barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-29 00:21:15


Meet someone"s expectations.

Satisfy someone"s demands.

其实这里得看你所指的要求是什么。如果是物质上的要求,那么可以用 satisfy someone"s demands.如果是精神上的要求,那么就可以用 meet someone"s expectations.

另外我觉得用 expectation 比 requirement 更适合。


satisfy(meet) one"s needs( demands/ requirements)


I am sure you can meet our requirements.


The owners were unable to satisfy all the demands of the workers.


I can"t afford to meet your demand.


This company should be able to satisfy our requirements.





Satisfy someone

Meet someone‘s requirements


meet one"s requirements


Marketing 里的 needs, wants 和demands的具体区别

2023-07-27 12:59:193


  一、英文单词:   动   require; demand; ask   名   requirement; demand; claim   二、双语例句:   1   他要求做合法的继承人。   He claims to be the rightful heir.   2   之前对问卷的修改主要是增加了一些和工作要求有关的问题。   A major addition to the earlier revisions of the questionnaire is the job requirement exercise.   3   我要求对我的问题作出明确的答复。   I want a distinct answer to my question.   4   这台设备要求高标准。   This instrument demands stringent specification.   5   我同意了美国出版商的要求,答应写这本书。   I assented to the request of the American publishers to write this book   6   医生向他的合理要求让步了,允许他工作。   As a concession to his reasonable demand, the doctor allowed him to work.   7   随着自动化程度和效率的不断提高,对管理人员的技能要求可能会大大降低。   Administrative staff may be deskilled through increased automation and efficiency.   8   我们的产品不但要求数量多,而且要求质量高。   In production, we demand not only quantity but also quality.   9   漠视群众的意见和要求是错误的。   It is wrong to have no regard for the opinions and demands of the masses.   10   他已经改动了经济计划中的几项提议以迁就特殊利益集团的要求。   He"s already altered several of the proposals in his economic plan to accommodate demands of special interests.   11   这些规定还要求雇主提供安全培训。   The rules also require employers to provide safety training   12   我不能应允你的要求。   I cannot assent to what you ask.   13   问题是他是否完全意识到了这些要求。   The question remains whether he was fully aware of the claims.   14   这反映了全国要求改革的心声。   This gives expression to the national aspirations for reforms.   15   我敢说他按照要求做了。   I dare say he did as he was bidden. 要求的英文单词怎么说
2023-07-27 13:00:031


