barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-28 08:52:51









































were doing是什么时态怎么翻译

were doing是过去进行时。 were doing表示在做的意思。 例句: They were doing 70 miles an hour. 他们每小时达到70英里。 Vendors were doing a brisk trade in souvenirs. 小贩们的纪念品生意很兴隆。 扩展资料   He said the protesters were doing a disservice to the nation.   他表示,抗议者们的行为正对国家造成危害。   He should have been aware of what his junior officers were doing.   他本该意识到自己部下在做什么。   They were doing just fine.   他们做得很好。
2023-07-26 16:06:481


2023-07-26 16:07:094


  生活在城市中,你经常步行穿过城市吗?想知道步行穿过城市的英文是什么吗?下面是我为你整理的步行穿过城市的英文,希望大家喜欢!   步行穿过城市的英文   Walk through the city   Walk through the city例句   1. The visitors, brought by planes, trains, and buses, walk through the city in groups.   乘坐飞机 、 火车和汽车来的游客成群结队地满街走.   2. Tourists will be able to visit a quake museum and walk through the city wreckage.   游客们将可以参观地震博物馆,穿行在城市废墟之中.   3. These stories are spreading like wildfire through the city.   这些谣言迅速传遍了整座城市。   4. We took a long walk through the pines.   我们在松树林中穿行了很久。   5. Thousands of protesters marched through the city.   数千人游行抗议,走过全城。   6. The soldiers were making a triumphal march through the city.   战士们正举行胜利游行穿过那城市.   7. It took me so long to walk through the deep snow.   在深深的雪地里行走花了我很长时间.   8. The infection raged through the city.   传染病在城市里迅猛流行.   9. The river goes through the city.   这条河流穿过这个城市.   10. The hotel is wonderfully placed only a minute"s walk from the city centre.   这家宾馆的位置极佳,离市中心步行只需1分钟。   through常见用法   prep.通过,穿过; 经由; 透过; 凭借   adv.从头到尾; 彻底; 自始至终;   adj.(电话)接通; 通话完毕; 有洞的; 直达的   1. A brilliant shaft of sunlight burst through the doorway.   一束耀眼的阳光从门口照射进来。   2. The company I work for went through a rough patch.   我所在的公司经历了一段困难时期。   3. Mobutu ascended through the ranks, eventually becoming commander of the army.   蒙博托出身行伍,通过一级级晋升,最终成为了陆军司令。   4. The savoury smell greeted them as they went through the door.   他们进门时一阵香味扑鼻而来。   5. I went through about four years of being addicted to video games.   我大约有4年时间沉迷在电子游戏中。   6. The winner of each preliminary goes through to the final.   每场初赛的获胜者进入决赛。   7. News of 160 redundancies had sent tremors through the community.   将会裁员160人的消息在该团体中掀起了一阵骚动。   8. And a number of African countries, too, are slipping through the net.   并且一些非洲国家也被漏掉了。   9. He flipped through the post without opening any of it.   他飞快地翻了一下邮件,但一封也没有打开。   10. I"ve gotten my feet thoroughly soaked and feel frozen through and through.
2023-07-26 16:07:161


【 #英语资源# 导语】人类所有的力量,只是耐心加上时间的混合。所谓强者既有意义,又有等待时机。下面是 !1、如果有什么需要明天做的事,现在就开始。If you have any need to do tomorrow, had better start now. 2、我就担心丧失机会。不抓呀,看到的机会就丢掉了,时间一晃就过去了。 I"m worried about the loss of opportunity. Don"t scratch ah, see opportunity is lost, the time went quickly in the past. 3、人的全部本领无非是耐心和时间的混合物。 People of all abilities is the mixture of patience and time. 4、河在我记忆中是个忧伤的符号。 The river is a sorrow in my memory. 5、丢失的牛羊可以找回;但是失去的时间却无法找回。 The missing cattle and sheep can be found; But can"t find the lost time. 6、时间是由分秒积成的,善于利用零星时间的人,才会做出更大的成绩来。 Time is made up of a split second product, good at using sporadic time person, will make greater achievement. 7、不要为已消尽之年华叹息,必须正视匆匆溜走的时光。 Don"t have as time sigh, must face up to in a hurry the time slip away. 8、使时间充实就是幸福。 Make a full time is happiness. 9、谁把一生的光阴虚度,便是抛下黄金未买一物。 Who put the time is wasted, life is behind gold did not buy a thing. 10、同一天的周而复始,若不在哪里留下折痕,说不定会产生错觉。 Where is the live on the same day, if not leave crease, perhaps will produce an illusion. 11、与时间抗争者面对的是一个刀枪不入的敌手。 Protesters with time is facing a invulnerability enemy. 12、敢于浪费哪怕一个钟头时间的人,说明他还不懂得珍惜生命的全部价值。 Dare to waste even one hour of time, he also don"t know how to cherish all the life value. 13、时间就是生命。无端的空耗别人的时间,其实无异于谋财害命的。 Time is life. Gratuitous waste other people"s time, it would be tantamount to murder. 14、浪费时间是所有支出中最奢侈最昂贵的。 Waste of time is the most extravagant and costly of all expenses. 15、时间是一个伟大的作者,它会给每个人写出完美的结局来。 Time is a great author, it will give each person to write a perfect ending. 16、应当仔细地观察,为的是理解;应当努力地理解,为的是行动。 Should be carefully observed in order to understand; Should strive to understand, to action. 17、不满是向上的车轮,能够载着不自满的人前进。 Discontent is the wheel of upward to carrying forward not complacent. 18、抛弃时间的人,时间也抛弃他。 Abandoning time person, time also abandoned him. 19、一切都不是我们的,而是别人的,只有时间是我们的财产。 Everything is not our, but others, only time is our property. 20、花有重开的,人无再少年。 Flowers have to restart, and a man without young. 21、时间,就象海绵里的水,只要愿挤,总还是有的。 Time, just like the water in sponge, as long as willing to squeeze, always some. 22、荒废时间等于荒废生命。 Waste time is equal to the waste of life. 23、时间是不可占有的公有财产,随着时间的推移,真理会愈益显露。 Time is not possession of public property, with the passage of time, the truth will increasingly show. 24、时间待人是平等的,而时间在每个人手里的价值却不同。 Time to treat people is equal, and time in every man"s hand value is different. 25、如果没有勇气远离海岸线,长时间在海上孤寂地漂流,那么你绝不可发现新大陆。 If there is no courage to stay away from the coastline, lonely to drift in the sea for a long time, so you can not find the new world. 26、人生天地之间,若白驹过隙,忽然而已。 The life between heaven and earth, if the blink, suddenly just. 27、从不浪费时间的人,没有工夫抱怨时间不够。 Never a waste of time, there is no time complaining about didn"t have enough time. 28、爱那一场场繁华落尽后的曲终人散。 Love the increase after the prosperities of closure. 29、昨天是一张作废的支票,明天是一张期票,而今天则是你惟一拥有的现金。 Yesterday was a check of void, tomorrow is a promissory note, and today is the only cash you got. 30、辛勤的蜜蜂永远没有时间的悲哀。 The hard bee have no time to sorrow.
2023-07-26 16:07:231


2023-07-26 16:07:514

fight with和fight against的区别是什么?

"fight with" 和 "fight against" 这两个短语在描述斗争或抗争时有所不同。"fight with" 表示与某人或某些人一起携手斗争,共同努力实现共同的目标。这种用法通常强调团队合作和协作的重要性。比如说,"We will fight with our allies to achieve victory." 表示我们将与盟友一起战斗,以取得胜利。而"fight against" 则意味着对抗、与某人或某些人作对,以阻止或克服他们的行动或观点。这种用法强调对抗和抵抗的意义。例如,"The protesters are fighting against injustice." 表示抗议者正在与不公正现象进行斗争。
2023-07-26 16:08:555

sat 一道简单的语法题

2023-07-26 16:09:342


有全文的话会准确些,翻译时要联系上下文会好理解。1 Impose some kind of authority是“施加镇压,管制”,这是意译。全句翻译:尽管军队全力压制将抗议者围堵起来,广场上的人似乎仍比前几天要多。2 cast 这个词本身有很多意思,作动词,可跟10种名词搭配,意思各不同,还是要看原文才知道。建议去查英英词典, 这个是朗文在线英英词典,意思很全。可以作参考。我的理解是,cast the military as = regard the military as .3 第三句没有完整句子不好办哪!字面上翻译是那样。4 这个,我译为:商讨通过武力使Mr. Mubarak下台。5 句子不完整啊……6 once 这里是“曾经,一度”的意思,整个应该是:“曾经普遍存在的,曾无处不在的”。
2023-07-26 16:09:453


Angelos【意思】[人名] 安杰洛斯; [地名] 芝加哥【例句】1.Angelos, a software specialist, bought a neighbour"s olive grove in his home village. 软件专家安杰洛斯老家的村子里买下了邻居的橄榄树林。 2.Protesters held sizable gatherings in chicago and los angeles. 抗议者在芝加哥和洛杉矶举行了大规模集会。
2023-07-26 16:10:082

