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catch up,表示追赶某人,那么他的反义词呢?

2023-07-28 23:12:31
TAG: up cat ca ch catch tc atc

追赶的反义词可为落后fall behind/fall off

或为超越某人Ahead of (someone)


fall off

cant catch up




fall behind; lag behind

drop behind

get behind


catch up是什么意思?有什么用法?

h up是什么意思及用法catch up的意思是: 赶上,追上把…缠住(1)抓起(某物), 突然拿起(某物) (2)打断并挑剔别人的话 (3)吸住, (被)卷入, 受感染 (4)追上, 赶上 (5)叙旧(口语)英语句子The less advanced strive to catch up with the more advanced.后进赶先进。Please catch up the loose end of the rope请抓住绳子松着的一端。He runs so fast that no one can catch up with him.他跑得很快没人能赶上他Liu Na runs so fast that nobody can catch her up.刘娜跑的那样快,谁也赶不上他I"ll get up at seven o"clock so that I can catch the bus.我7点钟起床才能赶上公车。
2023-07-27 11:59:471

catch up的意思

2023-07-27 11:59:558

catch和catch up的区别

catch up。catch一般是指抓住什么具体的东西,catch up是指赶上什么抽象的东西。
2023-07-27 12:00:452

catch up和catch up with有什么区别么

catch up和catch up with都有“赶上”的意思;catch up作“赶上”解时,主要是指“赶上汽车、火车等交通工具”或“赶上看...节目”。而catch up with除了“追赶上同一方向行进的人之外,也可以用于抽象意义上的“赶上;赶上...的水平”.和“和…算旧账”catch up赶上(工作进度);叙旧(即互相补上个人情况),用法与catch up with相近.
2023-07-27 12:01:044

catch和catch up和catch up with的区别(意义)与用法,with后面加什么额?

catch和catch up with都有“赶上”的意思; catch作“赶上”解时,主要是指“赶上汽车、火车等交通工具”或“赶上看...节目”.如: You must run if you want to catch the bus. If we go home now,we might catch the 10:00 news. catch up with除了“追赶上同一方向行进的人之外,也可以用于抽象意义上的“赶上;赶上...的水平”.如: You walk on ahead,I shall soon catch up with you . After being out school so long,she had to work hard in order to catch up with the others. catch up赶上(工作进度);叙旧(即互相补上个人情况),用法与catch up with相近. catch和catch up和catch up with后均跟人或物.,7,catch 的主要常用意思是 接住 抓住某人 抓住某人做某事 其他大都是这几个意思的延伸 因为很多意思 所以你可以更具体点补充 catch up 是个片语 如果後面加上 with 的catch up with 有 追上某人某些人的程度 和 ...,1,不知道!,0,catch和catch up和catch up with的区别(意义)与用法,with后面加什么额 如题
2023-07-27 12:01:121

catch up和keep up都有追上.赶上的意思,怎样区分?(在线等,半小时)

catch up 是赶上的意思。。比如说。。please catch up the group,请你赶上我们的队伍please catch up on what we"re reading..请你赶上我们读书的进度。。那keep up是维持的意思,please keep up the good work,请你继续维持你现在做的
2023-07-27 12:01:202

catch和catch up和catch up with的区别(意义)与用法,with后面加什么额

catch 的主要常用意思是 接住 抓住某人 抓住某人做某事 其他大都是这几个意思的延伸因为很多意思 所以你可以更具体点补充 catch up 是个片语如果後面加上 with 的catch up with 有 追上某人某些人的程度 和 在空间距离上从後方追赶上某人譬如 catch up with your classmate把程度跟上你的同学 catch up with the drug dealer for buying 为了买毒品追赶上毒贩但是要是後面接上on 作 catch up on 的意思有 打听 和 补做某事譬如 catch up on the scandal 打听诽闻 catch up on the homework 补做功课接上 be/get caught up in sth 表示被卷入某事譬如 you are accused of being caught up in joining the porn video-watching society affairs by teachers你被老师指控卷入参加看黄片社团的事件中但是如果 catch up with 後面接 某人就表示 终於抓住某人并给予惩罚或者 某人被过去的事情纠缠找上门算帐譬如after the day-long planning ,the teachers caught up with you and got you beaten to death for telling lies about not having joined in porn video-watch activities.经过一整天的计画,老师终将你绳之於法并且因为你说谎没去参加看黄片活动而把你打死your past of drug dealing cheats caught up with you ,and even the walking dead are going to get you nibbled to death你贩毒行骗的过去终於找上门来,连丧屍都要啃死你
2023-07-27 12:01:291

汽车操稳评价中catch up到底是什么现象

2023-07-27 12:01:492

Chat 同 Catch up 有咩分别?

