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2023-07-28 08:29:25
TAG: 日本 学校


North Korean schools in Japan:


Class action


An accident of history may soon disappear


Jun 15th 2013 | TOKYO |From the print edition

School"s out


A TOKYO schoolyard is an unlikely venue to find North Korea"s red star fluttering in the wind. Children inside the Tokyo Korean Middle and High School study textbooks in Korean beneath portraits of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il. When classes end, the girls shed their traditional jeogori dresses for anonymous teenage clothes and blend back into the city.


This school and around 70 more like it in Japan are an unusual legacy of Japan"s difficult relationship with Korea. Large numbers of Koreans came or were brought to Japan during the Japanese occupation of the Korean peninsula between 1905 and 1945. At the end of the second world war, about 700,000 of them stayed on rather than return to their homeland, which was by then sliding into the Korean war that would split the country into two bitterly opposed states. They were stateless for 20 years until 1965 when Japan recognised South Korea, at which point Koreans in Japan could become South Korean. Those who didn"t became North Korean by default and went to North Korean schools. The schools are an accident of history, often more about continuing a connection to the homeland than about ideological indoctrination.


Students in the North Korean schools do, however, learn that some of their ancestors were brought to Japan as wartime slave labour, and that it was Washington and its “puppet” ally in Seoul that started the Korean war. For years, Japanese critics have seen the institutions as the enemy within and fought to have them closed. Now, it looks as if that could happen.


Japan"s government excluded the schools from a scheme to waive tuition fees in other schools two years ago. Shinzo Abe, the prime minister, is now focusing on public funding. Tokyo has led the way, ending its 6m yen ($63,000) annual subsidy to this Korean high school. Local authorities around Japan are following suit. “We"ll survive, but many won"t,” laments the headmaster, Shin Gil-ung.


The funding assault is part of what may be the end-game in a low-level war between Japanese conservatives and the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan, known as Chongryon. The organisation, which runs the schools, is North Korea"s de facto embassy and is suspected of involvement in the North"s bizarre abduction of over a dozen Japanese citizens in the 1970s and 1980s. The Japanese want the surviving citizens returned. The North Koreans say they are all dead.


Since failed attempts at normalising ties in 2002 and 2004, and a string of nuclear tests by North Korea, relations have turned toxic once again. The association"s headquarters in central Tokyo has been seized by the government-backed Resolution and Collection Corporation in an attempt to collect outstanding loans of nearly 63 billion yen. A private attempt this month by a Buddhist temple to buy the headquarters failed, amid allegations of government pressure.


The schools and the community they serve are in deep trouble anyway. Thousands of Koreans are abandoning their ethnic identities to take Japanese citizenship. Enrolment at Mr Shin"s school has fallen to 600 students from a high of 2,300 when he attended in the late 1960s. Parents pay for 80% of the institution"s costs; cash from North Korea, once a lifeline, has dried up.


Ethnic Koreans in Japan, who have grown up in a society that distrusts them, struggle with profound identity issues, says Sonia Ryang, a graduate of a North Korean school in Japan, and now a professor of anthropology at the University of Iowa. Many dislike the regime in Pyongyang but remain loyal out of respect for their parents or the desire to preserve their heritage.


The education minister, Hakubun Shimomura, said recently that, given the lack of progress on the abduction issue, people “will not understand” continued public funding for such schools. Ms Ryang is blunter about their future: “If you were to just leave Chongryon alone, it will die off in three years.”


From the print edition: Asia



2023-07-26 15:04:5511


2023-07-26 15:06:036


朝鲜民主主义人民共和国位于亚洲东部,朝鲜半岛北半部。北部与中国为邻,东北与俄罗斯接壤,南部以军事分界线三八线与韩国相邻。朝鲜半岛三面环海,东为日本海(包括东朝鲜湾),西南为黄海(包括西朝鲜湾)。山地约占国土面积80%。半岛海岸线全长约17300公里(包括岛屿海岸线)。地形地貌平壤地区在地质构造上属于形成于中生代侏罗纪的花岗岩和石灰岩地系,朝鲜称之为“大同系”。平壤地势较为平坦,地形主要以平原和丘陵为主,平均海拔27米。主要平原有平壤平原,面积950平方公里;顺安平原,面积为190平方公里。境内山峰(实为丘陵)主要有牡丹峰,高95米;烽火山,高196米;大城山之将帅峰,高270米;龙岳山,高292米。平壤市位于大同江下游,境内河流众多,主要有:大同江、普通江、南江、合掌江及上元江。岛屿有豆老岛,羊角岛。气候特征朝鲜属温带东亚季风气候。夏季温热多雨,冬季寒冷干燥,年平均气温8~12°C,年平均降水量1000~1200毫米六月到九月的降雨量为全年的70%。年均降水量约为1500毫米,降水量由南向北逐步减少。冬季平均气温为零度以下。夏季八月份最热,气温为25摄氏度。三、四月份和夏初时易受台风侵袭。有结冰期。人口民族截至2015年,朝鲜总人口25,155,000人。单一民族为朝鲜民族/韩民族,通用朝鲜语。语言朝鲜语:朝鲜半岛在20世纪前借用汉字作为书写工具。15世纪李氏朝鲜世宗国王遣人完成《训民正音》,参考汉字外型创造了全新的拼音文字“谚文”。由于当时朝鲜上层阶级的官员贵族们和正式书籍文本仍然使用汉文,谚文在数世纪间未能成为正式文字。谚文因多在没有受过正规教育的朝鲜人群中使用,而被两班抵制。直到二十世纪初期朝鲜被日本吞并后,谚文方逐步成为朝鲜族的主要书写工具。二战结束,朝韩分裂后,朝鲜彻底废除汉字在朝鲜文字中的使用,朝鲜语全部采用谚文字母拼写。韩国也一度废除汉字(国语纯化运动),但由于拼音文字所产生的诸多不便,后又恢复汉字基础教育以分辨同音词汇的不同意义。韩国的语言中10%左右是朝鲜语固有词,69%左右是汉语的变音,还有10%是英语的变音,剩下的则是其他语言的变音。韩语与朝鲜语略有不同。因为战后朝鲜半岛南北长期分裂,使得北南语言也出现差异。宗教天道教是朝鲜出现的第一个新兴宗教,初名东学,后称天道教,其源概出于始祖“道虽天道,学则东学”一语。天道教是崔济愚于1860年创立的。19世纪60年代的朝鲜王朝处于西方势力的威胁之下,崔济愚担心朝鲜传统的宗教将被天主教代替,所以综合了传统宗教的重要的因素,创立了天道教。当时它与“西学”对照,被称为“东学”。1905年被第三代教主孙秉熙(1861年—1922年)改东学教为“天道教”(与“天主教”对),他说:“儒之伦理、佛之觉性、仙之养气,乃人性之自然品赋,天道之固有部分,吾道乃其无极大源也”。其本质仍是中华三教合一思想。天道教作为独特的朝鲜宗教的一种,信仰地高神,强调信徒和神统一化(天道教的原理是,人与天道教的神乃是相同的,但人却不是天道教的神,人将天道教的神牢记在心,使之成为他的尊严的源泉,通过修炼,则可使自己与神合而为一。)并且基本上相信"治疗义礼"。朝鲜民主主义人民共和国的民主政党中有天道教青友党,主要由信仰天道教的农民组成。饮食朝鲜族居住于北方,又多从事水稻生产,直接影响其主食习惯的形成。在朝鲜族传统饮食中,稻谷类和蔬菜为基本饮食,菜肴通常以辣为特征。在日常饮食中,一般以米饭为主食,以菜汤为副食,兼备各种风味小菜。朝鲜族历来以素食为主,不喜欢吃油腻的食物,其饮食特点可以概括为辛辣、爽凉、清淡。朝鲜族风味小菜很有特点,以腌、拌为主要形式,尤其著名的是腌小菜,这是一年四季不可或缺的。朝鲜族很讲究腌,各家为腌小菜都备有大小不同的坛缸,腌菜有白菜、萝卜、缨菜、黄瓜、茄子、大头菜等,其中以辣白菜最为有名。每到秋季,朝鲜族妇女都会忙于腌白菜,这已成为朝鲜族地区一道独特的风景。除了腌菜以外,拌菜也是朝鲜族喜欢的菜肴之一,其种类甚多。朝鲜族善于用各种山菜、海产品诸如桔梗、沙参、蕨菜、野芹菜、海白菜、海菠菜和小鱼、蛎贝类等做拌菜。这种生拌菜在酒席上颇受欢迎,特别是生拌牛肉、生拌牛百叶更是传统酒席上不可或缺的美味佳肴。一般地说,朝鲜族喜欢吃狗肉。其中,狗肉汤很有特色。做汤时狗肉必须煮烂,吃时还要放点野香菜、辣椒油、花椒面、盐和酱油做的佐料等。盛夏喝一大碗狗肉汤,冒一身汗,就感觉全身舒服,精神爽快。狗肉汤滋补身体,驱热防暑,故有“三伏天喝狗肉汤,胜过人参鹿茸”之说,因而狗肉汤亦称“补身汤”。现在朝鲜族不分季节一年四季都吃狗肉汤,但吃狗肉有一禁忌,即逢年过节、操办婚丧事或搬家时不吃狗肉。烤肉也是朝鲜族喜爱的一种美味佳肴。朝鲜族烤肉一般使用牛肉、猪肉等,尤其喜欢烤牛肉。除了烤牛肉,鱼片、鸡肉片等也可以烤着吃,如今烤肉店里还备有鱿鱼、明太鱼等海产品和土豆片等。冷食类主食中,最受朝鲜族欢迎的食品当属冷面。冷面是用荞麦面、小麦面、淀粉等为料,用压面机(过去是木制压面机由人压)压成的。冷面非常讲究汤的味道,故有“十分汤,三分面”的说法。汤有肉汤、豆汁汤、泡菜汤等,最上等的冷面汤要算用野鸡或牛肉熬的汤。佐料有牛肉片或鸡肉丝、苹果片、鸡蛋丝、芝麻、香油、辣椒面、青酱、醋、味素等。冷面具有甜中带酸、香里透辣、凉爽开胃的特点,因此不分春夏秋冬,朝鲜族男女老少都爱吃。在朝鲜族饮食中还有许多特别食品,其中最具特色的是用米面做的各种糕类,其种类达30多种,主要在逢年过节或举行各种仪式时食用 。服饰朝鲜族传统服饰素净、淡雅,色彩以白色为主,象征纯洁、善良、高尚、神圣,因而朝鲜族素有“白衣民族”之称。朝鲜族传统服饰最大的特点是斜襟,无纽扣,以长布带打结。男女服饰迥然不同,男人穿裤,女人穿裙。男装衣短,裤长肥大,加穿坎肩,也有外着道袍或朝鲜长袍者。道袍是过去士大夫、儒生的常服,后成为男子出门时的礼服。长袍当大衣穿,有单、夹、棉之分。特点是裤裆和裤腿都较宽,裤脚系布带,便于盘腿席坐;妇女为短衣长裙,衣的长度刚能遮住乳房,衣有长长的白布带在右肩下方打蝴蝶结,长裙多有长皱褶,长及脚跟。裙有缠裙、筒裙、长裙、短裙、围裙之分。短衣,朝鲜语叫“则高利”,是一种斜领、无扣、以带打结、只遮盖到胸部的衣服;长裙,朝鲜语叫“契玛”,腰间有细褶,宽松飘逸。这种衣服大多用丝绸缝制,色彩十分鲜艳。年轻女子一般爱穿筒裙、短裙,老年妇女常穿缠裙、长裙。冬天,中老年妇女在上衣外加穿棉(皮)坎肩。朝鲜族服饰由于采用平面裁剪法,穿在身上,直线显得简洁明快,曲线则显得优雅而富于变化,完美地体现了服饰的直线美和曲线美。同时,朝鲜族服饰色彩的搭配遵循“阴阳五行”原理,利用服装的色彩和衣料的材质演绎不同风格,使比色搭配和近似色搭配相得益彰。但总体上以上衣用亮色、下衣用暗色最为古典。朝鲜族传统服饰多沿用朝鲜李朝时期的民间服饰,是朝鲜族在长期的生产、生活中不断演变、发展而逐渐形成和固定下来的,保留了朝鲜民间服饰的显著特点。此外,古代朝鲜的社会、文化、民俗等深受中原文化的影响,因而大量借鉴了中原隋唐时期的服饰,这对研究当时的社会生产、生活方式具有重要的参考价值。
2023-07-26 15:06:214


