,主要业务以OEM为主。80年代后期两岸开放后,永恩开始在中国内地拓展业务。1990年以自创「达芙妮」品牌进入大陆内销市场,目前『达芙妮』已成为中国女鞋第一品牌,而本集团亦成为中国鞋业生产和销售的领导者。1995年本集团整合内地业务,以『永恩国际集团有限公司』成功地在香港的联交所上市。从此,集团规模扩充更加快速,鞋类外销与内销成为集团的两大重心。进入21世纪,中国经济的高度增长,为集团持续发展提供庞大的契机,本集团将进一步开拓市场,以实现成为享誉全球领导企业的长期目标。参考资料:百度百科--shoebox (永恩集团旗下品牌)
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2023-07-27 18:55:532


音乐厅有四种:1、鞋盒音乐厅(Shoebox);2、扇形音乐厅(Fan);3、竞技场/山谷梯田厅(Arena/Vineyard);4、马蹄形(Horse Shoe)演出场所的分类是听觉历史的变迁,从马蹄形剧场到鞋盒音乐厅,到扇形音乐厅和竞技场/山谷梯田厅的历程,是一段段动人心魄的演义。
2023-07-27 18:56:121

Shoebox (Radio Remix) 歌词

歌曲名:Shoebox (Radio Remix)歌手:Barenaked Ladies专辑:Disc One: All Their Greatest Hits 1991-2001Shoe BoxBarenaked LadiesFriends The Ultimate Soundtrack - CD2A key in the door, a step on the floorA note on the table, and a meal in the microNote says I"m in bed, please make sure that you"re fedif you"re taking a shower, you can borrow my bathrobeWhen I"m asleep I dream you move in next weekI crumple the note and save it to put insideMy shoe box (Shoe box)Shoe box of liesit"s under my bed, it"s never been readit"s in with my school stuff and my mom never cleans thereFrom my first little fib, when I still wore a bibTo my latest attempt at pretending I"m someoneWho"s not seventeen, doesn"t know what you meanWhen talk turns to single malts, or stilton, orMy shoe box (Shoe box)Shoe box of liesShoe box (Shoe box)Shoe box of liesDid somebody tell youThis is how it"s supposed to be?Or did you just find itAnd you don"t want any more from me?Was it something I said, or was it something you readThat"s making me think that I should never have come hereI can offer you lies, I can tell you good-bye.I can tell you I"m sorry, But I can"t tell you the truth, dearAnd what if I could -- would it do any good?You"ll still never get to see the contents ofMy shoe box (Shoe box)Shoe box of liesShoe box (Shoe box)Shoe box of liesYou"re so nineteen-ninetyAnd it"s nineteen-ninety-fourLeave this world behind me"Cause you don"t want me anymore.
2023-07-27 18:56:211


上海共有49家鞋柜(其中一家是在太仓)1.金杨枣庄路有一家(大型)2。凌河路3民生路4嘉定乐购5嘉定清河6长阳路欧尚7宝山通河新村家乐福8宝山牡丹江(友谊路 近黄金广场)9四川路有两家10金山有两家 11宝山月浦世纪联华12长江南路 淞南世纪联华13田林好又多 及对面14凌云好又多15康桥大润发16南汇乐购17南翔家乐福18大宁(近上海马戏城)19青浦城中路20殷行店 殷行路包头路21上南好又多22上南易初23江湾镇车站水电路 世纪联华不知道对您有没有帮助。
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2023-07-27 18:56:415


可以把同一张大图切割成小图,适合打开别人打包的图片, 你懂的 学习之用制作bitmap font,把psd分层导出,制作9妹图支持的引擎:我们使用的是GUI里面的BitmapFont功能。配置参数1.在GUI->Bitmap Font 鼠标右键打开,如下: 2.点击Applay按钮, 然后长按Bitmap Font按钮,会出现文字复制成功。3.然后打开PhotoShop,制作特效, 这里我只是给文字加个描边(ps:我是程序员而已) 4.导出图片为png,存在桌面(PS:这里的文字最好在同一条直线上, 如果不是得话估计会识别有误差)5.把导出的png图片拖到刚刚ShoeBox的Bitmap Font按钮上 6.识别成功! 右边要显示的内容可以自己设置,然后apply就可以了, 点开Setting按钮 7.然后点击Save Font 导出字体 分别是XXX.png和XXX.fnt8.在游戏中使用, libgdx中使用很简单,这里就不再说了
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2023-07-27 18:57:185

shoebox鞋柜这个鞋子品牌 永恩不做了吗? 不能加盟吗

2023-07-27 18:57:492


Nike SB 是Nike旗下专业的滑板鞋系列。Nike SB的全称是SKATE BOARDING,也就是滑板运动。Nike SB 近来最令人印象深刻的就是“Shoebox”系列,以 Nike SB 不同时期鞋盒配色为灵感的 Dunk 鞋款设计。而这款 Nike SB Dunk Low Pro “Camo Green”则回归了较为常见的迷彩元素,不过是以绿色丛林迷彩和白色鞋身搭配,而且迷彩图案上还突出了压纹的质感,鞋垫上则印有一只生动的豹子图案,此款预计将于 1 月 5 日上市。耐克sb系列的发展:耐克sb系列是一款非常出色的滑板鞋款,而nike sb系列作为目前最主流的板鞋,其知名度和影响力也在与日俱增,从最初的普通篮球鞋过度到现在最受欢迎的板鞋。寄予了这双鞋更多的是时尚元素,原来只为滑板运动创作的改进版复古鞋,如今以及成为潮流的标志,nike sb官网为广大喜欢sb系列的朋友们倾情提供时尚系列滑板鞋。如今Nike SB的战线主要集中在NIKE DUNK SB和NIKE TENNIS SB。DUNK SB顾名思义,它具有经典的DUNK血缘,但是NIKE在把它改造成SB的时候,却给它加入了更酷的技术,主要就是加厚了鞋舌和添加了ZOOM AIR气垫。
2023-07-27 18:57:581


