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一首女声唱的歌,高潮部分是i miss you .

2023-07-28 09:13:03
TAG: miss is you mis iss mi yo

  《i miss you 》










  I miss you i miss you

  I miss you everyday


  想念你 想念你







  I miss you i miss you

  I miss you everyday


  想念你 想念你



  I miss you i miss you

  I miss you everyday


  想念你 想念你



  I miss you everyday


  想念你 想念你





  I miss you i miss you

  I miss you everyday


  想念你 想念你



  I miss you 呜……



  歌名:《I Miss You》




  青春美少女四年前老歌“I miss you”2009新春走红

  青春美少女组合的歌曲“I miss you”(我怀念你)不经意间在2009年的新春突然红了。

  青春美少女组合在《I miss you》MV中大跳钢管舞

  目前,青春美少女组合的《I miss you》已经红遍全国,尤其在迪厅里,几乎每天晚上都能听到《I miss you》的迪曲版,可见这首歌走红的势头是来势汹汹。

  近日,青春美少女组合的签约公司唐通文化找来了北京最强的创作班底拍摄了《I miss you》的MV,经纪人大唐介绍说,这首投入巨资的MV的主创人员都是目前活跃在京城影视圈的精英,女导演苏伦更是一个很有想法的导演,她大胆的创意完全颠覆了中国第一组合青春美少女给大家的固有印象。

  首先就是青春美少女组合在MV里跳起了钢管舞和横杆舞,五个女孩穿着性感的衣服随着《I miss you》的节奏在摄影棚里展示自己良好的身材和性感的舞姿,不知内情的人谁也想象不到这是以清纯示人的并在央视春晚唱《快乐宝贝》的那个少女组合。

  其次,《I miss you》的MV中,青春美少女的服装就是以黑白两种基本色为主,和她们以前MV中花花绿绿的衣服相比简直就是走向了另一个极端,但是当你从镜头里看过去,服装加上舞蹈和《I miss you》的歌曲配合的是那么完美。

  《I miss you》的MV已经和大家见面了,青春美少女要用这首超前的MV证明:我们依然是中国内地的第一组合。


青春美少女澄清自己为i miss you首唱

青春美少女组合的歌曲“I miss you”不经意间在2009年突然红了,谁也不会想到,这首2003年青春美少女《喝彩》专辑里的一首老歌如今这么受到年轻人的喜爱,如果你最近去网吧上网,或者你去一个商场购物,我敢保证你会听到这首”I miss you”.

近期传来的消息,随着青春美少女这首歌曲《I miss you》的MV在全国卡拉OK的同步推出,这首歌曲的演唱点击量已经排在近期流行歌曲排行榜的前三名了,彩铃的下载也是居高不下,每天近万人次从各个下载平台下载这首歌曲。

不过烦恼也接踵而至,有些歌手看到《I miss you》红了,翻唱了此歌还声称是首唱,这让青春美少女组合签约公司很气愤。这首歌曲是2002年经纪公司邀请台湾罗百吉为青春美少女创作的3首歌曲中的一首,并购买了永久版权,在青春美少女2004年出版的专辑《青春的喝彩》里,这首歌曲用的是中文名“我怀念你”,版本是用的青春美少女组合成员张蓓妮领唱的版本,但是很多网站不明真相把张蓓妮唱的版本署名演唱者为歌手“宝贝”,某些歌手翻唱了我们的歌曲却还声称是《I miss you》首唱,这是我们不能容忍的。所以青春美少女公司在此声明,某些歌手喜欢我们的歌曲并翻唱《I miss you》,虽然从版权角度讲是必须经过我们同意的,但是我们可以理解他们喜欢这首歌曲的心情,他们翻唱此歌或在商业演出中演唱此歌我们不予追究,但是希望这些歌手尊重我们的权益和我们的辛勤劳动,不要期望可以通过抢歌使自己达到迅速走红的目的,《I miss you》这首歌曲是有明确的版权的,它不像当年《老鼠爱大米》那样几个人都拥有版权,几位歌手都可以演唱。所以,提醒一些网络歌手,不要在某些音乐网站再大肆宣传自己是《I miss you》首唱混淆视听,也希望这些音乐网站认真把关,杜绝网络歌手抢歌的丑恶行为,我们还希望某些音乐网站,把署名演唱者为歌手“宝贝”的改回演唱者“青春美少女”。

近期,青春美少女组合将在天津,江苏,山东,深圳等地举办专场歌友会,并现场签售新专辑《I miss you》新歌加精选,也欢迎喜爱青春美少女的歌迷前去捧场,幸运者还有可能得到青春美少女组合派送的特别礼物。







应该是miley cyrus的《i miss you》



如果是 那应该是 《饱和》


Aviation-You were My Everything???




