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2023-07-28 08:02:07
TAG: 英语



处理中-being done

待处理-to be done



处理中-under handling/being processed

待处理-to be solved/handled


已解决 solved

处理中 processing

待处理 pending


"已解决“ 可用” solved"

"处理中“可用” processing, solving"





suspending , remaining doing









1,All the problems have been solved.


2.he problem is finally solved.


3.I pledge that by next year we will have the problem solved.



1.We were very impressed by your handling of this affair.


2.A police constable is handling all inquiries.


3.he local branch of Bank of America is handling the accounts



1.This article deals with the liquid formula feed ingredients, processing and the application of suspending agents.


2.Other tasks you can execute from this window include editing, pausing, suspending, and rebooting the instance.


3.We are switching our payment system to India and temporarily suspending all payments to you for a while.




suspend 英[su0259u02c8spend] 美[su0259u02c8spu025bnd] 过去式:suspended 过去分词:suspended 现在分词:suspending vt. 1.暂停, 终止 2.悬, 挂, 吊 3.延缓;暂缓;推迟 4.使暂时停职(或停学等) 5.悬浮 6.使挂接,使悬接 7.使搁置,使悬而不决 8.使(法律、政策等)暂时失效,暂时取消 9.暂时禁止,暂令(某人)停止(活动等) 10.使具悬念,使处于焦虑不安状态 11.【音乐】使(音调)延长,使延长到下一个和音 vi. 1.吊,悬,挂 2.暂停;暂时停办 3.无力支付,停止偿付债务 4.悬浮 及物动词 vt.1.暂停, 终止 Both sides in the conflict have agreed temporarily to suspend hostilities.冲突双方同意暂时停火。The President has suspended the constitution and assumed total power.总统废止了宪法, 独揽大权。2.悬, 挂, 吊 A lamp was suspended from the ceiling.天花板上吊着一盏灯。3.延缓;暂缓;推迟4.使暂时停职(或停学等)5.悬浮6.使挂接,使悬接7.使搁置,使悬而不决8.使(法律、政策等)暂时失效,暂时取消9.暂时禁止,暂令(某人)停止(活动等)10.使具悬念,使处于焦虑不安状态 Finish the story. Don"t suspend us in midair.把故事讲下去,别让我们等得着急。11.【音乐】使(音调)延长,使延长到下一个和音不及物动词 vi.1.吊,悬,挂2.暂停;暂时停办3.无力支付,停止偿付债务4.悬浮收起词典例句
2023-07-26 13:58:331


举个例子:刚放回肚子的心再一次的悬起来了 resuspend再次悬起来
2023-07-26 13:59:234


问题一:待办事项英语怎么说 待办事项;积压工作 backlog 待办事项 pending items 问题二:待办的事情 英语怎么说 二楼真麻烦,一楼的就行了 ,我在外国见过填表啊什么的都是something to do就行了 问题三:列出待办事情的清单用英语怎么说 Write a to-do list to-do list 待办事项清单 列出英文是list out, 但因为清单的英文也是list,未免在同一句重复相同的词,所以用write(写) 问题四:“待办任务”英语如何翻译? mission/task in waiting 问题五:英语“已解决”“处理中”“待处理”怎么表达? solved, handling, suspending 问题六:紧急求助:待处理品 英文怎么说 待处理品 英文是 Non-conforming material 例句: 运营支持-产品定义,待处理品评审,产品更改。 Operations support C Product Definition, Non-conforming material review, ProductChange.
2023-07-26 13:59:301


问题一:处理英语怎么说 30分 处理 dispose deal with handle 问题二:处理用英语怎么说 短语 deal with 问题三:处理掉的英语怎么说, 比如 处理掉这些文件 dispose 问题四:处置用英语怎么说 处置 v. handle, deal with, manage, punish 问题五:英语“已解决”“处理中”“待处理”怎么表达? solved, handling, suspending 问题六:不好意思,我还有一些其他事情需要处理用英语怎么说 不好意思,我还有一些其他事情需要处理 I"m sorry, but I have some other things to deal with. ―――――――――――――――― 您好,用心、细心为您答疑解惑; 如果本题还有什么不明白可以追问,如果满意请记得采纳; 如果有其他问题请采纳本题后,请指向我的图像点击向我求助!答题不易,请谅解,谢谢。 ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――祝您生活愉快! 问题七:处理了工作上的事情,用英语怎么说 (He) has耿dealt something about his work (他) 处理 了 工作 上 的事情 问题八:我最近有点事情需要处理,用英文怎么说 I have something to deal with recently/ 满意请采纳 问题九:""随便处理"" 用英文怎么说?急呀~~~ 贰ell with one"s pleasure. dell with one please. 问题十:处理了日常工作上的事情,用英语怎么说 I walked to work. I went to the pany to check emails for handling daily work. I work耽d for a whole day.
2023-07-26 13:59:381


防沉降剂(suspending agent)防止染料细粒在染色过程中在染浴中沉降或防止阴离子染料、阳离子染料在染浴中结合所加的物质。他们同时具有防沉降与分散的作用。常用的有非离子型聚氧乙烯脂肪胺(醇)、聚氧乙烯脂肪醇硫酸盐(Uniperol W)、聚二醇醚等。
2023-07-26 13:59:491

suspending agent

【答案】:suspending agent:助悬剂系指能增加分散介质的黏度以降低微粒的沉降速度或增加微粒亲水性的附加剂。suspendingagent:助悬剂系指能增加分散介质的黏度以降低微粒的沉降速度或增加微粒亲水性的附加剂。
2023-07-26 14:00:021

十道英语填空题 急 急 急

1u3001prepareduff1b2u3001have to be recruited;3u3001suspending;4u3001misleading;7u3001spareuff1b8u3001cultivating;9u3001stretches;10u3001restoring.
2023-07-26 14:00:123


首先助悬剂(Suspending Agents)的原理是增加混悬剂分散介质粘度,降低药物微粒沉降的速度,能被药物微粒表面吸附形成机械性或电性的保护膜,防止微粒间相互聚集或结晶的转型,或者使混悬剂具有触变性,从而增加混悬剂的稳定性。助悬剂的应用一般宜通过流变学参数测定,选择具塑性或假塑性,并兼具触变性的助悬剂为最理想。由于影响混悬剂稳定因素有一条是电荷因素,加入HCL能达到使混悬剂稳定所需要的PH,只有稳定的PH和其他因素合在一起,才能使溶剂不沉降。混悬剂稳定性影响因素:1.粒子沉降 ----通过 stokes沉降方程可知,粒子半径越大,介质粘度越低,沉降速度越快。为保持稳定,应减小微粒半径,或增加介质粘度(助悬剂)。2. 荷电与水化膜----- 双电层与水化膜能保持粒子间斥力,有助于稳定。如双电层zeta电位降低,或水化膜破坏,则粒子发生聚沉。电解质容易破坏zeta电位和水化膜。3. 絮凝与反絮凝---- 适当降低zeta电位,粒子发生松散聚集,有利于混悬剂稳定。能形成絮凝的物质为絮凝剂。4. 结晶 ----- 放置过程中微粒结晶,结晶成长,形成聚沉。5. 分散相温度 ----- 温度降低使布朗运动减弱,降低稳定性。故应保持合适的温度。----------------增强稳定性措施:1. 保持合适的温度;2. 控制电解质浓度;3. 加入稳定剂 ,稳定剂包括助悬剂 (增加介质粘度),润湿剂(增加水化膜厚度),絮凝剂(形成絮凝)
2023-07-26 14:00:331


Bracket figures这是我找到的标准翻译,请参考.
2023-07-26 14:00:423


工业药剂学名词解释休止角在第几章工业药剂学名词解释休止角在第2章休止角(angle of repose):指粉体堆积层的自由斜面与水平面所形成的最大角。
2023-07-26 14:00:532

美国商标因为翻译问题SUSPENSION NOTICE,怎么解决呀?

