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2023-07-28 23:19:45
TAG: 歌词 欧拉

歌曲: The Cup of Life 歌手: Ricky Martin 专辑: 《The Greatest ..》

Do you really want it, yeah

Do you really want it, yeah

Do you really want it, yeah

Go, go go!

Go, go go!

Ale, ale, ale!

Ale, ale, ale!

Go, go ,go, go, go!

The cup of life. This is the one Now is the time. Don"t ever stop

Push it along. Gotta be strong Push it along. Right to the top

Como Cain y Abel

Es un partido cruel Tienes que pelear

Por una estrella Consigue con honor

La copa del amor Para sobrevivir y luchar por ella

Luchar por ella, yeah Do you really want it, yeah

Here we go! Ale, ale ale!

Go, go go! Ale, ale, ale! Arriba va! El mundo esta de pie

Go, Go, Go! Ale, ale, ale

La vida es Competicion

Hay que sonar Ser campeon

La copa es La bendicion

La ganaras Go, Go, Go!

And when you feel the heat

The world is at your feet No one can hold you down

If you really want it Just steal your destiny

Right from the hands of fate Reach for the cup of life

Cause your name is on it Do you really want it, yeah

Do you really want it, yeah

Tu y yo! Ale, ale, ale Go, go ,gol! Ale, ale, ale

Tonight"s the night we"re gonna celebrate The cup of life! Ale, ale, ale

Do you really want it

Do you really want it

Do you really want it

Do you really want it


The cup of life. This is the one Now is the time. Don"t ever stop

Push it along. Gotta be strong Push it along. Right to the top

Como Cain y Abel

Es un partido cruel Tienes que pelear

Por una estrella Consigue con honor

La copa del amor Para sobrevivir y luchar por ella

Luchar por ella, yeah Do you really want it, yeah

Do you really want it, yeah

Here we go! Ale, ale ale!

Go, go go! Ale, ale, ale! Arriba va! El mundo esta de pie

Go, Go, Go! Ale, ale, ale

Tu y yo! Ale, ale, ale Go, go ,gol! Ale, ale, ale

Tonight"s the night we"re gonna celebrate The cup of life! Ale, ale, ale

Ale, ale, ale

Ale, ale, ale

Ale, ale, ale

Ale, ale, ale

Ale, ale, ale

Ale, ale, ale

Ale, ale, ale

Ale, ale, ale

Ale, ale, ale

Ale, ale, ale

Ale, ale, ale

Ale, ale, ale

Ale, ale, ale

Ale, ale, ale

Do you really want it, yeah



2023-07-27 12:08:173


2023-07-27 12:08:362


如何选择墙布上面有着很大的帮助。1. 健康安全首先位于首位的必须是安全问题,在选择墙布时切勿贪图小便宜。一些便宜的墙布都是用劣质的材料制作而成,这类墙布对于人体的危害特别大。拿到墙布时可以先闻一闻,如果有刺鼻不舒服的味道,不要犹豫,果断放弃。2. 装修效果选择墙布时可以考虑房间的装修风格,比如说欧式装修可以选择偏简约一点的墙布。同时可以考虑搭配家具、灯光的效果。选择的墙布尽量要与你的装修风格一致,让整个房间看上去更加的自然和谐。3. 材质手感一款好的墙布,它的材质和手感也十分的重要。墙布的材质会对整个房子的光线和空间都有着挺大的影响,考虑好你想要的效果,按照那种效果去选择你的墙布。4. 个人喜好除了以上的方法以外你也可以根据个人喜好去选择墙布。可以从墙布的材质、手感、花纹图案、颜色等方面进行考虑。选择一款让你摸上去舒服,看上去满意的墙布能让你一整天的心情都变得十分的愉悦。
2023-07-27 12:08:462


2023-07-27 12:09:172


唯独爱你。尾肚矮驴 尾肚矮驴根据9letu小编查的资料属于福建的方言,是“唯独爱你”的意思。福建省历来以方言复杂著称。全国汉语方言有七大类,福建境内就占有其五:闽语、客家语、赣语、吴语和官话。
2023-07-27 12:09:251

非谓语动词放句首注意什么? ______,the speaker brought his letu

像不定式,动名词和分词这三类非谓语都可以放在句首呀。如:To go to school early the next day, he went to bed. Rising up early every morning is a good habit. Protected by the parents very well, the little girl seemed a bit shy.作定语的非谓语?不定式,动名词和分词也都可以作定语。如:I have something to do。 (不定式作定语) living fish (动名词作定语) an educated man (分词作定语)
2023-07-27 12:09:392


