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fall out boy 的centuries、the Phoenix贝斯谱或者鼓谱

2023-07-28 08:22:36
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Centuries - Fall Out Boy.mp3: http://2dbkqn.m***********.com/file/22215238-413040582 找到了,找了好久,点击普通下载就可以了。◕‿◕。


The phoenix谐音中文

非尼克丝柯林斯英汉双解大词典 phoenix /u02c8fiu02d0nu026aks/ CET6 TEM4 ( phoenixes )1. N-COUNT A phoenix is an imaginary bird that, according to ancient stories, burns itself to ashes every five hundred years and is then born again. 凤凰 [usu sing]2. N-SING If you describe someone or something as a phoenix, you mean that they return again after seeming to disappear or be destroyed. 失而复现或毁而再生者 [文学性]例:Out of the ashes of the economic shambles, a phoenix of recovery can arise.复苏之凤会从经济废墟的灰烬中腾飞而起。
2023-07-26 14:48:251

the phoenix mv什么意思

【俱乐部成员(Board Members):】 ... 戈黛娃夫人(Lady Godill-a)的丈夫麦西亚伯爵利奥夫里克(Leofric, Earl of Mercia ) 凤凰(The Phoenix) 足球(The football) ...
2023-07-26 14:48:332

the phoenix是什么电影

《The Phoenix》是美国摇滚乐队打倒男孩演唱的歌曲,由帕特里克·斯特普、皮特·温兹、乔·特洛曼、安迪·赫里作词作曲。《Phoenix》中文名《不死鸟》,2014年克利斯蒂安·佩措尔德执导的电影。电影讲述了一个从纳粹集中营幸存下来的女人,回到战后的柏林,在城市的废墟上,寻找着可能已背叛了自己的丈夫。电影的豆瓣评分挺高的,你如果对这种电影感兴趣可以一看
2023-07-26 14:48:401

The Phoenix歌词翻译

The Phoenix有有有,点击我戳我简芥~…,可以了解一下,里面有很多哦
2023-07-26 14:48:484


1. ThePhoenix的文言文歌词是怎么来的,解释一下来历摇滚音乐 爱问知 purple,名词,紫色、紫袍、帝王之位。 紫色这种颜色的来历很有趣,因为古人没有现代的化工产品,他们想把衣服染色,只能寻找自然界中的染料,而紫色的染料主要是从一种地中海的海螺分泌的液体里取得的,古希腊人管这种海螺叫porphura,这也是英文中“purple/紫色”的词源。 由于这种海螺得个子非常小,而且捕捞起来很困难,所以紫色颜料的提炼成本非常高,而用这种昂贵的颜色布料做成的衣服也相应的非常奢侈,所以只有贵族、王室等才能穿的起,因此至今英文中purple紫色都还有“高贵”“财富”的含义。 可以理解记忆有: 下列内容: Phoenician腓尼基人(腓尼基是地中海沿岸古国,位置在现代的黎巴嫩,正是他们发明了从海螺中提取紫色颜料的方法,并借此大发其财,Phoenician的字面意思就是land of the purple紫色之地); phoenix凤凰(字面意思据说是紫红色的鸟,Phoenix菲尼克斯则是美国西南部Arizona亚利桑那州的首府,NBA球队Phoenix Suns菲尼克斯太阳队来自这里); purpura【医】紫癜病; 还有词组purple heart紫心勋章(美国 *** 1932年起授予作战中受伤的士兵); purple prose(也可以是purple passage或者purple patch,表示一篇枯燥的文章或诗歌中相对华丽、优美的段落); 网友蒋盼盼说南京的“Purple Mountain”是紫金山,但后来发现Washington华盛顿同样有一座山叫“Purple Mountain”。 另外purple rain紫雨是美国80年代能与Michael Jackson迈克尔。 杰克逊抗衡的歌星Prince王子的一首成名曲,不过他所有的歌都给我比较怪异的感觉,大家可以点击视频欣赏。 adj。 紫色的, 紫红色的[诗]鲜红的, 血腥的 词藻华丽的, 华而不实的帝王的, 皇家的 *** 的 purple passage, purple patch词藻绚丽的段落, 华而不实的章句 He has a taste for purple prose。 他喜欢风格华丽的散文。 [5pE:pl] be born in [to] the purple 生于皇室[贵族] marry into the purple 嫁到显贵人家 raise to the purple 使(某人)当皇帝 使(某人)升为红衣主。 2. 山雉凤凰 译文 山雉凤凰 2006年1月22日 [古文] 楚人有担山雉者,路人问何鸟也,担雉者欺之曰:“凤凰。” 路人曰:“我闻有凤凰,今直见之。汝贩之乎?”曰:“然。” 则十金,弗与。请加倍,乃与之。 将欲献楚王,经宿而鸟死。路人不遑惜金,惟恨不得以献楚王。 国人传之,咸以为真凤凰,贵,欲以献之。遂闻楚王,王感其欲献于己,召而厚赐之,过于买鸟之金十倍。 评注: 在同等的条件下,诚心所获得的回报,一定比欺骗所得到的高太多太多。在现实中,诚心总是比不诚心的少很多。 所以获得高回报的,总是很少。〔现代汉语〕 一个楚国人为了把山鸡卖出去,谎称自己手里拿的是一只凤凰。 一个过路人相信了他的话,拿出二十金把它买了下来。过路人想把凤凰献给楚王,没想到过了一夜,山鸡就死了。 过路人并不痛惜金钱,只恨没能把凤凰献给楚王。这件事在全国传开,人们都以为那山鸡是只真凤凰。 楚王得知这件事后,也被臣民的一片忠心所感动,于是召见了要献凤凰的人,给了他买凤凰钱十倍的赏赐。[英文] Pheasant and Phoenix A person in the state of Chu, trying to sell his pheasant, lied to people by saying that what was in his hand was a phoenix. A passerby believed him and bought it for enty pieces of gold. The passerby wanted to present it to the king of the state of Chu. But out of his expectation, the pheasant died the next day. The passerby did not value the money but regret that he could not present it to the king. This story went around the whole country, and every one believed that it was a true phoenix. Hearing of this, the king of the state of Chu was moved by the loyalty of his subjects. The king then called in the man who had wanted to present the phoenix, and gave him awards that were worth ten times the money he had paid for the pheasant.。 3. FALL out boy Put on your war paint 画上战妆 You are a brick tied to me that"s dragging me down 你就像是一块系在我身上的砖块,把我一直向下拖 Strike a match and I"ll burn you to the ground 划着一根火柴,我将把你烧的乌有 We are the jack-o-lanterns in July 我们是七月的南瓜灯 Setting fire to the sky 给天空点亮颜色 Here es this rising tide 在这次潮起的时候来吧 Put on your war paint 画上战妆 Cross walks and crossed hearts and hope-to-dies 带上十字架,赶赴战场,准备战死沙场 Silver clouds with grey linings 银色灰色交织的天空 So we can take the world back from the heart-attacked 我把拯救世界 One maniac at a time we will take it back 几乎疯狂地拯救它。 Time crawls on when you"re waiting for the song to start 在我们等待歌曲开始的时候,时间已经悄然流逝 So dance alone to the beat of your heart 那么就随着心得节奏起舞吧。 Hey young blood 年轻的血液 Doesn"t it feel 难道没感觉到 Like our time is running out 时间正在流逝吗? I"m gonna change you like a remix 我将要改变你 Then I"ll raise you like a phoenix 我将要你想凤凰一样升起 You"re wearing our vintage misery 你沉浸在忧郁之中 No; I think it looked a little better on me 现在我的身上也感染了这种忧伤 I"m gonna change you like a remix 我将要改变你 Then I"ll raise you like a phoenix 我将要你想凤凰一样升起 Bring home the boys and scrap metal the tanks 把战士们和坦克的金属碎片带回啦 Get hitched and make a career out of robbing banks 结婚吧,然后以抢劫银行为业 Because the world is just a teller and 因为世界知识一个诉说者 We are wearing black masks而我们正带着黑色的面具 “You broke our spirit,” says the note we pass “你正破坏着我们的精神支柱”我们传递的纸条上明确的显示着。 The war is won战争在它开始之前就已经胜利了 Before it"s begun Release the doves 让鸽子们重获自由吧 Surrender love让爱投降吧 Wave the white flag 摇动白棋 话说文言文无能为力。 4. 古文“路人献雉”的解释 [古文] 楚人有担山雉者,路人问何鸟也,担雉者欺之曰:“凤凰。”路人曰:“我闻有凤凰,今直见之。汝贩之乎?”曰:“然。”则十金,弗与。请加倍,乃与之。将欲献楚王,经宿而鸟死。路人不遑惜金,惟恨不得以献楚王。国人传之,咸以为真凤凰,贵,欲以献之。遂闻楚王,王感其欲献于己,召而厚赐之,过于买鸟之金十倍。 评注: 在同等的条件下,诚心所获得的回报,一定比欺骗所得到的高太多太多。在现实中,诚心总是比不诚心的少很多。所以获得高回报的,总是很少。 〔现代汉语〕 一个楚国人为了把山鸡卖出去,谎称自己手里拿的是一只凤凰。一个过路人相信了他的话,拿出二十金把它买了下来。过路人想把凤凰献给楚王,没想到过了一夜,山鸡就死了。过路人并不痛惜金钱,只恨没能把凤凰献给楚王。这件事在全国传开,人们都以为那山鸡是只真凤凰。楚王得知这件事后,也被臣民的一片忠心所感动,于是召见了要献凤凰的人,给了他买凤凰钱十倍的赏赐。 [英文] Pheasant and Phoenix A person in the state of Chu, trying to sell his pheasant, lied to people by saying that what was in his hand was a phoenix. A passerby believed him and bought it for enty pieces of gold. The passerby wanted to present it to the king of the state of Chu. But out of his expectation, the pheasant died the next day. The passerby did not value the money but regret that he could not present it to the king. This story went around the whole country, and every one believed that it was a true phoenix. Hearing of this, the king of the state of Chu was moved by the loyalty of his subjects. The king then called in the man who had wanted to present the phoenix, and gave him awards that were worth ten times the money he had paid for the pheasant. 5. thephoenix要的是中文但不是歌词是那种翻译有人知道吗 Put on your war paint 画上战妆You are a brick tied to me that"s dragging me down 你就像是一块系在我身上的砖块,把我一直向下拖Strike a match and I"ll burn you to the ground 划着一根火柴,我将把你烧的乌有We are the jack-o-lanterns in July 我们是七月的南瓜灯Setting fire to the sky 给天空点亮颜色Here es this rising tide 在这次潮起的时候来吧Put on your war paint 画上战妆Cross walks and crossed hearts and hope-to-dies 带上十字架,赶赴战场,准备战死沙场Silver clouds with grey linings 银色灰色交织的天空So we can take the world back from the heart-attacked 我把拯救世界One maniac at a time we will take it back 几乎疯狂地拯救它。 Time crawls on when you"re waiting for the song to start 在我们等待歌曲开始的时候,时间已经悄然流逝 So dance alone to the beat of your heart 那么就随着心得节奏起舞吧。Hey young blood 年轻的血液Doesn"t it feel 难道没感觉到Like our time is running out 时间正在流逝吗?I"m gonna change you like a remix 我将要改变你Then I"ll raise you like a phoenix 我将要你想凤凰一样升起You"re wearing our vintage misery 你沉浸在忧郁之中No; I think it looked a little better on me 现在我的身上也感染了这种忧伤I"m gonna change you like a remix 我将要改变你Then I"ll raise you like a phoenix 我将要你想凤凰一样升起Bring home the boys and scrap metal the tanks 把战士们和坦克的金属碎片带回啦Get hitched and make a career out of robbing banks 结婚吧,然后以抢劫银行为业Because the world is just a teller and 因为世界知识一个诉说者We are wearing black masks而我们正带着黑色的面具“You broke our spirit,” says the note we pass “你正破坏着我们的精神支柱”我们传递的纸条上明确的显示着。 The war is won战争在它开始之前就已经胜利了Before it"s begunRelease the doves 让鸽子们重获自由吧Surrender love让爱投降吧Wave the white flag 摇动白棋。 6. 山雉凤凰 译文 山雉凤凰 2006年1月22日 [古文] 楚人有担山雉者,路人问何鸟也,担雉者欺之曰:“凤凰。”路人曰:“我闻有凤凰,今直见之。汝贩之乎?”曰:“然。”则十金,弗与。请加倍,乃与之。将欲献楚王,经宿而鸟死。路人不遑惜金,惟恨不得以献楚王。国人传之,咸以为真凤凰,贵,欲以献之。遂闻楚王,王感其欲献于己,召而厚赐之,过于买鸟之金十倍。 评注: 在同等的条件下,诚心所获得的回报,一定比欺骗所得到的高太多太多。在现实中,诚心总是比不诚心的少很多。所以获得高回报的,总是很少。 〔现代汉语〕 一个楚国人为了把山鸡卖出去,谎称自己手里拿的是一只凤凰。一个过路人相信了他的话,拿出二十金把它买了下来。过路人想把凤凰献给楚王,没想到过了一夜,山鸡就死了。过路人并不痛惜金钱,只恨没能把凤凰献给楚王。这件事在全国传开,人们都以为那山鸡是只真凤凰。楚王得知这件事后,也被臣民的一片忠心所感动,于是召见了要献凤凰的人,给了他买凤凰钱十倍的赏赐。 [英文] Pheasant and Phoenix A person in the state of Chu, trying to sell his pheasant, lied to people by saying that what was in his hand was a phoenix. A passerby believed him and bought it for enty pieces of gold. The passerby wanted to present it to the king of the state of Chu. But out of his expectation, the pheasant died the next day. The passerby did not value the money but regret that he could not present it to the king. This story went around the whole country, and every one believed that it was a true phoenix. Hearing of this, the king of the state of Chu was moved by the loyalty of his subjects. The king then called in the man who had wanted to present the phoenix, and gave him awards that were worth ten times the money he had paid for the pheasant. 7. 《路人献稚》译文 一个挑着野鸡的楚国人。 一个过路的人问他说:“这是什么鸟?”挑着野鸡的人欺骗他说:“是凤凰。”过路的人说:“我听说过凤凰,今天恰巧看到了它。 你卖给我?”挑着野鸡的楚国人说:“好的。”过路的人用十个货币买了下来,买野鸡的人不给;要他加价,才给他。 那人想要把它献给楚王,经过一夜凤凰就死了。过路人来不及痛惜他的钱,只遗憾不能够把凤凰献给楚王。 全国人都在传这件事,都认为是真的凤凰。赞赏想要献给楚王凤凰的人,就被楚王听到了。 楚王被他要献凤凰的精神所感动。让他过来厚厚地赏赐了他,比买凤凰的价钱超过十倍。
2023-07-26 14:49:161