I tell you是个完整的句子吗?后面还用加其他的吗?

2023-07-26 16:50:542

I tell you. 这个句子完整吗

不可以,tell要接双宾语,tell sb. sth.
2023-07-26 16:51:043

寻一首英文歌是以嘟嘟声开头 歌词只记得一句 I am here again where have you been是男生唱的

2023-07-26 16:51:112

一首歌 只知道几句歌词:baby,tell me how can i tell you。QQ音乐上我下的手机铃声。还不错。请告诉

Marc Terenzi 的love to be loved by you
2023-07-26 16:51:194

and then you say hello 的歌名是什么?

babe 歌手:Mark Owen I come to you doorto see you againBut where you once stoodwas an old man insteadI asked where you"d behe said "she"s moved on you seeAll I have is a numberyou"d better ask her not me"So I pick up the phoneand dialed your numberNot sure to put it on or speakThen a voice I once knownanswered in a sweet voiceShe said hello then pausedbefore I began to speakBabe I am here againI tell you I am here againBabe where have you beenBabe I am back againI tell you I am back againBabe where have you beenYou held your voice wellthere were tears I could tellBut where were you nowwas you gonna tell me in timeJust give me a townand I will be straight downI got so much to tell youabout where I have beenAs I walk down you roadcan"t wait to be near youI can"t keep this feeling in insideAs I stand at your dooryou answer in a sweet voiceYou say hello then pausebefore I begin to speakBabe I am here againI tell you I am here againBabe where have you beenBabe I am back againI tell you I am back againBabe where have you beenAs I looked awayI saw a face behind youA little boy stood at your doorAnd I looked againI saw his face was shiningHe had my eyeshe had my smile
2023-07-26 16:51:592

查一首英文歌 副歌歌词有think about of you …missing you crazy i love you i love you

Jesse McCartney的 how do you sleep
2023-07-26 16:52:084

求一首英文歌 男声 歌词如下i am look at you,i can not believe my eyes,you are beautiful。。。。。

2023-07-26 16:52:284

I tell you是口语短语吗?

let me tell you 更口语化些
2023-07-26 16:52:473

我有一些事要告诉你的翻译为什么不是I have some things to tell to you

tell sb sth or tell something to sbI"ll tell you something或者I‘ll tell something to you
2023-07-26 16:52:599

求一首英文歌女生唱的有句歌词是Baby I like you I I I like you

pop danthology 哪年的?2011?2012?2013?(百度音乐)
2023-07-26 16:53:264

求歌名 歌词有一句:baby , i love you more than that .挺动感的。

歌曲:more than that 歌手:backstreet 专辑:《black and blue》.应该是这首。其他的,我就不清楚了
2023-07-26 16:53:353

一首英文歌 比较甜美的 歌词有 什么 when I hear ..........I miss you 什么的 我英文不大好 只懂这几个

2023-07-26 16:53:505

找一首英文歌,里面有“I MISS YOU”

2023-07-26 16:54:064

求一首英文歌,男的唱的,每唱一句都dadada,歌词第一句好像是“will i tell a story of ... dadada".有赏

2023-07-26 16:54:422

在河南音乐广播听的一个插曲,歌词很可爱的i love you i love you

i love you-SEED9听下是不是?好像歌曲里就一句i love you
2023-07-26 16:54:492

一首英文DJ 开头是 买了 I MISS YOU ############ ###### 呦 什么买哈 呦 什么菲力 呦 什么买哈 呦 什

想问下曲名叫什么 能不能发给我呢 谢谢
2023-07-26 16:55:133

I told you so和I used to tell you 区别

2023-07-26 16:55:413

跪求一首英文歌资料 高潮的部分有, baby, so you love me, tell me more than lie 之类的,貌似不是后

2023-07-26 16:55:482

有首歌的开头2句是:I can beleve standing here waiting for you so many year 叫什么名字?