更新1: 9)比可可既动画图片(由其系变身果阵) 10)比可可同诺爱尔一齐唱歌既图片比我~ Thank you~~~~~~~~ 更新2: 11)比莲伊恩同法伊恩大个既相比我~ plz~ 1. 中文名:紫美香莲/紫美可怜/紫美卡琳 /桐岛香莲/桐岛可怜/桐岛卡琳 TVB:紫美可伶/桐岛可伶 英文名:Chimi Karen /Tong Island Karen 日文名:カレン/カレントン岛 管理的海域:南极海 身份:紫色珍珠人鱼公主 生日:2月14日 星座:水瓶座 血型:O型 高度:168cm 主唱歌曲:オーロラの风に乗て 喜欢的颜色:紫色 爱好:唱歌 专长:唱歌 喜欢的科目:音乐 讨厌的科目:美术 喜欢的花:薰衣草 喜欢的食物:蚬 讨厌的食物:冇 喜欢的男孩类型:爱自己的人 喜欢的人:斯帕鲁 中国香港声优: 林元春 日本声优: 小暮英麻 简介: 南极海的公主,诺爱尔的双胞胎妹妹,一开始很固执,执意要自己救出诺爱尔与可可,其实人非常好。 2. 中文名:紫美诺葳尔/紫美诺爱儿 /桐岛诺葳尔/桐岛诺爱儿 TVB:紫美诺爱尔/桐岛诺爱尔 英文名:Chimi Noel /Tong Island Noel 日文名:ノエル/统岛ノエル 管理的海域:北极海 身份:蓝色珍珠人鱼公主 生日:2月13日 星座:水瓶座 血型:O型 高度:169cm 喜欢的颜色:蓝色 爱好:唱歌 专长:唱歌 喜欢的科目:音乐 讨厌的科目:冇 喜欢的花:薄荷 喜欢的食物:海藻 讨厌的食物:冇 喜欢的男孩类型:爱自己的人 喜欢的人:冇 中国香港声优: 谢洁贞 日本声优: 永田亮子 简介: 温柔的北极海公主,可伶的双胞胎姐姐,老是为别人牺牲,是位个性很好的人,和可可一样故事一开始就被海都捉住,和丽奈小时候就在一起。系丽奈既朋友。不过最尾个集佢同可伶 fd d(睇到我一头水呀)一碰到水就会由人形变回人鱼。 3. 中文名:夏美可可 TVB:夏美可可 英文名:Hami Coco 日文名:ハミココ 管理的海域:南太平洋 身份:黄色珍珠人鱼公主 生日:8月7日 星座:狮子座 血型:A 型 高度:169cm 喜欢的颜色:黄色 爱好:唱歌 专长:惏男仔、唱歌 喜欢的科目:美术 讨厌的科目:冇 喜欢的花:兰花 喜欢的食物:带子 讨厌的食物:冇 喜欢的男孩类型:跟自己投契的人 喜欢的人:冇 中国香港声优: 林雅婷 日本声优: 新井里美 简介: 可可是露西亚的邻国。她在故事中很早巳被生擒 了,跟沙罗是好朋友,一心一意想救沙罗,但她太内弱,所以被生擒。 4. 中文名:多真沙罗 TVB:多真沙罗 英文名:Toeties Sara 日文名:サラ 管理的海域:印度洋 身份:橙色珍珠人鱼公主 生日:11月22日 星座:人马座 血型:B型 高度:172cm 喜欢的颜色:橙色 主唱歌曲:Return to the sea 爱好:唱歌 专长:唱歌 喜欢的科目:数学 讨厌的科目:中文 喜欢的花:兰花 喜欢的食物:章鱼 讨厌的食物:冇 喜欢的男孩类型:专一型 喜欢的人:海月太郎 / 海都 中国香港声优: 朱妙兰(第1辑),黄玉娟(第2辑) 日本声优: 植田佳奈 简介: 沙罗是全部人鱼公主最大的。一开头她因某种力量(失恋?)变成了黑色的美人鱼,她被波音那种为爱坚支嘅精神开解了 而变成了橙色的美人鱼。 5. 中文名:多真星罗 TVB:多真星罗 英文名:Toeties Seira 日文名:ルーマニアの星 管理的海域:印度洋 身份:橙色珍珠人鱼公主 生日:12月18日 星座:人马座(跟沙罗一样) 血型:B型 高度:136cm 喜欢的颜色:橙色 爱好:唱歌 专长:唱歌 主唱歌曲:Beautiful Wish.Birth of love 第2辑主题曲Before the Moment 喜欢的科目:英文 讨厌的科目:家政 喜欢的花:风信纸 喜欢的食物:高级料理 讨厌的食物:水果 喜欢的男孩类型:冇 喜欢的人:冇 中国香港声优: 郑丽丽 日本声优:喜多村英梨 简介: 星罗是在第二辑出现的美人鱼,在沙罗死后继任的。星罗是美人鱼们中最细的。 6.法伊恩 身高:117cm 年龄:8岁 喜欢的食物:蛋糕 讨厌的食物:冇 其他我唔知 7.莲伊恩 身高:117cm 年龄:8岁 其他我唔知 8.布莱德 紫美可伶 中文姓名:紫美可伶 英文姓名:Chimi Karen 海域:南冰洋身份:紫色珍珠人鱼公主 生日:1986年2月14日 星座:水瓶座 血形:O形 高度:168c.m. 爱好:唱歌 专长:唱歌 喜欢的颜色:紫色 喜欢的科目:音乐 讨厌的科目:美术 喜欢的花:薰衣草 喜欢的食物:蚬 讨厌的食物:无 喜欢的男孩类型:爱自己的人 喜欢的男孩:斯帕鲁 简介:可伶是南极海的公主 一开始很固执 执意要救诺爱尔和可可 其实非常好人。 紫美诺爱尔 中文姓名:紫美诺爱尔 英文姓名:Chimi Noel 海域:北冰洋 身份:蓝色珍珠人鱼公主 生日:1986年2月13日 星座:水瓶座 血形:O形 高度169c.m. 爱好:唱歌 专长:唱歌 喜欢的颜色:蓝色 喜欢的科目:音乐 讨厌的科目:无 喜欢的花:薄荷 喜欢的食物:海藻 讨厌的食物:无 喜欢的男孩类型:爱自己的人 喜欢的男孩:无 简介:诺爱尔是北极海的人鱼公主 十分温柔 老是为人牺牲 是个性很好的人。故事一开始就和可可被海都捉住 小时候和丽奈在一起 是丽奈的好朋友。 夏美可可 中文姓名:夏美可可 英文姓名:Hami Coco 海域:南太平洋 身份:黄色珍珠人鱼公主 生日:8月7日 星座:狮子座 血形:A形 高度169c.m 爱好:唱歌 专长:惏男仔、唱歌 喜欢的颜色:黄色 喜欢的科目:美术 讨厌的科目:无 喜欢的花:兰花 喜欢的食物:带子 讨厌的食物:无 喜欢的男孩类型:跟自己投契的人 喜欢的男孩:无 简介:可可是南太平洋的人鱼公主。是沙罗的好朋友 一心一意想救沙罗但她太内弱 所以被生擒。 多真沙罗 中文姓名:多真沙罗 英文姓名:Toeties Sara 海域:印度洋 身份:橙色珍珠人鱼公主 生日:11月22日 星座:人马座 血形:B形 高度:172c.m. 爱好:唱歌 专长:唱歌 喜欢的颜色:橙色 喜欢的科目:数学 讨厌的科目:中文 喜欢的花:兰花 喜欢的食物:章鱼 讨厌的食物:无 喜欢的男孩类型:专一型 喜欢的男孩:海月太郎/海都 简介:沙罗是印度洋的人鱼公主 是全部人鱼公主最大的。一开始因某种原因变成了黑色美人鱼 后来被波音那种为爱坚持的力精神开解 而变回橙色珍珠人鱼公主。 多真星罗 中文姓名:多真星罗 英文姓名:Toeties Seira 海域:印度洋 身份:橙色珍珠人鱼公主 生日:12月18日 星座:人马座 血形:B形 高度:136c.m. 爱好:唱歌 专长:唱歌 喜欢的颜色:橙色 喜欢的科目:英文 讨厌的科目:家政 喜欢的花:风信子 喜欢的食物:高级料理 讨厌的食物:水果 喜欢的男孩类型:无 喜欢的男孩:无 简介:星罗是印度洋的人鱼公主 是继任沙罗的人鱼公主。是最小的人鱼公主。 其他不知!!! 英文: Nanami Luchia 中文: 七海露西亚 TVB: 七海露芝亚 生日:1989年7月3日(16岁) 血型:0型 身高:156cm 星座:巨蟹座 喜欢做的事:制作饰物,唱歌。 管理的海:北太平洋 所爱的人:堂本海斗 简介:露西亚是本故事的主角,北太平洋的公主,拥有粉红色珍珠。 在七年前用珍珠来救海斗,所在现在来到人间介想要回珍珠。 英文:Hosho Hanon 中文:宝生波音 TVB:宝生波音 生日:1989年5月24日(16岁) 血型:B型 身高:152cm 星座:双子座 喜欢做的事:逛街,化妆。 管理的海:南大西洋 所爱的人:海月太郎/白井渚 简介:波音是南大西洋的公主,生性活泼,有着小聪明。 是在学校露西亚的第一个朋友,也是露西亚第一个找到的公主。 不幸的是波音的南大西洋国已经被破坏了。 英文:Toin Lina /Rina 中文:洞院丽娜 TVB:洞院丽奈 生日:1989年9月2日(16岁) 血型:AB型 身高:163cm 星座:处女座 喜欢做的事:看书,做家务。 管理的海:北大西洋 所爱的人:崎雅宏 简介:丽娜是北大西洋的公主,是个很cool的人。 班上有很多人都是她的f!!! 丽娜比露西亚和波音较成熟,身高也不用问。 和波音一样,自已的国家也已经被破坏了。 英文:Karen 中文:可怜 TVB:可伶 生日:1986年2月14日(19岁) 星座:水瓶座(总站长:和我一样啊!!) 管理的海:南极海 简介:可怜是南极海的公主,起初是不认同露西亚等人, 她的出现是要拯救被捉掉的诺爱儿,可惜被black beauty sister 捉掉。可怜和诺爱儿一个在早上诞生,一个在晚上诞生,可怜是小 的那个。可怜有一颗痣在左眼下方,而诺爱儿的就是右眼下方。 英文:Noel 中文:诺爱儿 TVB:诺爱尔 生日:1986年2月13日(19岁) 星座:水瓶座(总站长:和我一样啊!!) 管理的海:北极海 简介:诺爱儿是北极海的公主,故事开头为了丽娜而被海都生擒... 之后被露西亚等人救走,那个场面都几感人。 诺爱儿与可怜是同年同月出生的,但两人像从没见过。 英文: Coco /Koko 中文:可可 TVB:可可 生日:1984年8月7日(21岁) 星座:狮子座 管理的海:南太平洋 简介:可可是:南太平洋的公主,是露西亚的邻国。 可可在故事中很早便被生擒了,她有一把很直的头发, 可可比可怜和诺爱儿还要大两年。 英文: Sara 中文:沙罗 TVB:沙罗 生日:1981年11月22日(24岁) 星座:人马座 管理的海:印度洋 简介:沙罗是众人鱼公主们年纪最大的一位,是印度洋公主。 这位角色十分神秘,因为开头沙罗因一种力量,变为黑色的美人鱼。 系经过波音等人开解才变回橙色的。 其实沙罗很早就认识太郎了,还是恋人呢! 不过不知为什么沙罗会转投海都呢! 而且最后还因太爱海都他一起上天堂,沙罗在第二编以灵魂型式存在, 还有少少戏做哦~ 英文:Seira 中文:星罗 TVB:星罗 生日:2004年12月18日(10岁) 星座:人马座 管理的海:印度洋 简介:星罗是在第二编才出现的人鱼公主,是沙罗死后继任的。 星罗的心被美克尔吸走,虽要露西亚等人的帮助,对负美克尔,抢回星罗 的心。另外,星罗的力量很大的,她经常拯救遇难的人鱼公主,她平时以 人鱼形式来唱歌的。 1.中文名:紫美香莲/紫美可怜/紫美卡琳 /桐岛香莲/桐岛可怜/桐岛卡琳 TVB:紫美可伶/桐岛可伶 英文名:Chimi Karen /Tong Island Karen 日文名:カレン/カレントン岛 管理的海域:南极海 身份:紫色珍珠人鱼公主 生日:2月14日 星座:水瓶座 血型:O型 高度:168cm 主唱歌曲:オーロラの风に乗て 喜欢的颜色:紫色 爱好:唱歌 专长:唱歌 喜欢的科目:音乐 讨厌的科目:美术 喜欢的花:薰衣草 喜欢的食物:蚬 讨厌的食物:冇 喜欢的男孩类型:爱自己的人 喜欢的人:斯帕鲁 中国香港声优: 林元春 日本声优: 小暮英麻 简介: 南极海的公主,诺爱尔的双胞胎妹妹,一开始很固执,执意要自己救出诺爱尔与可可,其实人非常好。 2.中文名:紫美诺葳尔/紫美诺爱儿 /桐岛诺葳尔/桐岛诺爱儿 TVB:紫美诺爱尔/桐岛诺爱尔 英文名:Chimi Noel /Tong Island Noel 日文名:ノエル/统岛ノエル 管理的海域:北极海 身份:蓝色珍珠人鱼公主 生日:2月13日 星座:水瓶座 血型:O型 高度:169cm 喜欢的颜色:蓝色 爱好:唱歌 专长:唱歌 喜欢的科目:音乐 讨厌的科目:冇 喜欢的花:薄荷 喜欢的食物:海藻 讨厌的食物:冇 喜欢的男孩类型:爱自己的人 喜欢的人:冇 中国香港声优: 谢洁贞 日本声优: 永田亮子 简介: 温柔的北极海公主,可伶的双胞胎姐姐,老是为别人牺牲,是位个性很好的人,和可可一样故事一开始就被海都捉住,和丽奈小时候就在一起。系丽奈既朋友。不过最尾个集佢同可伶 fd d(睇到我一头水呀)一碰到水就会由人形变回人鱼。 3.中文名:夏美可可 TVB:夏美可可 英文名:Hami Coco 日文名:ハミココ 管理的海域:南太平洋 身份:黄色珍珠人鱼公主 生日:8月7日 星座:狮子座 血型:A 型 高度:169cm 喜欢的颜色:黄色 爱好:唱歌 专长:惏男仔、唱歌 喜欢的科目:美术 讨厌的科目:冇 喜欢的花:兰花 喜欢的食物:带子 讨厌的食物:冇 喜欢的男孩类型:跟自己投契的人 喜欢的人:冇 中国香港声优: 林雅婷 日本声优: 新井里美 简介: 可可是露西亚的邻国。她在故事中很早巳被生擒 了,跟沙罗是好朋友,一心一意想救沙罗,但她太内弱,所以被生擒。 4.中文名:多真沙罗 TVB:多真沙罗 英文名:Toeties Sara 日文名:サラ 管理的海域:印度洋 身份:橙色珍珠人鱼公主 生日:11月22日 星座:人马座 血型:B型 高度:172cm 喜欢的颜色:橙色 主唱歌曲:Return to the sea 爱好:唱歌 专长:唱歌 喜欢的科目:数学 讨厌的科目:中文 喜欢的花:兰花 喜欢的食物:章鱼 讨厌的食物:冇 喜欢的男孩类型:专一型 喜欢的人:海月太郎 / 海都 中国香港声优: 朱妙兰(第1辑),黄玉娟(第2辑) 日本声优: 植田佳奈 简介: 沙罗是全部人鱼公主最大的。一开头她因某种力量(失恋?)变成了黑色的美人鱼,她被波音那种为爱坚支嘅精神开解了 而变成了橙色的美人鱼。 5.中文名:多真星罗 TVB:多真星罗 英文名:Toeties Seira 日文名:ルーマニアの星 管理的海域:印度洋 身份:橙色珍珠人鱼公主 生日:12月18日 星座:人马座(跟沙罗一样) 血型:B型 高度:136cm 喜欢的颜色:橙色 爱好:唱歌 专长:唱歌 主唱歌曲:Beautiful Wish.Birth of love 第2辑主题曲Before the Moment 喜欢的科目:英文 讨厌的科目:家政 喜欢的花:风信纸 喜欢的食物:高级料理 讨厌的食物:水果 喜欢的男孩类型:冇 喜欢的人:冇 中国香港声优: 郑丽丽 日本声优:喜多村英梨 简介: 星罗是在第二辑出现的美人鱼,在沙罗死后继任的。星罗是美人鱼们中最细的。 6.法伊恩(法音) 英文名:Fine 身高:117cm 年龄:8岁 喜欢的食物:蛋糕 讨厌的食物:冇 简介:太阳王国的尚未能独当一面的公主。妹妹型。像男孩。行动派。属于有话就说的类型。是喜欢好吃的东西的贪吃鬼。因为只注意身边,所以动作快速果决。先是行动,然后是将事情搅和在一起,直直往前冲的类型,但是本能般的野性直觉,在事到临头时又常会让她因害怕而犹豫不决。 7.莲伊恩(莲音) 英文名:Rein 身高:117cm 年龄:8岁 简介:太阳王国的尚未能独当一面的公主。姐姐型。跟法音比较时她像女孩而优雅。属于大方不可思议的类型。非常喜欢漂亮东西的好打扮者。但发生事情时却能稳住的类型。当法音开始犹豫不决时,莲音会再三考虑后,大胆的行动,使事情更加混乱。因为只看远方,处事方法和法音有差异。 8.布莱德 图片: .msnusers/jennywong888/shoebox.msnw .msnusers/hlh04ai70q8rqjtpcprmv6j4/shoebox.msnw groups.msn/4pvab4qe6cjosj2ctacj97pvs7/shoebox.msnw groups.msn/hanonsugarpichipichi/page13.msnw groups.msn/bowiehanoncat/ groups.msn/gillianpinky2006yahoo/shoebox.msnw 2008-02-07 22:45:02 补充: groups.msn/mermaidf/shoebox.msnwgroups.msn/pichipure/shoebox.msnwgroups.msn/chglt6ju8b48ajfipo0vse8pq1/shoebox.msnwgroups.msn/angel24/shoebox.msnw 2008-02-07 22:45:23 补充: groups.msn/50dk6u717buqgg8ad9vn5r8uc4/shoebox.msnwgroups.msn/abc123ABC/shoebox.msnwgroups.msn/lucypichi/shoebox.msnwgroups.msn/superlovesongs/shoebox.msnw 参考: zh. *** /wiki/%E4%B8%8D%E5%8F%AF%E6%80%9D%E8%AD%B0%E6%98%9F%E7%90%83%E7%9A%84%E9%9B%99%E8%83%9E%E8%83%8E%E5%85%AC%E4%B8%BB
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单鞋Single shoes双语例句1.The temperature has dropped, you will feel cold in those thin shoes.降温了, 穿单鞋出去会冻脚的.2.It is very convenient, durable shoes for and Autumn Seasons.该鞋轻便 、 牢固耐穿,为春秋季节穿的单鞋.3.A shoebox crammed with confirmation slips does not qualify as a record - keeping system.塞满鞋盒的交易确认单不能算做交易记录系统.
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Flying kite shoebox series of packaging designOne of the flying kite shoebox packaging process showsSeries shoebox packagingAfter investigation, the traditional shoebox packaging is more to heaven and earth cover or clamshell boxes majority, consumersAfter buying the shoes, the usual practice is to discard the shoebox. From an environmental and practicalPoint of view, to design three shoebox packaging solution for their common characteristic is a piece of paperForming, help save the packaging materials, to highlight the personality traits. A shoebox planeExpansion plan is like a soar, fly kites, and then with the traditional kite patternHave gone beyond the traditional concept of packaging, the formation of a work of art can be used for home decorationOther shoebox is the kite as a flat, highly decorated. Another shoebox According to theShoes shape itself to the box-type structure design, the focus of these programs form a set ofFlying kite shoebox packaging.(我不要钱)
2023-07-27 19:00:152


