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2023-07-28 13:41:33

Thom Yorke,,

国的牛津不仅拥有世界著名学府,也是英国摇滚名团的盛产地之一,除了 RADIOHEAD,另外两个名噪一时的BRITPOP团体RIDE和SUPERGRASS也出身于此。RADIOHEAD的五位成员均是土生土长的牛津人,并且在风景如画的牛津近郊小镇 ABINGDON的私立男校里结识,开始了传奇生涯。 RADIOHEAD的灵魂人物,主音歌手兼吉他手THOM YORKE 八岁那年得到平生的第一件乐器:母亲送的一把西班牙吉他,两年后他便开始组团,随后加入了一支名为TNT的校园PUNK乐队。THOM第一次唱歌时便意识到他需要更加默契的合作乐手。很快他认识了 COLIN GREENWOOD,"因为我们年龄相仿并且常常在同一个派对结束时碰上"。出于对JOY DIVISION,THE SMITH,MAGAZINE以及怪异着装的喜爱,他们顺理成章地结成死党。另外一位校友ED O"BRIEN的加入是因为THOM认为他"很酷而且看上去象MORRISSEY"。举止温文尔雅的鼓手PHIL SELWAY随后取代了鼓机, 在一个星期五形成了最初的四人阵容。不久,COLIN的弟弟,爵士乐迷JONNY经过同哥哥及其朋友们的苦苦纠缠,终于作为口琴手加入进来。乐队在一个周末于牛津的JERICHO TAVERN(现已不存在)做了第一场表演,他们增加了一对演奏萨克斯风的姐妹,乐队的风格就象是年轻版的TALKING HEAD。 为了平息父母的愤怒和焦虑,除了JONNY外的成员们都开始了大学学业,乐队尚在萌芽阶段就被迫中止。THOM去了EXETER大学学习美术和文学,在那里他为一支名为FLICKERNOISE的TECHNO组合弹吉他;ED到曼彻斯特攻读政治;COLIN在剑桥大学的PETERHOUSE学院当上了娱乐文员;PHIL则进了利物浦工艺学院并在那里担任了很多戏剧背景乐团的鼓手。 假期时成员们重新聚首,在一个周末派对中,他们翻玩了ELVIS COSTELLO的"PUMP IT UP",融入管乐的巧妙构思令人兴奋不已。1991年的夏天,完成了学业的成员们在牛津重组(此时的JONNY已是一位羽翼丰满的吉他手和键盘手),最终他们摈弃了管乐组,固定了五人阵容,并将团名定为RADIOHEAD,灵感来自于TALKING HEAD的专辑《TRUE STORIES》中的一首名为"RADIO HEAD"的歌曲。1991年7月,RADIOHEAD在HOLLYBUSH酒吧做了第一场正式的小型表演,之后便有不下二十家唱片公司向他们抛媚眼,最终他们选择投身EMI。

RADIOHEAD在1991年发表了首张唱片《DRILL》,虽然只是一张仅在英国发行的EP,但已足以使他们获得了为PJ HARVEY,TEARS FOR FEARS和JAMES等众多大牌团体的巡演做暖场嘉宾的机会。他们的一首歌曲"PROVE YOURSELF"还被BBC RADIO 1的听众票选为"HAPPENING TRACK OF THE WEEK"(本周惊艳曲)。而这一切仅仅是个开端,因为一首名为"CREEP"的歌曲将要永远改变他们的生涯。"CREEP"在1992年的下半年在英国的电台中被大播特播并最终成为该年度和下一年度的英伦的最佳单曲之一。这首歌被认为是一首关于疏离的赞美诗,其中充满自厌情绪的歌词("我是个懦夫,我是个怪胎,我不属于这儿"),蔓延失控的吉他噪音以及堪称点睛之笔的轰然爆响都成为乐迷津津乐道的经典元素。而他们1993年推出的首张专辑《PABLO HONEY》中的其它作品都或多或少带出与之相同的意味。事实上,有些乐迷对专辑内其它歌曲表现出来的相对成熟内敛的风格感到失望,尽管更多的人迷恋于他们特立独行的声音。 这张处女专辑是RADIOHEAD远渡重洋到波士顿的FORT APACHE录音室录制完成的,这间录音室的主人是美国新音乐大师BILLY BRAGG,RADIOHEAD还找来了MORPHINE,LEMONHEAD等美国名团的制作人PAUL Q.KOLDERIE与BUFFALO TOM,GOLD WATER FLAT等另类乐队的制作人SEAN SLADE来掌控专辑的制作,这对于一个英国新乐队来说相当罕见,这使得这张专辑呈现出英伦团体中少有的粗犷暴戾之气这也是与SUEDE等同期其他被誉为英伦独立乐界希望之星的团体相比,RADIOHEAD在美国更具知名度和影响力的原因之一。 尽管人们普遍认为RADIOHEAD的音乐影响来自于THE BEATLES或THE SEX PISTOLS,但是他们自己却宣称受PINK FLOYD的教诲更多。1995年,RADIOHEAD甚至在英国巡演中装备了一套非常FLOYD化的四轨环绕声系统,向PINK FLOYD脱帽致敬!

Radiohead是90年代初为数不多地受华丽壮美的竞技/舞台摇滚影响的另类乐队,乐队最初的唱片带有比较明显的U2风格。但是乐队后来开始转向创作较为史诗/叙事诗这样的作品,用My Bloody Valentine、Pink Floyd、R.E.M. 和the Pixies音乐作为主要织体,层次丰富。主唱Thom Yorke灰暗的词作在复杂的作品中传递着不安、疏远的情绪。1993年,乐队首张专辑《Pablo Honey》上市。原本乐队并未对此抱什么希望,但是“Creep”很快成为了一首热门单曲。当时乐队并不为评论界看好,认为他们只不过又是一支昙花一现的排行榜过客。但是乐队第二张专辑《The Bends》让所有的大跌眼镜,它在英国获得了巨大的成功,随着巡演的延续,它彻底征服了先前对乐队持成见的评论界,乐队一举成名。

