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2023-07-28 19:39:54
TAG: 英语 作文


英语话题作文 篇1

  Dear Mayor:

  Im a middle school student. Im writing to tell you something aroud us. Nowadays, there are many left-behind children whose parents work away from their hometowns. Most of them are from the coutryside, you know, they have many problem. They are always lonely and stressed out because they are short of their parents love. At the same time, they are easy to make mistakes even do some thing against the laws, because theyre short of their families care.

  How to solve their problems? In my eyes, the government can set up a parents school for these children on holidays, you can organize hand-in-hand activity to call on more people to help them. You can also raise money to donate to these children. As the song says:If everyone gives their love, the world will be better. Its very important for us to pay more attention to these children if we want to build a harmonious society.

英语话题作文 篇2

  The cartoon is simple but thought-provoking. As is vividly shown in the picture, there are two passengers sitting in a bus. One of them is a male, who is sitting cross-legged and smoking. The whole bus is filled with the black smoke. While the other one is a female, who is sitting in front of the man and covering her nose with a tissue to prevent the harm of the secondhand smoke. There is no doubt that the picture implies that the secondhand smoke exists everywhere and it is hazardous.

  This phenomenon has an undesirable impact on our daily life. Firstly, it does harm to and sacrifices our physical and mental health. What"s worse, it is the main cause of lung cancer and about 10% people die of it every year. In addition, our environment and ecosystem will be severely polluted and thus it hinders our sustainable and scientific development. Were the situation to continue, we would pay a high price.

  Accordingly, it is imperative for us to take drastic and effective measures to control this situation. Firstly, we should appeal to the government to make strict laws and regulations to ban smoking in public places. As for ourselves, we should take practical actions to stop smoking and protect our living environment. Only in this way can we have opportunities to expect a beautiful world and a bright future to come.

英语话题作文 篇3

  Our environment is very important for our lives . We need the fresh air, the clean water and so on . In the past, there were many trees around us ,the air was fresh and the river was clean.But now,people cut down many trees. Air pollution and water pollution are very serious . The environment around us becomes very terrible . We should protect our environment. First, we should plant many trees to keep water. Second , we can ride a bike or walk to the school and work.. Third , we shouldn"t throw the dirty water into the river . Fourth, we shouldn"t use the plastic bags. Finally, we can ask more people to join us.


英语话题作文 篇4

  History proves that the evolvement road of the new emergence never fails to be bumpy. It can be undeniable that the frictions between the novel and the traditional are intrinsically inevitable. Fortunately, newly emerging things will eventually survive and thrive despite the fact that they are more likely to be in a cramped and harsh environment at first. However, census has not been reached among scholars on how the innovative conquer all the adversities and finally win the battle. As far as I am concerned, it is the innumerable conflicts between the new and the old that boosts the novelty to proliferate.

英语话题作文 篇5

  Nowadays, there are more and more (某种现象) in (某种场合)。 It is estimated that (相关数据)。 Why have there been so many (某种现象)? Maybe the reasons can be listed as follows。 The first one is (原因一)。 Besides, (原因二)。 The third one is (原因三)。 To sum up, the main cause of (某种现象) is due to (最主要原因)。 It is high time that something were done upon it。 For one thing, (解决办法一)。 On the other hand, (解决办法二)。 All these measures will certainly reduce the number of (某种现象)。

英语话题作文 篇6





  Almost all of us heard the story Here Comes the Wolf when we were little kids. What we can learn from the story is that we must be honest. However, therere lots of phenomena of dishonesty nowadays.

  Being dishonest does great harm not only to other people but also to yourself. Take the case of fake milk powder for example. After drinking this kind of milk, the babies had big heads while their legs and arms were still thin, which badly affected their health. To our great relief, the producers got accused and punished for all the serious consequences in the end.

  Having the reputation of being honest and reliable will make other people trust you, which will provide you many benefits and give you opportunities that others may not get. Being honest, you will find it easier to cooperate with others and people will be friendly to you and support you. In a sense, if life is a longjourney, honesty will be the backpack that should be taken along all the way.

  Lets pick up our backpackhonesty, and start the wonderful journey!

英语话题作文 篇7

  How many times I have seen a company or organisation habitually waste good food?! Too many times!They are well-meaning people, and they"d like to give away the food instead of wasting it by putting it in the dustbin. They"d maybe like to give the food to the needy or the poor, and there"s probably a few beggars just along the road if anyone was kind enough to go along and see if they are hungry.So why don"t they do it? Reason: Too many stupid rules!

  Just as surely as there"s no pig bin anymore for food to be recycled as pork (because of various illconceived ideas about the health of pigs if they eat other people"s sunday lunches and leftovers), there"s no "well let"s give it to the beggars!".Apparently, beggars can in theory take the company to court if they are made ill by the food. Not that they are seriously going to be made ill by perfectly good food, and not that most beggars have the money to start a legal case.

英语话题作文 篇8


  1. The iprtance f English rests with the language being used in st cuntries in the wrld as a cunicating tl. Fr exaple, a Geran and a Chinese can"t spea ppsite side"s language, but the bth nw English. And then there is n prble between their language cunicatin. We ust nw the iprtance and learn the language earnestl.

  The e t learn English well is t recite wrds. Wrds are the brics f language building.Onl eeping the in ur ind, can we aster the. T learn English well,we need t listen re English bradcast and cntact with re freingers s that we can practise ur listening cprehansin. Onl in this wa, can we stud fr the purpse f applicatin




   2.The Iprtance English-英语的重要性

  There can be n dubt that English is ne f the wrld"s st widel used languages. Peple use a language in ne f three was: as a native language, as a secnd language, r as a freign languge. English is spen as a native language b ver three handred illin peple in the United States, Britain, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, se caribbean cuntries and Suth Africa. As asecnd language, English is ften necessar fr fficial business, educatin, infratin and ther activities in an cuntries, it is ne f the few "wring" languages f the United Natins.

  It is said that English has bece the language f internatinal trade and transprt. Mst pilts in planes travelling fr ne cuntr t anther use it t tal with airprts. All ships sailing n the ceans call fr help b radi in it. It has been said that 60 percent f the wrld"s radi brad casts and 70 percent f the wrld"s ail uses English. At internatinal sprts eets, and internatinal f scientists English is the language st cnl used and the st widel used.

  English has in fact bece the language f internatinal cperatin is science and technlg. The st advanced resuits in space, nuclear and cputer research are published in it. A scientist wh speas and writes English is in clser tuch with the scientists in ther cuntries than ne wh desn"t.








  English is the st ppular language in the wrld, and it is als st widel spen f all the language. It is ther tngue in an iprtant cuntries, such as the USA,England, Australia and s n. In India, Thugh it is nt the ther tngue, it ‘sthe iprtant ffical language.

  In China, English is spen as an iprtant and useful freign language. The 20xx Olpics will be hsted in Beiing. Man freigners will ce t China. We shuld tr ur best t serve the Olpics. Fr exaple, we can help the freign visitrs if we learn English well.

英语话题作文 篇9

  Relax Yourself

  What does it mean to relax?Despite hearing this term thousands of times during the course of our lives, very few people have deeply considered what it"s really about.

  When you ask people (which I have done many times) what it means to relax, most will answer in a way that suggests that relaxing is something you plan to do later you do it on vacation, in a hammock, when you retire, or when you get everything else done. This implies, of course, that most other times should be spent nervous, agitated, rushed, and frenzied. Very few actually come out and say so, but this is the obvious implication.Could this explain why so many of us operate as if life were one great big emergency?

  It is useful to think of relaxation as a quality of heart that you can access on a regular basis rather than something reserved for some later time. You can relax now. It"s helpful t remember that relaxed people can still be superachievers and, in fact, that relaxation and creativity go hand in hand.When I"m feeling uptight, for example, I don"t even try to write. But when I feel relaxed, my writing flows quickly and easily.



最贵的房车是UNICAT TC59。作为一款主打越野性能的房车,“三把锁”自然是TC59必不可少的装备,就算是差速器锁止状态,TC59也准备了类似公路和越野两种不同的锁止模式,从而能够轻松应对不同路况。进入生活区的方式有两种,一种是通过折叠式梯子从车外爬入生活区,另一种是通过驾驶舱和厢体的软性连接进入生活区。因为EX70采用封闭式驾驶舱设计,况且驾驶舱的后方还设置了临时的小床,因此并没有软性连接的可能。车型特点严谨的德国人依然将车内每一项操作、每一个参数仪表都归集到一个大的操作面板上,并同时进行了汉化,任何一个人都能在第一时间找到相对应的操作按钮,这在很大程度上降低了它的操作门槛,让家人能够花更多的时间在享受旅途上,而无需花很长的时间来适应它。UNICAT是德国顶级越野房车品牌,旗下房车具有全地形的越野性能,1990年,Thomas Ritter在德国创建了UNICAT房车制造公司,由于其在动力输出、工艺制造和服务方面的卓越表现,很快UNICAT就成为全球探险车行业的领导者。
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2023-07-27 03:05:431


世界十大最顶级房车是马尔奇移动电子宫房车、Vantare铂合金房车、Prevost H3-45贵宾房车、前程IH-45豪华大房车、2015乡村教练Prevost房车、纽玛王者气概房车、摩纳哥王朝45P、UNICAT Amerigo International、Country Coach Magna 630、Entegra Coach Cornerstone 45DLQ。1、马尔奇移动电子宫房车马尔奇移动电子宫房车是由奥地利公司Marchi Mobile所打造,被誉为“移动的七星级酒店”,也是世界上最豪华的房车。其内部的装饰堪极度奢华,几乎无可挑剔,外观非常科幻帅气,车长12米,其内部面积最大可达40平米,车顶还有一个露天阳台,让你体验无尽的奢华之感。2、Vantare铂合金房车Vantare铂合金房车也是一款超豪华的房车,最为值得一提的便是其顶层是采用施华洛世奇水晶制作,房车内部也是应有尽有,并且还能放进去一辆跑车。3、Prevost H3-45贵宾房车Prevost H3-45贵宾房车,车高3.7米,长14米,其内部的装饰更是奢华无比,设备齐全,现代式的沙发和椅子、大理石桌子都能体现出它的豪华之处,并且还有着很强的科技感。4、前程IH-45豪华大房车前程IH-45豪华大房车,这款昂贵的房车驾驶底盘是模仿飞机所做,能够通过毛地板、地板、墙壁和屋顶分散震动。它还内置4个汽车空调压缩机启动开关。而且该房车视野极佳,品味高贵,犹如置身一个高档亲近自然的咖啡厅!5、2015乡村教练Prevost房车2015乡村教练Prevost房车,这款房车是属于城市旅行的专属,由于构造的原因并不适合在崎岖路上开,其内部也是非常豪华,不过其价格也是一般人承受不起的!6、纽玛王者气概房车纽玛王者气概房车是北美的一个房车品牌,其内部的设计也是非常豪华,简直就和一个豪宅的装饰一模一样,尽显“王者”气概。它最大的特点就是配备了舒适且强有力的转向系统和安全巡航避撞系统,可以帮助你在不好的天气安全行驶。7、摩纳哥王朝45P这款房车最大的特点就是它有着600马力全新路霸底盘的引擎。车里面,每一样设计都精美绝伦。你还能找到由中央系统控制的排柜,LED吸顶灯以及瓷质地板。8、UNICAT Amerigo InternationalUNICAT Amerigo International,虽然外观看起来不咋样,但其实内部的空间非常大,并且还配备了太阳能电池板和2000公里的超大油箱,在加上高地盘的特点,能够征服任何崎岖道路。9、Country Coach Magna 630Country Coach Magna 630,由车长12.1米的双层巴士所改造,虽然外部的设计看起来很普通,但内部的装饰绝对让你惊艳,也是相当豪华的一款房车!10、Entegra Coach Cornerstone 45DLQEntegra Coach Cornerstone 45DLQ,其内饰是以欧式风格来装饰的,看起来非常大气上档次,配备衣帽间、厨房还有健身房等等,设备齐全。
2023-07-27 03:07:501


