barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-28 22:17:46
TAG: 英语

Generally speaking






on the whole,in a word ,in conclusion,in short,in brief,to make a long story short,in general ,generally speaking均用于进行总结时引出自己的观点或理由,都可以解释为总的来说。希望采纳~谢谢啦•﹏•



In general ,the performance was disappointing,generally speaking

还有in a word 也表示总的来说!

还有in summary, in short,都可以表示总的来说!



In general ,the performance was disappointing.

还有in a word 也表示总的来说!

还有in summary, in short,都可以表示总的来说!


in generaluff0call in all,in a word in summary,




in general


in one word


all in all



performance 英[pu0259u02c8fu0254:mu0259ns] 美[pu0259ru02c8fu0254:rmu0259ns] n. 表现; 表演; 演技; 执行; 谐音读法:per 佛 闷死
2023-07-27 09:33:081

key performance indicator怎么读

英文原文:key performance indicator英式音标:[kiu02d0] [pu0259u02c8fu0254u02d0m(u0259)ns] [u02c8u026andu026akeu026atu0259] 美式音标:[kiu02d0] [pu025au02c8fu0254rmu0259ns] [u02c8u026andu026aketu025a]
2023-07-27 09:33:531


人力资源:human resource(s)
2023-07-27 09:34:042

performance examine 怎么读

2023-07-27 09:34:471


2023-07-27 09:36:043

无聊 英文怎么读

无聊 英文boring
2023-07-27 09:36:144


program的读音是:英["pr??ɡr?m]。program的读音是:英["pr??ɡr?m]。program的例句是用作名词(n.)There is an interesting program on television tonight.今天晚上有一个有趣的电视节目。program【近义词】schedule时间表,日程..。一、详尽释义点此查看program的详细内容n.(名词)【计】程序 ,程式计划,大纲,方案,纲领节目课程程序设计表演,演出说明书编码指令程序表节目表,节目单v.(动词)拟...计划,为...制订计划编程序,为设计程式,设计电脑程序为...安排节目,把…列入节目使按照预定步骤表现、工作为(计算机)编制程序规划配习题及题解使按(计算机)程序工作二、双解释义n.(名词)[C]程序 a list of instructions that must be given to a computer in order to make it perform an operationv.(动词)vt. 为(计算机)编制程序 supply a computer with a plan of the operations to be performed三、英英释义Noun:a series of steps to be carried out or goals to be accomplished;"they drew up a six-step plan""they discussed plans for a new bond issue"a system of projects or services intended to meet a public need;"he proposed an elaborate program of public works""working mothers rely on the day care program"a radio or television show;"did you see his program last night?"a document stating the aims and principles of a political party;"their candidate simply ignored the party platform""they won the election even though they offered no positive program"an announcement of the events that will occur as part of a theatrical or sporting event;"you can"t tell the players without a program"an integrated course of academic studies;"he was admitted to a new program at the university"(computer science) a sequence of instructions that a computer can interpret and execute;"the program required several hundred lines of code"a performance (or series of performances) at a public presentation;"the program lasted more than two hours"Verb:arrange a program of or for;"program the 80th birthday party"write a computer program四、例句There is an interesting program on television tonight.今天晚上有一个有趣的电视节目。A forest conservation program has been launched in Guyana.圭亚那发起了一项保护森林的计划。The company asked a professional to write a program for producing a balance sheet.公司请一名专业人士为编制资产负债表而编写程序。Kathy is enrolled in a graduate program in journalism.凯西在大学里攻读新闻学研究生课程。The first item on the program is piano solo.节目单上的第一个节目是钢琴独奏。The computer has been programmed to calculate the gross profit margin on all sales.计算机已输入了程序指令以计算各项销售的毛利率。We need to program some time for discussion at the end of the day.今天结束时我们需要安排一些时间来进行讨论。The central heating system of the building is programmed to start working at 6 o"clock each morning.这幢大楼的中央暖气系统规定每天早晨6时开始供暖。五、词汇搭配用作名词 (n.)动词+~boot up program自举程序,引导程序load program输入程序run program执行程序write program编写程序名词+~computer program计算机程序software program软件程序word processing program文字处理程序六、情景对话有关盗版软件A:Hey Billy. You look really frustrated this morning.嘿,比利,今天上午你看起来很沮丧。B:I think my computer must have a virus.我觉得我的电脑肯定有病毒。A:Why do you say that?你为什么这么说?B:Well, I have just tried to install some new software, but now my computer won"t work properly.唔,我刚才想装一些新软件,但是现在我的电脑不能正常工作了。A:Why didn"t you ask the propeller-heads to put the newprogram on the PC for you?你为什么不让技术人员帮你往电脑里装新程序?program的反义词B:Because it"s not really related to work. They will get mad at me.因为它与工作没有什么联系。他们会对我发脾气的。A:So where did you get the software?那你从哪儿得到这些软件?B:It was really cheap. I bought it from some guy on the street.它很便宜。我从街上的一些人那里买的。A:It is probably pirated software.它可能是盗版软件。B:Can you teach me all about pirated software so that my computer will work correctly again?你能教我所有有关盗版软件的知识吗,好让我的电脑再次正常工作。A:Listen carefully.仔细听好了。七、词源解说☆ 1633年进入英语,直接源自晚期拉丁语的programma,意为宣告,法令;最初源自古希腊语的programma,意为一种书面的公共声明。program的相关临近词programme、prognosis、programs、programm、programer、program in、programmin、program ID、programing、program box、program bus、program lab点此查看更多关于program的详细信息
2023-07-27 09:36:451