oswin男鞋样子很好看,穿起来也很舒服,大小合适帅气。那么oswin男鞋是什么牌子?oswin男鞋质量怎么样?oswin男鞋是什么牌子 OSWIN(奥思文)这系列是达芙妮国际控股下属Shoebox(鞋柜)的男鞋系列。Shoebox(鞋柜)已发展为多品牌经营的形态,所要传达的是一种“全家人一站式购鞋”的理念,进而发展出LOVE、FAMILY、TREE、OSWIN,充满爱的鞋柜FullofLove,全家人的鞋柜Fouyourwholefamily,陪你成长的鞋柜Growwithyou;“鞋柜鞋不贵、大家都爱鞋柜”是鞋柜推行的平价策略。 试客背景 职业:白领星座:天蝎风格喜好:休闲运动个性标签:小资年龄:25-29岁身高:160-170cm性别:男 宝贝整体 这个品牌的鞋子还是第一次穿!第一时间拿到鞋子看到包装很好,鞋子外观设计美观,远看很商务的款式拿起来感觉特轻盈又添加了休闲的理念,时尚大方适合很多年龄段的审美观! 亮点细节 鞋的质量很好,特别满意。上脚也特别舒服,皮质特别柔软。鞋底特别防滑。真是一双非常满意不错的皮鞋。 鞋型很显瘦奥,很喜欢,鞋底柔软防滑! 这做工,杠杠的!没的说!赞一个! 试用过程 拿到写子我第一时间就穿上了,鞋子皮质柔软舒适不磨脚,不捂脚透气性十分满意! 皮质光泽依然很漂亮!开车我也很喜欢穿它! 很棒的鞋子!一气呵成的外观!精致的做工!值得拥有! 试用心得 优点:鞋的质量特别好,皮质特别柔软。鞋底还防滑。穿了一天特别满意,一点都不板脚,非常舒服。没有想到的是这么贵的鞋能让我免费试用。心情特别好。以后会天天去特别免费申请试用的。 缺点:说真的,我试用的这款鞋,真的没有啥缺点,特别适合,就是颜色有更多选择就好了!不过这也不算是缺点!
2023-07-27 19:00:361