North Korea===========In the aftermath of the Japanese occupation of Korea, which ended with Japan"s defeat in World War II in 1945, the Soviet Union accepted the surrender of Japanese forces and controlled the area north of the 38th parallel, with the United States controlling the area south of this parallel. Virtually all Koreans welcomed liberation from Japanese imperial rule, yet objected to the re-imposition of foreign rule upon their country.On June 25, 1950, the (North) Korean People"s Army crossed the 38th parallel, with the war aim of peninsular reunification under their political system. The war continued until July 27, 1953, when the United Nations Command, the Korean People"s Army, and the Chinese People"s Volunteer Army signed the Korean War Armistice Agreement. Since that time the Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) has separated the North and South.North Korea is on the northern portion of the Korean Peninsula. It shares land borders with China and Russia to the north, and borders South Korea along the Korean Demilitarized Zone. To its west are the Yellow Sea and Korea Bay, and to its east lies Japan across the Sea of Japan. The highest point in North Korea is Paektu-san Mountain at 2,744 metres. The longest river is the Amnok River which flows for 790 kilometres.North Korea"s climate is relatively temperate, with precipitation heavier in summer during a short rainy season called changma, and winters that can be bitterly cold. For a week from 7 August 2007 the most devastating floods in 40 years caused the North Korean Government to ask for international help. NGOs, such as the Red Cross, asked people to raise funds because they feared a humanitarian catastrophe.The capital and largest city is Pyongyang; other major cities include Kaesong in the south, Sinuiju in the northwest, Wonsan and Hamhung in the east and Chongjin in the northeast.North Korea is widely considered to be a Stalinist dictatorship. The country"s government styles itself as following the Juche ideology of self reliance, developed by Kim Il-sung, the country"s former leader. The current leader is Kim Jong-il, the late president Kim Il-sung"s son. Relations are strongest with other officially socialist states, Vietnam, Laos, especially China and Russia, as well as with Cambodia and Myanmar.In the aftermath of the Korean War and throughout the 1960s, the country"s state-controlled economy grew at a significant rate. It was considered the second most industrialized nation in Asia, after Japan. During the 1970s, the expansion of North Korea"s economy, with the accompanying rise in living standards, came to an end, and a few decades later went into reverse. The country struggled throughout the 1990s, largely due to the loss of strategic trade arrangements with the USSR, and strained relations with China following China"s normalization with South Korea in 1992. In addition, North Korea experienced record-breaking floods in 1995 and 1996, followed by several years of equally severe drought, beginning in 1997. This situation, compounded by the existence of only 18 percent arable land and an inability to import goods necessary to sustain industry, led to an immense famine and left North Korea in economic shambles. Large numbers of North Koreans illegally entered the People"s Republic of China in search of food. Faced with a country in decay, Kim Jong-il adopted a "Military-First" policy to reinforce the regime.Although private property is still formally prohibited, the volume of private trade with China grows year by year. The collapse of the system of state allowances has also contributed to the growth of a multi-sector market economy. Collapse of large state-owned enterprises released a huge amount of workers who engage in cross-border trade with China. 你可以从中挑选一部分进行介绍,满意要采纳哦
2023-07-26 15:08:301

韩国一词的由来?这是个很严肃的问题。 英语里韩国是Korea,朝鲜是North Korea。

但是英文国际官方翻译韩国是South Korea,朝鲜才是Korea。应该注意这点。比如一些峰会,还有像奥运会这样的正式场合,没有用Korea表示韩国的。
2023-07-26 15:08:414