2023-07-26 14:01:032


最近,多种软件都出现了一个启动时的错误提示 “无法定位程序输入点_except_handler4_common于动态链接库msvcrt.dll上”。出现这个提示情况是:Windows Xp 系统; 软件包括:window live writer 2009, windows messenger 2009, firefox 3.5 等非常新的版本。这个提示出现后,点击确定,并不影响程序的使用。这个问题出现的原因,其实微软自己的问题。可谓是微软的Vista 后遗症吧。在 Vista 系统里,有个挺酷的功能,就是“程序缩略图”,有点3D效果,这个功能,调用了 dwmapi.dll 这个库,而 dwmapi.dll 又引用了 msvcrt.dll 中的 _except_handler4_common 功能。然而,在XP系统中,系统自带的 msvcrt.dll 和 Vista 中的 msvcrt.dll 版本不同, 并没有这个 _except_handler4_common ,结果就出现了启动程序时,遇到的 “无法定位程序输入点_except_handler4_common于动态链接库msvcrt.dll上”的错误提示。解决方法: 将 c:windowssystem32 下的 dwmapi.dll 改名,例如:改为 dwmapi.dll.bak。更改后,可以直接打开ps,省去运行时间!更改后dwmapi.dll数据库文件属性会改变,图标会变成未知应用程序文件,不必惊慌,根本就不用管它。收集自网络:无法定位程序输入点_except_handler4_common于动态链接库msvcrt.dll上解决方式如下:这是由于sp3加载的驱动造成的;只需要将C:WINDOWSsystem32dwmapi.dll重新命名一下即可以解决。原因:浅谈Windows环境软件故障调试与分析大家好,我是Eric,今天,我将与大家一起分享一个软件故障的调试与分析案例,希望给大家提供一个解决Windows下软件错误的基本分析思路和供参考的一类解决方法。看完本例,您将会初步了解到Dll Entry Point错误的一些基本知识,也将接触到像Winbdg、Dependency Walker一类的专业调试、分析工具软件的基本使用,在这里我也和大家一起分享并探讨。 本例中出现错误的软件是中国移动飞信2008版客户端,具体现象是每次双击图标启动该程序时总会收到一个错误信息对话框——标题为“FetionFX.exe - Entry Point Not Found”,内容为“The procedure entry point _except_handler4_common could not be located in the dynamic link library msvcrt.dll.”。如下图所示:、 以前在台式机中文版Microsoft Windows XP Professional with Service Pace 2上使用这个客户端时并没有出现该问题,但是今年9月份我将笔记本计算机的操作系统安装为Microsoft Windows XP Professional with Service Pace 3的英文版,然后于10月初安装飞信客户端之后就一直存有这个问题,直到今天我才有一块集中的空余时间来分析解决。之前我搜索过百度,但是答案均是“系统缺少msvcrt.dll,下载一个就好了”或者是“msvcrt.dll版本不正确,下载一个替换即可”,为了图简便,我也试过,但是根本不奏效。可是我发现没有解决也可以正常使用飞信,只是每次要弹出这个错误消息,所以也没急着管。哈哈~幸好今天解决掉了,心得是解决软件故障不能浮于表面,欲发掘内在问题和根本原因,还得自己架设环境手动分析,因为软件太多了,错误的种类也太多了,一切还是得具体情况具体分析阿~~下面我们一起来看看整个过程吧:(全部的分析调试过程不止下面的这些,但是经过解决这个问题,以下整理出来的思路应该是最简短并且能够找到问题原因的)首先,我们让该问题重现,即双击飞信客户端的桌面图标,让其弹出该错误对话框。错误提示出现了,我们先不急着点击“OK(确定)”按钮,而是启动一个调试程序。(本例中使用著名的Microsoft Windbg工具进行调试分析)然后在“File(文件)”菜单中选择“Attach to a Process...(附加到一个进程)”,选择当前的飞信客户端的进程“FetionFX.exe”。这里之所以要选择Attach to a Process就是因为我们要将调试器跟踪到当前这个产生错误的进程,然后从内存中实时察看相关的线程堆栈甚至API函数的调用。Windbg中还支持其他的几种类型的调试,须根据具体情形按需选择。附加到该进程之后的结果如下图所示:然后,我们可以在图中清晰地看到,当系统加载到“c:Program FilesChina MobileFetiondwmapi.dll”时挂起,就是图中的"Warning: Break-in time out, suspending.",在Windows中的表现也就是弹出了上述的错误对话框,并且我们还没有点击“确定”按钮,于是程序暂时挂起。因此,我们可以判断,FeionFX.exe启动时加载的位于“c:Program FilesChina MobileFetion”目录下的dwmapi.dll在执行某个函数过程的时候遇到了错误。那么究竟是什么样的函数呢?根据错误对话框的信息,我们可以初步猜测是MSVCRT.dll中的_except_handler4_common。于是,我们需要查找一下当前进程中有关该过程的现状,所以执行"x msvcrt!_except_handler*"命令,返回的结果也在上图中的底部。在Windbg中,x是查找符号的命令,可以用来查找全局变量的地址或过程的地址。比如x kernel32!*显示Kernel32.dll中的所有可见变量,数据结构和过程。*号是通配符,代替任意的字符串,为了查找全部的,我们需要使用该通配符。(其实如果你执行“x msvcrt!_except_handler4_common”你会发现没有任何结果,也就是找不到,其实这也就是出现该错误的原因,我们后文分析。因此退一步不输入"4_common",查找所有_except_handler过程) 结果告诉我们,进程中msvcrt.dll存有的过程有_except_handler2以及_except_handler3,而恰恰没有_except_handler4。鉴于以上返回结果,我们可以初步断定,错误的起因是因为程序不能执行MSVCRT.DLL中的_except_handler4_common过程,而且原因是当前缺少这个。此时,我们需要借助Microsoft Dependency Walker进行辅助分析并且确认。 我们启动Microsoft Dependency Walker,打开该dwmapi.dll,可以发现,该DLL文件的运行将会首先调用MSVCRT.DLL,而且下图中也标示出来了,在当前调用的MSVCRT.DLL中,缺少一个函数"_except_handler4_common",这起好与我们看到的错误现象相以及Windbg分析的结果吻合。如下图所示:此时,我们可以进一步断定,要么是DLL版本不对,要么就是dwmapi.dll有问题。而这个程序调用的是XP系统的%systemroot%system32下面的MSVCRT.DLL,从移动飞信官方得知,该程序就是针对XP/Vista开发的,且朋友中文版XP SP3中运行得很正常,于是我确认了一下本机该文件的版本,结果是“7.0.2600.5512 (xpsp.080413-2111)”,看来没有什么问题,是版本7.0.2600。于是我们得查一查另外一个文件了——dwmapi.dll,为什么它要载入MSVCRT.Dll并且调用其中并不存在的一个过程呢? 接下来,我们查看位于飞信文件夹下的dwmapi.dll。察看版本信息,得到“6.0.6000.16386 (vista_rtm.061101-2205)”,问题就在这里!看到了吗?这个位于飞信安装目录下的文件怎么会来自Vista正式发布版??怎么会用到XP的程序执行之中???要知道,这个文件之所以能够使用全部功能是因为在Vista环境之下,很多新的DLL文件中带有新的函数,正好可以被它调用。那么我们猜想,是不是Vista版本下的MSVCRT.DLL就存在一个新版本——即第4版的_exception_handler4呢?我们从Microsoft Windows Vista RTM中提取出位于%systemroot%system32下面的MSVCRT.DLL,其版本为“7.0.6001.18000 (longhorn_rtm.080118-1840)”,然后再次使用Dependency Walker打开,发现其中果然存在该新的函数!即“_except_handler4_common”。如下图所示:到这里,问题就已经清楚了。正是由于本机的飞信客户端在启动时调用了用于Vista的DLL组件dwmapi.dll,而该DLL又要尝试调用一个Vista下msvcrt.dll才有的过程,才出现了该错误提示。因为我们发现,该错误提示并不影响之后程序的正常使用,而且我们所使用的环境是Windows XP而非Vista,所以推断该调用dwmapi.dll的过程是非必要的,于是将其重命名或是删除到回收站,再次启动飞信客户端,错误提示消失了,迎来的是程序正常的使用…… 之后我查阅了大量的KB资料以及Visual Studio的MSDN资料,发现_except_handler是VC++编译器自带的一个内部异常处理。而版本4的_except_handler4_common handler又仅存在于Vista以及之后的系统之中。而且值得注意的是,很多这样子的错误都是由于系统中存在有来自更高级版本系统的文件造成的,而文件的来源于一般有几种,一般是修改系统时自己放进去的或者别的安装程序带入的,也有情况是盗版改版的操作系统中存有的,再有就是本例中的情形——安装程序可同时用于Windows XP以及Windows Vista。可能是由于XP英文版与中文版的环境的不同,飞信客户端的启动选择了加载调用为Vista准备的dwmapi.dll从而产生了此错误。 注:本例中并没有介绍使用Dependency Walker的“Profile(剖析)”功能,因为该飞信客户端的启动不是靠单文件的,因此比较复杂,而且本例中因为该错误不能成功剖析整个启动过程。借助其他工具,可以得到,其实飞信客户端的启动过程是先通过Fetion.exe加载FetionFX.exe然后再加载“VMDotNetv2.0.50727”下的FetionVM.exe进行的,于是我们可以只对FetionVM.exe进行剖析,而且当前环境也只能这样了。剖析过后同样能够发现问题,如下图所示:参考资料:
2023-07-26 14:01:111


问题一:用英语说熏艾草要翻译 熏艾草 Smoked wormwood 例句 1 每年我的家人都会挂艾草在前门。 Every year my family hangs Ay Tsao on their front door. 2 清明水果的包装是由艾草挤压,大米和糯米。 The wrapper of Qingming fruit is made from squeezed wormwood, rice andglutinous rice. 问题二:端午节挂的艾草用英语怎么说 简介 【物种名称】 艾草【别 名】 冰台、遏草、香艾、蕲艾、艾蒿、艾、灸草、医草、黄草、艾绒【拉丁学名】 Artemisia princeps 【英文名称】 Asiatic 憨ormwood 问题三:插艾草英语怎么写 suspend the artemisia挂艾草,插艾草 suspend the artemisia over the door艾草挂门上 小知识 ―――― 艾草的别名有许多,譬若冰台、遏草、香艾、蕲艾、艾蒿、艾、灸草、医草、黄草、艾绒、艾叶等。 Artemisia has many an alternative name. 艾草的英语名称Artemisia,来自摩索拉斯王的妻子,她的名字正是Artemisia。被誉为世界七大奇迹之一的摩索拉斯陵墓,建于大约公元前353年,位于曾经为波斯属地Caria 的地方,今小亚细亚西南部。 The English name for “艾草” is Artemisia, deriving from the name of the wife of Mausolus: Artemisia. The Mausoleum is the renowned shrine of Mausolus among the seven wonders of the ancient world, erected approximately 353 B.C., and is situated in the ancient city of Caria, once the vassal of Persia, and presently the south-west region of Anatolia. 每至端午节,家家户户喜欢将艾草拿红纸扎成一小把,挂在户门上,以除秽避邪。 Every time the Dra搐on Boat Festival es around, each family relishes tying Artemisia into a *** all bunch in red paper and suspending it over the door to ward off evil spirits. 艾草的英语别名之一是wormwood。英国作家C?S?路易斯(1898-1963)在其《地狱来鸿》(The Screwtape Letters,1942年)中,给其主要人物之一命名为wormwood。该主要人物是一个魔鬼。 One of the alternative names in English for Artemisia is Wormwood. The British author C.S. Lewis ( 1898-1963) in his novel The Screwtape Letters ( 1942) gave the name Wormwood to a devil who is the protagonist of the novel. 问题四:艾叶养生足疗英语翻译怎么说 艾叶养生足疗 Leaves foot massage. 艾叶养生足疗 Leaves foot massage 问题五:艾叶英文名 【英 文 名】rgy Wormwood Leaf 【拉 丁 名】Folium Artemisiae Argyi 如果满意请采纳。谢谢! 问题六:端午节当天人们在门上插艾草 祈祷平安用英语怎么翻译 on the dragon boat festival people always suspend the artimisa over the door ,praying for safety of the whole family 问题七:用英语说熏艾草要翻译 熏艾草 Smoked wormwood 例句 1 每年我的家人都会挂艾草在前门。 Every year my family hangs Ay Tsao on their front door. 2 清明水果的包装是由艾草挤压,大米和糯米。 The wrapper of Qingming fruit is made from squeezed wormwood, rice andglutinous rice. 问题八:端午节挂的艾草用英语怎么说 简介 【物种名称】 艾草【别 名】 冰台、遏草、香艾、蕲艾、艾蒿、艾、灸草、医草、黄草、艾绒【拉丁学名】 Artemisia princeps 【英文名称】 Asiatic 憨ormwood 问题九:插艾草英语怎么写 suspend the artemisia挂艾草,插艾草 suspend the artemisia over the door艾草挂门上 小知识 ―――― 艾草的别名有许多,譬若冰台、遏草、香艾、蕲艾、艾蒿、艾、灸草、医草、黄草、艾绒、艾叶等。 Artemisia has many an alternative name. 艾草的英语名称Artemisia,来自摩索拉斯王的妻子,她的名字正是Artemisia。被誉为世界七大奇迹之一的摩索拉斯陵墓,建于大约公元前353年,位于曾经为波斯属地Caria 的地方,今小亚细亚西南部。 The English name for “艾草” is Artemisia, deriving from the name of the wife of Mausolus: Artemisia. The Mausoleum is the renowned shrine of Mausolus among the seven wonders of the ancient world, erected approximately 353 B.C., and is situated in the ancient city of Caria, once the vassal of Persia, and presently the south-west region of Anatolia. 每至端午节,家家户户喜欢将艾草拿红纸扎成一小把,挂在户门上,以除秽避邪。 Every time the Dra搐on Boat Festival es around, each family relishes tying Artemisia into a *** all bunch in red paper and suspending it over the door to ward off evil spirits. 艾草的英语别名之一是wormwood。英国作家C?S?路易斯(1898-1963)在其《地狱来鸿》(The Screwtape Letters,1942年)中,给其主要人物之一命名为wormwood。该主要人物是一个魔鬼。 One of the alternative names in English for Artemisia is Wormwood. The British author C.S. Lewis ( 1898-1963) in his novel The Screwtape Letters ( 1942) gave the name Wormwood to a devil who is the protagonist of the novel. 问题十:艾叶养生足疗英语翻译怎么说 艾叶养生足疗 Leaves foot massage. 艾叶养生足疗 Leaves foot massage
2023-07-26 14:01:201

英文怎么说 我们被告知由于3/1的船期停航,所以船期不得不延期到3/5

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食品胶(food gums)通常是指溶解于水中,并在一定条件下能充分水化形成黏稠、滑腻或胶冻液的大分子物质,在加工食品中可以起到提供增稠、增黏、黏附力、凝胶形成能力、硬度、脆性、紧密度、稳定乳化、悬浊体等作用,使食品获得所需要各种形状和硬、软、脆、黏、稠等各种口感,所以也常称作食品增稠剂(food thickers)、增黏剂、胶凝剂(gelling agents)、稳定剂(stabilizers)悬浮剂(suspending agents)、食用胶、胶质等,因食品胶一般都属亲水性高分子化合物,可水化而形成高黏度的均相液,故亦称亲水胶体(hydrocolloid)、水溶胶。食品胶是一类能提高食品黏度或形成凝胶的食品添加剂,是在食品工业中有着广泛用途的一类重要的食品添加剂。食品胶一般具有这样一些特性:在水中有一定溶解度;在水中强烈溶胀,在一定温度范围内能迅速溶解或糊化;水溶液有较大黏度,在大多数情况下具有非牛顿流体的性质;一部分食品胶在一定条件下可形成凝胶和薄膜。为了统一命名和方便起见,同时突显其在食品中的应用,一般将其称为“食品胶”或“食用胶”。
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2023-07-26 14:02:261

天的近 义词

2023-07-26 14:02:406

我们被告知 / 通知... 英文怎么说

我们被告知 / 通知... 英文怎么说 we are rmed that............... 我被告知他很快就回来,怎么用英语说 您好,翻译结果:I was told that he will e back soon, 外贸中的通知人和被通知人用英语怎么说呢如题 你好! 通知人和被通知人Inform and be rmed我被通知负责这个专案英文怎么说 I have been rmed to take over the project. “通知”用英语怎么说 【汉语】通知 【英文】rm;acquaint; notify;advise 【词语辨析】 rm: 普通用词,指传达事实或资讯,或指经过研究或调查而获得的事实或资讯。 acqua触nt: 指提供有关资讯或情况使某人熟悉某些过程或复杂的情况。 notify: 指正式通知需要注意的事情。 advise: 指正式通知某件重要事,所通知的事情与被通知的人有关。 英文怎么说 我们被告知由于3/1的船期停航,所以船期不得不延期到3/5 We were told that the shipping date would have to be delayed/ postponed until Mar. 5th due to suspending of the ship dated Mar. 1st. 【英语牛人团】五年外贸精英人士倾情奉献,可追问,满意请记得采纳哦,谢谢啦!
2023-07-26 14:03:261