乐队由Thom Yorke(主唱、吉他)、Ed O"Brien (吉他、主唱), Jonny Greenwood (吉他), Colin Greenwood (贝司)和Phil Selway (鼓手)组成,那一年是1988年,他们还是几个牛津大学的学生。1992年乐队在创作小唱片《Drill》后和EMI/Capitol唱片公司后,乐队录制了单曲“Creep”,这首融合了R.E.M.和Nirvana的作品主要的亮点为和声部分前突然暴发噪音部分,它成为了当年另类摇滚的一首著名代表作品。此后的两首单曲“Anyone Can Play Guitar”和“Pop is Dead”为乐队赢得了一些好评,但英国唱片公司并未给予乐队足够的重视。乐队的第一张专辑《Pablo Honey》在1993年上市,乐队进行欧洲巡回演出。墙内开化墙外香,“Creep”在美国突然大红大紫,充斥着各大现代摇滚电台和MTV音乐台。在“Creep”地驱使下,乐队远赴美国演出,为Belly和Tears for Fears做暖场演出。《Pablo Honey》最终成为金唱片,“Creep”也在英国再版销售。1993年底,该单曲进入前10名。

“Creep”的意外成功招致了现代评论家的非议,乐队一度被认定为歪打正着的幸运儿。乐队在这种情况下再次走入录音棚,开始创作第二张专辑《The Bends》。1995年专辑上市得到了压倒性的好评,显然人们乐于听到乐队更加深层、成熟的声音。但是专辑销量一开始却不是很好,先前对乐队较为买账的美国也并未太主意这张专辑,乐队无奈之下猹始在英国进行大规模巡演。直到年底,乐队才在巡演和单曲“Just”的促销下有所斩获。专辑不仅成为了当年英国最佳专辑之一而且在1996年处再次进入英国排行榜前10名,在美国也最终达到了金唱片销量。1997年乐队完成了他们的第三张专辑,也就是惊世之作的《OK Computer》!!

乐队在2000 年推出了一张最受期待的大碟《Kid A》。自从 Radiohead 的《OK Computer》被誉为“宇宙最佳大碟”之后,Radiohead已经成为The Beatles最具威胁乐队,这新碟真是全球瞩目。

不过《 Kid A 》大概会令不少 Radiohead 迷感到意外,因为全碟跟Radiohead以往的风格非常不同! 以往的强劲电吉他弹奏已荡然无全,就连打几下重鼓都没有,换来大量飘渺迷离气氛。Atmospheric 、Ambience 、Nightmarish、Moody、Sparse…… 是全碟的感觉,乐队大玩电子效果,制造荒野般空旷迷失灰暗感,更加有一些爵士元素演奏,这更会令Radiohead迷诧异。全碟大大托阔了视野,作品深沉广阔,气氛极佳。这碟会是划时代经典吗?


* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!
Radiohead主唱Thom Yorke
* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!
thom yorke http://mp3.b***.com/albumlist/radiohead;;;;;;pablo+honey.html

Thomas Edward Yorke


Thom Yorke


thom yorke


Thomas Edward Yorke............同学...我好想打你


kanye west和 radiohead

According to a Reuters reporter, West was aggrieved that Radiohead singer Thom Yorke had allegedly snubbed him backstage at the Grammys five days earlier. That hurt, West told the audience, because he idolizes the British band, and considers it one of his few creative rivals."So when he performed at the Grammys, I sat the f--- down," West said我也是刚刚GOOGLE到的 还真不知道他们之间还有这档子事儿 不过遥想当年EMINEM跟ELTON JOHN也曾由互相看不顺眼最后发展成GRAMMY同台飙歌末了痞子还用了首老JOHN的名歌做自己一首歌的歌名 所以 接着看热闹就是大致翻译过来就是这个意思 据传在今年格莱美的后台Radiohead的主唱Thom Yorke说了Kanye的坏话 这让Kanye觉得很受伤害 因为他一直把rh“当做自己的偶像来看” 并觉得那是“少数几个他承认的竞争对手” 所以觉得很不爽的Kanye就在Thom和Johnny演出时一屁股坐下来冷冰冰的看着了 然后几天后Kanye在录制<Storytellers>的时候便对Radiohead进行了反击 大致就是这样
2023-07-26 21:49:501

求各位翻译下RADIOHEAD 2+2=5歌词,听说很有深意 所以急求谢谢了!!!!!

Get Out Of The WaySleep in the dreamForgotten LoveKill manDream Of ValentineValentine GiftLoving you (这个有点俗,呵呵)Kill lovesilent travellingLove Without A Love
2023-07-26 21:49:592


house of cards 2009 Grammy nomineeslotus flower the king of limbsjust the bends
2023-07-26 21:50:062


2023-07-26 21:50:142


在针对所有时代最受欢迎的1000张专辑而进行的民意测验显示,这支乐队出现在新闻媒体中的次数最多,并且是第一支也唯一的一支在最近时期内能威胁到披头士乐队的组合。他们下一张专辑将要花费很长时间录制,专辑名为《Kid A》,人们普遍希望这张专辑会成为最令人震惊的作品。他们放弃了他们原有的比较稳当的制作模式,这次他们要摆脱吉他,演出风格可能更接近于想像太空时代氛围的乐队Pink Floyd,Kraftwerk和Tangerine Dream等。虽然目前对于Radiohead的评论更式不一,但是这支乐队在英国听众中所受的欢迎度和在新闻媒体中第一位的出现率是不容其它乐队忽视的。
2023-07-26 21:50:211

Radiohead 和 Muse 的创作和演奏水平孰高孰低?

