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我要下车麻烦让一下 的英文翻译

2023-07-29 01:03:46


Excuse me, I am going to get off the bus.




I want to get off please let me

我要下车 麻烦让 一下

l want to get off piease let me

[ai] [wu0254nt] [tu0259] [ɡet] [u0252f] [pli:z] [let] [mi:]



Excuse me,I need to get off.


I would like to let off trouble



I want to get off it, Excuse me


get off读音什么意思中文翻译

get 0ff读音什么意思中文翻译
2023-07-27 14:38:485

请问get off是什么意思

下(车、马等); 离开; 发出; (使)入睡
2023-07-27 14:39:175

get off什么意思

英[ɡet u0254f] 美[ɡu025bt u0254f] [词典] 离开; 下(车、马等); 发出; (使) 入睡; [例句]He is likely to get off with a small fine.他可能会逃脱严惩,仅仅罚一点钱了事。
2023-07-27 14:39:501


GETOFF 看看-----------get off1. (从…)下来,(从…)下去:That roof is dangerous, do get off.那房顶太危险,千万要下来。2. (使)下车,(使)下马:Excuse me, I have to get off at the next stop.劳驾,我必须在下一站下车。3. (使)离开某地:That grass is newly seeded, please get off!那片草地是新种下的,请走开!4. (使)离开;(使)动身:We have to get off early tomorrow.我们明天一早必须动身。5. (赛跑、赛马等)起跑,出发;(飞机)起飞;(赛艇)划出:The runners have got off and the long race has begun.运动员已经出发,长跑开始了。6. (从…)脱下(衣服等);拿开(某物):Her finger had swollen so much that she couldn"t get her ring off.她的手指肿得很厉害,连戒指都取不下来了。7. 弄干净,清除(斑点、污垢、痕迹等):I couldn"t get the coffee stains off your shirt.我洗不掉你衬衫上的咖啡污渍。8. 【航海学】(从沉船中)救起:The last three sailors were got off just before the ship sank.最后三位水手刚刚被救起后,船就沉没了。9. (使)寄出(或发出);出版;发行:We plan to get off 20,000 copies of the book.我们计划发行2万册书。10. [口语](使)免受处罚;(使)逃脱处罚:The lawyer got John off.这位律师使约翰免受处罚。11. 免于(做);摆脱(做):He got off doing the dishes just because he"s a boy.只因为他是男孩就不洗餐具了。12. 未受伤害;未遭伤害:Seven people in the bus were killed but the train passengers got off lightly.公共汽车中的七名乘客被撞死,而火车中的旅客却安然无恙。13. [口语](使)入睡:It took the mother half an hour to get the baby off to sleep.母亲花了半个小时才把婴儿哄睡着了。14. 学会;记住;背熟:I"ve got this poem off by heart already.我已经把这首诗背熟了。15. 停止工作;下班:What time do you get off?你什么时间下班?16. 休假;休息:I get every Sunday off, so the job is satisfied.我每周日都休息,因此这个工作令人满意。17. (使)结婚;(使)订婚:Most parents want to get their children off before they grow old.大多数父母希望他们的子女在自己上年纪之前完婚。18. 停止谈(或写)…;更换(正在谈或写的)主题;(无意中)转入到谈…:Let"s get off the subject of work!Let"s talk about something pleasant!我们别谈工作了!让我们谈些愉快的事情吧!19. [美国口语]说(笑话);讲(话):The speaker got off one or two very amusing jokes.演讲者讲了一两个非常有趣的笑话。20. [美国口语]吸毒麻醉,(服用毒品后)(使)感到飘飘然,感到(药力)发作;为…所激动;因…而兴奋:He gets off on loud music,but I don"t.他一听到喧闹的音乐就兴奋,而我则不然。21. 我不相信!住口!别打扰了![用于祈使句]:Oh,get off!I know better than that!哦,去你的!我不至于蠢到那种程度!22 使感到激动或刺激,使处于极度快感之中23 处于快感兴奋之中(常与on连用)
2023-07-27 14:40:001

get off这个单词的解释

没有;下车。run off有跑掉的意思。
2023-07-27 14:40:346

get off怎么组词组?

get off -从什么上下来,或离开可以说下车 get off the car,下床get off the bed, 离开椅子get off the chair(中文就是站起来,但英语里并不表明动作,只是说离开椅子),还可以说 get off me (从我身上下去。。。)
2023-07-27 14:40:501

get on和get off中的on off是什么词性

楼上答的不全对,但是提问者扔出这两个词,却不给出上下文,也就无法回答.你要拿出例句来,懂吗?比如说你叫张阳,“太阳的阳”,否则我不知道你名字怎么写.英语问题也是一个道理. on/off可以是介词也可以是副词.看你这个词组怎么用了.如果是上下车,get on! 上车吧,这是副词.get off! 下车!这是副词.但如果说,get on board,也是上车,on就是介词了;get off the car,下车,off就是介词. 本人来美十年,是美国永久居民,英文还可以,望指正.
2023-07-27 14:41:251


几点下班的英文翻译是What time do you get off work ?get off work 中,get是一个动词,off是一个介词,work是名词,这个句子句型结构是动词+介词,get off后面必须加上宾语,以和off形成介宾短语.而且宾语无论是名词还是代词,都必须放在介词off的后面。此时,整个结构为:get ... off ( + 介宾/副词)。例句:I"d like to get this letter off by the first post.我想将这封信在邮局第一次收信时寄出去。扩展资料:英语中表示下班的词语下班 off duty下班 get off work下班 come off work下班后 after working hours下班回家 come home from work下班时间 quitting time ; closing time ; off hours下班以后 after work ; after hours下班女郎 working girl等你下班 so you work ; waiting for you after work下班一族 the working clbumm打卡下班 clock off ; clock out ; punch out
2023-07-27 14:41:512

get off和get out of的区别

get out of有逃避,摆脱,改掉,从……出去的意思; get off有下车,离开,脱下(衣服),开始的意思。 例句: get me out of here. 带我离开这儿吧。 I told you,Get off my home! 我告诉过你,离开我家! 扩展资料   get off:   get off意为“下(汽车、飞机、火车等)”。该句的时态为一般过去时,所以get off“下车”用的是一般过去时态的got off;rush“冲”也是用其一般过去时态。冉老师着重提一下,该句是and连接的"两个并列句,这个男子下车的瞬间就冲向了那扇门,动作基本上是一瞬间发生的,所以都用的是一般过去时,这里不需要过去完成时来表示动作的间隔性。   get out off:   get out off意为“从(小汽车、出租车、直升机、电梯等上下来)”。该句的时态为一般过去时,且and连接的两个动作几乎同时发生,所以前后时态一样。ran的动词原形为run“跑。”   get off的例句:   You need a material with plenty of stretch in it.   你需要一种弹性很大的布料。   Fields and hills stretched out as far as we could see.   放眼望去,田野山丘绵延不绝。   I need a job that will stretch me.   我需要一份让我能充分发挥才智的工作。   get out of的例句:   Let"s get out of here.   我们离开这里吧。   Get out of my way! I"m in a hurry.   让开!我有急事。   You ought to get out of the house more.   你应该多到户外去走走。
2023-07-27 14:43:311