问题一:船期4/6用英文该怎么说 Sailing date is June 4. Sailing date is April 6. 两种可能。 问题二:船期大概42天左右英语怎么说 船期大概42天左右 The time schedule for about 42 days 船期大概42天左右 The time schedule for about 42 days 问题三:船期,航程,堆场 用英语怎么说? 船期 shipping schedule, shipping date 航程 voyage 堆场 storage yard/stack yard Please inform us the shipping schedule, voyage and 户osition of the stack yard. 问题四:船期是否满足 英语怎么说? ”船期是否满足“ 可以有两种解释: 1. 货物到达的时间是否会晚?―― Will the shipment be on time? 2. 几趟船运够不够?―― Will the arranged shipments be enough for the order矗 你问的是哪一种呢? 问题五:各位大虾,船期用英语怎么说 shipping window 问题六:我们会订最近的船期的英文怎么说 10分 We will make booking according the latest container ship 问题七:英文怎么说 我们被告知由于3/1的船期停航,所以船期不得不延期到3/5 We were told that the shipping date would have to be delayed/ postponed until Mar. 5th due to suspending of the ship dated Mar. 1st. 【英语牛人团】五年外贸精英人士倾情奉献,可追问,满意请记得采纳哦,谢谢啦!
2023-07-26 14:03:361


不规则抗体筛选实验有红细胞不规则抗体筛选实验,红细胞不规则抗体筛选实验对于输血来说是很有意义的,可以预防输血出现的一系列不良情况,做红细胞不规则抗体筛选实验有一些事项要注意,接下来我们来具体说下红细胞不规则抗体筛选实验的相关知识吧。 红细胞不规则抗体筛选实验目的 不规则抗体筛选有红细胞不规则抗体筛选,那么红细胞不规则抗体筛选实验目的是什么呢? 由于有临床意义的红细胞不规则抗体会导致溶血性输血反应,破坏输入的不配合的红细胞或缩短其寿命,产生溶血性输血反应,轻则影响治疗效果,重则危机病人生命;此外,对孕妇而言,不规则抗体会引起新生儿溶血病,影响新生儿脏器的发育,并使其智力发育受到伤害,严重者则会危及新生儿的生命安全。因此,抗筛选是很必要而且必须的。 对需要输血治疗的患者,进行红细胞不规则抗体筛查,可以有助于血液选择,从而有充分的时间来选择不含有针对某抗体的响应抗原的血液,从而防止因为输注含有某抗体相应抗原的血液而引起溶血性输血反应,保证输血安全。 红细胞不规则抗体筛选实验意义 红细胞不规则抗体筛选实验比较少见,那么红细胞不规则抗体筛选实验意义是什么呢? 红细胞不规则抗体的检测与临床输血的安全性和有效性密切相关。随着输血技术的发展,红细胞不规则抗体的检测方法不断丰富、检测水平不断提高,越来越多的不规则抗体被发现。因此,输血技术人员有必要深入了解不规则抗体的重要性。 本身红细胞也称红血球,在常规化验中英文常缩写成RBC,是血液中数量最多的一种血细胞,同时也是脊椎动物体内通过血液运送氧气的最主要的媒介,同时还具有免疫功能。哺乳动物成熟的红细胞是无核的,这意味着它们失去了DNA。红细胞主要是通过无氧糖酵解来释放能量,而其中葡萄糖-6-磷酸脱氢酶、丙酮酸激酶就是红细胞进行无氧糖酵解的必须的酶类。如果这些酶活性下降或缺失,红细胞就不能进行无氧糖酵解。 红细胞不规则抗体筛选实验有必要做吗 红细胞不规则抗体筛选实验不是每个人都做的,那么红细胞不规则抗体筛选实验有必要做吗? 红细胞不规则抗体筛选实验有必要做。本身不规则抗体主要是经输血或妊娠等免疫刺激产生,在盐水介质中不能凝集而只能致敏相应抗原的红细胞,必须通过特殊介质才能使致敏红细胞出现凝集反应。临床上通常所称的“同型血”实际上是指ABO血型系统和Rh血型系统相同,其它红细胞血型系统未必相同。如果交叉配血不仔细,或者只用盐水介质配血,则有可能检查不出ABO血型系统之外的不规则抗体,而此抗体与相应抗原发生免疫反应,可导致溶血性输血反应的发生。 通常情况下红细胞可以运输氧气,也运输一部分二氧化碳。运输二氧化碳时呈暗紫色,运输氧气时呈鲜红色。红细胞会生成于骨髓之内。红细胞老化后,易导致血管堵塞,所以会自动返回骨髓深处,由白细胞负责销毁;或是在经过肝脏时,被巨噬细胞分解成为胆汁。 红细胞不规则抗体筛选实验案例 对于红细胞不规则抗体筛选实验感受是因人而异的,那么红细胞不规则抗体筛选实验案例有哪些呢? 红细胞不规则抗体筛选实验案例为取试管三支,标明Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ并往各管加病人血清(血浆)2滴,加5%筛选细胞(Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ)各1滴。各加LIM0.7ML,混合均匀后,再各加Polybrene 溶液2滴,并混合均匀。用BASO专用离心机1000G离心力,离心10秒,然后把上清液倒掉,不要沥干,让管底残留约0.1ML液体。轻轻摇动试管,目测红细胞有无凝集,如无凝集,则必须重作。最后加入Resuspending 2滴,轻轻转动试管混合并同时观察结果。如果凝集散开,表示是由Polybrene引起的非特异性聚集,抗体筛检结果为阴性;如凝集不散开,则为红细胞抗原抗体结合的特异性反应,抗体筛检结果为阳性,应进一步作抗体鉴定。 虽然红细胞不规则抗体筛选阳性率仅为0.37%,但是该项阳性的患者一旦输入具有相应抗原的红细胞,抗原、抗体发生免疫性结合,在补体的参与下,使输入的红细胞发生溶解,即发生溶血性输血反应。患者出现发热、贫血、黄疸和血红蛋白尿,严重时甚至危及其生命。因此,在输血中要经常警惕这种输血反应发生的可能性。当红细胞不规则抗体筛选阳性时,必须进一步作抗体鉴定,确定其特异性后,再输入无相应抗原的红细胞,才能达到安全输血之目的。
2023-07-26 14:03:441


自己翻得I produced magnesium silicate gel inorganic mineral is magnesium-rich smectite and montmorillonite special purified by extraction, modified, modified from refined processing. Is a non-toxic, tasteless, non-irritating, with creamy white powder into a sense of colloidal sheet products, similar to the United States Vanderbilt VEEGUM produced goods. Magnesium aluminum silicate unique layered structure, so that the products are amazing colloidal dispersion, stability, thixotropy, and the suspension and so on. Is widely used and Cream on product category, pesticides, paints, pharmaceuticals, rubber , textiles, batteries, ceramics, petrochemical and environmental protection and other fields. 1. Cream of context on This product as a water thickening agent, suspending agent, emulsion stabilizer, viscosity modifier and non-migration of the binder, at the same time have a high ion exchange capacity and adsorption capacity of organic cation. With Baoxiang, the role of efficacy and stability. widely used in toothpaste, cosmetics, detergents, cleaning agents to replace the organic gums, polymers, while maintaining and paste into a section of the advantages of moisture. 2. In regard to pesticide As a dispersing agent, suspending agent, emulsion stabilizer and sustained-release agent has been used for domestic and foreign manufacturers of pesticides atrazine, B, such as the Arab-Israeli agent, such as wettable powder or water-soluble pesticides in. III. Paint area The use of this product excellent dispersibility, stability, thixotropy, suspension and salt-resistant, anti-enzyme, and so on. Are widely used in latex paint and water-soluble to suspended particles, pigment, to prevent caking precipitation, to improve the coating. IV. Other aspects 1. In drugs since the role of the rheological agent, control and latex oral suspension of irrigation, and to maintain uniformity of pharmaceutical ingredients; in tablet disintegrants role play. 2. This product is dry powder in the dry cleaning detergent softener can also can be used as abrasive material and emulsion stabilizer SC. 3. In the ceramic glaze suspension can make the high-oxide body with plastic and adhesive from the role of non-mobile 4. Make use of the products made from many other industrial products, such as: adhesives, spraying of insecticides; the electrolytic cell paste; electronic devices in the fluorescent agent; foundry mold release lubricant workshop; color chalk Visco mixture and the rubber, latex and latex used in textile finishing and the SC, such as stabilizers. 5. Physical and Chemical Properties Appearance and odor: White powder or flake, non-toxic, tasteless, non-irritating, texture柔软光滑 Moisture: ≤ 8% PH value: (5% aqueous dispersion) 7.5 ~ 9.5 Brightness: (ND-B Instrument white) ≥ 80% Viscosity: (5% aqueous dispersion of NDJ-79 viscometer) ≥ 5 mPa u2022 S P6: ≤ 20ppm As: ≤ 2 ppm Chemical composition: Composition SiO2 Al2O3 MgO Fe2O3 CaO TiO2 K2O Na2O Alexa missing Content % ≥ 71 ≥ 12 ≤ 3.2 ≤ 1.5 ≤ 1.5 ≤ 0.55 1 ~ 1.2 1.4 ~ 1.6 ≤ 8 六. Product use Gel first match is usually 5% to 8% of the water gel, and then diluted or other materials. In Canada titanium dioxide, talc, kaolin, such as the quality of suspended time, can be added a small amount of sodium pyrophosphate, metaphosphate, such as dispersant, wetting agent, suspending agent and Germany in order to increase homogeneity and dispersion. Decentralized approach: Powder products: the first in the mixing container by adding 92% ~ 95% of the softened water, and then under stirring at a high speed, slowly adding 5% ~ 8% of the gel powder. Continuous stirring until a uniform colloidal dispersion lanes (10000rpm 5 ~ 10 minutes) Flake products: the first in the mixing container 92% ~ 95% of the softened water, and then under stirring at a high speed, slowly adding 5% ~ 8% of the gel powder. Static swelling 2 to 3 hours, stirring until the beginning of these lanes and uniform colloidal dispersion. (60 ~ 500 rpm 30 ~ 60 minutes) 7. Product packaging Non-toxic polyethylene plastic liner, plus high-quality woven bags, sealed packages, each with a gross weight exceeding 25 kilograms. Eight orders with the transport Our company spirit of "market-oriented nation, the world, unity, hard work, high-quality, high efficiency, quality, excellence" purposes, to provide users with high-quality products and services. We welcome new and old customers letter calls inquiries, orders.
2023-07-26 14:03:542


问题一:船期大概42天左右英语怎么说 船期大概42天左右 The time schedule for about 42 days 船期大概42天左右 The time schedule for about 42 days 问题二:船期4/6用英文该怎么说 Sailing date is June 4. Sailing date is April 6. 两种可能。 问题三:船期是否满足 英语怎么说? ”船期是否满足“ 可以有两种解释: 1. 货物到达的时间是否会晚?―― Will the shipment be on time? 2. 几趟船运够不够?―― Will the arranged shipments be enough for the order矗 你问的是哪一种呢? 问题四:各位大虾,船期用英语怎么说 shipping window 问题五:船期,航程,堆场 用英语怎么说? 船期 shipping schedule, shipping date 航程 voyage 堆场 storage yard/stack yard Please inform us the shipping schedule, voyage and 户osition of the stack yard. 问题六:英文怎么说 我们被告知由于3/1的船期停航,所以船期不得不延期到3/5 We were told that the shipping date would have to be delayed/ postponed until Mar. 5th due to suspending of the ship dated Mar. 1st. 【英语牛人团】五年外贸精英人士倾情奉献,可追问,满意请记得采纳哦,谢谢啦! 问题七:我们会订最近的船期的英文怎么说 10分 We will make booking according the latest container ship
2023-07-26 14:04:131