20世纪80年代,Radiohead的五位成员在英国牛津阿宾顿的一所公立男校中相遇。在Radiohead之前,乐队最初的名字叫On a Friday,因为他们总是周五去学校的音乐教室躲着练团。后来改为Radiohead的灵感,则来源于TalkingHeads乐队1986年发表的专辑《TrueStories》中的歌曲《RadioHead》。唯一的一支在最近时期内能威胁到披头士乐队的组合在针对所有时代最受欢迎的1000张专辑而进行的民意测验显示,这支乐队出现在新闻媒体中的次数最多,并且是第一支也唯一的一支在最近时期内能威胁到披头士乐队的组合。他们下一张专辑将要花费很长时间录制,专辑名为《Kid A》,人们普遍希望这张专辑会成为最令人震惊的作品。他们放弃了他们原有的比较稳当的制作模式,这次他们要摆脱吉他,演出风格可能更接近于想像太空时代氛围的乐队Pink Floyd,Kraftwerk和Tangerine Dream等。虽然目前对于Radiohead的评论更式不一,但是这支乐队在英国听众中所受的欢迎度和在新闻媒体中第一位的出现率是不容其它乐队忽视的。作品能迎合国际听众的口味不像其它著名的、人们对其希望也比较高的英国乐队,如Suede乐队等的作事风格,Radiohead还尽量使他们的作品能迎合国际听众的口味,因而他们的作品受到了从美国到埃及等许多国家人们的喜欢。此后两年,他们的艺术道路越走越宽,知名度也越来越大。1995年3月,他们推出专辑《The Bends》。在观众们热情的掌声下,他们所承受的压力也越来越大,因为一张的唱片的制作绝对不是什么轻松的事情。几乎每一首歌都要录制两个多月。我个人认为,《黑洞》专辑,在创作了缪斯的基本元素之后,没有什么大的打击。个人认为GREENWOOD个人专辑《炸鸡丑》(包括所有类型的电影配乐和实验),尽管他的dick在RH brush brush jean fry day,气质和RH +和shape。RH和缪斯正在制作一个大热门的作品(RH精炼的每一种风格都越来越开放,甚至比缪斯稍作对比,但缪斯也不坏)个人认为RH和缪斯也写了一段旋律,也创造了不好的东西,并享受粉丝的喜爱。我认为缪斯(部分)通常是愚蠢的。个人认为RH善于尝试新的音色,而缪斯擅长于将已经在音乐中扮演重要角色的声音转变。
2023-07-26 21:50:341

Radiohead的《Yes I Am》 歌词

歌曲名:Yes I Am歌手:Radiohead专辑:Pablo Honey (Collector S Edition)Yes I AmRadioheadi resent you callingi resent your voicei resent that i don"t have a choiceanywhere i goyou are always thereoutside the caror in my hairi think i"ve been here beforeyes i"ve been here beforethe last time you lockedall the doorsand i resent you callingi resent your voicei resent that i don"t have a choiceand yes i amReally...yes i amI think I"ve told you onceI think I needed adviceYou were such a helpThat"s very nicei think i"ve been here beforeyes i"ve been here beforebut this time i kick down your doorAnd yes I amReally...Yes I am
2023-07-26 21:51:271

Radiohead的《Let Down》 歌词

歌曲名:Let Down歌手:Radiohead专辑:Ok Computer (Collector S Edition)Let DownRadioheadTransport, motorways and tramlines,starting and then stopping,taking off and landing,the emptiest of feelings,disappointed people, clinging on to bottles,and when it comes it"s so, so, disappointing.Let down and hanging around,crushed like a bug in the ground.Let down and hanging around.Shell smashed, juices flowingwings twitch, legs are going,don"t get sentimental, it always ends up drivel.One day, I"m gonna grow wings,a chemical reaction,hysterical and uselesshysterical andlet down and hanging around,crushed like a bug in the ground.Let down and hanging around.Let down,Let down,Let down.You know, you know where you are with,you know where you are with,floor collapsing, falling, bouncing backand one day, I"m gonna grow wings,a chemical reaction,hysterical and uselesshysterical andlet down and hanging around,crushed like a bug in the ground.Let down and hanging around
2023-07-26 21:52:091

Radiohead 为什么不来中国

木有可观的金钱邀请!主要在中国的商业价值不太大!Radiohead 是一支来自英国牛津的乐队。在中国大多翻译成电台司令等。实际上head在这里是迷(fans)的意思。英国是个有收听radio节目传统的国家,二战时人们留下一个习惯就是饭后全家围坐或是在小酒吧里听电台广播,故Radiohead翻译成收音机迷较为合适。来自英国牛津的摇滚乐队,被誉为当代最伟大的摇滚乐队之一。成员有主唱汤姆·约克(Thomas Edward Yorke)、吉他埃德·奥布赖恩(Ed O"Brien)、键盘强尼·格林伍德(Jonny Greenwood)、贝斯科林·格林伍德(Colin Greenwood)和鼓手菲尔·塞尔韦。乐队风格为另类摇滚(alternative rock),英伦摇滚(Britpop),试验摇滚(Experimental rock),电子摇滚(Electrical)主唱Thom L .Yorke于1968年10月7号出生于阿伯丁。进入大学后,Thom和Colin产生了建立乐队的想法。从此以后,他俩的绝大多数空闲时间都是在隔音的排练室里度过的。随后。他俩加入了一个名为TNT的乐队。乐队在每个星期五排练,1987年,乐队不顾外界的阻止,在牛津郊区的一个小酒馆里进行了第一次演出,但演出并不很成功。1993年1月,乐队的第一张专辑《Pablo Honey 》由EMI唱片公司发行,引起乐坛轰动。2009年获得格莱美最佳另类摇滚专辑大奖。
2023-07-26 21:53:001

2023-07-26 21:53:093

Radiohead的《Codex》 歌词

歌曲名:Codex歌手:Radiohead专辑:The King Of Limbs Live From The BasementRadiohead - CodexSlight of handJump off the endInto a clear lakeNo one aroundJust dragonfliesFlying to the sideNo one gets hurtYou"ve done nothing wrongSlide your handJump off the endThe water"s clearAnd innocentThe water"s clearAnd innocent
2023-07-26 21:53:161

Radiohead的《no surprises》Bring down the government翻译成推翻政府好点,还是报复社会好点

2023-07-26 21:53:452

Radiohead的《Codex》 歌词

歌曲名:Codex歌手:Radiohead专辑:Tkol Rmx 1 2 3 4 5 6 7Radiohead - CodexSlight of handJump off the endInto a clear lakeNo one aroundJust dragonfliesFlying to the sideNo one gets hurtYou"ve done nothing wrongSlide your handJump off the endThe water"s clearAnd innocentThe water"s clearAnd innocent
2023-07-26 21:53:511

Radiohead的《2+2 = 5》 歌词

歌曲名:2+2 = 5歌手:Radiohead专辑:The Best Of2+2=5RadioheadAre you such a dreamer?To put the world to rightsI′ll stay home foreverWhere two & two alwaysmakes up fiveI"ll lay down the tracksSandbag and hideJanuary has April"s showersAnd two and two alwaysmakes up fiveIt"s the devil"s way nowThere is no way outYou can scream & you can shoutIt is too late nowBecause you′re not therePayin′ attentionPayin′ attentionPayin′ attentionyeah I feel it, I needed attentionPayin′ attentionPayin′ attentionPayin′ attentionYeah I need it, I needed attentionI needed attentionI needed attentionI needed attentionYeah I love it, the attentionPayin′ attentionPayin′ attentionPayin′ attentionSoon ohI try to sing alongBut the music′s all wrongCos I′m notCos I′m notI′ll swallow up flies?but like the flies all gone back and hideBack and hideBut I′m notOh hail to the thiefOh hail to the thiefBut I′m notBut I′m notBut I′m notBut I′m notDon′t question my authority or put me in the boxCos I′m notCos I′m notOh go up to the king, and the sky is falling inBut it′s notBut it′s notMaybe notMaybe notMaybe not
2023-07-26 21:53:581

