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2023-07-28 23:13:53
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Brochure宣传画册,Privacy 保密篇,Security articles 安全篇 , Anti-terror chapter 反恐篇 ,Travel articles行车篇,Traffic交通篇 ,Independent articles廉政篇 , View articles说法篇
2023-07-27 11:54:472

The Westwood Middle School has decided to hold a blood drive (献血活动), and you can help. Help

小题1:B小题2:A小题3:D 试题分析:本文是以一个告示的形式来对捐献活动进行详细说明。斯特伍德中学已经决定举行一次献的血活动,并且您可以帮助。接下来介绍了要收集的数量与需要的人数。要求学生到学校的办公室取小册子,向家人、老师和所有健康的人并且是至少在17岁以上。最后介绍了活动的时间与地点。小题1:细节理解题。问题:需要有多少人参与献血活动?分析原句:We need to collect 50 units of blood. That means 65 people are needed to come to the drive.句意:我们需要收集50个单位的血。这意味着65人需要来到。数字明确的提出是65人。故选B小题2:细节理解题。问题:学生能在哪里拿到这些小册子?分析原文:Pick up information brochures (小册子) in the school office.句意:拿信息手册在学校办公室。分析说明中交代了取小册子的地点。故选 A小题3:细节理解题。问题:献血的活动举行的时间?分析原文:The blood drive will take place on Tuesday, October 21, from 3:00 to 6:00 pm, in the school canteen.句意:献血活动将在周二举行,10月21日下午从3点到6点,在学校食堂。句中将活动的时间与地点清楚介绍。故选D
2023-07-27 11:55:071


说一个比较地道的:travel agency 旅行社1. They went to the travel agency for some traveling brochures. 他们去旅行社要一些旅行手册。 2. The travel agency has arranged for a double room for my family and myself. My name is Jack House. 旅行社已为我和我的家安排了一间双人房。我的名字叫杰克豪斯。 3. I will not mind work in a travel agency. 我不反对在一家旅行社工作。
2023-07-27 11:55:171


2023-07-27 11:55:322


1. 写英语作文(理工学习初二) 接给出的开头,Among these sports, basketball is my favorite. I like it because I have learned the importance of teamspirit through playing basketball. And basketball is helpful for growing taller. To get sweaty and have fun on the basketball court is really cool. I began to play basketball when I was ten year old. It was my dad who taught me how to play it, because he is a big NBA fan, and I have spend lots of beautiful time playing basketball with my father.In the future, I will continue this sport, because basketball means so much to me. 少年,以后作文还得自己写啊,站在岸上是学不会有用的。 记得采纳。 2. 根据要求写一篇英语文章 It has been a long-time tradition for us to hand out travel brochures or paper flyers to our customers. I think maybe it is time for us to make some change, i.e. only offering e-brochures through our website.The advantages of using e-brochures are as following:First, we can reduce the cost and waste on the brochures. In the past, every time when we were to launch a new version of the brochure, there were loads of coordination work to be done with the print house, the delivery pany, as well as the sub-agencies who ordered the brochures for their use. As we all know, work means cost. If using e-brochures, all we need is to design an automatic mailing system upon request, Due to the market variation, we can not know the exact number of brochures needed before they are launched so we always tend to print a little more brochures than the estimated need. When using paper brochures, the waste can only be limited to a certain level but can never be avoided. If we are using e-brochures, such kind of waste will no longer be a problem.Second, we can launch new e-brochures more frequently to keep a close pace with the changing market. This is because the time we need to launch an e-brochure is much shorter than the time we need to launch a traditional brochure. Whenever we want to launch a new brochure, we just need to make necessary amendment to the e-brochure template and upload it to our website. It is pretty much a one-day work, and this means we can offer new products to our client everyday if we want. The third advantage can be considered as the best. As the e-brochures are mailed out upon request, we can collect as many customer contacts as we can. We can also design different e-brochures for our special offers, such as those for newly married couples, for the elderly, for the students and etc. With the numbers of how many times these custom-designed brochures have been requested, we can estimate the number of customers falling into certain group. This will further help us with the *** ysis of our market.实在不能再写了. 您这个3000字的文章我算帮您写了一半. 您再接着写, 然后加个总结性的结尾吧. 好累啊.。 3. 英语作文 :根据下面要求写一篇100字左右的英语作文 Through the development of puter and Inter technology , distance education emerges as the times requires. Study is more and more important in our daily life. Keep studying can keep us as the times. We need find an easy way to keep studying. Distance education is a good choice. All you need is a puter which can connect to Inter. More and more people choose distance education nowadays. No matter where you are or what time it is, you can always study from distance education with your puter all by yourself. You can all you need from it. It"s very convenient and efficient. Distance study is a good way for people keep studying.手写,希望能帮助你。 4. 按要求写一篇英语作文 Do you like movies? Do you like bining English learning with fun? If so, e to join our “English Movie Club”? Our club will provide you with a lot of classical and latest English movies. While watching good movies, you can enjoy real idiomatic oral English and improve your listening ability and experience western culture. We"ll gather in the Lecture Hall at five every Wednesday afternoon. First we will watch a movie, and then discuss the movie in English. Anyone who likes movies and wants to improve English is wele. Movie club, Moving class。 5. 【Ourschoollife英语作文(根据下列要求)1 our school life is colorful.we have a lot of activities after school.I like playin football with my clas *** ates.we are happy during playing.sometimes i read books in our school library.I like doing exercise after school but I have a lot of homework to do,i don"t have much time to relaxed myself.I hope we will have more time to do activites.。 6. 以以下要求写一篇英语作文,120 My father is a successful business man and my mother is his secretary, they are quite busy everyday. But every time after my father ended his business trip, he will always find and buy local delicious food for me, I love these tasteful snacks very much. I can also share these food with my friends, to exchange the plays and toys with them. However, during the period of my father"s business trip, my mother is also very busy to arrange the business document and hardly have time to acpany with me and counsel my study. Usually I have a quick mathematical question when I"m doing my homework, but I have to dial their number and discuss on the phone, I hope they can have more time with me together in the near future. My parents are very industrious which can be informed from the above examples, I love my parents and wish they keep healthy all the time. If they can allocate some time to acpany with me and exercise with me on the sports games, that would be great. 7. 根据要求写一篇200词左右的英语作文 最好带上翻译 a true story ) of a child: I this year ( approximately )10 years old, the family lives in Shanghai city Minhang District. His father is a" Party of violence," no matter what I do, as long as he is not satisfactory. Also to kill me as an excuse!!!! Too rude, shameless. His name is x xinghua. (一个真实的故事)一个孩子的苦衷: 我今年(大约)10岁了,家住上海市闵行区。父亲是个“暴力党”不管我做了什么,只要他不顺心就打。还以杀我为借口!!!!太无理, *** 了。他叫x兴华。 8. 求描写大学校园的英语作文,要求句型多一些 Yesterday morning, teacher had our class and 40 classes visited our school prehensive building together, we happy extremely! the synthesis building located at campus middle, is grave and is lively, does not appear monotonous. He is the ring-like building, is a little close “raised” the glyph, has six buildings to be high. This building"s floor attaches the white linearity the mosaic. Has the powder purple mosaic. Beautiful extremely! that is treating the west side main entrance, is “raised” the glyph breaks out. The entrance o trough cycad, look like o goalkeeper"s full of energy standing in the entrance, is persevering own post. Two pillars are brown. Supports Lou Ti to break out the part. The corridor both sides have a big blackboard, northern side that are respectively at the beginning of middle various class of behavior performance ment the split field, south side that inform the fence, praises the fence. And in tests counts the timetable to be specially noticeable but actually. beeen the corridor and the courtyard is standing erect a tablet, appears very dignified. Above is writing the exhortation to students: Respect individuality, development potential, all for student"s development, all for motherland soaring. Is red, mature and powerful. He reminds the teachers and students frequently: Well the study and works. passed through the corridor is the courtyard, o close triangle"s green space embellished the building beautifully. the reason that this building calls the synthesis building, is because it not only has the classroom, the office, also to have each kind of function room. Two to five building"s south side and west side are the classroom, the east side is the offices. Northern side is each kind of function room. the six buildings have the reading room, the library and the music studio. the synthesis building"s classroom is light and bright, pushes the four sides big window which after the aluminum alloy the wave does, has four pink color window blinds, both are attractive, and can block the intense sunlight for schoolmates. In the classroom has o blackboards, above the positive blackboard is pregnant the surface Red Flag, both sides has “maintains discipline diligently, the lively crux” Ban Xun. On the ceiling has six tubes, four ceiling fans, on o spandrel wall columns paste the famous personal name word, is placing the neat school desk. Has provided the good study condition for schoolmates. The prehensive building layout science, the facility is perfect, is the study good place. Therefore our school"s quality of teaching in the locality is also very famous. Every year"s resiting foremost people in the field stem from our school. I like my school prehensive building。 9. 写一篇英语作文:我在大学第一年学到了什么标题: 碍于你今晚就必须得交,我在网吧一时也写不出来。 发个网上找到的给你吧,是个很偏的网站找到的,老师应该不会知道你抄袭。这篇和你的要求有那点的差距,但我想,照葫芦画瓢你会吧,仿写下,就把这篇当素材一样, My First Year in College Many high school graduates wrongly assume that university life is totally free from worries. After a period of serious and solemn study in senior three, the hard beavers expect to take a break and develop some habits. However, many may find later that the situation may be beyond their anticipation. I"ve tried to convince the *** s around that the image they have of my university life as a free and unrestrained one is some what misunderstanding. In reality, school life is so busy that I sometimes wonder if my energy is enough. About my first year in college, my life is mainly made up of o parts, study and practice.As a student, the main task is study. In order to gain a high GPA, I have to get used to the college life style and begin a new pursue in study. It is the learning method that shows off most of the differences beeen senior study and college study. ! have a roommate who goes out to have lessons in the morning and es back in the evening after the self-study classroom is closed. The peers" behaviors make me feel under pressure. In university, one% view of life is integrally formed and strengthened. I begin to program my future plan and realize that study itself is an affair for me. The more courses I learn by heart, the more maturity I get. University education ensures students of better jobs.I usually reckon that time consuming on study is worthwhile as it bears such important events as occupation, career and responsibility. To some extent, study and practice are interined, and they begin from the very start of freshman year. Student Union enjoys almost plete acceptance. It is a place where one can get his ability trained, have his petence applied and make a lot of friends who share the same interests with him. But sometimes, social activities and practices are time consuming, what"s more, the sense of responsibility also requires you to make effort to fulfill the task.No one starts in one"s present position all along that it was what he or she wants to do. Sometimes, the chance will just lead you down some unforeseen trail only if you have a prepared mind. My first year in college is not relaxed, but all way along is full of curiosity and satisfaction.很长,你就截取你需要的表达结构,换成你要表达的语言。
2023-07-27 11:55:391