信息太少,不过看着挺像JDBC连接异常导致的服务器挂起 ;你可以检查一下JDBC连接方面的设置
2023-07-26 14:04:201


  汉字天的部首为大字旁,总共笔画是4笔。关于天字在五行中属什么,天字词典解释有哪些?下面快来了解看看吧!   天字在五行中属什么   天字分析   简体字:天 繁体字:天 拼音:tian 部首:大 部首笔画:3   部外笔画:1 起名吉凶:吉 五行:火 简体笔画:4 繁体笔画:4   天字词典解释   天,汉语名词,最初指空间,与地相对,后引申为天空、太空。详见《道德经》天长,地久。天地之所以能长且久者,以其不自生也,故能长生。。此处,天即空间;天长即空间极其辽阔。   中华关于对天的最早解释,在《简易道德经》(又称《简易经》)有所记载:常言天,齐究何也?昊曰:无题,未知天也,空空旷旷亦天。甲骨文和金文中的天,是一个脑袋被着重画出的小人,本义为 头,后引申为天(因为两者都是至高无上的)。   天字含义解析:   天〈名〉   (会意。甲骨文字形。下面是个正面的人形(大),上面指出是人头,小篆变成一横。本义:人的头顶)   同本义 [top]   天,颠也。颠者,人之顶也。以为凡高之称。--《说文解字注》   又如:天灵(人或其他动物的头顶骨);天灵盖(头顶骨)   古代的墨刑。在额头上刺字的刑罚 [tatto in front]   天,刑名。剠凿其额曰天。--《集韵》   《其人天且劓。--《易睽卦》。虞注:黥额为天。 天空 [sky]   天,至高无上。--《说文》   天,气也。--《论衡谈天》   形天与帝至此争神,帝断其首。--《神话四则形天》   天似穹庐。--《乐府诗集杂歌谣辞敕勒歌》   天苍苍。   接天莲叶无穷碧。--宋杨万里《晓出净慈寺送林子方》   仰视天。--清薛福成《观巴黎油画记》   又如:天澄澄(天色澄清的样子);天色(天空色);天宇(天空);天日(天空与太阳);天角(天之一隅);天盘(天际);天弩(天空;天空高远)   天帝,上天。古人以天为万物主宰者 [Heaven]   休祲降于天。--《战国策魏策》   有夏多罪,天命殛之。--《书商书》   天下所启。--《左传僖公二十三年》   天赐也。   天其或者将逮诸。   天将兴之,谁能废之。   此天之亡我,非战之罪也。--《史记项羽本纪》   天将降大任。--《孟子告子下》   天以卿二人赞孤也。--《资治通鉴》   又如:天可怜见(上天救助,老天保佑);天庖(天帝的庖厨);天马(神马;骏马的美称);天丁(天兵);天功(天的职任;天然形成的工巧);天打雷劈;天休(天赐福佑);天佑(上天佑助)   天堂 [palace]。   如:天居(住在天上);天陛(天宫台阶)   一昼夜 [day;period of timt in a day]。   如:天把(一两天,一天半天);夏天天长夜短;今天;明天   比人类品质更高尚和能力更强大的存在 [god]   违天不祥。--《左传僖公三十二年》   此乃天也。--《资治通鉴》   又如:天晓得;我的天   自然所生成的事物 [nature]   与天不老。--清梁启超《饮冰室合集文集》   又如:巧夺天工;天性如此;天衣无缝;文章天成;天演(自然进化);天巧(自然工巧);天式(自然法式);天光(自然的智慧之光);天财(自然财富)   一年里的特定时候 [season]。   如:天中节(端午节);夏天;黄梅天   气象状态 [weather]   秋天漠漠向昏黑。--唐杜甫《茅屋为秋风所破歌》   天阴雨湿声啾啾。--唐杜甫《兵车行》   心忧炭贱愿天寒。--唐白居易《卖炭翁》   天阴黑。--《资治通鉴唐纪》。   又如:天风馋(冷风袭人,易使人生病);天变了   丈夫 [husband]。   如:失其所天   指先天不足 [defects of male]   此天之所不足也。--《灵枢》   古代指君王 [emperor]。   如:天颜(皇帝之面);天表(天子的仪表);天恩;天邑(帝王之都);天位(天子之位)   头等大事[major event;matter of paramount importance]   王者以民人为天,而民人以食为天。--《史记郦生陆贾列传》   人的额部 [front]。   如:天炙(朱水点额)   姓   天 〈形〉   天然的;天生的 [natural]   依乎天理,批大却,导大窾。--《庄子庖丁解牛》   又如:天性;天资   顶上的;架空的 [built on stilts;suspending in midair]。   如:天桥;天窗;天棚
2023-07-26 14:04:391


问题一:插艾草英语怎么写 suspend the artemisia挂艾草,插艾草 suspend the artemisia over the door艾草挂门上 小知识 ―――― 艾草的别名有许多,譬若冰台、遏草、香艾、蕲艾、艾蒿、艾、灸草、医草、黄草、艾绒、艾叶等。 Artemisia has many an alternative name. 艾草的英语名称Artemisia,来自摩索拉斯王的妻子,她的名字正是Artemisia。被誉为世界七大奇迹之一的摩索拉斯陵墓,建于大约公元前353年,位于曾经为波斯属地Caria 的地方,今小亚细亚西南部。 The English name for “艾草” is Artemisia, deriving from the name of the wife of Mausolus: Artemisia. The Mausoleum is the renowned shrine of Mausolus among the seven wonders of the ancient world, erected approximately 353 B.C., and is situated in the ancient city of Caria, once the vassal of Persia, and presently the south-west region of Anatolia. 每至端午节,家家户户喜欢将艾草拿红纸扎成一小把,挂在户门上,以除秽避邪。 Every time the Dra搐on Boat Festival es around, each family relishes tying Artemisia into a *** all bunch in red paper and suspending it over the door to ward off evil spirits. 艾草的英语别名之一是wormwood。英国作家C?S?路易斯(1898-1963)在其《地狱来鸿》(The Screwtape Letters,1942年)中,给其主要人物之一命名为wormwood。该主要人物是一个魔鬼。 One of the alternative names in English for Artemisia is Wormwood. The British author C.S. Lewis ( 1898-1963) in his novel The Screwtape Letters ( 1942) gave the name Wormwood to a devil who is the protagonist of the novel. 问题二:插艾叶的 英文 艾草:Ay tsao 艾叶:moxa 问题三:端午节当天人们在门上插艾草 祈祷平安用英语怎么翻译 on the dragon boat festival people always suspend the artimisa over the door ,praying for safety of the whole family 问题四:为什么端午节要插艾草和菖蒲呢英文回答 端午节在门口插菖蒲即是民间传说的驱邪壁障之功效,实际上也有防病的作用。 全部释义和例句>>The Dragon Boat Festival in the doorway is the calamus folklore evil barrier effect, actually also... The Dragon Boat Festival in the doorway is the calamus folklore evil barrier effect, actually also has the effect of preventing and. 问题五:插艾叶的传说,详细点儿。 农历五月五日是端午节。在这一天,家家户户不仅要吃粽子,还要在家门口挂上艾叶。关于挂艾叶还有这样一个传说。 据说在唐朝末触,有一个农民起义军的领袖名叫黄巢,官兵听到这个名字都会害怕。 有一次,黄巢率领军队打到河南邓州城。为了能够更好地了解地形,他乔装扮成老百姓去察看地形。这时,迎面走来了一个农村妇女手拉着一个两三岁的小男孩,怀里却抱着一个五六岁的大男孩,随着逃难的人群西行。黄巢很纳闷,便上前去询问,那村妇说:“县衙今天挨门传令,说黄巢马上要血洗邓州,大家快逃命吧!” 黄巢又问:“那你为什么拉着小的,却抱着大的?”村妇答道:“大的这个孩子,父母都已经被乱军杀死,如今只剩下这根独苗了。小的这个是我的亲生儿子,万一黄巢追来,我宁肯丢掉自己的孩子,也要留下邻家的这根独苗。” 黄巢听了,为村妇的大义所感动,他对村妇说:“我黄巢专和官府作对,决不伤害无辜百姓!”说着,他拔出佩剑一挥,砍倒路边两株艾草,交给村妇说:“大嫂,你快快回城传话,让穷人门上都插上艾叶,有这个记号,保管不会受到伤害。”这个消息很快传遍了全城,当晚穷人家的门上都插上了艾叶。 第二天正好是五月初五,农民起义军攻下了邓州、杀了县官,而老百姓没有受到一点伤害。 从此,端午节插艾叶可避免灾祸就一起流传到今天。 在很久很久以前,有一个村庄里住着许多人家,由于生产资料的多少,土地拥有的不同,生活条件各有差异。其中有一户人家姓张,家中老小三口日子过得倒也不错,五月初四那天,夫妻俩吵了阵子嘴后,男客外出到桑树地上剪桑条去了。妻子一边到猪棚头喂猪,一边还在生丈夫的闷气,心想这口气一定要出。 这个时候天上有一位神仙,一时空闲无事,觉得无聊,便下得凡间来了解一下老百姓的生活情况。神仙腾云驾雾来到张家村的上空,便化装成一个求乞的老叫化子,拨下云头正好落在张大嫂的家门口。左手臂上挂着一只篮子,篮子里放着一只空碗,右手拿着一根拐杖,赤着一双脚,跨进张家的院子。这时候,一只黄狗张牙舞爪狂叫起来,屋子里一个五岁左右的小孩听得狗叫就跑出屋内,看见了一个老乞丐走进来,吓得哭了起来,边哭边跑到猪棚头喊叫着:“姆妈,外面来了一个叫化子!”正在喂猪的张大嫂走出猪棚一看,见是一个白胡须老叫化子,立即板起面孔,把同丈夫吵架的一肚子怨气发泄出来:“你这个老叫化子,讨饭也要看看时间,现在又不是吃饭的时候,哪里有东西来给你?去!去!去!”说着又回到猪棚头去了。 老乞丐看看张大嫂不给饭,也不给米。便装出一副可怜的样子说:“请大嫂行行好,我一个老头子,走了许多路,昨晚夜饭没有吃,今天早上早饭还是没有吃,肚皮快要饿瘪了,就把你喂猪的,或者说是你喂狗的,随便给我一点就行了。” 那个妇女“哼”了一声,白了一眼说:“看你想得出来,我喂猪,猪大起来好卖铜钱,我喂狗,它好看门护院,给你吃,我不如倒在阴沟里。”叫化子没有办法,但想想再试探一下,于是把篮子里放着那只空碗拿出来说:“既然你这样对待我,我也不强求了,那你给我一碗冷水喝喝总可以吧!” “你这老头真是这么讨厌。”张大嫂边说边把捞猪食的一把铁丝抄斗抛出门外,然后对叫化子说:“水缸就在墙角旁边,有本事就去舀水喝,没本事就赶紧走远点。” 老神仙一看水勺原来是用几根铁丝做的,怎么能舀水喝呢?随手用拐杖把铁丝抄斗拨在一边,在泥地上写下“明日起瘟病,全村人死尽”十个大字,一转身化作一缕青烟不见了。那小孩亲眼看见叫化子腾云上天空去了,急忙叫娘出来。这个时候张大嫂一看地上的字勿识得,连忙去叫村里识字的先生来,先生一看吓了一跳:“这怎么回事呢?”张大嫂把乞丐讨饭的事说了一遍。原来......>> 问题六:插艾叶的简单诗句 ,用在开头 《端午家集二首》年代: 宋 作者: 曾丰 戏缠朱彩索,争带赤灵符。踏草仍悬艾,包菰更结芦。都还痴子弟,半出骏僮奴。老病无他好,惟餐玉术蒲。 问题七:为什么要插艾叶? 端午节门前插艾叶,如重阳插茱萸一样,是我国民间盛传已久的风俗,至今仍在不少农村延续着。以艾叶“悬于户上,可攘毒气”,是古福对端午插艾机理的科学认识。金代词人范成大《竹叶歌》曰:“五月五日气岚开,南门竞船争看来”,正是对端午采艾的通俗解释。 因此时处于小满与夏至之间,值阴阳交接时,也正是多种传染病的好发之时,预防疾病是当务之急。恰巧自然界艾花未开而枝叶茂,其有效的药物成分便被民众所充分利用起来。由此可见,端午采艾插艾习俗从卫生学看来也是大有道理的。难怪有人说端午节也是我国古代的卫生节。 艾为菊科植物,最早见《诗经》。性温,味苦、辛,生用能温通经脉,逐寒湿而止冷痛,《本草纲目》谓其能“温中、逐冷、除湿”。用于下焦虚寒,腹中冷痛,月经不调,行经腹痛等,常与当归、香附配伍。单用煎汤外洗可治皮肤湿疹瘙痒。将其艾绒制成艾条,用以烧灸,能使热气内注温煦、气血透达经络。非典时我省不少家庭曾烧艾条熏室,效果十分明显。
2023-07-26 14:04:461

