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2023-07-28 13:43:13
TAG: so soo oo soon




  soon的用法2:soon还可作“宁可”“宁愿”解,通常与would等连用,构成would (just), as soon...(as), would sooner...than的句型。

  soon的用法3:soon可放置于句末,有时也可放在句首,也常置于动词 短语 的第一个助动词后面,如果没有助动词,就置于实义动词前。但如果动词是be,则位于be的后面。如加quite, very或too修饰, soon则须置于句末。

  soon的用法4:no sooner...than...意思是“一u2026就”,特别用于书面语中,表示一件事情紧接着另一件事情发生, no sooner通常位于第一个从句的主要动词前面,第二个从句than开始。在 故事 中,有时用倒装语序,将no sooner放于句首,后面紧跟主语。

  soon的用法5:soon前可有very, pretty, quite, rather等修饰。


  as soon as

  as soon as possible

  at the soonest

  no sooner...than

  sooner or later

  the sooner the better


  immediately,instantly,presently,directly,shortly,soon,at once,right away


  immediately 指做完一件事后,立即就做另一件事,中间一般没有明显的时间间隔。

  instantly 指恰恰就在此刻,一秒钟也没耽误。

  presently 指不久、即将。

  directly 和immediately同义,指毫无迟疑。

  shortly 和soon同义,指动作发生或完成的速度之快。

  soon 常用词,指行动快,完成速度快。

  at once 口语中常用,语气强烈,指时间紧迫,一刻也不能耽误。

  right away 主要用于美国英语,语气稍弱于at once,强调动作迅速。


  1. The agreement has raised hopes that the war may end soon.


  2. As soon as he got inside, the dog shook himself.


  3. He will soon be back in training for next year"s National.


  4. They stopped you as soon as you deviated from the script.


  5. Their affection for her soon increased almost to idolatry.


  6. He was soon disillusioned by the government"s timidity on social reform.


  7. As soon as the two chicks hatch, they leave the nest burrow.


  8. Her husband was sympathetic at first but his patience soon wore thin.


  9. He was soon one of the most celebrated young painters in England.


  10. As soon as we were inside, the rain began to bucket down.


  11. She is expected soon to hand down a ruling.


  12. As soon as relations improve they will be allowed to go.


  13. If you don"t do it soon you"re going to lose the opportunity.


  14. Dorothy, come on. Never mind your shoes. They"ll soon dry off.


  15. Would you call me as soon as you find out?



1. quit的用法和短语例句

2. soon的短语有哪些

3. wear的过去式和用法例句带翻译

4. just的用法和短语例句

5. nature的用法和短语例句



2023-07-26 21:48:002

Soom 是什么意思

2023-07-26 21:48:084


soon是个英文单词,是副词,作副词使用意思是:“快;不久,一会儿;立刻;宁愿”。 在不少的英文动画片中,经常会出现soon这个英文单词,究竟soon这个英文单词所表达的是什么意思呢?下面让我们一起去了解soon这个英文单词吧。 详细内容 01 Will soon 即将 ; 很快便会 ; 将很快; Soon succeeded 很快成功 ; 不久成功 ; 很快就成功了; drum soon 很快就鼓 ; 不久鼓 ; 鼓很快 。 02 how soon 多久 ; 多快 ; 多少时间之后 ; 多久以后; Too Soon 太早 ; 为时过早 ; 过不多久 ; 太快图片; pretty soon 不久 ; 很快 ; 不一会儿 ; 立即。 03 Upgrade soon 升级快; Soon gone 时间很快走了 ; 时间很快就走了 ; 去得也快 ; 不久了; open soon 实物拍摄 ; 即将开放。 04 No, say most observers, at least not soon. 不,至少不会很快,大多数观察家说。 Compromises will no doubt be made; perhaps not soon. 妥协无疑将会作出,或许不会很快。 05 We will be with you soon. 很快我们会和你们在一起。 I should be back soon. 我应该很快会回来。 We amongst others are here to ensure that you do, and soon you will have no doubt about it whatsoever. 我们和其他的存有们来到这里就是为了确保你们做到,很快你们将毫无疑问的实现它。
2023-07-26 21:48:151


soon [su:n] adv. 立刻,马上;一会儿,不久;快;宁愿 最高级:soonest;比较级:sooner
2023-07-26 21:48:425

in soon还是on soon

用:on son。is soon 是“很快开始”、“即将上映”的意思。on soon意思是:马上。重点词汇:soon英[su:n]释义:adv.很快,马上,不久;早,快;宁可,宁愿。[比较级sooner;最高级:soonest]短语:Wong Peng Soon黄秉璇。词语使用变化:adv.(副词)1、soon用作副词,意思是“不久”,可指“将来”,表示“预期的时刻不久就会到来”,用以谈论不久将来的事或在过去某时间以后不久所发生的事,强调两个时间的接续关系。soon引申还可作“早”“快”解,强调行为的快捷,毫不迟延。2、soon还可作“宁可”“宁愿”解,通常与would等连用,构成would(just),as soon…(as),would sooner…than的句型。
2023-07-26 21:48:551

soon 的押韵词是什么?

