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这句话怎么翻译比较好life is a gift,that is why is called present.

2023-07-28 20:17:34

































life is short是什么意思

一、Life is short的意思是生命短暂或者生命是如此短暂。二、例句使用:1、Life is short and time is fleeting.生命短暂,时光飞逝。2、Life is short, who knows what will happen tomorrow?生命很短暂,谁知道明天会发生什么?3、She reflected that life is short.她寻思,人生是短暂的。4、Knowledge is long, life is short.吾生有涯,而知无涯。5、Life is short and time is swift.人生苦短,岁月易逝(人生短暂,时光匆匆)。6、Life is short,the warpath is long...生命日短,征途日长。7、Our life is short; it yields but a few days for love.我们的生命是短促的,只有几天恋爱的工夫。
2023-07-27 04:34:474

Life is a journey是什么意思

2023-07-27 04:35:104

Life is like a box of chocolate, you never know w

2023-07-27 04:35:457

"Life is smile" 什么意思?

2023-07-27 04:36:135

life is not a destination,but a journey谁说的

The Journey Is the Destination我有你想要的,而且都是哒,看我主叶。就能看哦
2023-07-27 04:36:296

Life is like a box of chocolate后一句是什么呢?急需答案!......

Life is like a box of chocolate,you never know what you"re gonna get.来自电影《阿甘正传》
2023-07-27 04:37:233

Life is like walking in the snow ,because every step shows .不知道啥意思

Life in the Snow我有的,非常奶思这个,里面应有尽有,而且都是的,戳我简芥~…就能看到
2023-07-27 04:37:552

Life is an experience/why not look at a tree from your office?It is so big and healthy,and its leaves are becoming......生命是一场体验/为什么不看看你办公室窗外的那棵树?它是那样高大而茂盛,它的树叶正在渐渐改变...... You tell me your pain,your loss,and your sufferings each time I talk with you. You are not young and days becomes fewer and fewer. But you just care about what makes you sad.[流泪][流泪][流泪] 你告诉我你的痛苦,你的损耗,你的遭遇当我每次跟你说话的时候。你已经不再年轻了而你所拥有的日子也越来越少了。可是你却只关心那些让你悲伤的东西。[流泪][流泪][流泪] Life is an experience,you just go along with it. If it is fine,you can enjoy the sunshine. If it rains,you just feel rain drops. Care about this moment,which is precious in your life,but you always ignore it. 生命是一场体验,你只需要随它去。如果是晴天,你就享受阳光。如果是雨天,你就感受雨滴。关心当下这一刻,这才是你生命里最珍贵的,但也是你总会忽略的。 Dear,I hope you will be happy and far away from bad things.[心][心][心] 亲爱的,我希望你将会快乐,同时远离那些不好的感受。[心][心][心]
2023-07-27 04:38:341

Life is what 是什么意思

2023-07-27 04:38:426

火炎纹章--烈火之剑主题曲《LIFE IS...》歌词

LIFE is... ~another story~词:平井坚 曲:平井坚 编曲:亀田诚治Jibun o tsuyoku misetariJibun o umaku misetariDoushite bokura wa konna niIki kurushii ikikata erabu no?Mabuka ni kabutta boushi oKyou wa hazushite miyou yoSukoshi midaretaso no kami moKawai kute boku wa sukida yoKaze ni odoru karehaNureta shibafu no nioiKimi o nekoronde miageta nanimo nai soraKotae nado doko nimo naiDare mo oshiete kurenaiDemo kimi o omou to kono mune waNanika o sakenderu sore dake wa shinjitsuMuki dashi no kotoba dake oKatasumi ni suteta ano hiSono mukou no yasashi sa niIma nara kizukete ita no niKogoesou na benchiYori sou koibito tachiIkutsu mono ai no kotoba ga umarete wa kieruEien wa doko nimo naiDare mo fureru koto wa naiDemo kimi ga warau to sono saki oShinjite mitaku naru te o nobashitaku naruKotae nado doko ni mo naiDare mo oshiete kurenaiDemo kimi o omou to kono mune waItami o dakishimeru sore dake ga shinjitsu中文意 LIFE is... ~another story~词:平井坚 曲:平井坚 编曲:亀田诚治一味展现出坚强一味表现的灵巧为何我要选择如此痛苦的生活方式?遮住眼睛的帽子今天先脱下来吧稍微蓬乱的头发可爱的令我心动风中起舞的枯叶湿润草坪的味道和你一同躺著仰望一望无际的天空答案到处都寻不著没有人愿意告诉我但是一想起你 我的胸口就不断呐喊 这才是真实那天我不断对你说出露骨的话语你却还是那麼温柔直到现在我才发现就要冻僵的长凳相依偎的情侣们爱的话语总是稍纵即逝踏破铁鞋也找不到「永远」没有人能够触摸到但是你的笑颜 令人想伸出手迎接我们的未来答案到处都寻不著没有人愿意告诉我但是一想起你 我的胸口就痛苦难耐 这才是真实歌手:平井坚 专辑:Life Is...自分を强く见せたり自分を巧く见せたりどうして仆らはこんなに息苦しい生き方选ぶの?目深にかぶった帽子を今日は外してみようよ少し乱れたその髪も可爱くて仆は好きだよ风におどる枯叶濡れた芝生の匂い君と寝ころんで见上げた何も无い空答えなど何処にもない谁も教えてくれないでも君を想うとこの胸は何かを叫んでるそれだけは真実むき出しの言叶だけを片端に舍てたあの日その向こうの优しさに今なら気付けていたのに冻えそうなベンチ寄り添う恋人たちいくつもの爱のことばが生まれては消える永远は何処にもない谁も触れることはないでも君が笑うとその先を信じてみたくなる手を伸ばしたくなる答えなど何処にもない谁も教えてくれないでも君を想うとこの胸は痛みを抱きしめるそれだけが真実
2023-07-27 04:39:091