高手翻译一下better together的歌词吧

有 我能放在一明信片背面我能唱歌的歌的没有的话的结合的没有我能谋求你心脏我们的梦, 并且他们被由真正的A制造, shoebox加sepiatone的照片喜欢喜欢在那些答案,至少适合我的心差不多一问题喜欢为什么不是我们在这里? 我们去哪儿? 并且为什么我们如此艰难? 不总容易和有时生命是欺骗的可能我告诉你一件事情将它更好总是当到那时我们一同合唱岁时: 嗯它更好总是到那时一同我们看到那时我们一同到那时我们是一同的它最总是好的岁的那些星, 它更好总是一同到那时我们和只不过的所有这些片刻在那里发现对今晚我的梦的路可能,但是我知道theyll 去, 早上光唱歌并且带来新事情什么时候明天夜晚,你看见theyll 太离开我必须做的太多事情, 所有这些梦可能发现在那里路进我日常现场病以为i在某处在方面, 在与只两正直的我和你而不是那么多事情之间, 我们开始做或者安置,我们成为,我们在那些芒果树下面坐将它更好总是, 在一同之间在某处一同我们它更好总是当到那时我们是一同时, 它更好总是到那时我们一同MMmmmm岁我相信他们如此看的记忆的MMMmmmm Mmmmmm, 现在嘿,我醒来什么时候,你看如此漂亮紧挨着我睡以致于但是没有时间如此漂亮以致于我睡什么时候, 并且没有我能唱的歌 并且没有,我能说的话的结合但是我仍然告诉你一件事情我们一同更好。
2023-07-27 19:00:431