Chris: I"ve been looking forward to this reception for weeks. I can"t wait to get some of my own leads. You know, start making new connections. 我已经期待这次招待会好长时间了,等不及要去见识一下了,以后可以多些关系。Nora: Smart thinking. But what are you going to do with all those brochures? 不错的想法,那你要用这些宣传册子干什么?Chris: The party ends at two. I figure I can have them all distributed by one-thirty. 派对两点结束,我可以将这些册子在一点半之前分发出去。Nora: No, no, no, no. Let me clue you in. Those brochures will make you look like a green hand. 不不不。让我来指点你一下,用这些宣传册子会让你看起来像个新手。Chris: What should I do then? 那我应该怎么办?Nora: Hand out business cards. That"s the way to do it. 用名片,这才是正道。Chris: I don"t understand what"s wrong with these brochures about our company. 公司的这些宣传册子怎么不可以呢?Nora: This room is going to be filled with potential clients, but there is an unwritten law: You leave your work at the door. 过会儿这里来的人都可能是公司潜在的客户,但是这有一条不成文的规定:在门内不谈生意。Chris: But how am I supposed to get anything out of this if we can"t talk business? 如果不谈生意,那我怎么会有收获呢?Nora: You have business cards. Get out there and exchange cards. Just get a card for a card. 你有名片啊。到那儿之后,跟别人交换名片,用一张自己的换一张别人的。Chris: Then follow up on Monday? 然后到周一再联络?Nora: You catch on quick. Let"s split up so we can cover more ground. 学得挺快的嘛。我们分开来行动,这样就可以接触更多人。Chris: Great idea. This is going to be a piece of cake. I"ll meet you back here at two. 好主意。接下来的事就容易了,我两点在这里等你。get some of my own leads 得到优势,得到好处follow up on Monday 周一联络a piece of cake 小菜一碟cover more ground 覆盖更大的范围,文中指可以接触更多的人get anything out of this 收获,得到些什么You leave your work at the door 在屋里不谈生意纯手工,个人拙见。可信度:95%
2023-07-27 11:55:492

brochures can contain a great deal of informatio

brochures can contain a great deal of informatio if design well小册子可以包含一个杰出的交易信息如果设计
2023-07-27 11:56:031


纲要任务说明:我们专注于卓越,为所有学习者在培育环境。 1 。局政策-i nternationalstudents 2 。程序和指导方针3 。节目手册4 。寄宿家庭手册5 。学生手册6 。形式附录: 附录一-医疗程序跟随你的国际学生附录二-学区8号(库特尼湖湖) 2 006/07年月历政策指引要求留在一个寄宿家庭(每局政策) 1 。它是强制性的一名学生生活与寄宿家庭的建筑群至少有一成人的25 ( 25 )岁以上的老年人。 2 。学生承认,若在任何时候,他们是不是生活在一个寄宿家庭, 该学区的政策,可能导致他/她即时解雇来自国际计划。 预防冲突1 ,最好的方法,以防止冲突的发生,是筹备工作,包括: a.proper筛选寄宿家庭: i.criminal纪录ii.personal面试和考察的首页三。查询个人参考乙定位为两个东道主和学生长明确的期望,为各方所定位的父母四正确的信息导向的家长和学生(一周后抵达) 体育通信招募新的寄宿家庭1 。在寄宿家庭的申请表格及资料可以发现,对国际程式/学区网站 2 。手册包括一份申请表,将给予家属在学校集水区。该信件将分配给家庭经学校作为注意家中的家庭。 3 。资料手册,将分发在社区。他们将留在学校各区民政事务处,商会,研究伦理。中心,地方企业并送往社会组织,等等。 proceduresandguidelines三日寄宿家庭7 。挑选学生了,从机场的时候,他/她抵达现场并提供他们回该机场于去年底他们留下来。除与creston冬季学生寄宿家庭-他们会挑选自己的学生和辍学他们送行开关, 凡巴士将它们传送。 8 。对待学生,尊重和尊严。 9 。审查住房保险政策,你的保险提供商,以确保你保持适当的保险,在整个家庭寄宿时期。 10 。保持有关汽车保险的整个家庭寄宿时期。 11 。学生提供一个关键向国会及安全守则
2023-07-27 11:56:222


2023-07-27 11:56:324


attract形容词:attractive adj.妩媚的;英俊的;诱人的;吸引人的;令人愉快的;(事物)有吸引力的 比较级: more attractive最高级: most attractive 派生词: attractively adv. attractiveness n. 扩展资料   1、For me, this one is not that attractive.   对我来讲,这出戏不是那么有吸引力。   2、This will be a very large and attractive market.   这将是一个十分庞大和诱人的"市场。   3、Brochures are an attractive way to publicize what you do.   手册是一个有吸引力的方式宣传你怎么做。
2023-07-27 11:57:071


2023-07-27 11:57:194


2023-07-27 11:58:159


  旅游能帮助人们摆脱孤独感和压抑感。旅游者之间没有直接的利益冲突,他们可以建立起纯朴、自然、坦诚、和谐的人际关系。我整理了关于旅行的英语对话带翻译,欢迎阅读!   关于旅行的英语对话带翻译一   A:I"d like to have the film developed.   我要冲洗这卷胶卷。   B:For color prints?   彩色相片吗?   A:Yes. When can I get it back? I can"t wait to see the photos.   是的,我什么时候能取?我迫不及待地想看到我们的照片。   B:About three days.   大概二天左右。   A:Fine, I"d like two enlargements from this negative.   好吧,我想用这张底片印两张放大的照片。   B:Here"s your receipt.   这是你的收据。   关于旅行的英语对话带翻译二   A:This is my first trip to Hong Kong, and I"d like to see some of the city"s sights.   这是我第一次来香港旅行,我想游览这个城市的一些风景。   B:Will you be here long?   您在这儿停留的时间长吗?   A:Only three days on business so I won"t have a long time.   我只是到这儿出差3天,所以我没有太多的时间。   B:There are many tourist attractions in Hong Kong.   香港有许多旅游景点。   A:Do you have some information on these?   您有这方面的资料吗?   B:Let me give you some brochures to look over.   我送您一些小册子参考一下吧。   关于旅行的英语对话带翻译三   A:Can you give me more details on what is included in the package?   能不能告诉我全部行程的细节?   B:Sure. The coach leaves at 6:30 a. m., in front of our office. The drive takes eight hours, with two stops to see some sights.   好的。巴士早上六点半由我们公司出发。车程约八小时,中途停两站欣赏风景。   A:What about the hotel accommodations?   关于住宿方面呢?   B:You"ll be staying at Holiday Inn. It"s a three-star hotel with two restaurants and a swimming pool.   住在假日饭店是三星级的有两个餐厅和一个游泳池。   A:Great. What types of things will we do at Lushan Falls?   很好!那在庐山瀑布有什么活动呢?   B:The second day you take a four-hour city tour. In the afternoon you go on the famous boat cruise under the falls.   第二天绕市区观光四小时,当天下午就搭乘著名的游瀑艇到瀑布下面。   关于旅行的英语对话带翻译四   A:Hi, sir. Could you tell me where the Hilton Hotel is?   先生,您好,您知道希尔顿酒店怎么走吗?   B:Well, there are two Hilton Hotels around here. Which one is your destination?   哦,这边有两个希尔顿酒店,你想去哪一个?   A:Eh, let me see. Sorry, I can"t remember it, because I"ve been there only once, accompanied by my friends.   嗯,让我想想。不好意思,我记不得了,我就去过那里一次,而且还是跟着同学一起去的。   B:Then, it would be a little bit harder to find out your way. Do you remember the name of the street, or one or two landmarks?   这样的话,可能有些难找了。那你记得街道的名字或是一两个地标性建筑吗?   A:A bookstore, probably. With a yellow and orange logo.   好像有个书店,黄色和橙色的标牌。   B:Good, any other clues?   好的,那还有其他什么线索吗?   A:I remembered there is a very busy street several miles away. I waited for the traffic light for a very long time.   我记得那边几英里之外是一条繁忙的街道。我在那里等了好长时间的红绿灯呢。   B:Oh, is there a bank near there, Standard Charted possibly?   哦,那里好像有个渣打银行,对吧?   A:Oh, yeah, I got it, there is a bank My friend exchanged her money there.   哦,是的,我想起来了,那边确实有个银行,我朋友还去那里兑换外币了。   B:That"s the second branch hotel of Hilton. Walk straight down and you will see the bookstore you just mentioned. Turn left, I believe, you will get it.   那是希尔顿酒店的第二分店。径直走下去,你会看到刚才你说的那个书店,往左转,我相信你会找到的。   A:Great! Many thanks!   太好了!太感谢您了!
2023-07-27 11:58:301


2023-07-27 11:58:392

英文“ 双面打印 ”怎么说

双面打印 [词典] duplex print; [例句]NT版中,更增加了双面打印,可制作小册子等新功能。NT version also adds double-sided printing, can produce brochures and other new features.
2023-07-27 11:58:492


2023-07-27 11:59:163


旅游手册的英文:tourist handbook。旅游手册的英文是tourist handbook,其中tourist的意思是旅游的,handbook的意思是手册。例句:1、我在哪里可以买到旅游手册?Where can I get a tourist handbook?2、他看了旅游手册就巴不得去度假。Reading travel brochures whetted his appetite for a holiday.3、看了旅游手册就巴不得去度假。Reading travel brochures whets one"s appetite for a holiday.4、你有这座城市的旅游手册吗?Do you have a sightseeing brochure for the city?5、我快速翻看旅游手册。I leafed through the travel brochures.6、这本旅游手册上有很多介绍。There"s a lot here in this pamphlet.
2023-07-27 11:59:261

We () if you could send us instructions, brochures, or leaflets of your products.