2023-07-26 15:08:542


2023-07-26 15:10:444

inside north korea (前进北韩) 英文对白

那应该是《潜入北韩》的记录片:解说如下:1:45 AM, the 38th parallel, along the border of North and South Korea. The 148-mile-long border is the most heavily militarized in the world. This joint South Korean-American platoon is on constant alert for infiltrators from the North. Behind these fences, North Korea has a million-man army, and now nuclear weapons, which they could use or possibly give away to terrorists. The soldiers can monitor every sound and movement close to the border, but what makes this place so dangerous is the uncertainty of what lies on the other side of the divide.North Korea is one of the most secretive countries on Earth. It"s regarded as an intelligence black hole. But we know some basic facts. North Korea is roughly the size of Mississippi. It has 23 million people, a showcase capital Pyongyang, and is completely controlled by Kim Jong-il. The Dear Leader is an absolute dictator, worshiped in a personality cult perhaps more extreme than any other in history."Kim Jong-il is the Son of God in North Korea. He is the state. The notion of questioning his ability to rule or what he does doesn"t enter into things."Everyone is trained from birth to love the Dear Leader. And no outside sources of information are allowed. Newspapers and television are controlled by the state. There is no Internet. Cell phones have been banned. And many don"t even know a man has walked on the moon."There is no freedom. It"s a country run in tyranny and dictatorship. I don"t think anyone can understand North Korea until they experience it."North Korea is known as the "hermit kingdom" because of its extreme isolation from the rest of the world. But on the other side of Asia, one man is literally planning to bring light to the darkness of North Korea. Nepalese eye surgeon Dr. Sanduk Ruit travels the world setting up eye clinics in developing countries. Dubbed "a miracle doctor" by the media, Ruit trains local doctors in inexpensive and effective treatments for cataracts. North Korea may be his biggest challenge yet. Thousands of people go blind due to a lack of even the most basic medical facilities."The annual number of surgeries performed is just, just very little, and the blindness magnitude is one of the highest in the world."Ruit plans to travel from Nepal to North Korea to do more than 1,000 surgeries in less than 10 days. His mission is purely humanitarian. What the North Koreans don"t know is that our camera crew is going with him."So what do you think of the camera so far, Dr. Ruit?""I think it"s big.""You think these cameras are big?"Our camera crew is posing as members of Dr. Ruit"s medical team. We are going to document his work and show the world what life is like inside North Korea. (Send it back. Be sure you won"t...) This meeting in a Katmandu hotel room will be the last time our team can converse in private."So there would be a North Korean man traveling with us the entire time (yes) from here to Pyongyang.""From here to Pyongyang and back to Katmandu."infiltrator: someone who takes up a position surreptitiously for the purpose of espionagecataract: opacity of the lens or capsule of the eye, causing impairment of vision or blindness视频的下载地址:
2023-07-26 15:11:021

中国和朝鲜的异同 Differences and similarities between China and North Korea.

经济方面的差异,因为建国初期,实行公社制度,打消了农民的积极性,因为大家不用种地国家也给饭菜吃,所以土地都荒芜了。所以现在经济产值很低。中国临近朝鲜的辽宁省年经济产值都比朝鲜全国的都高人文方面的差异,朝鲜大概是全世界目前最死板的国家了,不接受新鲜事物,自我封闭,思想保守,连古巴都开始改革了历史方面的差异,朝鲜半岛1000多年前处于三国分裂状态,其中一个国家叫做高句丽,一个叫新罗,一个叫百济后来在唐帝国的扶持下,新罗最终统一朝鲜半岛,然后又分裂,新的统一的国家叫做高丽然后高丽王朝又覆灭,新的国家又统一朝鲜半岛,名字叫朝鲜。朝鲜其实最初的读音并不是这样的,而是读zhao xian,朝阳的朝,鲜明的鲜。是明帝国的皇帝给命名的,取朝日鲜明之意,翻译成白话文就是清晨的国度。其实对于人民来说,都差不多,不过朝鲜半岛古代的最高统治者一直叫大王,而不叫皇帝,这是因为朝鲜离中国很近,而国家实力却远不如中国,以至于多次被中国征服,所以朝鲜半岛有记录以来的大部分时间是作为附属国存在的(指没有独立主权的国家实体)而皇帝在中国人心中的概念与西方人不同。西方人认为皇帝就是王,国王也是王,都是一样的。然而在东方,皇帝是至高无上的,人没有人能与皇帝平等,皇帝只能有一个。一般来讲,皇帝的儿子都叫做王,比如临淄王,定陶王,中山王,恭亲王,等等等等···所以王国要比帝国低一个等级。所以朝鲜的统治者不能称帝,因为宗主国不允许。所以他们的统治者常常叫国主,或者大王。现在南北朝鲜的英文名字多被称为korea,其实是朝鲜语词汇“高丽”的音译。我所了解的朝鲜大概就这些了,也许用谷歌翻译能翻译成英文
2023-07-26 15:11:091


世界上现有的社会主义国家共有五个:中华人民共和国、朝鲜民主主义人民共和国、越南社会主义共和国、老挝人民民主共和国、古巴共和国。下面详细介绍:1、中华人民共和国位于亚洲东部,太平洋西岸,是工人阶级领导的、以工农联盟为基础的人民民主专政的社会主义国家。1949年(己丑年)10月1日成立,以五星红旗为国旗,《义勇军进行曲》为国歌,国徽内容包括国旗、天安门、齿轮和麦稻穗。首都北京,省级行政区划为23个省、5个自治区、4个直辖市、2个特别行政区,是一个以汉族为主体民族,由56个民族构成的统一多民族国家,汉族占总人口的91.51%。2、朝鲜民主主义人民共和国简称“朝鲜”(North Korea)。是位于东亚朝鲜半岛北部的社会主义国家,执政党是朝鲜劳动党。南部与韩国以三八线朝韩非军事区分隔,北部与中华人民共和国和俄罗斯接壤,西临渤海,与山东半岛隔海相望,东临日本海。首都平壤。3、越南全称为越南社会主义共和国,简称越南,是亚洲的一个社会主义国家。位于东南亚的中南半岛东部,北与中国广西、云南接壤,西与老挝、柬埔寨交界,国土狭长,面积约33万平方公里,紧邻南海,海岸线长3260多公里,是以京族为主体的多民族国家。4、老挝人民民主共和国简称老挝,老挝是于中南半岛北部的内陆国家,北邻中国,南接柬埔寨,东临越南,西北达缅甸,西南毗连泰国,其国土面积23.68万平方公里,人口680万(2015年),首都是万象。5、古巴共和国简称古巴。国名源自泰诺语“coabana”,意为“肥沃之地”、“好地方”。是北美洲加勒比海北部的群岛国家,哈瓦那是古巴的经济、政治中心和首都。古巴岛是大安的列斯群岛中最大的岛屿,被誉为“墨西哥湾的钥匙”。古巴岛酷似鳄鱼,又被称为“加勒比海的绿色鳄鱼”。扩展资料:资本主义和社会主义的区别:1、从政治上:国家政权是掌握在无产阶级的手中还是掌握在资产阶级的手中,政府奉行的政策是主要维护无产阶级广大劳动人民的根本权益还是主要维护资产阶级统治阶层的根本权益,此二者是判定社会性质的标准。资本主义是资产阶级政党掌权,或实行资本主义的民主政治制度。2、从经济上:生产资料是以公有制为主体还是以私有制为主体是判定社会主义与资本主义的标准。资本主义以私营经济为主,没有政府干预或者政府干预很少。3、从文化上:国家和社会是倡导维护人民群众切身权益的文化习惯还是倡导符合资产阶级统治利益的“社会阶层文化”和“贫富差异文化”,各种腐朽思想和文化是否受到批判和摒弃是判定两种社会性质的标准。参考资料:社会主义-百度百科
2023-07-26 15:11:181