2023-07-27 03:09:361


说起房车,对于土豪来来说,那是绝对是生活中必不可确少的座驾之一,同时其豪华奢侈程度,更是彰显其身份的尊贵代表。EleMMent Palazzo 炫酷外观,霸气十足车身长12m,全车面积20平米,拓展后达40米,拓展空间绝对超出你的想象。 车头造型, 科技 感十足,更加突出及未来感。 商务喷气机自动舷梯。摩托游艇的飞桥式设计。 所有涂料都自带荧光功能,夜晚行驶绝对是路上的一道靓丽风景。 支持定制支持个人定制,这一点绝对可以满足土豪的特殊癖好;相信只要你付的起钱,镶金带钻那都不是事。 内部奢华,彰显尊贵 汽车 驾驶室也可以玩出新花样,只能说设计师的脑洞够大。 前挡风玻璃及雨刮器也可以造的 科技 感十足。 车内配置主卧、客厅、淋雨室、隐藏式酒吧、阳台等,只有你想不到的,不要忘了可以支持定制的哦。强劲动力配备510马力的发动机,最大时速达149km/h 安全系数极高 车身倾斜45 ,依然可以保持稳定而不倒。 如果你有补充或不同观点欢迎在评论区留言;喜欢记得点赞.评论和转发哦!这也许是世界上最大也是最豪华的房车了,通过按钮可在30秒之内变成双层豪华居所。 说到豪华车,大家首先想到的是宝马、奔驰、法拉利.这些车是我们经常听到的。兰博基尼超级跑车经常出现在电视上。超级跑车的豪华车型是名副其实的,也有一辆车,可以竞争的超级跑车,豪华车。事实上,许多豪华轿车的豪华程度与超级跑车相同。你可以想象和亲戚朋友一起开着超级豪华的移动别墅。让我们来谈谈世界上最贵的八辆豪华车。院子里一定有个能开的矿井! 第一名:Marchi Mobile EleMMent Palazzo 这座移动城堡价值超过1,900万美元!Shape是一种看起来超级科幻的技术路线!Elemment豪华轿车的内部是无懈可击的,车辆被分成两层。两层是完全开放的,客厅和卧室是明亮的,卧室配备了大淋浴。这是一种非常独特的东西,很多人喜欢它。此外,还有两层空间,室内空间足够大,可以满足众多消费者的需求。此外,它提供了许多惊喜和丰富的配置像烧烤,调酒,各种 娱乐 的装置。 第二名Featherlite Vantare Platinum Plus 这是一辆车的晶体。车辆由大理石和桃花心木木材。超级豪华。车内是世界上最好的车之一。所有的家具都是用手工缝制的皮革制成的。 第三名:2015 Prevost H3-45 VIP 这是一辆很好的长途房车。如果你想远行的话,这辆车是个不错的选择。这辆车非常大的整个模型,由专业人士和测量的。2015年Prevost H3-45 VIP是12英尺5英寸的大小! 第四:2015 Foretravel IH - 45的 汽车 市场,很少看到飞机材料制造商制造 汽车 。2015年前程IH-45安装了四个出口监管机构。这是许多RV没有的配置。看看里面。这只是一个高档咖啡馆,加上制作的材料,这款车的价格也很贵。 第五名:Prevost 农村教练普雷沃斯特绝对是城市 旅游 的载体。这辆车的价格是100万美元,这是一个天文数字。然而, 汽车 的功能与它的价值成正比。这是一个非常实用,装备精良的轿车,厨房、浴室、厨房。 第六名:Newmar King Aire 这辆车非常强大,我们通常担心 汽车 的舒适性和安全性,但纽马尔国王Aire并不担心。它非常舒适和安全,不仅要确保司机的安全,而且要保证它的安全。它还确保安全驾驶不会损坏车内的配置。通常情况下,人们都觉得房车是富豪们的专属,拥有一辆房车去旅行,那再舒服不过了,现在我们来盘点一下,世界上最豪华的几大房车。 第1辆,马尔奇移动电子宫房车 这款房车是世界上最贵的房车,由奥地利的一家公司所打造,价值300多万美元,其被亲切地称为移动的七星级酒店,也是世界上最豪华的房车。其内部的装饰非常的奢华,让人无可挑剔,同时在外观设计上也非常的科幻帅气,整体身长12米,其内部面积也高达40平米。最让人心旷神怡的是它车底的那个超大阳台,让我们能够体验无尽的奢华之感,不过他唯一的缺点就是有点太过昂贵,普通人无法享受。 第2辆,Vantare铂合金房车 如我们所料,这辆车也是超级豪华的一款车,这辆车的售价比上一辆便宜了50万美元,售价为250万美元。这辆车的最顶层是由施华洛世奇水晶做成的。其内部各种设施非常健全,内部面积巨大,甚至能放下一辆超级跑车,深受富人们的喜爱。 第3辆,Prevost H3-45贵宾房车 这辆车的价格售价为160万美元,这辆车高为3.7米,长为14米,外围有非常精密的复合材料,做成他那华丽的外表极其抗压,这点让人意想不到。内部的装饰更是奢华无比,设备非常健全,拥有现代式的沙发和座椅,就连大理石的桌子也能体现出他那无尽的豪华之处。 第4辆,前程IH-45豪华大房车 这辆车的售价为130万美元,它的底盘特别特殊,是模仿飞机的底盘而制作的能够通过毛地板地板,墙壁和屋顶来分散震动使人们在车内过得非常舒服,也不会出现晕车的感觉。同时他还拥有4个内置空调压缩机启动开关。车内的视野非常广阔,品位高贵,这简直就是富人的豪华咖啡厅。 第5辆,2015乡村教练Prevost房车 这辆房车属于喜欢在城市与城镇之间来回 旅游 的人,由于构造上的原因,并不适合在崎岖的山路上行驶,不过内部也是非常的奢华。这辆车价格在100万美元左右,也属于普通人无法接受的价格范围之内。 第6辆纽玛王者气概房车 这辆房车是来自北美的一辆房车。其售价为73万美元,内部也是相当的豪华设施,这辆车宛如一座豪宅一般尽显王者的气质,并且配备了超强的转向系统以及巡航防撞系统。 第7辆摩纳哥王朝45p 这款车子有超强的马力,其马力为600马力,亲切地被人们称为路霸,这辆车售价为58万美元。 第8辆,UNICAT Amerigo International 这辆车的价格为50万美元,虽然外观上看起来非常的丑陋,但是内部空间却非常的大,同时还配备了太阳能充电的功能,2000公里的超大油箱非常适合我们进行长时间的旅行,加上高底盘的特点,能够征服任何崎岖的地形。没钱的人看钱选车,有钱的人看车花钱,久零的今日话题:壕到不可思议的房车们。 1-车上有车 房车品牌VOLKNER最近风头大出,因为这家德国厂商推出了售价787万元起performance系列,这辆堪称移动宫殿的豪华房车,大到能够分分钟再吐出一辆跑车出来。 2.变形房车 房车就一定贵的吓人吗?也不尽然,大众 汽车 公司就把自家的T5小客车改装成了折叠式的露营车,这辆doubleback双背只要一个按钮,后部座舱就能够单独滑出车外,变成一张温馨的双人床。 3.下海飞车 什么 更值得买?房车还是游艇?我就觉得应该2样一起买,Terra wind公司开发的两栖房车,既能够上山又可以下海,当然了569万的起售价更是能够上天呢。 4.太空豪车 土豪款的车实在是买不起,亲民一点的牌子有没有呢?有的,美国Airstream公司的684系列,空间站一般的胶囊外观和内饰,让你仿佛遨游在星辰大海,价格25万~100万不等,看你要多大的车,但是你要是想体验这么炫酷的胶囊,你还需要一辆可以拖挂得了它的牵引车。 5.网红房车 6.梦幻房车 安德森房车征服了挑剔又奢侈的好莱坞名流,它家的明星产品是比普通双层别墅还要大还要豪华的移动庄园,当然了价格也是妥妥的明星级,1674万的价格让我们尖叫万分。 7.极乐世界房车 Furrion公司之所以听起来不熟悉,是因为他家的高端家电,专供全球各大豪车游艇品牌,2017年CES上Furrion推出了自家的豪华房车取名极乐世界Elysium,豪华浴缸不算什么,还有直升机停机坪,所以卖两千多万,似乎也不贵的样子,反正我也买不起。 8.冠军房车 当然了全世界公认的最奢华的房车,还是这辆奥地利车企Marchi公司打造的,像赛车像邮轮又像飞船,起步价比移动庄园还要高那么一丢丢,价格2007万的Element Palazzo在如今的商品经济时代,品牌在产品销售市场拓展过程中所能起到的的重要作用已经被世人了解得非常透彻,并且这一点在 汽车 行业中展现的尤为明显,毕竟车辆是车主实力的显著外在表现之一,并且通常情况下车头车尾都会在显著位置悬挂该品牌所独有的车标。而下面将要介绍的,便是五个世界级豪车品牌以及它们各自的车标,能认出最后两个的是老司机!不知你能认出几个? 世界顶级十大豪华房车: 1、马尔奇移动电子宫房车(300万美元) 这款房车是世界上最贵的房车,是由奥地利公司MarchiMobile所打造,价值300万美元,被誉为“移动的七星级酒店”,也是世界上最豪华的房车。其内部的装饰堪极度奢华,几乎无可挑剔,外观非常科幻帅气,车长12米,其内部面积最大可达40平米,车顶还有一个露天阳台,让你体验无尽的奢华之感!它唯一的缺点估计也只有太贵了,普通人真是无福消受。 2、Vantare铂合金房车(250万美元) Vantare铂合金房车也是一款超豪华的房车,其售价高达250万美元。在这款华丽的房车里面,你会发现里面顶层上面是施华洛世奇水晶做成的!房车内部的卧床、厨房、洗手间一应俱全,并且还能放进去一辆跑车,这样的设计你喜欢吗? 3、PrevostH3-45贵宾房车(160万美元) PrevostH3-45贵宾房车,售价160万美元,车高3.7米,长14米,它的外部是由精密的复合材料做成,给予它明亮的外表以及最大的抗压,其内部的装饰更是奢华无比,设备齐全,现代式的沙发和椅子、大理石桌子都能体现出它的豪华之处,并且还有着很强的 科技 感。 在设计上,房车具有居住和生活功能,其室内设计包括客厅、厨房、浴室和卧室,此外,在欧美等成熟的 汽车 国家,房车不是豪华的象征,更多的是一辆家庭旅行车,不过有些价格昂贵的房车也是非常豪华的。今天,本文将向大家介绍世界顶级十大豪华房车。  世界顶级十大豪华房车排名  EleMMent Palazzo  奥地利一家公司最近推出了重量级豪华房车—— ElementPalazzo。这个房车设备齐全,配置豪华舒适,不亚于五星-class酒店。难怪它在美素有“ 汽车 上的宫殿”的美誉,Elementpalazzo是世界十大豪华房车之一。 2015 Foretravel IH-45 Luxury Motor Coach  这个房车看起来像一辆长度超过13米的超大型公共 汽车 。这个房车采用最先进的防振设备,所以你坐在里面几乎感觉不到振动。  2015 Prevost H3-45VIP  从名字上也可以看出,这是一款超级豪华的房车,从用料上来说,它采用的是先进精密的材料,而且它的抗外压性非常高,虽然不好看,但内饰适中却无与伦比。  Featherline Vantare Platinum Plus  一般房车的内饰都是现代纤维材料,而这款跑车的内饰则配有红木和大理石材质,规格自然与普通房车不同,虽然价格高,但也算是正品。它可以被称为世界十大豪华房车、Marchi Mobile 。  Marchi Mobile EleMMent Palazzo  这个房车曾经被称为“步行五星酒店”,所以我们可以衡量这个房车的奢华。在车里,你可以享受顶级五星级酒店的待遇,而不用出去。这是很多神梦寐以求的。  午夜骑士The Midnight Rider  这辆跑车的外观非常大,但内部结构复杂而豪华。这辆跑车是一家公司改装的,因为数量很少,所以需求不足。 凯迪拉克凯雷德ESV超级扩展版房车  虽然叫加长版,但外观不是很大,内部就像一个豪华的办公室。设施都是用非常精致的材料做的,使用起来非常舒服。  林肯加长房车  这个房车 历史 悠久。早在上个世纪中叶,它就在技术上发展得非常熟练。目前,这个房车仍然广受欢迎。  悍马H6  这款房车外观坚韧,车身由强化钢板制成,车窗和大灯由非常先进的技术制成。  劳斯莱斯幻影  虽然这款跑车外观看起来不算豪华,但绝对豪华,内部空间宽阔舒适,它可以被称为世界十大航华房车之一。 说到奢华,大家肯定首先想到超跑,但是我想告诉大家,房车的奢华程度完全不逊色于超跑。而且开着如此奢华的移动豪宅,来一场说走就走的旅行,绝对是超跑无法给人的体验。下面一起看看十大奢华房车排行榜。 第一名:Marchi Mobile EleMMent Palazzo (价值$3,000,000) 这款房车是世界上最贵的房车,他惊人的售价直逼两辆布加迪威航的国外售价了,里面的布置胜过所有豪华五星级酒店。这哪里是移动的豪宅,简直是移动的money!内部装修也堪称完美,几乎无可挑剔。它唯一的缺点估计也只有太贵了,普通人真是无福消受。 第二名:Featherlite Vantare Platinum Plus (价值$2,500,000) 在这款华丽的房车里面,你会发现里面顶层上面是施华洛世奇水晶做成的!卧床、厨房、洗手间一应俱全,还能当车库使用,简直无法用奢华来形容了。 第三名:2015 Prevost H3-45 VIP (价值$1,600,000) 这款房车足有12英尺5英寸高!它的外部是由精密的复合材料做成,给予它明亮的外表以及最大的抗压,内部装饰也是可圈可点,设备齐全,该房车售价已经超过布加迪威航在国外的售价了! 第四名:2015 Foretravel IH-45 Luxury Motor Coach ( 价值$1,300,000) 这款昂贵的房车驾驶底盘是模仿飞机所做,能够通过毛地板、地板、墙壁和屋顶分散震动。它还内置4个 汽车 空调压缩机启动开关。而且该房车视野极佳,品味高贵,犹如置身一个高档亲近自然的咖啡厅! 第五名:Country Coach Prevost (价值$1,000,000) 这款房车并不适合冒险爱好者或是喜欢在崎岖路上 旅游 的人。它是专属于喜欢在城市和城镇间来回 旅游 的人的。它绝对是不错的 旅游 交通工具。 第六名:Newmar King Aire (价值$738,645) 这款房车是一款有着600马力ISX涡轮增压柴油引擎,定制的斯巴达K3底盘支持的顶级好车。它最大的特点就是配备了舒适且强有力的转向系统和安全巡航避撞系统,可以帮助你在不好的天气安全行驶。毕竟房车内部易损设备这么多,碰撞会造成不小损失。 第七名:Monaco Dynasty 45P (价值$585,750) 这款房车最大的特点就是它有着600马力全新路霸底盘的引擎。车里面,每一样设计都精美绝伦。你还能找到由中央系统控制的排柜,LED吸顶灯以及瓷质地板。 第八名:UNICAT Amerigo International (价值$500,000) 这款房车不起眼的外部迷惑了人们的眼睛。实际上,这部车内部有厨房,桌面空间,卧房以及能够净水的制水机。不但如此,它还配置了太阳能电池板和能走2000英里的汽油箱,所以这部车可以一直不停的从东海岸开到西海岸,简直是长途旅行的神器。 舒适的大床,而且 科技 配备先进。一应俱全的家具,移动的豪宅城堡! 第九名:Country Coach Magna 630 (价值$495,000) 这款房车是40英寸长漂亮的双层巴士改造成的房车,配备600马力的康明斯发动机。内部是土色调,放置一个胡桃木橱柜。 第十名:Entegra Coach Cornerstone 45DLQ(价值$464,000) 这款极好的房车设计优雅,其主人房是杉木地板,配备了衣帽间、隔音系统以及 娱乐 设施。真皮沙发,设计典雅,宽敞舒适,简直就如一间公寓。因此,你可以舒舒服服的在车子里住一段时间 提到“房车”两个字,大家必然会认为是有钱人的专属,一辆顶级豪华房车的价格绝对不输一些超级跑车,那么你知道世界上最豪华的房车价值多少钱吗?今天我就来给大家介绍一下世界顶级十大豪华房车,排名第一的这一辆是价值300万美元,折合人民币2100万,下面我们便来一起了解一下!世界顶级十大豪华房车: 1、马尔奇移动电子宫房车(300万美元)马尔奇移动电子宫房车是由奥地利公司Marchi Mobile所打造,价值300万美元,被誉为“移动的七星级酒店”,也是世界上最豪华的房车。其内部的装饰堪极度奢华,几乎无可挑剔,外观非常科幻帅气,车长12米,其内部面积最大可达40平米,车顶还有一个露天阳台,让你体验无尽的奢华之感!2、Vantare铂合金房车(250万美元)Vantare铂合金房车也是一款超豪华的房车,其售价高达250万美元,最为值得一提的便是其顶层是采用施华洛世奇水晶制作,房车内部也是应有尽有,并且还能放进去一辆跑车,这样的设计你喜欢吗?3、Prevost H3-45贵宾房车(160万美元)Prevost H3-45贵宾房车,售价160万美元,车高3.7米,长14米,其内部的装饰更是奢华无比,设备齐全,现代式的沙发和椅子、大理石桌子都能体现出它的豪华之处,并且还有着很强的 科技 感。4、前程IH-45豪华大房车(130万美元)前程IH-45豪华大房车,售价130万美元,这款昂贵的房车驾驶底盘是模仿飞机所做,能够通过毛地板、地板、墙壁和屋顶分散震动。它还内置4个 汽车 空调压缩机启动开关。而且该房车视野极佳,品味高贵,犹如置身一个高档亲近自然的咖啡厅!5、2015乡村教练Prevost房车(100万美元)2015乡村教练Prevost房车,售价100万美元,但这款房车是属于城市旅行的专属,由于构造的原因并不适合在崎岖路上开,其内部也是非常豪华,不过其价格也是一般人承受不起的!6、纽玛王者气概房车(73万美元)纽玛王者气概房车是北美的一个房车品牌,售价73万美元,其内部的设计也是非常豪华,简直就和一个豪宅的装饰一模一样,尽显“王者”气概。它最大的特点就是配备了舒适且强有力的转向系统和安全巡航避撞系统,可以帮助你在不好的天气安全行驶。7、摩纳哥王朝45P(58万美元)这款房车最大的特点就是它有着600马力全新路霸底盘的引擎。车里面,每一样设计都精美绝伦。你还能找到由中央系统控制的排柜,LED吸顶灯以及瓷质地板。8、UNICAT Amerigo International(50万美元)UNICAT Amerigo International,售价50万美元,虽然外观看起来不咋样,但其实内部的空间非常大,并且还配备了太阳能电池板和2000公里的超大油箱,在加上高地盘的特点,能够征服任何崎岖道路。9、Country Coach Magna 630(49万美元)Country Coach Magna 630,售价49万美元,由车长12.1米的双层巴士所改造,虽然外部的设计看起来很普通,但内部的装饰绝对让你惊艳,也是相当豪华的一款房车!10、Entegra Coach Cornerstone 45DLQ(46万美元)Entegra Coach Cornerstone 45DLQ,售价46万美元,其内饰是以欧式风格来装饰的,看起来非常大气上档次,配备衣帽间、厨房还有健身房等等,设备齐全,让你可以舒服的在里面住上一辈子。
2023-07-27 03:09:431


不是,是一本汉斯出版社出版的期刊《管理科学与工程》是一本关注管理工程领域最新进展的国际中文期刊,反映本领域研究成果及其在生产实践中的应用成果,主要刊登管理工程与科学方面的学术论文、成果报道及评述。本刊支持思想创新、学术创新,倡导科学,繁荣学术,集学术性、思想性为一体,旨在为了给世界范围内的科学家、学者、科研人员提供一个传播、分享和讨论管理工程领域内不同方向问题与发展的交流平台。管理科学与工程》期刊论文已被以下数据库收录:知网(CNKI)读秀学术开元知海·e读全国期刊联合目录数据库(UNICAT)Academic KeysCALISCNPIECGoogle ScholarGold RushIndex CopernicusJournalseekOpen Access LibraryOpen J-GatePolish Scholarly Bibliography (PBN)Research BibleSHERPA/ROMEOWorldCat
2023-07-27 03:09:531


劳斯莱斯 幻影1.5亿 准确无误 我是工作人员
2023-07-27 03:10:014


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说到奢华,大家肯定首先想到超跑,但是我想告诉大家,房车的奢华程度完全不逊色于超跑。而且开着如此奢华的移动豪宅,来一场说走就走的旅行,绝对是超跑无法给人的体验。下面一起看看十大奢华房车排行榜, 第十名:Entegra Coach Cornerstone 45DLQ(价值$464,000) 这款极好的房车设计优雅,其主人房是杉木地板,配备了衣帽间、隔音系统以及 娱乐 设施。真皮沙发,设计典雅,宽敞舒适,简直就如一间公寓。因此,你可以舒舒服服的在车子里住一段时间。第九名:Country Coach Magna 630 (价值$495,000) 这款房车是40英寸长漂亮的双层巴士改造成的房车,配备600马力的康明斯发动机。内部是土色调,放置一个胡桃木橱柜。第八名:UNICAT Amerigo International (价值$500,000) 这款房车不起眼的外部迷惑了人们的眼睛。实际上,这部车内部有厨房,桌面空间,卧房以及能够净水的制水机。不但如此,它还配置了太阳能电池板和能走2000英里的汽油箱,所以这部车可以一直不停的从东海岸开到西海岸,简直是长途旅行的神器。 舒适的大床,而且 科技 配备先进。一应俱全的家具,移动的豪宅城堡!第七名:Monaco Dynasty 45P (价值$585,750) 这款房车最大的特点就是它有着600马力全新路霸底盘的引擎。车里面,每一样设计都精美绝伦。你还能找到由中央系统控制的排柜,LED吸顶灯以及瓷质地板。第六名:Newmar King Aire (价值$738,645) 这款房车是一款有着600马力ISX涡轮增压柴油引擎,定制的斯巴达K3底盘支持的顶级好车。它最大的特点就是配备了舒适且强有力的转向系统和安全巡航避撞系统,可以帮助你在不好的天气安全行驶。毕竟房车内部易损设备这么多,碰撞会造成不小损失。第五名:Country Coach Prevost (价值$1,000,000) 这款房车并不适合冒险爱好者或是喜欢在崎岖路上 旅游 的人。它是专属于喜欢在城市和城镇间来回 旅游 的人的。它绝对是不错的 旅游 交通工具第四名:2015 Foretravel IH-45 Luxury Motor Coach ( 价值$1,300,000) 这款昂贵的房车驾驶底盘是模仿飞机所做,能够通过毛地板、地板、墙壁和屋顶分散震动。它还内置4个 汽车 空调压缩机启动开关。而且该房车视野极佳,品味高贵,犹如置身一个高档亲近自然的咖啡厅!第三名:2015 Prevost H3-45 VIP (价值$1,600,000) 这款房车足有12英尺5英寸高!它的外部是由精密的复合材料做成,给予它明亮的外表以及最大的抗压,内部装饰也是可圈可点,设备齐全,该房车售价已经超过布加迪威航在国外的售价了!第二名:Featherlite Vantare Platinum Plus (价值$2,500,000) 在这款华丽的房车里面,你会发现里面顶层上面是施华洛世奇水晶做成的!卧床、厨房、洗手间一应俱全,还能当车库使用,简直无法用奢华来形容了。第一名:Marchi Mobile EleMMent Palazzo (价值$3,000,000) 这款房车是世界上最贵的房车,他惊人的售价直逼两辆布加迪威航的国外售价了,里面的布置胜过所有豪华五星级酒店。这哪里是移动的豪宅,简直是移动的money!内部装修也堪称完美,几乎无可挑剔。它唯一的缺点估计也只有太贵了,普通人真是无福消受。
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2023-07-27 03:12:226


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1、Marchi Mobile EleMMent Palazzo售价:240万英镑。Marchi Mobile EleMMent Palazzo是世界上最贵的房车,车内布置胜过所有豪华五星级酒店,配备套房浴室、内建壁炉、卫星电视,甚至设有酒吧,室内面积可扩大到430平方英尺,因此价格还在上涨。2、Featherlite Vantare Platinum Plus售价:200万英镑。Featherlite Vantare Platinum Plus 车顶层居然是施华洛世奇水晶做成,车内卧室、厨房、洗手间等房屋设施一应俱全,还能放下一辆跑车,简直是移动的车库。3、2015 Prevost H3-45 VIP售价:128万英镑。2015 Prevost H3-45 VIP这款车外部全部采用精密的复合材料做成,既明亮又极具抗压能力。车内采用“一厨一房”设计,配备飞行员桌椅、热循环加热系统、缓解失眠床垫等高端设备。4、2015 Foretravel IH-45 Luxury Motor Coach售价:104万英镑。2015 Foretravel IH-45 Luxury Motor Coach 房车的底盘模拟飞机打造,能通过毛地板、地板、墙壁和屋顶分散震动,既舒适又安全,而且转向系统和安全巡航避撞系统避免天气不好带来的行驶上的不便。5、Country Coach Prevost售价:80万英镑。Country Coach Prevost是专为那些喜欢驾车在城市和城镇间穿梭的人士打造,车内灯光明亮,富丽堂皇,但相比于前面几款车,空间不算非常大。6、Newmar King Aire售价:59万英镑。Newmar King Aire这款房车有着600马力ISX涡轮增压柴油引擎以及定制的斯巴达K3底盘支持,是世界顶级的好车。7、Monaco Dynasty 45P售价:47万英镑。600马力全新路霸底盘的引擎是Monaco Dynasty 45P这款房车的最大特点,车内构造同样精美绝伦,中央系统控制的排柜、LED吸顶灯、瓷质地板都能在这看到。8、UNICAT Amerigo International售价:40万英镑。UNICAT Amerigo International 这款车可以说是长途旅行的神器,可以一直不停的从东海岸开到西海岸,因为它配置了太阳能电池板和足够支撑2000英里的汽油箱。9、Country Coach Magna 630售价:39.6万英镑。Country Coach Magna 630 由1米长双层巴士改造,加之配备600马力的康明斯发动机,内车采用土色调,低调而奢华。10、Entegra Coach Cornerstone 45DLQ售价:37万英镑Entegra Coach Cornerstone 45DLQ车内装饰得宛如一个高级公寓:杉木地板上摆设真皮沙发,良好的隔音系统让您安静享受独处时光,娱乐设施完备,还有衣帽间。
2023-07-27 03:17:251


工程车[名词] mobile machinery shop;[例句]本文研究了一种应用于工程车司机驾驶室的新型制冷管的制冷性能。The refrigerating identity of an adsorption cooling tube applied in mobile machinery shop air conditioning is researched in this paper.
2023-07-27 03:19:227


2023-07-27 03:20:121


光阴似剑,转眼间,我步入初三了,之后,有毕业了,大家看看下面的初三英语作文毕业感想吧!   初三英语作文毕业感想1 How time flies! I have studied in my school for three years. And I will graduate from the middle school in a month. I am eager to share my happiness and sadness with you. I had so many memories in three years" life. One of them impressed me very much. When I began to learn English, I found it too difficult. No matter how hard I tried, I still couldn"t do well in it and almost gave it up. As soon as my English teacher found my problem, she had a talk with me about how to learn English well. Since then, she has kept helping me. Little by little, I"ve bee interested in English and I"m good at it. I think I am so lucky to bee one of her students. I"ve learned a lot from her. I will try to help others when they are in trouble. I think it is a happy thing to help others.   初三英语作文毕业感想2 The farewell day would the least expected day in my life, but it has e eventually. At this mom, I have to say that it is such a priviliage and honor to have worked with you guys shoulder on shouldr over the last four years. We went through a lot and achieved a lot. When I look back and think about the past, I feel so pround and acplished not only because of the knowledge I have learnt and the progress I have made in my study, but also because the geniue friendship I have obtained with you guys.   初三英语作文毕业感想3 Dear teacher, You told me, "no pain, no gain." thanks a lot. I think it"s hard to say good bye because it"s kind of you for me. You taught me so much things which is helpful. Just like how to be a kind person and how to municat with others. I only want to say how much i need you, i will never fet you. Yours, student   初三英语作文毕业感想4 At graduation, I want to say to the clas *** ates: thank you for me, and the other teachers, to the entire school things support!!!!! Are you the teacher of the sky, fly a pair of wings, the growth of happiness! Time passed quickly, you by, unconsciously, you through the junior middle school three year study life. In three years, you leave footprints in the campus, and released, scattering the ideal sweat, harvest I wish, to take away the maturity, and left behind the memories. A few days to e, in my mind, often will save you present at his desk the homework situations; Crazy dozen laughter, Let the teacher force to eat breakfast things like; Creating art festival in song; On the sports ground endeavoring figure; More specific clas *** ates stealing copy homework awkwardness; Climbing over the fence risk; Have help each other love; More in order to hit a *** all thing of reckless...... . I think this is your life, is also growing occasionally I will. Graduate, the separation, leaving gratitude, take it hope. 标签: 感想 作文 初三 英语
2023-07-27 03:20:191