2023-07-26 16:55:573

英语演讲的开头 今天我给大家讲一个故事,故事的名字叫 英语翻译

英语演讲的开头 今天我给大家讲一个故事,故事的名字叫 At the beginning of the English speech today I tell you a story, the name of the story
2023-07-26 16:56:092

let l tell you这句话中哪个词语错了

Let me tell you.让我告诉你。
2023-07-26 16:56:404

找歌 有个英文歌 女生唱的 总是重复maybe i maybe i.....或者是baby i baby i..........

我也想找这首歌。。找到了给我说下。。QQ459435436 感谢了,,,
2023-07-26 16:56:484

男的唱的歌词里有i tink about you everyday

1、i think about you everyday 歌手:rocket to the moon, a Over all These Nights are dull I wish that I could spend them with you, I"m looking at this wall repeating girl I love you. Just take your pick but they"re all the same, these things that your telling me, can really show me how you feel. I"m breaking down I"m falling down. Now I"m breathing. And Now i"m scared to move. Don"t listen to a word I tell you. Just take me by my hand (I swear I"ll make this up to you) So now you want me to fix everthing, But baby there"s so much and so little time to. replace the things i"ve broken, ripped apart and thrown away, You can say that you don"t miss me, I think about you everyday. Oh come on girl, So much to say, So instead of kidding everybody, how bout you try your tricks on me On me. So now you want me to fix everthing, But baby there"s so much and so little time to. replace the things i"ve broken, ripped apart and thrown away, You can say that you don"t miss me, I think about you everyday. Oh, oh do you know how feels to see your face when i close my eyes. Bet you know, How it feels to be the only thing that matters. Now So now you want me to fix everthing, But baby there"s so much and so little time to. replace the things i"ve broken, ripped apart and thrown away, You can say that you don"t miss me, I think about you everyday. So now you want me to fix everthing,(oh do you know) But baby there"s so much and so little time to.(how it feels to see your face when i close my eyes) replace the things i"ve broken, ripped apart and thrown away, (Oh bet you know how it feels) You can say that you don"t miss me, I think about you everyday. (to be the only thing that matters2、i wanna luv you 歌手:jones donell 专辑:where i wanna be 1 - I wanna love you, every night, every dayYou know I need you in my lifeWon"t you stay?I wanna love you, every night, every dayYou know I need you in my lifeWon"t you stay?You are the reason why I live, hmmA newfound joy I can contain, yeahFind myself thinking "bout your love, hmmIt"s a feeling I get only my heart can explainJones DonellYou know IRepeat 1I"ve never felt so deep in loveI think it"s becauseYou"ve touched a special part of me, babyHope I"m the one you"re thinking ofYou must be feelin" the same as I doI can"t see being in love without youLady, ladyGirl I think about you everydayHopin" you will never go awaySomeone who"ll give us tender loving careGirl I think about you every nightSharing dinner and a candelightI"m sayin" I love youAnd I"m hopin" we"ll be together for eternityRepeat 1I"m lovin" you, lovin" you babyGonna say it one more timeSaid I"m lovin" you, lovin" you babyI"m lovin" you babeSaid I"m lovin" you, lovin" you babyI"m lovin you babyRepeat 1 until fade
2023-07-26 16:57:021

求一首英文歌曲。男生唱的。歌曲开头是 tell me baby 然后高潮部分是everybody

Love to be loved by you 演唱:Marc Terenzi"t believe I"m standing here Been waiting for so many years and Today I found the Queen to reign my heart You changed my live so patiently ?And turned it into something good and real I feel just like I felt in all my dreams There are questions hard to answer ?Can"t you see… Baby, tell me how can I tell you That I love you more than life Show me how can I show you That I"m blinded by your light When you touch me I can touch you To find out the dream is true I love to be loved by you You"re looking kind of scared right now You"re waiting for the wedding vows But I don"t know if my tongue"s able to talk Your beauty is just blinding me ?Like sunbeams on a summer stream and I gotta close my eyes to protect me Can you take my hand and lead me From here ?please yeah...yeah... I can"t believe I"m standing here Been waiting for so many years and Today I found the Queen to reign ?my heart You changed my live so patiently And turned it into something good and real I feel just like I felt in all my dreams There are questions hard to answer Can"t you see… Baby, tell me how can I tell you That I love you more than life Show me how can I show you That I"m blinded by your light When you touch me I can touch you To find out the dream is true ?I love to be loved by you You"re looking kind of scared right now You"re waiting for the wedding vows But I don"t know if my tongue"s able to talk Your beauty is just blinding me Like sunbeams on a summer stream and I gotta close my eyes to protect me Can you take my hand and lead me From here please yeah...yeah...
2023-07-26 16:57:121

男女对唱有哪一首歌后面的歌词是i miss you的?