  需求与需要辨析  ■ 伊文斌 邓志娟  需求和需要是经济和管理学科特别是市场营销学中的两个相近又有区别的重要概念,可以说没有这两个概念作基石,市场营销学科的大厦将轰然倒塌。然而,综观多数营销学教村,对这两个概念的应用是不够严谨的。本文拟就需求和需要在营销学中的理解与应用作些探讨,不当之处还请专家指正。  尽管需求与需要两个概念在经济和管理学科中相当重要且运用得非常普遍,但在汉语的权威辞书中对需要与需求的解释却相当简单。  《辞海》中没有对需求的解释;对需要的解释为:人对一定客观事物需求的表现。人类在种族发展过程中因维持生命和延续种族,形成对某些事物的天然需要,如对营养、自卫、繁殖后代的天然需要,在社会生活中为了提高物质和精神生活水平,形成高级的物质需要,如对社交、劳动、文化、科学、艺术、政治生活等的需要。人的需要是在社会实践中得到满足和发展的,具有社会历史性。它表现为愿望、意向、兴趣而成为行动的一种直接原因。  《辞源》中也没有对需求的解释,对需要的解释是:给用。  《现代汉语辞海》对需要的解释为:对事物的要求。对需求的解释为:由需要而产生的要求。  台湾版的《中文大辞典》也没有对需求的解释。对需要demand的解释是:经济学名词,谓有一定购买力者对于一定货物之欲望或要求,与供给相对。为经济行为之经纬。一切货物之价格,均依其关系决定之。我们熟悉的西方经济学中的需求曲线、需求弹性概念在过去的台湾著作中常为需要曲线、需要弹性。  综上所述在常用的中国语言中需要与需求两个概念没有什么特别的区别,两者换用也没有太大的影响。  然而在经济和管理学科中,需要和需求是两个必须区别的概念。世界级的营销学大师菲力普·科特勒在其多个营销学教程版本中对两个概念作了区分。It is important to distinguish among needs,wants,and demands。A human need is a state of deprivation of some basic satisfaction。Demands are wants for specific products that arebacked by an ability and willingness to buy them。Wants become demands when supported by purchasing power。译者将其翻译为:对需要、欲望和需求进行区分是重要的。人类的需要是指没有得到某些满足的感受状态。需求是指对有能力购买并且愿意购买的某个具体产品的欲望。只有当有购买能力支撑时欲望便转化成了需求。  我们注意到在这里译者把needs翻译成了需要,demands翻译成了需求。那么是不是国内在翻译国外的经济或管理文献的统一地把needs翻译成了需要,demands翻译成了需求呢?答案是不一定。在中国营销传播网知识库中称消费者的需求为needs,需要为demands。类似这样的说法反映出国内营销学界对两概念使用的不严谨。事实上根据吴光华《汉字英释大辞典》的解释,需要可译为:need,want,require,de-mand等;需求可译为needs,need,demand,requirement等。反之在常见的英汉辞典中英语的need和demand的汉语释意中都有需要及需求。菲力普·科特勒的《市场营销管理》(亚洲版第二版)MARKETING MAN—AGEMENT(Ninth Edition)的AssessingMarketing"s Critical Role in OrganizationalPerformance部分,大多用的是need,want,仅在区分need,want,demand及MarketingManagement部分阐述Marketing managersmanagedemand时用了demand,可见恐怕就是菲力普·科特勒也没有一定要把needs对应为需要,demands对应为需求。也许正因如此,国内的市场营销学科中就有人混淆了需要和需求两个概念。诸如以下说法:市场营销者要以消费者及其需要为中心;消费者的欲望和需要受人口变量及其它变量的影响;需求Needs、欲求Wants、需要De-mands是市场营销的关键……完全可以说是随心所欲,没有一定。这种现象对—门学科的建设及发展是有害无益的。  本文以为将需要和需求进行区分是可能的也是必要的。  所谓需要是就人的生存和发展而言所不能少者,如吃、穿、住、行诸项,马斯洛所说的生理需要(Physiologicalneeds)、安全需要(Safety needs)、归属需要(Socialneeds)、尊重需要(Esteemneeds)及自我实现需要(Self--actualizationneeds)等;麦克利兰所说的成就需要(needforachievement)、权力需要(oeedforpower)、亲合需要(needforaffiliation)等;阿尔德福所说的生存的需要、关系的需要、成长的需要等;大家常说的物质需要、精神需要等。它们对人类的生存和发展而言是客观存在的,对人的生存和发展而言它只及“要”而不论其它。  需求应视为在具体时间、具体条件、具体环境之约束下需要的特定体现。它在关注“要”的同时还得强调与“要”相关的诸多方面。如是否有相应的资源支撑。两者的关系是一般与特殊的关系。没有需要则无从谈起需求,即需要是需求的基础,反之只谈需要则无法讨论日常生活之具体满足,即需求是需要的具体体现。人的同一需要可反映为现实生活中的各色各样的需求。如同是对吃的需要,在长征途中表现为对雪水草根的需求,在现代城市青年身上则表现为对汉堡、牛奶的需求。对住的需要在农村表现为对农舍的需求,在城市则是对楼房的需求,诸如此类不一而足。  经济学家更关心需求,因为需要是不受约束的,需求则指实际能够得到满足的需要。那么市场营销管理是更关心需要呢还是更关心需求呢?本文认为作为研究具体的企业市场营销管理规律的学科它应该更关心需求而不是需要。  多有市场营销学教材说市场营销管理就是以满足人类各种需要和欲望为目的,通过市场交换变潜在交换为现实交换的活动。产品是任何可以满足人类某种需要或欲望的东西。如此等等的说法都是不正确的。如果企业的营销以满足人类的需要或欲望为目的,则企业的努力就尤如船行大海茫茫无边无法靠岸。因为人类的任一需要都有无数的表现形式,而任何一家企业的资源相对于人类需要的无数表现形式而言都是非常有限的,企业只能针对社会的某一需求开发、设计、生产产品,即企业的产品只能是制造可以满足人类的需求的东西,至于这种需求是何种需要的体现,企业在所不问,唯其如此企业的努力才能落到实处。比如一家服装企业如果满足人类的穿的需要,也可以说是人类的生理的需要,也可以说是人类的生存的需要,也可以说是物质需要为目的而努力的话,该企业就没有努力的方向,它只有以满足现代社会中某群人的某方面的需求为努力方向,企业的有限资源才有向心力,市场才会对该企业的努力给予认可。  市场营销讲究细分需求、有针对性、可赢利,只有抓住需求这一关键才是抓住了市场营销的本质。综上所述,本文认为国内营销学界不能惑于一书之译,而将需要与需求混用,两者是有很大区别的不同概念,乱用的结果必然会贻误市场营销学科的发展。
2023-07-27 13:00:131


There is demand there is market.
2023-07-27 13:00:223

demands on具体意思

The growth of governmental demands on IT service remains robust.政府对IT业务的需求增长仍然非常强。
2023-07-27 13:00:324


on time.及时 按时。on one"s time.表示按照时间安排
2023-07-27 13:00:534

帮我看下这个句子:The hijackers refuse to yield to demands (to release the passengers)

不是这样写有啥好处...是必须这样写...因为句子到demands这里已经结束了. 后面括号里的就是个名词性质的补充解释说明.如果要用of的话,就把括号去掉就行了,release本身就可以是名词了.
2023-07-27 13:01:002


