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不定式 是什么!

2023-07-28 23:17:40








在英语中不定式用于质词"to"之后, 例如在 "to walk", "to cry", "to eat", "to fear".这种用法叫做to-infinitive。莎士比亚在著作哈姆雷特的独白时就大量采用了这类不定式动词。

To be or not to be ...

To sleep, perchance to dream ...



I arranged to stay the night. ("我已安定好今晚留在这里。")

We intend to go skiing this weekend. ("我们打算这个周末去滑雪。")

I swear to honour you. ("我发誓为你增光。")



in fini tive在专门性
2023-07-27 12:05:214


infinitive[英][u026anu02c8fu026anu0259tu026av][美][u026anu02c8fu026anu026atu026av]n.(动词)不定式; adj.不定式的; 复数:infinitives以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Maybe it is the errant apostrophe, the splitting of the poor old infinitive, or the use of "like"as a comma. 也许装的是用错的撇号、把可怜的老不定式分离、或是把“象”当作逗号用。.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮
2023-07-27 12:05:302


infinitive动词不定式双语对照词典结果:infinitive[英][u026anu02c8fu026anu0259tu026av][美][u026anu02c8fu026anu026atu026av]n.(动词)不定式; adj.不定式的; 复数:infinitives例句:It is wrong to ever split an infinitive. 将不定式分割永远是错误的。
2023-07-27 12:05:412


inf是infinitive的缩写。infinitive,中文里有“不定式、动词原型”两个解释。不定式,这个“不定”因为:英英解释是“the uninflected form of the verb”,也就是动词的无曲折上的变化的词。从单词的构成来看,in-finite-ive,in是没有等否定意味词,finite限制的,ive形容词,没有被(人或环境)限制过的,就是说“没有被规定过,修改过的东西,保持了物质或物种的原态或常貌”,也就是原型!双语例句1、The teacher drilled the class in the use of the infinitive.老师指导全班同学操练不定式的用法。2、Modal verbs generally take the bare infinitive.情态动词通常用不带to的不定式。3、Analysis of a Few Special Cases of the Infinitive Construction.浅析动词不定式的几个特殊结构。4、Several Infinitives on Mean Value of Add PoWer of r order.几个关于r阶加权平均值的不等式。5、How to use infinitive will be studied next week. 如何使用不定式将在下周学习。
2023-07-27 12:05:481


动词不定式infinitive另外,动词不定式具有动词特点,可以有自己的宾语和状语,组成动词不定式短语。In addition, a verb Infinitive characteristics, can have their own objectand adverbial form Infinitive phrase.
2023-07-27 12:06:136

infinitive, gerund 同 participle clause 的分别, 我唔明呀!!!

Ooops! 小心!有好多嘢要搅清楚。 (注意红色 highlight 部份) 先讲 infinitive 同 gerund,participle clause 唔同性质,最后先至讲。 首先介绍 non-finite verbs 非限定动词。动词有两种: (1)限定动词 (finite verbs) 及 (2) 非限定动词 (non-finite verbs)。什么是非限定动词?那是指不受主语的身和数等 (包括tense ect mood number gender and person) 限制的动词。Non-finite verbs 非限定动词)又分三种: 不定词 Infinitive 动名词 Gerund 分词 Participle 【例】 I want to go. You want to go. He wants to go. "want" 是限定动词 (finite verb),若主语是第三身单数,则要加 "s",受主语的身所限定; "to go" 是非限定动词 (infinitive) INFINITIVE Infinitives并不是句子中的副动词,相反,它们是句子中的 main verb。 要注意,infinitive 可以是 to-infinitive (或叫full infinitive) ,亦可以不加 to (bare infinitive)。 加唔加 to 都叫 infinitive。只不过我也常见嘅系full infinitives。所有infinitives都系basic form (root form) (你所讲的唔加 ing)。在用 infinitives 作declarative 句子时,一定有另一个动词作为 auxiliary verb。 Bare infinitive 系一啲字后面不需要加 to,但都系叫 infinitives,呢啲字包括 will can should could would see watch hear feel sense make bid let and have. 【例】 I will see it,see 是 infinitive,will 是 auxiliary verb。 To-infinitive 就是 (to+verb) 形式用,与 bare infinitive 大同小冥。 【例】I want to go. To go 是infinitive,want 是 auxiliary verb。 GERUND Gerund 是动名词,是present participle的一种用法,是一动词后字尾加 +ing。Gerund 是用作名词用。 【例】 1. Swimming is good for your health. Swimming 是 gerund,不带动词的词性。 2. I saw it happening. Happening 是 gerund。 PARTICIPLE CLAUSE Participle 除了利用 verb 之外 亦可以加插其他属性的词语 成为 Participle clause 使其于用法上,更具弹性、更多元化。Participle clause是在clause 中含有participle。 先看看以下的两个例子: 【例】 The boy sitting beside Ja is my brother. The old woman knocked down by a lorry yesterday died in hospital this morning. "sitting beside Ja" 是一句 participle clause 它不是 adjective 但却像 adjective 一般 为一些词语追加资料/补充. 这例子中 动词 (sitting) 介词 (beside) 名词 (Ja) 就组成了一句 participle clause 为这句句子的主语 (The boy) 作出补充。 第二句例子亦大同小异 "knocked down by a lorry" 是句 participle clause 由被动型短句动词 (knocked down) 介词 (by) 及 名词 (a lorry) 所组成 为其他词语作出补充。 Participle clause 可以用 present participle,亦可以用 past participle。 Participle 的位置 就如 adjective 一般 有 pre-modifier (前置修饰词) 及 post-modifier (后置修饰词). 前者放于名词之前 后者放于名词之后 Participle 亦可放于被修饰词的前或后 不过较长的 participle clause 通常都会放于后面。 参考: Crazyhill English + my own knowledge
2023-07-27 12:06:271

gerund or infinitive英语语法的用法?