2023-07-26 15:11:565


2023-07-26 15:12:231


  韩国(Korea),全称大韩民国(ub300ud55cubbfcuad6d/大韩民国Daehan Minguk),简称韩国(ud55cuad6d/韩国 Hanguk),又称南韩、南朝鲜。那么,你知道韩国的英语怎么说吗?   韩国的英语释义:   Korea   Korean   Corea   South Korea   韩国的英语例句:   朝鲜和韩国的一种货币单位   A unit of currency in North Korea and South Korea.   韩国市场,韩国是一个新兴的潜力市场,国内光伏行业发展方兴未艾。   Korea is a potential new market with a growing solar industry.   韩国电影是对朝鲜政府这些言论的讽刺。   The dramas make a mockery of such claims.   此外,韩国政府还计划在此处修建一个淡水水库。   The government also plans to build a fresh water reservoir. 韩国英语怎么说   韩国国防部还表示,截至昨晚,它仍在搜集朝方第三枚导弹的发射资料。   It added that it was still looking into a third missile launch last night.   金价和银价均出现上涨。 图为八月,韩国一名工作人员正在称量金和银。   There is a silver lining to the gold rally.   韩国客商在公司。   Korean traveling merchants visited the company.   韩国人有著强烈的国家认同感。   Koreans have a strong national identity.   不过这一点让韩国曾经使用过的“事后结算”的做法更加有用。   But this difficulty makes the ex post settlement scheme all the more useful.   这次演习是韩国军事练习的一部分。   The drill was part of a military exercise.   韩国在日本以西。   Korea lies (to the) west of Japan.   韩国工匠把这种艺能带到了日本。   The Korean craftsmen took this artistic skill with them into Japan.   这也反映了中国是如何看待韩国的。   This reflects how China views Korea as well.   如果你的回答是较好的的政府管理能力,那你必须解释新加坡和韩国为什么可以而 其它 三个国家不行?   And if you answer better governance, then you have to explain why Singaporeand Korea got it and the other three did not?   我喜欢中国:我喜欢访问中国甚于访问韩国或日本。   I like China: I like visiting there more than Korea or Japan.   但是最近在学校了解到日本对韩国的统治以后,她开始对日本感到愤恨了。   But recently, after learning in school about what Japan did to Korea, she now hates Japan.   “韩国人和日本人会感到他们的自尊受到伤害如果一方输给了另一方”她说,“我总是被拿来和日本的运动员作比较,这是一种负担。   “Koreans and Japanese feel their pride hurt if one side loses to the other, ” shesaid. “Itu2019s a burden that Iu2019m always compared with the Japanese athletes.   韩国被强大的邻国包围,应该拿出一个计划,设法与它们共存。   Surrounded by powerful neighbors, Korea should come up with a plan to coexistwith them.   我向大家承诺我将尽我所能保证该峰会的成功,因此,我也希望能在韩国与你们大家再一次会面。   I assure you I will do best to make this summit a success. So I hope to see all ofyou in Korea.   另一个伯母——这位年岁较大,是一个真正的棕榈酒 爱好 者——不停地谈论着一位和韩国女人结婚的家族朋友。   Another aunt — this one elderly and a real lover of palm wine — went on and onabout a family friend who married a Korean woman.   这是从韩国进口的。   It is imported from Korea.   只有很少几个地区能在一秒钟之内完成委托执行,比如韩国.   There are only a few that operate below the one-second mark, like Korea.   “在加利福尼亚,我们用白板,在韩国他们用黑板,”她说。   "In California, we use white boards, while in Korea they use chalkboards, " shesays.   中国,日本和韩国已经成为绿色技术的领先生产者。   China, Japan, and Korea have become leading producers of green technology.   有些韩国人认为,这一改变意味着丧失了 文化 传统。   Some in Korea say the change means a loss of cultural heritage.   然而,我所知的韩国是一个勇于面对挑战的国家。   However, the Korea I know is a country that confronts its challenges.   不,这不是一部韩国电影的剧本。   No, it is not a Korean drama.   又如韩国的星际争霸,这样的游戏是如此流行,以至于联赛组织者所依赖的赞助商,完全不担心这个游戏发行了一年还是十二年。   Or StarCraft for Koreans. A game so popular that the tournament organiserscould rely on sponsors who do not care if the game is one year or twelve years old.   在将于下周召开的老虎论坛上,佐利克将与这13个老虎分布国以及德国、日本和韩国的国家首脑和部长们聚会。   At next weeku2019s Tiger Forum, Zoellick will join heads of state and ministers from the13 tiger-range countries, in addition to Germany, Japan and Korea.   否则我们就应该停止从印度或韩国引进教师,被那些拥有尖端科技的国家超越——那可是一种令人羞耻的衰落,和一种经济的灾难。   Otherwise we may end up having to import teachers from India or Korea, andbeing outclassed by those nations in frontier technology u2013 a shameful comedown,and an economic calamity.
2023-07-26 15:12:401


2023-07-26 15:12:488


朝鲜是 uc870uc120 韩国是ud55cuad6d不知道你要的是不是这个
2023-07-26 15:13:083


韩国全称“大韩民国”,位于朝鲜半岛南部,隔“三八线” 与朝鲜民主主义人民共和国相邻,面积9.93万平方公理, 南北长约500公里,东西宽约250公里,东濒日本海,西临黄海 ,东南与日本隔海相望。 韩国的地形特点是山地多,平原少,海岸线长而曲折。韩国四 季分明,气候温和、湿润。 目前韩国主要政党包括执政的新千年民主党和在野的大国家党、 自由民主联盟等,大 国家党为韩国会内的第一大党。 韩国首都为汉城,全国设有1个特别市(汉城市)、6个广域市( 釜山市、大邱市、仁 川市、光州市、大田市、蔚山市)、9个道(京畿道、江源道、 忠清北道、忠清南道、全 罗北道、全罗南道、庆尚北道、庆尚南道、济州道)。 海岸线全长5,259公里,主要港口 有釜山、仁川、浦项、蔚山、光阳等。
2023-07-26 15:13:162


官方目前的划定,亚洲国家有48个:东亚地区(5) :中国 首都:北京蒙古 首都:乌兰巴托朝鲜 首都:平壤韩国 首都:首尔(原来叫汉城,这名字改的太让人……算了,这里不谈政治)日本 首都:东京东南亚地区(11):越南 首都:河内老挝 首都:万象柬埔寨 首都:金边泰国 首都:曼谷缅甸 首都:仰光马来西亚 首都:吉隆坡新加坡 首都:新加坡印度尼西亚 首都:雅加达文莱 首都:斯里八家湾市菲律宾 首都:马尼拉东帝汶 首都:帝力南亚(7):印度 首都:新德里孟加拉国 首都:达卡不丹 首都:延布尼泊尔 首都:加德满都巴基斯坦 首都:伊斯兰堡斯里兰卡 首都:科伦坡马尔代夫 首都:马累西亚(20):沙特阿拉伯 首都:利雅得卡塔尔 首都:多哈巴林 首都:麦纳麦科威特 首都:科威特阿拉伯联合酋长国 首都:阿布扎哈阿曼 首都:马斯科特也门 首都:萨那格鲁吉亚 首都:第比利斯土耳其 首都:安卡拉黎巴嫩 首都:贝鲁特叙利亚 首都:大马士革以色列 首都:特拉维夫(有点争议,他自己法律规定的是耶路撒冷,不过政府还在特拉维夫)巴勒斯坦 首都:耶路撒冷(宣称,其实还不属于他)约旦 首都:安曼伊拉克 首都:巴格达伊朗 首都:德黑兰阿富汗 首都:咯布尔塞浦路斯 首都:尼克西亚亚美尼亚 首都:埃里温阿塞拜疆 首都:巴库中亚(5) :土库曼斯坦 首都:阿什哈巴德塔吉克斯坦 首都:杜尚别吉尔吉斯斯坦 首都:比什凯克乌兹别克斯坦 首都:塔什干哈萨克斯坦 首都:阿斯塔纳原来还有个锡金,不过已经被印度吞并了。北亚都是俄罗斯在亚洲的疆域,不过俄罗斯属于欧洲国家。
2023-07-26 15:13:5811

—Where is North Korea? —It lies ______ the northeast of China.