2023-07-27 13:01:0912


2023-07-27 13:01:331


They " re crowding me with their unreasonable demands 他们正以 不合理的要求 逼我。 We will yield nothing to unreasonable demands 2对于 不合理的要求 ,我们毫不让步。 Are you making unreasonable demands on yourself 你是否对自己有 不合理的要求 ? We mustn " t give way to these unreasonable demands 我们不可对这些 不合理的要求 让步。 I think she is making quite unreasonable demands on us 我想她对我们提的是相当 不合理的要求 。 They finally had to back down on their unreasonable demands 他们终于不得不放弃 不合理的要求 。 Employees should learn to say " no " to their bosses " unreasonable dictates 雇员应学会对上司 不合理的要求 说“不” Saying “ no ” to urgent ” requests , interruptions and unreasonable demands 敢于对“紧急”请求、干扰和 不合理的要求 说“不” 。 After several hours " negotiations , they finally backed down on their unreasonable demands 经过几个小时的谈话后,他们终于放弃了 不合理的要求 。 They not only make unreasonable demands on the guides , but also quarrel with their fellow travelers 他们不仅对导游提出种种 不合理的要求 ,还跟同团的游伴吵嘴。 I am not pkely to ask anything very unreasonable , and if i did , they might have stretched a point 我不会提出 不合理的要求 ,但如果我提出,他们是会破例通融的。 I am not pkely to ask anything very unreasonable , and if i did , they might have stretched a point 我不会提出 不合理的要求 ,但如果我提出,他们是会破例通融的。 Whatever god wants , it will be done . don t always try to run the universe . don t run my pfe , run my job for me , by demanding ridiculous things all the time 不要总是想管整个宇宙不要用你们 不合理的要求 来影响我的生活我的工作,就算我想照你们的意思做,我能办得到吗? What should i do if i find that during interview , the employer makes unreasonable request or the employment terms and conditions offered are different from the vacancy information displayed by the labour department 如我在面试时,发现雇主在工作上提出 不合理的要求 ,或所提供的雇佣条件与劳工处登记的资料不符,应该怎办? What should i do if i find that during interview , the employer makes unreasonable request or the employment terms and conditions offered are different from the vacancy information displayed by the labour department 如果我在面试时,发现雇主在工作上提出 不合理的要求 ,或所提供的雇佣条件与劳工处登记的资料不符,应该怎办? Acting by my advice , my poor sister had refused to ply with the unreasonable demands of benedetto , who was continually tormenting her for money , as long as he bepeved there was a sou left in her possession 我那可怜的嫂嫂遵照我的忠告行事,拒绝再满足贝尼代托的 不合理的要求 ,但他只要相信她还剩一个铜板,就不断地逼迫她,向她要钱。
2023-07-27 13:01:511


2023-07-27 13:02:392


问题一:要么 要么用英语怎么说 要么: [ yào me ] 1. (conj) either X or Y (used when given a choice between two things) 例句与用法: 1. 要么进来,要么出去。 Either e in or go out. 2. 迪克要么刻苦学习,要么根本不学,从不走中间路线。 Dick either studies very hard or not at all, never anythi弧g in between. 3. 你要么自己来,要么就托人办理这件事。 Either you e in person, or you entrust someone with the matter. 问题二:“需要”的英语怎么说 ”需要“的英文单词为“need”。 need 英 [ni:d] 美 [nid] vt. 需要; 必须; aux. 必须; 不得不; n. 需要; 需要的东西; 责任; 贫穷 vi. (表示应该或不得不做)有必要; 以上供参考,望采纳! 问题三:需要的名词用英语怎么说 need. 可做动词也可做名词。 祝你耿习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*) 不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢! 问题四:>,<,用英文怎么说 一些常用符号的英文表示 < is less than 小于号 > is greater than 大于号 = is equal to 等于号 + plus 加号;正号 - minus 减号;负号 ± plus or minus 正负号 × is multiplied by 乘号 ÷ is divided by 除号 ≠ is not equal to 不等于号 ≡ is equivalent to 全等于号 ≤ is not less than 不小于号 ≥ is not more than 不大于号 ? is less than or equal to 小于或等于号 ? is more than or equal to 大于或等于号 % per cent 百分之… ‰ per mill 千分之… ∞ infinity 无限大号 ○ circumference 圆周 π pi 圆周率 △ triangle 三角形 ∑ (sigma) summation of 总和 ° degree 度 ′ minute 分 ″ second 秒 ℃ Celsius system 摄氏度 希望能帮助到你 问题五:中文用英语怎么说 40分 你好,中文的翻译是:川hinese 或者Chinese language. 希望我的回答对你有帮助,祝好。 问题六:等用英文怎么说????? 量 class; grade; rank classify into three grades 分为三等 second prize 二等奖 first-rate goods 头等品 a world power of the first order 世界头等大国 (种; 类) kind; sort; type this kind of person 此等人 I"ll never do this sort of thing. 我决不干这等事。 形 (程度或数量上相同) equal be equal in length 长短相等 unequal in size 大小不等 equal distance 等距离 动 (等候; 等待) wait; await wait for a train, bus, etc. 等车 await approval by the higher authorities 等上级批准 wait all day 等一整天 Time and tide wait for no man. 岁月不等人。 I shall await you at seven-thirty or thereabouts. 我将在7:30分左右等着你。 介 (等到) when; till I"ll tell him when he es. 等他来了我就告诉他。 Stay till I"m through. 等我做完再走。 助 and so on; and so forth; etc. go to Shenyang, Anshan, Dalian and other places on a tour of inspection 赴沈阳、鞍山、大连等地视察 The children learn singing, dancing, drawing, and the like in the kindergarten. 孩子们在幼儿园里学习唱歌、跳舞、画图画等。 He bought a lot of fruit such as apples and peaches. 他买了许多水果, 如苹果、桃子等等。 问题七:“如果可以的话…”用英语怎么说 20分 If you can If I may Colonel:I`d like to make a quest if I may. (如果可以的话,我有一个请求。) Try to meditate矗if you can. 试着沉思冥想,如果可以的话。 I"d like to have lunch with you if I may. 如果可以的话,我想和您一起吃午饭。 请及时采纳,不懂继续问( 天天在线 ) (*^__^*) 祝学习进步! 谢谢! 问题八:需要用英语怎么说 名词 need want demand requirement demand定字典名词 need want demand requirement demands 动词 want demand 形容词required 问题九:要么 要么用英语怎么说 要么: [ yào me ] 1. (conj) either X or Y (used when given a choice between two things) 例句与用法: 1. 要么进来,要么出去。 Either e in or go out. 2. 迪克要么刻苦学习,要么根本不学,从不走中间路线。 Dick either studies very hard or not at all, never anythi弧g in between. 3. 你要么自己来,要么就托人办理这件事。 Either you e in person, or you entrust someone with the matter. 问题十:“那必须的”用英语怎么说,,。。。。。 一个单词就可以, Absolutely
2023-07-27 13:02:461