2023-07-26 14:49:242


1. ThePhoenix的文言文歌词是怎么来的,解释一下来历摇滚音乐 爱问知 purple,名词,紫色、紫袍、帝王之位。 紫色这种颜色的来历很有趣,因为古人没有现代的化工产品,他们想把衣服染色,只能寻找自然界中的染料,而紫色的染料主要是从一种地中海的海螺分泌的液体里取得的,古希腊人管这种海螺叫porphura,这也是英文中“purple/紫色”的词源。 由于这种海螺得个子非常小,而且捕捞起来很困难,所以紫色颜料的提炼成本非常高,而用这种昂贵的颜色布料做成的衣服也相应的非常奢侈,所以只有贵族、王室等才能穿的起,因此至今英文中purple紫色都还有“高贵”“财富”的含义。 可以理解记忆有: 下列内容: Phoenician腓尼基人(腓尼基是地中海沿岸古国,位置在现代的黎巴嫩,正是他们发明了从海螺中提取紫色颜料的方法,并借此大发其财,Phoenician的字面意思就是land of the purple紫色之地); phoenix凤凰(字面意思据说是紫红色的鸟,Phoenix菲尼克斯则是美国西南部Arizona亚利桑那州的首府,NBA球队Phoenix Suns菲尼克斯太阳队来自这里); purpura【医】紫癜病; 还有词组purple heart紫心勋章(美国 *** 1932年起授予作战中受伤的士兵); purple prose(也可以是purple passage或者purple patch,表示一篇枯燥的文章或诗歌中相对华丽、优美的段落); 网友蒋盼盼说南京的“Purple Mountain”是紫金山,但后来发现Washington华盛顿同样有一座山叫“Purple Mountain”。 另外purple rain紫雨是美国80年代能与Michael Jackson迈克尔。 杰克逊抗衡的歌星Prince王子的一首成名曲,不过他所有的歌都给我比较怪异的感觉,大家可以点击视频欣赏。 adj。 紫色的, 紫红色的[诗]鲜红的, 血腥的 词藻华丽的, 华而不实的帝王的, 皇家的 *** 的 purple passage, purple patch词藻绚丽的段落, 华而不实的章句 He has a taste for purple prose。 他喜欢风格华丽的散文。 [5pE:pl] be born in [to] the purple 生于皇室[贵族] marry into the purple 嫁到显贵人家 raise to the purple 使(某人)当皇帝 使(某人)升为红衣主。 2. thephoenix中文歌词 Put on your war paint 画上战妆 You are a brick tied to me that"s dragging me down 你就像是一块系在我身上的砖块,把我一直向下拖 Strike a match and I"ll burn you to the ground 划着一根火柴,我将把你烧的乌有 We are the jack-o-lanterns in July 我们是七月的南瓜灯 Setting fire to the sky 给天空点亮颜色 Here es this rising tide 在这次潮起的时候来吧 Put on your war paint 画上战妆 Cross walks and crossed hearts and hope-to-dies 带上十字架,赶赴战场,准备战死沙场 Silver clouds with grey linings 银色灰色交织的天空 So we can take the world back from the heart-attacked 我把拯救世界 One maniac at a time we will take it back 几乎疯狂地拯救它。 Time crawls on when you"re waiting for the song to start 在我们等待歌曲开始的时候,时间已经悄然流逝 So dance alone to the beat of your heart 那么就随着心得节奏起舞吧。 Hey young blood 年轻的血液 Doesn"t it feel 难道没感觉到 Like our time is running out 时间正在流逝吗? I"m gonna change you like a remix 我将要改变你 Then I"ll raise you like a phoenix 我将要你想凤凰一样升起 You"re wearing our vintage misery 你沉浸在忧郁之中 No; I think it looked a little better on me 现在我的身上也感染了这种忧伤 I"m gonna change you like a remix 我将要改变你 Then I"ll raise you like a phoenix 我将要你想凤凰一样升起 Bring home the boys and scrap metal the tanks 把战士们和坦克的金属碎片带回啦 Get hitched and make a career out of robbing banks 结婚吧,然后以抢劫银行为业 Because the world is just a teller and 因为世界知识一个诉说者 We are wearing black masks而我们正带着黑色的面具 “You broke our spirit,” says the note we pass “你正破坏着我们的精神支柱”我们传递的纸条上明确的显示着。 The war is won战争在它开始之前就已经胜利了 Before it"s begun Release the doves 让鸽子们重获自由吧 Surrender love让爱投降吧 Wave the white flag 摇动白棋 3. The Phoenix歌词翻译 歌词翻译:Put on your war paint 披上你的战妆吧 You are a brick tied to me that"s dragging me down 你虽如巨石加身将我拽入深渊 Strike a match and I"ll burn you to the ground 但我会划亮火柴将你烧至乌有 We are the jack-o-lanterns in July 我们如七月的南瓜灯 Setting fire to the sky 恣意燃烧划破天际 Here, here es this rising tide 而如今潮涨来袭危机四起 So e on 吾辈尽将奔赴战场英勇杀敌 Put on your war paint 披上你的戎装吧 Cross walks and crossed hearts and hope-to-dies 吾愿背负十字,默默祈祷,战死沙场 Silver clouds with grey linings 而我已经看见乌云背后胜利的曙光 So we can take the world back from a heart attack 我们终将从失落暴戾手中夺回城池 One maniac at a time we will take it back 甚至一个狂躁的战士就够了 You know time crawls on when you"re waiting for the song to start 你也知道当你在等待战歌响起之时时间也在匆匆流逝 So dance alone to the beat of your heart 所以独自随心舞动吧 Hey! young blood!嘿!年轻人!Doesn"t it feel like our time is running out?你难道感受不到时光飞逝所剩无几?I"m going to change you like a remix 我一定会像混音一样天翻地覆地改造你 Then I"ll raise you like a phoenix 接着你便会如凤凰涅磐般崛起 Wearing our vintage misery 我们都带着曾经的苦难忧伤 No, I think it looked a little better on me 不,我觉得我伤的更深懂得愈多 I"m gonna change you like a remix 我定会像混音样改变你 Then I"ll raise you like a phoenix 然后再让你如凤凰般涅槃翻飞 Bring home the boys and scrap scrap metal the tanks 带上那些战争中的热血少年和坦克碎片回家吧 Get hitched, make a career out of robbing banks 结个婚,然后说不定以抢银行度过余生 Because the world is just a teller and we are wearing black masks 因为世间只讲述历史而我们只是活在黑暗笼罩下的普通人"You broke our spirit," says the note we pass 而那转手相传的纸条上赫然写着“你击垮了我们的精神” So we can take the world back from a heart attack 所以我们终将夺回这个世界 One maniac at a time we will take it back 有时一个疯子就够了 You know time crawls on when you"re waiting for the song to start 你也知道当你在等待战歌响起之时时间也在匆匆流逝 So dance alone to the beat of your heart 所以独自随心而动吧 Hey! young blood!嘿!热血青年!Doesn"t it feel like our time is running out?你难道感受不到大限将至吗?I"m going to change you like a remix 我一定会像混音一样天翻地覆地改造你 Then I"ll raise you like a phoenix 接着你便会如凤凰涅磐般崛起 Wearing our vintage misery 我们都带着曾经同样的苦难忧伤 No, I think it looked a little better on me 不,我还是觉得我理解更深 I"m gonna change you like a remix 我定会像混音样改变你 Then I"ll raise you like a phoenix 然后再让你如凤凰般涅槃翻飞 Put on your war paint 画上你战争所需的伪装吧 The war is won, before it"s begun 这场恶斗我们不战而胜 Release the doves, surrender love 放飞和平,交出了爱 The war is won, before it"s begun 这场恶斗我们不战而胜 Release the doves, surrender love 放飞和平,拥抱了爱 The war is won, before it"s begun 这场恶斗们不战而胜 Release the doves, surrender love (Wave the white flag!) 放飞和平,交出了爱(白旗挥舞) The war is won, before it"s begun (Wave the white flag!) 这场恶斗我们不战而胜 Release the doves, surrender love (Wave the white flag!) 放飞和平,拥抱了爱(白旗舞动) Heyyyyyyyy 嘿!Young Blood!热爱摇滚的年轻人们!Doesn"t it feel like our time is running out?你们难道感受不到我们都命不久矣?I"m going to change you like a remix 我一定会像混音一样天翻地覆地改造你 Then I"ll raise you like a phoenix 接着你便会如凤凰涅磐般崛起 Wearing our vintage misery 我们都带着曾经同样的苦难忧伤 No, I think it looked a little better on me 不,我还是觉得我理解更深 I"m gonna change you like a remix 我定会像混音样改变你 Then I"ll raise you like a phoenix 然后再让你如凤凰般涅槃翻飞 Hey! young blood!嘿! *** 四溢的热血青年们!Doesn"t it feel like our time is running out?你们难道感受不到大限将至吗?I"m going to change you like a remix 我一定会像混音一样天翻地覆地改造你 Then I"ll raise you like a phoenix 接着你便会如凤凰涅磐般崛起 Put on your war paint 还请画好你的战妆 扩展资料 《The Phoenix》是美国摇滚乐队Fall out boy演唱的歌曲,由帕特里克·斯特普、皮特·温兹、乔·特洛曼、安迪·赫里作词作曲,收录在打倒男孩第五张录音室专辑《Save Rock and Roll》中。 创作背景:打倒男孩主唱帕特里克·斯特普受到了前苏联作曲家肖斯塔科维奇的启发。歌词的灵感源自马特·狄龙执导的电影《大河边缘》。 获奖:歌曲于2014年4月13日在英国40强摇滚和金属单曲榜登顶。2013年6月13日,歌曲获得英国Kerrang!音乐奖“最佳单曲”奖项 。 4. The Phoenix 歌词 《The Phoenix》演唱: Fall Out Boy 所属专辑:《Save Rock and Roll》发行时间:2013-07-16歌词对照:Put on your war paint 画上战妆 You are a brick tied to me 你就像是一块系在我身上的砖块 that"s dragging me down 把我一直向下拖 Strike a match and I"ll burn you to the ground 划着一根火柴,我将把你烧的乌有 We are the jack-o-lanterns in July 我们是七月的南瓜灯 Setting fire to the sky 给天空点亮颜色 Here, here es this rising tide 在这次潮起的时候来吧 so e on 来吧 Put on your war paint 画上战妆 Cross walks and crossed hearts and hope to die 带上十字架,赶赴战场,准备战死沙场 Seal the clouds with grey lining 银色灰色交织的天空 So we can take the world back from a heart attack 我们可以把世界从心碎中拯救 One maniac at a time we will take it back 几乎疯狂地拯救它 You know time crawls on when 在我们等待歌曲开始的时候 you"re waiting for the song to start 时间已经悄然流逝 So dance along to the beat of your heart 那么就随着心得节奏起舞吧 Hey Youngblood doesn"t it feel like 年轻的血液 难道没感觉到 our time is running out 时间正在流逝吗? I"m gonna change you like a remix 我将要改变你 Then I"ll raise you like a phoenix 我将要你像凤凰一样升起 Wearing all vintage misery 你沉浸在忧郁之中 No I think it looked a little better on me 现在我的身上也感染了这种忧伤 I"m gonna change you like a remix 我将要改变你 Then I"ll raise you like a phoenix 我将要你像凤凰一样升起 Bring home the boys in scraps 把战士们和坦克的 Scrap metal the tanks 金属碎片带回啦 Get hitched make a career out of robbing banks 结婚吧 然后以抢劫银行为业 Because the world is just a teller 因为世界只是一个诉说者 and we are wearing black 而我们正带着黑色的面具 She broke our spirits with no impact 你正破坏着我们的精神支柱,我们传递的纸条上明确显示着 So we can take the world back from a heart attack 我们可以把世界从心碎中拯救 One maniac at a time we will take it back 几乎疯狂地拯救它 You know time crawls on when 在我们等待歌曲开始的时候 you"re waiting for the song to start 时间已经悄然流逝 So dance along to the beat of your heart 那么就随着心得节奏起舞吧 Hey Youngblood doesn"t it feel like 年轻的血液难道没感觉到 our time is running out 时间正在流逝吗? I"m gonna change you like a remix 我将要改变你 Then I"ll raise you like a phoenix 我将要你像凤凰一样升起 Wearing all vintage misery 你沉浸在忧郁之中 No I think it looked a little better on me 现在我的身上也感染了这种忧伤 I"m gonna change you like a remix 我将要改变你 Then I"ll raise you like a phoenix 我将要你像凤凰一样升起 Put on your war paint 画上战妆 The war is won 战争在它开始之前 before it"s begun 就已经胜利了 Release the doves 让鸽子们重获自由吧 Surrender love 让爱投降吧 The war is won 战争在它开始之前 before it"s begun 就已经胜利了 Release the doves 让鸽子们重获自由吧 Surrender love 让爱投降吧 The war is won 战争在它开始之前 before it"s begun 就已经胜利了 Release the doves 让鸽子们重获自由吧 Surrender love 让爱投降吧 The war is won 战争在它开始之前 before it"s begun 就已经胜利了 Release the doves 让鸽子们重获自由吧 Surrender love 让爱投降吧 Hey 嘿 Youngblood doesn"t it feel 年轻的血液难道没感觉到 Like our time is running out 时间正在流逝吗? I"m gonna change you like a remix 我将要改变你 Then I"ll raise you like a phoenix 我将要你像凤凰一样升起 Wearing all vintage misery 你沉浸在忧郁之中 No I think it looked a little better on me 现在我的身上也感染了这种忧伤 I"m gonna change you like a remix 我将要改变你 Then I"ll raise you like a phoenix 我将要你像凤凰一样升起 Hey Youngblood doesn"t it feel 年轻的血液难道没感觉到 Like our time is running out 时间正在流逝吗? I"m gonna change you like a remix 我将要改变你 Then I"ll raise you like a phoenix 我将要你像凤凰一样升起 Put on your war paint 画上战妆。 5. 求《The Phoenix》—— fall out boy 歌词及中文对照翻译 ut on your war paintYou are a brick tied to me that"s dragging me downStrike a match and I"ll burn you to the groundWe are the jack-o-lanterns in JulySetting fire to the skyHere, here es this rising tideSo e onPut on your war paintCross walks and crossed hearts and hope-to-diesSilver clouds with grey liningsSo we can take the world back from the heart-attackedOne maniac at a time we will take it backYou know time crawls on when you"re waiting for the song to startSo dance along to the beat of your heartHey young bloodDoesn"t it feelLike our time is running outI"m gonna change you like a remixThen I"ll raise you like a phoenixYou"re wearing our vintage miseryNo, I think it looked a little better on meI"m gonna change you like a remixThen I"ll raise you like a phoenixBring home the boys and scrap scrap metal the tanksGet hitched and make a career out of robbing banksBecause the world is just a teller andWe are wearing black masks"You broke our spirit," says the note we passSo we can take the world back from the heart-attackedOne maniac at a time we will take it backYou know time crawls on when you"re waiting for the song to startSo dance along to the beat of your heartHey young bloodDoesn"t it feelLike our time is running outI"m gonna change you like a remixThen I"ll raise you like a phoenixYou"re wearing our vintage miseryNo, I think it looked a little better on meI"m gonna change you like a remixThen I"ll raise you like a phoenixPut on your war paintThe war is wonBefore it"s begunRelease the dovesSurrender love[x4](Wave the white flag!)Hey young bloodDoesn"t it feelLike our time is running outI"m gonna change you like a remixThen I"ll raise you like a phoenixYou"re wearing our vintage miseryNo, I think it looked a little better on meI"m gonna change you like a remixThen I"ll raise you like a phoenixHey young bloodDoesn"t it feelLike our time is running outI"m gonna change you like a remixThen I"ll raise you like a phoenixPut on your war paint中午我是无能为力了。 6. The phoenix谐音中文 非尼克丝 柯林斯英汉双解大词典 phoenix /u02c8fiu02d0nu026aks/ CET6 TEM4 ( phoenixes ) 1. N-COUNT A phoenix is an imaginary bird that, according to ancient stories, burns itself to ashes every five hundred years and is then born again. 凤凰 [usu sing] 2. N-SING If you describe someone or something as a phoenix, you mean that they return again after seeming to disappear or be destroyed. 失而复现或毁而再生者 [文学性] 例: Out of the ashes of the economic shambles, a phoenix of recovery can arise. 复苏之凤会从经济废墟的灰烬中腾飞而起。
2023-07-26 14:49:311


