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2023-05-19 12:45:12


TAG: rate decorate

ornament是名词,装饰品;decorate是偏向于装潢的意思;deck多用于被动语态,decked with(in)sth,指被装饰;garnish多指对餐桌上的食物进行点缀,一般搭配with,如fish garnished with slices of lemon;embellish则是指装饰和美化某物,如衣服,艺术品等,也可搭配with,如a dress embellished with lace 。



decorate的意思是装饰。释义:vt.装饰;布置;授勋给vi.装饰;布置变形:过去式decorated、过去分词decorated、现在分词decorating、第三人称单数decorates双语例句My mother and I decorated our family Christmas tree together.妈妈和我一起装饰了家里的圣诞树。I was decorating my room when you called me.你给我打电话的时候,我正在粉刷我的房间。The queen decorated Lieutenant Hobbes the Silver Cross.女王授予霍布斯中尉银十字勋章。
2022-12-30 10:37:442


decorate[英][ˈdekəreɪt][美][ˈdɛkəˌret]vt.装饰; 点缀; 粉刷; 授予(某人)勋章; vi.装饰; 布置; 第三人称单数:decorates过去分词:decorated现在进行时:decorating过去式:decorated例句:1.How do you decorate a christmas tree? 你怎样来装饰圣诞树呢?
2022-12-30 10:38:003


大家认识decorate这个单词吗?decorate是一个比较难记的单词,那么decorate的意思是什么呢?有什么相关知识呢?下面是我给大家带来的decorate是什么意思_decorate的中文翻译,以供大家参考,我们一起来看看吧! ▼ decorate的英语意思 作动词: 装饰;布置 英语音标: 英 [?dek?reit] 美 [?d?k??ret] ▼ decorate的时态 现在分词: decorating 过去式: decorated 过去分词: decorated ▼ decorate的英语例句 1. Use shells to decorate boxes, trays, mirrors or even pots. 用贝壳来装点盒子、托盘、镜子甚至是花盆。 2. How could we decorate the room to liven it up? 我们怎么才能把这房间装饰得更有生气呢? 3. Use any pastry trimmings to decorate the apples. 用剩余的油酥面皮装饰苹果。 4. Decorate the tunic with sequins or glitter. 用些圆形小金属片或发光小亮片装饰这件女式短上衣。 5. Constable posters decorate the walls. 康斯太布尔 风景画 的海报装点着那些墙面。 6. You need to decorate your mind with virtue. 你应该用德行美化心灵. 7. My mother likes to decorate rooms. 我妈妈非常喜欢装饰房间. 8. When he came to decorate the kitchen, Kenneth opted for a friendly rustic look. 装修厨房的时候,肯尼思选择的是一种亲切质朴的田园风格。 9. When they came to decorate the rear bedroom, it was Jemma who had the final say. 他们装修后面的卧室时,是耶马最后说了算。 10. She opened the door for me and threw herself in my arms, screaming joyously and demanding that we decorate the tree immediately. 她打开门,直扑我的怀抱, 欣喜地喊叫着要马上装饰圣诞树. 11. Life is not composed by aphorism, how can we decorate it with pompous cliche & 1 & s? I send you my most sincere greeting in silence. 人生并非格言组成,岂能靠美丽的 辞章 来妆点, 默默中,有我对你最诚挚的祝福. 12. Susan bought a garden gnome to decorate her garden. 苏珊买了一个土地神像来装饰她的花园。 13. Michael was indecisive about how to decorate the room. 关于如何装饰房间,迈克尔犹豫不决。 14. The boys are planning to decorate when they get the time. 小伙子们正打算有时间油漆一下。 15. People often decorate their houses with holly at Christmas. 人们总是在 圣诞节 时用冬青来装饰房屋. decorate的意思中文翻译相关 文章 : ★ decorate是什么意思中文翻译 ★ decorate的近义词中文翻译 ★ 关于颜色词汇的中英文对照表 ★ drain是什么意思中文翻译 ★ edit是什么意思中文翻译 ★ 机场常见公共标志英文表达 ★ 英语六级翻译如何拿高分 ★ 关于圣诞节的英语手抄报素材 ★ 英语六级新题型有什么翻译技巧 ★ 圣诞节的由来英文版配翻译(2) var _hmt = _hmt || []; (function() { var hm = document.createElement("script"); hm.src = ""; var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(hm, s); })();
2022-12-30 10:38:151


