barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-29 01:44:39

wide 是“宽”的意思,是形容词,表示具体的宽度。widely 是副词,表示抽象的宽度。

deep 是形容词,表示具体的“深度”。 deeply 是副词,表示抽象的深度。例如:

1)The street is twenty meters wide.

2)English is widely used in the world.

3)We dug deep holes to plant trees.

4)She loves him deeply in her heart.



2023-07-27 16:14:199

deeply 和 dearly 的区别

deeply英 ["diu02d0plu026a]美 ["diplu026a]adv. 深刻地;浓浓地;在深处[网络短语]Deeply 深感,深深地,深挖Deeply grateful 感恩戴德involve deeply 深深卷入,使全神贯注,埋头于deeply英 ["diu02d0plu026a]美 ["diplu026a]adv. 深刻地;浓浓地;在深处[网络短语]Deeply 深感,深深地,深挖Deeply grateful 感恩戴德involve deeply 深深卷入,使全神贯注,埋头于
2023-07-27 16:15:082

用作副词的deep 与副词deeply 都被译作“ 深深地”, 它们是否有区别?

区别:1)修饰静止状态、介词短语或表示深夜等,通常用deep(偶尔也用deeply):  He sat there deep in thought. 他坐在那儿深思。   The meeting continued deep into the night. 会议一直开到深夜。2)修饰带有感情色彩的动词(如 hate, dislike, love, admire, hurt, regret 等),通常要用 deeply,另外,修饰形容词、过去分词等,一般也要用 deeply:  He deeply hates fish. 他很不喜欢吃鱼。   We deeply regret your misfortune. 我们对你的不幸深表遗憾。
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2023-07-27 16:15:431

deep 和deeper做副词有啥区别?

2023-07-27 16:15:597


deep与deeply的用法区别 两者均可表示“深”、“深深地”,修饰具体的动作, 有时可互换: The doctor asked me to breathe deep [deeply]. 医生叫我做深呼吸. 修饰静止状态、 或表示深夜等,通常用deep(偶尔也用deeply): He sat there deep in thought. 他坐在那儿深思. The meeting continued deep into the night. 会议一直开到深夜. Karen and Dave are deeply in love with each other. 与戴夫俩人深深地相爱着. 修饰带有 的动词(如 hate, dislike, love, admire, hurt, regret 等),通常要用 deeply,另外,修饰形容词、过去分词等,一般也要用 deeply: He deeply hates fish. 他很不喜欢吃鱼. We deeply regret your misfortune. 我们对你的不幸深表遗憾. I am deeply grateful to you. 我衷心感谢你. He was deeply moved by [at] the story. 听了这个故事,他深受感动.
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adv. 深刻地;浓浓地;在深处比较级more deeply最高级most deeply
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2023-07-27 16:17:219


一个是形容词 一个是副词 sank是动词,修饰动词用副词 所以填deeply!
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2023-07-27 16:18:293


deeply ["di:pli] adv. 深深地, 强烈地, (颜色)浓浓地, (声音)低沉地deep [di:p] adj.深的, 深刻的, 深奥的, 深切的 adv.深深地 n.深处
2023-07-27 16:18:481


可以例如:You, I love deeply.
2023-07-27 16:18:563

affected为什么用deeply 修饰

所以affectdeeply是“影响深远”的意思。类似的还有high和highly, fartheraffected是指被影响,或者影响,deeply是形容词,表示程度,这里就是用来表示
2023-07-27 16:19:208


high: adj. or adv. n.高(地),实际高度,如high performance;highly: adv. 高度地,抽象的意义,highly sensitive;deep: adj. or adv. 深的(地) deep analysis,deeply: adv.深度地; 如deeply troubled焦头烂额
2023-07-27 16:19:371

这个deeply为什么在动词后面?我看别的例句都是deeply moved?

