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2023-05-19 18:19:17




partial ordering是什么意思

partial ordering部分顺序双语例句Finally, a new partial ordering in the subset of universal nonnegative definite matrices is defined and. 最后讨论了泛非负定子集类上的一种新的矩阵偏序的性质与充要条件。
2023-01-07 21:31:202


2023-01-07 21:31:354

order与ordering 区别

2023-01-07 21:31:502

请问order为什么要加ing? 如果只是因为是名词形式,那么order这个词不是也有名词形式吗?

这里ordering 是动名词作定语,修饰principles, 名词order可不能作定语用。如还有不明白的,请提问。
2023-01-07 21:32:001

ordering a meal中order为什么加ing?

上述结构中order后加ing形式可以作句子主语或表语。例如,Ordering a meal isher favorite.
2023-01-07 21:32:072


2023-01-07 21:32:178


顺序,在sql语句中是order by xx是按 xx排序的意思
2023-01-07 21:32:494

partial ordering是什么意思

partial ordering偏序;部分有序Finally, a new partial ordering in the subset of universal nonnegative definitematrices is defined and. 最后讨论了泛非负定子集类上的一种新的矩阵偏序的性质与充要条件。~很高兴为您解答如有问题请及时追问,谢谢~~O(∩_∩)
2023-01-07 21:33:051

ordering customer 在国际业务中是什么意思

ordering 是点东西 。 比如:点菜,点餐。customer 是顾客。所以是:点菜的顾客/顾客正在点菜。但不是ordering customer , 是customer ordering
2023-01-07 21:33:123


应该是ordering a gift online吧在线订购一份礼物
2023-01-07 21:33:294

back to back ordering 是什么意思?

2023-01-07 21:33:456


在项目中,我们常常会遇到排序(或比较)需求,比如:对一个Person类 按name值 逆词典序 、age值升序做排序;在Scala中应如何实现呢? Scala提供两个特质(trait) Ordered 与 Ordering 用于比较。其中,Ordered混入(mix)Java的Comparable接口,而Ordering则混入Comparator接口。众所周知,在Java中 Ordered与Ordering的区别与之相类似: 以下源码分析基于Scala 2.10.5。 Ordered 特质更像是rich版的Comparable接口,除了compare方法外,更丰富了比较操作(<, >, <=, >=): 此外,Ordered对象提供了从T到Ordered[T]的隐式转换(隐式参数为Ordering[T]): Ordering ,内置函数 与 Ordering.on 进行自定义排序: 对于Person类,如何做让其对象具有可比较性呢?我们可使用Ordered对象的函数 orderingToOrdered 做隐式转换,但还需要组织一个Ordering[Person]的隐式参数: 在实际项目中,我们常常需要对集合进行排序。回到开篇的问题——如何对Person类的集合做指定排序呢?下面用List集合作为demo,探讨在scala集合排序。首先,我们来看看List的sort函数: 若调用 sorted 函数做排序,则需要指定Ordering隐式参数: 若使用 sortWith ,则需要定义返回值为Boolean的比较函数: 若使用 sortBy ,也需要指定Ordering隐式参数: RDD的sortBy函数,提供根据指定的key对RDD做全局的排序。sortBy定义如下: 仅需定义key的隐式转换即可:
2023-01-07 21:34:191

为什么用was ordering呢?

began to order,也很好ordered,语法上也成,但意思表达上略逊
2023-01-07 21:34:252


2023-01-07 21:34:364

mps and acpi madt ordering bios

你单词不对吧 截图来看看
2023-01-07 21:34:522

ordering reprints什么意思

ordering reprints定购单行本(ordering reprints)绝大多数作者都愿意将自己已发表论文的单行本(也叫抽印本,reprints或offprints)分发给同事或同仁。希望对你有帮助,满意请及时采纳,你的采纳是我回答的动力!
2023-01-07 21:35:021

Ordering a Gift Online什么意思?

