barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-05-19 18:16:45



Janice :


Come on in

Don"t be late for the show now


Outta Space

We"re gonna go with the flow now








Phat:译 柏:

OOMG yoU SO SEXY译 哦哦美女如此性感

OOOMG U SO PRETTY译 哦哦哦柏爵你这么漂亮

Sir JBS:

Hey Boo You"re so fine

Enticing me I"m a make you mine

Like a diamond in the rough,

you shine

You define what"s ill,

leave the rest behind

I"ma make you, my lady and maybe

We can make some babies

My Bonnie, partners in crime

We"ll be together for the whole nin














It"s so real

All the people getting" ready


I can"t wait

I can fell it getting closer








Ghost Style:

Oh yeah

My spirit"s high in the Milky Way

Timeless mind going through


The beat carry me into another world

Venus DeMilo now is my special girl

Porcelain set

So flush, she"s so wet

Showered in Moet

And her vibe don"t quit so I can"t forget

She like "Rap me a song I like street poets"













Light the beat, just keep on stomping

Every night we keep on rocking

Through the mind we"re para gilding

Just one life, just keep on flying

Day and night, my minds restoring

All the time, its freedom calling

Simple mind, life needs installing

Higher self, my minds recalling










Ghost Style:

She like my vibe, yeh

I like her vibe too

I like her vibe, yeh

And she like my vibe too

She gonna ride, cause she like to ride too

We have tonight, yeh,

Let"s party through the roof


她 喜欢我的氛围, 耶

我 太喜欢她的氛围

我 喜欢她的氛围, 耶









Tell me you love me baby告诉我你爱我宝贝

I"ve got this world to show you我已经把我的全部都呈现在你面前

You can leave everything you got behind你可以把所有的一切的抛之脑后

We don"t need a plane to get there去那里我们并不需要一架飞机

"Cause I got this glow inside me因为我的内心充满热情的光辉

But its only shining when you"re around但是那光辉只有你在我身边时才会突显

All that you want is waiting所有你想要的仅仅是等待

I know which path to get there我知道到达那里的捷径

Follow white rabbit and unlock the door跟着小白兔走然后锁掉那扇门

You won"t be without me baby宝贝你不能没有我

"Cause I"ve got this flow about me因为我知道我流动的方向

But I"m only gliding when you"re around但也仅仅是有你再我身边时我才知道如何滑行

"Cause we"ve got flowers everywhere因为我们周身的地方开满鲜花

Caterpillars over there毛毛虫就再那边

All you need Just make a wish所有要你做的仅仅是许个心愿

Now just close your eyes现在就在你的眼前

You"re living now in Wonderland你就住在这仙境里

You"re living now in Wonderland你就住在这仙境里

When we collided baby 宝贝我们何时才会相遇

I knew a star was shining我知道有颗星星一直在闪耀

We didn"t even leave a single piece behind我们甚至没有错过一片小小的空地

We don"t need to take a picture我们不需要拍照

"Cause I"ve got this brush inside me因为我已经把它刻在了我的心底

I could paint a rose any style ya like我可以画一个上任何样式的玫瑰

Tell me you love me baby告诉我你爱我宝贝

I"ve got this world to show you我已经把我的全部都呈现在你面前

We can have a Tea time anytime you like任何时候,你喜欢的话我们都可以一起喝个茶

All you need is love to be here所有你需要的是爱到这里来

Royal Heart"s will kneel before you你的王子会跪在你面前

Fairytales are made so that YOU come to life你的到来就是生活的一个童话

"Cause we"ve got mountains high up there因为我们已经知道了那里的山有多高

Miles of oceans over there那里的海有多广

All you need, just make a wish所有要你做的仅仅是许个心愿

now just close your eyes现在轻轻地闭上眼

You"re living now in wonderland你就住在这仙境里

I Can forget Tweedle Dee Tweedle Dum我可以忘记这个奇幻的世界





n. 奇境,仙境;非常奇妙的地方



caterpillars英 [kætə"pɪləz] 美 [kætə"pɪləz]n.毛虫( caterpillar的名词复数 ); 履带
2023-01-07 20:23:311


fleer[英][flɪə][美][flɪr]v.狞笑; 讥笑; 嘲笑; (做鬼脸表示轻蔑)嘲弄; n.冷嘲; 愚弄; 嘲笑挖苦的话(或表情); 第三人称单数:fleers现在分词:fleering过去式:fleered过去分词:fleeredcaterpillar[英][ˈkætəpɪlə(r)][美][ˈkætərpɪlə(r)]n.毛虫; 履带; 履带拖拉机; 复数:caterpillars形近词:Caterpillar
2023-01-07 20:23:381


2023-01-07 20:24:054


  cater是什么意思及用法   不及物动词:   1.提供饮食及服务(尤指社交方面)   2.由某人、某事物提供、迎合   3.满足某种需要或要求   词形变化   名称   caterer   时态   catered,catering,caters   英语解释   provide what is desired or needed, especially support, food or sustenance   supply food ready to eat; for parties and banquets   例句   Please rate facilities: Catering, shopping, transportation, cleanliness.   请评价该地的设施状况:餐饮,购物环境,交通,整洁度   `Repeat, "YOU ARE OLD, FATHER WILLIAM,"" said the caterpillar   “那么背诵《你老了,威廉爸爸》吧!”毛毛虫说。   "Serve the people, rely on business, vitalize and develop the economy, and cater to the whole country" is the watchword of this company.   本公司的口号是:服务人民,依托商业,开拓搞活,面向全国。   "caterpillar:The wormlike, often brightly colored, hairy or spiny larva of a butterfly or moth."   毛虫:蝴蝶或蛾子的蠕虫状,多为浅颜色的多毛或带刺的幼虫。   We are mean, that"s what"s the matter with us, dukes and dustmen, the whole human species-as mean as caterpillars   我们都是卑鄙的,这就是我们的症结所在,公爵和清道夫、整个民族都跟毛毛虫一样卑鄙。   Antoine"s Hair and Beauty Salon, a professional Team of hairdressers, Catering for Women and Men, Interested in the Clients" Needs   爱通美容店,专业男女理发师,竭诚为顾客服务   …they are either thieves, drunkards, snakes, tigers, malaria, cockroaches, caterpillars, or an English sailor.   …他们不外乎是盗贼、醉汉、毒蛇、老虎、疟疾菌、蟑螂、毛虫,或是英国的水手。   "Well," Thomas said, defending the elegance of his clientele, "we don"t exactly cater to paupers"   “得啦”,托马斯为维护他的客人的体面说,“我们也并不是只接待穷人”。   Any of various crawling insect larvae, such as a grub or a caterpillar, having a soft, elongated body   幼虫几种爬行昆虫幼虫的一种,如蛆或毛毛虫,有柔软的,细长的身体   The baby snatched up a stick lying at his feet and, racing after the cobra, pinned it to the ground as causally as if it were a caterpillar   那三岁小孩拿起脚下的一根棍子就追,泰然自若地把眼镜蛇当毛虫似地按在地上。   相似短语   cater for   为…承办伙食;满足,投合,迎合;筹集准备好(养老金)   cater to   v. 供应伙食,迎合   cater to...   满足...的需要;迎合   cater to the need of   迎合...的需要   cater angle (自动车的)   后倾角   cater to public needs   迎合大众需要   It is difficult to cater for all tastes.   众口难调   electric cater pillar crane   电动履带起重机   相似单词   cater   v.[I]   1.提供饮食及服务(尤指社交方面)   2.由某人、某事物提供、迎合   3.满足某种需要或要求   cater cousin   n. 密友   cater cornered   a. 对角线的   ad. 成对角线地   cater corner   a. 成对角线的   
2023-01-07 20:24:241

