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2023-07-28 22:25:59
TAG: ir 形容

irresistable irreconcilable irrefutable irrelevant irremediable irrepressible irreplaceable irreproachable irresponsible irreverent irreversible irrevocable







no substitute, no alternative, no replacement, no equivalent. 都可以用 视情况而定
2023-07-27 09:52:083


不能替代 Irreplaceable irreplaceable 英[u02ccu026aru026au02c8pleu026asu0259bl] 美[u02ccu026aru026au02c8plesu0259bu0259l] adj. 不能调换的,不能代替的; [例句]There"s one man who"s considered irreplaceable.有一个人被认为独一无二。
2023-07-27 09:52:231

无可代替 用英文怎么写

回答和翻译如下 :Irreplaceable无 可 替 代 。
2023-07-27 09:52:525


2023-07-27 09:53:102


无可替代 irreplaceable
2023-07-27 09:53:194

不可替代的 用英语怎么说?

unique?irreplaceable adj.too special, valuable, or unusual to be replaced by anything else Works of art were lost, many of them irreplaceable.
2023-07-27 09:53:354


  生活中,我们经常会觉得很多东西是很珍贵的,不可替代的。你知道不可替代的英文是什么吗? 下面是我为你整理的不可替代的英文,希望大家喜欢!   不可替代的英文   1.irreplaceable   2.non-substitutable   irreplaceable常见例句   1. They are priceless, unique and irreplaceable.   它们是独一无二、不可替代的无价之宝。   2. There"s one man who"s considered irreplaceable.   有一个人被认为独一无二。   3. The Radio frequency communication irreplaceable makes mobile communication realized in underground mine.   射频通信无可替代地实现了矿山井下的移动通信.   4. In these major events, the Internet has played an irreplaceable important role.   在这些重大事件中, 互联网发挥了不可替代的重要作用.   5. B: You are very upset with the news . The pet is irreplaceable.   B非常伤心, 因为那宠物是不可替代的.   6. The documentary part and acting parts are both irreplaceable.   纪录片的部分和虚构表演的部分是缺一不可的.   7. In this aspect, the economic diplomacy will definitely play an irreplaceable role.   在这方面, 经济外交将起着不可或缺的作用.   8. Trade union has some irreplaceable advantages in protecting the Laborer"s legaland interests.   工会在维护劳动者权益方面具有不可替代的优势作用.   9. You are a treasure, beyond price, one of a kind, irreplaceable.   人本身就是一种财富, 是无价之宝, 是万物中无可替代的.   10. The United Nations is playing an irreplaceable role in international affairs.   联合国在国际事务中发挥着不可替代的作用.   关于不可替代的英文短语   不可替代性 non-substitutable ; Irreplaceability ; non-substitutability ; lack of substitute   朋友不可替代 Friends irreplaceable ; Friends can not be replaced   不可替代的能力 nonsubstitutable capability   模仿和不可替代 VRIN   不可替代的地位 non-fungible position   不可替代物 Res non fungibiles ; Non-substitute   你不可替代 Your irreplaceable ; You can not be replaced   不可替代的作用 irreplaceable role ; an irreplaceable role   她好不可替代 Her good irreplaceable
2023-07-27 09:53:421


  独一无二就是唯一的意思,在没有第二个了,独一无二用英文该如何表达呢,今天我在这里为大家介绍独一无二的英文怎么说,欢迎大家阅读!    独一无二的英文   irreplaceable英 [u02ccu026aru026au02c8pleu026asu0259bl]美 [u02ccu026aru026au02c8plesu0259bu0259l]   unique英 [juu02c8ni:k]美 [juu02c8nik]   独一无二相关 同义词 辨析   only, single, sole, unique, alone   这些形容词均可表示"唯一的"之意。   only : 普通用词,常可与sole换用,但侧重仅限于指定的人或物,而不需要更多。   single : 语气较强,强调仅此一个,再无第二个。   sole : 语气强于only,指仅有一个或一群,只考虑这一个或这一群。   unique : 非正式用词,侧重在一类中唯一无可匹敌、无与伦比的特征。   alone : 着重专指某人或某物,而不是别的。   独一无二的英文例句   1. They are priceless, unique and irreplaceable.   它们是独一无二、不可替代的无价之宝。   2. There"s one man who"s considered irreplaceable.   有一个人被认为独一无二。   3. The Radio frequency communication irreplaceable makes mobile communication realized in underground mine.   射频通信无可替代地实现了矿山井下的移动通信.   4. In these major events, the Internet has played an irreplaceable important role.   在这些重大事件中, 互联网发挥了不可替代的重要作用.   5. B: You are very upset with the news . The pet is irreplaceable.   B非常伤心, 因为那宠物是不可替代的.   6. The documentary part and acting parts are both irreplaceable.   纪录片的部分和虚构表演的部分是缺一不可的.   7. In this aspect, the economic diplomacy will definitely play an irreplaceable role.   在这方面, 经济外交将起着不可或缺的作用.   8. Trade union has some irreplaceable advantages in protecting the Laborer"s legaland interests.   工会在维护劳动者权益方面具有不可替代的优势作用.   9. You are a treasure, beyond price, one of a kind, irreplaceable.   人本身就是一种财富, 是无价之宝, 是万物中无可替代的.   10. The United Nations is playing an irreplaceable role in international affairs.   联合国在国际事务中发挥着不可替代的作用.   11. He is irreplaceable in her heart; she feels pampered , spoiled and loved.   在她心中,没有人可取代他; 她感到受宠和真情.   12. However the importance of children"s songs cannot be neglected and irreplaceable.   但是 儿童 歌曲的重要性却不能被忽视.   13. CIFIT is indeed an irreplaceable international investment promotion platform.   这是个非常重要的国际投资促进平台.   14. Even after boyfriends entered the picture, our best friends remained irreplaceable.   即使在交了男朋友之后, 我们最好的朋友的位置还是不可取代.   15. To me, you are irreplaceable, because you are one of a kind.   对我而言你是无法代替的, 因为你是独一无二的.   独一无二的英语 句子   1. Editorially, they never really became a unique distinct product.   就立场和观点来说,它们从未真正做到树立起自己独具一格的视角。   2. Kauffman was a woman of unique talent and determination.   考夫曼是一个有着超群才智和决断力的女子。   3. With its unique heating element it makes perfect coffee.   其独特的电热元件使它能够煮出非常美味的咖啡。   4. This interesting and charming creature is unique to Borneo.   这种有趣迷人的动物是婆罗洲独有的。   5. The examples are unique to this dictionary.   这些例证是这部词典独有的。   6. Brett"s vocals are just unique.   布雷特的歌声无与伦比。   7. He"sgot a unique sound and a unique style.   他的音乐风格独具特色。   8. They are priceless, unique and irreplaceable.   它们是独一无二、不可替代的无价之宝。   9. It will be a unique family occasion.   这将是一次特别的家庭聚会。   10. Everyone"s fingerprints are unique.   每个人的指纹都是独一无二的。   11. The tranquil beauty of the village scenery is unique.   这乡村景色的宁静是绝无仅有的.   12. This tension makes such unique transcendency the ultimate concern rooted in reality.   这种张力使信仰这种独特的超越成为一种人的植根于现实的终极关怀.   13. The architectural structure of the Temple of Heaven is unique.   天坛的建筑结构很别致.   14. It is not a unique instance , but has its counterpart.   无独有偶.   15. This is a rather unique position.   这是一个相当好的位置. 猜你喜欢: 1. 唯一用英语怎么说 2. 社会实践英语怎么说 3. 业绩用英语怎么说 4. 评估用英语怎么说 5. 垃圾分类用英语怎么说 6. 滚开用英语怎么说
2023-07-27 09:53:491


