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2023-07-28 12:25:37





钢琴家英语是pianist。读音:英[u02c8pu026au0259nu026ast],美[u02c8piu02d0u0259nu026ast]。释义:n.钢琴家;钢琴演奏者。例句:The famous pianist will hold a world tour in the near future.这位著名的钢琴家近日将举办世界巡回演出。复数:pianists。短语:The Pianist钢琴家;钢琴师;钢琴战曲。Pianist HD钢琴家;钢琴大师。The Legend of the Pianist钢琴师传奇。an accomplished pianist有造诣的钢琴家。pianist的近义词musician读音:英[mjuu02c8zu026au0283n],美[mjuu02c8zu026au0283n]。释义:n. 音乐家;作曲家;乐师。例句:I made the acquaintance of several musicians around that time.大约在那段时间,我结识了几位音乐家。变形:复数musicians,形容词musicianly,名词musicianship。短语:a natural musician天生的音乐家。Akdong Musician乐童音乐家。The Musician音乐家。Canadian Musician加拿大音乐家。
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是想问pianist 吗?pianist是钢琴弹奏者;钢琴家
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回答和翻译如下:pianist 英 [ˈpɪənɪst] 美 [ˈpiːənɪst] n. 钢琴弹奏者;钢琴家
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第二个对 pianist钢琴家常用释义 英 [u02c8pu026au0259nu026ast] 美 [u02c8piu02d0u0259nu026ast] n.钢琴手; 钢琴家 [变形] 复数:pianists[例句]1、A Russian pianist who was a child prodigy in his day. 一位曾是神童的俄国钢琴家。2、A pianist with a dicky heart.一位心脏有病的钢琴家。牛津词典3、The pianist played with great facility.那个钢琴家的演奏极其娴熟流畅。牛津词典4、As a pianist he is hopeless—he doesn"t have the talent for it.他要当钢琴家是没有希望的——他没有音乐的禀赋。权威词典5、The pianist spun around on the stool and faced his audience.钢琴家在凳子上转过身,面对着他的听众。
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pianist的意思:钢琴家。Pianist是一个英语单词,名词,作名词时意思是“钢琴家;钢琴演奏者”。rehearsal pianist钢琴师。Famous pianist着名的钢琴家。portable pianist新浪潮。优秀公认的钢琴演奏者可以称为钢琴家。钢琴家可以进行独奏,或者与乐队一起协奏,或者在室内乐队中担任一个角色(例如,与小提琴家以及大提琴家组成钢琴三重奏)。钢琴家也为独唱或合唱进行伴奏。职业钢琴家往往是从很小的时候开始训练的。很多著名作曲家,如莫扎特、贝多芬、肖邦、拉赫玛尼诺夫、李斯特都是非常优秀的钢琴家。钢琴是作曲的一项基本训练。钢琴是乐器之王,因此,钢琴家比其它乐器的演奏家有更多的机会举行个人音乐会表演。在一流的演奏家里面,无疑,钢琴家是最多的。某个钢琴家往往擅长演奏某位作曲家的作品或者是某一地域作曲家的作品。比如,鲁宾斯坦就擅长演奏肖邦的作品,而布伦德尔就擅长德奥作曲家的钢琴作品。
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“pianist”不是“不定代词”。不定代词,简单说:不指明代替任何特定名词或形容词的代词; 不定代词大都可以代替名词和形容词,在句中作主语、宾语、表语和定语。常用不定代词有:some(something,somebody,someone),any(anything,anybody,anyone), no(nothing,nobody,no one), every(everything,everybody,everyone),all,each,both,much,many,(a)little,(a)few,other(s),another,none,one,either, neither等。 一般来讲,修饰不定代词的词要置于其后。由body,one,thing构成的合成代词:somebody,anybody,everybody,nobodysomeone,anyone,everyone,no onesomething,anything,everything,nothing作代词的限定词:all,an,other,any,both,each,eitherfew,little,many,much,neither,noneother,some还有不能兼作代词的限定词(形容词)(主要是every,no)。