存在demand sth of sb 那么有demand of sb sth 吗?

2023-07-27 13:03:122


(一)request (1)名词 (口头或书面的)要求,尤指请求例:make repeated requests for help 一再请求帮助 at sb`s request/at the request of sb 应某人之请求;鉴于某人之请求 (2)动词(以口头或书面形式)要求,尤指请求某人做某事例:I request him to help.我请求他帮忙(二)require 动词(不用于进行时态)(1)有赖于(某人/物);需要例:We require extra help.我们需要额外的帮助 (2)(尤用于被动语态)要求,规定例:Hamlet is required for the course.Hamlet 为本课程指定读物.Demand主语为人时,表示“坚决要求”,为物时表示“迫切需要”。如:She demands a meeting tonight.(她要求今晚会见一次。)The work demands care.(这项工作要细心。) ask就不用讲了吧!!ask的语气较弱,可用于朋友之间,是口语中常用的.
2023-07-27 13:03:191


问题一:要求高 用英语怎么说对提出很高的要求.用英语怎么说 High requirement 详细释义 词典释义 high requirement要求高 问题二:对……提出了更高的要求 用英文怎么翻译? greater demands are being placed on *** ./place a greater demand on *** . 对……提出了更高的要求 e.g. Greater demands were being placed on the police by growing violence and left- and right-wing extremi *** . 暴力事件和左右翼极端主义日益猖獗,这对警方提出了更高的要求。 ~~~欢迎追问! 问题三:我对自己的要求一向很高英语怎么说? I have exact demands on myself.我对自己严珐要求,就是要求很高。 祝楼主进步! 要是答案还满意的话,记得采纳哦,O(∩_∩)O谢谢~! 问题四:“对……(例如产品品质)的要求很高,很严格”用英语怎么说? need high quality of product 问题五:我对自己的要求一向很高英语怎么说 我对自己的要求一向很高 I always have high demand of myself. 问题六:哪里有地道的杭邦菜啊? 想吃正宗的杭邦菜还是得来杭州才行! 不过我吃了这么几年了还是觉的没盯川火锅好吃,味道太淡了 问题七:对学历的要求越来越高 英文怎么说 Requirements for academic qualifications are high饥r and higher.
2023-07-27 13:03:371


Many demands are made of them.以上是“对他们提出许多要求”的翻译。
2023-07-27 13:03:4614


beyond that of putting up for a moment with a disgusting taste 意思是“除了....”,语法上是介词 beyond + 介宾(that of putting up for a moment 作介词 beyond的宾语)。里面的 that of:that 是呼应前面 demands 的。换句话说,that 所代替的,是 demands。使用它是为了避免重复出现demands。意思是:服药的极大益处是,他对于服药者没有什么要求,除了要求他忍受一会难吃的味道。
2023-07-27 13:04:103


主句主语:I 谓语:like 动词不定式短语作宾语:to put strict demands on myself 动词不定式作状语表目的:to let the youngsters know what happens off the court is just as important if you want to be good as a professional.宾语部分分析不定式:to put 不定式宾语:strict demands 不定式宾语的补足语:on myself 不定式作状语部分分析不定式:to let 不定式的宾语:the youngsters 不定式的宾语的补足语:know know的宾语:what happens off the court is just as important if you want to be good as a professional.know的宾语部分分析宾语从句连接词:what (在宾从中作主语)宾语从句谓语:happens 宾语从句状语:off the court is just as important 条件状语从句:if you want to be good as a professional
2023-07-27 13:04:182

when parents fail to meet our demands英语作文

Many university students have never said “Thank You” to their parents. Their parents have done all they could to bring them up in the past score of years, but have never been rewarded with gratitude.The subjects claim such reasons as follows. First and foremost, a quarter of interviewed students regard it as parentsu2019 duty to support them spiritually and financially. And it is no necessary to express appreciation to their parents. However, the majority of youngsters is aware of their parentsu2019 love but is not accustomed to saying “Thank you”. Some even find a generation gap between themselves and their parents, thus feeling reluctant to express their affection for their parents.In my opinion, extending thankfulness to our parents is a way of respecting them and their love. We should express our feelings directly and bravely, but whatu2019s more important is, we should do all that we can to reward them.Selfishness is a bit prevailing in university dormitories. Some never care about othersu2019 needs or offer help to their roommates. Some even interrupt othersu2019 normal daily life by speaking loudly, turning on the loudspeakers and telephoning at midnight.As only children in their families, most of them are the apples of their parentsu2019 eye. They have been spoiled and are used to being satisfied. Therefore, they hardly pay any attention to othersu2019 feelings initiatively. What they care about is how to meet their own demands and how to get what they need from others. Moreover, selfish people do not know mutual respect and mutual help are keys to harmonies dormitory life.Selfishness erodes youngstersu2019 mind and many well undermine their all-round development. Only when we become respectful and helpful to each other, can we create a healthy atmosphere for dormitory life.
2023-07-27 13:04:261

make demands of和make demands on是不是一样的?

