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2023-05-19 18:14:31

























 catchy,英语单词,主要用作形容词,作形容词时译为“悦耳易记的;引人注意的;易使人上当的”。单词用法catchy /ˈkætʃɪ/ TEM8 ( catchier, catchiest )1.ADJ If you describe a tune, name, or advertisement as catchy, you mean that it is attractive and easy to remember. (乐曲、名字、广告) 引人注意的; 容易记住的 短语搭配catchy y 易记住的 ; 易使人上当的 ; 朗朗上口的 ; 吸引人的Catchy Chai 醒目仔Singing Catchy 唱腔上口And Catchy 而引人入胜catchy quirky 诡诈的catchy songs 一听就会的歌uniformly catchy 一致哥西catchy a 动人的Catchy Best 唱片名
2023-01-07 19:27:061


catchy的中文是adj. 悦耳易记的web. 吸引人的;动人的;朗朗上口例句 Catchy, neat and professional template with some form of design element to it.上口,整洁,专业与一些设计元素形式给它的模板。
2023-01-07 19:27:201


cathy["kæθi]n. 凯茜(女子名)例句:Hi, Mike. Haven"t seen you for a while. How"s Cathy?
2023-01-07 19:27:262


2023-01-07 19:27:3515


viablereleaseperformcashincrediblehave in mind
2023-01-07 19:28:272


2023-01-07 19:28:397


  名词解释: 所谓口水歌,就是在一段时间里,大街小巷里,不停地播放,男女老少都会哼的那种流行歌曲,它不一定写得很好,但却很上口,容易被传唱。旋律似曾相识,跟着哼哼就会唱,口水歌,还有另一种意思,就是发烧CD里,能听到歌手唱歌时的口水声。 另一种说法是唱片里歌手翻唱的歌曲统称口水歌。你知道怎么用英语表达吗?     We"ve all been there: you hear a catchy song and for days or even weeks on end, you just can"t get it out of your head.   Known as an earworm or brainworm, the effect has been studied before —— but its cause, and how to get rid of it, is poorly understood.   Now researchers say they have an answer —— chewing gum after hearing a catchy song will help you think about it less often.   The study suggests chewing gum could also be used to stop other unwanted or intrusive thoughts.   我们都遇到过这种状况:你听完一首口水歌后,连续数日甚至数周你都没办法将其在脑海中摆脱掉。   这就是俗称的“耳朵虫”,曾经对“耳朵虫效应”进行过研究,但是“耳朵虫”的起源、如何摆脱“耳朵虫”,却一直令人费解。   如今研究人员宣称他们找到了答案——听完口水歌后嚼一嚼口香糖,你就不会那么频繁地想起这首歌。   研究指出,嚼口香糖也可以被用来阻止讨厌的念头或想法入侵。   【讲解】   文中的catchy song就是“口水歌”的意思,其中catchy是形容词,指(曲调、名字或广告)悦耳的,有吸引力的,琅琅上口的,如:The songs were both catchy and original. (那些歌曲既琅琅上口,又富有原创性。)   最后一句中的intrusive是形容词,意为“打搅的;侵入的 ”,如:The villagers are warm and courteous but not intrusive.(村民热情有礼、绝不扰人。)
2023-01-07 19:29:051

月老 英语怎么说?

2023-01-07 19:29:284


2023-01-07 19:29:422


1. 用cos 来代替because引导原因2. 用like代替For example 举例,因为like更口语化3. 学会用一些停顿语气词,像 well, you know 等,还可以用 “how shall I put it?”表达 自然自语式的说 “怎么说呢”4. 可以选择用“etc., and the like, or whatever, and stuff like that” 表达“等等”的时候,5. 学会使用副词来表达一定语气,totally(完全地),really(非常低),absolutely(及其,绝对滴), actually, basically(主要基本上), obviously(很明显地), unfortunately(不幸地)等,其实在美国人口中,经常能这些副词。6. Most of the time, …, but sometimes … 这个结构很有用。小编觉得在part 3中,这个结构很适用于总分结构的回答。It depends, but generally …这个结构也很实用。7. 可用mate/buddy 代替friend或best friend8. 可用flick/flicks 代替film或者movie,同样watch/see a film, 也可用catch a flick 代替。9. 用tasty 或yummy 代替delicious,说实在的,外国人很少用delicious这个单词10. 用 “amazing, awesome, incredible, marvelous”代替great或是good11. 用 “really pretty,charming,attractive 或 gorgeous”代替beautiful12. 用 “pricey”来表达expensive13. 用 “a smash hit”代替popular表达“某东西很火”14. 用 “catch forty winks”表示 “小憩一会儿”have a nap15. 用"help me chill/wind down.”代替relax表示放松16. 用 “a while”代替a moment表示“一会儿,一段时间”17. 用“go up”代替rise表示“上升”;用“go down”代替decline表示“下降”18. 表达一个人很现实,可以用“realistic”和“materialistic”( 人很物质化)19. 还有可以用“in”表示“流行,时髦”,如“in nest” 最时髦,最时尚。20. 用 “out of date/style”, 或者直接用 “out”来表示“过时,老土”21. 用 “state of the art”代替advance表示“最先进的”22. 用“we really had a marvelous time”代替have fun表示“我们玩得特爽”23. 用 “down”代替unhappy表示“失落,沮丧”,还有 “let sb down”表示“让…失望”24. 用 “exhausted/dead beat/worn out”代替tired表示“累”25. 用“available”代替free表示“自己有空”26. 用 “it takes me ages”代替it takes a long time 表示“做某事花老半天”27. 用“donkey years”代替a long time表达 “很长时间”28. 用 “hang out with my mates”代替play with表示“和朋友一起玩儿”29. 用 “the best thing of ….is …”代替one of the advantages/Benefits表达“什么的最大的好处”30. 用 “stuff”代替thing表达“东西,事情,物品,题材等概念时”31. 用 “well off”代替rich表达“富裕,有钱,条件好”; 用 “loaded”(豪门黑金的级别简直就是),或 “have money to burn.”来表达“特别有钱”; 用 “broke”表达“穷”32. 用 “the haves, the have-nots.”来表达“富人,穷人”33. 用 “be fed up with…或者 have had enough of…”代替bored表达“对…腻了,受够了”34. 用 “the rat race”代替the severe competition 表达“城市里的激烈竞争”35. 用“have 10 days off”表示“放十天假”36. 用 “Christmas is just half a month away.”表达“还有半个月就是圣诞了”37. 用 “our birthdays are just 2 days apart.”表达“我们俩生日就差2天”38. 用“to put it simply.”代替Simply speaking表达“简单来讲”39. 用 “to put it another way”代替in the other words表达“换句话讲”40. 用 “a big headache或 a real pain.”来表达“让人很烦,很头痛的人或事”41. 用 “kill time”来表达“消磨时间”42. 用 “a real drag”来表达“乏味,无聊的人或事”; 用 “a drag on sb.”表达“负担,累赘”43. 用 “put on/gain weight”表达“体重增加”; 用 “lose a few pounds 或者 shed a few pounds.” ,或用 “get slim/thin.”表达“减肥,瘦身”; 用 “get exercise或 work out.”表达“锻炼”44. 用 “idolize”表达“崇拜”; 用“idol”表达“偶像”; 用 “showbiz.”表达“娱乐圈”; 用 “ a big name”表达“名人”; 用 “showy”表达“花哨”; 用 “a good/bad name”表达“名声好坏”45. 用 “the name of the game.”表达“问题的实质;最为重要的方面;事情的根本目标”46. 用 “you(could) name it.”代替every kinds表达“应有尽有”47. 用 “Our dog answers to the name of…”代替called或者named表达“我们家狗的名字叫…”48. 用 “scary”代替horrible表达“恐怖”49. 用 “disgusting”代替sick表示“恶心”50. 用 “catchy”表达“某样东西,一首歌,或一个名字朗朗上口,容易记住”51. 用 “tourist spots”表达“景点”52. 用 “spots”表达“痘痘”53. 用 “stylist”表达“造型师”54. 用 “stunning”表达“极为震撼,极为漂亮”55. 用 “Sometimes, I just want some time alone.”表达“有时候我就想一个人待会儿”56. 用 “I really enjoy their company.”表达“我很喜欢跟他们在一起”57. 用 “spend more time with them.”表达“多陪陪他们”58. 用 “He"s a terribly nice guy.”表达“他是一个特别好的人”59. 用 “packed out.”表达“特别挤”60. 用 “lousy”表达“糟糕,差劲,次”61. 用 “get me wrong” 代替mistake表达“误会了我的意思”62. 用 “groovy”表达“太帅了”63. 用“Nothing beats my mum"s cooking”表达“没什么比得上我妈做的饭”64. 用 “skip breakfast”表达“不吃早饭”65. 用 “night owl”表达“我是个夜猫子”66. 用 ”turn in”表达“上床睡觉” ;用“sleep in.”表达“睡懒觉”以上即是青藤资讯为您分享的雅思口语地道表达的内容。更多雅思口语备考内容,本站将及时与您分享,尽请关注!
2023-01-07 19:29:511

锦衣玉食 英文怎么表达

2023-01-07 19:30:011

朗朗上口 英文怎么表达

Read very catchy
2023-01-07 19:30:074


把c改成w 手表
2023-01-07 19:30:212


2023-01-07 19:30:304


2023-01-07 19:30:573


“我简直不敢相信我的耳朵! ”我心想。杰夫对学生会主席的最后候选人(候选人) 。我最好的朋友托尼来找我,说: “对不起,迈克。 ”我真的想你应该选择。 “当天晚些时候,我偶然在饭厅通过杰夫,我给了他一个礼貌的“祝贺” ,走到我平时的表。令我惊讶的是,杰夫把他的盘子旁边雷“ 。我,呃 - 我只是想知道,如果你想......考虑未来的工作,我的球队,“他紧张地说,”你真聪明,你将是一个伟大的教练。“”我不这么认为, “我回答说,感觉不确定。 ”好吧,如果你改变主意,我们明天开会, “他移动到另一个表之前说的,所有的那天晚上,我想到的报价 从杰夫也许是选举过程中(选举过程)的一部分,会给我一个机会,使我们学校的重要变化。我决定加入他们的行列。我的拳头目标是创造一个吸引人的广告。短短几天,我们设计了杰夫的图片展示了他在多个活动的海报。没有人能走过走廊的任何不经过杰夫的笑脸。我的下一步是找出哪些新活动的学生希望能有在我们学校。他们中许多人想要一个国际象棋俱乐部安达排球队。与我所收集的资料,杰夫会见了校长。校长同意增加这些活动,我们的学校课程.望采纳!
2023-01-07 19:32:213