不定代词用法:不定代词大部分可以代替名词和形容词,在句中作主语、宾语、表语、定语和状语。①作主语Both of them are teachers.他们两人都是教师。做主语时谓语动词用单数②作宾语I know nothing about this person.我对这个人一无所知。③作表语This book is too much difficult for a child.这本书对一个小孩来说太难了。④作定语There is a little water in the glass.玻璃杯里有一些水。可以在强调一下a little,little,a few,few的区别:a little通常带有肯定的意思,表示还有一点;而little带有否定的意思,只剩一点儿了。(little后通常加不可数名词)a few和few同上。(后通常加可数名词)⑤作状语I can"t find my book anywhere.我在任何地方都不能找到我的书。这一句也可以表示成:I can find my book nowhere.我在任何地方都不能找到我的书。修饰不定代词的词,一般情况下要后置。
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词形转换,一种名词转换成另一个意思不一样的名词,但两个都是同根词。同样的还有:science---scientist, art---artist希望对你有帮助
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Piano player
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  钢琴家久石让创作的《天空之城》这首曲子的旋律非常的动听,也会吉他爱好者必备歌曲。下面我为大家带来钢琴家的英语意思和相关用法,欢迎大家一起学习!   钢琴家的英语意思   pianist   钢琴家的相关英语例句   1. Howard is a talented pianist.   霍华德是个很有天分的钢琴家。   2. Peter is a classically trained pianist.   彼得是受过正规训练的钢琴家。   3. a pianist with an international reputation   饮誉国际的钢琴家   4. The pianist played several pieces of music on a grand piano.   钢琴家在一架大钢琴上弹了几首乐曲.   5. One of his ideals is to bee a pianist.   他的理想之一是成为钢琴家.   6. Not one singer forgot a word, not a pianist faulted.   没有一个歌唱家忘掉过歌词, 没有一个钢琴家弹错过.   7. The pianist has deft fingers.   钢琴家有灵巧的双手.   8. The pianist gave a fine performance.   钢琴家演奏得很出色.   9. The pianist improvised an acpaniment to the song.   那位钢琴家为那首歌即席伴奏.   10. The pianist gave a long and varied recital, with a couple of encores for good measure.   那钢琴家的独奏演出时间长、节目多, 还加奏了两支曲子.   11. She had to make up her ine as a pianist by teaching piano students.   她这个钢琴家的收入得靠教人弹琴来添补.   12. In February 1967, she began a dalliance with Robin Douglas - Home, 35, a talented and troubled pianist and the nephew of a former prime minister.   1967年2月, 玛格丽特与一位前首相的侄子、才华横溢但天性伤感的钢琴家35岁的罗宾·道格拉斯-霍姆开始了一段情缘.   13. She was a pupil of Franz Liszt, the great Hungarian pianist.   她是伟大的匈牙利钢琴家弗朗兹·李斯特的学生.   14. She is by way of being a fine pianist.   她正在逐步成长为一个优秀钢琴家.   15. It takes years of discipline to bee a pianist.   要成为钢琴家需经多年训练.   钢琴家的英文例句   他赢得钢琴家的声誉。   He won renown as a pianist.   他在青年时代曾经有过想当钢琴家的雄心。   In his youth he had the ambition of being a pianist.   这位年青钢琴家正以出色的节奏感和真正的力量演奏著。   The young pianist is play with a good sense of rhythm and real power.   