lost touch with是什么意思

2023-07-26 16:10:222


太多了就说一些常见的turn awayTo send away; dismiss:把…打发走;解雇:turned away the salesperson.解雇了推销员To repel:驱逐:The poor location of the condominium turned away many prospective buyers.公寓房偏僻的位置赶跑了许多很有希望的买主To avert; deflect:挡开;使转向:turned away all criticism.挡开了所有的批评turn backTo reverse one"s direction of motion:折回,往回走:掉转某人的运动方向:stopped on the road and had to turn back.在公路上停了下来,只好往回走To drive back and away:使折回,赶回去:turned back the uninvited comers.把不速之客赶了回去To halt the advance of:使停止前进,挡住:managed to turn back the advancing army.设法挡住了向前推进的军队To fold down:翻起,折转:Turn back the corner of the page to save your place in the book.在书角上折一下来作读到哪里的记号turn downTo diminish the speed, volume, intensity, or flow of:降低,减弱:调低速度、音量、强度或流量:Turn down the radio, please.请把收音机的音量调低To reject or refuse, as a person, advice, or a suggestion:拒绝:拒绝某人、建议或忠告:We politely turned down the invitation.我们有礼貌地拒绝了邀请To fold or be capable of folding down:翻下:折转或能够被翻下:turn a collar down; a collar that turns down.翻下衣领;能翻下的衣领turn inTo hand in; give over:交还;上交:turned in the final exam.上交期末考试试卷To inform on or deliver:检举,陈述:The criminal turned herself in.罪犯自首了To produce:完成:turns in a consistent performance every day.每天的表现都很一致Informal To go to bed:【非正式用语】 上床睡觉:I turned in early last night.我昨晚很早就上床睡觉了turn offTo stop the operation, activity, or flow of; shut off:关闭,停止:终止运转、行为或流动;关掉:turned off the television.关掉电视Slang To affect with dislike, displeasure, or revulsion:讨厌,厌恶:使不喜欢,讨厌或厌恶:That song really turns me off.我一点也不喜欢那首歌To affect with boredom:使厌烦:The play turned the audience off.这出戏让观众很倒味To lose or cause to lose interest; withdraw:失去或使失去兴趣;撤回:turning off to materialism.沦为实利主义To cease paying attention to:不注意:Unable to leave my seat, I turned off the boring speaker and thought about vacation.不能离开我的座位,我对那个令人厌烦的讲演者置之不理,开始考虑假期To divert; deflect.分散;转移Chiefly British To dismiss (an employee).【多用于英国】 解雇(员工)turn onTo cause to begin the operation, activity, or flow of:打开,开启:使开始运作、活动或流动:Turn on the light bulb.打开电灯To begin to display, employ, or exude:开始展示,显露出,流露出:turn on the charm.显露出魅力Slang 【俚语】 To take or cause to take a mind-altering drug, especially for the first time.开始或使开始吸毒,尤指第一次To be or cause to become interested, pleasurably excited, or stimulated. Often used withto : 使兴奋,使刺激:产生或使产生兴趣、兴奋或刺激。通常与to 连用: My uncle turned me on to jazz. She turned on to surfing this summer.我叔叔使我对爵士乐发生了兴趣。这个夏季她对滑水发生了兴趣To excite or become excited sexually.(使)激发性欲turn outTo shut off:关上,关掉:turned out the lights.关掉了灯To arrive or assemble, as for a public event or entertainment:聚集,召集:聚集或召集,如参加公众活动或娱乐:A large group of protesters have turned out.一大群抗议者聚集到了一起To produce, as by a manufacturing process; make:生产:产出,如通过制作过程;制造:an assembly line turning out cars.生产小汽车的流水线To be found to be, as after experience or trial:证实:发觉是,如经历或试验之后:The rookie turned out to be the best hitter on the team.新手证明是队里最出色的击球员To end up; result:结果;结果:The cake turned out beautifully.蛋糕最后做出来很漂亮To equip; outfit:装备;配置:troops that were turned out beautifully.装备精良的队伍Informal To get out of bed.【非正式用语】 起床To evict; expel:赶出;使搬走:The tenants were turned out.房客都被赶走了turn overTo bring the bottom to the top or vice versa; invert.翻转,翻过来:把底翻到上面或相反面;翻转To shift the position of, as by rolling from one side to the other.翻滚:改变位置,似乎通过从一边到另一边滚动To shift one"s position by rolling from one side to the other.翻身:从一边滚向另一边改变位置To rotate; cycle:旋转;转动:The engine turned over but wouldn"t start.发动机转了一圈,但是没有起动To think about; consider:考虑;思考:She turned over the problem in her mind.她仔细考虑了这个问题To transfer to another; surrender:移交;交出:turned over the illegal funds.交出了非法资金To do business to the extent or amount of:营业额达:turn over a million dollars a year.一年的营业额是一百万美元To seem to lurch or heave convulsively:翻动:似乎在痉挛性地抽动:My stomach turned over.我的胃在翻动turn toTo begin work:开始工作:If you quit dawdling and just turn to, the cleaning will be done in a day.如果你停止闲逛,马上开始工作,清洁工作一天就能做完turn upTo increase the speed, volume, intensity, or flow of:开大,调高:增加速度、音量,强度或流量:turn up the public-address system.调高播音系统的音量To find:发现,找到:She turned up the missing papers under her blotter.她在记事本下找到了丢失的文件To be found:找到:The papers will turn up sooner or later.文件迟早会找到的To make an appearance; arrive:出现;到达:Several old friends turned up at the reunion.好几个老朋友出现在聚会上To fold or be capable of folding up:折叠:折叠或能够被折叠:turning up his cuffs; cuffs that will turn up.卷起自己的袖口;卷起来的袖口To happen unexpectedly:意外地发生:Something turned up and I was unable to go.发生了一点意外,我不能离开To be evident:变得明显:Her name constantly turns up in art circles.她的名字经常出现在艺术圈里at every turnIn every place; at every moment.处处;时时by turnsOne after another; alternately:轮流地,交替地:“From the . . . testimony emerges a man by turns devious and honest, vulgar and gallant, scatterbrained and shrewd”(Life)“从指证来看,一个人交替地表现为狡猾和诚实,粗鄙和豪侠,浮躁和精明”(生活)in turnIn the proper order or sequence.依次地,轮流地out of turnNot in the proper order or sequence.未按照正当的次序或顺序地At an inappropriate time or in an inappropriate manner:不合时宜地,轻率地:I may be speaking out of turn, but you might like to know that your attire does not conform to the dress code here.或许我说话有些不合时宜,但是你可能愿意知道你的衣着与这里的服装规则不相符to a turnTo a precise degree; perfectly:正好;恰好:The roast was done to a turn.面包烤得恰到好处turn a blind eyeTo refuse to see or recognize something:熟视无睹:拒绝正视,装作没看见:turned a blind eye to government corruption.对于政府的腐败熟视无睹turn a deaf earTo refuse to listen to or hear something:置若罔闻,装作没听见:turned a deaf ear to the protests.对抗议置若罔闻turn a hairTo become afraid or upset:慌张,不安:变得慌张或不安:didn"t turn a hair during the bank robbery.在抢劫银行发生的过程中,没有露出丝毫慌张的神色turn (one"s) back onTo deny; reject.拒绝;放弃To abandon; forsake.抛弃;丢弃turn (one"s) handTo apply oneself, as to a task:着手:从事,如一项工作:turned her hand to writing the dissertation; was lazy and wouldn"t turn his hand.开始着手写学术论文;很懒,不肯开始工作turn (one"s) headTo cause to become infatuated.使变得糊涂To cause to become egotistical and conceited:使变得自负,自高大自:Success has turned his head.成功使他变得自高自大turn over a new leafTo change, as one"s attitude or conduct, for the better.改过一新:向好的方面转变,如自己的态度成举止turn tailTo run away.逃跑,逃走turn the corner 或turn a cornerTo reach and surpass a midpoint or milestone.到达并超越了终点或里程碑turn the other cheekTo respond to insult or injury by patiently eschewing retaliation.逆来顺受:以忍耐对待侮辱和伤害turn the scalesTo offset the balance of a situation.打破僵局:打破某一形式的平衡状态turn the tablesTo reverse a situation and gain the upper hand.转败为胜:扭转了局势而处于上风turn turtleTo capsize or turn upside-down:倾覆,底朝天翻转:Our sailboat turned turtle during the squall.在风暴中我们的帆船翻了个底朝天turn up (one"s) noseTo regard (something) with disdain or scorn:轻视,看不起:不把…放在眼里,蔑视:turned up her nose at the food.她对食物嗤之以鼻
2023-07-26 16:10:302


2023-07-26 16:10:524


监狱:prison, jail, gaol   把……送进监狱   send sb. to prison == put sb in prison == throw sb into prison   in prison 坐牢   the prison 监狱   He is in prison / jail.   He is behind boars.
2023-07-26 16:11:015

several 的后面是加thousand 还是thousands of?

several thousand 作前置定语用时(后面有其它名词)按规则一般不加s 例如: Several thousand lawyers suspended for failing to pay dues 引自:加利福尼亚司法报 Wireless carrier Sprint Nextel Corp plans to lay off several thousand employees, 引自:路透社报道 但这点并不严格,也有例外,例如: Several thousands pilgrims travel to Pleine du Nord,Haiti for the annual festival of Saint Jacques. UNiFEED 联合国广播网站 Several thousands demonstrators protest on June 1, 2008 against opening of a new rubbish dump 今日美国新闻网站 但所表示的基本意思都一样。 做单独名词使用就需要加上s 例如: We have sold several thousands of Mobile Cell Phone Several thousands were killed and thousands more injured as a strong quake measuring 6.3 on the Richter ... Several thousands of Ingush protesters in the streets of Nazran ...总体来说,英语在这方面不是很严格,所以引起老师们的分歧。实践中,没有那么抠语法的。但在考试中,记住做前置定语用时不加s,其余都加就可以了。
2023-07-26 16:12:546