2023-07-26 16:57:395

Robin thicke i got u歌词

Robin Thicke - I Got U Lyrics[Girl:]Doctor, I have a painAll over my bodyAnd oh doctor, I heard you were the bestCan you help me? Oh doctor, can you heal me?Do you think I can be cured?Doctor can you heal me? I hear you"re the best[Thicke:]Oh, hello...I"m glad you can make itCan I offer you a, cocktail? Some roses or champagne perhaps?We have some chocolate covered strawberries, if you likeWhatever you want, whatever you needI got you, I got you, I got you...I got you babyI got you, and you got... me tooWell I will play, we"ll always text each otherXXX, we"ll always be togetherCome with me, f*** with me... please?And when I tell you, I got youYou know that I"m in it babe (I got you babe)So just put on your dress, put on your heelsLet"s get away (let"s get away, get away, get away)[Thicke:]Okay, why don"t you tell me what"s troubling you?[Girl] My man don"t take me nowhere[Thicke]Oh, I have just the thing for that[Girl:]Please hold for the doctor...My doctor will be right with you...(ooohh) the doctor will see you now...I got you, I got you, I got you...I got you babyI got you, and you got... me tooThe diamonds, the parties, the trips around the worldYour XXX, you"ll always be my girlJust come with me, f*** with me... please?And when I tell you, I got youYou know that I"m in it babe (oh, I got you)So just put on your dress, put on your heelsLet"s get awayBaby I got youAnd when I tell you, I got youYou know that I"m in it babe (I got you)So just put on your dress, put on your heelsLet"s get away (let"s get away, get away, get away)[Thicke:]Isn"t this nice?Perfect...
2023-07-26 16:57:531

i will tell your是啥意思

i will tell you我会告诉你tell英 [tel] 美 [tu025bl] vt.讲述; 告诉,说; 辨别; 吩咐vt.& vi.分辨,辨别; 告诉,吩咐; 泄漏; 保证vi.泄密,告发; (颜色、声音等)显示; 识别n.[考古学](古代村落遗址堆积而成的)台形土墩; [方言]讲的话; 谈话; 传闻
2023-07-26 16:58:011

有一段歌词"tell me how can itell me how can i show you“ 这首歌是什么?

show me love
2023-07-26 16:58:105

I Said I Love You 歌词

歌曲名:I Said I Love You歌手:Babyface专辑:Playlist: The Very Best Of BabyfaceBabyface--I Said I Love YouBaby come to meI will chase your tears awayPut your trust in meGirl I swear I"ll never changeDarling you will seeThat my love is here to stayI promise you, I will be trueFrom here and now, forever girl II said I love youI said I careWhen I tell you I love youIt means I always will be thereI"ll never leave youI ain"t goin" nowhereWhen I tell you I love youCross my heart I will be thereOpen up your heartDon"t be afraid to love againWe can take it slowYou should know I understandBaby take your timeAnd I don"t care how long it takes"Cause I promise you, I"m here for youFrom here and now, forever girl IAnd I will be there(and I will be there for you)Forever sincere to you(girl I"ll always care for you)I just wanna share my life with youRight here, right now, forever girl I
2023-07-26 16:58:241

babyface-I said I love you 歌词

Babyface--I Said I Love You Baby come to me 亲爱的,和我在一起吧 I will chase your tears away 我会因你的眼泪而离开 Put your trust in me 请相信我 Girl I swear I"ll never change 我发誓,我对你的爱从不改变 Darling you will see 亲爱的,你将会看到 That my love is here to stay 我的爱将永远为你等候 I promise you, I will be true 我向你保证,我是真心的 From here and now, forever girl I 此时此刻,直到永远, I said I love you 我爱你 I said I care 我关爱着你 When I tell you I love you 当我对你说了‘我爱你" It means I always will be there 它意味着,我将为你永远守候 I"ll never leave you 我不会再离开你了 I ain"t goin" nowhere 我不会离开 When I tell you I love you 当我已对你说‘我爱你" Cross my heart I will be there 我会呆在那里等你 Open up your heart 你也打开你的心扉吧 Don"t be afraid to love again 不要害怕再次去爱 We can take it slow 我们慢慢来 You should know I understand 你会知道,我会明白的 Baby take your time 心爱的,你放心 And I don"t care how long it takes 我不在乎我要花多长时间才可以得到你 "Cause I promise you, I"m here for you 因为我已经许诺,我会等你的 From here and now, forever girl I 从此时此刻,直到永远 And I will be there(and I will be there for you) 我会在那儿等你, Forever sincere to you(girl I"ll always care for you) 永远真诚的对待你,我会永远都关爱着你 I just wanna share my life with you 我只是想与你分享我的人生 Right here, right now, forever girl I 此时此刻,直到永远
2023-07-26 16:58:321