2023-07-27 13:05:225

分析一下一个英语句子的词,Since each day makes its own demands,in leaving?

我们可以把这句话的语序重新排列一下:Since each day makes its own demands, we run the risk of failure in both in leaving today"s work to be done along with tomorrow"s.将介宾短语in leaving today"s work to be done along with tomorrow"s放在最后,这样我们就更清楚这句话的意思了:我们两天的工作都可能无法完成(我们会冒同时失去两者的风险),如果我们将今天工作留到明天去做.in 表示 on the condition that 也就是引导条件状语从句,1,这里的in是“在...(做什么)的意思,按上下文,可以翻译成”“如果”,翻译: 既然每天都有要做的事,那么如果把今天的事推到明天一起做,我们有可能哪样都做不成。,1,we run the risk of failure in both,both 指 today"s work to be done 和tomorrow"s(work to be done ),所以leaving前用in,0,分析一下一个英语句子的词, Since each day makes its own demands,in leaving today"s work to be done along with tomorrow"s,we run the risk of failure in both. 这里in leaving的in是怎么回事,
2023-07-27 13:05:371


消遣 [xiāoqiǎn] dissipation pastime recreation resource sport toy wile wile away Demand 与require 辨析1.两者都可表示“要求”,有时可换用。如:They demand/require my appearance.他们要求我到场。两者的区别在于:demand 通常指坚持其应该有或必要的东西,暗示要求者有权这样做,常有命令之意;require 通常指按照法律、规章、规定、惯例、环境等提出要求,其客观性较强。比较:The policeman demanded his name and address. 警察要他说出他的名字和地址。We require warm clothing for the winter. 我们需要过冬的暖和的衣服。2.用于事物时,两者都表示“需要”,有时可换用,其区别仍然是require 的客观性较强。如: The letter demands/requires an immediate answer. 这信要求立即答复。The court requires the attendance of witnesses. 法庭要求证人出庭。3.demand 不接不定式的复合结构,但 require 后可接不定式的复合结构。如: They required him to keep it a secret. 他们要求他对这事保密。 All the members are required to attend the meeting. 全部会员均要求出席会议。注:demand 后不接不定式的复合结构,但 demand of 后可接不定式的复合结构。如: They demanded of her to go with them. 他们要求她同他们一起去。4. 表示“向某人要求某物”,可用 demand sth of/from sb。如: He demanded too high a price of me. 他向我要价太高。 He demanded an apology from the boss. 他要求老板道歉。require 有时也这样用,但更多是其被动语态后接 of sb。如: What do you require of me? 你要求我做什么? I have done everything that was required of me. 一切要我做的事情我都已经做好了。
2023-07-27 13:05:482


呵呵,这是考察主语从句的题目。第一个句子直接用that引起主语从句,第二个句子用it做形式主语,that从句后置。以后这样的题目一定要想法自己完成哦!这样才能把英语学好呢!1. That the strike has continued too long is obvious. It"s obvious that the strike has continued too long.2. That student workers do not need higher wages is apparent.It"s apparent that student workers do not need higher wages.3. That the strike has slowed down the service is annoying.It"s annoying that the strike has slowed down the service.4. That some students do not want to work for a living is disgusting. It"s disgusting that some students do not want to work for a living.5.That the administration hires new workers is necessary. It"s necessary that the administration hires new workers.
2023-07-27 13:05:561

when parents fail to meet our demands 高中英语作文 120字

My father is a peasant. Four years ago he came to the city, and found a job. And then my mother and I moved here. At that time, my father earned little money and could hardly support the family. I was small, short and thin then. My parents sometimes bought me some good food for me. I remember clearly once they gave me the roast chicken. Oh, I liked it best. I asked them to eat together, but they both said they didn"t like it. So I ate it up. Now our life is better. One evening, my father bought some roast chichen again, and we ate it happily. Suddenly, I understood why they didn"t eat it before. They just wanted me to eat it.This is my parents" love!
2023-07-27 13:06:151