Chat with you意思是跟你交谈/倾偈/对话/沟通... Catch up with you意思(如果是朋友间)是会来找你聚聚,或相约之后见见面。 另外Catch up with you如果是讲学业或工作等事件意思是自己进度落后了,会尝试「追上来」跟番上同你一样的进度。当你行山要休息一会,之后才跟上大队亦会说I will catch up. 我估你所问的处境应是第一种,不过告诉你同一组英文字也可以有不同意思的。 Chat with you 的意思是「与你聊天」 Catch up with you 的意思是「追上了你」
2023-07-27 12:02:051

catch up 碰面

我们什么时候晚饭吃饭碰个头吧,不如这个周末的某个时间吧. catch up:一般指赶上,碰面
2023-07-27 12:02:121

英语Catch-up Timing怎么翻译?

Catch up表示追赶的意思,Timing时间,合起来意思就是努力奔跑追赶时间的意思。
2023-07-27 12:02:201

catch和catch up with 有什么区别?

(河北唐山 王 萌)【答】 catch 作“赶上”解时,主要是指“赶上汽车、火车等交通工具”或者“赶上看……节目”。如:1. You must run if you want to catch the bus. 如果你想要赶上公共汽车,非得跑不可。2. If we go home now, we might just catch the 10:00 news. 如果我们现在回家,也许正好赶上10点钟的新闻。catch up with 除了指“追赶上同一方向行进的人”之外,也可用于抽象意义的“赶上(赶上……的水平)”。如:1. You walk on ahead. I shall soon catch up with you. 你往前走吧,我很快就会追上你。
2023-07-27 12:02:391

catch up和catch up with有什么区别么?这儿能去掉with么?

大概是这样的--catch up with后面可以接人名catch up不行。我不确定--
2023-07-27 12:02:483

catch up 与 catch up with

catch up是赶上,弥补、抓住、激动的意思catch up with 是追及、逮捕、处罚的意思
2023-07-27 12:02:573

英语catch up with与catch up的用法和区别

2023-07-27 12:03:043

catch 外贸里用的,i hope we can catch up during this time.

catch up 赶上(工作进度);叙旧(即互相补上个人情况) 所以那个句子可以是以下两个意思中的一个: 希望我们可以在这个时间里赶上进度.or 希望我们可以利用这个时间叙叙旧.
2023-07-27 12:03:141

Touch base喝catch up区别

2023-07-27 12:03:541

是catch the bus还是 catch up with the bus

catch the buscatch up with好像是追赶进度,程度之类的
2023-07-27 12:04:035

catch-up time是什么意思?

你好,:赶上时间catch up:追赶time:时间如有疑问,欢迎继续追问;如果对我的答案满意,请五星采纳~谢谢O(∩_∩)O
2023-07-27 12:04:201

catch up to与catch up with的用法有什么区别?

基本相同,后者用得更多,表示追上,赶上,逮捕。catch up to 表示赶上,比如He ran hard and tried to catch up to his friends.他跑得很快,设法追上同伴。catch up with sb. 除了赶上,还可以表示向某人看齐。比如Catch up with Mr. Jones.向邻居看齐。
2023-07-27 12:04:351

catch up和catch up with的区别

catch up with sb 赶上某人,成绩赶上,地位赶上come up with, 一般是sb come up with sth, 可以是idea, solution。。。某人想到/提出点子,想法,解决方案等等
2023-07-27 12:04:432

catch up和catch up with有什么区别么

后面跟着 人
2023-07-27 12:04:525

A catch-up as a noun refers to a meeting 的中文意思?