Radiohead的《Just》 歌词

歌曲名:Just歌手:Radiohead专辑:The Best OfJustArtist(Band):RadioheadCan"t get the stink offHe"s been hanging round for daysComes like a cometSuckered you but not your friendsOne day he"ll get to youTeach you how to be a holy cowYou do it to yourselfYou doAnd that"s what really hurtsIs you do it to yourselfJust youYou and no-one elseYou do it to yourselfDon"t get my sympathyHanging out the 15th floorYou"ve changed the locks 3 timesHe still comes reeling through the doorOne day I"ll get to youTeach you how to get to purest hellYou do it to yourselfYou doAnd that"s what really hurtsIs you do it yourselfJust youYou and no-one elseYou do it to yourself
2023-07-26 21:54:051

Radiohead的《Let Down》 歌词

歌曲名:Let Down歌手:Radiohead专辑:The Best OfLet DownRadioheadTransport, motorways and tramlines,starting and then stopping,taking off and landing,the emptiest of feelings,disappointed people, clinging on to bottles,and when it comes it"s so, so, disappointing.Let down and hanging around,crushed like a bug in the ground.Let down and hanging around.Shell smashed, juices flowingwings twitch, legs are going,don"t get sentimental, it always ends up drivel.One day, I"m gonna grow wings,a chemical reaction,hysterical and uselesshysterical andlet down and hanging around,crushed like a bug in the ground.Let down and hanging around.Let down,Let down,Let down.You know, you know where you are with,you know where you are with,floor collapsing, falling, bouncing backand one day, I"m gonna grow wings,a chemical reaction,hysterical and uselesshysterical andlet down and hanging around,crushed like a bug in the ground.Let down and hanging around
2023-07-26 21:54:131

关于Radiohead 有哪些不为人知的趣事

乱谈几点:Radiohead 自身的特质与他们的音乐有一个近乎完美的契合。2. 商业化没有破坏作品的艺术性。3. 被无数音乐人翻唱过的《Creep》,人们难道不好奇原唱是什么样子?4. 政治倾向。如果我没有记错的话,上一次 IMDb 被封是由于一部叫做《云后的太阳》的纪录片,里面收录了 Radiohead 的作品。
2023-07-26 21:54:191

Radiohead的《High Dry》 歌词

歌曲名:High Dry歌手:Radiohead专辑:High Dry-Planet Telex Pt.1Fake Plastic TreesRadioheadHer Green plastic watering canFor her fake chinese rubber plantIn fake plastic earth.That she bought from a rubber manIn a town full of rubber plantsJust to get rid of itself.And It Wears Her Out, it wears her outIt wears her out, it wears her out.She lives with a broken manA cracked polystyrene manWho just crumbles and burns.He used to do surgeryFor girls in the eightiesBut gravity always wins.And It Wears Him Out, it wears him outIt wears him out, it wears him out.She looks like the real thingShe tastes like the real thingMy Fake Plastic Love.But I can"t help the feelingI could blow through the ceilingIf I just turn and runAnd It Wears Me Out, it wears me outIt wears me out, it wears me out.And if I could BE who you wantedIf I could BE who you wanted,All the time, all the time, oh
2023-07-26 21:54:271

Radiohead的《Sulk》 歌词

歌曲名:Sulk歌手:Radiohead专辑:The Bends (Collectors Edition)SulkRadioheadYou bite through the big wall, the big wall bites backYou just sit there and sulk, sit there and bawlYou are so pretty when you"re on your kneesDisinfected, eager to pleaseSometimes you sulk, sometimes you burnGod rest your soulWhen the loving comes and we"ve already goneJust like your dad, you"ll never changeEach time it comes it eats me aliveI try to behave but it eats me aliveSo I declare a holidayFall asleep, Drift awaySometimes you sulk, sometimes you burnGod rest your soulWhen the loving comes and we"ve already goneJust like your dad, you"ll never changeSometimes you sulk, sometimes you burnGod rest your soulWhen the loving comes and we"ve already gone
2023-07-26 21:54:341

Radiohead的《Lucky》 歌词

歌曲名:Lucky歌手:Radiohead专辑:Ok ComputerLuckyRadioheadI"m on a rollI"m on a roll this timeI feel my luck could changeKill me Sarahkill me again with loveit"s gonna be a glorious dayPull me out of the aircrashPull me out of the lakeI"m your superherowe are standing on the edgeThe head of state hascalled for me by namebut I don"t have time for himIt"s gonna be a glorious dayI feel my luck could changePull me out of the aircrashPull me out of the lakeI"m your superherowe are standing on the edgeWe are standing on the edge
2023-07-26 21:54:521

Radiohead的《Airbag》 歌词

歌曲名:Airbag歌手:Radiohead专辑:Ok Computer (Collector S Edition)RadioheadAirbagOk ComputerIn the next world warIn a jackknifed juggernautI am born againIn the neon sign scrolling up and downI am born againIn an intastella burst I am back to save the universeIn a deep deep sssleep of the inno$entI Am born againIn a faast German CarIm amazed that I survivedan airbag saved my lifeIn an intastella burst I am back to save the universeIn an intastella burst I am back to save the universeIn an intastella burst I am back to save the universe
2023-07-26 21:54:591

Radiohead的《Knives Out》 歌词

歌曲名:Knives Out歌手:Radiohead专辑:AmnesiacKnives OutRadioheadI want you to knowHe"s not coming backLook into my eyesI"m not coming backSo knives outCatch the mouseDon"t look downShove it in your mouthIf you"d been a dogThey would have drowned you at birthLook into my eyesIt"s the only way you"ll know I"m telling the truthSo knives outCook him upSquash his headPut him in the potI want you to knowHe"s not coming backHe"s bloated and frozenStill there"s no point in letting it go to wasteSo knives outCatch the mouseSquash his headPut him in the pot
2023-07-26 21:55:061