如何做完形填空题 无论是各级各类的竞赛还是高考,试卷中都有完形填空题,且占不小的分值,它是一个广大考生绝不可等闲而视之的题目。相当一部分学生同学并不把完形填空严格作为经常性的训练和复习的题目,这样就导致在竞赛中这一部分的失分较多,影响了整个考试的成绩,甚为可惜。 同学们常感到疑惑:很想提高自己的完形填空的成绩,可就是不知道完形填空到底考什么,又应该如何进行复习和训练才能真正有效地提高做这一题的成绩。这里和大家一起探讨完形填空的解题技巧以及复习和训练的方法。 一、完形填空的设计特点 完形填空一般有如下几个特点:(1)完形填空所选的文章比较多的是情节明了、层次分明、内容易懂的故事性或记叙性的文体,文中较少出现生词,这样有助于考生整体理解和思路畅通。完形填空所选文章一般较之同一份试卷中的阅读理解题所选的文章,其难度要略低一些。(2)完形填空的选文篇幅一般在170—220单词之间;空缺处的密度一般是每5—15单词一空。(3)以意义填空为主,重点考查词语搭配、词语辨析、逻辑推断、前后呼应等,有时兼顾一些讲英语国家的语言及生活习惯等。词语搭配包括习惯用语、动词、形容词、副词、介词、名词等的相互搭配;词语辨析包括近义词的辨析和易混词的辨析;逻辑推断包括根据上下文的信息判断和逻辑关系,如转折、递进、因果、条件、让步等关系,也包括根据上下文内容,选出一个意思与内容相符合的词或词语;前后呼应是指有些句子如果孤立地理解,可能有多个选择,并且意思都能成立,但把前后文结合或联系起来理解,就只能有一个选择。 二、完形填空的考查点 完形填空主要考两个方面:考生的阅读能力和词汇知识。 一些同学把完形填空误认为只是短文形式的单项选择,因为目前我们所采取的完形填空的形式是在一篇较为完整的文章中去掉若干词语,然后在文章之后为每一空提供四个可供选择的单词或词组,由考生根据对上下文内容的理解和分析,选出自己认为正确和合理的一项。这种题型的确能使同学产生完形填空类似单项选择填空的错觉,并且认为单项选择做得不错,完形填空自然也不会差,因此在复习时,只要进行大量进行单项选择的练习就可以了。其实,完形填空和单项选择填空是两个不同的考试题型,其着重点也是不同的。从近几年高考命题的趋势来看,完形填空的设计更突出了能力的考查,而象单项选择中的一部分题目那样单纯考语法在该题中几乎是不予考虑的。在完形填空这一题中你会发现,多数考题中所出现的四个选项从语法的角度来分析往往都是正确的。在你尚未完全读懂整篇文章时,你无法选出正确答案。因此,若是你平时缺乏阅读能力方面的训练,想在完形填空一题上取得高分是不大可能的。 完形填空中还考词汇知识,也就是说,该题提供大量的单词、词组作为选项,考查你是否能完全理解这些词或词组的正确意思,或更确切地说是这些词或词组在该语言环境中所表现出来的特定意义。当然,这些特定意义还包括文化上的意义。如果你没有做过大量的词汇训练,也很少语言实践,则很难把握每一个选项的确切意思,更无法看出一些词语在某种语境之中所表达出来的特定含义,因此,你就很难避免在这一题上失分。 三、提高完形填空题解题能力的训练要点 根据上面所作的分析,同学们不难看出,要想在完形填空上取得高分,平时要做两方面的训练。 1、进行一定量的阅读训练以提高自己的英语语感和对文章的理解能力。 由于完形填空重点考查的是一个考生的阅读能力,因此,提高自己的阅读能力是提高在完形填空中的得分的关键。 阅读能力的提高是和你阅读的量成正比的。阅读的量越大,你的阅读能力就越强。因此,有计划、有步骤地进行一定量的阅读训练是相当重要的。 在进行阅读训练时,除了检测自己在阅读中的理解情况之外,还要对阅读文章中所出现的重点词和词组进行认真的学习和研究。对于重要的句式句型等也要进行认真的研究、总结并作整理和记忆。同类句型在今后的做题中肯定会多次出现,如不作整理和记忆则无法产生较好的语感,对于英语句子所表达的意思的理解只能一直停留在模糊阶段,更谈不上阅读能力的快速提高,而阅读能力得不到提高就直接危及到完形填空一题的正确率的提高。 2、加强词汇知识方面的训练,努力提高词汇的识记和理解能力。 有人以为,提高自己的词汇知识无非就是要死记硬背词汇表,把每一个单词都熟记在心。其实,背诵词汇表只是词汇知识掌握的第一步,虽然这一步非常重要也是必不可少的。我们知道,一个单词或词组在具体的上下文中会有不同的意思,而许多这样的意思也许在你的词汇表上并没有标出。要知道,语言的生命力在于它的灵活性。一个词甚至是一个非常普通的词,在一定的语言环境下说话者可能会赋予它特定的意思,从而达到某种语义效果。如果你缺乏一定的语汇训练,在一个不同的语言环境中,你硬是用你从词汇表上所背到的词义去理解,也许会永远不理解句子所要表达的真正含义。 要提高自己在词汇知识方面的能力,你要做的工作是:首先,在熟记每一单词的基本词义的同时,多记一些该单词的各种常见词义下的重要例句;其次,平时应多作一些记录和积累工作,把自己从阅读中所见到的一些所学单词的有用的表达法记录下来,并经常诵读;另外,不妨多学一些构词知识,如英语单词中的词性转换、前后缀、合成词等,这些知识也可以在一定程度上提高你的词汇知识。当然,我们这里所说的要让大家去多记一些单词的活用词义并不是说要让大家把所有大词典上所列的已学过的单词的各个词义全部记下来,因为这是没有必要也是不可能的。这里所强调的只是要求大家能重视对所学单词的活用意义的掌握,也就是说,要求大家不要死扣单词的个别词义,或者仅把英文单词和中文释义作简单的一一对应。 下面举一些词语在一定的语言环境中具有某种特定含义的例子,请读者用心研究,并注意单词意义的多样性和灵活性。 例1:There"s a coat of dust on the desk. (桌子上积了一层灰尘。请注意coat的一般意思:如:Frith helped me into my coat.) 例2:We"d better have the room aired. (我们最好让房间通通风。Air的本意是“空气”,作名词,这里转换为动词。类似的还有:have the wheel oiled 给轮子加点油。) 例3:It"s ages since we went to the movies. (我们好长时间没去看电影了。这里的ages不能翻译成它的基本意“年龄”。另外,在句子Yesterday we paid a visit to the home for the aged.中,the aged则表示“老年人”的意思。) 例4:At noon the sun beat down on our heads as we walked home. (中午我们回家时太阳晒着我们。注意beat在此处为“(烈日)照射”之意。) 例5:The train was late, so we killed time by playing cards. (火车晚点了,我们打牌来打发时间。注意这里的kill不能理解成“杀死”,而应该理解成“消磨(时间)或“打发(时间)”之意。) 例6:Have we got enough money with us to meet all expenses? (我们身边的钱够付所有的费用吗?这里的meet已由原来的“会见、迎接”转义成“满足(需要、开销、愿望等)”。) 例7:To tell you the truth, I really can"t stand his calmness over this matter. (说实话,我实在受不了他在这件事情上的冷静。这里的stand不能翻译成“站立”,否则全句意思不好理解。) 例8:She holds a 60% interest in that farm. (她拥有那个农场的60%的股权。这里,interest不再是“兴趣”之意。) 上面的例句中的一些单词都是及其普通的,但它们在一些特定的句子中却具有不同的意思,而这些特定的词义也并不是说话者随心所欲乱加的,它们是从单词原来的意思上拓展开来的。掌握这些词汇知识,有助于对完形填空考题的准确理解,从而进一步提高正确率,以取得高分。因此希望同学们平时能做有心人,增加自己的语汇训练,多做这方面的记忆。 3、多进行完形填空的训练。 平时多做完形填空的训练可以有效地提高实战能力,以充分适应这种考题。每做完一篇完形填空,就需要认真核对答案,找出在做题中出错的原因,以便采取相应的措施,在今后做题时避免出现同样的错。例如,如你发现在做题时经常犯词汇理解方面的错误,则你就应该认真记忆单词、词组;如你犯的是语篇理解方面的错误,则你应当有意识地增加你的阅读量,以提高阅读理解的能力。 上述工作做完后,你最好不要就把这篇做好的完形填空随手扔了,不妨把整篇文章再默记一遍,并在文章中的空缺处填上核对后的正确的词(应该把这些词默写出来,而不是对着答案照抄),再把文章反复读几遍。这样做,对你做完形填空时产生一种良好的感觉是很有好处的。 四、完形填空题的解题步骤及技巧 由于完形填空题的解题难度一般比单项填空和阅读理解要大,对于解答此题的方法的研究显得较为重要。一般说来,做完形填空题时可按下列步骤: 1、浏览全文,理解大意。考生可在着手答题之前从头到尾把文章浏览一遍,以便能了解文章的大概意思,使接下来的答题过程具有一定的针对性。 2、照顾上下文,作出正确的逻辑及词意的判断。在答题过程中,不要一遇到空白处就停下来做题,有些空白处是需要通读全句甚至全文后才能作出正确的选择的,因此,在答题过程中,要经常考虑上下文,并进行逻辑推断。 3、先易后难,利用已选出的正确答案来推断未知的答案。一些题目一下子不能马上找到答案,不妨先搁置一边,做上标记,待做完其他相对容易发现的答案的题目后再处理,因为这时,文章所提供的信息量已比以前多了,也许这时找到答案的难度会小一些。 4、重新阅读全文,全面复查。将选好的答案一一对号入座,再把整篇文章通读一遍,看看在表达整个语篇的意思上有无唐突之处,内容是否连贯通顺,语法上有无不妥等等。 实例分析 这里我们选一篇高考级的完形填空题。题目是这样的(题号以原题为准): People of Burlington are being disturbed by the sound of bells. Four students from Burlington College of Higher Education are in the bell tower of the __1__ and have made up their minds to __2__ the bells nonstop for two weeks as a protest against heavy trucks which run day and night through the narrow High Street. “They not only make it __3__ to sleep at night, but they are __4__ damage to our houses and shops of historical __5__,” said John Norris, one of the protesters. “If we must have these noisy trucks on the roads,” said Jean Lacey, a biology student, “why don"t they build a new road that goes __6__ the town? Burlington isn"t much more than a __7__ village. Its streets were never __8__ for heavy traffic.” Harry Fields also studying __9__ said they wanted to make as much __10__ as possible to force the government officials to realise what everybody was having to __11__. “Most of them don"t __12__ here anyway,” he said, “they come in for meetings and that, and the Town Hall is soundproof, so they probably don"t __13__ the noise all that much. It"s high time they realised the __14__.” The fourth student, Liza Vernum, said she thought the public were __15__ on their side, and even if they weren"t they soon would be. I asked if they were __16__ that the police might come to __17__ them. “Not really,” she said, “actually we are __18__ bell-ringers. I mean we are assistant bellringers for the church. There is no __19__ against practising.” I __20__ the church with the sound of the bells ringing in my ears. 1. A. college B. village C. town D. church 2. A. change B. repair C. ring D. shake 3. A. terrible B. difficult C. uncomfortable D. unpleasant 4. A. doing B. raising C. putting D. producing 5. A. scene B. period C. interest D. sense 6. A. to B. through C. over D. round 7. A. pretty B. quiet C. large D. modern 8. A. tested B. meant C. kept D. used 9. A. well B. hard C. biology D. noise 10. A. effort B. time C. trouble D. noise 11. A. stand B. accept C. know D. share 12. A. shop B. live C. come D. study 13. A. notice B. mention C. fear D. control 14. A. event B. loss C. action D. problem 15. A. hardly B. unwillingly C. mostly D. usually 16. A. surprised B. afraid C. pleased D. determined 17. A. seize B. fight C. search D. stop 18. A. proper B. experienced C. hopeful D. serious 19. A. point B. cause C. need D. law 20. A. left B. found C. reached D. passed 拿到题目后,我们可以先浏览一遍,得知这篇短文的大意是:有四位 Burlington学院的学生为了抗议喧嚣的车辆日夜骚扰小镇Burlington的宁静,决定用两周的时间,不停地敲教堂的钟以示抗议。 只要认真地进行分析,充分利用已有的语言知识和生活知识,要做好这篇完形填空题并不很难。以下对各中题进行逐一分析。 1. D。此题考查知识面。钟塔应该是设置在教堂里的。 2. C。动宾搭配问题,ring the bell应是合理的搭配。 3. B。可以把四个形容词放在句中进行反复地比较。由于车辆的噪音,晚 上入睡很难。 4. A。考词语的搭配,do damage to …是正确的搭配形式,因此选A。 5. C。考词意的理解,interest的意思是“兴趣、吸引人的地方”,例如, 词组places of interest表示“名胜”,因此是正确答案。其余均不合理。 6. D。建议在城市的外围修建一条公路。 7. C。如果不理解isn"t much more than …(不过是…),则很难找到正确 答案。这里表达的是“Burlinton镇不过是一个大村庄而已”。 8. B。要理解meant的意思除了表示“意思是”之外,另有“打算”之意。 9. C。考查逻辑判断能力,只有较好地理解上文内容,才能找到这一题的 正确答案。上面提到的学生Jean Lacey是a biology student,并没有提供well、hard以及education等信息,因此正确答案只能是C。 10. D。根据上文可知,四位学生不停地敲钟产生noise以示抗议。 11. A。stand在此处是“忍受”之意。 12. B。那些政府官员并不生活在这个地方。 13. A。根据上下文,此处表达“注意到(notice)这噪音”较为合理,而不是 “提及(mention)、害怕(fear)或是控制(control)这噪音”。 14. D。It"s high time they realized the problem. “他们真该意识到这个问题 了(是他们意识到这个问题的时候了。) 15. C。mostly表示“大部分、大多数”,the public were mostly on their side 公众大多支持他们,表达这位抗议者的自信。 16. B。也考逻辑判断,此句应表达“他们是不是害怕警方来阻止他们”的 句意较为合理,故选B。
2023-07-26 16:13:101

WASHINGTON — The U.S. government remains shut down in a partial closure 小题1: &nbs...