请求翻译一下这段歌词Jach Johnson的better together

毫无组合词,我可以放在后面的明信片和无歌,我 会唱,但我可以尝试为你的心和我们的梦想,他们是出于对现实的东西 像鞋盒照片与棕褐色分明爱是爱情的答案,至少对大多数问题,在我小时 地震我们为什么在这里? 而我们现在该做些什么? 以及如何来的这么辛苦? 这不是件容易的,有时人生可以欺骗,我告诉你一件事, 这总比当我们同在一起,所有这些的时候,可能只找到[ 01:19.91 ]走入我的梦今晚 [ 01:22.39 ] ,但我知道他们不在了[ 01:24.84 ]当晨光唱[ 01:26.74 ]或带来新的东西[ 01:28.96 ]明晚你看 [ 01:31.50 ] ,他们不在了太, [ 01 : 33.10 ]事太多,我也要做[ 01:35.31 ]但是,如果所有这些梦想可能找到[ 01:37.12 ]冲进我的每一天收盘 和顺[ 01:40.06 ]我倒有一个印象[ 01:42.17 ]我是介于两者之间[ 01:44.02 ]只有两个,我只 而你, [ 01 : 45.92 ]没有这么多事情,我们必须做的[ 01:48.88 ]或地方,我们一定要[ 01:50.56 ]我们会坐在底下的芒果树,现在 [ 01:54.36 ]这总比当我们同在一起[ 01:59.34 ]我们介于两者之间在一起,我相信,在回忆[ 02:31.50 ] ,他们样子很漂亮,当我收盘 子宫颈[ 02:36.13 ] ,而当我醒来你看[ 02:41.01 ]这么漂亮睡我旁边[ 02:44.89 ] ,但现在还没有足够的笔 输入[ 02:49.24 ]有没有一首歌能唱[ 02:53.33 ] ,没有结合的话,我只能说[ 02 : 58.41 ] ,但我仍然会告诉你一件事[ 03:01.64 ]我们一起更好
2023-07-27 19:00:532


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有一次,阿波罗看到小爱神丘比特正拿着弓箭玩。他不客气的警告丘比特说: 喂!弓箭是很危险的东西,小孩子不要随便拿来玩。 原来小爱神丘比特有两枝十分特别的箭。凡是被他用那枝用黄金作成的利箭射到的人,心中会立刻燃起 恋爱的热情。 要是那枝铅做的钝箭射到的人,就会十分厌恶爱情。 丘比特被阿波罗这么一说,心里很不服气。他趁着阿波罗不注意的时候,飕的一声把爱情之箭射向阿波罗。阿波罗心中 立刻对爱情有了强烈的渴望。正巧这时候,来了一个名叫达芙妮的美丽少女。调皮的丘比特把那枝铅做的钝箭射向达芙 妮。被钝箭射中的达芙妮,立刻变得十分厌恶爱情。 这时候,被爱情之箭射中的阿波罗已经深深的爱上了达芙妮,立刻对她表示爱慕。可是达芙妮却很不高兴的说:走开! 我讨厌爱情!离我远一点儿·说着,就像羚羊似的往山谷里飞奔而去 。可是阿波罗对于追求达芙妮并不灰心,他拿着竖 琴,弹出优美的曲子。不论谁听到阿波罗的琴声, 都会情不自禁的走到他面前聆听他的演奏。 躲在山里的达芙妮听到了这优美的琴声,也不知不觉陶醉了。 哪来这么动人的琴声?我要看看是谁弹奏的。说着说着,达芙妮早已经被琴声迷住了, 走向阿波罗这边来。躲在一块大 石头后面弹竖琴的阿波罗立刻跳出来,走上前要拥抱达芙妮。 达芙妮看到阿波罗, 拔腿就跑。阿罗在后面苦苦追赶,并且大声叫喊:我又不是你的仇人,也不是凶猛的野兽 ,更不 是无理取闹的莽汉,你为什么要躲避我? 尽管阿波罗在后面不停的对达芙妮呼喊, 达芙妮仍然当作没听到,继续往前飞奔。 不过,达芙妮跑得再快,也跑不过阿波罗。跑了好一阵子, 达芙妮已经跑得筋疲力尽,上气不接下气。最后她倒在地 上,眼看阿波罗就要追上了, 达芙妮急得大叫:救命啊!救命啊! 这时候,河神听见了达芙妮的求救声,立刻用神力把她变成一棵月桂树。 只见达芙妮的秀发变成了树叶,手腕变成 了树枝,两条腿变成了树干,两只脚和脚指变成了树根, 深深的扎入土里。 阿波罗看到了,懊悔万分。他很伤心的抱着月桂树哭泣,可是月桂树却不停的摇摆。 虽然达芙妮已经变成了月桂 树,但是阿波罗依然爱着她。他很痴情的对月桂树说:你虽然没能成为我的妻子,但是我会永远爱着你。我要用你的枝 叶做我的桂冠,用你的木材做我的竖琴,并用你的花装饰我的弓。同时,我要赐你永远年轻 ,不会老。 变成月 桂树的达芙妮听了,深深的受了感动,连连点头,表示谢意。也许是受到了阿波罗的祝福, 月桂树终年常青
2023-07-27 19:01:091