soon[英] [suːn][美] [sun]adv.不久; 很快; 宁可; 宁愿; 快; 早[例句]Accusations that one group had stolen ideas from the other were soon flying.一个团体从另外一个团体剽窃想法的指控迅速传播开来。[变形]比较级:sooner最高级:soonest
2023-07-26 21:49:381


2023-07-26 21:49:473


2023-07-26 21:49:584


help me
2023-07-26 21:50:096


soon 指时间.eg See you soon. Please write soon. quickly.强调动作快. He had breakfast quickly. The monkey quickly got up in the tree.猴子很快的爬上树. fast 强调速度. He runs fast enough to catch up with them A car runs faster than a bus.
2023-07-26 21:50:504


2023-07-26 21:51:299


as fast as
2023-07-26 21:51:5513


soon 英[su:n] 美[sun] adv. 立刻,马上;一会儿,不久;快;宁愿 最高级:soonest;比较级:sooner [例句]American soldiers will soon quit.美国士兵不久就将撤离。
2023-07-26 21:52:232


问题一:“期待”的英文怎么说? 期待: 1. to look forward to 2. to await 3. hope 哗or:希望, 期待 4. lot on:v. 期待 5. look towards:v. 期待 6. expectation:n. 期待,期望/v. 期待,前程 7. expect:v. 预期,盼望,期待 8. look forward to:vt. 展望(期待) 9. look forward:期待 问题二:我们一起期待用英语怎么说啊? Let"s be waitting for it together. 问题三:充满期待,英语怎么说 (be) full of / filled with expectations 问题四:我很期待哦~怎么用英语说啊 我很期待哦 Oh, I"m looking forward to 问题五:好期待的英语怎么说 好期待的英文翻译_百度翻译 译Good looking 该结果仅供参考翻译 问题六:【我们期待着】用英语怎么说 We are in expectations.... 问题七:我非常期待用英语怎么说 I am looking forward to doing sth. 问题八:英文:期待您的回复。。如何翻译? 一楼正解,Look forward to your reply. 要客气的话,可说:Look forward to your favourable reply, 或是look forward to 触our kind reply/advice. 如果事情有点急,可委婉的说:Look forward to your soonest reply. 问题九:"我很期待"英语怎么说 我很期待那天到来 I"m looking forward to (the ing of) that day.注:括号里的短语可以省略 问题十:期待中的英语怎么说 expecting... expect是期待的意思,加ing是使用现在分词形式表示正在进行,所以expecting就是期待中的意思 不理解可追问,求采纳
2023-07-26 21:52:301

比较级 最高级怎么双写

biguff0cbiggeruff0cbiggest hotuff0chotteruff0chottest fatuff0cfatteruff0cfattest sad uff0csadderuff0csaddest
2023-07-26 21:52:395

more coming soom是啥意思

more coming soom的中文翻译more coming soom 更要快soon 英[su:n] 美[sun] adv. 快; 立刻,马上; 一会儿,不久; 宁愿; [例句]You"ll be hearing from us very soon.你很快就会收到我们的来信。[其他] 比较级:sooner 最高级:soonest
2023-07-26 21:52:531


soon 英[su:n]美[sun]adv. 立刻,马上;一会儿,不久;快;宁愿最高级:soonest;比较级:sooner[例句]Soon a wearable channel is needed , then an embedded channel.不久的将来,可佩戴设备和嵌入式计算也会登台亮相。
2023-07-26 21:53:011


hope the letter will arrive at you place smoothly.
2023-07-26 21:53:234


Your order can be finished on Feb.22nd at earliest,you can pick up the goods together with the order of 03-100111.Please answer and confrim.If there"s no problem,we will take the time to book the space.供参考
2023-07-26 21:53:442