Gerund在句子中可以作主语、宾语、表语、定语,也可以被副词修饰或者用来支配宾语。Infinitive在句子中作主语,做宾语,构成符合宾语,作定语,作状语、作表语。1、英语语法的解释:英语语法是针对英语语言进行研究后,系统地总结归纳出来的一系列语言规则。语法是组词造句的规则,是把合适的词放进合适位置的语言(句子)规则,语法可以分成为两大部分:分别为词法和句法。词法包括各类词的形态及其变化,句法主要讲句子的种类和类型,句子成分以及遣词造句的规律。语法的精髓在于掌握语言的使用。2、英语的句子成分:一个句子一般皆由两部分组成,即主语部分(subjectgroup)和谓语部分(predicategroup)。主语部分一般由名词或动名词构成,谓语部分一般由动词构成。如:ProfessorWardteachesEnglishtouniversitystudents. 沃德 教授给大学生教英语。句中的ProfessorWard是主语部分,teachesEnglishtouniversitystudents是谓语部分。句子成分(membersofthesentence)是句子中起一定功用的组成部分。句子由各个句子成分所构成。句子的组成部分,包括主语、谓语、宾语、定语、补语、状语、表语七种。每一个句子都有主语、谓语和宾语。
2023-07-27 12:06:362

gerund or infinitive英语语法的用法?

2023-07-27 12:06:594

infinitive 及 gerund 的分别

其实一个动词之后,甚么时候用infinitive,甚么时候用gerund,多数是看那个动词的惯用法。当然有时候,一个动词也可以同时用infinitive,和gerund,如like字,用to infinitive和gerund确实意思是有分别,但是否所有动词都是这样分别,也是不可一概而论,所以,甚么时候用gerund或infinitive,就要多看几本字典了。现引古德明先生的【征服英语】以作参考 「 正 在 进 行 」 ? 负 心 、 无 情 He celebrated being voted in as chairman ( 他 庆 祝 获 选 为 主 席 ) 一 语 , 动 词 用 进 行 式 being voted , 是 否 有 「 选 举 正 在 进 行 」 意 思 ? Help 之 后 的 动 词 用 原 形 ( infinitive ) 或 「 to + 原 形 」 , avoid 之 后 的 动 词 必 须 用 ing 形 式 , 是 否 help 之 后 的 动 词 不 可 有 「 正 在 进 行 」 含 义 , avoid 带 出 的 行 动 则 一 定 正 在 进 行 ? 动 词 之 后 接 ing 动 词 或 「 to + 原 形 动 词 」 , 一 般 由 惯 用 法 决 定 , 和 「 行 动 是 否 正 在 进 行 」 无 关 。 Celebrate 和 avoid 作 及 物 动 词 ( tritive verb ) , 其 后 就 必 须 有 受 词 ( object ) , 例 如 to celebrate one"s birthday ( 庆 祝 生 日 ) 、 to avoid confrontation ( 避 免 对 抗 ) 等 。 假 如 没 有 恰 当 名 词 可 用 , 就 用 ing 形 式 动 名 词 ( gerund ) 。 He celebrated being voted in as chairman 是 说 「 已 经 当 选 」 这 回 事 , I want to avoid meeting him ( 我 不 想 碰 到 他 ) 则 是 说 未 发 生 的 事 , 都 不 是 「 正 在 进 行 」 。 至 于 help , 其 后 接 原 形 动 词 , 却 不 等 于 事 情 不 可 「 正 在 进 行 」 , 例 如 : I am helping him ( to ) tidy up the house ( 我 正 在 帮 他 收 拾 房 子 ) 。 又 解 作 「 忍 不 住 」 的 can"t help 之 后 , 须 用 ing 动 词 而 不 是 原 形 动 词 , 例 如 : I can"t help feeling angry ( 我 不 禁 怒 火 中 烧 ) 。 「 负 心 」 、 「 无 情 」 英 文 怎 样 说 ? 「 负 心 」 即 辜 负 别 人 情 意 , 英 文 恐 怕 没 有 同 义 词 , 勉 强 可 译 做 heartless ; 「 无 情 」 则 译 做 heartless 、 hard-hearted 或 unfeeling 都 可 以 , 例 如 : ( 1 ) Her heartless lover has got another woman ( 她 那 个 负 心 郎 有 了 另 一 个 女 人 ) 。 ( 2 ) All capitalists are not unfeeling ( 资 本 家 不 一 定 都 冷 酷 无 情 ) 。 ( 本 栏 转 载 自 《 苹 果 日 报 》 的 「 征 服 英 语 」 专 栏 , 作 者 为 古 德 明 先 生 ) 22-02-2007 喜 欢 、 回 答 I like swimming 和 I like to swim 这 两 句 , 小 女 的 老 师 认 为 都 正 确 ; 我 则 认 为 第 一 句 正 确 , 第 二 句 却 不 能 肯 定 。 假 如 两 句 都 正 确 , 意 思 有 分 别 吗 ? 要 表 示 「 我 喜 欢 游 泳 」 , I like swimming 和 I like to swim 两 个 说 法 都 可 以 。 I like swimming 多 见 于 英 式 英 文 , I like to swim 则 多 见 于 美 式 。 不 过 , 假 如 说 某 一 次 的 赏 心 乐 事 , 而 不 是 一 般 喜 欢 做 的 事 情 , 宜 用 「 like + ing 动 词 」 , 不 用 「 like + to + 原 形 动 词 ( infinitive ) 」 , 例 如 : I liked dancing with her that night ( 那 天 晚 上 和 她 共 舞 , 我 十 分 高 兴 ) 。 又 假 如 要 说 「 想 做 某 事 」 , 应 用 「 like + to + 原 形 动 词 」 , 不 用 「 like + ing 动 词 」 , 例 如 : It is cold today; I don"t like to eat ice cream ( 今 天 很 冷 , 我 不 想 吃 冰 淇 淋 ) 。 以 下 两 句 意 思 不 同 : ( 1 ) I didn"t like punishing him. ( 2 ) I didn"t like to punish him 。 第 一 句 表 示 我 惩 罚 了 他 , 而 这 对 我 来 说 并 非 乐 事 ; 第 二 句 表 示 我 不 想 惩 罚 他 , 也 未 有 惩 罚 他 。 「 我 回 答 他 说 」 英 文 是 I replied him 还 是 I replied to him ? Reply 解 作 「 回 答 」 , 一 般 作 不 及 物 动 词 ( intritive verb ) , 不 可 直 接 带 出 所 回 答 的 人 或 物 , 例 如 不 可 说 I replied him / his letter , 应 说 I replied to him / his letter ( 我 回 答 了 他 / 他 的 信 ) 。 这 和 同 义 的 wer 不 同 : wer 可 直 接 带 出 受 词 , 例 如 I wered him / his letter 。 Please reply me 之 类 说 法 , 是 香 港 英 文 常 见 的 错 误 , 必 须 留 意 。 ( 本 栏 转 载 自 《 苹 果 日 报 》 的 「 征 服 英 语 」 专 栏 , 作 者 为 古 德 明 先 生 ) gerund is used as a verb infinitive is used as a noun 参考: biook
2023-07-27 12:07:161