2023-07-27 16:20:134


2023-07-27 16:20:215

We walked deep into the forest and lost our way. 用deep而不是deeply为什么

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2023-07-27 16:20:462


这句的deep是用作副词,deep into the cave就形成副词片语 所以,这个deep并不是修饰cave,如: They go down to Florida every winter. 他们每年冬天南下去佛罗里达。 这里的也不是用来修饰Florida,因为若用down来修饰一个名词,down就变作形容词,好像the down escalator是指下行的自动楼梯,但down to Florida是下行的xx(根本你也很难翻译);所以明显地,We trudged deep into the cave,deep into the cave是用来修饰trudged(步履艰难地走),如何地走?走向洞穴的深处。若你用中文写这句,你可以译成:我们(深入洞穴地/向着洞穴的深处地)艰辛前进。”深入洞穴地/向着洞穴的深处地”这句在中文也给我们副词的感觉。 yahoo字典,也给我们这例子: ad. 1. 深深地 The explorers went deep into the jungle. 探险家们进入丛林深处。 至于为甚么不用deeply,这是英文idiomatic use(惯用),通常后面若有一个介词时,我们都会用deep而不用deeply,如:deep down in my heart I...... 2007-04-24 12:52:04 补充: 记住,若修饰明词时,我们会写成”xxx的”,如an interesting book一本有趣(的)书。The books read in our childhood seem our old friends.这句的read in our chilhood,就时童年时所读过(的)。但若时用作副词用来修饰动词/形容词/副词,我们就会译成”xxx地”,如hold me tight(紧紧地找着我),The children sung the song happily那些小孩们快乐(地)歌唱。 我们费劲地深深走进岩洞 等如 我们费劲地走进岩洞深处 希望可以帮到你 2007-04-24 11:29:59 补充: 其实 deep 本身都已经可以系 adverb 啦! deep into the cave. 成旧系指 山洞入面的深处 deep into 修饰 the cave 你用文法的推论方法好好. 如果是 修饰动词就应该是deeply. 不过deeply trudge 好怪.唔多合语理. * 最大的问题其实是你原句的翻译 译得好差.(是机器翻译吗?) 我的译法是. Squeezing our way in we trudged deep into the cave. 我们尽力的跻身入去 深入山洞入面
2023-07-27 16:20:531

be deep in 中的deep是什么词性 为什么?

形容词,因为be后面跟的是表语,表语是来说明主语的,所以用形容词. deep副词有两个deep,deeply deeply是抽象意义的副词,是“深深地”的意思.,1,形容词。“深深的”,0,这里的deep在be动词后面应该是形容词。 deep有两个副词形式,一个是原形,另外一种就是后面跟-ly,deeply,虽然两个都是表示深地意思,但是使用上有所区别: 与形容词同形的副词通常指具体情况,而-ly副词多指抽象概念。 e.g. I went deep into the woods.我深入到树林中。 Her story moved me deepl...,0,形容词。Beacuse be后面跟的是表语, 表语是来说明主语的, 所以是形容词。,0,be deep in 中的deep是什么词性 为什么 那deep的副词是什么形式
2023-07-27 16:21:001


he was deeply touched by the story and kept ready until deep into the night.这个句子中,deeply译为深深的,是副词,deep into the night.是用来修饰中心动词kept(keep) ready的,所以deep是副词(形容词副词词性deep都有),因为只有副词才可以修饰动词,就算是一个形容词,你也要把它变成副词才可以用来修是动词。until deep into the night.是直到深夜,它就是副词前置了,这是习惯性的说法,就好像我们说big enough而不说 enough big一样。同样的还有:straight(high) into the sky译为直插云霄,高耸入天。具体用什么要看连词前的动词是什么形式。比如:He danced ang jumped.She sings a song and plays some games.都要前后一致。(句子比较简单为了方便你理解)
2023-07-27 16:21:081

deeply moved,动词一般不是加副词,怎么有些是moved deeply,哪个是对的

deeply 是副词不假,但是可以修饰动词也可以修饰形容词,其实这两种写法都是对的,动词属于那种。。。就是说它的顺序不影响句意,deeply moved和 moved deeply 都可以翻译为深深地感动了,语法是没有错误的,但是有些副词的顺序是严格规定的,但是很少。望采纳
2023-07-27 16:21:181

painfully,deeply, seriously,heavily 的区别?