翻译 小女儿的英语作业

一只蝴蝶的生命开始的蛋其中孵化成一条毛毛虫。孵化后,毛毛虫可以吃它的蛋壳有许多种类的毛毛虫一些看起来有些吓人。一些在敌人剜出臭喇叭毛毛虫爱吃植物他们吃和快速成长。不久,一条毛毛虫会变得太大,它的皮肤然后它 脱了毛的老皮肤拆分开毛毛虫脱逃出来在一个全新的皮肤饿饿的毛毛虫一直吃东西。作为它增长,毛毛虫会再次蜕皮,它甚至可能会吃它的旧皮肤在几个星期,一条毛毛虫可能三比当它破壳而出的大一千倍现在丰满卡特彼勒找到一个安全的地方最后一次从它的皮肤脱逃然后它变成蛹。蛹动,天又一天但里面,毛毛虫的身体正变得蝴蝶一天,蛹拆分和一只蝴蝶爬出来了它延伸其全新的翅膀它会检查出它全新的身体一只蝴蝶有大眼睛看到的颜色和形状它可以与它的脚和气味品味与及其天线但最重要的是,蝴蝶能飞他们跳过,在空中舞很难抓到他们的鸟蝴蝶爱参观鲜花当你登陆它 伸直 的长舌头,像喝稻草。它喝甜桑叶称为从花的花蜜。花蜜是蝴蝶的食物当一些蝴蝶关闭时它们的翅膀,他们可以像隐藏叶子问题补充:其他蝴蝶不需要隐藏帝王蝶的山崖翅膀警告敌人这种味道当女性的蝴蝶是准备好了时,她看起来正确的地方,她下蛋她会发现她的毛毛虫爱吃的植物那里,她自己的卵,所以总是会有更多的蝴蝶
2023-01-07 20:24:314


  蝴蝶也作胡蝶,旧时以为蝶的总称。蝴蝶具有鲜明的颜色,是很多人都喜欢观赏的一种昆虫。那么你知道蝴蝶用英语怎么说吗?下面我为大家带来蝴蝶的英语说法,欢迎大家一起学习。  蝴蝶的英语说法1:   butterfly   英 [ˈbʌtəflai] 美 [ˈbʌtɚˌflaɪ]   蝴蝶的英语说法2:   scalewing   蝴蝶相关英语表达:   蝴蝶花 fringed iris   蝴蝶结 tom fool knot   蝴蝶髻 hair worn in a butterfly-shaped bun   蝴蝶果 sinopimelodendron kwangsiense   蝴蝶英语说法例句:   从蛹壳中羽化而出的蝴蝶   A butterfly emerging from its chrysalis   一只堪萨斯州的蝴蝶扇动了一下翅膀,就会导致整个股市崩盘吗?   Crashing because a Kansas butterfly flapped its wings?   挥动着翅膀的蝴蝶   A butterfly fluttering its wings   你认为蝴蝶是一种昆虫吗?   Do you think butterfly is a type of insect?   那家博物馆里有一些蝴蝶标本。   There are some butterfly specimens in the museum.   毛虫是蝴蝶的幼体。   A caterpillar is the larva of a butterfly.   蝴蝶的眼睛很奇妙。   The butterfly"s eye is rather curious.   毛虫变成了蝴蝶。   A caterpillar changed into a butterfly.   你头上有个蝴蝶,你能逮住它吗?   There"s a butterfly above you-can you catch it?   就像韩国电视剧的《蝴蝶情人》那位女孩的命运一样,老天总是会促弄人!   Like the Korean dramas “ butterfly lovers ” the girl"s fate, god always will promote lane person!   他飞快地站起来去捉蝴蝶。   Quickly, he stood up to catch the butterfly.   星期一,他追逐一只漂亮的蝴蝶。   On Monday, he runs after a beautiful butterfly.   有一只蝴蝶正在花丛里忽上忽下地飞着。   A butterfly is flying up and down among the flowers.   我觉得这虫子是蝴蝶的幼虫。   I think this worm is a larva of a butterfly.   它展示了从幼虫变成蝴蝶的过程。   It shows the metamorphosis of a larva into a butterfly.   丑陋的毛虫会变成美丽的蝴蝶。   The ugly caterpillar will change into a beautiful butterfly.   毛虫会变成蝴蝶。   Caterpillars turned into butterflies.   蝴蝶馆里面 收藏 了世界各地的蝴蝶和蛾类。   The collection includes butterflies and moths from all over theworld.   黑脉金蝴蝶是一种很少见的进行迁移的蝴蝶种类。   The monarch is one of the few butterfly species that make a migratory trip.   花儿竞相开放,蜜蜂、蝴蝶在花丛中飞舞着,忙碌着。   The flowers come out and many bees and butterflies are flying among the flowers.
2023-01-07 20:25:431

请问这个句子中 producing 后的部分在语法上是什么成分。

producing后caterpillars是宾语,which引导定语从句producing caterpillars which graze on its mouldy hair状语,表示结果。句子译:树獭如此不讲究卫生,结果它粗糙的毛发上生出绿苔,成群的寄生蛾生长在它的皮毛深处,变成毛毛虫,并以它的脏毛为食。
2023-01-07 20:25:542


2023-01-07 20:26:053


2023-01-07 20:26:274


都可以的,毛毛虫Caterpillar(s) / carpenterworm(s)。只是前者用的多一些。caterpillar[英][ˈkætəpɪlə(r)][美][ˈkætərpɪlə(r)]n.毛虫; 履带; 履带拖拉机; 复数:caterpillars1.A caterpillar is the larva of a butterfly.毛虫是蝴蝶的幼体。2And caterpillar was duped into thinking the company was worth much more than it actually was.卡特彼勒公司被骗相信年代煤矿机电公司具有很高的价值。
2023-01-07 20:26:481

请翻译几句关于毛毛虫的简单英文 汉译英(不要翻译器)谢谢

Caterpillar is one of the most common insectsIt crawls forward peristaltically Its body is covered with bristlesCaterpillar will grow into a beautiful butterfly
2023-01-07 20:26:574


Each one leaves, there belongs to its own lines, Each individual has the motto of his own. I, and others do not, I should like to show my own personality. No matter more than who, as long as more than myself. I do not need to do the beautiful moon, only willing to do a nameless star is sufficient, because a large grass lawn after work, but also will lead to Verdy. Do not need others to believe you, if he did believe that they can, even if there is no stage to sing their own, even if no one applaud you, I believe, as long as their happy, where the stage would be my flash, all in all, there is no possible , no matter how kind, as long as he was willing to be able to! Think about it, the beautiful butterfly"s metamorphosis has also come from the original that caterpillars efforts. Think again, towering trees have also come from a weak seedlings without the wind ...... After all things are part of its history, like the old weather-beaten walls. Do not be afraid! All rely on your own!
2023-01-07 20:27:284


2023-01-07 20:27:432

江山易改,本性难移的英文是什么 谢谢

The leopard cannot change its spots
2023-01-07 20:27:524

caterpillar怎么读 英语caterpillar怎么读

1、caterpillar英[?k?t?p?l?(r)]美[?k?t?rp?l?r],n.毛虫; 蠋(蝴蝶或蛾的幼虫)。2、[例句]Caterpillars change into butterflies毛虫变成蝴蝶。
2023-01-07 20:28:191


Lepidoptera Life Cycles The life cycle of Lepidoptera (butterflies,skippers,and moths) consists of four distinct stages:egg,larva (caterpillar),pupa (chrysalis or cocoon) and adult.The butterfly,skipper or moth begins life as a tiny egg.Females lay their eggs on specific plants (called host plants or food plants) that serve as food for the next stage,the caterpillar.Within several days,a caterpillar (or larva) chews its way out of the egg.Caterpillars spend their life eating - increasing their weight more thasn 3000 times.As it grows,the caterpillar molts,or sheds its exoskeleton,4-5 times.After several weeks the caterpillar prepares to enter the pupal stage.The butterflies attach themselves to a firm support,shed their exoskeleton and become a chrysalis.Moth and skipper caterpillars cover themselves with silk (forming a protective cocoon),shed their exoskeleton and pupate.The chrysalis stage may last several weeks -- during which time the body of the caterpillar is broken down and slowly reformed into the body of an adult butterfly.The pupae inside the cocoons of moths generally spend the winter in the cocoon before completing their transformation the following spring.The new adult emerges from the chrysalis or cocoon with soft,wrinkled wings.Fluid and blood from ther bosy are pumped intot he wings.,inflating them to their full size.After the wings inflate and harden (a process that generally takes several hours) the adult butterfly or moth is able to fly and begin its search for food and/or a mate.
2023-01-07 20:28:241