get off和get out of的区别

含义不同、用法不同。get out of有逃避,摆脱,改掉,从……出去的意思;get off有下车,离开,脱下(衣服),开始的意思。get out of强调的是从什么地方下车,get off强调的是下车本身的动作。 get off的用法 get off意为“下(汽车、飞机、火车等)”。例如:The man got off the bus and rushed to that door.这个男子下了公交,并冲向那扇门。 该句的时态为一般过去时,所以get off“下车”用的是一般过去时态的got off;rush“冲”也是用其一般过去时态。着重提一下,该句是and连接的两个并列句,这个男子下车的瞬间就冲向了那扇门,动作基本上是一瞬间发生的,所以都用的是一般过去时,这里不需要过去完成时来表示动作的间隔性。 get out of的用法 get on意为“上(汽车、飞机、火车等)”。例如:When I got on the plane, I found I didn"t lock my door.当我上飞机后,我发现我没有锁门。 get on意为“上(汽车、飞机、火车等)”其反义词为get off.该句的时态为一般过去时,所以when引导的时间状语从句和主句都用的是一般过去时。老师在这里提一下主句中的found的动词原形find的另一个意思“寻找”经常和look for“寻找”作对比。Find着重指“找到”的结果;look for着重强调“寻找”的过程。
2023-07-27 14:43:401


2023-07-27 14:43:591

get off用法

“get off”是一个常用的短语动词,有多种用法。以下是几种常见的用法:下车/get off a vehicle: “get off”可以表示从交通工具上下车,如公交车、火车、飞机等。例如:“I need to get off the bus at the next stop.”(我需要在下一个站下车。)离开/get off a place: “get off”也可以表示离开某个地方,如办公室、学校、图书馆等。例如:“I can"t wait to get off work and go home.”(我迫不及待地想下班回家。)停止/get off work: “get off”还可以表示工作结束或下班。例如:“What time do you usually get off work?”(你通常什么时间下班?)放下/get off something: “get off”还可以表示从某个物体上下来或下去,如树、梯子、楼梯等。例如:“Be careful when you get off the ladder.”(你从梯子上下来时要小心。)
2023-07-27 14:44:062

get on和get off中的on off是什么词性

2023-07-27 14:44:451

get off和get to是什么意思啊

2023-07-27 14:45:082

got out of got off区别

got out of v. 走出(由...逸,离开)例句与用法:I"ve got out of the habit of having a cooked breakfast.我已不再保持早餐吃热食的习惯.Is Peter up (ie Has he got out of bed) yet?彼得起床了吗?Inflation has got out of control.通货膨胀失去了控制。The model plane got out of control and crashed.模型飞机失控坠落下来。I got out of the bed and had a good stretch.我起床后舒服地伸了个懒腰。Let"s get out of here.我们离开这里吧.All my friends drought I was so lucky when Nelson and I got married right after I got out of high school.我刚离开中学就和纳尔逊结了婚,那时我所有的朋友都认为我是多么幸运。The cows had got out of the field and were (roaming) loose in the road.牛从牧场窜出, 在公路上自由自在(到处)走动.got off v. 下来(出发,起飞,离开)例句与用法:Their marriage got off to rather a shaky start.他们的婚姻一开始就有些不稳固.We got off immediately after breakfast.我们吃完早餐就动身了.He got off with a small fine.他交了一小笔罚款了事。Steve got off with Tracey/Steve and Tracey got off (together) at Denise"s party.史蒂夫和特蕾西在丹尼斯的聚会中搞上了.Our holiday got off to a flying start because the weather was good and the trains were on time.我们度假一开始就大吉大利,天气很好,火车也都准点。The marriage got off to a rocky start.那婚姻一开始就不稳固。He will do almost anything for the poor, except get off their back.他几乎任何事情都愿意为穷人做,除了从他们的背上下来以外。The bus stopped and we got off.公共汽车停下来,我们下了车。英英解释:动词 get off:leave a vehicle, aircraft, etc. 同义词:get offbe relieved of one"s duties temporarily 同义词:get offtransfer 同义词:send, get off, send offcause to be acquitted; get off the hook; in a legal case 同义词:get offescape potentially unpleasant consequences; get away with a forbidden action 同义词:get off, get away, get by, get out, escapeenjoy in a sexual way 同义词:get offget off (a horse) 同义词:unhorse, dismount, light, get off, get downget out of quickly 同义词:hop out, get offsend via the postal service 同义词:mail, get offget high, stoned, or drugged 同义词:trip, trip out, turn on, get offdeliver verbally 同义词:get off
2023-07-27 14:45:212


2023-07-27 14:45:301

get off代词放中间吗

这个是代词放后面。类似于这样代词置后的词组不多,除此以外,还有look after等
2023-07-27 14:45:382


get off the car/bus/van
2023-07-27 14:45:492

take 和 Get 的区别。

进的 同房间的用take 远的 别处 用get
2023-07-27 14:46:194


下车的英文:   debus   let off   step-down   参考例句:   Get off; descend   下车;动身;脱下(of a bus,coach,etc) allow sb to get off.   (指公共汽车、长途汽车等)让某人下车。Shall I get down here for the art Gallery?   去美术馆是在这儿下车吗?( of a vehicle or its driver)stop and allow(a passenger)to get off   (指车辆或司机)停下来让(乘客)下车I can let you off at Fifth avenue.   我可以在第五大道让您下车。I can drop you off at Normandy Ave.   我可以在诺曼蒂大街让您下车。Take bus No.76 and get off at the Prince Hotel stop.   乘76路车,在王子饭店那站下车。The pained animal"s voice rasped on Scarlett"s nerves until she was temped to stop and untie the beast.   那凄惨的叫声使得思卡利特神经一根根地竖起来,几乎要跳下车将这动物放掉。I get off the train.   我下车。Get off, please.   请下车了。debus是什么意思:   vt. 卸下   vi. 下车   let是什么意思:   v. 允许;让;假设;出租   n. 擦网球   Let it be as you desire.   就按照你的意思办吧。Let in sheathing.   镶进夹衬板。He let go of the pole and let it fall.   他松开那根柱子,让它倒下了。off是什么意思:   adv. 掉,下;离开;隔开;切断;停止;;休息;光,完,尽;全部地   prep. 从...离开;从...向下;在...的外面;偏离...;从...分岔;不再从事...;低于...   adj. 关着的;停止流通的.;延期的;取消的;不工作的;处于...境况的;萧条的   v.(用于祈使句)走开,滚开;站开   n. 关掉   Is the water on or off?   自来水龙头开着还是关着?The gilt is off.   幻想破灭了。to nip off; to cut off; to break
2023-07-27 14:46:271

