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2023-07-28 12:09:27

1. grapple with sth 本义,“与……扭打,搏斗“

These two guys started to grapple with each other.

grapple with sth 应对某种问题

The government is grappling with the intensified contraditions.国家政府正在应对日益激化的矛盾。

2. come to grips with sth 应对,处理(十分高级的表达,高替deal/cope with)

In order to come to grips with emerging challenges, the seniors must step in.未来应对新涌现的挑战,高级管理层必须要出面处理。

3. emerge from 本义,”从……出现“+困难;引申义,”从(困境中)走出,解决问题

Trade and foreign investment helped the country emerge from extreme poverty.贸易和投资帮助这个国家摆脱极端贫困。

4. wrestle with the virus/pandemic 应对病毒

wrestle with the economic slowdown应对经济下行

5. tackle sth/manage to do sth

Many countries are tackling t he aging population / the grey population .许多国家正在应对人口老龄化问题。




01 pandemic是英语单词,可以用作形容词、名词,作形容词的意思是“(疾病)在全国(或世界)流行的”,作名词的意思是“(全国或全球性)流行病,瘟疫”。 02 近义词:widespread , universal , ruling , generalized 03 短语: influenza pandemic 流感大流行 ; 流感大流行警告 Pandemic Boy 传播病毒男孩 ; 病毒传播男孩 trigging an influenza pandemic 引发流感流行 ; 激发流感风行 ; 引发流感风行 Pandemic Influenza 大流行流感 ; 大流感 ; 大流行 ; 大流行性流感 pandemic disease 大列病 ; 大流行病 Pandemic infection 世界性传染 flu pandemic 流感大流行 the AIDS pandemic 艾滋病大流行 Pandemic Studios 游戏制作 ; 开发厂商 04 列句: 1. One pandemic of Spanish flu took nearly 22 million lives worldwide. 西班牙流感的大爆发夺去了全球近2,200万人的生命。 来自柯林斯例句 2. They feared a new cholera pandemic. 他们担心新一轮的霍乱大流行。 来自柯林斯例句 3. In some parts of the world malaria is still pandemic. 在世界上一些地区疟疾仍然具有高传染性。 来自辞典例句 4. So conceivably, this thing could be used to create a pandemic. 因此可以想象, 这个仪器可以用来造成大瘟疫.
2023-07-26 17:48:111