painfully 痛苦的deeply 深层的seriously 严重的,深层的heavily 重的四者共同点在于都表示程度深,但各自搭配上会有不同Eg:wound painfully dig deeply talk seriously tain heavily
2023-07-27 16:21:261


1、作为副词来讲,deep和deeply都有“深深地,深切地”的意思。但deep常用来表示具体的深度,如:sink deep、dig deep、study deep into the night、study deep into the subject 等。而deeply常用于引喻的场合,有时等于“非常地”的意思,如:I am deeply grateful to you. 我非常感激你。2、当修饰动作时,deep和deeply都可以用,但deep更为常用。形容静止状态时只用deep,不用deeply。3、修饰形容词只用deeply,不用deep,如:We were all deeply disturbed when we heard the news.我们听到这个消息都深感不安。4、在被动结构中,deeply 常用于过去分词之前;deep 常用于过去分词之后。如:The oil-pipe lines were deeply buried.(=The oil-pipe were buried deep.) 输油管深埋地下。资料补充deep [diu02d0p]n. 深渊; 深处adj. 深的; 远离中心的; 纵深的adv. 深入地deeply [deep·ly || "diu02d0plu026a]adv. 在深处; 强烈地; 到深处; 深刻地
2023-07-27 16:21:461

deep与deeply 的区别

deep与deeply的用法区别两者均可表示“深”、“深深地”,修饰具体的动作, 有时可互换:The doctor asked me to breathe deep [deeply]. 医生叫我做深呼吸。修饰静止状态、介词短语或表示深夜等,通常用deep(偶尔也用deeply):He sat there deep in thought. 他坐在那儿深思。The meeting continued deep into the night. 会议一直开到深夜。Karen and Dave are deeply in love with each other. 凯伦与戴夫俩人深深地相爱着。修饰带有感情色彩的动词(如 hate, dislike, love, admire, hurt, regret 等),通常要用 deeply,另外,修饰形容词、过去分词等,一般也要用 deeply:He deeply hates fish. 他很不喜欢吃鱼。We deeply regret your misfortune. 我们对你的不幸深表遗憾。I am deeply grateful to you. 我衷心感谢你。He was deeply moved by [at] the story. 听了这个故事,他深受感动。希望对你有用。。。谢谢 给个好评吧!
2023-07-27 16:22:011

think deeper和think more deeply的区别

其实也可以理解两者没有区别,只是think deeper 比think more deeply 更加简洁和有效率。你可以用谷歌搜索引擎,搜索一下,外语使用者是如何使用的。参考:wordreference 论坛 网页链接
2023-07-27 16:22:092


deep既可以作形容词,也可以作副词,deeper是它的比较级(较深的,较深厚的,更深)。形容词deep表示“深的,深厚的,有……深的”; 副词deep表示“深深地,在深处”This river is five metres deep. 这条河有五米深。He has a deep love for Mary. 他深深地爱上了玛丽。This well is deeper than that one. 这口井比那口井深。These miners are trapped deep. 这些矿工被困在很深的地方。They must dig the ditch deep. 他们必须把这条沟挖深些。2. deeply是副词,不能作形容词,表示感情的深厚,用来引喻,其意思是“深深地" ,其比较级是more deeply; 而副词deep则表示具体的深度。试比较:This is a deep lake. 这是一个很深的湖。They buried the guns deep. 他们把枪埋藏在很深的地方。We love music deeply = We have a deep love for music. 我们酷爱音乐。
2023-07-27 16:22:161


1,deeply:adv. 深刻地;浓浓地;在深处Her behaviour deeply troubled me.她的行为让我深感忧虑。We were deeply touched by the film.我们被这部影片深深感动了。,2,quite:adv. 很;相当;完全;非常,十分地He is quite understanding.他是很体谅人的。His idea did not quite fit in with our aim.他的想法和我们的目标不完全一致。
2023-07-27 16:22:301

more deeply 和deeper 的区别

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2023-07-27 16:22:451

dig deeply要不要加ly

要加,dig是动词,要用副词修饰,比如说Speak slowly
2023-07-27 16:22:544


2023-07-27 16:23:141

she loved him deeply是什么结构?

