barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-28 20:42:25

-logue 是后缀 言谈,谈话 如 dialogue, monologue

而analogue 与其没关系 analogue 相似物,类似物




2023-07-27 05:42:233


2023-07-27 05:42:381


dialogue [英]["dau026au0259lu0252ɡ][美][u02c8dau026au0259u02cclu0254ɡ,-u02cclɑɡ] n.对话; (文学、戏剧、电影等中的)对话; 对白; 意见分歧者之间的意见交换; vt.用对话表达; vi.对话; 进行非正式的意见交换; 复数:dialogues
2023-07-27 05:43:211


  对话的英文形式:dialogue   英 ["dau026au0259lu0252ɡ] 美 [u02c8dau026au0259u02cclu0254ɡ, -u02cclɑɡ]   第三人称复数:dialogues   dialogue 基本解释   名词对话; 对白; (文学、戏剧、电影等中的")对话; 意见分歧者之间的意见交换   及物动词用对话表达   不及物动词对话; 进行非正式的意见交换   dialogue 相关例句   名词   1. The stubborn mayor finally consented to a dialogue with the strike leaders.   固执的市长终于同意与罢工领袖进行对话。   2. Plays are written in dialogue.   剧本用对白写成。   对话的英语:conversation   英 [u02ccku0252nvu0259u02c8seu026au0283n] 美 [u02cckɑ:nvu0259ru02c8seu026au0283n]   情景对话   生活对话   B:I thought I coached you on the secrets of flirting!   我不是教过你求爱秘诀吗?   A:You overheard my conversation with Rose?   你听到我跟柔丝的对话啦?   B:It was truly pathetic!   真够悲惨的!   A:She"s not interested in me.   她根本对我没兴趣。   B:You have to flirt.   你得撩拨她一下。   A:She doesn"t find me attractive.   她根本不觉得我有吸引力。   B:My gosh! She"s just playing hard-to-get!   哎唷!她只是想玩捉迷藏而已!   对话的单词:dialog   英 ["dau026au0259lu0252g] 美 ["dau026au0259u02cclu0252g]   1. From here, we will rename some of the nodes and transitions to make the process more readable. To do this, click on the node and the name will become enterable, or double click and use the dialog to enter the new name.   单击节点选中它,再单击一次,就可以重命名此节点;或者双击节点,在弹出的对话框中也可以重命名节点;或者在屏幕下方的属性窗口重新指定名称。   2. The Qian bei huai of Luo Yi Jun ingeniously used the character of dialog and his way of statement to show the three styles.   以军的《遣悲怀》正是以巧妙地用对话性及其叙述风格展现三大型态。   3. You can use this dialog box to control margin and page layout settings.   您可以使用此对话框控制页边距和页面布局设置。   4. The new margins will be shown in the Page Style dialog the next time you open it.   下次你打开页面样式对话框的时候,新的页边距将显示在其中。   5. Placing a landmark near commercial zones helps businesses grow. The quickest way to determine the reason for your current desirability level is to query the buildings in the area. Using the Query tool, either hover over a building to get a quick glimpse of the most important information, or click on the building to bring up a dialog with detailed information.   在商业区附近放地标有助商业发展(译者按:对于地标的作用不要估计过高,依12兄关于地价的研究表明,地标并不能提高地价;而依天唐永的说法,地标只对商业服务业有帮助,对商业办公无效;就鄙人观察而论,在不考虑其他因素的情况下,客流是关键,如果客流低,旁边即使有地标,也未必会起商业高楼)。   6. If you edited it as a text file, and commented out a dialog, it will still show here, since comments are ignored.   如果您编辑一个文本文件,并发表了一个对话框,它仍将显示在这里,因为意见被忽略。
2023-07-27 05:43:301

dialogue怎么读 英语dialogue怎么读

1、dialogue英[u02c8dau026au0259lu0252ɡ]美[u02c8dau026au0259lu0254u02d0ɡ],n.(尤指集体或国家间为解决问题、结束争端等进行的)对话; (书、戏剧或电影中的)对白;v.对话;用对话表达。 2、[例句]The novel contains too much dialogue and not enough narrative.这部小说对话过多,而叙述不足。
2023-07-27 05:43:361