pandemic 中文 意思是指「大规模流行的,广泛蔓延的」的意思,词性为形容词。另外,pandemic也可当名词用,意思为「流行病」。 下面列举出pandemic的英文用法、英文例句跟中文意思,赶快学起来吧! 1.pandemic 大规模流行的,广泛蔓延的、大流行病 pandemic当成形容词的时候,中文意思是指「大规模流行的,广泛蔓延的」的意思。 pandemic相关英文字汇跟中文意思: 例: a pandemic of influenza 流感大爆发 an influenza pandemic 流感大爆发 pandemic相关英文例句: 例: In some parts of the world malaria is still pandemic. 在世界上一些地区疟疾仍在广泛流行。 例: Nobody guessed that such a rare disease would bee a pandemic. 没有人猜测如此罕见的疾病会成为大流行病。 pandemic, pandemic 中文, pandemic 意思, pandemic 用法, pandemic 翻译
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区别:pandemic 1.Widespread; general. 2.Medicine. Epidemic over a wide geographic area and affecting a large proportion of the population: pandemic influenza. 流行性1、广泛,一般。2、医学。流行在广阔的地理区域和影响的一大部分人口:大流行性流感。epidemic 1.Spreading rapidly and extensively by infection and affecting many individuals in an area or a population at the same time: an epidemic outbreak of influenza. 2.Widely prevalent: epidemic discontent流行1、迅速传播和广泛的感染和影响许多人同时在一个地区或人口:一种流行病爆发的流感。2、广泛流行,流行的不满
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流行病英文是epidemic。短语搭配:epidemic myalgia [内科]流行性肌痛;行性肌痛epidemic factor 发病因素;流行因素;发病条件;发病的因素epidemic nephropathy 流行性肾病;朝鲜出血热;出血性肾炎肾病;出血热肾病综合征tobacco epidemic 烟草流行epidemic hysteria 流行性癔症;又称流行性癔症epidemic situation 疫情;输入性;流行情况;流行现状epidemic tremor [禽] 雏鸡传染性颤搐病;流行性震颤;鸟脑脊髓炎;又称为流行性震颤SARS epidemic 非典型性肺炎epidemic diseases 流行病epidemic和pandemic的区别:两者含义不同、侧重点不同。在含以上,pandemic多是用来表示“全球性的流行病”这一含义,epidemic则多是用来表示传染性疾病的传播速度和严重性。在侧重点上,pandemic侧重表示传染病的传染范围广,epidemic侧重表示传染病的严重性。1、pandemic有名词和形容词两种词性,用作名词时表示“流行病;大流行病”的意思,用作形容词时表示“(疾病)大流行的;普遍的,全世界的”的意思。例:The flu was arrested before it became a pandemic.流感在变成流行病之前被控制住了。2、epidemic的基本意思是“流行病”,可用来比喻某一事件或现象像流行病一样广为“流传;盛行”,常用于“an epidemic of sth”结构中。例:Violence is reaching epidemic levels.暴力达到了流行的程度。
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Title: Combating the COVID-19 Pandemic抗击COVID-19疫情The COVID-19 pandemic has posed significant challenges globally, necessitating effective measures to combat its spread and minimize its impact. Governments, healthcare professionals, and individuals have united in the fight against this unprecedented crisis.COVID-19疫情在全球范围内带来了重大挑战,迫使人们采取有效措施来抗击其传播并减轻其影响。政府、医疗专业人员和个人都在这场前所未有的危机中团结一致。Firstly, government intervention plays a crucial role in managing the pandemic. Authorities have implemented strict lockdowns, travel restrictions, and social distancing measures to reduce virus transmission. They have also accelerated vaccination campaigns, ensuring widespread immunization and protecting public health.首先,政府干预在控制疫情方面起着至关重要的作用。当局实施了严格的封锁措施、旅行限制和社交距离措施,以减少病毒传播。他们还加快了疫苗接种计划,确保广泛免疫,保护公共卫生。Secondly, healthcare professionals have been at the forefront of the battle. Doctors, nurses, and medical staff have demonstrated exceptional dedication and courage in treating infected patients, conducting extensive research, and developing innovative treatments and vaccines. Their selfless efforts deserve our utmost respect and gratitude.其次,医疗专业人员一直在抗击疫情的前线。医生、护士和医护人员在治疗感染者、进行广泛研究和开发创新疗法和疫苗方面展现了非凡的奉献精神和勇气。他们的无私努力值得我们最高的尊重和感激。Moreover, individual responsibility is key to curbing the spread of the virus. By adhering to guidelines such as wearing masks, practicing good hygiene, and avoiding large gatherings, we can contribute to the collective effort. Furthermore, spreading accurate information and debunking misinformation is crucial to ensuring public awareness and understanding of the pandemic.此外,个人的责任是遏制病毒传播的关键。通过遵守佩戴口罩、保持良好卫生习惯和避免大型聚会等指南,我们可以为集体努力做出贡献。此外,传播准确的信息并揭穿错误信息对确保公众对疫情的认知和理解至关重要。In conclusion, the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic requires a collaborative approach. Governments, healthcare professionals, and individuals must continue to work together, implementing effective measures, supporting frontline workers, and taking personal responsibility. Only through unity and resilience can we overcome this global crisis and build a healthier future for all.总之,抗击COVID-19疫情需要合作的方式。政府、医疗专业人员和个人必须继续共同努力,实施有效措施,支持前线工作者,并承担个人责任。只有通过团结和坚韧,我们才能克服这场全球危机,为所有人建设一个更健康的未来。
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  London"s Great Plague killed 100,000 people in 1665-1666   伦敦大瘟疫(死亡10万人)   There is some dispute over whether this was a plague at all or an epidemic of viral hemorrhagic fever, regardless there is little argument that 100,000 Londoners died。   关于这场大灾难,一般有两种说法,一种认为这是一场瘟疫,另一种说法则主张这是病毒性出血热。不管怎么说,在这场灾难中有10万人丧生是无可争议的。   Imported on ships from Amsterdam, infections began on the docks in 1665. Stevedores, crowded in squalor, died first before spreading disease to the rest of the city。   1665年,在来自荷兰的船上这种病毒开始传播。首先,是那些挤在肮脏混乱的甲板上的装卸工先后死亡,后来,瘟疫就开始向伦敦的其他地方蔓延。   By July King Charles had fled and ill-advised instructions to eradicate all the cats and dogs in the city sent the rat population skyrocketing -- rats carried the fleas that carried the disease。   到了七月,当时的国王查尔斯二世被迫离开伦敦,临走前做出了导致瘟疫扩散更快的错误决定。他下令宰杀了城中所有的猫狗致使鼠患成灾,而老鼠身上的跳蚤正是传播瘟疫的始作俑者。   Deaths raged at 7,000 people at week up until September 2, 1666 when the Great Fire of London drew the epidemic to a close。   到1666年9月,平均每周死亡的人数达到了7000人。9月2日那天,伦敦城遭遇了一场大火才使得这场大瘟疫走到了末路。   The Great Plague of Marseilles killed 100,000 people in 1720   马赛大瘟疫(死亡10万人)   The merchant ship Grand-Saint-Antoine was known to have stopped at plague-ridden Cyprus before allowed to dock at Marseilles, but immediately put under quarantine。   商船大圣安图望号曾停靠在当时正在爆发瘟疫的塞浦路斯,而后出发开往马赛。到达马赛后港口机关立刻下令将其隔离。   Despite numerous ship passengers perishing from the plague, including the ships surgeon, powerful city merchants had the ships quarantine lifted to receive the goods they had on board。   尽管船上有包括随船医生在内的大量乘客患病死亡,马赛市内有权势的商人仍然要求解除隔离禁令,以便拿到他们在船上的货物。   Within days the epidemic was firmly underway and piles of corpses lay about the city -- when it was over up to 50 percent of residents in the area were dead。   数天后,市内爆发瘟疫,死尸成堆。到瘟疫结束时,城里约有一半的人口死亡。   In 1771 the Moscow plague and riot claimed up to 200,000 people   莫斯科瘟疫和暴乱(死亡20万人)   The bubonic plague struck Moscow in late 1770 and by spring of the following year had become a full blown epidemic。   1770年末,黑死病传到了莫斯科,到第二年春,此病已经迅速传开。   The quarantine measures imposed by officials infuriated and terrified the public in equal measure, causing widespread riots and the destruction of quarantine zones。   政府采取的隔离措施引起了人们的恐慌和愤怒,导致了大规模的暴乱,隔离区也遭到了破坏。   The economy at a standstill, and running out of food -- in the end 300 people were arrested and up to 200,000 perished。   