(source: letu) 美国拉斯韦加斯一处公寓,因烟火引发火警,大火延烧致50名居民家园全毁。 现场的监控摄像头显示,在熊熊烈火中,一只猫咪突然跳出3楼高的阳台! 眼看熊熊的大火马上就要像猫咪这边蔓延,而这只灰白颜色的猫咪看看周围,却被吓得不知所措,呆呆立在原地。生死一念间,焦急万分的主人说了一句话,竟然让猫咪上演了“九死一生”的奇迹! (source: letu) 这只灰白相间的猫咪,被困在拉斯维加斯一公寓3楼的阳台上,后面便是熊熊火焰。它感觉向上爬到炽热的楼顶不可能,然后前爪搭在木制栏杆上,似乎被大火吓得不轻,呆在原地没有行动。 经大火冲击,两扇窗户的玻璃被毁,继续呆在原地的猫咪非常危险。接着,有人在楼下嘶哑地呼喊:“跳!宝贝,跳!”(Jump, baby, jump!) (source: letu) 听到主人声音的猫咪,看了一眼楼下,然后紧抓横梁,望着房顶正在思考是否要跳上去。 主人继续在楼下大喊,鼓励爱猫:“快!!跳!宝贝,跳!”(Jump, baby, jump!) 这一声给了猫咪极大的鼓舞,猫咪突然向下攀爬,但周围温度已经很高,猫咪最终选择从2层楼高的阳台跳下。 (source: letu) 它立刻猛力一跃,从阳台上跳到地面。猫咪在坠落中四肢张开尾巴上翘,主人非常担忧,幸运的是爱猫最后安全着陆,一点也没有受伤地离开那里。 据调查发生这场大火,可能由烟火或炮竹引起,连栋的公寓烧成废墟,幸运的是没有人丧生,但有4人受伤(3名成年居民和一名消防队员)、一只狗死亡。 还好这只猫勇敢跳下来了!分享出去吧! letu
2023-07-27 12:09:461


你玩一些单机游戏 如红色警戒 CS 流星蝴蝶剑!
2023-07-27 12:10:073


2023-07-27 12:10:294


2023-07-27 12:10:591


仙剑奇侠传系列轩辕剑系列幻想三国志系列都是很好玩的角色扮演游戏另外大唐双龙传 寻秦记也都是黄易的小说改编的游戏
2023-07-27 12:11:074


2023-07-27 12:11:445


2023-07-27 12:12:288


inner universe菅野洋子作曲,俄文歌,中间有加英文歌词:ti:inner universe(完整版)][ar:yoko kanno/origa/shanti snyder][al:攻壳机动队OST1][by:] [00:00.00]作词:Origa/Shanti Snyder[00:03.20]作曲:菅野洋子[00:06.40]编曲:菅野洋子[00:09.80]演唱:Origa[00:14.80]感谢灵风提供歌曲(上中,中英,下原文)[00:18.60]LRC歌词制作:maraman[00:20.90][00:23.40]Angely i demony kruzhili nado mnoj[00:29.20]Razbivali ternii i zvyozdnye puti[00:34.70]Ne znaet schast"ya tol"ko tot,[00:40.40]Kto ego zova ponyat" ne smog...[00:46.60]nalyubuites"..,nalyubuites"..[00:52.30]aeria gloris, aeria gloris[00:58.00]nalyubuites"..,nalyubuites"..[01:03.70]aeria gloris, aeria gloris[01:08.70]I am Calling Calling now, Spirits rise and falling[01:21.70]Soboj ostat"sya dol"she...[01:26.80]Calling Calling, in the depth of longing[01:39.00]Soboj ostat"sya dol"she...[01:44.00]nalyubuites"...,nalyubuites"...[01:50.00]aeria gloris, aeria gloris[01:57.30][02:07.10]Stand alone... Where was life when it had a meaning...[02:18.20]Stand alone... Nothing"s real anymore and...[02:24.50]...Beskonechnyj beg...[02:31.30]Poka zhiva ya mogu starat"sya na letu ne upast",[02:44.10]Ne razuchit"sya mechtat"...lyubit"...[02:56.10]...Beskonechnyj beg...[02:58.70]Calling Calling now, For the place of knowing[03:11.10]There"s more that what can be linked[03:16.10]Calling Calling now, Never will I look away[03:28.30]For what life has left for me[03:33.40]Yearning Yearning, for what"s left of loving[03:45.60]Soboj ostat"sya dol"she...[03:50.40]Calling Calling now, Spirits rise and falling[04:02.70]Soboj ostat"sya dol"she...[04:07.90]Calling Calling, in the depth of longing[04:20.00]Soboj ostat"sya dol"she...[04:25.30]nalyubuites",nalyubuites"[04:30.80]aeria gloris, aeria gloris[04:36.70]nalyubuites",nalyubuites"[04:42.20]aeria gloris, aeria gloris tv 2的op是rise ,也是菅野洋子作曲两首都很好听满意请采纳。
2023-07-27 12:12:471