on delaying retirement什么意思

on delaying retirement对延迟退休
2023-07-26 14:05:062

创建账户时出现的value is not allowed,是什么意思

2023-07-26 14:05:142


  在平凡的学习、工作、生活中,许多人都有过写作文的`经历,对作文都不陌生吧,借助作文人们可以反映客观事物、表达思想感情、传递知识信息。相信很多朋友都对写作文感到非常苦恼吧,以下是我为大家整理的关于第一次做饭英语作文,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。   第一次做饭英语作文 篇1   I hate to say that,but it is really a terrible experience.I knew it again that I am an idiot of cooking.   Yesterday,after we finished the cleaning of the kitchen,we decided to say goodbye to snack and cook delicious food.   Thanks to my roommate"s friends,we had a wonderful lunch,but when it came to dinner,it was a nightmare,and I was the nightmare maker.   Actually I started to feel uncomfortable when I stepped into the market.The smell there was so mawkish that I couldn"t bear to stay there too long.I bought several things near the gate of the market: a weever,three pieces of doufu,five eggs,and five tomatoes.And then I called home to ask the way of cooking fish,but still felt unsure about it.   When I came back home and put the dying fish into the pool,I was almost afraid to touch it,it was still alive! All I could to is just to wait.After a while,the poor fish was died and didn"t move anymore.I washed it and put the fish into a dish which lay on a small bow suspending in the skillet.And then I perfused seasoning over the fish,put the cover on and turned on the fire to braise it.I think I was quite successful until that moment.Then I turned my attention to make some preparation of tomato soup and cook rice.When I finished these and opened the cover of the fish,waa~,I still remember that status very clearly.The dish fell into the water in the skillet,the seasoning was diffusing into the water,and the fish,sank down to the bottom of the skillet!   The braised weever became another soup.But why it smelled so awful? And the fish tasted so unsavory? This beated me so much that I have no mood to make the remain dishes.I forgot to put peanut oil when I cooked doufu and put very little salt into the tomato soup.   You can imagine what our dinner was like.I spend almost three hours including buying things in the market and still got such kind of meal! No wonder my parent ate so little when I first cooked several years ago and never ask me to cook anything again from then on.   It is so far from my target which is to make delicious food before I get married.It seems that the only way to realize this target is to postpone the date of marriage.   第一次做饭英语作文 篇2   Once my mother was ill.So I must cook by myself.I want to cook for Mom.   When I cooked,I didn"t know how to make fire,when to put the vegetables in the pot and I must ask my grandma on the telephone.   At last I took the dish to Mom.My Mom smiled to me.Although the taste of the dish was terrible.I was happy!   第一次做饭英语作文 篇3   There are many for the first time,for example: first wash the dishes,the first time cooking,first stage etc..Unforgettable first is an animal.   Previously,I just had a little hamster.It"s small,and Mao,feels fluffy,and some fat,very cute.We spent a day,but there is no feast! One day,a cup 《tragedy》 happened.   Once,my mother and I go home to play,there"s my "busy" extremely,every day here,where.Although this is the case,but also did not forget to feed it every day.I found that slowly hamster lost past active.I am very puzzled,but still don"t care about feeding.Soon the hamster die.I saw it and then secretly determined,I want to have a cause of death.   I recall the scene feeding,food should be no problem? But how to die? I think of this way and that,think about ten minutes,suddenly,I patted the head."Look at my memory,I forget to feed it with water.Really be negligent!" So I said to the guilty,his corpse "buried" in my pot.Bury it after I prayed,I hope it can rest in bed.Expect it to the next life don"t do hamster,do a live and work in peace.   This is the first time I,sad and grief,pain and remorse.I slowly began to change my careless habits,it is a harvest,but this is the hamster lives give me in return only.I hope you don"t like me be negligent,otherwise it will have bad things happen!   第一次做饭英语作文 篇4   I learned to cook,cooking can form a habit of self - reliance,to lay a good foundation for the future.   Our primary school students should do something extra-curricular besides finishing their study tasks every day.Because it makes my life rich and colorful.I like cooking,but also learned the ability to cook the same meal,from which I get happiness.   I like cooking because it "s a good cook.Once my mother wanted to make sushi,I felt very curious,just go and have a look.It looks serious because you like it,and remember the process.One day,my mother is not at home,I want to try my ability,I put the rice with a proper amount of salt,chicken essence,and even,take out a piece of laver,the uniform rice pressure on laver,and then add ham,carrots,cucumber,meat tightly rolled up,finally cut into pieces,orderly in the plate,a nutritious and appetite of food out of the oven.Mother came back moved and said," my baby is big.""   Since I learned to cook,bring happiness to my life,also let me know the value of labor,I will continue to work hard in the future,for parents to make more delicious food.   第一次做饭英语作文 篇5   This noon,my stomach is a little hungry,let my mother cook me some rice,my mother said: " I teach you to cook tomato scrambled eggs! ""   We prepared three eggs and three tomatoes.Mother said I do,first beat the eggs into the bowl,add a little salt and water,chopsticks kept stirring into egg liquid,water is to let the eggs fry out more tender.Then,I put the oil into the pot to burn hot,lampblack smoke poured eggs into the pot,see the eggs expanded,I "ll come out.It "s time to fry tomatoes.I cut them in half,cut them dry,and cut them into small pieces.Pour into a hot oil pan,stir-fry a few times,add salt,monosodium glutamate and scrambled eggs,stir-fry a few times,tomato scrambled eggs finally made.   I do as my mother said,the first few steps I do is very good,but in the last step,hear the sound of the fried,the in the mind feel very afraid,has been asked my mother: " if hot to hand pain not painful,pain not painful ..." my mother said:" will be a little pain don "t be afraid of".I carefully fired a few times,did not scald.The food is fried.Aroma,I tasted,taste a little light,delicious! Or mom fried delicious! Mom said," the first time you "ve done great,you "ve done your best! ""   I think: later,I want to help parents do more housework,be a hard-working good boy.   第一次做饭英语作文 篇6   Today,I learn how to cook at home with my mother.   I wash the good rice cooker first,put two cups of rice,add some water to rub a rub,pour out the water.Flushing put some water,and then poured some water,and then,put some good water filter.Clean the bottom of the pot of water,put in the cooking pot,closed the rice pot,open the power switch,press the button to go cooking.   After the meal cooked,I installed a bowl of rice,tastes,very delicious!Even mom and dad also full of praise!   今天和妈妈一起在家学做饭。   我先把好的电饭煲洗干净,放两杯米,加点水搓一搓,把水倒掉。冲水放点水,再倒点水,再放点好的滤水器。把锅底的水擦干净,放入煮饭锅,关上饭锅,打开电源开关,按下按钮开始做饭。   饭煮好后,我装了一碗米饭,味道,很好吃!连爸爸妈妈也赞不绝口!   第一次做饭英语作文 篇7   The first cooking   Life have many for the first time,pregnant with sorrow,the first is worth you cherish.I also have many for the first time,took it to cook,I put my kitchen make is a mess!   "Oh! Today who is cooking......" Nobody answer me.I searched through family and there"s nobody in sight.What is this? A note with a very casual write "noon we don"t go home,you do eat".I was silent for a moment.Then,head appeared a word "I can"t cook?"   "Guru,guru......" ! My stomach began to complain,can"t,do it by yourself! I reached into the one that makes me uneasy kitchen.First open the refrigerator,"what?" Eggs,cabbage and potatoes.That do it today an egg,Chinese cabbage Fried rice!   Ah! The first type egg mixture.Stir o,should do.Chinese cabbage,wash up first.Then slowly one knife a sword of cutting."How can that be?" Size is differ,thick thick,broken broken,Chinese cabbage dropped a land; Eggs also make the place is all.No matter,fill the stomach just is the most important.   First to oil,little to one.Can put the eggs,fry,fry; Put Chinese cabbage,continue to fry,put rice and fry for a second.Put half spoon of salt! O turn over,it! Applause!   Color can also; Smells a little strange; Taste-dare not eat! Summon up courage to taste a little bit,a little salty,and lettuce the taste of ripe,too oil! The summary.I only waiting for my mother came back to help me pick up the pieces.Also,help me to do something to eat,to eat!   第一次做饭英语作文 篇8   The first cooking   As a Chinese people,I enjoy Chinese food the most,such as steamed fish,bouilli,and plain-fry pork.Since the day when I started to work,I have to cook for myself.It was a Sunday in the year of 2010.I cooked for the first time.Actually,No one taught me how to cook.I could do nothing but bought a book on this.Admittedly,it was an exciting and challenging experience of my life.It"s memorable day and I enjoyed very much,there were a few of reasons for this,the first factor i should mention is that it was the most complex thing that I had ever did.You know,Chinese foods are always delicious and not easy to made as well.In addition,I shared the food with my GF.I mean we ate the food i prepared together .It was romantic.   To sum up,it is one of the most memorable day during my life time.   第一次做饭英语作文 篇9   My first cooking   I cook for the first time today.I will cook the breakfast for my mother and father.   Something to eat? How are about hamburgers and biscuit? I prepare the eggs and bread.I put the eggs,vegetables and salad into the bread.My father likes egg.So I put two eggs into the bread for him.Something to drink? I prepare a cup of milk for my mother and a cup of tea for my father.   My parents say I can be a good cook.
2023-07-26 14:05:211


本人自己写的,希望你满意。 1。4 students 四人对话-有关学校发生的事件: Stanley, Shirley, Peter and Peggy. Stanley: Do you know that Danny has been kicked out from school? 你们知不知道丹尼已经被踢出学校了? Shirley: Is it true? Where did you get the news? 是真的吗?你是从哪里得到这消息的? Peter: Yes, I know. I"ve heard from Stephen. 是的,我知道。我从斯蒂芬那边听来的。 Peggy: Who is Stephen? You mean Danny"s brother? 谁是斯蒂芬?是丹尼的哥哥? Stanley: Exactly. Stephen told me too. He is addicted to computer games and always playing truant from school. 没错。斯蒂芬告诉我的。他沉迷于电脑游戏而时常缺课。 Peter: I"ve met him a few times when I passed by the Storm Cyber café after school. I thought he was sick and thus didn"t go to school previously. Then he was caught red-handed by Mr.Lee last week.当我放学后,经过“风暴网吧”时,我有遇过他几次。我还以为他生病所以没去学校。过后,在上个星期,他被李老师捉个正着。 Shirley: Poor. But shouldn"t our Mr.Lee give him the second chance by suspending him 1 week rather than kick him out from school? 可怜。但是李老师应该给他第二次机会、暂停他读书1个星期,好过踢他出学校吧? Peggy: Yes, I agree. It"s so cruel not letting him to have the second chance to rehabilitate? 你说得对。没有给他第二次机会改过自新,这太残忍了吧。 Stanley: He had been caught more than 3 times previously. But still he hasn"t turned over a new leaf. 他之前已经被捉超过3次。但是他还是没改过自新。 Shirley: No wonder he is kicked out from school. 怪不得他被踢出学校。 Peggy: This case teaches us a lesson that we should not neglect our study. 这事件教训我们,不可以荒废学业。 Peter: I"m totally agreed with you. 完全同意你的说法。 2。4人对话,讨论著名短篇小说 《老人与海》的故事: Stanley, Shirley, Peggy and Peter。 Stanley: Have you heard of a famous novel named “The Old Man and Sea”? Peter: Yes, of course. The writer is Ernest Hemingway. Shirley: I remembered her. She wrote this novel in Cuba in 1951. Peggy: Wow, your memory is really good, Shirley. I just remembered it"s a story of an aging, life-long fisherman who attempts to find himself a fish on a fishing trip in the gulf waters off Cuba. Stanley: Fishing trip? Is it interesting? Tell me more about it. Peter: No, not interesting at all. It"s all about an old man. Shirley: Hey, guys. This novel is great. I really admire the will of the old fisherman, he teaches me to be perseverant in order to be successful. Peggy: Yes. I agree with you, Shirley. Let me tell you the story, Stanley. The fisherman caught a big fish, a giant Marlin, but couldn"t it pull up. A few days later, he found that the giant Marlin is bigger than his boat, knowing that it"s very difficult to win, but he didn"t give up. Stanley: An Old man against a Giant Marlin... Seems interesting… Shirley: And the climax is the giant fish is injured and its blood attracts several groups of sharks to attack it. Sharks, the bloody killers! Although the sharks snatch the fish, he is still reluctant to give it up. Finally, he wins the battle. Peter: Then when he goes back to the port, it left only the fish bone. Other fishermen are marveled at his work. Peggy: The old man is really persistent and perseverant. We should learn from him in pursuit of higher achievements. Shirley: Exactly. Stanley, you should read the novel and I"m sure it will inspire you. Stanley: Thanks, I will.
2023-07-26 14:05:321