我希望他成为钢琴家的梦想可以成真。   I hope his dream of being a pianist will e true.   这钢琴家把这首奏鸣曲演奏得非常完美。   The pianist executed the sonata perfectly.   听众要求那钢琴家再奏一曲。   The audience encored the pianist.   我一直渴望成为钢琴家。   I always wanted to be a pianist.   这位年青钢琴家正以出色的节奏感和真正的力量演奏著。   The young pianist is playing with a good sense of rhythm and real power.   那个钢琴家筹办了一次盛大的义演音乐会。   The pianist promoted a grand benefit concert.   钢琴家的双语例句   他们把他培养成一个优秀的钢琴家。   They fashioned him into a fine pianist.   他现在正由一位著名的钢琴家进行辅导。   He is now being coached by a famous pianist.   那位钢琴家为那首歌即席伴奏。   The pianist improvised an acpaniment to the song.   这位钢琴家以她的演奏征服了每一位听众。   The pianist made a conquest of every audience for which she played.   一位钢琴家的脑袋中可能想到了一首美妙的曲子,但是如果他的钢琴上只有五个音键的话,他永远也只能演奏出这首曲子的一些破碎的片段。   A pianist may have the most beautiful tunes in his head, but if he had only five keys on his pianohe would never get more than a fraction of these tunes out.   这个钢琴家的长手指让他能够够及键盘上的所有琴键。   This pianist"s long fingers help him reach all the keys on the keyboard.   第一部分的介绍后面紧接着是一个视讯剪辑,内容是使用历史电影胶片介绍一位著名的钢琴家是如何处理这个选段的,然后是介绍的结尾。   The first part of the introduction is followed by a video clip of how the passage was treated by afamous pianist using historic film footage, followed by the end of the introduction.   我想,你本人就是个钢琴家吧?   You"re a pianist yourself, I believe?   练琴是叫人很厌烦的,但继续练下去,终有一天你将成为一位好钢琴家。   Practicing is tiresome, but stick with it and some day you will be a good pianist.   如果你的梦想是成为一个优秀的钢琴家,你难道不会宁愿尝试过而失败,而不愿什么都不尝试吗?   If your dream is to bee a master pianist, wouldn"t you have rather tried and failed than nottried at all?   他是一位奥地利钢琴家。   He is an Austrian pianist.   在这之前,他是一个神童,她是一个音乐教师,也可能,是一个音乐会钢琴家,但我不认为,她有个这么好的职业。   Before that, he was a child prodigy She was a music teacher, and probably a concert pianist.But I don"t think she had a great career.    看过钢琴家的英语相关知识人还:
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piano的名词:pianistpiano一、含义:n. 钢琴adj. 轻柔的adv. 轻柔地二 、用法直接源自法语的piano;最初源自意大利语的piano。piano的基本意思是“钢琴”,其全称是pianoforte。piano是可数名词,表示“弹钢琴”时,须加定冠词。She is learning to play the piano.她在学弹钢琴。扩展资料:近义词:grandgrand一、含义:adj. 重大的;豪华的;宏伟的;壮丽的n. 大钢琴;一千美元二、用法grand的基本意思是“宏伟的,崇高的,庄严的”。用于山川、建筑物时,指其规模宏大,气势雄伟;用于人时,指其具有非凡的成就或品质,从而使人感到其崇高与伟大,常译成“重要的,显赫的,首要的”,一般用于修饰地位或官衔等。This is a grand occasion.这是个盛大的场面。
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钢琴家 英文是什么哇