2023-01-07 19:32:372


专辑名称:齐天大圣孙悟空语种:国语/粤语制作公司:Catchy Entertainment Ltd (EMI百代唱片)歌手:张卫健发行时间:2002年7月出品:Catchy Entertainment Ltd出品人:Marina Ng总监:李安修监制:陈德建Promotions:星天地 . 音乐。Post Production:Judy Tsang。Art & Design:Photomato Ltd (Hong Kong)。Artiste Management:Catchy Entertainment Limited。专辑曲目:01.高高在下(齐天大圣孙悟空片头曲)_张卫健 刘德华。02.信徒(齐天大圣孙悟空片尾曲)。03.身体健康。04.虚虚实实(少年张三丰片头曲)。05.孤独不苦(少年张三丰片尾曲)。06.幸福糊涂虫(败家仔/方谬神探主题曲)。07.罗蜜欧与流浪狗。08.一辈子一场梦(鹿鼎记/小宝与康熙片头曲)。09.我要轻闲(鹿鼎记/小宝与康熙插曲)_张卫健 张茜。10.你爱我像谁(鹿鼎记/小宝与康熙片尾曲)。11.天生好手。12.我要撒野(一休和尚/机灵小不懂片头曲)。专辑介绍:张卫健2002“齐天大圣孙悟空”,与刘德华合唱片头曲“高高在下”内地版,片尾曲“信徒”内地版。张卫健不只齐天大圣,再变身健康情人,主打歌“身体健康”,有身体,才能陪你;有健康,才能爱你;有用心,才能逗你。随AVCD附送三首新歌MV高高在下、信徒、身体健康。
2023-01-07 19:32:461


3.2.1 listen listeningHearing people"s verbal communication is the prerequisite and basis for, and thus strengthen the training of listening is an indispensable part of learning English. Teaching survey shows that many students in the training of listening to do, because too much tension, fear, anxiety and had a mental disorder, had also become able to understand not understand, and thus affect the understanding of the content of knowledge. Because hearing is a complex, dynamic process, it is fleeting, no room for repetition and avoid. Understand the excitement when people are likely to stimulate interest and confidence; do not understand, they can lose confidence, anxiety, and anxiety that students will panic and lose control of the entire semantics. Therefore, teachers should strive to create a relaxed and harmonious atmosphere, so that students emotional relaxation, loved. English songs and beautiful melodies, crisp lyrical joy of rhythm, often struck a chord with students, to ease the tense mood of students, so that students feel good, effective to stimulate the desire to listen to. In school, teachers began to play some songs in English to enable students to listen to the unconscious, there is no pressure, just a warm-up activities as listening training. If the student"s love fashion like Starchaser and psychological characteristics, in the United States, Hollywood saw "Titanic", the students play Celine Dion"s "My HeartWill Go On", when a beautiful piece of music flowing out, the students performed both fresh and prepared Xing, involuntarily intoxicated charm in the music inside. Practice has proved that, interspersed with some of the students are familiar with the English songs can help students learn quickly enter the state.3.2.2 write writingOf English song selection is the key to the teaching of writing songs, it is directly related to the teaching is good or bad. In music, to select those gentle rhythm, melody soft, melodious, catchy, and the clear song lyrics; in the lyrics, we must choose the appropriate vocabulary, subject-specific, content integrity, it is best to tell a complete story of the song as classroom teaching materials. Should not choose too fast paced, ambiguous lyrics, content, abstract, empty songs, but also to avoid the clear meaning of the lyrics, slang meaning jerky and too many songs. Selected song, the teachers, according to the main content of the song and theme design classroom. For example, how to listen to songs, how to learn the lyrics, what will be discussed, how to conduct writing exercises, etc., and will be in the process of listening to familiar words and sentences written in the familiar, and gradually improve their writing skills.For example: the use of Reynold"s song "What have they done to the rain?" For writing, teaching writing songs in English the main content and methods to make a brief introduction. "What have they done to the rain?" Is a very famous song thirty years ago, it mainly reflects the nuclear hazards, opposition to nuclear testing. In the event of the former Soviet Union Chernobyl nuclear leakage and rain wreak havoc, worsening environmental pollution today, this song still has important practical significance.Then, put the recordings to listen to songs, to enable students to appreciate and encourage students to learn to sing along with recorded songs, and then discussion. Then let the students on the nuclear leakage, acid rain, pollution and other reasons for the formation, the harm caused to discuss further deepen understanding. Teachers can also be from newspapers, magazines, select some of the nuclear leakage, acid rain, pollution and other aspects of materials for students to learn and understand. Finally, nuclear leak, acid rain, environmental pollution and on the nature of life on Earth hazards and threats for the questions for students to practice writing.
2023-01-07 19:32:564


catchy翻译为 朗朗上口,memorable翻译为值得纪念的,tune翻译为曲调。catchy[ "kætʃi ]adj.having concealed difficulty"a catchy question"同义词:trickylikely to attract attention"a catchy title for a movie"同义词:attention-gettingmemorable[ "memərəbl ]adj.worth rememberingtune  n.(名词)[C]曲调,曲子melodyv.(动词)vt. & vi. 调音 adjust to the proper pitch; put in tunevt. 调整 put in smooth working order
2023-01-07 19:34:371