infinitive 不定式V+inf带不定式的动词
2023-07-27 12:07:243

关于 infinitive不定式的问题,我有些迷惑。

palying the piano 是动名词作主语这个语法点forget doing sth finish doing sth都是固定短语背下来就行了
2023-07-27 12:07:312


2023-07-27 12:07:4312


更新1: 我4月14-15日要考试!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 快Please! 请用中文解答! Thx! 一般情况下 to 后是个 infinitive,即是没有 -ing -ed. e.g. I want to eat. She asked him to tell her the story. 你可能见过有些句子 to 后的动词有 -ing,那有 -ing 的字是叫 gerund 动名词,作用是将动词变成名词。 e.g. I am looking forward to seeing you again. I am used to running long distances. We are opposed to increasing the fare of public trportation. 以上例子中的 to 字都要跟动词一齐用,不能分开。 look forward to 期待 某些事情=再见你(名词) am used to 惯于做 某些事情=长跑(名词) are opposed to 反对 某些事情=加价(名词) 以上例子的动词后是需要一个名词,故此要将动作变做名词, see run increase 加上 ing 后便成为名词。 为甚么要将动词变成名词? 因为: I am looking forward to "seeing you again". 是:我正期待「一件事(你我重聚的事)」 I am used to running long distances. 是:我习惯「一件事(长途的跑步)」 您好,我推荐您一个非常不错的英语学习网站,里面有很多非常不错的学习资源,您能从中得到不少帮助: 祝您好运! 参考: by myself 您好,我推荐您一个非常不错的英语学习网站,里面有很多非常不错的学习资源,您能从中得到不少帮助: 祝 您好运!
2023-07-27 12:08:151


Gerund、Infinitive、Participle、Non- predicate verb
2023-07-27 12:08:255


2023-07-27 12:09:101

silky ;silver; infinitive ; 这英语用谐音怎么读?

2023-07-27 12:09:182


sing 应该是single的意思 inf 是infinitive 不定式的意思 VNN意思是动词+名词+名词 The decision occasioned us much anxiety 这里occasion就是动词,后接俩名词.
2023-07-27 12:09:251


@构成及特征1:可以有时式和语态的变化,也可以有自己的宾语或状语,它们一起构成了不定式短语。2:动词不定式还具有名词、形容词和副词的特征,在句中可以作主语、宾语、表语、补语、定语、状语等成分。注意:不定式在许多场合具有情态意义。作主语时,相当于一个带有情态动词的主语从句;作宾语时,相当于一个带有情态动词的宾语从句;作定语时,相当于一个带有情态动词的定语从句;作目的状语时,相当于so that 或in order that引导的目的状语从句。
2023-07-27 12:09:344

什么是Infinitive Clauses?有关于英语语法的

An infinitive clause is a clause lead by an infinitive.To be, or not to be, that is not a question.
2023-07-27 12:09:453