常听something sucks ,life sucks,但是又看到好多人写life is su

2023-07-27 04:39:186

Life is a journey是什么意思

Life is a journey生命是一段旅程双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 生活就是一段旅程例句:1.After all life is a journey not a destination. 毕竟人生是旅程,而不是终点。
2023-07-27 04:39:351

life is a fucking movie

2023-07-27 04:39:445


life-is-waiting生命就是等待waiting[英][u02c8weu026atu026au014b][美][u02c8wetu026au014b]n.等候; (宫廷中的)侍奉; 侍女; 侍奉期间; adj.等待的; (尤指因迟到)让人等候; 服侍的; (用于告诉某人立刻行动)你还在等什么呢; v.等候( wait的现在分词 ); 等待; (尤指长期地)希望; 盼望; 例句:1.Other companies also are waiting to hire. 其他公司也对招聘持等待态度。
2023-07-27 04:40:132

人生如戏英文 翻译

life is like a drama
2023-07-27 04:40:503

Life is just like a box of chocalates出自什么电影?

1、Life is just like a box of chocalates的后一句是:You never know what you"re gonna get.2、Life is just like a box of chocalates,You never know what you"re gonna get.出自《阿甘正传》。拓展资料《阿甘正传》是由罗伯特·泽米吉斯执导的电影,由汤姆·汉克斯,罗宾·怀特等人主演,于1994年7月6日在美国上映。电影改编自美国作家温斯顿·格卢姆于1986年出版的同名小说,描绘了先天智障的小镇男孩福瑞斯特·甘自强不息,最终“傻人有傻福”地得到上天眷顾,在多个领域创造奇迹的励志故事。电影上映后,于1995年获得奥斯卡最佳影片奖、最佳男主角奖、最佳导演奖等6项大奖。2014年9月5日,在该片上映20周年之际,《阿甘正传》IMAX版本开始在全美上映。
2023-07-27 04:41:481

life is life什么意思

life is life的中文翻译_百度翻译life is life生活就是生活
2023-07-27 04:42:041

Life is short, live it. Love is rare, grab 翻译

Life is short, live it. Love is rare, grab it.Anger is bad, dump it. Fear is awful, face it.Memories are sweet, cherish it.生如春宵短,今在今相依 ;情若晨星寥,可期可企及 ;恼是蛇蝎毒,望弃望远离 ;畏似良药苦,强咽强然怡 ;忆比蜜糖甜,且行且珍惜.
2023-07-27 04:42:122

life is a ...

Life Is a Dream人生是梦
2023-07-27 04:42:203

life is a fucxking movie是什么意思

life is a fuxking movie的意思是人生如戏。解析:life的意思有:生命、人命、人的存活、生物。movie的意思是:电影。fucking在这句英文中是形容词,可以译为该死的,表示生气、愤怒等情绪。因为在抖音和b站上有各种恶搞视频,然后这个词就火起来了。life is a fuxking movie重点词汇简介life释义:n.寿命,一生;(某事物的)存在期;生命,性命;人命;生物,活物;生活,人生;adj.生命的,与生命有关的;一生的,终身的短语Second Life 第二人生Life expectancy 平均寿命The Tree of Life 生命之树例句The operation saved her life.手术挽救了她的生命。My life seems empty without you.没有你,我的生活似乎就没有了意义。movie释义n.<美>电影;<美>电影院(the movies);<美>电影业(the movies);<美>电影(总称)(the movies)短语Sad Movie 悲伤电影movie star 电影明星Movie theater 电影院例句We missed the beginning of the movie.我们错过了电影的开头部分。Where was the movie shot?那部电影是在哪儿拍的?It"s a really neat movie.这真是一部极好的电影。
2023-07-27 04:42:271