Get off 3单加s吗

2023-07-27 14:47:071

get in,get off分别什么意思?

get in 进入;到达;陷入;收获 get off v.动身;免于受罚;从…下来;脱下(衣服等)
2023-07-27 14:47:191


2023-07-27 14:42:301

string 类型转化为 template T 类型!(C++)

已回答 如还有问题可以追问
2023-07-27 14:42:312


不知从什么时候开始,网上开始对礼仪进行了五大分类,即政务礼仪、商务礼仪、服务礼仪、社交礼仪、涉外礼仪五大类。在我看来,并不太稳妥! 我们知道礼仪因地域、习俗、场所环境、角色、关系的不同而有很大的不同,复杂不谈,哪怕仅仅是在场所环境中最简单区分就有社交环境、公务环境和私人环境(私密环境)三类,于是以上五个分类就不太合适了。 所以即使以场景做不完全分类,就最少分为政务、商务、服务、社交和家庭礼仪五种,实在是因涉外礼仪在这五个礼仪场景中均有可能体现。 正如每个人身上都有DISC,只是或多或少而已。在五个场景礼仪中,DlSC也是有所体现,只是有大有小有多有少有前有后而己。 政务礼仪中,目标明确,讲求规范,虽然在讲求以人为本为民办事的今天,依然较少因人议事因人改礼,更不以炫耀为荣,甚至更强调有些事只做不说,所以其顺序为DCSI。 商务礼仪中,买卖可以不成,仁义必须在。当然也会一般说着“多个朋友多条路,哪怕亏本也要赚到吆喝”,但谁也无法真的一直亏下去,公司不赚钱,永远牛不起来。所以所谓礼仪既有称兄道弟的草莽,也有衣冠楚楚的较量,还有的是您敬我半斤我敬您八两的交换性交流,更多的是酒香多吆喝的自弹自唱。所以商务礼仪中的体现顺序为lCDS。 服务礼仪中对客服务有讲述了服务企业如何不计成本为客户服务的许多案例,但其实只是个案。更多的服务性企业的有偿服务大多是经过测算的,所有您享受到的服务都是与付出的成本相对应的。于是服务人员越是走心的服务其培训成本和日常成本就越大,因此,感觉好的地方往往是花销够大的地方,更可怕的是,越是这样的地方藏的越深。所以服务礼仪的顺序应该是CSDI。 然后就是社交礼仪了。每个人社交礼仪需求不同,即目标不同,故礼仪要求不同,如有人为交友,故或高调I 让人交,或低调C捡人交,或直奔主题D认人交,或悄悄来悄悄去不带一片云的S。但如按社交一最低目标即不给别人添麻烦而言的话,其顺序应该为DSCl。 最后就是家庭礼仪了。DⅠSC沟通家庭、夫妻亲密关系、亲子关系有着其独特的功效。家不是讲理的地方,但却必须是讲礼的地方。人生在世,如果学习礼仪肯定从家里开始。只有家里学会了礼才能应用于社会,只有在家里能够开放地面对所有的事,以礼相待,才有可能在社会上持之以礼,否则社会会逼迫你学习。家教会我们爱出者爱返,敬人者人恒敬之,己所不欲勿施于人。所以家庭礼仪的顺序为SIDC。 以上内容,仅为一己之思考,希望打开一点专业人士之思路。
2023-07-27 14:42:331

King的《Torture》 歌词

歌曲名:Torture歌手:King专辑:Bitter SweetYou know, you know.You know that it"s torture.The sweetest words you whisper in my ear,Cause you know what I wanna hear.The way you hold me like it"s something real,Cause you know what I wanna feel.It takes two to lie,One to lie and one to listen,And deep promises are wearing thin.Oh, ohStop.What you"re doing to me?Stop.Like an arrow through me.Stop.This is torture to me.Cause it gotta be,All or it"s nothing at all.I"m telling you to stop.This is torture to me.You know that it"s torture.I lose control when you"re touching me,Cause you know what I really need.But I need more than physicality,So you know how it"s gotta be.It takes two to lie,One to lie but I"m done listening.If your hearts have finished,Then we"re finished.Oh, ohStop.What you"re doing to me?Stop.Like an arrow through me.Stop.This is torture to me.Cause it gotta be,All or it"s nothing at all.I"m telling you to stop.This is torture to me.You know that it"s torture.I cant keep going through this.Cant keep on leading me on.Why you being so elusive?You"re in or you"re out,There"s no middle crowd.No, no, no, noIt"s killing me. (x2)You know that it"s torture.It"s killing me (x2)You know that it"s torture.I lose control when you"re touching me.Cause you know what I really need.But I need more than physicality.(x2)Oh, ohStop.What you"re doing to me?Stop.Like an arrow through me.Stop.This is torture to me.Cause it gotta be,All or it"s nothing at all.I"m telling you to stop.It"s killing me. (x2)You know that it"s torture.It"s killing me (x2)You know that it"s torture.It"s killing me (x2)You know that its tortureIt"s killing me (x2)You know that it"s torture.
2023-07-27 14:42:341


lu han is a big pig
2023-07-27 14:42:364


del键是Delete键,一般在右上角的位置,按键有“Delete”字母标识。del键全称Delete键,是键盘上的删除键。delete键在普通电脑键盘中一般有两个位置,一个是在方向键“←”的正上方第一个键,另一个是在数字小键盘的下方,和小点公用一个键。Delete键可以用来删除文本,每按一次删除键,删除光标右侧的一个字符,光标右侧的字符向左移动一帧(与退格键大致相反)。也可以用来删除文件,当选中一个或多个文件或文件夹时,按Delete键快速删除(移动到回收站)。还能删除选中对象,在某些应用程序(如Microsoft 3D builder)中选中某个对象,按Delete键可快速删除选中对象。Backspace和Delete的区别1、名称不同:Backspace是退格键,而Delete是删除键。2、使用方式不同:按Backspace删除后会向前删除文字,而按Delete键则是向后删除文字。3、使用后的文本状态不同:按Backspace删除后会进入文本编辑状态,而按Delete键则不会。
2023-07-27 14:42:391