2023-07-27 12:10:013

perfect infinitive 是什么

2023-07-27 12:10:112

split infinitive是什么意思

split infinitive英[split u026anu02c8fu026anu026atu026av]美[splu026at u026anu02c8fu026anu026atu026av]n. to 与动词之间加进副词的不定式名词复数:split infinitives[例句]In fact , the split infinitive is encountered in the most formal of writing.实际上,大部分的正式写作都会遇到需要分离不定式的情况。
2023-07-27 12:10:353

gerunds and infinitives的区别和用法

2023-07-27 12:10:431

about gerund & to+infinitive

更新1: thanks you. if use english to wer the main is much better . 英语世界:不定式动词(infinitive)和动名词(gerund) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- wenweipo [2008-01-22] Lina Chu 中国香港浸会大学语文中心  一些动词后面可以跟带to不定式动词(to infinitive)或动名词(gerund),一些时候意思一样,但一些时候则意思不同。  跟在一个动词后面的带to不定式动词(to infinitive),通常是用于表达意向、动向、目标等等,就是想要、准备、开始或正在做某些事情。举例说明:  He started to talk but no one was listening.  他开始发表言论,但没有人在听。  She continued to dance even when the music had stopped.  虽然音乐已经停下,她继续起舞。 to infinitives涉将要或在进行的行动  总而言之,to infinitives涉及一个将要或正在进行的行动。  动词 “start” 和 “continue”后面有时可改用另一个形式表达,就是以动名词 (gerund -ing form)代替to + infinitive。例如:  He started talking but no one was listening.  She continued dancing even when the music had stopped.  在以上两组例子中,以to + infinitives构成的句子,与以-ing forms构成的句子在意义上并无大分别。两者都表示当事人将要或正在进行的行动。  然而并非所有动词都一样。例如:  He stopped to *** oke.  He stopped *** oking.  前一句的意思是:他停下来吸烟。  后一句的意思是:他停止吸烟。 stop + infinitive与stop + ing form 意思相反  使用stop + infinitive与stop + ing form的意思完全相反!  当我们用stop + to infinitive,意思是停下某一个行动,而进行另一个行动。例如:  She was practising yoga when the telephone rang. She stopped to wer the phone.  她正在练习瑜伽时,电话响起。她停下来,去接听电话。 停止行动 用stop + ing form  很明显是两个行动,停了前一个,进行后一个。如果想说某人停止一个行动,只能用stop + ing form。例如:  The little girl stopped crying when her mother gave her a lollipop.  妈妈给她一支棒棒糖后,那个小女孩便不再哭了。  不要说她stopped to cry,除非你想说她停下来,哭起来。  to infinitive与 gerund/- ing form的意思完全相反! 参考: 文汇首页 > > 教育 wenweipo [2008-01-22] (1-2) remember 跟 gerund 的时候有回想起之前的事的意思--例子1 remember 跟 to-infinitive 的时候则是不要忘记做某事的意思--例子2 (3-4) regret 跟 gerund 有后悔做某事的意思(而那件事已经发生)--例子3 regret 跟 to-infinitive 则是一个比较礼貌的说法去通知别人一些不愉快的事--例子4 例如 I regret to say 或者 I regret to inform you (5-6) stop doing something 的意思是某事一直在进行而你想停止做那件事--例子5 stop to do something 的意思则是某事没有进行或者你在做其他事 但你想停上现在进行的动作继而做 to-infinitive 之后的事 你的例子6 : 我想停下然后去买礼物 如果你说 I wanted to stop buying presents 即是我想停止不再买礼物 (7-8) start 之后跟 gerund 通常会是维持长时间的 例如甚么时候开始学弹琴就是 start playing piano 一般情况下都会用 to-infintive 如果 start 之后跟的 verb 是 know/understand/realize 通常都会用 to-infinitive 参考: me
2023-07-27 12:10:581

will为什么能加infinitive 不是动词原型吗 我只知道will +动词原形,怎么会是infinitive 不定式呢?

will 有两个意思, 一个是你说的那个意思,另一个意思是“意志” (是名词)。作为名词的 will 句子结构是 the will 加 infinitive ,比如The will to succeed is present in all of us成功的意志人人都有
2023-07-27 12:11:062