2023-07-27 12:05:302

catch 为什么都要加UP才能用,不加怎么用呢

加up 是指赶上。(catch up with)不加up是指抓住(be caught被逮住);理解(Catch one"s meaning)
2023-07-27 12:05:513

catch up to 与catch up with 都表示追赶,但在使用上有什么区别,请举例说明一下

catch up to 1.赶上 2.产生(预料到的坏影响),造成(意料中的坏结果) 3.逮捕(某人),发现(或查明)(以便处罚或逮捕) 例句: 1.must run some to catch up 必须快跑才能赶上 2.She couldn"t go to school for a few weeks because of an illness,but she"ll be able to catch up with her lessons quickly.她因病有几周不能上学,但是她很快就能补上落下的课. 3.He"s doing extra work to catch up with the rest of the class.为了赶上班里的其他同学,他做了很多额外的功课. 4.After the exams,I need to catch up on my sleep.考完试以后,我要补觉.I need to catch up on laundry today. catch up with 1.vt fus (walking,driving,in standard) 赶上 the law caught up with him yesterday 昨天警方发现他做了违法的事 his past caught up with him 他的过去阴影不散 例句: 1.She couldn"t go to school for a few weeks because of an illness,but she"ll be able to catch up with her lessons quickly.她因病有几周不能上学,但是她很快就能补上落下的课. 2.He"s doing extra work to catch up with the rest of the class.为了赶上班里的其他同学,他做了很多额外的功课. 3.I can feel the pressure of the last few months beginning to catch up with me.我感到这几个月来的工作压力已经让我体力不支了. 4.I"ll catch up with you again in a few minutes.几分钟以后我就会再次赶上你. 5.Can I catch up with the material or is it too late?我能再对材料做一下补充吗,是不是太晚了?
2023-07-27 12:06:061


catch up with是赶上某人 通常指赛跑‘‘那就选A了‘‘‘catch the bus赶上公共汽车‘‘‘
2023-07-27 12:07:128

catch up with翻译中文

catch up with翻译为中文意思是赶上。1、catch释义及物动词:接住;捉住;抓到;捕捉;拉住;握;抓住;搭乘;赶;撞见。赶上机会与某人的联系(或见面);击中;钩住;缠住;接住;吸引;注意到;听清楚;看;听;参加;再现;表现;反射。名词:圈套;诡计;困难;钩;扣环;捕获量;理想的结婚对象;接球游戏;追逐游戏;停顿;哽塞;(对击球员的)接杀;抓捕到的人(或物);(机械的)运转中断。2、up释义介词:向…上端;朝…的较高处;沿着…往上;接近…顶端;靠近…顶部。副词:向上;朝较高处;接近顶端;靠近顶部;向上。在北方;往。形容词:起床的;(时间)结束的,用完的;(得分)领先的;正在整修的;正常运行的;向上的。及物动词:提高;提升;增加;拉起。名词:红火;兴旺。3、with释义介词:同…一道;与…在一起;和,与,同(后接打斗、争论或比赛的对象);用,以,凭借;拿着;带着;扛着;有,具有,带有;患有(某疾病);由,关于;就…而言;用,伴着,由于;因为。关于catch的短语及例句1、catch the train/bus赶火车(公交)。Hurry up,I"ll miss the train!快点,我要赶不上火车啦!2、catch sb.doing撞见某人做某事,发觉某人正在做。The boy was caught stealing a wallet.有人撞见那男孩偷了一个钱包。3、catch/get the meaning of理解;懂得。Sorry,I didn"t catch what you said.Could you please say it again?对不起,我没听清楚你说的话,请你再讲一遍好吗?4、catch sb.alive活捉;抓个正着。The child was caught alive.这个小孩被抓个正着。5、be/get caught in.遭遇;受困于;突然遇上;遇(雨),陷入(圈套)。He was caught in the rain and was wet all through.他遭到雨淋,全身都湿透了。He got caught in the traffic jam and was late for work.他遇到了堵车,上班迟到了。6、catch up with跟上;赶上。You"ll have to work harder to catch up with the top students in your class.要赶上班上最优秀的同学你得更加用功才行。
2023-07-27 12:07:291

catch和catch up with 有什么区别?