人生如戏 英文怎么说

qifh vs6doburwyohjpstuxkhchodnlvhifyi
2023-07-27 04:43:588

life. is. to. be. lived

2023-07-27 04:44:513

常听something sucks ,life sucks,但是又看到好多人写life is su

2023-07-27 04:44:591

life is swell什么意思

life is swell生活非常好swell英[swel]美[swu025bl]vt.& vi.膨胀; 肿胀; 增强; 充满(激情)n.汹涌; 重要人士; (尤指身体部位)凸起的形状; 声音渐强adj.极好的; 了不起的; 非常棒的
2023-07-27 04:45:061

“这是你自己的人生,不要让它在困境中屈服 ” 这句话出自于美国的哪首诗词?

Charles Bukowski 查尔斯 布考斯基 美国诗人楼上提到的两首诗分别是:Your Life is Your Life Roll the Dice
2023-07-27 04:45:162

Life is a result of intentional habits.如何理解这句话?

你好,很高兴为你解答:生活是有意识的习惯的结果。词汇Life生命; 人命; 性命; 人的存活; 生物; 活物result后果; 结果; 胜利,胜局; 发生; 产生intentional故意的; 有意的; 存心的habits习惯; 惯常行为; 习性; 瘾; habit的第三人称单数和复数
2023-07-27 04:45:231

life is shirt 什么意思

life is short人生是短暂的; 人生苦短双语例句1Life is short, because it is just a dream. 人生很短,因为它只是一个梦。2The problem is not that life is short, but that it"s very long. 问题是生命不是太短了,而是很长的。3And, because life is short, I like my work to be big and meaningful. 然而,也因为生命短暂,我希望我的工作是影响深远的也是有意义的。
2023-07-27 04:45:312