英语作文以"初中三年在学校的美好回忆"写一篇作文80词 带翻译

英语作文以"初中三年在学校的美好回忆"写一篇作文80词 带翻译 Over the past three years, we from a plete lack of life of children grow up to be a vibrant zhuifeng juvenile. Three years, we look forward to good, the artificial sweat. Taste the true meaning, chasing the dream. On the campus, the gravel left the footprints of our solid, dance on the pitch we pentium ying, the pine tree willow always came beeen us a long pleasant ringing a model. In the classroom, there was a loud we song 回答 三年来,我们从一个完全不谙生活的孩童成长为一个活力四射的追风少年。三年间,我们憧憬着美好,挥洒着汗水。品味着真谛,追逐着梦想。校园中,花圃石径上留下了我们坚实的脚印,绿茵场上跃动着我们奔腾的英姿,松柏槐柳间总是传来我们铿锵悦耳的朗朗书声。教室里,传来了我们嘹亮的歌 My three years" lives of junior school has been over.It brought me happiness and growth up.Among my lessons,my favorite lesson was enlish.I loved it,not noly it was a usefull tool in future but also it made me happy.In my spare time,I liked to call some friends to paly badmiton and I also unicated with my clas *** ates.Therefore,we had a good relationgship.Besids,my junior teacher impressed me deeply,she was kind and patient.I will remember my junior"life forever. 我三年的初中生活已经结束了。它给我带来的快乐和成长。在我的课中,我最喜欢的课程是英语。我喜欢它,不仅是在未来的一个有用的工具也让我很开心。在我的业余时间,我喜欢打电话给一些朋友打羽毛球我和我的同学们也进行了交流。因此,我们有良好的关系。另外,我初中的老师给我留下了深刻的印象,她是善良和耐心。我会永远记住我的初中生活。 希望对你有帮助 求采纳 初中三年my school days作文,80词、带翻译 23年前,有个年轻的女子流落到我们村,蓬头垢面,见人就傻笑,且毫不避讳地当众小便。因此,村里的媳妇们常对着那女子吐口水,有的媳妇还上前踹几脚,叫她”滚远些“。可她就是不走,依然傻笑着在村里转悠。 那时,我父亲已有35岁。他曾在石料场子干活被机器绞断了左手,又因家穷,一直没娶媳妇。奶奶见那女子还有几份姿色,就动了心思,决定收下她给我父亲做媳妇,等她给我 家”续上香火“后,再把她撵走。父亲虽老大不情愿,但看着家里这番光景,咬咬牙还是答应了。结果,父亲一分未花,就当了新郎。 娘生下我的时候,奶奶抱着我,瘪着没剩几颗牙的嘴欣喜地说:”这疯婆娘,还给我生了个带把的孙子“。只是,我一生下来,奶奶就把我抱走了,而且从不让娘靠近。 娘一直想抱抱我,多次在奶奶面前吃力地喊:”给,给我。。。。。“奶奶没理她。我那幺小,像个肉嘟嘟,万一娘失手把我掉在地上怎么办?毕竟,娘是个疯子。每当娘有抱我的请求时,奶奶总瞪起眼睛训她:”你别想抱孩子,我不会给你的。要是我发现你偷抱了他,我就打死你。即使不打死,我也要把你撵走。“奶奶说这话时,没有半点儿含糊的意思。娘听懂了,满脸的惶恐,每次只是远远地看着我。尽管娘的奶胀得厉害,可我没能吃到娘的半口奶水,是奶奶一匙一匙把我喂大的。奶奶说娘的奶水里有”神经病“,要是传染给我就麻烦了。 那时,我家依然在贫困的泥潭里挣扎。特别是添了娘和我后,家里常常揭不开锅。奶奶决定把娘撵走,因为娘不但在家吃”闲饭“,时不时还惹是生非。一天,奶奶煮了一大锅饭,亲手给娘添了一大碗,说:“媳妇儿,这个家太穷了,婆婆对不起你。你吃完这碗饭,就去找个富点儿的人家过日子,以后也不准来了,啊?”娘刚扒了一大团饭在口里,听了奶奶下的“逐客令:。显得非常吃惊,一团饭就在嘴里凝滞了。娘望着奶奶怀中的我,口齿不清地哀叫:“不,不要。。。。。”奶奶猛地沉下脸,拿出威严的家长作风厉声吼到:“你这个疯婆娘,犟什么犟,犟下去没你的好果子吃。你本来就是到处流浪的,我收留了你两年了,你还要怎么样?吃完饭就走,听到没有?”说完奶奶从门后拿出一柄锄,像余太君的龙头杖似的往地上重重一磕,“咚”地发出一声响。娘吓了一大跳,怯怯地看着婆婆,又慢慢低下头去看面前的饭碗,有泪水落在白花花的米饭上。 在***逼视下,娘突然有个很奇怪的举动,她将碗中的 请以"my pay"写一篇带翻译的英语作文 I had a wonderful and meaningful National Holiday.Firstly,I finished doing my homework as quickly as I could.Then I reviewed what I learnt and prepared for my new lessons.I also read some interesting books and saw some wonderful movies.Secondly,I helped my parents do some housework every day.Such as,cleaning the room,making the bed,washing the clothes and so on.Thirdly,I visited my friends and played table tennis with them.I also visited my grandparents with my parents and stayed there for o days.We climbed the mountain and enjoyed the beautiful scenery.I really had a good time for my holiday. 英语作文,以“学校的教室”写一篇回忆文,回忆学校的教室带给我哪些美好的回忆。七十词,救命啊 Our classroom is very beautiful. There are three kinds of flowers,I like them very much.And there are some nice desk.There are many interesting book in our bookcase.So I think my classroom is most beatiful in our shool.My clas *** ate are very fiendly.So we are good friend. We study-hard every day. 围绕"巴中"写一篇英语作文,带翻译! 谢谢啦 I imagine a lot about lives in the future.I think o words can summarize my imagination.The first word is fast.In the future, we will have more quickly transportation means.Now matter how far we go, it takes only a short time.With the development of science and technology, we can travel to the moon, Mars or somewhere outer space.People may can live in other plas.The second word is convenient.Because of the fast development of our society, many work can be done by puters or even robots.Lots of things are fully automated.Humans just need to give some simple instructions to plete plecated tasks. 初中三年 英语作文 三年的初中生活(Three years" school life) I"ve been in my middle school for three years. three years" school life plays an important role in my life. I enjoy making friends, getting knowledge and having interesting time in my school. I have also made friendship with lots of clas *** ates, and I have also been taught different lessons by lots of different patient teachers. I have grown up a lot in the past three years. I will never fet my three years" school life. 在学校中以难忘的经历为题写一篇英语作文加翻译 My school I am a middle school students in Shunde.I study in Shunde Dengsheng Middle school.My school was build in(建立于)2002.The school has 10 years of history.It has about 3000 students in this school now.There are about 54 class in my school.There are an average of 18 classes in each grade(平均每个年级有8个班).And the school is very big and beautiful. I like my school very much.I belive,my school will be better and better in the future. 初中三年,你变化很大。根据提示写一篇英语作文 My good friend zhang ming has changed a lot in the past 3 years.Before he always late to the class.he like talking when the teacher is speak to everyone for a importance information. h always give a reason when he doesn"t finishing his homework.when i have a good talk with ming at a paly ground, he started to chang his behavior because i promised i will try to help he hardest i can. I belive he will work harder and do better in the future. . 英语作文:小学美好回忆 最美好的回忆(The most beautiful memory) My grandma lived in the country elve years ago. At that time, I often went to visit my grandparents with my parents during the holidays. Although I was very young then, now I can still remember a lot of things there clearly. I was very glad when we went to the country. I enjoyed seeing the beautiful things in the countryside. My grandpa grew many kinds of vegetables in his garden, such as cabbages, tomatoes, potatoes and carrots. Every morning, he fetched water from a river, and then watered the vegetables. Grandpa took good care of his vegetables as if they were his children. When autumn came, the garden was covered with greenery(绿色植物). Grandpa was always happy to see that. My grandma kept many chickens. They were all very lively. I liked playing with them; sometimes I had dinner with them playing around. I always thought they loved me. There was a *** all forest near my grandparents" house. The trees were very thick. I usually played with my cousin in the woods after a meal. We could hear the birds singing in the trees and see many *** all animals playing in the grass. The air in the woods was fresh because of the trees. We usually played a game called “Mud Fighting”(打泥仗). First, we made mud balls. The more, the better; the bigger, the better. Then, we threw them at each other. The person who hit the other person first was the winner. We liked the game though it made our clothes dirty. In front of the woods, there was a *** all river. The water in the river was very clean and not very deep. In summer, it was quite cool. However, it became warm in winter. I could see many fishes in the river. Sometimes, my grandpa caught some fishes for supper. How delicious they were! There was a bridge which was made of stone over the river. I could go across the bridge to the other side. There were also many beautiful flowers and lines of trees on the banks of the river.
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  在平凡的学习、工作、生活中,大家都经常接触到作文吧,作文是从内部言语向外部言语的过渡,即从经过压缩的简要的、自己能明白的语言,向开展的、具有规范语法结构的、能为他人所理解的外部语言形式的转化。那么,怎么去写作文呢?以下是我帮大家整理的话题英语作文8篇,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。 话题英语作文 篇1   Nowadays, quite a few college students lack conciousness of being grateful。 They turn to take such things for granted, as parents supporting them, teachers helping them, and waiters serving them。 They are even mean to say "Thank you" to others。 This phenomenon has caused great attention from the whole society。   The following reasons can account for the lack of gratefulness conciousness。 First of all, unsound family education plays an important role。 Many parents turn to pay too much attention to children"s academic performance, but ignore their value orientation。 Moreover, schools don"t input enough time and money in moral education。 Besides, nowadays, college students get so much love that they are insenstive to others" care and help。   Considering the seriousness of the problem, it is high time to take effective measures to strengthen college students conciousness of being grateful。 First, parents should improve self—quality and influence children by their own behaviors。 Second, our society and schools must increase input in moral education, and try to build the atmosphere of being grateful。 Finally, we college students should learn to express our gratefulness to people around us, just beginning from the simple "Thank you"。 话题英语作文 篇2   My View on College Students Cohabitation   Nowadays, premarital cohabitation is common and popular and this phenomenon has extended to the campus. More and more college student lovers choose to live together off campus. This phenomenon has aroused great public concern and there are much discussion on its advantages and disadvantages。   Admittedly, college students cohabitation has its advantages. One of them is that the lovers can know each other better by living together. They can decide whether their romantic relationship should go on. Secondly, cohabitation matures college students and improves their sense of responsibility. However, there are also many problems resulting from the cohabitation on campus. A good example to illustrate this point is that some girls might be hurt by their irresponsible boyfriends. Besides, living together will involve many trivial things, which of course will influence their study。 话题英语作文 篇3   周围的环境   1、(江苏南通)目前南通市正在积极创建全国文明城市,中学生也在为之努力。假如你是你是某中学的一名学生张通,请根据下列图表所示内容,给笔友John写一封电子邮件,介绍有关情况。   注意:1.邮件内容应包含所有要点,不要简单翻译,可适当发挥;   2.文中不得使用真实姓名、校名等信息;   3.词数90左右(邮件中已经写好了的部分,不计入总词数)。   4.参考词汇:civilized 文明的 respect 尊敬   Dear John,   I"m glad to hear from you. Now let me tell you something about our city. Nantong is trying to set up a national civilized city. We middle school students are also doing something for it.   Zhang Tong   参考答案:   Dear John,   I"m glad to hear from you. Now let me tell you something about our city. Nantong is trying to set up a national civilized city. We middle school students are also doing some things for it. We are all polite to our teachers. (In class, we listen careful to them./When we meet them, we always say hello to them./…)We also respect the old. For example, we help them cross the streets.   We are always ready to help each other.(When one has difficulty with his studies, others will help him at once./...)We often show our love to those in trouble. Last month, the students of my class donated money to the earthquake-hit areas.   Besides, we plant trees to protect the environment and make our city more beautiful.   Nantong is my hometown. I will do my best to turn Nantong into a civilized city.   Zhang Tong   2、假设你是李晓平,是黄冈中学的学生。请你围绕"建设和谐社会"的主题,根据下面所给出的提示,用英语给全省中学生写一封倡议书。   1.人与社会:祖国、家乡、学校,热爱关心;2.人与人:家人、师长、同学,诚信互助;3.人与自然:能源、环境、动植物,爱惜保护;4.你的态度:内容由考生自己拟定。   注意:1.词数100左右;2.倡议书的开头、结尾以及提示句已为你写好,不计入词数;3.内容可适当发挥,注意行文连贯。   Build a Harmonious Society   Dear fellow students,   Our government is going to build a "harmonious society". I think it is everyone"s duty to work hard to achieve this goal.As high school students, what should we do ?   First of all, we should love our motherland. Let"s take a great interest in the development of our hometowns and take an active part in our school"s activities.Secondly, let"s fill the world with love. We should show our respect for old people, our parents and our teachers. We should also care for each other and help those in need. Mostimportant of all, all of us must be faithful and honest in our daily life.Finally, let"s work together to save energy and protect our natural environment, including animals, trees, flowers and grass.   As for myself, I will study even harder and try my best to do all the above.Dear fellow students, let"s start right now and spare no effort to do a little bit every day,every hour, and every minute!   Li Xiaoping   From Huanggang High School   3、根据中文大意和英文提示词语,写出意思连贯、符合逻辑、不少于60词的短文。所给英文提示词语供选用。不能出现自己的真实姓名。   假设温哥华(Vancouver)的中学(Discovery Middle School)与你校是姊妹校,该校校刊"Discovery"将以"北京中学生与08奥运"为主题向你们征稿。你决定投稿,侧重介绍你的学校、你所在的社区或北京开展的促进"绿色奥运"的一些活动,这些活动为学校、社区或城市带来的变化,以及你从中获得的感受。   提示词:the Beijing 20xx Olympics, "Green Olympic", idea, volunteers, plant, save, change, environment, good for,   范文:   One important idea for the Beijing Olympics is "Green Olympics", for which the whole city has done a lot to improve the environment. So has our school.   Last month, my school formed a group of volunteers in every class. I was one of them. We cleaned up our school, watered the trees and flowers in our school garden. Now our school looks nicer. The more pleasant thing is that many students are beginning to change in behavior for the better, like stopping littering.   We"re proud of ourselves because we have done something both for the Beijing Olympic and the environment. 话题英语作文 篇4   When I am making mistakes, my parents will never be angry with me. I am so thankful to them for they are so tolerant with me.   I learn many things from my parents, they show me how to be a tolerant person. They will not blame me for the small mistake that I make, instead, they will educate me in the gentle way. Unlike some parents who are strict to their kids, they will be very angry and said the hurting words, making the children feel sad.   Being tolerant to other people"s mistakes is the best way to solve the problem. People will appreciate the kind act and make things goes on the easy way.    【参考译文】   当我犯错误的时候,父母从来不和我生气。我很感激他们如此宽容的对待我。   我从父母那里学到了很多东西,他们向我展示了如何成为一个宽容的人。他们不会因犯我犯的错误而责怪我,相反,他们会用温和的方式教育我。不像其他父母那样对孩子很严格,他们会生气并说出伤人的话语,令孩子感到难过。   宽容对待别人的过错是解决问题的最好方法。人们会欣赏这样善意的举动,让事情往简单的方向走。 话题英语作文 篇5   People always believe that study and recreations are like water and fire and that they can not be combined together. But in my opinion, they can and even on the contrary, they are relatives.   There is a popular saying that all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. The saying tells us a very simple meaning, but how to master the deep meaning need a clear aim. If someone has too much pressure, the side effect will come into being.   For example, if you have lots of things to do and they all will meet the deadline soon,what you need to do is to improve your efficiency.   A clear mind is essential. So what we should do is to make our minds work steadily. You can take a break after one or two hours" work and try to do something else like chatting with your friends. Doing so, you can improve your working efficiency.   Try to balance work and play, and you will get an unexpected harvest. 话题英语作文 篇6    1.高中英语作文:英语的重要性   1. The iprtance f English rests with the language being used in st cuntries in the wrld as a cunicating tl. Fr exaple, a Geran and a Chinese can"t spea ppsite side"s language, but the bth nw English. And then there is n prble between their language cunicatin. We ust nw the iprtance and learn the language earnestl.   The e t learn English well is t recite wrds. Wrds are the brics f language building.Onl eeping the in ur ind, can we aster the. T learn English well,we need t listen re English bradcast and cntact with re freingers s that we can practise ur listening cprehansin. Onl in this wa, can we stud fr the purpse f applicatin   (参考译文]   英语的重要性在于,它被世界上大多数国家作为语言交流的工具。例如一个德国人和一个中国人彼此都不会讲对方的语言,但他们都懂英语,于是他们之间的语言交流就不成问题。我们每个人都能够认识它的.重要性,都能够认真学习。   要想学好英语,关键是背单词。单词是语言大厦的墙砖。认识了它们才能驾驭好他们。学好英语还要多听英语广播、多接触外国人,锻炼自己的听力,这样才能学有所用。    2.The Iprtance English-英语的重要性   There can be n dubt that English is ne f the wrld"s st widel used languages. Peple use a language in ne f three was: as a native language, as a secnd language, r as a freign languge. English is spen as a native language b ver three handred illin peple in the United States, Britain, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, se caribbean cuntries and Suth Africa. As asecnd language, English is ften necessar fr fficial business, educatin, infratin and ther activities in an cuntries, it is ne f the few "wring" languages f the United Natins.   It is said that English has bece the language f internatinal trade and transprt. Mst pilts in planes travelling fr ne cuntr t anther use it t tal with airprts. All ships sailing n the ceans call fr help b radi in it. It has been said that 60 percent f the wrld"s radi brad casts and 70 percent f the wrld"s ail uses English. At internatinal sprts eets, and internatinal f scientists English is the language st cnl used and the st widel used.   English has in fact bece the language f internatinal cperatin is science and technlg. The st advanced resuits in space, nuclear and cputer research are published in it. A scientist wh speas and writes English is in clser tuch with the scientists in ther cuntries than ne wh desn"t.   (参考译文]   英语的重要性   毫无疑问,英语是世界上使用最广泛的语言之一。人们使用语言无非有三种情况:作为母语,作为第二语言,再就是作为一门外语。英语,作为母语,有3亿多人在使用。他们分别在美国、英国、澳大利亚、新西兰、加拿大还有一些加勒比海国家及南非等。作为第二语言,英语在很多国家的官方事务、教育、信息和其他活动中都是必不可少的。它是联合国仅用的几种工作语言之一。   人们说英语已经成为国际商贸和交通运输语言。大部分飞行于各国间的飞行员使用英语来与飞机场联络。在大洋上航行的轮船都用英语发出求救信号。据说世界上百分之六十的无线电广播和百分之七十的邮递业务用的是英语。在国际体育比赛中和国际科学家大会上,英语使用得   最多也最为广泛。   事实上,英语已成为国际科学技术合作的通用语。太空、核能及计算机方面最先进的研究成果都用英语来发表。会用英语交谈和写作的科学家比不会使用英语的科学家,与其他国家的同行们联系要密切得多    3..学习英语的重要性   English is the st ppular language in the wrld, and it is als st widel spen f all the language. It is ther tngue in an iprtant cuntries, such as the USA,England, Australia and s n. In India, Thugh it is nt the ther tngue, it ‘sthe iprtant ffical language.   In China, English is spen as an iprtant and useful freign language. The 20xx Olpics will be hsted in Beiing. Man freigners will ce t China. We shuld tr ur best t serve the Olpics. Fr exaple, we can help the freign visitrs if we learn English well. 话题英语作文 篇7   After going to the middle school, I have less time to play outside the school, because I always have a lot of homework to do. Though my leisure time is shorter, I still keep on after-class reading. Many years ago, my Chinese teacher introduced many classic books to us, I bought them and read them all, I fell in love with reading these books, I would be immerged in the stories. Reading these books helps me a lot, I have improved my writing skill. When I saw the topics, my mind will come out a lot of ideas, I have things to enrich my paper. What"s more, I also broaden my vision. 话题英语作文 篇8   Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Reserving a Seat. You should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the outline below:   1)很多大学里占座现象十分普遍   2)这种现象会带来哪些影响   3)你对此的看法   Reserving a Seat   We often see there is a table cloth, a book or something else on the desk in the classroom or library, indicating the seat is taken. This kind of phenomenon is very usual in almost all colleges and universities. Strangely enough, most of students seem to take this for granted, and few will protest it.   Though most of students taking seats in advance is for better study, this kind of phenomenon has great negative effects. On the one hand, it is a selfish behavior, which damages other students interests. Sometimes even if many students come to the classroom very early, they can not find a seat. On the other hand, reserving a seat violates the rule of fairness. No matter how late you come to class, the seat is still reserved for you even though many others are eager for that seat.   Considering the above-mentioned, I think, it is high time that we college students took a good look of our behavior. Indeed, only if all of us can improve our consciousness, it is not a difficult task for us to get rid of this kind of phenomenon reserving a seat.
2023-07-27 03:21:191