2023-07-27 09:53:573


又到了为小伙伴们解惑的时候了 (*u2766ωu2766),“irreplaceable”指的是不可替代的,表示没有任何其他事物可以代替。而“unique”则指的是独一无二的,表示不存在其它相同、类似或者可替代的事物。这里就给大家总结了一个它们基础知识的表格,可以先简单了解一下先:了解完irreplaceable与unique的基础知识后,现在就来看看它们的具体区别~(@^_^@)~1、意义上的区别irreplaceable指的是不可替代的,表示没有任何其他事物可以代替。而unique则指的是独一无二的,表示不存在其它相同、类似或者可替代的事物。例句:- Family is irreplaceable for many people.(家庭对很多人来说是不可替代的。)- The painting is unique because it is painted on a piece of wood.(这幅画很独特,因为它是画在一块木头上的。)2、描述性质的区别irreplaceable描述的是某个物品或者人的特定性质,即不可替代的,而unique则描述的是某个物品或者人的特质或者特点,即独一无二的。例句:- My grandmother was irreplaceable to our family.(我的祖母对我们家庭来说是不可替代的。)- The furniture store sells unique and beautiful pieces.(家具店出售独特而美丽的产品。)3、语言环境上的区别irreplaceable通常用于一些正式或技术性的场合,而unique则更常用于日常交流中。例句:- The data contained in that report is irreplaceable.(那份报告中的数据是不可替代的。)- My sister has a unique sense of style.(我姐姐有一种独特的时尚感。)4、用于数量上的区别irreplaceable通常用于单一事物的描述,而unique则可以用于描述一个人、物品或者群体的独特性。例句:- This watch belonged to my grandfather and it is irreplaceable for me.(这块手表是我祖父的遗物,对于我来说不可替代。)- The population of that village has many unique traditions.(那个村庄的人口有许多独特的传统。)5、排他性的区别irreplaceable表示的是这个物品/人是唯一的(不可替代),而unique表示的是这个物品/人有一些特殊的品质或特点,但并不排除存在其他有类似品质或特点的事物或人。例句:- The Mona Lisa is an irreplaceable work of art.(蒙娜丽莎是一件不可替代的艺术品。)- My brother has a unique talent for playing the guitar, but there are many other talented guitarists in the world.(我兄弟擅长弹吉他,有着独特的音乐才华,但世界上也有很多其他才华横溢的吉他手。)
2023-07-27 09:54:171


2023-07-27 09:54:371


Nobody can take the place of sb
2023-07-27 09:54:465

心里那个无可替代的位置 英文怎么说

The one in my heart can"t be replaced
2023-07-27 09:55:014

irreplaceable 完整的中文歌词

Beyonce - Irreplaceable to the left to the left to the left to the left mmmmmmmmmmmm to the left to the left everything you own in the box to the left in the closet, thats my stuff yes, if I bought it, then please don"t touch (don"t touch) and keep on talking that mess, thats fine but could you walk and talk, at the same time? and- its my name thats on that jag so go move your bags, let me call you a cab standing in the front yard, telling me how I"m such a fool, talking "bout how I"ll never ever find a man like you you got me twisted!!!!!!! you must not know "bout me you must not know "bout me I could have another you in a minute matter fact, he"ll be here in a minute (baby) you must not know "bout me you must not know "bout me I can have another you by tomorrow so don"t you ever for a second get to thinkin" you"re irreplaceable so go ahead and get gone call up that chick, and see if shes home oops I bet you thought, that I didn"t know what did you think I was putting you out for? because you was untrue rolling her around in the car that I bought you baby, drop them keys hurry up, before your taxi leaves standing in the front yard, telling me how I"m such a fool, talking "bout how I"ll never ever find a man like you you got me twisted!!!!!!!! you must not know "bout me you must not know "bout me I could have another you in a minute matter fact, he"ll be here in a minute (baby) you must not know "bout me you must not know "bout me I can have another you by tomorrow so don"t you ever for a second get to thinkin" you"re irreplaceable so since I"m not your everything how about I be nothing? nothing at all to you baby i won"t shed a tear for you I won"t lose a wink of sleep cause the truth of the matter is replacing you is so easy to the left to the left to the left to the left mmmmmmmm to the left to the left everything you own in the box to left to the left to the left don"t you ever for a second get to thinking you"re irreplaceable you must not know "bout me you must not know "bout me I could have another you in a minute matter fact, he"ll be here in a minute (baby) you must not know "bout me you must not know "bout me I can have another you by tomorrow so don"t you ever for a second get to thinkin" you must not know "bout me you must not know "bout me I could have another you in a minute matter fact, he"ll be here in a minute (baby) you can pack all your bags- we"re finished cause you made your bed now lay in it I can have another you by tomorrow don"t you ever for a second get to thinkin" you"re irreplaceable
2023-07-27 09:55:151