Put on your war paint 画上战妆You are a brick tied to me that"s dragging me down 你就像是一块系在我身上的砖块,把我一直向下拖Strike a match and I"ll burn you to the ground 划着一根火柴,我将把你烧的乌有We are the jack-o-lanterns in July 我们是七月的南瓜灯Setting fire to the sky 给天空点亮颜色Here comes this rising tide 在这次潮起的时候来吧Put on your war paint 画上战妆Cross walks and crossed hearts and hope-to-dies 带上十字架,赶赴战场,准备战死沙场Silver clouds with grey linings 银色灰色交织的天空So we can take the world back from the heart-attacked 我把拯救世界One maniac at a time we will take it back 几乎疯狂地拯救它。Time crawls on when you"re waiting for the song to start 在我们等待歌曲开始的时候,时间已经悄然流逝 So dance alone to the beat of your heart 那么就随着心得节奏起舞吧。Hey young blood 年轻的血液Doesn"t it feel 难道没感觉到Like our time is running out 时间正在流逝吗?I"m gonna change you like a remix 我将要改变你Then I"ll raise you like a phoenix 我将要你想凤凰一样升起You"re wearing our vintage misery 你沉浸在忧郁之中No; I think it looked a little better on me 现在我的身上也感染了这种忧伤I"m gonna change you like a remix 我将要改变你Then I"ll raise you like a phoenix 我将要你想凤凰一样升起Bring home the boys and scrap metal the tanks 把战士们和坦克的金属碎片带回啦Get hitched and make a career out of robbing banks 结婚吧,然后以抢劫银行为业Because the world is just a teller and 因为世界知识一个诉说者We are wearing black masks而我们正带着黑色的面具“You broke our spirit,” says the note we pass “你正破坏着我们的精神支柱”我们传递的纸条上明确的显示着。The war is won战争在它开始之前就已经胜利了Before it"s begunRelease the doves 让鸽子们重获自由吧Surrender love让爱投降吧Wave the white flag 摇动白棋
2023-07-26 14:49:391

谁有The Phoenix的谐音翻译啊?可以直接唱出来的那种,不是纯英语

2023-07-26 14:50:144


你好【火凤凰】huofenghuang[释义][电影] Red Phoenix; [网络]The Fate; Fiery Phoenix; [例句]1988年的汉城奥运会犹如一只浴火的凤凰,令五环终于飘扬在亚洲的天空;The Seoul Olympics in 1988 as a thermal bath of the Phoenix, pentacyclic finally flying in the skies of Asia;
2023-07-26 14:50:212

求类似于“The Phoenix”的燃曲

2023-07-26 14:50:291

求Fall Out Boy 《Uma Thurman》和《The Phoenix》百度云链接mp3

The Phoenix-《FIFAonline3》游戏音乐 - Fall Out Boy.mp3下载: 亲亲我找到了,点击普通下载即可^_^
2023-07-26 14:50:391

Fall out boy的the Phoenix为什么要用那个专辑封面

  save rock and roll的专辑封面?还是单曲封面?  Fall out boy(中译名:闹翻天男孩),是来自芝加哥的一个摇滚乐队,组建于2001年,曾入围格莱美。充满年轻活力朝气,畅快将庞克的不羁气焰完全释放,些许EMO风格夹带流畅声线。
2023-07-26 14:50:561

求类似于The Phoenix的歌

the phoenix是Fall Out boys的歌 个人觉得他们的歌都还蛮激情的~还有一首叫Immortals 是大白电影里的配乐 也超好听的~
2023-07-26 14:51:031

the phoenix 的mv什么意思

2023-07-26 14:51:101

想学唱the phoenix但是不会英文 有木有大神给弄个中文音译。就是用汉字唱英文的那个!!

2023-07-26 14:51:171

英文小说 凤凰 中文翻译the phoenix by sylvia v towns

2023-07-26 14:51:271

a new play is on at the Phoenix句中的on是什么意思

on 播放 一个新节目正在凤凰台播放
2023-07-26 14:51:461

fall out boy的 the phoenix mv什么意思

2023-07-26 14:51:562

the phoenix 古文歌词

Put on your war paint 画上战妆You are a brick tied to me that"s dragging me down 你就像是一块系在我身上的砖块,把我一直向下拖Strike a match and I"ll burn you to the ground 划着一根火柴,我将把你烧的乌有We are the jack-o-lanterns in July 我们是七月的Setting fire to the sky 给天空点亮颜色Here comes this rising tide 在这次潮起的时候来吧Put on your war paint 画上战妆Cross walks and crossed hearts and hope-to-dies 带上,赶赴战场,准备战死沙场Silver clouds with grey linings 银色灰色交织的天空So we can take the world back from the heart-attacked 我把拯救世界One maniac at a time we will take it back 几乎疯狂地拯救它。Time crawls on when you"re waiting for the song to start 在我们等待歌曲开始的时候,时间已经悄然流逝 So dance alone to the beat of your heart 那么就随着心得节奏起舞吧。Hey young 年轻的血液Doesn"t it feel 难道没感觉到Like our time is running out 时间正在流逝吗?I"m gonna change you like a remix 我将要改变你Then I"ll raise you like a phoenix 我将要你想凤凰一样升起You"re wearing our 你沉浸在忧郁之中No; I think it looked a little better on me 现在我的身上也感染了这种忧伤I"m gonna change you like a remix 我将要改变你Then I"ll raise you like a phoenix 我将要你想凤凰一样升起Bring home and scrap metal the tanks 把战士们和坦克的金属碎片带回啦Get hitched and make a career out of robbing banks ,然后以抢劫银行为业Because the world is just a teller and 因为一个诉说者We are wearing black masks而我们正带着黑色的面具“You broke our spirit,” says the note we pass “你正破坏着我们的”我们传递的纸条上明确的显示着。The war is won战争在它开始之前就已经胜利了Before it"s begunRelease the 让鸽子们重获自由吧Surrender love让爱Wave the 摇动白棋
2023-07-26 14:52:031