小题1:That/which小题2:and小题3:to小题4:were小题5:with小题6:an小题7:them小题8:if 试题分析:文章介绍美国政府局部关闭后造成的影响和各方面的反应。小题1:考查定语从句:先行词是a partial closure,定语从句缺少主语用That/which引导定语从句。小题2:很多联邦工作者呆在家里,国家公园纪念馆,博物馆还要关闭。是并列关系,用and小题3:一些退伍军人在周末到华盛顿抗议关闭。这里是不定式做目的状语,用to小题4:这是倒装句:正常的语序是: Lawmakers publicly supporting the “Tea Party,”______seeking their place in the spotlight。缺少be动词,填were小题5:共和党里面的一些立法者强烈反对和民主党就预算方面妥协。Compromise with和…妥协。小题6:考查词组:call for an end“叫停”小题7:抗议者拆毁路障,把它们带到白宫。用them代替barricades小题8:有人曾经向他们许诺,如果他们对国家服务,国家会照顾他们的。If引导时间状语从句。
2023-07-26 16:13:171


2023-07-26 16:14:129

"It is because I was mad and then that today I am wise. O philosopher, you who take an instantaneous view of filings, how short are your perspectives! Your eye is not desired to follow the underground workings of passions."---W. GOETHE一、Brief introduction to the novelThe material of the Red and the Black stems from a judgment of a local court, saying that a tutor murdered his female master since he was fall in love with her heavily and, how terribly it is, he had adultery relationship with his female master. Julien ,who is the key figure in this novel ,was a son of a carpenter in Verrieres(维里埃尔), in which every people was selfish, arrogant and eager to be moneybags .He had seen the troops of Napoléon Bonaparte in his childhood, reed certain works of Loescher and the declaration of Napoléon Bonaparte`s army. Although Julien had dreamed to be a general when he was a child under such influence, he abandoned his ideal but turned to be an excellent curate with the time passing by. Julien acted as a tutor for the mayor of Verrieres in his age of nineteen out of his unique talent for Bible comprehension, undoubtedly, it is a blockbuster for Julien, the commonest in all commons of inhabitants of Verrieres in his lifetime stage. There is an old saying goes that each coin has two sides, Julien was felled in love with M. cie Renal , who was “extremely shy and seemed highly impressionable” (英语学习大书虫研究室:《红与黑》,译林出版社,第13页) , was the wife of M. de Rtenal . It was this love that brings demon to Julien, even to his life. Julien had to give up this fat case after revealing his love story and was recommended by abbe Pirard to De La Mole, the brilliant politician in Paris, as his private secretary. Fortunately, something seems precious, had been lost in the last, and is now on the way home when he set his foot in De La Mole"s home. Julien, after a long period pursuing, achieved his lifetime goal that becoming a member of upper class eventually through his marriage with the daughter of DE La Mole, Mathilde, although De La Mole was forced to acknowledge that. But something unexpected happened, M. cie Renal was lured to write a letter to De La Mole to tell him their love story with Julien, De La Mole was filled with anger at the way he had been tricked by Julien and refused to accept Julien any more immediately. As soon as news of tragedy was taken to Julien, shock waves spread rapidly to all parts of his brain, to get publicity and trust back, Julien used shock tactics, that is to say, taking a shot at M. cie Renal, the wife of the mayor of Verrieres. When it comes to the end, each cool head could have the same image:“ she (Mathilde) was lighting a number of candles…… she had placed Julien"s head on a little marble table in front of her, and she was kissing his forehead…… ”(英语学习大书虫研究室:《红与黑》,译林出版社,第569页)二、Personal comments on this novel(一) 、Julien is a liberator This viewpoint may be disputed by many people; I still believe that it is Julient which brought free ideology to such women who were being long term oppression. Chairman Mao had said that “You said Julien had destroyed others" family, even a happy family, this comment is not objective. Actually, such a happy family cannot be destroyed, if it were true, it would be unhappy obviously. That family has oppression, therefore, where is oppression, where is revolt. This is called reacting force, I am sure Julien is the liberator which helps Madame to carry on the revolt.” As every body knows that Julien is the commonest in lower class, he has ambition that changing his mortal status which prevent him from entering upper class and having highly self-development, although his tactics seemed too harsh or, at least, aggressive, he had spared no effort to pursuit what he believes belongs to his inner heart, let alone love between M. cie Renal and Mathilde. What causes Julien"s death is not his immoral or illegal behaviors but the need of the politician"s nasty competition for respective political profits. Julien is a liberator because his words and behaviors" influence had set an idol for the publicity, even the representative of upper class, M. cie Renal, we can see these lines in the ending of this novel: “M. cie Renal was faith to her promise. She did not seek in any way at all to take her own life; but three days after Julien (Julien" death), she died with her children in her arms.” (英语学习大书虫研究室:《红与黑》,译林出版社,第569页). Without Julien"s influences, the ideology of revolt, even lightly disobey to such oppression could not be a little spark. Julien"s death just the incident which sparked off a whole chain of disasters to the system of society, Julien became the deaf lamb of political tricks, whose miserable life showing to us just the initial intention of the writer to write this tragedy, that is to say, to reveal such nasty secrets behind pert faces.(二) 、The artistic feature of this novel1、RealismStendhal , the author of this novel, who was “the first one to reveal capitalism"s feature after its victory ”(《列宁选集》,中华书局,第473页), is a realist writer. In this novel , all sentences and words 、attitudes and behavior based on the acceptance of facts and the rejection of sentiment and illusion. He is loyal to portrayal of familiar things as they are without idealizing them a little, the material of the story stems from a judgment of a local court, saying that a tutor murdered his female master since he was fall in love with her heavily and, how terribly it is, he had adultery relationship with his female master. It was that document which gives Stendhal inspiration to write this world-famous work and aim at revealing the cruelty、 darkness 、bitterness of living in capitalism society and extremely selfish for respective profits. 2、EducationalNo one could dispute that each reader of this novel would find the experience of such characters most educational, you could find out your own shadow somehow when compared to them, which is the extraordinary charming, having unique power, or, overwhelming. Let me go straightly, Julien"s personal experience was a mirror to us youth who want to make difference in the world in his lifespan and his tragedy just justify what said by Arabham Lincon: “you can fool all the people some of the time, some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”3、Critical The Red and the Black is not popular in the current critical climate of that age, some literary criticism even spoke critically of S. History always goes forward by justice, she taught us trying to develop a more critical attitude, instead of accepting everything at face value. With time went by, this terrific work receive palms from publicity gradually, hundreds of years gone, it has formed formidable influence and dominated Google searching net last three years. What he intents to reveal is becoming obviously in modern capitalism society nowadays, more and more literalists has learnt his literary style, making more and more extraordinary contribution to the harmonious relationship to each respect. It is the Red and the Black that help us to know capitalism more profoundly.
2023-07-26 16:14:542


  日常生活中,我们经常会参加一些聚会,会议等。你知道吗?下面是我为你整理的参加的英文,希望大家喜欢!   参加的英文   1.join   2.attend   3.take part in   4.participate in   5.go in for6.enter into   join的常见用法   vt.& vi.连线; 联结; 加入; 参加   vt.结合; 参与; 上火车、飞机等; 上路   n.连线; 结合; 接合处; 接合点   1. I know you will join me in wishing them Godspeed.   我知道你会同我一起祝愿他们诸事顺遂的。   2. Organisers expect up to 300,000 protesters to join the march.   组织者们预计会有多达30万名的 *** 者参加这次 *** 。   3. Angela says she longs to join an *** dramatics class.   安杰拉说她渴望参加业余戏剧班。   4. You have to join the party at grass-roots level.   你得参加基层党组织。   5. De Gaulle vetoed Britain"s application to join the EEC.   戴高乐驳回了英国加入欧洲经济共同体的申请。   6. Make sure you join the queue inside the bank.   在银行里一定要排队。   7. When assembling the pie, wet the edges where the two crusts join.   捏合馅饼时,要弄溼两张饼皮粘连的地方。   8. I hope that everyone will be able to join in the fun.   我希望每个人都能够加入进来,玩得开心。   9. You will join us at our table, won"t you?   你会过来和我们一起吃,对吗?   10. He got permission from his manding officer to join me.   他得到指挥官的许可来与我会合。   attend的常见用法   vi.出席; 致力于,献身于; 侍候,照顾; 关注   vt.出席,参加; [常用被动语态]作为结果、情况伴随; 照顾; 陪伴   1. Representatives from across the horse industry will attend the meeting.   整个赛马业的代表都将参加这次会议。   2. Syria will attend only if the negotiations deal with issues of substance.   只有在谈判涉及重大问题时叙利亚才会参加。   3. All three are Chelsea fans, and attend all home games together.   3个人都是切尔西队的球迷,一起观所有的主场比赛。   4. The president suggested that a UN observer should attend the conference.   总统建议联合国应派一名观察员参加本次会议。   5. The Syrians have not yet accepted an invitation to attend.   叙利亚人还没有接到出席邀请。   6. The Matron at the nursing home expressed a wish to attend.   养老院的护士长说她愿意参加。   7. I"ve got some unfinished business to attend to.   我还有一些未完的事要处理。   8. We were made to attend meetings every day.   我们每天都得参加会议。   9. Stars including Joan Collins are expected to attend.   包括琼·柯林斯在内的明星们,届时预计会参加。   10. All the local clergy were asked to attend the ceremony.   所有当地的圣职人员都获邀参加这项仪式。
2023-07-26 16:15:121


shouted意思是大声说双语例句:1、He shouted so loudly that the whole neighbourhood could hear him.他叫得那么大声,整条街的人都能听到。2、She lost her temper with a customer and shouted at him.她对一位顾客发了脾气,冲着人家大喊大叫。3、The speaker was shouted down by a group of protesters.一群抗议者大叫大嚷,盖过了讲话人的声音。4、Even as he shouted the warning the car skidded.I heard her warning shout too late. 我听到她的大声警告,但已经太晚了。他正在高喊注意时,汽车就打滑了。5、He shouted after them, vainly trying to attract their attention.他在他们的后面高喊,想引起他们的注意,却是徒劳。6、All her efforts to be polite went by the board and she started to shout.她力图保持和颜悦色的一切努力都白费了,于是她开始大喊大叫。7、We had to hammer and shout before they would open up.我们不停地拍门、叫喊,他们才开了门。
2023-07-26 16:15:331

how to understand?

descended on 突然袭击;突然拜访Financial Fools Day财经愚人节抗议者为财经愚人节突袭伦敦
2023-07-26 16:15:563


2023-07-26 16:16:031

急急急死人了!!Let Our Voices Be Heard 为题目的英语演讲稿300字!