She 主语loved 谓语him 宾语deeply状语主谓宾结构
2023-07-27 16:23:212

(high, highly), ( wide, widely), ( deep, deeply)

high指具体的高,如:he junps high 他跳的很高。highly 指抽象的高,如:My teacher spoke highly of what I did 老师对我的行为做出了高度评价。wide,deep类似
2023-07-27 16:23:282

which moves us后面接deep还是deeply

应该用deeply。deep和deeply 虽然都可以作副词用,但两者是有区别的。
2023-07-27 16:23:361


2023-07-27 16:23:444


many young people are deeply fell in love with computer有问题应该把are去掉,并且deeply 放在句末更好一些。many young people fell in love with computer deeply而像这样的陈述句,通常也不用过去式fell, 而用一般现在式fallmany young people fall in love with computer deeply
2023-07-27 16:23:522


1.deeply和deep的区别 deeply adv.深 they had to dig very deep(deeply)in order to find water. 他们必须掘得很深,才能发现水。 he pushed his stick deep(deeply)into the mud. 他把手杖使劲往泥里扎。 plough deep /deeply the first time and less deep /deeply the second time. 第一次犁深些,第二次不要犁得那么深。 thousands of british soldiers stood deep in the water. 数千名英军士兵站在水中。 they went on studying deep into the night. 他继续学习,直到深夜。 romeo was deeply in love with juliet. 罗密欧深深地爱上了朱丽叶。 i"m deeply sorry for what has happened. 我为发生的事感到非常遗憾。 特别提醒 deep也可作副词用,指动作或事物具体的"深",与deeply同义(常用来修饰动态动词),若指静止状态的"深",则用deep不用deeply(如stand deep);作"夜深"解用deep不用deeply;用于抽象、喻义的"深"(如"深深地热爱"等)一般用deeply而不用deep。 2.especially, specially和particularly的区别 (1)especial为形容词,它的"特别"是不同于普通的,有"主要的","突出的"的意思。其副词为especially,反义词为ordinary。如: it"s a matter of especial importance. 这是一件特别重要的事情。 i feel especially interested in the project. 我对这个方案特别感兴趣。 (2)special的"特别"是不同于一般的,有"特殊的","专门的"意思。其反义词为general,副词为specially。如: they went to paris on a special plane. 他们乘专机去巴黎。 i came here specially to ask you for advice. 我是专程来这里向你请教的。 (3)particularly意为"尤其","特别","格外地"。通常指以不寻常的方式突出某一事物的个性或独特之处。它常与especially换用,但更强调"与众不同"。如: these books will be particularly helpful to those who wish to improve spoken english. 这些书对那些希望提高自己英语口语水平的人来说特别有用。 3.such as与such…as…的区别 (1)such as是短语连词,意为"诸如","例如",引出的是such前面的词的同位语。如: john likes to make furniture, such as chairs and tables. 约翰喜欢做家具,如桌子和椅子之类。 (2)such…as…意为"像……那样的","如……之类的"。such之后可跟可数名词,也可跟不可数名词。名词前还可以加其他形容词作修饰语。as是关系代词,引导定语从句,as常在从句中作主语、宾语或表语等。如: i want to buy such books as are about science and technology. 我想买有关科技方面的书。(as在从句中作主语) don"t read such books as you can"t understand. 不要读你看不懂的书。(as在从句中作宾语) such books as this are too difficult to beginners. 这样的书对于初学者来说太难了。 (as引导一个省略的从句:as this(is),as在从句中作表语) 4.区分advice,opinion,view,suggestion,offer 1、advice表示"忠告,意见,指点",是指具有丰富的知识,足够的经验,正确的判断力和明智的观点的人对另一个人的"劝告"或"见解",既可以是对于严肃的事物,也可以对琐碎事情提出意见。如果advice不被一个另有所指的形容词修饰,则经常意味着忠告者对被忠告者表现出一种直接的,或多或少个人的关系。因此,advice的事情经常具有私事性质。可见,在实际应用中,凡是与自己没有关系,完全是为了对方而提出advice,均可用之。不可数名词,常和介词against,at,by,for,of,on,to,about,with等搭配。例如: my advice to you is that you should treat your wife with more consideration. 我给你的忠告是你要多体贴妻子。 it was only by my advice that she had given up the idea. 