人教版高三英语单词词汇BOOKIII(1)beard[bi2d]n.胡须,络腮胡子cheetah["t6i:t2]n.猎豹sailfish["seilfi6]旗鱼;姥鲛voyager["v0iid72]n.航行者;航海者;航天者tight[tait]adv.紧紧地adj.牢固的tightrope["taitroup]n.绷紧的绳索或钢丝gorge[g0:d7]n.咽喉,峡谷,山口edition[i"di62n]n.版,版本,版次moustache[m2s"ta:6]n.(嘴唇上面的)胡子Urumqi[]乌鲁木齐brewery["bru:2ri]n.啤酒厂conclude[k2n"klu:d]vt.&vi.推断出,断定hire["hai2]vt.租借 n.租用,雇用send in[]呈报;送…参加比赛;寄送某处进行处理set down[]记下;登记;放下feat[fi:t]n.技艺; 功绩; 伟业length[le84]n.长度; 期间; 距离hectare["hekt1:]n.公顷athletic[94"letik]a.运动的; 强壮的Lance Armstrong[]兰斯.阿姆斯特朗fade[feid]vi.枯萎; 褪色; 衰弱in a row[]一个接一个地;连续不断地in the first place[]起初,本来;首先account[2"kaunt]n.(事件的)报道,叙述attempt[2"tempt]vt.尝试,试图 n.企图suitable["sju:t2bl]adj.合适的,适宜的apply for[]提出申请(或要求等)inspect[in"spekt]vt.检查,审查;检阅confirm[k2n"f2:m]vt.证实,使...更坚定certificate[s2"tifikit]n.执照; 文凭 vt.批准gradual["gr9dju2l]adj.逐渐的,逐步的blank[bl98k]a.空白的 n.空白(处)enthusiastic[in"4ju:zi"9stik]adj.热情的,热心的bid[bid]v.祝; 表示; 命令n.出价,投标decade["dekeid]n.十年,十年期committee[k2"miti]委员会;委员会的委员fascinate["f9sineit]v.迷住; 强烈地吸引住Juan Antonio Samaranch[]胡安.安东尼奥.萨马兰奇burst[b2:st]vi.破裂;爆炸vt.冲破burst into sth[]突然而猛烈地发出或产生出某事物underline["3nd2"lain]v.在...下划线,强调globe[gl2ub]n.地球,世界;地界仪bush[bu6]n.灌木;短树;灌木丛spaceman["speism9n]n.宇航员ramp[r9mp]n.坡道;弯道skilful["skilful]a.精巧的;熟练的;有技巧的skateboard[]n.&vi.滑板skateboarder[]n.玩滑板的人administration[2d"minis"trei62n]n.行政管理,管理机关permission[p2(:)"mi62n]n.允许,许可,同意schoolmate["sku:lmeit]n.同学grandparent["gr9ndper2nt]n.(外)祖父(母)recently[]ad.最近,近来,近代familiar[f2"milj2]adj.熟悉的,亲近的capture["k9pt62]vt./n.捕获;俘获;夺取centre on/upon[]将某人(某事物)当作中心或重点factor["f9kt2]n.因素; 原动力; 要素concentrate["k0ns2ntreit]v.聚集;浓缩;全神贯注concentrate on[]专心致志于helmet["helmit]n.头盔,钢盔teenage[]adj.青少年的truly["tru:li]adv.真正地,真实地delight[di"lait]vi.&vi.(使)欢喜,高兴delighted[]a.高兴的,欣喜的energetic["en2"d7etik]a.积极的;精力旺盛的cautious["k0:62s]adj.谨慎的,当心的outgoing["autgoui8]adj.外向的;爽直的register["red7ist2]v.登记,注册,挂号skim[skim]vt.掠过,擦过;略读Christopher Columbus[]克里斯托夫•哥伦布evaluate[i"v9ljueit]v.估计,估算,求值various["v/2ri2s]a.各种各样的,不同的in the name of[]以…的名义;代表key[ki:]n.钥匙;关键 a.基本的origin["0rid7in]n.起源,由来;出身endeavour[]n./v.努力,试图,尽力puzzle["p3zl]n.难题;谜 vi.使迷惑Marco Polo[]马可.波罗(意大利旅行家)wealthy["wel4i]adj.富裕的,富庶的Asian["ei62n]n.亚洲人adj.亚洲人的in exchange for[]交换spice[spais]n.香料,调味品;香气Ceylon[si"l0n]n.锡兰(斯里兰卡的旧称)Arab["9r2b]n./a.阿拉伯人(的)westernmost[]adj.最西的African["9frik2n]adj.非洲的 n.非洲人ambassador[9m"b9s2d2]n.大使;特使,代表Roman["r2um2n]adj.古罗马的n.罗马人empire["empai2]n.帝国,财团rhinoceros[rai"n0s2r2s]n.犀牛horn[h0:n]n.号角;警报器;角wander["w0nd2]vi.徘徊;流浪vt.漫游motherland["m352l9nd]祖国Shanga[]n.尚加(地名)awareness[]n.意识existence[ig"zist2ns]n.存在,实在;生存accurate["9kjurit]a.准确的,正确无误的navy["neivi]n.海军treasure["tre72]n.财富;珍宝 vt.珍视fleet[fli:t]n.舰队;船队;车队command[k2"ma:nd]n./vt.指挥;控制;统率set sail (to/from/for...)[]起航royal["r0i2l]a.英国皇家的,王室的embassy["emb2si]n.大使馆;大使的职务zebra["zi:br2]n.斑马in return[]作为回报,作为报答symbolic[sim"b0lik]adj.象征(性)的;符号的volunteer["v0l2n"ti2]n.义务(志愿)工作者radium["reidj2m]n.镭sum[s3m]n.总数;金额 vi.共计dam[d9m]n.水坝,水堤;障碍物bring up[]教育;提出(供讨论)horizon[h2"raizn]n.地平线;眼界,见识navigation["n9vi"gei62n]n.航行;航海术;导航Korea[kou"ri:2]n.朝鲜(亚洲)suggest[s2"d7est]vt.建议;暗示,启发accomplish[2"k0mpli6]vt.达到(目的);完成apart from[]prep.除去…;撇去…sickness["siknis]n.生病; 呕吐, 恶心unable["3n"eibl]a.不能的; 无能为力的the Himalayas[]n.喜马拉雅山脉sacred["seikrid]a.上帝的;神圣的Sherpa["62:p2]n.夏尔巴人Tibet[ti"bet]n.西藏honesty["0nisti]n.诚实,正直,忠实dedication[dedi"kei62n]n.忠诚;奉献ideal[ai"di2l]n.思想;理想;典型refer[ri"f2:]vt.把...提交 vi.提出refer to[]v.查阅;参考;提及run out[]结束;变得缺乏technological["tekn2"l0d7ik2l]adj.技术的,工艺的aircraft["/2kra:ft]n.飞机,飞行器arise[2"raiz]vi.起来;升起;出现evidence["evid2ns]n.根据;证据,证人chairman["t6/2m2n]n.主席;议长,会长praise[preiz]n.赞扬,赞美 vi.赞扬Canberra["k9nb2r2]n.堪培拉(澳大利亚首都)outback["autb9k]n.[the~](澳大利亚的)内地 adj.内地的territory["terit2ri]n.领土,版图;领域Queensland["kwi:nzl2nd]n.昆士兰州(澳大利亚州名)Victoria[vik"t0:ri2]n.维多利亚州(澳大利亚州名)Tasmania[t9z"meini2]n.塔斯马尼亚(岛)(澳大利亚州名)Aborigines[9b2"rid7ini:z]n.(尤指澳大利亚的)土著居民strait[streit]海峡;困难Torres Strait[]n.托雷斯海峡islander["ail2nd2]n.岛上居民fellow["fel2u]n.伙伴; 对手; 成员Portuguese["p0:tju"gi:z]n.葡萄牙人;葡萄牙语Dutch[d3t6]a.荷兰的,荷兰人的claim[kleim]n.(据权利提出的)要求criminal["kriminl]n.犯人,罪犯,刑事犯govern["g3v2n]vt.统治,治理;支配governor["g3v2n2]n.[英]总督; [美]州长newcomer["nju:"k3m2]n.新来的人; 移民as a consequence (of)[]作为(......的)结果resemble[ri"zembl]vt.类似于,象commonwealth["k0m2nwel4]n.国家; 共和国; 联邦the Commonwealth of Australia[]澳大利亚联邦diverse[dai"v2:s]a.不一样的,相异的transform[tr9ns"f0:m]vt.改变;改造;变换immigration["imi"grei62n]n.移居入境strengthen["stre842n]vt.&vi.加强;变强differ["dif2]vi.不同; 有差别pronunciation[pr2"n3nsi"ei62n]n.发音,发音法vocabulary[v2"k9bjul2ri]n.词汇表;词汇,语汇mate[meit]vt.&vi.(使)成配偶 n.伙伴;同事;配偶?sheila["6i:l2]n.(澳新俚)少女;少妇female["fi:meil]n.雌性的动物;女子wilderness["wild2nis]n.荒地, 荒野billabong["bil2b08]n.(澳)死河;死水洼地;干河道aboriginal[9b2"rid72nl]a.&n.土著的concept["k0nsept]n.概念,观念,设想break out[](战争等)爆发;逃出chew[t6u:]vt.咀嚼;嚼烟;深思chairwoman["t6/2wum2n]n.女主席,女董事长feed...on[]喂养;饲养koala[k2"0l2]n.(即koala bear)树袋熊entire[in"tai2]adj.完全的,全部的Alaska[2"l9sk2]n.阿拉斯加(美国一州)mine[main]pron我的n.矿藏v.开矿fence[fens]n.围栏 v.击剑; 搪塞dingo["di8gou]n.澳洲野犬round up[]收集,集合outdoors["aut"d0:z]adv.在外的,在野外的birthplace["b2:4pleis]n.出生地; 故乡outing["auti8]n.郊游;远足lemonade["lem2"neid]n.柠檬汽水barbecue["b1:bikju:]n.野餐烧烤 vt.在烤架上烧烤roast[r2ust]v.烤,炙 adj.烘烤的steak["steik]n.大块肉(鱼)片; 牛排barrier["b9ri2]n.栅栏,屏障;障碍the Great Barrier Reef[]n.大堡礁logical["l0d7ik2l]a.逻辑的;符合逻辑的wombat["w0mb9t]n.毛鼻袋熊pointed["p0intid]a.尖(锐)的; 中肯的;直截了当的claw[kl0:]n.(鸟兽等的)爪; 钩 vt.&vi.搔;挠;刮hairy["h/2ri]adj.毛发的,多毛的medium["mi:dj2m]n.媒质;中间a.中等的bushy["bu6i]a.灌木丛生的; 茂密的procedure[pr2"si:d72]n.程序;手续;过程tulip["tju:lip]n.郁金香(属); 山慈姑rose[r2uz]n.蔷薇花,蔷薇科植物peony["pi:2ni]n.芍药;牡丹strawberry["str0:b2ri]n.[植]草莓lemon["lem2n]n.柠檬(色); 淡黄色bunch[b3nt6]n.束,球,串;一群Carl Linnaeus[]n.卡尔.林尼厄斯(瑞典植物学家)merely["mi2li]ad.仅仅,只不过herb[h2:b]n.草本植物;药草;香草classify["kl9sifai]vt.把...分类(归类)identification[ai"dentifi"kei62n]n.认出,鉴定;身份证male[meil]a.男的,雄的 n.男子Deniel Solander[]n.丹尼尔.索兰德(瑞典植物学家)promote[pr2"m2ut]vt.促进,发扬;提升Joseph Banks[]n.约瑟夫.班克斯(英国探险家和自然学家)botanical[b2"t9nikl]adj.植物学的privilege["privilid7]n.特权 vt.给...特权cosy["kouzi]a.温暖、舒适的appetite["9pitait]n.食欲,胃口;欲望wealth[wel4]n.财富,财产;丰富Oceania["2u6i"einj2]n.大洋洲appoint[2"p0int]vt.任命,委任;约定Tahiti[t0"hi:ti]n.塔希提岛(位于南太平洋)Venus["vi:n2s]n.维纳斯;美人;色情;金星calculate["k9lkjuleit]vt.计算;估计;计划astronomy[2s"tr0n2mi]n.天文学expense[iks"pens]n.花费,消费;费用look out for[]警惕;留心on a large scale[]大规模地cocoa["k2uk2u]n.可可粉(茶,树,色)hemp[hemp]n.大麻;纤维involve[in"v0lv]vt.卷缠;包括;使专注enterprise["ent2praiz]n.艰巨的事业;事业心;企业;单位settlement["setlm2nt]n.解决;殖民,殖民地;定居Kew[kju:]n.英国皇家植物园所在地accumulate[2"kju:mjuleit]n.积累; 积聚; 堆积abandon[2"b9nd2n]vt.丢弃;放弃,抛弃straw[str0:]n.麦杆,稻草,吸管pineapple["pain"9pl]n.凤梨,波萝year after year[]年年,每年classification["kl9sifi"kei62n]n.分类;分级;分类法pass away[]消失;去世;终止Oxford["0ksf2d]n.牛津(英国城市)tone[t2un]n.色调,光度;风气;音调reward[ri"w0:d]n.报答;报酬 vt.奖赏name...after[]给......取名;命名technician[tek"ni62n]n.技术员,技师Charles Darwin[]查理士•达尔文beagle["bi:gl]n.(英国种的)小猎兔犬Galapagos[]n.加拉帕戈斯(群岛)nowhere["n2uhw/2]ad.任何地方都不 n.无处,不知名的地方altogether["0:lt2"ge52]ad.完全;总而言之finch[fint6]n.雀科鸣鸟beak[bi:k]n.鸟嘴;茶壶嘴;钩形鼻Gregor Mender[]格雷戈.门德尔(奥地利遗传学家)Gote Turesson[]约特.杜尔松(瑞典植物学家)appearance[2"pi2r2ns]n.出现,来到;外观output["autput]n.产量;输出量;输出dandelion["d9ndilai2n]n.蒲公英latter["l9t2]adj.后面的,后者的distinguish[dis"ti8gwi6]v.使显出特色,使杰出,区别,辨别in detail[]详细地millimetre["mili"mi:t2]n.毫米convey[k2n"vei]vt.传送;运送;传播advertise["9dv2taiz]v.登(做)广告; 通知advertiser["9dv2taiz2]n.做广告的人brand[br9nd]n.商品;烙印;商标;牌子 vt.铭刻consideration[k2n"sid2"rei62n]n.考虑,思考;体贴take...into consideration[]考虑某事物charge[t6a:d7]vt.索价;控告 n.费用;主管;充电;价钱in charge of[]主管,掌管,照管loss[l0s]n.遗失;损失;失败blame[bleim]vt./n.责备;非难;挑剔mislead[mis"li:d]vt.使误入岐途misleading[]adj.令人误解的broadcast["br0:dka:st]vt.,vi.&n.广播,播音post[p2ust]vt.投寄,邮寄,张贴 n.邮局hand in hand[]手拉手地,同时发生地react[ri"9kt]v.反应,起反应,反抗annoy[2"n0i]vt.使恼火,使生气annoying[2"n0ii8]a.使人气恼的; 讨厌的critic["kritik]n.批评家,爱挑剔的人accuse[2"kju:z]vt.谴责; 控告, 告发associate[2"s2u6ieit]vi.交往,使发生联系 n.伙伴,同事get across[]使通过,使被理解appeal[2"pi:l]vi./n.请求;呼吁;上诉frequent["fri:kw2nt]a.时常发生的;经常的figure["fig2]n.外形;图形;数字;价格;画像 vt.描绘salesman["seilzm2n]n.售货员,推销员saleswoman["seilzwum2n]n.女售货员profit["pr0fit]n.益处;利润 vi.得益campaign[k9m"pein]n.战役; 行动,运动,竞选 vi.作战;竞选policy["p0lisi]n.政策,方针,保险单spokesman["sp2uksm2n]n.发言人,代言人spokeswoman[]n.