decorate:英 [ˈdekəˌreɪt]。 vt.装饰;粉刷;裱糊;给...授勋;美化;给(晶体)蒸贴上金属膜。vi.粉刷;贴壁纸。例句:When they came to decorate the rear bedroom, Jemma had the final say.他们什么时候来粉刷后面的卧室,耶马说了算。双语例句:1、When they came to decorate the rear bedroom, Jemma had the final say.他们什么时候来粉刷后面的卧室,耶马说了算。2、Escher"s intriguing optical illusions decorate these 100% cotton T-shirts.这些纯棉短袖衫上装饰着埃舍尔创作的趣味视错觉图案。3、We"ll decorate the house with holly.我们会用冬青树的树枝来装点房子。4、Your tree looks beautiful. Do you decorate it this way every year?你们的树看起来好漂亮。你们每年都这么布置吗?5、The boys are planning to decorate when they get the time.男孩们打算在有空时贴壁纸。
2022-12-30 10:38:201


decorate 英[ˈdekəreit] 美[ˈdɛkəˌret] 过去式:decorated 过去分词:decorated 现在分词:decorating 及物动词 vt. 1.装饰 My mother likes to decorate rooms. 我妈妈非常喜欢装饰房间. 2.授予(某人)勋章 The Queen decorated the soldier. 女王授予士兵勋章. 3.粉刷;油漆;糊墙纸 4.点缀;装点 decorate 英 ["dekəreɪt] 美 [ˈdɛkəˌret] vt.装饰;点缀;粉刷;授予(某人)勋章 vi.装饰;布置 装饰,装璜; 装饰,布置; 来装饰; 装饰,装璜,修饰 1.VERB 动词装饰;装点;点缀 If you decorate something,you make it more attractive by adding things to it. He decorated his room with pictures of all his favorite sports figures...他用自己最喜欢的几位体育明星的照片装饰房间. Use shells to decorate boxes,trays,mirrors or even pots.用贝壳来装点盒子、托盘、镜子甚至是花盆. 2.VERB 动词粉刷;油漆;裱糊 If you decorate a room or the inside of a building,you put new paint or wallpaper on the walls and ceiling,and paint the woodwork. When they came to decorate the rear bedroom,it was Jemma who had the final say...他们装修后面的卧室时,是耶马最后说了算. The boys are planning to decorate when they get the time...小伙子们正打算有时间油漆一下. I had the flat decorated quickly so that Philippa could move in.我很快地把公寓粉刷了一遍,这样菲利帕就能搬进来了. ...a small,badly decorated office.装修简陋的小办公室 decorating I did a lot of the decorating myself.大部分油漆活儿都是我自己做的. decoration The renovation process and decoration took four months.翻新和粉刷总共耗时 4 个月. 3.VERB 动词美化 If something decorates a place or an object,it makes it look more attractive.笔语Constable posters decorate the walls.康斯太布尔风景画的海报装点着那些墙面. 4.VERB 动词授予…勋章(或其他荣誉) If someone is decorated,they are given a medal or other honour as an official reward for something that they have done. passiveHe was decorated for bravery in battle.他因为作战英勇而被授予奖章. decorate,ornament 这两个动词均含“装饰”之意. decorate:普通用词,指对人或物进行装饰,使之更加完美. ornament:指装饰以精美之物,使某处或某物增添美丽的或景色. 1.You need to decorate your mind with virtue.你应该用德行美化心灵. 2.My mother likes to decorate rooms.我妈妈非常喜欢装饰房间. 3.She opened the door for me and threw herself in my arms,screaming joyously and demanding that we decorate the tree immediately.她打开门,直扑我的怀抱,欣喜地喊叫着要马上装饰圣诞树. 4.Life is not composed by aphorism,how can we decorate it with pompous cliche&1&s?I send you my most sincere greeting in silence.人生并非格言组成,岂能靠美丽的辞章来妆点,默默中,有我对你最诚挚的祝福. 5.Susan bought a garden gnome to decorate her garden.苏珊买了一个土地神像来装饰她的花园. 6.Michael was indecisive about how to decorate the room.关于如何装饰房间,迈克尔犹豫不决. 7.The boys are planning to decorate when they get the time.小伙子们正打算有时间油漆一下. 8.People often decorate their houses with holly at Christmas.人们总是在圣诞节时用冬青来装饰房屋. 9.If you want to decorate,I can get you half-price paint.你要想收拾一下房间的话,我能给你买到半价的油漆. 10.The family decorate the Christmas tree with glass balls and lights.全家人用玻璃球和小灯泡装饰圣诞树. 11.After the house is built,how much will it cost to decorate?房子造好后装修要花多少钱呢? 12.It"s necessary to decorate the classroom.有必要装修这间教室. 13.He"s been engaged to decorate the house.他受雇装饰这所房子. 14.Bright posters decorate the streets.鲜艳的广告招贴画点缀着街道. 15.It cost a lot of money to decorate the interior of the house.房屋的内部装饰花去许多钱. 16.The third and fourth grades teamed up to decorate the gym for the party.三四年级的学生相互合作,为联谊会布置体操馆. 17.They are also sometimes used to decorate jewellery boxes.有时也用来装饰珠宝盒. 18.Get freetree for your desktop.Decorate your desktop Christmas tree.特别提醒,鼠标放到圣诞树上面有倒计时. 19.Esin sculpture technology,wing decorate optical cable,can give out light.树脂雕塑工艺,翅膀装饰光纤,可发光. 20.In the above photo,German troops decorate a tree in their trench.图为德军在战壕里装饰圣诞树.
2022-12-30 10:38:291