n. 对话;意见交换vi. 对话vt. 用对话表达
2023-07-27 05:43:562


  对话,指两个或更多的人用语言交谈,多指小说或戏剧里的人物之间的。那么,你知道对话的英语单词怎么说吗?   对话的英文释义:   dialog   dialogue   interlocution   dialogize   dialogi ***   duologue   对话的英文例句:   音响效果经预录后已加入对话中。   The sound effects had been pre-recorded and were added to the dialogue.   这部小说里的叙述比对话多。   The novel contains more narrative than dialogue.   继续和对话对子编对话,并完善对话。   Make up your dialogues with your partner and polish it.   读对话,根据对话和图回答问题。   Read the dialogues and answer the questions.   继续和小组成员编对话。并完善对话。   Go on making up your dialogues with your group members and polish it.   听对话后选择正确的答案,对话念二遍。   Listen to the dialogue and choose the right answer to each question.   听读对话,请根据对话回答问题。   Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.   对话协议处理对话的身份验证和加密。   The dialog protocol handles authentication and encryption for a dialog.   学生完成对话排序后,根据对话内容写一个电话留言。   Please write a telephone message according to this dialog.   对话仍然是轻松友好的。   The dialogue remained light and friendly.   预言这次对话可能有什么结果,现在还为时过早。   It is yet premature to predict the possible oute of the dialogue.   音乐和德国人与法国人的对话是后来配入的。   The music and the dialogue spoken by the German and French were dubbed inafterwards.   音响效果经预录后已加入到对话中。   The sound effects had been prerecorded and were added to the dialogue.   与他们对话。   Dialog with them.   我们这才拥有了关于人们如何去做的对话。   And we have a conversation about how people do that.   写对话的基本文法——这你知道;   You know the grammar of writing dialogue.   几乎每一次与他的对话都是非正式的。   Nearly every conversation with him is off the record.   这也就是我们请你们大家来到这里进行对话的原因。   That"s why we"ve asked all of you to e together for these dialogues.   我说的辩论,不是对话。   I say debate, not dialogue.   未来不是已经确定的,但是如果我们追求像我们今天开始的这样一个可持续的对话,或者是对于我们的所听和所知有所行动,这个目的地是可以到达的。   This future is not fixed, but it is a destination that can be reached if we pursue asustained dialogue like the one that you will mence today, and act on what wehear and what we learn.   当这个对话方块开启时,里面所有的栏位都是空白。   When this dialog box opens, all of the fields are blank   但是原则上你还是可以找到一些人于与他们做一些有益的对话讨论。   But you could in principle have a useful conversation about them with somepeople.   所以不只是一个是否可用的问题,而是如何让使用者更简单的理解、参与其中并与品牌展开对话的问题。   So not so much whether something is usable or not, but how easy it is tounderstand, engage and have a dialogue with a brand.   你们能两人一组表演这个对话吗?   Can you act out the dialogue in pairs?   我感谢这次对话!   I appreciate the conversation!   对话的开始通常都是预期的那部分,他们会告诉我,他们对于自己和事业所知道的那些。   The beginning of the conversation is always the part they expect—where they tellme what they know about themselves and their career.   最后,我们讨论对话与所有其他这些技术结合时可以扮演的角色。   Finally, we discuss the role that conversations could play in conjunction with allthese other technologies.   但是,这恰恰是开展这场对话的原因之一。   But that is partly what this dialogue is about.   可是随着我们与自己的传统开展更深刻的对话,我们也必须面对较晦暗的篇章。   But we also have to face as we go into this deeper dialogue of our own tradition, the darker chapters.
2023-07-27 05:44:051


对话dialogue是不可数名词。 dialogue: n.(书、戏剧或电影中的)对话,对白;(尤指集体或国家间为解决问题、结束争端等进行的)对话; 复数: dialogues 扩展资料   She believes these talks will be the start of a constructive and meaningful dialogue   她认为这些谈话将是一次具有建设性的、有意义的对话的开端。   The dialogue is in Spanish, with English subtitles.   对话是西班牙语,配有英语字幕。   Some of the dialogue is slightly off.   部分对话有些不太得体。   The dialogue is amusing but the plot is weak   对白逗趣但是情节薄弱。
2023-07-27 05:44:121