钢琴家 [词典] pianist; [电影] The Pianist; [例句]霍华德是个很有天分的钢琴家。Howard is a talented pianist
2023-07-26 18:29:021

At the age of fifteen,he became a famous pianist里找出那个单词是主语,连系动词,表语

2023-07-26 18:29:091


  piano-pianist 是英语的后缀变化。  英语的后缀具有很强的语法作用,加在词根上构成派生词,一般不改变词根的基本意义,而是改变词性。常用的后缀通常可以分为四个类型:  1. 名词后缀  -er/-or; -ar; -ant; -tion; -ing; -ment; -al; -ure; -ese; -ian; -ness; -ism; -ist; -y; -(i)ty; -th  (1) 动词加后缀-er; -or; -ar; -ant变为名词,表示“动作执行人”。  e.g. teach→teacher play→player dream→dreamer employ→employer visit→visitor invent→inventor direct→director translate→translator lie→liar beg→beggar assist→assistant inhabit→inhabitant apply→applicant  (2) 动词加-tion; -ing; -ment; -al; -ure 变为相应的名词形式,表示“行为的过程、结果”。  e.g. organize→organization inform→information congratulate→congratulation  greet→greeting live→living save→saving move→movement amuse→amusement entertain→entertainment arrive→arrival refuse→refusal  survive→survival fail→failure  depart→departure press→pressure  (3)名词加后缀-ese; -ian; -ist,表示“……地方的人”,“……地方的”。  e.g. China→Chinese Japan→Japanese Vietnam→Vietnamese  Australia→Australian Canada→Canadian music→musician piano→pianist violin→violinist science→scientist  (4)形容词加后缀-ness; -ism; -ist; -y; -(i)ty; -th变为名词。  e.g. sick→sickness foolish→foolishness happy→happiness  加-ism; -ist表示“……主义”“……主义者”。  material→materialism natural→naturalism material→materialist  natural→naturalist difficult→difficulty honest→honesty equal→equality  safe→safety true→truth dead→death  2. 动词后缀  -ify; -en; -ise (-ize)  (1)形容词加后缀-ify; -en; -ise (-ize)变为动词,表示“使成为……”。  e.g. simple→simplify pure→purify intense→intensify quick→quicken  wide→widen sharp→sharpen  dramatic→dramatize modern→modernize  civil→civilize  (2)名词加-ify; -en; -ise (-ize)后缀变为动词, 表示“使成为……”,“变为……状态”。  e.g. beauty→beautify class→classify sign→signify length→lengthen  strength→strengthen organ→organize  system→systemize sympathy→sympathize  3. 形容词后缀  -able; -ible; -ful; -ous; -ent; -ant; -y; -ly; -ive; -al;-an; -ern; -ish; -some  (1)动词加后缀-able; -ible; -ful; -ous; -ent; -ant; -y变为形容词,表示“可……的”,“能……的”。  e.g. move→movable suit→suitable change→changeable sense→sensible flex→flexible use→useful care→careful  envy→envious vary→various depend→dependent consist→consistent assist→assistant ascend→ascendant wind→windy snow→snowy sleep→sleepy  act→active pass→passive  (2)名词加后缀-al; -an; -ern; -ly; -ish; -some变为形容词, 表示“有某种特征的”,“属于……的”。  e.g. music→musical medicine→medical America→American Europe→European east→eastern west→western north→northern man→manly year→yearly fool→foolish Turkey→Turkish  burden→burdensome trouble→troublesome  4. 副词后缀  多数形容词加-ly变为相应的副词。  e.g. careful→carefully beautiful→beautifully real→really  一些表示方向的形容词加-wise; -ward(s)变为相应的副词。  e.g. clock→clockwise other→otherwise up→upward(s) down→downward(s) back→backward(s)  另外,还应注意几个问题:  1. 有的后缀仅仅改变词义,不改变词性  e.g. friend (朋友)→friendship (友谊) book (书)→booklet (小册子) hard (努力地)→hardly (几乎不) king (国王)→kingdom (王国)  2. 后缀-ee  后缀-ee与-er; -or虽然都是名词后缀表示“……的人”,但是-ee既可以表示被动的“动作承受者”,也可以表示主动的“动作发出者”,而-er; -or通常具有主动意义。-ee加在一些及物动词后面构成名词,表示为“动作承受者”。  e.g. trainee(接受训练者) interview-  ee(被采访者) appointee(受任命者)nominee (被提名者) payee (收款人) detainee(被拘留者) employee(雇员)  -ee加在一些不及物动词后构成名词,表示为“动作发出者”。  