2023-01-07 20:28:304


he would never see her again, unless by some
2023-01-07 20:29:072


解释:蝴蝶美式读音:"bʌtər,flai英式读音:"bʌtəflaɪz单数:butterfly例句:1、Butterflies can be strong flyers.蝴蝶的飞翔力强。2、Caterpillars change into butterflies.毛虫变成蝴蝶。3、Butterflies flitted from flower to flower.蝴蝶在花丛中飞来飞去。4、Butterflies feed on the flowers of garden plants.蝴蝶以园林中草木的花为食。5、Beautiful butterflies hovered above the wild flowers.美丽的蝴蝶在野花上方盘旋。
2023-01-07 20:29:151

猜一猜这些词的复数形式是什么?多谢!moth. spider. caterpillar. beetle. snail. grasshopper. siug. wa

2023-01-07 20:29:281


A. It"s easy to change rivers and mountains but hard to change a person"s nature.B.A leopard never changes his spots.C.The fox may grow grey,but never good.
2023-01-07 20:29:334


2023-01-07 20:29:517

turn into 和change into 有什么区别

hange into更强调的是形式上的改变 如:Caterpillars change into butterflies 毛毛虫变成蝴蝶,也可以是change sth.into sth.turn into 也可以指形式上的改变,上面的例子也可以是Caterpillars turn into butterflies 还能表示状态上的改变 如:water turns into ice 其实它们的区别并不是非常大.下面比较详细 你可以体会一下turn into 1 (使)变成 2 译成 (使)变成 Joan is turning into quite a skilled musician.琼正在变成一个技艺精湛的音乐家.译成 Please turn this into English.请把这个译成英语.change into 1 换上衣服 2 (使)变为 换上衣服 She changed into the working clothes.她换上了工作服.(使)变为 Ice changes into water rapidly on a hot day.天气炎热的时候,冰很快就化为水.
2023-01-07 20:30:162


每日科学——荷兰生态学家 Roxina Soler 和她的同事发现,地下和地上食草昆虫可以通过使用植物相互沟通。地下昆虫化学问题通过植物叶子的警告信号。这种方式,在地面上的昆虫是警告说,工厂已经“占领”。  地上,食叶昆虫喜欢尚未被地下的植物  root-eating昆虫。地下的昆虫通过植物的叶子发出化学信号,  这警告地上昆虫对它们的存在。这消息使  spatially-separated昆虫为了避免彼此,这样他们不竞争同一种植物。  近年来发现,不同类型的地上昆虫发展缓慢  如果他们以植物为食,也有地下昆虫和亦然。看来,一个  开发了通过自然选择机制,这有助于地下和地上昆虫相互通信,可以避免不必要的竞争。  通过“绿色电话线路”,地下的昆虫也可以与第三方沟通,  即毛毛虫的天敌。寄生蜂产卵在上面  地面的昆虫。黄蜂还受益于树叶发出的信号,随着这些帮助他们寻找更多昆虫鸡蛋。  地下之间的通信及以上——地面昆虫只有被研究  一些系统。研究人员说目前仍不清楚这种现象是否普遍存在词霸翻译的 因为我也不会= =
2023-01-07 20:30:241

turn into与change into的区别

change into更强调的是形式上的改变 如:Caterpillars change into butterflies 毛毛虫变成蝴蝶, 也可以是change sth. into sth. turn into 也可以指形式上的改变,上面的例子也可以是Caterpillars turn into butterflies 还能表示状态上的改变 如:water turns into ice 其实它们的区别并不是非常大.下面比较详细 你可以体会一下turn into 1 (使)变成 2 译成 (使)变成 Joan is turning into quite a skilled musician. 琼正在变成一个技艺精湛的音乐家。 译成 Please turn this into English. 请把这个译成英语。 change into 1 换上衣服 2 (使)变为 换上衣服 She changed into the working clothes. 她换上了工作服。 (使)变为 Ice changes into water rapidly on a hot day. 天气炎热的时候, 冰很快就化为水。
2023-01-07 20:30:313

蝴蝶 英语介绍

2023-01-07 20:30:544

请问有谁有有关昆虫的英文文章啊? 而且是翻译好中文的了

Lepidoptera Life Cycles The life cycle of Lepidoptera (butterflies, skippers, and moths) consists of four distinct stages: egg, larva (caterpillar), pupa (chrysalis or cocoon) and adult. The butterfly, skipper or moth begins life as a tiny egg. Females lay their eggs on specific plants (called host plants or food plants) that serve as food for the next stage, the caterpillar. Within several days, a caterpillar (or larva) chews its way out of the egg. Caterpillars spend their life eating - increasing their weight more thasn 3000 times. As it grows, the caterpillar molts, or sheds its exoskeleton, 4-5 times. After several weeks the caterpillar prepares to enter the pupal stage. The butterflies attach themselves to a firm support, shed their exoskeleton and become a chrysalis. Moth and skipper caterpillars cover themselves with silk (forming a protective cocoon), shed their exoskeleton and pupate. The chrysalis stage may last several weeks -- during which time the body of the caterpillar is broken down and slowly reformed into the body of an adult butterfly. The pupae inside the cocoons of moths generally spend the winter in the cocoon before completing their transformation the following spring. The new adult emerges from the chrysalis or cocoon with soft, wrinkled wings. Fluid and blood from ther bosy are pumped intot he wings., inflating them to their full size. After the wings inflate and harden (a process that generally takes several hours) the adult butterfly or moth is able to fly and begin its search for food and/or a mate.
2023-01-07 20:31:093