攻壳机动队第一季OP“Inner Universe”的中文歌词

天使与恶魔在我上方环绕 飒飒穿过困苦与银河 唯一不知道快乐的人 是唯一不懂他召唤的人 我正在召唤,召唤着,精神起起伏伏 让我再呆一会儿… 召唤召唤,在渴望的深处 让我再呆一会儿… 孤单一人…生命的意义何在… 孤单一人…一切都不再真实… …无止境地奔跑… 当我活着的时候,我能努力的飞翔而不跌落 不会忘记如何幻想…如何去爱 …无止境地奔跑… 召唤召唤,为了在熟悉的地方 有更多的东西彼此相联 召唤召唤,决不无视 生活所留给我的 向往,渴望,爱 让我再呆一会儿… 召唤召唤,精神起起伏伏 让我再呆一会儿… 召唤召唤,在渴望的深处 让我再呆一会儿…
2023-07-27 12:12:553

《攻壳机动队》的那个俄文主题曲叫什么名字??急求= =我也不知道是哪一部的,才开始看的

2023-07-27 12:13:033

一首英文歌歌词听起来像是A呀A呀托肯巴了 Right see girl请问这是什么歌

2023-07-27 12:13:101


是不是贾斯汀比伯的 baby?这歌最近比较火,希望能帮到你
2023-07-27 12:13:196

Ruta Gedmintas的详细资料

Ruta Gedmintas简介姓名:Ruta Gedmintas国籍:英国性别:女星座:狮子座 生日:1983年8月23日身高:180cm职业:演员主要作品:间谍代码9,都铎王朝(扮演Elizabeth Blount)BBC 唇唇欲动扮演Frankie个人介绍Ruta出生在英格兰,父母是立陶宛人。并在伦敦戏剧中心根据鲁文Adiv培训。她在间谍:代码9雷切尔哈里斯中扮演一名前警官。她也客串过BBC的Waking the Dead 和ITV1的The Bill的角色。她最出色的角色是在《都铎王朝》第一季中出演的Elizabeth Blount 。在2010年她曾参演独立电影 - Zerosome和Atletu(又名运动员)。然后出演了BBC的Lip Service(译名唇唇欲动)中的Frankie。电影作品唤醒沉睡的死Waking the Dead(2005年)——扮演Shelly MartinGoldplated (2006年)——扮演MirandaThe Innocence Project (6集, "#1.1", "#1.2", "#1.3", "#1.4", "#1.5" and "#1.7", 2006年-2007年)——扮演Mary Jarvis都铎王朝(3 集, "In Cold Blood", "Simply Henry" 和"Arise, My Lord", 2007年) ——扮演Elizabeth BlountThe Bill (1集, "Stealth Attack", 2007年) 扮演Gemma Heyes失落的萨玛丽亚 (2008年) ——扮演Elle HaasMiss Conception (2008年)——扮演 Alexandra间谍代码9 (6集, "#1.1", ""1.2", "#1.3", "#1.4", "#1.5" and "#1.6", 2008年)——扮演 Rachel / KylieAtletu (2009年)——扮演Charlotte私事(2集, "Vital Statistix" 和 "Connectivity", 2009年)——扮演Evie Hartmann-Turner警车(2010年)——扮演Suzy唇唇欲动(5集, "#1.1", "#1.2" ,"#1.3" , "#1.4", "#1.5", 2010年)——扮演Frankie AlanZerosome (2010)——Lara(后期制作)Exteriors (2011)——Pearl (后期制作)公园里 (2011)——Lake (后期制作)The Borgias (1集, "The Assassin", 2011年) .... Ursula Bonadeo
2023-07-27 12:13:341


2023-07-27 12:14:301

《攻壳机动队》片头曲《Inner Universe》除英文外,还有一种语言是什么?