经济停滞不前,食物短缺。最后的结果是,300人被捕,至少20万人死亡。   The Russian flu killed 1 million people from 1890 to 1891   俄罗斯流感(死亡100万人)   The Russian flu pandemic of 1889-1890 is the earliest for which detailed records are available。   1889-1890年的俄罗斯流感大爆发是最早的有史可查的传染病。   Despite documentation, scientists have yet to agree on the virus type of the flu and as recently as 2000 exhumed bodies for conclusive answers。   尽管有资料可查,科学家们最近在对2000多具尸体进行研究后才最终确定了该流感的病毒类型。   The flu began in Russia, but spread rapidly through Europe, reaching North America and Asia before tapering off。   该流感由俄罗斯开始迅速向欧洲传播,一直传到了北美和亚洲才逐渐减弱。   The Hong Kong Flu killed 1 million people late 1968   香港流感大传播(死亡100万人)   The Hong Kong flu epidemic shows how a modern crisis might hit the world。   香港流感大爆发让我们见识到了传染病是如何在现代社会中传播的。   The first outbreak that summer in "68 was reported in Hong Kong. By September, the flu reached India, Philippines, Australia, and Europe. By fall it was brought into California by returning troops from Vietnam, becoming widespread in the U.S. by Christmas of that year. By January it was in South America, Japan, and Africa。   1968年夏,流感首先在香港爆发。9月,传播到印度,菲律宾,澳大利亚和欧洲。入秋后,由从越南返回美国的士兵传播到加利福尼亚,并在当年的圣诞节前传遍美国。到了次年一月,该病已传播到了南美、日本和非洲。   1,000,000 people died, though the virus had a case-fatality ratio of only 0.5%   尽管这种病毒的致死率只有0.5%,但却有一百万人因此丧命!   The Third Cholera Pandemic caused 1 million Russian deaths   第三次霍乱肆虐(死亡100万人)   A disease of the large intestine and transmitted through contaminated water, cholera has haunted humanity for centuries。   霍乱是一种通过饮用受污染的水而导致的肠道疾病,它曾经危害人类长达几个世纪之久。   The Third Cholera Pandemic from 1852 to 1859 swept through Asia, North America, and Africa hitting Russia particularly hard。   第三次霍乱肆虐的时间是从1852年到1859年,传播范围包括亚洲、北美和非洲,其中俄罗斯情况最为严重。   This cholera pandemic is considered the most deadly cholera pandemic in history, though the seventh is still going on。   尽管我们正在经历历史上的第七次霍乱爆发,但第三次霍乱传播被认为是历史上最严重的一次。   The Antonine Plague wiped out one-third of the Roman army   安东尼瘟疫(1/3罗马军队覆灭)   Roman soldiers unknowingly started the Antonine Plague in AD 165 when they returned from the Near East carrying either smallpox or measles。   公元165年,从近东回来的罗马士兵携带着天花或麻疹病毒回到了罗马帝国,由此在不知情的情况下引发了安东尼瘟疫。   Over 15-years, outbreaks killed as many as 2,000 people a day and decimated a full one-third of the Roman army。   在瘟疫爆发的15年里,一天的死亡人数最多可达到2000人。在此期间,有三分之一的罗马军队遭受灭顶之灾。   6.5 million people died。   在这场大瘟疫中,有650万人丧生。   The Plague of Justinian killed 25 million people worldwide   查士丁尼瘟疫(死亡2500万人)   The bubonic plague slipped into Constantinople from China in 541 AD killing up to 10,000 people a day at its peak。   这场在公元541年从中国传播到君士坦丁堡的鼠疫在传播到最顶峰时,曾在一天里就造成一万人死亡。   The plague decimated the Emperor Justinian"s tax-base, undermining his ability to battle the Vandals and the Goths and effectively ended the chance of uniting the Western and Eastern Roman Empires。   这场瘟疫摧毁了查士丁尼大帝的税收基础,削弱了他对汪达尔人和哥特人的进攻,从而阻碍了东西罗马帝国的合并。   Justinian himself was one of the few infected by the plague who, in the end, survived。   查士丁尼也在这次瘟疫中受到了传染,但最后却幸存了下来。   The 1918 Spanish flu was H1N1 and killed 75 million people   西班牙大流感(死亡7500万人)   Unlike most outbreaks the majority of victims from the 1918 pandemic were young and healthy。   和大多数流感不同的是,1918年的这次流感的感染者大多是身体健康的年轻人。   Estimates put the possible number of dead at up to 100,000,000 -- 6% of the global population. Cases were reported from the Pacific Islands to the Arctic。   这次流感的死亡人数据估计达到一亿人,占世界总人口的6%,传播范围波及全球。   The disease did not originate in Spain, but the European nations had the most accurate and uncensored reporting of the outbreak resulting in the belief that it started there。   这次流感的源头并不在西班牙,但是欧洲各国的报道让人们以为这里就是流感开始传播的地方。   Ten to 20% of those infected died from the H1N1 flu virus that returned again in 2009.   10%到20%的感染人群死亡,而在2009年,这种禽流感病毒又卷土重来了。   The Black Death wiped out 100 million people   黑死病席卷欧洲(死亡一亿人)   One of the most devastating pandemics in the history of the world, the bacterium Yersinia pestis killed up to 60% of Europe"s population between 1348 and 1350.   黑死病是人类史上最严重的瘟疫之一,其元凶是一种叫做鼠疫耶尔森菌的病毒。黑死病在1348年到1350年间导致欧洲六成人口死亡。   The monumental death toll shaped contemporary morality and a "live for the moment" approach to life infused Europe during the slaughter, and after the deaths tapered off。   死亡人数之多甚至改变了当时人们的人生观,在黑死病肆虐时期,人们只相信“活在当下”,这种情况直到黑死病的蔓延减弱才得以改变。   The disease was called "black" not for its tendency to cause gangrene before death, but because of the black mood it inspired. It took 150 years for the population to recover。   这场大瘟疫之所以称之为黑死病,并不仅仅因为它会使患者死前身体呈现大量黑色,更多的是因为它所造成的恐怖压抑的氛围。黑死病之后,人口数量经过了150年才得以恢复。
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世界艾滋病日用英文是World Aids Day。为提高人们对艾滋病的认识,世界卫生组织于1988年1月将每年的12月1日定为世界艾滋病日。号召世界各国和国际组织在这一天举办相关活动,宣传和普及预防艾滋病的知识。世界卫生组织将历年年12月1日定为世界艾滋病日,是因为第一个艾滋病病例是在1981年此日诊断出来的。全球卫生部大臣关于艾滋病预防计划的高峰会议上提出。从此这个概念被全球各国政府、国际组织和慈善机构采纳。世界艾滋病日的标志是红绸带。红绸带像一条纽带,将世界人民紧紧联系在一起,共同抗击艾滋病。它象征着我们对艾滋病病人和感染者的关心与支持。象征着我们对生命的热爱和对和平的渴望。象征着我们要用“心”来参与预防艾滋病的工作。
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新型冠状病毒肺炎(Corona Virus Disease 2019,COVID-19),简称“新冠肺炎”,世界卫生组织命名为“2019冠状病毒病”,是指2019新型冠状病毒感染导致的肺炎。2019年12月以来,湖北省武汉市部分医院陆续发现了多例有华南海鲜市场暴露史的不明原因肺炎病例,证实为2019新型冠状病毒感染引起的急性呼吸道传染病。 疫情等级2020年2月28日,世卫组织新冠肺炎情况每日报告,地区及全球风险级别均提升为最高级别“非常高”,与中国一致,此前地区及全球风险级别为“高”。当地时间2020年3月11日,世界卫生组织总干事谭德塞宣布,根据评估,世卫组织认为当前新冠肺炎疫情可被称为全球大流行(pandemic)。
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疫情结束英文是:the pandemic is over1、Is the pandemic over?2、Biden said the pandemic is over,I don"t think that is true.3、I will go camping when the pandemic is over.4、I will not wear the mask when the pandemic is over.5、I will go everywhere when the pandemic is over.6、It"s difficult to make "when the pandemic is over" to be a sentence.7、I will go to American with my families when the pandemic is over.8、What do you want to do when the pandemic is over?
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流行性感冒的英语有:influenza;flu。双语例句:1、我有流行性感冒的所有典型症状。I had all the classic symptoms of flu.2、我得了流行性感冒。I came down with influenza.3、何谓病毒性肠胃炎及流行性感冒?What is viral gastroenteritis and influenza?4、害怕的发抖;感染了流行性感冒Trembling with fear; sick with the flu.5、流行性感冒被发现是流行性的。Influenza was discovered to be pandemic.6、流行性感冒的传播途径是什么?What is the transmission way of the grippe?7、用于普通感冒和流行性感冒的治疗。For the common cold and influenza remedies.8、我不想把流行性感冒传染给你。I don"t want to infect you the flu.
2023-07-26 17:57:001