2023-07-27 05:44:233


dialogue可数。N-VAR 对话;谈话;讨论;交换意见Dialogue is communication or discussion between people or groups of people such as governments or political parties.People of all social standings should be given equal opportunities for dialogue...社会各阶层的人们都应该拥有平等的对话机会。They have begun dialogues to promote better understanding between both communities... 双方已经开始了对话,以增进两个社群间的彼此了解。
2023-07-27 05:45:011


2023-07-27 05:45:201


2023-07-27 05:45:281


2023-07-27 05:45:473


2023-07-27 05:46:054


作为可数名词单数形式时要加a,否则不用如 Let"s make up a dialogue about shopping. There isn"t much dialogue in the passage.
2023-07-27 05:46:132

为什么答案是dialogue dialogue不是有复数吗 求解 谢谢

2023-07-27 05:46:221


2023-07-27 05:46:301


dialogue 名词 (1) 这里是不可数名词,是对话不多 (2) 这是指具体的对话,会话,指两个人之间的对话,是可数名词 你的理解完全正确!
2023-07-27 05:46:401


What is it about?
2023-07-27 05:46:593

我们以后用英语来对话 翻译为英文句子

we In the future in english Dialogue
2023-07-27 05:47:107


I want to talk to you .
2023-07-27 05:47:384


seen take forget myself remind
2023-07-27 05:48:072


dialogue[英]["dau026au0259lu0252ɡ][美][u02c8dau026au0259u02cclu0254ɡ, -u02cclɑɡ]n.对话; (文学、戏剧、电影等中的)对话; 对白; 意见分歧者之间的意见交换; vt.用对话表达; vi.对话; 进行非正式的意见交换; 所以conversationdiscussiontalk等都可以
2023-07-27 05:48:141


  对话,指两个或更多的人用语言交谈,多指小说或戏剧里的人物之间的。那么你知道对话用英文怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。    对话英语说法1:   dialogue    对话英语说法2:   conversation    对话英语例句:   音响效果经预录後已加入对话中。   The sound effects had been pre-recorded and were added to the dialogue.   这部小说里的叙述比对话多。   The novel contains more narrative than dialogue.   继续和对话 对子 编对话,并完善对话。   Make up your dialogues with your partner and polish it.   读对话,根据对话和图回答问题。   Read the dialogues and answer the questions.   继续和小组成员编对话。并完善对话。   Go on making up your dialogues with your group members and polish it.   听对话后选择正确的答案,对话念二遍。   Listen to the dialogue and choose the right answer to each question.   听读对话,请根据对话回答问题。   Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.   对话协议处理对话的身份验证和加密。   The dialog protocol handles authentication and encryption for a dialog.   学生完成对话排序后,根据对话内容写一个电话留言。   Please write a telephone message according to this dialog.   对话仍然是轻松友好的。   The dialogue remained light and friendly.   预言这次对话可能有什么结果,现在还为时过早。   It is yet premature to predict the possible outcome of the dialogue.   音乐和德国人与法国人的对话是后来配入的。   The music and the dialogue spoken by the German and French were dubbedin afterwards.   音响效果经预录后已加入到对话中。   The sound effects had been prerecorded and were added to the dialogue.   与他们对话。   Dialog with them.   我们这才拥有了关于人们如何去做的对话。   And we have a conversation about how people do that.   写对话的基本文法——这你知道;   You know the grammar of writing dialogue.   几乎每一次与他的对话都是非正式的。   Nearly every conversation with him is off the record.   这也就是我们请你们大家来到这里进行对话的原因。   Thatu2019s why weu2019ve asked all of you to come together for these dialogues.   我说的 辩论 ,不是对话。   I say debate, not dialogue.
2023-07-27 05:48:211