In May NATO and the G8 will meet in Chicago. Their agenda is war on poor nations, war on the poor, and war on working people – war on the 99%.We are demanding our right to march on their summit, to say:No to economic sabotage of the poor! No to War! No to the eroding of our rights!During the May 2012 G8 and NATO summits in Chicago, thousands of people will exercise their right to protest against NATO"s wars and against the G8"s agenda to only serve the richest one percent of society. We need permits to ensure that all who want to raise their voices will be able to march.Chicago"s Mayor Rahm Emanuel has stonewalled repeated attempts by community organizers to meet with the city to discuss reasonable accommodations of protesters" rights. They have finally agreed to meet with us, but we need support from the Occupy movement, the anti-war movement, and all movements for justice.Our demands are simple:That the City publicly commit to provide protest organizers with permits that meet the court- sanctioned standard for such protests — that we be “within sight and sound” of the summits; and That representatives of the City, including Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy, refrain from making threats against protesters. The protest movement, Occupy Wall Street (OWS), has the support of the majority of the American people. This is because people are suffering from the economic crisis brought about by Wall Street, big banks, and government policy. As the OWS movement describes it, the “99%” see extreme economic inequality, where millions are unemployed without significant help, while bankers in trouble get bailed out.In Chicago and around the country, the Occupy movement is being met with repression: hundreds have been arrested, beaten, tear gassed, spied on, and refused their right to protest.The Chicago Police Department and the Mayor have already acknowledged that they are coming down hard on the Occupy movement here to send a message to those who would protest against NATO and the G8.We need a response that is loud and clear: we have the right to march against the generals and the bankers. We have the right to demand an end to war, military occupations, and attacks on working people and the poor.
2023-07-26 16:16:461

ukraine without kuchma造句 ukraine without kuchmaの例文

" Ukraine without Kuchma " was organized by the Kuchma. In 2000 SDPU joined poptical protest Ukraine without Kuchma . In 2000, Volodymyr Chemerys co-founded the " Ukraine without Kuchma " campaign. The party has joined the " Ukraine Without Kuchma " coaption seeking Kuchma"s resignation. Ukrainian National Assembly Ukrainian Nationapstic Self Defense members participated in the 2000 01 Ukraine without Kuchma protest campaign. About 5, 000 protesters gathered for Tuesday"s demonstration, chanting " Ukraine without Kuchma !" The force came to worldwide attention during the Ukraine without Kuchma riots, as well as the 2014 Ukrainian Revolution. In 2000 01, Khreshchatyk and Maidan Nezalezhnosti, became the centre of the mass protest campaign known as Ukraine without Kuchma . The same year Biletsky participated in the Ukraine without Kuchma ( UBK ) protests, for which he was placed under administrative arrest. About 5, 000 protesters had gathered by the time Tuesday"s demonstration began, chanting " Ukraine without Kuchma !" It"s difficult to see ukraine without kuchma in a sentence. 用 ukraine without kuchma 造句挺难的 Yushchenko"s campaign in the 2004 presidential election was significantly influenced by the slogans, tactics and general spirit of Ukraine without Kuchma . In the 2000s the biggest poptical protests in Ukraine, such as the Ukraine without Kuchma campaign and the Orange Revolution took place in this square. He was one of the initiators of the movement " Ukraine without Kuchma " and was a member of the mittee " For Truth ! ". Tymoshenko and the opposition movement Ukraine Without Kuchma announced the protests earper this summer, but the more moderate Yushchenko had previously not mitted himself to participating. A co-founder of the Ukraine Without Kuchma and a member of the NSF, Chemerys has been an effective pubpc speaker and an active negotiator. In 2001, a popupst movement called " Ukraine without Kuchma " ended in clashes with the popce when hundreds of protestors tried to storm the presidential palace. Ukraine Without Kuchma stressed its action will be peaceful, calpng for restraint to avoid clashes pke those that took place during anti-Kuchma demonstrations last year. Tymoshenko and the Ukraine Without Kuchma movement announced the protests earper this summer, but the more moderate Yushchenko had previously not indicated whether he planned to participate. Friday"s protest was the second in Kiev in o days, and the bloodiest since the " Ukraine without Kuchma " campaign began in December. In 2000-01 he participated in the protest Ukraine without Kuchma and was one of those who undersigned the declaration of the Civil Committee in protection of Constitution. Ukraine Without Kuchma activists will hold protests in Kiev"s central square a day later _ the second anniversary of the disappearance of crusading Inter newsletter editor, Heorhiy Gongadze. Tymoshenko and the Ukraine Without Kuchma movement announced the protests earper this summer, but the more moderate Yushchenko had previously not given any indication about whether he planned to participate. Thousands of protesters demanded the resignation of President Leonid Kuchma over a scandal involving a missing journapst, burning portraits of him on Tuesday and chanting for a " Ukraine without Kuchma ." Carrying portraits of Kuchma with his face crossed out, about 5, 000 demonstrators marched from a tent camp in central Kiev that opposition activists have occupied since December to parpament, chanting " Ukraine without Kuchma !" Some 100 protesters from the Ukraine Without Kuchma movement gathered near parpament to call for the di *** issal of chief prosecutor Mykhailo Potebenko, who has been accused of foot-dragging in a probe into the disappearance of an opposition journapst. Kuchma"s pro-reform coaption in parpament has collapsed, a broad coaption of parties has united in calpng for his resignation and Kiev"s center is now a permanent camp for " Ukraine Without Kuchma " protesters. In 2001, the party joined some actions of the " Ukraine without Kuchma " protest campaign and was active in forming the association of Ukraine"s rightist parties and in supporting Viktor Yushchenko"s candidacy for Lviv and Volyn oblasts. About 100 demonstrators braved the subzero cold to chant " Ukraine without Kuchma " in front of the Interior Ministry building, at the base of the hill crowned by Kuchma"s presidential edifice, the old headquarters of the Communist Party. Thousands of protesters waving Ukrainian flags and chanting, " Ukraine without Kuchma , " streamed into Kiev on Tuesday in a mostly peaceful protest march demanding the resignation of President Leonid Kuchma, who is struggpng to overe a deepening poptical crisis. It has destabipzed _ until Thursday _ any working majority in Parpament, and galvanized a significant coaption of opposition parties under the " Ukraine without Kuchma " banner demanding that Kuchma resign and call early presidential elections, which he has refused to do. It"s difficult to see ukraine without kuchma in a sentence. 用 ukraine without kuchma 造句挺难的 Moroz was a member of a special board " Forum of national salvation ", a representative of a Pubpc Committee of Protection of the Constitution " Ukraine Without Kuchma " ( and later " Rise, Ukraine ! " ) in charge of negotiations with representatives of the regime. "We want the situation in Ukraine and people"s destiny . . . not to be dependent on the character of the president, " said Volodymyr Chemerys, leader of the Ukraine Without Kuchma movement at a news conference announcing the demonstrations, set for September. In 2001, the party joined some actions of the " Ukraine without Kuchma " protest campaign and was active in forming the association of Ukraine"s rightist parties and in supporting Viktor Yushchenko"s candidacy for prime minister, although it did not participate in the Lviv and Volyn oblasts. The crisis has sent thousands of protesters into the streets since December, destabipzed _ until Thursday _ any working majority in parpament and galvanized a significant coaption of opposition parties under the " Ukraine without Kuchma " banner demanding that Kuchma resign and call early presidential elections, something he has refused to do. Since the start of Ukraine"s independence movement in 1990, the square has been the traditional place for poptical ralpes, including four large-scale radical protest campaigns : the 1989 student " Revolution on Granite ", the 2001 " Ukraine without Kuchma ", the 2004 Orange Revolution, and the 2013 14 Euromaidan. In attendance were participants of previous opposition movements ( " Granite revolution ", " Ukraine without Kuchma " movement, civic mittee " Za pravdu ! " ( " For truth " ), civic campaigns " Pora ! " ( " It"s time " ), etc . ), and other opposition-supporting members of Ukrainian society. Kuchma reinforced the point by issuing a strongly worded statement with his prime minister, Viktor Yushchenko, and the Parpament speaker, Ivan Plyushch, saying the " Ukraine Without Kuchma " movement that formed this winter was trying to " set off mob rule " in the country " by using flagrant provocation and to pel the authorities to use force ." The Ukrainian leader did not threaten any specific steps to crack down on the opposition, which has ralped crowds of 5, 000 to 7, 000 in demonstrations that began in December, but Western officials expressed concern that Kuchma"s remarks indicated that he was preparing to take action against protesters who are planning another weekend of " Ukraine without Kuchma " protests in Kiev, the capital, as Russia"s President, Vladimir Putin, arrives in southern Ukraine Sunday for a meeting with Kuchma.
2023-07-26 16:16:531


BEIJING, Oct.6 -- Incumbent and former politicians of different countries have expressed their disapproval of the Occupy Central movement in Hong Kong, saying that the protesters are "unrealistic" and western media reports on the demonstration "biased."Charles Powell, who served as private secretary to then British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher when Britain agreed to return Hong Kong to China, said on Sunday he did not believe the protest would make a change.Singapore"s Foreign Minister Kasiviswanathan Shanmugam said Saturday in an interview with Singapore-based Chinese daily Lianhe Zaobao that many reports on Hong Kong made by the Western media were untrue and biased to China.They have intentionally ignored a fact that Hong Kong had never implemented a democratic system under the British rule for some 150 years, he said, adding that Beijing"s plan has granted Hong Kong much more democratic space than what Hong Kongers got in the times of British-ruled Hong Kong.Even though a little anti-Mainland sentiment appeared in Hong Kong, the central government is still generous to Hong Kong, he added.Jeff Bader, who ran Obama"s first term White House East Asia policy, told the Washington Post that for Beijing, there is no room for compromise on issues such as Chinese stability and the leadership of the Communist Party of China.He also mentioned that millions of Hong Kongers will not support or tolerate the protest that grinds the city to halt for days.
2023-07-26 16:17:231


2023-07-26 16:17:354


of 着重的是从属关系for 意思倾向于“为。。。”A spokesman FOR the protesters 为抗议者说话的人,那个人可能不是抗议者中的一员of也行的,但意思不同,那个spokesman是抗议者中推选出的一员
2023-07-26 16:17:543

stand for 造句3个,加中文。

1、What does UFO stand for? It stands for Unidentified Flying Objects. 什么?飞碟它代表了不明飞行物体。2、He stands for abortion rights。他支持堕胎的权利。3、I stand for justice. 我(支持)代表正义。
2023-07-26 16:07:433