全部留下 全部留下 全部留下 盒子里你所有的东西都留下 橱柜里的,那时我的东西 没错,如果是我买的,请不要碰 你一直在谈论那件事情,无所谓 难道你就不能一边走一边说 不要再念叨我的名字 所以,带着你的东西离开巴,我会为你叫出租车 你站在院子前面,告诉我 我有多么傻,告诉我…… 告诉我说我再不会找到像你这样的人 你理解错误了 你一点都不了解我 我在下一分钟就能找到像你这样的 事实就是,下一分钟他就会出现在这里 你一点都不了解我 我明天就会找到另一个你 所以,千万不要以为你是多么不可替代 哪怕一秒钟,都不要多想
2023-07-27 09:55:243


Beyonce - 不能替代 到左边到左边到左边到左边 mmmmmmmmmmmm 到左边到左边一切您拥有在箱子到左边在壁橱, 我的材料的thats, 如果我买了它, 然后是喜欢不接触(不接触) 并且不保持在谈那混乱, thats 优良但您走和能谈话, 同时吗? 并且它我的命名thats 在那jag 因此去移动您的袋子, 让我告诉您小室站立在前院, 告诉我怎样我是这样傻瓜, 谈的" 回合怎么我从未曾经将找到一个人象您您得到了我twisted!!!!!!! 您不能知道" 回合我您不能认识" 回合我我能有另您在一个详细的问题事实, 他将在这里在一分钟(婴孩内) 您不能知道" 回合我您不能认识" 回合我我可能有另您明天因此您一秒钟曾经不得到对thinkin " 您是不能替代的 如此开始和得到去召集那只小鸡, 和看见如果shes 家庭oops 我打赌了您想法, 我不知道什么您认为我投入您为吗? 因为您是不真实的辗压她在汽车我买了您婴孩, 投下他们钥匙赶紧, 在您的出租汽车远远胜过在前院之前, 告诉我怎样我是这样傻瓜, 谈的" 回合怎么我从未曾经将找到一个人象您您得到了我twisted!!!!!!!! 您不能知道" 回合我您不能认识" 回合我我能有另您在一个详细的问题事实, 他将在这里在一分钟(婴孩内) 您不能知道" 回合我您不能认识" 回合我我可能有另您明天因此您一秒钟曾经不得到对thinkin " 您是不能替代的 如此因为我不是您一切怎么样I 是没什么?没什么根本对您小我不会流洒一滴泪花为您我不会丢失睡眠起因挤眼问题真相替换您很容易 到左边到左边到左边到左边 mmmmmmmm 到左边到左边一切您拥有在箱子到左边 到左边到左边您一秒钟曾经不得到对认为您是不能替代的您不能知道" 回合我您不能认识" 回合我我能有另您在一个详细的问题事实, 他将在这里在一分钟内(婴孩) 您不能知道" 回合我您不能认识" 回合我我可能有另您明天因此您一秒钟曾经不得到对thinkin " 您不能知道" 回合我您不能认识" 回合我我能有另您在一个详细的问题事实, 他将在这里在一分钟(婴孩内) 您能包装所有您的袋子我们是您做您的床现在放置在它我能有另您您一秒钟曾经明天不得到对thinkin 的完成的起因" 您是不能替代的
2023-07-27 09:55:432


to the left to the left to the left to the left everything you own in the box to the left in the closet, yes thats my stuff yes, if I bought it, then please don"t touch (don"t touch) and keep on talking that mess, thats fine could you walk and talk, at the same time? and- its my name thats on that bag so go move your bags, let me call you a cab standing in the front yard, telling me how I"m such a fool, talking "bout how I"ll never ever find a man like you you got me twisted you must not know "bout me you must not know "bout me I could have another you in a minute matter fact, he"ll be here in a minute (baby) you must not know "bout me you must not know "bout me I"ll have another you by tomorrow so don"t you ever for a second get to thinkin" you"re irreplaceable so go ahead and get grown call up that chick, and see if shes home oops I bet you thought, that I didn"t know what did you think I was putting you out for? because you was untrue rolling around in the car that I bought you baby, drop them keys hurry up, before your taxi leaves standing in the front yard, telling me how I"m such a fool, talking "bout how I"ll never ever find a man like you you got me twisted you must not know "bout me you must not know "bout me I could have another you in a minute matter fact, he"ll be here in a minute (baby) you must not know "bout me you must not know "bout me I"ll have another you by tomorrow so don"t you ever for a second get to thinkin" you"re irreplaceable so since I"m not your everything how about I be nothing? nothing at all to you baby i won"t shed a tear for you I won"t lose a wink of sleep cause the truth of the matter is replacing you is so easy to the left to the left to the left to the left mmmmmmmm to the left to the left everything you own in the box to left to the left to the left don"t you ever for a second get to thinking you"re irreplaceable you must not know "bout me you must not know "bout me I could have another you in a minute matter fact, he"ll be here in a minute (baby) you must not know "bout me you must not know "bout me I"ll have another you by tomorrow so don"t you ever for a second get to thinkin" you must not know "bout me you must not know "bout me I could have another you in a minute matter fact, he"ll be here in a minute (baby) you can pack all your things- we"re finished cause you made your bed now lay in it I could have another you by tomorrow don"t you ever for a second get to thinkin" you"re irreplaceable
2023-07-27 09:55:512


2023-07-27 09:55:582


我以前学过一个句型:Nothing can be compared with……比如说“你是无法取代的”,可以说:Nothing can be compared with you. Nice to serve you.
2023-07-27 09:56:081