life [laif] [复数] lives /laivz/ n. 1. 生命;性命 2. 生活;生存 3. 一生;寿命 4. 生灵;活人;活物 5. 生命期;生活阶段 6. (物的)存在期,有效期,活动期,使用期;耐久性 7. [总称]生物: 例句: plant life植物 8. 人生;人事;世间;世事;世面 9. 人的活动;社会活动;社交活动 10. 生平;传记 11. 生涯;生存过程 12. 生活方式;生存方式 13. 生机 14. 生命力;生气;朝气;活力;活跃 15. 朝气、活力的源泉;活跃气氛的人(或物) 16. 弹性;恢复力;顺应性;伸缩性 17. 生命般宝贵的人(或物) 18. 无期徒刑 19. [口语]新机会;新生命; [常用于短语 get a life] 获得新生 20. 灵魂;支柱;精髓 21. (酒等的)冒泡,起泡 22. (新鲜食物的)辣味,浓烈味道 23. 【美术】 实物;原物(大小);自然状态;活体模型 写生 逼真;栩栩如生 24. 被保险者;寿险对象 25. (宗教的)灵生;死后的幸福 26. 【棒球、板球】再次击球的机会 27. 【物理学】(亚原子粒子的)生命期,寿命 adj. 1. 终身的,毕生的,一生的 2. 生命的;生物的 3. 用活体模型的,用活模特儿的;照实物做的 4. 人寿保险的 短语 1. a life for a life以命偿命 [亦作 life for life] 2. all one"s life一生,毕生,终身,一辈子 3. a matter of life and deatha. 生死攸关的事情 b. 极为严重的事情 4. anything for a quiet lifea. 只要生活安宁怎么都行 b. 经不起别人絮聒,只得答应别人的要求;只要哄小孩不哭,什么都可以满足他 5. as large (或 big) as lifea. 与原物一般大小 b. [口语]本人,本身;体态容貌完整无缺;毋庸置疑;千真万确 6. as much as one"s life is worth[口语]性命攸关 7. attempt the life of企图弄死某人,企图杀害某人 8. bad lifea. 不道德生活 b. [人寿保险用语]估计活不到 (人寿保险所统计的)平均寿命的人,短命者 9. bear (或 have, lead) a charmed life吉人天相;天庇神佑,有护身符,吉星高照,冥冥中有神明保佑 [莎士比亚语] 10. be given a life【棒球、板球】 (击球员) 被迫退场前还有一次机会 11. be settled in life生活得到安顿,成家 12. bet one"s life[俚语] 确信,确保没错,用一切担保,拿一切来打赌 [美国英语亦作 bet one"s sweet life] 13. between life and death介乎生死之间,处于生死关头 14. Bless my life!天呀!我的天呀!哎呀!好家伙!谢天谢地! [亦作 Bless me!] 15. bother (或 harass, nag, pester, plague, worry) the life out of someone跟某人纠缠不休,没完没了地纠缠某人;跟某人喋喋不休;叫某人不得安生 16. breathe (或 infuse) new (或 a new) life into给予生气,赋予生机(或活力) [亦作 give new life to] 17. bring to lifea. 使苏醒,使复活;使康复 b. 使生气勃勃;使精力充沛;使栩栩如生;赋予生命力 c. 让人想起,使回忆起 18. carry (或 take) one"s life in one"s hand冒生命危险;手里提着脑袋过日子 19. cat-and-dog life(特指夫妇)过吵闹不休的生活,像猫狗一样不和 [常与动词 lead 连用,有时作 cat-and-dog existence, fight]等 20. choke the life out of someone闷死(或掐死、扼死)某人 21. come to lifea. 苏醒过来;恢复知觉 b. 变得活跃;振作起来 c. 活灵活现;表现生动;惟妙惟肖出现 22. depart (from) this life离开人间,去世,逝世 23. during their joint lives见 joint 24. escape with bare life死里逃生,仅以身免 25. escape with life and limb未受重伤而逃脱 26. for dear (或 very) life为逃命;拼命地;不顾死活地;全力以赴地 [常与 fight, flee, ride, run 等连用] 27. for lifea. 一生,终身,一辈子;余生 b. 为逃命,为保命 28. for one"s lifea. [口语] b. 无论如何也…,即使拿性命打赌也…,即使要我的命也…[用于否定句;亦作 for the life of me (或 him 等)] c. 为了逃命(或保命);拼命地;不顾死活地;全力以赴地(一般与 flee, run 连用) 29. form (the) life以原物做范本,根据实物(模拟),(人体)写生 30. galvanize into (或 to) lifea. 使(某人)受刺激而振奋活跃起来 b. 使(问题)重新提起 c. 使(市场)再度活跃 [亦作 galvanize life into] 31. gasp (one"s) life (或 out)死去,断气 32. get a change in life得到出头的机会 33. get a life[俚语]乐观些,振作起来,别萎靡不振了(用来鼓励别人积极乐观地参与人生) 34. get on in life出头;发迹;成功;飞黄腾达 35. get the fright of one"s life[口语]从未如此惊吓过 36. give new life to给予生气(或活力),赋予生机 37. give (或 lay down) one"s life捐躯,牺牲生命,献出自己的生命 38. go in fear of one"s life担心被杀 (尤指暗杀);为自己的生命担忧 39. guy the life out of someone无情嘲笑,极尽嘲笑之能事 40. have (或 get) a life开始过上(或过着)正常作息而又丰富多彩的生活 (有时用于祈使句,表示对某人的行为感到厌恶) 41. have as many lives as a cat死不了;不容易死;富于生命力 [亦作 have nine lives like a cat] 42. have more lives than a cat比猫还能活,比猫更富生命力 43. have the time of one"s life[俚语]从未如此快乐过,过着最快活的时期 44. How"s life?过得好吗?你生活得好吗? 45. I"ll bet my life.我敢用一切担保;我敢拿生命打赌;担保一定是这样;管保没错。 46. in lifea. 生前;在世时;一生中 b. 极其;根本;完全 [用于加强语气] 47. infuse new (或 anew) life into给予生气(或活力),赋予生机 48. It"s a great life (if you don"t weaken).只要挺住生活必然愉快。[身处逆境的讽刺语] 49. larger than lifea. (描写)夸大的 b. 非同一般的;超群的 50. lead a fast life过放荡的生活 51. lead someone a (dog"s) life使某人过着受折磨的生活(尤指婚后生活);使某人不得安生;使某人经常苦恼 52. life and (或 or) limb生命(危险) [常用于 risk 之后] 53. life and times(某人)当时的生活情形 54. life is a pilgrimage.[谚语]人生多坎坷。 55. Life is a span.[谚语]人生如朝露。 56. life is one damn(ed) thing after another祸不单行;雪上加霜 [亦作 life is one thing after another] 57. life of the mind精神生活;想像的境界 58. life of the party使大家快乐的人;活跃气氛的人;社交场合中的中心人物 59. life of the wolf is the death of the lamb[谚语]豺狼当道,民不聊生 60. live (或 lead) a double life搞两面派;过着双重人格的生活 61. live out a natural life终其天年 62. live out one"s life (或 days)度过一生 63. lose one"s life死,丧命 64. low lifea. 贫苦人民的生活 b. 下层社会生活 65. make life easy不为难,为制造麻烦 66. make one"s own life自己谋生 67. make someone"s life a hell使某人终日苦恼,使某人过着地狱般的生活 68. mark for life给(某人)留下终身的伤痕(或创伤) 69. mode (或 way) of life生活方式 70. my life[罕用语]我的心肝宝贝,我的命根子[用来称呼最心爱的人] 71. not on your life[口语]决不;一点也不;无论如何也不 72. on your life[口语]无论如何,在任何情况下 [常用于否定句] 73. pawn one"s life以生命保证 74. put life into something使事物充满生机(或活力);使出全部精力去做某事 75. put some (或 more) life into something[口语]打起精神做某事,鼓起劲来做某事 76. raise to life使复活;使死而复生 77. retire into private life退休 78. risk one"s life冒生命危险,拼着性命 79. safe (或 sound) in life and limb安然无恙,没有受伤 80. seek someone"s life企图杀害某人 81. see life交游广;享受人生;见世面,长阅历 82. sell one"s life dearly (或 dear)死得够本,杀伤许多敌人后而死 83. small life(肖像) 比真人略小的尺寸 84. someone"s life is not worth a day"s (或 an hour"s 等) purchase某人很难再活一天(或一小时) 85. take (a) life杀人;杀生 86. take (或 get) a new (或 fresh) lease of life死里逃生 87. take one"s life in (或 into) one"s hands不顾生死,冒着生命危险;以生命为儿戏 88. take one"s (own) life自杀,了结自己的生命 89. take someone"s life杀死某人,夺去某人生命 90. That"s life.这就是生活。这就是人生。[亦作 Life"s like that.] 91. the life and soul(某一集会中)最活跃有趣的人;活跃分子;中心人物,首要人物;骨干;灵魂 92. the life of Riley[美国口语]安逸的生活,无忧无虑的生活;放纵的生活;愉快而奢侈的生活 93. the other (或 eternal, everlasting, future) life【宗教】来世,来生 [亦作 the life of the world to come] 94. the time of one"s life见 time 95. This is the life!这才够劲儿!这才够意思! 96. this life【宗教】今生,现世,尘世 97. to save one"s life[口语]死也…怎么也…,无论如何… 98. to the life逼真;大小和实物一样;活龙活现地;栩栩如生地;惟妙惟肖地 99. true to life(画像、故事等)逼真的;原原本本的;栩栩如生的;惟妙惟肖的 100. upon my life我敢打赌说;我敢以生命做担保;我敢断言;确确实实;说句天地良心的话 101. What a life!人生真苦! (用来表示抱怨和不满)
2023-07-27 04:45:401