曲是营野洋子编的,歌是俄罗斯歌手Origa唱的是俄语 Universe作词:Origa/Shanti Snyder 作曲:菅野洋子 演唱:Origa —————————————————————————————————— Ангелы и демоны кружияи надо мной Раэбивали тернии и эвёэлные пути Не энает счастьа только тот, Кто его эова понять не смог... I am Calling Caling now, spirits rise and falling Собой остаться дольше... Calling Caling, in the depth of longing Собой остаться дольше... Stand alone... Where was life when it had a meaning... Stand alone... Nothing"s real anymore and... ...Бесконечный бег... Пока жива я могу старатьсяна лету не упасть, Не раэучиться мечтать... любить... ...Бесконечный бег... Calling Calling, For the place of konwing There"s more than what can be linked Calling Calling, Never will I look away For what life has left for me For what life has left for me Yearning Yearning, for what"s left of loving Собой остаться дольше... Calling Calling now, Spirits rise and falling Собой остаться дольше... Calling Calling, in the depth of longing Собой остаться дольше... —————————————————————————————————— Angely i demony kruzhili nado mnoj Rassekali ternii i mlechnye puti Ne znaet schast"ya tol"ko tot, Kto ego zova ponyat" ne smog... I am Calling Calling now, Spirits rise and falling Soboj ostat"sya dol"she... Calling Calling, in the depth of longing Soboj ostat"sya dol"she... Stand alone... Where was life when it had a meaning... Stand alone... Nothing"s real anymore and... ...Beskonechnyj beg... Poka zhiva ya mogu starat"sya na letu ne upast", Ne razuchit"sya mechtat"...lyubit"... ...Beskonechnyj beg... Calling Calling, For the place of knowing There"s more that what can be linked Calling Calling, Never will I look away For what life has left for me Yearning Yearning, for what"s left of loving Soboj ostat"sya dol"she... Calling Calling now, Spirits rise and falling Soboj ostat"sya dol"she... Calling Calling, in the depth of longing Soboj ostat"sya dol"she... —————————————————————————————————— 天使与恶魔在我上方环绕 飒飒穿过困苦与银河 唯一不知道快乐的人 是唯一不懂他召唤的人 我正在召唤,召唤着,精神起起伏伏 让我再呆一会儿… 召唤召唤,在渴望的深处 让我再呆一会儿… 孤单一人…生命的意义何在… 孤单一人…一切都不再真实… …无止境地奔跑… 当我活着的时候,我能努力的飞翔而不跌落 不会忘记如何幻想…如何去爱 …无止境地奔跑… 召唤召唤,为了在熟悉的地方 有更多的东西彼此相联 召唤召唤,决不无视 生活所留给我的 向往,渴望,爱 让我再呆一会儿… 召唤召唤,精神起起伏伏 让我再呆一会儿… 召唤召唤,在渴望的深处 让我再呆一会儿…
2023-07-27 12:14:581


2023-07-27 12:15:051

Inner Universe 歌词

作词:Origa/Shanti Snyder作曲:菅野洋子编曲:菅野洋子演唱:OrigaAngely i demony kruzhili nado mnojRazbivali ternii i zvyozdnye putiNe znaet schast"ya tol"ko tot,Kto ego zova ponyat" ne smog...nalyubuites"..,nalyubuites"..aeria gloris, aeria glorisnalyubuites"..,nalyubuites"..aeria gloris, aeria glorisI am Calling Calling now, Spirits rise and fallingSoboj ostat"sya dol"she...Calling Calling, in the depth of longingSoboj ostat"sya dol"she...nalyubuites"...,nalyubuites"...aeria gloris, aeria glorisStand alone... Where was life when it had a meaning...Stand alone... Nothing"s real anymore and......Beskonechnyj beg...Poka zhiva ya mogu starat"sya na letu ne upast",Ne razuchit"sya mechtat"...lyubit"......Beskonechnyj beg...Calling Calling now, For the place of knowingThere"s more that what can be linkedCalling Calling now, Never will I look awayFor what life has left for meYearning Yearning, for what"s left of lovingSoboj ostat"sya dol"she...Calling Calling now, Spirits rise and fallingSoboj ostat"sya dol"she...Calling Calling, in the depth of longingSoboj ostat"sya dol"she...nalyubuites",nalyubuites"aeria gloris, aeria glorisnalyubuites",nalyubuites"aeria gloris, aeria gloris
2023-07-27 12:15:191


-x^2 +2x =-(x-1)^2 + 1letu=x-1du =dxx=1, u=0x=+u221e, u=+u221eu222b(1->+u221e) x^2. e^(-x^2+2x) dx=u222b(0->+u221e) (u+1)^2. e^(-u^2+1) du=e. u222b(0->+u221e) (u+1)^2. e^(-u^2) du=e. u222b(0->+u221e) (u^2+2u +1) .e^(-u^2) du=e.[ u222b(0->+u221e) u^2.e^(-u^2) du +u222b(0->+u221e) (2u+1).e^(-u^2) du ]=e.[ u222b(0->+u221e) u^2.e^(-u^2) du -[e^(-u^2)]|(0->+u221e) +u221au03c0/2]=e.[ u222b(0->+u221e) u^2.e^(-u^2) du +1 +u221au03c0/2]=e.[ 1 +u221au03c0/2 -(1/2)u222b(0->+u221e) u de^(-u^2) ]=e.[ 1 +u221au03c0/2 -(1/2)[u.e^(-u^2)]|(0->+u221e) + (1/2)u222b(0->+u221e) e^(-u^2) du ]=e.[ 1 +u221au03c0/2 -0 + (1/2)(u221au03c0/2) ]=e.[ 1 + (3/4)u221au03c0]
2023-07-27 12:15:261