(河北唐山 王 萌)【答】 catch 作“赶上”解时,主要是指“赶上汽车、火车等交通工具”或者“赶上看……节目”.如:1. You must run if you want to catch the bus. 如果你想要赶上公共汽车,非得跑不可.2. If we go home now, we might just catch the 10:00 news. 如果我们现在回家,也许正好赶上10点钟的新闻.catch up with 除了指“追赶上同一方向行进的人”之外,也可用于抽象意义的“赶上(赶上……的水平)”.如:1. You walk on ahead. I shall soon catch up with you. 你往前走吧,我很快就会追上你.
2023-07-27 12:10:351


catch与约会相关的意思:adj.迷惑人的; 令人容易上当的; 引人注目的; 令人感兴趣的例句:She was so caught up in the music that she forgot to have her supper.她听音乐入了迷,连吃晚饭都忘了。I was so in love with him and all my friends said what a good catch he was.我当时和他陷入热恋,我的朋友们都说能找到他是我的福气。
2023-07-27 12:11:002

既然catch up with sb/catch sb up都表示赶上某人,那我可不可以说catch up sb呢?

不懂也可以回答啊,不行,因为动(词)副(词)结构,代词要放中间 补充:sb本来就是代词啊,代替某一个真实的人
2023-07-27 12:11:122

英语good catch up怎么翻译?

2023-07-27 12:11:202


catch up
2023-07-27 12:11:326


图书馆,是我们精神粮食的储存库,我们每个人都会忍不住去图书馆感受它的。下面给大家分享一些关于图书馆英语 高一 作文 ,希望对大家有帮助。 关于图书馆英语高一作文1 On the weekend I like to spend time in library. I like reading books. There are many people in the library, but it is very quiet. Nobody talks in the room, only the sound of page turning. I"m very interested in the space, so I read a lot of books about space. Recently, I read the book Martian. It is about an astronaut Mark left on the Mars alone, he did many things to keep himself alive. After 549 solar days his crew mates came back to take him home. Mark is very tough to survive in Mars, he is a big hero. In the library I can read so many story and see the bigger world. I like library. 关于图书馆英语高一作文2 I love to read. When I was three years old, my parents had taught me to read. They bought me some books with funny and colorful pictures. Soon I was attracted by these stories and fell in love with reading. Since I went to school, I often went to the library and it was my favorite place. Studying in the library provided me a silent environment. The most important thing was that as so many excellent students sat around me. I felt the great motivation to move on. I could find the data any time and read the books I liked. I have gained a lot of knowledge and find the great hour there. 关于图书馆英语高一作文3 There is a library in every university, some schools pay special attention to the building of the library, because the library always on behalf of presentation of a school. We can find all kinds of books in the room, library provides convenience, but it still has space to improve. On the one hand, we can check the information and go to the library every day. It is open all the week, and the time is from 8 o"clock to 10 o"clock. For students, they can go to the place all the time. What"s more, the book they want is easy to find, they can check on the computer, and find the number quickly. On the other hand, the library needs to improve its equipment. The books on the library are very old, it is not good for students to do some research paper. The amount of the computer is not enough, I always find the students wait for the computer, while some students need to use the computer for a long time. So there will be better if increase the number of the computer. Despite these drawbacks, I am generally pleased with the library and hope that it will continue to make improvement in the future. 关于图书馆英语高一作文4 As a student, it is my duty to go over my lesson after class, or I will miss the important point. Many students choose to study in the classroom or go to the library, as for me, I am in favor of the latter choice. I like to go to the library. On the one hand, it is quiet. A lot of students just sit in their places and won"t make big noise, which provides an enjoyable environment for students to study. On the other hand, I can consult many reference books if I need. The library provides us all kinds of books. We can find help when we have questions. I find much joy in the library. 关于图书馆英语高一作文5 A library is a building for a collection or books, magazines, periodicals and newspapers. The books are kept on the shelves in the stack room whereas the magazines, journals, etc. in the reading rooms. Modern libraries also have xerox rooms, and computer rooms. If you want to borrow books, you can go to the loan desk, look over the correct call numbers in the card catalog and ask the librarian to take then, out for you. Or you"re allowed to enter the stack room to rind books for yourself, you can look up the bound volume or index for the articles relative to the subject, on which you are going to write thesis. If the library doesn"t subscribe to the magazine which carries the article you want, you can borrow the magazine from other libraries by means of interlibrary loan service. Don"t forget to show your library card or I.D. card to the librarian before you go into the reading room, where you can read magazines or newspapers. If you find a good article and want to keep it, you can have it duplicated in the xerox room. Besides, if you want to watch films or slides, you can ask the projectionist to play the videotape for you in the audio visual room, where you can also listen to language tapes and music tapes. 关于图书馆英语高一作文5篇相关 文章 : ★ 优秀高一英语作文范文5篇 ★ 高一的英语优秀作文范文5篇 ★ 高一英语优秀作文5篇 ★ 高一优秀英语作文范文5篇 ★ 英语高一作文五篇范文 ★ 英语高一作文五篇 ★ 关于高一英语作文范文5篇精选 ★ 英语高一作文精选五篇 ★ 关于梦想英语高一作文5篇 ★ 英语作文高一五篇
2023-07-27 12:01:591