impressive的读法是:英 [u026am"presu026av],美 [u026am"presu026av].adj.(形容词)感人的,令人感动的。令人钦佩的,使人敬畏的,令人肃然起敬的。威严的。给人深刻印象的,令人难忘的。神气的,有气派的。短语搭配:1、very impressive.印象很深刻;非常的感人;非常可观。2、impressive performance.令人印象深刻的表现。3、impressive record.令人印象深刻的记录;令人赞叹的记录。4、impressive list.令人印象深刻的清单;清单令人印象深刻。5、impressive collection.印象深刻的……收藏;大量,惊人的收藏。6、impressive example.印象深刻的例子;难以忘怀的例子。7、impressive library.令人印象深刻的图书馆。双语例句:1、The building looked as impressive in actuality as it did in magazines.这建筑物看上去和在杂志上一样让人印象深刻。2、It is a Potemkin party; there is little behind the impressive parliamentary group seen on television.这是一个装点门面的政党,除了电视上看到的议会党团翩翩外表并无实质内容。3、The cathedral is impressive in its austere simplicity.大教堂朴实简单,给人印象深刻。4、To Katherine, the house was trebly impressive.对凯瑟琳来说,这房子极其壮观。5、His team played some impressive football.他的球队踢法令人印象深刻。6、Communal pride in impressive local buildings.全社区对于予人深刻印象的当地建筑的自豪。7、A good English dictionary is a golden key to an impressive command of English.一本好的英语词典是学好英语的金钥匙。8、He has real style. / He has an impressive bearing.他真有气派。9、The interest on this principal will be quite impressive.这笔本金的利息会相当可观。10、He looks quite impressive in this suit.他穿上这身衣裳,多气派。
2023-07-27 09:36:561


2023-07-27 09:37:262


给予jǐ yǔ【近义词】赐予、予以【反义词】接受、取得、索取【基本解释】使别人得到;给。给付jǐ fù给付有多重含义,它既可以指履行行为(Performance),又可以指“完成、取得,即履行的结果。一般认为,给付是债的标的,“债之标的,谓构成债的关系之内容之债务人行为,即债权人所得为请求及债务人所应实行者是也。自债务人方面言之,则为给付。”其一般存在于双务合同中。
2023-07-27 09:39:073


2023-07-27 09:39:198

performance做性能解释时 可数么?

2023-07-27 09:39:524

performance 怎么读

2023-07-27 09:40:432


2023-07-27 09:43:241

法律中的给付 给予 怎么读

ji fu ; ji yu
2023-07-27 09:43:374


sweep英语读音是:英[swiːp]、美[swiːp]。sweep,英文单词,动词、名词,作动词时意为扫去,清除,推送,吹走;席卷,横扫;步态轻盈地走;挥动;迅速传播;扫视,搜索,检查;掠过;梳;蜿蜒,作名词时意为打扫;挥动;巡行,搜索;扫描;呈缓坡或曲线延伸的地带;广度,范围;囊括全部胜利。短语搭配:sweep off拂去;大量清除;扫去;扫清。sweep rate扫描速度;扫描速率;扫描率。sweep templete造模刮板;制模刮板。Temperature Sweep温度扫描分析;温度扫描;温度分析;温度扫描分析参数设置。Sweep Time扫描时间;扫频速率;扫描。Sweep speed扫描速度。sweep generator扫描振荡器;扫频信号发生器;扫描频率发生器。Sweep Oar单桨;大桨。Sweep Algorithm扫描法;扫描线算法。sweep用作动词的基本意思是指用扫帚等在物体的表面扫过,从而使其变得清洁干净起来,即“扫,打扫”。用于比喻可指“横扫”“环视”“掠过”“席卷”等。双语例句:1、Give the room a good sweep.把房间好好打扫一下。2、You"d better damp down the ground and then sweep it.你最好先在地上洒一层水,然后再打扫。3、He swept into the lead with an almost perfect performance.他以几近完美的表现跨入领先位置。4、Her book covers the long sweep of the country"s history.她的著作涵盖了该国漫长的历史。
2023-07-27 09:46:261