更新1: 请用中文解释 因为英文有D乱.. The tenses are reflected by the main verb of the sentence.Gerund and To-infinitive do not bear tenses. 2012-04-06 14:46:06 补充: Gerund 动名词 和 To infinitive 都不表达时态。 Gerund 也可以当名词使用。 时态由句子的主要动词和 ttime of adverb 反影。 例: Jogging is a very good exercise. "Jogging" 是 Gerund 动名词,当名词使用。 动词是 “is” 表达时态是「现在式」。 Tom became strong by lifting weights. "lifting" 是 Gerund 动名词 动词是 “became” 表达时态是「过去式」。 2012-04-06 14:46:27 补充: Sue taught Amy to play badminton yesterday. “to play ”是 to-infinitive 动词是 “taught” 表达时态是「过去式」。 "yesterday" 是 adverb of time,要和动词时态互相配合。 2012-04-06 15:54:29 补充: Hi Raymond Thank you for your ment. I have over looked the auxillary verbs - "have" and "be". 2012-04-06 15:56:11 补充: The auxilliary verbs have (used to form the perfect) and be (used to form the pasive voice and continuous ect). 2012-04-08 13:40:10 补充: In general Infinitive do not have tense ect moods and/or voice or they are limited in the range of tenses ects moods and/or voices that they can use. (In languages where infinitives do not have moods at all they are usually treated as being their own non-finite mood.) 2012-04-08 13:42:39 补充: However the auxiliary verbs have (used to form the perfect) and be (also used to form the passive voice and continuous ect) both monly appear in the infinitive. Examples could be refer to Raymond"s ment 2012-04-08 13:54:07 补充: 如果 “be” 的作用是被动式 (passive voice),时态仍由句子中的主词表达。 例: The games is going to be started. “be started” 是被动式。时态由 is going to 表达(在未来)。 例:Infinitive can be used after the direct objects of many tritive verbs “be”在这句子中的 infinitive. “be used” 组成passive voice。 时态是现在式因为这是“fact”; “can”表达出这句子是现在式。 2012-04-08 13:56:02 补充: 不过我们仍需留意不是出现“have” 或 “be” 便一定带有时态。 例: He is going to be late. “be” 在这句子里是 infinitive ;不带有时态。 They are goint to have dinner together. “have” 在这句子里是 infinitive ;不带有时态。 2012-04-08 13:58:45 补充: 当 “be” 和 “have” 以 infinitive 的形态出现,怎样去分别是否含有时态,就要看这两个字后面是可有其他的动词,和跟着 “be” 和 “have” 后面的动词是 - present participle (例: telling等)或 past participle (例:told等).。 To fghijh Infinitive (gm) is basic form of a verb such as be or swim; an infinitive is used by itself eg swim in:- He can swim or with to (= the to infinitive) as in he likes to swim. Tense bears and depends on auxiliary verb+main verb to infinitive to reflect tense. eg He could have gone to swim yesterday. ---------------He could swim yesterday. Gerund:-a present participle of a verb bears the modal verb+main verb to reflect the tense. eg.He preferred travelling than studying in Old China!.He was fond of swimming when in primary one private school. This gerund form of verb serving as cases of the INFINITIVE in its noun usage. Modal verbs have only one form where they have no -ing hence gerund has -ing.Hence the third singular form:He could speak with 3 friends then. -------------------------------------------------He can speak 2 languages now. He will try and visit London(tomorrow) He could invite Susan years ago but (could) not. Modal verbs are ;-could can---will would---may might---should shall-----must ought to dare need ----have to used to------- Treat gerund infinitive as auxiliary the English main verb determines the TENSE. 小草 How about the following sentences? The girl is believed to have told the truth. The boy seems to be telling the truth.
2023-07-27 12:11:141

infinitive maker什么意思

2023-07-27 12:11:242


更新1: 英文我睇唔明 可唔可以用中文解多次 更新2: 咁infintive又即系咩 The bare infinitive is used as the main verb after the dummy auxiliary verb do or most modal auxiliary verbs (such as will can or should). So "I will/do/can/e see it." Several mon verbs of perception including see watch hear feel and sense take a direct object and a bare infinitive where the bare infinitive indicates an action taken by the main verb"s direct object. So "I saw/watched/heard/e it happen." (A similar meaning can be effected by using the present participle instead: "I saw/watched/heard/e it happening." The difference is that the former implies that the entirety of the event was perceived while the latter implies that part of the progress of the event was perceived.) Similarly with several mon verbs of permission or causation including make bid let and have. So "I made/bade/let/had him do it." (However make takes a to-infinitive in the passive voice: "I was made to do it.") With the verb help. So "He helped them find it." With the word why. So "Why reveal it?" The bare infinitive is the dictionary form of a verb and is generally the form of a verb that receives a definition; however the definition itself generally uses a to-infinitive. So "The word "amble" me "to walk slowly."" The bare infinitive form is also the present subjunctive form and the imperative form although most grammari do not consider uses of the present subjunctive or imperative to be uses of the bare infinitive. 2009-10-04 11:01:23 补充: In English the infinitive without to as used with modal auxiliary verbs. In the sentence I must go to the store now the verb go is a bare infinitive. 2009-10-04 11:01:42 补充: 唔明再问 2009-10-04 21:37:45 补充: Bare-infinitive姐系"to-infintive"冇to既形态 英文入面有d动词系跟Gerund或to-infinitive或bare-infinitive 亦都有动词跟gerund、to-infinitive (呢d不多说了) 跟Bare-infinitive的动词有很多 大概可以分成几类: 2009-10-04 21:37:54 补充: 1) 感官上 e.g. see watch hear *** all taste... 2) had better would rather can do nothing but... 3) model verbs e.g. will would shall should... 4) need not dare not do did does 2009-10-06 20:14:42 补充:  一些动词后面可以跟带to不定式动词(to infinitive)或动名词(gerund),一些时候意思一样,但一些时候则意思不同。  跟在一个动词后面的带to不定式动词(to infinitive),通常是用于表达意向、动向、目标等等,就是想要、准备、开始或正在做某些事情。举例说明:     2009-10-06 20:14:56 补充: He started to talk but no one was listening. 他开始发表言论,但没有人在听。  She continued to dance even when the music had stopped. 虽然音乐已经停下,她继续起舞。 to infinitives涉将要或在进行的行动 参考: If you happen to spot any of my mistakes.Do let me know.Thanks
2023-07-27 12:11:311

什么叫finite verbs(限定动词)

指的是一种句子成分:谓语动词。In English grammar, a finite verb is a form of a verb that (a) shows agreement with a subject and (b) is marked for tense. Nonfinite verbs are not marked for tense and do not show agreement with a subject. If there is just one verb in a sentence, that verb is finite.
2023-07-27 12:11:394


n不定式 adj 不定式的
2023-07-27 12:12:322


infinitive英[u026anu02c8fu026anu0259tu026av]美[u026anu02c8fu026anu026atu026av]n. (动词)不定式adj. 不定式的名词复数:infinitives[例句]Maybe it is the errant apostrophe , the splitting of the poor old infinitive , or the use of " like " as a comma.也许装的是用错的撇号、把可怜的老不定式分离、或是把“象”当作逗号用。
2023-07-27 12:12:391