my experiences during COVID-19 pandemic中文?

原文是"My experiences during the COVID_19 pandemic”吧?不过这不是一句完整的话。意思是“我在新冠肺炎大流行中的经验”
2023-07-26 17:57:251

My life after the pandemic作文?

1. Become more warmhearted2. Get a better health habit ~wash your hands timely and carefully ~to use a pair of serving chopstics when dining with others ~wear your mask in public places
2023-07-26 17:57:442

欧洲疫情卷土重来 年轻人成感染“主力军”

近期,欧洲多个国家新冠肺炎单日新增确诊病例达到解封以来的新高,且确诊患者呈年轻化趋势。在西班牙、德国、法国等欧洲国家的新增确诊病例中,许多都是年轻人。为了防止新冠肺炎确诊人数再次攀升,欧洲各国纷纷开始采取措施。 Europe is giving the world a glimpse at what happens when the coronavirus epidemic is brought under Control and the economy reopens: the virus bounces back. 欧洲向世界展示了新冠疫情得到控制、经济重新开放后会发生什么:病毒会卷土重来。 Spain France Greece and Germany are among the countries that have seen worrying spikes in new Covid-19 cases in recent weeks a consequence of going back to -- sort of -- normal after months of lockdowns. 近几周,西班牙、法国、希腊和德国等国的新冠肺炎病例激增,令人担忧。这是经过几个月的封锁后,生活在某种程度是恢复正常后的结果。 While the continent"s first outbreak in the spring hit the elderly spreading in care homes and hospitals these new infection clusters seem to be tied to younger people who are venturing out into bars restaurants and other public places. 虽然欧洲大陆春季的第一波疫情袭击的是老年人,在养老院和医院传播,但目前新的感染羣体似乎与年轻人有关,他们冒险外出到酒吧、餐馆和其他公共场所。 "There is a true resurgence in cases in several countries as a result of physical distancing measures being relaxed " the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) said in a statement on Monday. 欧洲疾病预防控制中心在周一(8月10日)的一份声明中表示:“由于放宽了物理隔离措施,一些国家的病例确实又出现了反弹。” Spain is at the forefront of this new battle. Earlier this week Spain overtook the UK as the country with the second highest number of confirmed cases in Europe after Russia. The Spanish Air Force has deployed a field hospital to the city of Zaragoza capital of the Aragon region which has seen a spike in Covid-19 infections over the past few weeks. 西班牙处于这场抗疫新战争的前沿。本周早些时候,西班牙超过英国,成为欧洲确诊病例第二多的国家,仅次于俄罗斯。西班牙空军已在阿拉贡自治区首府萨拉戈萨市部署了一家野战医院。过去几周,该市新冠肺炎病例激增。 Data from the country"s Ministry of Health shows that the median age of people testing positive for the coronavirus in Spain has been dropping steadily in recent weeks suggesting more young people are getting infected. 西班牙卫生部的数据显示,最近几周,西班牙新冠病毒检测呈阳性的人年龄中位数一直在稳步下降,这表明越来越多的年轻人感染了新冠病毒。 Other European countries are seeing the same trend. 其他欧洲国家也出现了同样的趋势。 According to ECDC 40% of people who contracted the disease in Europe beeen January and May were age 60 or older. But in June and July this age group accounted for just 17.3% of all cases. The largest proportion of new cases in the summer 19.5% were reported among people age 20 to 29 the ECDC said. The median age fell from 54 in January to May to 39 years in June to July. 根据欧洲疾病预防控制中心的数据,1月至5月,欧洲40%的感染者年龄在60岁以上。但在6月和7月,该年龄组仅占所有病例的17.3%。欧洲疾病预防控制中心称,今年夏天,新增病例中占比最高的是20至29岁的患者,为19.5%。患者平均年龄从1月到5月的54岁下降到6月到7月的39岁。 The French Health Minister Olivier Véran said the virus is now circulating among the country"s young people. On Wednesday France saw its biggest jump in daily new cases since the lockdown easing Started with 2 524 new cases in 24 hours according to the ministry. 法国卫生部长奥利维尔·韦兰表示,新冠病毒目前正在法国年轻人中传播。法国卫生部表示,周三,法国出现了自放松封锁措施以来的单日新增病例最大增幅,24小时内新增病例2524例。 However Véran said the impact on the health system isn"t as bad as it was in the spring when France experienced similar infection rates. 不过,韦兰说,卫生系统受到的影响没有春天时那么严重,当时法国感染率与现在接近。 "The proportion of plicated cases is much lower " Véran told France 2 TV channel adding that the age of those getting infected is one reason behind this. "Patients diagnosed with [Covid-19] now are younger 20 to 40 and less vulnerable " he explained. “复杂病例的比例要低得多,” 韦兰告诉法国第二电视频道,并补充说,感染者的年龄是造成这一现象的原因之一。他解释说:“现在被确诊为新冠肺炎的患者年龄更低,在20岁至40岁之间,抵抗力更强。” Greece too is seeing new spikes in cases. It has registered the highest daily increase of Covid-19 cases since the pandemic began on Wednesday with 262 new infections recorded by Greece"s National Public Health Organization. 希腊的新增确诊病例也出现了新的高峯。根据希腊全国公共卫生机构的数据,周三,希腊新增确诊病例262例,是自疫情开始以来的单日最高峯。 According to a eet from Vassilis Kikilias Greece"s health minister the average age of those who have been infected in August has dropped to 36. 希腊卫生部长瓦西里斯·基基利亚发推文称,8月份感染者的平均年龄已降至36岁。 Compared to other European countries Greece has managed to keep the virus under better control over recent months. It has reported 6 177 cases so far a fraction of the numbers seen elsewhere. The low infection rates have allowed Greece to wele tourists from the rest of Europe marketing itself as a safe country. Now in an attempt to stop further outbreaks the Greek government is shutting that door a little. 与其他欧洲国家相比,希腊近几个月来更好地控制住了新冠病毒。到目前为止,希腊确诊病例为6177例,这个数字只是其他地方的一个零头。低感染率使得希腊能够欢迎来自欧洲其他国家的游客,并将自己宣传为安全国家。现在,为了阻止疫情进一步暴发,希腊 *** 将国门稍微关上了一点。 Starting earlier this week visitors ing from Spain Sweden Belgium the Czech Republic and the Netherlands need a negative test to enter the country. There"s also a new midnight curfew for bars and restaurants in 16 areas in Greece. 从本周早些时候开始,来自西班牙、瑞典、比利时、捷克共和国和荷兰的游客需要持核酸阴性检测证明才能入境。希腊全国16个地区的酒吧和餐馆实行午夜宵禁。 Meanwhile Germany"s daily new infections numbers have soared back above 1 000 following several days of lower rates. The country"s center for disease prevention the Robert Koch Institute reported 1 226 new infections Wednesday the highest since May. 与此同时,德国的每日新增感染人数在连续几天下降后又飙升至1000人以上。德国疾病预防中心罗伯特·科赫研究所周三报告了1226例新增感染病例,创5月份以来新高。 As German schools start to reopen the government is urging people to follow the rules of social distancing and wear masks. It has also started a massive campaign of free tests for anyone entering the country. 随着德国学校重新开学, *** 敦促人们遵守社交距离规则,戴上口罩。德国还针对所有入境人士开展大规模免费检测。 Italy the ground zero of Europe"s spring outbreak has so far managed to buck the trend. But faced with new outbreaks in other countries Italy has put in place measures designed to stop the virus from being imported from abroad. Like much of the rest of Europe Italy is still not allowing travelers from most of the world to enter the country freely. 意大利是欧洲春季疫情的发源地,目前该国已成功地扭转了疫情趋势。但面对其他国家暴发新疫情的态势,意大利已采取措施,旨在阻止病毒从国外传入。和欧洲其他大部分地区一样,意大利仍然不允许来自世界大多数国家的游客自由入境。 ground zero:归零地;原爆点 But starting Thursday the restrictions will apply even to people ing from countries Italy has previously deemed to be safe. Travelers who have been to Croatia Greece Malta and Spain in the past 14 days -- even if they just transited through -- can only enter Italy if they have tested negative to up to 72 hours before arrival. 但从周四开始,这些限制甚至将适用于来自意大利此前认为安全国家的人。过去14天内去过克罗地亚、希腊、马耳他和西班牙的游客,包括过境游客,需持有到达意大利前72小时内出具的核酸检测阴性证明,才能入境。 Further north the UK last week introduced new quarantine requirements for people ing from Belgium following spikes in cases there. It also announced several local lockdowns in parts of northern England where new outbreaks have been identified. 再往北,由于比利时病例激增,英国上周对来自比利时的人实施了新的检疫要求。英国还宣布对英格兰北部发现新疫情的几个地区实行封锁。
2023-07-26 17:58:101