excuse的读音是 /u026aku02c8skjuu02d0z/。excuse的发音可分为两个音节:第一个音节 "ex"(/u026aks/)读成“艾克斯”,第二个音节 "cuse"(/kjuu02d0z/)读成“库斯”。重音在第二个音节上,也就是"cuse"这个音节上。整个单词的发音是/u026aku02c8skjuu02d0z/。“excuse”可以作为名词,表示"借口"、"理由";也可以作为动词,表示"原谅"、"理解"、"允许"。excuse的意思:借口、理由。例如“Please give me an excuse for your absence。”请给我一个你缺席的借口。有关excuse的例句:1、Can you excuse me for a minute? I have to take this phone call。(请原谅我一下,我需要接这个电话。)2、I"m sorry, but I don"t have an excuse for my behavior。(对不起,我的行为没有借口。)3、Please excuse my child"s behavior. He doesn"t know any better。(请原谅我的孩子的行为。他还不懂事。)4、The company didn"t excuse poor performance just because the employee was new。(公司并没有因为员工是新来的而免除其表现不佳的责任。)5、Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the nearest pharmacy?(请问,请告诉我如何到达最近的药店?)excuse的用法1、excuse是一个英文单词,可以表示名词或动词。作为名词,它的意思是“借口”、“理由”,例如“Can you give me an excuse for your absence?”(请给我一个你缺席的借口。)。作为动词,它的意思是“原谅”、“理解过”、“免除责任”、“允许”,例如“You can excuse him for being late this time。”(这一次,你可以原谅他迟到。)2、使用 "excuse" 时,要根据上下文语境来确定它的确切含义。例如,“excuse me” 可以作为礼貌用语表示“请原谅一下”,“excuse somebody from a task” 表示“免除某人的任务责任”,“make an excuse” 表示“找借口”,需要在使用中根据具体情况确定正确的含义,避免使用不当造成误解。
2023-07-27 09:46:541


酸奶[词典] yoghourt; leben;[例句]你要是不喝鲜奶和酸奶,也不吃乳酪,那么其他的补钙来源就很重要了。If you don"t take milk, cheese or yoghurt, other sources of calcium are important.
2023-07-27 09:47:353


读音:普律斯/普律 (最后斯的音要看语境和意思,有的时候发音有的时候不发音)读:普律斯的时候,意思是:相加 (相当于加法)读:普律的时候,意思是:更加的 (用作比较级)
2023-07-27 09:48:372


increase的音标:英[u026anu02c8kriu02d0s , u02c8u026au014bkriu02d0s];美[u026anu02c8kriu02d0s , u02c8u026au014bkriu02d0s]。increase是一个英语单词,名词、动词,作名词时意思是“增加;增多;增长”,作动词时意思是“增加;增大;提高;增强”。increase的基本意思是“增加,扩大”,可指由于自然繁殖导致数目的增加,也可指人为地增大体积,增加财富、工资、数量、力量、强度、速度、尺寸或权力、影响。increase既可用作及物动词,又可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语;后接介词by时表示增加的具体数量;后接介词in时表示在某方面的增加;后接介词to时表示“增加到”;后接介词with时表示“随着什么增长”。increase的双语例句1、This year,we should have 10% increase.今年,我们应该会有10%的增长。2、Performance in many jobs depends on how much you know and how well you know it, both of which increase well into your 60s.你在许多工作中的表现都依赖于你对它了解的多少与深浅,这两者在你60多岁之前都会随你的年纪不断地增长。3、What if we increase price by 10%?如果我们增加价格10%,怎么办?
2023-07-27 09:49:071

company怎么读 英语company怎么读

1、company英[u02c8ku028cmpu0259ni]美[u02c8ku028cmpu0259ni],; 商号; 商行; 剧团; 演出团; 陪伴; 做伴。 2、[例句]The company needs to improve performance in all these areas.公司需要在所有这些方面改善业绩。
2023-07-27 09:49:201