女发言人Tetsuya Komuro[]n.小室哲哉illegal[i"li:g2l]adj.不合法的,非法的keep an eye out for sb/sth[]留心或注意某人或某事物bait[beit]n.饵;中途休息vt.引诱target["ta:git]n.靶子; 目标; 指标bullet["bulit]n.枪弹,子弹,弹丸sneaker["sni:k2]胶底运动鞋nutritional[]adj.营养(品)的nowadays["nau2deiz]adv.现今,目前nephew["nevju:]n.侄子,外甥waitress["weitris]n.女侍者,女服务员hostess["h2ustis]n.女主人;旅馆女老板bridegroom["braidgrum]n.新郎heroine["her2uin]n.女英雄;女主人公goddess["g0dis]n.女神;绝世美女promotion[pr2"m2u62n]n.促进;提升;创立attach[2"t9t6]v.附; 使隶属; 使依恋legend["led72nd]n.传说,传奇slogan["sl2ug2n]n.标语,口号catchy["k9t6i]adj.吸引人的;使人上当的point out[]指出,指明;解释discount["diskaunt]n.折扣;打折扣卖make sense[]讲得通,言之有理bonus["b2un2s]n.奖金;红利;额外津贴context["k0ntekst]n.上下文,语境,环境perseverance["p2:si"vi2r2ns]n.毅力;坚持;不屈不挠quit[kwit]vt.离开,退出;停止[]v.应用,适用于,作用add up[]加算,合计circumstance["s2:k2mst2ns]n.情况,条件;境遇lose heart[]丧失勇气(或信心)assessment[]n.估定;查定;估计数take it easy[]不紧张;放松;松懈keep up[]坚持;不使(斗志)低落Robinson Crusoe[]鲁宾逊.克鲁索common sense[]常识;情理survival[s2"vaiv2l]n.幸存,残存;幸存者biscuit["biskit]n.(英)饼干;(美)软饼alcohol["9lk2h0l]n.酒精,乙醇goat[g2ut]n.山羊flour["flau2]n.面粉,粉;粉状物质axe[]n.斧razor["reiz2]n.剃须刀nail[neil]n.指甲; 钉子 vt.钉住bedding["bedi8]n.寝具; 垫草; 基础;铺盖beyond[bi"j0nd]prep.在...那边,超出the Rocky Mountains[]落基山脉wagon["w9g2n]n.货车;马车leave behind[]丢弃;留下;忘记携带ox[0ks]n.牛;公牛,阉牛Kansas["k9nz2s]n.堪萨斯(州)[美国]frontier["fr3ntj2]n.边境;边疆;新领域lose one"s way[]迷路barren["b9r2n]adj.不育的,贫瘠的salty["s0:lti]adj.咸的pond[p0nd]n.池塘; 鱼塘patch[p9t6]n.补钉;碎片;小片 vt.补缀burden["b2:dn]n.担子,负担 vt.劳累desperate["desp2rit]a.拼死的;绝望的beast[bi:st]n.兽,野兽;牲畜accustomed[2"k3st2md]a.惯常的;习惯的thirst[42:st]n.渴,口渴;渴望starvation["sta:vei62n]n.饥饿; 饿死anxiety[98g"zai2ti]n.挂念;渴望;焦虑的事shallow["69l2u]adj.浅的;肤浅的come to an end[]告终,结束;完结legendary["led72nd2ri]adj.传说的,传奇的tax[t9ks]vt.增添…负担 n.税anniversary[,9ni"v2:s2ri]n.周年纪念(日)Anchorage["98k2rid7]n.停泊地点:安克雷奇(美国港口城市)Nome[noum]n.诺姆(美国城市)front-page[]adj.头版的Curtis Welch[]n.科迪斯.韦尔奇granddaughter["gr9nd"d0:t2]n.孙女,外孙女flu[flu:]n.流行性感冒throat[4r2ut]n.咽喉; 嗓子; 出入口diphtheria[dif"4iri2]n.白喉vaccine["v9ksi:n]n.疫苗,菌苗catastrophe[k2"t9str2fi]n.大灾难; (悲剧)结局relief[ri"li:f]n.(免除忧虑后之)安心;减轻痛苦deliver[di"liv2]vt.投递,送交;发表Nenana[]n.尼纳纳(美国城市)Arctic["a:ktik]adj.北极的 n.北极tough[t3f]adj.坚韧的,困难的wrap[r9p]vt.裹,包,捆 n.披肩quilt[kwilt]n.被子; 被状物tie up[]束紧,缚牢;包扎packet["p9kit]n.小包,包裹;群,组stake[steik]n.木桩; 赌注;利害关系 vt.赌at stake[]在危险中;危如累卵ray[rei]n.光线,射线,辐射线bark[ba:k]vi.(狗、狐等)吠,叫sculpture["sk3lpt62]n.雕塑(品); 雕刻(术)memorial[mi"m0:ri2l]adj.纪念的,追悼的 n.纪念物,纪念馆retell["ri:"tel]vt.再讲,重述,复述go for[]为…去;努力获取carol["k9r2l]n.颂歌, 圣诞颂歌Charles Dickens[]查尔斯.狄更斯(英国作家)Jacob Marley[]雅各布.马利Ebenezer Scrooge[]埃比尼泽.斯克鲁奇Santa Claus[]n.[宗]圣诞老人care for[]关心;照顾;喜欢employee["empl0i"i:]n.受雇者,雇员,雇工hygiene["haid7i:n]n.健康法; 卫生学fake[feik]n.假货,膺品 adj.假的,伪造的bacteria[b9k"ti2ri2]n.(pl.)细菌powder["paud2]n.粉; 火药 v.洒粉于standard["st9nd2d]n.标准 adj.标准的conscience["k0n62ns]n.良心,道德心Bob Cratchit[]鲍勃.克拉特基特Fred[fred]弗雷德shilling["6ili8]n.(英币)先令frost[fr0st]n.霜;严寒 v.(使)结上一层霜handwriting["h9ndraiti8]n.笔迹,手迹,书法humbug["h3mb3g]n.花招,谎话,欺骗overcoat["2uv2k2ut]n.外衣,大衣wage[weid7]n.[pl.]按周发的工资anyway["eniwei]ad.不管怎样,无论如何god[g0d]n.上帝; 造物主; 偶像leave alone[]不管,不理会;不打扰,随...去admit[2d"mit]vt.承认;准许…进入foolish["fu:li6]adj.愚蠢的,傻的clap[kl9p]n.拍手喝采声;霹雳声 vt.为...鼓掌partner["pa:tn2]n.伙伴,合伙人,搭档festive["festiv]a.喜庆的, 欢乐的abundant[2"b3nd2nt]adj.丰富的,充裕的in want of[]需要warmth[w0:m4]n.暖和,温暖;热烈idle["aidl]a.空闲的;懒散的taxpayer["t9ks"pei2]n.纳税人badly off[]穷困,潦倒occupy["0kjup2ai]vt.占领;担任;使从事constant["k0nst2nt]adj.不变的;经常的close up[]关闭;堵塞;靠近welfare["welf/2]n.幸福,福利striking["straiki8]adj.惊人的;明显的;吸引人的,clerk[kla:k, kl2:k]n.店员;办事员,职员have an eye for[]有眼力,有眼光composer[k2m"p2uz2]n.作曲家;调停人novelist["n0v2list]n.小说家firm[f2:m]adj.牢固的;稳固的,商行as follows[]如下举例事项shadow["69d2u]n.影子; 阴影; 幻影idol["aidl]n.偶像,被崇拜的人ambition[9m"bi62n]n.雄心,抱负,野心noble["n2ubl]adj.高尚的;高贵的aspiration[]n.渴望; 志向; 抱负bond[b0n
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academic adj. 学术的 (SH1 M1 P1)province n. 省 (SH1 M1 P2)enthusiastic adj. 热心的 (SH1 M1 P2)amazing adj. 令人吃惊的;令人惊讶的 (SH1 M1 P2)information n. 信息 (SH1 M1 P2)website n. 网站;网址 (SH1 M1 P2)brilliant adj. (口语)极好的 (SH1 M1 P2)comprehension n. 理解;领悟 (SH1 M1 P2)instruction n. (常作复数)指示;说明 (SH1 M1 P2)method n. 方法 (SH1 M1 P3)bored adj. 厌烦的; 厌倦的 (SH1 M1 P3)embarrassed adj. 尴尬的;难堪的;困窘的 (SH1 M1 P3)attitude n. 态度 (SH1 M1 P3)behaviour n. 行为;举动 (SH1 M1 P3)previous adj. 以前的;从前的 (SH1 M1 P3)description n. 记述;描述 (SH1 M1 P3)amazed adj. 吃惊的;惊讶的 (SH1 M1 P2)embarrassing adj. 令人尴尬的;令人难堪的 (SH1 M1 P4)technology n. 技术 (SH1 M1 P4)impress vt. 使印象深刻 (SH1 M1 P4)correction n. 改正;纠正 (SH1 M1 P5)encouragement n. 鼓励;激励 (SH1 M1 P5)enjoyment n. 享受;乐趣 (SH1 M1 P5)fluency n. 流利;流畅 (SH1 M1 P5)misunderstanding n. 误解 (SH1 M1 P5)disappointed adj. 失望的 (SH1 M1 P6)disappointing adj. 令人失望的 (SH1 M1 P7)system n. 制度;体系;系统 (SH1 M1 P7)teenager n. 少年 (SH1 M1 P8)disappear vi. 消失 (SH1 M1 P8)move vi. 搬家 (SH1 M1 P8)assistant n. 助手;助理 (SH1 M1 P8)cover vt. 包含 (SH1 M1 P9)diploma n. 文凭;毕业证书 (SH1 M1 P9)amusing adj. 有趣的;可笑的 (SH1 M2 P11)energetic adj. 精力充沛的 (SH1 M2 P11)intelligent adj. 聪明的 (SH1 M2 P11)nervous adj. 紧张的;焦虑的 (SH1 M2 P11)organised adj. 有组织的;有系统的 (SH1 M2 P11)patient adj. 耐心的 (SH1 M2 P11)serious adj. 严肃的 (SH1 M2 P11)shy adj. 害羞的;羞怯的 (SH1 M2 P11)strict adj. 严格的;严厉的 (SH1 M2 P11)impression n. 印象 (SH1 M2 P12)avoid vt. (故意)避开 (SH1 M2 P12)hate vt. 讨厌;不喜欢 (SH1 M2 P12)incorrectly adv. 不正确地 (SH1 M2 P12)completely adv. 十分地;完全地 (SH1 M2 P12)immediately adv. 立即,即刻 (SH1 M2 P12)appreciate vt. 感激 (SH1 M2 P12)admit vt. 承认 (SH1 M2 P12)scientific adj. 科学的 (SH1 M2 P12)literature n. 文学 (SH1 M2 P12)loudly adv. 大声地 (SH1 M2 P12)wave vt. 挥(手);招(手) (SH1 M2 P12)joke n. 玩笑;笑话 (SH1 M2 P12)summary n. 总结;摘要;提要 (SH1 M2 P12)respect vt. & n. 尊敬;尊重 (SH1 M2 P12)grade n.(美)成绩;分数 (SH1 M2 P13)headmaster n. 校长 (SH1 M2 P15)headmistress n. 女校长 (SH1 M2 P15)period n. 一段时间 (SH1 M2 P15)revision n. 复习 (SH1 M2 P15)translation n. 翻译 (SH1 M2 P15)timetable n. 时间表 (SH1 M2 P15)topic n. 话题;题目 (SH1 M2 P15)vacation n. 假期 (SH1 M2 P15)revise vt. 温习(功课) (SH1 M2 P17)discipline n. 纪律 (SH1 M2 P18)relationship n. 关系 (SH1 M2 P19)formal adj. 正式的 (SH1 M2 P19)relaxed adj. 轻松的;松懈的;宽松的 (SH1 M2 P19)similarly adv. 同样地,类似地 (SH1 M2 P19)helicopter n. 直升飞机 (SH1 M3 P21)motorbike n. 摩托车 (SH1 M3 P21)tram n. 电车 (SH1 M3 P21)distance n. 距离 (SH1 M3 P21)abandoned adj. 被遗弃的 (SH1 M3 P22)camel n. 骆驼 (SH1 M3 P22)cassette n. 录音带 (SH1 M3 P22)desert n. 沙漠 (SH1 M3 P22)diamond n. 钻石 (SH1 M3 P22)expert n. 专家 (SH1 M3 P22)midnight n. 半夜 (SH1 M3 P22)product n. 产品 (SH1 M3 P22)scenery n. 风景;景色 (SH1 M3 P22)shoot vt. (shot, shot) 射杀 (SH1 M3 P22)soil n. 土壤 (SH1 M3 P22)journey n. 旅程 (SH1 M3 P23)train vt. 训练 (SH1 M3 P23)circus n. 马戏团 (SH1 M3 P25)seaside n. 海滨 (SH1 M3 P25)stadium n. 运动场;体育场 (SH1 M3 P25)eagle n. 鹰 (SH1 M3 P26)frighten vt. 使吃惊;惊吓 (SH1 M3 P26)kindergarten n. 幼儿园 (SH1 M3 P26)apartment n. (美)公寓;单元住宅 (SH1 M3 P26)cartoon n. 卡通;漫画 (SH1 M3 P26)interview n. 面试;面谈 (SH1 M3 P27)interviewer n.(面试时的)主考官;面谈者 (SH1 M3 P28)event n. 事件 (SH1 M3 P28)exhausted adj. 疲惫不堪的 (SH1 M3 P28)downtown adj. 商业区的;市中心的 (SH1 M3 P29)vacuum n. 真空;空白 (SH1 M3 P29)rail n. 铁轨 (SH1 M3 P29)ceremony n. 仪式 (SH1 M3 P29)track n. 轨道 (SH1 M3 P29)souvenir n. 纪念品 (SH1 M3 P30)survey n. 调查 (SH1 M4 P31)neighbourhood n. 四邻;街坊 (SH1 M4 P31)local adj. 地方的;局部的 (SH1 M4 P31)suburb n. 城郊;郊区 (SH1 M4 P31)hometown n. 家乡 (SH1 M4 P32)attractive adj. 有吸引力的;吸引人的 (SH1 M4 P32)fortunate adj. 幸运的;吉祥的 (SH1 M4 P32)pretty adv. 很;相当 (SH1 M4 P32)sound vi. 听起来 (SH1 M4 P32)tourist n. 旅游者;观光客 (SH1 M4 P32)bother vt. 打扰;烦扰;麻烦 (SH1 M4 P32)nuisance n. 令人讨厌的人或事 (SH1 M4 P32)rent n. 租金 (SH1 M4 P32)district n. 地域;区域;行政区 (SH1 M4 P33)approach vt. 接近 (SH1 M4 P33)harbour n. 海港 (SH1 M4 P33)gorgeous adj. 美丽的;宜人的 (SH1 M4 P33)architecture n. 建筑 (SH1 M4 P33)starve vi. 饿死 (SH1 M4 P33)park vt. 停车 (SH1 M4 P33)traffic n. 交通 (SH1 M4 P35)committee n. 委员会 (SH1 M4 P35)organisation n. 组织 (SH1 M4 P35)unemployed adj. 失业的;没有工作的 (SH1 M4 P35)household n. 家属;家人 (SH1 M4 P35)occupation n. 职业 (SH1 M4 P35)professional adj. 专业的 (SH1 M4 P35)manual adj. 用手的;手的 (SH1 M4 P35)employment n. 就业;工作;职业 (SH1 M4 P35)gallery n. 美术馆;画廊 (SH1 M4 P37)exchange vt. 交换 (SH1 M4 P37)fascinating adj. 迷人的;吸引人的 (SH1 M4 P38)afford vt. 买得起;有能力支付 (SH1 M4 P39)survive vi. 