Jibun no te de shimekitta tobira mo Kagi wa itsumo aite ita nda yo Daremo tazunete kiya shinai nara Kocchi kara ai ni ikanakya "Te ni hairanai mono naraba isso nozomanai" Toka itte akirameru iiwake wa suteta yo Deai to wakare wo shitte kodoku no imi wo shitte Soredemo mata hito wo suki ni natte Sasayaite mo sakende mo todokanakute mo Itsushika mata tsutaetaku natte shimatte Kyozetsu no kazu wa fueru yo shitsubou mo kitto fueru yo Soredemo mata kotoba wo tsumuide Ima made no koto mo korekara no koto mo Kimi ni mada hanashi tarinai koto bakari da Hitori ga suki nandatte gougo shite Dore mo kitto hontou nandakedo "Kimi ga koko ni ite kurete yokatta" Sonna serifu mo kitto uso itsuwari wa nai tte ieru kara Okubyou na jibun kiratte hitasura ni natte kakushite Soredemo minukarete shimau nara Warawarete mo haji kaite mo kakkou tsukanakute mo Hetakuso na uso wa hakanai hou ga ii na Fuan wa keseya shinai yo kanashii ketsumatsu mo aru yo Soredemo kitai shitai mirai ga aru kara Ima made no koto mo korekara no koto mo Kimi ni mada hanashi tarinai koto bakari da Sou da me no mae no kurayami wa Zenjin mitou no shouko nanda yo Sou da boku no shiranakatta Kimi ni ai ni iku nda yo Kimi ni ai ni iku nda yo Daremo tazunete kiya shinai nara Kocchi kara ai ni ikanakya Deai to wakare wo shitte kodoku no imi wo shitte Soredemo mata hito wo suki ni natte Sasayaite mo sakende mo todokanakute mo Itsushika mata tsutaetaku natte shimatte Kyozetsu no kazu wa fueru yo shitsubou mo kitto fueru yo Soredemo mata kotoba wo tsumuide Ima made no koto mo korekara no koto mo Kimi ni mada hanashi tarinai koto bakari da Kimi mo hanashite hoshii na
2023-07-27 05:48:291


2023-07-27 05:49:503


dialogue既是可数名词又是不可数名词,当是不可数名词时,泛指一般意义上的对话。指具体的对话,会话,指两个人之间的对话,是可数名词。例:He is a very deft novelist too,with a superb ear for dialogue.dialogue,chat,talk,conversation有什么区别? talk说话、讲话、谈话。 conversation着重于两个人的对话,或者一种情景中的对话,(非正式的)交谈,谈话 dialogue主要是说书或者戏剧或者电影中的对话,对白。 chat指的是闲聊、闲谈、聊天,侧重非正式的聊天,攀谈。没有talk和conversation那么正式的意思。 dialog:是非正式会谈,可能是热烈和令人兴奋的,也可能是乏味和令人厌烦的。 dialogue:dialogue的基本意思是“对话”,可用来指两人间问答形式的对话,也可指两个或两个以上人、团体或国家之间的“谈话,思想交流”,可用来指抽象的对话,也可用来指一次具有实际内容的对话。除此之外,dialogue还可指文学作品中的“谈话部分”。 dialogue可数。复数加s。Choose one of these situations and write a dialogue. Then act it out.选择下列情景之一编一段对话,然后表演出来That"s why we"ve asked all of you to come together for these dialogues.这也就是我们请你们大家来到这里进行对话的原因。 dialog作不可数名词时,泛指一般意义上的对话,dialog指具体的对话,会话,指两个人之间的对话,是可数名词。
2023-07-27 05:50:481

小说中"人物语言"的术语是dialogue 还是language呀??

分类: 文化/艺术 >> 文学 >> 小说 问题描述: 小说中"人物语言"的术语是dialogue 还是language? 有哪本专业书籍可以解答呢? 解析: language指的是语言,比如中文,美式英语什么的 dialogue指的是对白、对话,才应该是你所说的小说中“人物语言”
2023-07-27 05:51:141

dialogue 可数吗

dialogue既是可数名词又是不可数名词,当是不可数名词时,泛指一般意义上的对话。指具体的对话,会话,指两个人之间的对话,是可数名词。 扩展资料   dialogue,chat,talk,conversation有什么区别?   talk说话、讲话、谈话。   conversation着重于两个人的对话,或者一种情景中的对话,(非正式的)交谈,谈话   dialogue主要是说书或者戏剧或者电影中的对话,对白。   chat指的是闲聊、闲谈、聊天,侧重非正式的`聊天,攀谈。没有talk和conversation那么正式的意思。   dialog:是非正式会谈,可能是热烈和令人兴奋的,也可能是乏味和令人厌烦的。   dialogue:dialogue的基本意思是“对话”,可用来指两人间问答形式的对话,也可指两个或两个以上人、团体或国家之间的“谈话,思想交流”,可用来指抽象的对话,也可用来指一次具有实际内容的对话。除此之外,dialogue还可指文学作品中的“谈话部分”。   dialogue可数。复数加s。Choose one of these situations and write a dialogue. Then act it out.选择下列情景之一编一段对话,然后表演出来That"s why we"ve asked all of you to come together for these dialogues.这也就是我们请你们大家来到这里进行对话的原因。   dialog作不可数名词时,泛指一般意义上的对话,dialog指具体的对话,会话,指两个人之间的对话,是可数名词。
2023-07-27 05:51:211