Better Together There"s no combination of words I could put on the back of a postcard 我不知道应该在明信片背面写些什么No song I could sing 也不只该吟唱些什么But I can try for your heart但为了你的心意 我愿意尝试 Our dreams, and they are made out of real things我们的梦想 将一一实现like a, shoebox of photographs就像,一个装满照片的鞋盒子 with sepiatone loving 就像,那些携手走过的泛黄的爱恋Love is the answer, 爱就是答案at least for most of the questions in my heart 至少是我心中大多数疑问的答案Like why are we here? and where do we go? 像 为什么我们会在这儿? 我们要去像何方?And how come we"re so hard? 为什么 我们会如此深深相爱It"s not always easy and sometimes life can be deceiving 生活并非那么简单有时也会充满欺骗I"ll tell you one thing its always better when we"re together 但只要你和我在一起 一切都会更美好Chorus: MMM its always better when we"re together 只要你和我在一起 一切都会更美好look at the stars when we"re together 当我们一起时 看那些繁星its always better when we"re together当我们一起时 它们都格外明亮Yeah, its always better when we"re together 没错 当我们一起时 一切都会更美好And all of these moments 那些瞬间just might find there way into my dreams tonight 在今夜 找到了通向我梦乡的道路But I know that theyll be gone 我知道它们有天终将逝去when the morning light sings 当清晨的阳光开始歌唱and brings new things当清晨的阳光带来新的一天 but tomorrow night you see 但明天你会发现that theyll be gone too 它们也将消逝too many things I have to do有太多我必须做的事But if all of these dreams might find there way into my day to day scene 如果这些梦想都能化为现实Ill be under the impression 我会有这种感觉i was somewhere in between 我一直在徘徊With only two Just me and you 就你和我Not so many things we got to do 没什么我们要赶着做的事情or places we got to be 也没什么我们必须赶到的地方We"ll Sit beneath the mango tree 我们静静坐在芒果树下its always better when we"re together 当我们一起时 一切都会更美好Somewhere in between together 我们之间its always better when we"re together当我们一起时 一切都会更美好 Yeah, its always better when we"re together 是的,当我们一起时 一切都会更美好MMmmmm MMMmmmm Mmmmmm I believe in memories 我相信回忆they look so, so pretty when I sleep 当我坠入梦乡 它们看上去那么美好Hey now, and when I wake up, 而现在 ,当我醒来you look so pretty sleeping next to me 睡在我身边的你看上去也那么美丽But there is no time, 但没有时间了and there is no song I could sing 我不知道该唱什么歌and there is no, combination of words I could say我不知道应该在明信片背面写些什么but I will still tell you one thing 但有件事我必须告诉你We"re Better together. 我们在一起时一切都会好另一个翻译版本的 没看 你自己看看 You NowSugababesIt was so easy that night那些夜晚是多么简单Should"ve been strong应该在坚决些Yeah I lied是的 我撒谎了Nobody gets me like you没人像你这样难倒我I know everything changes我知道一切都在改变All the cities and faces那些城市 那些脸庞But I know how I feel about you但我知道自己对你的感觉Can we bring yesterday back around我们能够回到昨天吗Cause I know how I feel about you now因为我知道自己对你的感觉I was dumb I was wrong我很糟糕 我错了I let you down我让你失望了But I know how I feel about you now我知道自己对你的感觉All that it takes one more chance所需要的就是多一次的机会Don"t let our last kiss be our last不要让我们上次亲吻成为最后一次Give me tonight and I"ll show you今晚给我吧 我会证明I know everything changes我知道一切都在改变I don"t care where it takes us也不在乎情况如何发展Cause I know how I feel about you now因为我知道自己对你的感觉Can we bring yesterday back around我们能够回到昨天吗Cause I know how I feel about you now因为我知道自己对你的感觉I was dumb I was wrong我很糟糕 我错了I let you down我让你失望了But I know how I feel about you now我知道自己对你的感觉Not a day passed me byNot a day passed me byWhen I don"t think about you我时时刻刻想念着你And there"s no moving on无法向前Cause I know you"re the one因为我明白你就是我的真命天子And I can"t be without you我不能失去你Can we bring yesterday back around我们能够回到昨天吗Cause I know how I feel about you now因为我知道自己对你的感觉I was dumb I was wrong我很糟糕 我错了I let you down我让你失望了But I know how I feel about you now我知道自己对你的感觉But i know how i feel about you now我知道自己对你的感觉Yeah i know how i feel about you now我知道自己对你的感觉另一个翻译版本的 没看 你自己看看 Normanbritney im sorry for the lies we told 布兰妮 我为我们说过的谎言感到抱歉we took you into our arms and then left you cold 我们把你抱入怀抱 又把你冷落到一边britney im sorry for this cruel cruel world 布兰妮 我为这个残忍的世界感到抱歉we sell the beauty but destroy the girl我们出卖了美丽 但毁掉了那个女孩britney im sorry for your broken heart布兰妮 我为你的伤心感到抱歉we stood aside and watched you fall apart 我们看着你坠落 我们袖手旁观i"m sorry we told you fame would fill you up 我很抱歉 我们告诉你名声可以让你满足and money moves the man so drink the cup 有钱能使鬼推磨 喝杯东西吧i know love goes around the world we know 我知道爱情让我们了解的这个世界转动 and you never see it coming back 而你永远不会看到它再次回到原处you never see it coming back 你永远不会看到它再次回到原处i know love goes around the world we know 我知道爱情让我们了解的这个世界转动 and you never see it coming back 你永远不会看到它再次回到原处but i can see it coming back for you 但我却可以看到 它为你重新回到原点yes coming back for you 是的 为你回到原点britney im sorry for the stones we throw 布兰妮 我很抱歉我们丢了石头we tear you down just so we can watch the show我们让你失落消一边这样我们就可以在看热闹britney im sorry for the words we say布兰妮 我为我们说过的话感到抱歉we point the finger as you fall from grace 我们在你失势时指指点点i know love goes around the world we know 我知道爱情让我们了解的这个世界转动 and you never see it coming back 你永远不会看到它再次回到原处you never see it coming back 你永远不会看到它再次回到原处and i know love goes around the world we know 我知道爱情让我们了解的这个世界转动 and you never see it coming back 你永远不会看到它再次回到原处but i can see it coming back for you 但我却可以看到 它为你重新回到原点yeah, its coming back for you,yeah, its coming back for you,yeah, its coming back for you, yeah 它为你重新回到原点britney i do believe that love has come here for the broken 布兰妮 我相信爱情已经来到这儿 为了那些碎片here for the ones like us 为了像我们的那些人们its coming back for you... yeah它是为你来到这儿-----------------------------------------还要说两句那个 屋顶的小情歌你那是什么口气“英文二把刀自重”?你自己很厉害自己翻啊凭什么说这种话 真让人火大!悬赏5分很厉害吗 切 不稀罕人家试着帮你 你好歹说句谢谢没礼貌告诉你 我就是英文二把刀我今天还就不自重了!用不用答案随你 我不在乎
2023-07-27 19:01:183

一首男声英文歌什么come come什么的

There is no combination fo wordsI could put on the back of a postcardAnd no song that i could singBut i can try for your heartOur dreamsAnd they are made out of real thingsLike a shoebox of photographsWith sepia-toned lovingLove is the answer at leastFor most of the questions in my heartWhy are we hereAnd where do we goAnd how come it"s so hardIt"s not always easyAnd sometimes life can be deceivingI"ll tell you one thing,It"s always better when we"re togetherIt"s always better when we"re togetherWe"ll look at the stars when we"re togetherIt"s always better when we"re togetherIt"s always better when we"re togetherAnd all of these moments just might findTheir way into my dreams tonightBut i know that they"ll be goneWhen the morning light singsOr brings new thingsFor tomorrow night you seeThat they"ll be gone too,Too many things i have to doBut if all of these dreams might findTheir way into my day to day sceneI"d be under the impressionI was somewhere in betweenWith only two, just me and you,Not so many things we got to doOr places we got to beWe"ll sit beneath the mango tree nowIt"s always better when we"re togetherWe"re somewhere in between togetherIt"s always better when we"re togetherIt"s always better when we"re togetherI believe in memoriesThey look so pretty when i sleepAnd when i wake up you lookSo pretty sleeping next to meBut there is not enough timeAnd there is no song i could singAnd there is no combination of words i could sayBut i will still tell you one thingWe"re better together
2023-07-27 19:01:261

有一首英文歌 听欢快的 男的唱的 刚开始 吧一妈一塞 喔喔喔喔 ever

By my side
2023-07-27 19:01:344


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2023-07-27 19:02:1211


2023-07-27 19:02:402

Miserabilia 歌词

歌曲名:Miserabilia歌手:Los Campesinos!专辑:We Are Beautiful, We Are DoomedLos Campesinos! - MiserabiliaYour hands will remain emptyWhen you have stopped clutching at strawsClean two bad memoriesForget all the insufferable boresNo one matters(No one matters)No one caresHe whispered, "Oh my God,This really is a joy to behold"For he said it"s a joy to be heldSo I held him too closeIt was a grave mistake...He never came back againI"m not saying there"s good in none of thisMiserabilia to show the kidsI"m not saying that you"re responsibleMiserabilia for one, for allI"ve spend too much time on my kneesNext to urinals in garish Mexican restaurantsSobbing into my warm, pale palmsFor a better understanding of her dietary requirementsCried on ocean floors all walking into clubsNot "06, not "08, two thousand, 2010!2004, (?), oh my God, oh my God!We got nostalgic,Ended up filling shoeboxes with vomitCollected scabs in lockets,Hung them round our necks like noosesNone of it mattered(None of it matters)Nobody caredI"m not saying there"s good in none of thisMiserabilia to show the kidsI"m not saying that you"re responsibleMiserabilia for one, for allI have broken downInto the naked breasts of a newly exAnd no dignity, I can only guessThat she thinks about itWhen she touches herselfShout at the world because the world doesn"t love you!Lower yourself because you know that you"ll have to!
2023-07-27 19:03:011

求英语作文Love Is Understanding,150字、

As a new bride,one woman moved into the small home on her husband"s ranch in the mountains.She put a shoebox on a shelf in her closet and asked her husband never to touch it. For 50 years he left the box alone until his life partners was old and dying.One day,when he was putting their things in order,he found the box again and thought it might hold something important.Opening it,he discovered two doilies and USD82,500 in cash.He took the box to her and asked about the two things. "My mother gave me that box the day we married,"she explained."She told me to make a doilies to help ease myself every time I got angry at you." Her husband was touched,for in 50 years she"d only been angery enough to make two doilies. "What"s the USD82,500 for?"he asked. She explained,"Oh,that"s the money I"ve made selling the doilies," Marge Piercy beautifully said,"Everyone will get three gifts in life.Life is the first gift,love is the second and understanding is the third."But it is love that gives us life and understanding that brings about love.
2023-07-27 19:03:123