死里逃生;大难不死 (SH1 M4 P39)contact vt. 联络;联系(某人) (SH1 M4 P40)liquid n. 液体 (SH1 M5 P41)expand vi. 膨胀 (SH1 M5 P41)contract vi. 收缩 (SH1 M5 P41)substance n. 物质 (SH1 M5 P41)mixture n. 混合物 (SH1 M5 P41)oxygen n. 氧气 (SH1 M5 P41)electricity n. 电 (SH1 M5 P41)stage n. 阶段;时期 (SH1 M5 P44)conclusion n. 结论 (SH1 M5 P44)aim n. 目标;目的 (SH1 M5 P44)reaction n. 反应 (SH1 M5 P44)electrical adj. 与电有关的;用电的 (SH1 M5 P44)equipment n. 设备;装备 (SH1 M5 P44)react vi. (化学)反应 (SH1 M5 P44) potassium n. 钾 (SH1 M5 P44)sodium n. 钠 (SH1 M5 P44)calcium n. 钙 (SH1 M5 P44)magnesium n. 镁 (SH1 M5 P44)aluminium n. 铝 (SH1 M5 P44)zinc n. 锌 (SH1 M5 P44)partial adj. 部分的;局部的 (SH1 M5 P44)copper n. 铜 (SH1 M5 P44)oxide n. 氧化物 (SH1 M5 P44)rust vi. 生锈 (SH1 M5 P45)boil vt. 煮;煮沸 (SH1 M5 P45)ordinary adj. 普通的;平常的 (SH1 M5 P45)steam n. 蒸汽;水气 (SH1 M5 P46)float vi. 漂浮 (SH1 M5 P46)form vi. 形成 (SH1 M5 P46)dissolve vi. 溶解;分解;分离 (SH1 M5 P46) balance n. 天平 (SH1 M5 P46)crucible n. 坩埚 (SH1 M5 P46)tongs n. 夹子;小钳子;镊子 (SH1 M5 P46)flame n. 火焰 (SH1 M5 P48)facility n. (常作复数)设备;工具 (SH1 M5 P49)lecture n. 演讲 (SH1 M5 P49)department n. (大学的)科、系 (SH1 M5 P49)astonished adj. 吃惊的;惊愕的 (SH1 M5 P49)contain vt. 包含;包括 (SH1 M6 P51)access n. 接近;通路 (SH1 M6 P51)crash vi. (计算机)崩溃 (SH1 M6 P51)keyword n. 密码;口令 (SH1 M6 P51)log vt. 记录;登录 (SH1 M6 P51)software n. 软件 (SH1 M6 P51)breakdown n. 故障 (SH1 M6 P51)source n. 来源;出处 (SH1 M6 P52)accessible adj. 可进入的;可使用的 (SH1 M6 P52)data adj. (复)数据 (SH1 M6 P52)defence n. 保护;防卫 (SH1 M6 P52)create vt. 创造;发明 (SH1 M6 P52)network n. 网络 (SH1 M6 P52)via prep. 途经;经由 (SH1 M6 P52)percentage n. 百分数;百分率 (SH1 M6 P52)design vt. 设计 (SH1 M6 P52)document n. 文件 (SH1 M6 P52)invention n. 发明 (SH1 M6 P53)permission n. 许可 (SH1 M6 P53)military adj. 军事的;军队的 (SH1 M6 P52)concentrate vi. 集中(注意力、思想等) (SH1 M6 P54)definite adj. 明确的 (SH1 M6 P54)fantastic adj. 极好的;美妙的 (SH1 M6 P54)independent adj. 独立的 (SH1 M6 P54)essay n. 文章 (SH1 M6 P56)pass vt. 超过 (SH1 M6 P57)frequently adv. 时常;经常 (SH1 M6 P57)disadvantage n. 弊端;缺点 (SH1 M6 P57)average adj. 平均的 (SH1 M6 P57)statistics n. 统计数字 (SH1 M6 P58)shorten vt. 缩短 (SH1 M6 P59)sideways adv. 横着地;斜着地 (SH1 M6 P59)in other words 换句话说look forward to 期待;盼望at the start of 在……开始的时候at the end of 在……结束的时候go to college 上大学be divided into 被(划)分成……take part in 参加make sure 确定;确信;查明;弄清楚so that (引起表示结果的从句)因此make progress 取得进步 as a result 结果in fact 事实上fall asleep 睡着tell jokes 讲笑话;开玩笑get on 上(车、船等)get off 下(车、船等)get into 上(车)get out of 下(车)take off (飞机)起飞be short for 是……的缩写/简称not …any more 不再out of date 过时refer to 指的是put up 修建so far 到目前为止up to now到目前为止till now 到目前为止get away from 摆脱a great many 许多;大量a number of 许多;大量go up 上升add … to … 往……加入…… used to 过去(常常)……in the area of 在……领域be proud of 为……感到骄傲/自豪be supposed to 应当;理应consists of 由……组成as well 也become known as … 作为……而出名;被称为……;叫作……go down 下降come up with 提出from that moment on 从那时起concentrate on 聚精会神;集中思想compared with 与……相比diet n. 饮食;日常食物 vi. 照医生的规定饮食 (SH2 M1 P 1)fat n. 脂肪 (SH2 M1 P 1)fit adj. 健康的;强健的 (SH2 M1 P 1)flu n. (=influenza) 流行性感冒 (SH2 M1 P 1)rare adj. 稀少的;罕有的 (SH2 M1 P 1)toothache n. 牙痛 (SH2 M1 P 1)unhealthy adj. 不健康的;有碍健康的 (SH2 M1 P 1)wealthy adj. 富裕的;有钱的 (SH2 M1 P 1)rarely adv. 稀少地;极少地 (SH2 M1 P 1)proverb n. 谚语 (SH2 M1 P 2)anxious adj. 焦虑的;不安的;渴望的 (SH2 M1 P 2)captain n. 队长 (SH2 M1 P 2)injure vt. 伤害 (SH2 M1 P 2)injury n. 伤害;损伤;受伤处 (SH2 M1 P 2)pain n. 疼痛 (SH2 M1 P 2)painful adj. 疼痛的 (SH2 M1 P 2)normal adj. 正常的;一般的 (SH2 M1 P 2)lifestyle n. 生活方式 (SH2 M1 P 2)head vi. 朝……方向前进 (SH2 M1 P 2)eye vt. 注视;观看 (SH2 M1 P 2)overweight adj. (人)太胖的;超重的 (SH2 M1 P 5)lung n. 肺 (SH2 M1 P 5)throat n. 喉咙;咽喉;嗓子 (SH2 M1 P 5)breathe vi. 呼吸 (SH2 M1 P 5)pneumonia n. 肺炎 (SH2 M1 P 5)prescription n. 处方 (SH2 M1 P 5)symptom n. 症状 (SH2 M1 P 5)X-ray n. X光 (SH2 M1 P 5)awful adj. 可怕的;吓人的 (SH2 M1 P 6)insurance n. 保险 (SH2 M1 P 9)questionnaire n. 问卷;问卷调查;调查表 (
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  1. 不要试图说太长的句子。简单句为主,and, but, so, also, because, if 等连接一下即可。   2. 用一用 cos 引导原因   3. 用一用 like 举例   4. 停顿的时候,用well, eh, um, 或者 you know,占位5. 用一用 or whatever, and stuff like that, and something like that 表示“等等”   6. 在句首用上 actually ,basically, obviously, unfortunately, 等副词。   7. Most of the time, …, but sometimes … 这个结构很有用。   8. It depends, but generally …这个结构也很实用。   9. It varies. If …., I…, but if…, I… 这个结构也值得掌握。   10. 说朋友的时候,可用mate/buddy 代替   11. 说电影的时候可用flick/flicks 代替;同样 watch/see a film, 也可用catch a flick 代替。   12. 说好吃的时候,用tasty 或yummy 代替。   13. 说“很棒”的时候,用 “amazing, awesome, incredible, marvelous”   14. 说 “很美”的时候,用 “really pretty,attractive 或 gorgeous”   15. 说 “很次”的时候,用 “terrible/awful”.   16. 说 “很丑” 的时候,用 “really unattractive/hideous”   17. 说 “假货” 的时候,用 “fake”   18. 说 “贵”的时候,用 “pricey/dear”.   19. 说 “某东西很火”,用 “a smash hit”.   20. 说 “睡一会儿”,用 “catch some z"s. or catch forty winks”.   21. 说 “放松”, 用 “take it easy/wind down.”   22. 说 “一会儿,一段时间”,用 “a while”   23. 说 “上升” 用 “go up”, “下降” 用 “go down”.   24. 说“人很现实”, 用 “realistic”.   25. 说 “人很物质化”, 用 “materialistic”26. 说 “流行,时髦”, 用 “in”, 最流行,最时髦,最时尚 “innest”。   27. 说 “老土”,用 “out of date/style”, 或者直接用 “out”.   28. 说 “最先进的”,用 “state of the art” .   29. 说 “我们玩得特爽” 用 “we really had a marvelous time”.   30. 英语 “寻找刺激”,英语是 “look for kicks”.   31. 表示 “很,非常”, 多用 “really”.   32. 表示 “极其,非常,绝对,相当…” 用,“absolutely, totally.”   33. 表示 “失落,沮丧”, 用 “down”.   34. 表示 “让…失望”, 用 “let sb down”.   35. 表示 “提神”,用 “pick me up”.   36. 表示“累”, 用 “exhausted/dead beat/worn out”.   37. 表示 “买或受到,接到”,用 “get”   38. 表示 “做某事花老半天,用 “it takes me ages”.   39. 表示 “和朋友一起玩儿”, 用 “hang out with my mates”.   40. 表示 “什么很好玩儿”,用 “…is great fun.”   41. 表示 “什么很搞笑”,用 “a good laugh 或者 hilarious.”   42. 表示 “荒谬”,用 “outrageous 或者 ridiculous”.   43. 表示 “什么的最大的好处”,用 “the best thing of ….is …”   44. 表示 “什么的最大的问题”,用 “The biggest problem with…is …”   45. 表示“东西,事情,物品,题材等概念时,” 用 “stuff”.   46. 表示“很多”用 “lot of” 或者 “loads of”   47. 表示 “有钱,条件好”, 用 “well off”。   48. 表示 “特别有钱”,用 “loaded”,或 “have money to burn.”   49. 表示 “穷”,用 “broke”.50. 表示 “富人,穷人” 用 “the haves, the have-nots.”51. 表示 “对…腻了,受够了”,用 “be fed up with…或者 have had enough of…”。   52. 表示 “城市里的"激烈竞争”,用 “the rat race.”   53. 表示 “放十天假”,用 “have 10 days off.”   54. 表示 “我们俩生日就差2天”,用 “our birthdays are just 2 days apart.”   55. 表示 “还有半个月就是圣诞了,” 用 “Christmas is just half a month away.”   56. 表示 “捐钱或鲜血” 用 “give money/blood”。   57. 表示 “简单来讲”,这个口头语,用“to put it simply.”   58. 表示 “换句话讲“,这个口头语,用 “to put it another way”   59. 自然自语式的说 “怎么说呢”,用 “how shall I put it?”   60. 说让人很烦,很头痛的人或事,用 “a big headache或 a real pain.”   61. 说 “消磨时间”,用 “kill time.”   62. 说 “乏味,无聊的人或事”,用 “a real drag.”   63. 说 “累赘”,用 “a drag on sb.”   64. 说 “体重增加”,用 “put on/gain weight”.   65. 说 “减肥”, 用 “lose a few pounds 或者 shed a few pounds.”   66. 说 “锻炼”,用 “get exercise或 work out.”   67. 说 “瘦身”,用 “get slim/thin.”   68. 说 “偶像”,用 “idol.”   69. 说 “崇拜”,用 “idolize.”   70. 说 “娱乐圈”,用 “showbiz.”   71. 说 “花哨,” 用 “showy.”   72. 说 “名人”,用 “ a big name.”   73. 说 “名声好坏”,用 “a good/bad name”.   74. 说 “从事某种活动所需要的最重要的东西或品质,” 用 “the name of the game.”   75. 说 “应有尽有”,用 “you name it.”76. 说 “我们家狗的名字叫…”,用 “Our dog answers to the name of…”   77. 说 “很恐怖”,用 “scary.”   78. 说 “恶心”,用 “disgusting”.   79. 说 “一首歌,或一个名字朗朗上口,容易记住”,用 “catchy.”   80. 说 “景点”,用 “tourist spots”。   81. 说 “痘痘”,用 “spots”。   82. 说 “造型师”,用 “stylist.” 83. 说 “电脑出问题了”,用 “something is wrong with the computer.”   84. 说 “太酷了,太棒了,” 用 “awesome”.   85. 说 “干某事需要多少时间,需要什么能力素质等”,用 “it takes…to do…”   86. 说 “极为震撼,极为漂亮”,用 “stunning.”   87. 说 “不是当老师的料”,用 “not teacher material.”   88. 说 “有时候我就想一个人待会儿”,用 “Sometimes, I just want some time alone.”   89. 说 “我很喜欢跟他们在一起,”,用 “I really enjoy their company.”   90. 说 “多陪陪他们”,用 “spend more time with them.”91. 说 “他是一个特别好的人”,用 “He"s a terribly nice guy.”   92. 说 “特别挤,”用 “packed out.”   93. 说 “糟糕,差劲,次”,用 “lousy”   94. 说 “误会了我的意思”,用 “get me wrong”.   95. 说 “太帅了”,用 “groovy”.   96. 说 “聪明”,用 “smart.”   97. 说 “没什么比得上我妈做的饭”,用“Nothing beats my mum"s cooking”98. 说 “不吃早饭”,用 “skip breakfast”.   99. 说 “我是个夜猫子”,用 “night owl.”   100. 说 ”上床睡觉“,用 ”turn in”. “睡懒觉” 用 “sleep in.”
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2023-01-07 19:35:081