北极熊吃鱼 鱼 fish大象吃草 草 grass长颈鹿吃树叶 树叶 leaves
2023-01-07 20:31:212

毛毛虫 英语单词

单词这样背 第一条,就是:一定要每次都大量地背。因为自己不比别人聪明,所以背完单词,别人忘掉五分之一,自己决不会比别人忘得少。然而,别人每天背十个单词,自己却可以背一百个,忘掉五分之一,还剩八十个,是别人最聪明状态下的十倍。每天一百个是最低限。其实背到后来您会发现这个要求并不高,一个月后,您可能自然而然地就背到三百或者五百。 这四百个要分成四组来背,上午三十,中午十个,下午三十,晚上三十。第二天早晨复习以前没背下来的词。背的时候,要一目十词(注意,是十个而不是更多或更少),不要认认真真背,因为没有认认真真的时间。一边看一边读每个词的读音,默读也成。看完后回忆一遍,回忆不起来的再看。这次背的目的在于留下个大概印象,下次看见能知道这个词,所以背到大部分都能回忆得起来就成了,把剩下的词单独抄出来。 背单词捷径的第二条,就是:背字典!为什么要背字典呢?因为字典上每个词的解释比较全面,而且相同字母开头的单词都集中在一起。不是什么字典都可以拿来背的,一定要找只包含自己想背的词的字典。另外,最好有英文方式的解释和例句。而且,一定要有音标!如果是为了考TOFEL或者GRE,注意要选美音音标的字典。一般教材课文后面的词汇表都是为那些认认真真听课的好学生准备的,想走捷径就千万不要去背那些东西。 背字典的时候,按开头字母(Z,Y,X,Q,J,K,U)(V,W,N,O,L)(FG,IT,HM,BDE,R)(C,P,S,A)的顺序背,其中C,P,S,A每个都要分三部分背。这样背有几个好处:(一)能增加成就感,提高兴趣。至于为什么,您翻翻字典就明白了。;)(二)便于清楚地知道那些单词已经背过,那些还没背。(三)能先把最基本的词先掌握。三万单词里,分为三个等级:三千到四千,八千到一万,两万二到三万。也就是说,您得分别准备三本字典。这几个等级之间各自有非常不同的特性,所以需要分别用不同方法背。俺当时没有认识到这一点,所以在从一万到三万之间走了一段弯路,浪费了一些时间,不然或许能突破到五万吧。;) 所以,背单词捷径的下面这条就有了三个分支。背单词捷径的第三条,就是:和单词多见面。一个单词能不能记住,取决于和它在不同场合见面的频率,不在于每次看着它的时间长短(同样规律也适合于泡MM;))。一般想记住一个单词,每星期要和它在*不同场合*见三到四次面。俺在上文中提到大量背的时候,不要抠某一个字记住与否就是这个意思。因为是否一见钟情都是无所谓的,关键在于有更多不同类型的见面机会。不过,根据要背的单词的等级不同,增加见面机会的方式也有所不同。 (2)第一个分支:瞎听!三千到四千这个等级,是非常常用的单词,而且几乎囊括了表达最基本思想所需要的一切词汇。每篇文章中百分之八十都是这些词汇,而且这些词都是最基本的语素(或称"词根"),就是分割到最小无法再分割,互相之间也没什么类似之处的东西。对付这些词的最好方法,就是进行大量的,不间断的,简单的初级听力练习。因为阅读材料中,还有百分之二十其他词汇,所以光凭这个等级的词还看不懂那些阅读材料。但是听力练习都是最基本的对话,而且发音一般很标准,多听能够增加单词的重复率,而且可以为以后背八千到一万那个等级的词打下语音基础。 听的时候,要分精听和泛听两部分。精听当然是指每个词都要弄懂,俺着重讲一下泛听(饭厅?;P)。泛听是最重要的,因为掌握语速和语调,以及总体印象都要靠泛听。而这些都是背八千到一万等级单词的基础?泛听能够让经常用到的词(也就是那些最必要掌握的词)把您的耳朵磨出茧子来,让您模模糊糊听到个音就能反应出它是什么意思。泛听中您听到的词,才是您真正应该记住的词,所以别害怕精听的时候什么都听不懂。到底什么是泛听呢?泛听,就是说您听的时候,精神要分散,要一边干着其他事(比如撮饭或和别人大声讨论撮饭;)~),一边有一搭没一搭地听着。泛听一定要见缝插针,一有机会就听着,最好耳机不离耳朵。;)而精听的意义就在于找出您没听清的那些词。啊哈,那就是您背过但还不熟悉的词了。:)把这些词单独记在另外一个地方,别跟没背下来的词混了。泛听要听精听已经听过的内容。比如精听听到了第二盘磁带,那么泛听就听第一盘磁带,正好。提醒您一句,千万别拿英语广播当自己的听力教材!!!顺便跟您推荐一套听力教材:武汉师范大学出的Step by Step.内容比较循序渐进,每一课开头的音乐也很好听。;) 第二个分支:狂看!八千到一万这个等级,基本包含了剩下的百分之二十。这些单词在听力教材里很难找到。但是,可不要停止听的练习呦,因为听能巩固您的语调感觉,而这是背这个等级单词的一个关键。不过,背这个等级的词,需要在听以外增加看的内容。看,同样要分精读和泛读两种。就象听一样,也是泛读更重要一些。泛读要挑不太长,能有耐心看完的文章,而且看不懂的词不要太多,一篇文章有两三个不认识的就足够了。千万不要一上来就看英语报刊杂志小说,那些东西不但很难看懂,而且看懂了也对背单词没什么促进作用。:Q泛读也需要大量练习,只要您有耐心,又有足够时间,就一直看下去吧!看的时候不要仔细阅读,扫一眼明白个大概意思就成了,然后把这一眼没看懂的词画上记号,别琢磨它是什么意思,继续扫描吧!全部看完之后,回头再看这些单词,有的可能已经想起来了,有的....还没想起来?那就查查字典,要是自己还没背过,就扔掉它,要是已经背过了,就单独抄下来吧,和听力练习中没听出来的词放在一起。 (3)俺的经验是新概念第一二册,然后大学泛读课本前两册,然后是另外的一个泛读教程初级部分,然后新概念第三册,泛读课本第三册,某一种听力教材高级听力部分的教师用书,然后新概念第四册,泛读课本第四五册...这么个顺序进度比较合适。 第三个分支:乱说!这只适合背两万二到三万的词。因为其他的词不用说就已经背下来了。;)而这个等级的词在阅读材料里非常少,可能阅读十篇文章却一个这个等级的词也没有。所以靠阅读来增加见面机会已经不行了。这些词甚至有的老外一辈子都没见过,咋能指望他们能写出来呢?尤其是GRE词汇,什么"给马穿衣服","纽约的流氓","从非洲吹向南欧的风"....这些词都是一些精致的修辞,也就是说,如果您话里净是这些词,那您可以假冒一位学者了。;)一般的老外都是听不懂您说的这些话的,所以不用这些词也能表达同样的含义。好了,您的机会来了,您可以跟老外讲话中带上这些单词,然后很自豪地假装谦虚地跟他们解释这些词的含义。;)每次跟老外解释一两个词就足够了,老外会佩服您佩服得五体投地的。;)HL就向ws解释吧!要大胆而耐心,尤其是大胆。;) 这个阶段,您就别再练听力了,因为练了进步也不大。还记得开头那句话么?要想成功,得走捷径。凡是不能在短时期内取得巨大进步的行动,都不必浪费时间去做。不过,这时候的阅读材料成了问题:您会发现,过去看的东西觉得太浅没意思,看其他深的东西又看不懂。您还会发现一个新的有趣现象:那就是您想看的文章里,现在全是第一个等级的那些词,每个词您都确切知道它的含义,但整个文章您就是看不懂。;Q那您该看什么呢?就看第二个等级的那些浅显文章啊。虽然浅显,但能帮助您不至于忘了过去背出来的成果。至于您看不懂的那些文章,别着急,等您和老外交流多了,您自然就懂了,那都是一些词组、俚语或文法组成的文章。:) 背单词捷径的第四条,就是:联想,联想,联想,.....背单词的第一个动作是什么?端详一下它的外貌。第二第三个动作呢?看看它的内涵和发音。而第四个动作,就应该是联想,再联想.....联想它和其他背过的词有没有外表类似的?读音类似的?意思类似或相反的?如果有,就赶紧记在旁边,在另外那些词旁边也把这个词加上。这样,以后看见其他词,也会联想起这个词,等于又增加了一次见面机会。而且,在第二、第三个等级的词汇里,还有许多单词是由"前缀","词根","后缀"组成的,前缀比如"re","in","pseud"...,后缀比如"er","a","oid"...,然后共同组成一个新词。如果掌握了这些前后缀,就可以很方便地猜出一个生词到底什么意思。另外,有很多读音相近的词也有相似的意思,这在俚语、诗歌和儿童用语中更普遍。如果每天记80个单词,一个月只能背2400个单词,但掌握了这些规律后,实际上背的速度越来越快,几乎一万多单词都是不用背就会了的。不过,在GRE单词中,有很多是既没有和其他词的关系,又没有前后缀,看起来既简单又记不住的单词。这些词里边有希腊语,意大利语,德语,拉丁语,甚至还有日语译音。这就只能靠和别人解释来掌握了。(HL一定要注意!) 背单词捷径的第五条,就是:复习!记得快,忘得也就快,这是一个非常正常的规律。在背单词的过程中,复习就显得非常重要。俺总结复习的规律是:十个单词复习一遍,然后三十个单词,然后是以前所有没背下来的单词。复习的时候,同样不必细抠,粗略地扫一遍就可以了,但一定要想它的读音(因为英语是象声的)。最后背不下来的单词,一定是不常用的,因为老外一样背不下来。;)每背完一个开头字母的单词,就要把前一个开头字母的复习一遍。然后每背完前文中括号里面的开头字母,就把上一个括号里的复习一遍。复习的时候,要先看英文翻译中文意思来一遍,然后再看着中文想它的英文单词再来一遍。前面说过,在泛听,泛读中忘了的词要和背的时候就记不住的词分着记下来,就是为了在复习的时候区别对待。忘了的词,要每天看一遍,会了就划掉,而记不住的词则在背完了整个字母以后,单独背一下这些词,平常就不用看了。GRE单词的复习方法非常奇怪:它需要进行填字游戏。也就是说,盖住单词的一部分,然后想整个词是怎么拼。另外,还得想它的同义词,近义词,反义词。顺便说一句,考GRE的词和考TOFEL的词互相之间是毫不相关的,也就是说,您不会TOFEL的词,GRE也有可能拿个高分
2023-01-07 20:31:316