2023-07-27 14:42:413


责编丨翊竑 目前,碳水化合物摄入量和类型 (高、低质量) 与新发高血压的关联尚不确定。针对这一问题,近期南方医院国家肾脏病临床研究中心和安徽医科大学公卫学院合作开展研究工作,研究成果发表于 Hypertension 杂志 (题“ Dietary Carbohydrate Intake and New-Onset Hypertension: A Nationwide Cohort Study in China ”) 。据悉,南方医院国家肾脏病临床研究中心 秦献辉 教授为研究的通讯作者, 李芹芹 为第一作者。 本研究基于中国 健康 与营养调查 (the China Health and Nutrition Survey,CHNS) 中1997-2015年期间的数据,旨在评估碳水化合物的摄入能量占比与新发高血压间的关系。研究共纳入基线无高血压的12177例成年受试者。首要终点新发高血压,定义为:在随访中,发生平均收缩压 140 mmHg或平均舒张压 90 mmHg,或被医师诊断为高血压,或有接受降压治疗。CHNS中采用24小时回顾法和称量法对受试者进行连续3天个人食物摄入量调查,记录消耗的所有食物量,使用中国食品成分表计算营养素摄入量,并根据食物来源将总碳水化合物进一步定义为高质量和低质量碳水化合物。 本研究中碳水化合物的平均供能占比为56.7%,包括6.4%的高质量碳水化合物和47.0%的低质量碳水化合物供能。在中位时间 6.1 年 (95 157人年) 的随访中,共发生4269例高血压。研究结果发现,总碳水化合物的摄入能量占比与新发高血压风险呈U型关联;当碳水化合物摄入能量占比在50-55%时,新发高血压风险最低。进一步分析发现,高质量碳水化合物的摄入能量占比,与新发高血压风险呈 L 型关联,而低质量碳水化合物的摄入能量占比,与新发高血压风险呈 J 型关联;即新发高血压的风险增高可能主要在于高质量碳水化合物摄入能量占比较低,或低质量碳水化合物摄入占比较高。 此外,本研究还用低碳水化合物饮食评分 (Low-Carbohydrate Diet Scores,LCDs) 来评估动物或植物来源的蛋白质或者脂肪替代低质量碳水碳水化合物与新发高血压的关联。LCDs越高,代表摄入动物性或植物性蛋白质或者脂肪比例越高,而摄入低质量碳水化合物比例越低。结果发现,动物性LCDs与新发高血压呈反J型,而植物性LCDs则为L型。 本研究仅为观察性研究,不能进行明确因果推断。本研究结果推荐多摄入高质量碳水化合物,并用植物来源的蛋白质和脂肪来替代低质量碳水化合物以降低新发高血压风险。 原文链接: 制版人:十一 转载须知
2023-07-27 14:42:411

torture 的中英文歌词 要准确的

这是英文歌词 谁会翻译的准确的中文意思You knowYou knowYou know that is tortureSpeed is whereas you whisper in my earsCause you know I don"t wanna hearThe way you hold meLike something realCause you know I don"t wanna feelIt takes to the lieWhen to lie and want to listenAnd dip comes to where it"s inOh...StopWould you do it to meStopLike a narrow through meStopThis is torture to meThis is gonna beOh, oh, it"s nothing at allI"m telling you do stopThis is torture to meYou know that is tortureI lose controlWhen you"re touching meCause you know what I really needBut I need more than physicalitySo you knowHow it"s gotta beIt takes to the lieWhen to lieBut I"ve done listeningIf your heart"s had feelingWhat"s in itOh... stopWould you do it to meStopLike a narrow through meStopThis is torture to meCause that is gonna beOh, oh, it"s nothing at allI"m telling you do stopThis is torture to meYou know that is tortureCan"t keep going through thisCan"t keep on leading me onWhy you"ve been so losingYou made you outCause no made proudOh, noIt"s killing meIt"s killing meYou know that is tortureThis is tortureIt"s killing meIt"s killing meIt"s killing meYou know that is tortureI lose controlWhen you"re touching meCause you knowWhat I really needBut I need more than physicalityOh..stopWould you do it to meStopLike a narrow through meStopThis is torture to meThis is torture to meCause it"s gonna beOh, oh, it"s nothing at allOh, I am telling you to stopWould you do it to meStopLike a narrow through meStopThis is torture to meCause this is gonna beOh, oh, it"s nothing at allI"m telling you do stopThis is torture to meTorture to meYou know that is tortureIt"s killing meIt"s killing meYou know that is tortureIt"s killing meIt"s killing meYou know that is tortureIt"s killing meIt"s killing meYou know that is tortureIt"s killing meIt"s killing meYou know that is torture-- the end --
2023-07-27 14:42:422


2023-07-27 14:42:471


可从以下现象进行判断:垂直线条一条或多条垂直的线条。 线条“顶天立地”,从屏幕上边沿一直延续到屏幕下边沿。判断方法:此类现象几乎都是屏坏。另可采用以下简便方法快速判断:切换屏显模式法菜单字符法双画面/画中画法画面移动法水平线条一条或多条水平的线条。 1.线条从屏幕左边沿一直延续到屏幕右边沿 2.仅屏幕中间一小段情况1常见,情况2较少见。判断方法:此类现象几乎都是屏坏。另可采用以下简便方法快速判断:1.菜单字符法2.双画面/画中画法3.画面移动法因为是水平线条,故切换屏显模式法已无法应用3.阴影屏幕角上阴影屏幕两侧垂直分布的阴影屏幕水平分布的阴影判断方法:此类现象几乎都是屏坏。另可采用以下简便方法快速判断:切换屏显模式法菜单字符法双画面/画中画法画面移动法备注:液晶显示器的保养和维护不要虽便搬动,晃动。虽然液晶显示器很轻,但它也是很娇贵。几千元的显示器不要随便地动它。不小心碰倒就有麻烦。同样强烈的冲击和震动也要避免,液晶显示器中的屏幕和敏感的电子元件,如果受到强烈冲击会导致屏幕或电路的损坏。在长时间不使用机器时候,应该关闭液晶显示器。虽然液晶显示器热量,比CRT显示器热量已经减小了很多,但长时间使用也会使脆弱的元器件发生老化。一般来说,如果LCD连续开机使用24小时以上,内部温度就会迅速升高,因此如果不用还是把它关掉为好。长时间使用虽然未必令LCD显示器当场烧毁,但对其伤害是永久的,因为过长时间的使用会使晶体老化或烧坏。 如果短时间内不时用机器的话,我们也可以关闭关闭显示器或打开屏幕保护功能。因为LCD的显示方式与CRT不同,长时间静止不动的画面也会令LCD温度升高、液晶老化。另外,不要把使用CRT显示器的坏习惯,带到液晶显示器中来,这其中多数人都有坏习惯就是经常用手对屏幕指指点点。液晶显示器比CRT显示器脆弱很多,尤其是LCDS屏幕。虽然指指点点对于CRT显示器不算什么大问题,但液晶显示器则不同,这可能造成保护层的划伤、损害显示器的液晶分子,使得显示效果大打折扣。不要对LCD显示器表面施加压力。最后,在清洁屏幕的时候也要十分注意。拿块破抹布擦显示屏的做法对于液晶。屏而言简直就是“重伤害”,要使用清洁柔软的布。在使用清洁剂的时候也要注意,不要把清洁剂直接喷到屏幕上,它有可能流到屏幕里造成短路。
2023-07-27 14:42:512