Radiohead的《Let Down》 歌词

歌曲名:Let Down歌手:Radiohead专辑:The Best OfLet DownRadioheadTransport, motorways and tramlines,starting and then stopping,taking off and landing,the emptiest of feelings,disappointed people, clinging on to bottles,and when it comes it"s so, so, disappointing.Let down and hanging around,crushed like a bug in the ground.Let down and hanging around.Shell smashed, juices flowingwings twitch, legs are going,don"t get sentimental, it always ends up drivel.One day, I"m gonna grow wings,a chemical reaction,hysterical and uselesshysterical andlet down and hanging around,crushed like a bug in the ground.Let down and hanging around.Let down,Let down,Let down.You know, you know where you are with,you know where you are with,floor collapsing, falling, bouncing backand one day, I"m gonna grow wings,a chemical reaction,hysterical and uselesshysterical andlet down and hanging around,crushed like a bug in the ground.Let down and hanging around
2023-07-26 21:55:131

Radiohead的《Banana Co》 歌词

歌曲名:Banana Co歌手:Radiohead专辑:Street Spirit (Fade Out)Oh, banana co.We really love you and we need youAnd oh, banana co.We"d really love to believe you, butEverything"s undergroundWe gotta dig it up somehowYeah yeahOh, she said no goShe said she"d like toShe"s seen youBut no, banana co.She knows if you die then we all doEverything"s burning downWe gotta dig it up somehowYeah yeahEverything"s burning downWe gotta put it out somehowYeah yeah
2023-07-26 21:55:201

Radiohead的《Let Down》 歌词

歌曲名:Let Down歌手:Radiohead专辑:5 Album Set (Pablo Honey/The Bends/OK Computer/Kid A/Amnesiac)Let DownRadioheadTransport, motorways and tramlines,starting and then stopping,taking off and landing,the emptiest of feelings,disappointed people, clinging on to bottles,and when it comes it"s so, so, disappointing.Let down and hanging around,crushed like a bug in the ground.Let down and hanging around.Shell smashed, juices flowingwings twitch, legs are going,don"t get sentimental, it always ends up drivel.One day, I"m gonna grow wings,a chemical reaction,hysterical and uselesshysterical andlet down and hanging around,crushed like a bug in the ground.Let down and hanging around.Let down,Let down,Let down.You know, you know where you are with,you know where you are with,floor collapsing, falling, bouncing backand one day, I"m gonna grow wings,a chemical reaction,hysterical and uselesshysterical andlet down and hanging around,crushed like a bug in the ground.Let down and hanging around
2023-07-26 21:55:271

Radiohead的《The Bends》 歌词

歌曲名:The Bends歌手:Radiohead专辑:5 Album Set (Pablo Honey/The Bends/OK Computer/Kid A/Amnesiac)The BendsRadioheadThe BendsWhere do we go from here?The words are coming out all weirdWhere are you now, when I need youAlone on an aeroplaneFall asleep on against the window paneMy blood will thickenI need to wash myself again to hide all the dirt and pain"Cause I"d be scared that there"s nothing underneathBut who are my real friends?Have they all got the bends?Am I really sinking this low?My baby"s got the bends, oh noWe don"t have any real friends, no, no, noJust lying in the bar with my drip feed onTalking to my girlfriend, waiting for something to happenI wish it was the sixties, I wish I could be happyI wish, I wish, I wish that something would happenWhere do we go from here?The planet is a gunboat in a sea of fearAnd where are you?They brought in the CIA, the tanks and the whole marinesMy baby"s got the bendsWe don"t have any real friendsJust lying in the bar with my drip feed onTalking to my girlfriend, waiting for something to happenI wish it was the sixties, I wish I could be happyI wish, I wish, I wish that something would happenI wanna live, breatheI wanna be part of the human raceI wanna live, breatheI wanna be part of the human race, race, race, raceWhere do we go from here?The words are coming out all weirdWhere are you now when I need you?
2023-07-26 21:55:341

radiohead daydreaming表达什么意思

daydreaming 是白日梦的意思。个人觉得作者感觉到的孤独。Daydreaming(Radiohead)中英对照,歌词翻译歌手:Radiohead所属专辑:A Moon Shaped PoolDreamers梦想家们They never learn他们从不明白They never learn他们从不长记性Beyond the point超脱于现实Of no return无路可退Of no return无路可退And it"s too late为时已晚The damage is done伤痛已造就The damage is done伤痛已造就This goes这行进节奏Beyond me超越了我的掌控Beyond you也超越了你的期望The white room白色的小屋子里By a window一扇窗前wher the sun comes耀目的阳光如期而至Through穿透一切We are而我们Just happy to serve也乐意去迎合Just happy to serve也乐意去迎合You只为你
2023-07-26 21:55:421

求radiohead 歌词译文

I want you to know 我要让你知道He"s not coming back 他在也不会回来啦Look into my eyes 看着我的眼I"m not coming back 我也不回来啦So knives out 所以行动吧Catch the mouse 抓住这只死耗子!Radiohead Don"t look down 不要低头看Shove it in your mouth 在你嘴里把它捏熄If you"d been a dog 如果你是条狗They would"ve drowned you at birth 在你出生时他们就把你给淹拉Look into my eyes 看着我的眼It"s the only way you"ll know I"m telling the truth 这是唯一的方法,让你知道我没有撒谎So knives out 所以采取行动Squash his head 把它的头颅打的个稀烂Put him in the pot 把它放在罐子里I want you to know 我要让你知道He"s not coming back 他不会回来啦He"s bloated and frozen 他已变的冰冷臃肿Still there"s no point in letting it go to waste还是没有办法,让它消亡 So knives out 所以采取行动Catch the mouse 抓住这只该死的耗子Squash his head 把它的头颅打个稀烂
2023-07-26 21:55:492

Radiohead的《Separator》 歌词

歌曲名:Separator歌手:Radiohead专辑:The King Of Limbs Live From The BasementTitle:Separatoralbum: The king of limbsartist: Radioheadlrc JinnShackIt"s like I"m falling out of bedFrom a long, weary dreamThe sweetest flowers and fruits hang from the treesFalling off the giant bird that"s been carrying meIt"s like I"m falling out of bed from a long and vivid dreamJust exactly as I rememberEvery wordEvery gestureI"m a heart in cold groundLike I"m falling out of bedFrom a long and weary dreamFinally I"m free of all the weight I"ve been carryingEvery woman blows her coverIn the eye of the beholderI"m a fish now out of waterFalling off a giant bird that"s been carrying meI fell openI laid underAt the tip outI was just a numberI wanna slip it overAnd get back underAnd if you think this is overThen you"re wrongIf you think this is overThen you"re wrong(Wake me up, wake me up)If you think this is overThen you"re wrongIf you think this is overThen you"re wrong(Wake me up, wake me up)Like I"m falling out of bed from a long and weary dreamFinally I"m free of all the weight I"ve been carryingWhen I ask you againWhen I ask you againWake me up, wake me upWake me up, wake me upWake me up, wake me upWake me up, wake me up(End)
2023-07-26 21:56:141