一、decorate的用法:1、decorate with用...装饰2、decorate sth. with用装饰......3、be decorated with装饰着...; 用...装饰4、decorate house装修房子5、decorate room装修房间二、例句:1、He bought chocolate novelties to decorate the Christmas tree.他买了模样新奇的巧克力来装饰圣诞树。2、Then knots with fancy designs were used to decorate fans and jade pendants.然后,有漂亮图形的“结”被用来装饰扇子和玉坠.3、Suitable for construction glass, decorate glass, electric glass and varies of other glass.适用于建筑玻璃、装饰玻璃、家电玻璃等各种玻璃产品平面印刷。
2022-12-30 10:38:341

decorate怎么读 英语decorate怎么读

1、decorate英[ˈdekəreɪt]美[ˈdekəreɪt],v.装饰; 装潢; 粉刷; 油漆; 糊墙纸; 点缀; 装点; 授给(某人)勋章(或奖章)。 2、[例句]The cake was decorated to look like a car.这蛋糕装饰得像一辆汽车。
2022-12-30 10:39:051


  decorate有装饰;布置;装修等意思,那么你知道decorate的用法吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!    decorate的用法:   decorate的用法1:decorate的基本意思是“装饰”,指增加色彩或图案设计以消除背景的平淡或单调,也可表示粉刷房屋,在房屋外侧涂灰泥或油漆,在房屋内侧涂油漆或糊墙纸。引申可表示“授予殊荣”,如奖章、勋位等。   decorate的用法2:decorate是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。   decorate的用法3:decorate后可接介词for表示“因…而授予”,接介词with表示“用…装饰”“以…授予”。   decorate的常用 短语 :   用作动词 (v.)   decorate for (v.+prep.)   decorate with (v.+prep.)   decorate的用法例句:   1. Use shells to decorate boxes, trays, mirrors or even pots.   用贝壳来装点盒子、托盘、镜子甚至是花盆。   2. How could we decorate the room to liven it up?   我们怎么才能把这房间装饰得更有生气呢?   3. Use any pastry trimmings to decorate the apples.   用剩余的油酥面皮装饰苹果。   4. Decorate the tunic with sequins or glitter.   用些圆形小金属片或发光小亮片装饰这件女式短上衣。   5. Constable posters decorate the walls.   康斯太布尔 风景画 的海报装点着那些墙面。   6. You need to decorate your mind with virtue.   你应该用德行美化心灵.   7. My mother likes to decorate rooms.   我妈妈非常喜欢装饰房间.   8. When he came to decorate the kitchen, Kenneth opted for a friendly rustic look.   装修厨房的时候,肯尼思选择的是一种亲切质朴的田园风格。   9. When they came to decorate the rear bedroom, it was Jemma who had the final say.   他们装修后面的卧室时,是耶马最后说了算。   10. She opened the door for me and threw herself in my arms, screaming joyously and demanding that we decorate the tree immediately.   她打开门,直扑我的怀抱, 欣喜地喊叫着要马上装饰圣诞树.   11. Life is not composed by aphorism, how can we decorate it with pompous cliche & 1 & s? I send you my most sincere greeting in silence.   人生并非格言组成,岂能靠美丽的 辞章 来妆点, 默默中,有我对你最诚挚的祝福.   12. Susan bought a garden gnome to decorate her garden.   苏珊买了一个土地神像来装饰她的花园。   13. Michael was indecisive about how to decorate the room.   关于如何装饰房间,迈克尔犹豫不决。   14. The boys are planning to decorate when they get the time.   小伙子们正打算有时间油漆一下。   15. People often decorate their houses with holly at Christmas.   人们总是在 圣诞节 时用冬青来装饰房屋.