所谓“蜜月”(Honeymoon)一词中Honey本意是蜂蜜,Moon代表月,而把这名称翻译成“蜜月”,除了使人听起来有甜蜜的感觉和向往结婚的快乐外,并没有确切地表示出新婚的涵义。 蜜月这个词,其实是古代抢婚习俗所遗留。英国古代的条顿族流行“抢婚”,丈夫为了避免抢来的妻子被对方抢回去,就在新婚期间带着妻子到处地过一段避居的生活每日三餐喝蜂蜜酿成的酒,据说蜜月的说法就是自此开始。 如果要问,为何古代的蜜月夫妻饮用的是蜂蜜酿成的酒,而不是其他的酒类,这点就必须从英国的地理背景来探讨。因为英格兰无法栽培葡萄,蜂窝却随处可见,所以自古以来英国人就有饮用蜂蜜的习惯。他们取下蜂窝,从里面拿出蜂蜜,再用滚水来煮蜂窝,使蜂窝发酵而成为蜂蜜酒。很久以来,在英国人心目中蜂蜜酒仍有其传统地位,而蜜月和蜂蜜酒之间,在风土习惯上也是有所关联的。
2023-07-27 14:42:512


可以这样拆分这理解:定义一个可以传入两个类型参数的模板类(或函数)template <class T, class Compare>class 和 typename 在这里是一个意思,可以互换,所以可以写为template <class T, typename Compare>typename Compare = X是模板里边默认参数的表示方法,跟函数的默认参数类似,表示如果不传入第二个参数,则默认使用X作为Compare的值std::less是标准库中模板类(函数对象),需要传入一个参数T来使用,表示使用小于号作为比较准则;类似的还有greater<T>表示使用大于号作为比较准则template <classT, typename Compare = std::less<T>>就是说,可以传入两个参数,一个T,一个Compare,但是第二个参数可以不传入,使用std::less<T>(传入第一个类型参数)作为其默认值,标准库中的set就是类似的定义方式(set其实有三个类型参数)为了更好的理解,你可以用下面几种方式去使用定义的模板(这里用set作为例子)1、使用默认参数std::set<int> 等于std::set<int, std::less<int>>std::set<Complex> 等于std::set<Complex, std::less<Complex>>按照int/Complex小于号对容器中的元素进行排序(第一个元素最小)【Complex为用户自定义类型】2、不适用默认参数(使用标准库里的模板类)std::set<int, std::greater<int>>std::set<Complex, std::greater<Complex>>按照int/double大于号对容器中的元素进行排序(第一个元素最大)3、使用用户自定义的【模板类】std::set<int, MyCriterion<int>>这里有要求的,MyCriterion模板类必须重载operator (),否则编译会失败【这里是对std::set而言,因为std:;set要求第二个参数必须重载operator ()】MyCriterion定义如下:template <class T>class MyCriterion {public:bool operator() (const T& x, const T& y) const{return x < y;}};PS:跟std::less<T>效果完全一样,通用4、使用用户自定义的【类】std::set<int, MyCriterion>MyCriterion定义如下:class MyCriterion {public:bool operator() (int x, int y) const{return x < y;}};只能针对int类型的对象使用,不通用,此种使用只是为了更好的说明用法,通常不能这样用如果还是不明白,继续追问!
2023-07-27 14:42:521


[p]、[b]、 [t]、[d]、[k]、[g]、[f]、[v]、[s]、[z]、[θ]、[08] [tr]、[dr]、[ts]、[dz]、[m]、[n]、[07]、[h]、[l]、[r]、[j]、[w]
2023-07-27 14:42:551