求一首英文歌like a like a

2023-07-26 14:52:125


1.英文原名:Harry Potter and the Philosopher"s Stone (1997年6月26日) 美国版小说及电影名: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer"s Stone 简体译名: 《哈利·波特与魔法石》(2000年9月,曹苏玲、马爱农译) 正体译名: 《哈利波特—神秘的魔法石》(2000年6月23日,彭倩文译) 故事发生时间:1981年、1991年─1992年 电影公映日期:2001年11月15日 电影全球票房排名:第4名(截至2007年02月24日) 2.英文原名:Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (1998年7月2日) 简体译名:《哈利·波特与密室》(2000年9月日,马爱新译) 正体译名:《哈利波特—消失的密室》(2000年12月22日,彭倩文译) 故事发生时间:1992年─1993年 电影公映日期:2002年11月16日 电影全球票房排名:第10名(截至2007年02月24日) 3.英文原名:Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (1999年9月8日) 简体译名:《哈利·波特与阿兹卡班的囚徒》(2000年9月,郑须弥译) 正体译名:《哈利波特—阿玆卡班的逃犯》(2001年6月22日,彭倩文译) 故事发生时间:1993年─1994年 电影公映日期:2004年06月04日 电影全球票房排名:第17名(截至2007年02月24日) 4.英文原名:Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2000年7月8日) 简体译名:《哈利·波特与火焰杯》(2001年5月,马爱新译) 正体译名:《哈利波特—火杯的考验》(2001年12月31日,彭倩文译) 故事发生时间:1994年─1995年 电影全球首映日:2005年11月18日 电影全球票房排名:第9名(截至2007年02月24日) 5.英文原名:Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2003年6月21日) 简体译名:《哈利·波特与凤凰社》(2003年9月21日,马爱农、马爱新、蔡文译) 正体译名:《哈利波特—凤凰会的密令》(2003年9月29日,皇冠编译组译) 故事发生时间:1995年─1996年 电影全球首映日:2007年07月11日 6.英文原名:Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2005年7月16日) 简体译名:《哈利·波特与“混血王子”》(2005年10月15日,马爱农、马爱新译) 正体译名:《哈利波特—混血王子的背叛》(2005年10月1日,皇冠编译组译) 故事发生时间:1996年─1997年 预定电影首映时间:2008年11月21日 7.英文原名:Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows(2007年7月21日) 简体译名:《哈利·波特与死圣》 正体译名:《哈利波特与致命圣灵》 故事发生时间:1997年─1998年 1-3集哈利波特在7月时于明珠台播放 4-5集哈利波特在2006-2007年在电影院播放 6-7集哈利波特在2005-2007年出书 明珠台播过妤多次 最近是: (一)神秘的魔法石 22-7-2007 9:30 明珠台 (二)消失的密室 29-7-2007 9:30 明珠台 (三)阿兹卡班的逃犯 4-8-2007 8:30 翡翠台 末做过的有: (四)火杯的考验 (五)凤凰会的密令 (六)混血王子的背叛 (七)Hunters of the Dusk 参考: me 在明珠台播过3集 包括: 第1集<神秘的魔法石> 第2集<消失的密室> 第3集<阿兹卡班的逃犯> 此外 在电影院已经上映左既仲有: 第4集<火杯的考验> 第5集<凤凰会的密令> 参考: me
2023-07-26 14:52:361

求一些比较带感的音乐,最好是英语的,类似于The Phoenix的最好

botty music
2023-07-26 14:52:442


《哈利波特》圣诞礼物有以下这些:1- Package Of Maggots - Kreacher(Half-Blood Prince)一包蛆——克利切(混血王子)令人惊讶的是,克利切在房子由哈利继承之后,确实送了一份礼物给哈利。可是,包裹里除了一堆蛆什么都没有!显然,这是克利切特别恶毒的表现——尽管他一旦表现出一些善意,就会成为哈利、罗恩和赫敏的巨大帮助。然而,毫无疑问,一包蛆虫是哈利收到过的最糟糕的礼物,甚至不如德思礼家的礼物。2- Homework Planner - Hermione(Order Of The Phoenix)家庭作业策划——赫敏(凤凰社)赫敏无疑觉得这是一件非常实用的礼物,哈利和罗恩如果能得到一些东西来帮助他们应付学校里即将到来的工作量,肯定会受益匪浅……但两人都没有特别感激!也许这并不奇怪,因为这两个男孩都是出了名的懒散,这可能也是赫敏给自己的一点礼物——希望她明年不用为他们做很多任务!3-Penknife - Sirius (Goblet Of Fire) 小刀-小天狼星(火焰杯)小天狼星没有机会给哈利很多礼物,因为在小天狼星逃离阿兹卡班和死于神秘事务司之间,他们俩只真正相处了很短的一段时间。然而,小天狼星送过哈利一把小刀(当然是一把神奇的小刀),它可以打开任何锁,解开任何结。这是一个非常实用和有用的礼物,也是一个有意义的礼物——这是他从一个他可以当作“家人”的人那里得到的第一件礼物。4-Socks - Dobby (Goblet Of Fire) 袜子-多比(火焰杯)多比送给哈利的第一件礼物很有象征意义——一双手织的不相称的袜子!当然,这也是哈利说服卢修斯·马尔福送给多比的那只袜子,那只袜子把多比救了出来。它们也表明了多比对哈利的忠诚——尽管当时多比并没有为它们感到激动,但就情感价值而言,它们是一份很棒的礼物。5-Wooden Flute - Hagrid (Philosopher"sStone) 木笛-海格(魔法石)海格给哈利的第一件礼物是一只木制笛子,听起来像猫头鹰。显然是他自己做的,而且是哈利收到的第一批真正的礼物之一,这使得它在情感上很有价值。然而,它也是书中一个非常重要的礼物!在原来的系列里,哈利用这个笛子让路威入睡,从而越过他。这一时刻虽然没有出现在电影中,但却为这份礼物增添了重要的意义。6-Firebolt - Sirius (Prisoner Of Azkaban) 火弩箭-小天狼星(阿兹卡班的囚徒)哈利最珍贵的财产之一就是他的扫帚——多亏了小天狼星,他的扫帚从光轮升级成了火弩箭!(还有一部分打人柳的原因,因为第一把被打人柳摧毁了。)严格来说,这也不是小天狼星送给哈利的第一件飞天扫帚礼物,因为小哈利还和父母在一起的时候,小天狼星送给了他一个玩具飞天扫帚!这种与他过去的联系,以及实用的原因,使这成为哈利在圣诞节收到的最好的礼物之一。7-Invisibility Cloak - Dumbledore(Philosopher"s Stone)隐形衣-邓布利多(魔法石)毫无疑问,哈利在圣诞节收到的最令人印象深刻、最有用、最珍贵的礼物就是他父亲的隐形衣。当然,有人会说这不是礼物,可这是邓布利多送给哈利的,并且他在圣诞节打开了它,所以这也算礼物!这件隐形衣一次又一次地拯救了哈利的生命,并把他与魔法世界的经历和他自己的家庭联系起来。
2023-07-26 14:52:511

The Phoenix 歌词

歌曲名:The Phoenix歌手:Fall Out Boy专辑:The PhoenixFall Out Boy - The PhoenixPut on your war paintYou are a brick tied to me that"s dragging me downStrike a match and I"ll burn you to the groundWe are the jack-o-lanterns in JulySetting fire to the skyHere, here comes this rising tideSo come onPut on your war paintCross walks and crossed hearts and hope-to-diesSilver clouds with grey liningsSo we can take the world back from a heart attackOne maniac at a time we will take it backYou know time crawls on when you"re waiting for the song to startSo dance alone to the beat of your heartHey! young blood!Doesn"t it feel like our time is running out?I"m gonna change you like a remixThen I"ll raise you like a phoenixWearing our vintage miseryNo, I think it looked a little better on meI"m gonna change you like a remixThen I"ll raise you like a phoenixBring home the boys and scrap scrap metal the tanksGet hitched, make a career out of robbing banksBecause the world is just a teller and we are wearing black masks"You broke our spirit," says the note we passSo we can take the world back from a heart attackOne maniac at a time we will take it backYou know time crawls on when you"re waiting for the song to startSo dance alone to the beat of your heartHey! young blood!Doesn"t it feel like our time is running out?I"m gonna change you like a remixThen I"ll raise you like a phoenixWearing our vintage miseryNo, I think it looked a little better on meI"m gonna change you like a remixThen I"ll raise you like a phoenixPut on your war paintThe war is won, before it"s begunRelease the doves, surrender loveThe war is won, before it"s begunRelease the doves, surrender loveThe war is won, before it"s begunRelease the doves, surrender love (Wave the white flag!)The war is won, before it"s begun (Wave the white flag!)Release the doves, surrender love (Wave the white flag!)HeyyyyyyyyYoung Bllood!Doesn"t it feel like our time is running out?I"m gonna change you like a remixThen I"ll raise you like a phoenixWearing our vintage miseryNo, I think it looked a little better on meI"m gonna change you like a remixThen I"ll raise you like a phoenixHey! young blood!Doesn"t it feel like our time is running out?I"m gonna change you like a remixThen I"ll raise you like a phoenixPut on your war paintThe End
2023-07-26 14:53:232

歌词翻译之The phoenix(凤凰)

The Phoenix - Fall Out Boy 凤凰 Put on your war paint 披上戎装吧! You are a brick tied to me that"s dragging me down 你就是拖我后腿的累赘 Strike a match and I"ll burn you to the ground 我划根火柴就能把你灭掉 We are the jack-o-lanterns in July 但我们是七月份的南瓜灯 Setting fire to the sky 不介意把天烧个窟窿 Here, here comes this rising tide 来了,高潮要来了! So come on 来啊! Put on your war paint 披上戎装 Cross walks and crossed hearts 背着十字架奔赴沙场 And hope-to-dies 脑袋掉了碗大个疤 Silver clouds with grey linings 前方黑云压城 So we can take the world back from the heart-attacked 我们能从惨败中夺回这个世界 One maniac at a time we will take it back 又是一个疯子就足矣 You know time crawls on when you"re waiting for the song to start 我们知道等待歌曲奏起时,时间也会流逝 So dance along to the beat of your heart 何不跟着自己心跳的节奏翩然起舞 Hey young blood 嘿,小伙子! Doesn"t it feel like our time is running out 不觉得我们时间不多了么 I"m gonna change you like a remix 你需要彻头彻尾的改变 Then I"ll raise you like a phoenix 才能如凤凰般浴火重生 You"re wearing our vintage misery 铭记过去的苦难 No, I think it looked a little better on me 这更适合我(因为我受伤更深) I"m gonna change you like a remix 你需要彻头彻尾的改变 Then I"ll raise you like a phoenix 才能如凤凰般浴火重生 Bring home the boys and 让小伙子们回家 Scrap scrap metal the tanks 再拿些坦克碎片 Get hitched and make a career out of robbing banks 结个婚,然后以抢银行为生 Because the world is just a teller and 因为人们只会纸上谈兵 We are wearing black masks 并且我们带着黑色面具 "You broke our spirit," says the note we pass “你摧垮了我们的精神”,手中传递的纸条如是说 So we can take the world back from the heart-attacked 因此我们能从惨败中夺回属于我们的一切 One maniac at a time we will take it back 有时一个疯子就足矣 You know time crawls on when you"re waiting for the song to start 我们知道等待歌声奏起时,时间也随之流逝 So dance along to the beat of your heart 何不跟着自己心跳的节奏翩然起舞 Hey young blood 嘿,小伙子! Doesn"t it feel like our time is running out 不觉得我们时间不多了么 I"m gonna change you like a remix 你需要彻头彻尾的改变 Then I"ll raise you like a phoenix 才能如凤凰般浴火重生 You"re wearing our vintage misery 铭记过去的苦难 No, I think it looked a little better on me 这更适合我(因为我受伤更深) I"m gonna change you like a remix 你需要彻头彻尾的改变 Then I"ll raise you like a phoenix 才能如凤凰般浴火重生 Put on your war paint 披上戎装! (The war is won before it"s begun (我们不战而胜 Release the doves 而后放飞和平 Surrender love) * 4 拥抱爱) * 4 Hey young blood 嘿,小伙子! Doesn"t it feel like our time is running out 不觉得我们时间不多了么 I"m gonna change you like a remix 你需要彻头彻尾的改变 Then I"ll raise you like a phoenix 才能如凤凰般浴火重生 You"re wearing our vintage misery 铭记过去的苦难 No, I think it looked a little better on me 这更适合我(因为我受伤更深) I"m gonna change you like a remix 你需要彻头彻尾的改变 Then I"ll raise you like a phoenix 才能如凤凰般浴火重生 Hey young blood 嘿,小伙子! Doesn"t it feel like our time is running out 不觉得我们时间不多了么 I"m gonna change you like a remix 你需要彻头彻尾的改变 Then I"ll raise you like a phoenix 才能如凤凰般浴火重生 Put on your war paint 披上戎装!
2023-07-26 14:53:301

the phoenix 的mv什么意思

  如果专讲The Phoenix这一个MV呢,是这样的:  四人查看一个箱子里的神秘物体。Patrick把箱子和手用手铐铐在了一起并带走了,路上碰到一骑车少年,结果就被一蒙面女给电击晕倒了。Patrick被绑架到一神秘地点,因为那些绑架女要那个箱子,所以Patrick的手被砍下来了,而且人也被开膛破肚了。原来那骑车少年跟绑架女一伙的,他把Patrick的手送到了Pete门前。Pete认出了是Patrick的手后,放了两只鹰给Andy和Joe报信(这一段有耍酷嫌疑,不然打电话不是更好吗)。在Andy看到鹰的同时,被蒙面女给推进车厢了。在Joe看到报信来的鹰的同时,被蒙面女用蘸了药的毛巾迷昏了。最后是Pete看到鹰腿上的信还是原封不动的就飞回来了,产生了疑虑但是太晚了,也被那妞(掀开面罩的那下真是太有范了)注射了什么晕过去了。
2023-07-26 14:53:372