有些记忆,注定无法抹去;就好比有些人,注定无法替代一样。 翻译成英文。

Some memories, destined to cannot be erased; Is just like some people, doomed to be irreplaceable
2023-07-27 09:56:244


无可替代 unreplaceable 无与伦比 incomparable, beyond compareSomeone is unreplaceable.
2023-07-27 09:56:331


1.irresistible不可遏制的 2.irreconcilable不可调和的 3.irrefutable不可辩驳的 4.irrelevant无关紧要的 5.irremediable不可挽回的 6.irrepressible不可抑制的 7irreplaceable不可替代的 8irrevocable不可更改的 扩展资料   前缀,是汉语里指在词根前面的构词成分。如“阿哥”、“阿姨”中的“阿”,英文中指一个英语单词可以分为三个部分:前缀(prefix),词根(root)及后缀(suffix)。单词中位于词根前面的`部分就是前缀。前缀,可以改变单词的意思。
2023-07-27 09:56:401


irre前缀是做否定的意思。以irre为前缀的单词有 irreplaceable(不能替代的),irrelevant(不相干的),irregular(不规则的),irreproduce(不再生的)。
2023-07-27 09:57:101

布拉德皮特的香奈儿5号There you are的广告词,原英文与中文翻译是什么?

it"s not a journey, every journey ends but we go on. the world turns, we turn with it. plan disappear, dreams take over. but where for I go, there you are. my luck, my fate, my 5, Irreplaceable.“这不是一段旅程,旅程总有终点,但我们会继续。世界在转,我们也随着改变。当计划消逝(计划着逃离),梦成为主宰(梦想接管一切)。无论我去哪里,都有你。我的幸运,我的命运,我的未来。香奈儿5号,无可替代。”貌似我听了几次。有些出入。并且翻译上我觉得有更改
2023-07-27 09:57:181

无可取代的英文缩写是什么如题 谢谢了

irreplaceable 没有缩写求采纳
2023-07-27 09:57:391

In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different什么意思

2023-07-27 09:58:127


to the leftto the leftto the left to the lefteverything you own in the box to the leftin the closet, yes thats my stuffyes, if I bought it, then please don"t touch (don"t touch)and keep on talking that mess, thats finecould you walk and talk, at the same time?and- its my name thats on that bagso go move your bags, let me call you a cabstanding in the front yard, telling mehow I"m such a fool, talking "bouthow I"ll never ever find a man like youyou got me twistedyou must not know "bout meyou must not know "bout meI could have another you in a minutematter fact, he"ll be here in a minute (baby)you must not know "bout meyou must not know "bout meI"ll have another you by tomorrowso don"t you ever for a second get to thinkin"you"re irreplaceableso go ahead and get growncall up that chick, and see if shes homeoops I bet you thought, that I didn"t knowwhat did you thinkI was putting you out for?because you was untruerolling around in the car that I bought youbaby, drop them keyshurry up, before your taxi leavesstanding in the front yard, telling mehow I"m such a fool, talking "bouthow I"ll never ever find a man like youyou got me twistedyou must not know "bout meyou must not know "bout meI could have another you in a minutematter fact, he"ll be here in a minute (baby)you must not know "bout meyou must not know "bout meI"ll have another you by tomorrowso don"t you ever for a second get to thinkin"you"re irreplaceableso since I"m not your everythinghow about I be nothing? nothing at all to youbaby i won"t shed a tear for youI won"t lose a wink of sleepcause the truth of the matter isreplacing you is so easyto the left to the leftto the left to the leftmmmmmmmmto the left to the lefteverything you own in the box to leftto the left to the leftdon"t you ever for a second get to thinkingyou"re irreplaceableyou must not know "bout meyou must not know "bout meI could have another you in a minutematter fact, he"ll be here in a minute (baby)you must not know "bout meyou must not know "bout meI"ll have another you by tomorrowso don"t you ever for a second get to thinkin"you must not know "bout meyou must not know "bout meI could have another you in a minutematter fact, he"ll be here in a minute (baby)you can pack all your things- we"re finishedcause you made your bed now lay in itI could have another you by tomorrowdon"t you ever for a second get to thinkin"you"re irreplaceable
2023-07-27 09:58:281


No one is irreplaceable and nothing is musthave.
2023-07-27 09:58:364

in order to be irreplaceable one must always be always be different.这个句子有语法错误吗?

有错误的,一般说来,in order to短语的后面都要加“,”的,另外,副词always与be动词连用时,副词always应放于be之后,另外,后面的一个be是多余的,所以,整句话,应该是:In order to be irreplaceable, one must be always different.
2023-07-27 09:58:441


2023-07-27 09:58:522


我就是我,无可替代I am I, irreplaceable望采纳,谢谢
2023-07-27 09:59:004


2023-07-27 09:59:234

Irreplaceable 歌词

歌曲名:Irreplaceable歌手:Beyonce专辑:B"Dayto the leftto the leftmmm to the left, to the lefteverything you own in the box to the leftin the closet, that"s my stuffyes if i bought it (nigga) please don"t touchand keep talkin" that mess, that"s finebut could you walk and talk at the same time?and it"s my name that"s on that Jagso remove you"re bags, let me call you a cabstandin" in the front yardtellin" me how i"m such a fooltalkin" bout how i"ll never ever find a man like youyou got me twisted(chorus)you must not know "bout me, you must not know "bout mei could have another you in a minutematter fact, he"ll be here in a minutebabyyou must not know "bout me, you must not know "bout mei can have another you by tomorrowso don"t you ever for a second get to thinkingyou"re irreplaceableso go ahead and get goneand call up that chick and see if she"s homeoops, i bet you thought that i didn"t knowwhat did you think i was puttin" you out for?because you was untruerollin" her around in the car that i bought youbaby drop them keyshurry up, before your taxi leavesstandin" in the front yardtellin" me how i"m such a fooltalkin" bout how i"ll never ever find a man like youyou got me twistedyou must not know "bout me, you must not know "bout me(chorus)i could have another you in a minutematter fact, he"ll be here in a minutebabyyou must not know "bout me, you must not know "bout mei will have another you by tomorrowso don"t you ever for a second get to thinkingyou"re irreplaceableso since im not your everythinghow about i"ll be nothingnothing at all to youbaby i wont shed a tear for youi won"t lose a wink of sleepcos" the truth of the matter isreplacing you is so easyto the leftto the leftmmm to the left to the lefteverything you own in a box to the leftto the left to the leftdon"t you ever for a second get to thinking you"re irreplaceable(repeat chorus to end) 冲冲爱beyonce
2023-07-27 09:59:311