Radiohead的《Backdrifts》 歌词

歌曲名:Backdrifts歌手:Radiohead专辑:Hail To The ThiefBackdriftsRadioheadWe"re rotten fruitWe"re damaged goodsWhat the hell, we"ve got nothing more to loseOne gust and we will probably crumbleWe"re backdriftersThis far but no furtherI"m hanging off a branchI"m teetering on the brinkOh honey sweetSo full of sleepI"m backslidingYou fell into our armsYou fell into our armsWe tried but there was nothing we could doNothing we could doAll evidence has been buriedAll tapes have been erasedBut your footsteps give you awaySo you"re backtrackingAh ah ahYou fell into our armsYou fell into our armsWe tried but there was nothing we could doNothing we could doYou fell into our, ahYou fell into aWe"re rotten fruitWe"re damaged goodsWhat the hell, we"ve got nothing more to loseOne gust and we will probably crumbleWe"re backdrifters
2023-07-26 21:56:211

Radiohead的《Airbag》 歌词

歌曲名:Airbag歌手:Radiohead专辑:The Best OfRadioheadAirbagOk ComputerIn the next world warIn a jackknifed juggernautI am born againIn the neon sign scrolling up and downI am born againIn an intastella burst I am back to save the universeIn a deep deep sssleep of the inno$entI Am born againIn a faast German CarIm amazed that I survivedan airbag saved my lifeIn an intastella burst I am back to save the universeIn an intastella burst I am back to save the universeIn an intastella burst I am back to save the universe
2023-07-26 21:56:281