surun pyyhit silmistani的中文歌词

Toi qui n"as pas su me reconnaitre 你,你不知道怎样来认出我 You ,who did not know to recongnize me Ignorant ma vie ce monastère, J"ai 忽略我的生活,我有的这个修道院 Ignore my life ,this monastery I have Devant moi, une porte entrouverte 在我面前,是一道打开的门 Before me ,a door ajar Sur un peut-etre 也许 On a maybe Meme s"il me faut recommencer 即便我必须重新开始 Even if that I have to start over Toi qui n"as pas cru ma solitude 你,你不相信我的孤独 You,who did not believe my solitude Ignorant ses cris, ses angles durs, J"ai 忽略我的哭泣,我持久的悲伤 Ignore her tears ,her everlasting sadness I have Dans le coeur un fil minuscule 在心中有一条细小的痕迹 In my heart,a tiny string Filament de lune 月亮的“灯丝” The filament of moon Qui soutient, là, un diamant qui s"use 在那里支持着,磨损的钻石 That supports ,there,a diamond which is worn down Mais qui aime 但是我喜欢 But I love J"n"ai pas choisi de l"être 我没有选择必然 I had not chosen to be it Mais c"est là, l"Innamoramento 但是,这就是“迷恋” But,this is the "Enamored" L"amour, la mort ,peut-etre 爱,死亡,也许 The love,the death ,maybe Mais suspendre le temps pour un mot 为了一句话而暂停时间 but suspending the time for one word Tout se dilate et céde a tout 所有的扩张,以及对所有事情的让步 All the expanding and yield to everything Et c"est là , l"Innamoramento 这就是“迷恋” And this is there,the "Enamored" Tout son etre s"impose à nous 所有的他的存在使我们折服 All its being is introduced to us Trouver enfin peut-etre un écho 最后发现那也许只是一个回音 Find out at last that it may be an echo Toi qui n"as pas vu l"autre coté, de 你,你不会看到另外的一边 You,who did not see the other side ,of Ma mémoire aux portes condamnées, J"ai 我的记忆走向自责的大门 My memory to the condemned doors,I have Tout enfoui, les trésors du passé 埋葬所有,过去的财富 Bury everything ,the treasure of the past Les années blessées 许多年的伤害 These hurt years Comprends-tu qu"il me faudra cesser 你理解吗,这将使我停顿不前 Do you understand that this makes me ceased Moi qui n"ai plus regardé le ciel, J"ai 我,我已经不再望向天空 I who did not see the sky any more ,I have Devant moi cette porte entrouverte, Mais 在我面前,这道打开的门 Before me, this door ajar,but L"inconnu à meurtri plus d"un coeur 这未知的东西只会伤害我的心 The unknowed thing tries to bruise nothing but a heart Et sa soeur,l"ame 以及他姊妹,灵魂 and his sister the soul On l"espere, on l"attend, on la fuit même 有人希望爱,有人等待爱,有人逃避爱 Someone wishes it,someone waits it,someone does the escaping at the same time Mais on aime 但是有人爱。。。 But someone loves
2023-07-26 14:05:401


hWnd:指定该对话框的所有者窗口。如果该参数为空(0),则该对话框不属于任何窗口(?)。lpText:显示在对话框中的消息。lpCaption:在对话框标题栏中显示的字符串表达式。如果该参数为空(vbNullString),则使用默认的“错误”作为对话框的标题。wType:指定显示按钮的数目及形式,使用的图标样式,缺省按钮是什么以及消息框的强制回应等。可以为下列常数之一或某几个数值相加的和。指定按钮样式:MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE显示 Abort、Retry 及 Ignore 按钮。MB_OK只显示 OK 按钮。(默认)MB_OKCANCEL显示 OK 及 Cancel 按钮。MB_RETRYCANCEL显示 Retry 及 Cancel 按钮。MB_YESNO显示 Yes 及 No 按钮。MB_YESNOCANCEL显示 Yes、No 及 Cancel 按钮。指定图标样式:MB_ICONEXCLAMATION, MB_ICONWARNING显示 Warning Message 图标。MB_ICONINFORMATION, MB_ICONASTERISK显示 Information Message 图标。MB_ICONQUESTION显示 Warning Query 图标。MB_ICONSTOP, MB_ICONERROR, MB_ICONHAND显示 Critical Message 图标。指定默认按钮:MB_DEFBUTTON1第一个按钮是缺省值。(默认)MB_DEFBUTTON2第二个按钮是缺省值。MB_DEFBUTTON3第三个按钮是缺省值。MB_DEFBUTTON4第四个按钮是缺省值。指定对话框模式等:MB_APPLMODAL应用程序强制返回;应用程序一直被挂起,直到用户对消息框作出响应才继续工作。MB_SYSTEMMODAL系统强制返回;全部应用程序都被挂起,直到用户对消息框作出响应才继续工作。MB_TASKMODALMB_DEFAULT_DESKTOP_ONLYMB_HELP将Help按钮添加到消息框。MB_RIGHT文本为右对齐。MB_RTLREADING指定文本应为在希伯来和阿拉伯语系统中的从右到左显示。MB_SETFOREGROUND指定消息框窗口作为前景窗口。MB_TOPMOSTMB_SERVICE_NOTIFICATIONMB_SERVICE_NOTIFICATION_NT3XMB_SERVICE_NOTIFICATION返回值:如果没有足够内存创建消息对话框,则返回0。如果函数成功运行,则返回下列数值之一:IDABORT用户点击了 Abort 按钮。IDCANCEL用户点击了 Cancel 按钮。IDIGNORE用户点击了 Ignore 按钮。IDNO用户点击了 No 按钮。IDOK用户点击了 OK 按钮。IDRETRY用户点击了 Retry 按钮。IDYES用户点击了 Yes 按钮。如果对话框显示 Cancel 按钮,则按下 ESC 键与单击 Cancel 按钮的效果相同。原文:The MessageBox function creates, displays, and operates a message box. The message box contains an application-defined message and title, plus any combination of predefined icons and push buttons.Declaration:Declare Function MessageBox Lib user32 Alias MessageBoxA (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal lpText As String, ByVal lpCaption As String, ByVal wType As Long) As LongParameters:?hWndIdentifies the owner window of the message box to be created. If this parameter is NULL, the message box has no owner window.?lpTextPoints to a null-terminated string containing the message to be displayed.?lpCaptionPoints to a null-terminated string used for the dialog box title. If this parameter is NULL, the default title Error is used.?uTypeSpecifies a set of bit flags that determine the contents and behavior of the dialog box. This parameter can be a combination of flags from the following groups of flags.Specify one of the following flags to indicate the buttons contained in the message box:MB_ABORTRETRYIGNOREThe message box contains three push buttons: Abort, Retry, and Ignore.MB_OKThe message box contains one push button: OK. This is the default.MB_OKCANCELThe message box contains two push buttons: OK and Cancel.MB_RETRYCANCELThe message box contains two push buttons: Retry and Cancel.MB_YESNOThe message box contains two push buttons: Yes and No.MB_YESNOCANCELThe message box contains three push buttons: Yes, No, and Cancel.Specify one of the following flags to display an icon in the message box:MB_ICONEXCLAMATION,MB_ICONWARNINGAn exclamation-point icon appears in the message box.MB_ICONINFORMATION, MB_ICONASTERISKAn icon consisting of a lowercase letter i in a circle appears in the message box.MB_ICONQUESTIONA question-mark icon appears in the message box.MB_ICONSTOP,MB_ICONERROR,MB_ICONHANDA stop-sign icon appears in the message box.Specify one of the following flags to indicate the default button:MB_DEFBUTTON1The first button is the default button.MB_DEFBUTTON1 is the default unless MB_DEFBUTTON2, MB_DEFBUTTON3, or MB_DEFBUTTON4 is specified.MB_DEFBUTTON2The second button is the default button.MB_DEFBUTTON3The third button is the default button.MB_DEFBUTTON4The fourth button is the default button.Specify one of the following flags to indicate the modality of the dialog box:MB_APPLMODALThe user must respond to the message box before continuing work in the window identified by the hWnd parameter. However, the user can move to the windows of other applications and work in those windows.Depending on the hierarchy of windows in the application, the user may be able to move to other windows within the application. All child windows of the parent of the message box are automatically disabled, but popup windows are not.MB_APPLMODAL is the default if neither MB_SYSTEMMODAL nor MB_TASKMODAL is specified.MB_SYSTEMMODALSame as MB_APPLMODAL except that the message box has the WS_EX_TOPMOST style. Use system-modal message boxes to notify the user of serious, potentially damaging errors that require immediate attention (for example, running out of memory). This flag has no effect on the user"s ability to interact with windows other than those associated with hWnd.MB_TASKMODALSame as MB_APPLMODAL except that all the top-level windows belonging to the current task are disabled if the hWnd parameter is NULL. Use this flag when the calling application or library does not have a window handle available but still needs to prevent input to other windows in the current application without suspending other applications.In addition, you can specify the following flags:MB_DEFAULT_DESKTOP_ONLYThe desktop currently receiving input must be a default desktop; otherwise, the function fails. A default desktop is one an application runs on after the user has logged on.MB_HELPAdds a Help button to the message box. Choosing the Help button or pressing F1 generates a Help event.MB_RIGHTThe text is right-justified.MB_RTLREADINGDisplays message and caption text using right-to-left reading order on Hebrew and Arabic systems.MB_SETFOREGROUNDThe message box becomes the foreground window. Internally, Windows calls the SetForegroundWindow function for the message box.MB_TOPMOSTThe message box is created with the WS_EX_TOPMOST window style.MB_SERVICE_NOTIFICATIONWindows NT only: The caller is a service notifying the user of an event. The function displays a message box on the current active desktop, even if there is no user logged on to the computer.If this flag is set, the hWnd parameter must be NULL. This is so the message box can appear on a desktop other than the desktop corresponding to the hWnd.For Windows NT version 4.0, the value of MB_SERVICE_NOTIFICATION has changed. See WINUSER.H for the old and new values. Windows NT 4.0 provides backward compatibility for pre-existing services by mapping the old value to the new value in the implementation of MessageBox and MessageBoxEx. This mapping is only done for executables that have a version number, as set by the linker, less than 4.0.To build a service that uses MB_SERVICE_NOTIFICATION, and can run on both Windows NT 3.x and Windows NT 4.0, you have two choices. 1. At link-time, specify a version number less than 4.0; or2. At link-time, specify version 4.0. At run-time, use the GetVersionEx function to check the system version. Then when running on Windows NT 3.x, use MB_SERVICE_NOTIFICATION_NT3X; and on Windows NT 4.0, use MB_SERVICE_NOTIFICATION.MB_SERVICE_NOTIFICATION_NT3XWindows NT only: This value corresponds to the value defined for MB_SERVICE_NOTIFICATION for Windows NT version 3.51.Return values:The return value is zero if there is not enough memory to create the message box.If the function succeeds, the return value is one of the following menu-item values returned by the dialog box:IDABORTAbort button was selected.IDCANCELCancel button was selected.IDIGNOREIgnore button was selected.IDNONo button was selected.IDOKOK button was selected.IDRETRYRetry button was selected.IDYESYes button was selected.If a message box has a Cancel button, the function returns the IDCANCEL value if either the ESC key is pressed or the Cancel button is selected. If the message box has no Cancel button, pressing ESC has no effect.
2023-07-26 14:06:181


为了增加混悬剂的物理稳定性,在制备时需加入能使混悬剂稳定的附加剂称为稳定剂。稳定剂包括助悬剂、润湿剂、絮凝剂和反絮凝剂等。 (一)助悬剂 助悬剂(suspending agents)系指能增加分散介质的黏度以降低微粒的沉降速度或增加微粒亲水性的附加剂。助悬剂包括的种类很多,其中有低分子化合物、高分子化合物、甚至有些表面活性剂也可作助悬剂用。助悬剂主要是增加分散介质的黏度,以降低微粒沉降速度,增加微粒的亲水性,防止结晶的转型。使用助悬剂应注意防腐。 (二)润湿剂 润湿剂系指能增加疏水性药物微粒被水湿润的附加剂。许多疏水性药物如硫磺、甾醇类、阿司匹林等不易被水润湿,加之微粒表面吸附有空气,给制备混悬剂带来困难,这时应加入润湿剂,润湿剂可被吸附于微粒表面,增加其亲水性,产生较好的分散效果。最常用的润湿剂是HLB值在7~11之间的表面活性剂,如聚山梨酯类、聚氧乙烯脂肪醇醚类、聚氧乙烯蓖麻油类、磷脂类、泊洛沙姆等。 (三)絮凝剂与反絮凝剂 使混悬剂产生絮凝作用的附加剂称为絮凝剂,而产生反絮凝作用的附加剂称为反絮凝剂。制备混悬剂时常需加入絮凝剂,使混悬剂处于絮凝状态,以增加混悬剂的稳定性。絮凝剂和反絮凝剂的种类、性能、用量、混悬剂所带电荷以及其他附加剂等均对絮凝剂和反絮凝剂的使用有很大影响,应在试验的基础上加以选择。 概念: (1)絮凝剂在药物微粒表面做保护胶体,形成水化膜。提高了药物的再分散性,通常用于需长期贮存的药物。它不是在药物的混悬状态维持其稳定型,与反絮凝剂在短时间内维持稳定的混悬状态不同。 (2)反絮凝剂是防止混悬剂絮凝,更好的分散的
2023-07-26 14:07:061