电脑开机显示配置windows update是什么意思

2023-07-26 16:07:431


发生在2011年3月的日本海啸已经吞噬了太多人的生命,让人类再次感到海啸的恐怖。其实,只要掌握必要的逃生知识,在海啸灾难中还是可以全身而退的。 海啸是怎么形成的,为什么会造成如此巨大的危害 海啸是由地震引起海底隆起和下陷所致。海底突然变形,致使从海底到海面的海水整体发生大的涌动,形成海啸袭击沿岸地区。 受台风和低气压的影响,海面会掀起巨浪,虽然有时高达数米,但浪幅有限,由数米到数百米,因此冲击岸边的海水量也有限。而海啸就不同了,虽然海啸在遥远的海面只有数厘米至数米高,但由于海面隆起的范围大,有时海啸的宽幅达数百公里,这种巨大的“水块”产生的破坏力非常惊人,严重危害岸上的建筑物和人的生命。据调查,2004年印度洋大海啸在泰国沿岸把一艘50吨重的船从海边推到岸上1.2公里远的地方。从有关数据来看,海啸高达2米,木制房屋会瞬间遭到破坏;海啸高达20米以上,钢筋水泥建筑物也难以招架。 海啸传播到海岸时,一般有两种表现形式:第一种是滨海、岛屿或海湾的海水出现反常退潮或河流没水现象,然后海水又突然席卷而来,冲向陆地:第二种是海水陡涨,突然形成几十米高的水墙,伴随隆隆巨响滨海陆地涌来,然后海水又骤然退去。 海啸的特征是速度快,地震发生的地方海水越深,海啸速度越快。海水越深,因海底变形涌动的水量越多,因而形成海啸之后在海面移动的速度也越快。如果发生地震的地方水深为5000米,海啸和喷气飞机速度差不多,每小时可达800公里,移动到水深10米的地方,时速放慢,变为40公里。由于前浪减速,后浪推过来发生重叠,因此海啸到岸边波浪升高,如果沿岸海底地形呈“V”字形,海啸掀起的海浪会更高。 海啸在遥远的海面移动时并不为人注意,但它以迅猛的速度接近陆地并达到海岸时会突然形成巨大的水墙,人们发现它时为时已晚,因此,一旦发生地震就要马上离开海岸,转移到高处安全的地方。 海啸来临时如何逃生 1.地震海啸发生的最早信号是地面强烈震动,地震波与海啸的到达有一个时间差,正好有利于人们预防。 2.如果发现潮汐突然反常涨落,海平面显著下降或者有巨浪袭来,都应以最快速度撤离岸边。 3.海啸前海水异常退去时往往会把鱼虾等许多海生动物留在浅滩,场面蔚为壮观。此时千万不要前去捡鱼或看热闹,应当迅速离开海岸,向内陆高处转移。 4.发生海啸时,航行在海上的船只不可以回港或靠岸,应该马上驶向深海区,深海区相对于海岸更为安全。 海啸的自救与互救 1.如果在海啸时不幸落水,要尽量抓住木板等漂浮物,同时注意避免与其他硬物碰撞。 2.在水中不要举手,也不要乱挣扎,尽量减少动作,能浮在水面随波漂流即可。这样既可以避免下沉,又能够减少体能的无谓消耗。 3.如果海水温度偏低,不要脱衣服。 4.尽量不要游泳,以防体内热量过快散失。 5.不要喝海水。海水不仅不能解渴,反而会让人产生幻觉,导致精神失常甚至死亡。 6.尽可能向其他落水者靠拢,既便于相互帮助和鼓励,又因为目标扩大而更容易被救援人员发现。 7.人在海水中长时间浸泡,热量散失会造成体温下降。溺水者被救上岸后,最好能放在温水里恢复体温,没有条件时也应尽量裹上被、毯、大衣等保温。注意不要采取局部加温或按摩的办法,更不能给落水者饮酒,饮酒只能使热量更快散失。让落水者适当喝一些糖水有好处,可以补充体内的水分和能量。 8.如果落水者受伤,应采取止血、包扎、固定等急救措施,重伤员则要及时送医院救治。 9.要记住及时清除落水者鼻腔、口腔和腹内的吸人物。具体方法是:将落水者的肚子放在你的大腿上,从后背按压,将海水等吸入物倒出。如心跳、呼吸停止,则应立即交替进行口对口人工呼吸和心脏挤压。 目前国际上有没有预防海啸的预警机制 目前全球已建立了国际海啸预警系统。该系统是1965年开始启动的,此前的1964年阿拉斯加一带海域发生了里氏9.2级的地震,地震引起的巨大海啸袭击了大半个阿拉斯加。海啸发生后,美国国家海洋和大气局开始启动这一研究。后来,太平洋地震带上的一些北美、亚洲、南美国家,太平洋上的一些岛屿国家,以及澳大利亚、新西兰、法国、俄罗斯等国都先后加入。 据介绍,国际海啸预警系统一般是把参与国家的地震监测网络的各种地震信息全部汇总,然后通过计算机进行分析、模拟,大致判断出哪些地方会形成海啸,其规模和破坏性有多大。基本数据形成后,系统会迅速向有关成员国传达相关警报。而一旦海啸形成,该系统分布在海洋上的数个水文监测站会及时更新海啸信息。 ——————资料出处:安全文化网站
2023-07-26 16:07:463

拿走了什么歌词 A-Lin

拿走了什么 - A-Lin词:葛大为曲:李荣浩猫常常望着窗口也觉得沙发上少个人曾经那样 被看好的我们隐身在彼此视线你变得 开朗她语带保留说你没落单你们幸福就好细节就不必对我交代我爱过几个人怎么还不够他们明明都比你更爱我你到底拿走了什么全世界都不说你说谎过几次都瞒不过我你诚实了为何我会难过你究竟拿走了什么让我 寂寞不管睡在床哪边都讽刺我你早已离开决心忘怀 是贴心的示范不干涉各自明天我要我 乐观不让共同朋友感觉为难好几次快笑场可怜自己成这副模样我爱过几个人怎么还不够他们明明都比你更爱我你到底拿走了什么全世界都不说你说谎过几次都瞒不过我你诚实了为何我会难过你究竟拿走了什么让我 寂寞你说谎过几次都瞒不过我你诚实了为何我会难过你究竟拿走了什么让我 寂寞
2023-07-26 16:07:461

stand for与symbol of的用法区别

stand for 是意义上代表symbol of 是图像上代表
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2023-07-26 16:07:511


  windows更新解释如下:   WindowsUpdate是我们用来升级系统的组件,通过它来更新我们的系统,能够扩展系统的功能,让系统支持更多的软、硬件,解决各种兼容性问题,让系统更安全、更稳定,正版系统可以更新,盗版系统只能激活版本,需要更新时只能重装系统,建议关闭自动更新,在我的电脑里选择属性即可关闭。
2023-07-26 16:07:511