We () if you could send us instructions, brochures, or leaflets of your products. A.could be happy B.could appreciate C.could appreciate it D.would be obliged 正确答案:D
2023-07-27 11:59:401


  买方一般在确认下单时的第一前提是写一封英文询盘信把一些基础问题弄明白了。下面是我给大家整理的买方询盘英文范文,供大家参阅!   买方询盘英文范文1   Dear Mr. Li,   Your firm has been recommended 1 to us by the Dickson Electrics Company, with whom we have done business for many years.   We are interested in your Electric Typewriters for use in offices and shall be glad if you will send us a copy of your illustrated catalogue 2 and current price list.   Yours sincerely,   Susan Block   Manager   买方询盘英文范文2   Dear Mr. Lu,   We have noticed from your advertisement 1 in 2 that you export large quantities of cushions 3 to European market.   Being specialized in this line for a long time, we are well connected with 4 many customers in our country. At present, we are interested in back cushion fine in quality and low in price. It will be highly appreciated if you could send us some brochures and samples for our reference and quote 5 your lowest price on CIF basis including our 3% commission 6 .   Should your goods prove satisfactory and price be found competitive 7 , you may expect substantial 8 orders from us.   We are looking forward to your early reply.   Yours faithfully   买方询盘英文范文3   Subject: Enquiry   Dear Sir,   We are interested in buying large quantities of steel screws in all sizes.   We would be obliged if you would give us a quotation per kilogram C&F Liverpool, England. It would also be appreciated if you could forward samples and your price-list to us.   We used to purchase these products from other sources. We may now prefer to buy from your company because we understand that you are able to supply larger quantities at more attractive prices. In addition, we have confidence in the quality of your products.   We look forward to hearing from you by return E-mail.   Sincerely,   Xxx   主题:询盘   亲爱的先生:   本公司有意大量购买各型号钢螺钉,欲知每公斤运抵英国利物浦的成本价运费价格。如蒙惠赐上述报价单,不胜感激。如能惠寄样本和价格表,亦必感激不尽。   本公司素来从其他公司购买此类货物,闻悉贵公司货物质优价廉,故欲与贵公司建立合作关系。   盼复。   你真诚的xxx   英文询盘典型句型   (1) Could you give us some idea about your price?   请介绍贵方的价格好吗?   (2) Do you offer FOB or CIF?   你们报船上交货价还是到岸价?   (3) How long does your offer remain valid/firm/open?   你们的报价多长时间有效?   (4)Will you let us know what your terms of payment are?   能否告知贵方付款条件?   (5)Please make us an offer within this month since we have made an inquiry for your products.   我们已对你们的产品进行询价,请在本月内给予报盘。   (6)Please send us your best offer by Internet stating payment terms and time of shipment.   请用互联网向我们报最优价,说明支付条件和装运期。   7) Full information as to prices, quality, quantity available and other relative particulars would be appreciated.   请详告价格、质量、可供数量及其它有关情况。   
2023-07-27 11:59:581


宣传的英文:publicize参考例句:Make publicity普遍宣传Propaganda movement of Philippines.菲律宾宣传运动。This slogan should be publicized这个口号应当宣传。Company brochures/promotional materials公司手册/宣传资料It is an offense to litter handbills.请勿乱丢宣传单张,违者必究。It was all a publicity stunt.这完全是个宣传噱头。He is an apostle of temperance他是一个禁烟的宣传者。wartime propaganda that demonizes the enemy.将敌人描述成魔鬼的战时宣传Jews in the Midwest were probably not keen about advertising their affiliation在中西部的犹太人大概并不热心于宣传他们的身分。We must always be wary of those who with sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal preach the ism of appeasement我们必须时时刻刻提防那些敲锣打鼓宣传姑息主义的人。publicize是什么意思:v. 宣传,公布public administrator公定遗产管理人Public law includes laws that affect the public generally.公法一般包括影响公众的法律。The press will give publicity to the fact.出版社将把事实真相公诸于世。To bring to public notice;disclose.使显露引起大众的注意;使显现This information should be in the public domain.
2023-07-27 12:00:081


In Japan, each January 15 of Age Day is a big festival, it is subject to I, family and society, universal attention. That day, at least 2 years old Japan"s young men and women must wear beautiful traditional kimono or a suit, To celebrate that they have been incorporated into the adult ranks. There are families with young adults, a Like to be held in the family celebration, or be held in the restaurant. The town and township Village, government agencies, will also be on this day, the young adults together Celebration. I have participated in Kawagoe, Saitama Prefecture, organized by the City An adult-style, and attended by several hundred young men and women, government officials From the Mayor, City Council president to the Electoral Affairs Commission and the Board of Education Person in charge to take part. Adult ceremony, distributed to all participants in the city A long message, as well as election-related knowledge, brochures, mayors, other political Government officials and representatives of youth spoke, and the atmosphere solemn. From the "not Adults "to join the" adult "ranks, which is naturally on the road of life A major turning point. In Japan, government regulations, at least 20-year-olds on the Start the right to vote. Therefore, the Japanese government bodies to hold an adult Type activities, in addition to congratulate the Japanese government officials encouraged the youth, let him They realize that they have grown up, hoping that they are not flat in the future Move forward on the road of life, it is also often stressed the need to cherish the first Times to obtain the right to vote. I have read, Kawagoe, mayor"s message in the adult-type, It is also noteworthy that their attention to the internationalization of Japanese society, Hope that young people must strive to understand the world, understanding of the world to make itself To become "international" and "earth", this idea can not be said to Far-sighted. Kawagoe city government in recent years has organized many Japanese young people to go to Abroad (including to China) visit, it is their young people to make the city To become "international" and "Earth people" one of the efforts. Coming of Age Day in Japan from the ancient rites of adults, while the Japanese ancient Adult rites been subjected to China"s "crown of Man" the impact of the so-called "crown of Man" That adult men held a ceremonial crown. From the crown on this day , The crown will have to make by society has been recognized as an adult. Japanese imitation of China"s old-li System, before a crown system in the days of Emperor Wu eleven years (AD 683 years). According to ancient Chinese theory of yin and yang, crown on multiple-choice Jiazi, Bingyin auspicious day, special Do not order the first month of down. Now Japan"s Coming of Age Day taking January 15, its Reason also here. Adult etiquette used to be the most important ritual in life, and has Multiple personalities of etiquette, is a widespread cultural phenomenon. Original Adult etiquette, including physical tests, the promise of sexual and physical deformation of Decoration and other content, it is based on changes in the body consciously aware of the individual agency Will be changes in the position to establish the individual"s social responsibility. Compared with the original Adult social etiquette, and now adult etiquette (including Japan"s adult Festival etiquette) is no doubt symbolic, but its cultural connotations remain as neither To the Japanese be able to pass so far and this ritual has been carried forward, I think this reflects the wisdom of their kind. 在日本,每年1月15日的成人节是个大节,它受到本人、家庭以及社会的普遍重视。这天,年满二十岁的日本男女青年,都要穿上漂亮的传统和服或西装,庆祝自己被纳入成年的行列。有成人青年的家庭,一般都要举行家庭庆祝会,或在餐厅举行。各城镇、乡村的政府机构,也会在这天,把成人的青年集中起来,举行庆祝活动。我曾参加过玉县川越市政府举办的一次成人式,出席的男女青年有好几百,政府官员则从市长、市议会会长到选举管理委员会及教育委员会的负责人都参加。成人式上,向所有参加者散发了市长的贺词以及有关选举知识的小册子,市长、其他政府官员以及青年代表分别讲了话,气氛庄重。从“未成年人”到加入“成年”行列,这自然是人生道路上的一大转折。在日本,政府规定,年满20岁的青年就开始享有选举权。因此,在日本政府机构举行的成人式活动中,日本政府官员除了祝贺、勉励青年,让他们意识到自己已经长大成人,希望他们在今后不平坦的生活道路上勇往直前的同时,还往往强调要珍视首次取得的选举权。我读川越市长在成人式上的贺词,觉得值得注意的还有他们对日本社会国际化的重视,希望现在的青年要努力了解世界,认识世界,使自己成为“国际人”、“地球人”,这种想法不能不说是有远见的。川越市政府近年曾多次组织日本青少年赴国外(包括到中国)考察,这是他们为使本市青年人成为“国际人”“地球人”的努力之一。 日本的成人节源于古代的成人仪礼,而日本古代的成人仪礼受到过中国“冠礼”的影响,所谓“冠礼”,指男子成年时举行的一种加冠的礼仪。从加冠这天起,冠者便被社会承认为已经成年。日本仿我国旧礼制,始行加冠制度在天武天皇十一年(公元683年)。按中国古代阴阳学说,冠日多选甲子、丙寅吉日,特别以正月为大吉。现在日本之成人节取1月15日,其原因也就在这里。 成人礼仪从前是人生礼仪中最为重要、并且具有多重性格的礼仪,是一种普遍存在的文化现象。原始的成年礼仪包括体力考验、性的允诺以及身体的变形装饰等内容,它是以肉体的变化使个人自觉意识到社会地位的变化,以确立个人的社会责任感。较之原始社会的成年礼仪,现在的成人礼仪(包括日本的成人节礼仪)无疑是象征性的,但其文化内涵仍然一如既往,日本人能将这种礼仪传承至今且有所发扬光大,我相信这反映了他们的一种智慧。
2023-07-27 12:00:181


wizard的意思是术士、极好的等。1、n.向导(程序)【计】Wizards and templates can help you create brochures, calendars, and Web pages. 向导程序和模板可以帮助创建手册、日历和网页。2、n.奇才;能手;行家He"s a wizard with numbers. 他对数字很在行。He"s a wizard at mending things. 他很擅长修理东西。3、adj.杰出的<非正式,英>He"s a wizard at playing the piano. 他十分擅长弹钢琴。4、n.巫师;神汉A wizard is never late. 巫师永远不会迟到。My Mum is a witch, and I"m a wizard. 我妈妈是女巫,我是男巫。5、adj.巫师的;巫术的That"s a fairy story about a wizard. 那是一个关于巫师的童话故事。
2023-07-27 12:00:251