meet one"s demands
2023-07-27 13:06:235


In his 1930 essay “Economic Possibilities for Our Grandchildren” , John Keynes, a 在他的1930篇论文《我们子孙后代的经济可能性”,约翰凯因斯,一famous economist, wrote that human needs fall into two classes: absolute needs, which are 著名经济学家,写道,人类需要分为2类:绝对的需要,这是independent of what others have, and relative needs, which make us feel superior to our 独立别人所拥有的东西,和相对的需要,这使我们感到我们的优秀fellows. He thought that although relative needs may indeed be insatiable(无止境的), this is 研究员。他认为,虽然相对需求可能确实是贪得无厌的(无止境的),这是not true of absolute needs.不正确的绝对需要。Keynes was surely correct that only a small part of total spending is decided by the desire 凯因斯肯定是正确的,只有一小部分的总开支决定的愿望for superiority. He was greatly mistaken, however, in seeing this desire as the only source of 优势。他错了,然而,在看到这一愿望的唯一来源insatiable demands.无尽的需求。Decisions to spend are also driven by ideas of quality which can influence the demand for 决定花也带动了思想品质能影响需求almost all goods, including even basic goods like food. When a couple goes out for an 几乎所有的商品,甚至包括基本商品如食品。当夫妇去为一个anniversary dinner, for example, the thought of feeling superior to others probably never 周年晚宴,例如,思想感情优于其他人可能永远不会comes to them. Their goal is to share a special meal that stands out from other meals.到他们的。他们的目标是分享一顿,脱颖而出从其他餐。There are no obvious limits to the escalation of demands for quality. For example, 不存在明显的界限的升级的质量要求。比如说呢。Porsche, a famous car producer, has a model which was considered perhaps the best sports car 保时捷,著名的汽车制造商,有一个模型,认为可能是最好的跑车on the market. Priced at over $120,000, it handles perfectly well and has great speed 在市场上。售价超过120000美元,它处理的很好,有很大的速度acceleration. But in 2004, the producer introduced some changes which made the model 加速度。但在2004,制片人介绍一些变化使模型slightly better in handling and acceleration. People who really care about cars find these small 略好于处理和加速度。人谁真正关心汽车找到这些小improvements exciting. To get them, however, they must pay almost four times the price.改进激动。让他们,然而,他们必须付近四倍的价格。By placing the desire to be superior to others at the heart of his description of insatiable 通过将欲望是优于其他人在他心中描述贪得无厌demands, Keynes actually reduced such demands. However, the desire for higher quality has 要求,凯因斯实际上减少这样的要求。然而,高质量的愿望no natural limits.没有限制。72. According to the passage, John Keynes believed that .72。根据短文,约翰凯因斯相信。A. desire is the root of both absolute and relative needs答:欲望的根源是绝对和相对需求B. absolute needs come from our sense of superiorityB .绝对需要来自我们的优越感C. relative needs alone lead to insatiable demandsC .相对需要单独导致无尽的需求D. absolute needs are stronger than relative needsD .绝对需要比相对需求73. What do we know about the couple in Paragraph 3?73。我们知道什么对夫妇在3段?A. They want to show their superiority.他们想展示自己的优势。B. They find specialty important to meals.他们找到的重要膳食。C. Their demands for food are not easily satisfied.他们的粮食需求是不容易满足。D. Their choice of dinner is related to ideas of quality.D .他们所选择的晚餐与质量观。74. What does the underlined word “escalation” in Paragraph 4 probably mean?74。什么是强调“升级”4款可能意味着什么呢?A. Understanding B. Increase C. Difference D. Study.A B C D增加理解差异研究。75. The author of the passage argues that .75。文章的作者认为。A. absolute needs have no limits答:绝对需要没有限制B. demands for quality are not insatiableB .质量要求不知足C. human desires influence ideas of quality人类欲望的思想品质影响D. relative needs decide most of our spendingD .相对的需要决定了我们的大多数开支 楼主是这篇吗要答案吗71~75 ccdba好累啊
2023-07-27 13:06:391


2023-07-27 13:06:474

写一篇英语作文when parents fail to our demands。描述自己的经历。

2023-07-27 13:06:552

labour demand中文翻译

However , the way of labour demanding behavior is decided by system environment and labour resource arrangement 而劳动力需求行为方式的差别,则取决于体制环境和劳动力资源配置机制。 This represented the full ppance with the timepness requirement of the imf s sdds . the c & sd had piled the 1999 - based manpower requirement projection by economic sector to project labour demand by industry 政府统计处已编制以一九九九年为基期按经济行业划分的人力需求推算数字,以预测各行业的人力需求。 The surplus of labour supply over labour demand became more distinct in the latter part of 1998 , when total employment registered a decrease and vacancies fell substantially across the board consequential to the downturn in the economy 劳工供过于求的情况在一九九八年后期更形显著,随经济逆转,总就业人数下跌,职位空缺也全面大幅减少。 The step of economic development in yanbian would be quickened only depending on correct understanding of die contradiction beeen them , carrying out the strategy of " employment first , putting forward the reform of employment system , increasing the labour demands , and promoting the overall quapties of labour force 准确把握延边地区劳动就业问题的主要矛盾,采取与之相应的行之有效的就业措施,就要实施“就业优先”发展战略,继续推进劳动就业制度改革;拓宽就业渠道,增加就业岗位;提高劳动者整体素质,创建鼓励全民创业机制,以加快延边地区经济发展的步伐。 Findings have it that people who reported higher levels of resipence , more work pfe balance , higher levels of job satisfaction and safety performance , and engaged in more leisure activities , would show higher levels of iga . conversely , the participants who scored higher in emotional labour demands , work family demands and absenteei *** showed lower levels of iga 研究发现,对组织而言,抗逆力较高的医护人员的管理成本较低,其工作表现和工作满足感会较高,也较少出现工业安全事故而对员工而言,抗逆力越高,其身心徵状如肌肉紧张心情时好时坏等会越少,工作
2023-07-27 13:07:011

the great advantage of taking medicine is that it makes no demands on the taker beyond that...