dialogue[英]["dau026au0259lu0252ɡ][美][u02c8dau026au0259u02cclu0254ɡ, -u02cclɑɡ]n.对话; (文学、戏剧、电影等中的)对话; 对白; 意见分歧者之间的意见交换; vt.用对话表达; vi.对话; 进行非正式的意见交换; 复数:dialogues
2023-07-27 05:51:281


2023-07-27 05:52:083

dialogue 什么时候可数

dialogue名词(1) 不可数名词,泛指一般意义上的对话(2) 指具体的对话,会话,指两个人之间的对话,是可数名词!
2023-07-27 05:53:011


2023-07-27 05:53:151


2023-07-27 05:53:231

cctv9的dialogue在什么时候首播 什么时候重播

首播: 前一天19:30重播: 第二天0:30, 7:30, 13:30
2023-07-27 05:53:553

dialogue几个音节 为什么?

2023-07-27 05:54:141


问题一:“电影台词”用英语怎么说 台词: 1. actor"s lines 例句与用法: 1. 演员背台词的时候经常自己嘀嘀咕咕。 Actors often mutter to themselves when rehearsing their lines. 2. 你的台词背熟了吗? Have you learnt your part yet? 3. 那演员忘了台词,说话的声音越来越小了。 The actor"s voice tailed away as he forgot his lines. 4. 她在该剧首演前又练习了一次台词。 She went over her lines before the first night of the play. 5. 演员须善於熟记台词. An actor must be able to memorize his lines. 6. 演员不仅要记住台词, 还要记住其他演员的暗示. Actors have to learn their cues (ie the last words of the speeches just before their own speeches) as well as their own lines. 7. 你的台词背熟了吗? Have you learnt your lines yet? 8. 那个女演员常忘台词, 却极擅长临时拼凑. The actress often forgot her lines but was very good at ad libbing. 问题二:“经典台词”用英文怎么说 classical lines. 问题三:电影台词用英语怎么说 movie lines是电影剧本那一行行的字,可以说是台词吧 movie quotes是人们对电影里一些对白的引用 movie scripts电影剧本 问题四:从今天起请用英文和我对话用英文怎么说 从今天起请用英文和我对话 Please use English and my dialogue from today 问题五:对话用英语怎么说 dialogue 科学是人与自然的对话,爱情是男人与女人的对话,哲学是人与自己的对话。 Science is a dialogue between man and nature, love between man and woman, and philosophy between man and himself. 问题六:日常对话用英语怎么说 normal conversation 问题七:与朋友对话用英语怎么说 have a conversation with chat with have a chat with talk with have a talk with 问题八:正如我刚才对话所说的 用英语怎么说? just as what I said just now或just as what I said a moment ago. 注:此处just now(=a moment ago)的意思并非“恰恰现在”,而是“刚才”。
2023-07-27 05:54:431


  小朋友都能摆脱病魔,能到学校上课去.”多么善良的孩子,可他年  纪小小就要和病魔抗战,老天为何要这么残忍,他年纪是这么小,却有一颗善良的心,可为什么不能摆脱  病魔?虽然他并没有做惊天动地的事,可为什么催人泪下?因为他的那番话,他本身是一个病人,承受病  痛的折磨,可他还想着别人,希望那些小朋友也可以去上学.着为他人着想的品质是否值得我们学习?  其实,爱就在我们周围,像同学们捐款帮助民工子弟学校上午学生,这就是爱;像同学有困难了,有  些人主动帮忙解决,着也是爱.  如果我们都付出一点爱,世界将变成美好的天堂.  上课的铃声刚刚响起,而同学们都早已经
2023-07-27 05:54:512