这是在我的劝导下她才放弃了这个念头。 on the doctor"s advice her mother is staying in bed. 她的妈妈遵医嘱卧床休息。 you must act with advice at present. 目前,你一定要谨慎行事。 the boy took my advice as to what he should do. 那个男孩听取了我教他该怎么办的意见。 i want to give you a little advice on your work. 我想就这件工作给你提出一点小意见。 i wonder if i can get some advice from you. 不知道能否得到你的指点。 与advice连用的词组和短语有: act on sb."s advice表示"听从某人的劝告" ask for one"s advice about表示"征求某人对……的意见" reject sb."s advice表示"拒绝某人的忠告" well-put advice表示"措辞得当的劝告" against sb."s advice表示"违背某人的忠告" by doctor"s advice表示"遵照医嘱" come to sb. for advice表示"来向某人请教" act with advice表示"谨慎行事" some advice about表示"一些关于……的劝告" advice to sb. about to do…"给即将做……的人以劝告" 2.opinion表示"意见,看法,主张,见解",通用词。指对于某事物的意见、想法和信念,特别是根据事实并经过仔细、认真的考虑而提出的意见、看法及获得的信念,但仅仅是初步的,也或许是不成熟的,不能说是确切无误的。多用作可数名词。常和介词about,from,of,on,upon,in,according to,up to,among,regarding to等搭配。例如: those are my opinions about the affair.那些就是我对于此事的意见。 with joy, he described the opinions from those scholars. 他十分高兴的叙述了那些学者的意见。 what"s your opinion of the new president? 你对那位新总统的看法如何? we got the lawyer"s opinion on the question. however, i still held my own opinion to the contrary. 我们听取了该律师对于这个问题的意见,然而,我却仍然保持我的相反意见。 they have set up a new opinion regarding to this case. 他们对于这件事情提出了一个新的意见。 与opinion连用的词组和短语有: accept an opinion表示"接受一种看法" advance an opinion表示"提出一种看法" air one"s opinion表示"发表意见" base one"s opinion on these facts表示"根据这些事实形成看法" bear out one"s opinion表示"证实自己的意见" echo an opinion表示"附和一种意见" influence public opinion表示"左右舆论" lead public opinion towards…表示"将舆论引向……" stick to one"s opinion表示"坚持己见" take the opinion of…表示"接受……的意见" treat sb."s opinion lightly表示"轻视某人的意见" in my poor opinion表示"按我的肤浅看法" according to my opinion表示"根据我的意见" differ(vary)in opinion表示"意见不同" in sb."s opinion表示"依照某人的意见" 3.view表示"意见,看法,见解,观点",强调个人因素,其重点在于个人对于大而普遍存在的问题的看法、所持的态度或注意力集中的地方。因此,view有"观点,见解"的意思。纵然也有"想法,意见"的含义,但比opinion更为全面、肯定,甚至具有系统性。用做可数名词,常与介词according to,in,of,on,with,against,as to,regarding to等搭配。例如: in my view,war is a game in which both sides lose. 在我看来,战争是一场参加的双方都是输家的赌博。 with a view to improving his ability to speak english he spends most of his holidays in england.为了提高他自己讲英语的能力,他在英国度过了他的大部分假期。 the couple saved their money with a view to being able to buy a house of their own someday. 那对夫妻把钱存起来,渴望有朝一日能买一栋属于他们自己的房子。 what are your views of(on) this matter? 你对这件事的看法如何? 与view经常连用的词组和短语有: air one"s views表示"公开发表意见" be lost to one"s view表示"在视野中消失","看不见了" bird"s eye view表示"鸟瞰全景" have a view of表示"能看见……" have in view表示"打算……" hold the view that表示"……认为……" in full view of表示"在大家面前" in one"s view表示"据某人看来" in view表示"可以看到,在望,临近" in view of表示"鉴于,考虑到,由于" keep in view表示"一直看着,监视" on view表示"(在)展出" share the views of sb. on…表示"在……上与某人看法一致" a view against表示"反对……的意见" 4.suggestion表示"意见,建议,提议",特指为了改进或解决某一问题而提出建议,办法等,但不一定正确,仅供参考。在这一含义上,它和opinion同义,但比opinion正式。