  在我们平凡的日常里,大家都有写作文的经历,对作文很是熟悉吧,作文要求篇章结构完整,一定要避免无结尾作文的出现。那要怎么写好作文呢?下面是我精心整理的话题英语作文9篇,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。 话题英语作文 篇1   The desire for good health is universal. If a person feels ill all the time, he will in most cases old a pessimistic view toward things and lead a sad life. What"s more, no matter how ambitious he could be, he might just be too weak to carry out any of his grand plans. Hence, though many people are seeking after wealth or power, they always attach the greatest importance to health.   Since a sick person tends to be unhappy, people worldwide have spared no efforts to slay healthy. They pay special attention to what they eat so that they get neither malnourished nor overweighed. Besides, people, especially, those engaged in mental jobs, create numerous indoor or outdoor exercises to keep energetic, eg. working in the field as gardeners and farmers, going to work on foot, cycling to work, having a walk after supper, climbing mountains, traveling, attending all kinds exercises in health clubs, etc.   To be healthy also includes being mentally healthy. It is another important guaranty for people to live or work well. So, experts suggest that we keep a calm, peaceful and open mind and try to avoid extreme emotions like fierce anger, extreme sadness and excitement. Therefore, exercises like Taiji Exercise, traveling, etc. which can benefit people both physically and mentally are popular not only in China but also in other countries.   As far as I am concerned, in addition to a balanced diet and a peaceful mind, I lack pleasure the performing various types of exercises. And playthg basketball and badminton are my favourite games. 话题英语作文 篇2   I went hiking to a mountain with my friends last summer。   It was a good trip at the beginning but something unexpected happened on the half way。 One of my friends suddenly felt a terrible pain in his stomach and he couldn‘t move any further。 Nobody knew what to do。   One girl tried to call her mum with her mobile phone but there was no signal in the mountain area。 Luckily we brought a tent with us。 We put it up and let him rest in it。 He took some medicine。 Then he drank some water, and ate some food。 After a while, he felt much better and we walked on。 We all enjoyed ourselves on the top of the mountain。 话题英语作文 篇3   Is it Good for College Students to fall in love in School?   College students have more freedom than before and they also grow more and more mature in physical and mental. So it is natural that they would like to fall in love with someone. As a result, campus love becomes popular in university. For this phenomenon, people opinions vary. In my opinion, I dont agree with that phenomenon.   跟以前相比,大学生拥有更多的自由,而且在身心上他们也在慢慢地变得越来越成熟。所以他们想谈恋爱是很自然的。结果校园恋爱在大学中就变得很普遍。对于这一现象,人们众说纷纭。在我看来,我是持反对意见的。   First of all, falling in love with others cost a lot of money. When two people have that kind of relationship, they will go out with each other often. When they are going out, they have to spend more money. During the dating, the boy may try his best to buy things to make the girl happy. While the girl may start to make up or buy more beautiful clothes to make herself look better. All these need money. However, university students are still students. They have no income. Their money is from their parents. Falling in love with someone will increase the burden of their family and themselves.   首先,恋爱需要花费很多钱。当两个人是那种关系的时候,他们就会经常一起出去。出去的时候就要花比较多的钱。约会中,男孩子会尽自己最大的努力去买东西给女孩让她开心。而女孩也会开始化妆或者买一些漂亮的衣服来让自己看起来更美丽。这些行为都是需要钱的。然而,大学生仍然还是学生。他们没有收入。他们的钱是父母给的。恋爱会增加家庭和自己的负担。 话题英语作文 篇4   The Prevalence of Western Holidays-it is noticeable that western holidays are becoming increasingly popular day by day, while Chinese traditional holidays are being somewhat neglected. Young people in China who are ignorant about Chinese traditional holidays are crazy about Christmas or Valentine"s Day.   There are several possible reasons for this phenomenon. First, western nations, such as the United States and Britain, are powerful and dominant in every aspect.   Everything in these countries is assumed to be superior and adored by some modern young people. Second, the prevalence of English as a world language and the development of globalization enable western cultu   re to prevail in China. Last but not least, some Chinese people have blind faith in foreign things while treating our own possessions with contempt.   I am critical of this trend. China boasts a brilliant history and splendid traditions. Chinese tradition should be preserved and promoted. If this trend is allowed to continue, the priceless heritage of our ancestors will be replaced by western traditions. Nobody expects such a consequence. So let us join hand in hand to protect Chinese tradition, especially traditional holidays. (180 words) 话题英语作文 篇5   Since we go to school, we have to learn English, it has been one of the main subjects. As we have learned English for a very long time, we will complain about it, we always make the joke that the foreigners should learn Chinese. Now, it is not the joke anymore, the world"s watching China, more and more foreign people are interested in Chinese, they have learned Chinese. When we open the TV, we can find that a hot show called Chinese Bridge, it is a competition for the foreign students to show their Chinese. I have seen the show, I was very impressed, the foreign students spoke Chinese so well, they knew our culture, they had enthusiasm, which made them enjoy learning Chinese. We should learn from the foreign students, they show us the way to learn a language well.   从我们上学起,就要学习英语,英语已经成为了主要的科目之一。由于我们要学习英语   很长一段时间,总会抱怨,我们会开玩笑说老外应该学习中文。如今,这不再是个玩笑了,全世界都在关注中国,越来越多的外国人对中文感兴趣,他们已经开始学习中文。当我们打开电视,可以发现一档热门的节目叫“汉语桥”,这是给外国学生展示汉语的竞赛节目。我看过节目,印象深刻,外国学生能把汉语讲得很好,我们了解我们的文化,有热情,这使得他们乐于学习汉语。我们应该向外国学生学习,他们给我们展示了学好一门语言的方法。 话题英语作文 篇6   smiling   i think smiling is as important as sunshine. smiling is like sunshine because it can make people happy and have a good day. if you aren?t happy, you can smile, and then you will feel happy. someone may say, “but i don?t feel happy.” then i would say, “please smile as you do when you are happy or play with your friends happily. you will really be happy again.”   smiling can let you have more i say, smiling is like a flower. it will give you happiness.   微笑   我认为微笑是一样重要的象阳光。 微笑是象阳光,因为它可能使人愉快和有一个早晨好。 如果您不是愉快的,您能微笑,您然后将感觉愉快。 某人也许说, “但是我不感到愉快”。 然后我会说, “请微笑,您,当您愉快地是愉快或戏剧与您的朋友。 您真正地再将是愉快的”。   微笑可能让您有更多朋友。如此我说,微笑是象花。 它将给您幸福。 话题英语作文 篇7    1.高中英语作文:英语的.重要性   1. The iprtance f English rests with the language being used in st cuntries in the wrld as a cunicating tl. Fr exaple, a Geran and a Chinese can"t spea ppsite side"s language, but the bth nw English. And then there is n prble between their language cunicatin. We ust nw the iprtance and learn the language earnestl.   The e t learn English well is t recite wrds. Wrds are the brics f language building.Onl eeping the in ur ind, can we aster the. T learn English well,we need t listen re English bradcast and cntact with re freingers s that we can practise ur listening cprehansin. Onl in this wa, can we stud fr the purpse f applicatin   (参考译文]   英语的重要性在于,它被世界上大多数国家作为语言交流的工具。例如一个德国人和一个中国人彼此都不会讲对方的语言,但他们都懂英语,于是他们之间的语言交流就不成问题。我们每个人都能够认识它的重要性,都能够认真学习。   要想学好英语,关键是背单词。单词是语言大厦的墙砖。认识了它们才能驾驭好他们。学好英语还要多听英语广播、多接触外国人,锻炼自己的听力,这样才能学有所用。    2.The Iprtance English-英语的重要性   There can be n dubt that English is ne f the wrld"s st widel used languages. Peple use a language in ne f three was: as a native language, as a secnd language, r as a freign languge. English is spen as a native language b ver three handred illin peple in the United States, Britain, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, se caribbean cuntries and Suth Africa. As asecnd language, English is ften necessar fr fficial business, educatin, infratin and ther activities in an cuntries, it is ne f the few "wring" languages f the United Natins.   It is said that English has bece the language f internatinal trade and transprt. Mst pilts in planes travelling fr ne cuntr t anther use it t tal with airprts. All ships sailing n the ceans call fr help b radi in it. It has been said that 60 percent f the wrld"s radi brad casts and 70 percent f the wrld"s ail uses English. At internatinal sprts eets, and internatinal f scientists English is the language st cnl used and the st widel used.   English has in fact bece the language f internatinal cperatin is science and technlg. The st advanced resuits in space, nuclear and cputer research are published in it. A scientist wh speas and writes English is in clser tuch with the scientists in ther cuntries than ne wh desn"t.   (参考译文]   英语的重要性   毫无疑问,英语是世界上使用最广泛的语言之一。人们使用语言无非有三种情况:作为母语,作为第二语言,再就是作为一门外语。英语,作为母语,有3亿多人在使用。他们分别在美国、英国、澳大利亚、新西兰、加拿大还有一些加勒比海国家及南非等。作为第二语言,英语在很多国家的官方事务、教育、信息和其他活动中都是必不可少的。它是联合国仅用的几种工作语言之一。   人们说英语已经成为国际商贸和交通运输语言。大部分飞行于各国间的飞行员使用英语来与飞机场联络。在大洋上航行的轮船都用英语发出求救信号。据说世界上百分之六十的无线电广播和百分之七十的邮递业务用的是英语。在国际体育比赛中和国际科学家大会上,英语使用得   最多也最为广泛。   事实上,英语已成为国际科学技术合作的通用语。太空、核能及计算机方面最先进的研究成果都用英语来发表。会用英语交谈和写作的科学家比不会使用英语的科学家,与其他国家的同行们联系要密切得多    3..学习英语的重要性   English is the st ppular language in the wrld, and it is als st widel spen f all the language. It is ther tngue in an iprtant cuntries, such as the USA,England, Australia and s n. In India, Thugh it is nt the ther tngue, it ‘sthe iprtant ffical language.   In China, English is spen as an iprtant and useful freign language. The 20xx Olpics will be hsted in Beiing. Man freigners will ce t China. We shuld tr ur best t serve the Olpics. Fr exaple, we can help the freign visitrs if we learn English well. 话题英语作文 篇8   Without friends, life is not worth living. But what kind of person can be accepted as friend? Lots of people are classmates and aren"t friends. Lots of people are lovers but aren"t friends. You can appreciate or admire someone, but that doesn"t make them a friend. If their attitude is "for better or worse," if they stick with you through thick and thin, that"s when you can tell it"s friendship.   The term, friend, covers a wide range of meanings. It can be a nodding acquaintance, a comrade, a partner, a playmate, a brother, etc. As life is full of obstacles and conflicts, we need friends to give us supports to get through tough times, we also need friends to give us warnings to go against danger. True friends share not only joy but, more often than not, they share sorrow and difficulties.   With friendship, life is happy and harmonious. Without friendship, life is hostile and unfortunate. I have friends in the rank and file. Some are rich and in power. Some are low and common. Some are like myself, working as an ordinary teacher, reading and writing and content with the simple life. To many of my friends, I know what to treasure, what to tolerate and what to share, I will never forget my old friends and keep making new friends. I will not be cold and indifferent to the poor friends and will show concern for them, even if it is only a comforting word. 话题英语作文 篇9   6月5日( June 5)是世界环境保护日, 我们周围的环境变得越来越糟糕,污染越来越严重。环境问题影响着人们的工作,学习,生活等,而我们的工作,生活,生产等又使环境污染越来越严重。。。。。。如何保护我们的环境? 请以“ How to protect/save our environment/world? ”为题写一篇短文。   提示:存在问题:1。水污染越来越严重;2。砍伐森林严重;3。 大气污染严重;4。 白色垃圾等。   要求:如何改善/保护环境?至少:3———4个方面, 80字左右的。    ★ 范文   How to protect/save our environment/world?   The environmental pollution is worse and worse /more and more seriously today。 Water is polluted; we have no clean water to drink。 Many trees are cutting down, some animals is getting less and less。 Some factories are pouring dirty air in the sky, the population is increasing faster and faster, resources are getting less and less…etc。 Not only does it affect our lives and health, it but also has a great affection in the future。 People"s health has been greatly affected by air, noise and water pollution。 Many people died of diseases。 In order to live a better life, we need protect our world。   We shouldn"t throw away rubbish everywhere。 We want to recycle, reduce, reuse things 。Don"t waste things。 This saves money and reduces pollution。 Use things for as long as possible。 We don"t use plastic bags。 We must plant more trees and stop the people cutting them 。We hope our world becomes more and more beautiful。
2023-07-27 03:21:281


  在学习、工作乃至生活中,大家对作文都再熟悉不过了吧,作文是人们把记忆中所存储的有关知识、经验和思想用书面形式表达出来的记叙方式。那么问题来了,到底应如何写一篇优秀的作文呢?下面是我帮大家整理的英语话题作文6篇,希望对大家有所帮助。 英语话题作文 篇1   Ambition is the decision one makes and the resolution with which he carries out that decision. It provides us with the required driving force to accomplish any undertakings in our life. Just as Joseph Epstein, a famous American writer put it, “And as we decide and choose, so are our lives formed.” Indeed, once we make up our minds to choose to do something, then our life becomes meaningful and specifically orientated. This notion of life, as far as I observe, is closest to truth and does apply to almost all aspects of life.   First things first, ambition renders us a sense of mission. No matter what decision you make you have to be responsible for your choice. Your choice procures you a sense of orientation, or more specially a sense of mission. And only a strong mission may enable one to accomplish greatness. Caesar of the ancient Roman Empire was urged by his ambition “I came, I saw, I conquered.” And became an unrivaled empire builder in the history of Rome. John Milton, stimulated always by his ambition that aimed at writing some “mighty lines” which England would unwillingly forget, had in due time secured his position as the second Shakespeare in the history of English literature.   In the second place, ambition can bring one"s potentials to the full. Ambition may well serve as a catalyst activating one"s dormant potentials. Without ambition one"s potentials will remain slumbering like a dormant volcano. A case in point is Ms Zhang Haidi, a Chinese Helen Keller. It was her ambition to be a useful person has turned the almost paralyzed Zhang Haidi into a well-accomplished figure whose achievements would dwarf those of some normal people aim at the sun, though, at worst, they may probably land on the moon.   Influential as it is upon us, however, ambition must be channeled in the right direction. If wrongly directed, one"s ambition may bring havoc on him and others. Hitler, whose ambition was to conquer Europe by whattever evil means, finally turned him into a demon. It was this demon that almost cast Europe into an unfathomable abyss of anguish and suffering. Another case is Macbeth whose ambition was to become the king of Scotland. However, his ambition was materialized by the murder of King Duncan. Consequently, unbearable guilt and psychological agony drove him to his tragic doom.   To sum up, ambition can benefit us tremendously if wisely and correctly channeled, otherwise it may ruin others and ourselves. A poet says: life can be bad; life can be good; life can be dirty; life can be sad,; life can even be painful. In my mind"s eye, a person can make his life beautiful, meaningful and rewarding and stand out as a respectable personage if he is motivated by a well-orientated ambition. 英语话题作文 篇2   Ways to Improve china"s tourism   Tourism is now becoming a major industry throughout the world. However,tourism in China is not as developed as it should be. If the following is done,China"s tourism will definitely be improved.   First,our places of interest should be better advertised throughout the world to attract more tourists. Second,facilities should be provided to ensure that tourists enjoy their trip. Finally,the quality of service should be improved.   Don"t tell people their ideas are bad unless you"ve got a good one.   Use of Free Time   Some people may be so busy that they never have a spare moment,but it would be hard to find such people in contemporary times. Working hours are shorter and vacations longer,and there are more and more ways to spend the weekends. Aside from eating and sleeping,what do people do during the many hours when they are not at work or at school?   Use of free time often discloses much about one"s tastes,values,interests and personality. What may be one man"s leisure,however,might be another man"s work. In leisure hours,some may turn to the humanities:literature,magic,art and here we might also mention movies and television. Others participate in sports,politics,voluntary work or hobbies at home. Still others like parties,travelling,or just loafing.   Obviously,the use of free time is a good means of relaxation,but its benefits go beyond this. All things people do in leisure hours enable them to gratify their wishes. This can contribute to intellectual growth and promote social activities as well.   So the good use of free time will make life rich,colorful and rewarding. 英语话题作文 篇3   This picture is simple but significant. As is vividly shown in the picture, wearing traditional Chinese costume, a foreigner is saying “Happy New Year” to a Chinese girl in Chinese, even though his pronunciation is not accurate enough. There is no doubt that the picture implies that a growing number of foreigners are starting to be interested in Chinese culture in this day and age.   Why should this phenomenon take placeThere are generally three factors accounting for it. First of all, due to the fast economic and social development, the world is becoming smaller and smaller. Accordingly, international cultural exchange is becoming increasingly frequent. Besides, learning traditional Chinese culture, which is priceless spiritual treasure, can give those foreign friends a new perspective of the outside world. Last but not least, this kind of cultural exchange is beneficial for both our Chinese and foreign friends to broaden our horizons, widen our knowledge, and eich our experience.   From what has been discussed above, we may come to a conclusion that our traditional culture is popular among the whole world and should be preserved and cherished. Therefore, the mass media, such as television, radio and Internet should try best to propaganda and advocate it. As for ourselves, we should cultivate the awareness of learning national culture. Only in this way can we have opportunities to expect a more vigorous and prosperous world to come. 英语话题作文 篇4    1.高中英语作文:英语的重要性   1. The iprtance f English rests with the language being used in st cuntries in the wrld as a cunicating tl. Fr exaple, a Geran and a Chinese can"t spea ppsite side"s language, but the bth nw English. And then there is n prble between their language cunicatin. We ust nw the iprtance and learn the language earnestl.   The e t learn English well is t recite wrds. Wrds are the brics f language building.Onl eeping the in ur ind, can we aster the. T learn English well,we need t listen re English bradcast and cntact with re freingers s that we can practise ur listening cprehansin. Onl in this wa, can we stud fr the purpse f applicatin   (参考译文]   英语的重要性在于,它被世界上大多数国家作为语言交流的工具。例如一个德国人和一个中国人彼此都不会讲对方的语言,但他们都懂英语,于是他们之间的语言交流就不成问题。我们每个人都能够认识它的重要性,都能够认真学习。   要想学好英语,关键是背单词。单词是语言大厦的墙砖。认识了它们才能驾驭好他们。学好英语还要多听英语广播、多接触外国人,锻炼自己的"听力,这样才能学有所用。    2.The Iprtance English-英语的重要性   There can be n dubt that English is ne f the wrld"s st widel used languages. Peple use a language in ne f three was: as a native language, as a secnd language, r as a freign languge. English is spen as a native language b ver three handred illin peple in the United States, Britain, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, se caribbean cuntries and Suth Africa. As asecnd language, English is ften necessar fr fficial business, educatin, infratin and ther activities in an cuntries, it is ne f the few "wring" languages f the United Natins.   It is said that English has bece the language f internatinal trade and transprt. Mst pilts in planes travelling fr ne cuntr t anther use it t tal with airprts. All ships sailing n the ceans call fr help b radi in it. It has been said that 60 percent f the wrld"s radi brad casts and 70 percent f the wrld"s ail uses English. At internatinal sprts eets, and internatinal f scientists English is the language st cnl used and the st widel used.   English has in fact bece the language f internatinal cperatin is science and technlg. The st advanced resuits in space, nuclear and cputer research are published in it. A scientist wh speas and writes English is in clser tuch with the scientists in ther cuntries than ne wh desn"t.   (参考译文]   英语的重要性   毫无疑问,英语是世界上使用最广泛的语言之一。人们使用语言无非有三种情况:作为母语,作为第二语言,再就是作为一门外语。英语,作为母语,有3亿多人在使用。他们分别在美国、英国、澳大利亚、新西兰、加拿大还有一些加勒比海国家及南非等。作为第二语言,英语在很多国家的官方事务、教育、信息和其他活动中都是必不可少的。它是联合国仅用的几种工作语言之一。   人们说英语已经成为国际商贸和交通运输语言。大部分飞行于各国间的飞行员使用英语来与飞机场联络。在大洋上航行的轮船都用英语发出求救信号。据说世界上百分之六十的无线电广播和百分之七十的邮递业务用的是英语。在国际体育比赛中和国际科学家大会上,英语使用得   最多也最为广泛。   事实上,英语已成为国际科学技术合作的通用语。太空、核能及计算机方面最先进的研究成果都用英语来发表。会用英语交谈和写作的科学家比不会使用英语的科学家,与其他国家的同行们联系要密切得多    3..学习英语的重要性   English is the st ppular language in the wrld, and it is als st widel spen f all the language. It is ther tngue in an iprtant cuntries, such as the USA,England, Australia and s n. In India, Thugh it is nt the ther tngue, it ‘sthe iprtant ffical language.   In China, English is spen as an iprtant and useful freign language. The 20xx Olpics will be hsted in Beiing. Man freigners will ce t China. We shuld tr ur best t serve the Olpics. Fr exaple, we can help the freign visitrs if we learn English well. 英语话题作文 篇5   Hope primary school education career on our contribution, helped some family conditions poor which could not read the child of reading book, let them also to other children as a happy in the same year. The reason for it is desolate lack of planning and forecasting, social development and change of the causes of! I think, the country should take advantage of these hope primary school, let more children read petitioned!    【参考译文】   希望小学对我国教育事业的贡献很大,帮助了一些家庭条件差导致不能读书的孩子读上了书,让他们也向别的孩子一样拥有快乐的同年。荒废的原因也许是缺乏规划和预测、社会的发展变化的原因造成的!我认为,国家应该好好利用这些希望小学,让更多的孩子读上书! 英语话题作文 篇6   假如你是李华,你的笔友Mike从电视上得知前段时间北京多个地方出现雾霾(haze),非常担心,写E-mail询问有关情况,请回复。回复应包括以下要点:   1.实况描述;   2.对生活造成的影响;   3.成因简析与教训;   4.你个人的情况。   要求:1.词数100-120;   2.email的开头与结尾已给出,不计入总词数。   Dear Mike,   Thank you very much for your concern. ___________________________________   ______________________________________________________________________   Regards!   Yours,   Li Hua   参考范文:   One possible version:   Dear Mike,   Thank you very much for your concern. Last months several places in Beijing were blanketed with thick yellow fog. Everything around disappeared from oursight. Some highways were closed. Traffic jams were commonly seen in the streets. Many people, especially children and seniors, even found it difficult to breathe. As a result, local hospitals were crowded with people who had problems with their noses and lungs. Part of the cause was the dry weather, but the severely damaged environment contributed a lot to this nightmare. Personally I didn"t get any health problems in the haze because I stayed mostly indoors.But to make a significant change we really have to do more to protect our environment. To live a better life we have to push on with the economy, but it wound be meaningless if we have to achieve it at the cost of our breathing air.   Regards!   Yours,Li Hua
2023-07-27 03:21:471