travel的读音是:英["tr?vl]。travel的读音是:英["tr?vl]。travel的详尽释义是v.(动词)旅行,游历,游遍传播,传导行进,行驶飞驰经过,驶过长途行走运送,转送赶,走得快轻装上路(使)移动,使沿…运动兜售,旅行推销货物,到外地推销快速前进,快速行进走动,走过扫视交往依次看去,依次想去走遍,走过跑步转动通行于。travel【近义词】touring。一、详尽释义点此查看travel的详细内容v.(动词)旅行,游历,游遍传播,传导行进,行驶飞驰经过,驶过长途行走运送,转送赶,走得快轻装上路(使)移动,使沿…运动兜售,旅行推销货物,到外地推销快速前进,快速行进走动,走过扫视交往依次看去,依次想去走遍,走过跑步转动通行于n.(名词)旅行,旅游,海外旅行游历,游记移动进行往来,奔波交通漫游【机】行程,动程,冲程传播外出的事流浪,浪迹江湖二、双解释义n.(名词)[U]行走,行驶,旅行 travelling, especially abroad[P](尤指海外的)游历,游记 book about such journeys and experiencev.(动词)vi. & vt. 旅行 make a journeyvi. & vt. 移动; 行进 move; go三、词典解释in AM, use 美国英语用 traveling, traveled1.(常指长途)旅行,行进If youtravel, you go from one place to another, often to a place that is far away.e.g. You had bettertravel to Helsinki tomorrow...你最好明天赶赴赫尔辛基。e.g. Grannytravelled down by train…奶奶是乘火车过来的。travellingI love travelling...我热爱旅行。Getting to and from school involves two hours" travelling a day.往返学校每天要两个小时的行程。2.(长途)旅行Travel is the activity of travelling.e.g. Information ontravel in New Zealand is available at the hotel…新西兰的旅行信息可以在宾馆获取。e.g. He detested airtravel.他厌恶乘飞机旅行。3.周游;走遍;在…游历If youtravel the world, the country, or the area, you go to many different places in the world or in a particular country or area.e.g. Dr Ryan travelled the world gathering material for his book...瑞安博士周游世界为他的书搜集资料。e.g. He has had totravel the country in search of work.他不得不走遍全国寻找工作。4.(光、声音)传送,传播When light or sound from one place reaches another, you say that ittravels to the other place.e.g. When sound travels through water, strange things can happen...当声音在水中传播时,可能会发生奇怪的现象。e.g. Light travels at around 300,000,000 metres per second.光以每秒约 30 万公里的速度传播。5.(消息)传播,流传When news becomes known by people in different places, you can say that ittravels to them.e.g. News of his work traveled all the way to Asia...有关他研究成果的消息一路传到了亚洲。e.g. Seems like news travels pretty fast around here.这里似乎消息传播得很快。6.漫游;游历Someone"stravels are the journeys that they make to places a long way from their home.e.g. He also collects things for the house on his travels abroad.他在国外旅游时也为家宅搜集物品作为摆设。7. see also: travelling;much-travelled;well-travelled8.轻装旅行If youtravel light, you travel without taking much luggage.9.(食品等货物)宜于长途运输,经得起长途运输If goods such as food productstravel well, they can be transported a long way without being damaged or their quality being spoiled.e.g. Ripe fruit does nottravel well, but unripe fruit can be transported worldwide.熟透的水果不宜长途运输,但未成熟的水果却可以运往全世界。10.(思想、方法或样式)广为流传,盛行各地If you say that an idea, a method, or a styletravels well, you mean that it can be appreciated or used by people in several different countries, and not just in the country where it began.travel的近义词e.g. That brand of humour generally travels well.那种风格的幽默通常在各地都喜闻乐见。The nountravel is used to talk about the general activity of travelling. It is either uncount or plural. You cannot say "a travel", you would use the wordtrip orjourney instead.First-class rail travel to Paris or Brussels is included… I picked them up recently on a trip to Manhattan.名词 travel 用于谈论一般性的旅行活动,既可用作不可数名词,也可用复数形式。