risoluto的音标为 /riu02d0zu0259u02c8luu02d0tu0259u028a/,重音在第二个音节上。"Risoluto"是一个意大利语词汇,通常用于音乐领域,表示坚定、果断、有力的演奏方式。在音乐术语中,"risoluto"表示要求音乐家将音符演奏出强烈、有力、坚定的感觉。在其他场合中,"risoluto"也可以用于表示某人的行动或决定坚定有力。有关“risoluto”的句子:The pianist played the final notes of the sonata with a risoluto style, leaving the audience in awe of his powerful performance.(钢琴家以坚定果断的演奏方式演奏奏鸣曲的最后几个音符,令观众对他强大的表现力感到敬畏。)Despite the challenges, the team moved forward with a risoluto determination to achieve their goals.(尽管面临着挑战,但团队仍以坚定有力的决心前进,以实现他们的目标。)The conductor signaled the orchestra to play the piece with a risoluto tempo, emphasizing the piece"s strong and decisive character.(指挥示意管弦乐队以坚定有力的速度演奏这首曲子,强调这首曲子的强烈和果断的特点。)
2023-07-27 09:51:251


2023-07-27 09:45:378

solidworks toolbox怎么用

首先要在装配文件模式下 ,在调色板上打开设计库中的“toolbox”文件.选中你想要的零件标准,比如国标“GB”.打开国标选择你想要的零件,比如”凹头螺钉”,用鼠标左键单击“内六角圆柱头螺钉”不放直接拖至图形中的空白处(也可以拖到需要装配的孔上),放开鼠标,设计树种会弹出螺丝的规格(大小以及长度).其他零件类似此操作.
2023-07-27 09:45:381


both,all ,these are...
2023-07-27 09:45:422

in detail 与 in details的区别到底有什么区别

in detail 一个短语 作状语的 意为:详细地ex:Please tell me the news in detail. 请详细地和我说下这个新闻。in details in 介词 details 名词 意为:在各个方面ex:The report is perfect in details. 这报告在各个方面都很详尽。
2023-07-27 09:45:431

forget you中文意思

forget you [美国俚语]哪里话;讨厌,不喜欢网络释义:1.我不能(forget you)一生如此如果这样能抓住你就是死了也不会难受Oh 即使想再次.. 2.我做不到 ...发现你已经不在我身边Oh lalalalalala/Oh lalalalalala像是疯子般的笑着/思念就像是冲天的波涛(forget you)/我做不到(forget you)一辈子就这样/早懂得这样我就不会放开你我就不会这样肉痛的像要死掉Oh/Oh但就算是想要转头抓住你却连一根手指也抓不到了3.忘记你 ...中,B.o.B与布鲁诺·玛斯合作的唱片《你无与伦比》(Nothing on You)、嘻哈歌手西罗·格林(Cee Lo Green )的《忘记你》(FORGET You)和新生代女歌手阿莉西亚·凯斯(Alicia Keys )的《精神帝国》(Empire State of Mind)榜上有名。 forget-you傲慢的公主Forget About You忘记你
2023-07-27 09:45:441