life is easy是什么意思

life is easy生活是轻松的双语对照例句:1.Living a normal life is easy! 做回一个正常人,有多难?2.Life is easy and comfortable. “生活简单而舒适”。3.Nor does the success of individual catholics mean that life is easy for conscientiousbelievers, insists charles moore, a columnist and catholic convert. 个别天主教徒的成功,并不意味着对于忠实的信徒而言生活就是一路坦途
2023-07-27 04:45:581

life is for living翻译成中文什么意思

2023-07-27 04:46:074

life is fucking movie的谐音?

2023-07-27 04:46:1615

life is rull of sunshine

sunshine is full of my life,意思为:我的生活充满阳光 ( 题中ma应该是打错了吧,应是my) 不过不是很地道, 地道的说法是:My life is full of sunshine.
2023-07-27 04:46:391

life is amazing什么意思

2023-07-27 04:46:472

life is package什么意思

life is a package 全部释义和例句>>生活是一个包裹
2023-07-27 04:46:541

life is go on 什么意思

2023-07-27 04:47:037

time is life 英语作文 60词 怎么写啊

时间的宝贵(The Value of Time) A proverb says,"Time is money." But in my opinion, time is even more precious than money. Why? Because when money is spent, we can earn it back. However, when time is gone, it will never return. This is the reason why we must value time.Collected by www.ii63·com It goes without saying that the time for our study and work is unusually limited. Hence, even an hour is extremely precious. We should make full use of our time to do useful things. As a student,I must make efforts to engage in my study so as to serve our nation and people in the future. But it is a pity that there. are a lot of people who do not know the importance of time. They do not realize that wasting time is equal to wasting a part of their valuable life.collected by II63·com In a word, we should form the good habit of saving time. Do not put off what can be done today till tomorrow. Laziness will not only bring us failure but also lead us to the road of poverty.
2023-07-27 04:47:211

life is limited,just accept it什么意思

翻译: 生命有限,只能接受它吧。
2023-07-27 04:47:402


美丽人生释义:Life Is Beautiful美丽人生举例:They teach us to take life and its problems with a dash of humor and you will realize thatlife is beautiful. 这些名言教会我们要以幽默达观的态度面对生活及生活上遇到的困难,这样就会发现人生是如此美好。
2023-07-27 04:47:471

“Life is what you make of it.”这句话为什么是对的?