不能说 a travel,而应该以 trip 或 journey 代替:First-class rail travel to Paris or Brussels is included (其中包括坐火车头等车厢去巴黎或布鲁塞尔的行程),I picked them up recently on a trip to Manhattan. (这些东西是我最近一次去曼哈顿时买的)。四、例句You are hardly fit to travel alone at present.照目前的情况,你不宜单独旅行。I travel 40 miles to work every day.我每天奔波40英里去上班。When we speak, sound waves begin to travel in all directions.我们说话时,声波就开始向四面八方传播扩散。I don"t know the exact speed of the car, but it was certainly travelling.我不知道那辆汽车的准确速度,但它确实开得非常快。He met many interesting people in his travels.旅行中他遇到了许多有趣的人。Travel on that road is heavy on holidays.假日里,那条路上人来车往极为拥挤。五、常见句型用作名词(n.)She loves travel.她喜爱旅行。He is fond of travel.他喜欢旅行。Travel will free a man from prejudices.旅行可以使人消除偏见。Travel through tropical forest is dangerous and slow.在热带丛林里旅行既危险又费时。Travel in the seventeenth century was often slow and dangerous.旅行在17世纪时既费时又危险。I don"t believe we"ll be able to afford any travel.我不相信我们能担负得起任何旅行的费用。He came home after years of foreign travel.他在国外旅行数年之后回到了家。My aunt is fond of foreign travel.我姑母喜欢到国外旅行。Snow and high winds have disrupted travel in many parts of Britain.暴风雪中断了在英国许多地方的旅行。Talking of travel, have you ever been to Japan?说到旅行,你去过日本吗?Is he back from his travels yet?他旅行回来了没有?The correspondent is back from his travels.这位记者从外地采访回来了。My friend is off on his travels again.我的朋友又出外旅游去了。He described some of the things he"d seen on his travels.他描述了旅行途中见到的一些事物。He enjoyed his travels in Africa.他享受了在非洲漫游的乐趣。Did you go to Rome during your travels?你在旅行期间去罗马了吗?Have you ever read the travels of Marco Polo?你读过马可·波罗的游记吗?He"s going to publish his travels.他将出版自己的游记。Gulliver"s Travels is the title of a book by Jonathan Swift.《格列佛游记》是斯威夫特著的一本书的书名。He wrote a book about his travels.他写了一本游记。There was a heavy travel to Beijing on May first this year.今年5月1日到北京去的游客非常多。用作动词(v.)用作不及物动词S+~(+A)An arrow doesn"t travel in a straight line, but in curve.箭不是呈直线而是呈曲线飞行的。Many man-made satellites are travelling through space.许多人造卫星在太空中运行。All along the river lights mark the channel so that boats can travel at night.沿江都有航标灯标明航道,船只可以夜航。Many birds travel north during June.6月间许多鸟向北方飞去。The surge travelled southwards along the coast.浪涛沿着海岸向南涌去。The wheel travels along this bar.轮子顺着这根滑竿移动。A strong wind was blowing, and the balloon was travelling quite fast.风刮得猛,气球飘得很快。Their apples travel well but our peaches are too tender to travel far.他们的苹果在运输中不易损坏,而我们的桃子太嫩,不易运到远处去。Lighter wines often travel badly.低度的葡萄酒往往经不起长途运输。She travels in Europe every summer.她每年夏季都在欧洲旅行。She alone travelled around the world.她独自作了一次环球旅行。Those who wish to travel, either for pleasure or on business, have at their disposal various means of transport.凡愿意旅游或出差的人可随意搭乘任何一种交通工具。Light travels fast.光速非常快。Sound waves will not travel through a vacuum.声波在真空里不能传播。The pain travelled down his arm.疼痛传遍了他整个手臂。He travels for a large firm.他为一家大公司到各地推销商品。My mind travelled back to a hot sultry day in the little town.我的思绪回到从前在这个小镇上度过的闷热的一天。用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.We travelled a hundred miles today.我们今天走了100英里的路。Don"t worry, the driver has travelled this road many times.