FALL out boy-the phoenix酷狗文艺歌词翻译

岂曰无衣 与子同裳血肉相连 吾辈乃城墙一点星光 你我化身火场无家可归 吾辈乃孤狼燃矣 燃之如狂潮怒涨扬羽矣凤凰岂曰无衣 与子同裳并肩横步 誓死如荣光乌云压边 凤鼓银氅古国明月 断井颓墙不破敌虏 何言归矣我已为魔 殒身不恤战鼓频传 边角彻响 执戈横剑 踏鼓催马上年少轻狂 横卧沙场战鼓擂 马蹄扬 血染裳步我后尘 衣冠胜雪 哀歌国殇 瞻我马首 浴火涅盘 汝乃凤凰足下之路 前人血骨汝若欲前 重蹈覆辙步我后尘 衣冠胜雪 哀歌国殇 瞻我马首浴火涅盘 汝乃凤凰马革裹尸 残剑冢葬隐姓埋名 沽酒余生开辟洪荒 世事无常我等蝼蚁 行而茫茫身碎卑微 其志不亡古国明月 断井颓墙不破敌虏 何言归矣我已为魔 殒身不恤战鼓频传 边角彻响执戈横剑 踏鼓催马上年少轻狂 横卧沙场战鼓擂 马蹄扬 血染裳步我后尘 衣冠胜雪哀歌国殇 瞻我马首 浴火涅盘 汝乃凤凰足下之路 前人血骨汝若欲前 重蹈覆辙步我后尘 衣冠胜雪哀歌国殇 瞻我马首浴火涅盘 汝乃凤凰岂曰无衣 战而非胜仁者为王 善之善者弑其霸强非战而胜仁者为王 善之善者弑其霸强
2023-07-26 14:53:523


这本书的英文名称叫《Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix》,中文简体版与繁体版分别译作《哈利·波特与凤凰社》和《哈利波特-凤凰会的密令》。其中,均把Phoenix看做社团或组织之名。但简体版更加明确了这一看法,繁体版还是受到早期新闻中译法的影响翻出了“命令”一词,实际上存在一定的误译或偏差。order一词按照某翻译软件的解释有以下义项:An organization of people united by a common fraternal bond or social aim. (由共同的情谊或社会目的而结合起来的组织。)在英文中,order这个词除了通常所用的“命令”这一解释,确实还有“社团”的意思,在这种情况下,order和association意思相近。所以“Order of Phoenix”可译为“凤凰会”、“凤凰社”或“凤凰组织”。在欧洲,骑士阶级的组织经常也会被称作order。而这个词更广泛而且常见的用法出现在教会组织中。可以说,人民文学出版社选择“社”作为order的中文译法是有其依据的。从哈利波特第5部的小说内容来看,全书并没有所谓的命令,而是围绕一个由霍格沃茨校长邓布利多(Dumbledore)为首的反对黑魔法势力的组织展开的,并且这个组织就叫the Order of the Phoenix,因此在中文简体版与繁体版正式发售前,新闻里、预售版以及网译版本里将order翻译成“令”显然是不符合作者原意的。所以人民文学出版社将其翻译成“社”,但皇冠出版社仍保留了字面上的“密令”概念,并将这个组织翻译成“会”。这是这个词如此翻译的主要原因,既非由于所谓的“骑士精神”,也不是仅仅为了防盗版。
2023-07-26 14:54:211


《哈利·波特与凤凰社》百度网盘高清资源免费在线观看链接: 提取码:pjwf导演: 大卫·叶茨编剧: 迈克尔·戈登伯格 / J·K·罗琳主演: 丹尼尔·雷德克里夫 / 艾玛·沃森 / 鲁伯特·格林特 / 加里·奥德曼 / 拉尔夫·费因斯 /类型: 奇幻 / 冒险制片国家/地区: 英国 / 美国语言: 英语上映日期: 2007-08-10(中国大陆) / 2007-07-11(美国)片长: 138分钟又名: 哈利波特5:凤凰会的密令(港/台) / 哈5该片讲述了逃过摄魂怪的追杀,通过魔法部的审查,哈利(丹尼尔·雷德克里夫)终于回到美丽的霍格沃兹。然而这个学期并不轻松,他不仅要完成魔法等级考试,还要应对夜晚的噩梦和黑魔法防御课老师乌姆里奇的打压。在好友的支持下,哈利秘密组建了邓不利多军团,与大家一起练习黑魔法防御术。噩梦中,哈利总是以伏地魔的视角出现,似乎他们之间有着某种神秘的联系。在邓不利多(迈克尔·刚本)的指示下,哈利向斯内普教授(阿伦·瑞克曼)学习封闭术,却鲜有成效。终于在一次噩梦的诱使下,哈利偏执的赶往魔法部营救小天狼星,却不想陷入伏地魔的圈套,引发凤凰社与食死徒之间的正面冲突。在混战中,小天狼星(加里·奥德曼)不幸遇难。究竟哈利与伏地魔(拉尔夫·费因斯)之间有着怎样的联系?在悲恸中,邓不利多为哈利揭开谜底,哈利还有更长、更艰难的路要走 。
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double trouble
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The rising of the phoenix from the fire
2023-07-26 14:55:134

Senza Fine (The Phoenix Love Theme) 歌词

歌曲名:Senza Fine (The Phoenix Love Theme)歌手:Wes Montgomery专辑:Movin" WesSenzafineScorre lento il mio tempoChe seivola sul velo della mia pella nudaSe oltrepassassi il confine che mi hai datoForse io non sarei quiDa adesso ormai che senso haCercare di abbracciare un passato piu puroGuardando avanti rischieroMa riesco a rispondere ai miei perch?Tutto cio che saraiEra ga stato scittoSe davvero esisteQuesto dio ha fallitoOgni parola pronunciataSara lo specchio del tuo doloreRiflrtte la colpaAlimenta l"odioMadreIl moi destino scelgoSe riesco a resistereSono ancora in piedi in questo istante di pura folliaNon so piu se desiderare il bene o il maleAnche se il peccato forse piu ma daDa adesso ormai che senso haOpporre resistenza a un destino segnatoNon restero a guardare senzaRiuscire a resistertiRisvegliarmiMadreIl moi destino scelgoSe riesco a resistereRisvegliamiMadreIl moi destino scelgoSe riesco a resistereNon c"e scenlta senza meNon c"e vita senza me...
2023-07-26 14:55:491


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  小学英语阅读短文 篇1   It was a cold winter day.A farmer found a snake on the ground. It was nearly dead by cold. The Farmer was a kind man. Hepicked up thesnake carefully and put it under the coat. Soon the snake Began to move and it raised its mouth and bit the farmer. "Oh, My god!" said the farmer, "I save your life, but you thank me in that way. You must die." Then he killed the snake with a stick. At last he died, too.   小学英语阅读短文 篇2   Today is Susan"s birthday. She is nine years old. Her friends are in her home now. There is a birthday party in the evening. Look! Mary is listening to the music. And Tom is drinking orange juice. Jack and Sam are playing cards on the floor. Lily and Amy are watching TV. Someone is knocking at the door. It"s Henry. He brings a big teddy bear for Susan. The teddy bear is yellow. Susan is very happy. All the children are happy. They sing a birthday song for Susan.   小学英语阅读短文 篇3   Tony is seven years old. He is an honest and polite boy. One day, it was Sunday. Tony, his sister and his mother stayed at home. He was watching TV and his sister was reading books. His mother was washing clothes. Just then, his father came back with a bag   of pears. Tony likes pears very much and he wanted   to eat one. His mother gave him four and said, "Let"s share them." "Which pear do you want, Tony?" asked his mother. "The biggest one, mum." "What?" said his mother, "You should be polite and want the smallest one." "Should I tell a lie just to be polite, mum?"   小学英语阅读短文 篇4   One day a dog with a piece of meat in his mouth was crossing a plank over a stream. As he walked along, he looked into water, and he saw his reflection. He thought this was another dog carrying   a piece of meat. And he felt he would like to have two pieces. So he snapped at the reflection in the water, and of course, as he opened his mouth, the piece of meat disappeared quickly.   小学英语阅读短文 篇5   Today is Sunday! On Sundays, I usually play the flute. My father usually reads the newspaper. My mother usually cleans the house. But today my mother is in bed. She is ill. My father has to do the housework. Now, he is cleaning the house. "Sam, can you help me?" "Yes, Dad!" Now, we"re washing the car. Where"s my sister, Amy? She is playing my flute. What a lucky girl!   小学英语阅读短文 篇6   There are many apple trees in a garden. They"re good friends. One day an old tree is ill. There are many pests in the tree. Leaves of the tree turn yellow. The old tree feels very sad and unwell. Another tree sends for a doctor for him. At first, they send for a pigeon, but she has no idea about it. Then they send for an oriole, and she can"t treat the old tree well. Then they send for a woodpecker. She is a good doctor. She pecks a hole in the tree and eats lots of pests. At last the old tree becomes better and better. Leaves turn green and green.   小学英语阅读短文 篇7   Air is all around us. It is around us as we walk and play. From the time we were born air is around us on every side. When we sit down, it is around us. When we go to bed, air is also around us. We live in air. We can live without food or water for a few days, but we cannot live for more than a few minutes without air. We take in air. When we are working or running we need more air. When we are asleep, we need less air. We live in air, but we cannot see it. We can only feel it when it is moving. Moving air is called wind. How can we make air move? Here is one way. Hold an open book in front of your face,close it quickly. What can you feel? What you feel is air.   小学英语阅读短文 篇8   When Adam and Eve wereexpelledfrom Eden, there was an incident when the flames of a blazing sword of an angel, who had sent them away, burned a birds" nest.   The birds were all burned to death, but a new bird was born from one of theruddilyheated eggs. This means that the unique "Phoenix" was born.   The phoenix builds its nest in Arabia, and there is a myth that it set fire to its own nest once every 100 years. Among those ruddy eggs heated by the fire, a new Phoenix comes to be born again.   The phoenix flies as fast as a ray of light, its feathers are ofdazzlingbeauty, and the sound of its voice is very sweet.   When a mother sits next to her baby"s cradle and dandles the baby, the Phoenix comes down to the baby"s pillow, and the glaring feathers of Phoenix make a halo around the baby"s head. The phoenix flies around rooms of poor people,sprinklessunshine, and carries the fragrance of violets into the rooms.   The phoenix stays not only in Arabia but it flies around the far North Pole, broad field, above the rivers where the sunshine falls in coal mines and in our front yards where beautiful flowers bloom.   On the carriage of the Greek tragic poet, Thespis, the Phoenix became atalkativecrow, for the troubadours of Island it played the harp disguised as a swan, and on the shoulder of Shakespeare the phoenix whispered "eternity" as it was the Odin"s crow.   The phoenix sang beautiful songs, and people kissed its shining fallen feathers from its wings. Even though the Phoenix came from glorious Paradise, people may not see the Phoenix because they are busy with seeingsparrows.   The bird of the Paradise! Born once every 100 years, dies in flames! When it was born under the tree of wisdom in the garden of the Paradise, God kissed the Phoenix and gave him a name. That was "Poetry and Art".   小学英语阅读短文 篇9   John is a Canadian. He lives in a tall building in the city of Toronto (多伦多).There are eighteen floors in the building, and he lives on the fifteenth floor. He uses a lift to go up and down.   John works very hard. He goes to work early. Every day he gets out of the lift. Then he walks to a bus stop. The bus stop is in front of a station. It is about two hundred meters from his home.   He usually catches the number 11 bus to work, but sometimes he goes by train. John works in a factory about ten kilometers from his home. He starts working at 8:30, and finishes at 4:45. He gets back home at a quarter past five. He gets into the lift, and he goes up to the twelfth floor. Then he gets out of the lift and climbs up to the fifteenth floor on foot.   小学英语阅读短文 篇10   There are forty-two students in our class. There are also two American boys. They are Jack and Mike. They are our good friends. They like watching TV, but they don"t like playing basket-ball .They often go to school by bike. And I often go to school on foot. There is one English girl in our class. Her name is Lucy. She likes playing basketball and she also likes swimming. She usually does her homework in the evening. She often watches TV on Saturday afternoons. She is my good friend. All of the Chinese students are Yong Pioneer.   小学英语阅读短文 篇11   Not long after an old Chinese woman came back to China from her visit to her daughter in the States, she went to a city bank to deposit the US dollars her daughter gave her. At the bank counter, the clerk checked each note carefully to see if the money was real. It made the old lady out of patience. At last she could not hold any more, uttering. "Trust me, Sir, and trust the money. They are real US dollars. They are directly from America."
2023-07-26 14:56:191