As a new bride,one woman moved into the small home on her husband"s ranch in the mountains.She put a shoebox on a shelf in her closet and asked her husband never to touch it. For 50 years he left the box alone until his life partners was old and dying.One day,when he was putting their things in order,he found the box again and thought it might hold something important.Opening it,he discovered two doilies and USD82,500 in cash.He took the box to her and asked about the two things. "My mother gave me that box the day we married,"she explained."She told me to make a doilies to help ease myself every time I got angry at you." Her husband was touched,for in 50 years she"d only been angery enough to make two doilies. "What"s the USD82,500 for?"he asked. She explained,"Oh,that"s the money I"ve made selling the doilies," Marge Piercy beautifully said,"Everyone will get three gifts in life.Life is the first gift,love is the second and understanding is the third."But it is love that gives us life and understanding that brings about love.
2023-07-27 19:03:191


达芙妮,价位适中,质量也算不错,但是近年出的款式太过追求款式忽略舒适度, 鞋柜(SHOEBOX)跟达芙妮一家公司,价位较低,质量不错,耐穿……我曾经买了双冬鞋,只要100块,穿了3年都没破…… 月牙儿,广州的一个牌子,设计很不错,而且价位很亲民,我买的一双春秋羊皮鞋,价位在300左右,但是感觉她家的鞋子鞋面不错,鞋底质量稍逊, J&K,台湾的一个牌子,有的城市可能没有,她家的鞋子设计绝对OK啦,而且价位很适中,去年买的一双羊皮凉鞋300不到,办了会员更有优惠,风格有些偏日韩的,而且鞋子大多是哪种小巧可爱的风格,所以感觉南方MM更适合些, 天美意,个人比较喜欢的,设计新颖,而且舒适度很好,我穿她家的鞋子脚上从来不会打泡或者不适,尤其是高跟鞋也是如此,价位略高于达芙妮, 奥卡索,鞋子质量相当好,舒适度也不错,价位略高于天美意 千百度,比较适合上班族的风格,比较成熟,有女人味,鞋子质量没的说,设计也不错,就是价位略高,一般的靴子都在4位数,皮鞋也都500靠上, KISS KAT(接吻猫)个人强烈不推荐买这家的鞋子,价格又高,质量又不好……夏天的高跟鞋磨脚不说,还容易断根,价位又比同类产品高…… AEE,质量上乘,价位高(要出代言费么),另外,靴子腿太细了……感觉好像只是为T台模特们设计,难怪要找林志玲来代言,但是腿细的MM穿她家鞋子效果真的很赞……像我这样只有望洋兴叹的份了! ELLE,同类产品中属中上等价位,跟AEE价位差不多,质量也很不错,风格也很接近,较成熟,有女人味,适合上班族,特别值得一提她家靴子真的很赞…… 如果你喜欢休闲的,那选AD的板鞋,纽巴伦的慢跑鞋,或者上面提到的法国公鸡都是不错的选择,如果喜欢户外粗犷点的风格,那像哥伦比亚,NIKKO,包括CAT都是不错的选择, 另外经常看杂志提到热风这个品牌,但是没买过,看样子是不错,穿鞋舒适最重要,尤其女孩子更要好好爱惜自己的脚,希望你能找到适合自己的鞋子啦!
2023-07-27 19:03:281


达芙妮国际控股有限公司原名为永恩国际集团有限公司,于1990年,预见于中国优质鞋类市场具庞大潜力,该集团创立自有品牌“达芙妮”,制造及销售女装鞋类,成为中国最成功之国内品牌之一,自1996年以来连续多年获颁赠最畅销国内产品之荣衔。现时,“达芙妮”分为“D28”及“D18”两大系列,目标顾客分别为20至45岁及15至30岁之女性。 于1995年,该集团正式在香港联合交易所有限公司主板上市(0210),为该集团奠下重要之里程碑。为业务多元化及扩张市场占有率,达芙妮积极代理国际品牌,为中国顾客引进多元化的外国品牌鞋类。于2002年,达芙妮首先获得“adidas”的中国零售权,并于国内不同地区开设专门店及专柜。于2004年,达芙妮积极扩展市场占有率并增加业务元素,创立适合各种年龄及不同性别的第二个自有品牌“鞋柜”。该集团已设有数百间“鞋柜”专门店,该集团亦将继续扩大其销售网络。2005年,中国鞋业前所未有的鞋类量贩店SHOEBOX鞋柜也应运而生,与达芙妮共同抢占市场,提高市场占有率。为支持这一强大的销售体系。公司和POS系统加强信息管理能力和改善物流系统,提高配送能力,达芙妮并重新设计店铺形象将区分为达芙妮D18青春店及达芙妮D28经典店,使品牌定位更加明确及具体。2006年进军台湾市场,将大陆的成功经验复制到台湾,为实现集团成为享誉全球的品牌长期目标更进了一步。
2023-07-27 19:03:381


狐狸—笑笑的故事(一) 过去、现在和未来有所不同吗? 嗯嗯嗯uf09e 在寂静的森林里,有一只叫笑笑的狐狸沉思地眺望着远方…… 黄昏时有群绵羊缓慢地走来,领头的是只山羊。 笑笑问:“天要黑了,你们还四处闲逛,不怕被狼吃掉吗?” 绵羊们不以为然,“怕什么,我们羊多力量大,又有聪明的山羊大哥领路,你呢?” “更不怕!我们不仅具有智慧的头脑,而且做事仔细又用心”。笑笑坚定地说。 绵羊们继续“漫步”,不时回头看看笑笑uf09euf09euf09e 不久,来了只面露喜色、跺着八字步的老狼。哈哈: “HELLO,看到一群羊经过这里吗!?”老狼得意地问。 “WHAT"S HAPPENING?” “哈!!我的大儿子正领着羊群走向俺的餐桌呢!” 老狼滴着口水说。 “嗷……刚才老虎也是这么讲的!”笑笑平静地说。 老狼顿失喜色,直愣愣地看着笑笑 笑笑自言道:“THE TIGER IS SO FASHION,难怪现在羊绒衫如此受欢迎啊!” 老狼楞了半天,突然发出一声长嚎,露出无奈、凶残的目光 第二天, 一群老虎在狐狸的陪伴下悠闲地吃着小草 阳坡上传来笑笑的歌声…… 歌词大意是“狼爱上羊啊,羊爱上狼uf09euf09euf09e,爱的疯狂” 转眼年底将至—— 一年一度的杰出策划大师评选又要开始了 狼和羊… 都上了侯选名单 然而大家既不愿看到羊性的传承,也不愿接受狼性的蔓延。 纷争不熄,最后决定民主投票 这时大腕主持发言:咨询顾问是智慧的代表! 不是权利的象征,创意策划是头脑的风暴uf09euf09euf09e 笑笑睿智地凝视着大家 选择羊?选择狼?还是选择我 —— 面临智慧的抉择! 奥古特国际机构的品牌故事一,
2023-07-27 19:03:522