求一首高潮是tell me you get tell and love you more the love的英文歌

应该是 Sarah Conner 前老公 Marc Terenzi唱的 <Love to be loved by you>Love to be loved by you[5]《愿意被你爱》I can"t believe I"m standing here难以置信我站在这里  Been waiting for so many years and已经等待了这么多年  Today I found the Queen to reign my heart今天终于找到我心中的皇后  You changed my life so patiently你如此耐心地改变着我的生活  And turned it into something good and real把它变得美好而真实  I feel just like I felt in all my dreams感觉我还像是在做梦一样  There are questions hard to answer很多问题无法回答  Can"t you see ?你明白吗?  Baby, tell me how can I tell you宝贝,告诉我该如何告诉你  That I love you more than life我爱你胜过我的生命  Show me how can I show you告诉我我该如何告诉你  That I"m blinded by your light你光芒刺透了我的双眼  When you touch me I can touch you当你触摸到我的时候  To find out the dream is true我才知道这不是梦境  I love to be loved by you我愿意被你来爱着  You"re looking kind of scared right now你看上去有点害怕  You"re waiting for the wedding vows but你正等待着婚姻的誓言  I don"t know if my tongue"s able to talk但是我不知道我的舌头还能不能告诉你  Your beauty is just blinding me你的美丽会让我眩晕  Like sunbeams on a summer stream and似夏日河面上的阳光  I gotta close my eyes to protect me我只好闭上眼睛保护自己  Can you take my hand and lead me你可不可以牵着我的手,带着我  From here please离开这里  yeah...yeah...耶~耶~  Baby, tell me how can I tell you宝贝,告诉我该如何 告诉你  That I love you more than life我爱你胜过我的生命  Show me how can I show you看着我该如何 看到你  That I"m blinded by your light你光芒刺透了我的双眼  When you touch me I can touch you当你触摸到我的时候  To find out the dream is true我才知道这不是梦境  I love to be loved我愿意被爱  I need to be loved我需要被爱  I love to be loved by you我愿意被你来爱着
2023-07-26 16:59:071

I Can T Tell You 歌词

歌曲名:I Can T Tell You歌手:Sylvia Robbins专辑:The Sue StoryPatrick Nuo - I Can"t TellMade by JRThese are the last ten mintues before you goand what could I tell you, I don"t knowYour bag is packed you"ve got your raincoat onyou"re still here but your love is goneNow I could lock you in a cage and throw away the keyI could put you on an island with sharks in the seaI could tie you up put a leash around your neckBut it doesn"t make sense to hold you backBecause like . . .I can"t tell the sun to shine in the nightI can"t tell the moon to warm up it"s lightI can"t tell the summer forever to stayI can"t tell your love not to fade awayLike I can"t the clouds to stop the rainI can"t tell the ocean to swallow my painI can"t tell the time to bring back yesterdayI can"t tell your love not to fade awayYou look out of the window into the nightI know there is someone waitin" outsideit"s too late to fight I can"t even cryNothing can stop your last goodbyeNow I could put you in chains or build a chinese wallCould kiss you night and day no one will hear you callI could pay the police to keep you in townBut if love wants to fly you can"t keep it downBecause like . . .I can"t tell the sun to shine in the nightI can"t tell the moon to warm up it"s lightI can"t tell the summer forever to stayI can"t tell your love not to fade awayLike I can"t the clouds to stop the rainI can"t tell the ocean to swallow my painI can"t tell the time to bring back yesterdayLike I can"t tell your love not to fade away (oh no)And now when you close the door it won"t change anything anymoreI felt the million miles between us, long beforeAnd now when you close the door it won"t change anything anymoreI felt the million miles between us, long before (long before...)And now when you close the door it won"t change anything anymoreI felt the million miles between us, long before
2023-07-26 17:00:551