2023-07-27 04:47:574

life iseasy是什么意思

2023-07-27 04:48:055

Life is your own句子成分是什么?

life is your own 主系表结构,life主语,is 是be动词,yourown做表语修饰is
2023-07-27 04:48:202


1、简单粗暴是我的行事艺术,不服就干是我的生活态度! Simple and rude is my art of doing things, and it"s my attitude towards life if I don"t obey it. 2、活着,是一种生命的状态。寂寞,是一种生活态度。 Living is a state of life. Loneliness is an attitude towards life. 3、感恩是一种生活态度,会让生命更加富足。 Gratitude is an attitude towards life, which makes life more abundant. 4、幽默不是一种技巧,而是一种生活态度。 Humor is not a skill, but an attitude towards life. 5、从容不迫的举止,比起咄咄逼人的态度,更能令人心折。 A calm manner is more distressing than an aggressive attitude. 6、我们都很仔细的定义过所谓幸福的生活,不过我们都没有认真的活。 We all carefully define the so-called happy life, but we do not have a serious life. 7、让自己赏心悦目是一种生活态度和一种能力。 Enjoying yourself is an attitude towards life and an ability. 8、回忆是一种很奇妙的东西,它生活在过去,存在于现在,却能影响未来。 Memory is a wonderful thing, it lives in the past, exists in the present, but can affect the future. 9、贱是一种生活态度,但还是要贱得适度。 Baseness is an attitude towards life, but it should be moderate. 10、用心甘情愿的态度,过随遇而安的生活。 Live a life of ease with your heart and soul. 11、开心起来是真开心,失落起来也好掩饰。这是一种自我保护,也是一种生活态度。 Happy up is really happy, lost up can also hide. This is a kind of self-protection, but also an attitude towards life. 12、世上只有一种英雄主义,就是在认清生活真相之后依然热爱生活。 There is only one kind of heroi *** in the world, which is to love life after knowing the truth of life. 13、我所理解的生活,就是和我喜欢的一切在一起。 What I understand about life is being with everything I like. 14、在我看来"二"也是一种乐观的生活态度。 In my opinion, "o" is also an optimistic attitude towards life. 15、我可以拿走人的任何东西,但有一样东西不行,这就是在特定环境下选择自己的生活态度的自由。 I can take anything away from people, but there is one thing I can"t do. That is the freedom to choose my attitude towards life in a particular environment. 16、生活是好的,峰回路转,柳暗花明,前面总会有另一番不同的风光。 Life is good, the peak turns around, the willow blossoms bright, there will always be another different scenery ahead. 17、生活在阴沟里,依然有仰望星空的权利。 Living in a sewer, we still have the right to look up at the stars. 18、在生活里,我们命中碰到的一切美好的东西,都是以秒计算的。 In life, all the good things we encounter in our lives are calculated in seconds. 19、守望,可以是一种生活态度,也可以是一种人生境界。 Watching can be either an attitude towards life or a realm of life. 20、悲观主义是一种态度,一个勇敢的人的态度。 Pessimi *** is an attitude, the attitude of a brave man. 21、生活就像骑自行车,要想保持平衡就要不断运动。 Life is like riding a bicycle. If you want to keep balance, you need to keep moving. 22、我所追求的品位生活,那更像是一种生活态度! The quality of life I pursue is more like an attitude towards life. 23、考验决定了生活态度,困难决定生活方式,选择决定生活成败。 The test decides the attitude of life, the difficulty decides the way of life, and the choice decides the success or failure of life. 24、一个人知道自己为什么而活,就可以忍受任何一种生活。 A person who knows why he lives can tolerate any kind of life. 25、女人味是一种境界,是一种情调,是一种优雅的生活态度。 Femininity is a realm, a sentiment and an elegant attitude towards life. 26、一切问题,都是生理问题——这是个老实人的生活态度。 All problems are physical problems - this is an honest attitude towards life. 27、每个人都有自己的生活态度和性格,有自己衡量人和事的标准。 Everyone has his own attitude to life and personality, and he has his own standards to measure people and things. 28、即使明天是世界末日,我们一样穿着得体,这是一种人生态度。 Even if tomorrow is the end of the world, we dress appropriately, which is an attitude of life. 29、我从没被谁知道,所以也没被谁忘记。在别人的回忆中生活,并不是我的目的。 I"ve never been known by anyone, so I"ve never been fotten by anyone. Living in other people"s memories is not my goal. 30、一切都明明白白,但我们仍匆匆错过,因为你相信命运,因为我怀疑生活。 Everything is clear, but we still miss it in a hurry, because you believe in fate, because I doubt life. 31、童话是一种生活态度,仅此而已。 Fairy tales are an attitude towards life, that"s all. 32、自恋,也是一种生活态度。 Narcissi *** is also an attitude towards life. 33、既不懈的追求生活,又不敢奢望生活过多的报酬和宠爱,而是理智而清醒的面对着现实。 Not only pursue life unremittingly, but also dare not expect too much reward and favor from life, but face reality rationally and soberly. 34、其实我们每个人的生活都是一个世界,即使最平凡的人也要为他生活的那个世界而奋斗。 In fact, everyone"s life is a world, even the most ordinary people have to fight for the world he lives in. 35、每天都要提醒自己,你决定不了自己的未来,却可以改变自己生活态度。 Remind yourself every day that you can"t decide your future, but you can change your attitude towards life. 36、生活总是让我们遍体鳞伤,但到后来,那些受伤的地方一定会变成我们最强壮的地方。 Life always bruises us all over, but in the end, those injured places will bee our strongest places. 37、我始终相信,在这个世界上,一定有另一个自己,在做着我不敢做的事,在过着我想过的生活。 I always believe that in this world, there must be another oneself, doing what I dare not do, living the life I want to live.
2023-07-27 04:48:281