putupwith 这是个词组,有“忍受容忍”的意思这句话暂时简化为“thegreatadvantageiswhat”,oftakingmedicine在这相当于是修饰advantage的;what=thatitmakesnodemandsonthetaker再看看别人怎么说的。
2023-07-27 13:07:081


The paid manager acting for the company was in more direct relation with the men and their demands, but even he had seldom that familiar personal knowledge of the workmen which the employer had often had under the more patriarchal system of the old family business now passing away.句子语法结构分析如下前置定语:The paid (花钱雇来的)主语:manager (经理)后置定语:acting for the company(代表公司的)系动词:was的(是)表语:in more direct relation with the men and their demands(与工人以及他们的需求的关系更加直接)表示转折关系连词:but(但是)状语:even(甚至)主语:he (他)谓语:had(拥有)状语:seldom(很少)宾语:that familiar knowledge of the workmen(对工人们熟悉私人了解)修饰宾语后置定语:which employer had often had (顾主/老板经常一直都拥有的)(定语从句作后置定语修饰主句的宾语)修饰定语从句状语:under the more patriarchal system of the old family business now passing away(在目前正在消失的古老家族企业的那种更加家长式的制度下的)(超级长的介词短语作状语修饰定语从句中的谓语动词)(后面带有现在分词作后置定语)(1)第1句的句子主干为:主语+ 系动词+表语The .... manager was.... in more direct relation with the men and their demands()第2句的句子主干为:主语+ 谓语+宾语 he had.....familiar personal knowledge of the workmen .中文翻译:花钱雇来的并且并且代表公司的经理是与工人及他们的需求拥有更加直接拥有的关系,但是他甚至对工人们拥有很少的那种熟识的私人了解。而在现在正在消失的古老家族公司的那种了解拥有更加家长式的制度下的雇主经常对他们的工人有这样的私人了解。
2023-07-27 13:07:181


哦base on 是基于的意思 based on 在您这句中是 ed分词作为后置定语,表示【被动】的含义,比如 the man killed
2023-07-27 13:07:371

job demand中文翻译

My job demands a lot of my time and energy (我在工作上投入了大量的时间和精力。 ) This job demands your great patience 这项工作需要你极大的耐心。 You have to do what you have to do in order to attain what your job demands , and that is your duty , no problem 做你该做的事,为你工作所需,做好所有该做的事,这是职责所需,没问题。 Reducing the weighting attached to educational quapfications as the primary determinant of rank or grade in favour of a broader asses *** ent of job demands 界定职级或职系时,以工作要求而非学历为主要因素。 Growing away from educational quapfications as the primary determinant of rank or grade , relying instead on a broader asses *** ent of job demands 不再过度强调以学历作为职级或职系评定的首要标准,转而重对员工在满足工作要求 Growing away from educational quapfications as the primary determinant of rank or grade , relying instead on a broader asses *** ent of job demands 不再过度强调以学历作为职级或职系评定的首要标准,转而重对员工在满足工作要求 We also assessed work hours , psychological job demands , job control , level of education , employment grade , and family care workloads 问卷中也测量其他因素包括工作时数、工作负荷、工作控制感、教育程度、职业等级、家庭照顾负荷等。 This paper first reviews the achievements and progress made in the studies on job burnout in the past 30 years , including its concepts and factors that affect it , the resource conservation theory , and the " job demands - resources " model 摘要本文主要回顾了工作倦怠近三十年来的研究成果与进展,包括工作倦怠的概念与主要影响因素、资源保存理论、工作需求资源模型。 The study shows about 66 . 2 % teachers with much or too much job stress , 30 . 8 % with spght in guangzhou ; the main reason that cause job stress on middle - school in guangzhou is too much job demanding and lacking support from outside world ; there is obviously difference beeen group with 5 - 10 or 10 - 20 teaching - year and other teaching - year group ; mental health can be predicted quite well by job stress and personapty characteristic 综合分析,工作要求高以及缺乏外界的支持是广州市中学教师产生工作压力的主要原因。 5 - 10年和10 - 20年两个教龄组与其他教龄组相比,工作压力有显著差异;其他类型教师之间工作压力的差异不显著。工作压力和人格特征对心理健康有积极的预测能力。
2023-07-27 13:07:441


主语是 we 句子的主干 we had our tenancy cancelled and were forced to move house
2023-07-27 13:07:558

the great advantage of taking medicine is that it makes no demands on the taker beyond that...

The great advantage of taking medicine is... 这个你明白,略。 that it makes no demands on the taker (beyond)... //对服药者没有(高于……的)要求 that (此处that指代上半句的demands) of putting up... //拆成两句就是:the demands of putting up...//下面两个介词短语换一下位置,不影响意思。 with a disgusting taste... //一种恶心的味道(与上半句连起来,put up with, 克服) for a moment. //一段时间关于你不懂的第二个that,再给你一个例句,这是我上初中时老师给的:The population of China is larger than that of the US.如果前面是复数名词,that 变those.
2023-07-27 13:08:131