2023-07-26 21:53:543

as soon as possible是什么意思

你好。as soon as possible翻译成中文是:尽快。——————希望帮到你,满意请采纳。
2023-07-26 21:54:031

We need an actor as ___ as possible. A.soon B.sooner C.soonest D.quickly

2023-07-26 21:54:136


2023-07-26 21:54:283


2023-07-26 21:55:292


2023-07-26 21:55:431

write soon是道别用语吗

有道别用语的意思,write soon如果出现在信尾,所表达的时候是:彼此继续保持联系。重点词汇:soon英[su:n]释义:adv.很快,马上,不久;早,快;宁可,宁愿。[比较级sooner;最高级:soonest]短语:Wong Peng Soon黄秉璇。词语使用变化:adv.(副词)。1、soon用作副词,意思是“不久”,可指“将来”,表示“预期的时刻不久就会到来”,用以谈论不久将来的事或在过去某时间以后不久所发生的事,强调两个时间的接续关系。soon引申还可作“早”“快”解,强调行为的快捷,毫不迟延。2、soon还可作“宁可”“宁愿”解,通常与would等连用,构成would(just),as soon…(as),would sooner…than的句型。
2023-07-26 21:55:501


soon 英[su:n] 美[sun] adv. 立刻,马上;一会儿,不久;快;宁愿 最高级:soonest;比较级:sooner [例句]That moment may come soon.那一刻可能即将到来。
2023-07-26 21:56:071


2023-07-26 21:56:252


soon 英[su:n] 美[sun] adv. 快; 立刻,马上; 一会儿,不久; 宁愿; [例句]You"ll be hearing from us very soon你很快就会收到我们的来信。[其他] 比较级:sooner 最高级:soonest
2023-07-26 21:56:471


2023-07-26 21:56:572


2023-07-26 21:57:051


soon的意思是很快,不久,近义词 尽快:As soon as possible
2023-07-26 21:57:133


问题一:回复的英文 回复 [huí fù] [释义] reply; answer; restore; return; reversion; respond [例句] 1.北京市 *** 官员没有回复记者的置评请求。 Beijing city officials didn"t respond to requests to ment. 2.苹果没有回复记者要求置评的电话。 Apple didn"t return phone calls seeking ment. 3.他们没有给我们回信,这真奇怪。 It is odd that they did not reply our letter. 4.他敲了门,但是没有人回答。 He knocked at the door but there was no answer. 5.警方必须努力恢复治安。 The police must try to restore order. 6.我们决定以牙还牙。 We decided to return blow for blow. 问题二:请尽快回复的英文怎样说才适合 We are looking forward to your earliest response. We are looking forward to a timely response. We will greatly appreciate it if you can respond at your earliest convenience. I should appreciate it if you could reply as soon as possible. I await your prompt reply with great interest. Please note that I shall need a reply within the next x days. 问题三:用英语回复:是的,他们有。怎么说? Yes,they have。 问题四:英文:期待您的回复。。如何翻译? 一楼正解,Look forward to your reply. 要客气的话,可说:Look forward to your favourable reply, 或是look forward to 触our kind reply/advice. 如果事情有点急,可委婉的说:Look forward to your soonest reply. 问题五:回复 英文怎么说 reply 问题六:盼望你的回复 英文怎么翻译 looking forawrd to your reply 标准信件用语 问题七:“希望尽快得到你的回复”的英文翻译 Looking forward to your reply. 问题八:等待你的回复 用英文怎么说? wait for your reply
2023-07-26 21:57:201

英语谚语:One good head is better than a hundred strong hands 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: One good head is better than a hundred strong hands 中文意思: 上百双有力的手,不如一个聪明的头脑。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: The highest art is to conceal art 最高的艺术就是不露艺术。 The honest penny is better than the stolen dollar 正当得到的一分钱,胜过偷来的一元钱。 The house shows the owner 文如其人。 The hungry belly has no ears 饥寒起盗心。 The imnportant thing in life is to have a great aim and the determination to attain it 人生至要的事是要有伟大的目标和达到这个目标的决心。 Theings past cannot be recalled 过去的事情无可挽回。 Theings present are judged by things past 欲断今日事,须知往日情。 The joy of the heart makes the face merry 喜形于色。 The last drop makes the cup run over 失之过极。 The least said the soonest mended (or Least said soonest mended) 少说为佳。 英语谚语: One good head is better than a hundred strong hands 中文意思: 上百双有力的手,不如一个聪明的头脑。
2023-07-26 21:57:381

英文中“尽早”除了as soon as possible ,

at soonest/earliest
2023-07-26 21:57:482


2023-07-26 21:57:593

英语翻译 亲爱的朋友:我已经收到你的邮件,我会尽快给你回复.