求黑执事马戏团OP enamel歌词【日文平假和罗马音

「ENAMEL」 歌手:SID(シド)dagalahayaku yisikulaotoletekola kailakuhitoyamietawolasekeita nakahekumegasasotatojiubelikutatonaguguikayahimokalijilesaito kileiggayoowa tayiwadamotemuwasulesasatehagalutolosoasakokisulailalahifukujiuwa yes my lordmadaledakutatewamiwonakaletunakatomamafutaibisatukakiidotomakamatokiye
2023-07-27 12:15:342

定积分的定理,这个fx>0 时,fx的积分>0对吗,

2023-07-27 12:15:431


The Cup Of Life 歌手:ricky martin Do you really want it, yeahDo you really want it, yeahDo you really want it, yeahGo, go go!Go, go go!Ale, ale, ale!Ale, ale, ale!Go, go ,go, go, go!The cup of life. This is the one Now is the time. Don"t ever stopPush it along. Gotta be strong Push it along. Right to the topComo Cain y AbelEs un partido cruel Tienes que pelearPor una estrella Consigue con honorLa copa del amor Para sobrevivir y luchar por ellaLuchar por ella, yeah Do you really want it, yeahHere we go! Ale, ale ale!Go, go go! Ale, ale, ale! Arriba va! El mundo esta de pieGo, Go, Go! Ale, ale, aleLa vida es CompeticionHay que sonar Ser campeonLa copa es La bendicionLa ganaras Go, Go, Go!And when you feel the heatThe world is at your feet No one can hold you downIf you really want it Just steal your destinyRight from the hands of fate Reach for the cup of lifeCause your name is on it Do you really want it, yeahDo you really want it, yeahTu y yo! Ale, ale, ale Go, go ,gol! Ale, ale, aleTonight"s the night we"re gonna celebrate The cup of life! Ale, ale, aleDo you really want itDo you really want itDo you really want itDo you really want ityeahThe cup of life. This is the one Now is the time. Don"t ever stopPush it along. Gotta be strong Push it along. Right to the topComo Cain y AbelEs un partido cruel Tienes que pelearPor una estrella Consigue con honorLa copa del amor Para sobrevivir y luchar por ellaLuchar por ella, yeah Do you really want it, yeahDo you really want it, yeahHere we go! Ale, ale ale!Go, go go! Ale, ale, ale! Arriba va! El mundo esta de pieGo, Go, Go! Ale, ale, aleTu y yo! Ale, ale, ale Go, go ,gol! Ale, ale, aleTonight"s the night we"re gonna celebrate The cup of life! Ale, ale, aleAle, ale, aleAle, ale, aleAle, ale, aleAle, ale, aleAle, ale, aleAle, ale, aleAle, ale, aleAle, ale, aleAle, ale, aleAle, ale, aleAle, ale, aleAle, ale, aleAle, ale, aleAle, ale, aleDo you really want it, yeah
2023-07-27 12:15:501


letu=x^(1/6)du =(1/6)x^(-5/6) dxdx =6u^5 du∫dx/[x^(5/6) + √x]=∫6u^5 du/( u^5 + u^3 )=6∫u^2 /( u^2 + 1 ) du=6∫[ 1- 1 /( u^2 + 1 )] du=6( u -arctanu ) + C=6[ x^(1/6) - arctan(x^(1/6)) ] + C
2023-07-27 12:16:181


2023-07-27 12:16:262


2023-07-27 12:16:373


2023-07-27 12:16:442


letu=x^(1/3)du =(1/3)x^(-2/3) dxdx = 3u^2 dux=1, u=1x=8 , u=2u222b(1->8) dx/[x+x^(1/3)]=u222b(1->2) 3u^2 du/(u^3+u)=3u222b(1->2) u/(u^2+1) du=(3/2)[ ln|u^2+1| ]|(1->2)=(3/2)( ln5 - ln2 )
2023-07-27 12:16:542