2023-07-27 12:12:491

英文缩写inf是什么意思 英文缩写inf的含义

1、inf,是单词“infinitive”的缩写abbreviation。 2、infinitive,中文里有“不定式、动词原型”两个解释。不定式,这个“不定”我是不太能理解或者是接受这个概念,因为:英英解释是“the uninflected form of the verb”,也就是动词的无曲折上的变化的词。 3、从单词的构成来看,in-finite-ive,in是没有等否定意味词,finite限制的,ive形容词,我是不是可以理解为,没有被(人或环境)限制过的,就是说“没有被规定过,修改过的东西,保持了物质或物种的原态或常貌”,也就是原型!
2023-07-27 12:13:151

gerund or infinitive英语语法的用法?

2023-07-27 12:13:242


2023-07-27 12:13:462

什么是Infinitive Clauses?有关于英语语法的

实际上就是“不定式短语”,也叫infinitive phrase . infinitive clause a clause containing an infinitive as its main or only verb form,as to speak clearly in Try to speak clearly. Also called infinitive phrase . Infinitive clause as subect or object Infinitive clause as subject An infinitive clause can be the subject of a sentence.This was common in older English. To err is human; to forgive divine. To find fault with others is easy. To make mistakes is easy. In modern English infinitive clauses are rarely used as subjects.We more often use it as a ‘preparatory" subject and put the infinitive clause later. It is easy to find faults with others. It is easy to make mistakes.
2023-07-27 12:14:331

to infinitive同gerund的用法

to infinitive: 如何用: 大部份情况下: to 之后既verb 都会用所谓"最原始" 即系咩都唔哂加...即系look 就 to look see就to see eat 就 to eat. e.g. 1. I want to eat dinner. 2. I would like to have a piece of cake. 3. I go to the stationary shop to buy a pencil. 但当然有例外,最常为人知既例外情况,就系 I"m looking forward to xxxxing... e.g. I"m looking forward to seeing again next year. e.g. I"m looking forward to hearing your voice in HK. 呢个就要记住既...见到"looking foward to" 都应该用 gerund 何时用就无咩限架bor... 用黎有咩用? 就系讲第一个动作会引致到下一个咩既动作... e.g. I want(想:第一动作) to eat(想---> 去食: 第二动作) dinner ------------------------------- gerund: 如何用: 中文译为动名词 简单d讲就系系动词后面加 ing... e.g. eat > eating drink > drinking watch> watching kill> killing 但要留意,某d verb 要系加ing 变做 "double letter" 先举例 e.g. beg > begging put > putting travel > travelling run> running stop> stopping slam> slamming e 即系将个verb既最后一只字double 左... 你就咁睇..系咪好似vowel 前面既最后一只字,加ing 就要double??? 答案当然唔系 e.g. shout> shouting play> playing. 何时用: 做紧个个动作既时侯 e.g. I "m eating dinner. (我现时在吃晚餐.) I"m watching TV. (我现时在看电视) 总之要系以加做紧既... (唔够位会系"意见"度继续写) 2010-05-28 23:35:02 补充: 用黎有咩用: 就系要表示你自己真系"现在"做紧既~ 2010-05-28 23:38:39 补充: 唔好意思 gerund 其实仲可以用系 动词之后... e.g. I prefer travelling to France. I love eating ice-cream. 呢个用法同"to infinitive" 既意思相同... 意即指我上面举个两例亦可用"to infinitive" 黎代替。 I prefer to travel to France/ I love to eat ice-cream. 意思无改变... 参考: 自己既知识 自己 自己 infinitive 不定词 & gerund 动名词 是non-finite verb.(包括participle分词)=非限定动词 不受 subject 的身和数所限制的动词. q1 :如何用?........因一英文句子中只须用单一的主动词 其它附有动作性的词 通通是 non-finite verb. 它们分别在句内演绎 verb adj adv.(noun as subject/object/plement.). q2 :何时用?........只要一句内有多于一个动作就要出动. eg...I go to swim. .....go是主动词..... to swim是不定词作adv形容go去何处? eg...Have you any things to sell ? sell as adj 你有要卖的东西吗? eg...To *** oke is a bad habit. *** oke as SUBJECT. eg...I wish to be a doctor. be跟其它词构成noun phrase as object. eg...To see is to believe. SUBJECT & OBJECT. 以上是infinitive = to + root form 其动作是迟于主动词彧同时.as:noun adj adv. 以下是gerund = root form + ing 其动作是早于主动词或同时.as:noun with action not the Adj. (past / present participle 才可作adj. / adv and verb.) Gerund跟其它词构成gerund phrase去作subject / object / plement. 及在介词后构成 prep. phrase去形容句前. eg... Hunting tigers is very dangerous. SUBJECT. eg...We enjoy playing table- OBJECT. eg...His bad habit is drinking COMPLEMENT. eg...John has a bad habit of spitting everywhere 作 介词短语. 唔使再讲相信你已明白. 我是否解得好过老师呢? Hh
2023-07-27 12:14:451