2023-01-07 21:35:094


2023-01-07 21:35:254

点餐区 英文怎么写

oder department 相信我啊,就是这 给我分啊
2023-01-07 21:35:454


下单的英文为:order、place an order。参考例句:1、Since your price is too high to be acceptable we have no alternative but to place our order elsewhere.因为你方价格太高,我们不能接受,因而只能在其它地方下单。2、The lead time between chip orders and delivery is two months or more.芯片自下单到交货大约需要两个月或者更长的时间。order是什么意思:n. 为了做某事;顺序;命令;点的饭菜;法院指令;汇票;等待队列;治安,秩序v. 点菜,订购;命令;有效地安排To repeat an order:继续订货、再次订购external ordering:外次序You have to take orders.你必须服从命令。The Order of the Garter is an ancient order of chivalry.嘉德勋位是古老的骑士勋位place是什么意思:v. 放置;投资;任命;名列前茅A place for everything, and everything in its place.物物齐备,井井有条。The soupspoon is placed on the right - hand side of the place setting .汤匙放在餐位餐具的右手边。
2023-01-07 21:36:041

英语流利说 Level3 Unit1 Part3-Ordering Food from Home & Are Selfies Good or Bad?

I"m tired of going out to eat.我厌倦了出去吃饭。 Let"s eat at home tonight.我们今晚在家吃吧。 OK, are you going to cook?好的,你要做饭吗? No, it"s too late and you know I"m not a good cook.不,太晚了,而且你知道我不擅长烹饪。 Let"s order something.让我们点一些。 Where are they going to eat? They are going to eat at home.他们要去哪里吃?他们打算在家里吃。 What do you have in mind?你有什么想法? I was thinking about a nice big pizza.我在想一个很棒的大披萨。 Again? I had pizza last night, so please, no pizza.一遍吗?我昨晚吃了披萨,所以拜托,不要披萨。 What was he thinking about ordering?He was thinking about ordering a pizza.他在想点什么?他在考虑订披萨。 OK, no pizza.好吧,没有披萨。 Let"s order Chinese food, OK?我们点中国菜好吗? Sweet and sour?糖醋吗? You always like sweet and sour.你总是喜欢吃甜的和酸的。 I feel like eating something hot and spicy.我想吃点又辣又辣的东西。 OK, you order something hot and spicy, and I order sweet and sour.好的,您点的是辣的,我点的是甜的和酸的。 I don"t want anything spicy.我不想吃辣的。 My stomach doesn"t feel good.我的胃不舒服。 It"s a bit upset.有点心烦意乱。 What are they going to order instead of pizza? some Chinese food他们打算点什么来代替比萨饼?一些中国食物 Why doesn"t he want something hot and spicy? His stomach doesn"t feel good.他为什么不想吃辣的呢?他的胃不舒服。 OK, if you want sweet and sour then I"ll have that too.好的,如果你要糖醋,我也要。 and I"ll make us salad with lots of tomatoes.我要用很多西红柿做沙拉。 How long will it take for the food to get here?食物到这儿要多长时间? I don"t know.我不知道。 I"ll call and find out.我打电话问问看。 Thanks, hopefully it won"t take longer than an hour. 谢谢,希望不会超过一小时。 I"m getting hungry.我饿了。 What do they finally decide to order? They decide to order sweet and sour.他们最后决定点什么?他们决定点糖醋。 Hey, what did you do last night?嘿,你昨晚做什么了? Itooka long walkfrommy hotel.我从旅馆走了很长一段路。 You didn"t get lost?你没迷路吧? No, I didn"t.不,我没有。 Where did you go? Any where interesting?你去哪儿了?任何地方有趣吗? I walked to the river. 我走到河边。 There were thousands of people there.那里有成千上万的人。 You went to the river? 你去河边了? How long did it take you to walk there?你走到那里花了多长时间? It took around 20 minutes.大约花了20分钟。 Did you see anything interesting?你看到什么有趣的东西了吗? I was reallysurprisedby how many people were there.那里有那么多人,真让我吃惊。 How did she get to the river? She walked to the river.她是怎么到河边的?她走到河边。 What did she see at the river? She saw thousands of people there.她在河里看到了什么?她在那里看到成千上万的人。 Many of them were taking pictures and selfies. 他们中的许多人在拍照和自拍。 Lots of selfies.很多selfies。 Do you take selfies?你会自拍吗? Sure, don"t you?当然,不是吗? Sometimes, but my girlfriend takes a lot of selfies. 有时候,但是我女朋友经常自拍。 Then she shares them with her friends online. 然后她在网上和朋友们分享。 I don"t understand why people like to take so many pictures of themselves.我不明白为什么人们喜欢拍那么多自己的照片。 That"s because you are old-fashioned.那是因为你太古板了。 Who takes a lot of selfies? His girlfriend does.谁喜欢自拍?他的女朋友。 Why does his girlfriend put her selfies online? She wants to share them with her friends.他的女朋友为什么把自拍放到网上?她想和朋友们一起分享。 Emm, I guess you"re right. 嗯,我想你是对的。 There"s too muchsocial mediafor me. 社交媒体对我来说太多了。 When I go to a restaurant, I see many people looking at their smart phones. 当我去餐馆的时候,我看到很多人在看他们的智能手机。 They don"t even look at the people they are with.他们甚至不看身边的人。 Times are changing, my friend. Whether you like it or not.时代在变,我的朋友。不管你喜不喜欢。 She took a long walk from the hotel.她从旅馆走了很长一段路。
2023-01-07 21:36:171