2023-07-26 21:56:351

如何评价 Radiohead 的新专辑 A Moon Shaped Pool

逗作为当今世界一线大团,Coldplay在《Ghost Stories》中展现了他们与时俱进的气度,电音及舞曲元素的加入,以及部分曲目中所呈现的冷色调,都未触及他们的筋骨:流畅而唯美的旋律;口白化却又含蓄隽永的歌词;以及精致与磅礴熔于一炉的整体氛围。他们是流行乐坛中鲜有能称作艺术家的那一群人。《Ghost Stories》是流行音乐里鲜有的能把艺术感和流行性结合得如此完美的专辑。甚至可以武断地认为,这是2014年中最好的流行唱片,至少于我个人,是足以循环播放一百次的唱片。地踌躇再三,我选择了这样一个开头。通常这样总结性的话语会放在文章(微博)的末尾。可我觉得,对于Coldplay来说,通常的所谓逗乐评地对他们来说没有太大的意义,评论家自然也不必画地为牢,作茧自缚。在过去的一个月里,我每天上下班的通勤音乐都是《Ghost Stories》,最终结果便是,里头每首歌我都能倒背如流,包括其中所用到的合成器弦乐,每一段的吉他Riff,我都能准确无误地哼唱出来。其实,这便是Coldplay的魔力。早年,他们做着酷似Radiohead《The Bends》的英伦吉他流行曲,《Yellow》《In My Place》绝不亚于《High And Dry》;此后,他们曾用《Viva La Vida》致敬The Beatles,乐队成员不仅全副武装,打扮成嬉皮士与英国皇家近卫军的混合体,和《Sgt.Pepper"s Lonly Hearts Club Band》所做的那样,音乐上也不忘用上披头士迷幻时期的标配乐器西塔琴,《Life In Technicolor》满满是披头的影子,《Lost!》甚至像是保罗·麦卡特尼爵士的曲子;再到后来,他们朝着U2靠拢,在《Mylo Xyloto》里,《Charlie Brown》那些吉他连复段,Jon Buckland(Coldplay吉他手)的演奏听起来就像是U2的逗刀刃地(Edge)的风格。但尽管如此,从来没有人说Coldplay有抄袭一事,反倒是陈绮贞《躺在你的衣柜》为代表的一大群华语乐坛小心翼翼地模仿《Yellow》,生产出来一大票衍生品。这便是Coldplay的才能,光阴似箭日月如梭,无论外头的世界怎样,他们自己的音乐进化成怎样,永远有着悦耳、连贯、迷人的旋律,且这强大的旋律性永远凌驾于风格之上。你不得不承认,除了Rolling Stones这样的老流氓,世间绝大多数伟大的乐队都是旋律大师:The Beatles——保罗·麦卡特尼甚至是整个流行音乐范畴里金曲之王;Nirvana——别等到人家不插电了才知道柯本的歌写得有多好;Radiohead——连逗美拍地这样的无脑APP,在背景音乐里都有偷偷塞一首他们的《No Surprises》;Beyond——在这一碗心灵鸡汤里头,黄家驹下的是逗神曲地的汤底。这使得他们在披着摇滚外衣的同时,与流行音乐中其他的天王天后相比,丝毫不落下风。而在《Ghost Stories》里,当我们在先行单曲中听到的那些一反乐队常态的东西,初始不适,紧接着就如同一直飞叶子的瘾君子忽然发现了世界上还有LSD这玩意一样。一个超越了风格的乐队是可怕的。这意味着就算他玩起了复古迪斯科,你也会像个脑残粉一样甘之如饴。恰好Bob Dylan就曾满怀嘲讽地说过:我其实是一个舞曲艺人。于是,当Coldplay在新专辑拿出《Magic》的时候,我的最初反应是:堂堂天团,为何要学起后辈The XX,用这样简约的电子节拍和暗流贝斯架构全曲看如果再往根源去说,U2在十年前便玩过这种东西了。可到了后来,木吉他扫弦引领着音墙席卷而上,主唱Chris Martin的招牌假音冲到浪尖口,我只能缴械投降。另一首先行单曲《Midnight》则更为离谱,万籁俱寂的午夜,电音氛围如衔枚疾走的时针分钟,乐队耐着性子,在歌曲整个上半段都没有加入任何打击乐器,仅仅是到了最后的一分半钟,让想象力小小地飞驰了一会,紧接着又恢复到无边的暗夜。如果不是亲耳所闻,我是绝不会相信英伦大团能够(或者说敢于)做这么一首高贵冷艳北欧电子乐的。至于大碟出来之前的最后一首单曲《A Sky Full Of Stars》,早已举白旗的我无所谓负隅顽抗了,跟着节拍跳舞吧!在《Mylo Xyloto》里没有尽兴的人们,在媚俗的琴键起落里,举起你们的双手吧!欢迎年度最佳舞曲乐队——Coldplay!Party的热潮冷却之后,舞客们横七竖八地倒在舞池里。所以说,如果仅仅是逗好听地,那么《Ghost Stories》和Lady Gaga、Katy Perry的唱片没有太大区别,所谓的逗艺术感地也无从说起。可他们是Coldplay。曾经,我以为《Viva La Vida》已是神作,当马汀以一身落魄的国王姿态出现,在轻快的弦乐组搭配下,高唱逗听那耶路撒冷钟声传来,罗马骑兵歌声震彻山海;担当我的明镜,利剑和盾牌,我的传教士屹立边疆之外地,歌曲中波澜壮阔的史诗性,早已超越了对路易十六的影射,生命的容量被拓宽,这或许已经是一张流行唱片的上限了。可紧接下来,在《Paradise》里,他们不仅勾勒了憧憬世界的小女孩形象,更是引入逗蝴蝶地这一重要的物象,使之贯穿整张专辑,逗大象版地MV中那个从动物园逃离的大象,穿越整座城市,上演一出《马达加斯加》式胜利大逃亡,最后在草原上和乐队同伴们重聚,镜头忽然切至演唱会的现场,台上的Coldplay四子穿戴大象服装,台下万人朝拜。至此,天堂已不仅仅是美好想象之地了,即使如我这般没有任何宗教背景的听众,也忍不住为之飙泪。攀过了一座又一座的高峰,这一次,《Ghost Stories》里,Coldplay决心在整个唱片的企划案上做得更极致,更完美。如果你有留意此前他们为电影《饥饿游戏2:星火燎原》所创作的单曲《Atlas》,你会发现《Ghost Stories》的专辑概念早有预谋。作为希腊神话中的大力神,欧洲人总把Atlas塑造成一个身背地球的巨人,他甚至常会以托举着天球仪的姿态出现。包括大西洋之名也是由此而来,The Atlantic Ocean,其中Atlantic便是Atlas演化而来,意为逗巨大的地。在Coldplay不仅在《Atlas》一曲中唱到弓箭、太阳、上帝,更是在MV中展现了如仙女座星云一般的星空图——这一切全都在《Ghost Stories》的封面中又再度出现了:一双天使的翅膀,里头有项链、迷宫、阶梯、情侣……背景是宝蓝色的海洋与天空,星星点缀其中。向来天文学与宗教不可分割,而海洋更是星辰的一部分,不仅有上述的大西洋为例,《Ghost Stories》中也有《Oceans》一曲,这才拼成一个完整的星夜。你或许会问,这满天的星斗,和逗鬼故事地有什么样的关系呢看岂不知,整张专辑的内核,既不是星途大海,也不是鬼神之说,而是爱。今年三月,克里斯·马汀和他的奥斯卡影后太太逗小辣椒地格温妮丝·帕特洛(微博)(Gwyneth Paltrow)宣布分手,结束两人11年的婚姻。这一娱乐圈的重磅消息,也成为了《Ghost Stories》在音乐之外的谈资。马汀这些年来没少为逗小辣椒地写过歌,如治愈过无数伤心人儿的《Fix You》,他们的公开声明中也表示逗虽然我们还爱着对方,但是我们还是选择分手地。月前,狗仔队更是曝出两人离婚后依然还住在一起,甚至还戴着婚戒,理由是格温妮丝认为逗两人以孩子快乐为先地。两人到底会不会闪电复合看不如我们就从《Ghost Stories》寻找答案吧。逗什么是魔法看什么是真实看和你一起,就是魔法。我浑身破裂,撕为两半。我称其为魔法,当我靠近你的时候。地(《Magic》)把爱情比作魔法,这本不是什么新鲜事。在爱情的暴风雨里,无论在这过程中受了多受罪,也依旧虔诚,人之常情。如副歌最后所唱:逗如果你问我,在经历了这些之后,还相信魔法吗看嗯,是的,我相信。地最棒的是,《Magic》的MV请来了章子怡主演,她饰演马戏团老板的情人,备受凌辱;而Coldplay主唱马丁则出演一位学徒,一直对章子怡心生暗慕,一面苦练魔术,最后通过自己一双巧手,把马戏团领班给变没了——这么一个向意大利著名导演费德里科·费里尼逗孤寂三部曲地《大路》致敬的MV,全程以黑白默片的方式呈现,伴随着Coldplay内敛而汹涌之情感,以及逗国际章地的演出,几乎可以锁定年度最佳音乐录影带大奖。而《Magic》的单曲封面也匠心独运地采用了和MV专辑封面同样的浓厚中世纪拜占庭绘画风格,只不过主视觉从翅膀换作鸽子——这是魔术师最常用的道具,而鸽子的内部有扑克牌,舞台,以及魔术师、女助手,和歌曲内容以及MV紧密相连。在专辑里,我们还能听到描述刻骨铭心之爱的《Ink》,带着轻快的电子碎拍,如眨着眼睛的星星,马汀唱到:逗在身上留下了共度一生的纹身字样,并有口袋小刀刻上你的名字……如星星般的你闪耀光芒,散发出爱的七彩光泽,是我一生渴求地;如赞美诗一般的《True Love》,是爱情不再后的自我麻醉,逗真爱的火焰在你我的眼眸间闪烁,请你对我说爱我,若你不再欺骗我地,曲末的电吉他solo更是让人倍觉苍白无力;讲述爱人离去后形影相吊、茕茕孑立的《Another"s Arms》,你可以任由它在你的耳边不断循环,直到不自觉地跟唱,逗世界于我一文不值,只要有你的怀抱地。这首歌让人想到经典影片《人鬼情未了》,爱人的影子也正正切合了逗Ghost Stories地这一主题。至此,星空,爱,鬼灵,这一切的连接点都水落石出了。Coldplay想通过这张专辑告诉我们,每个人都是一颗星,而我们有幸在茫茫宇宙中相遇。虽然总有一天会离开,无论是因为生老病死或是感情破碎,但这些着着实实地发生在银河系里。就像我们现在抬头所见的星空,或许那些正在闪耀的星,在数百年前已经黯灭了,因为我们实在相隔太远而造成的错觉。专辑之所以叫做逗鬼故事地,因为那些逝去的、不存在的爱,给我们的错觉也不过如此。也正如这张专辑真正意义上的主题曲《A Sky Full Of Stars》所唱的那样:逗我不在乎,一点也不,即使我粉身碎骨。因为在这布满星辰的夜空,我恍如与你共度。地王安忆曾说,写爱情题材的作品往往是两类作家,一类是九流作家,一类是最好的作家。这句话放到流行音乐而言同样成立,我们所听到的大部分情歌都是九流作品,但Coldplay的《Ghost Stories》是无疑一流的。在那些九流情歌里,要么是为失恋者的提供劝慰,要么是提供你爱我我爱你的甜梦,可在一流情歌的世界里,如Coldplay,专辑里根本没有解决任何现实的问题,温情脉脉的面纱被掀开,旧有的生活格局被打破,该来的来,该去的去,一个崭新的世界呈现在我们面前,尽管谁也说不上它是好是坏。这才是真实的爱情,真实的生活。《Ghost Stories》最后一首歌叫做《0》。这样纯净的钢琴曲,或许还得追溯到多年前的那首小品《Postcards From Far Away》了。逗一群鸟在天空盘旋,它们让你想起了爱情。我总是凝视着天空,在黎明前祈祷。它们在不经意间到来,又会在不经意间离开,远走高飞。地除了模拟一些鸟鸣,整首歌结束后,静止了约10秒种,又开始了乐队的涌动。这不仅是一个Outro,实际上也可以理解为Intro,它和专辑的开篇曲《Always In My Head》做到无缝连接,由此你可以明白为什么这首歌会叫做《0》。爱情就是这么一个循环的过程,如同斯蒂芬·金《黑暗塔》,小说的末尾枪侠罗兰(微博)终于攀上梦寐以求的高塔,但发现途中经历的一切不过是幻觉,且如埃舍尔非欧几何空间一样沉默如谜。你说,这到底是不是一件艺术品看
2023-07-26 21:56:441