Harry Potter Hogwarts will soon become the fifth grade students, but it also means that his life will be more difficult.Among them, the greatest threat still comes from his enemy Voldemort Forever. However, the Minister of Magic Fuji view that is rumors, Dumbledore and Harry reason to spread these rumors, the sole purpose of causing all the panic, the Minister took the opportunity to snatch his throne. Dumbledore would be proud of a group called Romania specialized to deal with black magic shaman together to deal with the composition of the Phoenix Voldemort and fresh dead followers of the counterattack. The Forge is still worried that Dumbledore will be plotting to seize, so send a deputy minister of magic to Hogwarts Ms.wuliqi any black magic defense teacher. Harry only ask them to endorse the practice of lessons that are not, because she was afraid of these students will have learned to deal with the Ministry of Magic. Harry, Ron and Hermione to determine their own learning black magic defense techniques, in order to eat only the arrival time of death to join the fighting. In the shadow of the shadow of Voldemort"s magic community, Dumbledore"s Army and the Phoenix are in combat readiness, and to find organizations also eat dead only too eager World War II failed to be triggered at any moment. In support of friends, formed a secret Harry Dumbledore Regiment, together with you to practice black magic defense operation. Nightmares, Harry always Voldemort appears perspective, it seems that they have some kind of mysterious links. u3002 In Dumbledore is under the direction of Professor Harry to Snape learning sealant technique, but rarely effective. Finally induces in a nightmare, the Harry rushed paranoid Ministry of Magic to rescue a small Sirius, Voldemort did not want to fall into the trap, the Phoenix lead to death and eat only the conflict between the positive. In the melee, the small Sirius died. What Harry and Voldemort the link between how? In grief, the Dumbledore Harry opened for answers, Harry was also longer, more difficult way to go ... ...
2023-07-26 14:56:293


高山流水、春江花月夜、二泉映月、十面埋伏、梅花三弄、百鸟朝凤、胡茄十八拍翻译如下High Mountain and Flowing Water, Moonlight on the Spring River, Moon, House of Flying Daggers, Three Variations of Plum Flowers, Hundred birds greeting the phoenix, Hu Ke shoot 18
2023-07-26 14:56:391

哈利波特小天狼星同人文《The Summer of the Phoenix》(凤凰的夏天)

2023-07-26 14:56:471


凤凰和鸾鸟都是神话传说中凤凰属的神鸟。其中凤和凰是古代传说中的百鸟之王,雄的叫“凤”,雌的叫“凰”,通称为“凤”或“凤凰”。常用来象征祥瑞。至于鸾鸟,不同的时期它也有不同的含义。最开始的时候鸾作为一种近似于凤的鸟,也是瑞鸟的一种,但地位不及凤。后来人们逐渐把“鸾”作为凤的别称。并称“鸾凤”。还有一种观点,“凤”和“鸾”指的是同一种鸟,但“凤”指的是成鸟,而“鸾”则指的是尚未成熟的鸟,“鸾”一旦成熟,就叫“凤”。凤凰和麒麟一样,是雌雄统称,雄为凤,雌为凰,其总称为凤凰。凤凰齐飞,是吉祥和谐的象征。 它跟龙的形象一样,愈往后愈复杂,有了鸿头、麟臀、蛇颈、鱼尾、龙纹、龟躯、燕子的下巴、鸡的嘴。自古以来凤凰就成了中华民族文化中的重要组成部分。鸾鸟是古代中国传说中的神鸟,因生长在古时候的鸾州(现洛阳栾川县),而得名。据《异苑》载“鸾睹镜中影则悲。”后人在诗中多以鸾镜表示临镜而生悲。
2023-07-26 14:56:562


皇帝进行曲 .维也纳之夜进行曲.维也纳森林进行曲曲 .风流寡妇圆舞曲.啤酒波尔卡 .春之声圆舞曲.雷电波尔卡蓝色多瑙河;还有歌剧《蝙蝠》
2023-07-26 14:57:041


筐测跷蒋巢,强烈建议你百度搜索steve fuli动漫,错失资源,遗憾整年,你惊不惊喜。月亮代表我的心 默,弄扇逗咱柜。
2023-07-26 14:57:2510


第一部 《哈利·波特与魔法石》(Harry Potter and the Philosopher"s Stone)11岁生日那天,哈利波特得知了自己的身世后来到了霍格沃茨成了格兰芬多学院的一年级新生,在一次与同学的争执中,哈利表现出超乎所有人想象的飞行技能,连他自己都很意外。传授变形术的麦格教授看到这一切后,推荐他加入格兰芬多魁地奇球赛的队员,另一方面,魔药学的教授斯内普,似乎总是对哈利不友善,除了在课堂上刁难他外,还处处找哈利的麻烦,但是,哈利发现斯内普严词威胁着懦弱的奇洛教授,甚至斯内普腿上三头犬的咬痕,更可以证明哈利的推断是正确的:有股邪恶的阴谋在平静的霍格沃茨里悄悄地滋长着,斯内普似乎就是这一切的关键人物终于发现:这一切的幕后操纵者竟然是看似无辜的奇洛教授!原来被人们称为神秘人的黑巫师伏地魔失去法力多年,希望得到能使人长生不老的魔法石来恢复元气。而奇洛被伏地魔附身,变成一个双面人,事事对伏地魔言听计从。哈利、罗恩、赫敏这个“格兰芬多三人组”各尽所能,终于弄清了事实真相,保住了魔法石。第二部 《哈利·波特与密室》(Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets)第二部开始学校里有许多人被石化,为了解开一连串恐怖的谜团,哈利必须探索密室之谜,在通往密室的通道中,洛哈特教授准备对哈利和罗恩实施遗忘咒,没想到罗恩的坏魔杖把这个恶咒反而作用在了洛哈特教授身上,洛哈特教授失去了记忆。终于哈利在密室里见到了汤姆.里德尔,才知道,原来他就是伏地魔的少年时代。伏地魔在霍格沃兹读书期间,曾经打开密室,放出了蛇怪。现在,他的一部分记忆存活在日记本里,金妮得到了这本日记,并向他倾诉了自己的心事,伏地魔从而控制了金妮,令她打开了密室,放出了蛇怪,还在墙上写下了“密室被打开……”等文字。伏地魔让蛇怪攻击哈利,危急时刻,凤凰福克斯出现,带给哈利分院帽,哈利从分院帽里抽出了格兰芬多的宝剑,杀死了蛇怪。与此同时,伏地魔正在吸取着金妮的活力,金妮奄奄一息,伏地魔越来越强大,金妮越来越虚弱,哈利灵机一动,将蛇怪的毒牙刺进了日记本,伏地魔消失了,金妮醒了过来。第三部 《哈利·波特与阿兹卡班的囚徒》(Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban)开始时候听说天狼星逃出了监狱,大家都很怕,因为谣传说是哈利父母就是被天狼星杀死的,其实不是。原来,在学校的时候,詹姆,小天狼星,卢平和小矮星彼得都是好朋友。由于卢平的狼人身份,另外三个好朋友想办法学会了阿尼玛格斯,就是能把自己变成动物的一种魔法。詹姆是一只牡鹿(也就是哈利的守护神的样子),小天狼星是一只大狗,小矮星就变成了老鼠。每当月圆之时,卢平变成狼的时候,詹姆和小天狼星就变成牡鹿和大狗和它进行对抗,避免它去伤害别人,而小矮星变成的老鼠跑到打人柳下按住静止开关,以便他们穿过秘密通道到达传说中闹鬼的“尖叫棚屋”,让卢平远离人群,去度过那个难熬的夜晚。后来小矮星跟了伏地魔,杀害了哈利父母,哈利知道这一切后,知道了天狼星是他教父。当小天狼星和卢平准备杀死小矮星,为詹姆和莉莉报仇时,哈利阻止了,因为他认为小矮星应该受到审判,并且将他的罪行昭告天下,这样小天狼星才可以洗脱罪名。没想到,小矮星却趁乱变成老鼠逃跑了。  小天狼星,卢平,哈利,罗恩,赫敏,以及闻讯赶来,想要抓小天狼星却被哈利击昏的斯内普一起回到城堡,没想到当天正是个月圆之夜,没有喝药水的卢平走到夜空下看见了满月,变成了狼,并且开始攻击变成大狗的小天狼星,小天狼星抵挡不住攻击,倒下了。其余的人都惊呆了。就在这时,摄魂怪来了,成百上千的摄魂怪穿过湖面,来到哈利和倒下的小天狼星身边,远处还有卢平的狼嚎。这时,哈利已经虚弱得无法变出守护神来保护大家,就在摄魂怪要吻哈利的时候,一个人影出现了,变出了守护神,赶跑了摄魂怪,救了所有人。哈利相信,那个人影就是他的父亲,詹姆。  哈利和罗恩,赫敏回到城堡时,邓不利多提醒赫敏可以用时间转换器来拯救“不止一个生命”。哈利和赫敏用时间转换器回到了当天下午早些时候,他们隐藏在海格小屋外面,放跑了巴克比克,让前来行刑的郐子手扑了空。随即,他们又等在打人柳外面,等待着卢平变成狼人,一切都在重演,哈利渴望再次见到那个拯救了他们人影,可是,那个人影迟迟没有出现,这时,哈里恍然大悟,那个救了他们的人其实就是哈利自己。哈利从而向相信,自己的力量能够帮助自己度过难关。  这时,小天狼星已经被斯内普关了起来,因为真相还没有被大家所认识,小天狼星即将再次被投入阿兹卡班监狱。哈利和赫敏必须抓紧时间再去拯救小天狼星,他们穿过树林找到巴克比克,放出了小天狼星,让小天狼星骑着巴克比克逃走了。  当哈利和赫敏做完这所有的一切回到城堡时,时间正好指向他们通过时间转换器离开的时间。他们成功地做到了,没有被任何人发现却改变了历史。第四部《哈利·波特与火焰杯》(Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire)哈利·波特在霍格沃茨魔法学校经过三年的学习和磨炼,逐渐成长为一个出色的巫师。新学年开始前,哈利和好朋友罗恩,赫敏一起去观看精彩的魁地奇世界杯赛,无意间发现了消失十三年的黑魔标记。黑魔的阴影始终挥之不去,种种暗藏杀机的神秘事件将哈利一步步推向了伏地魔的魔爪。哈利渴望在百年不遇的三强争霸赛中战胜自我,完成三个惊险艰巨的魔法项目,谁知整个竞赛竟竟然是由伏地魔操纵的,伏地魔在比赛场景中出现了,并杀了一个比赛选手,经过哈利的努力,成功暂时逼退伏地魔,这时候其他人出现了,看到的只有尸体,没有人相信伏地魔回来,只有哈利和他的伙伴们相信,于是他做好了战斗的准备。第五部《哈利·波特与凤凰社》(Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix)没有人相信伏地魔回来,哈利被认为是个骗子,只有他的朋友们相信并支持着他。学校来了一名监督官,并成为了黑魔法防御术的老师。此人不教学生任何实用的东西,并且任意开除学校教师且体罚学生(岂止是体罚折磨!)哈利于伙伴们组建邓不利多军来抵抗(哈利在平安夜与其中的一名成员-他暗恋的女孩秋张接吻)。但到后来他中了伏地魔的诡计,与朋友们来到魔法部解救教父小天狼星,与食死徒战斗时教父得到情报来解救哈利,结果被食死徒(小天狼星的堂姐!!)的昏迷咒击中落入死刑室的帷幔。就这样去世了。邓不利多赶来,哈利得救。全世界都相信了伏地魔的归来,监督官停职审查。第六部《哈利·波特与混血王子》(Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince)新学期就要开始了,邓布利多教授却来到德思礼家找到哈利·波特,哈利六年级的学习似乎就这样出人意料地开始了……更出人意料的事还在接踵而至,哈利从教室的储藏柜里翻到一本魔药课本,它的前任主人是“混血王子”,从此哈利在神秘“王子”的帮助下成为“魔药奇才”。邓布利多开始了给哈利的单独授课,在课上哈利经历了几段关于少年伏地魔的惊心动魄的记忆,揭开了伏地魔不同寻常的身世之谜。邓不利多带着哈利去寻找伏地魔的魂器,在遥远山脉的洞穴中,邓不利多喝下不知名的毒药。霍格沃茨上空出现了黑魔标记,邓不利多和哈利急忙赶回学校,在塔楼上,斯内普向邓不利多教授发出了索命咒,邓布利多仰面掉下塔楼,凤凰唱起最悲壮的挽歌。在葬礼结束后,哈利决定完成邓布利多的遗愿,去寻找剩下的魂器……第七部《哈利·波特与死亡圣器》(Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows)还有四天,哈利就要迎来自己十七岁的生日,成为一名真正的魔法师。然而,他不得不提前离开女贞路4号,永远离开这个他曾经生活过十六年的地方。凤凰社的成员精心谋划了秘密转移哈利的计划,以防哈利遭到伏地魔及其追随者食死徒的袭击。然而,可怕的意外还是发生了…… 与此同时,卷土重来的伏地魔已经染指霍格沃茨魔法学校,占领了魔法部,控制了半个魔法界,形势急转直下……哈利在罗恩、赫敏的陪伴下,不得不逃亡在外,隐形遁迹。为了完成校长邓布利多的遗命,一直在暗中寻机销毁伏地魔魂器的哈利,意外地获悉如果他们能够拥有传说中的三件死亡圣器,伏地魔将必死无疑。但是,伏地魔也早已开始了寻找老魔杖的行动,并派出众多食死徒,布下天罗地网追捕哈利。哈利与伏地魔在魔法学校的禁林中遭遇了,哈利倒在伏地魔先抢到手的一件致命的圣器之下。然而,伏地魔未能如愿以偿,死亡圣器不可能战胜纯正的灵魂。哈利赢得了这场殊死较量的最终胜利!
2023-07-26 14:58:188