life is a maze.是什么意思

2023-07-27 04:49:223


爱生活的英语优美句子   引导语:如何用英语表达爱生活呢,下面是我收集整理的爱生活的英语优美句子,欢迎参考。   1、Love life, life also loved him.   热爱生活的人,生活也爱他。   2、People with ideals, life is always hot.   有理想的人,生活总是火热的。   3、Happy life is caused by a pleasant thoughts.   愉快的生活是由愉快的思想造成的。   4、For the realization of the ideal life, the joy of life is abundant.   为理想的实现而生活,则生趣盎然。   5、Originally, life only have once, for who is precious.   本来,生命只有一次,对于谁都是宝贵的。   6、Life is not return ticket, once started, can never return.   人生不售来回票,一旦动身,绝不能复返。   7、A man who knows life true meaning, can make the short life extension.   懂得生命真谛的人,可以使短促的生命延长。   8、Happiness exists in life, but life exists in labor.   幸福存在于生活之中,而生活存在于劳动之中。   9、The meaning of life is love, who wouldn"t love, who can"t understand life.   生活的本意是爱,谁不会爱,谁就不能理解生活。   10、The value of life lies in creating, not create life, can only be called alive.   人生的价值在于创造,没有创造的生活,只能叫活着。   11、The value of life lies not in the length of time, but in how you use it.   生命的价值不在于时间的长短,而在于你如何利用它。   12、Curious about life of comprehensiveness, the secret of success is still a great creative people.   对生活抱持全面性的好奇,仍是伟大创意人员成功的秘诀。   13、Arranged one should have a good life, to make each moment of time is meaningful.   一个人应当好好地安排生活,要使每一刻的`时光都有意义。   14、Life such as water, only in his jet and rushed forward, just beautiful, to be meaningful.   生命如流水,只有在他的急流与奔向前去的时候,才美丽,才有意义。   15、The goodness of life is its rich and colorful, to make life interesting, to enrich it continuously.   生活的美好就在于它的丰富多彩,要使生活变得有趣,就要不断地充实它。   16、Such is life, we must treat life, be brave, fearless, and with a big smile no matter what happens.   生活就是这样,我们也必须对待生活,要勇敢、无畏、含着笑容地不管一切如何。   17、Remember you are born to live. Donu2019t live because you are born! Donu2019t go the way life takes you.Take life the way you go!   记住生存是为了生活,而生活不仅仅是为了生存!不要让生活为你掌舵,要为自己的生活开路!   18、However mean your life is, meet it and live it; do not shun it and call it hard names.   不论你的生活如何卑微,你都要面对它生活,不要躲避它,更别用恶言咒骂它。   19、Life is like a big swing, dangling between the depths of happiness and sadness. As soon as we descend down the slope of sadness, we accelerate over the ever-feel-good acclivity of happiness.   生活像一具大秋千, 总在开心和忧愁间摇摆。每当我们陷入忧愁的低谷时,我们又开始冲向开心的谷顶。   20、Life is about growing, learning, and being a better person. Never trying to improve yourself is a guaranteed path to living a completely average life. Can anyone honestly say they want an average life? Of course not.   生活就是不断成长,学习,完善自我的过程。不努力去提升自我是通往平庸生活的必经之路。有谁愿意过平庸的生活呢?当然没有。   21、Difficulites arise in the lives of us all. What is most important is dealing with the hard times,coping with the changes, and getting through to the other side where the sun is still shining just for you.   生活中困难在所难免,最重要的是要挺过艰难的时刻,积极应对种种变故,冲破黎明前的黑暗,你终会看到只属于自己的灿烂阳光。   22、Life needs gratefullness. Gratefulness is not only confined to love, but also to friendship, family bonds, mutual cherishing as well as constant missing each other.   生活是需要感动的,这样的感动不仅仅是爱情,更来自于友情,来自亲情,来自彼此关爱和时时刻刻的牵挂。   23、Pursuing too many things means giving yourself unnecessary pressure. Donu2019t let your ambition stop you from enjoying your life.   追求太多会给自己带来不必要的压力。别让抱负阻止自己享受生活。   24、The joy of living comes from what we put into living, not from what we seek to get from it.   生活的乐趣是我们对生活的投入,而非所求。   25、If you view the world around you and lifeu2019s challenges through the lens of goodness, then you will find life much more enjoyable.   如果你用善意的视角看世界和面对生活的挑战,你会发现生活会更美好。   26、A great life is the result of creating priorities. Itu2019s easy to spend your days just responding to the next thing that gets your attention, instead of intentionally using the time, energy and money you have in a way thatu2019s important to you.   分清轻重缓急,生活才会精彩。随波逐流混日子很容易,而有目的地把时间、精力和金钱用到重要的地方却很难。   27、When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile.   当生活给你一百个理由哭泣时,你就拿出一千个理由笑给它看。   28、Donu2019t run through life so fast that you forget not only where youu2019ve been, but also where youu2019re going. Life is not a race, but a journey to be savored each step of the way.   生活节奏不要这么匆忙,以致忘了你曾经去过何地,要奔向何方。人生不是赛跑,途中的每一步,都值得细细品味。   29、Life doesn"t always give us the joys we want. We don"t always get our hopes and dreams, and we don"t always get our own way.   生活并非总是会给你希望得到的快乐。希望有时会落空,梦想有时会破灭,我们不能一切随心所愿。   30、No man was ever so completely skilled in the conduct of life as not to receive new information from age and experience.   在生活中没有人一直能对什么都应付自如,除非他不断从年龄和经历中吸取知识。   31、Celebrate every day of your life! Let the spirit of holiday fill each corner of your heart. Why not?You live your life to its fullest and move towards your dreams!   欢度生活中的每一天,让度假的心情充满你的心田,为什么不呢? 朝着最美满的生活,朝着你的梦想迈进! ;
2023-07-27 04:49:411