Please open the book to page XX..
2023-07-27 12:00:524

production design是什么意思

2023-07-27 12:01:196


这叫什么专业,整个查词典 .提供的译文也是乱七八糟
2023-07-27 12:01:492


travel的读音是:英["tr?vl]。travel的读音是:英["tr?vl]。travel的详尽释义是v.(动词)旅行,游历,游遍传播,传导行进,行驶飞驰经过,驶过长途行走运送,转送赶,走得快轻装上路(使)移动,使沿…运动兜售,旅行推销货物,到外地推销快速前进,快速行进走动,走过扫视交往依次看去,依次想去走遍,走过跑步转动通行于。travel【近义词】touring。一、详尽释义点此查看travel的详细内容v.(动词)旅行,游历,游遍传播,传导行进,行驶飞驰经过,驶过长途行走运送,转送赶,走得快轻装上路(使)移动,使沿…运动兜售,旅行推销货物,到外地推销快速前进,快速行进走动,走过扫视交往依次看去,依次想去走遍,走过跑步转动通行于n.(名词)旅行,旅游,海外旅行游历,游记移动进行往来,奔波交通漫游【机】行程,动程,冲程传播外出的事流浪,浪迹江湖二、双解释义n.(名词)[U]行走,行驶,旅行 travelling, especially abroad[P](尤指海外的)游历,游记 book about such journeys and experiencev.(动词)vi. & vt. 旅行 make a journeyvi. & vt. 移动; 行进 move; go三、词典解释in AM, use 美国英语用 traveling, traveled1.(常指长途)旅行,行进If youtravel, you go from one place to another, often to a place that is far away.e.g. You had bettertravel to Helsinki tomorrow...你最好明天赶赴赫尔辛基。e.g. Grannytravelled down by train…奶奶是乘火车过来的。travellingI love travelling...我热爱旅行。Getting to and from school involves two hours" travelling a day.往返学校每天要两个小时的行程。2.(长途)旅行Travel is the activity of travelling.e.g. Information ontravel in New Zealand is available at the hotel…新西兰的旅行信息可以在宾馆获取。e.g. He detested airtravel.他厌恶乘飞机旅行。3.周游;走遍;在…游历If youtravel the world, the country, or the area, you go to many different places in the world or in a particular country or area.e.g. Dr Ryan travelled the world gathering material for his book...瑞安博士周游世界为他的书搜集资料。e.g. He has had totravel the country in search of work.他不得不走遍全国寻找工作。4.(光、声音)传送,传播When light or sound from one place reaches another, you say that ittravels to the other place.e.g. When sound travels through water, strange things can happen...当声音在水中传播时,可能会发生奇怪的现象。e.g. Light travels at around 300,000,000 metres per second.光以每秒约 30 万公里的速度传播。5.(消息)传播,流传When news becomes known by people in different places, you can say that ittravels to them.e.g. News of his work traveled all the way to Asia...有关他研究成果的消息一路传到了亚洲。e.g. Seems like news travels pretty fast around here.这里似乎消息传播得很快。6.漫游;游历Someone"stravels are the journeys that they make to places a long way from their home.e.g. He also collects things for the house on his travels abroad.他在国外旅游时也为家宅搜集物品作为摆设。7. see also: travelling;much-travelled;well-travelled8.轻装旅行If youtravel light, you travel without taking much luggage.9.(食品等货物)宜于长途运输,经得起长途运输If goods such as food productstravel well, they can be transported a long way without being damaged or their quality being spoiled.e.g. Ripe fruit does nottravel well, but unripe fruit can be transported worldwide.熟透的水果不宜长途运输,但未成熟的水果却可以运往全世界。10.(思想、方法或样式)广为流传,盛行各地If you say that an idea, a method, or a styletravels well, you mean that it can be appreciated or used by people in several different countries, and not just in the country where it began.travel的近义词e.g. That brand of humour generally travels well.那种风格的幽默通常在各地都喜闻乐见。The nountravel is used to talk about the general activity of travelling. It is either uncount or plural. You cannot say "a travel", you would use the wordtrip orjourney instead.First-class rail travel to Paris or Brussels is included… I picked them up recently on a trip to Manhattan.名词 travel 用于谈论一般性的旅行活动,既可用作不可数名词,也可用复数形式。不能说 a travel,而应该以 trip 或 journey 代替:First-class rail travel to Paris or Brussels is included (其中包括坐火车头等车厢去巴黎或布鲁塞尔的行程),I picked them up recently on a trip to Manhattan. (这些东西是我最近一次去曼哈顿时买的)。四、例句You are hardly fit to travel alone at present.照目前的情况,你不宜单独旅行。I travel 40 miles to work every day.我每天奔波40英里去上班。When we speak, sound waves begin to travel in all directions.我们说话时,声波就开始向四面八方传播扩散。I don"t know the exact speed of the car, but it was certainly travelling.我不知道那辆汽车的准确速度,但它确实开得非常快。He met many interesting people in his travels.旅行中他遇到了许多有趣的人。Travel on that road is heavy on holidays.假日里,那条路上人来车往极为拥挤。五、常见句型用作名词(n.)She loves travel.她喜爱旅行。He is fond of travel.他喜欢旅行。Travel will free a man from prejudices.旅行可以使人消除偏见。Travel through tropical forest is dangerous and slow.在热带丛林里旅行既危险又费时。Travel in the seventeenth century was often slow and dangerous.旅行在17世纪时既费时又危险。I don"t believe we"ll be able to afford any travel.我不相信我们能担负得起任何旅行的费用。He came home after years of foreign travel.他在国外旅行数年之后回到了家。My aunt is fond of foreign travel.我姑母喜欢到国外旅行。Snow and high winds have disrupted travel in many parts of Britain.暴风雪中断了在英国许多地方的旅行。Talking of travel, have you ever been to Japan?说到旅行,你去过日本吗?Is he back from his travels yet?他旅行回来了没有?The correspondent is back from his travels.这位记者从外地采访回来了。My friend is off on his travels again.我的朋友又出外旅游去了。He described some of the things he"d seen on his travels.他描述了旅行途中见到的一些事物。He enjoyed his travels in Africa.他享受了在非洲漫游的乐趣。Did you go to Rome during your travels?你在旅行期间去罗马了吗?Have you ever read the travels of Marco Polo?你读过马可·波罗的游记吗?He"s going to publish his travels.他将出版自己的游记。Gulliver"s Travels is the title of a book by Jonathan Swift.《格列佛游记》是斯威夫特著的一本书的书名。He wrote a book about his travels.他写了一本游记。There was a heavy travel to Beijing on May first this year.今年5月1日到北京去的游客非常多。用作动词(v.)用作不及物动词S+~(+A)An arrow doesn"t travel in a straight line, but in curve.箭不是呈直线而是呈曲线飞行的。Many man-made satellites are travelling through space.许多人造卫星在太空中运行。All along the river lights mark the channel so that boats can travel at night.沿江都有航标灯标明航道,船只可以夜航。Many birds travel north during June.6月间许多鸟向北方飞去。The surge travelled southwards along the coast.浪涛沿着海岸向南涌去。The wheel travels along this bar.轮子顺着这根滑竿移动。A strong wind was blowing, and the balloon was travelling quite fast.风刮得猛,气球飘得很快。Their apples travel well but our peaches are too tender to travel far.他们的苹果在运输中不易损坏,而我们的桃子太嫩,不易运到远处去。Lighter wines often travel badly.低度的葡萄酒往往经不起长途运输。She travels in Europe every summer.她每年夏季都在欧洲旅行。She alone travelled around the world.她独自作了一次环球旅行。Those who wish to travel, either for pleasure or on business, have at their disposal various means of transport.凡愿意旅游或出差的人可随意搭乘任何一种交通工具。Light travels fast.光速非常快。Sound waves will not travel through a vacuum.声波在真空里不能传播。The pain travelled down his arm.疼痛传遍了他整个手臂。He travels for a large firm.他为一家大公司到各地推销商品。My mind travelled back to a hot sultry day in the little town.我的思绪回到从前在这个小镇上度过的闷热的一天。用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.We travelled a hundred miles today.我们今天走了100英里的路。Don"t worry, the driver has travelled this road many times.别担心,这条路司机已走过多次。He has to travel a long way to school.他得走很远的路去上学。We have travelled a tortuous road.我们走过了曲折的道路。The theatre group travelled Europe from London to Athens.这个剧团从伦敦到雅典,遍历欧洲。He travelled the whole world.他周游了全世界。Everyone should travel at least part of the beautiful valley.每个人都应来这个美丽的山谷看看,哪怕只看一段。六、情景对话教育A:What do you think about mature student?你对成人学生怎么看?B:What do you mean by mature student?你说的成人学生是指什么?A:You know, people who go back to school later on in life?就是那些后来又返回学校的人,明白了么?B:I don"t know. I guess I"ve never really thought about it before. Why? Are you thinking about going back to school?我不知道,我以前从没考虑过,为什么?你想返回学校么?A:Yeah, I am. I never finished my undergraduate degree.是的,我还没有本科毕业学位。travelB:I didn"t know that. What were you studying?我不知道,你当时学什么的?travel的翻译A:Psychology.心理学。B:Why didn"t you finish?你为什么没完成?A:I didn"t think it was necessary to have a degree.我认为文凭没有用。B:Would it help you get a better job now?现在它能帮你找到一份更好的工作么?travel的反义词A:I think so. Besides, I want totravel around. If I don"t have a degree, I won"t be able to get a work visa.我想可以,另外,我想出去旅游,如果我没有学位,我将得不得工作签证。B:Sounds like your mind is made up. Go for it !听起来,你好像已经下定决心了,去做吧!保险A:How may I help you?需要帮忙么?B:Well, I"m going totravel next month and would like to buy sometravel insurance. Can I do that here?是的,我想下个月旅行,打算买一些旅行保险,我能在这办理么?travel在线翻译A:Yes, you can. Where are you going?可以的,你想去哪里?B:I"m going to Thailand.泰国。A:Will you participating in any extreme sports like bungee jumping or cliff diving?你将参加一些极限运动如蹦极或悬崖跳水么?travelB:I hope to. Why?我希望参加,怎么了?travel的反义词A:Not all of your policies cover accidents caused by these types of activities.不是所有的保单都包括此类运动造成的意外事故。travel是什么意思B:Oh, well, I would like something to cover that.哦, 那我想要一份涵盖此类事故的保单。travel在线翻译A:We have different packages depending on the amount of coverage you"d like. Have you looked over our brochure?我们有不同种类的保险,这取决于你投保的项目。你看过我们的资料册了吗?B:Not yet.还没。A:Why don"t you take a look? Make sure you read about all the conditions carefully.为什么不看看,你必须仔细阅读所有条款。B:Ok.好的。A:You"ll also need to decide how long you"d like thetravel insurance for. We have daily, monthly, and yearly policies.你还需要决定你的旅游保险保多久。我们有按日,按月,按年的保险。B:I"ll just need it for one month.我只需要一个月。A:When you"ve finished reading the brochures, you can fill out this form. If you have any questions at that time, come back and I"ll answer them for you.你看完册子以后,就可以填写这张表,如果那时你有什么问题,你可以过来问我。B:Thanks for your help.谢谢你的帮助。七、词义辨析n.(名词)travel, journey, tour, trip, voyage这组词的共同意思是“旅行”“ 游历”“观光”“游程”。其区别是:journey多指有目的地的陆上长途旅行,有时也指水上或空中旅行,其距离远近、时间长短、旅行的目的和方式均不限,并不表示是否要返回出发地,是正式用语。voyage主要指水上或空中旅行,也是正式用语。例如:They made a voyage across the Pacific by air.他们乘飞机越过太平洋。With a fair sea voyage and a fair land journey, you will be soon at his side.经过一段舒服的海上航行和陆上旅行,你很快就会到他身边。trip是非正式用语,可以代替journey和voyage,但trip常指时间较短、距离较近的旅行,旅行方式不变,并且意味着旅行结束后还要回到原来的地方。例如:He went on a trip to the nearest seaside resort during his holidays.他曾到最近的海滨胜地度假。tour指根据一定的路线,事先预定了一些逗留地点,旅行结束后仍回原地的旅游,其主要目的多为观光、视察或进行其他活动,
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  旅游业一直以来都是一个跟英语有着密切联络的产业,在各国交往不断密切的情况下,旅游英语引起了更多的关注。我精心收集了有关旅游英语的对话,供大家欣赏学习!   有关旅游英语的对话篇1   Kate: I hate waiting for connecting flights in the airport.   我最讨厌在机场等著转机了。   Zhang Hong: Really? I think it"s interesting.   真的吗?我倒觉得挺好的。   Kate: What? Don"t you think it"s a waste of time?   怎么,你不觉得这很浪费时间吗?   Zhang Hong: No. I use the free time to shop in the duty-free shops.   没有啊,我正好利用这个时间去免税店购物。   有关旅游英语的对话篇2   菲利普: Summer holidays will begin next month. What are you going to do?   下个月就要放暑假了.你打算干什么?   乔恩: Dad will take me to our hometown. We`ll visit our grandparents there.   爸爸带我回老家去看望祖父母.   菲利普: Oh, they`ll be very happy to see you again!   他们再次见到你一定很高兴!   乔恩: Sure. Where do you plan to go during the holiday, Philip?   那当然.菲利普.假期你打算去哪里?   菲利普: Maybe my parents will take Dick and me to a few cities in the East.   我父母带迪克和我去东部的几个城市玩.   乔恩: That`ll be very interesting. What cities are you going to visit?   那真有趣.你要去哪些城市呢?   菲利普: Maybe Shanghai, Nanjing, Wuxi and Hangzhou.   可能有上海.南京.无锡和杭州.   乔恩: Oh, they`re all places of great interest in China. I think you`ll have a good time.   噢.那可都是中国的名胜古迹.祝你玩得开心.   菲利普: I`m sure we will.   一定.   有关旅游英语的对话篇3   游客: When shall we take off?   我们什么时候起飞?   工作人员: We are waiting for an improvement in the weather conditions.   我们在等天气好转.   游客: You mean we have to wait until the fog lifts?   你是说我们得等雾散了才能起飞?   工作人员: Yes.   是的.   游客: There goes my appointment at 9 a.m..   我早上9点的约会只有取消了.   有关旅游英语的对话篇4   工作人员: Good morning. Can I help you?   早上好.需要什么帮助吗?   顾客: Morning. I"d like to create a travel itinerary.   早上好.我想做个旅行计划.   工作人员: Where do you want to go?   请问您想去哪儿?   顾客: I have no idea. But I hope to visit the seaside.   没想好.但我希望是个海滨城市.   工作人员: Sure, how about Qingdao? Right now is the best time of the year to visit Qingdao.   好的.青岛怎么样?现在是去青岛最好的季节了.   顾客: I"ve been there before. I think a southern city is better.   我去过那了.我想这次最好是去个南方城市.   工作人员: How about Sanya? Blue sea, soft sand and gentle breezes. It"s really relaxing.   三亚呢?蓝色的大海.软软的沙滩.柔和的微风.真的很不错.   顾客: Sounds great. Do you have any brochures?   听起来不错.有介绍资料吗?   有关旅游英语的对话篇5   服务员: Wele to Olympic Hotel.   欢迎来到奥林匹克饭店。   客人: May I have a room?   我可以现在要个房间吗?   服务员: Have you made a reservation?   您预订了吗?   客人: I"m afraid not.   没有。   服务员: What kind of room do you prefer?   您想要什么样的房间?   客人: A twin with bath.   带浴室,有两张单人床的房间。   服务员: OK, may I have you ID card?   好的。我可以看一下您的身份证吗?   客人: Here you are.   给你。   服务员: All right.   好的。   
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The work experience1 colloidal food safety drug residue ( antibiotic ) preparation of colloidal gold strip, change the line of production and manufacturing experience, product research and development in the city of sales.2 time resolved products ( double ), validation, clinical testing and production related experience.3 monoclonal antibody, drug residue detection related experience. Synthesis of antigen, purified. Cell culture and animal experiments related experience.4 antibody purification, mark ( cytokine FITC, rare earth ions Eu, Sm ( time resolution) ) experience.5 project management experience. Production validation plan and report, and the production process of standard operating procedures ( SOP ) file, product brochures, product packaging, promotional materials to compose and design experience.-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -The occupation target1 food and environmental safety, virus detection of microorganisms and biological medicine in vitro diagnostic reagents development and management.2 R & D projects, change the line of production and management improvement. Fine production. Stability of product quality and continuous improvement.-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -The occupation skillThe 1 product development( 1) food safety drug residue ( antibiotic ) preparation of colloidal gold strip.Work content:Working process was completed, chloramphenicol, enrofloxacin clenbuterol, fluoroquinolones and other colloidal gold test strip products R & D, some products already on the market.Work has accumulated a wealth of experience in research and development, especially in products that improve the sensitivity, stability and simple sample pre-treatment steps, reduce the sample matrix effects and has unique advantages. Research and development of products from the sample treatment to the interpretation of the results is only 10 ~ 20min; R & D products sensitivity in similar products on the market in the forefront ( 0.5 ~ 2ng ).Job responsibilities:1) colloidal gold new product development2) production line and the construction of new project to change the line of production3) procedure and related document writing4) the problems in the production process analysis( 2) time-resolved Kit ( double ) product developmentWork content:A double switching project.Double markers including preparation, coated board preparation, enhanced liquid preparation and other related materials preparation. Familiar with the production process.The project had changed the line of production proved to be successful, entering the clinical validation phase.Job responsibilities:1) responsible for the project by the R & D department to change the line of production to production. Responsible for production validation plan, coordinate transformation and is responsible for converting the personnel involved in the validation report and the process output.2) responsible for the project of technology improvement and product quality is stable and continuous improvement.3) the problem of the production process analysis.4) raw materials and alternative materials selection.In 2 experimental operation skills( 1) Master of monoclonal and polyclonal antibody preparation process. And in schools and companies are involved in synthesis of antigen, immune, fusion and antibody screening process.( 2) proficiency in cell culture, SDS electrophoresis, column chromatography, TLC and other experimental skills.( 3) antibody purification and marking skills. Master, first mentioned serum ascites fine purification steps. Master of cytokine FITC labeling and purification, time-resolved detection technology, Eu and Sm markers and purification technology of.( 4) master the time-resolved kit each major component preparation points, and component inspection train of thought ( foreign company self-test scheme and technical ).( 5) master the animal test operation skills, such as the mice reared, immune, orbital venous blood sampling, rabbit jugular vein and the blood from heart operation.Companies involved in the animal room planning and design, and formulate management rules and operating procedures, and responsible for the training of animal house keeper. Holding the test animal certificate.( 6) in the BioDot technology platform for training, skilled operation BioDot three-dimensional spray apparatus. Responsible for new research and development and production operations staff to carry out experimental instruction and training in the use of equipment.( 7) skilled use of Wallac Finland automatic time-resolved tester Auto 1235 and the new wave of the Shanghai biological technology limited company Anytest 2000 and other ancillary time-resolved detection instrument.The 3 production experienceCompose the product development production technology standard operating procedures ( SOP ) file, product brochures. In the design of product packaging, promotional materials.To assist in the establishment of colloidal gold test paper product line, responsible for the realization of products from research and development to production transformation, reduce product in batch and interassay differences.Good communication skills, independent and responsible for the project, coordinate the personnel involved in the production. And be familiar with ERP process. Project improvement and product stability and continuous improvement experience
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一般作为巫师,只有在计算机专业语言可能会用作向导的意思。向导程序 例句:Wizards and templates can help you create brochures, calendars, and Web pages.向导程序和模板可以帮助你创建手册、日历和网页。
2023-07-27 12:03:191