2022-12-30 10:39:101


decorate[英]["dekəreɪt][美][ˈdɛkəˌret]vt.装饰; 点缀; 粉刷; 授予(某人)勋章; vi.装饰; 布置; 第三人称单数:decorates过去分词:decorated现在进行时:decorating过去式:decorated具体读音
2022-12-30 10:39:151


这两个动词均含“装饰”之意。decorate : 普通用词,指对人或物进行装饰,使之更加完美。They decorated the wedding car with ribbons and flowers.他们用彩带和鲜花装点婚车。They decorated the room with flowers and balloons.他们用花和气球装饰了房间。The cake was decorated to look like a car.这蛋糕装饰得像一辆汽车。ornament : 指装饰以精美之物,使某处或某物增添美丽的或景色。She ornamented her letters with little drawings in the margin.她在信的页边空白处画上小图案来作装饰。a room richly ornamented with carving雕饰得富丽堂皇的屋子
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2022-12-30 10:39:292


decorate名词有:decoration。decoration英 [ˌdekə"reɪʃn]     美 [ˌdekə"reɪʃn]    n. 装饰;装饰品。She put some decorations on the Christmas tree.她在圣诞树上放了一些装饰品。She"d put these whatnots in her hair as decoration.她把那些也不知道是什么的东西弄到头发上当饰物。近义词:ornamentation 英 [ˌɔːnəmen"teɪʃn]     美 [ˌɔːrnəmen"teɪʃn]    n. 装饰;修饰。Instead they used them for ornamentation in everyday life.相反他们在日常生活中用它们作为装饰品。The architect was instructed to keep ornamentation to a minimum.建筑师接到指示,装饰要尽量简单。
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及物动词:装饰,布置,授勋We decorated the house for the holidays.我们装饰房子迎假期。The soldier was decorated for bravery.这名战士因勇敢而被授勋。
2022-12-30 10:40:012


decorate ["dekəreit]v.1. make more attractive by adding ornament, colour, etc.同义词: adorn / grace / ornament / embellish / beautify2. be beautiful to look at同义词: deck / adorn / grace / embellish / beautify3. award a mark of honor, such as a medal, toHe was decorated for his services in the military4. provide with decoration同义词: dress欢迎采纳哦。
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decorate的名词是:decoration,装饰,装饰物,例如:Pearwood inlaid with floral decoration of stained woods.花梨木镶嵌着彩色木材的花卉装饰。
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2022-12-30 10:40:353