SW是什么意思 “SW”有多种含义,具体如下: 1、停止等待协议 “SW”的全称为“stop-and-wait”,表示停止等待协议,停止等待协议是最简单但也是最基础的数据链路层协议,主要用于数据的可靠传输。停止等待就是每发送完一个分组就停止发送,等待对方的确认。在收到确认后再发送下一个分组。 2、重低音“SW”的全称为“subwoofer”,表示重低音。重低音就是比较重的低音,概念重低音就是提升音频中的低音部分,因为人耳对低音是不敏感的,所以需要较强的低音来产生效果。 扩展资料 停止等待协议的不同情况: 停止等待协议分别有以下的四种情况:数据帧正常接收、数据帧丢失、确认帧丢失、数据帧错误。 数据帧正常接收是数据能够正常发送,正常接收,正常确认,正常收到确认的一个过程;数据帧丢失是超过一段时间仍然没有收到确认,就认为刚才所发送的数据丢失,然后重传前面发送的数据。 停止等待协议出现差错情况:在接收方 B 会出现两种情况:B 接收 M1 时检测出了差错,就丢弃 M1,其他什么也不做(不通知 A 收到有差错的分组);M1 在传输过程中丢失了,这时 B 当然什么都不知道,也什么都不做。 参考资料来源:百度百科-SW 网络上SW是什么意思? 网络上SW是一般常用的几种主要意思: 1、SW在网络通信中是switch交换机的缩写。 2、SW可以作为SoftWare(软件)的简写。 3、SW在网络用语中,也指“舌吻”。 其它含义: 在网络游戏" 魔兽世界 "中,SW是25人团队副本太阳之井高地(The Sunwell )的英文缩写。 SW游戏里也是声望的意思。 SW是Star Wars(星球大战,著名系列电影)的缩写。 SW是Swing Man,某些篮球游戏里的锋卫摇摆人。 SW是Sword World(剑世界,TRPG的一种)的缩写。 SW是Sakura Wars(樱花大战、サクラ大戦,SEGA的著名游戏)的缩写。 SW是Summer Wars(夏日大作战)的缩写。 SW是social work(社会工作)的缩写 SW是side width(边宽)的缩写,常用于机械设计中表示轴类零件的方肩标注 SW是sweeper(清道夫)的缩写,指在足球比赛中承担特定防守任务的拖后中后卫。 三维实体设计软件Solidworks的缩写。 变形金刚中声波(Soundwave)名字的缩写。 通信中switch交换机的缩写。 SW,Snow White,即白雪公主。 SW sinoweaving 中国织造 SW Sellita制成品或半成品机芯 SW是soil water(土壤水)的缩写,指土粒表面靠分子引力从空气中吸附的气态水并保持在土粒表面的水分。 SW是Stars War的缩写:国际电子竞技明星邀请赛。 SW是Smith Weson 的缩写 SW是多益网络自主研发的回合制游戏《神武·逍遥外传》的简称。 收音机上的SW什么意思 在一般的收音机或收录音机上都有AM及FM波段,相信大家已经熟悉,这两个波段是用来供您收听国内广播的,若收音机上还有SW波段时,那么除了国内短波电台之外,您还可以收听到世界各国的广播电台节目.为了让您对收音机的使用有更进一步的认识,以下就什么是AM、FM、SW、LW作一简单的说明.事实上AM及FM指的是无线电学上的二种不同调制方式.AM:Amplitude Modulation称为调幅,而FM:Frequency Modulation称为调频.只是一般中波广播(MW:Medium Wave)采用了调幅(AM)的方式,在不知不觉中,MW及AM之间就划上了等号.实际上MW只是诸多利用AM调制方式的一种广播,像在高频(3-30MHz)中的国际短波广播所使用的调制方式也是AM,甚至比调频广播更高频率的航空导航通讯(116-136MHz)也是采用AM的方式,只是我们日常所说的AM波段指的就是中波广播(MW).那FM呢?它也同MW的命运相类似.我们习惯上用FM来指一般的调频广播(76-108MHz,在我国为87.5-108MHz、日本为76-90MHz),事实上FM也是一种调制方式,即使在短波范围的27-30MHz之间,做为业余电台、太空、人造卫星通讯应用的波段,也有采用调频(FM)方式的.而SW呢?其实可以说是对短波的一种简单称呼,正确的说法应该是高频(HF:High Frequency)比较贴切.而短波这名称是怎么来的呢?以波长而言,中波(MW)介于200-600米(公尺)之间,而HF的波长却是在10~100米(公尺)之间,与上述的波长相比较,HF的波长的确是短了些,因此就把HF称做短波(SW:Short Wave).同样的,比中波MW更低频率的150KHz-284KHz之间的这一段频谱也是作为广播用的,以波长而言,它大约在1000~2000米(公尺)之间,和MW的200-600米相比较显然"长"多了,因此就把这段频谱的广播称做长波(LW:Long Wave).实际上,不论长波(LW)、中波(MW)或者是短波(SW)都是采用AM调制方式.对一般收(录)音机而言,FM、MW、LW波段是提供您收听国内广播用的,但我国目前没有设立LW电台,而SW波段则主要供您收听国内/国际远距离广播.。
2023-07-27 14:42:291

torture 歌词 翻译迈克尔杰克逊

1st Verse - Jermine Jackson It was on a street so evil 我走在一条邪(美好)恶之街 So bad that even hell disowned it 连地狱都无法与之相比 Every single step was trouble 凡是失足于此的傻瓜 For the fool who stumbled on it 必定步履维艰 Eyes within the dark were watching 黑暗中有双眼睛在窥视 I felt the sudden chill of danger 瞬时我察觉到一丝危险的寒意 Something told me keep on walking 有个声音提醒我继续前行 Told me I should not have come there 告诉我实在不该来这儿 Chorus - The Jacksons Baby, "cause you cut me like a knife 宝贝,生命中没有了你的爱 Without your love in my life 就如一柄利刃刺透我的灵魂 Alone I walk in the night 夜晚我一人独行 "Cause I just can"t stop this feelin" 因为我实在无法摆脱这感受 It"s torture 折磨 It"s torture 折磨 It"s torture 这是折磨 2nd Verse - Michael Jackson She was up a stair to nowhere 她径直上了一条楼梯 A room forever I"ll remember 通往一个我永生难忘的房间 She stared as though I should have known her 她像认识我似的凝视我道 Tell me what"s your pain or pleasure “告诉我你的欢喜悲愁 Every little thing you find here 这里你能发现的任何蛛丝马迹 Is simply for the thrill you"re after 都仅仅是你寻求的刺激 Loneliness or hearts on fire (如果你)寂寞难耐 欲(百度)火(百)焚(度)心 I am here to serve all masters 我会为主人服务的” Chorus - The Jacksons She said reality is a knife 她说现实就是一柄利刃 When there"s no love in your life 当你的生命中没有了爱 Unmerciful is the night 今晚是如此残忍 When you just can"t stop this feeling 当你实在无法摆脱这感受 It"s torture 折磨 It"s torture 折磨 It"s torture 这是折磨 Bridge (Jermine Jackson)And I still can"t find the meaning, no no no 我仍旧无法明白她的企图,不 不 不 (Michael Jackson)Of the face I keep on seeing 这张我紧盯不放的面庞 (Jermine Jackson)Was she real or am I dreaming 她是来真的,还是我在做梦? (Jermine Jackson & Michael Jackson)Did the sound of your name 是你的名字 Turn a wheel, start the flame in me 在我脑海盘绕不去,点燃我内心的激(纯洁)情 Chorus - The Jacksons Baby, "cause you cut me like a knife 宝贝,生命中没有了你的爱 Without your love in my life 就如一柄利刃刺透我的灵魂 Alone I walk in the night 夜晚我一人独行 And I just can"t stop this feelin" 我实在无法摆脱这感受 It"s torture 折磨 It"s torture 折磨 It"s torture 这是折磨 Chorus - The Jacksons She said reality is a knife 她说现实就是一柄利刃 When there"s no love in your life 当你的生命中没有了爱 Unmerciful is the night 今晚是如此残忍 When you just can"t stop this feeling 当你实在无法摆脱这感受 It"s torture 折磨 It"s torture 折磨 It"s torture 这是折磨
2023-07-27 14:42:271