  英文求职 简历 是求职者就业的名片,那你知道 英文简历 该怎么写吗?下面是我为大家带来的英文简历模板,相信对你会有帮助的。   英文简历模板(一)   Marc Smith   15th Lane Avenue, Near New church, Houston   Home: 00658-21589-98754   Cell: 00125-4587-9685   Email: smith.xuexila   Career Profile:   A highly skilled, talented and professional training consultant with diverse experience in conducting technical training for customers, field personnel and internal staff. Looking for a position of technical consultant in a well established organization.   Professional strengths:   Possess excellent verbal and written communication skills   In-depth knowledge of training evaluation methodologies   Possess effective presentation and organizational skills   Familiar with alternative training methods like e-learning   Possess good project management skills   Ability to built rapports and interact easily with clients and co-workers   In-depth knowledge of internal structure of the organizations and operational activities   Possess sound knowledge of LCDS, POD, AFP and PDC   Technical proficiencies:   Proficient in Microsoft Office suite, Dreamweaver, RoboDemo, RoboHelp, Tool book and Flash   Familiar with HTML, peoplesoft, Doc-to-help, Access, Microsoft Word and PowerPoint   Professional Experience:   ABBC Inc, Houston   20XX till date   Training Consultant   Responsible for preparing lesson plans on methods and documentation to be presented   Handled the tasks of designing and developing technical training curriculum for the entire customer base   Supervised administrative function in absence of higher management   Conducted trainings on technical skills for field personnel, internal staff and customers   Utilized assessment tools to determine the effectiveness of training programs   Instructed learners in remote locations and classroom environments   Handled the tasks of gathering technical documentation and develop courseware for instructors and learners   Conducted follow up evaluations to determine the applicability of course materials   Floret Co Inc, Houston   20XX to 20XX   Training Consultant   Responsible for guiding and monitoring training programs to enhance the quality of training sessions   Handled the tasks of managing roll out, administration, production, evaluation and continuous improvement of learning products   Conducted training on visual investigative analysis software via WebEx to intelligent analyst in classroom environment   Enhanced the training material by adding realistic data and case studies   Consulted managers, trainers and employers in generating effective learning and development strategies   Assisted higher officials in project management by offering feedback and training to the project team members   Redington Enterprises Inc, Houston   19XX to 20XX   Assistant Training consultant   Responsible for planning, organizing and implementing new training programs   Handled the tasks of gathering innovative information and training resources by using internet and various sources   Monitored and supervised activities of different departments   Participated in the delivery of functional/business specifications for learning about different products   Educational Summary:   Bachelor"s degree in instructional design , Design College, Houston19XX   Master in instructional system development, Houston University, Houston, 19XX   Personal Details:   Name: Marc Smith   Date of Birth: XX/XX/19XX   Employment Status: Full time   Relationship status: Single   Reference:   Available upon request   英文简历模板(二)   Career Profile:   Highly accomplished, talented and professional Marketing Communication Specialist with extensive knowledge of sales in communication media and advertising materials. Seeking for a position as Marketing Communication Specialist to enhance my professional experience and work for the growth of the organization.   Professional strengths:   Possess highly organized and creative skills   Familiar with media advertising and communications   Possess advanced written and communication skills   In-depth knowledge of communication products and services   Extensive knowledge of computer programs like IIIustrator, Photoshop and Desktop Publishing Software   Possess excellent problem solving and research skills   Ability to handle multiple assignments simultaneously   Possess excellent analytical and presentation skills   In-depth knowledge of writing and editing industrial products   Goal oriented and ability to work under pressure   Professional Experience:   Media Integrates Enterprises Co. Inc., Georgina   20XX till date   Marketing Communication Specialist   Assigned the tasks of reviewing sales reports to determine the success and failure of advertising campaigns   Responsible for translating the trends of the organization to create effective marketing materials   Handled the tasks of organizing marketing campaigns with colleagues to achieve customer satisfaction   Responsible for creating brochures, press releases and advertisements   Assigned the responsibilities of updating reports to the marketing manager or advertising department   Oversaw traffic management like creative print, advertising, web and press opportunities   Handled the tasks of assisting Communication Director in planning and executing communications strategies   Worked cooperatively with Sales and Marketing management for projects and promotions   Assisted seniors with a variety of Corporate Communications projects like creating PowerPoint presentations, light copywriting and product promotions   ABC Associates Co. Inc., Georgina   20XX to 20XX   Marketing Communication Specialist   Handled the tasks of writing and designing printed reports, newsletters and advertisements to promote various products   Assigned the tasks of conceptualizing, organizing, writing, editing and illustrating products   Worked collaboratively with Marketing Department to develop sales prospect of the organization   Assisted Directors in direct mail campaigns and targeted mailings   Responsible for coordinating and distributing materials from vendors   Handled the tasks of gathering information and conducting market research of financial industries   Monitored and supervised roll-out of campaigns and evaluated the success level   Assigned the tasks of direct mailing programs   Educational Summary and Certifications:   Bachelor"s degree in Marketing, College of Marketing and Advertisement, Georgina 19XX   Master"s degree in Business Administration, Department of MBA, Georgina University, 19XX   Certification Course in Communication, Georgina 19XX   Personal Details:   Name: George Mathew   Date of Birth: XX/XX/19XX   Employment Status: Full time   Relationship status: Married   References:   Will be available upon request
2023-07-27 12:03:281