commando007是来自"中文维基百科"的,它的地址是 注明出处以防止版权纠纷。如果你用代理服务器或者其他方法到达那个页面,那么可以获得更多更加丰富的信息。第一本的介绍:《哈利·波特与魔法石》(Harry Potter and the Philosopher"s Stone)是英国女作家J.K.罗琳的系列魔幻文学作品“哈利·波特”总共七本中的第一本。这部小说的英文原版1997年6月26日在英国出版。中文繁体版2000年6月23日出版,中文简体版2000年9月出版。[编辑]题词谨以此书献给杰西卡,她喜欢这故事安妮,她也喜欢这故事戴,她是故事的第一位听众[编辑]情节概述注意:下文记有作品情节、结局或其他相关内容,可能降低欣赏原作时的兴致。哈利·波特,出生于1980年7月31日。1981年10月31日邪恶的魔法师伏地魔用“阿瓦达索命”咒语杀害了他的魔法师父母詹姆·波特和莉莉·波特,他的母亲是为了保护他死的。伏地魔对哈利并没有成功的谋杀造成了他们二人的某种联系,伏地魔的一些力量被传输进入哈利的身体。哈利的额头上留下了一道闪电形的伤疤,而伏地魔却损伤惨重,此后就消失了。哈利从母亲处得到的爱和伏地魔留下的力量使哈利在今后与邪恶魔法师斗争中得到了永不消失的保护。成为孤儿的哈利被巨人和人类的混血儿鲁伯·海格——霍格沃茨魔法学校钥匙管理员救出。海格按照该学校校长伟大的魔法师阿不思·邓布利多的指令,把处于简陋的襁褓之中的转交给了哈利的“麻瓜”(不了解魔法的)亲戚——他的姨妈佩妮·德思礼和姨父弗农·德思礼。他们生活在伦敦的小惠金区。他们有一个宠坏了的儿子达力(1980年6月22日出生)。德思礼一家极其厌恶魔法,并且向哈利隐瞒了他的身世——骗他说他父母是因为车祸而死的。德思礼一家虐待哈利,把楼梯下面的一个肮脏的、充满蜘蛛网的橱柜作为哈利的卧室。哈利波特在11岁生日的一周前,开始收到霍格沃茨魔法学校要他去上课的信件。德思礼一家意欲藏匿所有的信,并且决定搬家到乡村逃避信件。但是海格最后还是找到了他们,并且告诉了哈利他父母的情况。海格把海格带到了对角巷 ——一个可以买到为上学做准备的各种魔法物品和魔法书的地方。哈利最后得到了一张从伦敦国王十字车站 九又四分之三站台上车去往霍格沃茨魔法学校的车票。霍格沃茨所有的学生需要被一个会说话的古式帽子(分院帽)“分类”,分到不同的学院去。四个学院中的每一个学员都有着自己的特性,斯莱特林充满野心和狡猾;拉文克劳的魔法师有很高的智慧;格兰芬多是勇敢的;赫奇帕奇公正不阿,忠心耿耿。这顶帽子认为哈利波特应该进入斯莱特林,哈利自己却不同意,最终帽子尊重了他,把他分到了格兰芬多学院。紧接着的两个被分到格兰芬多的学生——赫敏·格兰杰和罗恩·韦斯莱成为哈利最为亲密的朋友。被分到斯莱特林的德拉科·马尔福成为了哈利波特最大的对手。这一学年内,哈里学习了一些魔法知识,圣诞节,他收到了一件隐形衣作为礼物,但是却没有找到署名。哈利借助它可以在学校城堡中任意走动而不被人看到。他在城堡中发现了厄里斯魔镜,在这个魔镜中,哈利可以看到他的父母。哈利还学会了打魁地奇,这是一种风靡魔法师届的骑在飞天扫帚上打球的运动,事实上它挺危险的。哈利、罗恩、赫敏发现了锁在霍格沃茨一段禁区走廊里的、海格命名为毛毛的三头犬,他们思索这三头犬在看守着什么,并认定是魔法石(贤者之石)。他们仨觉得险恶的魔药课教授西弗勒斯·斯内普一直想要为伏地魔偷取魔法石,因为魔法石可以令伏地魔长生不老、获得力量。哈利、罗恩、赫敏觉得斯内普偷取魔法石日子到了,便进入了禁区走廊的陷板门,通过安全保护系统,最终,哈利一人进入了最后的看护室,却发现了真正想要偷取魔法石是奇洛教授,而不是斯内普。斯内普一直在(或许是不情愿的)保护哈利波特远离危险。哈利与奇洛教授和寄生在奇洛教授身体上的伏地魔对抗,最后,哈利借助爱的力量胜利了,伏地魔的灵魂却没有死亡,逃跑了。阿不斯·邓布利多和制造出魔法石的尼可·勒梅一致认为为了防止伏地魔再来偷魔法石而毁掉这枚可以让人长生不老的神秘的神奇的魔法石。学年结束了,哈利回到了德思礼家。记有情节或结局的内容在此处结束,下文与情节无关。
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鸾  luán  <名>  (形声。从鸟,羉(luán)声。本义:鸟名。凤凰的一种。雄性的长生鸟)  同本义 [male phoenix;mythical bird like the phoenix]  鸾,赤神灵之精也。——《说文》  又  赤色,五采,鸡形,鸣中五音。  周成王时氐羌献鸾鸟。——《周书·王会》。注:“大于凤。”  鸾鸟,凤皇属也。——《广雅》  离为鸾。——《春秋元命苞》  女床之山,有鸟名曰鸾鸟。——《山海经·西山经》  鸣女床之鸾鸟,舞丹穴之凤凰。——张衡《东京赋》  又如:鸾俦(佳侣。鸾凤凰一类的神鸟);鸾帚(用鸾尾制成的拂尘供仙人所用);鸾皇(鸾和皇,都是凤凰之类的神鸟。皇,通凰);鸾鸟(神鸟名。凤凰之属);鸾凤(鸾鸟和凤凰。比喻贤能,俊美或良善的人);鸾音鹤信(鸾鹤传来的音信。指上天的信息)  指车衡上的金属铃 [bell]  君子至止,鸾声将将。——《诗·小雅·庭燎》  通“銮”。  四牡彭彭,八鸾锵锵。——《诗·大雅·丞民》  锡、鸾、和铃,昭其声也。——《左传·桓公二年》  又如:鸾带(缀有小铃铛的带子);鸾仗(装饰有金属铃的帝王坐车);鸾车(装有金铃的车子。行走时声如鸾鸣)  有鸾饰的车子 [carriage]  后会鸾驾反旆,群虏寇攻。——陈琳《为袁绍檄豫州文》  天子居青阳左个,乘鸾辂,驾苍龙。——《逸周书·月令》  鸾车速风电,龙马无鞭策。——李白《草创大还赠柳官迪》  又如:鸾辂(帝王的车驾。同鸾路);鸾路(即鸾辂);鸾軿(贵族妇女乘坐的有帷幕的车)  指夫妇 [married couple]。如:鸾凤(喻夫妇);鸾凤和鸣(形容乐声美妙和谐;亦比喻夫妻感情和谐);鸾交凤友(比喻男女情谊)  鸾胶  luánjiāo  [a man who has lost his wife] 相传以凤凰嘴和麒麟角煎的胶可粘合弓弩拉断了的弦。俗称丧妻男子再婚  鸾鸟  luánniǎo  [mythical bird like the phoenix] 即“鸾”  鸾鸟凤凰。——《楚辞·屈原·涉江》  鸾翔凤集  luánxiáng-fèngjí  [gathering of talented] 形容人才的聚集,像鸾凤的翔集  鸾翔凤集,羽仪上亲。——晋·傅咸《申怀赋》
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《阿修罗(1990)》百度网盘高清资源免费在线观看链接: 提取码:gyas导演: 蓝乃才 / 刘仕裕编剧: Sau-Ling Chan / 梁耀明 / 荻野真 / 曾田博久 / 黄翠华主演: 元彪 / 叶蕴仪 / 李丽珍 / 胜新太郎 / 阿部宽 / 更多...类型: 动作 / 奇幻 / 冒险制片国家/地区: 中国香港 / 日本语言: 日语 / 粤语上映日期: 1990-01-29片长: 93 分钟又名: 阿修罗传奇 / Saga of the Phoenix该影片讲述了神魔之争绵延千年,地狱圣女阿修罗(叶蕴仪 饰)被卷入两界相争,但是她爱上了明媚快乐的人界,恳请慈空大师(胜新太郎 饰)给予她滞留人间的机会,慈空慈悲为怀,遂派出徒弟吉祥果(阿部宽 饰)和孔雀(元彪 饰)在一周时间内护卫阿修罗,直到他重返魔界。阿修罗与两名“保镖”找到了自己在魔界的爱宠兼伙伴戏鬼,但此时,魔界中的鬼妃为了吸取阿修罗的真气取而代之其在魔界的位置,令座下鬼众袭击阿修罗,戏鬼惨遭石化,而孔雀为了搭救戏鬼亦被冰冻。阿修罗与吉祥果结识了发明家和他的妹妹(李丽珍 饰),在戏鬼回复期间,他们暂住发明家家中,此时距离阿修罗返回魔界的日期临近,而鬼妃仍不放弃取代阿修罗的计划 。
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  姓名:Ralph Fiennes  中文译为: 拉尔夫·费因斯  出生日期:1962-12-22  血型:A  星座:摩羯  身高:183cm  1994年,拉尔夫凭借在《辛德勒的名单》中的精彩演出 赢得奥斯卡提名。  1995年,拉尔夫出演了舞台剧《哈姆雷特》并因此夺得当年托尼奖最佳男主角。他也成为了第一位因这一经典角色而获托尼奖的演员。  1997年,拉尔夫凭借在《英国病人》的精彩演出 再次赢得奥斯卡提名并获得了当年金球奖的提名,达到事业的最高点。  2008年,拉尔夫在《朗读者》和《公爵夫人》中均有精彩的表现,尤其凭借着在《公爵夫人》中完美的演出,再次获得09年金球奖最佳男配角提名。  电影履历:  Clash of the Titans【 世纪对神榜】------- (2009)  The Hurt Locker 【拆弹部队】------- (2008)  The Duchess 【公爵夫人】------- (2008)  In Bruges 【杀手没有假期】 ------- (2008)  The Reader 【生死朗读】 ------- (2008)  The Gifted ------- (2008)  Bernard and Doris 【伯纳德与桃瑞丝】 ------- (2007)  Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix 【哈利波特5 哈利波特与凤凰社】------- (2007)  XX premios Goya ------- (2006)  Land of the Blind 【盲者之国】------- (2006)  Alberto Iglesias, el músico fiel ------- (2006)  He Who Must Not Be Named ------- (2006)  Wallace & Gromit in The Curse of the Were-Rabbit 【华莱士与格罗米特 之 人兔的诅咒】------- (2005)  Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire 【哈利波特4 哈利波特与火焰杯】------- (2005)  The White Countess 【白俄夫人】 ------- (2005)  Chromophobia 【恐色症】------- (2005)  The Constant Gardener 【不朽的园丁】 ------- (2005)  Ten Days to D-Day ------- (2004)  The Good Thief 【义贼鲍勃】 ------- (2002)  Reflections of Evil ------- (2002)  Red Dragon 【红龙】 ------- (2002)  Spider 【蜘蛛】 ------- (2002)  Maid in Manhattan 【曼哈顿女佣】------- (2002)  The Miracle Maker 【奇迹制造者】------- (2000)  How Proust Can Change Your Life ------- (2000)  The End of the Affair 【爱情的尽头】 ------- (1999)  Sunshine 【阳光情人】 ------- (1999)  Onegin 【奥涅金】------- (1999)  The Prince of Egypt 【埃及王子】 ------- (1998)  The Avengers 【复仇者】------- (1998)  Oscar and Lucinda 【奥斯卡与露辛达】 ------- (1997)  The English Patient 【英国病人】 ------- (1996)  Strange Days 【奇怪的日子】 ------- (1995)  Hamlet 【哈姆雷特】------(1995) (舞台剧)  Quiz Show 【益智游戏】 ------- (1994)  Schindler"s List 【辛德勒的名单】------- (1993)  The Cormorant 【贪婪的人】------- (1993)  The Baby of Mgacirc;con ------- (1993)  Wuthering Heights 【呼啸山庄】------- (1992)  Prime Suspect ------- (1991)  A Dangerous Man: Lawrence After Arabia 【巴黎和会】------- (1990)  导演作品  Coriolanus【科里奥兰纳斯】