1. 介绍自己的英文作文,带翻译,60 To introduce myself(介绍我自己) Hello,every one!(大家好) My name is **** . (我叫****) I"m a 15 years old boy. (我是一个15岁的男孩)(具体情况自己改) I live in the beautiful city of Rizhao.(我住在美丽的Rizhao城)(你可以把Rizhao改成自己家乡的城市的名称的拼音) I"m an active ,lovely and clever boy.(我是一个活跃的可爱的聪明的男孩) In the school , my favourite subject is maths . (在学校,我最喜欢数学) Perhaps someone thinks it"s difficult to study well .(也许有些人认为这很难学) But I like it.(但我喜欢他) I belive that if you try your best, everything can be done well.(我相信每件事付出努力就会有害结果) I also like sports very much.(我也很喜欢运动) Such as,running,volleyball and so on. (像跑步、排球等等) I"m kind-hearted.(我很热心) If you need help ,please e to me .(如果你需要帮助,就来找我) I hope we can be good friends!(我希望我们能成为好朋友) 2. 自我介绍的英语作文六十字 Introduce myself Hi,everyone!My name is***.I"m **** years old.I study in ****** school.I have a happy famliy.There are five people in my fanily.They are my father,my mother,my grandfather,my grandmother and I. I love them very much.My favorite food is meat and vegetables.AndI like apples,watermelons,bananas and oranges.My favorite subjectis English.Because I think it"s very interseting. Thank you! 你如果要删除一些也行,我这个已经超过60字了!100-120左右。 3. 英语自我介绍范文 要带中文翻译 60词左右 hello,everyone. (大家好). very glad to be here.(非常高兴能来到这里给大家发言) my name is XXX, and i am XX years old.(我的名字是XXX,今年**岁了) now i am a ___school student.(我现在是一名……学生) my favourite subject is English . and i like sports very much . (我最喜欢的科目是英语32313133353236313431303231363533e4b893e5b19e31333239306531,而且我很喜欢运动) English brings lots of fun . and sports makse me happy .(英语带给我很多乐趣,而且运动使我快乐) i like this sentence:“ nothing is impossible。” (我最喜欢的一句话就是:一切皆有可能。) so i always try my best to do everything well,and never give up easily.(所以我每一次总是尽力做好每一件事情,从来都不轻易说放弃) so this is me ,i hope to make friends with you all.(这就是我,我希望和大家都能成为朋友。) Tanke you!(谢谢)。 4. 60字英语自我介绍带翻译 同学,为你解答: Dear all, My name is Koko. I am 12 years old. I am from Jianan Primary School. I am very glad to meet you all and hope we can get along with each other very well. I am a little shy. I like reading, listening to music and play basketball. Because reading can make us more and more cleaver and increase our knowledge. Listening to music can help people reduce pressures and make people feel happy. As is know to all, playing basketball is a very good exercise for us to keep health. I hope we can be good friend and play together. That"s all! Thanks for your attention! 翻译: 大家好, 我的名字是Koko,我今年12岁。我来自建安小学。我非常高兴在这里与你们相遇并且希望我们能相处得非常愉快。我有一点内向。我喜欢阅读、听音乐和打篮球。因为阅读能让我们变得越来越聪明并且增长我们的知识。听音乐能帮助你们减压,使人们感觉高兴。众所周知,打篮球是一个保持健康的运动。我希望我们能成为好朋友并一起玩。 我的介绍结束了,谢谢你们! (你可以在上面的基础上做一些简单的修改。) 希望能帮到你,如有不明白的,欢迎随时提问!请采纳,谢谢! 祝学习进步,天天开心! 5. 自我介绍英语作文六十字 Hello,everybody! My name is Han .I am from the city. I studied in No. 4 Middle School in the past three years,during which I have been very fond of and good at English and Chinese ever since.The teachers I like most are Mr. Cheng, Miss Li, and Miss Gao. My hobbies include swimming in summer,skating in winter as well as reading novels and listening to music in my spare time. I am a warm-hearted girl. I like unicating with others and making more friends.I am out-going. I have many good friends. I am glad to be one of you. Let"s be friends,OK? Thank you! 6. 【求一篇自我介绍的英语短文求一篇英语自我介绍的短文.六十字左右 My name is XXX,I am 18 years old.I have lots of habbies.For example,basketball,it"s my favorite sports,I enjoyed it a lot. I also like surfing in the inter .I think I can get a lot of knowledge in it.And I get along with each other .Do you like me? let"me be friends. 我叫XXX,今年18岁了.我有很多爱好.比方说篮球.这是我最喜欢的体育项目,我乐在其中.我也很喜欢上网.我认为我可以得到很多的知识.我能与他人很好得相处.你喜欢我吗?让我们成为朋友吧。 7. 七年级介绍自己的英语作文60字左右 带翻译 Today is my grandpa"s birthday. Our family went back to my grandpa"s home in the morning. We got together to have a big family dinner to celebrate his birthady. We bought a big birthday cake and gave some presents to my grandpa. In the afternoon, we went to the park to go boating. We had a good time. My grandpa had a nice time on his birthday. 今天是爷爷的生日,我们全家早晨回到爷爷家。 我们举行了大型家庭聚会来庆祝爷爷的生日。我们买了一个大生日蛋糕,并且送给爷爷一些礼物。 下午我们去公园划船。我们玩得很开心,爷爷过了一个愉快的生日。 Today I had a good time. It was my grandpa"s birthday. Our family went back to his home to celebrate his birthday. My mother cooked many delicious food and we brought a big birthday cake. We got together to have a big family dinner. We gave grandpa some presents and said, "Happy birthday to you!" In the afternoon we went boating in the park. We enjoyed ourselves, and my grandpa had a nice time on his birthday. 今天我玩得很愉快。今天是爷爷的生日,我们全家去爷爷家为他庆祝生日。 妈妈做了许多好吃的,我们买了一个大蛋糕。我们举行了一个大型家庭聚会。 我们送给爷爷一些礼物,并说:“祝您生日快乐。” 下午我们去公园划船。 我们玩得很开心,爷爷过了一个愉快的生日。 It was Christmas Day yesterday. We had a Christmas party at school. Many friends of mine came to the party. After we said"Merry Christmas", we began to sing Christmas songs, such as Edelweiss, andso on. Then we told some Christmas stories, such as Christmas Father. Then I danced and laughted with my friends. We all had a good time. When the party came to the end,we said "Happy New Year" to each other. 昨天是圣诞节,我们在学校举办了圣诞晚会,我的许多朋友都来参加晚会。 我们互道“圣诞快乐”后,开始唱圣诞歌,像“雪绒花”等。然后我们讲圣诞故事,如“圣诞老人”等,我们都玩得很开心。 当晚会即将结束时,我们互祝“新年快乐”。 It was Christmas Day yesterday. I had a good time with my friends. We had a Christmas Party at school. We sang many Christmas songs and told some Christmas stories. We knew after Christmas the New Year was ing. So we said "Happy New Year" to each other. We made up our mind that we would study hard to make great progress in the ing year. 昨天是圣诞节,我和我的朋友过得很愉快。 我们在学校举办了圣诞晚会。我们唱了许多圣诞歌,讲了一些圣诞故事。 我们知道圣诞节后,新年即将来临,所以我们互祝“新年快乐”。我们下决心在即将来临的一年中努力学习,以取得更大的进步。 The bell rang and the class was over. The classroom became noisy. Some students went out of the classroom. I was just chatting with some of my clas *** ates when Li Hong came to me. She *** iled and said to me, "What"s four minus four? Do you know?" "It"s zero. That is easy." answered I. But Li Hong shook her head and said "It"s wrong. It"s eight." "Why? That"s impossible!" "You will understand if you cut down four corners of a desk." said Li Hong. "Is that a joke?" "Oh, yes." We all laughed. During the class break, we had a good rest. We often have a pleasant break. 铃一响,下课了。教室里热闹起来,一些学生出了教室。 当李红向我走来时,我正和一些同学聊天。她笑着对我说:“你知道4减4等于几吗?”我回答:“等于零,太简单了。” 但李红播着头说:“不对,是8。”“为什么?不可能。” 李红说:“你砍掉桌予的4个角,就明白了。”“这是笑话吗?”“唤,是的。” 我们都笑-了。课间我们放松了。 我们经常度过愉快的课间。 The bell rang and the class was over. Many clas *** ates jumped up from the seat. The classroom became noisy. Some students went out of the classroom while talking and laughing. Two girls were singing a song on their seats. Some boys were telling a joke loudly. They were laughing together. I was chatting with some clas *** ates when Li Hong came to me. She joined us. Our class break was often full of fun and laughter. We often have a pleasant break. 铃响了,下课了。 许多同学从座位上跳了起来,教室变得热闹起来。一些学生说着、笑着出了教室,两个女孩坐在座位上唱歌。 几个男生正在大声讲笑话,他们一起笑着。当李红走向我时,我正和几个同学聊天,她参加了进来。 我们的课间休息充满了乐趣和欢笑。我们经常度过愉快的课间休息。 My Happy Times During Winter Vacation I often go to see my grandma and grandpa during winter vacation. They are both seventy years old and live in the country happily. I can do many interesting things there. I am used to getting up early in the morning and breathing the fresh air in the countryside. After snow, I would like to skate and ski。 8. 用英语写一篇自我介绍作文,60词左右 Hello,everybody. My name is Lily from Shanghai . I"m a 13-year-old girl with long dark hair and I have a round face and o big bright eyes . At the same time ,I am tall and thin . I am outgoing and like playing the piano . I walk to school everyday and listen to the teacher carefully in class , so I always get good greads in all subjects . I can get on well with my clas *** ates and I am friendly to them . When they have any troubles , I often help them . Thank you for listening .。 9. 求英文60字介绍自己的作文 Introduce MyselfMy name is Li Hua. I was born in Dalian, Liaoning province in February 1977. I started school in 1984 when I was seven,and I studied in Guangming Primary School from 1984 to 1990. After that I went to No.6 Middle School of Dalian and graduated this summer.The main subjects ! studied at school included Chinese, Maths, English, Physics, Chemistry and Computer. I like English and Computer best and I am very good at them. Last year I won first prize in the school puter petition. In my spare time I enjoy listening to popular music and collecting stamps. My favourite sports are swimming in summer and skating in winter。 10. 英语作文:自我介绍,60字左右 How to Protect Your Eyes It is important for everyone to keep good eyesight. But do you know how to protect your eyesight? First, don"t keep your eyes working for a long time. You"d better have a rest by looking in the long distance after you have studied an hour or so. Second, pay attention to the following: Don"t read in the sun or in a poor light; don"t read in bed or in a moving bus. And when you read you should keep the book away from your eyes for about a foot. And third, do eye-exercises every day. It will also help you keep good eyesight. If you obey the rules above, I think, you may prevent your eyesight from being short-sighted.
2023-07-27 03:21:561


  在学习、工作乃至生活中,大家都跟作文打过交道吧,作文是人们以书面形式表情达意的言语活动。相信写作文是一个让许多人都头痛的问题,以下是我收集整理的英语话题作文7篇,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。 英语话题作文 篇1   My Childhood   I"d like to tell you something about my childhood. When I was six years old, I was a lovely girl!   One day, my father saw some fish in the river, so he asked me, “Why can fish only live in water?” I thought about it, then I gave him the answer, “Because there are some cats on the bank.” My father laughed when he heard that. Then he said, “You are smart!” I was happy to hear that.   Maybe you will say, “It"s a funny answer.” Now, I think, it is very interesting. And now I am smart. My parents love me very much. I am so happy to have that childhood.   我的童年   我想告诉你一些关于我的童年。当我六岁的时候,我是一个可爱的女孩!   一天,爸爸在河里看见了一些鱼,他问我:“为什么鱼只能活在水里?“我想了一下,我就给了他答案,”银行里有一些猫,“我爸爸听到那个时候就笑了。”。然后他说:“你是聪明的!“我很高兴听到这个。   也许你会说,“这是一个有趣的答案。”现在,我想,它是非常有趣的。现在我很聪明。我的父母非常爱我。我很高兴能有这样的童年。 英语话题作文 篇2   I am an ordinary person, I have an ordinary dream: Is a doctor.   Because doctor may let these experience personally the human which the indisposition suffers to get rid of the pain.   May let the human change the health. At the same time, I believed that, will help others, own also to be able to obtain joyfully. Therefore, I hoped future I might be a doctor.   我是一个平凡的人,我有一个平凡的梦想:做一名医生。   因为医生可以让那些身受病痛折磨的人摆脱痛苦。可以让人变得健康。   同时,我认为,帮助了别人,自己也将会得到快乐。所以,我希望未来我可以做一个医生。 英语话题作文 篇3   高考英语作文:高考英语话题作文范文 有关“跨文化”   摘要: 高考英语话题作文:有关 跨文化 例:假设你叫李华,你的外国朋友John想了解中国的春节,请根据以下提纲,给他写一封短信: 1、春节在中国人中的地位 2、春节前,人们 3、春节期间,人们 参考词汇:对联couplet 爆   高考英语话题作文:有关跨文化   例:假设你叫李华,你的外国朋友John想了解中国的春节,请根据以下提纲,给他写一封短信:   1、春节在中国人中的地位   2、春节前,人们……   3、春节期间,人们……参考词汇:对联couplet 爆竹firecracker Dear John,   How time flies! Four moths have passed since we saw each other last time. I cannot helpbut miss you. You asked me about Chinese Spring Festival. Now I would like to tell yousomething about it.The Spring Festival is a Chinese traditional festival. It is the most important and enjoyable one. A few days before the festival, houses are cleaned and red couplets are put up on the doors of every household. They are said to frighten away the ghosts. On that day, people are dressed up. Firecrackers ring out in the air, which adds to the atmosphere of the festival. People after a year"s hard work begin to relax and visit one another. Presents and dinners are given to celebrate the happy reunion of friends and relatives. Families get together. They have jiaozi and enjoy the New Year TV show. Customs may vary from place to place, but the same happy atmosphere is to be found everywhere in the country.   Now, I hope you have some idea of Chinese Spring Festival.   Best wishes,   Yours,   Li Hua 英语话题作文 篇4    1.高中英语作文:英语的重要性   1. The iprtance f English rests with the language being used in st cuntries in the wrld as a cunicating tl. Fr exaple, a Geran and a Chinese can"t spea ppsite side"s language, but the bth nw English. And then there is n prble between their language cunicatin. We ust nw the iprtance and learn the language earnestl.   The e t learn English well is t recite wrds. Wrds are the brics f language building.Onl eeping the in ur ind, can we aster the. T learn English well,we need t listen re English bradcast and cntact with re freingers s that we can practise ur listening cprehansin. Onl in this wa, can we stud fr the purpse f applicatin   (参考译文]   英语的重要性在于,它被世界上大多数国家作为语言交流的工具。例如一个德国人和一个中国人彼此都不会讲对方的语言,但他们都懂英语,于是他们之间的语言交流就不成问题。我们每个人都能够认识它的重要性,都能够认真学习。   要想学好英语,关键是背单词。单词是语言大厦的墙砖。认识了它们才能驾驭好他们。学好英语还要多听英语广播、多接触外国人,锻炼自己的听力,这样才能学有所用。    2.The Iprtance English-英语的.重要性   There can be n dubt that English is ne f the wrld"s st widel used languages. Peple use a language in ne f three was: as a native language, as a secnd language, r as a freign languge. English is spen as a native language b ver three handred illin peple in the United States, Britain, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, se caribbean cuntries and Suth Africa. As asecnd language, English is ften necessar fr fficial business, educatin, infratin and ther activities in an cuntries, it is ne f the few "wring" languages f the United Natins.   It is said that English has bece the language f internatinal trade and transprt. Mst pilts in planes travelling fr ne cuntr t anther use it t tal with airprts. All ships sailing n the ceans call fr help b radi in it. It has been said that 60 percent f the wrld"s radi brad casts and 70 percent f the wrld"s ail uses English. At internatinal sprts eets, and internatinal f scientists English is the language st cnl used and the st widel used.   English has in fact bece the language f internatinal cperatin is science and technlg. The st advanced resuits in space, nuclear and cputer research are published in it. A scientist wh speas and writes English is in clser tuch with the scientists in ther cuntries than ne wh desn"t.   (参考译文]   英语的重要性   毫无疑问,英语是世界上使用最广泛的语言之一。人们使用语言无非有三种情况:作为母语,作为第二语言,再就是作为一门外语。英语,作为母语,有3亿多人在使用。他们分别在美国、英国、澳大利亚、新西兰、加拿大还有一些加勒比海国家及南非等。作为第二语言,英语在很多国家的官方事务、教育、信息和其他活动中都是必不可少的。它是联合国仅用的几种工作语言之一。   人们说英语已经成为国际商贸和交通运输语言。大部分飞行于各国间的飞行员使用英语来与飞机场联络。在大洋上航行的轮船都用英语发出求救信号。据说世界上百分之六十的无线电广播和百分之七十的邮递业务用的是英语。在国际体育比赛中和国际科学家大会上,英语使用得   最多也最为广泛。   事实上,英语已成为国际科学技术合作的通用语。太空、核能及计算机方面最先进的研究成果都用英语来发表。会用英语交谈和写作的科学家比不会使用英语的科学家,与其他国家的同行们联系要密切得多    3..学习英语的重要性   English is the st ppular language in the wrld, and it is als st widel spen f all the language. It is ther tngue in an iprtant cuntries, such as the USA,England, Australia and s n. In India, Thugh it is nt the ther tngue, it ‘sthe iprtant ffical language.   In China, English is spen as an iprtant and useful freign language. The 20xx Olpics will be hsted in Beiing. Man freigners will ce t China. We shuld tr ur best t serve the Olpics. Fr exaple, we can help the freign visitrs if we learn English well. 英语话题作文 篇5   Because before you go out to play in the morning, mother will buy the ingredients for rice porridge, soaking in the water in advance, mother said that cooking fast. So, got home at noon, you can cook on the drink. The laba festival to eat is rich! And I most like to eat braise in soy sauce meat ~ children generally like to eat meat!!!! Oh, mom and dad don"t want to say them, because in the long body, eating well is the key!   Today is the laba festival, ask good friends and rice pudding? Very sweet? Ha ha. Who didn"t drink I ask you to drink oh ~ home cooked a big pot of today!   In the morning we went out to play, my father and mother do for a long time of car, a bit does not adapt, (we have a little carsick, ah! Lying in the bed as soon as he got home. In the morning to go out and take some photos, but for some reason, didn"t, in a scenery is not very good, anyway have no green in winter. 英语话题作文 篇6   假如你是李华,你的笔友Mike从电视上得知前段时间北京多个地方出现雾霾(haze),非常担心,写E-mail询问有关情况,请回复。回复应包括以下要点:   1.实况描述;   2.对生活造成的影响;   3.成因简析与教训;   4.你个人的情况。   要求:1.词数100-120;   2.email的开头与结尾已给出,不计入总词数。   Dear Mike,   Thank you very much for your concern. ___________________________________   ______________________________________________________________________   Regards!   Yours,   Li Hua   参考范文:   One possible version:   Dear Mike,   Thank you very much for your concern. Last months several places in Beijing were blanketed with thick yellow fog. Everything around disappeared from oursight. Some highways were closed. Traffic jams were commonly seen in the streets. Many people, especially children and seniors, even found it difficult to breathe. As a result, local hospitals were crowded with people who had problems with their noses and lungs. Part of the cause was the dry weather, but the severely damaged environment contributed a lot to this nightmare. Personally I didn"t get any health problems in the haze because I stayed mostly indoors.But to make a significant change we really have to do more to protect our environment. To live a better life we have to push on with the economy, but it wound be meaningless if we have to achieve it at the cost of our breathing air.   Regards!   Yours,Li Hua 英语话题作文 篇7   As is shown above, in the middle of the cartoon stands + 主题词,which symbolizes + 主题词的另一种表达,+ 同位语即主题词第三种表达 + 表示主题词动作的非谓语动词. The drawer‘s intention seems to be highly self-evident and the meaning causes us to be thought-provoking. It is therefore safe to draw the conclusion that + 主题词 + is not a blessing but a curse.   Not only I, but also the best poets and philosophers also insist that the problem has long plagued the people‘s social life. Obviously, I can think of no better reasons for the question other than the following two. Initially, human being" s fearless curiosity about everything new has led some of them into this marsh. Additionally, our education in the harmfulness of this issue has been far from adequate to build the individuals "sound resistance to this issue. Just as an old Arab proverb has it, there is a growing tendency for the public in the west to think the significance of + 主题词.   From what has been discussed above, the most important thing is not to say, but instead to do. Chinese citizens are expected to enhance their awareness that it is an indispensable part for the construction of harmonious society. The local and central authorities, not only chinese but also foreign ones, in coordination, are obliged to do something useful, only through these action can have a glorious future.
2023-07-27 03:22:151