别担心,这条路司机已走过多次。He has to travel a long way to school.他得走很远的路去上学。We have travelled a tortuous road.我们走过了曲折的道路。The theatre group travelled Europe from London to Athens.这个剧团从伦敦到雅典,遍历欧洲。He travelled the whole world.他周游了全世界。Everyone should travel at least part of the beautiful valley.每个人都应来这个美丽的山谷看看,哪怕只看一段。六、情景对话教育A:What do you think about mature student?你对成人学生怎么看?B:What do you mean by mature student?你说的成人学生是指什么?A:You know, people who go back to school later on in life?就是那些后来又返回学校的人,明白了么?B:I don"t know. I guess I"ve never really thought about it before. Why? Are you thinking about going back to school?我不知道,我以前从没考虑过,为什么?你想返回学校么?A:Yeah, I am. I never finished my undergraduate degree.是的,我还没有本科毕业学位。travelB:I didn"t know that. What were you studying?我不知道,你当时学什么的?travel的翻译A:Psychology.心理学。B:Why didn"t you finish?你为什么没完成?A:I didn"t think it was necessary to have a degree.我认为文凭没有用。B:Would it help you get a better job now?现在它能帮你找到一份更好的工作么?travel的反义词A:I think so. Besides, I want totravel around. If I don"t have a degree, I won"t be able to get a work visa.我想可以,另外,我想出去旅游,如果我没有学位,我将得不得工作签证。B:Sounds like your mind is made up. Go for it !听起来,你好像已经下定决心了,去做吧!保险A:How may I help you?需要帮忙么?B:Well, I"m going totravel next month and would like to buy sometravel insurance. Can I do that here?是的,我想下个月旅行,打算买一些旅行保险,我能在这办理么?travel在线翻译A:Yes, you can. Where are you going?可以的,你想去哪里?B:I"m going to Thailand.泰国。A:Will you participating in any extreme sports like bungee jumping or cliff diving?你将参加一些极限运动如蹦极或悬崖跳水么?travelB:I hope to. Why?我希望参加,怎么了?travel的反义词A:Not all of your policies cover accidents caused by these types of activities.不是所有的保单都包括此类运动造成的意外事故。travel是什么意思B:Oh, well, I would like something to cover that.哦, 那我想要一份涵盖此类事故的保单。travel在线翻译A:We have different packages depending on the amount of coverage you"d like. Have you looked over our brochure?我们有不同种类的保险,这取决于你投保的项目。你看过我们的资料册了吗?B:Not yet.还没。A:Why don"t you take a look? Make sure you read about all the conditions carefully.为什么不看看,你必须仔细阅读所有条款。B:Ok.好的。A:You"ll also need to decide how long you"d like thetravel insurance for. We have daily, monthly, and yearly policies.你还需要决定你的旅游保险保多久。我们有按日,按月,按年的保险。B:I"ll just need it for one month.我只需要一个月。A:When you"ve finished reading the brochures, you can fill out this form. If you have any questions at that time, come back and I"ll answer them for you.你看完册子以后,就可以填写这张表,如果那时你有什么问题,你可以过来问我。B:Thanks for your help.谢谢你的帮助。七、词义辨析n.(名词)travel, journey, tour, trip, voyage这组词的共同意思是“旅行”“ 游历”“观光”“游程”。其区别是:journey多指有目的地的陆上长途旅行,有时也指水上或空中旅行,其距离远近、时间长短、旅行的目的和方式均不限,并不表示是否要返回出发地,是正式用语。voyage主要指水上或空中旅行,也是正式用语。例如:They made a voyage across the Pacific by air.他们乘飞机越过太平洋。With a fair sea voyage and a fair land journey, you will be soon at his side.经过一段舒服的海上航行和陆上旅行,你很快就会到他身边。trip是非正式用语,可以代替journey和voyage,但trip常指时间较短、距离较近的旅行,旅行方式不变,并且意味着旅行结束后还要回到原来的地方。例如:He went on a trip to the nearest seaside resort during his holidays.他曾到最近的海滨胜地度假。tour指根据一定的路线,事先预定了一些逗留地点,旅行结束后仍回原地的旅游,其主要目的多为观光、视察或进行其他活动,
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What really concerns you about college?