Decorate The Christmas Tree 歌词翻译中文

2022-12-30 10:40:461

关于英语的问题 decorate的名词用法是什么时候用动词用法又是什么时候用?

decorate用法: decorate sth.(with sth.else) be decorated with sth. decorations ”装饰品,点缀物品“ 实例: They all go over there to decorate the tree. 他们都跑去装饰圣诞树. We often decorate doors and windows with paper cuts. 我们经常用剪纸来装饰门窗. We decorate the gate with a lot of decorations. 我们用很多装饰品把大门装饰起来.
2022-12-30 10:40:541

用英语怎么说 装修房子要花大量的时间

Home renovation takes a long time.
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2022-12-30 10:41:261


decorate英 ["dekəreɪt]   美 ["dekəreɪt]  过去式: decorated 过去分词: decorated 现在分词: decorating 第三人称单数: decorates用作动词 (v.)We decorated the house for Christmas.我们装饰房屋过圣诞节。My mother likes to decorate rooms.我妈妈非常喜欢装饰房间。
2022-12-30 10:41:321


修饰的 装饰的
2022-12-30 10:41:374

decorate形容词 副词 名词 动词

adj.decorative 装饰性的;装潢用的decorated 装饰的,修饰的adv.decoratively 装饰地n.decoration 装饰,装潢;装饰品;奖章decor 装饰,布置decorator 装饰者;室内装潢师v.decorated 装饰,修饰(decorate的过去式和...
2022-12-30 10:41:511


decorate 常用词汇 英 ["dekəreɪt]     美 ["dekəreɪt]    v.装饰;布置;装修;授予某人奖章或其他奖状
2022-12-30 10:41:561


adj.decorative 装饰性的;装潢用的decorated 装饰的,修饰的
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2022-12-30 10:42:062

decorates 什么意思 怎么读?
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2022-12-30 10:42:382

decorate是什么词,意为 装饰 通常与介词

decorate [dec·o·rate || "dekəreɪt]v. 装饰, 修饰; 油漆; 粉刷; 授勋给
2022-12-30 10:42:552

decorate是什么词,意为 装饰 ,通常与介词 搭配

及物动词 vt. 1.装饰,修饰[(+with)]The great hall was decorated with flowers. 大厅里装饰着花朵。 2.粉刷;油漆3.授勋(章)给[(+for)]The general was decorated for winning the battle. 将军因赢得这一战役而被授勋。
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2022-12-30 10:43:254


decorated装饰好的双语对照词典结果:decorated[英]["dekəreɪtɪd][美]["dekəreɪtɪd]v.装饰( decorate的过去式和过去分词 ); 点缀; 粉刷; 授予(某人)勋章; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.The walls and balustrades are decorated with fine low reliefs. 墙壁和栏杆都是装饰以优良的低浮雕
2022-12-30 10:43:382


decorate ["dekəreɪt] vt. 装饰;布置;授勋给vi. 装饰;布置He decorated his room with pictures of all his favourite sports figures.他用他所喜爱的所有运动员的照片装饰自己的房间。When they came to decorate the rear bedroom, it was Jemma who had the final say.他们开始装修后卧室时,说了算的人是杰马。
2022-12-30 10:43:461