gerund or infinitive

更新1: 加错 系to同ing系点解? Remember to close the windows before you leave ok? (记得要去关门窗去离开) I remember closing the windows before I left. (记得自己已关了窗才离开的) I tried to work without a puter but I failed. (attempt 试图去做一件事) The programmer tried logging on and logging off many times to check whether the new programme was reliable. (test 从使用中测试) The airline regrets to announce the cancellation of flight CX234 I still regret not having studied hard for last year"s exam. (近似 remember + to / +ing 的分别) Sorry I didn"t mean to hurt you. (mean to是刻意去做的 didn"t mean to 即无心的) If you want to catch the 7:30 train that will mean leaving home at 6:00. (意味着要如何做...) I"m afraid to *** oke [verb] at school. (怕去做一件事) I"m afraid of the cigarette *** oke [noun]. (怕一种东西) I would be interested to know more about this movie. I would be interested in knowing more about the actor. (yahoo 字典的部分例子和解释有问题) 2006-12-18 11:18:34 补充: Do not fet to close the windows before you leave.I fot telling you how to use this word (so I am typing this sentence now). 2006-12-18 11:36:16 补充: 更正第一句: (记得 要去 关好窗门才可离开) 参考: dictionary.cambridge + Longman Contemporary Dictionary remember to 要做 ing就是正在进行
2023-07-27 12:14:531


The verb "hear" as well as "see" "watch" " *** ell" "feel" and e is called sense verb (or verb of senese). After verbs of senses only the bare infinitive or the -ing form (present participle) of the verb is acceptable: Format: Subject + Sense verb + Object + (bare) Infinitive / Present participle You"re gonna hear me roar. (spoken English) = You are going to hear me roar. (formal) The sentence uses "are going to" (即将) as for the Future tense of "hear". The verb "roar" is the bare infinitive functioning as object plement (of object "me") after the sense verb "hear". Similar sentence pattern: You are going to watch me break the window. You are going to see me slam the door as I leave. 2015-07-17 14:00:17 补充: "roar" is by no me a gerund! "roar" is a bare infinitive (as plement to the object "me") after the sense verb "hear". 2015-07-17 14:17:01 补充: All these sentences express the things that I will be doing because I am (perhaps) angry and ask you to SENSE it.. 1. I will be roaring. You are going to "hear" it. 2. I will be breaking the window. You are going to "watch" it. 3. I will be slamming the door. You are going to "see" it. hear=infinitive used adjectivally ;to hear roar=gerund used as a noun roaring.
2023-07-27 12:14:591

How is it done ?

How is it done? Firstly the data to be entered must be examined for accurracy. 1. 为什么 the data 之后加 to .点解唔用 is entered 因为 [enter] 在这句的作用是 [形容词] 不是 [动词]。[to be entered] 是 被动式 (passive voice) 的 [infinitive] 是 adjective 去形容 [data]。此外,[to be] 是指 [将会],因为资料还未被打入。 2. to be entered must be examined 为什么可以用双动词...如果这样?之后可不可以再加 could be ( 过去分词 ) 或再加 can be ( 过去分词 ) for accuracy. 由于[to be entered] 是 infinitive 不是 verb 所以只有[examined] 这个 "单" 动词。 文法上来说,[must be] 可以由 [can be] 或 [could be] 代替,不过就会失了 [一定要] 的原本意思。 参考: my past learning the data(n) to be(infinitive as adj.=含动作性的不定词 准备做而未去做 不是v.) entered( past participle as adj.=过去分词 有被动及做咗之意.) "是(想去) 被输入的数据" 整句是一phrase.没有verb在内 作subject用. must(aux.v.必须) be(vi这是整句的主动词 未完意不及物vi要补语plement补充说明) examined( adv.=(被)检查 =as plement for be). for accuracy(prep. phrase as adj=修饰检查是为了那准确性). 整句的结构是 S + Vi + SC 我推荐您一个非常不错的英语学习网站,里面有很多非常不错的学习资源: 希望可以帮到你!
2023-07-27 12:15:071


HELP 这个动词后 可用 to-infinitive (i.e. TO BEAT ) 或者bare infinitive (i.e. BEAT )都可以 但不可以用 gerund (X BEATING) 就像let这个动词后 只可用bare infinitive不可用gerund Let us play the game! X Let us playing the game! XXXX 依类suject help object verb既structure其实经常都会见到或者将依句说话拆做2 parts黎睇你会明d1.)Chris Paul had 27 points and 17 assists to help the Hors 2.)Hors beat the Lakers 108-98 Friday night in what could prove to be a costly game for both teams. 其实依个case其实无违反grammer 因为第一个verb(help)系跟个suject(chris paul) 第二个verb(beat)系跟个obiect(hors) 如果再唔明可以试下系hors后面加个that字咁你就会发现其实依个structure系link埋左2句句子姐不过紧记依个用法一定要有object出现如果唔系就唔成立用法: subject help object to-infinitive/bare-infinitive P.S.不过其实都有个special case help 后面会用gerund 就系I cant help...(我忍唔住 ) e.g.I cant help laughing.(我忍唔住笑 ) 参考: 自己
2023-07-27 12:15:191

英语语法to-infinitives 是什么意思?

infinitives 动词不定式to-infinitives 带to的动词不定式bare infinitives 不带to的动词不定式
2023-07-27 12:15:292

英语语法问题 急!!