就光说一下液晶显示器吧What is a LCD Monitor?LCD displays were used on laptop computers before the technology improved enough to make the jump to desktop monitors. An LCD monitor consists of five layers: a backlight, a sheet of polarized glass, a "mask" of colored pixels, a layer of liquid crystal solution responsive to a wired grid of x, y coordinates, and a second polarized sheet of glass. By manipulating the orientations of crystals through precise electrical charges of varying degrees and voltages, the crystals act like tiny shutters, opening or closing in response to the stimulus, thereby allowing degrees of light that have passed through specific colored pixels to illuminate the screen, creating a picture.As LCD technology evolves, different techniques for producing color emerge. Active-matrix or TFT (thin film transistor) technology produces color and images as sharp as any CRT and is generally considered superior to passive-matrix technologies. Important specifications to consider when shopping for an LCD monitor include contrast ratio, brightness (or "nits"), viewing angle, and response time.Contrast ratio relates to the display"s comparative difference between its brightest white values and its darkest black values. A higher contrast ratio will have truer colors with less "wash out." The standard offering for lower end models is commonly 350:1. Many experts recommend a contrast ratio of 500:1 or better.An LCD monitor is brighter than a CRT, giving the consumer little reason to hunt for an especially bright model. Brightness is measured in nits, or one candela per square meter. Anywhere from 250 - 300 nits is standard. If the nits are much higher you"ll likely end up adjusting the brightness way down.The viewing angle is an especially important consideration if you plan to have multiple people viewing the LCD monitor at any given time. There is a vertical and a horizontal viewing angle specification, which refers to the degree you can stray from dead center before the picture starts to wash out. High contrast levels usually go hand-in-hand with wider viewing angles. Many recommend a viewing angle of at least 140 degrees horizontal and 120 degrees vertical. The wider the viewing angles, the better.Response time is measured in milliseconds (ms) and refers to how long it takes pixels to turn from completely white to black and back again. Smaller values represent a faster response time and are more desirable, especially for gaming or viewing video. If the response time is slow, "ghosting" or "trailing" can occur with fast-moving images, as repaints of the screen overlap. A maximum response time should be no more than 25ms for general use, and 17ms is better. Many gamers report no ghosting using an LCD monitor with a response time of 16ms or less. LCDs use only one-third to one-half the electricity of their CRT counterparts. They are much easier on the eyes, take up 90% less space, and only weigh a few pounds. They also emit far less low-frequency radiation than CRTs. This makes LCDs a great choice for nearly everyone, and ideal for people who work all day in front of the screen. Colors may change hue as one moves to the outer limits of the viewing angle, particularly on displays with narrow viewing angles and low contrast ratios. For this reason graphics professionals that require exacting color consistency regardless of viewing angle generally use CRTs, though LCDs have improved in this regard.An LCD monitor comes in standard sizes from 15-inches to 21-inches, and larger. The viewing screen is the same size as the rated display, unlike CRT monitors. Therefore a 15-inch LCD will have a 15-inch viewing screen. A potential weak link of an LCD monitor is the backlight. Many monitors come with a 3-year warranty, but stipulate 1 year for the backlight. Models with 3-year warranties that cover the backlight usually cost a little more but may be worth the extra investment.How LCD Monitors Work LCD monitors, as their name suggests, use liquid crystal display (LCD) technology, making it far different from the ordinary CRT monitor. An LCD is a thin and flat display device composed of pixels arrayed in front of a light source or reflector.LCDs, in turn, use liquid crystals, which were first discovered in 1888. These crystals are actually liquid chemicals that align perfectly when subjected to electrical fields; when they"re properly aligned, they allow light to pass through them. LCDs use this property by using electrical currents to align the crystals and allow varying levels of light to pass through and create the desired images and colors.To be more technical, the liquid crystals are sandwiched between two pieces of polarized glass ("substrate"). The fluorescent light source, also known as the backlight, emanates light that passes through the first substrate. The electrical currents then cause the crystals to align, allow varying levels of light to pass through to the second substrate. The end result is what you see onscreen.LCDs can use either active-matrix or passive-matrix structure. Most LCD monitors, along with LCD TVs, use active-matrix.Any discussion regarding LCD monitors won"t be complete without the word "pixel". A pixel is a single point in a graphic image, and stands for "picture element". Each pixel on an LCD monitor comprises of three cells -- one for the color red, one for green, and the last one for blue. Electric currents are used to straighten the liquid crystals within each cell so that light is not bent at this level. An active matrix thin-film transistor is used to activate each cell.LCD Monitor Advantages:LCD monitors have lots of things going for them. These traits entice millions of consumers to buy an LCD monitor every year:Uses Less Power. LCDs also produce less heat, which means less load on air conditioning. Takes up less space. LCD monitors are small, thin, and weigh less. Highly adjustable. Many LCD models can be rotated 90 degrees, allowing you to view websites in portrait mode. LCDs can also be mounted on the wall or on an arm. No flicker. LCDs don"t have lines that need to be scanned like in CRTs. No flicker = a lot less eye strain. Less glare. Due to the material of the LCD screen, less light is reflected at the user. Same with "no flicker", this results in less eye strain. Brightness. LCD monitors are brighter than the traditional CRTs. Less distortion. Using a direct digital input from the graphics card produces cleaner "output". The monitor"s perfect geometry means images aren"t distorted, which is a boon for graphic designers and the like. LCD Monitor Disadvantages: While LCD monitors have a lot of strengths, they still have weaknesses that might turn off potential buyers. However, it"s our opinion that these disadvantages don"t really detract from the benefits of using an LCD monitor.More expensive than CRTs. You pay for what you get; LCDs look good and are good for your eyes (see Advantages article). Dead pixels. When the electrical current to one or more pixels does not operate properly, one or more cells are permanently aligned, resulting in a dead pixel. Screen care and fragility. LCD monitors may be slim and sexy, but they"re also more prone to damage and screen breakage. Native resolution. LCD monitors can only display information well at the resolution they were designed for. At any other resolution, image quality will suffer. Pixel response time. In videos and fast-paced video games, LCDs suffer from the ghosting effect. Viewing angles. Looking at an LCD monitor from an angle causes the image to look dimmer or even disappear completely. Colors. The color accuracy of an LCD monitor does not match that of a CRT monitor"s. LCD Monitor Sizes: When shopping for an LCD monitor, the issue of how large a monitor you"ll buy always pops up. Usually it"s just a question of budget -- thrifty consumers go for the smaller monitors, while those who can afford go for the giants. However, you should also consider your work space; if it"s cramped, then there"s no use in buying a 22-inch LCD monitor!One thing you need to remember about the different LCD monitor sizes: they display information well at only the resolution they were designed for, which is known as the "native resolution". CRT monitors don"t have this problem. If you change your LCD monitor"s resolution settings, the display scales the image and the quality suffers (but not by much, though). Listed below with each monitor size is its respective native resolution.15 InchThe smallest LCD monitors you"d usually find nowadays would be the 15 inch LCDs. These monitors are available for only a few hundred dollars, and they have done well in flooding the market with LCDs and bringing down prices.15 inch LCD monitors have a 1024x768 native resolution. These monitors are great for CRT switchers, but not for gamers, graphic designers, and serious computer users.17 Inch17 inch LCD monitors are a step up the ladder. These monitors have a native resolution of 1024x768 to 1280x960, and are more comfortable for older people. However, they"re also a tad more expensive than smaller monitors.There are also high quality 17" LCDs that are good for gamers; some models feature pixel response times as low as 12ms. This allows gamers to enjoy their games without the ghosting/blurring problem that plague lower end LCDs.19 InchThe larger it becomes, the more expensive it gets. But if you"ve got the money, 19 inch LCD monitors are worth it -- they can take the burden off the eyes greatly. These models are excellent for those who need to read and write a lot as well as concerned about eye strain.19 inch LCDs usually sport a native resolution of 1280x1024 or 1600x1200.20+ Inch20 inch and larger LCD monitors are for those demanding the best and can afford to shell out the money. These massive screen real estate monitors are the top choice for avid gamers, graphic designers, CAD designers, and movie makers/fanatics.20 inch LCD monitors usually boast of 1600x1200 native resolution, and screens above 22 inches can easily reach 1900x1220 resolution.These extremely large LCD screens pose some problems, though. For example, the 30-inch Apple Cinema HD Display requires two DVI inputs to properly function. If you"re prepared to spend cash on large LCDs, be prepared to shell out more for powerful。
2023-07-27 14:42:261