e.g. returnee(归国者) refugee(难民) divorcee(离婚者) escapee(逃亡者)  3. 以-ly结尾的形容词和副词  形容词加-ly构成副词是常见的构词方法,但并非所有的以-ly结尾的单词都是副词。这些词中有的是形容词,也有的既是形容词也是副词。副词中后缀-ly前面的部分也并非都是形容词。有的-ly前是名词,有的-ly前是形容词。现将这些用法归纳如下:  (1)表示人的名词加-ly构成形容词  e.g. manly (男子气的) womanly(女性的)masterly(精巧的) scholarly(学者气质的)motherly(母亲的)fatherly(父亲的)  (2)名词或形容词加-ly构成形容词  e.g. orderly (有秩序的) godly(神圣的) sickly (有病的) kindly(和善的)  (3)表示时间的名词加-ly构成形容词或副词  e.g. hourly(每小时的/每小时地)monthly(每月的/每月地) daily(每天的/每天地) minutely(详细地) yearly(每年的/每年地)timely(及时的)  下面是一些练习。  一、请用括号中所给词的正确形式填空。  1. We are all from , so we are and we speak . (Japan)  2. Two (pass by) came up to ask for help but none of us could be able to help them.  3. The students at colleges or universities are making (prepare) for the coming New Year.  4. The Nazi kept a great many (prison) of war in their concentration camps.  5. Numerous materials are available to today"s so they can always different clothes with different styles. (design)  6. The boy tried hard and there has been much in his work. (improve)  7. To make more people is an important task for every country and no country can afford to neglect (educate)  8. He has been depressed recently because he has lost his entire wage and (save) at card.  9. (happy) and (sad) are always interwoven in our life and this is what the real life is.  10. There are a lot of (refuge) wandering in the downtown of this city which really annoys the natives.  11. (selfish) is one of her many faults.  12. We are (permit) to enter the computer room to listen to the music and play games.  13. The weather here is really (change). Yesterday morning it was sunny but in the afternoon it suddenly rained and we were all soaked to the skin.  14. Mary writes slightly more (careful) than Mike.  15. To realize four (modernize) has been our goal for many years.  16. My sister or my brother is (like) to be at home.  17. What was done to the environment really (beauty) the city pretty much.  二、根据句意用适当的词填空。  1. Can you describe the car? The police need a full in order to find it.  2. His furniture design was original. Because of its , it won an award.  3. That comedian loves to exaggerate. His humor is based on of his misfortunes.  4. We can extend your time for two weeks, but no further will be allowed.  5. The Senator stated that he would not seek re-election. The newspapers printed his on the first page.  6. The boy had no friends there. His made him unhappy.  7. Students have to do eye exercises at school every day. This practice is really beneficial for them.  8. He tried hard to behave like a gentleman. But sometimes he forgot his habits.  9. Every hour in this station there is a train. So there is an train service here.  Key: 一、1. Japan; Japanese; Japanese 2. passers-by 3. preparations  - 3 -4. prisoners 5. designers design  6. improvement 7. educated; education 8. savings 9. Happiness; sadness  10. refugees 11. Selfishness  12. permitted 13. changeable  14. carefully 15. modernizations  16. likely 17. beautified  二、1. description 2. originality  3. exaggeration 4. extension  5. statement 6. friendlessness  7. daily 8. gentlemanly 9. hourly
2023-07-26 18:29:181