The JingQi:On May 9, thank you for your enquiry of boxing gloves.In reply, we according to every 20 feet container FCL outfit to your offer to you accept no later than May 20 to my place for effective.Commodity item description: boxing glovesCommodity item no: ST005Specification: according to the attached to this letter after the directoryPacking: packed in cartons, the magazine 1 play, each box 8 box.Price terms: guangzhou on fob basisPrice: $8.5 eachQuantity: quantity minimum purchase 2400 dozenDelivery terms: every 20 feet container with 140 cases, July 31 of delivery.Payment: 30 days before shipment open a confirmed, irrevocable l/c at sight.The above price is self-evident net without commission. But ordering goods, the quantity is over 3000 dozen we can give a 5% discount.Because of their durability and and competitive prices, our products in the world has the unique reputation. We suggest that you place orders immediately, so that we ensure supply, you will not lost the chance.We have sent you separately samples of various colours and sizes and you ask for brochures. We hope your trial order with us.Looking forward to your speed after.And on
2023-07-27 12:03:582


The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland or simply, the United Kingdom. Separated from the European continent by the North Sea and English Channel, the United Kingdom (informally referred to as Britain) includes England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. England and Wales were united in 1536. The addition of Scotland in 1707 created Great Britain, renamed the United Kingdom in 1801 when Ireland was added. The Republic of Ireland fought itself free of British rule in 1922, leaving volatile Northern Ireland as a province of the United Kingdom. About 55 percent of Northern Ireland"s 1.6 million people trace their ancestry to Scotland or England, are Protestants, and favor continued union with Britain; however, many of the Roman Catholic population (44 percent) want to join the Republic of Ireland.
2023-07-27 12:04:094

给单词英语造句?如题 谢谢了

1.tall:Growing along the river are tall palm trees. 2.contrl:I want to buy car control ,please and contact us. company now uses a computer to do all its account. 4.know:I know Paris better than Rome. 5.important:The criminal police power is important constituent of the state power. 6.master:The dog came bounding up to its master . 7.advise:I would advise you not to go about criticizing your superiors. 8.make:I couldn"t make my car start this morning. 9.serve:He served some sweets to the children. 10.fative:We have fative Chinese and English speaking graphic designers who can redesign your website and company brochures in a way that looks modern and professional.
2023-07-27 12:04:272

急求 法国卢浮宫的英文介绍

castle was built here around 1190 as a stronghold on the river bank, and in 1370 this castle was converted into a Palace on the orders of King Charles V. This was demolished in 1527 and a Renaissance design was planned for Francis I, completed during the reign of Henry II. Further developments continued until in 1667, the 183 meter long eastern facade was built. This was the first major work of the Baroque-Classical movement. In 1678 the royal residence moved to Versaille and the Palais du Louvre became an art gallery. The Lourve became the "Museum Napoleon" in 1803 and further work was completed along Rue Rivoli. During the reign of Napoleon III, the Tuileries and the Louvre palaces were linked and further courtyards completed.In the 1980s, Chinese-American architect I.M Pei designed the celebrated pryamid in the main courtyard. This leads into a new central circulation space for the main wings of the galleries and as a visual centre point for the vast sprawling exterior.Apart from the galleries, there are many grand reception rooms in the Palace. Napoleon III also had his state apartments here, which are open to the general public.
2023-07-27 12:04:402