可以。paint+宾语+形容词、名词 paint the door red; paint her a picture
2023-07-27 09:45:502


孝敬父母的方式的翻译是:How to honor your parents
2023-07-27 09:45:512

Cee Lo Green的《Forget You》 歌词

歌曲名:Forget You歌手:Cee Lo Green专辑:Forget YouForget YouCee Lo GreenI see you drivin "round townWith the girl I love and I"m like,Forget you!Oo, oo, oooI guess the change in my pocketWasn"t enough I"m like,Forget you!And forget her too!I said, if I was richer, I"d still be with yaHa, now ain"t that some shh? (ain"t that some shh)And although there"s pain in my chestI still wish you the best with aForget you!Oo, oo, oooYeah i"m sorry, i can"t afford a ferrari,But that don"t mean i can"t get you thereI guess he"s an xbox and i"m more of atariBut the way you play your game ain"t fairI pity the fool that falls in love with you(Oh s--t she"s a gold digger)Well(Just thought you should know n-gga)OooooohI"ve got some news for youYeah go run and tell your little boyfriendI see you drivin "round townWith the girl I love and I"m like,Forget you!Oo, oo, oooI guess the change in my pocketWasn"t enough I"m like,Forget you!And forget her too!I said, if I was richer, I"d still be with yaHa, now ain"t that some shh? (ain"t that some shh)And although there"s pain in my chestI still wish you the best with aForget you!Oo, oo, oooNow i know, that i had to borrow,Beg and steal and lie and cheatTrying to keep ya, trying to please ya.‘Cause being in love with you as- ain"t cheapI pity the fool that falls in love with you(Oh s--t she"s a gold digger)Well(Just thought you should know n---a)OooooohI"ve got some news for youYeah go run and tell your little boyfriendI see you drivin "round townWith the girl I love and I"m like,Forget you!Oo, oo, oooI guess the change in my pocketWasn"t enough I"m like,Forget you!And forget her too!I said, if I was richer, I"d still be with yaHa, now ain"t that some shh? (ain"t that some shh)And although there"s pain in my chestI still wish you the best with aForget you!Oo, oo, oooNow baby, baby, baby,Why d"you wanna wanna hurt me so bad?(So bad, so bad, so bad)I tried to tell my mamma but she told me“This is one for your dad”(Your dad, your dad, your dad)Uh! Whhhy? Uh! Whhhy? Uh!Whhhy lady? Oh! I love you oh!I still love you. Oooh!I see you drivin "round townWith the girl I love and I"m like,Forget you!Oo, oo, oooI guess the change in my pocketWasn"t enough I"m like,Forget you!And forget her too!I said, if I was richer, I"d still be with yaHa, now ain"t that some shh? (ain"t that some shh)And although there"s pain in my chestI still wish you the best with aForget you!Oo, oo, ooo
2023-07-27 09:45:512


paint是颜料,还是图画,还是画作品~~做动词时:.1. (用颜料等)绘, 画2. [喻]描述, 描写, 描绘, 形容3. 给...上油漆; 把...漆成[涂成]4. (用油漆, 涂料等)涂改, 覆盖; 修整, 装饰; [喻]粉饰, 掩盖5. 涂, 搽比如:paint a landscape绘一幅风景画not so black as one is painted并不象人们所描述的那样坏paint the gate red把大门漆成红色The doctor painted iodine on the cut.医生在伤口上涂点碘酒。She paints well.她精于绘画。做名词时n.1. 油漆, 涂料; 颜料2. [pl. ]一整套颜料3. 涂漆, 绘画作品, 一层漆4. 脂粉, 油彩比如:a box of paints一盒颜料a great piece of paint一幅绘画杰作give the windows two coats of paint把窗涂上两层漆The paint is rubbed off.漆已剥落。She has too much paint on.她胭脂搽得过度。
2023-07-27 09:45:571


2023-07-27 09:46:006

in entire 还是 in complete

2023-07-27 09:46:022


这样说是不符合语法的。paint的意思是"在……刷油漆",本身就有"上色"的意思,如果你想表达给……上什么样的颜色,可以说paint……+具体的颜色。比如: paint the wall red.把墙刷成红色。如果就是说"给……喷上颜色",直接说paint it 就可以了。
2023-07-27 09:46:051


问题一:孝顺用英语怎么说 filial piety 问题二:单词:“孝顺”用英文怎么说 孝顺 show filial obedience or devotion for (one"s parents) 2.filial piety; filial duty 问题三:英语某人很孝顺怎么说,对。。。孝顺怎么说 filial respect [obedience 对父母的孝敬[顺从] She is fillial.她很孝顺。 孝心要用:filial piety. 问题四:怎样才能回绝一个爱我的人 20分 告诉他,你是一个好男孩,但我们在一起不合适,我们伐是做好朋友吧 但是无论怎么回绝都回伤到他,尽量减免对他所造成的伤害就好了 问题五:孝顺的用英语怎么说 孝顺 show filial obedience; filial piety; fealty 现在我已经可以孝顺父母了。 Now I can already filial piety parents. 我是我妈妈的孝顺儿子。 I"m a real mama"s boy. 问题六:"孝顺的"英文怎么讲是形容词 filial DJ["f?l??l] K.K. ["f?l??l] adj. 孝顺的;子女的,当做子女的 例句: Virtue, filial duty, obedience to rulers and benevolence from them are all key themes. 美德,孝顺的责任,对统治者的服从和仁慈是其主题。 问题七:百善孝为先用英语怎么说?? 百善孝为先 :Piety (孝敬)is the foundation of all virtues. 问题八:"孝敬父母"用英语怎么说? Filial to our parents 问题九:热门单词:“孝顺”用英文怎么说 翻译结果 热门单词: 孝顺 用英文怎么说 Popular words: filial piety how to say it in English
2023-07-27 09:46:061