Irreplaceable 歌词

歌曲名:Irreplaceable歌手:Beyoncé专辑:I Am...World TourIrreplaceableBeyonceB"DayTo the leftTo the leftTo the leftTo the leftTo the leftTo the leftEverything you own in the box to the leftIn the closet that"s my stuff - YesIf I bought it nigga please don"t touchAnd keep talking that mess, that"s fineBut could you walk and talk at the same timeAnd It"s my mine name that is on that JagSo remove your bags let me call you a cabStanding in the front yard telling meHow I"m such a fool - Talking aboutHow I"ll never ever find a man like youYou got me twistedYou must not know about meYou must not know about meI could have another you in a minutematter fact he"ll be here in a minute - babyYou must not know about meYou must not know about meI can have another you by tomorrowSo don"t you ever for a second get to thinking you"re irreplaceableSo go ahead and get goneAnd call up on that chick and see if she is homeOops, I bet ya thought that I didn"t knowWhat did you think I was putting you out for?Cause you was untrueRolling her around in the car that I bought youBaby you dropped them keys hurry up before your taxi leavesStanding in the front yard telling meHow I am such a fool - Talking aboutHow I"ll never ever find a man like youYou got me twistedYou must not know about meYou must not know about meI could have another you in a minutematter fact he"ll be here in a minute - babyYou must not know about meYou must not know about meI will have another you by tomorrowSo don"t you ever for a second get to thinking you"re irreplaceableSo since I"m not your everythingHow about I"ll be nothingNothing at all to youBaby I wont shead a tear for youI won"t lose a wink of sleepCause the truth of the matter isReplacing you is so easyTo the leftTo the leftTo the leftTo the leftTo the leftTo the leftEverything you own in the box to the leftTo the leftTo the leftDon"t you ever for a second get to thinking you"re irreplaceableYou must not know about meYou must not know about meI could have another you in a minutematter fact he"ll be be here in a minute - babyYou must not know about meYou must not know about meI can have another you by tomorrowDon"t you ever for a second get to thinking you"re irreplaceableYou must not know about meYou must not know about meI could have another you in a minutematter fact he"ll be be here in a minute - baby ..................You must not know about meYou must not know about meI can have another you by tomorrowDon"t you ever for a second get to thinking you"re irreplaceable
2023-07-27 09:59:381

Irreplaceable 歌词

歌曲名:Irreplaceable歌手:Beyonce专辑:Listen (From Dreamgirls S/T)to the leftto the leftmmm to the left, to the lefteverything you own in the box to the leftin the closet, that"s my stuffyes if i bought it (nigga) please don"t touchand keep talkin" that mess, that"s finebut could you walk and talk at the same time?and it"s my name that"s on that Jagso remove you"re bags, let me call you a cabstandin" in the front yardtellin" me how i"m such a fooltalkin" bout how i"ll never ever find a man like youyou got me twisted(chorus)you must not know "bout me, you must not know "bout mei could have another you in a minutematter fact, he"ll be here in a minutebabyyou must not know "bout me, you must not know "bout mei can have another you by tomorrowso don"t you ever for a second get to thinkingyou"re irreplaceableso go ahead and get goneand call up that chick and see if she"s homeoops, i bet you thought that i didn"t knowwhat did you think i was puttin" you out for?because you was untruerollin" her around in the car that i bought youbaby drop them keyshurry up, before your taxi leavesstandin" in the front yardtellin" me how i"m such a fooltalkin" bout how i"ll never ever find a man like youyou got me twistedyou must not know "bout me, you must not know "bout me(chorus)i could have another you in a minutematter fact, he"ll be here in a minutebabyyou must not know "bout me, you must not know "bout mei will have another you by tomorrowso don"t you ever for a second get to thinkingyou"re irreplaceableso since im not your everythinghow about i"ll be nothingnothing at all to youbaby i wont shed a tear for youi won"t lose a wink of sleepcos" the truth of the matter isreplacing you is so easyto the leftto the leftmmm to the left to the lefteverything you own in a box to the leftto the left to the leftdon"t you ever for a second get to thinking you"re irreplaceable(repeat chorus to end) 冲冲爱beyonce
2023-07-27 09:59:451

Irreplaceable 歌词

歌曲名:Irreplaceable歌手:Beyonce专辑:Listen (From The Motion Picture Dreamgirls)to the leftto the leftmmm to the left, to the lefteverything you own in the box to the leftin the closet, that"s my stuffyes if i bought it (nigga) please don"t touchand keep talkin" that mess, that"s finebut could you walk and talk at the same time?and it"s my name that"s on that Jagso remove you"re bags, let me call you a cabstandin" in the front yardtellin" me how i"m such a fooltalkin" bout how i"ll never ever find a man like youyou got me twisted(chorus)you must not know "bout me, you must not know "bout mei could have another you in a minutematter fact, he"ll be here in a minutebabyyou must not know "bout me, you must not know "bout mei can have another you by tomorrowso don"t you ever for a second get to thinkingyou"re irreplaceableso go ahead and get goneand call up that chick and see if she"s homeoops, i bet you thought that i didn"t knowwhat did you think i was puttin" you out for?because you was untruerollin" her around in the car that i bought youbaby drop them keyshurry up, before your taxi leavesstandin" in the front yardtellin" me how i"m such a fooltalkin" bout how i"ll never ever find a man like youyou got me twistedyou must not know "bout me, you must not know "bout me(chorus)i could have another you in a minutematter fact, he"ll be here in a minutebabyyou must not know "bout me, you must not know "bout mei will have another you by tomorrowso don"t you ever for a second get to thinkingyou"re irreplaceableso since im not your everythinghow about i"ll be nothingnothing at all to youbaby i wont shed a tear for youi won"t lose a wink of sleepcos" the truth of the matter isreplacing you is so easyto the leftto the leftmmm to the left to the lefteverything you own in a box to the leftto the left to the leftdon"t you ever for a second get to thinking you"re irreplaceable(repeat chorus to end) 冲冲爱beyonce
2023-07-27 09:59:521