1.Dear friend,I have got your E-mail,and I will feed you back ASAP.Thanks. 2.Dear friend,your E-mail was well received with thanks.I will reply you ASAP. 3.Dear friend,I have received your E-mail.I will answer you in soonest.Thanks.
2023-07-26 21:58:061


问题一:“催促”用英语怎么说 关于催促的单词以及短语: urge hie hasten hurried urgence urgency rush up urged speed hurry along dun whip up hurry prompting bustle 例句: 我是不会让人催促去草草作出决定的,你就等着吧! I won"t be hurried into a decision, you"ll just have to wait! 我经再三催促才在契约上签字。 I was urged to sign the contract. 请催促他们按时装运。 Please press them for punctual shipment. 女主人催促客人吃鱼。 The hostess pressed fish on her guests. 我的工作是催促迟迟不送回来的答覆。 My job was to chase up late replies. 查尔斯常被他父亲催促去找工作。 Charles is often chivvied into finding a job by his father. 我催促孩子快点去上学。 I hustled the child off the school. 我将不得不催促他把欠我的钱还给我。 I shall have to prod him to pay me what he owes. 我催促他完成他的论文。 I urged him to finish his studies. 问题二:我在帮你催促下 英语怎么说 I will 胆hase it for you,我会帮你催促一下的。 I will Hasten it I will Urge it 希望对你有帮助 问题三:催促别人做某事 英文怎说 urge *** to do sth: 勉励(极力主张,催促)某人去做某事 She urges me to take steps in the matter. 她催我处理此事。 问题四:催促函 英文怎么说? Follow-up Letter 问题五:催促 的英文是什么 催促urge: [ ??:d?? ] . . .n. 1. an instinctive motive 同义词: impulse 2. a strong restless desire why this urge to travel? 同义词: itch .v. 1. force or impel in an indicated direction I urged him to finish his studies 同义词: urge on | press | exhort 2. push for something 同义词: remend | advocate 问题六:怎样用英语得体地催促他人 若是催促他人赶快回复,则可以说成: Would you please respond at your soonest convenience? 问题七:跟催一下事情的进展有哪些英文可以表达 跟催一下事情的进展 follow up the progress of something: 一般的跟踪 push the progress of something 催促进展urge something. urge是很着急的催促
2023-07-26 21:58:131


Look forward to your reply
2023-07-26 21:58:256

change drum soon什么意思

change drum soon更换鼓例句change 1. We"ll notify you of any change as soon as possible. 如有任何变动我们将尽快通知您. 为你解答,敬请采纳,如果本题还有疑问请追问,Good luck!
2023-07-26 21:58:542


my soon我很快
2023-07-26 21:59:042


邮件结尾礼貌用语:1. I am at your disposal and we keep waiting for your soonest reply.2. I am at your service any time and looking forward to hearing from you soon.3. I would be very obliged if you would be so kind to let me know your feedback.4. We really hope to do something for you,please kindly keep us updated about your idea.5. Please come back to me if you have any questions or updates.Thanks in advance.6. Waiting for your comment and let"s see what we can do to serve you.7. We value our relationship and treasure clients" comment to offer them better service,please help me.8. Looking forward to your earliest reply and cooperating with you .9. Hopefully,we can have a chance to work with you.10. Hope to support your business and hear from you back soon.11. We are collecting clients" comment and suggestions to improve our product design and offer you advantage product and valued service,please help me.12. Please come back to me and let"s see what we can offer to support you.13. Let me know what is your question.14. Please, let me know your thoughts, thank you.15. We are doing some research about our product and aim at offering tailored solution and valued service for you,we would highly appreciate it if you are kind to give us your idea.
2023-07-26 21:59:131


2023-07-26 21:59:313


My Sweet Heart (香港粤语版)为何凌晨零时想起你这幻觉极奇妙静静盼望途上见像感觉酸蜜甜甜甜甜人儿零时转身变有自信去磨练就让正义陪著我梦中上东京看着小猫可以施魔法传心意寄赠友爱凭全力去证明We can save the worldlt"s show timeDoil Doil 请即变身魔法魔法东京有猫喵啊其合作‘Ko He" 啦啊可爱啊(来合唱一首歌)Matto Matto 请即变身魔法魔法东京有猫喵啊其合作‘Ko He" 啦啊可爱啊!甜蜜咖啡时间My Sweet Heart
2023-07-26 21:59:414

"Your the fastest reply will be the highest appreciation" 这句话对吗?

Your earliest reply will be much appreciated.
2023-07-26 21:59:493


Manager Lee is trying to comfirm the price of raw material with the supplier, and we will give you the quote as soon as possible.
2023-07-26 22:00:075


"The Snow it Melts the Soonest"
2023-07-26 22:00:242

as soon as possible 的 同义词是什么?

soonest possible
2023-07-26 22:00:436


looking forwards to hearing from you soon
2023-07-26 22:00:586


Awaiting your soonest reply!
2023-07-26 22:01:154