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这叫什么专业,整个查词典 .提供的译文也是乱七八糟
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澳门旅游学院申请条件如下:硕士学位申请条件:申请人须具备学士学位或经澳门旅游学院认可的同等学历。申请人学士学位的专业,须是酒店与旅游管理、餐饮管理、娱乐休闲管理、或相关的专业。往届本科生需提供相应的当年的考研成绩.博士学位申请条件:由请人须具备相应专业的研究能力。扩展知识:澳门旅游学院(Macao nstitute for Tourism Studies),简称IFTM。成立于1995年。位于中国澳门望厦山,是专门培训旅游服务业须导人才的,澳门政府公立高等教育机构。包括酒店、旅游、文化遗产、会展、零售及市场推广、休闲娱乐、康体活动、文化创意及厨艺等。学院亦与国际知名院校合作开办高级管理课程。在调研方面,学院受特区政府及其他机构委托,作旅游规划及发展的政发研究。澳门旅游学院的使命,是成为提供国际化旅游及服务业课程的、领先高等教育机构,培养且有专业知识和技能的学生,在业界担任领导角色。澳门旅游学院拥有以下三个特性:独特性:独立运作,专注提供旅游服务业管理方面的、高等教育及专业培训。融合性:将学术发展及专业培训的优点和特质合而为国际性:与外地相关院校及机构,发展互利合作关系,积极推广学术及国际交流活动。澳门旅游学院下设两个主要学术单位:1、旅游高等学校:提供四项四年制(3年全日+1年晚间兼读)学学位课程,分别是旅游企业管理、文化遗产管理、酒店管理、旅游会展、节目管理。课程的前三年为高等专科学位,加上第四年的相关补充课程,升级为学士学位课程。授课语言为全英语。除了奥门本地和国际学生外,旅游学院还干每一学期,接受来自世界各地院校的学生,作短期(半年至一年)交换生计划。2、专业及延续教育学校:是另一个学术单位,是为配合澳门旅游业的需求,提供以旅游服务职业为主的短期课程。课程培训涵盖旅游、酒店、管理、餐饮、客户服务、语言等不同领域。此外,还与数所本地中学合作,推行工作坊以及中学生职业培训计划。
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Invalid bound statement (not found)错误的可能原因

Invalid bound statement (not found)这个问题的实质就是 mapper接口和mapper.xml没有映射起来 常见的低智商问题有下列几个: 1.mapper.xml 里面的 namespace与实际类不一样 mapper.xml 里面的 namespace应该是其对应的接口路径。这个有个快捷的检测办法就是按住ctrl键,然后点击namespace里面的包名,如果能跳到对应的类,那就说明没问题。 2.mapper接口的函数名称和mapper.xml里面的标签id不一致 这个问题也很常见,最好的办法还是复制过去,这样可以确保没得问题,1点和2点都是关于拼写错误的情况 3.构建没有进去,请看一下target文件夹下面这些是否存在,没有请重新构建 4.包扫描路径是否正确 检查mybatis的配置是否正确,需要配mapperLocations和typeAliasesPackage属性。 也可以在springboot启动类上面加@MapperScan注解,指定扫描路径 5.配置文件写错 如果你是Mybatis的话请注意yml或者properties文件里面的 如果你是Mybatis plus 这个时候你要注意了,mybatis plus是下面这样的配置,如果你发现1,2,3,4点的问题都没有问题,你需要注意一下这个东西
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