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2023-07-27 03:22:341


社会科学前沿》(Advances in Social Sciences)是汉斯出版社一本关注社会学领域最新进展的国际中文期刊,主要刊登人类社会各种现象和社会学理论,包括经济、文化、历史等社会学学术论文和成果报道及评述。本刊支持思想创新、学术创新,倡导科学,繁荣学术,集学术性、思想性为一体,旨在为了给世界范围内的社会科学研究者提供一个传播、分享和讨论社会科学领域内不同方向问题与发展的交流平台。ISSN Online: 2169-2564中国教图刊号: 932B0184基本信息中文名社会科学前沿出版周期双月刊类别科研学术期刊,社会科学语言中文主办单位汉斯出版社展开目录期刊领域经济学,政治学,法学,伦理学,历史学,社会学,心理学,教育学,管理学,人类学,民俗学,新闻学,传播学。发展历史检索《社会科学前沿》期刊已被以下数据库收录:全国期刊联合目录数据库(UNICAT)Cornell University LibraryGoogle ScholarSocial Science Research Network(SSRN)SHERPA/ROMEOVIP编委主编张增一 教授 中国科学院研究生院 (Prof. Zengyi, Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)编委会姜向群 教授 中国人民大学 (Prof. Xiangqun Jiang, Renmin University of China)王茂福 教授 华中科技大学 (Prof. Maofu Wang, Huazhong University of Science and Technology)唐盛明 教授 西伊利诺斯大学 (Prof. Shengming Tang, Western Illinois University)刘正 教授 东海大学 (Prof. Jeng Liu, Tung-Hai University)刘建宏 教授 澳门大学 (Prof. Jianhong Liu, University of Macau)印永翔 教授 国立师范大学 (Prof. Frank Ying, National Normal University)王广珍 教授 德克萨斯大学泛美分校 (Prof. Guang-zhen Wang, University of Texas – Pan American)孙树菡 教授 中国人民大学 (Prof. Shuhan Sun, Renmin University of China)黄智聪 教授 台湾政治大学 (Prof. Jr-Tsung Huang, National Chengchi University)黄瑞祺 教授 台北市中央研究院 (Prof. Ruey-Chyi Hwang, Academia Sinica, Taipei)邓正来 教授 复旦大学 (Prof. Zhenglai Deng, Fudan University)黄国鸿 教授 台湾嘉义大学 (Prof. Kuo-Hung Huang, National Chiayi University)文章1. 佛教发展现状调研报告—以邵阳地区为例The Research Report on the Current Status of Buddhism Development—Citing Shaoyang Prefecture as an Example黄 凯,李谦DOI:10.12677/ASS.2013.220032. 关于我国公共政策制定过程中公众参与机制的研究综述Research Review on Participation Mechanism in the Process of Chinese Public Policy李 玲DOI:10.12677/ASS.2013.220043. 北京佛教慈善组织与社会建设的关系探究The Buddhist Charitable Organizations and Social Construction Relationship赵 璐,冯波DOI:10.12677/ASS.2013.220054. 电子治理视角下公民电子政治参与形式及持续挑战The Forms and Continuing Challenges of Citizens E-Participation from the View of E-Governance
2023-07-27 03:24:152


I am a student,so as for me,school is a interesting place .I really enjoy it .For example ,I frenqent com municat together with the schoolmate.and play with them.I am very interesting.and my teacher is very nice .She is very to it is kindly to I like she very much.the school is filling with every day the voice laugh at the word vigorously.i really enjoy my school life .i hope everyone both enjoy your school life.
2023-07-27 03:24:271


student communicating
2023-07-27 03:24:362


types of the cars是问 车子种类 的翻译么
2023-07-27 03:24:452

英语的重要性 The Importance of English

Asthe deepening of globalization, English is increasingly important, especiallyfor those who municate with foreigners. For one thing, English is anessential tool to know the outside world. Nowadays, most information broadcastin English, especially the advanced information. For another, learning Englishwell, we can see a totally different world. For example, we can read originalnovels or enjoying English movies better. Sometimes, translation may eliminatethe essence of original languages. We even would develop a different way ofthinking, the English way, so different from Chinese way. In short, as amunicating tool, English plays an important role in our lives.,随着全球化的不断加深,英语显得十分重要,特别是对于那些要与外国人交流的人来说。一方面,英语是了解外界的必备因素。当今世界,大多数信心的传递都是通过英语这种语言形式来实现的,特别是先进的信息。另外,学好英语,我们能看到一个全新不同的世界。例如,我们可以更好地欣赏原著小说或是英语电影。有的时候,翻译可能会使源语言的精华得不到很好的展现。我们甚至还能培养一种不同的思维方式,用英语的思维去思考问题,这与中文的思维方式是不同的。简单来说,英语作为一种交流工具,在我们的生中扮演了重要的角色。
2023-07-27 03:24:531

可以给我写一篇关于 初中三年生活, 的英语作文 谢谢

 My three years" lives of junior school has been over.It brought me happiness and growth up.Among my lessons,my favorite lesson was enlish.I loved it,not noly it was a usefull tool in future but also it made me happy.In my spare time,I liked to call some friends to paly badmiton and I also comunicated with my classmates.Therefore,we had a good relationgship.Besids,my junior teacher impressed me deeply,she was kind and patient.I will remember my junior"life forever.  我三年的初中生活已经结束了。它给我带来的快乐和成长。在我的课中,我最喜欢的课程是英语。我喜欢它,不仅是在未来的一个有用的工具也让我很开心。在我的业余时间,我喜欢打电话给一些朋友打羽毛球我和我的同学们也进行了交流。因此,我们有良好的关系。另外,我初中的老师给我留下了深刻的印象,她是善良和耐心。我会永远记住我的初中生活。
2023-07-27 03:25:151


英语作文对大学生活的感受和规划,怎样去 many Hollywood producers e to China to seek for cooperation. 英语作文对大学生活的感受和规划,怎样去实现它 In the first semester in college, I didn"t relax and I still worked hard as I was in the senior school. I usually spent o hours in study at night and I went to the classroom forautonomous learning.But the difference is that I have many extracurricular activities. For example, I went to the English Corner regularly on Tuesday night, in which I could practice my spoken English and make friends with mon interests. 怎么没有人来回答这个问题呢,真纠结..! College life planning, familiar with the environment steps 1, adapt to college life. Should pay special attention to is a freshman psychological debugging problem. Psychological quality is the key to suess. Many new clas *** ates because of psychological preparation shortage, or high school time psychological problems didn"t get timely adjustments, which could not adapt to the new environment, interpersonal ability is poor, excessive inferiority and not enough confidence. How to let everybody adapt yourself to the new environment as soon as possible, out of confusion and confused? We believe that in addition to make sufficient preparation, but also learn outside doubt, self asses *** ent, correct orientation, to develop self-reliance and ability of self-dependence, learn to grasp myself. 2, aording to the life of university law determine the short and long term goals, develop a plan of action and content. Big karaokay pays great attention to the university of cognition and future career hypothesis, the sophomore emphatically the basic ability cultivation, junior emphatically career-oriented consideration, senior emphatically employment or one"s deceased father grind, etc. Of course learning has been should as the major. 3, aording to the plan of action choose ways and approaches. Aording to their long-term goals because of the person different, but in general to experience four periods: suit period, determining period, sprint period, graduation period. A grade to improve interpersonal munication skills, understanding this professional, especially their future thought is engaged in or praice professing career, abbreviation bo industry. Second-year for determination of the period, to improve their basic quality is given priority to, students are encouraged to attend such anization or societies, can start trying part-time, social practice activity, and should consider to be clear about the future study or employment, and whether began to selectively minor other professional knowledge enrichment oneself, abbreviation, general industry. Grade 3 is the sprint phase, near graduation, participate in relevant and professional job during the summer, and clas *** ates cover work experience, learning to write resume, application letter, understanding the collection of business information channel, and actively trying. In the subject you like to select one or several within specific field, and then further study for a year, the abbreviation employment. Fourth grade for the graduation period, at this moment, can be first in three previous years to do a summary, as far as possible, in preparation for sufficent cases cast drill. To truly internship, if have direct pany and work, then you can go to mend do, If not, you"ll find the most relevant panies and work. 对大学生活的体验英语作文500词 The first day of my university Look! There is a rainbow! On the first day of my university life, when I walked into the campus, there was a rainbow bridging over the fountain, I hadn"t seen rainbow for a long time. I was so excited, and leaped high with joy. My ponytail danced with my happiness. It was a propitious sign indicated that my life in university would be colorful, and actually it is! After my entry into university, I found my life so busy. What I should do is not only gaining the scholarship but also being a good monitor and leader of shanghai university percussion band. Time passes by.I"m 24,nearing.After six years primary,three years middle school,three years high school,three years specialist and o years undergraduate,finally,I have finished my student career.It is a long time,during these years,I laughted,cried,cheered and suffered.It is full of variety feelings.And now,I should be independent,notonly on economies,but also on thoughts. From our birth,we are rushing to death.Surprised?Think that,one day,you were old enough to go to the paradise.Wha t can you take with?The answer is:NOTING!Should we give up our live for this reason?No,we should live as happy as we can.Or,your parents must be sad.They are not young already.They give us lives.We should cherish at least.Right? Come on!Man!With our hands,we can live a happy life. 你对大学生活的感受是什么? 人说高中是黎明前的黑夜,闯过了这个黑暗阶段,就一片光明。可是突然冲出黑暗,被暴露在太阳下,却觉得有些刺眼,茫然不知所措 大学生活怎样减压英语作文 In today"s society, everyday we may face some kind of stress and difficulties from work, school or family. In order to escape them, people have different methods. Some read, some exercise, while others work in their gardens. From my point of view, I would like to use different ways aording to different stress. First, the stress from work and school maybe the most mon stress. In this circumstance, I like to listen to music, especially some inspiring music. When I appreciate it, I can transiently fet those unpleasant things and let my head sober. After listening to those inspiring music, I feel that I am full of encourage overing difficulities. Then I will calmly *** yse my circumstance and find the way to solve problems. If my stress es from my family or my friends( foe example, some misunderstanding and squabbles), I think that the best way to erase this stress is a sinere conversation. I will positively converse with my relatives and friends. I hope that I can know what is their opinion and also let them understand me. I feel that when we understand each other, all conflict will disappear. In a word, everyone can find the best way that is suitable for himself/herself. But conservation and appreciating music are the most suitable for me to erase stress. 英语作文 怎样丰富大学生活 what can we do and enrich our university life? when i came to university ,i found it"s really different from the high school life. i found i have a lot of free time to do what i like. what can i do ,you may wonder? now ,let me tell u. first i will take part in student"s union,it will train me in unicating ability. Second I will learn some art ,which I like. At last but not the least I will make the full use of the school resources,such as some research assisant work in lab,which is also quite a good way. 求一有关大学生活规划的英语作文,400字以上 For college students" advice, not the truth, but enough with you A student, don"t think you can get in you ever want. Working enthusia *** probably because you see some things and experiences, but also not be afraid. Do you have a freshman to inherit and is or continue to quit or decisions. Second, the university might have true love, but remember just impossible. Many people love because they envy or other reasons and together. So, not for any break up by too big, remember, too big, true love is worth pursuing. 3 if your family in general, so remember you in university has many unexpected places. Money, As o professional classes, or in the future for all of your family and your own future, always don"t money. Remember, always. 你对你目前生活的感受是什么 英语作文 要与大学生活有关的 What do you feel about your present life? 晕,刚帮小朋友写完一篇,这篇也太长了。。。都大学了,还不会自己写英语?怎么参加工作呢? 未来大学生活的英语作文怎么写,70字左右 My college life It is four years since I came into my college. I have to say that my college life was so wonderful, although in some aspects I failed. I love the campus, in which the lanscape was so beautiful and the study atomasphere was so good, we always studyed there along with relaxation. I majored in Marketing, it was a good speciality for its feature of operating and exercise. I knowed if I wanted to do something and bee some one, I have to take my theory knowledge into every practice and summerize in time. So I joined in some parties inner the campus to excercise myself much, in fact we had to do more practice to apply our knowledge to the work which was similar to that in our future. Some people said that four- year study could not bring us much, but could bring us a mind for thinking and operating. I agreed it. We could not get everything in our college, what possible was that we were albe to learn how to think about an issue, how to find a way for it, the next step needs us to go by ourselves. That"s Ok, even we can only get this, it is enough for us. So prcticing more with a good mind will make my future possible.
2023-07-27 03:25:271