Holy (Acoustic) - Justin Bieber歌词I hear a lot about sinners我听了许多罪人之事Don"t think that I"ll be a saint从没妄想成为一名圣人I might go down to the river但我或许会沿着河流一路向前"Cause the way that the sky opens up when we touch因为当我们接近彼此时 天空也是湛蓝的Yeah, it"s making me say我情难自禁 想说That the way you hold me, hold me, hold me, hold me, hold me你触碰我 拥抱我 抚慰我的方式Feels so holy, holy, holy, holy, holy都是如此纯洁 神圣On God上帝啊Runnin" to the altar like a track star速度就像博尔特一样 奔向改变Can"t wait another second一秒都不能多等了"Cause the way you hold me, hold me, hold me, hold me, hold me因为你触碰我 拥抱我 抚慰我的方式Feels so holy如此神圣I don"t do well with the drama我不擅长处理那些琐事And, no, I can"t stand it being fake也受不了人们的心口不一(No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no)I don"t believe in nirvana我不相信浴火后能重生Cause way that we love in the night gave me life但无数个深夜相拥的时刻 却给我带来希望Baby, I can"t explain宝贝 我无法解释That the way you hold me, hold me, hold me, hold me, hold me你触碰我 拥抱我 抚慰我的方式Feels so holy, holy, holy, holy, holy (Yeah)都是如此纯洁 神圣On God上帝啊Runnin" to the altar like a track star速度就像博尔特一样 奔向改变Can"t wait another second一秒都不能多等了The way you hold me, hold me, hold me, hold me, hold me因为你触碰我 拥抱我 抚慰我的方式Feels so holy如此神圣They say we"re too young and旁观者说我们太过年轻The pimps and the players say, "Don"t go crushin""浪荡子们戏谑 不要陷得太深Wise men say fools rush in智者说愚人才会为爱所困But I don"t know而我无所畏惧They say we"re too young and旁观者说我们太过年轻The pimps and the players say, "Don"t go crushin""浪荡子们戏谑 不要陷得太深Wise men say fools rush in智者说愚人才会为爱所困But I don"t know而我无所畏惧The first step pleases the Father第一步 每天虔诚向上帝祷告Might be the hardest to take或许也是最难的But when you come out of the water但当你得到救赎后I"m a believer, my heart is fleshy就会成为一名忠实的信徒Life is short with a temper like Joe Pesci人生短暂 世事无常 如同黑帮大佬 难测喜怒They always come and sing your praises, your name is catchy总有人前仆后继前来奉承阿谀 你声明在外But they don"t see you how I see you, Parlay and Desi但旁观者并不懂你 我才懂你 帕利德西Cross, Tween, Tween, Hesi" hit the jet speed天啊 少年赫斯飚红速度像坐上直升机When they get messy, go lefty like Lionel Messi如果感到迷茫 那就像梅西一样 左脚制敌Let"s take a trip and get the Vespas or rent a Jet Ski一块出发吧 就骑一辆小黄蜂或租一台捷士基I know the spots that got the best weed, we goin" next week我知道哪里能看到最美的星星 我下周就带你去I wanna honor, wanna honor you, bride"s groom, I"m my father"s child我要向这位新郎送上我的贺词 身为上帝的孩子I know when the son takes the first steps, the Father"s proud我知道只要我迈出勇敢的一步 圣父即为我骄傲If you make it to the water, He"ll part the clouds每一次虔诚忏悔 他都会为你指点迷津I know He made you a snack like Oscar Proud (Mwah)你因蝇头小利而骄傲时 他还会心急Suffer it to be so now gotta clean it up (Ooh)咽下所有苦难 我们轻装上阵Formalize the union in communion, He can trust (Woo)团结一致 虔敬祷告 信赖彼此I know I ain"t leavin" you like I know He ain"t leavin" us (Ah)我心知已无法与你分离 而你也一直与我们同在I know we believe in God, and I know God believes in us我们信仰着上帝 上帝对我们同样不离不弃The way you hold me, hold me, hold me, hold me, hold me因为你触碰我 拥抱我 抚慰我的方式Feels so, feels so holy, holy, holy, holy, holy都是如此纯洁 神圣Feels so, feels so holy如此神圣
2023-01-07 19:35:151