《 爱丽丝漫游奇境记 》 是英国的刘易斯.卡洛尔的著作,这本书主要写了善良可爱的小女孩爱丽丝的梦中奇遇记。作者以丰富的想象力,写出了这本奇特的 《 爱丽丝漫游奇境记 》 。此外,这本书里有两个大故事。一个是 《 爱丽丝漫游奇境记 》 , 另一个是 《 爱丽斯镜中奇遇记 》 。这两个长长的故事都有一个共同的特点,那就是里面所写的东西都希奇古怪,甚至连本不该说话的东西都会说话,而且似乎是很自然的事。作者笔下的爱丽斯小姑娘心地纯洁,乐于助人,并且能面对一些希奇古怪的人或动物时神情镇定,毫无惊讶,毛骨悚然之表情,更增添小女还爱丽丝的几分勇敢,更说明她是一个遇事冷静镇定的人。在 《 爱丽丝漫游奇境记 》 和 《 爱丽丝镜中奇遇记 》 中,我更喜欢 《 爱丽丝镜中奇遇记 》 。应为我觉得 《 爱丽丝镜中奇遇记 》 的想象力更丰富多彩身不可测,所以我更喜欢 《 爱丽丝镜中奇遇记 》 。在 爱丽丝镜中奇遇记 中,我最喜欢 爱丽丝王后 这章。这样的想象虽然遥不可及,但也是一种想象,美好的想象。"Alice in Wonderland" is Britain"s Lewis. Carroll"s book, the book mainly to write a good little girl"s dream Alice adventure in mind. To enrich the imagination of the author, wrote this strange, "Alice in Wonderland." In addition, this book has two big stories. One is the "Alice in Wonderland" and "Alice in the mirror adventure in mind." The two long stories have a common characteristic is that there are things written by Xiqiguguai, Even this should not speak of anything will always say, but it seems that it is very natural. Alice described by the author of the pure-hearted girl, ready to help others and be able to face the Xiqiguguai or when the animals looked calm, no surprise, the horrified expression, but also to add my daughter Alice was also a bit of courage, it is stated She is a calm and distress when they are calm. In "Alice in Wonderland" and "Alice in the mirror adventure in mind," I like "Alice in the mirror adventure in mind." I think it should be "Alice in the mirror adventure in mind," the more rich and colorful imagination are unpredictable, so I like "Alice in the mirror adventure in mind." Alice in the mirror adventure in mind, my favorite Queen Alice this chapter. Although such a far-fetched to imagine, but also a kind of imagination, a good imagination.
2023-01-07 20:31:582

帮忙查一下这些动物吃什么与来自哪里(english )

2023-01-07 20:32:153

关于昆虫的英语文章 急求!

Insects are a major group of arthropods and the most diverse group of animals on the Earth, with over a million described species more than half of all known living organisms with estimates of undescribed species as high as 30 million, thus potentially representing over 90% of the differing life forms on the planet. Insects may be found in nearly all environments on the planet, although only a small number of species occur in the oceans, a habitat dominated by another arthropod group, the crustaceans.There are approximately 2,000 praying mantis, 5,000 dragonfly species, 20,000 grasshopper, 82,000 true bug, 120,000 fly, 110,000 bee, wasp and ant, 170,000 butterfly and moth, and 360,000 beetle species described to date. Estimates of the total number of current species, including those not yet known to science, range from two million to fifty million, with newer studies favouring a lower figure of about six to ten million. Adult modern insects range in size from a 0.139mm (0.00547 in) fairyfly (Dicopomorpha echmepterygis) to a 56.7centimetres (22.3in) long stick insect (phobaeticus chani). The heaviest documented insect was a Giant Weta of 70 g (2.5 oz), but other possible candidates include the Goliath beetles Goliathus goliatus, Goliathus regius and Cerambycid beetles such as Titanus giganteus, though no one is certain which is truly the heaviest.The study of insects (from Latin insectus, meaning "cut into sections") is called entomology, from the Greek, also meaning "cut into sections".
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2023-01-07 20:32:492


一、表达意思不同1、in:在……内;进……里;在……期间;在……以后;穿着;在……状态中;在……方面;包含在……中;从事……;用……语言,以……媒介;以……调;在(活动)过程中;进入;在里头;到达;当选;涨潮;在屋里;在车站;收到;递交,送到;填写,着色;朝里,向中间;击球;(球)落在界内;在里面的;时髦的;(用球)界内的。2、into: 到……里面;触及,碰撞;朝,向;转向;关于;转变成;造成(某种结果);除;<非正式>对……很有兴趣;从事(某职业等);被迫做,被说服做;成为……的一部分;持续到,直到。二、词性不同1、in:通常在句中既可以作名词,也可以作副词和形容词。2、into:通常在句中既可以作介词。例句1、His legs were covered in mud.他的双腿沾满了泥。2、They ate in an Italian restaurant in Forth Street. 他们在福斯大街的一家意大利餐馆吃了饭。3、Caterpillars change into butterflies. 毛虫变成蝴蝶。
2023-01-07 20:32:581