Irreplaceable 歌词

歌曲名:Irreplaceable歌手:Sugarland专辑:Live On The Inside-Mercury RecordsIrreplaceableBeyonceB"DayTo the leftTo the leftTo the leftTo the leftTo the leftTo the leftEverything you own in the box to the leftIn the closet that"s my stuff - YesIf I bought it nigga please don"t touchAnd keep talking that mess, that"s fineBut could you walk and talk at the same timeAnd It"s my mine name that is on that JagSo remove your bags let me call you a cabStanding in the front yard telling meHow I"m such a fool - Talking aboutHow I"ll never ever find a man like youYou got me twistedYou must not know about meYou must not know about meI could have another you in a minutematter fact he"ll be here in a minute - babyYou must not know about meYou must not know about meI can have another you by tomorrowSo don"t you ever for a second get to thinking you"re irreplaceableSo go ahead and get goneAnd call up on that chick and see if she is homeOops, I bet ya thought that I didn"t knowWhat did you think I was putting you out for?Cause you was untrueRolling her around in the car that I bought youBaby you dropped them keys hurry up before your taxi leavesStanding in the front yard telling meHow I am such a fool - Talking aboutHow I"ll never ever find a man like youYou got me twistedYou must not know about meYou must not know about meI could have another you in a minutematter fact he"ll be here in a minute - babyYou must not know about meYou must not know about meI will have another you by tomorrowSo don"t you ever for a second get to thinking you"re irreplaceableSo since I"m not your everythingHow about I"ll be nothingNothing at all to youBaby I wont shead a tear for youI won"t lose a wink of sleepCause the truth of the matter isReplacing you is so easyTo the leftTo the leftTo the leftTo the leftTo the leftTo the leftEverything you own in the box to the leftTo the leftTo the leftDon"t you ever for a second get to thinking you"re irreplaceableYou must not know about meYou must not know about meI could have another you in a minutematter fact he"ll be be here in a minute - babyYou must not know about meYou must not know about meI can have another you by tomorrowDon"t you ever for a second get to thinking you"re irreplaceableYou must not know about meYou must not know about meI could have another you in a minutematter fact he"ll be be here in a minute - baby ..................You must not know about meYou must not know about meI can have another you by tomorrowDon"t you ever for a second get to thinking you"re irreplaceable
2023-07-27 09:59:591

Irreplaceable 歌词

歌曲名:Irreplaceable歌手:Zatox专辑:Hardstyle Vol. 22IrreplaceableBeyonceB"DayTo the leftTo the leftTo the leftTo the leftTo the leftTo the leftEverything you own in the box to the leftIn the closet that"s my stuff - YesIf I bought it nigga please don"t touchAnd keep talking that mess, that"s fineBut could you walk and talk at the same timeAnd It"s my mine name that is on that JagSo remove your bags let me call you a cabStanding in the front yard telling meHow I"m such a fool - Talking aboutHow I"ll never ever find a man like youYou got me twistedYou must not know about meYou must not know about meI could have another you in a minutematter fact he"ll be here in a minute - babyYou must not know about meYou must not know about meI can have another you by tomorrowSo don"t you ever for a second get to thinking you"re irreplaceableSo go ahead and get goneAnd call up on that chick and see if she is homeOops, I bet ya thought that I didn"t knowWhat did you think I was putting you out for?Cause you was untrueRolling her around in the car that I bought youBaby you dropped them keys hurry up before your taxi leavesStanding in the front yard telling meHow I am such a fool - Talking aboutHow I"ll never ever find a man like youYou got me twistedYou must not know about meYou must not know about meI could have another you in a minutematter fact he"ll be here in a minute - babyYou must not know about meYou must not know about meI will have another you by tomorrowSo don"t you ever for a second get to thinking you"re irreplaceableSo since I"m not your everythingHow about I"ll be nothingNothing at all to youBaby I wont shead a tear for youI won"t lose a wink of sleepCause the truth of the matter isReplacing you is so easyTo the leftTo the leftTo the leftTo the leftTo the leftTo the leftEverything you own in the box to the leftTo the leftTo the leftDon"t you ever for a second get to thinking you"re irreplaceableYou must not know about meYou must not know about meI could have another you in a minutematter fact he"ll be be here in a minute - babyYou must not know about meYou must not know about meI can have another you by tomorrowDon"t you ever for a second get to thinking you"re irreplaceableYou must not know about meYou must not know about meI could have another you in a minutematter fact he"ll be be here in a minute - baby ..................You must not know about meYou must not know about meI can have another you by tomorrowDon"t you ever for a second get to thinking you"re irreplaceable
2023-07-27 10:00:071

求个Irreplaceable的歌词 George benson 的?