美国流行病学家认为,美国当前处于应对新冠肺炎疫情的“新阶段”,疫情正在“极其广泛地蔓延”。专家警告说,美国冬季可能遭遇流感和新冠病毒“双重”暴发。 Public health experts researchers and manufacturers warn the ing flu season could bring a “double-barrel” respiratory disease outbreak in the United States just as fall and winter are expected to exacerbate the spread of Covid-19. 新冠病毒的传播预计会在秋冬季加剧,公共卫生专家、研究人员和制造商警告说,美国即将到来的流感季可能会带来“双重”呼吸道疾病的暴发。 At the same time researchers said the strategies currently used to prevent Covid-19 tran *** ission – namely hand-washing mask-wearing and social distancing – could also help lessen flu outbreaks if Americans are willing to practice them. 与此同时,研究人员表示,目前用于预防新冠病毒传播的策略,即洗手、戴口罩和保持社交距离,也可能有助于减轻流感暴发,如果美国人愿意这么做的话。 “We will be faced with basically a double-barrel respiratory virus season both influenza and Covid ” said Dr William Schaffner medical director for the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases and a professor of medicine at the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine in Tennessee. 美国国家传染病基金会医学负责人、田纳西州范德比尔特大学医学院教授威廉·沙夫纳博士说:“大体上说,我们将面临一个流感和新冠肺炎双重呼吸道病毒的流行季。” Flu season typically peaks beeen December and February in the northern hemisphere. It caused an estimated 61 000 deaths and 810 000 hospitalizations in 2019 in the US according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). 北半球的流感季通常在当年12月至次年2月达到高峯。根据美国疾病控制和预防中心的数据,2019年,流感在美国造成约6.1万人死亡、81万人住院。 By parison Covid-19 has killed more than 166 000 people in the US with months to go before the end of the year according to the Johns Hopkins University Coronavirus Resource Center. The disease hospitalized an estimated 293 000 people just beeen March and May 2020 according to the healthcare consulting firm Avalere. Those deaths and infections also occurred despite huge efforts – such as shutting down large parts of the US economy – being put into action to slow the virus"s path. 相比之下,根据约翰斯·霍普金斯大学冠状病毒资源中心的数据,虽然目前距离年底还有数月,但新冠肺炎已经导致美国逾16.6万人死亡。据医疗咨询公司Avalere的数据,仅在今年3月至5月间,就有约29.3万人因新冠肺炎住院。尽管采取了巨大的努力,比如停止大部分经济活动,以减缓病毒传播的速度,但仍未能阻止患者死亡和感染。 While the flu"s seasonality is not clearly understood the way it spreads is well documented. Flu is tran *** itted in much the same way Covid-19 spreads: coughs sputters and sneezes in close proximity in closed spaces and in crowds. For those reasons social distancing measures are effective against influenza as well as Covid-19. 虽然人们尚不清楚流感的季节性成因,但其传播方式却有据可查。流感与新冠肺炎的传播方式基本相同:病毒通过在封闭空间和人羣中近距离咳嗽、飞沫溅射和打喷嚏传播。由于上述原因,保持社交距离的措施对防控流感和新冠肺炎都是有效的。 When munity spread of Covid-19 began in the United States in March widespread shutdowns shaved “four to six weeks” off the flu season in 2020 said Dr Richard Kennedy co-director of the Mayo Clinic"s vaccine research lab. 美国梅奥诊所疫苗研究实验室的联合负责人理查德·肯尼迪博士说,新冠病毒今年3月开始在美国社区传播时,大范围的封锁措施令2020年的流感季缩短了“4到6周”。 That was “probably as a direct result of the social distancing and the mask-wearing and the shutdown ” said Kennedy. A similar phenomenon is taking place in the southern hemisphere where winter flu season is now tapering off. Countries such as Chile have seen historically low influenza tran *** ission. 肯尼迪说,这“可能是保持社交距离、佩戴口罩和封锁的直接结果”。南半球也出现了类似现象,目前那里的冬季流感季正接近尾声。智利等国的流感传播率创历史最低水平。 taper off:逐渐停止;逐渐减少 “Will we see that same thing up here? The answer is if we wear our masks and social distancing yes. If we remain shut down yes ” said Kennedy. “But I don"t know if Americans are going to do any or all of the above.” 肯尼迪说:“美国会发生同样的情况吗?如果我们戴口罩并保持社交距离,如果我们继续采取封锁措施,答案是肯定的。但我不知道美国人是否会执行上述任何一项或全部措施。” “We"re seeing groups wanting to open the economy up regardless of the risks. Then we"re seeing people saying ‘No we want to shut down and we don"t care if the economy crashes "” said Kennedy. 肯尼迪说:“我们看到一些羣体不顾风险,希望开放经济。然后我们看到人们说,‘不,我们要封锁,我们不在乎经济是否崩溃"。” But unlike for Covid-19 the world has another tool to fight seasonal influenza: flu vaccines. 但与新冠肺炎不同的是,世界上还有另一种抗击季节性流感的工具:流感疫苗。 Young and old alike have fallen behind on routine vaccinations due to the pandemic. GlaxoSmithKline reported one of its vaccines called the zoster for *** shingles experienced a 67% drop in sales in April and May of 2020. 由于新冠疫情,年轻人和老年人都没有及时接种常规疫苗。葛兰素史克报告称,其生产的一种“成人带状疱疹疫苗”在2020年4月和5月的销量下降了67%。 A severe flu outbreak would pressure already thin supplies of medical equipment tests and manpower all of which are needed to fight Covid-19. It could also sow confusion as patients with fevers and coughs from flu rush to hospital emergency rooms in fear of Covid-19. 一场严重的流感暴发将给本已稀缺的医疗设备、检测和人力带来压力,而所有这些都是抗击新冠肺炎所需的。流感暴发还可能引发混乱,因为流感导致发烧和咳嗽的患者会因担心感染新冠肺炎而涌向医院急诊室。 【美国疫情最新数据】 据美国约翰斯·霍普金斯大学发布的全球新冠肺炎数据实时统计系统,截至美国东部时间8月18日晚6时,全美共报告新冠肺炎确诊5474630例,死亡171516例。过去24小时,美国新增确诊49085例,新增死亡1199例。
2023-07-26 17:58:241

As the new crown epidemic situation slows down around the world, the government has gradually relaxed epidemic prevention measures and relaxed entry policies, so that tourists from all over the world do not need to quarantine in China, which will help restore the economic and tourism development of China, Hong Kong and Macao.
2023-07-26 17:58:3515


The Swine Flu virus detected in Mexico is the H1N1 Swine Flu virus strain that has killed more than 152 people in Mexico , a Mexico government advised , citing results from tests done in report. The Swiss government advised its citizens to avoid non-essential travel to Mexico on Tuesday.A man admitted that all of the suspected patients, having recently been to Mexico, were already quarantined and received necessary medication, but a series of tests are needed to confirm whether they are really infected with swine flu virus. We can overcome it.We has been urging citizens with symptoms of the flu -- a sharp increase in body temperature, headaches, muscular pains and breathing problems -- to visit their nearest medical center as soon as possible. 如何预防猪流感? 例如写:1、我们已经在城市公共场所发放口罩.The city has been giving out face masks on public transport. 2、我们已经要求有流感症状包括: 发烧/ 头疼/ 肌肉疼(浑身疼)以及呼吸问题的市民尽早去附近医疗中心治疗.We has been urging citizens with symptoms of the flu -- a sharp increase in body temperature, headaches, muscular pains and breathing problems -- to visit their nearest medical center as soon as possible.
2023-07-26 17:59:264


翻译如下:免疫immunize例句:All parents should have their children immunized. 所有父母都应给孩子打疫苗。
2023-07-26 17:59:432


2023-07-26 17:59:599


新加坡还没有,目前警戒级别是yellowFor the latest updates on the Influenza A (H1N1) situation, please refer to DORSCON Alert Status Remains at Yellow 1. The Ministry of Health"s (MOH) Disease Outbreak Response System (DORSCON) alert status remains at Yellow. There have been no human cases of Influenza A (H1N1) detected in Singapore to date.2. In a recent press release, MOH cited an authoritative study by the World Health Organisation (WHO) Rapid Pandemic Assessment Collaboration that was published on 11 May 2009 in Science, a leading scientific journal. The study suggests the estimated case fatality ratio for the Influenza A (H1N1) virus at 0.4% (4 deaths per 1,000). The Ministry also said that the outbreak in Mexico appeared to be cooling off with a fall in the number of new confirmed cases. The number of exported cases from Mexico had also fallen significantly.
2023-07-26 18:00:412


endemic[英][enu02c8demu026ak][美][u025bnu02c8du025bmu026ak]adj.某地特有的; (尤指疾病)地方性的; 风土的; (动,植物)某些特产的; n.地方病; 某地特产的植物[动物]; 复数:endemics形近词:pandemicpolydemicepidemic1Street crime is virtually endemic in large cities.街头犯罪近乎是大城市的通病。
2023-07-26 18:00:492


没有critise和critize这两个单词,所以不存在区别,正确的单词应是:criticize。重点词汇:criticize英['kru026atu026asau026az]释义:v.批评,指责;评论。[第三人称单数criticizes;现在分词:criticizing;过去式:criticized;过去分词:criticized]短语:Those who criticize声称;反对;苦心人。词语使用变化:criticizev.(动词)。1、criticize的基本意思是“评论”,指识别某人或某物的优缺点,有时还含有非难或挑剔的意味。2、criticize既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,常接人、理论、路线等作宾语,很少接“懒惰”“急躁”等作宾语。3、criticize的宾语后可接介词for表示原因,接介词as表示性质或内容。
2023-07-26 18:00:582