c++ 模板类 后面每个方法前的template 有什么意义 对每个方法有什么影响?

c++集合了过程式语言,通用语言,面向对象语言的众多特点。模板是通用语言的特性,模板又叫参数化类型(parametrized types)。模板的定义。以下是模板定义的一般格式:  template <class any>//class 也可以换成typename,后者是新来的。  void swap(any &a,any &b)  {  ......  }利用模板机制可以显著减少冗余信息,能大幅度地节约程序代码,进一步提高面向对象程序的可重用性和维护性。在使用过程中,注意的问题:(1)在template语句与函数模板定义语句之间不允许有别的语句。 template<class T> int i; // 错误,不允许插入别的语句 T max(T x,T y)(2)模板函数类似于重载函数,只不过它更严格一些。函数被重载的时候,在每个函数体内可以执行不同的动作。但同一个函数模板实例化后的所有模板函数都必须执行相同的动作。例如,下面重载函数就不能用模板函数代替,因为它们所执行的动作是不同的。 void outdate(int i) { cout<<i; } void outdata(double d) { cout<<"d="<<d>>endl; } (3)在函数模板中允许使用多个类型参数。但是应当注意template定义部分的每个类型参数前必须有关键字class(typename)。 #inculde<iostream.h> template<typename type1,ypename type2> void myfunc(type1 x,type2 y) { cout<<x<<" "<<y<<endl; } main() { myfunc(10,"hao"); myfunc(0.123,10L); return 0; }(4)函数模板的异常处理。函数模板有一个特点,虽然函数模板中德类型参数T可以实例化为各种类型,但是采用类型参数T的每个参数必须实例化成完全相同的类型。模板类型不具有隐式的类型转换。如果不注意这一点,可能产生错误。 template<class T> T max(T x,T y) { return (x>y)?x:y; } void fun(int i,char c) { max(i,i); // 正确,调用max(int,int)
2023-07-27 14:42:231


2023-07-27 14:42:233


2023-07-27 14:42:201


其实Michael这个人很难弄懂他在想什么他有很多MV都是很耐人寻味比如《Billie Jean》的MV。他是天才。还有:悬赏分:0
2023-07-27 14:42:192

KG是什么计量单位? 怎么换算?

2023-07-27 14:42:1811


2023-07-27 14:42:171


SW一般有多重意思:1、SW是Star Wars(星球大战,著名系列电影)的缩写。2、SW是Swing Man,某些篮球游戏里的锋卫摇摆人。3、SW是Sword World(剑世界,TRPG的一种)的缩写。4、SW是Sakura Wars(樱花大战、サクラ大戦,SEGA的著名游戏)的缩写。5、SW是Summer Wars(夏日大作战)的缩写。6、SW是social work(社会工作)的缩写。7、SW是side width(边宽)的缩写,常用于机械设计中表示轴类零件的方肩标注。8、SW是sweeper(清道夫)的缩写,指在足球比赛中承担特定防守任务的拖后中后卫。9、三维实体设计软件Solidworks的缩写。10、变形金刚中声波(Soundwave)名字的缩写。11、通信中switch交换机的缩写。12、SW,Snow White,即白雪公主。13、SW sinoweaving 中国织造。14、SW Sellita制成品或半成品机芯。
2023-07-27 14:42:171

C ++编写一个使用类模板对数组进行排序、查找和求元素和的程序。

2023-07-27 14:42:162


第一个问题我没看明白第二个问题是语言设置的问题在你的项目相面点击右键选择properties点击Flex Compiler 注意Additional compiler arguments设置为这个: -locale en_US
2023-07-27 14:42:162

The Cure的《Torture》 歌词

歌曲名:Torture歌手:The Cure专辑:Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss MeMiguel - TortureI don"t really care if you don"t callWon"t really change my life at allDon"t think I think too much about itYou think that you got under my skinThink that I let you in and I can"t let you goWell, What do you knowI don"t need to see you, I don"t really need youI don"t really careBut every minute you"re gone is a minute too longEveryday you"re away, you know it"s tortureIt"s tortureAnd when you"re not by my side I am barely aliveI can barely survive, you know it"s tortureI die a little more inside every minute you"re goneI don"t really care if you"re with meIt"s not gonna make my life completeDon"t think I need to be around youYou think that you mean more than you doThink I just think "bout you and nothing, no nothing elseWell, go on convince yourselfI"m not all about you, I"d be fine without youI don"t really careBut every minute you"re gone is a minute too longEveryday you"re away, you know it"s tortureIt"s tortureAnd when you"re not by my side I am barely aliveI can barely survive, you know it"s tortureI die a little more inside every minute you"re goneDon"t want to admit itI"m so caught up in itSo I tell you I don"t careBut it"s hard to breathe when you"re not thereBut every minute you"re gone is a minute too longEveryday you"re away, you know it"s tortureIt"s tortureAnd when you"re not by my side I am barely aliveI can barely survive, you know it"s tortureI die a little more inside every minute you"re goneBut every minute you"re gone is a minute too longEveryday you"re away, you know it"s tortureIt"s tortureAnd when you"re not by my side I am barely aliveI can barely survive, you know it"s tortureI die a little more inside every minute you"re gone(eh, eh-eh, eh)Every minute you"re gone,(eh, eh-eh, eh)Every minute you"re gone.
2023-07-27 14:42:121

go on a honeymoon after marriage 能用go to吗?

2023-07-27 14:42:084