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哈利·波特》系列魔幻小说,英国女作家J.K.罗琳(Joanne Kathleen Rowling)著,其作品被翻译成近70种语言,在全世界200多个国家累计销量达3亿多册。《哈利·波特》系列以霍格沃茨魔法学校为主要舞台,叙述了哈利与邪恶魔法势力作斗争的故事。该系列小说已被翻译成46种文字,销量数亿册,被评为最畅销的4部儿童小说之一,成为继米老鼠、史努比、加菲猫等卡通形象以来最成功的儿童偶像。哈利·波特,一个戴着眼镜的男孩,骑着他的飞天扫帚,在世界各地掀起一股魔法旋风,全世界都为之疯狂。在他的世界里,奇迹、神话、魔法……什么都不会过分。现在,让我们也骑上飞天扫帚,和他一起飞吧!哈利、罗恩、赫敏、秋·张、金妮……一系列人物为这部小说增添了许多色彩……至2007年7月21日,《哈利·波特》系列已全部出版,共7册,分别为:1、哈利·波特与魔法石(英:Harry Potter and the Philosopher"s Stone,美:Harry Potter and the Sorcerer"s Stone),台译:哈利波特 — 神秘的魔法石2、哈利·波特与密室(Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets),台译:哈利波特 — 消失的密室3、哈利·波特与阿兹卡班的囚徒(Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban),台译:哈利波特 — 阿兹卡班的逃犯4、哈利·波特与火焰杯(Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire),台译:哈利波特 — 火杯的考验5、哈利·波特与凤凰社(Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix),台译:哈利波特 — 凤凰会的密令6、哈利·波特与“混血王子” (Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince),台译:哈利波特 — 混血王子的背叛7、哈利·波特与死亡圣器(Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows),台译:哈利波特 — 死神的圣物
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普罗米修斯(异形前传) (中国大陆2012年9月2日上映)   冰河世纪4——大陆漂移(美国上映2012年7月13日 中国大陆7月27日)   三个臭皮匠(2012年4月4日)   特工争风 2012年2月17日   突击中央银行 2011   时间规划局 2011年10月28日(美国)   猩球崛起(2011年8月5日(美国)、2011年8月11日(香港)、2011年10月28日(中国大陆)、2011年10月7日(日本))   X战警:First Class (2011)   波普先生的企鹅(2011)   大象的眼泪 Water for Elephant (2011)   小屁孩日记2 (2011)   里约大冒险RIO (2011)   卧底肥妈3(2011)   天龙特攻队The A Team 2010   新铁血战士Predators 2010   纳尼亚传奇3:黎明踏浪号2010The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader   小屁孩日记 2010   华尔街2:金钱永不眠 Wall Street 2: Money Never Sleeps 2010   全城热恋 Hot Summer Days 2010   约会之夜date night 2010   波西·杰克逊与神火之盗 Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief 2010   阿凡达Avatar 2009   博物馆奇妙夜2Night at the Museum 2: Battle of the Smithsonian 2009   冰河世纪3:恐龙的黎明Ice Age:Dawn of the Dinosaurs 2009   X战警前传:金刚狼X-Men Origins: Wolverine 2009   结婚大作战BRIDE WARS 2009   新娘靠边闪27 Dresses 2008   异形大战铁血战士2Alien vs. Predator: AVP2 2007   朱诺Juno 2007   艾尔文和花栗鼠/鼠来宝Alvin and the Chipmunks 2007   杀手47Hitman 2007   神奇玩具店Mr. Magorium"s Wonder Emporium 2007   卷土重来The Comebacks 2007   黑暗崛起:召唤者The Seeker: The Dark Is Rising 2007   死刑Death Sentence 2007   辛普森一家The Simpsons Movie 2007   虎胆龙威4Live Free or Die Hard 2007   神奇四侠2Fantastic Four: Rise Of The Silver Surfer 2007   惊变28周28 Weeks Later 2007   征服者Pathfinder 2007   消防犬Firehouse Dog 2007   隔山有眼2The Hills Have Eyes 2 2007   老婆我爱你I Think I Love My Wife 2007   史诗电影Epic Movie 2007   博物馆奇妙夜Night At The Museum 2006   龙骑士Eragon 2006   游客止步Turistas 2006   闪亮的圣诞节Deck the Halls 2006   美好的一年A Good Year 2006   波拉特Borat 2006   弗利卡Flicka 2006   海军陆战队员The Marine 2006   棒球小子Everyone"s Hero 2006   恋爱刺客/约翰·塔克必死John Tucker Must Die 2006   我的超人前女友My Super Ex-Girlfriend 2006   时尚女魔头The Devil Wears Prada 2006   加菲猫2之双猫记Garfield : A Tail of Two Kitties 2006   凶兆The Omen 2006   X战警3:最后据点: The Last Stand 2006   倒霉爱神Just My Luck 2006   一级戒备The Sentinel 2006   冰河世纪2:冰河消融Ice Age2: The Melt down 2006   隔山有眼The Hills Have Eyes 2006   美人鱼Aquamarine 2006   约会电影Date Movie 2006   卧底肥妈2Big Momma"s House 2 2006   特里斯坦和伊索尔德Tristan & Isolde 2006   儿女一箩筐2Cheaper by the Dozen 2 2005   扮猪吃老虎The Ringer 2005   斯通家族The Family Stone 2005   一往无前Walk the Line 2005   偷穿高跟鞋In Her Shoes 2005   热血滑轮社/冰上迪斯科Roll Bounce 2005   非常人贩2The Transporter2 2005   神奇四侠Fantastic Four 2005   篮板球Rebound 2005   史密斯夫妇Mr. and Mrs. Smith 2005   星战前传3Star Wars: Episode III 2005   天国王朝Kingdom of Heaven 2005   极度狂热Fever Pitch 2005   机器人历险记Robots 2005   都是戴茜惹的祸Because of Winn-Dixie 2005   捉迷藏Hide and Seek 2005   伊莱克特拉Elektra 2005   胖子阿伯特Fat Albert 2004   凤凰劫Flight of the Phoenix 2004   的士女王Taxi 2004   第一女儿 First Daughter 2004   狗仔队Paparazzi 2004   异形大战铁血战士Alien vs. Predator 2004   机械公敌I, Robot 2004   闪避球的奇迹Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story 2004   加菲猫Garfield 2004   后天The Day After Tomorrow 2004   怒火救援Man on Fire 2004   邻家女孩The Girl Next Door 2004   约翰逊一家的幸福之旅Johnson Family Vacation 2004   美丽心灵的永恒阳光Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind 2004   恐怖俱乐部Broken Lizard"s Club Dread 2004   总统接招Welcome to Mooseport 2004   小鬼神偷Catch That Kid 2004   儿女一箩筐 Cheaper by the Dozen 2003   贴身兄弟 Stuck on You 2003   怒海争锋 Master and Commander 2003   失控陪审团 Runaway Jury 2003   食罪人 The Order 2003   LXG 绅士盟 The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen 2003   惊变28天 28 Days Later 2003   随爱沉沦 Down With Love 2003   X战警2 X2: X-Men United 2003   我爱贝克汉姆Bend it like Beckham 2003   狙击电话亭Phone Booth 2003   夜魔侠Daredevil 2003   新婚告急Just Married 2003   安东尼·菲舍尔Antwone Fisher 2002   飞向太空2002Solaris 2002   黑糖情缘Brown Sugar 2002   非常人贩The Transporter 2002   摇滚姐妹The Banger Sisters 2002   泳池诱惑Swimfan 2002   一小时快相One Hour Photo 2002   麦田守望者The Good Girl 2002   像迈克那样Like Mike 2002   星战前传2:克隆人的进攻Star Wars Episode II 2002   不忠Unfaithful 2002   所谓人生Life or Something Like It 2002   极度重罪High Crimes 2002   冰河世纪Ice Age 2002   昆宝出拳Kung Pow!: Enter the Fist 2002   大人物Joe Somebody 2001   深入敌后Behind Enemy Lines 2001   黑骑士Black Knight 2001   庸人哈尔Shallow Hal 2001   来自地狱From Hell 2001   惊心之旅Joy Ride 2001   一言不发Don"t say a word 2001   决战猩球Planet Of The Apes 2001   龙之吻Kiss Of The Dragon 2001   红磨坊Moulin Rouge 2001   家有顽童Freddy Got Fingered 2001   天国Kingdom Come 2001   错有错着Say It Isn"t So 2001   小猴伯恩Monkey Bone 2001   浩劫重生Cast Away 2000   我的车在哪?Dude, Where"s My Car? 2000   怒海潜将Men Of Honor 2000   神鬼愿望Bedazzled 2000   数字精灵Digimon: The Movie 2000   X战警X-Men 2000   一个头,两个大Me, Myself Irene 2000   卧底肥妈Big Momma"s House 2000   冰冻星球Titan A.E 2000   芳心天涯Where The Heart Is 2000   海滩The Beach 2000   小鬼当家Home Alone 1990
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The book attracted much additional attention because of a pre-publication warning from J.K. Rowling that one of the characters would be murdered in the book. This started a stream of rumour and speculation as to who the murdered character would be.[citation needed] The publication of Goblet of Fire caused unprecedented heights of Pottermania to be reached internationally.
2023-07-26 15:02:002