2023-07-27 12:17:111


2023-07-27 12:17:181


2023-07-27 12:17:286


2023-07-27 12:18:252


2023-07-27 12:18:353


The Cup Of Life 歌手:ricky martin Do you really want it, yeahDo you really want it, yeahDo you really want it, yeahGo, go go!Go, go go!Ale, ale, ale!Ale, ale, ale!Go, go ,go, go, go!The cup of life. This is the one Now is the time. Don"t ever stopPush it along. Gotta be strong Push it along. Right to the topComo Cain y AbelEs un partido cruel Tienes que pelearPor una estrella Consigue con honorLa copa del amor Para sobrevivir y luchar por ellaLuchar por ella, yeah Do you really want it, yeahHere we go! Ale, ale ale!Go, go go! Ale, ale, ale! Arriba va! El mundo esta de pieGo, Go, Go! Ale, ale, aleLa vida es CompeticionHay que sonar Ser campeonLa copa es La bendicionLa ganaras Go, Go, Go!And when you feel the heatThe world is at your feet No one can hold you downIf you really want it Just steal your destinyRight from the hands of fate Reach for the cup of lifeCause your name is on it Do you really want it, yeahDo you really want it, yeahTu y yo! Ale, ale, ale Go, go ,gol! Ale, ale, aleTonight"s the night we"re gonna celebrate The cup of life! Ale, ale, aleDo you really want itDo you really want itDo you really want itDo you really want ityeahThe cup of life. This is the one Now is the time. Don"t ever stopPush it along. Gotta be strong Push it along. Right to the topComo Cain y AbelEs un partido cruel Tienes que pelearPor una estrella Consigue con honorLa copa del amor Para sobrevivir y luchar por ellaLuchar por ella, yeah Do you really want it, yeahDo you really want it, yeahHere we go! Ale, ale ale!Go, go go! Ale, ale, ale! Arriba va! El mundo esta de pieGo, Go, Go! Ale, ale, aleTu y yo! Ale, ale, ale Go, go ,gol! Ale, ale, aleTonight"s the night we"re gonna celebrate The cup of life! Ale, ale, aleAle, ale, aleAle, ale, aleAle, ale, aleAle, ale, aleAle, ale, aleAle, ale, aleAle, ale, aleAle, ale, aleAle, ale, aleAle, ale, aleAle, ale, aleAle, ale, aleAle, ale, aleAle, ale, aleDo you really want it, yeah
2023-07-27 12:19:131


letu=π/2 -xdu =-dxx=0, u=π/2x=π/2, u=0I=∫(0->π/2) dx/[ 1+ (tanx)^2018]=∫(π/2->0) -du/[ 1+ (cotu)^2018]=∫(0->π/2) dx/[ 1+ (cotx)^2018]2I =∫(0->π/2) dx/[ 1+ (tanx)^2018] + ∫(0->π/2) dx/[ 1+ (cotx)^2018]=∫(0->π/2) [ 2+(tanx)^2018 + (cotx)^2018 ]/{[1+ (tanx)^2018].[ 1+ (cotx)^2018]} dx=∫(0->π/2) [ 2+(tanx)^2018 + (cotx)^2018 ]/[2+ (tanx)^2018]+ (cotx)^2018]} dx=∫(0->π/2) dx=π/2I=π/4=>∫(0->π/2) dx/[ 1+ (tanx)^2018] =π/4
2023-07-27 12:19:291


2023-07-27 12:19:4012


(3)letu=u221ax2udu = dxu222b(1+u221ax)^2/u221ax dx=u222b[(1+u)^2/u ] (2udu)=2u222b(1+u)^2 du=(2/3)(1+u)^3 +C=(2/3)(1+u221ax)^3 +C(5)u222b(1->4) (1/x)^2u221a(1+ 1/x) dxletu=1/xdu =-(1/x^2) dxx=1, u=1x=4, u=1/4u222b(1->4) (1/x)^2u221a(1+ 1/x) dx=-u222b(1->1/4) u221a(1+ u) du=u222b(1/4->1) u221a(1+ u) du=(2/3)[ (1+u)^(3/2)]|(1/4->1)=(2/3)[ 2^(3/2) - (5/4)^(3/2) ](7)u222b x/(1+x^4) dxletx^2 = tanu2xdx = (secu)^2 duu222b x/(1+x^4) dx=(1/2)u222b [ (secu)^2 du ]/(secu)^2=(1/2)u222b du=(1/2)u+C=(1/2)arccos(1/x^2) + C(9)u222b (xsec(x^3))^2 dxletx^3 = u3x^2 dx = duu222b (xsec(x^3))^2 dx=(1/3) u222b (secu)^2 du=(1/3)tanu + C=(1/3)tan(x^3) + C
2023-07-27 12:20:051


letu=-tdu=-dtt=-π/2, u=π/2t=π/2, u=-π/2∫(-π/2->π/2) (sint)^2/(1+e^t) dt =∫(π/2->-π/2) [(sinu)^2/(1+e^(-u)) ] (-du)=∫(-π/2->π/2) [(sinu)^2/(1+e^(-u)) ] du=∫(-π/2->π/2) [(sint)^2/(1+e^(-t)) ] dt=∫(-π/2->π/2) [e^t. (sint)^2/(1+e^t) ] dt=∫(-π/2->π/2) [(sint)^2 - (sint)^2/(1+e^t) ] dt2∫(-π/2->π/2) (sint)^2/(1+e^t) dt =∫(-π/2->π/2) (sint)^2dt∫(-π/2->π/2) (sint)^2/(1+e^t) dt =(1/2)∫(-π/2->π/2) (sint)^2dt
2023-07-27 12:20:143