英语作文I want to tell you

I want to tell you Do you still remember it?That fightening day which I can"t forget .When we were also sleeping in bed,a big crack straight crossed the ground suddenly from several thousand meters below,which shocked all of us.It seems like the world was at an end! Everybody had to drown themselves in sadness.Many people died,and thousands of people hurt .The big damage beyond people"s mind. Although time is going by,the terrible sight will never run off people"s memory.I want to tell you we"ll keep the people who died in earthquake in our mind forever.I promiss,I "ll working hard and treasure my precious life all the time!
2023-07-26 17:01:061

我在 野狼王的士高 里面听到的,有一首英文歌, 第一句:i know you tell me b

You and I - Zeds DeadLight me up a cigarettePut it in my mouthYou"re the only one that wants me aroundAnd i can think of a thousand reasons whyI don"t believe in youI don"t believe in you and iLight me up a cigarettePut it in my mouthYou"re the only one that wants me aroundAnd i can think of a thousand reasons whyI don"t believe in youI don"t believe in you and iGo ahead and fill my drink upYou"ll still be all i think ofWe try and stay a floatBut know the way to sink usI say the problem"s solvedOnce you forget the questionBut you go ask againCause you ain"t learned your lessonAnd to the heavens i promise you no regretFor my mind"s left in the pastSo that promise was never checkedTo be honest i fell astrayCall it lost on the waySo certain in my intentionsI thought that i"d never swayBut between the cameras flashingI guess that it had to happenThe negatives to the perfect pictureHad to have themAnd my collection consists of allThat i had to takeWe celebrating the sacrifices we had to makeWe had to wait unprepared for the lossOverthought on the way and unaware of the costCause i can write a song but can"t unwrite my wrongsI guess you live and learnLearn when the love is goneLi li light me up a cigarettePut it in my mouthYou"re the only one that wants me aroundAnd i can think of a thousand reasons whyI don"t believe in youI don"t believe in you and iNow here we are againBack from our darkest endWe"ll keep this happiness goneLong as we all pretendIt seems we built this from nothingBut broken dreamsThese memories we"ll forgetBut that"s all that we hope to seeI got my future and it"s tickingLife is yours if you livingYou wish you could plan it differentBut fuck it that"s how you miss itI always thought you were with itAlways thought it was youAlways caught in the pastCause it"s all that i fing knewI mean it"s funny ain"t itGuess it"s all how you paint itAll that i really gotBut it"s all for the entertainmentThe champagne"s on the dresserEmpty from all my effortsThe life of yesterday"s partyGets carried off on a stretcherAnd here we standingLike everything"s how we planned itBut who"re we kiddingWe drinking so we don"t panicBroke off that lucky 7Go ahead and tell the reverendWe f in rock starsCall us zeds deppelingLight me up a cigarette put it in my mouthYou"re the only one that wants me aroundAnd i can think of a thousand reasons whyI don"t believe in you i don"t believe in you and iLight me up a cigarettePut it in my mouthYou"re the only one that wants me aroundAnd i can think of a thousand reasons whyI don"t believe in youI don"t believe in you and i
2023-07-26 17:01:142

求歌名,里面有一句歌词:i can tell you!!

i can"t tell you why?
2023-07-26 17:01:247

i will tell you____you want to know about this sto

B.what you want to know指你想知道的,all表全部
2023-07-26 17:01:484

有一首英文歌里的歌词是I can tell you from the star 求

Ryan Cabrera - From The StartAlbum: You Stand WatchingTell me what you needYou know it"s on your mindYou say he"s usuallyScrewin" up your lifeHe"s always goneWhen you need to talkIt"s just so wrongI wish you"d wonderLove is it enoughI"ll be your shelter when the weather is roughOh you should let goI"d let you love meLike I was in your heartJust trust like I was there from the startI"ll tell you what you needA man more like meIt"s not a fantasyYou can have everythingYou can be lovedAnd it"s time you know girlYou"ve had enoughSo much left just lookIt"s time you leaveYeah~
2023-07-26 17:02:211

I can tell you what time it is 哪个是主语哪个是谓语?