英语流利说 Level6 Unit3 Part2 Listening:Infectious Diseases

Infectious Diseases Despite advances in technology, one of the biggest threats to human survival comes from primitive life forms. Infectious diseases are caused by micro-organisms, such as bacteria, viruses and parasites. These organisms have no access to education or technology, but they present a huge challenge to humanity. That"s because they are adaptable. Just as adaptability has helped humans survive, it makes it more difficult to control infectious diseases. As conditions change, the organism which cause these diseases adapt and become stronger. One of the biggest threats to human survival comes from primitive life forms. There are several kinds of infectious diseases. Bacterial infections, such as pneumonia, are caused by bacteria. These infections can be treated by antibiotics, which kill the bacteria. Viral infections are caused by viruses, such as the influenza virus. These can sometimes be prevented by vaccines, such as the flu vaccine. An example of parasitic infection is malaria. Malaria is caused by parasites transmitted to humans by infected mosquitoes. Once inside the body, the parasites can be difficult to kill or control. And of course these parasites are also adaptable. Antibiotics attack and kill bacteria. How serious are infectious diseases? Consider what happened in 1918, the influenza pandemic. It started in the fall of 1918 with what seemed to be something no more serious than the common cold. In the next two years however, it infected a fifth of the world"s population. In fact, it turned out to be the most deadly epidemic in history, killing between 20 and 40 million people. The influenza virus that caused it was much stronger than previous influenza viruses. Its mortality rate was two and a half percent compared to a point one percent in previous influenza epidemics. It struck quickly and without mercy, sometimes killing people within hours. Schools and businesses closed in many places, and people wore masks to prevent transmission of the virus through the air. What was unusual about this pandemic was that it was most deadly for people aged 20 to 40, rather than the elderly and young children. Now, a century later, we have flu vaccines that have reduced the severity of epidemics . These vaccines need to be updated every year because the virus changes and new strains emerge. What researchers fear is that a new strain of the virus will develop and cause another pandemic. Once an outbreak occurs, transmission of the disease will be even faster than before. An unintended consequence of our improved transportation system will be the speed at which an epidemic can spread. Experts predict that the public health systems will be overwhelmed and unable to react quickly enough. A new strain of a virus is a mutated form of the virus. A new strain of a virus is one that has mutated from the original. So the best defense will be to prevent an outbreak from occurring. This will require global cooperation and the sharing of data. It may also require changes in how humans interact with animals. Animals, such as birds and pigs, carry viruses that may mutate into a strain that can infect humans. Such a new strain could lead to another pandemic well before a new vaccine could be developed. Since diseases and epidemics don"t stop at national boarders , this is a global issue requiring global action. The threat of a global epidemic is another example of why we must learn to live together. It allows epidemics to spread more quickly. Epidemics don"t stop at national borders. One danger is that an animal virus may mutate into a strain that can infect humans. An improved transportation system allows epidemics to spread more quickly. Animals, such as birds and pigs carry viruses that may mutate into a strain that can infect humans.Experts predict that public health systems will be overwhelmed and unable to react quickly enough. One of the most interesting books of the 20th century was the novel, Catch 22. In the novel, the term "a catch 22 situation" was introduced. The term has nothing to do with catching anything. It has a much deeper meaning, and it describes a kind of logical conundrum that"s worth exploring. First, it"s important to put the phrase into context. In the novel, a group of American bomber pilots is on an island in the Mediterranean. They face death almost every day when they fly their bombing missions. Many have already lost their lives. The remaining pilots know that it is only a matter of the time before they will be the next victims. One of the characters in the novel is a doctor. It is his job to see that the pilots are fit to fly. In particular, there is rule that says he has to ground anyone who is crazy. To ground them means to remove them from active duty so that they don"t fly. Some of the men believed in the principles they were fighting for. They were willing to give their lives for their country. But to others , this was crazy. They thought the whole thing was insane . One of them, Yossarian, wanted out. He was friends with the doctor, and he wanted the doctor to ground him. When Yossarian asked the doctor to ground him, the doctor replied: “you"re wasting your time, you"re not crazy”. Yossarian told him to ask one of the other pilots, Clevinger, to tell him how crazy he was. “There is no point. He"s crazy.” The doctor replied.” Crazy people can"t decide whether you are crazy or not .” “Clevinger isn"t crazy! he"s one of the sanest pilots here.” “So he"s obviously out of his head,” said the Doc. “He"s got to be insane to keep on flying combat missions after all the close calls he"s had .”“well, if he"s crazy, why don"t you ground him?” “I can"t unless he asks to be grounded. That"s part of the rule.” “So all he has to do is ask?” “no, then I can"t ground him.” “So there is a catch,” said Yossarian, trying to get things straight. “Sure, there"s a catch,” said the Doc, with a slight smile. “Catch 22. If he asks, then he can"t be crazy. Only those who are crazy are grounded”. “there"s some catch,” obs erved Yossarian. “it"s the best there is,” the Doc replied. If he asks to be grounded he isn"t crazy. To be sane means to be in a healthy state of mind. A close call is a narrow escape from danger, such as surviving a serous accident.
2023-07-26 18:01:191


  让我们一起携手对坑艾滋病。下面是由我为大家整理的“艾滋病的英语作文”欢迎阅读,仅供参考,希望对你有所帮助。   篇一:艾滋病的英语作文   AIDS is the world recognized refractory disease, it is spreading at an alarming rate, seriously endangering the health of human beings, so-called "the plague of the century", "human killer", etc., to explain its arrival"s impact on humans.   AIDS though terrible, but as long as the correct understanding of AIDS, understand the HIV/AIDS, is completely can prevent the publicity, education has a far-reaching significance.   In accordance with the superior file spirit, to a large number of students in our school publicity and education activities, using the class meeting, the flag-raising ceremony, seminars, group discussion and other forms take the way of combining centralization and decentralization, multi-angle, multi-channel, make students understand AIDS prevention knowledge, effect is significant.   At the beginning of this period, under the support of the global fund, plain AIDS project office, in a timely manner for the junior middle school students in our school for free a batch of the text.   In accordance with the relevant spirit of the county AIDS project office in our school, combining the reality of our school, through health education, includes forms again presented a new AIDS knowledge education.   艾滋病是世界公认的难治性疾病,它以惊人的速度传播,严重危害人类的健康,即所谓的“世纪瘟疫”、“人类杀手”等,来解释它的到来对人类的影响。   艾滋病虽然可怕,但只要正确认识艾滋病,了解艾滋病毒/艾滋病,完全可以防止宣传,教育意义深远。   按照上级文件精神,大量的在我们学校的宣传教育活动,学生上课使用,升旗仪式、讲座、小组讨论等形式,采取集中与分散相结合的方式,多角度、多渠道,使学生了解预防艾滋病知识,效果显著。   在这一时期开始,在全球基金资助下,平原艾滋病项目办公室,及时为我校的初中生免费提供一批课文。   根据我县艾滋病防治项目办公室的有关精神,结合我校实际,通过健康教育,包括形式,再次提出了新的艾滋病知识教育。   篇二:艾滋病的英语作文   AIDS has become a topic of common concern to the people of the world. How to prevent AIDS has become a topic of attention. Everyone knows the horror of AIDS, which is called the "devil". So, what is a "devil" in the end?   Generally speaking, AIDS is the human immune system was damaged by a virus called "HIV", so the body loses resistance, not with those of life-threatening bacteria fighting, so that the body has a variety of incurable infections and tumors, eventually lead to a severe infection of infectious disease deaths.   It is understood that about 39 million 500 thousand people worldwide are infected with AIDS, increasing 4 million 300 thousand people every year. That is to say, every 8 seconds in the world, 110 thousand people will be infected with AIDS, and 8000 infected people will be killed every day. What an amazing number this is.   So, how can AIDS be contagious? It is caused by blood, unclean sexual intercourse, drug use or intravenous injection and mother to child transmission. Some people ask whether AIDS is very serious? This is of course, because the HIV - induced infectious disease is a very high death rate, and its mortality rate is second in all diseases. AIDS is like a sudden wind, "Shua" all of a sudden in you did not know the situation has spread rapidly.   In our country, what is the epidemic of AIDS? Since 1985, only a few people have been infected each year, most of them are people who come to China abroad, or people from our country. It lasted about four or five years. By the end of the 80s of the last century, the first pandemic appeared: China began the epidemic of AIDS on the Yunnan border. Since the middle of the 90s, a rapid growth period has been developed, which is characterized by a rapid spread of the whole country. From 1994 to now, nearly 10 years have been growing at a rate of more than 40%.   艾滋病,已成了全世界人民共同关心的一个话题。怎样预防艾滋病,也就成了大家更为关注的话题。大家都知道艾滋病的可怕,都称它为“魔鬼”。那么,艾滋病到底是怎样的一个“魔鬼”?   通俗的讲,艾滋病是人体免疫系统被一种叫做“HIV”的病毒所破坏,因此身体丧失了抵抗力,不能与那些对生命威胁的病菌战斗,从而使人体发生多种不可治愈的感染和肿瘤,最后导致被感染者死亡的一种严重传染病。   据了解现全球约有3950万人感染艾滋病,每年都会增加430万人,也就是说世界上每隔8秒钟就会有11万人被感染艾滋病,而全球每天都有8000名感染者丧命。这是多么惊人的数字。   那么,艾滋病是怎样传染的呢?是血液、不洁性交、吸毒或静脉注射和母婴传播而引起的。有人问艾滋病是不是很严重?这是当然的,因为艾滋病毒引起的传染病,是一种死亡率极高的病,它的死亡率在所有的病中排名第2。艾滋病就像一股突如其来的风,“唰——”一下子在你完全不知道的情况下降临并迅速蔓延。   在我国,艾滋病的流行情况又是怎样呢?从1985年开始,每年只有几例感染者,多数是国外来华的人士,或者是我们出国的人士。这样大概持续了四、五年。到了上世纪八十年代末,出现了第一个流行期:在云南边境,中国开始了艾滋病的流行。从九十年代中期开始,出现了快速增长期,其特点就是以很快的速度波及全国。从1994年到现在,将近10年的时间,一直都是在以40%以上的速度增长。   篇三:艾滋病的英语作文   AIDS is not only harmful to the AIDS patients, bring heavy burden to the family, but also directly affect the development of the national economy, social stability, national prosperity, national prosperity of survival, it seems that AIDS is not only a threat to every person, every family, but also threaten the whole country, the social influence development and stability, visible AIDS prevention is the responsibility of the whole society.   AIDS is indeed very scary, but HIV infected people and AIDS patients are still our good friends. They should not get prejudice and discrimination, but from social and personal care.   The AIDS virus is highly contagious, but some daily behavior can not spread AIDS, such as hugging, shaking hands, a public toilet, eat together, talk, share of labor supplies, school supplies and so on, so we should have a correct understanding of AIDS transmission, to treat HIV with the correct attitude of the infected people and AIDS patients.   艾滋病不仅对艾滋病病人本身造成危害,给家庭带来沉重的负担,而且还直接影响国家经济的发展,社会的稳定,国家的兴衰,民族的兴存亡,由此看来,艾滋病不仅威胁着每一个人,每一个家庭,而且威胁着整个国家,影响社会的发展和稳定,可见预防艾滋病是全社会的责任。   艾滋病的确非常可怕,但艾滋病病毒的感染者和艾滋病病人仍然是我们的好朋友,他们应当得到的不是偏见和歧视,而是来自社会和个人的关爱。   艾滋病病毒的传染性极强,但是一些日常行为不能传播艾滋病,如拥抱,握手,公用厕所,一起吃饭,谈话交流,共用劳动用品,学习用品等,所以,我们应该正确认识艾滋病的传播途径,用正确的态度对待艾滋病病毒的感染者和艾滋病病人。
2023-07-26 18:01:541