A 试题分析:在表示方位时, in表示A地在B地范围之内; to表示A地在B地范围之外,即二者之间有距离间隔; on表示A地与B地接壤、毗邻;at表示在一点。句意:朝鲜在哪儿?——它位于中国的东北部。结合常识可知朝鲜和中国毗邻。故选A。
2023-07-26 15:17:041


1.in表示A地在B地范围之内.如: Taiwan is in the southeast of China. 2.on表示A地与B地接壤、毗邻.如: North Korea is on the east of China.
2023-07-26 15:17:161


长白山Changbai Mountain,在北朝鲜叫做白头山Baekdu MountainBaekdu Mountain, also known as Changbai Mountain (when mentioned itself only) and Baitou Mountain (when mentioned with the Heaven Lake) in China, is a volcanic mountain on the border between North Korea and China.如果帮到你,请记得采纳,谢谢!
2023-07-26 15:17:381


on介词 prep. 1.在...上He laid a hand on my shoulder. 他把一只手放在我肩上。 2.以...支持,挂在...上;以...为轴There is a picture on the wall. 墙上有一幅画。 3.朝,向4.靠近,在...旁,沿着She stood on my left. 她站在我左边。 5.在...的时候,在...后立即He jumped with joy on hearing the news. 他一听到这个消息就高兴得跳了起来。 6.关于,有关The teacher made comments on our compositions. 老师就我们的作文作了讲评。 7.以...方式,通过Did you hear it on the radio? 你是从收音机听到这消息的吗? 8.凭...,靠...;使用...,吃...They said they were acting on instructions. 他们说他们是奉命行事。 9.处于...状态,进行中10.属于...,参加...,是...的成员He is on the school volleyball team. 他是校排球队队员。 11.加之于,重叠于12.由...支付Have another coffee on me. 再来一杯咖啡,我请客。 13.带在...身上副词 ad. 1.继续They talked on until midnight. 他们一直谈到深夜。 2.向前3.穿上,盖上,连接上It"s cold today. Why don"t you put your overcoat on? 今天很冷。为什么不把大衣穿上? 4.(机器)处于工作状态;开着;通着He left the engine on while waiting for Joe. 他在等候乔时让汽车引擎开着。 5.上演着;在进行中形容词 a. [Z]1.(机器等)工作着的,开着的2.正在上演的,在放映的What"s on for tonight at the cinema? 今晚电影院上映什么片子? 3.在发生的,在进行的The strike is still on. 现在仍在罢工。 4.菜单上有的,供应的I"d like to have some salmon if it is on. 如果有大马哈鱼供应,我想来一点。 5.【俚】知情的6.【美】【俚】醉了的
2023-07-26 15:17:484


2023-07-26 15:17:5915


2023-07-26 15:19:125


2023-07-26 15:19:4511


和中国的上世纪6 70年代差不多
2023-07-26 15:20:172


中华人民共和国 China 巴林 Bahrain 韩国 Korea 黎巴嫩 Lebanon 尼泊尔 Nepal 泰国 Thailand 巴基斯坦 Pakistan 阿拉伯联合酋长国United Arab Emirates 不丹 Bhutan 阿曼 Oman 阿塞拜疆 Azerbaijan 朝鲜 The Democratic People07s Republic of Korea 菲律宾 Philippines 柬埔寨 Cambodia 卡塔尔 Qatar 吉尔吉斯斯坦 Kirgizstan 马尔代夫 Maldives 马来西亚 Malaysia 蒙古 Mongolia 沙特阿拉伯 Arabia 塞浦路斯 Cyprus 文莱 Brunei 老挝 Lao 日本 JAPAN 土库曼斯坦 TURKMENISTAN 土耳其 Turkey 哈萨克斯坦 Kazakhstan 巴勒斯坦国 Palestine 塔吉克斯坦 Tajikistan 格鲁吉亚 Georjia 科威特 Kuwait 叙利亚 Syrian 印度 India 印度尼西亚 Indonesia 亚美尼亚 Armenia 阿富汗 Afghanistan 乌兹别克斯坦 Uzbekistan 斯里兰卡 Sri Lanka 伊拉克 Iraq 越南 Viet Nam 伊朗 Iran 也门 Yemen 约旦 Jordan 缅甸 Myanmar(Burma) 锡金 SIKKIM 孟加拉国 Bangladesh 新加坡 Singapore 以色列 Isreal
2023-07-26 15:20:282


您好:Very like the pattern of the roast string, a child in the Redstone opposite the hotel Jindalai North Korea restaurant to eat, fresh family later Jindal demolition has found no good taste kebab restaurant. This store in Meijiang, other diners Zhennai my blessing. Several characteristics of dishes: 1, roast string content is numerous, in addition to conventional projects, and bovine heart tube, sand dry, pork and many other characteristics of Korean pickled series; 2, roast string mode of human nature, characteristics of steel string design ensures the heat balance, taste great; 3, service in place, reasonable division of labor, speed. Personally very satisfied.非常喜欢这种模式的烤串,小时候在红石宾馆对面的金达莱朝鲜饭馆吃过,后来金达莱拆迁后就一直没有找到好口味的鲜族烤串馆子。这家店在梅江出现,真乃我等食客的福气。菜品几大特点:1、烤串内容众多,除常规项目外,还有牛心管、沙干、五花肉等诸多特色鲜族腌制串种;2、烤串方式人性化,特色钢串设计确保火候均衡,口感绝佳;3、服务到位、分工合理、速度快。个人很满意。希望对您的学习有帮助【满意请采纳】O(∩_∩)O谢谢欢迎追问O(∩_∩)O~祝学习进步~
2023-07-26 15:20:441

korea story是什么意思

2023-07-26 15:20:534


2023-07-26 15:21:234


2023-07-26 15:21:5810

帮忙把这个韩国的地名翻译成英语 韩国庆尚北道军威君水西农工团地701-5LNB 在线等。。。

North Korea is still way JunWei jun water west a&m group 701-5 LNB
2023-07-26 15:22:202


中国 China 北京 Beijing 汉语Chinese英国Britain/United Kingdom ;伦敦 London ;英语English美国America ;华盛顿(全称“华盛顿哥伦比亚特区”)Washington D.C. ;美语American English(美国人说美式英语)芬兰 Finland ;赫尔辛基 Helsinki ;芬兰语Finnish 意大利 Italy ;罗马 Rome ;意大利语Italian印度 India ; 新德里 New Delhi ; 印地语Hindi 印度尼西亚 Indonesia; 雅加达 Jakarta ; 印度尼西亚语Indonesia language日本 Japan; 东京 Tokyo; 日语Japanese马来西亚 Malaysia ;吉隆坡 Kuala Lumpur ; 马来语 Malayu朝鲜 North Korea ;平壤 P"yongyang; 鲜语Korean新加坡 Singapore ;新加坡 Singapore; 新加坡人最常用的语言是English和Chinese韩国 South Korea; 首尔 Seoul ;韩语Korean 泰国 Thailand; 曼谷 Bangkok; 泰语Thai 德国 Germany ;柏林 Berlin ;德语German法国 France ;巴黎 Paris; 法语French 希腊 Greece; 雅典 Athens; 希腊语Greek整理了一下,这些是比较常用到的~
2023-07-26 15:22:301

China must engage on North Korea,这个标题怎么翻译?

2023-07-26 15:22:492


问题一:韩国用英文怎么写 South Korea 只说Korea是不可以的哦 因为还有North Korea(朝鲜)呢 问题二:日本的英文怎么写 Japan 问题三:韩国英语怎么写 Korea 问题四:"韩国"的英文缩写是什么? 韩国是大韩民国的简称 大韩民国的英文是:The Republic Of K川rea 简写的话是South Korea 与朝鲜区分 朝鲜在韩国称为北韩 问题五:韩国地址 英文怎么写 Lee Tak-Ho, +80-01033656868 747-6, Wongok-dong, Danwon-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea 问题六:韩国英文简写是什么 韩国的国际域名英文简写为Kr 其础文全称为Republic of Korea,中文全称为大韩民国 值得注意的是,与韩国(南韩)接壤的朝鲜(北韩)的英文全称为Democratic People"s Republic of Korea,简写为Kp 问题七:韩国英文名字怎么写 5分 韩文名字: ??? ,韩国的英文名字是指? 问题八:韩国用英文怎么说 韩国(大韩民国)Republic of Korea 朝鲜(朝鲜民主主义人民共和国)Democratic People"s Republic of Korea Korea 音译自 “高丽” 问题九:韩国用英文怎么写 South Korea 只说Korea是不可以的哦 因为还有North Korea(朝鲜)呢 问题十:日韩英文怎么说 Japan and South Korea KKC OOCL MOL
2023-07-26 15:22:571