Hanging heart
2023-07-26 14:07:159

draft BL确认了船是否会延期

有延期的可能。DRAFT是提单样本。货代给你是做提单确认用的,确认好提单内容无误,回复给货代,他会通知船公司给你签发正本提单(original BL)。收货人必须有正本提单才能提货。
2023-07-26 13:59:051

Dreamgirls In Concert的《Dreamgirls》 歌词

歌曲名:Dreamgirls歌手:DreamgirlsInConcert专辑:DreamgirlsInConcertDreamGirl-农夫(Feat.陈冠希)作词:农夫监制:陈冠希从未触摸得到你疑幻空间中嬉戏从未见过你 就更加新奇是我幻想得最完美小姐我一世都有太多讲究点知我一见到你世间罕有冇拖手 冇见面冇开始过只能够幻想恋中得救You"reMyDreamGirlDreamGirl(You"reMyDreamGirl,BabyGirl)You"reMyDreamGirlDreamGirl(You"reMyDream,You"reMyGirl,you"remyworld)完美嘅女人有乜嘢完美我问过好多男人点谂有人想搵个女神冇缺陷有人想搵个第朝起身冇责任有人玩足一生最後感触一生皆因佢嘅枕边人慢慢变咗佢娘亲我嘅女人唔使听哂我话OKOK要有品唔一定要留系屋企捉棋得闲煮翻几味就算有怪味只要食唔死我都唔会怪你你唔使身材苗条到似瑶瑶我只系需要揽住你条腰我讲笑你识笑 我Rap你听唔识跳唔紧要 只要你跟住摇唔会介意你有时好似仔因为有时我只系想你哭而凄美从未触摸得到你疑幻空间中嬉戏从未见过你 就更加新奇是我幻想得最完美小姐我一世都有太多讲究点知我一见到你世间罕有冇拖手 冇见面冇开始过只能够幻想恋中得救You"reMyDreamGirlDreamGirl(You"reMyDreamGirl,BabyGirl)You"reMyDreamGirlDreamGirl(You"reMyDream,You"reMyGirl,You"reMyWorld)有人话女人系累人我话女人呢类人系男人必须搵嘅必需品上FacebookLook一Look笃一笃送你鲜花一束到而家都无回覆想要深层嘅对话 上MSN想要真人嘅说话 你惊一惊搵个penfriend写信谈情已经唔兴搵个梦中情人倾叫我打#9830哩个o靓妹挞Q 仲有冇介绍哩个婶婶又太潮 你比我谂谂嗱哩个知音我怕佢太黐身又搵过医生几斯文 睇真似C君哩位老师系好人 细心放心但同佢讲亲我都放蚊模特儿好得意我怕佢厚粉呢位女士好失仪 我怕佢猴擒你问点解佢哋同完美有距离咁你问问自己系咪正到晕嘅Gentlemen女人见到我哋咪一样惊到晕唔嫌弃我哋已经系完美嘅女人从未触摸得到你疑幻空间中嬉戏从未见过你 就更加新奇是我幻想得最完美小姐我一世都有太多讲究点知我一见到你世间罕有冇拖手 冇见面冇开始过只能够幻想恋中得救You"reMyDreamGirlDreamGirlYou"reMyDreamGirlDreamGirlLrc:戦。Q:414042240
2023-07-26 13:59:051

lotto exo音译 谢谢了

2023-07-26 13:59:073

Jesse & Marvin的《Dream Girl》 歌词

歌曲名:Dream Girl歌手:Jesse & Marvin专辑:Specialty Profiles: Roy MiltonDream Girl - 农夫(Feat. 陈冠希)作词:农夫 监制:陈冠希从未触摸得到你 疑幻空间中嬉戏从未见过你 就更加新奇是我幻想得最完美小姐我一世都有太多讲究点知我一见到你世间罕有冇拖手 冇见面冇开始过只能够幻想恋中得救You"re My Dream Girl Dream Girl(You"re My Dream Girl , Baby Girl)You"re My Dream Girl Dream Girl(You"re My Dream , You"re My Girl , you"re my world)完美嘅女人 有乜嘢完美我问过好多男人点谂有人想搵个女神冇缺陷有人想搵个第朝起身冇责任有人玩足一生最後感触一生皆因佢嘅枕边人慢慢变咗佢娘亲我嘅女人唔使听哂我话OK OK要有品 唔一定要留系屋企捉棋得闲煮翻几味 就算有怪味只要食唔死我都唔会怪你你唔使身材苗条到似瑶瑶我只系需要揽住你条腰我讲笑你识笑 我Rap你听唔识跳唔紧要 只要你跟住摇唔会介意你有时好似仔因为有时我只系想你哭而凄美从未触摸得到你 疑幻空间中嬉戏从未见过你 就更加新奇是我幻想得最完美小姐我一世都有太多讲究点知我一见到你世间罕有冇拖手 冇见面冇开始过只能够幻想恋中得救You"re My Dream Girl Dream Girl(You"re My Dream Girl , Baby Girl)You"re My Dream Girl Dream Girl(You"re My Dream , You"re My Girl , You"re My World)有人话女人系累人 我话女人呢类人系男人必须搵嘅必需品上Facebook Look一Look笃一笃 送你鲜花一束到而家都无回覆想要深层嘅对话 上MSN想要真人嘅说话 你惊一惊搵个pen friend写信谈情已经唔兴搵个梦中情人倾叫我打#9830哩个o靓妹挞Q 仲有冇介绍哩个婶婶又太潮 你比我谂谂嗱 哩个知音我怕佢太黐身又搵过医生几斯文 睇真似C君哩位老师系好人 细心放心但同佢讲亲我都放蚊模特儿好得意我怕佢厚粉呢位女士好失仪 我怕佢猴擒你问点解佢哋同完美有距离咁你问问自己系咪正到晕嘅Gentlemen女人见到我哋咪一样惊到晕唔嫌弃我哋已经系完美嘅女人从未触摸得到你 疑幻空间中嬉戏从未见过你 就更加新奇是我幻想得最完美小姐我一世都有太多讲究点知我一见到你世间罕有冇拖手 冇见面冇开始过只能够幻想恋中得救You"re My Dream Girl Dream GirlYou"re My Dream Girl Dream GirlLrc: 戦。 Q:414042240
2023-07-26 13:59:131


1.按住快捷键“Win+R”打开“运行”窗口。2.在运行命令框中输入“at 18:00 Shutdown -s”,回车或者点击“确定”。3.这样,到了18点电脑就会出现“系统关机”对话框,默认有30秒钟的倒计时并提示你保存工作。4.取消定时关机方法:在“运行”框中输入“shutdown -a”,回车就可取消定时关机啦。
2023-07-26 13:59:141


2023-07-26 13:59:153

lotto exomv讲的什么,太不羁了!

2023-07-26 13:59:161

EXO lotto中文版和韩文版的歌词分配,要求准确

Lotto - EXO韩文词:JQ / Seo Lim (makeumine works) / Cho Yoon Kyoung / Kim Min Ji (Jam Factory)中文词:严云农作曲:LDN Noise / Adrian Mckinnon / Rodnae "Chikk" Bell编曲:LDN NoiseTrack Produced by LDN NoiseVocal Directed by Kye Bum JooBackground Vocals by Kye Bum Joo / Adrian McKinnonRecorded by JONG-PIL GUBEAT BURGER @ S.M. Yellow Tail Studio / EUN-KYUNG JEONG @ In Grid StudioProtools Operating by Kye Bum JooVocoder Performed by JIN NAMKOONGDigital Editing by JI-HONG LEE @ doobdoob StudioMixed by JIN NAMKOONG @ S.M. Concert Hall Studio【D.O】Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeahOh yeah yeah oh yeah yeah yeah【KAI】离开之前我留下刻意暧昧的视线我理解爱你的筹码此刻疯狂飙高【CHEN】我已被惊艳 Oh yeah你让全场女人掩着脸再怎么伪装 也拦不住天降的 Luck【伯贤】Lipstick Chateau 酒红的Color【艺兴&KAI】La La La La【伯贤】白色Champagne 泡沫里Shower【艺兴&KAI】La La La La【D.O】唯一的盛开 错过就不再我压抑的渴望 已爆发出来【XIUMIN】怎么办 I just hit the lotto【艺兴&KAI】LA LA LA LA【合】Oh oh oh【艺兴】 Lotto【合】 Oh oh oh【艺兴】 Lotto【合】Oh oh oh【艺兴】 Lotto 【合】Oh oh oh【艺兴】 Lotto【灿烈】不去计较理会未知的获奖机率放手投掷我的全部不去在乎路人嚼着Popcorn盯着我们散发出的羡慕【CHEN】Ah baby【艺兴】 从远方传递来的声音【灿烈】No way【CHEN】 No way no way no【艺兴】享受吧 Oh yeah【SUHO】命运下好离手 oh yeah所有一切 将重新反转若空气有燃点 我要烧亮银色星垣【D.O】Lipstick Chateau 酒红的Color【艺兴&KAI】La La La La【D.O】白色Champagne 泡沫里Shower【艺兴&KAI】La La La La【世勋】唯一的盛开 错过就不再我压抑的渴望 已爆发出来【艺兴】向着你大声呐喊 Louder【合】Oh oh oh【灿烈】 Louder【合】 Oh oh oh【灿烈】 Louder【合】Oh oh oh 【灿烈】Louder【合】 Oh oh oh【灿烈】 Louder【伯贤】美妙瞬间 千金难买We"re going crazy my lucky lady你已经被历史记载【SUHO】到现在内心还渴望要付出的还有更多【CHEN】I don"t need no money你是我的乐透想要我放弃你为时已晚【D.O&伯贤】你该倾注你的一切 oh yeah【KAI】Lipstick Chateau酒红的Color【CHEN】 Chateau Chateau all over【艺兴&KAI】La La La La【KAI】白色Champagne泡沫里Shower【CHEN】 白色Champagne on me【艺兴&KAI】La La La La【XIUMIN】唯一的盛开 错过就不再我压抑的渴望 已爆发出来【伯贤】渴望已爆发出来【灿烈】没什么 【灿烈&伯贤】I just hit the lotto【艺兴&KAI】La La La La【D.O】Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah【伯贤】Just hit the lotto woo yeah【D.O】Lotto oh oh oh【SUHO】Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeahYeah yeah yeah【SUHO】 Hit the lotto ooh yeah【LAY】这 Lotto【KAI】La La La La
2023-07-26 13:59:241

dream girl什么意思

2023-07-26 13:58:583


LOTTO(音译歌词)  演唱:EXO  Oh yeah yeah oh yeah yeah  biur 宽西米 奥b嫩凑 西搜呢r 皮嘿搜噶  一嘿嘿 某等够r 够咯呀慢 哈r忒你噶  斯求慢吧都 Oh yeah 她冷 哟加哇嫩 话大r啦  对都拉吧都 本名 内给 恰加on Luck  Lipstick, Chateau wine比 color (La La La La)  哈研 Champagne 包波累 shower(La La La La)  平sing诶 韩波你r几都 某r啦  古恰吗等 本能一 退额 哦r啦  奥叫那 I just hit the lotto  Oh-oh-oh (Lotto) Oh-oh-oh (Lotto)  Oh-oh-oh (Lotto) Oh-oh-oh (Lotto)  耨兰 hing问 吗起 西拉 噶ten 话六r搜尅 吗么r 等几给嘿那r  大冷 萨拉m的冷 一节 popcorn 耨恩切 无力r 求大吧  (Ah baby) 么r里搜 的r六哦嫩搜里 “No way!”  (No way no way no)  几r Q吧 Oh yeah  某等给 吧亏额 Oh yeah 哦呢r不疼 空gi都 大r啦  sei桑一 吧亏额 吧吗呢累 嫩比 biur的r  Lipstick, Chateau wine比 color (La La La La)  哈研 Champagne 包波累 shower (La La La La)  平sing诶 韩波你r几都 某r啦  古恰吗等 本能一 退额 哦r啦  耨r 航嘿搜里 几r咯 Louder  Oh-oh-oh (Louder) Oh-oh-oh (Louder)  Oh-oh-oh (Louder) Oh-oh-oh (Louder)  一孙噶呢r 耨起进吗  We"re going crazy, my lucky lady  都 韩本 ki额对r 那了r  几根都 男某gi 吗r啦 内给主r给 啊几吗那  I don"t need no money 耨慢 一丝谬n对  都奥b西 干叫里 我那嫩够r  某等 够斯r 够咯 内给 (Oh yeah)  Lipstick, Chateau wine比 color (Chateau Chateau all over yeah)  哈研 Champagne 包波累 shower (哈研 Champagne on me)  平sing诶 韩波你r几都 某r啦  古恰吗等 本能一 退额 哦r啦 (本能一 退额哦r啦)  奥叫那 I just hit the lotto (Just hit the lotto yeah oh)  La La La La  yeah yeah yeah, yeah yeah yeah  (Just hit the lotto woo yeah)  Lotto (Oh-oh-oh)  Yeah (yeah yeah yeah) yeah yeah yeah, yeah yeah yeah (Hit the lotto ooh yeah)  耨n Lotto  La La La La望采纳
2023-07-26 13:58:551