2023-01-07 21:36:242


写作思路:可以从网上订餐的含义以及意义等方面进行阐述,中心要明确,语言要通顺,避免语法使用错误等等。正文:Online ordering is the deep application of the Internet. Through the Internet, users can easily order meals and food (including meals, dishes, boxed meals, Bento, etc.) without leaving home. With the rise of online ordering platform, online ordering has gradually become a trend among white-collar workers. 网上订餐就是互联网的深入应用。用户通过互联网,能足不出户,轻松闲逸地实现自己订购餐饮和食品(包括饭、菜、盒饭、便当等)的一种网络订餐形式。随着网上订餐平台的兴起,网上订餐已经逐渐成为了白领阶层中的一种潮流了。With the rapid development of Internet technology, the network has already become an indispensable part of modern people"s daily life. Because of its unique convenience and intuition, online ordering can be easily recognized and accepted by modern people.随着互联网技术的快速发展,网络早已经成为现代人日常生活中不可或缺的部分,网上订餐由于其独有的便捷性和直观性,更能够轻而易举地被现代人认同和接受。This convenient way of ordering meals was born on the Internet, which is also a new embodiment of e-commerce application; On the other hand, online ordering also helps to promote the popularization and application of e-commerce. The form of online ordering also helps to accelerate the pace of e-commerce application.互联网上诞生出这种便捷的订餐形式,也是电子商务应用的全新体现;从另一个侧面来看,网上订餐还起到了帮助推进电子商务的普及和应用进程的作用,网上订餐的形式,同时也在帮助加速电子商务应用的步伐。Therefore, as a new form of application on the Internet, online ordering has far-reaching significance.所以,作为互联网上的一种新的应用形式,网上订餐意义深远。
2023-01-07 21:36:346

ordering customer 在国际业务中是什么意思

客户订购 汇款人
2023-01-07 21:37:094


下单成本(Ordering Cost)下单成本也分为两类:采购下单和生产下单。无论哪种订单,下单次数越多,下单成本越高。采购订单的下单成本主要包含管理订单、跟踪订单、催货等活动所产生的费用。生产订单的下单成本主要包含生产控制、设备安装和拆卸、产能损失等相关费用。
2023-01-07 21:37:303

英语to order food in demand怎么翻译?