世界上现有的社会主义国家共有五个:中华人民共和国、朝鲜民主主义人民共和国、越南社会主义共和国、老挝人民民主共和国、古巴共和国。下面详细介绍:1、中华人民共和国位于亚洲东部,太平洋西岸,是工人阶级领导的、以工农联盟为基础的人民民主专政的社会主义国家。1949年(己丑年)10月1日成立,以五星红旗为国旗,《义勇军进行曲》为国歌,国徽内容包括国旗、天安门、齿轮和麦稻穗。首都北京,省级行政区划为23个省、5个自治区、4个直辖市、2个特别行政区,是一个以汉族为主体民族,由56个民族构成的统一多民族国家,汉族占总人口的91.51%。2、朝鲜民主主义人民共和国简称“朝鲜”(North Korea)。是位于东亚朝鲜半岛北部的社会主义国家,执政党是朝鲜劳动党。南部与韩国以三八线朝韩非军事区分隔,北部与中华人民共和国和俄罗斯接壤,西临渤海,与山东半岛隔海相望,东临日本海。首都平壤。3、越南全称为越南社会主义共和国,简称越南,是亚洲的一个社会主义国家。位于东南亚的中南半岛东部,北与中国广西、云南接壤,西与老挝、柬埔寨交界,国土狭长,面积约33万平方公里,紧邻南海,海岸线长3260多公里,是以京族为主体的多民族国家。4、老挝人民民主共和国简称老挝,老挝是于中南半岛北部的内陆国家,北邻中国,南接柬埔寨,东临越南,西北达缅甸,西南毗连泰国,其国土面积23.68万平方公里,人口680万(2015年),首都是万象。5、古巴共和国简称古巴。国名源自泰诺语“coabana”,意为“肥沃之地”、“好地方”。是北美洲加勒比海北部的群岛国家,哈瓦那是古巴的经济、政治中心和首都。古巴岛是大安的列斯群岛中最大的岛屿,被誉为“墨西哥湾的钥匙”。古巴岛酷似鳄鱼,又被称为“加勒比海的绿色鳄鱼”。扩展资料:资本主义和社会主义的区别:1、从政治上:国家政权是掌握在无产阶级的手中还是掌握在资产阶级的手中,政府奉行的政策是主要维护无产阶级广大劳动人民的根本权益还是主要维护资产阶级统治阶层的根本权益,此二者是判定社会性质的标准。资本主义是资产阶级政党掌权,或实行资本主义的民主政治制度。2、从经济上:生产资料是以公有制为主体还是以私有制为主体是判定社会主义与资本主义的标准。资本主义以私营经济为主,没有政府干预或者政府干预很少。3、从文化上:国家和社会是倡导维护人民群众切身权益的文化习惯还是倡导符合资产阶级统治利益的“社会阶层文化”和“贫富差异文化”,各种腐朽思想和文化是否受到批判和摒弃是判定两种社会性质的标准。参考资料:社会主义-百度百科
2023-07-26 15:23:161

More signs of transition in North Korea,怎么翻译这个标题?

2023-07-26 15:23:552


2023-07-26 15:24:186

It is reported that North Korea once agreed to _________its neclear program in exchange for eco...

B 试题分析:句意:据报道朝鲜曾经同意放弃核项目为了交换获得经济援助和安全担保。A投入,奉献;B放弃;C促成,投稿;D适应,改编。根据句意判断选B。
2023-07-26 15:24:431


2023-07-26 15:24:533

29.North Korea has always sought for a direct talk with the US, without China________ .  involved

2023-07-26 15:25:014


7、A 。总统解释道,税收的目的是给政府支出提供资金,finance,为……供给资金。18、A.这个年轻的职员有一种令人尊敬的品质——他很诚实approachable adj.可亲近的; 可接近的decent adj.正派的; 得体的; (服装等)相称的,合宜的; 相当好的;admirable adj.令人钦佩的; 极好的,绝妙的; 值得赞扬的; 可贵; respectable adj.可敬的; 品行端正的; 可观的,相当大的; 体面的; 指因品质、人格或身份等高尚或高贵而受到他人的尊敬。 望采纳
2023-07-26 15:10:541


bruno mars的marry you歌词是it"s a beautiful night we"re looking for something dumb to do 夜色如此美丽让我们做些可爱的蠢事吧hey baby i think i wanna marry you 我的宝贝我只想和你结婚is it the look in your eyes or is it this dancing juice是因为你的眼神迷离或是因为你的舞跳的太蹁跹who cares baby, i think i wanna marry you这些都无所谓宝贝,我只想和你结婚well i know this little chapel on the boulevard 我知道林荫小道上有一座小教堂we can go 我们可以去no one will know没有人会察觉oh come on girl 来吧姑娘who cares if we"re trashed 没人在乎我们是否烂醉如泥got a pocket full of cash we can blow我们带着满满的现金shots of patrol 把最贵的鸡尾酒挥霍殆尽and it"s on girl 这就来了姑娘don"t say no no no no no 别说不不不..just say yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah 快说好好好..and we"ll go go go go go 我们这就走走走..if you"re ready, like i"m ready 只要你和我一样迫不及待cos it"s a beautiful night we"re looking for something dumb to do 夜色如此美丽 让我们做些可爱的蠢事hey baby i think i wanna marry you 我的宝贝我只想和你结婚is it the look in your eyes or is it this dancing juice 是因为你的眼神迷离或是因为你的舞跳的太蹁跹who cares baby, i think i wanna marry you 这些都无所谓宝贝,我只想和你结婚oh ~哇哦~just say i do 告诉我 你愿意tell me right now baby 告诉我 宝贝tell me right now baby, baby 现在就告诉我 宝贝just say i do 告诉我 你愿意tell me right now baby 告诉我 宝贝tell me right now baby, baby 现在就告诉我 宝贝oh ~哇哦~it"s a beautiful night we"re looking for something dumb to do夜色如此美丽 让我们做些可爱的蠢事hey baby i think i wanna marry you 我的宝贝我只想和你结婚is it the look in your eyes or is it this dancing juice 是因为你的眼神迷离或是因为你的舞跳的太蹁跹who cares baby, i think i wanna marry you这些都无所谓宝贝,我只想和你结婚
2023-07-26 15:11:011

Women are more approachable in twos作什么成分?