decorate怎么造句,还有ask for

Several soldiers were decorated for bravery. 数名士兵因英勇而受嘉奖。 We decorated the house for Christmas. 我们装饰房屋过圣诞节。 The great hall was decorated with flowers. 大厅里装饰着花朵。 It galled him to have to ask for a loan. 必须向人借钱使他感到羞辱。 We"re going to have to ask for more money it"s just a question of finding the (right) psychological moment. 我们准备要求多加点钱--问题是得找个(最)适当的机会. I ask for a continental holiday. 我申请到欧洲大陆休假。
2022-12-30 10:43:512

decorate 什么 sth

decorate 。。。。with sth 用。。。装饰。。。如:We decorated our classroom with flowers and ballons .祝学习进步,天天快乐!满意请采纳!谢谢!:)
2022-12-30 10:43:591


/ ‘ d e k 倒 着 的 e r e I t/
2022-12-30 10:44:084


decorate是装饰、装潢、授给奖励、油漆的意思。单词释义:v.装饰;装潢;授给奖励;油漆。网络释义:装饰。定义装饰(Decorate)模式又称为包装(Wrapper)模式。装饰模式是以对客户端透明的方式扩展对象的功能,是继承关系的一个。修饰。dacorate(修饰)”,后来我换成了“Different(不同)—Repeat(重复)—Decorate(修饰)”,为什么我要这么做?你现在是不是应该承认,做PPT是个系统工程了吧。布置。十年(decade)的精心布置(decorate),使我下决心(decide),果断的(decisive)决定(decision) 结束这场辩论。装饰的。paper. Money was tight and he became very angry when the child tried to decorate (装饰的) a box to put 1.under the Christmas tree. However.双语例句:1、He bought chocolate novelties to decorate the Christmas tree.他买了模样新奇的巧克力来装饰圣诞树。2、Then knots with fancy designs were used to decorate fans and jade pendants.然后,有漂亮图形的“结”被用来装饰扇子和玉坠。3、Suitable for construction glass, decorate glass, electric glass and varies of other glass.适用于建筑玻璃、装饰玻璃、家电玻璃等各种玻璃产品平面印刷。4、Taylor: Can you help James and I draw designs to decorate our cupcakes?泰勒:你能帮助詹姆斯和我画一些装饰我们杯子蛋糕的图案吗?5、He learned to paint in order to decorate the woodwork he had created.他学习绘画是为了装饰他做的木制品。
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短语搭配:other decorate其他装饰。Not decorate没有你的。双语例句:What do we need to decorate the tree?我们需要装饰甚麽在这棵树上?How do you want to decorate your room?你想怎么样装饰你的房间?Set out。take off。decorate。出发;装饰;发表;设计。decorate英 ["dekəreɪt]     美 ["dekəreɪt]    We decorated the house for Christmas.我们装饰房屋过圣诞节。用法:1、decorate的基本意思是“装饰”,指增加色彩或图案设计以消除背景的平淡或单调,也可表示粉刷房屋,在房屋外侧涂灰泥或油漆,在房屋内侧涂油漆或糊墙纸。引申可表示“授予殊荣”,如奖章、勋位等。2、decorate是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。3、decorate后可接介词for表示“因…而授予”,接介词with表示“用…装饰”“以…授予”。
2022-12-30 10:45:071


decorate用法如下:decorate的基本意思是“装饰”,指增加色彩或图案设计以消除背景的平淡或单调,也可表示粉刷房屋,在房屋外侧涂灰泥或油漆,在房屋内侧涂油漆或糊墙纸。引申可表示“授予殊荣”,如奖章、勋位等。decorate是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。decorate后可接介词for表示“因…而授予”,接介词with表示“用…装饰”“以…授予”。例句:1、My mother and I decorated our family Christmas tree together.妈妈和我一起装饰了家里的圣诞树。2、I was decorating my room when you called me.你给我打电话的时候,我正在粉刷我的房间。3、The queen decorated Lieutenant Hobbes the Silver Cross.女王授予霍布斯中尉银十字勋章。4、My son decided to decorate his house at Christmas this year.我儿子决定在今年圣诞节装饰他的房子。
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decorate英 ["dekəreɪt]     美 ["dekəreɪt]    v. 装饰;布置;装修;授予某人奖章或其他奖状。We decorated the house for Christmas.我们装饰房屋过圣诞节。用法:1、decorate的基本意思是“装饰”,指增加色彩或图案设计以消除背景的平淡或单调,也可表示粉刷房屋,在房屋外侧涂灰泥或油漆,在房屋内侧涂油漆或糊墙纸。引申可表示“授予殊荣”,如奖章、勋位等。2、decorate是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。3、decorate后可接介词for表示“因…而授予”,接介词with表示“用…装饰”“以…授予”。
2022-12-30 10:45:361