语气比advice客气、委婉。多用作可数名词,常和介词about,as to,at,on,by,with等搭配。例如: this trip was made at his teacher"s suggestion. 这次旅行是由他的老师建议组织的。 by her mother"s suggestion the contribution was raised. 根据她妈妈的建议发起了募捐。 i have put my suggestions in pencil that they may be rubbed out if you do not approve of them. 我的建议是用铅笔写的,这样,如果你不同意就可以把它们擦掉。 i have some suggestions to submit. 我有几个建议要提出。 与suggestion经常连用的词组和短语有: accept a suggestion put forward by…表示"接受……提出的建议" adopt a suggestion表示"采纳建议" advance the suggestion that…表示"提出……的建议" carry a suggestion of…表示"使人想起……","给人以……的联想" follow out suggestion表示"贯彻建议" take the suggestion into consideration表示"考虑这个建议" throw away a suggestion表示"抛弃一项建议" volunteer suggestions on…表示"对……主动提出建议" at(on)sb."s suggestion表示"将照某人的建议" at(on)the suggestion of…表示"在……的建议下","按照……的建议" by sb."s suggestion表示"根据某人的建议" be full of suggestions表示"充满了暗示","含义深远" act on sb."s suggestion表示"按照某人的建议行事" 5.offer表示"提议,建议",强调"主动表示"或"主动提出"愿意做某件事,重在"自愿"。用作可数名词。如: you should accept the offer. 你应该接受这个提议。 your offer does not tempt me at all. 你的建议一点也不能使我动心。 he made me an offer of help. 他表示愿意帮助我。 与offer经常连用的词组和短语有: accept an offer表示"接受提议"。 cancel an offer表示"取消一项建议" make an offer(of…)表示"提议,提供,出价" make sb. offer表示"给某人出个价" make an offer to catch the ball表示"想要接住那个球" reject an offer表示"不接受提议" slight sb"s offer表示"轻视某人的建议" take back one"s offer表示"收回建议" a kind offer to aid表示"提供援助的好意" make a reasonable offer表示"合理的报价" a suitable offer表示"适当的报价" under offer表示"(指待售房屋)已经有人出了价的","有人打算买的" an offer of marriage表示"求婚" 5. 浅析year by year和year after year (1)year by year表示每年都有所变化。如: i grow taller year by year. 我一年年长高。 year by year their affection for each other grew stronger. 他们相爱逐年加深。 (2)year after year表示一年年一成不变。如: the flowers remain the same year after year while people change year by year. 年年岁岁花相似,岁岁年年人不同。 she sent money year after year to help the poor. 她年年送钱帮助穷人。 6. 辨别try to do sth和try doing sth (1)try to do意为"努力,企图做某事"。如: you must try to be more careful. 你可要多加小心。 (2)try doing意为"试验,试着做某事"。如: i tried gardening but didn"t succeed. 我试着种果木花卉,但未成功。
2023-07-27 16:23:591


wide 是“宽”的意思,是形容词,表示具体的宽度.widely 是副词,表示抽象的宽度.deep 是形容词,表示具体的“深度”.deeply 是副词,表示抽象的深度.例如:1)The street is twenty meters wide.2)English is widely us...
2023-07-27 16:24:061

let you know how deeply I admire you为什么要用deeply?

副词 表示羡慕的程度让你知道我多么羡慕你
2023-07-27 16:24:272

deeply----,we thanked the stranger again and again A.touching Btouch C touchedD to touch 详细的解析

2023-07-27 16:24:353

1.对某事深表感谢为什么是deeply/greatly appreciate something?

deeply/greatly 可以表示程度
2023-07-27 16:24:451


deep adj. 形容词
2023-07-27 16:24:532

you think deep对吗

you think deeply
2023-07-27 16:25:013

3. He is interested in English. He often works at it until into the night. A. deep; deeply B. deep;

. Adeep; deeplyB. deep; deepC. deeply; deepD. deeply; deeply
2023-07-27 16:25:093