in twos作宾语approachable的补足语
2023-07-26 15:11:033


2023-07-26 15:11:051


  对话的进行形式,大部分都是以两人为主的。下面是我给大家整理的简单两人英语小对话,供大家参阅!   简单两人英语小对话: travel   A: Hi, Mark! Long time no see!   B: Hi, Alex!   A: Where have you been?   B:I just got back from London.   A:How was your flight?   B:It was OK. There was a lot of turbulence, though.   A: Thatu2019s too bad . how long was the flight?   B: It was 10 hours.   A:Did you have a layover?   B: Yes, in paris, France.   A: Did you buy anything in the duty-free stores?   B:Yes. I bought two boxed of chocolate ? one for me and one for you!   A: Oh, you didnu2019t have to u2026   B: It was nothing.   Intermediate   A: How can I help you?   B: I seem to have lost my train ticket.   A: Whatu2019s your destination?   B: Iu2019m supposed to be going to ShangHai.   A: OK. When is your train supposed to leave?   B: Itu2019s supposed to leave in 30 minutes.   A: Oh, dear. Whatu2019s your last name, please?   B: S M I T H.   A: And your passport number?   B: Z3264356.   A: Let me seeu2026it doesnu2019t look like we have any information about your ticket here.   B: Is there anything you can do for me? If I donu2019t make it to ShangHai in time, my wife is going go kill me.   A:Oh dear. Iu2019m really sorry , sir. But you donu2019t have any proof of purchase. Youu2019ll simply have to purchase another ticket.   B: How much is that going to cost me?   A: It depends on how you want to travel. If you want a soft sleeper, it will cost 610 RMB; if you want a hard seat, it will only cost 100RMB.   B: I canu2019t possibly travel on a hard seat for 10 hour!   A: Looks like you might like the soft sleeper then.   B: Yes, fine. Let me see how much money I have I my wallet.   A: u2026sir?   B: Whereu2019s my wallet? Someone has stolen my wallet!   A: Perhaps itu2019s in your other pocket.   B: Youu2019re right. It is. Let me have a look. I have 419.6RMB. is that enough?   A: Youu2019re just 4 mao short for the hard sleeper, but Iu2019ll let it go. Anything for love!   B: Thanks, mau2019am. Youu2019re a lifesaver!   简单两人英语小对话:酒店   A:Good morning,the Halent Hotel.How may I help you?   B:Good morning.Iu2019d like to book a room for Friday night and Saturday night.   A:Certainly.What kind of room would you like?   B:A single room please.I hope you are not fully booked.   A:A single room,thatu2019s fine.And whose name shall I make the booking?   B:Jones.According to your website,the nightly rate is $50,including breakfast.   A:We offer a 20% discount for guests staying on Friday and Saturday.The total cost will be $80,including breakfast.   B:Thank you very much.I look forward to seeing you on Friday.   A:Could I just take your credit card number please?I should mention that there is a cancellation charge of $20.   B:Thatu2019s fine.My credit card number isu2026u2026u2026   Intermediate:   A:Did you enjoy your weekend at the Halent Hotel?I hear itu2019s an excellent place to stay and has good facilities.   B:I had a wonderful time.The rooms are not very big,but they are well furnished.The restaurant is excellent and reasonably priced.There is a sauna and a Jacuzzi.   A:Do they have a swimming pool?   B:No, they donu2019t.They have a beauty parlor,but I didnu2019t go there.   A:Whatu2019s the service like?   B:Itu2019s very good.Check in and check out at reception only took a few minutes.The wait staff are very good.A waiter recommended their baked fish,which tasted wonderful.The hotel was quite full.So I suggest making a reservation if you intend to go there.The hotel offers the discount at the weekends.   A:It sounds perfect.Did you have any complaints at all?   B:There was a problem with the Internet access.So I couldnu2019t check my E-mail.But I didnu2019t complain about it to the management.   A:I suppose you were happy to forget about the outside world.   B:Yes,I was.Hereu2019s their business card.   A:Thanks.Was there a mina bar in the room?   B;No,there wasnu2019t.There is a bar on the ground floor,and of course,you can buy drinks in the restaurant to go with your meal.   A:One of the things I dislike about hotels is that everyone expects tips.   B:I know.At the Halent Hotel,they have an interesting policy.When you check out,you put money in a special box at reception.Each evening,the money in the box is shared equally by the hotel staff.   简单两人英语小对话:交通运输   A:Do you think we should travel by bus or by train?   B:It"s a difficult choice.The train is a little faster,but much more expensive.   A:We could face delays if we travel by bus,thanks to traffic jams.   B:Buses are more crampt and you can"t walk around.   A:That"s true.But I feel that I see more when I travel by bus.   B:Really?I think you see more traveling by train.   A:So which form of transport do you prefer to use?   B:I prefer going by train,even though it costs more.   A:Ok,then we"ll go by train.I"m sure we"ll have a good journey.Shall we go to the station and buy the tickets?   B:The trains aren"t usually full.We can get them on the day we travel.We should buy return tickets,because they are much cheaper than getting 2 singles.   A:We should take a packed lunch on the journey.The food they sell on the trains is always expensive.   Intermediate:   A:How do you think the transport system in our city could be improved?   B:I think that the public transport system could be made simpler.I never know where the bus routes actually go.The routes seem too twist and turn rather than going roughly in the straight line.   A:I think we just need to build more roads.Then there will be more space for cars to drive and we"d have fewer traffic jams.   B:If we build more roads,people would just fill them with cars again.I think we should discourage people from using their cars.   A:How would you do that?   B:I think we should do a few things at once.Improving public trasport would incourage people to use that.If we also charge people to use their cars in the city center,they won"t use their cars as much.   A:I don"t know.I think it"s unfair to make drivers pay more money.They already pay a lot of tax,petrol tax,for example.   B:I think that they should pay more tax.Look at the damage they cause to the environment and people"s health by discharging all those exhaust fumes.   A:The air would certainly be cleaner if there are fewer cars being used in the city.The problem is the people will see it as reducing their freedom.It will be unpopular.   B:That"s a good point.Car owners will probably be against it.But people who use public trasport will be in favor of it.   以上是我整理所得,欢迎大家阅读和收藏。
2023-07-26 15:11:071


2023-07-26 15:10:475

ready ,approachable,probable available区别

您好,这四个单词的区别为probable 意为极有可能的; available=that can be gotten, seen or used.可得到使用等;approachable=able to be reached 可接近的。
2023-07-26 15:10:471


上面的人都说的很清楚了,还有月光的云海,the rain,summer.是《菊次郎的夏天》的曲子,虽然不是宫崎老师的作品,但是他御用曲人久石让的作曲,还有天空之城的各种音料版本,个人认为那个是最好听的
2023-07-26 15:10:464