2023-07-27 03:25:351

英语作文以"初中三年在学校的美好回忆"写一篇作文80词 带翻译

2023-07-27 03:25:452


1. 视听说对我的帮助英语作文 In the past,Learning English is really difficult for me. When I began to study English o years ago,I couldn"t understand the teacher when she talked to the class in English.Then I started to watch English-language TV.It helped me a lot.Later on,I found that it doesn"t matter if you don"t understand every word.Also I was afraid to speak in class,and I couldn"t make plete sentences.So I decided to do more writing and speaking.I took lots of grammar notes in class.I spoke English to anyon who knew English.Now I"m enjoying learning English and I got an A this term. 学英语对我来说真是很难. 两年前,当我开始学习英语时,我听不懂老师用英语说的话.然后我就看电视上的英语节目,这对我帮助很大.后来我发现,听不懂老师说的每一个词也没关系.还有,我上课不敢开口讲,而且我还造不成完整的句子.于是我决定做更多的说和写的训练.我上课记了好多语法笔记.我跟任何懂英语的人讲英语.现在我享受到了学英语的乐趣,这学期我得了A 2. 谁能帮忙写一篇1600字的论文啊 关于英语视听说上机感想的 急啊 英语上机总结 我觉得这一次的英语上机学习比以前大一的难度有了加强,不过我觉得这是好事.因为我将学到更多的英语知识,更有利于提高我的英语成绩.下面我对我在上机学习方面作一些总结. 从总体来说,我觉得我学习英语的能力有了很大的提高,对学习英语也有了很大的兴趣,学习更加主动.比如说,我以前读英语都是默读的,现在每天早上我读开口大声读英语了. 从听力方面来看,听力一直是我的弱项.不过通过对比以前的听力成绩来看我有了很大的提高.通过上机的练习,我发现了我的弱点,这样我在课以的时候也常常做一些听力的训练.我的听力不足之处就是有时候听出单词但不会写,另外在语速快的地方跟不上.我希望自己以后能在这两方面加强从而有所提高. 在词汇方面,我觉得我从上机中学到很多新的单词.上机时我常常可以看到很多词意相同的或相似的单词.我通过对比加强了记忆.不过在学习单词时我总觉得我记得不是很牢固,不过我相信主要我坚持不懈我还是会有提高的. 语法方面,我觉得我有了很大的改变,最起码来说我在学习方法上有了很大的改变.以前我认为语法要背出来,所以常常背语法书,但是还是记不住,不会用.我觉得上机学习语法很生动很易懂.通过一些图示,有利于我加强记忆,通过例句有利于我加强运用. 我以前的英语发音我觉得我没有什么问题的,不过通过上机的拼写,我发现自己有一些音标发音不是很标准.通过这一个阶段的学习,我有了一定的提高.我以后会更加注意自己在这方面的训练.我觉得我应该多与同学交流一些关于英语发音的技巧,以更有利与自己的提高. 这次英语上机的内容很多,要求也很高.在这学习的过程中我重做了几次,不过我觉得这更有利于我完全掌握这一单元的知识.在十二个单元的学习中,虽然成绩不是很高,都是在83分左右.不过这都我在认真学习之后得来的.在这么难的题目里拿到这个分数,将更有利于加强我学习英语的信心. 还有我觉得我要感谢英语老师.她每次都按时到上机地点为我们改作文,为我解决在学习中遇到的一些问题.我觉得我们应该拿出自己最好得成绩来回报她的.在此我想对你说:“您辛苦了”. 通过一个学期的学习,我发现了自己各个方面得不足,也了解了自己得长处.不足得我将在以后的学习中改正,对于长处我会坚持发扬.我以后会从学习英语的时间和听力及词汇等各个方面加强.我会花更多的时间在英语上,例如坚持每天早读,每周写作文等,争取早日过四级.我相信我主要坚持不懈,我的英语会越来越好的. 3. 求一篇提高英语听说能力的方法的作文,不要太长,水平只要是高中 Rome isn"t built one day,so I think insisting on practising is the key to succeed.first of all,you should listen to the English tape or radio programmes as often as you can, and try to write down what they said following the tape.and you can watch some english movies .for the first step you can just watch cartoons and make films more difficult as time goes by. interms of speaking,i advise you to read more and try to municate with native speakers,don"t be afraid of making mistakes.and just imagie you "re in spoken-english country and even force yourself to express your opinion in English.hope you can make it! 4. 写一篇关于英语晚会提高学生英语听说能力得英语作文 办公室,7:10月23日Attentiion:歌曲,Sat.2 building:提高学生英语听说能力,还有美籍教师讲演;地点, dancing ,203室,周六,晚上7点:00pm Address、英语剧等;内容: lecture Hall of the No: improving spoken English of the students,English drama and Presentation by our English teachers from United State:2号教学楼的报告厅: office 203(student union) 提示. Content: English song:时间;报名地点. purpose. Address of registration:time:October 23th、舞蹈;目的。 5. 以TELEVISION为题写一篇英文作文 Television brought us will be pleased to see the program, let us see growth, broaden our horizons and enrich our cultural life, modern society is an important media. But because many young people watch TV for a long time, the impact of the study, rest periods, resulting in physical and mental health hazards. Long watching television, will lead to cervical disease waist. Jin low back muscles because of the long-term in a high state of tension, if the TV display a high degree of inappropriate, incorrect posture, it will cause cervical pain, Suan Zhang, a long time, can lead to cervical disease or cervical spondylosis of the original increase. Long watching television, damage eyesight, have a “television eye.“ As follows: optic nerve fatigue, Shiwumohu, Suanzhang eye, vision loss. Go on for a long time, they can cause permanent vision to reduce, the formation of myopia. TV chief cause of obesity. Sat motionless long-term, low energy consumption, particularly some young people like candy while watching television, snack cakes and so on, making it much easier to get fat people. 。 Long watching TV harm, it should be more than this. Anything indulgence is not helpful. TV gives us the knowledge and misuse of music, but Chenmian which will be more harm than good. In the United States, experts began to realize that watching TV is being a long lazy, do not like to use their brains. In the course of time so that young people are thinking is limited, and its impact on people"s ability to exchange and the lack of creativity, so long watching television in the largest negative psychological impact that is easy to curb your imagination. We know that a person"s development and progress can not be separated from his imagination. Listening to the radio, read 6. 以这段话为主题写一篇英语作文 How can we be a confident person As we all know ,Confidence is very important.With the confidence,we can do things well.But without them,we will do things badly.So how can we be a confident person?Here are some advice. First,you should believe in yourself.It"s very neccessary.As you do a thing,you should tell youself"It"s a just a tiny case(这只是小case),I believe I can do it well." Second,you shouldn"t be afraid of difficulty.When we face difficulty,we will hide ourselves in a place withou difficulty.It isn" a good way.If you always do so ,you won"t succeed.We should tell us:"Be brave!It is no use hiding." The last is that whatever someone says,you should have your own idea.Your own idea will lead you to a road that you really want. That"s all,if you take the advice above,I believe,you will be a confident man soon. 7. 以一堂英语课为主题写一篇日记用英语写 一节有趣的英语课 An interesting English lesson 今天,我们上了一节非常有趣的英语课。 Today, we had a very interesting English lesson. 上课 *** 响了,陈老师却带着各种各样的食品和饮料走进教室,我既惊喜又好奇,心里砰砰地跳,想:出什么事了,上英语课干什么要带这些东西来呢? When the bell rang, Chen took a variety of food and drink into the classroom, I was very surprised and curious, heart thumping, like: what happened, what the English want to take these things? 只见陈老师宣布了今天要玩的游戏规则,要求一个同学走到讲台上闻出咖啡、橘子汁、茶、牛奶……等等的味道,用英文说出它的名字,说对了,就可以任意选一样自己喜欢的饮料喝。就这样一个个同学都美美地喝到了饮料,可一直没有轮到我。 Chen saw announced today to play the game rules, ask a student went to the podium to *** ell Coffee, orange juice, tea, milk。。 And so the taste, name it with English, right, you can arbitrarily choose as your love drink. So the students one by one nice drink to drink, has not my turn. 不一会儿第一个游戏结束,陈老师又开始和我们玩第二个游戏,老师请一位同学上台和老师对话,如果对话很流利的话,也可以获得一份奖品。又一个个同学得到奖品了。终于,轮到我了。我怀着激动的心情走上讲台,和老师对话了一番,最后,得到了cake,我开心地跑下了讲台。 After a while the first game ended, Chen started to play our second game, the teacher invited a dialogue students and teachers came to power, if the dialogue is very good, can also get a prize. After all students receive prizes. Finally, it was my turn. I am excited to the podium, and teachers a lot of dialogue, finally, get the cake, I"m happy to run down the platform. 这节课真有趣,它在同学们的笑声中很快结束了。 This class is really interesting, it quickly at the end of the students laugh. 自己加上日记的格式吧 8. 以学习英语的重要性为主题写一篇400字的论文 原文: The Importance of English As the deepening of globalization, English is increasingly important, especially for those who municate with foreigners. For one thing, English is an essential tool to know the outside world. Nowadays, most information broadcast in English, especially the advanced information. For another, learning English well, we can see a totally different world. For example, we can read original novels or enjoying English movies better. Sometimes, translation may eliminatethe essence of original languages. We even would develop a different way of thinking, the English way, so different from Chinese way. In short, as am。 learning English well,我们可以更好地欣赏原著小说或是英语电影, English is increasingly important, English plays an important role in our lives. For example,英语显得十分重要, translation may eliminatethe essence of original languages: The Importance of English As the deepening of globalization. In short,用英语的思维去思考问题,这与中文的思维方式是不同的,在我们的生中扮演了重要的角色。一方面. For one thing,特别是先进的信息. Nowadays, English is an essential tool to know the outside world,翻译可能会使源语言的精华得不到很好的展现,我们能看到一个全新不同的世界,英语是了解外界的必备因素, most information broadcast in English: 英语的重要性 随着全球化的不断加深, as amunicating tool, especially the advanced information,特别是对于那些要与外国人交流的人来说。另外。有的时候。例如. For another. We even would develop a different way of thinking, we can see a totally different world。当今世界, we can read original novels or enjoying English movies better,英语作为一种交流工具原文, the English way. Sometimes, especially for those who municate with foreigners, so different from Chinese way. 作文翻译。简单来说。我们甚至还能培养一种不同的思维方式,学好英语,大多数信息的传递都是通过英语这种语言形式来实现的 9. 以英语的重要性为题写一篇70词的英语作文 The Importance of English As the deepening of globalization, English is increasingly important, especially for those who municate with foreigners. For one thing, English is an essential tool to know the outside world. Nowadays, most information broadcast in English, especially the advanced information. For another, learning English well, we can see a totally different world. For example, we can read original novels or enjoying English movies better. Sometimes, translation may eliminatethe essence of original languages. We even would develop a different way of thinking, the English way, so different from Chinese way. In short, as amunicating tool, English plays an important role in our lives. 作文翻译: 英语的重要性 随着全球化的不断加深,英语显得十分重要,特别是对于那些要与外国人交流的人来说。 一方面,英语是了解外界的必备因素。当今世界,大多数信息的传递都是通过英语这种语言形式来实现的,特别是先进的信息。 另外,学好英语,我们能看到一个全新不同的世界。例如,我们可以更好地欣赏原著小说或是英语电影。 有的时候,翻译可能会使源语言的精华得不到很好的展现。我们甚至还能培养一种不同的思维方式,用英语的思维去思考问题,这与中文的思维方式是不同的。 简单来说,英语作为一种交流工具,在我们的生中扮演了重要的角色。
2023-07-27 03:26:051

英语作文以"初中三年在学校的美好回忆"写一篇作文80词 带翻译

itute in Be verly
2023-07-27 03:26:153


1. 自我介绍英语作文六十字 Hello,everybody! My name is Han .I am from the city. I studied in No. 4 Middle School in the past three years,during which I have been very fond of and good at English and Chinese ever since.The teachers I like most are Mr. Cheng, Miss Li, and Miss Gao. My hobbies include swimming in summer,skating in winter as well as reading novels and listening to music in my spare time. I am a warm-hearted girl. I like unicating with others and making more friends.I am out-going. I have many good friends. I am glad to be one of you. Let"s be friends,OK? Thank you! 2. 自我介绍的英语作文(不少于60字) Introduce myself Hi,everyone!My name is***.I"m **** years old.I study in ****** school.I have a happy famliy.There are five people in my fanily. They are my father,my mother,my grandfather,my grandmother and I. I love them very much.My favorite food is meat and vegetables.And I like apples,watermelons,bananas and oranges.My favorite subject is English.Because I think it"s very interseting. Thank you! 你如果要删除一些也行,我这个已经超过60字了!100-120左右 3. 英文60字介绍自己的作文 hello,everyone,my name is 。 ,i am fiftheen,i like singging,dancing,i have a long hair,big eyes and *** all mouce,i am a openning girl,i study english evry morning,like listenning news,read some english book,and some time i will talk to my parents with english ,this makes me control english new words very fast,and i can use this chance to change my english grammar,that is all ,thank you。 4. 【英语作文自我介绍带翻译60 这些句子你应该用得上,你可以根据需要和实际情况修改.To introduce myself(介绍我自己)Hello,every one!(大家好)My name is **** . (我叫****)I"m a 15 years old boy. (我是一个15岁的男孩)(具体情况自己改)I live in the beautiful city of Rizhao.(我住在美丽的Rizhao城)(你可以把Rizhao改成自己家乡的城市的名称的拼音)I"m an active ,lovely and clever boy.(我是一个活跃的可爱的聪明的男孩)In the school , my favourite subject is maths . (在学校,我最喜欢数学)Perhaps someone thinks it"s difficult to study well .(也许有些人认为这很难学)But I like it.(但我喜欢他)I belivethat if you try your best, everything can be done well.(我相信每件事付出努力就会有害结果)I also like sports very much.(我也很喜欢运动)Such as,running,volleyball and so on. (像跑步、排球等等)I"m kind-hearted.(我很热心)If you need help ,please e to me.(如果你需要帮助,就来找我)I hope we can be good friends!(我希望我们能成为好朋友)OK.This is me .A sunny boy/girl.(好了,这就是我,一个阳光男/女孩) 采纳是我前进的动力~如果您觉得满意,可以点击“采纳为满意答案”哦。 5. 求英文60字介绍自己的作文 Introduce MyselfMy name is Li Hua. I was born in Dalian, Liaoning province in February 1977. I started school in 1984 when I was seven,and I studied in Guangming Primary School from 1984 to 1990. After that I went to No.6 Middle School of Dalian and graduated this summer.The main subjects ! studied at school included Chinese, Maths, English, Physics, Chemistry and Computer. I like English and Computer best and I am very good at them. Last year I won first prize in the school puter petition. In my spare time I enjoy listening to popular music and collecting stamps. My favourite sports are swimming in summer and skating in winter。 6. 写一篇自我介绍的英语作文 50 Hello everybody!My name is Gao Pinhui,i an 13 years old,i am a student of Grade eight ,it is really a great honor to have this opportunity for a interview. My hobby is playing the electronic an.Because playing it will bring me a lot of fun and i can fell very happy when playing it.I hope that everyone would like me and i believe i can get on well with you.Thank you!应该不止50字了,自己删减一下吧。 大家好,我叫高品惠,l六年级,很荣幸有这个机会向大家介绍我自己。我的爱好是弹电子琴,因为它能带给我很多快乐趣,并且当我弹电子琴的时候会感到很快乐。希望大家能够喜欢我。我相信我能和大家相处的很好,谢谢。 7. 自我介绍英语60字 从姓名,年龄,外貌,性格,爱好等方面去些如: My name is Li Lei. I am elve years old. I am a middle school student. I am tall and thin with a pair of glasses. I am friendly and generous. Sometimes I am funny. I like telling jokes and reading stories. I often go hiking with my parents on weekends. In summer I like swimming and in winter I like skating and skiing. I am good at all my subjets. I can always get on well with others so people around me like me very much.祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*) 不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢。 8. 求个英文自我介绍的作文,60个词左右 Me Hello, everybody ! My name is Kevin Bill。 I am from a beautiful country- China。 I am a 15-year- old boy from FuJian。 I am tall and thin。 I like talking with my friends in English ,surfing the Inter , playing badmintoon。 My favorite activity is watching American edies 。They always make me laugh and they are so interesting。 If you are free, you can watch them。They are also can make you laugh。 9. 一个英语作文,介绍自己的60词左右 1, Hi! My name is lisa.I am elve years old. I am a good student. And I am a girl . I am not handsome but I am very lovely .I am study in 。 shool. The shool is very good and beautiful.I like it very much. I have big eyes andmy ears are big too. But my nose and mouse are *** I look like lovely. My favorite sport is play basketball and table tennis I think health is very importante.And I hope you healthy2, My name is Li Rong , is a Class One Grade Six student of Hongshan elementary school. I like dancing,performing, managing, and singing! The hobbies are much more. I have written a good character, obtains teacher"s performance frequently. From the first grade, I has been being various branches group leader. I had obtained many certificates,and have published many articles. Hoped that my performance can make you to satisfy! Hoped thatmy name can keep in your heart!。
2023-07-27 03:26:251


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2023-07-27 03:26:4412


My three years" lives of junior school has been over.It brought me happiness and growth up.Among my lessons,my favorite lesson was enlish.I loved it,not noly it was a usefull tool in future but also it made me happy.In my spare time,I liked to call some friends to paly badmiton and I also comunicated with my classmates.Therefore,we had a good relationgship.Besids,my junior teacher impressed me deeply,she was kind and patient.I will remember my junior"life forever.我三年的初中生活已经结束了。它给我带来的快乐和成长。在我的课中,我最喜欢的课程是英语。我喜欢它,不仅是在未来的一个有用的工具也让我很开心。在我的业余时间,我喜欢打电话给一些朋友打羽毛球我和我的同学们也进行了交流。因此,我们有良好的关系。另外,我初中的老师给我留下了深刻的印象,她是善良和耐心。我会永远记住我的初中生活。
2023-07-27 03:27:101

Windows XP系统内置的浏览器软件是( )。A.Internet ExplorerB.OutLook Express

2023-07-27 03:28:071


iends to paly badmiton and I also comunicated with m
2023-07-27 03:28:346


米曲霉 【Aspergillus oryzae】 黄曲菌(黄麴霉)。 代表日本的菌。长于淀粉的糖化,在制造酒、味噌、酱油等时使用。时常站在泽木惣右卫门直保的肩头,激励他或者吐槽。 乳酸乳球菌 【Streptococcus lactis】 乳酸菌。 加工牛奶时使用,酸奶和乳酪里会有。乳酸发酵的发起人,感觉就像特攻队。 短乳杆菌 【Lactobacillus brevis】 乳酸菌。 与腌制食品和韩国泡菜之类发酵相关的植物性乳酸菌。无论是制作腌菜还是照看小孩,都放心交给brevis吧。 植物乳杆菌 【Lactobacillus plantarumvis】 乳酸菌。 用蔬菜和谷类等作为原料制成发酵食品,寄生在植物上的乳酸菌。韩国泡菜每1克就可能有10亿个植物乳杆菌。植物性乳酸菌。 乳杆菌 【Lactobacillus yogurt】 乳酸菌。 头顶丁髷,满嘴「ござる」*1,日本产酸奶里常用。不过从不说「ナリよ」*2。 *1 [ござる] 敬语/古语也用。 枯草杆菌 【Bacillus subtilis】 枯草菌。 我们很强,不会自己向其他菌言败。喜欢淀粉食品和鱼肉料理。土壤菌的一种。 双歧乳杆菌【Bifidobacterium bifidum】 双歧杆菌的一种。 对很多人来说都是有益的。喝了酸奶后,它们生成的维他命B6和叶酸会使皮肤的活动变得活跃。 粪肠球菌 【Enterococcus faecalis】 乳酸菌。 常驻健康人类的肠道。腌制品里常有,最近它的效用受到了注目,所以它也变得引人注目起来。 幼套球囊霉【Glomus etunicatum】 VA菌根中的一种。 VA表示像根一样共生的形状,种类繁多,与地球上十分之八的植物共存。 野油菜黄单胞菌【Xanthomonas campestris】 土壤菌。 会用在高尔夫球场整理草坪时用的除草剂里。登场于农大公共用地里的实习林。 一株戊糖片球菌 【Pediococcus pentosaceus】 乳酸菌。 韩国泡菜里每1克就有8亿只。在腌制蔬菜方面大活跃。耐盐性很强,可以做出独特的风味。植物性乳酸菌。 软腐病菌【Erwinia carotovora】 软腐菌。 素食主义者,也喜欢水果。会从植物的伤口入侵,使植物的根或茎腐烂,患上软腐病。土壤菌。 干酪乳杆菌 【Lactobacillus casei】 乳酸菌。 有使人体内的killerT细胞活性化的能力。某乳酸菌饮料的广告中颇为眼熟的“L casei菌株”正是此菌的同类。 嗜酸乳杆菌 【Lactobacillus Acidophilus】 乳酸菌。 常驻肠内的好人菌代表。减少坏人菌,有益您的健康。 长双歧杆菌 【Bifidobacterium longum】 乳酸菌。 据说有整肠作用,常驻健康人的肠道。也可使牛奶发酵,制成乳酸饮料。 纳豆杆菌【Bacillus natto】 纳豆菌。 如大家所知,是将大豆变成纳豆的菌。不管是在冰点之下还是在沸腾的汤中,都元气十足。 苏云金杆菌 【Bacillus thuringiensis】 Bt菌。 拥有杀虫能力,也参与农药制造,但它的毒素对胃液是酸性的人类来说是无效的,尽可放心。
2023-07-27 03:28:501

英语作文 介绍John六句话以上

John is from the USA but he lives in China now. He is good at sports and he often play with friends on weekends.He likes Chinese food very much. He usually learn how to cook Chinese food from his mother.Now he is learning Chinese from his Chinese teacher. He looks so serious. It seems he is looking forward to commmunicating with Chinese friends and making new friends.
2023-07-27 03:29:002