读起来朗朗上口,韵味十足It must be catchy and not banal 。
2023-01-07 19:35:202

格莱美赢家Jason Mraz的资料?

杰森·玛耶兹(Jason Mraz),美国创作歌手,从小在弗吉尼亚州列治文郊区的梅卡尼克斯维尔长大。《I"m Yours》是他最著名的歌曲。杰森·玛耶兹能演唱多种音乐类型,包括:流行音乐,摇滚,民族音乐,爵士乐,乡村音乐、Hip Hop等。他曾与多位著名歌手合作,包括:滚石乐队、迪伦、詹姆仕·布朗特、葆拉·科尔、詹姆斯·莫里森、戴夫·马修斯乐队、加文·德格劳、约翰·波珀、艾拉妮丝·莫莉塞特、雷恰尔·亚马加塔、Ohio Players、朱厄尔、科尔比·凯拉特等。 目录[隐藏]个人档案 绰号由来 社会评价 歌曲专辑 优秀成绩 [编辑本段]个人档案  Jason Mraz  中文名:杰森·玛耶兹  国籍:美国   生日:1977年6月23日   星座:巨蟹  绰号:“男巫”   专辑:  2001年《Live and Acoustic 》  2002年《Waiting for My Rocket to Come》   2004年《Tonight, Not Again:Jason Mraz Live at Eagles Ballroom》   2005年《Mr. A-Z》   2008年《We Sing, We Dance, We Steal Things》  2009年《Live From Earth》   唱片公司:Elektra Records(华纳唱片)  语 言:英语  兴 趣:Vocals, Guitar (Acoustic), Guitar [编辑本段]绰号由来   Jason Mraz芝加哥演唱会现场“男巫 ” 倒不是别人送给的绰号,而是Jason Mraz对自己的形容。没有多少人会对这个形容表示怀疑,毕竟对于一个习惯于在夜酒吧里弹吉他吟唱些充满着迷离忧伤调的男孩,“男巫”这样的形容恐怕是恰到好处。而一旦浮出水面被主流的 Elektra 唱片公司收编后,Jason Mraz仿佛就不太愿意再用“男巫”来形容自己了,他更愿意将自己打造成一个充满着阳光味道的大男孩,宛如自己的音乐风格:混杂着民谣、拉丁与电子。  而这个小伙子之所以在过去的一年里成为美国乐坛的焦点人物,除了一副嗓子加一手漂亮的吉他外,他还坚持原创 —— 美国人总是格外推崇那种会唱会弹又会创作的音乐人 ——即使有人说大概这还是美国式的个人英雄主义意识在作怪,但一个不争的事实是,美国乐坛已经越来越少这种全能的歌手了!不过对于更多JasonMraz的拥趸来讲,三张唱片《 Waiting For My Rocket To Come CD 》、《 Mr.A-Z 》和《We Sing.We Dance. We StealThings》的诱惑力,远不及他的现场演出来得过瘾:又蹦又跳,嗓音常有意想不到的即兴发挥,甚至还突然颓废一下,再加上那张酷似英国明星休·格兰特的忧郁气质的脸,混杂在一起,还是恰如一个男巫,清新而活力的男巫。 [编辑本段]社会评价   Jason Mraz在演唱会上纵情歌唱当所有乐评皆连番盛赞他的声音完美的像水晶般晶莹剔透,所有美国网路爱乐者都在悄悄讨论他和今年格莱美最佳男歌手John Mayer究竟孰优孰劣,并说他的Live表演简直是此乐只有天上有的独一无二精彩演出,你开始好奇的想好好认识这个现在美国乐坛少见的天才型流行/民谣创作歌手—Jason Mraz。来自维吉尼亚朴实小镇,长得眉清目秀乍看有些休葛兰影子的Jason现年26岁,音乐生涯的启蒙者是也来自维吉尼亚的两大美式传统摇滚大角The Agents of Good Root和大卫马修乐团(Dave MatthewsBand),但Jason真正接触音乐却是从中学时搬到纽约上美国音乐影艺学院开始。18岁时Jason却发现自己即刻真正想要的是音乐创作,毅然辍学并拾起吉他开始他在曼哈顿的音乐浪人之旅。在落脚加州圣地牙哥并在当地的酒馆常态表演后,Jason遇到影响他最深远的鼓手TocaRivera,他多样化的部落打击鼓乐让Jason音乐充满惊奇和富变化性,他俩的精彩现场演出也在整个西岸和网路间流传,也因而为Jason赢得一纸Elektra唱片合约。   这位杰出的创作型歌手这次给我带来了这张每一首歌曲都是成功典范的专辑,专辑的名字巧妙地取为Mr.A-Z,就成了一张同名专辑。专辑的开场是一首清淡的Life Is Wonderful,旋律相当的catchy,那段拉拉拉的 Jason Mraz与Colbie Caillat合唱Lucky高潮朴实而又深刻。新专辑的第一首单曲Wordplay是Remedy的翻版,有说有唱的表演方式独具Jason Mraz的特色,像这样的说说唱唱在Geek in the Pink中同样可以听到,专辑中还有相当数量的慢歌,MrCuriosity中JasonMraz一改先前那种嘻皮姿态,而以深情款款出现。Clockwatching的前奏是我最喜欢的,清新自然,再加上几分诙谐的暂停,中板的节奏带出一种轻松的气氛。接着Jason Mraz又带来了他的浪漫主义,异域味道的Bella Luna在吉他的伴奏下,在Jason Mraz不那么张扬的嗓音下,浮现出一幅翩翩起舞的场景。公认的专辑中最出色的作品之一的Plane,曲到高处,Jason的演唱经过渐进式的上升,到达歌曲在高潮时的顶峰,不紧不慢的演唱,足以证明Jason Mraz是世界上最佳的演唱者之一。长达8分钟的Song For a Friend也是我在专辑的最为喜欢的几首歌曲之一,这首歌曲在最后给人一种结束的感觉的同时,一下子加重的音乐,原来那时真正的高潮才刚刚来到。Jason Mraz的音乐原始,没有浮夸的痕迹,他总能用娓娓道来的方式演唱歌曲,在似乎平淡的歌声中隐藏着激情的燃烧。鲜明的个性也是这位被认为是有些attitude的John Mayer的特色,他同样参与了去年美国总统大选时倒布派的阵营。 [编辑本段]歌曲专辑 发行日期发行公司音乐流派专辑名称2001/8/30华纳唱片Rock/ Pop【Live at Java Joe"s】2002/10/15Elektra/Asylum Pop【Waiting for My Rocket to Come】2004华纳唱片Pop【Tonight, Not Again:Jason Mraz Live at Eagles Ballroom】2005/7/26Atlantic / Wea Pop【Mr. A-Z】2006/12/12华纳唱片Pop【Selections For Friends】2008/5/13华纳唱片Folk/Pop【We Sing. We Dance. We Steal Things】2009/5Om Music Pop【Try Try Try (EP)】   2009/11/10华纳唱片Pop【Live On Earth】  【Live at Java Joe"s】  专辑名称:Live at java joe"s  发行日期:2001年8月30日  专辑类型:现场  流派:Rock/ Pop  发行:独立发行  01 Running  02 Did I Fool Ya?  03 Little You & I  04 You and I Both  05 1000 Things  06Unfold  07 Dream Life of Rand McNally  08Halfway Home  09 Bright Eyes  10. After an Afternoon  11. Conversation with Myself  12. Common Pleasure  13. 0% Interest  14. At Last/Sleep All Day  15. Hey Love  【Waiting for My Rocket to Come】    Waiting for My Rocket to Come专辑歌手:Jason Mraz   专辑名称:Waiting for My Rocket to Come   发行日期:2002年10月15日   专辑语种:英语   流派:POP   唱片公司:Elektra/Asylum   01. You and I Both   02. I"ll Do Anything   03. Remedy (I Won"t Worry)   04. Who Needs Shelter   05. Curbside Prophet   06.Sleep All Day   07. Too Much Food   08. Absolutely Zero   09. On Love, In Sadness   10. No Stopping Us   11. Boy"s Gone   12. Tonight, Not Again   【Tonight, Not Again:Jason Mraz Live at Eagles Ballroom】    Tonight,Not Again专辑名称:Tonight, Not Again:Jason Mraz Live at Eagles Ballroom   发行日期:2004年   专辑类型:现场  01. Tonight, Not Again   02. Not So Usual   03. Dialogue   04. No Doubling Back   05. You And I Both   06. Absolutely Zero   07. 1000 Things   08. Common Pleasure   09. Curbside Prophet   10. Sleeping To Dream   11. Unfold   12. No Stopping Us (live version)   13. The Remedy (I Won"t Worry)   14. After An Afternoon   15. Too Much Food   【Mr. A-Z】   Mr.A-Z演唱歌手: Jason Mraz   专辑名称: Mr. A-Z   发行日期: 2005年7月26日   专辑语种: 英语   流派:POP   发行公司: Atlantic / Wea   01.Life is Wonderful   02.Wordplay   03.Geek in the Pink   04.Did You Get My Message?   05.Mr. Curiosity   06.Clockwatching   07.Bella Luna   08.Plane   09.O. Lover   10.Please Don"t Tell Her   11.Forecast   12.Song For a Friend   【Selections For Friends】  专辑名:Selections For Friends-Live from: Schubas Tavern, Chicago, Montalvo Winery, Saratoga California  流派:POP   Selections For Friends 演唱歌手:Jason Mraz  专辑名称:Selections For Friends  发行日期:2006年12月12日  专辑语种:英语  专辑类型:现场  发行公司:Atlantic/Wea  专辑曲目:  01.lcome to Schubas:The E Minor EP in F Sharp  02.Did You Get My Message?Audience Rehearsal  03.Did You Get My Message?  04.Snakes in Schubas  05.Childlike Wildlife  06.Welcome to Saratoga:Older Lover Undercover  07.Sleeping To Dream  08.God Rests In Reason  09.Life Is Wonderful  10.Did You Get My Message?  11.Please Don"t Tell Her  12.Song For A Friend  13.10,000 Motherfuckers  【We Sing. We Dance. We Steal Things】  专辑名称:We Sing We Dance We Steal Things   艺术家:Jason Mraz  唱片公司:Atlantic  发行日期:2008年5月13日  流派:Folk/Pop  专辑语言:英语  价格:14.99美元  Track List: (AVAILABLE 5/20/08)   01. Make it Mine   02. I"m Yours   03. Lucky ft. Colbie Caillat   04. Butterfly   05. Live High   06. Love for a Child   07. Details In Fabric ft. James Morrison   08. Coyotes   09. Only Human   10. The Dynamo of Volition   11. If It Kills Me   12. A Beautiful Mess   【Try Try Try (EP)】  演唱歌手:Jason Mraz   专辑名:Try Try Try(EP)   流派:流行摇滚   歌手姓名:Jason Mraz   专辑分类:欧美音乐   发行日期:2009年05月   发行公司:Om Music   【Jason Mraz"s Beautiful Mess - Live On Earth】  艺术家:Jason Mraz  发行日期:2009年11月10日  流派:POP  专辑类型:现场  专辑语言:英语  专辑曲目:  01. Intro  02. Sunshine Song  03. Traveler /Make It Mine  04. Anything You Want  05. Coyotes   06. Live High  07. Only Human  08. The Remedy  09. The Dynamo of Volition  10. A Beautiful Mess  11. I"m Yours  12. Lucky (feat. Colbie Caillat)  13. Copchase  14. All Night Long  15. Butterfly  16. The Boy"s Gone
2023-01-07 19:35:311