句子中的details 为什么加"s"

2023-07-27 09:46:092

filial piety什么意思

n. 孝顺,孝心;跪乳之恩;乌鸟私情
2023-07-27 09:45:293


1、绿色:green thumb (绿色大拇指) 园艺技巧精湛;greenhorn (绿色犄角) 新手;be green with envy 极度嫉妒2、blue 蓝色:once in the blue moon (蓝色月亮) 非常罕见;blue blood (蓝色血液) 贵族血统;富豪人家3、白色:white lie (白色谎言) 善意的谎言;white elephant (白色大象) 昂贵但无用的东西。4、黑色:black sheep (黑羊) 不合群的人;害群之马;black out 晕眩;失去意识5、银色:silver screen 银幕;电影业6、灰色:gray/grey area (灰色地带) 模糊不清、模稜两可。7、红色roll out the red carpet (铺上红地毯) 盛情款待;paint the town red (把城市漆红) 出门狂欢
2023-07-27 09:45:271


2023-07-27 09:45:222


当归各个部位通常有补血、活血和调经止痛等功效。 主要用当归治疗女性产后虚证,因此当归是一种补虚补血的良药。 此外,还可用于治疗月经失调、血虚腹痛和虚寒腹痛等妇科疾病。
2023-07-27 09:45:205


News that filial piety will be one measure to gauge the most qualified students for Peking University next year has sparked a debate online, Yangtze Evening Post reported. 在报道中,filial piety指的就是孝心、孝顺, 例如:In a traditional Chinese family filial piety is rigidly observed.(在传统的中国家庭里,人们恪守孝道。)形容词filial的意思是子女的、孝顺的,名词piety的意思是虔诚、孝顺,例如:They were drawn to the church not by piety but by curiosity.(他们去教堂不是出于虔诚而是出于好奇。)说到孝顺,就不得不说到尽孝道了,在英文中,尽孝道可以表达为fulfill filial duty。 北大明年校长实名推荐制的遴选标准(standards),不仅注重优秀的成绩(excellent grades),还注重道德(morality)。
2023-07-27 09:45:181

solidworks 那个toolbox 问题怎么解决的啊 我遇到的问题和你一样啊 安装不了了 求求助啊

2023-07-27 09:45:172


约瑟夫·拜登拜登获得的选举人票超过了当选总统所需的270张  特朗普则拒绝认输  全文共 428 字,阅读完大约需要 2 分钟  乔·罗比内特·拜登击败唐纳德·特朗普,当选美国第46任总统。他承诺将团结和治愈这个面临疫情恶化、经济步履蹒跚且政治严重对立的国家。  美联社、CNN和NBC均显示拜登拿下了宾夕法尼亚州,获得的选举人票超过了当选总统所需的270张。特朗普则拒绝认输,毫无根据地指责民主党人窃取选举结果,并自行宣称获胜。  拜登的竞选伙伴、现年56岁的加州参议员哈里斯将成为第一位担任副总统的非印裔女性,显露出民主党内即将发生的代际交替。  现年77岁的拜登将成为美国历史上年纪最大的当选总统。他也是自比尔·克林顿1992年击败乔治·H.W·布什以来,首位战胜在位总统的挑战者。  美联社的统计结果显示,拜登赢得了284张选举人票。之前美联社称他拿下了亚利桑那州。主要电视台尚未宣布亚利桑那的结果,但仍预测拜登有了273张选举人票,足以宣布当选。  特朗普毫无根据的欺诈指控以及参议院的控制权悬而未决,令拜登更加难以实现他团结国家的目标。
2023-07-27 09:45:165


解压后直接放入你的PhotoShop安装文件夹中的滤镜(Plug-Ins)目录中比如我用的是CS2安装在D盘中那么路径就是:D:Program FilesAdobeAdobe Photoshop CS2Plug-Ins在运行PS后"编辑"—〉“预设”—〉“增效工具与暂存盘”—〉勾选“其它增效工具目录,选中photoshop/Adobe/Plug-Ins文件夹”—〉“选取”该文件夹即可~重起软件,在滤镜菜单里找到新的滤镜。tlpsplib10.dll 请直接复制到D:Program FilesAdobeAdobe Photoshop CS2 里面
2023-07-27 09:45:151

英文歌,里有you ask me…(我记得重复了好几次you ask me..但是you ask me后面唱的什么我没听清)