Marry you 火星哥英文歌词

2023-07-26 15:10:412


美”味十足说英语——美国俚语1.a beauty 一件令人难忘的或漂亮的事物(常带有讽刺)Eg.- Is this new car yours? -yeah.How du you like it? 你觉得它怎么样? -An absolute beauty!引申:I care for drinking coffee with him.我喜欢和他一起喝咖啡2. a picec of cake轻松易做的事情,小菜一碟,确保成功 引申:-May I ask you a quertion? -You bet.当然可以 Party Animal:a person who loves to elebrate wildly,ot enthuslastic party goer喜欢纵情玩乐的人,或是喜欢参加晚会的人 arm and a leg一大笔钱(被看作是一种牺牲) Eg.-How much are they?-$186.They cost me an arm and a leg.很贵,186-A little bit,but you get what you pay fot.是有点贵,不过一分钱一分货嘛Stylish时髦的,漂亮的4.Are you pulling my leg?你在开玩笑吧? 引申:-I"m in the bad mood.-What happened on earth? mad as a wet hen极度生气 Eg.-I was as a wet hen today.-Could you tell me a little more about what"s troubling you?你能不能详细地说说你的苦恼?-I felt unfairly treated.6.bad news危险的,惹麻烦的 Eg.-I"ve been sick to my stomach and throwing up.我一直恶心呕吐-I"m sorry to hear that.Is it bad news?你的病危险吗?-I"m afraid I"ll die.7.bananas疯狂的,神智不正常的 Eg.-Why do you look so bananas?为什么你看起来如此疯狂? -I"ve just received a notice of acceptance from Harvard University.They"ve given me a scholarship.我刚刚收到哈佛大学的入学通知书 Solace安慰8.bat 500成功一半 Eg.You"ve been battiong 500 ever since you got the new job.得到这份新工作,你就等于成功了一半 引申:I bet you can.我确信你能做到 -You look great,Jason.Something funny? -You said it.你说对了 all ears专心听,洗耳恭听 Eg.-Hey,Mark.Long time no see.What"s up?你好吗 -Not much.What about you?一般般 -pretty good.Are you free tomorrow?I want to chat with you. -I"d love to,but tomorrow is problem.What about Sunday? -Okey,I"m dying to tell you about my trip.我想早点告诉你我的旅途见闻 -Then I must be all all thumbs不灵活或动手能力差,笨拙的 Eg.Would you do up these buttons for me?I seem to be all thumbs today. 你能帮我系一下扣子吗?我今天显得笨手笨脚的 old hat过时的,平凡的,不再令人兴奋的 Eg.-I…I think I should find someone to help me. -You can"t just turn up at any old hat,you must suport yourself. 你不能老用这种方式,你应该依靠自己 -But I can"t find another way.12.beat one"s head against the wall徒劳,劳而无功 Eg.-I"m very concerned about finding a job.我很担心找工作的事 -Take your time.Have you checked with the employment resource enter here at school? 别急慢慢来。你去学校就业资源中心查询过吗? -No,but I think I just beat my head against the wall.没有,我想那只是徒劳。不会有什么结果的 -Are you on any medication?你在服药治疗吗? -Yes.But I beat my head against the wall.是的,但那也没用13.big cheese重要的或是有影响力的人物 Eg.You are really a big cheese!I"ve known you for a long time.我早就听说你是一个很有影响力的人物 hat道德败坏的人物(尤指在西方故事中) Eg.-My God!What are you saying?你在说些什么?- John played with Viola.He asked her to transfer 250000dollars to his account.他玩弄了她,他让她把250000美元转到他账下- He is a real black hat.他简直是个十恶不赦的坏蛋15.Break a leg!做得好! Eg.-Could we make it specially? -Break a leg!I"m all for that.干得好!我完全赞成16.break one"s neck努力工作,全力以赴 Eg.-Although I have broken my neck to read this book,I still can"t understand its profound meaning.(The Scrlet Letter by Hawthone) 《红字》 虽然我已经倾尽全力读这本书,但我还是领会不出它的深刻含义 -I suggest you read his bilgraphy fist.我提议你先读一下他的传记17.butterflies in one"s stomach紧张的情绪,不安的感觉(由于受到惊吓),害怕的期待Eg.I always get butterfles in my stomach when I stand on the platform. 我站在讲台前总是很紧张 the farm死亡,被杀死 Eg.-He can"t buy the farm.别杀他 -Remember love makes the world go around.记住爱使世界更温暖19.cat男人(尤指一个有品味的男人) Eg.-I think Forrest Gump is a true cat.我认为阿甘是个真正的男人 -He?There is no gentleman in the world if he is.如果他也算有品味的男人,那这世界上就没有绅士了。He"s not a cat,nerver.他从来不讲究,没品位20.catch some rays日光浴,晒太阳 Eg.-I"m going to hit the beach and catch some rays.去沙滩上晒晒太阳 -Don"t forget to call me on if you do go.如果你真的去的话别忘了叫上我21.chichen懦夫,胆小怕事的人(也作形容词用) Eg.Try it,don"t be so chichen.Never give up any opportunity.22.climb the walls厌烦透了 Eg.-He climbs the wall.Someone stole his car! -That"s really tough.那可真倒霉23.cook the books做假账(为非法目的) Eg,-Honesty is the most important thing in one"s work. -I can"t agree with you more.Especially do financial job.You must never cook the books.Or you"ll be canned/dismissed.(解雇)尤其做财经工作的24.Did a good job做得很好,干得不错 Eg.-I got an A in the exam. -You did a good job.I often burn the midnight oil.But I never got an A.我经常熬夜学习 -There"s no wrong with hard working.But you should put more thoughts on how to study.努力学习并没错,但你还应该多想想如何学 -That makes a sense here!Thank you a lot!你说的很有道理 -Any time!25.dirty work琐碎的工作 Eg.-I"m almost driven mad! -What"s the matter? -As we see,Amy just sits there giving orders while we do all the dirty work.我们都看到了,Amy只是坐在那里发号施令,而我们却做着所有琐碎的工作26.do发型,发式 Eg.-I like your new do,it makes you look more lovely. -You are so nice saying so.你真会恭维人 -I am telling you the truth.You do look beautiful.你确实看起来很漂亮27.doggy bag打包袋 Eg.-How about roast duck? -It"s just the way I like it.But …I can"t finish this now.Waiter,I"ll ask for a doggy bag.正合我的口味 引申:-A table for two,please. -All right.How about this one by the window? -May I take your order now,sir?28.dress to kill穿着很优雅、迷人 Eg.-Am I charming today? -Yes.You dress to kill29.drink like a fish喝酒过量 Eg.-Well,Here"s to both of you!祝贺你们,我敬你们二位 -You shoule also drink a lot. -Sorry,I"m sick to my stomach.The doctor told me not to drink like a fish. 对不起,我有胃病。医生告诉我不要饮酒过量30.drop one"s teeth非常惊奇、震惊 Eg.-David!Fancy meeting you here!真想不到会在这儿遇到你 -Oh,deer!It drops my teeth!After so many years…真是令人惊奇! -You"re the last person I expected to meet here我怎么也想象不到会在这遇到你 worker/operator捷足先登的人 Eg.-Ann,watch out for Charlie,becaust he"s a fast operator with the ladies. Ann,小心防着Charlie,他总是能很快得到女人的芳心 -That"s beyond my expection.I disgust this sort of man. 出乎我的意料,我讨厌这种人 lunch天上掉馅饼,免费品(尤用于否定句) Eg.-President,how will you serve the country?你会怎样为国服务 -I have nothing to offer but blood,sweat and tears.除了热血、辛劳、汗水和眼泪,我没有其他可奉献的了 -Do you think our country will win the war? -Certainly.But we can"t get free lunch!We must make great effort.33.fruitcake非常怪异的人 Eg.After drinking,you were nutty as a fruitcake.酒后,你及其疯狂34.funny business非法行为或活动,诈骗 Eg.Honey,don"t do any funny business again.You know lies can"t hide facts. 你知道谎言掩盖不了事实35.Get a life!别傻了!别烦我了! Eg.-I think you"d better go see a doctor at once. -No,I hate taking medicine.If I can stand it perhaps I"ll get well -Get a life!You don"t know how you got it,do you?你知道自己如何得病的吗36.Get real!不要太荒唐!不要异想天开了!没有弄错吧? Eg.-I can"t believe it!I heard Max got A in the exam.He is a hero! -Get real!Everyone knows how he got A except you. -How on earth did he get it?他究竟是怎样得到的?37.give sb. a run for his/her money令人敬佩的对手 Eg.-I heard you got a job. -I"m not sure.A few applicants gave me a run for my money. 我没把握。有几个求职者都是令人敬佩的对手38.give someone five拍手以示欢迎或祝贺 Eg.-Ok,she first one is Mr.Albert.And give him five!欢迎 -Thank you,everyone!Thanks for giving me a chance. -What a pleasant surprise running into you!碰见你真是太棒了39.Go fly a kite!滚开!别烦我! Eg.-Why did you rurn off my phone? -You didn"t pay bills for three months in a row.你已连续三个月未交电话费了 -Go fly a kite!You must have made a mistake.40.go-go girl/dancer在迪厅或夜总会跳舞的女郎(尤指跳单人舞) Eg.Are you falling in love with a go-go girl?41.Go jump in the lake!滚开!别烦我! Eg.-George,how can you beat Joe? -Go jump in the lake!And mind your own business!滚开!少管闲事!42.go native入乡随俗(尤指经济不发达地区)/do as Romans do. Eg.-You"ve been here for a long time.Are you fit fot Chinese foods? -Go native!I like it very much.43.go out like a light晕倒,失去知觉 Eg.-What seems to be the trouble?什么地方觉得不舒服 -I"ll go out like a light. -Mm,you do look rather pale.Let"s take your blood pressure.You have high blood pressure,I"ll give you a prescription.药方Please come again if you don"t feel any better-My migraines have been more frequent this month than before. 我的周期性头痛比以前更加频繁了-I"ll write you a prescription for a new medicine that is very effective.我给你开一种新药,这种药非常有效.-Is it possible that I"ll go out like a light?-Don"t worry.This medicine hasn"t any by-effets.这种药没有副作用44.go places前途无量 Eg.-I haven"t seen you for ages!我已经好长时间没见到你了! -During this period I have been studying hard!I want to get the MA in advertisement! -If you succeed,you"ll go places! 45.go round and round争论不休 Eg.-They are going round and round about which is born fiest the egg or the chick. -Meaningless!真无聊46.happy hour酒品打折 Eg.-Christmas is coming.Our shop will have a happy hour tonight. -Great.Let"s have a good time.First,two glasses of drinks. 太好了,咱们畅饮一番吧,先来两杯酒。47.have seen better days衰落,已经过了鼎盛时期了 Eg.-Look!What a shame!These beautiful flowers have seen better days. 看!多可惜啊!这些漂亮的花都凋落了 -I don"t think so.It is only a natrual phenomenon.Now,they drupped.But in spring,they will bloom 开放again.现在他们凋落了。 -I"m going to seek a job in other enterprises.我想在其他的公司另谋出路48. Hey,what do you say?嘿!近来怎么样?49.Hold the phone!等等!不干了!不要这么快! Eg.Hold the phone!I"d like a change.Apple juice instead of orange sense常识 Eg.-Could you tell me what"s the Flower of America? -Rose,of course.It"s a horse sense.Becaouse Americans think that Rose represents Love,peace,friendship and courage.
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