So, so irreplaceableThis love is so, so irreplaceable(All I need)So, so irreplaceableMy love is so, so irreplaceable(All I need)Everyday my joys are like a waterfallLittle things you do like a simple callAnd my night is something like a miracleBaby girl, you"re feeling me tooHookHad a vision ‘bout the river flowing meIn a clear blue skyThe way you found meAnd wrapped around meAngel you answered my cryWond"rin" to through the searchLonely think of itSearchin" for the bestWith the comfort of your earsRefrainGirl this time there"s no mistakeYou got my heart bangingLike I lead a wayMore than just sensational you areIrreplaceable-Chorus-Think I wanna make you mineTake a vow and dedicate my love to youYou are so simply irreplaceableIrreplaceableLove you till the end of timePromise I"ll be spending all my lifeJust making you happySo irreplaceable you"re all I needSo, so irreplaceableThis love is so, so irreplaceable(All I need)I can see the future as I fantasizeThere"s a baby boy with your pretty eyesAnd the little girl who makes the world of youBaby girl, you seeing it tooHook IIHad a vision ‘bout the river flowing meIn a clear blue skyOh my, the way you found meAnd wrapped around meAngel you answered my cryWith a view form insideWell it must in your eyesGod made you so beautifulWonderin" to the searchLonely think of itSearching for bestWith the comfort and your easeRefrainGirl this time there"s no mistakeYou got my heart bangingLike I lead a wayMore than just sensational you areIrreplaceable-Chorus-Think I wanna make you mineTake a vow and dedicate my love to youYou are so simply irreplaceableIrreplaceableLove you till the end of timePromise I"ll be spending all my lifeJust making you happySo irreplaceable you"re all I needAll I ever wanted was a girl like youSo take this ring and say I do (I do)Heaven must so blessedIt"s ‘cause of love so rareIt"s beautiful, it"s priceless, it"s beyond compare..All I ever wanted was a girl like youSo take this ring and say I do (I do)Heaven must so blessedIt"s ‘cause of love so rareIt"s beautiful, it"s priceless, it"s beyond compare..--Repeat chorus 2x—
2023-07-27 10:00:141

Irreplaceable 歌词翻译

Lyric of Beyonce" Knowles of the song “Irreplaceable”To the leftTo the leftTo the leftTo the leftMmmm to the leftEverything you own in the box to the leftIn the closet, thats my stuffYes, if I bought it, baby please don"t touch (don"t touch)And keep talking that mess, thats fineCould you walk and talk, at the same time?And its my name thats on that jagSo go move your bags, let me call you a cabStanding in the front yard, telling meHow I"m such a fool, talking "boutHow I"ll never ever find a man like youYou got me twistedYou must not know "bout meYou must not know "bout meI could have another you in a minuteMatter fact, he"ll be here in a minute (baby)You must not know "bout meYou must not know "bout meI can have another you by tomorrowSo don"t you ever for a second get to thinkin"You"re irreplaceable
2023-07-27 10:00:343


2023-07-27 10:00:421


I am my unique me.1. They are priceless, unique and irreplaceable.它们是独一无二、不可替代的无价之宝。2. There"s one man who"s considered irreplaceable.有一个人被认为独一无二。3. The Radio frequency communication irreplaceable makes mobile communication realized in underground mine.射频通信无可替代地实现了矿山井下的移动通信.
2023-07-27 10:01:091

布拉德皮特的香奈儿5号There you are的广告词,求原英文与中文翻译!

这不是一段旅程,旅程总有终点,但我们会继续。世界在转,我们也随着改变。当计划消逝,梦成为主宰,无论我去哪里,都有你。我的幸运,我的命运,我的未来 It"s not a journey, every journey ends but we go on, the world turns and we turn with it. Plans disappear and dreams take over. But where ever I go – there you are. My luck, my fate, my fortune.
2023-07-27 10:01:365


A man can not be replaced
2023-07-27 10:01:5315


irresistable irreconcilable irrefutable irrelevant irremediable irrepressible irreplaceable irreproachable irresponsible irreverent irreversible irrevocable
2023-07-27 10:02:412

Matt Morris的《Eternity》 歌词

歌曲名:Eternity歌手:Matt Morris专辑:When Everything Breaks OpenEternityPC game "Sucre" Ending ThemeVocal:Katakiri RekkaWord/Music:Hatori FuugaEveryday,everynightI remember your smilelike a flower,seems to meNearby the river,a lot of shiny daylightwith a tea that is your favoriteAnytime it"s so kindthat will heal my heartsweet and a charming time for youA lot of memoriesthat you made for me tenderlyI want you to be yourself forever more...With a some lie to you,I turned down my faceeven though I decieve you on my ownyou"re smiling to me,it will break all of my weakness and sadnessthen I look into your eyes tooAlways I believe in your heart as it is,you make me smileEvery shadows will fade awayNo one knows eternity,but we do believe in itSo I want to be with youAnytime and place for all of love to me...When the rain will fall on just between you and meI will get closer to youAll of my feelingsthat I had an obstinate heartIt was flowed away as a time pass me byNeither obedient nor sincere to youMaybe so bothering one for youBut you said clearlyI am so precious piece of your entire lifeirreplaceable words to meSo that I decide,walk along with you this way,in this worldNothing is needed except for youSun will shine after tears are falled downNow I can look up aboveto the sky the rainbow can be seen with youEternityPCゲーム「シュクレ ~sweet and charming time for you.~」ED歌:片雾烈火 作词&编曲:羽鸟风画Everything that you gave to me is my precious memoriesEven if sometimes my heart achesI will never crybecause you are here with meHeart to heart,hand to handwe will walk togetherAlways I believe in your heart as it is,you make me smileEvery shadows will fade awayWe have an eternity,that no one could feel itSo I want to get along with youAnytime and place for allof love to me.戯画Giga/Lrc:GarsiazeroFin
2023-07-27 10:02:481