1. 防海啸的常识 第一、地震是海啸最明显的前兆。如果你感觉到较强的震动,不要靠近海边、江河的入海口。如果听到有关附近地震的报告,要做好防海啸的准备,注意电视和广播新闻。要记住,海啸有时会在地震发生几小时后到达离震源上千公里远的地方。 第二、海上船只听到海啸预警后应该避免返回港湾,海啸在海港中造成的落差和湍流非常危险。如果有足够时间,船主应该在海啸到来前把船开到开阔海面。如果没有时间开出海港,所有人都要撤离停泊在海港里的船只。 第三、海啸登陆时海水往往明显升高或降低,如果你看到海面后退速度异常快,应立刻撤离到内陆地势较高的地方。 身处海啸时的避险常识1. 远离沙滩及沿岸低洼地区。如自己身处该处,感到地面有强?震动、发现海水突然退却或听到像即将来临的火车一样咆哮声,应?刻跑往高地或稳固建筑物的高层。 2. 停止水上活动。绝对不要下到海岸边去看海啸。当你看到海啸时再逃避已经晚了。绝对不要在海啸中冲浪,大多数海啸就像夹杂着杂物的山洪爆发一样,它们和冲浪时的波不一样。 3. 所有发向公众的海啸预警都须认真对待,即使不是灾难性的海啸也要如此。海啸因为海岸的某一点可能会很小而在几公里外的另一点可能会很大。所以即使小的海啸也不能掉以轻心。 4. 在海啸发生期间,你当地的民防、警察部门和其他应急组织机构将会帮助你脱险。请你和他们充分配合。 5. 当已经获知海啸警报时在深海的小型船只应避免驶向沿岸或浅水区。 6. 在港口的船只不要冒险试图将小船开到深水区。船艇主人能够找到的最安全的方式是离开小船并迅速跑往高处。 7. 应当一直呆在危险区域之外直到有关职能机构发布解除警报的信号为止。 2. 防海啸的常识 第一、地震是海啸最明显的前兆。 如果你感觉到较强的震动,不要靠近海边、江河的入海口。如果听到有关附近地震的报告,要做好防海啸的准备,注意电视和广播新闻。 要记住,海啸有时会在地震发生几小时后到达离震源上千公里远的地方。 第二、海上船只听到海啸预警后应该避免返回港湾,海啸在海港中造成的落差和湍流非常危险。 如果有足够时间,船主应该在海啸到来前把船开到开阔海面。如果没有时间开出海港,所有人都要撤离停泊在海港里的船只。 第三、海啸登陆时海水往往明显升高或降低,如果你看到海面后退速度异常快,应立刻撤离到内陆地势较高的地方。 身处海啸时的避险常识1. 远离沙滩及沿岸低洼地区。 如自己身处该处,感到地面有强?震动、发现海水突然退却或听到像即将来临的火车一样咆哮声,应?刻跑往高地或稳固建筑物的高层。 2. 停止水上活动。 绝对不要下到海岸边去看海啸。当你看到海啸时再逃避已经晚了。 绝对不要在海啸中冲浪,大多数海啸就像夹杂着杂物的山洪爆发一样,它们和冲浪时的波不一样。 3. 所有发向公众的海啸预警都须认真对待,即使不是灾难性的海啸也要如此。 海啸因为海岸的某一点可能会很小而在几公里外的另一点可能会很大。所以即使小的海啸也不能掉以轻心。 4. 在海啸发生期间,你当地的民防、警察部门和其他应急组织机构将会帮助你脱险。请你和他们充分配合。 5. 当已经获知海啸警报时在深海的小型船只应避免驶向沿岸或浅水区。 6. 在港口的船只不要冒险试图将小船开到深水区。 船艇主人能够找到的最安全的方式是离开小船并迅速跑往高处。 7. 应当一直呆在危险区域之外直到有关职能机构发布解除警报的信号为止。 3. 我想知道海啸知识 海啸是一种具有强大破坏力的海浪。 当地震发生于海底,因震波的动力而引起海水剧烈的起伏,形成强大的波浪,向前推进,将沿海地带一一淹没的灾害,称之为海啸。海啸英称Tsunami,词源自日语“津波”(Tsunami),即“港边的波浪”(“津”即“港”)。 这也显示出了日本是一个经常遭受海啸袭击的国家。目前,人类对地震、火山、海啸等突如其来的灾变,只能通过预测、观察来预防或减少它们所造成的损失,但还不能阻止它们的发生。 海啸的形成海啸通常由震源在海底下50千米以内、里氏地震规模6.5以上的海底地震引起。海啸波长比海洋的最大深度还要大,在海底附近传播也没受多大阻滞,不管海洋深度如何,波都可以传播过去,海啸在海洋的传播速度大约每小时五百到一千公里,而相邻两个浪头的距离也可能远达500到650公里,当海啸波进入陆棚后,由于深度变浅,波高突然增大,它的这种波浪运动所卷起的海涛,波高可达数十米,并形成“水墙”。 由地震引起的波动与海面上的海浪不同,一般海浪只在一定深度的水层波动,而地震所引起的水体波动是从海面到海底整个水层的起伏。此外,海底火山爆发,土崩及人为的水底核爆也能造成海啸。 4. 我想知道海啸知识 海啸是一种具有强大破坏力的海浪。这种波浪运动引发的狂涛骇浪,汹涌澎湃,它卷起的海涛,波高可达数十米。这种“水墙”内含极大的能量,冲上陆地后所向披靡,往往造成对生命和财产的严重摧残。智利大海啸形成的波涛,移动了上万公里仍不减雄风,足见它的巨大威力。 海啸的起因:海啸是一种灾难性的海浪,通常由震源在海底下50千米以内、里氏震级6.5以上的海底地震引起。水下或沿岸山崩或火山爆发也可能引起海啸。在一次震动之后,震荡波在海面上以不断扩大的圆圈,传播到很远的距离,正象卵石掉进浅池里产生的波一样。海啸波长比海洋的最大深度还要大,轨道运动在海底附近也没受多大阻滞,不管海洋深度如何,波都可以传播过去。 怒吼的巨浪 根据现代板块结构学说的观点,智利是太平洋板块与南美洲板块相互碰撞的俯冲地带,处在环太平洋火山活动带上。这种特殊的地质结构,造成了智利处于极不稳定的地表之上。自古以来,这里火山不断喷发,地震连连发生,海啸频频出现,灾难时常降临。1960年5月21日凌晨开始,在智利的蒙特港附近海底,突然发生了世界地震史上罕见的强烈地震。大小地震一直持续到6月23日,在前后1个多月的时间内,先后发生了225次不同震级的地震。震级在7级以上的有十几次之多,其中震级大于8级的有3次。 海啸的危害 剧烈震动之后不久,巨浪呼啸,以催枯拉朽之势,越过海岸线,越过田野,迅猛地袭击着岸边的城市和村庄,瞬时人们都消失在巨浪中。港口所有设施,被震塌的建筑物,在狂涛的洗劫下,被席卷一空。事后,海滩上一片狼藉,到处是残木破板和人畜尸体。 地震海啸给人类带来的灾难是十分巨大的。目前,人类对地震、火山、海啸等突如其来的灾变,只能通过预测、观察来预防或减少它们所造成的损失,但还不能控制它们的发生。 5. 【地震自救小知识】 1.为了您自己和家人的人身安全请躲在桌子等坚固家具的下面.大的晃动时间约为1分钟左右.这时首先应顾及的是您自己与家人的人身安全.首先,在重心较低、且结实牢固的桌子下面躲避,并紧紧抓牢桌子腿.在没有桌子等可供藏身的场合,无论如何,也要用坐垫等物保护好头部.2.摇晃时立即关火,失火时立即灭火.地震时,也会有不能依赖消防车来灭火的情形.因此,我们每个人关火、灭火的这种努力,是能否将地震灾害控制在最小程度的重要因素.3.不要慌张地向户外跑.地震发生后,慌慌张张地向外跑,碎玻璃、屋顶上的砖瓦、广告牌等掉下来砸在身上,是很危险的.此外,水泥预制板墙、自动售货机等也有倒塌的危险,不要靠近这些物体.4.将门打开,确保出口.钢筋水泥结构的房屋等,由于地震的晃动会造成门窗错位,打不开门,曾经发生有人被封闭在屋子里的事例.请将门打开,确保出口.平时要事先想好万一被关在屋子里,如何逃脱的方法,准备好梯子、绳索等.5.户外的场合,要保护好头部,避开危险之处.当大地剧烈摇晃,站立不稳的时候,人们都会有扶靠、抓住什么的心理.身边的门柱、墙壁大多会成为扶靠的对象.但是,这些看上去挺结实牢固的东西,实际上却是危险的.务必不要靠近水泥预制板墙、门柱等躲避.在繁华街、楼区,最危险的是玻璃窗、广告牌等物掉落下来砸伤人.要注意用手或手提包等物保护好头部.此外,还应该注意自动售货机翻倒伤人.在楼区时,根据情况,进入建筑物中躲避比较安全.6.在百货公司、剧场时依工作人员的指示行动 在百货公司、地下街等人员较多的地方,最可怕的是发生混乱.请依照商店职员、警卫人员的指示来行动.就地震而言,据说地下街是比较安全的.即便发生停电,紧急照明电也会即刻亮起来,请镇静地采取行动.如发生火灾,即刻会充满烟雾.以压低身体的姿势避难,并做到绝对不吸烟.搭乘电梯的话,在发生地震、火灾时,不能使用电梯.万一在搭乘电梯时遇到地震,将操作盘上各楼层的按钮全部按下,一旦停下,迅速离开电梯,确认安全后避难.高层大厦以及近来的建筑物的电梯,都装有管制运行的装置.地震发生时,会自动的动作,停在最近的楼层.万一被关在电梯中的话,请通过电梯中的专用电话与管理室联系、求助.7、汽车靠路边停车,管制区域禁止行驶 发生大地震时,汽车会象轮胎泄了气似的,无法把握方向盘,难以驾驶.必须充分注意,避开十字路口将车子靠路边停下.为了不妨碍避难疏散的人和紧急车辆的通行,要让出道路的中间部分.都市中心地区的绝大部分道路将会全面禁止通行.充分注意汽车收音机的广播,附近有警察的话,要依照其指示行事.有必要避难时,为不致卷入火灾,请把车窗关好,车钥匙插在车上,不要锁车门,并和当地的人一起行动.8.务必注意山崩、断崖落石或海啸.在山边、陡峭的倾斜地段,有发生山崩、断崖落石的危险,应迅速到安全的场所避难.在海岸边,有遭遇海啸的危险.感知地震或发出海啸警报的话,请注意收音机、电视机等的信息,迅速到安全的场所避难 9.避难时要徒步,携带物品应在最少限度 因地震造成的火灾,蔓延燃烧,出现危机生命、人身安全等情形时,采取避难的措施.避难的方法,原则上以市民防灾组织、街道等为单位,在负责人及警察等带领下采取徒步避难的方式,携带的物品应在最少限度.绝对不能利用汽车、自行车避难.对于病人等的避难,当地居民的合作互助是不可缺少的.从平时起,邻里之间有必要在事前就避难的方式等进行商定.10.不要听信谣言,不要轻举妄动 在发生大地震时,人们心理上易产生动摇.为防止混乱,每个人依据正确的信息,冷静地采取行动,极为重要.从携带的收音机等中把握正确的信息,相信从 *** 、警察、消防等防灾机构直接得到的信息,决不轻信不负责任的流言蜚语,不要轻举妄动.。 6. 发生海啸时有哪些需要注意的 船只在海上发现陆地发生海啸千万不要 靠近海岸,应该迅速向深海航行,由于波的衍射和 共振,在近海会产生巨浪,而把码头上的船掀到 岸上。 2。 如果感觉要发生海啸,或者发现海啸时, 立刻以最快的速度向周围的人群发出警报,如果可 能的话,尽快以电话等方式向国家预警机构报告; 保持清醒的头脑,识别自己的位置和处境,明确自 己求生的方式,并以坚强的意志坚持住。 3。 不要置身于迎海的山脚、建筑物等下方, 一个浪过来,即使海浪所携带的石头等物体不会置 遇险者死命,巨大的浪本身也会将人打昏。 4。 不要喝周围的水,不要吃水中漂浮的食 物。 海啸总体造成的危害时间会比较短,仍是人靠 体质能够抵御的一段时间范围。 另外,注意周围的 动物袭击。 5。 在水中时控制好呼吸,以防止呛水,尽 可能抓住浮动的物体;在水中要坚持自救为主,海啸已经来临时,张口大声呼叫和手脱离物体都是危 险的。 一旦暂时告别危险,首先尽一切可能恢复信 息沟通,然后尽可能判明下一个危险所在和施救 别人。 7. 有关地震和海啸的知识 当地震发生于海底,因震波的动力而引起海水剧烈的起伏,形成强大的波浪,向前推进,将沿海地带一一淹没的灾害,称之为海啸。 海啸通常由震源在海底下50千米以内、里氏地震规模6.5以上的海底地震引起。由地震引起的波动与海面上的海浪不同,一般海浪只在一定深度的水层波动,而地震所引起的水体波动是从海面到海底整个水层的起伏。此外,海底火山爆发,土崩及人为的水底核爆也能造成海啸。此外,陨石撞击也会造成海啸,“水墙”可达百尺。而且陨石造成的海啸在任何水域也有机会发生,不一定在地震带。不过陨石造成的海啸可能千年才会发生一次。
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2023-07-26 16:07:535

refer to 和stand for是同义词吗?

refer to 和stand for是同义词吗?答.:refer to 和stand for不是同义词
2023-07-26 16:07:572


2023-07-26 16:07:581

电脑开机时显示配置windows Update是什么意思

就是自动更新服务。电脑出现windows update的原因是由于系统开启了自动更新的功能导致的。Windows Update是微软提供的一款自动更新的工具,一般来说当电脑发现漏洞或者驱动有问题,或者软件有更新时,提供自动的升级。通过及时有效的进行各种插件、漏洞的更新,使电脑体验更加的舒服、更流畅、更安全,只要不关机,他就会帮你自动升级系统软件,就是我们常说的打补丁,可以在windows防火墙中关闭它。注:系统更新是微软为保障系统安全的一项常规售后服务,经常需要进行。如果系统补丁文件在下载或安装过程中出现错误(包括验证当前系统为盗版系统时),就会通过还原更改来恢复原来的系统文件。扩展资料:解决方法一、耐心等待:系统更新或系统自动还原更改后会正常启动,这个过程所需时间因电脑而异,只能耐心等待其完成。此时无法取消或退出,如果强制关机退出,则可能造成系统文件甚至硬件损坏。二、重启电脑:如果系统更新或还原更改失败或长时间画面卡住不动,则可通过短按主机重启键重启电脑,或长按主机电源键不松开直到电源指示灯熄灭以强制关机后,再重启。三、关闭系统自动更新:安装360安全卫士或类似软件即会自动关闭系统更新并取而代之。
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  1. stand out 突出/显眼/引人注目   例句:How can we make our exhibit stand out from the rest?   如何才能使我们的展览摊位比其它的突出呢?   2. stand by 支持;袖手旁观   例句:True friends are those who will stand by you.   忠实的朋友是那些会支持你的人。   How can you stand by when those boys are kicking the cat?   当那些孩子们在踢那只猫时,你怎能站在一旁不管呢?   3. stand for 代表/象征   例句:But the fact is that the EU does u2013 or perhaps did u2013 stand for something important on the world stage.   但事实是,欧盟的确(或许是曾经)在世界舞台上代表着某种重要的东西。   4. stand in 代替;替身演员   例句:The supervisor is going away for a week and I have to stand in for her.   主管打算离开一个星期,因此我得代替她的工作。   5. stand off 疏远/远离/避开   例句:He consciously stood off her in the publicity.   他有意在公开场合避开她。   6. stand on 基于/取决于;依靠   例句:The conclusion stood on some uncertain matters, so itu2019s wrong.   该项结论基于几项待证实的情况,因此,该结论是错误的。   He completed the hard task by standing on himself.   他就靠他自己完成了这项艰巨的任务。   7. stand over 延期;监督   例句:The football match have to stand over next week for the typhoon storm.   由于台风风暴,这场足球赛延期到下个星期举行。   I hate being stood over by the FBI.   我讨厌受到联邦调查局的监视。   8. stand to 遵守   例句:A man should stand to his promise.   一个男子汉应该信守诺言。   9. stand up 站起来;站得住脚,有说服力   例句:They all stood up and welcomed his coming.   他们全都站起来欢迎他的到来。   He knew clearly that the evidence he offered would stand up in the court of law.   他清楚地知道,他所提供的证据经得住法庭的检验。   10. stand up for 支持/拥护/捍卫   例句:Donu2019t let anyone hurt you. You should stand up for yourself!   不要让任何人来伤害你。你要为自己辩护!
2023-07-26 16:07:361

a lin 唱的《幸福了然后呢》这首歌的含义是什么?想表达什么?