就是中文和英文都有的介绍.. 很急啊谢谢啦..! Butterfly, 蝶,通称为“蝴蝶”,全世界大约有14000余种,大部分分布在美洲,尤其在
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搞笑英语绕口令 、a gazillion gigantic grapes gushedgradually giving gophers gooey guts. 、a rough-coated, dough-faced, thoughtful ploughman strode through the streets of scarborough; after falling into a slough, he coughed and hiccoughed. " 、a twister of twists once twisted a twist.and the twist that he twisted was a three twisted in twisting this twist, if a twist should untwist,would the twist that untwisted untwist the twists. 、aluminum, linoleum, aluminum, linoleum, aluminum, linoleum 、as one black bug, bled blue, black blood. the other black bug bled blue. 、betty botter bought some butter but she said the butter"s bitter. if i put it in my batter it will make my batter bitter. so, she bought some better butter, better than the bitter butter and she put it in her batter and her batter was not bitter. so "twas good that betty botter bought some better butter. 、dr. johnson and mr. johnson, after great consideration, came to the conclusion that the indian nation beyond the indian ocean is back in education because the chief occupation is cultivation. 、dust is a disk"s worst enemy. 、how much dew does a dewdrop dropif dewdrops do drop dew?they do drop, they doas do dewdrops dropif dewdrops do drop dew. 、how much ground could a grounghog grind if a groundhog could grind ground? 、how much myrtle would a wood turtle hurdle if a wood turtle could hurdle myrtle?a wood turtle would hurdle as much myrtle as a wood turtle could hurdle if a wood turtle could hurdle myrtle. 、i know a boy named tatewho dined with his girl at eight eight.i"m unable to state what tate ate at eight eightor what tate"s tête à tête ate at eight eight. 、i see a sea down by the seashore.but which sea do you see down by the seashore? 、i slit a sheet, a sheet i slit, upon a slitted sheet i sit. 、if coloured caterpillars could change their colours constantly could they keep their coloured coat coloured properly?
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《小王子》剧本人物:小王子玫瑰花小狐狸宇航员开场白宇航员:I am aastronaut years ago, I have experienced a lot. But the one who give me thebiggest impression is a little prince. That day it was something wrong with myplane, so I had to took off on a desert, because of that I came across thelittle prince.第一场小王子:hi, are you the people on the earth? (走来)宇航员:oh, yes, of course! But aren"t you? (正在查看飞机,有些吃惊)小王子:of course, I"m not! I come from another planet.宇航员:oh, that sounds interesting, then why do you come here?(宇航员非常感兴趣,停止工作)小王子:I don"t know, but do you want to listen to me tell you somethingabout my story?宇航员:with pleasure!(笑着回答,于是宇航员和小王子并排坐在一起)小王子:do you know what rose is?宇航员:oh, yes, I know.小王子:but she is different.旁白①宇航员:as I was very tired about repairing my plane that day, I put off thework on my hand,and sat down with the little prince, listening his story tillthe sun had already rose down…②On the little prince"s planet the flowers had always been verysimple. But one day, from a seed blown from no one knew where, a new flower hadcome up; and the little prince had watched very closely over this small sproutwhich was not like any other small sprouts on his planet.Then one morning,exactly at sunrise, she suddenly showed herself.第二场小王子:Oh! How beautiful you are!(拿着喷水壶)玫瑰花:thank you. But I am scarcely awake. I beg that you will excuse me.My petals are still all disarranged...(打着哈欠)小王子:but you are really different from others.玫瑰花:it"s true, I was born at the same moment as the sun...Ithink it is time for breakfast, If you would have the kindness to think of myneeds—小王子:of course, all right!(小王子很有些不好意思,于是就拿着喷壶浇灌着花儿)旁白So, too, the rose began very quickly to torment him with hervanity-- which was, if the truth be known, a little difficult to deal with. Oneday, for instance, when she was speaking of her four thorns, she said to thelittle prince:玫瑰花:Let the tigers come with their claws!小王子:There are no tigers on my planet, And, anyway, tigers do not eatweeds.玫瑰花:Please excuse me... I am not at all afraid oftigers, but I have a horror of drafts. I suppose you wouldn"t have a screen for me?Atnight I want you to put me under a glass globe. It is very cold where you live.In the place I came from—玫瑰:The screen?小王子:I was just going to look for it when you spoke to me...旁白So the little prince, in spite of all the good will that wasinseparable from his love, had soon come to doubt her. He had taken seriouslywords which were without importance, and it made him very unhappy. At last, he decidedto go outside have a long journey. He believed that he would never want toreturn. But on this last morning all these familiar tasks seemed very preciousto him. And when he watered the flower for the last time, and prepared to placeher under the shelter of her glass globe, he realised that he was very close totears.小王子:Goodbye.玫瑰花:... ...小王子:Goodbye.玫瑰花:... ...(一阵咳嗽,却不是因为生病,而是,因为,心痛) I have been silly, I ask your forgiveness. Try to be happy... ... Of course I love you, It is my fault that you have not known it all the while.That is of no importance. But you-- you have been just as foolish as I. Try tobe happy... let the glass globe be. I don"t want it any more.小王子:But the wind—玫瑰花:My cold is not so bad as all that... the cool night air will do megood. I am a flower.小王子:But the animals—(一种忧郁,徘徊)玫瑰花:Well, I must endure the presence of two or three caterpillars if Iwish to become acquainted with the butterflies. It seems that they are verybeautiful. And if not the butterflies-- and the caterpillars-- who will callupon me? You will be far away... as for the large animals-- I am not at allafraid of any of them. I have my claws. Look, I have four thorns, so don"tlinger like this. You have decided to go away. Now go!(极力忍住不流泪)第三场旁白After that, the little prince went to a lot ofplanets. At last, he arrived on theplanet called earth. But he was very muchsurprised not to see any people.But it happened that after walking for a long time throughsand, and rocks, and snow, the little prince at last came upon a road. And allroads lead to the abodes of men. He was standing before a garden, all a-bloomwith roses.小王子:Good morning.玫瑰花们:Good morning.小王子:Who are you?玫瑰花们:We are roses旁白And he was overcome with sadness. His flower had told him thatshe was the only one of her kind in all the universe. And here were fivethousand of them, all alike, in one single garden!小王子:She would be very much annoyed, if she should see that... she wouldcough most dreadfully, and she would pretend that she was dying, to avoid beinglaughed at. And I should be obliged to pretend that I was nursing her back tolife-- for if I did not do that, to humble myself also, she would really allowherself to die...(自言自语)(接着他又说道) I thought that I was rich, with a flower that was unique in all the world,but ... ...第四场旁白And he lay down in the grass and cried. It was then that thefox appeared.小狐狸:Good morning小王子:Good morning(回头寻找声音的来源)小狐狸:I am right here,under the apple tree.小王子:Who are you? You are very pretty to look at.小狐狸:I am a fox。小王子:Come and play with me, I am so unhappy.小狐狸:I cannot play with you, I am not tamed.小王子:Ah! Please excuse me, What does that mean-- "tame"?小狐狸:You do not live here, What is it that you are looking for?小王子:I am looking for men, What does that mean-- "tame"?小狐狸:Men, They have guns, and they hunt. It is very disturbing. They alsoraise chickens. These are their only interests. Are you looking for chickens?小王子:no, I am looking for friends. What does that mean-- "tame"?小狐狸:It is an act too often neglected, It means to establish ties.小王子:"To establish ties"?小狐狸:Just that, To me, you are still nothing more than a little boy whois just like a hundred thousand other little boys. And I have no need of you.And you, on your part, have no need of me. To you, I am nothing more than a foxlike a hundred thousand other foxes. But if you tame me, then we shall needeach other. To me, you will be unique in all the world. To you, I shall beunique in all the world...小王子:I am beginning to understand, There is a flower... I think that shehas tamed me...小狐狸:It is possible, On the Earth one sees all sorts of things.小王子:Oh, but this is not on the Earth!小狐狸:On another planet?小王子:Yes.小狐狸:Are there hunters on this planet?小王子:no.小狐狸:Ah, that is interesting! Are there chickens?小王子:no.小狐狸:nothing is perfect.(叹了一口气)Mylife is very monotonous, I hunt chickens; men hunt me. All the chickens arejust alike, and all the men are just alike. And, in consequence, I am a littlebored. But if you tame me, it will be as if the sun came to shine on my life .I shall know the sound of a step that will be different from all the others.Other steps send me hurrying back underneath the ground. Yours will call me,like music, out of my burrow. And then look: you see the grain-fields downyonder? I do not ea t bread. Wheat is of no use to me. The wheat fields havenothing to say to me. And that is sad. But you have hair that is the colour ofgold. Think how wonderful that will be when you have tamed me! The grain, whichis also golden, will bring me bac k the thought of you. And I shall love tolisten to the wind in the wheat...(小狐狸久久凝视小王子)Please-- tame me!小王子:I want to, very much, But I have not much time. I have friends todiscover, and a great many things to understand.小狐狸:One only understands the things that one tames,Men have no more time to understand anything. They buy things allready made at the shops. But there is no shop anywhere where one can buyfriendship, and so men have no friends any more. If you want a friend, tameme...小王子:What must I do, to tame you?小狐狸:You must be very patient, First you will sit down at a littledistance from me-- like that-- in the grass. I shall look at you out of thecorner of my eye, and you will say nothing. Words are the source ofmisunderstandings. But yo u will sit a little closer to me, every day...旁白So the little prince tamed the fox. And when the hour of hisdeparture drew near—小狐狸:ah, I shall cry.小王子:It is your own fault, I never wished you any sort of harm; but youwanted me to tame you...小狐狸:Yes, that is so小王子:but it has done you no good at all!小狐狸:It has done me good,because of the color ofthe wheat fields,Go and look again at the roses. Youwill understand now that yours is unique in all the world. Then come back tosay goodbye to me, and I will make you a present of a secret.旁白When the little prince went to the garden tosee the roses, he knew that the rosein his garden is really different, because therose is his. He knew what does tamemean. And he went back to meet the fox.小王子:goodbye.小狐狸:goodbye.And now here is my secret, a very simple secret: It is onlywith the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to theeye. It is the time you have wasted for your rose that makes your rose soimportant. Men have forgotten this truth, But you must not forget it. Youbecome responsible, forever, for what you have tamed. You are responsible foryour rose...小王子:I am responsible for my rose…旁白①"What is essential is invisible to the eye," thelittle prince repeated, so that he would be sure to remember."It is the time I have wasted for my rose--" said thelittle prince, so that he would be sure to remember.②宇航员:It was now the eighth day since I had had my accidentin the desert, and I had listened to the story of the merchant as I wasdrinking the last drop of my water supply.第五场宇航员:ah, these memories of yours are very charming; but I have not yetsucceededin repairing my plane; I have nothing more to drink;and I, too, should bevery happy if I could walk at my leisure toward aspring of fresh water!小王子:I don"t know your plan absolutely. But it was one year since I cameto this Planet tomorrow.宇航员:I think I will go in these days. What about you?小王子:I don"t know.终场宇航员:So we were separate after 8 days...A veryunforgettable experience, isn"t? and if you travel some day to the Africandesert, and come across a little boy who has golden hair and who refuses toanswer questions, you will know who he is. If this should happen, pleasecomfort me. Send me word that he has come back. Because I miss him verymuch...
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叶子翻译英语:leaf; foliage。1.宽大的、带酸味的、箭头形的叶子,用在色拉和沙司中,Large sour-tasting arrowhead-shaped leaves used in salads and sauces。2.菜店老板就很开心地问我要这种绿色的叶子做什么?Amused, the shopkeeper asked what I wanted this alleged green leaf for。3.在沙拉中放量很少的苦叶子;干花用在汤或汤药中。Bitter leaves used sparingly in salads; dried flowers used in soups and tisanes。4.这些毛虫为自己找到一片好叶子,然后用丝筑一个巢。在毛虫“用餐”的时候,这个巢就可以起到保护作用。Thesecaterpillars find themselves a good leaf, and then they construct a nestof silk to protect them while they feast。5.基于XML的图形的边、叶子和其他节点可以用文本进行标注。Edges, leaves, and other nodes of an XML-based graph can be labeled with text。
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come into 和 become into的区别