说的是现在进行时的结构可以是will + 不定式组成,也可以由 be going to +不定式组成。future continuous 是将来进行时future perfect simple 这个不确定。
2023-07-27 12:15:402


1. We like to play football. 我们喜欢踢足球 2. We like playing football. 我们喜欢踢足球 3. We like football. 我们喜欢足球 **其实头两句意思相同,由于每一句句子只能有一个动词verb 所以当第1句有like和play两个动词,我们便要加to infinitive 即是加一个to在动词前面 令那句句子只有1个动词 **而第2句亦是有两个动词,这个时候,我们除了可用to infinitive之外,还可以用Gerund 即是将动词加ing 文法方面,我觉得你应该没问题的,你是不是想问它们之间的含义分别? 1. We like to play football.(我们喜欢踢足球) 2. We like playing football.(我们喜欢踢足球) 3. We like football.(我们喜欢足球) 1 和 2 几乎一样意思,分别在于,2 更能强调「我们喜欢踢足球的过程」(因为 2 的 ing form 的缘故),而 1 纯粹表示「我们喜欢踢足球这件事」 3 则会暗示「我们喜欢任何足球相关的东西」,包括踢足球、看球赛等(不止踢足球),比 1、2 涵盖更多的东西。 希望帮到你。 2013-08-09 14:24:31 补充: 语法方面楼上都解释了 参考: 自己 1 2. 我们喜欢踢足球. To play ( To-infinitive ) Playing ( Gerund ) 其实系一样 3.我们喜欢足球.
2023-07-27 12:15:471

不定式 = 不规则动词 ???

不定式英文叫”infinitive”,其形式可有to+原形动词(to-infinitive),或只用原形动词(bare infinitive),”不定”乃指它不受句中主词的人称或数所左右意思,亦即它与人称无关,且不论单数或复数,其动词形态皆不改变。 He seems to be working hard. you seem to be working hard. they seem to be working hard. to be working并不因He you they而影响变成 is working are working are working等等 而不规则动词:是相对于规则动词来说,一般规则动词都是我们在原形动词后加 -(e)d则成过去式,和过去分词如: like liked liked jump jumped jumped等 不过规则动词,就是规则动词以外的动词,其中分为AAA型,ABB型,ABC型,AAB型,ABA型 AAA:hit hit hit ABB:win won won ABC:begin began begun AAB:beat beat beaten ABA:e came e
2023-07-27 12:16:101

这句是否省略了 be ?

其实see可以有几种的结构 以下是Cambridge Dictionary Online举出的结构并应用 [+ (that)] The teacher could see (that) the children had been fighting.[+ infinitive without to] Jacqui saw the car drive up outside the police station.[+ -ing verb] From the window we could see the children playing in the yard.[+ past participle] His parents saw him awarded the winner"s medal. 其他感观动词,也有verb+object+ past participle这种结构 而学者Michael Swan就指出,这种结构里,过去分词含有被动的意义,如: I heard my name repeated several times. Have you ever seen a television thrown through a window? 虽然学者没有指出这种结构,是否是verb+object+be past particiole将be省略的结果,但相信你的推断也并没有错,因为要表示"动作和事件在进行"的概念时,可以用进行式 (being+过去分词),如: As I watched the tree being cut down... I woke up to hear the bedroom door being opened slowly. 但无论如何,我们只需记住verb + object +past participle这结构,是观感动词的结构之下即可! 希望帮到你! saw + 受词 + 不定式 / 现在分词,这是正确的观念 They saw the home team beaten. ,我想知这句是否 They saw the home team be beaten. 的简写,这样认知是可以的。 完整观念,看这里(2)。 你第二例句的假设差不多对,过去分词少了的原因是被动词(home team是被打败),留意第一组的例句动词是him的主动。 正确的写法应该是 They saw the home team being beaten. 有些动词后面,是要使用 infinitive 或 gerund. 而 “see” 后面,可以使用 bare infinitive 、也可以使用 gerund. 问题中的例句: I saw him leave the building. (leave 是 bare infinitive) I saw him leaving the building.(leaving 是 gerund) 有些字也会出现同样的情况,例: hear。 They saw the home team beaten. 是 They saw (that) the home team was beaten. 的另一个写法。用 phrase 而不使用 clause.
2023-07-27 12:16:241

明天测英文!请问verb+ing和 to-infinitive分别在那里??

2023-07-27 12:16:3714

infinitive marker是什么意思

Infinitive marker 不定式标记/符号指表示动词目的和意图的助词,如 to,
2023-07-27 12:17:081


2023-07-27 12:17:2910

infinitive, gerund , participle 练习

1. If you can"t make people accept your idea, you should try again.make sth让宾语做某事。属于不定式2. The temple built 500years ago is very famous in Macao.主语是 temple ,后面的built 500years ago 修饰主语。3. Living in Beijing for years, he know the city very well.动名词4. I found my glass broken.过去分词,我发现我的眼镜破碎了。5. The policemen moved the motorcycle knocked down by a car to the roadside.knocked down by a car 修饰 motorcycle 意思是被车子撞倒的摩托车。6. It is joyful to watch the birds sing around the trees.看鸟儿围绕着树唱歌是一件很高兴的事情。感官动词还有hear , feel , watch , notice (注意到)都可以跟do 或doing分别表不同的意思 如:I heard him play the piano. 我听到他弹钢琴了。 I heard him playing the piano. 我听到他正在弹钢琴。7. This computer is not worth buying.动名词
2023-07-27 12:18:501