to order food in demand翻译为中文,是点菜
2023-01-07 21:37:5215


点餐英语短语两种说法: Ordering Food:点菜;点餐;点餐;点菜;订餐 Ordering a meal:点餐 扩展资料   例句:   But learning a second language isn"t merely about ordering a meal in a foreign country.   然而,学习外语不单单是为了到另一个国家点菜。   But instead of ordering a meal, she took out a bottle of juice.   但是她并未点餐而是拿出一瓶果汁。   Ordering food and sending it back again.   订完了吃的"又让送回去。   What are they doing? Ss: They are ordering food.   并能运用本单元的句型实行实际对话,学以致用。
2023-01-07 21:38:571

order与ordering 区别

ordering 数学中的排序 ,商业上的订单,餐厅里面点的餐品 order 命令
2023-01-07 21:39:071

ordering takeout有复数吗?

ordering takeout,订购外卖。没有复数。takeoutn. 外卖;(桥牌中)示意搭档改叫的叫牌; adj. 外卖的,供顾客带出外吃的
2023-01-07 21:39:161


楼下的太复杂了,这么记忆,简单而且还应该抓住主要的。ordern.1.次序,顺序2.有次序的状况,有条理,整齐或工作等)状况4.秩序,治安;制度5.常规,通例6.法则, (尤指)自然法则vi.1.下命令,指挥2.点菜: I have ordered for you. 我已为你点好菜了。3.定货;预定4.整理,清理5.管理vt.1.命令,指示;嘱咐:I was ordered home. 我奉命回国。2.(医生)开(处方),开(药);叮嘱(病人): The doctor ordered you to stay in bed. 医生叮嘱你要卧床休息。3.点(菜、饮料等);叫(出租车):to order a steak and fish 点了一份炸牛排和鱼4.定(货);预定:I"ve ordered some new dresses for you.我为你定购了几套衣服;to order a copy of magazine 预定了一份杂志5.(上帝、命运等)注定:Everyone is ordered death.人生终有一死。6.整理,布置;安排:You should order your holidays.你得把你的假期生活安排一下。
2023-01-07 21:39:312


n. 顺序;条理;订单;命令;秩序;阶层;[生]目;点的东西v. 命令;定购;调整;整理;点餐;预定,订货名词: orderer 过去式: ordered 过去分词: ordered 现在分词: ordering 第三人称单数: orders用作名词 (n.)Today we"ll reverse the usual order of the lesson.今天我们将把通常的上课顺序倒过来。The house had been kept in good order.房子保持得井井有条。An extraordinarily large order bucked up all the staff.一份特大订单使全体员工欢欣鼓舞。The order urged the armed forces to enhance their alertness.该项命令敦促武装部队提高警惕。Some teachers find it difficult to keep order in their classes.有些教师觉得课堂秩序很难维持。The social order of ants is very interesting.蚂蚁的社会结构非常有趣。用作动词 (v.)The commander ordered a counterattack.司令官命令反攻。He ordered three new suits for himeself.他给自己定购了三套西装。
2023-01-07 21:39:401

ordering customer 在国际业务中是什么意思

2023-01-07 21:39:473

ordering procedure是什么意思

指令、订单程序组合起来就是 订购程序
2023-01-07 21:39:593

ordering information是什么意思

2023-01-07 21:40:102

Ordering food from a restaurant ( )a way to save time 。A. are B. is 选择什么

2023-01-07 21:40:191


2023-01-07 21:40:302

什么是 ordering cost

2023-01-07 21:40:392


order:n. 命令;顺序;规则;[贸易] 定单vt. 命令;整理;定购vi. 命令;定货
2023-01-07 21:40:482

ordering customer 在国际业务中是什么意思

ordering customer订货客户Weight-measurement Based on Rank Ordering in Customer Satisfaction Survey顾客满意度调查中因子权重的排序估计法
2023-01-07 21:40:562

temporal ordering是什么意思?