Lang Lang is a ______(talent)pianist.用适当的形式填空。

Lang Lang is a uff08talenteduff09pianist.
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容易可翻译成:虽然她的面孔是相当简单的,她长期有,苗条传神手,象音乐会钢琴演奏家.expressive译:传神.concert pianist译:音乐会钢琴演奏家.pianist译:钢琴演奏家
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responsibilitystunsuccessunsuccessfulfamousdepend onpianistrelieddependentnationimprovementnaturalquitting/quitperformperformeracademicstrictlyinternationalregard
2023-07-26 18:30:363


1.Can you see a dog lying (lie)behind the door? 知识点:see sb. doing sth.看见某人正在做某事 see sb. do sth.看见某人做某事2.When does she join (join)the national team? 知识点:join是动词,所以要加助动词does提问3.He became (become)a movie star at the age of 17. 知识点:"at the age of 17"这个词组说明了已经发生过,故用过去式4.The pianist (piano)are all good at playing the piano. 知识点:根据题意,填写单词为钢琴家的意思,又因为piano的名词形式是pianist,所以填写pianist5.Don`t spend too much time watching (watch)TV. 知识点:spend sometime/somemoney doing sth.花多少时间/钱干某事 spend sometime/somemoney on sth. 花多少时间/钱在某事上6.The fish I bought is still living (live). 知识点:be动词后加现在分词。7.When did they have (have) a party yesterday? 知识点:"yesterday"表示昨天,也就是说是过去式,而有动词"have",所以用助动词do的过去式"did",又因为是疑问句,所以使用动词原形8.He is his grandpa"s grandson (son) 知识点:根据题意,填写“孙子”,即为"grandson"9.Do you know some international (internation) sports stars?知识点:名词形式,常用。10.When did he start (start)running last year?知识点:"last year"表示去年,也就是说是过去式,而有动词"start",所以用助动词do的过去式"did",又因为是疑问句,所以使用动词原形这是我做的答案,应该不会错。我觉得我都会,老师也都讲过。你可以再看看。希望我能帮到你。
2023-07-26 18:30:461


2023-07-26 18:30:564


第二次世界大战期间,一位天才的波兰犹太钢琴家,四处躲藏以免落入纳粹的魔爪。他在华沙的犹太区里饱受着饥饿的折磨和各种羞辱,整日处在死亡的威胁下。  他躲过了地毯式的搜查,藏身于城市的废墟中。幸运的是他的音乐才华感动了一名德国军官,在军官的冒死保护下,钢琴家终于捱到了战争结束,迎来了自由的曙光
2023-07-26 18:31:301

Were you a pianist?回答为什么用was

Were you a pianist ?肯定 回答:Yes, I was . (因为主语是I)
2023-07-26 18:31:444

他是我国最出名的钢琴家之一。 用英文怎么说?

He is one of China"s most famous pianist.
2023-07-26 18:31:536


亲英语里没有paintist这个词。painter的意思是画家或者油漆匠。 望采纳,谢谢
2023-07-26 18:32:082

my dream job is pianist英语作文

my dream job a pianist When I was a kid , I had a dream that I want to to be a pianist .I love music especially since I was a baby. One day I when I was watching TV , there is a man playing the piano .I find the music was so touching that I can hardly move .So I ask my parents if I could have a piano .To my surprise , my parents finally agree to buy a piano for me ,which made me very happy . I will never forget the day that I finally have it . I can"t help leaving my eyes from my piano . I decide to work hard on it .I made my mind that I will practise some hours on playing the piano . When I grow up ,I want to be a professional pianist and play the piano for the world . I will let the music go around the world .I"d like to be a pianist ,and that is my dream job.
2023-07-26 18:32:271

他15岁就成了有名的钢琴家了 这句怎么翻译

He is pianist when fifteen years old
2023-07-26 18:32:385


2023-07-26 18:33:095

pianist怎么读 pianist英语怎么读

1、读法:英[u02c8pu026au0259nu026ast] 美[u02c8piu02d0u0259nu026ast] 2、Pianist是一个英语单词,名词,作名词时意思是“钢琴家;钢琴演奏者”。 3、I want to make my sister a pianist .我想使我的妹妹成为一个钢琴家。 4、She is an excellent composer and pianist.她是位杰出的作曲家和钢琴家。 5、She could have been a brilliant pianist if she put her mind to it.如果她专心致志,坚持到底,她本可以成为一个出色的钢琴家。
2023-07-26 18:34:031


pianist意思是:钢琴家,钢琴弹奏者。读音:英[u02c8pu026au0259nu026ast],美[u02c8piu02d0u0259nu026ast]。组词及例句:rehearsal pianist:钢琴师。Famous pianist:着名的钢琴家。portable pianist:新浪潮。Not that we could all be concert pianists just by exercising enough discipline.并不是说有了足够的专业训练,我们都可能会成为钢琴演奏家。后缀Ist的起源-ist来源于法语中的-iste和拉丁语中的-ista,表示“与...相关的人”,缀合在一般动作或名词后表示动作的实施者或相关职业者;缀合在一些学科名词后表示学科专家或学者;缀合在-ism结尾的同源词根后表示“...主义者”或“...主义的”。如soloist,独自演唱者。-ist有时有变体-ister(法语-istre),如magister、minister、chroister、barrister、register等;有时有变体-ast(法语-ast、拉丁语-asta、希腊语-astes),如dynast、enthusiast等。
2023-07-26 18:34:301