letu=πxdu=π dxx=0, u=0x=1, u=πlim(n->无穷) (1/n) .[ √(1+cos(π/n) +√(1+cos(2π/n)+...+√(1+cos(nπ/n)]=lim(n->无穷) (1/n)∑(i:1->n) √(1+cos(iπ/n)=∫(0->1) √(1+cos(πx)) dx=∫(0->π) √(1+cosu) [ du/π]=(1/π) ∫(0->π) √(1+cosu) du=(1/π) ∫(0->π) √(1+cosx) dx
2023-07-27 12:21:002


(4)letu=u221ax2udu = dxx=0, u=0x=1, u=1u222b(0->1) arccos[ 1/u221a(1+x)] dx=[x.arccos[ 1/u221a(1+x)] ]|(0->1) + u222b(0->1) { x/u221a [1- 1/(1+x)] }[ (-1/2) (1+x)^(-3/2) } dx=u03c0/4 - (1/2)u222b(0->1) u221ax/(1+x) dx =u03c0/4 - (1/2)u222b(0->1) [u/(1+u^2) ][ 2udu]=u03c0/4 -u222b(0->1) u^2/(1+u^2) du=u03c0/4 -u222b(0->1) [1 - 1/(1+u^2) du=u03c0/4 - [u -arctanu]|(0->1)=u03c0/4 - (1 -u03c0/4)=u03c0/2 -1
2023-07-27 12:21:162

De ce plang chitarele 歌词

歌曲名:De ce plang chitarele歌手:O-Zone专辑:Disco-ZoneStii de ce plang chitarele ?Le-au ranit amintirileTu iubire spune-leCe a fost nu s-a pierdut.De ce plang chitareleStiu doar felinareleStrunele amareleCe oare au pierdut?Merg pe strada fetele,Fetele cocheteleMa privesc si-mi striga-n urmaHei!nu-mi raspunzi la SMS!Pe strazi pluteste doar dragostea,Noaptea-i amara fara eaEa cheama cheama pe-altcinevaPlange chitara mea!Stii de ce plang chitareleLe-au ranit amintirileTu iubire spune-leCe-a fost nu s-a pierdut!Plang in noapte struneleStrunele nebunele,Tu iubire spune-leCe a fost nu s-a pierdut!De ce plang chitareleCand rasare soareleCanta pasareleleDespre durerea mea!Pe strazi pluteste doar dragosteaNoaptea-i amara fara eaEa cheama cheama pe-altcineva,Plange chitara mea!Stii de ce plang chitareleLe-au ranit amintirileTu iubire spune-leCe-a fost nu s-a pierdut!Plang in noapte strunele,Strunele nebuneleTu iubire spune-leCe-a fost nu s-a pierdut!Pe strazi pluteste doar dragosteaNoaptea-i amara fara eaEa cheama cheama pe-altcineva,Plange chitara mea!Stii de ce plang chitarele,Le-au ranit amintirileTu iubire spune-leCe-a fost nu s-a pierdut!Plang in noapte strunele,Strunele nebunele ,Tu iubire spune-leCe-a fost nu s-a pierdut!Ce-a fost nu s-a pierdut!Ce-a fost nu s-a pierdut!Ce-a fost nu s-a pierdut!Ce-a fost nu s-a pierdut!
2023-07-27 12:21:521


、?:???、:跟 肃然起敬破两全其美世界上乐tudletufutou
2023-07-27 12:22:026

一首英文歌,歌词里有什么什么go go,后一句押韵play the yo-yo 是什么歌?