1,打电话中记住put through2,前面不是有I吗,I就配AM3,A,稀少,一般指物资,资源稀缺。B,罕见,发生的少。C,比较少,因为前面有comparatively,相比较而言,这题比较教条。D,轻微的,程度上4,只有agree to可以连用,表示同意,A,接受 B,承认 C,准许5,原形meet。。。demand,A,C就都不可以6,A,原本,本来,有was的原因,lastly最后,终于,firstly首先,第一,意思都不对。7,是固定用法,直译我总是和他有一臂之隔,就是故意疏远,保持距离。8,spelled out只能解释成全部道出,后面就没必要cheerfully,handle不能加with,A,cope with 解决为正解。9,A意思不对,看到from doing就是阻止,不让做某事10,这个比较复杂,选C,much needed因为需要,表示原因,选A和后面重复。
2023-07-27 13:08:214


1。贸易术语,FOB.哪个港口? FOB 启运港2。产品材料要求?没有特别要求,请用标准材料报价。3。需要何种证书和许可?与产品相关的标准证书。4。发货时间。 请告知我方所需数量得最快交货时间。5。包装方式要求。运输中用纸箱包装放于托盘上。6。 支付方式。等确定订单数量再做商榷。
2023-07-27 13:08:312

They turned a deaf ear to our demands,which enraged all of us?怎么翻译

他们对我们的要求充耳不闻,这可把我们所有人都给惹火了! 附: turn a deaf ear :充耳不闻,不加理睬 enrage:惹怒,触怒
2023-07-27 13:08:391

this problem demands to be looked into

1、This problem demands _B_. look into looked into demand后面加动词原型 2、Some people"s greatest pleasure is B__. fish 3、I don"t mind the children palying in the park,but I won"t have them _A_my flowers. pluck B.plucking have sb to do sth 4.Mary happened _B_ when they speak ill of her. be past be passing 当他们说她坏话的时候 玛丽正巧走过去 说坏话的时候 她正走过去 用正在进行时 5.A liar"s punishment is not _A_ believed when he speaks the truth. A.been B.being 被相信 be done 6.This could be done,and _B_ be done. A.can"t B.couldn"t C.mustn"t D.must could 表推测 能够做 也不能够做 7.He _B_ for a year. A.has not left home B.has been leaving 8.Why _A_ it __ every day so far this week? A.have,rained B.does,rain 有so far要用完成时态 希望能够帮到楼主
2023-07-27 13:08:481


2023-07-27 13:01:451


开头:uadf8ub798 ub098ub97c ubbffuc790 (Shuffle Ver.)是啊,相信自己吧. “city hall” ost08:40 curio-i"ve got my eye on you17:40 robert randolph-ain"t nothing wrong with that21:00 antz go marching to war, “蚁哥正传” ost30:50 ac/dc-shoot to thrill, “iron man 2” ost38:05 uc911ud544.uc218ub3d9 uc601uc5c5, “品行不良” ost39:45 ailee-i will show you给你看43:55 leessanh-不能分手的女人,不能离开的男人51:25 uc7a5uae30ud558uc640 uc5bcuad74ub4e4张基河与脸孔们-ud48dubb38uc73cub85c ub4e4uc5c8uc18c听到传闻,“坏家伙的全盛时期” ost53:14 prototypes-pirates of the caribbean64:00 gary & 郑仁-自行车69:50 hans zimmer-finale71:00 dj hanmin-show me your bba sae73:15 ud0a4uce5c uc624ud504ub2ddkitchen opening, “厨房” ost75:42 赵容弼-去旅行80:15 pendulum-the island part 2 (dusk)83:55 ramin djawadi-an in-be-tweener, “越狱“ ost87:09 hero, “功夫熊猫” ost请采纳O(∩_∩)O~
2023-07-27 13:01:461

足球历史中的世界十大门将 自己看看吧!那个喀麦隆的疯子门将不错,嘿嘿。。。是视频的,你可以看到很多精彩扑救的。。。。。。我也很喜欢的。。。。
2023-07-27 13:01:478


tencent是腾讯软件的安装文件夹,里面存放着一些手机上一些腾讯软件的用户资料,例如QQ或者微信软件等等。Tencent里面有腾讯软件的各种缓存,聊天记录,截图,等等。一旦删去对手机QQ的使用将会造成影响,建议不要删除。在手机上找到Tencent文件夹的具体步骤如下:1、在自己手机的桌面上打开实用工具,我们可以在工具中找到文件管理并且点击【文件管理】。2、进入到文件管理器以后,我们可以看到本地中有内部存储,然后点击【内部存储】3、进入到本地存储以后,我们就可以看到【Tencent】这个文件夹了。4、进入到Tencent文件中以后,我们可以看到mobile QQ,这个文件夹里面存放的就是与手机QQ相关的缓存资料与文件。5、同样地,我们可以看到MicroMsg这个文件夹,微信中的资料就放在这个文件夹中。
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2023-07-27 13:01:381

the moment用法是什么?

the moment基本用法是名词:at the moment此刻,那时for the moment暂时;现在,此刻,眼下如:I"m only part-time at the moment.我现在只是兼职。I"m financially challenged at the moment.我眼下身无分文。I"m really pressed for cash at the moment.眼下我真的缺钱。the moment的应用1、It"s very difficult to find work at the moment.目前很难找到工作。2、Go easy on her ─ she"s having a really hard time at the moment.对她宽容些吧——她目前的处境真是很艰难。3、I"m not in the market for a new car at the moment.我现在还不想买新车。4、We are working under extreme pressure at the moment.目前我们正在极大的压力下工作。
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