歌曲: Call Her a Bitch 歌手: Too Short 专辑: 《blow the whistle》复制歌词 下载LRC歌词Its been a long time kickin this and everybody knows itOaktown still in the house, but I suppose itsTime for some more shitSo yo peep the flow bitch and I"ll bethe motherfuckin host with the most dickSo now you know it ain"t a damn thang changed upStayin true to the streets since we came upSo blame us for givin you the game plusMuch bass now the name is just DangerousSo here we go, its time for some new shitFrom 94 to 95 we can do thisSo nigga just love this with no playa hationCause we gets respect all over the nationStill in this to win this so you can pretend thisBeat this like my dick in yo mouth, until I"m finishedThe shit goes on and on and onBut when you gets no promotionThat ass is goneIn the studio all day puttin in workHoes didn"t give a fuck and man that shit hurtsUsed and abused no pain no gainSure them hoes tried to play us, but we still in the gameStill in the game, after all these yearsBeen bumpin so long I can hardly hearStill got the same flow that I used to haveYou can clown if you want, but don"t do it too fastCause I"m gone slow it way down, than shoot your assAnd send you wanna be pimps, back to class
2023-07-27 09:45:121

PDF toolbox有什么用

是海德堡的一个插件,专门处理PDF的,功能强大PDF是Portable Document Format的简称,意为“可携带文档格式”,是由Adobe Systems用于与应用程序、操作系统、硬件无关的方式进行文件交换所发展出的文件格式。PDF文件以PostScript语言图象模型为基础,无论在哪种打印机上都可保证精确的颜色和准确的打印效果,即PDF会忠实地再现原稿的每一个字符、颜色以及图象。可移植文档格式是一种电子文件格式。这种文件格式与操作系统平台无关,也就是说,PDF文件不管是在Windows,Unix还是在苹果公司的Mac OS操作系统中都是通用的。这一特点使它成为在Internet上进行电子文档发行和数字化信息传播的理想文档格式。越来越多的电子图书、产品说明、公司文告、网络资料、电子邮件在开始使用PDF格式文件。
2023-07-27 09:45:101