The Cup Of Life 歌手:ricky martin Do you really want it, yeahDo you really want it, yeahDo you really want it, yeahGo, go go!Go, go go!Ale, ale, ale!Ale, ale, ale!Go, go ,go, go, go!The cup of life. This is the one Now is the time. Don"t ever stopPush it along. Gotta be strong Push it along. Right to the topComo Cain y AbelEs un partido cruel Tienes que pelearPor una estrella Consigue con honorLa copa del amor Para sobrevivir y luchar por ellaLuchar por ella, yeah Do you really want it, yeahHere we go! Ale, ale ale!Go, go go! Ale, ale, ale! Arriba va! El mundo esta de pieGo, Go, Go! Ale, ale, aleLa vida es CompeticionHay que sonar Ser campeonLa copa es La bendicionLa ganaras Go, Go, Go!And when you feel the heatThe world is at your feet No one can hold you downIf you really want it Just steal your destinyRight from the hands of fate Reach for the cup of lifeCause your name is on it Do you really want it, yeahDo you really want it, yeahTu y yo! Ale, ale, ale Go, go ,gol! Ale, ale, aleTonight"s the night we"re gonna celebrate The cup of life! Ale, ale, aleDo you really want itDo you really want itDo you really want itDo you really want ityeahThe cup of life. This is the one Now is the time. Don"t ever stopPush it along. Gotta be strong Push it along. Right to the topComo Cain y AbelEs un partido cruel Tienes que pelearPor una estrella Consigue con honorLa copa del amor Para sobrevivir y luchar por ellaLuchar por ella, yeah Do you really want it, yeahDo you really want it, yeahHere we go! Ale, ale ale!Go, go go! Ale, ale, ale! Arriba va! El mundo esta de pieGo, Go, Go! Ale, ale, aleTu y yo! Ale, ale, ale Go, go ,gol! Ale, ale, aleTonight"s the night we"re gonna celebrate The cup of life! Ale, ale, aleAle, ale, aleAle, ale, aleAle, ale, aleAle, ale, aleAle, ale, aleAle, ale, aleAle, ale, aleAle, ale, aleAle, ale, aleAle, ale, aleAle, ale, aleAle, ale, aleAle, ale, aleAle, ale, aleDo you really want it, yeah
2023-07-27 12:22:181


(1)letu=e^xdu= e^x dx∫ xe^x/(1+e^x)^2 dx=∫ lnu /(1+u)^2 du=-∫ lnu d[1/(1+u)]=-lnu/(1+u) + ∫ du/[u(1+u)]=-lnu/(1+u) + ∫ [1/u-1/(1+u)] du=-lnu/(1+u) + ln|u| - ln|1+u| + C=-x/(1+e^x) + x - ln|1+e^x| + C(2)f(x) =x(cosx)^2f(-x)= -f(x)∫(-π/2->π/2) (x+cosx)^2.cosx dx=∫(-π/2->π/2) [(x^2+(cosx)^2 ].cosx dx +2∫(-π/2->π/2) x(cosx)^2 dx=∫(-π/2->π/2) [(x^2+(cosx)^2 ].cosx dx + 0=2∫(0->π/2) [(x^2+(cosx)^2 ].cosx dx=2∫(0->π/2) x^2. cosx dx +2∫(0->π/2) (cosx)^3 dx=2∫(0->π/2) x^2 dsinx +2∫(0->π/2) [ 1-(sinx)^2] dsinx=2[ x^2.sinx]|(0->π/2) -4∫(0->π/2) xsinx dx + 2[ sinx -(1/3)(sinx)^3]|(0->π/2)=(1/2)π^2 +4∫(0->π/2) xdcosx + 4/3=(1/2)π^2 + 4/3 + 4[xcosx]|(0->π/2) - 4∫(0->π/2) cosx dx=(1/2)π^2 + 4/3 - 4[sinx]|(0->π/2) =(1/2)π^2 + 4/3 + 4=(1/2)π^2 + 16/3
2023-07-27 12:22:271


letu=e^xdu/u = dxu222b e^x/(1+e^x) dx=u222b [u/(1+u)] ( du/u)=u222b du/(1+u)=ln|1+u| + C=ln|1+e^x| + C
2023-07-27 12:22:352


(2)∫(0->x) t(f(2x-t)dt = e^x -1f(1) = 1To find: ∫(1->2) f(x) dx solution :letu= 2x-tdu =-dtt=0, u=2xt=x, u=x∫(0->x) t(f(2x-t)dt=∫(2x->x) (2x-u) f(u) (-du)=∫(x->2x) (2x-u) f(u) du=∫(x->2x) (2x-t) f(t) dt∫(0->x) t(f(2x-t)dt = e^x -1∫(x->2x) (2x-t) f(t) dt = e^x -12x∫(x->2x) f(t) dt - ∫(x->2x) tf(t) dt = e^x -1 d/dx {2x∫(x->2x) f(t) dt - ∫(x->2x) tf(t) dt} = d/dx {e^x -1 }2∫(x->2x) f(t) dt + 2x[ 2f(2x) - f(x) ] - [ 4xf(2x) - xf(x) ] = e^xx=12∫(1->2) f(t) dt + 2[ 2f(2) - f(1) ] - [ 4f(2) - f(1) ] = e2∫(1->2) f(t) dt -3f(1) = e2∫(1->2) f(x) dx -3 = e∫(1->2) f(x) dx =(1/2) (e+3)
2023-07-27 12:22:531