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butterfly的复数:butterflies:n.蝴蝶;蝶泳 短语:Butterfly Theorem蝴蝶定理 Butterfly Cluster蝴蝶星团 ; 蝶形原子簇 Butterfly Knoll蝴蝶穹丘 扩展资料   例句:   Two boys were chasing butterflies in a beautiful meadow.   两个小男孩在美丽的草地上追逐蝴蝶。   He netted a lot of butterflies.   他网了许多蝴蝶。   Butterflies are fluttering among the flowers.   蝴蝶在花丛中翩翩飞舞。   Merian started raising insects at home, mostly butterflies and caterpillars.   梅里安开始在家里养昆虫,主要是蝴蝶和毛毛虫。
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翻译的真特么蛋疼..一句话The fruit farmers usually leave some ripened tomatoes unpicked on the trees for magpies to live on during the winter, thanks to which the magpies are able to survive from the coldness and help kill the fuking worms on next spring....
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Thelifecycleofabutterfl 作文

The life cycle of a butterflyA butterfly is an insect.It lays eggs on a leaf.The eggs are small and white.The eggs become small caterpillars.The small caterpillars eat leaves.The caterpillars grow.This caterpillar is big ahd fat.It makes a little house.It is a cocoon.The cocoon is brown.The cocoon opens.A butterfly comes out.It is wet.The sun makes the butterfly dry.It can fly.It is a beautiful butterfly.I like it very much.
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Look and sayIn the park 在公园里What"s that?那是什么?It"s a butterfly.它是一只蝴蝶.It"s beautiful!它真漂亮!What"s this?这是什么?I don"t know.我不知道.It"s ugly!它真丑.Let"s look at a book.让我们查查书.At school 在学校]Miss Fang,what"s this?方老师,这是什么?I don"t know,Kitty.基蒂,我不知道.Let"s look at this book.我们看看书吧.It"s a cocoon.它是一个茧.How do you spell that in English?用英语怎么拼?C-o-c-o-o-n.[01:07.65]What"s a cocoon?茧是什么?Let"s read the book,Kitty!基蒂,让我们看这本书.Look and readA butterfly is an insect.蝴蝶是一种昆虫.It lays eggs on a leaf.它在树叶上产下它的卵.The eggs are small and white.它的卵很小,是白色的The eggs become small caterpillars.这些卵变成小毛虫.The small caterpillars eat leaves.小毛虫吃树叶.The caterpillars grow.小毛虫长大了.This caterpillar is big and fat.这个小毛虫又大又胖.It makes a little house.它做了一个小房子.It is a cocoon.它是一个茧.The cocoon is brown.茧是褐色的.The cocoon opens.茧打开了.A butterfly comes out.一只蝴蝶出来了.It is wet.它是湿的.The sun makes the butterfly dry.太阳把蝴蝶晒干.It is a beautiful butterfly.它是一只美丽的蝴蝶.Make a butterfly 做一只蝴蝶Draw a body,画一个身体,a head and two feelers.一个头和两只触角.Draw two big wings.画两只大翅膀.Draw two small wings.画两只小翅膀.Colour your butterfly.给你的蝴蝶上色.Use two colours.用两种颜色.Cut out the butterfly.把蝴蝶剪下来.I like butterflies.我喜欢蝴蝶.Which one do you like,Alice?你喜欢哪一只,艾丽丝?I like the red and yellow one.我喜欢那只红黄相间的.Which one do you like,Danny?丹尼,你喜欢哪一只?I like the green and blue one but I don"t like the black and purple one.
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convert<br>v. 使转变,使...改变信仰,倒置<br>n. 皈依者,改宗者<br>通常用于一些较抽象的东西的转换<br>如Coal can be converted to gas.<br>煤可以转化成煤气。<br>The solar cell can convert the energy of sunlight into electric energy. <br>太阳能电池能把阳光的能量转化为电能。<br>He is a recent convert to Christianity. <br> 他最近改信基督教了。 <br><br><br>change<br>n. 变化,零钱<br>v. 改变<br>通常指事态,货币,物体之间的变化关系<br><br>1. If we are to avoid defeat we need a change of leadership. <br> 我们要避免失败的话,就要换掉领导人。 <br> <br>2. How much have you got in change? <br> 你有多少零钱? <br> <br>3. In autumn the leaves change from green to brown. <br> 秋天树叶由绿色变成黄褐色。 <br><br>turn into<br>短语,变成XX东西如果严格的区分的话,convert是转变最彻底的,可以说是本质上的转变turn into 可以说是形态上的改变,但是也不一定准.看自己理解下面是2个例句A flicker of interest soon turn into the burning flames of desire.一丝情趣的星星之火很快变成了乾柴烈火。Caterpillars turn into butterflies. 毛毛虫可以变成蝴蝶。 而change才是在转变上最小的尤其从这条解释上可以体现出来 make or become different in some particular way, without permanently losing one"s or its former characteristics or essence
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1.但是,种子是看不到的,它们熟睡在深深地黑色泥土里,直到其中一颗被欲望催醒。于是这颗小种子将会 伸伸懒腰——开始时很羞涩——然后,便没有任何攻击性地冲向太阳,将它那小巧可爱的嫩苗伸展出来。 But seeds are invisible. They sleep deep in the heart of the earth"s darkness, until some one among them is seized with the desire to awaken. Then this little seed will stretch itself and begin-- timidly at first-- to push a charming little sprig inoffensively upward toward the sun.[ Chapter 5 ] 2.哦,要是我想和蝴蝶做朋友,就不得不忍受两三条毛毛虫的拜访呀。"Well, I must endure the presence of two or three caterpillars if I wish to become acquainted with the butterflies. [ Chapter 9 ] 3."I am drinking," replied the tippler, with a lugubrious air. "Why are you drinking?" demanded the little prince. "So that I may forget," replied the tippler. "Forget what?" inquired the little prince, who already was sorry for him. "Forget that I am shamed," the tippler confessed, hanging his head. "Ashamed of what?" insisted the little prince, who wanted to help him. "Ashamed of drinking!" The tippler brought his speech to an end, and shut himself up in an impregnable silence. [ Chapter 12 ] "And what good does it do you to own the stars?" "It does me the good of making me rich." "And what good does it do you to be rich?" "It makes it possible for me to buy more stars, if any are ever discovered." "This man," the little prince said to himself, "reasons a little like my poor tippler..." [ Chapter 13 ] 放羊娃的理想 4.昼夜更替是灯夫的功劳,而南、北极的灯夫一年只忙两次。 