这是宾语从句。主句主语 i 从句主语it
2023-07-26 17:02:464

i must to tell you这说法有错么

I must tell you就好了must 后面接原型动词,不能有to
2023-07-26 17:03:034

一首歌的歌词有i talk toyou

歌曲名:Can I Talk To You歌手:Javier Colon专辑:Left of CenterOlivia Ong - I"ll Get Back To YouAlbum: Just For YouI can tell youI"m not gonna hideBut somewhere insideI get shy when you"re aroundCruising fellingI go up and downIn and outLand on the groundSo...What is thisWhat"s happenin"What it is i feel for you and you and only youGets me going highThere you areWalking byTwinkle in your eyesI see it everywhere i goTeddy bear toys are not what i want from youTake me to fairytale land, you don"t have toLet youself beNaturalCoz you knowI"ll get back to youCome on feel the flowTeddy bear toys are not what i want from youTell you the truethI just want to be with youCoz you knowI"ll get back to youCome on feel the flowI can tell youIt"s more than crushCoz somewhere insideI"m gonna get you tooCruising feelingI go up and downin and outLand on the groundSo....What is thisWhat"s happenin"What it is i feel for you and you and only youGets me going highThere you areWalking byTwinkle in your eyesI see it everywhere i goTeddy bear toys are not what i want from youTake me to fairytale land, you don"t have toLet youself beNaturalCoz you knowI"ll get back to youCome on feel the flowTeddy bear toys are not what i want from youTell you the truethI just want to be with youCoz you knowI"ll get back to youCome on feel the flowWhat is thisWhat"s happenin"What it is i feel for you and you and only youGets me going highThere you areWalking byTwinkle in your eyesI see it everywhere i goTeddy bear toys are not what i want from youTake me to fairytale land, you don"t have toLet youself beNaturalCoz you knowI"ll get back to youCome on feel the flowTeddy bear toys are not what i want from youTell you the truethI just want to be with youCoz you knowI"ll get back to youCome on feel the flow
2023-07-26 17:03:171

谁知道I will tel l you what i want what i really really want 是哪手英文歌曲里面的歌词

2023-07-26 17:03:362

有谁知道tell you I love you的歌词

Someone who treats you right Stay with you day and night I can tell that"s what you need I know just what to do I"ll take good care of you Baby you can get that from me I can tell she"s not treating you right Every time you look at me So which one will you choose You look so confused Tell me the truth Do you know what you want Do you know what you want Do you know what you want Love"s so hard to find So make up your mind Do you know what you want Oh baby can"t you see One minute you"re with me Next one you are all over her She talks behind your back You know I"ll stay on track Something she wouldn"t for sure How can I help you to make up your mind Boy you"re running out of time So which one will you choose You look so confused Tell me the truth Do you know what you want Do you know what you want Do you know what you want Love"s so hard to find So make up your mind Do you know what you want Please call me and say I am the one You need in your life The game that you play Ain"t no fun Please answer me now Gotta know what you want I can tell she"s not treating you right Every time you look at me So which one will you choose You look so confused Tell me the truth Do you know what you want How can I help you to make up your mind Boy you"re running out of time So which one will you choose You look so confused Give me the truth Do you know what you want Do you know what you want Do you know what you want Love"s so hard to find So make up your mind (make up your mind) Do you know what you want没找到别的啊~
2023-07-26 17:03:442

i have to find you tell you i need you这是哪首歌的歌词

I need you
2023-07-26 17:03:523

《如果我能告诉你 》If I could tell you【英】奥登

Time will say nothing but I told you so, Time only knows the price we have to pay; If I could tell you I would let you know. If we should weep when clowns put on their show, If we should stumble when musicians play, Time will say nothing but I told you so. There are no fortunes to be told, although, Because I love you more than I can say, If I could tell you I would let you know. The winds must come from somewhere when they blow, There must be reasons why the leaves decay; Time will say nothing but I told you so. Perhaps the roses really want to grow, The vision seriously intends to stay; If I could tell you I would let you know. Suppose the lions all get up and go, And all the brooks and soldiers run away; Will Time say nothing but I told you so? If I could tell you I would let you know. 时光虽然不说什么但我会告诉你, 我们付出的艰辛只有时光知道。 如果我能告诉你我会让你明了。 滑稽表演时我们伤心泪流, 音乐演奏时我们身同感受。 时光不会说什么但我会告诉你。 没有什么命运可以期许, 尽管我爱你胜过千言万语。 如果我能告诉你我会让你明了。 风声必来自于某个地方, 树叶飘零必然会有因由。 时光不会说什么但我会告诉你。 也许玫瑰真的想要开放, 也许良辰美景也想要成为永驻。 如果我能告诉你我会让你明了。 假如所有的将帅都站起来离开, 假如所有的士兵都风声鹤唳。 难道时光不说什么我将告诉你? 如果我能告诉你我会让你明了。
2023-07-26 17:03:591


I will describe my preferred season to you.
2023-07-26 17:04:132

求M2M《Tell You I Love You》歌词和翻译!谢!!!