Life Is Life 歌词

歌曲名:Life Is Life歌手:Noah And The Whale专辑:Bbc Radio 1"S Live Lounge Volume 6Noah And The Whale - Life Is LifeWell he used to be somebodyAnd now he"s someone elseTook apart his old lifeLeft it on the shelfSick of being someoneHe did not admireTook up all his old thingsSet em all on fireHe"s gonna changeGonna change his waysGonna changeGonna change his waysAnd it feels like his new life can startAnd it feels like heavenLeft his house at midnightResolute and youngIn search of something greaterThan the person he"d becomeThrew his bags on to the backOf his run down eighties carHeaded out to god knows whereThe distance is too farHe"s gonna changeGonna change his waysGonna changeGonna change his waysAnd it feels like his new life can startAnd it feels like heavenAnd it feels like his new life can startAnd it feels like heaven(Your life is your life gotta live like it"s your life)And it feels like his new life can startAnd it feels like heavenAnd it feels like his new life can startAnd it feels like heavenAnd it feels like his new life can startAnd it feels like heavenAnd it feels like his new life can startAnd it feels like heaven
2023-07-27 04:49:541

英语造句life is like ..

Life is like a box of chocolate. You never know what you going to get. 生活就像一盒巧克力,你永远不知道下一颗是什么滋味。
2023-07-27 04:50:041

life is to be lived 什么意思?

2023-07-27 04:50:127

Life is like a dandelion.It seems free,but it can

What did you write?
2023-07-27 04:50:286

Life is a gift.Never take it for granted.是什么意思

Life is a gift.Never take it for grant...的中文翻译_百度翻译Life is a gift.Never take it for granted. 生命是一份礼物,永远不要想当然。
2023-07-27 04:50:445

life is a wonderful journey make it your journey and not someone else·s是什么意思

你好!life is a wonderful journey make it your journey and not someone else·s生命是一个精彩的旅程让你的旅程而不是别人
2023-07-27 04:51:202