Visiting A Factory 参观工厂 Brief Introduction 了解对方客户的商品生产主体——工厂——是对外贸易中必不可少的一环。工厂的设备、规模和工人的素质以及决策者的管理能力都决定着以后产品的质量和信誉。作为索取资料、电话传真问询、浏览网页的必要补充步骤,参观工厂可以让客户最直接、最客观地了解生产方公司,对日后的贸易成功意义重大。 -- 请戴上安全帽。 -- 我们还得穿上罩衣吗? -- 最好穿上,以免弄脏你的衣服。请留神脚下。 -- 谢谢。生产线都是全自动的吗? -- 哦,不是全部自动的。 -- 哦,那你们如何控制质量呢? -- 所有产品在整个生产过程中都必须通过五道质量检查关。 -- 月产量多少? -- 目前每月一千套,但从十月份开始每月将为一千二百套。 -- 每月不合格率通常是多少? -- 正常情况下为2%左右。 -- 那太了不起了。成品从那边出来吗? -- 是的,现在我们稍微休息一下吧。 Dialogue 5 A: It was very kind of you to give me a tour of the place. It gave me a good idea of your product range. B: It"s a pleasure to show our factory to our customers. What"s your general impression may I ask? A: Very impressive indeed especially the speed of your NW Model. B: That"s our latest development. A product with high performance. We put it on the market just o months ago. A: The machine gives you an edge over your petitors I guess. B: Certainly. No one can match us as far as speed is concerned. A: Could you give me some brochures for that machine? And the price if possible. B: Right. Here is our sales catalog and literature. A: Thank you. I think we may be able to work together in the future. -- 谢谢你们陪同我看了整个工厂。这次参观使我对你们的产品范围有了一个很好的了解。 -- 带我们的客户来参观工厂是我们的荣幸。不知道你总体印象如何? -- 很好,尤其是你们的NW型机器的速度。 -- 那是我们新开发的产品,性能很好。两个月前刚投放市场。 -- 和你们的竞争对手相比,我想这机器可以让你们多占一个优势。 -- 当然。就速度而言,目前没有厂家能和我们相比。 -- 能给我一些那种机器配套的小册子吗?如有可能,还有价格。 -- 好的。这是我们的销售目录和说明书。 -- 谢谢。我想也许将来我们可以合作。 Words and Expressions administrative [ Ed5ministrEtiv ] 行政的,管理的 gross [ ^rEus ] 总的,毛的 warehouse [ 5wZEhaus ] 仓库 square meter 平方米 anniversary [ 7Ani5vE:sEri ] 周年纪念 shift [ Fift ] 轮班 raw material 原料 accessory [ Ak5sesEri ] 零件,配件 assembly line 装配线 helmet [ 5helmit ] 安全帽 monthly [ 5mQnWli ] 每月的 output [ 5autput ] 产量,出产 reject [ ri5dVekt ] 等外品,废品 impressive / impression 给人印象深刻的/印象 performance [ pE5fC:mEns ] (机器等)工作性能 edge [ edV ] 优势,优越之处 automated [5C:tEumeitid ] 机械化的,自动的 concerned [ kEn5sE:nd ] 有关的 literature [ 5litEritFE ] 商品说明书之类的印刷宣传品 merge [ mE:dV ] (企业、团体等)合并 inspection [ in5spekFEn ] 检验 ment [ 5kCment ] 意见,评论 facility [ fE5siliti ] 设备 section [ 5sekFEn ] 部门,处,科,组 annual [ 5AnjuEl ] 每年的,年度的 capacity [ kE5pAsiti ] 生产量,生产力 A Specimen Letter Dear Mr. / Ms. Mr. William Taylor President of our Corporation and Mr. James Rogers Marketing Manager would like to visit Beijing to continue our discussions on a joint venture. They plan to leave in the second half of April and stay in China about a week. Please let us know if the planned visit is convenient for you and what itinerary you would suggest. If the time of their visit is agreeable will you kindly request your Embassy here to issue the necessary visas? Yours faithfully 我们公司的总裁威廉·泰勒先生和营销经理詹姆士·罗杰斯先生,想来北京继续商讨合资企业之事。他们计划四月下旬出发并在中国停留一个星期左右。请告知我们,该访问计划对你们是否方便以及你们要建议的行程计划。 如果对他们的访问时间无异议的话,可否要求你方使馆签发所需签证? Substitution Drills 1 A: Let us know when you"re free. We"ll arrange the tour for you. Would you please tell me your schedule so that we could arrange the visit for you? Please tell us the time that suits you for us to set up the visit. B: Thank you. I"ll give you a call this afternoon to set the time. Let me see. I"m quite free Friday afternoon. Does that suit you? Tuesday next week would be best for me if that"s possible. 告诉我们您什么时候有空,我们好安排参观。 请告诉我您的行程,以便我们为您安排参观。 请告诉我们什么时候适合您来参观。 谢谢,我今天下午会给您打电话来定时间的。 让我想想,周五下午我有空。那个时间方便吗? 如果可能的话,下周二对我最合适。 2 A:I"ll show you around and explain the operations as we go along. guide you through the factory and ask our people to give you a demonstration of our latest models. take you around the factory and show you our machines in operation. B: That"ll be most helpful. That"ll be very interesting. We"d like that very much. 我会带您 到处看看,给您解释我们的操作。 参观工厂,叫我们的人给您演示我们的最新型号。 去工厂参观,带您去看我们运行中的机器。 那太有帮助了。 那会很有意思。 我们非常乐意。 3 A: How large is the plant? is the machine shop an area does this warehouse cover B: It covers an area of 75 000 square meters. Its total area is 4 000 It covers a total area of 5 000 工厂有多大? 车间 仓库占地面积 它的占地面积有七万五千平方米。 它的总面积是四千平方米。 它的总面积是五千平方米。 4 A: When was the plant set up? When did you start the factory? How long has your factory been established? B: In the early 70s. Some enty years ago by merging o *** all-sized ones. We"ve been operating for about ten years. 工厂 是什么时候建立的? 是什么时候开办的? 建立多长时间了? 在70年代早期。 大约20年前由两个小规模的工厂合并而成的。 我们已经运作大约10年了。 5 A: Do we need to put on the jackets? Do we have to wear the helmets? Must we wear the masks? B: You"d better protect your clothes. You should heads. I"m afraid you must lungs. 我们 需要穿上上衣吗? 一定要戴上头盔吗? 一定要戴上面具吗? 你 最好穿上,保护你的 衣服。 最好戴上,头部。 恐怕必须戴上,肺部。 6 A: Is the production line fully automated? puter-controlled? mechanized? B: Well not fully automated. Well not fully puter-controlled. Yes fully mechanized. 生产线是全自动吗? 全电脑控制吗? 全部机械化吗? 哦,不是全自动的。 哦,不是全电脑控制的。 是的,全部机械化。 7 A: How do you control the quality? How do your quality control systems operate? What kind of quality control do you have? B: All products have to go through five checks in the whole manufacturing process. There"re a total of five checks in the whole manufacturing process. All products have to pass strict inspection before they go out. 你们 怎么控制质量? 的质量控制系统是怎么运行的? 有什么样的质量控制? 所有的产品在整个生产过程中都必须经过五道检查。 在整个生产过程 *** 有五道检查关。 所有的产品在出厂前必须经过严格的检查。 8 A: It gave me a good idea of your product range. understanding of your products. picture of your product areas. B: It"s a pleasure to show our factory to our friends. I am glad it was useful. I"m pleased you found it helpful. 这让我对你们的产品范围有了一个很好的了解。 带朋友参观我们的工厂是一种荣幸。 很高兴能起到一定的作用。 我非常高兴能对你有帮助。 9 A: What"s your general impression may I ask? What do you think of our plant? We"d like to have your suggestion and ments. B: Very impressive especially the speed of your NW Model. I was very impressed. You have fine facilities and efficient people. I"m impressed by your approach to business. 可以问一下您的总体印象吗? 您认为我们工厂如何? 我们希望听取您的建议和评论。 很好 印象很深刻,特别是NW型的速度。 我真是大开眼界了,你们拥有很好的设备和高效率的员工。 我对你们的商业运作方法印象很深刻。 10 If it is not too much trouble we would like to talk to your plant manager. your general manager your delivery department director 如果不是特别麻烦的话,我们想同你们的工厂经理 谈一下。 你们的总经理 你们的运输部主管 11 We look forward to our tour of your factory. visiting your pany contacting you next month 我们盼着参观你们工厂。 参观你们公司 下个月与您联系 12 We learned a lot about your facilities. the process of wine making the technology of wine making the skills of driving 我们了解了许多关于 你们设备的情况。 酿酒的过程。 酿酒的技术。 驱动的技巧。
2023-07-27 12:04:481

depend on的用法总结

depend on的用法总结: depend的基本意思是“吊”“悬”“挂”,作“依赖于”“依靠”解时主要指某种要出现的情况、未知的事实及待作出的决定等有关的事物的不确定性。引申可指信心十足或对某人充分相信。depend多与on或者upon连用,且只能接疑问词从句,其他情况都用作普通不及物动词。 扩展资料   1.depend on+某人或某物   Whether we"ll go camping depends on the weather. 我们是否去野营要看天气。   I haven"t got a car, so I have to depend on the buses. 我没有汽车,所以我得乘公共汽车。   有时可在某人或某物后用介词 for。如:   We depend on the radio for news. 我们靠收音机听新闻。   Children depend on their parents for food and clothing. 儿童的衣食靠父母。   2. depend on+某人或某物+不定式或动名词   I"m depending on you to do the work. 我指望你做这工作。   You can never depend on him [his] arriving on time. 你决不能指望他能准时到达。   You can"t depend on the train arriving on time. 千万不要认为火车能正点到达。   3. depend on+从句   Our success depends on whether everyone works hard ornot. 我们的成功取决于每个人是否努力。   The amount you pay depends on where you live. 你付多少钱要看你住什么地方。   在 It (all) depends on+从句中,介词 on, upon 有时可省略(主要见于口语中)。如:   It all depends how you do it. 那要看你怎么办。   It depends (on) whether you can afford it. 这要看你是否买得起。   注:depend on 后不接 that-从句(此时须用 it)。如:   You may depend on it that he will join our club. /You may depend on him to join our club. 你可以指望他加入我们的俱乐部。
2023-07-27 12:04:591


澳门历史澳门是位于中国南部的特别行政区,有着悠久的历史和独特的文化。以下是澳门历史的一些重要事实:1. 澳门的历史可以追溯到公元前4000年,当时这里已经有人类的存在。随着时间的流逝,不同的帝国和王朝相继进入并控制澳门。2. 在明朝时期,澳门被称为“澳门”,意为“安宁港口”,主要是中国与外国之间贸易的重要港口。3. 在16世纪末,葡萄牙人开始在澳门建立殖民地。葡萄牙人在澳门统治达近450年之久,直到1999年澳门回归中国。4. 在葡萄牙人统治期间,澳门发展成为繁荣的商业中心,吸引了来自不同国家的人们前来定居和营商。多元文化交融,使澳门成为著名的文化城市。5. 20世纪末,澳门成为了独立的特别行政区。这个地区现在享有高度的自治权,但仍然是中国的一部分。6. 澳门是中国唯一的赌城,以其博彩业而闻名。该行业是澳门经济的主要支柱,并为澳门制造了巨大的财富。7. 澳门的文化特色以崇尚和谐、多元文化体现、开放包容、创新, 以及既尊重传统,又勇于革新的发展精神。澳门的旅游业、博彩业、娱乐业和文化产业等,得到了国际上的广泛关注和高度评价。总的来说,澳门的历史是多元文化交融的过程,这种文化交流既来源于港口贸易的需求,也受到殖民地时期的影响。澳门在历史上的经历,为它留下了丰富的文化遗产,使这个城市变成了充满历史和文化气息的独特城市。
2023-07-27 12:05:002

Jon J. Miller的《All Of You》 歌词

歌曲名:All Of You歌手:Jon J. Miller专辑:Jon J MillerBecause Of YouI will not makeThe same mistakes that you didI will not let myselfCause my heart so much miseryI will not breakThe way you did, you fell so hardI"ve learned the hard wayTo never let it get that farBecause of youI never stray too far from the sidewalkBecause of youI learned to play on the safe side so I don"t get hurtBecause of youI find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around meBecause of you I am afraidI lose my wayAnd it"s not too long before you point it outI can not cryBecause I know that"s weakness in your eyesI"m forced to fakeA smile, a laugh, every day of my lifeMy heart can"t possibly breakWhen it wasn"t even whole to start withBecause of youI never stray too far from the sidewalkBecause of youI learned to play on the safe side so I don"t get hurtBecause of youI find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around meBecause of you I am afraidI watched you dieI heard you cry every night in your sleepI was so youngYou should have known better than to lean on meYou never thought of anyone elseYou just saw your painAnd now I cry in the middle of the nightFor the same damn thingBecause of youI never stray too far from the sidewalkBecause of youI learned to play on the safe side so I don"t get hurtBecause of youI try my hardest just to forget everythingBecause of youI don"t know how to let anyone else inBecause of youI"m ashamed of my life because it"s emptyBecause of youI am afraid
2023-07-27 12:05:051