5.The wind blows them away. They have no roots, and that makes their life very difficult. At sunrise the sand is the color of honey. And that honey color was making me happy, too. 6.Other steps send me hurrying back underneath the ground. Yours will call me, like music,out of my burrow. If, for example, you come at four o"clock in the afternoon, then at three o"clock I shall begin to be happy. Men have no more time to understand anything. They buy things all ready made at the shops. But there is no shop anywhere where one can buy friendship, and so men have no friends any more. [ Chapter 21 ] 7."They are pursuing nothing at all," said the switchman. "They are asleep in there, or if they are not asleep they are yawning. Only the children are flattening their noses against the windowpanes." "Only the children know what they are looking for,"[ Chapter 22 ] 8."Water may also be good for the heart..." 水对心灵也是有好处的 "The stars are beautiful, because of a flower that cannot be seen."[ Chapter 24 ] 9.He laughed, touched the rope, and set the pulley to working. And the pulley moaned, like an old weathervane which the wind has long since forgotten. "Do you hear?" said the little prince. "We have wakened the well, and it is singing..." It was as sweet as some special festival treat. This water was indeed a different thing from ordinary nourishment. Its sweetness was born of the walk under the stars, the song of the pulley, the effort of my arms.(苦尽甘来) At sunrise the sand is the color of honey. And that honey color was making me happy, too. 旭日把沙漠染成蜂蜜色[ Chapter 25 ]
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All grown-ups were once children -- although few of them remember it. 所有的人都曾经是个孩子 可惜只有很少的一些人记得这一点(所以成人世界永远都无法真正理解孩子们内心深处的想法) there is no harm in putting off a piece of work until another day. But when it is a matter of baobabs, that always means a catastrophe. "watch out for the baobabs!" 有时候人们把自己的工作推到以后去做并没有什么妨害 但要遇到拔猴面包树苗这种事 那就非造成灾难不可(很多事情因为我们的一再犹豫和拖沓而酿成严重的后果,如果我们决定要做一件事就要立马付诸行动) One day," you said to me, "I saw the sunset forty-four times!" And a little later you added: "You know-- one loves the sunset, when one is so sad..." "Were you so sad, then?" I asked, "on the day of the forty-four sunsets?" But the little prince made no reply. "有一天我看见过四十三次日落" 过一会儿你又说 "你知道当人们感到非常苦闷时,总是喜欢日落的" "一天四十三次你怎么会这么苦闷" 小王子没有回答 (四十三次日落,小王子内心深处无法言喻的悲伤) "I don‘t believe you! Flowers are weak creatures. They are name. They reassure themselves as best they can. They believe that their thorns are terrible weapons..." "我不信 花是弱小的淳朴的 它们总是设法保护自己 以为有了刺就可以显出自己的厉害..."(小王子对玫瑰的疼惜) I ought to have guessed all the affection that lay behind her poor little strategems. Flowers are so inconsistent! But I was too young to know how to love her..." 我本应该猜出在她那令人爱怜的花招后面所隐藏的温情 花是多么自相矛盾 我当时太年青,还不懂得爱她(年轻的我们真的是不懂爱,为什么两个深爱的人总要彼此伤害?) If you succeed in judging yourself rightly, then you are indeed a man of true wisdom." 你要是能审判好自己 你就是一个真正有才智的人 (人要有自知自省的精神) For, to conceited men, all other men are admirers 在那些爱虚荣的人眼里 别人都成了他们的崇拜者 "I myself own a flower," he continued his conversation with the businessman, "which I water every day. I own three volcanoes, which I clean out every week (for I also clean out the one that is extinct; one never knows). It is of some use to my volcanoes, and it is of some use to my flower, that I own them. But you are of no use to the stars..." 我有一朵花 我每天都给她浇水 我还有三座火山 我每星期把它们全都打扫一遍 连死火山也打扫谁知道它会不会再复活 我拥有火山和花 这对我的火山有益处 对我的花也有益处 但是你对星星并没有用处(我向往这个星球,简单而美好的生活) It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye." 只有用心才能看得清, 实质性的东西,用眼睛是看不见的 "It is the time you have wasted for your rose that makes your rose so important." 正因为你为你的玫瑰花费了时间,这才使你的玫瑰变得如此重要 "One only understands the things that one tames," 只有被驯服了的事物才会被了解 But the eyes are blind. One must look with the heart..." 眼睛是什么也看不见的,应该用心去寻找(很多东西的表面现象是迷惑人的,我们需要用心去感知) One runs the risk of weeping a little, if one lets himself be tamed... 如果被人驯服了,就可能会要哭的(就像你爱上一个人,总是难免会受到伤害的) It is just as it is with the flower. If you love a flower that lives on a star, it is sweet to look at the sky at night. All the stars are a-bloom with flowers..." 这就象花一样 如果你爱上了一朵生长在一颗星星上的花 那么夜间你看着天空就感到甜蜜愉快 所有的星星上都好象开着花(这正是爱上一个人的美妙之处) "You know-- my flower... I am responsible for her. And she is so weak! She is so naive! She has four thorns, of no use at all, to protect herself against all the world..." 你知道我的花 我是要对她负责的 而她又是那么弱小 她又是那么天真 她只有四根微不足道的刺 保护自己抵抗外敌. "You are beautiful, but you are empty," he went on. "One could not die for you. To be sure, an ordinary passerby would think that my rose looked just like you-- the rose that belongs to me. But in herself alone she is more important than all the hundreds of you other roses: because it is she that I have watered; because it is she that I have put under the glass globe; because it is she that I have sheltered behind the screen; because it is for her that I have killed the caterpillars (except the two or three that we saved to become butterflies); because it is she that I have listened to, when she grumbled, or boasted, or even sometimes when she said nothing. Because she is my rose. 你们很美,但你们是空虚的 小王子仍然在对她们 说没有人能为你们去死 一个普通的过路人以为我的那朵玫瑰花和你们一样 可是她单独一朵就比你们全体更重要 因为她是我浇灌的 因为她是我放在花罩中的 因为她是我用屏风 保护起来的因为她身上的毛虫是我除灭的(除了留下两三只为了变蝴蝶而外) 因为我倾听过她的怨艾和自诩 甚至有时我聆听着她的沉默 因为她是我的玫瑰 (小王子终于明白,纵然时间有千千万万朵玫瑰,属于他的只有那一朵,对他而言她永远是独一无二的) 我弄了将近一个小时哦,因为我也很喜欢《小王子》,括号里是我的感想.
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