米曲霉 【Aspergillus oryzae】 黄曲菌(黄麴霉)。 代表日本的菌。长于淀粉的糖化,在制造酒、味噌、酱油等时使用。时常站在泽木惣右卫门直保的肩头,激励他或者吐槽。 乳酸乳球菌 【Streptococcus lactis】 乳酸菌。 加工牛奶时使用,酸奶和乳酪里会有。乳酸发酵的发起人,感觉就像特攻队。 短乳杆菌 【Lactobacillus brevis】 乳酸菌。 与腌制食品和韩国泡菜之类发酵相关的植物性乳酸菌。无论是制作腌菜还是照看小孩,都放心交给brevis吧。 植物乳杆菌 【Lactobacillus plantarumvis】 乳酸菌。 用蔬菜和谷类等作为原料制成发酵食品,寄生在植物上的乳酸菌。韩国泡菜每1克就可能有10亿个植物乳杆菌。植物性乳酸菌。 乳杆菌 【Lactobacillus yogurt】 乳酸菌。 头顶丁髷,满嘴「ござる」*1,日本产酸奶里常用。不过从不说「ナリよ」*2。 *1 [ござる] 敬语/古语也用。 枯草杆菌 【Bacillus subtilis】 枯草菌。 我们很强,不会自己向其他菌言败。喜欢淀粉食品和鱼肉料理。土壤菌的一种。 双歧乳杆菌【Bifidobacterium bifidum】 双歧杆菌的一种。 对很多人来说都是有益的。喝了酸奶后,它们生成的维他命B6和叶酸会使皮肤的活动变得活跃。 粪肠球菌 【Enterococcus faecalis】 乳酸菌。 常驻健康人类的肠道。腌制品里常有,最近它的效用受到了注目,所以它也变得引人注目起来。 幼套球囊霉【Glomus etunicatum】 VA菌根中的一种。 VA表示像根一样共生的形状,种类繁多,与地球上十分之八的植物共存。 野油菜黄单胞菌【Xanthomonas campestris】 土壤菌。 会用在高尔夫球场整理草坪时用的除草剂里。登场于农大公共用地里的实习林。 一株戊糖片球菌 【Pediococcus pentosaceus】 乳酸菌。 韩国泡菜里每1克就有8亿只。在腌制蔬菜方面大活跃。耐盐性很强,可以做出独特的风味。植物性乳酸菌。 软腐病菌【Erwinia carotovora】 软腐菌。 素食主义者,也喜欢水果。会从植物的伤口入侵,使植物的根或茎腐烂,患上软腐病。土壤菌。 干酪乳杆菌 【Lactobacillus casei】 乳酸菌。 有使人体内的killerT细胞活性化的能力。某乳酸菌饮料的广告中颇为眼熟的“L casei菌株”正是此菌的同类。 嗜酸乳杆菌 【Lactobacillus Acidophilus】 乳酸菌。 常驻肠内的好人菌代表。减少坏人菌,有益您的健康。 长双歧杆菌 【Bifidobacterium longum】 乳酸菌。 据说有整肠作用,常驻健康人的肠道。也可使牛奶发酵,制成乳酸饮料。 纳豆杆菌【Bacillus natto】 纳豆菌。 如大家所知,是将大豆变成纳豆的菌。不管是在冰点之下还是在沸腾的汤中,都元气十足。 苏云金杆菌 【Bacillus thuringiensis】 Bt菌。 拥有杀虫能力,也参与农药制造,但它的毒素对胃液是酸性的人类来说是无效的,尽可放心。 阴沟肠杆菌 【Enterobacter cloacae】 土壤菌。 存在于水、土壤和肠道内。对健康的人没有坏处,但如果在病院内感染它则可能会产生问题。 哈茨木霉 【Trichoderma harzianum】 丝状菌。 我们无法酿造活着的东西。落叶之类的就交给我们了。啊,还有土壤病害的防治哦。 藤黄八叠球菌 【Sarcina lutea】 无芽孢厌氧菌。 从人体湿润的部分取得。不行的话从生鱼或水产食品上取也行。 酱油曲霉 【Aspergillus sojae】 酱油曲菌(酱油麴菌)。 说到美味时语气老成的家伙。在高浓度的盐分中也能发酵,活跃于酱油和味噌的酿造。 嗜盐片球菌 【Pediococcus halophilus】 酱油乳酸菌。 在盐化环境里很强大,可以调理味噌跟酱油熬制过程中的味道。植物性乳酸菌。认为自己是斟酒服务员。 保加利亚乳杆菌 【Lactobacillus bulgaricus】 乳酸菌。 将奶弄成酸的。因常在欧洲产酸奶里使用而有名。也有喜欢夏天的一面。 醋化醋酸杆菌 【Acetobacter aceti】 酢酸菌。 可以作用于酒精饮料。就算是Roman e-Conti遇上他也得变成醋。变成结晶后会丧失活性。 嗜碱芽孢杆菌 【Bacillus halodurans】 嗜碱菌。 产生酵素后可以分解很多东西。最喜欢氨,住所附近的公共厕所里有不少。总之就是想把什么都溶解发酵掉。 酿酒酵母 【Saccharomyces cerevisiae】 酵母的一种(出芽酵母)。 能把糖变成酒精。生来就是造酒人家。据闻最近也有用在化妆品上的。脸上的包是家族遗传。 链格孢菌 【Alternaria alternata】 链格孢。 喜欢塑料。不管在哪露脸都会带来骚乱,不过它们并无恶意。不经常清洗隐性眼镜的话,会成他们家的。 本根霉 【Rhizopus japonicus】 根霉菌。 在中国也有同伴参与造酒。增殖速度非常之快。拉丁文里的“根与足”是它学名里的Rhizopus的语源。 产黄青霉 【Penicillium chrysogenum】 青霉。 因是制造青霉素的原料而有名。梅雨时节常常出现惹人讨厌,但也有伙伴是用来制作蓝纹奶酪的。它的伙伴有200种。 泡盛曲霉 【Aspergillus awamori】 黒曲霉(黑麴霉)。 将淀粉糖化的能力和柠檬酸发酵的酵力很强,能够防治有害菌,活跃在温暖的地方造酒。 乳酸乳球菌乳脂亚种 【Lactococcus lactis subsp. Cremoris】 乳酸菌。 实际上是球形。因能做出里海酸奶而成名。和其他乳酸杆菌属乳酸菌做出的酸奶相比,酸味较低是它的特征。 红色毛癣菌 【Trichophyton rubrum】 白癣菌。 引发脚气的原因。终身理想是构建男女老少身上的王国。治疗需要的是干燥、清洁和医生的正确处方…… 食果糖乳杆菌 【Lactobacillus fructivorans】 火落菌。 会使日本酒腐坏,是造酒店的大敌。因这种菌而酿造失败称为“腐造”。不过好像在制造葡萄酒时会用一点。 毛样枝孢 【Cladosporium trichoides】 黒霉? 常出现在浴室的花砖上,无法预知它肚子里藏着什么黑水,也无法预想它会做的事,可怕的谜之菌。喜欢待在空调里等着开电源。 黑曲霉 【Aspergillus niger】 黒曲霉(黑麴霉)? 经常被用作烧酒的酿造?在制造有机酸的行业中也很活跃?为推动柠檬酸热潮起了很多作用。 高大毛霉 【Mucor mucedo】 毛菌的一种。 伙伴们都很有实力,据说能干的事很多。 地霉菌 【Geotrichum sp.】 会使牛奶腐坏的菌。 可能很在意美白,所以喜欢在家喝牛奶。 白色念珠菌 【Candida albicans】 病原真菌。 住在人体上,平时不会对人有什么影响,但在人身体状况不好时会引发念珠菌病</FONT>*1。 *1 念珠菌病</FONT>(candidiasis) 一种条件致病菌感染,由白色念珠菌或其他念珠菌引发的皮肤、粘膜或内脏的疾病。可以感染胎儿、新生儿、儿童直至老人,可侵犯不同的组织和脏器,又可引起各种过敏性反应。既可感染浅表,也可感染深部。不少病人因延误诊治,最终导致死亡。若早期发现和用有效药物治疗,多可治愈。 冬虫夏草菌 【Cordyceps sinensis虫草菌。 寄生于幼虫身上后,成为制做中药“冬虫夏草”之本。 在中国只把蝙蝠蛾幼虫上的它们称为冬虫夏草。 鼻病毒 【Rhinovirus】 代表性的感冒病菌。 能使人产生37℃感冒和喷嚏。亲戚的数目有100多种。 清酒乳杆菌 【Lactobacillus sake】 植物性乳酸菌。 为了辅助造酒,有时也会加入乳酸菌。 灰霉菌 【Botrytis cinerea】 灰霉菌。 寄生在成熟葡萄上的菌,用来酿造贵腐酒。 酪酸菌 【Clostridium butyricum】 酪酸菌。 但是A型botulinustoxin毒素经常被用做医疗。 肉毒梭菌 【Clostridium botulinum】 肉毒菌。 在没有空气的环境下会产生毒素。25g就可以灭亡全人类的恐怖分子。另一方面,在除皱等美容领域也很活跃。 O-157 【Escherichia coli O157:H7】 肠管出血性大肠菌(全名:肠出血性大肠埃希菌O157:H7)。 可以产生强烈的Vero(Verotoxin)毒素,最严重情况下可以引发死亡的食物中毒病因菌。?かもしてころすぞ*1?是其决定性台词。 *1 [かもしてころすぞ] 酿死你/看我酿死你/看我酿不死你/酿了你哦/老子酿了你/看老子怎么酿死你/酿你上西天/酿你下地府/酿你死死掉/酿你死一死/etc...(纯属口胡,谨慎用之)。 流感病毒 【Influenza virus】 病原菌。 大类分为ABC三类。在人群中流行的通常为A苏联菌,A香港型,B型这3种。说不清为什么,其流行以四十年为周期。 产气荚膜梭菌 【Clostridium perfringens】 土壤细菌。 有不少人身上携带这种菌。会引起食物中毒的也是这些家伙中的一小部分。 表皮葡萄球菌 【Staphylococcus epidermidis】 表皮葡萄球菌。 代表性的表皮常在菌。偶尔观察天气。 MRSA 【Methicillin-Resistannt Staphylococcus aureus】 金黄色葡萄球菌(全名:耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌)。 作为院内感染起因的菌之一而有名,不过在水中、土中,可能的话人的鼻子里也会有,健康时一般不会感染。 绿脓杆菌 【Pseudomonas aeruginosa】 绿脓菌。 被火烧伤后感染的特征。造成院内感染问题的菌之一。顺便一提,因为会流出绿色的脓水所以叫做绿脓菌。 VRE 【</SPAN>>vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus</I>】</B> 万古霉素有抗药性肠球菌。 对强力抗生素万古霉素有抗性。在家畜肠内增长,可从食用肉中检测出来。 蚯蚓 中药里称作“土龙”、“赤龙”。 大肠杆菌 【Escherichia coli】 大肠菌。 常存于人类和动物的肠道内。一般来说是无害的,但他们中也有病原菌,进入人体内后会做各种各样的坏事。 清酒酵母菌 【Saccharomyces sake】 清酒酵母。 日本酒酿造的专家。在接近20%的高浓度情况下可生成酒精, 能低够承受低温进行发酵是其特征。 6号酵母 发酵力强,微香温和,最适合清淡的酒质。 性格稳重开朗。来源于秋田的“新政”酵母。 7号酵母 拥有醇美的香味,广泛用于吟酿和普通酿造。 祖先是长野 宫坂造酒店的“真澄”酵母。 8号酵母 缓慢高温发酵。酸味大,用于制作浓醇的酒。 9号酵母 被用于造酒,只需短期的酒醅,香气醇正,有很香的吟酿香。 10号酵母 被用于造酒,酒醅适合低温长期,酸味小,吟酿香味很大。 11号酵母 7好酵母的变种。酒醅即使长期放置发酵能力也不变,氨基酸不会减少。性格调皮。 14号酵母 被用于造酒。 (金泽酵母)酸味少,和低温中期型酒醅过程相同,适用于特定名称清酒。 601号酵母 基本与酵母菌相同。用于造酒。酒醅无泡酵母。 901号酵母 基本与酵母菌相同。用于造酒。酒醅无泡酵母。 1401号酵母 基本与酵母菌相同。用于造酒。酒醅无泡酵母。 1501号酵母 无泡酵母。纯米吟酿生酒“纪之酒”中会有。性格率直。 和低温中期型酒醅过程相同,酸味小,吟酿香味大,适用于特定名称清酒。 1601号酵母 吟酿香味大,酸味小。为鉴评会酿造大吟酿。 1701号酵母 基本与酵母菌相同。用于造酒。 赤色清酒酵母 酵母菌。 酸味少的10号酵母的派生。活跃于酿造桃红色浊酒等等。 根霉属真菌【Rhizopus oligosporus】 被称为天贝菌。在印度尼西亚的传统发酵食品天贝中,由接种的扶桑花上的这种菌发酵而成。想到旅行,就会想到亚洲是我们的天下。 副溶血弧菌 【Vibrio parahaemolyticus】 </SPAN>肠炎霍乱菌。 有一根鞭毛,被许多短毛覆盖。喜欢盐分,在浅海海底泥里增殖。附在生的海产品上会引起食物中毒。 霍乱弧菌 【Vibrio cholerae】 El Tor型霍乱弧菌。 用O抗原来分类,拥有O1抗原的菌被称作霍乱弧菌。感染的话会引起腹泻、呕吐和脱水。 志贺痢疾杆菌 【Shigella dysenteriae】 赤痢菌。 毒性很强,被它酿了就会出血便……很容易和志贺邻单胞菌搞混,请在显微镜下慢慢看哦。 志贺邻单胞菌【Plesiomonas shigelloides】 分布在东南亚。食物中毒和痢疾是它的得意技。很容易和志贺痢疾杆菌搞混,请在显微镜下慢慢看哦。 沙门氏菌 【Vibrio parahaemolyticus】 可以引起各种疾病。有两千种以上的分类。</p> 图片就太多啦。。。
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lso comunicated with my classmates.Therefore,we
2023-07-27 03:29:482


  摘 要 物联网作为一项新兴的技术, 已经引起国内学术界高度重视。针对物联网的发展趋势,介绍了其基本概念和技术背景,以及对所涉及的利益相关者产生安全和隐私的影响。需要采取措施,确保该架构能抵御攻击,进行数据认证,访问控制,建立客户隐私。   关键词 物联网 隐私   中图分类号:C913 文献标识码:A      Talking about the Problems of Internet Things Privacy   HUANG Ling   (College of Electronics and Information Engineering, Nanjing Institute of   Information Technology, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210046)   Abstract IOT(Internet of Things), as an emerging technology, attracts much attention form domestic academia and industry. For its trend, this paper describes the basic concept and technical background. Its development has an impact on the security and privacy of the involved stakeholders. Measures ensuring the architecture"s resilience to attacks, data authentication, access control and client privacy need to be established.   Key words Internet of things; privacy      1 物联网:概念和技术背景   物联网(IOT)是一个新兴的基于互联网的信息体系结构,促进商品和服务在全球供应链网络的交流。例如,某类商品的缺货,会自动报告给供应商,这反过来又立即引起电子或实物交付。从技术角度来看,物联网是基于数据通信的工具,主要是RFID(无线电射频识别)标签的物品,通过提供的IT基础设施,促进一个安全和可靠的 “物”的交流的方式。   基于目前普遍的看法,物联网的新的IT基础设施是由EPCglobal和GS1引入的电子产品代码(EPC)。“物”是携带一个特定EPC 的RFID标签的物理对象;基础设施可以给本地和远程的用户提供和查询EPC信息服务(EPCIS)。信息并不完全保存在RFID标签上,通过对象名称解析服务(ONS)的连接和互联。信息可由互联网上的分布式服务器提供,   ONS是权威的(连接元数据和服务),在这个意义上,实体可以拥有―集中―改变对有关EPC信息的控制。从而,该架构还可以作为无处不在的计算的骨干,使智能环境识别和确定对象,并接收来自互联网的资料,以方便他们的自适应功能。   ONS是基于知名的域名系统(DNS)。从技术上讲,为了使用DNS来找到有关物品的信息,该物品的EPC必须转换成DNS可以理解的格式,这是典型的“点”分隔的,由左往右形式的域名。EPC编码语法上是正确的域名,然后在使用现有的DNS基础设施,ONS可以考虑是DNS子集。然而,由于这个原因,ONS也将继承所有的DNS弱点。   2 安全和隐私需求   2.1 物联网技术的要求   物联网的技术架构对所涉及的利益相关者产生安全和隐私的影响。隐私权包括个人信息的隐蔽性以及能够控制此类信息的能力。隐私权可以看作一个基本的和不可剥夺的人权,或作为个人的权利。用户可能并不知道物体的标签的归属性,并有可能不是声音或视觉信号来引起使用物体的用户注意。因此不需要知道它们个体也可以被跟踪,留下它们的数据或可在其网络空间被追踪。    既然涉及到商业过程,高度的可靠性是必要的。在本文中,对所要求的安全和隐私进行了说明:(1)抗攻击的恢复能力:该系统应避免单点故障,并应自动调节到节点故障;(2)数据验证:作为一项原则,检索到的地址和对象的信息必须经过验证;(3)访问控制:信息供应商必须能够实现对所提供的数据访问控制;(4)客户隐私:只有信息供应商从观察一个特定的客户查询系统的使用可以进行推断,至少,对产品的推断应该是很难进行。   使用物联网技术的民营企业在一般的经营活动将这些要求纳入其风险管理意识中。   2.2 隐私增强技术(PET)   履行对客户隐私的要求是相当困难的。多项技术已经开发,以实现信息的隐私目标。这些隐私增强技术(PET)的可描述如下。(1)虚拟专用网络(VPN)是由商业伙伴的紧密团体建立的外联网。作为唯一的合作伙伴,他们承诺要保密。但是,这个方案不会允许一个动态的全球信息交换,考虑到外联网以外的第三方是不切实际的。(2)传输层安全(TLS),基于一个全球信托机构,还可以提高物联网的保密性和完整性。然而,每个ONS委派都需要一个新的TLS连接,信息搜索由于许多额外的层将产生负面影响。(3)DNS安全扩展(DNSSEC)的公共密钥加密技术记录资源记录,以保证提供的信息来源的真实性和完整性。然而,如果整个互联网界采用它。DNSSEC只能保证全球ONS信息的真实性。(4)洋葱路由对许多不同来源来编码和混合互联网上的数据,即数据可以打包到多个加密层,使用传输路径上的洋葱路由器的公共密钥加密。这个过程会妨碍一个特定的源与特定的互联网协议包匹配。然而,洋葱路由增加了等待时间,从而导致性能问题。(5)一旦提供了EPCIS私人信息检索系统(PIR)将隐瞒客户感兴趣的信息,然而,可扩展性和密钥管理,以及性能问题,会出现在诸如ONS的一个全球性的接入系统中,这使得这种方法变得不切实际的。(6)另一种方法来增加安全性和保密性是同行对等(P2P)系统,它表现出良好的的可扩展性和应用程序的性能。这些P2P系统是基于分布式哈希表(DHT)的。然而,访问控制,必须落实在实际的EPCIS本身,而不是在DHT中存储的数据,因为这两项设计没有提供加密。在这种情况下,使用普通的互联网和Web服务安全框架,EPCIS连接和客户身份验证的加密可以容易地实现,特别是,客户身份验证可以通过发布共享机密或使用公共密钥来实现。   重要的是,附加到一个对象RFID标签可以在稍后阶段被禁用,以便为客户来决定他们是否要使用标签。 RFID标签可及将其放入保护箔网格而禁用,网格称为“法拉第笼”,由于某些频率的无线电信号不能穿过,或将其“杀”死,如移除和销毁。然而,这两个选择有一定的缺点。虽然将标签放在笼子,相对比较安全的,如果客户需要,它需要每一个产品的每个标签都在笼中。某些标签将被忽略并留在客户那里,她/他仍然可以追溯到。发送一个“杀”命令给标签,留下重新激活的可能性或一些识别的信息在标签上。此外,企业可能倾向于为客户提供奖励机制不破坏标签或暗中给他们标签,不用杀死标签,解散标签和可识别对象之间的连接可以实现。ONS上面的信息可被删除,以保护对象的所有者的隐私。虽然标签仍然可以被读取,但是,关于各人的进一步信息,是不可检索。   此外,由RFID撷取的非个人可识别信息需要透明化。有源RFID可以实时跟踪游客的运动,不用识别哪个游客是匿名的 ;然而,在没有任何限制的情况下收集这些资料是否被传统隐私权的法律涵盖,这一问题仍然存在。   人们对隐私的关心的确是合理的,事实上,在物联网中数据的采集、处理和提取的实现方式与人们现在所熟知的方式是完全不同的, 在物联网中收集个人数据的场合相当多,因此,人类无法亲自掌控私人信息的公开。此外,信息存储的成本在不断降低,因此信息一旦产生, 将很有可能被永久保存,这使得数据遗忘的现象不复存在。实际上物联网严重威胁了个人隐私,而且在传统的互联网中多数是使用互联网的用户会出现隐私问题, 但是在物联网中,即使没有使用任何物联网服务的人也会出现隐私问题。确保信息数据的安全和隐私是物联网必须解决的问题,如果信息的安全性和隐私得不到保证,人们将不会将这项新技术融入他们的环境和生活中。   物联网的兴起既给人们的生活带来了诸多便利, 也使得人们对它的依赖性越来越大。如果物联网被恶意地入侵和破坏,那么个人隐私和信息就会被窃取,更不必说国家的军事和财产安全。国家层面从一开始就要注意物联网的安全、可信、隐私等重大问题,如此才能保障物联网的可持续健康发展。安全问题需要从技术和法律上得到解决。      参考文献   [1] 吴功宜.智慧的物联网[M].北京:机械工业出版社,2010.   [2] 宋文.无线传感器网络技术与应用[M].北京:电子工业出版社,2007.   [3] ITU. ITU In ternet Reports 2005: The Intern et of Th ings [R] .Tun is, 2005.   [4] In tern at ion alTelecomm unicat ion Un ion U IT. ITU In ternetR eports 2005: The Internet of Th ings[R].2005.
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