跪求Beyonce的《Irreplaceable 》吉他谱~! 谢谢

吉他谱的 有点难找 给你个伴奏吧
2023-07-27 10:02:561


我喜欢U0001f495Change your mind
2023-07-27 10:03:073


never say goodbye
2023-07-27 10:03:265


所属专辑: Forever 所属歌手: chris brown It"s u and me Moving at the speed of light into eternity ya Tonight, is the night to join me in the middel of exticy Feal the meledy and the rythm of the music around u, around u Ima take u there, ima take u there So don"t be scared im right here, baby We can go anywhere, go anywhere but first its ur chance, take my hand come with me (Chours) It"s like I waited my whole life for this one night It"s gonna be me, u and the dance floor Cuz we only got one night Double ur pleaseur, double ur fun and dance forever (6x) Forever on the dance floor Feals like were on another level Feals like our love"s in control We can be two rebels, breaking the rules, leaping two, u and i All u gotta do is watch me Look at what i can do with my feet Baby, feal the beat inside I promise u can take the front seat Just me and u now trust me Girl, Girl, Girl Its like now (Chours) It"s a long way down, it"s so high off the ground Send in for angel to bring me up Girl where did u come from Got me so undone Gazein in ur eyes got me sayin What a beautiful lady, no if, ands or maybes Im relasing my heart its fealin amazing There"s no one else that matters, u love me and i won"t let u fall girl, fall i won"t let u fall, let u fall, let u fall it"s like (Chours) forever, ever, ever ya 【小档案】 英文名:Chris Brown 中文名:克里斯 布朗 全名:Christopher Maurice Brown 出生地:美国弗吉尼亚州 生日:1989年5月5日 身高:188cm(6"2"") 体重:88.452kg(195lb) 爱好:R&B/Hip-Hop/Crunk 1989年5月出生于美国弗吉尼亚州人口只有两千人的Tappahannock小镇,Chris Brown从小就喜爱饶舌音乐,还不时有一些即兴的创作;在准备升入中学的年纪,母亲就带着他前往纽约发展,在没有任何师门或派系支持的情况下,凭借过人的音乐天份勇闯歌坛。 2005年推出首支单曲“Run It”,一发行便把嘻哈/饶舌界天王肯伊威斯特(Kanye West)十周连冠的单曲作品“Gold Digger”给请下了台,创下十年来唯一男歌手首次登场便拿下冠军宝座的辉煌纪录,并且蝉联五周全美排行榜冠军,还以一亿六千万收听人次改写新秀歌手点播纪录,一如Michael Jackson、Bobby Brown、Usher等前辈年纪轻轻便展露极佳的音乐潜质。最近Chris Brown又在The BET Awards上拿下Best Male R&B,Best New Artist,BET.com观众选择奖等三项大奖的提名,再次令人对这位17岁的弱冠少年刮目相看。 虽然才刚出道,Chris Brown的舞步就在行内得到赞誉有加。最有趣的是,除了可以在他的MV中学到足以让你炫耀一阵的舞技之外,你还可以学到不少的追女花招呢。 2007年的全美MTV颁奖典礼上克里斯小子秀出令台下前辈们惊呼连连的新舞步,混搭偶像迈克尔·杰克逊(Michael Jackson)精湛技艺,立刻赢得麦可的公开称许。打着亮眼新世代Crunk & B/旷课乐声线的处女秀”Run It!”,开出一亿六千万收听人次,创美国电台史上初登场最强点播男歌手空前纪录,刷新男歌手十年来排行纪录直奔Billboard Hot100冠军宝座、连闯点播+销售与节奏蓝调单曲榜三料冠军,蝉连全美五周流行单曲榜Top1+英国金榜亚军+澳洲单曲冠军,唯一可以与亚瑟小子”Yeah!”相互较劲的新人王。 出生维吉尼亚州原名Christopher Maurice Brown的Chris Brown,两岁就会跳舞、11岁便能唱同能饶舌,经过新人选秀发掘后,计画性到纽约寻求发展机会。2005年的首张专辑《旷课效应》,全球累积三百万张销售佳绩,拿下全美节奏蓝调榜冠军+流行榜亚军。陆续问世之”Yo(Excuse Me Miss)”、”Gimme That”、”Say Goodbye”、”Poppin"”单曲,全数打入节奏蓝调榜Top5之林。2006年一口气在Billboard年度音乐盛会上抱走“年度新人”、“年度男艺人”以及“年度艺人”等三座重要奖项。2008年度全美音乐颁奖典礼上,在灵歌/R & B音乐类和流行/摇滚音乐类分别获得最受欢迎男歌手奖项。 正式年满18岁的克里斯小子,带出成熟多样惊喜连连的第二张大碟《Exclusive》。 首波依然敲打热辣旷课乐种的”Wall To Wall”,交付Swizz Beatz(玛丹娜、玛丽亚凯莉)与Sean Garrett(碧昂丝、关史蒂芬妮) 两大制作巨星联合掌控,过瘾的转动着强劲街舞旋律;第二支已打入iTunes销售榜冠军+全美流行榜亚军+节奏蓝调/嘻哈榜Top6的”Kiss Kiss”,架构在舞动感十足的R&B声韵中,请到全方位才子T-Pain(肯伊威斯特、劳凯力)制作/合唱;由节奏蓝调界制作小组The Underdogs(莱诺里奇、娃娃脸)操刀的抒情小品”Take You Down”,倚着电吉他线条来回穿梭,融入更多摇滚气流; 完美呈现如碧昂丝十周冠军曲"Irreplaceable"般动人音符的”With You”,同在Stargate(蕾哈娜、Blue)操盘下,孕育一首极具进攻各排行实力的优质小品;黑眼豆豆灵魂主角will.i.am前来制作/帮腔的”Picture Perfect”,玩性大发的堆迭高能量电子、Funky Soul等节拍,热闹缤纷的散出派对氛围;电子+摇滚+嘻哈元素相互撞击的”Hold Up”,让南岸饶舌大团OutKast鬼才团员Big Boi放肆玩乐;钢琴柔美弹奏流泄于"I Wanna Be",动听度不输”Say Goodbye”;很有五角的嘻哈街头首选”Nice”,由加拿大籍的Scott Storch(克莉丝汀、芭莉丝)全权负责,更有饶舌狠脚色The Game呛声说唱;就连多项葛莱美奖加冕的才子肯伊威斯特,都不放过这场盛会前来参与制作/饶舌献艺于”Down”里头。克里斯小子受到黑人音乐权威杂志Vibe高声赞誉“节奏蓝调界未来新希望”,已在这张专辑中站稳脚步并获得实证! 07年他也带来了他的全新唱片与大家见面记得采纳啊
2023-07-27 10:04:221