2023-07-26 18:02:041


"describe" 是一个动词,表示通过言语或文字描述某事物的外貌、特征、性质、状态等。它可以用于描绘人、物、地点、事件或概念等。以下是 "describe" 的具体含义:1.描述外貌或特征:She described her new car as sleek and luxurious.(她形容她的新车时说它时尚而豪华。)The witness described the suspect"s appearance to the police.(目击者向警方描述了嫌疑人的外貌。)2.描绘性质或特性:The book describes the cultural traditions of the indigenous tribe.(这本书描述了土著部落的文化传统。)The report describes the economic impact of the pandemic.(报告描述了疫情对经济的影响。)3.叙述或讲述事件:She described her travel adventures in vivid detail.(她详细地叙述了她的旅行冒险经历。)He described the accident to the insurance company.(他向保险公司叙述了事故经过。)通过 "describe" 这个动词,我们可以使用详细的语言来传达事物的特征、性质和经历,让听众或读者能够形象地了解被描述的对象。
2023-07-26 18:02:221


When the COVID-19 pandemic is over, I would like to Europe for a vacation. (14) I shall be bringing my mobile phone to take pictures of the places that I will visit. (31) Besides, I plan to bring some nice clothes to change everyday so that I will look good in the selfies. (51)
2023-07-26 18:02:551

新型机器人和NFTs艺术品的兴起/New Robots and Rise of NFTs

29 December 2021 机器人技术进展 在2021年由美国“American technology company Boston Dynamics”公司生产的类人类机器人在虚拟世界内进行全程表演。 该公司的Marc Raibert称表演很好看 该公司还介绍了另一个叫“Stretch”的机器人,设计该机器人的唯一目的就是在大型堆场搬集装箱。“Stretch”每小时能搬800个集装箱。 在夏威夷,该公司的机器人警察能发现高烧的无家可归的人感染了新冠病毒。 在九月,意大利报道了机器人眼比人眼做得更好。 香港“” Hanson Robotics ”公司计划大量生产叫“humanoids”的类人机器人,该公司称新冠大流行增加了机器人的需求。 “”NFTs”艺术品的兴起。 由 Hanson设计的名为“Sophia”机器人帮助创造了一种新的艺术品叫NFTs( 非同质化代币(NFTs)是使用区块链技术和智能合约作为主要制作工具的艺术品)。该艺术品在2021年很流行。 在三月份,美国艺术家“American artist Beeple”通过拍卖卖了一个艺术品,价格约7千万美元。这是首次在非现实世界的拍卖。 Robotics progress A video of dancing robots that went viral in early 2021 demonstrated the human-like abilities of the machines. Three robots, produced by American technology company Boston Dynamics, took part in the full dance performance. The chairman of Boston Dynamics, Marc Raibert, admitted the video was fun to watch. But he said the real success behind the experiment was the valuable lessons the project taught his team. Boston Dynamics introduced another robot, called Stretch, which was designed for only one job - to move containers in large storage buildings. The company said the robot can move about 800 containers, weighing up to 23 kilograms each, in one hour. In Hawaii, another Boston Dynamics robot was deployed by police to find people with high body temperatures in a homeless shelter in the capital, Honolulu. The effort was aimed at identifying homeless inpiduals who might be infected with the coronavirus that causes COVID-19. In September, Italian researchers reported results from an experiment that examined how a robot"s eyes can make the machines better connect with humans. They said the experiment showed that looks from a robot can trick people into thinking they are socially interacting with a human. They noted that the experience can affect a person"s decision-making process and change how humans react to robots. Hong Kong-based Hanson Robotics announced plans to mass produce thousands of human-like robots, called humanoids. The company said the coronavirus pandemic had increased demand for robots designed to assist and interact with humans. Rise of NFTs One robot designed by Hanson, called Sophia, helped create a new form of artwork, called an NFT, or non-fungible token. This kind of digital art gained popularity in 2021. An NFT is based on blockchain technology, which is also used with digital money. An NFT can be attached to a piece of digital artwork or other things in digital form. It can be used to provide proof that the pieces are real. While anyone can view the work, the buyer has official ownership rights over the pieces. In March, American artist Beeple sold an NFT for nearly $70 million through Christie"s Auction and Private Sales. It was the first sale by a major auction house of art that did not exist in physical form. Even the man credited with inventing the World Wide Web, Tim Berners-Lee, decided to sell an NFT that included computer code he used to create the beginnings of the internet. The NFT included 9,555 lines of code Berners-Lee used to start the World Wide Web. It also contained an animation of the code being written and a letter he wrote describing his thoughts on the code and his process for creating it. The NFT sold for $5.4 million.
2023-07-26 18:03:031