pianist的意思:钢琴家。Pianist是一个英语单词,名词,作名词时意思是“钢琴家;钢琴演奏者”。rehearsal pianist钢琴师。Famous pianist着名的钢琴家。portable pianist新浪潮。优秀公认的钢琴演奏者可以称为钢琴家。钢琴家可以进行独奏,或者与乐队一起协奏,或者在室内乐队中担任一个角色(例如,与小提琴家以及大提琴家组成钢琴三重奏)。钢琴家也为独唱或合唱进行伴奏。职业钢琴家往往是从很小的时候开始训练的。很多著名作曲家,如莫扎特、贝多芬、肖邦、拉赫玛尼诺夫、李斯特都是非常优秀的钢琴家。钢琴是作曲的一项基本训练。钢琴是乐器之王,因此,钢琴家比其它乐器的演奏家有更多的机会举行个人音乐会表演。在一流的演奏家里面,无疑,钢琴家是最多的。某个钢琴家往往擅长演奏某位作曲家的作品或者是某一地域作曲家的作品。比如,鲁宾斯坦就擅长演奏肖邦的作品,而布伦德尔就擅长德奥作曲家的钢琴作品。
2023-07-26 18:35:381


没有为什么 这就是英语的造词法 钢琴家
2023-07-26 18:36:481

At the age of fifteen,he became a famous pianist里找出那个单词是主语,连系动词,表语

是主系表结构。 是系动词的介绍。At the age of fifteen, he became a famous pianist。时间状语 主语 系动词 表语。
2023-07-26 18:37:164


As a young pianist, I have a great dream of becoming a renowned pianist in the future. Since I was a child, playing the piano has become a habit of mine, and I have never stopped practicing every day. This passion for music has driven me to pursue my dream of becoming a famous pianist one day.To achieve my goal, I know that there are many obstacles that I must overcome. Practice is unquestionably one of them. Every day, I spend a considerable amount of time perfecting my playing skills, learning challenging pieces of music, and improving my technique. But I also know that true success in any field comes from dedication, perseverance, and hard work.Another important aspect that I need to develop is my musical knowledge. I continuously educate myself on various music genres, styles, and artists, to enhance my playing. I also participate in music competitions and attend music camps and workshops where I can learn from experienced musicians.Moreover, performing in front of an audience is an essential part of being a pianist. I have participated in various recitals and musical events, and these experiences have given me a sense of confidence and motivation to continue working towards my dream.In conclusion, becoming a famous pianist is my dream, and I am determined to pursue it with all my heart. I know that it will take years of hard work, dedication, and perseverance to make it happen, but I am willing to do whatever it takes to achieve my ambition.
2023-07-26 18:37:252


2023-07-26 18:37:353

朗朗是当今世界最杰出的(outstanding)钢琴家之一,被誉为(name as)“一位改变世界的青年”。

As we all know , Langlang is a famous pianist in the world. He was born in Shenyang. When he was three years old ,he began to play the piano. Before nine , he had won the first prize for twice at the piano competition. At the age of thirteen ,he went to Germany for further study. At fourteen he went to Japan. At seventeen he went to American and two years later he was very outstanding at music field. In 2004 ,he was invited to the White House to give his special performance.
2023-07-26 18:37:462