联想电脑怎么设定定时关机时间? 点选电脑萤幕左下角的开始按钮,在所有程式里依次选择选择附件---系统工具,然后单击开启任务计划程式。 点选开启任务计划程式后,在最右边的操作框里选择建立基本任务,然后在建立基本任务对话方块的名称一栏里填写“定时关机”,然后点选下一步。 在写完名称点选下一步后,会出现任务触发器对话方块,可以根据自己的需要选择定时关机的开始时间。举例来说如果选择每天,即每天都要定时关机;选择每周,即每周某一天或几天会定时关机,以此类推。选择好了点选下一步。 接下来会出现每日的对话方块,可以输入想定时关机的时间以及每隔几天定时关机。注意开始时间就是现在设定的时间,不用更改。输完时间点选下一步,会出现启动程式对话方块,需要浏览找出或直接输入 C:WindowsSystem32shutdown.exe 这个程式。在新增引数后面的框中输入 -s (即关机命令) 点选下一步后,出现完成提示的摘要对话方块,在仔细核对一下名称、触发器、操作等资讯。 可以勾选摘要对话方块最下面的“当单击完成时。。。。。。”,点选完成后会出现定时关机属性。在这里可以更改名称、位置、使用者等。定时关机程式到这里基本设定完了。 在计划任务库中可以检视到新增的任务,如果想更改定时关机时间可以删除定时关机的任务,再根据自己的需要重新设定即可。下图中蓝色条框就是定时关机任务,想删除右击“定时关机”选删除即可。 请参考 联想电脑能否设定定时关机?怎么设定? 尊敬的联想使用者您好,您可以开启电脑的开始选单 - 所有程式 - 附件 - 命令提示符,然后输入 “at 00:00 shutdown -s”命令,表示00:00时电脑自动关机,可以更改关机时间,比如输入“at 18:30 shutdown -s”,表示18:30系统自动关机。 感谢您对联想产品的支援,祝您生活愉快,谢谢! 联想电脑怎么设定定时关机时间 您可以开启电脑的开始选单 - 所有程式 - 附件 - 命令提示符,然后输入 “at 00:00 shutdown -s”命令,表示00:00时电脑自动关机,可以更改关机时间,比如输入“at 18:30 shutdown -s”,表示18:30系统自动关机 膝上型电脑怎么设定定时关机,电脑是联想的 可以开启360安全卫士,点选【功能大全】找到【健康精灵】在里面可以设定。 联想电脑怎样设计定时关机???? 联想电脑定时关机我推荐你使用定时关机 3000. 电脑定时关机有五种定时自动关机方法: 1、当天几点几分关机。 2、等待多长时间后关机。 3、开机多长时间后关机。 4、网路速度连续多长时间低于多少关机。 5、键盘、滑鼠多长时间无操作关机。让你想怎么关就怎么关。 你还可设定其中的一种定时自动关机方法每次开机自动执行。 高阶控制有以下功能:禁止使用聊天软体(如QQ、UC、MSN、POPO等十余种)上网聊天;禁止执行你指定的软体(本软体已预设了三十多种游戏软体);禁止使用IE、Maxthon、TT等浏览软体浏览网页;禁止在你设定的时间段使用计算机;禁止在你设定的时间段上网(采用防火墙技术,真正断开网路);另外,你还可设定自动关机后多长时间不许使锭计算机和对你电脑中的磁碟加锁、隐藏和禁止使用USB装置。 你可以设定在指定的时间(如:每年或每月或每周或每天的某个时间或一个具体时间),进行提醒、开启档案(如:音乐)、执行程式、开启网址 、关闭计算机、锁定计算机、断开网路。 联想电脑g50定时关机在哪里? windows系统上有命令可以实现,以管理员身份执行命令提示符,在输入关机命令shutdown,回车就可以看到关机命令的用法和引数说明。用第三方软体可以试一下定时关机3000.定时关机3000可以在11种条件下执行14种不同的任务,例如可以指定几点几分进行关机,开机多长时间进行关机,全天累计开机多长时间执行关机,除了关机还可以执行重启,断网,执行软体等任务。还可以设定指定的时间段不能使用网路或电脑,用着挺方便的。 联想笔记本的定时关机在哪啊,可不可以具体点的帮我回答啊 按“win+R”(注win键即指windows徽标键),弹出“执行”对话方块,在对话方块的编辑栏里输入“Shutdown -s -t 600”(注:引号不输入,“-s”“-t”及“600”前面均有一个空格,其中的数字代表的是时间,单位为秒,如上600即代表10分钟)。 然后点选“确认”,完成设定。此时,系统会弹出系统提示对话方块,提示系统将在10分钟内关闭。 联想Y50如何定时关机 这个我不清楚。 如果您是给电脑定时关机的话,我建议您可以下载定时关机3000试试。 定时关机3000有11种执行条件和可以执行电脑定时关机在内的14种任务。 11 种执行条件是:等待多少时间、开机多长时间、全天电脑累计开机多长时间、上传网速连续多长时间低于多少、下载网速连续多长时间低于多少、电脑空闲多长时间、指定的具体时间、每天的几点几分、每周的周几的几点几分、每月那天的几点几分、每年的哪天的几点几分。 14种执行的任务是;电脑关机、电脑重启、电脑登出当前使用者、系统锁定、电脑睡眠、提醒、关闭显示器、电脑待机、执行软体、开启档案、开启网址、关闭软体、系统垃圾清理和断开网路。并且可以设定任务开机自动启动和同时执行多项任务。 联想电脑怎样设定自动关机? 联想电脑设定自动关机我给你推荐一款好用的自动关机软体—定时关机 3000。1.设定电脑几点几分自动关机你可以在定时关机的主视窗根据您需要关机的时间进行设定。2.设定等待多长时间后关机比如说等待2个小时的话,您就可以在主视窗输入2就可以了。 联想电脑win8系统怎样设定关机时间 联想电脑win8系统设定定时关机方法: 1、按WIN+R键开启执行视窗。 2、输入Shutdown -s -t 300 3、其中300表示时间,以秒为单位,就是5分钟后关机。这个时间可以自己设定,要多入后关机就设定多少秒。-s -t 300中间都有一个空格 4、如果要取消的话输入shutdown -a可取消定时关机。
2023-07-26 13:58:541


ice 会结冰
2023-07-26 13:58:517


2023-07-26 13:58:485

lotto乐途的运动鞋怎样 ? 为什么我买的鞋基本都没人知道这牌子

1973年,Lotto 公司在意大利成立了。成立之初,Lotto 主要把精力集中在网球方面,当时一提起Lotto,首先令人想到的就是网球鞋和网球T恤。后来,Lotto把目光转向了风靡亚平宁半岛近百年的世界第一大运动项目———足球,给绿茵豪门提供足球鞋和运动衣,如今连绿茵场上的执法者———裁判也偏爱Lotto。足球用品逐渐成为Lotto的主战场。   在问世的头10年里,Lotto迅速在意大利打开市场并占据了举足轻重的位置。Lotto不管是其发展历史还是其在国际市场的影响力,lotto均是运动服装中的一大豪门。现在,Lotto已成为意大利第一运动品牌,并跻身世界著名运动品牌之列,行销五大洲的80多个国家。   两个平行四边形相互叠加,“交集”处标以鲜艳的红色;5个英文字母并列———LOTTO。早在上世纪80年代,这个意大利运动品牌已是年轻人心目中时尚的代名词。90年代,LOTTO虽然在国际市场上仍占据举足轻重的地位,但在亚洲却受到金融风暴的影响,在中国市场上节节败退。在此危难之际,广州骏星贸易有限公司临危受命,借助中国近年掀起的体育热潮,向中国市场发起了一波波的猛攻,全面收复失地。 Lotto一直在足球领域占据重要地位,其技术含量、品牌影响和资金实力等在世界,特别是在欧洲不逊于其他品牌。特别是Lotto拥有尤文图斯的形象代言人,如皮埃罗、科瓦切维奇、阿加西等一大批明星在中国具深刻影响力。曾经赞助过尤文图斯、AC米兰, 意大利、荷兰、克罗地亚等国家队,现还赞助佛罗伦萨、乌迪内斯、帕勒莫等多个球队。像刚退役的古力特,阿尔贝迪尼,原巴萨的罗马里奥,智利球星萨莫拉诺,原天津的于根伟,米兰的舍瓦,迪达,科斯塔库塔,卡福,西多夫,尤文的皮埃罗,切尔西的切赫,另外网球界的名宿贝克尔,现役的米尔扎也都是Lotto的代言人。且它的价格优势与阿迪达斯、耐克等相比,有相当大的竞争力。 Lotto一词是由创始人Caberlotto 的姓氏得来的。商标中的两个重叠的菱形代表了高科技的研发和创新的设计理念,体现了Lotto品牌发展初期对足球和网球运动的热衷,以及对体育运动天生的喜好。经过30多年的发展,Lotto已成为意大利本土第一大运动品牌,欧洲顶级运动品牌之一。2009年3月,定位时尚,畅销欧洲,品味与性感兼具备的Lotto Leggenda惊艳登场,给中国消费者带来了激情洋溢的运动时尚体验。
2023-07-26 13:58:441


Oh yeah yeah oh yeah yeah呗框西米 用呢几西色唉皮唉涩嘎耶害害 木的果 果了吗乃 太尼噶涩切e吗 伯度 Oh yeah大了你ong家哇呢哈大啊啦滴了啦八度 不miong乃该呛那 哦呢luckLipstick Chateau哇一m比 扣乐 LaLaLaLa哈一样Champagne 卜不类showerLaLaLaLakom涩唉 韩不你 几豆木啦度掐马多 不呢一 具啊哦啦哦琼呐 I just hit the lottoOh oh oh LottoOh oh oh LottoOh oh oh LottoOh oh oh Lotto诺冷乃果马几 西了嘎特 哈米ong搜特 吗米ong得几 gei黑那大冷撒浪滴里你几白喝hiong一白诺呵柴屋里出啊大不哇Ah baby 莫里涩土流u我呢所里 No way No way no way no七gi哟不哇 Oh yeah莫的gi八gi哟 Oh yeah屋呢不的果特多大啊啦涩噻一八滴哟 八吗呢冷能比bi样tenLipstick Chateau哇一m比 扣乐 LaLaLaLa哈一样Champagne 卜不类showerLaLaLaLakom涩唉 韩不你 几豆木啦度古马多 莫能一 提撩我啦诺含唉 所里 几洛LouderOh oh oh LouderOh oh oh LouderOh oh oh LouderOh oh oh Louder一松嘎一尔 no几几吗We"re going crazy my luck lady都哈不gi呃忒拉冷几根都 嫩莫gi吗拉乃给住给 阿几吗那I don"t need no money呢吗gi 涩 miong 代多西港jiong里望那里勾莫等go搜 扣乐 乃改Lipstick Chateau 哇一m比 扣乐Chateau all over yeah哈一样Champagne 卜不类shower哈样Champagne on mekom涩唉 韩不你 几豆木啦古掐马多 不呢一 具啊哦啦哦琼呐 I just hit the lottoLaLaLaLaYeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeahJust hit the lotto woo yeahLotto oh ohYeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeahYeah yeah yeah Hit the lotto ooh yeah弄 LottoLaLaLaLa
2023-07-26 13:58:341


2023-07-26 13:58:311