额 这个不怎么清楚啊
2023-07-26 18:03:103


  在英语学习的过程中越来越突出的一个问题是英语口语的滞后,有些写作,阅读能力都非常优秀的学生却在用英语与人交流的时候出现了障碍。我精心收集了关于两分钟英语对话范文,供大家欣赏学习!   关于两分钟英语对话范文篇1   安: Jane, did you take your temperature?   简,你侧过你的体温了吗?   简: Yes, the H1N1 flu is too horrible. It can take your life at any time.   测过了,H1N1太恐怖怒了,它可是会随时拿走你的生命的。   安: Yeah, though there are not so many people died of it in china?   对啊,尽管在中国没有很多人死于H1N1。   简: Do you really believe that there are only a few people died of H1N1 flu?   你真相信只有很少人死于H1N1吗?   安: What do you mean by saying that?   你这么说是什么意思啊?   简: The news said that some medical experts have doubted whether the data of deaths matches the reality. And the Ministry of Health also vowed to punish officials who underreported the pandemic.   新闻报道说一些医学专家已近在怀疑死亡的资料是否与现实相符。卫生部也说要惩罚那些少报该疾病的官员。   安: No wonder the flu still so serious and furious. But why did they underreport?   难怪,流感到现在还这么严重。但是他们为什么少报呢?   简: It"s said that some people with H1N1 just stay at home, haven"t sought for medical help, and it also difficult to diagnose every H1N1case for china has a large population.   据说有些得流感的人只是呆在家里而不去求医。还有中国的人口太多以至于很难诊断所有的病例。   安: It seems that the officials should strengthen supervision on pandemic, or the people will raise riot once the flu kill more people.   看来官员们要加强对流感的监控了,否则一旦流感杀死更多的人,人们会引起骚乱的。   简: Yes, the riot should be nipped in the bud.   对啊,应防范于未然。   关于两分钟英语对话范文篇2   莉莉: Ann, what do you feed you dog with in normal time?   安妮,你平时都喂你的狗吃什么呢?   安妮: Normally I feed it with dog food and ham sausage, sometimes canned food.   通常我会喂狗食和汉堡火腿,有时是罐头食品。   莉莉: Have you ever feed it with chocolate?   你有没有喂它吃巧克力过啊?   安妮: No, it"s bad for its teeth. What"s more, chocolate is very expensive.   没有,那对它的牙齿不好。而且,巧克力很贵。   莉莉: Good master! If you do feed your dog with chocolate, you might have to say goodbye to your dog.   好主人啊!如果你真给它吃巧克力,那就要和你的爱犬说再见了。   安妮: Why?   为什么呢?   莉莉: Recently an English man was suspended from breeding dogs for ten years by the local court.   最近有一英国人被罚十年不能养狗。   安妮: What"s the matter with chocolate?   这跟巧克力有什么关系呢?   莉莉: This man often feed his dog with chocolate and potato chips so the dog bees too obese to jump. It even pants heavily when just walk a few steps. In a word, the dog is very unhealthy.   他经常喂他的狗吃巧克力和薯片,导致狗胖的跳不起来,走没几步就喘得厉害。总之,那条狗很不健康。   安妮: This man must be crazy. He doesn"t love his dog at all. I would never treat my dog like that.   这男的一定疯了。他一点也不爱他的狗。我才不会这样对待我的爱犬!   莉莉: Yeah, poor dog! Having this kind of master means a miserable life.   是啊,可怜的狗!有这样的主人相当于是悲惨的一生啊!   关于两分钟英语对话范文篇3   Monica: Have you ever thought about entering for the national public servant examination?   你有想过报考国家公务员考试吗?   Dave: Me? No way. Guess what? About one million people will take that exam this year. My chances are very slim. What about you, Mon?   我?不想。你猜怎么著?今年大概有一百万人参加公务员考试了。我的机会很渺茫。你呢?   Monica: Me? Being a public servant is not like me. Those people are lazy bones. They talk through their hat, and eat everywhere without paying the bill.   我?做公务员不是我的风格。那些人都是懒人,从来都是说大话,到处吃吃喝喝,也不付钱。   Dave: Not all of us are wasting our money every second.   也不是所有人都在时时刻刻浪费我们的钱啊。   Monica: Really? Name one?   是吗?举个例子呢。   Dave: Mr. Jing Dazhong, the county governor of Beichuan. I respect and admire him pretty much. If I had a chance, I want to do something for my country.   北川县长经大忠。我很敬佩他。如果有机会的话,我真想为国家做点事情。   Monica: It is good to have dreams. However, it is impossible for you to make it if you have no connections with the government.   有梦想实好事情。但是,如果你没有门路的话,是不可能行的。   Dave: ou got the point. Yet still a lot of ambitious young people want to give it a try.   你说到点子上了。可是还是有很多有抱负的年轻人愿意试试。   Monica: All the parents hope their children to get a position in the government since it is a job once for good. You will never bother to worry about loosing your job even when the economic crisis es up.   家长们也希望他们的子女能够在 *** 里搞一个一官半职,铁饭碗嘛。即使在发生经济危机的时候,你也不用担心丢工作。   Dave: Maybe I should sit for the exam next year. Wish me luck.   也许明年我也参加考试。希望我有好运气啊。   
2023-07-26 18:03:171

英语文章2翻译 谢谢各位了

2023-07-26 18:03:493


妇女节英文介绍The history of International Women"s Day dates back to the early 20th century when women in many countries began to organize and protest for better working conditions, voting rights, and gender equality. The first International Women"s Day was celebrated in 1911, and since then, it has become a global movement to promote women"s rights and gender equality.国际妇女节的历史可以追溯到20世纪初,当时许多国家的妇女开始组织起来抗议,争取更好的工作条件、投票权和性别平等。第一个国际妇女节是在1911年庆祝的,从那时起,它已经成为一个促进妇女权利和性别平等的全球性运动。Women have made significant progress in many areas, including education, employment, and political representation. However, gender inequality persists in many forms, such as the gender pay gap, gender-based violence, and lack of access to healthcare and education. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted and exacerbated these inequalities, particularly for marginalized women and girls.妇女在教育、就业和政治代表等许多领域都取得了重大进展。然而,性别不平等仍然以多种形式存在,如性别薪酬差距、基于性别的暴力以及缺乏获得医疗保健和教育的机会。2019冠状病毒病大流行凸显并加剧了这些不平等现象,特别是对边缘化妇女和女童而言。
2023-07-26 18:03:561


2023-07-26 17:58:193


2023-07-26 17:58:231


no pains no gains 不劳不获
2023-07-26 17:58:292

on the floor是什么意思

你好。on the floor,翻译成中文是:在地板上。——————希望帮到你,满意请采纳。
2023-07-26 17:58:321


2023-07-26 17:58:382


2023-07-26 17:58:392


The bright moon in front of window,I doubt it is frost on the ground.Raise my head and look at the moon,Lower my head and miss my hometown.
2023-07-26 17:58:427


2023-07-26 17:58:1411


2023-07-26 17:58:134

on the floor什么意思?谢谢帮忙啦]

2023-07-26 17:58:1110


2023-07-26 17:58:081


2023-07-26 17:58:072

on the floor是什么意思

on the floor在地板上双语例句 1A lot of the food goes on the floor but that doesn"t matter.许多食品掉在地板上,不过也没什么关系。2A line of tubing connected the bag to a cylindrical helium canister on the floor.一条管子将这只袋子与放在地上的一只圆柱形氦气罐连接在一起。3Her eyes lit on the brandy bottle that Atanas had dropped on the floor.她的视线突然落到阿塔纳斯掉在地上的白兰地酒瓶上。
2023-07-26 17:58:021