2023-07-26 16:07:321


网易云音乐,评论里《You raise me up》翻译成“您抬举我”
2023-07-26 16:07:3215


2023-07-26 16:07:304

初中英语词汇:初中高频率动词用法 stand

《初中高频率动词用法 stand》由英语我整理,更多请访问:。本内容整理时间为05月12日,如有任何问题请联系我们。 stand站Comeandsitbymysideifyouloveme. (2)立于Thehousestandsbetweenthetwolargetrees. Therestoodastrangemanrightbehindme. B.vt.(1)放 Standtheladderagainstthewall. (2)忍受 Ifyoucanu2019tstandtheheat,getoutofthekitchen. C.习语 standagainstu2026反对 Theyallstoodagainstthewar. standatattention/ease立正/稍息 standbehindsb.支持 standby支持;袖手旁观;准备行动 Weu2019llstandbyyouthroughthickandthin. Youmustnu2019tstandbyanddonothingaboutit. standforu2026代表,表示;主张 Xoftenstandsforanunknownnumber. Westandforself-reliance(自力更生). standononeu2019sownfeet依靠自己 standout突出;显著 Hertalentstoodoutincomparisonwiththeothers. standaside站开;不参与;靠边站 standback向后退 standstill站住;停顿 standup站起;起立 《初中高频率动词用法 stand》由英语我整理,更多请访问:
2023-07-26 16:07:291


windows系统更新 这个意思
2023-07-26 16:07:275

求黑眼豆豆『One tribe』歌词

Black Eyed Peas - One Tribe Whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh! Whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh! Woah-oh-oh-oh-ooooh! Oh-woah-oh! One Tri...One Tri... One Tribe, one time, one planet, one race 同一个部落,同一个时间,同一个星球,同一个种族 Its all one blood, don"t care about your face 它们流着同一种血,不在乎你的面容 The color of your eye or the tone of your skin 你眼睛的颜色或皮肤的色调 Don"t care where ya are 不在乎你在哪 Don"t care where ya been 不在乎你到过哪 Cause where we gonna go is where we wanna be 因为我们将要去的是我们想去的地方 The place where the little language is unity 一个地方,语言是统一的 And the continent is called Pangaea 大陆被叫做Pangaea(泛古陆,指假定的古代超级大陆) And the main ideas are connected like a spear 主要的观点像矛一样被联系到一起 No propaganda, They tried to upper hand us 没有宣传,他们试着让我们占上风 Cause man I"m loving this peace 因为我爱和平 Man, man, I"m loving this peace 我们爱和平 Man, man, I"m loving this peace 我们爱和平 I don"t need no leader 我不需要无领导 That"s gonna force feed a 这将迫使植入一个 Concept that make me think I need to 概念,让我认为我需要 Fear my brother and fear my sister 害怕我的兄弟姐妹 And shoot my neighbor or my big missile 射杀我的邻居或扔个大导弹 If I had an enemy to (enemy) 如果我有一个敌对的敌人 If I had an enemy to (enemy) 如果我有一个敌对的敌人 If I had an enemy, then my enemy is gonna try to come and kill me 如果我有个敌人,我的敌人将试着来干掉我 Cause I"m his enemy,there"s one tribe ya"ll 因为我是他的敌人,有一个部落 One tribe ya"ll 同一个部落 One tribe ya"ll 同一个部落 We are one people 我们是同一种人 Let"s cast amnesia, forget about all that evil 让我们扮演失忆,忘掉所有的邪恶 Forget about all that evil, that evil that they feed ya 忘掉所有的邪恶,他们培养的邪恶 Let"s cast amnesia, forget about all that evil 让我们扮演失忆,忘掉所有的邪恶 That evil that they feed ya 他们培养的邪恶 Remember that we"re one people 记住我们是同一种人 We are one people 我们是同一种人 One people, one people (One People) 同一种人 One people, one people (One People) 同一种人 One people, one people (One People) 同一种人 补充: One tribe, one tribe 同一个部落,同一个部落 One tribe, one time, one planet, one (race) 同一个部落,同一个时间,同一个星球,同一个种族 Race, one love, one people, one (and) 同一种爱,同一种人 Too many things that"s causing one (to) 许多事情都有一个原因 To forget about the main cause 忘掉一切原因 Connecting, uniting 联系,统一 But the evil is seen and alive in us 但邪恶可以看见并活在我们中间 So our hopes are colliding 所以我们的希望正在抵触 And our peace is sinking like Poseidon 我们的和平在下沉像(波塞冬,海神) But, we know that the one (one) 但我们知道 The evil one is threatened by the sum (sum) 邪恶会被团结威胁 So he"ll come and try and separate the sum 所以它会来试着离间 But he dumb, he didn"t know we had a way to overcome 但他沉默了,他不知道我们有方法来克服 Rejuvenated by the beating of the drum 通过打鼓焕发活力 Come together by the cycle of the hum 通过重复的哼曲子团结一起 Freedom when all become one (one) Forever 自由会在我们永远齐心时到来 补充: One tribe ya"ll 同一个部落 One tribe ya"ll 同一个部落 One tribe ya"ll 同一个部落 We are one people 我们是同一种人 Let"s cast amnesia 让我们扮演失忆 Forget about all that evil (evil) 忘掉所有的邪恶 Forget about all that evil (evil) 忘掉所有的邪恶 That evil that they feed ya 他们培养的邪恶 Let"s cast amnesia 让我们扮演失忆 Forget about all that evil (evil) 忘掉所有的邪恶 That evil, that they feed ya (feed ya) 他们培养的邪恶 Remember that we"re one people 记住,我们是同一种人 We are one people 我们是同一种人 One people, one people (One People) 同一种人 One people, one people (One People) 同一种人 One people, one people (One People) 同一种人 补充: One love, one blood, one people 同一种爱,同一种血,同一种人 One heart, one beat, we equal 同一颗心,同一种节拍,我们是相同的 Connected like the internet 像因特网一样联系起来 United that"s how we do 我们要统一 Lets break walls, so we see through 让我们推倒墙,这样我们能互相看见 Let love and peace lead you 让爱和和平带领你 We could overcome the complication cause we need to 我们能克服困难因为我们需要 Help each other, make these changes 互相帮助,改变一切 Brother, sister, rearrange this 兄弟,姐妹,重新整理一遍 The way I"m thinking that we can change this bad condition 我想我们能改变坏的处境 Wait, use you mind and not your greed 等等,用你的心而不是你的贪心 Let"s connect and then proceed 让我们联系前进 This is something I believe 这是我所相信的 We are one, we"re all just people 我们是一样的,我们都是人 补充: One tribe ya"ll 同一个部落 One tribe ya"ll 同一个部落 One tribe ya"ll 同一个部落 We are one people 我们是同一种人 Let"s cast amnesia 让我们扮演失忆 Forget about all that evil 忘掉所有的邪恶 Forget about all that evil, that evil that they feed ya 忘掉所有的邪恶,他们培养的邪恶 Let"s cast amnesia 让我们扮演失忆 Let"s cast amnesia, forget about all that evil 让我们扮演失忆,忘掉所有的邪恶 That evil, that they feed ya 他们培养的邪恶 We"re one tribe ya"ll 我们是同一个部落 We,we,one tribe ya"ll 我们是同一个部落 One tribe ya"ll 同一个部落 One people, one people (One People) 同一种人 One people, one people (One People) 同一种人 One people, one people (One People) 同一种人 One people, one people (One People) 同一种人 One people, one people(One People) 同一种人 补充: Lets, lets cast amnesia 让我们扮演失忆 Lord help me out 主会帮我解脱 Trying to figure out what its all about (what its all about) 试着解出它都是什么 Cause we"re one in the same (one in the same) 因为我们一样 Same joy, same pain 一样的快乐,一样的疼痛 And I hope that you"re there when I need ya 我希望我需要的时候你在那 Cause maybe we need amnesia 因为我们也许需要失忆 And I don"t wanna sound like a preacher 我不愿被听起来像个传教士 But we need to be one 但我们需要齐心协力 One world, one love, one passion 同一个世界,同一种爱,同一种激情 One tribe, one understanding 同一个部落,同一种理解 Cause you and me can become one.因为你我能够齐心协力
2023-07-26 16:07:241


1.影片开始时的麻烦制造者:Don"tStopTheMusic2.社团招新时麻烦制造者:LetItWhip3.贝卡第一天去工作DJ播放:KeepYou-WildBelle4.浴室:Titanium5.大伙试音:SinceUBeenGone6.贝卡在试音会:cups7.招新结束后的聚会:KeepYourHeadUp8.贝拉乐队训练时背景乐:Starships9.贝拉乐队第一次在校内表演:TurnTheBeatAround10.【摇滚之夜】:第一组Ladiesofthe80"s: 麻烦(Mickey) 未知乐队(LikeAVirgin) 贝拉(HitMeWithYourBestShot)第二组:SongsAboutSex 贝拉(S&M-Rihanna) 麻烦(Let"sTalkAboutTheSex) 贝拉(I"llMakeLoveToYou) 麻烦(FeelsLikeTheFirstTime) 贝拉(NoDiggity)11.贝拉乐队“初赛+半决赛”:TheSign+EternalFlame+TurnTheBeatAround12.初赛时木偶合唱团:FuckYou13.初赛时麻烦制造者:RightRound14.初赛结束4个校友:BootyWurk(OneCheekAtATime)15.巴士上合唱:PartyInTheU.S.A16.半决赛三重乐队:BlameItOnTheBoogie17.贝卡离开乐队后一段时间的背景乐:OpenSeason-HighHighs18.贝卡重回合唱团大家的新尝试:JustTheWayYouAre+JustADream19.决赛前背景音乐:FinalCountDown20.决赛时麻烦制造者:BrightLightsBiggerCity+magic21.决赛时贝拉合唱团:PriceTag+Don"tYouForgetAboutMe+GiveMeEverythingQQ音乐里都有其实送银项链有什么特殊的含义?会不会被其他人注意到的..
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