2023-07-26 17:04:222

I cant tell you what to do

我可以告诉你怎么做I cant tell you what to do你可能会想我没有听你的you will i think not listen to me但我会说:我不在乎他是你的第一个男人,这没有任何意义,因为他不知道尊重你或者说他和你的生命没有交集but i will say this i do not care if he is your first man to make love to you the sex has no meaning if he can not respect you and even worse he is not even trying to get things in common with you你是对的,我与你的生活距离太远,甚至无法成为你的朋友 you are right i live too far from you to be more than your friend但我想你应该已经注意到:我不仅听你的,还总是猜想你在想我表达些什么but i think you have noticed that i not only listen to you but try to think about what you are telling me我不确定他会这样为你做i am not sure he does that for you我不能说我喜欢他i can not say i like him as a person他没有我好,或许他比我好但是有一点除外:he is not as good as i am he might be better than me in every way except one而这一点恰是最重要的,but that one is more important than anything else也就是关心他人的能力thats the ability to care for others然而还不止这样but its so much more than that我不仅关心他人,还关心不同人的相同与不同之处i not only care for others but i do not see diffrences i try to see them for who they are and how we are the same我看到你的朋友有很多痛苦,我认为他应该将他们都加给了你i see you friend has a lot of pain but it is wrong of him to put it all on you这就是为什么我不喜欢他that is why i do not like him纯手工翻译,呵呵~
2023-07-26 17:04:311


  蛋白质是组成人体一切细胞、组织的重要成分。机体所有重要的组成部分都需要有蛋白质的参与。一般说,蛋白质约占人体全部质量的18%,最重要的还是其与生命现象有关。没有蛋白质就没有生命,那么你知道蛋白质用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。   蛋白质英语说法:   protein    蛋白质的英语例句:   鱼肉富含蛋白质。   Fish is a rich source of protein.   豆类富含蛋白质。   Legumes are an excellent source of protein.   在奶里分泌一种人类蛋白质的转基因绵羊   Transgenic sheep that secrete a human protein into their milk   这些蛋白质会刺激血细胞的产生。   These proteins stimulate the production of blood cells.   你需要增加蛋白质以增强体质。   You need more protein to build you up.   对於素食者来说,豆类食物是蛋白质的理想来源。   Pulses are a good source of protein for vegetarians.   这些蛋白质中的绝大多数是在过去的研究中尚未与该病毒发生关联的蛋白质。   The vast majority had not been connected to the virus by previous studies.   蛋白质设计和蛋白质结构预测是紧密相关的.   Structure prediction and protein design are closely related.   我在网上找到蛋白质饮料,还在一间健身馆里找到蛋白质药剂棒。   I found protein drinks online and protein bars in a bodybuilding shop.   毒蛋白质在相思豆种子里发现的一种有毒蛋白质   A poisonous protein found in the seeds of the rosary pea.   蛋白质组是指某一生物的全部蛋白质。   A proteome is its full complement of proteins.   细胞质膜蛋白质组研究正成为蛋白质组学的研究热点。   The study of plasma membrane proteins has become one of the hotspot of proteomics.   核糖体合成蛋白质,合成的蛋白质携带生命所有形式需要的关键物质。   The ribosome makes the proteins that carry out key business for all forms of life.   有助于生成蛋白质的一种化学物质   A chemical that assists in the manufacture of proteins   炸鱼薯条富含蛋白质。   Fish and chips are packed with protein.   富含蛋白质的食物   Foods that offer a significant amount of protein   极为微细的蛋白质纤维   Microscopic fibres of protein   它所含脂肪不到1%,富含蛋白质,矿物质含量也很高。   It contains less than 1 per cent fat, an appreciable amount of protein, and a high content of minerals.   中国自古以来就对乳制品消费得极少,而是用豆腐和青菜作为摄取蛋白质和钙质的来源。   China traditionally has consumed very little dairy, instead using tofu and vegetables as sources of protein and calcium.
2023-07-26 16:55:001


《Lollipop》 ,歌手: Mika
2023-07-26 16:55:0010


2023-07-26 16:54:572