2023-01-07 21:41:052


点菜order dishes更多释义>>[网络短语]点菜 order;Taking orders;Ordering dishes点菜间 la carte intergovernmental;Order food;Between a la carte电子点菜 E la Carte
2023-01-07 21:41:142

ordering fraction是什麼意思

2023-01-07 21:41:233


1、Could you ....?一般疑问句,could后面接原形,选open2、他很饿,正在点许多食物,选is ordering 现在进行时3、第三表示一般现在时,有个sometimes ,所以选第三人称,cries4、my work是主语,第三人称单数,这是一般现在时,所以动词要加S5,、good 是形容词,修饰名词,well是副词,修饰动词,他睡得很好,形容sleep这个动词,要用Well对,did 的后面一定要接动词原形,
2023-01-07 21:41:452

by ordering是什么意思

2023-01-07 21:41:571

英语口语 3人对话 Ordering Food at a Restaurant 周二28号之前要!!

我太无聊了,给你写一段。(我擦,每人2分钟,你不早说。回头再加点吧。)现在应该差不多啦……写得比较美式,希望有用~A: Hi, how are you guys doing today? 嗨,你们今天好不?B/C: Great, and you? 好滴很哪,你呐?A: I"m good! Are you guys ready to order or you need some more time? 我也好得不得了。你们看好了没,还是需要多点时间?B: Yeah I think I"m ready. Can I have the steak please? 我好了。我要牛排行吗?A: Sure. How would you like it to be done? 你要几分熟?B: Medium, please. 五分吧。A: Absolutely. Would you like mashed potato or baked potato with it? 当然。主食要烤土豆呀还是土豆泥呀?B: I"d prefer mashed potato, thanks. 土豆泥吧。A: Do you want gravy on it? 要加肉汁不?B: Maybe not, I"m on diet. 别了吧,我减肥。A: Sure. What can I get for you to drink? 你要喝点撒子?B: Water is ok. 水就行了。A: Would you prefer warm or cold? 要冷地还是热地呀?B: Warm is better for me. 热地比较好。A: Sure. And what can I get for you? (to C) 好地。你呢?C: Um... do you have any recommendations? 额。。。有推荐的吗?A: Would you like chicken, beef, pork or seafood? 你是想吃鸡肉啊还是牛肉啊还是猪肉啊还是海鲜?C: Chicken sounds good to me. 鸡肉听起来不错。A: The black bean sauce chicken is really good, the chicken is very tender and the sauce is just great. 豉汁鸡很好吃!鸡肉嫩,汁的味道超好。C: Is it spicy? 辣不?A: Not really, maybe just a little. 不怎么辣,最多有一点。C: Sure I"d love to try it, thanks. 我想吃,谢谢!A: Would you like rice or noodles on the side? 主食吃啥呀,饭还是面?C: Rice, please. Also can you make the dish less salty if possible? 米饭。还有,能让他们少放点盐么?A: Of course. What would you like to drink? 当然。你要喝点啥?C: Hmm... I"d like to try the virgin strawberry margarita. 额,我想试下无酒精草莓味玛格丽塔。A: Sure, great. I"ll be back with the drinks in a minute. Thanks! 好地。我马上就把饮料拿来。谢谢!
2023-01-07 21:42:021

Ordering date是什么意思

2023-01-07 21:42:073


1. like doing sth 指习惯性的爱好 jumping 祈使句 用动词原形jump 动词三单式 jumps2. 现在进行时 having 描述图画中比较生动的画面 也可以用现在进行时 is having let sb do sth have3. 进行时的否定 is am be late 祈使句4. is ordering 现在进行时 后面标志性的词语now order 作为名词 命令的意思 orders/an order名词 命令,指示的意思
2023-01-07 21:42:183

soon everyone was ordering thinly中为什么用was ordering

2023-01-07 21:42:291

You do the ordering 是什么意思

2023-01-07 21:42:343

合同中的ordering party是什么意思?

2023-01-07 21:42:452