2023-07-27 19:04:111


I put my shoes on shoes box.
2023-07-27 19:04:211


达芙妮(Daphne)国际控股有限公司是于1987年在香港创立,至今已发展成为一个以鞋业研发、生产、加工及销售为主的多元化经营集团,旗下各项业务遍布中国大陆、香港、台湾、欧洲及北美洲各地。达芙妮国际控股有限公司的长期目标和经营理念,反映了集团追求优质、卓越、创新的精神。 基本介绍 中文名称 :达芙妮 英文名称 :Daphne 创立时间 :1987年 所属公司 :达芙妮(Daphne)国际控股有限公司 介绍,经历, 介绍 集团创立初期,主要业务以OEM为主。80年代后期两岸开放后,开始在中国内地拓展业务。1990年以自创「达芙妮」品牌进入大陆内销市场,目前『达芙妮』已成为最受女性喜爱的女鞋品牌,连续12年在同类产品市场销量全国第一,不仅如此,集团也是海外进口商及知名OEM客户的主要女鞋类供货商,无论在外销和内销领域,本集团都获得了辉煌的成就。 经历 自2003年起,公司以每年在中国大陆开设超过300家专卖店的速度进行全面性的扩张; 2005年,中国鞋业前所未有的鞋类量贩店SHOEBOX鞋柜也应运而生,与达芙妮共同抢占市场,提高市场占有率。为支持这一强大的销售体系,公司和POS系统加强信息管理能力和改善物流系统,提高配送能力,达芙妮并重新设计店铺形象将区分为达芙妮D18 青春店及达芙妮D28经典店,使品牌定位更加明确及具体,并于2006年进军台湾市场,将大陆的成功经验复制到台湾,为实现集团成为享誉全球的品牌长期目标更进了一步。在2008年,集团并与国际知名高端品牌SOFFT、BORN、AREZZO以及顶尖运动品牌NIKE等携手合作,开展中国的销售业务,全面完善集团涵盖消费金字塔全部客层的目标,进一步扩大集团的事业版图。 达芙妮国际控股有限公司发展至今,无论在外销及内需市场都获得了极大的成功,集团有感于今日的成就皆来自于社会各界的支持,因此也长期投入公益慈善活动以回馈社会,善尽一份企业的责任。今后,集团仍将继续朝着提供更好的产品、更好的服务以及更多的回馈的目标大步迈进,为集团永续经营发展的未来不断努力。
2023-07-27 19:04:351


nikesb的SB的全称是SKATE BOARDING,也就是滑板运动,意思是滑板系列运动鞋。Nike SB来源于Nike旗下专业的滑板鞋系列;表达的意思是耐克运动鞋系列。Nike SB 近来最令人印象深刻的就是 “Shoebox” 系列,以 Nike SB 不同时期鞋盒配色为灵感的 Dunk 鞋款设计。而这款 Nike SB Dunk Low Pro “Camo Green” 则回归了较为常见的迷彩元素,不过是以绿色丛林迷彩和白色鞋身搭配,而且迷彩图案上还突出了压纹的质感,鞋垫上则印有一只生动的豹子图案,此款预计于1月 5日上市。品牌介绍:耐克sb系列是一款非常出色的滑板鞋款,而nike sb系列作为目前最主流的板鞋,其知名度和影响力也在与日俱增,从最初的普通篮球鞋过度到现在最受欢迎的板鞋,寄予了这双鞋更多的是时尚元素,原来只为滑板运动创作的改进版复古鞋,如今以及成为潮流的标志,nike sb官网为广大喜欢sb系列的朋友们倾情提供时尚系列滑板鞋。如今Nike SB的战线主要集中在NIKE DUNK SB和NIKE TENNIS SB。DUNK SB顾名思义,它具有经典的DUNK血缘,但是NIKE在把它改造成SB的时候,却给它加入了更酷的技术,主要就是加厚了鞋舌和添加了ZOOM AIR气垫。因为滑板运动是目前为止用到脚面的运动。所以加厚鞋舌除了便于穿脱之外,增加了保护性能。加了ZOOM AIR气垫主要是考虑到X运动在落地时的冲击力,给所有的Nike SB们更好的保护。
2023-07-27 19:04:451


Better Together - Jack Johnsonthere is no combination of words天下没有结合的话i could put on the back of a postcard我可以放在后面的明信片no song that i could sing没有歌,我会唱but i can try for your heart但 我可以尝试为你心中的our dreams梦想and they are made out of real things他们是出于对真正喜欢的东西了like a shoebox of photographs鞋盒的照片与with sepia-toned loving与黑色的爱love is the answer爱的答案at least for most of the questions in my heart至少大部分的问题 我心里想why are we here我们为什么在这里?and where do we go而我们现在该做些什么?and how come it"s so hard如何来到我们这么难? it"s not always easy它的工作并不容易and sometimes life can be deceiving有时生活可以欺骗i"ll tell you one thing我告诉你一件事it"s always better when we"re together总是美好当我们同 一起合唱uh it"s always better when we"re together它总比当我们同在一起we"ll look at the stars when we"re together仰望天上的星星当我们同在一起well it"s always better when we"re together当我们同在一起总比当我们同在一起yeah it"s always better when we"re together总比当我们同在一起and all of these moments just might find their way所有这些时刻会找到他们的路into my dreams tonight在我的梦想今晚but i know that they"ll be gone但我知道他们要走了when the morning light sings当晨光唱歌or brings new things或带来新的东西for tomorrow night you see但明天晚上你看that they"ll be gone too他们会走的太too many things i have to do我要做的事情太多but if all of these dreams might find但是,如果所有这些梦想可能会发现their way into my day to day scene他们的方式进入我一天一天的场景i"d be under the impression根据我的印象i was somewhere in between介于两者之间with only two just me and you只有两个只有我和你not so many things we got to do没有太多的事要做or places we got to be我们要的地方we"ll sit beneath the mango tree now我们会坐在底下的芒果树yeah it"s always better when we"re together总比当我们同在一起uh we"re somewhere in between together嗯,我们一起在某个地方yeah it"s always better when we"re together总比当我们同在一起yeah it"s always better when we"re together总比当我们同在一起i believe in memories我相信在回忆they look so他们看的话so pretty when i sleep那么漂亮,我睡觉的时候and when i当我and when i wake up you look当我醒来的时候,你看so pretty sleeping next to me这么漂亮的睡在我旁边but there is not enough time但是,没有足够的时间and there is no song i could sing没有我可以唱的歌and there is no combination of words i could say没有我可以说的话语but i will still tell you one thing但我仍然要告诉你一件事we"re better together我们最好在一起
2023-07-27 19:05:001


2023-07-27 19:05:227

better together歌词翻译 要自己翻译的,很重要...

2023-07-27 19:05:393

Better Together 歌词

歌曲名:Better Together歌手:Jack Johnson专辑:In Between DreamsBetter TogetherJack JohnsonThere is no combination fo wordsI could put on the back of a postcardno song that I could singbut I can try for your heartour dreamsand they are made out of real thingsLike a shoebox of photographswith sepia-toned lovingLove is the answer at leastfor most of the questions in my heartWhy are we here?And where do we go?And How come it"s so hard?It"s not always easyand sometimes life can be deceivingI"ll tell you one thing,it"s always better when we"re togetherIt"s always better when we"re togetheryeah We"ll look at the stars when we"re togetherwe"ll always better when we"re togetheryeah it"s always better when we"re togetherAnd all of these moments just might findtheir way into my dreams tonightBut I know that they"ll be gonewhen the morning light singsOr brings new thingsfor tomorrow night you seeThat they"ll be gone too,too many things I have to doBut if all of these dreams might findtheir way into my day to day sceneI"d be under the impressionI was somewhere in betweenWith only two, just me and you,not so many things we got to doOr places we got to bewe"ll sit beneath the mango tree nowyeah it"s always better when we"re togetherwe"re somewhere in between togetherwe"ll always better when we"re togetheryeah It"s always better when we"re togetherI believe in memoriesthey look so pretty when I sleepAnd when I wake up you lookso pretty sleeping next to meBut there is not enough timeAnd there is no song I could singAnd there is no combination of words I could sayBut I will still tell you one thingWe"re better together
2023-07-27 19:05:461