装修房子的英文:decorate house装修的短语:1、室内装修 interior finish ; interior decoration ; Indoor-Decoration ; interior design2、地板装修 floor finish3、花砖装修 tiled finish4、木装修 joiner"s work ; wooden fitments5、装修指南 Decoration Guide 6、装修施工 decorate construction7、装修风格 Decorative Style 8、装修阶段 Decoration stage9、固定装修 fixture扩展资料decorate 读法 英 ["dekəreɪt]  美 ["dɛkəret] 1、vt. 装饰;布置;授勋给2、vi. 装饰;布置短语:1、decorate with 以?来装饰2、decorate the house 装饰房间例句:1、When they came to decorate the rear bedroom, it was Jemma who had the final say.他们开始装修后卧室时,说了算的人是杰马。2、The boys are planning to decorate when they get the time.男孩们正计划在他们有时间的时候装修。
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decorate英 ["dekəreɪt]     美 ["dekəreɪt]    v. 装饰;布置;装修;授予某人奖章或其他奖状。We decorated the house for Christmas.我们装饰房屋过圣诞节。用法:1、decorate的基本意思是“装饰”,指增加色彩或图案设计以消除背景的平淡或单调,也可表示粉刷房屋,在房屋外侧涂灰泥或油漆,在房屋内侧涂油漆或糊墙纸。引申可表示“授予殊荣”,如奖章、勋位等。2、decorate是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。3、decorate后可接介词for表示“因…而授予”,接介词with表示“用…装饰”“以…授予”。
2022-12-30 10:46:021


decorate英 ["dekəreɪt]     美 ["dekəreɪt]    v. 装饰;布置;装修;授予某人奖章或其他奖状。We decorated the house for Christmas.我们装饰房屋过圣诞节。用法:1、decorate的基本意思是“装饰”,指增加色彩或图案设计以消除背景的平淡或单调,也可表示粉刷房屋,在房屋外侧涂灰泥或油漆,在房屋内侧涂油漆或糊墙纸。引申可表示“授予殊荣”,如奖章、勋位等。2、decorate是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。3、decorate后可接介词for表示“因…而授予”,接介词with表示“用…装饰”“以…授予”。词义辨析ornament, adorn, decorate, furnish, garnish这组词都有“修饰”“装饰”的意思,其区别是:1、adorn是书面语,含有更高雅的意味,可用于人,也可用于物,有时含不仅因装饰而使其美丽悦目,而且被装饰物本身也高雅美观的意味。用于借喻可指增加性格或道德的美。2、decorate指装饰较大规模的地方或物体,使其外观美丽动人或炫耀夺目,目的是为了美化或庆祝,也可指为人授勋颁奖。3、ornament指用一种东西使事物、环境增添色彩而令人愉快,强调“永久性”。4、furnish一般指用家具装饰房间。5、garnish一般用于烹饪,偶尔也可用于贵人的服饰。
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decorate是及物动词(vt.), 不是名词,没有复数的意为:1.装饰 My mother likes to decorate rooms.我妈妈非常喜欢装饰房间。2.授予(某人)勋章 The Queen decorated the soldier.女王授予士兵勋章。3.粉刷;油漆;糊墙纸 4. 点缀;装点
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