谁能告诉我Radiohead的主唱Thom Yorke的眼睛是怎么回事???

2023-07-26 21:56:532

Radiohead唱的greep 歌词要全的。

2023-07-26 21:57:014


as fast as
2023-07-26 21:51:5513

wifi display是什么意思

wifi display的意思是:无线显示、无线显示功能。WiFi Display这个功能可以实现手机、移动PC与电视显示器之间的无线连接,也就是说可以将一台移动设备上的画面投放到支持WiFi Display接收的设备上。这是一种便利的、人性化的技术,能够帮助人们在各种显示屏间转换。Wi-Fi Display,手机/移动PC-电视/显示器将可以实现无线连接。该标准由WiFi无线产业联盟制定,还在测试中,技术可以压缩3D视频,从而通过Wi-Fi传输。3D视频很耗宽带,如果不压缩就会迟滞,Wi-Fi Display技术可以将延迟时间降到百分之一毫秒以下。Miracast实际上就是WiFi联盟(WiFi Alliance)对支持WiFi Display功能的设备的认证名称(该认证项目已经在2012年9月正式启动)。而通过Miracast认证的设备,便可提供简化发现和设置,实现设备间高速传输视频。
2023-07-26 21:51:561


2023-07-26 21:52:001


2023-07-26 21:52:001


+to do表示目的去做某事
2023-07-26 21:52:021

come on come over区别 似乎都有过来的意思

come over: v.过来 例句与用法: Why don"t you come over to England for a holiday? 你怎麽不到英国来度假呢? come on: v.突然产生,要求,成为...负担,偶遇,跟着来,开始,出台,上演 快点,赶快 例句与用法: 1.His French has come on a lot since he joined the conversation class. 他自从参加了会话班,法语取得了很大进步. 2.I came upon a group of children playing in the street. 我遇到一群孩子在街上玩耍. 3.The garden is coming on nicely. 这个花园里花草茂盛. 4.Her baby is coming on well. 她的婴儿发育良好.
2023-07-26 21:52:091


2023-07-26 21:52:091


中华的好些。不管是师资、服务和硬件都比东奥的好些。中华的通过率也高些。 押题不存在准不准,都是乱猜的。运气好才会碰到几个相似的题目。
2023-07-26 21:52:101


2023-07-26 21:51:533

come over和 come out的区别

come over: 来这里例:I"d like to invite you to come over to my house. 我想邀请您来我家。come out: 出来例:come out and play! 出来玩吧!
2023-07-26 21:51:521


2023-07-26 21:51:461


2023-07-26 21:51:441

Kenny Chesney的《Come Over》 歌词

歌曲名:Come Over歌手:Kenny Chesney专辑:Come OverCome OverKenny ChesneyI turn the TV off, to turn it on againStaring at the blades of the fan as it spins aroundCounting every crack, the clock is wide awakeTalking to myself, anything to make a soundI told you I wouldn""t call, I told you I wouldn""t careBut baby climbing the walls gets me nowhereI don""t think that I can take this bed getting any colderCome over, come over, come over, come over, come overYou can say we""re done the way you always doIt""s easier to lie to me than to yourselfForget about your friends, you know they""re gonna sayWe""re bad for each other, but we ain""t good for anyone elseI told you I wouldn""t call, I told you I wouldn""t careBut baby climbing the walls gets me nowhereI don""t think that I can take this bed getting any colderCome over, come over, come over, come over, come overWe don""t have to miss each other, come overWe don""t have to fix each other, come overWe don""t have to say forever, come overYou don""t have to stay forever, come overI told you I wouldn""t call, I told you I wouldn""t careBut baby climbing the walls gets me nowhereI don""t think that I can take this bed getting any colderCome over, come over, come over, come over, come overCome over, come over, come over, come over, come over.Come over, come over, come over, come over, come over.
2023-07-26 21:51:431


2023-07-26 21:51:373


地址:印度 马哈拉施特拉邦 孟买 zaineb区 sarang(爱情)街 1号楼 1楼 四号房编码 400003:- 54 .....=。= 这个东西真不知道是什么
2023-07-26 21:51:375