2023-07-27 12:05:102

depend的 形容词的反义词 如题在线等

2023-07-27 12:05:121


郑少秋 饰 黄天:中天集团主席,商界巨子,身家过亿。做事坚毅不屈、魄力惊人,为人重情重义,惟家事不济,与妻早年离异,育有二女。后退隐江湖,娶妻张学华,淡泊生活。 郑伊健 饰 包文龙:包家长子,父包赞,母李玉芬,妻林贞烈。自小志愿做警察,为人善良稳重,聪明温和,与黄天相识互感投机,亦师亦友,结为莫逆之交。视潘朗清为至交,但与清道不同,最后更因清误杀而失去至爱林贞烈。 郭晋安 饰 潘朗清:潘仲独子,娶妻黄天幼女黄茵。自小长在包家,其父与包赞、黄天份属多年好友。为人急功近利,做事不择手段,后被利用来对付黄天,以致跌入万劫不复的深渊,最后更误杀包文龙至爱林贞烈。 郭蔼明 饰 黄蕾:黄天长女,自幼父母离异,随母旅居国外,对黄天颇为敌恨。聪明优秀,硕士毕业,但外表坚强,内心脆弱,对包文龙有一段无望的痴恋,始终未果。 陈松龄 饰 林贞烈:包文龙最深爱的女子,也是包文龙唯一爱过的女子。自幼因家庭不幸有童年阴影,与爱犬贞贞相依为命。性格孤僻、沈默寡言,自闭而自卑,常以谎言使自己免受伤害,但其实内心善良,冰雪聪明。和包文龙相爱后渐渐开朗,乐于助人,可惜最后因潘朗清纵火误杀,在与包文龙的婚礼上去世。 朱江 饰 潘仲:潘朗清之父,与黄天莫逆之交。早年丧妻,育有独子潘朗清;廿年前因仗义救好友包赞对付黑社会,因而无辜被屈入狱。为人豁达宽宏、乐天知命,不爱争名夺利。 商天娥 饰 张学华:黄天之妻,律师。自小在孤儿院长大,乏人爱护,又屡遭欺侮,故此培养出适者生存,人不为己,天诛地灭的性格,做事只求利益,便不择手段,从不理会旁人的看法。后被黄天感化,嫁于黄天为妻,性情渐渐热情平和,身患癌症仍不屈不挠,后不幸因病逝世。 许绍雄 饰 包赞:包文龙之父,妻李玉芬,育有二子一女。为人吝啬爱贪小便宜,多年苦心经营始有小成衣厂,小康生活,一家人其乐融融。 罗冠兰 饰 李玉芬:包赞之妻,包文龙之母。多年来协助丈夫经营成衣厂,任劳任怨,为人温和识大体,对子女无微不至爱护有加,受子女尊敬爱戴。 古巨基 饰 包文虎:包家次子,包文龙之弟。为人古灵精怪,活泼好动,但关键时刻亦显孝顺懂事。自小志愿做记者,凭着坚定信念得偿所愿,后与大陆妹小莲有情人终成眷属。 颜菁苇 饰 包文凤:包家幼女,包文龙、包文虎之妹,在校高中生。受家人宠爱,自小聪明任性,与包文虎最为投契是包家的一对活宝。 简佩筠 饰 黄茵:黄天幼女,黄蕾之妹,母邵家慧。自小因父母离异与黄天相依为命,出国留学而后归来。为人单纯没有心机,略有刁蛮任性的小姐脾气,却也敢爱敢恨。对潘朗清一往情深,后因清与父黄天对立而左右为难,怀有潘朗清骨肉最终嫁潘朗清为妻。 马菁宜 饰 邵家慧:黄天前妻,黄蕾、黄茵之母。早年受马成利用 与其通奸被黄天撞破而与黄天离婚,带长女黄蕾旅居海外。貌似女强人,但其实寂寞空虚,悔恨交加,多年来内心对黄天终未忘情,无奈襄王无梦,后因揭穿潘朗清罪证而被清所杀,死于车祸。 李成昌 饰 雷伯滔:原为黄天得力助手,后背叛黄天与其对立。为人贪慕权势,阴险毒辣,多次制造股市诈骗,使无数股民血本无归家破人亡,也害得包文龙督察一职被撤而被迫辞职。最后罪有应得,入狱二十年。 江毅 饰 丁进:原为黄天故交,育有独子丁民辉。在国内有着雄厚的资本与政治势力,因早年破产与黄天结下旧恨。野心勃勃,老谋深算,一心要吞并中天,坏事做尽,可惜人算不如天算,落得个晚年丧子、终生瘫痪的下场。 刘江 饰 马成:与黄天乃同辈世交,为人市侩、肤浅又自以为是,而且急功近利,结交黑道之士作偏门生意。早年勾引黄天之妻家慧害黄天离婚,多年后又回来屡屡骚扰黄天一家,最后逃逸海外死于黑帮火并。 李龙基 饰 巫纪正:黄天的旧冤家,自私贪婪,极度好色,因强奸少女屡次被控,后被丁进收买用来对付黄天,其人成事不足败事有余。戴志卫 饰 蔡照荣:原为中天集团一保险经纪人,入行数年,成绩彪炳,为人干劲冲天,聪明圆滑,与朗清臭味相投。旅居澳洲其妻与人私奔,归来后一无所有,经清举荐被丁进收买,不惜以坐牢的代价陷害包文龙同入狱。 王启得 饰 丁民辉:丁进独子,自幼受其父宠爱疏于管教,常好外国滥交,为人单纯没有心计,视朗清为哥们,后助清逃脱却受清连累而被其父误杀。 张延 饰 张小莲:生长于内地,家境清贫,后为寻男友而转道来香港谋生。本性淳朴善良,与包文虎一见如故成为好友,虽感动于小虎的一片痴心,无奈无法忘情于旧男友而离开了小虎,后与男友冲分手重回小虎怀抱。 何嘉丽 饰 Amy:黄蕾的闺中密友,为人直率而仗义,常为蕾出谋划策拆散包文龙与林贞烈。 黎汉持 饰 倪峰:原与雷伯滔一起都为黄天的得力助手,滔背叛中天后,对黄天仍不离不弃。为人稳重有经验,是黄天最得力的助手。 骏雄 饰 谢武:与倪峰都为黄天的得力助手,做事冲动卤莽,不顾后果,但为人豪爽讲义气。 赵美裕 饰 蔡彩雯:蔡照荣之妹,对潘朗清一片痴心,死心塌地。虽明知清不爱她,却仍愿为他付出一切。后在一次商业诈骗案中为清而顶替了所有罪名。 康华 饰 彭虹:原与张小莲一起都为大陆来港的打工妹,贪慕虚荣,妄想飞上枝头做凤凰,后勾引包赞成为其二奶,事发后携款潜逃。 柳影虹 饰 施美玉:中年妇女,与包家合伙生意人,有一妹美芝。为人仗义,没有口德,精打细算。对潘仲芳心暗许,无奈潘仲爱恋其妹。 韩马利 饰 施美芝:施美玉之妹,同为包家合伙生意人。性情温婉贤淑,不与人斤斤计较,颇得人缘。与潘仲互有好感,但始终未曾同破窗户纸。 马雄 饰 林丰财:林贞烈之父,多年在外跑船而与妻离异,老实忠厚,始终对女儿贞烈心存愧疚,一直想对此有所弥补。 李卫民 饰 VICENT:雷伯滔心腹,与滔沆瀣一气。 黄文标 饰 赵文光:包文龙在大学警校的同学,人称“傻仔光”。后投考警校,为人正义,热心于警察事业,后为帮助文龙调查雷伯滔的罪证而被滔杀害。 方杰 饰 方SIR:商业罪案调查科警司,包文龙在职时的顶替上司。 邓汝超 饰 Tommy:商业罪案调查科警员,包文龙原来的下属。 郭城俊 饰 飞仔:亦为商业罪案调查科警员,包文龙原来的下属。 吴文伟 饰 老泥仔:亦为商业罪案调查科警员,包文龙原来的下属。 梁健平 饰 ERIC:中天集团投资部主管,精明能干。 林家栋 饰 IVAN:中天集团投资部经纪人,投资眼光独到而精准,是继ERIC后投资部最能干的人。 游飚 饰 MICHAEL:中天集团投资部经纪人,但天生无投资眼光,平庸肤浅却又急功近利,一心妄想靠“风水鱼”平步青云,后因实力不足被炒。 黄清榕 饰 阿玲:黄天女秘书,跟随黄天多年,精明能干且负有责任心,对黄天忠心耿耿。 黎秀英 饰 英姐:黄天家多年来的老佣,善良朴实,与黄天亲如一家人。 叶振声 饰 陈志冲:张小莲的前男友。 林文森 饰 CINDY:黄蕾大学同学,与丈夫经营一家酒吧,其夫为文龙多年好友。 黄建峰 饰 MICHEAL:文龙多年好友,与妻CINDY共同经营一家酒吧。 黎耀祥 饰 检控官:包文龙案件中的检控官。 曹济 饰 法官:包文龙案件中的法官。 邓英敏 饰 冯伟立:律师,信奉基督教。曾被丁进收买陷害包文龙,后被丁进灭口。 郭德信 饰 李国维:冯律师的主治医生,黄天的老同学。为人正义,有良好的医师职业操守,后在包文龙的案件里帮助出庭作证。 陈中坚 饰 医生:林贞烈的主治医生。 陈芷菁 饰 蔡谭彩霞:蔡照荣之妻,旅居澳洲后与人私奔。 罗国维 饰 蔡炳钊:蔡照荣之父。 马海伦 饰 蔡梁娇:蔡照荣之母。
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澳门过去和现在澳门是中国的两个特别行政区之一,位于南中国海东岸。澳门曾是葡萄牙殖民地,于1999年回归中国,成为中国的特别行政区。以下是澳门的过去和现在的一些:过去:1. 葡萄牙殖民地:澳门自16世纪以来一直是葡萄牙的殖民地,直到1999年回归中国为止。2. 重要贸易口岸:澳门过去曾是重要的贸易口岸,与中国内地多个城市有着密切的贸易往来。3. 多元文化:澳门过去是融合了中国文化与葡萄牙文化的地方。澳门以澳门式葡国菜、澳门式葡国建筑和澳门式葡国文化著名。现在:1. 澳门博现象:自2002年以来,澳门开始建立博业,引起了大量投资和赌客。澳门的博业已经发展成为众所周知的全球博中心之一。2. 其他旅游资源:除了博业,澳门还有许多其他的旅游资源,例如历史建筑、博物馆、美食和夜生活。3. 国际交流:澳门自回归以来,与世界各地建立了广泛的经济、文化和教育交流。4. 策略性位置:澳门地理位置优越,与中国内地连接紧密,可以立足中国市场的基地。总之,澳门过去和现在都有着丰富的历史和文化。从一开始就是贸易口岸到现在成为世界知名的博中心,澳门一直在演变和发展。同时,澳门还在努力开拓其他领域,增强其在国际舞台上的地位。
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catch up和catch up with有什么区别么

后面跟着 人
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