2023-07-27 09:45:085


当归Radix Angelicae Sinensis (英) Chinese Angelica 别名 秦归、云归、西当归、岷当归。 来源 伞形科植物当归Angelica sinensis(Oliv.)Diels 的根。 植物形态 多年生草本。茎带紫色。基生叶及茎下部叶卵形,2~3回三出或羽状全裂,最终裂片卵形或卵状披针形,3浅裂,叶脉及边缘有白色细毛;叶柄有大叶鞘;茎上部叶羽状分裂。复伞形花序;伞幅9~13;小总苞片2~4;花梗12~36,密生细柔毛;花白色。双悬果椭圆形,侧棱有翅。花果期7~9月。 生于高寒多雨山区。主产甘肃、云南、四川;多栽培。 采制 秋末采挖,除去须根,待水分稍蒸发后,捆成小把,上棚,用烟火慢慢熏干。 性状 本品近圆柱形,下部有多条支根,长15~35cm。表面黄棕色至棕竭色,具纵皱纹及横长皮孔。根头直径1.5~4cm,具环纹,有紫色或黄绿色茎、叶残基,主根表面凹凸不平;支根直径0.3~lcm,上粗下细,多扭曲。质柔韧,断面黄白色或淡黄棕色,皮部厚,有裂隙及棕色油点。气特异,味甘、辛、微苦。 化学成分 含基本内酯(ligusiilide)、正丁烯酰内酯(n-butylidene phthalide)、阿魏酸、烟酸、蔗糖和多种氨基酸,以及倍半萜类化合物等。 性味 性温,昧甘、辛。 功能主治 补血活血,调经止痛,润肠通便。用于血虚萎黄、眩晕心悸、月经不调、经闭痛经、虚寒腹痛、肠燥便秘、风湿痹痛、跌扑损伤、痈疽疮疡。 各家论述: 1.《注解伤寒论》:脉者血之府,诸血皆属心,凡通脉者必先补心益血,故张仲景治手足厥寒,脉细欲绝者,用当归之苦温以助心血。 2.《主治秘诀》云:当归,其用有三:心经本药一也,和血二也,治诸病夜甚三也。治上、治外,须以酒浸,可以溃坚,凡血受病须用之。眼痛不可忍者,以黄连、当归根酒浸煎服。又云:血壅而不流则痛,当归身辛温以散之,使气血各有所归。 3.李杲:当归头,止血而上行;身养血而中守:梢破血而下流;全活血而不走。 4.《汤液本草》:当归,入手少阴,以其心主血也;入足太阴,以其脾裹血也;入足厥阴,以其肝藏血也。头能破血,身能养血,尾能行血,用者不分,不如不使。若全用,在参、芪皆能补血;在牵牛、大黄,皆能破血,佐使定分,用者当知。从桂、附、茱萸则热;从大黄、芒硝则寒。惟酒蒸当归,又治头痛,以其诸头痛皆属木,故以血药主之。 5.《韩氏医通》:当归主血分之病,川产力刚可攻,秦产力柔宜补。凡用本病宜酒制,而痰独以姜汁浸透,导血归源之理,熟地黄亦然。血虚以人参、石脂为佐,血热配以生地黄、姜黄、条芩,不绝生化之源;血积配以大黄,妇人形肥,血化为痰,二味姜浸,佐以利水药。要之,血药不容舍当归,故古方四物汤以为君,芍药为臣,地黄分生熟为佐,川芎为使,可谓典要云。 6.《本草汇编》:当归治头痛, 酒煮服,取其清浮而上也。治心痛,酒调末服,取其浊而半沉半浮也。治小便出血,用酒煎服,取其沉入下极也,自有高低之分如此。王海藏言,当归血药,如何治胸中咳逆上气,按当归其味辛散,乃血中气药也,况咳逆上气,有阴虚阳无所附者,故用血药补阴,则血和而气降矣。 7.《本草汇言》:诸病夜甚者,血病也,宜用之,诸病虚冷者,阳无所附也,宜用之。温疟寒热,不在皮肤外肌肉内,而洗在皮肤中,观夫皮肤之中,营气之所会也,温疟延久,营气中虚,寒热交争,汗出洗洗,用血药养营,则营和而与卫调矣,营卫和调,何温疟之不可止乎。 8.《本草正》:当归,其味甘而重,故专能补血,其气轻而辛,故又能行血,补中有动,行中有补,诚血中之气药,亦血中之圣药也。大约佐之以补则补,故能养营养血,补气生精,安五脏,强形体,益神志,凡有形虚损之病,无所不宜。佐之以攻则通,故能祛痛通便,利筋骨,治拘挛、瘫痪、燥、涩等证。营虚而表不解者,佐以柴、葛、麻、桂等剂,大能散表卫热,而表不敛者,佐以大黄之类,又能固表。惟其气辛而动,故欲其静者当避之,性滑善行,大便不固者当避之。凡阴中火盛者,当归能动血,亦非所宜,阴中阳虚者,当归能养血,乃不可少。若血滞而为痢者,正所当用,其要在动、滑两字;若妇人经期血滞,临产催生,及产后儿枕作痛,具当以此为君。9.《本草正义》:归身主守,补固有功,归尾主通,逐瘀自验,而归头秉上行之性,便血溺血,崩中淋带等之阴随阳陷者,升之固宜,若吐血衄血之气火升浮者,助以温升,岂不为虎添翼?是止血二字之所当因症而施,固不可拘守其止之一字而误谓其无所不可也。且凡失血之症,气火冲激,扰动血络,而循行不守故道者,实居多数,当归之气味俱厚,行则有余,守则不足。 9.《本草新编》:当归[1],味甘辛,气温,可升可降,阳中之阴,无毒。虽有上下之分,而补血则一。入心、脾、肝三脏。但其性甚动,入之补气药中则补气,入之补血药中则补血,无定功也。 当归食疗作用: 当归味甘、辛、微苦,性温;归肝、心、脾经;香郁行散,可升可降; 具有补血,活血,调经止痛,润肠通便的功效; 主治血虚、血瘀诸症;眩晕头痛,心悸肢麻,月经不调,经闭,痛经,崩漏,结聚,虚寒腹痛,痿痹,赤痢后重,肠燥便难,跌打肿痛,痈疽疮疡。
2023-07-27 09:45:034

filiai piety是什么意思

filial piety[英][u02c8fu026ali:u0259l u02c8paiu0259ti][美][u02c8fu026aliu0259l u02c8pau026au026ati]n.孝顺,孝心; 跪乳之恩; 乌鸟私情; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.The doctrine of filial piety was the keystone of confucian education; it advocated not onlydevotion to one"s parents but also submission to all types of authority at all levels. 孝道是儒家教育的基石,它宣扬不仅要孝敬父母,而且要臣服于各种各样的权威。.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮
2023-07-27 09:45:012


2023-07-27 09:44:572