No matter of the great investment and theadvanced technology, the one dimensional conveying which is in the forms ofnotify and annunciation has no way to win the support of citizens in the age ofInformation and Right, if it involves the public issues of citizen-interest. Whatbehind the fierce expression are the disrespected rights and the dissatisfied argumentand the ignored motions and voices.This case has suggested that our people areenhancing the ability of social mobilization, facing of the current living period,especially on the environmental issue, which reflect more rights to be informedand the awareness of participation, and has put forward many new propositionwhen it come to local governmental decision and the information disclosure.So one side, government shall bring morecitizen participation and the assessment of social psychological factors intothe procedure of decision-making. On the other side, the medias should carry ona more strict supervision and tract the issue more tightly, and popularize the environmentalknowledge in the same time. These two are the emergency we should deal withright now.We can"t prevent the progress oflarge-scale industry when China is in the period of industrialization. Facingwith the potential argument of public interest, the government will be able topull through the crisis peaceful, if they can transform their mind of dealingwith the climacteric from passive into active, and build a platform for thesake of communication among the government, the firm and the public and thenconstruct a benign situation that government comprehend the citizen, thecompany respect the citizen and the citizen understand the government as longas company, just before the project PX being put into effect. Eventually governmentcans execution the duty of balancing the development and stability.The breakthrough and exploration is indeed importantto a project and the territorial economy, but we steel need a reasonabledesignation on a top level and make up the existing cracks through thecommunication considering about clearing the public expression and to carry outa effective communication.Only the equal dialogue between power andthe right and the positive interaction between government and the public canlead to the estrangement down. 都是自己翻译,希望能帮到你
2023-07-27 05:54:594

I Want To Be Alone (Dialogue) 歌词

2023-07-27 05:55:081

make a Dialogue.

A:Oh,friend,you should have a balanced diet.Eat more vegetagbles and fruit,you"ll be heathier!B:Many people have told me about that,but what I like best is still meat.I can"t bear myself eating anything I don"t like!I only like meat!A:Please take my advise.Eating too much meat could make you a heavy body.And the fat from the meat could do harm to your heart.People get heart disease often by eating too much meat.A:I know,I know.I know the importance of a balanced diet but just cannot change my eating habit.I have done this for a long time but nothing happened to me at all.This is my style of living.B:No,you still don"t understand the importance of a good diet.Only if people have a good diet can he live a healthy life.A:All right,that"s enough.Don"t talk about it with me anymore.
2023-07-27 05:55:171

I Want To Be Alone (Dialogue) 歌词

歌曲名:I Want To Be Alone (Dialogue)歌手:Jackson C. Frank专辑:Jackson C FrankI Want to Be AloneVashti BunyanSome Things Just Stick in Your Mind: Singles and Demos 1964-1967 Disc 1I Want to Be Alone-Vashti BunyanLyrics By Mochico无尽的战译LrC歌词组You know there are times when I don"t need youBut you seem to think it meansDon"t love you but I doBut sometimes I want to be aloneSomewhere on my ownI don"t know why it is but I sometimes feelThat I have to get away yet I know I love youBut sometimes I want to be aloneSomewhere on my ownDon"t make me stay to walk aimlesslyHand in handJust today set me freeLet me be aloneTomorrow I may feel that I can"t go throughEven one more lonely hourWithout you, yet its trueThat sometimes I have to be aloneSomewhere on my ownDon"t make me stay to walk aimlesslyHand in handJust today set me freeLet me be aloneTomorrow I may feel that I can"t go throughEven one more lonely hourWithout you, yet its trueThat sometimes I have to be aloneSomewhere on my ownLet me be alone
2023-07-27 05:55:512

请问这句话是什么意思?it is only that dialogue that matters

2023-07-27 05:56:013


2023-07-27 05:56:116

punctuating dialogue怎么翻译?

punctuating dialogue断句对话
2023-07-27 05:56:335

Dialogue 的英文文本
2023-07-27 05:57:282

watching dialogue是什么意思?