2023-07-26 18:37:544

钢琴家 英文影评

The Pianist is an astonishing and harrowing depiction of the breakdown, and restoration, of the human spirit by degrees, made all the more personal in the retelling by Roman Polanski"s having lived in Nazi-occupied Poland as a child at the time of the events chronicled. The Pianist seems more about images than story, largely silent, and even devoid of music, until the end, when we"re awash in glorious, redemptive concert. The film opens in Warsaw in 1939, with celebrated composer and pianist Wladyslaw Szpilman (Adrien Brody) performing the last live radio musical broadcast, Chopin"s Nocturne in D, even as German bombs were exploding around him. Finally forced to flee when the radio station is hit, Szpilman rushes home to his family, who have always lived in privilege due to Wladyslaw"s status as a musician.Szpilman and his family are able to escape deportation for a time by working as demeaned laborers for the Nazis, he has a piano player in a Jewish restaurant. When the rest of his family is rounded up in cattle cars and shipped to a concentration camp, he is again ironically saved by his music when he is taken aside by a policeman who admires his work and allowed to remain in the Warsaw ghetto. By now terribly fragile, Wladyslaw must fight for survival in the ghetto through hiding in the underground, censoring his behaviour, and relying on the kindness of old friends and strangers. Some of the most horrifying and wrenching scenes are those shown in silence: A man in a wheelchair being pitched over a balcony; people in the ghetto being forced to dance for the amusement of the Nazi officers; a starving man trying to wrest a pot of beans from a woman"s hands, then groveling on the ground for the spilled food. Moving, too, is the scene where Szpilman is helped into hiding in a flat with a piano. Warned of the need to be quiet, he "plays" with his fingers inches from the keyboard, hearing the music only in his head.Most effective are the pivotal scenes between Szpilman (once again literally saved by his music, when he is forced to play what he is certain is his last piece) and the German officer (Thomas Kretschmann) who brings him food and a coat (which ironically is nearly the death of him). The Pianist is a beautifully written (Ronald Harwood), directed (Polanski), photographed (Pawel Edelman), and acted (Brody and all supporting players) tale of devastation and survival, a praiseworthy effort all around.
2023-07-26 18:38:021

海上钢琴师 英语影评

Legend Of Film CriticsPianist, I saw quite a few times, and each time playing hero superb way to attract.Pianist, I saw quite a few times, and each time playing hero superb way to attract.Until finally the piano on the tobacco burns, my emotions rise to the extreme, without reservation vent out.Fast approach, focused expression, quiet environment, everything always flashed in my mind again and again shocked to Heaven.Hero was born in the ship, grew up in the boat, and finally buried in the sea with the ship together. Lifetime, he had not been under the boat, even if only once, and he finally gave up. All the land so that he was afraid, I looked boundless land, can not see on the streets of tall buildings, he will cap off his head and thrown into the sea. The moment he gave up the idea because of love arise, to give up his love for the woman"s.In the end, said it is regrettable. But this outcome is the best pianist and his all back to the sea, because he was born in the sea, grew up in the sea.He is the little man know Legend Of -1,992
2023-07-26 18:38:361


太长了 大概意思是我在纽约做服务员 很累很累 后来一位顾客感谢并表扬了我的服务 我的劳累顿时全消失了然后议论 “一句表扬的话能带来很多快乐”有那句话不懂再问我我给你说
2023-07-26 18:38:452

the poet and the pianist

C 选C。当and 并列的是同一事物、同一人或同一概念时,其后面的名词前不用冠词。若在pianist前加the,则是指the poet 和the pianist 两个人,而题目中的the poet and pianist 是指一个人,即这个人即是诗人又是钢琴家。
2023-07-26 18:38:541

planist style是什么意思

2023-07-26 18:39:023


langlang is a famous pinaoer。he was born in shenyang 1982
2023-07-26 18:39:259


What will I be in the future?someone want to be doctors,and some want to be basketball players,and someone want to be writers to write,and someone want to be teachers beacause of their intrests in teaching children knowledge. I "m intrested in playing piano and good at it.So I want to be a piano player.It"s very intresting to play piano.You can learn a lot about music.Piano can make you love music.many musicions and singers love playing piano. I can play piano when I was only ten years old.I have $5000 now.I want it be $8000 when I am sixteen years old.I will practice more harder.It"s a hard work to be a prefesionel piano player.But I believe I can make it.
2023-07-26 18:39:455