2023-07-27 05:57:378


  英文字母,即现在英文(English)所基于的字母,共26个。现代的英文字母完全借用了26个拉丁字母来组成单词,那么你知道多少关于英文的知识?下面是我整理的关于台词这个英文的知识,仅供参考,希望喜欢。   台词的英文:   actor"s lines   参考例句:   1、The actress speaks out her part in a ringing voice.   女演员把台词念得清晰嘹亮。   2、This actor rants his lines.   这演员背台词拿腔拿调.   3、The actress forgot her lines and had to extemporize.   那个女演员忘了台词,只好即兴表演。   4、He knows when to move upstage,when to modulate his voice,and when to throw away a line.   他懂得什么时候该移向舞台后方,什么时候该调整声调,以及什么时候该轻轻带过一句台词。   5、The lead actor mispoke his lines.   男主角念错了台词 。   6、I forget my line on stage.   在舞台上忘了台词。   7、Fluff one"s lines in a play.   说错剧中台词。   8、His lines isn"t more than three sides.   他的台词不超过三页。   9、The actress fluffed her lines.   那女演员念错了台词。   10、The actor botched(ie forgot or stumbled over)his lines.   那演员把台词念糟了。   短语:   背台词learn the line of a play; learn your lines   潜台词[剧] unspoken words in a play left to the understanding of the audience or reader   台词本prompt book   台词表sides   忘台词fluff one"s lines   学台词learn the lines of the play/ dialogue   背熟台词know one"s part   光亮(舞台词)light   即兴的台词。throwaway line   即兴台词ad lib; adlibb   记不起台词do a dry   熟记台词lesson by heart   熟记台词的word-perfect   台词背得熟know one"s parts well   台词编辑dialogue editor   台词的提示feed   提示台词prompt   提示台词者prompter   忘记台词blow one"s lines   戏剧的台词the lines of the play   重配台词dialogue replacement   课文(此处为台词)der text   台词背得烂熟learn one"s lines thoroughly   句子:   1.The actor has learned off his lines .   那位演员已经把他的台词背熟了。   2.Will you cue me on my lines ?   你愿不愿意在我的.台词方面给我提示?   3.I got very angry . i could not hear the actors .   我很生气,我听不清演员的台词。   4.I have got some very long speeches to learn in act 2 .   幕2中我有些大段台词要记。   5.I always run over my lines before going on stage .   我登台演出前总要温习一下台词。   6."he"s reciting lines," nim muffled angrily .   “他在背台词,”尼姆愤怒的低声说道。   7.Have you learnt your lines yet ?   你的台词背熟了吗?   8.Have you learnt your part yet ?   你的台词背熟了吗?   9.Thrown off by the jeers, she forgot her line .   台下的嘘声使她心慌意乱,以致把台词也忘了。   10.She went over her lines before the first night of the play .   她在该剧首演前又练习了一次台词。
2023-07-27 05:57:511

补全对话.IV.Complete the dialogue .A:Hello,Jill!I’ve got some go?

IV.plete the dialogue . A:Hello,Jill!I"ve got some good news for you. B:____What is it?_________________. A:A foreign lady will e to listen to our English lesson. B:Really?______What is the time_?/ When will she e?____________________? A:Tomorrow morning. B:_____Where is she from?/Where does she e from?_______________ A:Canada.She is on an exchange programme.While she is in China,a Chinese teacher will to to Canada. B:Good.__What does she want to do?__________ A:She wants to see what life in China is like.Would you like to meet her? B:Yes.________I would like to____________________ And I want to tell her what I"ve heard and seen here. A:Good idea.,1,Good news??What is it? When will the lady e? Where is she from? I think that is great. I"d like to meet her,2,What? When will she e? Where does she e from? Why does she e to China? I"d like to,1,补全对话. IV.plete the dialogue . A:Hello,Jill!I"ve got some good news for you. B:_____________________. A:A foreign lady will e to listen to our English lesson. B:Really?___________________________? A:Tomorrow morning. B:____________________ A:Canada.She is on an exchange programme.While she is in China,a Chinese teacher will to to Canada. B:Good.____________ A:She wants to see what life in China is like.Would you like to meet her? B:Yes.____________________________ And I want to tell her what I"ve heard and seen here. A:Good idea.
2023-07-27 05:58:531

two-way dialogue是什么意思

two-way dialogue的中文翻译two-way dialogue 双向对话双语例句1A Two-way Dialogue: Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Communication-Translatologyin the Perspective of Communication Science 内向传播和人际传播的双向对话&论建立传播学的翻译观2BBN Technologies has developed a translation device that enables a two-waydialogue between speakers of different languages. BBN公司开发了一种翻译设备,这种设备可以允许使用不同语言的人进行双向对话。
2023-07-27 05:59:001