2023-01-07 19:35:377


  bounce既能做动词,也能表达名词的意思,那么bounce都表达哪些意思呢?下面我为大家带来bounce的英语意思和相关用法,供大家学习!   bounce作名词的意思   弹跳;弹性;活力   bounce作动词的意思   跳,反弹;急促地动;拒付,退票   bounce的英语音标   英 [bauns]   美 [baʊns]   bounce的用法:   bounce用作动词的基本意思是“弹回”,指使某物碰到硬物弹回,引申可表示使某人活跃地上下跳动。   bounce的英语例句   1. It was good to bounce ideas off another mind.   与别人谈谈自己的想法是有益的。   2. She lets us do anything, even bounce on our beds.   她放任我们随心所欲,甚至连我们在床上蹦跳她也不管。   3. They watched the dodgem cars bang and bounce.   他们看着那些碰碰车互相碰撞并弹开。   4. Let"s bounce a few ideas around.   咱们交流一下看法吧。   5. She"s got a lot of bounce.   她浑身都是劲.   6. She has a lot of bounce.   她很有活力.   7. The ball gave a high bounce.   那球弹得很高.   8. The song"s so catchy it makes you bounce round the living room or tap your feet.   这首歌很动听,听着它你就会不由自主地在客厅里舞动,或是用脚打拍子。   9. Attempts have been made to bounce member states into decisions with major financial implications.   已经努力迫使成员国制定具有重大金融意义的决策。   10. " I call that"bounce ,"" Robert Kincaid said ; pointing upward.   罗伯特.金凯指着上面说: “ 我把这叫做‘反射".   11. His body lacks the bounce and vigour of a normal two-year-old.   他缺乏一个正常两岁儿童应具备的弹跳力与活力。   12. He got on the bus in a single bounce.   他一跃就上了公共汽车.   13. One example of this is the two - bounce ghost reflection.   其中一个例子是两次弹跳的“虚”反射.   14. Don"t bounce on the bed you"ll break the springs!   别在床上乱蹦--你要把弹簧弄断了!   15. The molecules bounce off each other like two colliding billiard balls.
2023-01-07 19:36:061


tune|tju:n; 美 tu:n|[可数名词] a series of musical notes that are sung or played in a particular order to form a piece of music 曲调;曲子用法:I don"t know the title but I recognize the tune.我不知道曲名,但听得出这曲调。It was a catchy tune.这是一首悦耳易记的曲子。
2023-01-07 19:36:152

Nice song......,什么意思?

2023-01-07 19:36:252

字母y 发长元音i: 的英文单词有哪些?越多越好!

fly cry shy my
2023-01-07 19:36:332


在春天,所有植物都醒了过来.绿色的小草与五彩缤纷的花朵搭配在一起,美丽极了.所以,我喜欢春天 In spring, all the plants are awake. The green grass and colourful flowers collocation are together, the most beautiful. So, I like spring 在春天,我们脱下了厚厚的棉袄,换上了轻便的衣服.我可以在春天和朋友们一起玩.所以,我喜欢春天. In spring, we take off the thick jacket and the wearing casual clothes. I can in spring and friends to play together. So, I like spring. 在春天,鸟儿唱的歌比其他季节时还好听,令人感觉很舒服.所以,我喜欢春天. In spring, the birds sing songs than other seasons when still catchy, make a person feel very comfortable. So, I like spring.
2023-01-07 19:36:501


catchy song
2023-01-07 19:36:562

有关Jason mraz(男巫)的资料

歌手:Jason Mraz国家:美国生日:1977年6月23日绰号: “男巫”专辑:2002年《Waiting for My Rocket to Come》 2004年《Tonight, Not Again:Jason Mraz Live at Eagles Ballroom》 2005年《Mr. A-Z》 2006年《Selections For Friends》 2008年《We Sing,We Dance,We Steal Things》
2023-01-07 19:37:042


  紧张的考试结束了,期待已久的暑假终于来临了,我心中盘算暑假中的安排。下面是我给大家精心挑选的英语作文暑假,希望大家喜欢!供你参考和阅读!   暑假英语作文篇1   My grandmother"s home in the country, it is a beautiful place, whenever the summer I have to live in this small days, but also free to play, really cool!   Grandmother in front of a stream, stream "rushing" to flow non-stop, that clear the stream, I could not help but want to drink a mouthful. This day, I and other small partners together to the creek to catch snail. In the bare stone bite a few big snail, I hit him with a foot, they "loose mouth", gently slipped down from the stone. Small partners who told me: "catch snail shot faster, or you can not catch it." So, I saw a few snail, to it to surprise, really caught a few snail, I am happy big Cried up. Less than half an hour, we caught a basin, happily and rewarding.   Back home, we scaffled the snail ass to the scissors, while talking about the fun of the snail when the funny. In the evening, the grandmother snuffed to us to eat, eat their own hands catch snail, I think the taste is particularly delicious.   Really fun day, we all have to go after their own hands, because the most happy labor   暑假英语作文篇2   The Olympic Games, which took place in the summer of 2008, was over, but I still remember it. Perhaps it is like watching athletes, and I find that their expressions are easier to cry, or because of success or failure. In short, in the changing arena, there is always such a stirring force of the impact of my mind. The following are the same as the "   Expression - Du Li tears is the success or failure of the intertwined   For this 04 years for the Chinese gold medal in the first gold, there is no doubt that she was standing with 1.3 billion hope, but also bear a huge pressure. However, all the expectations, all the vision, all the waiting in the results came out after the fall. She is only ranked fifth, missed medals. Remorse, unwilling, wronged, lost and some people behind the little finger hit her, unbearable weight of her already physically and mentally exhausted, but also failed as the flood washed her strong line of defense, tears burst out ... ... four Days later, when she got a "gold inlay jade", was surrounded by flowers and honor she cried, experienced a heavy load, failure, others do not understand Du Li again tears, crystal tears Contains too much of the ups and downs ... ...   Facial expression - Matthew Emmons tears is another dream broken   2004 men shot three posture 50 meters Emmons burst the big upstairs we are not unfamiliar, the last shot to the opponent"s target hit the shame of humiliation, so that Emmons sink hard to practice for four years. But four years of washing, four years of grinding did not bring him good luck, when we all thought he was in the holding, the incredible scene took place, as if back to four years ago, Emmons and A loss, only played 4.4 ring! When he and the goddess of victory only this line, the fate of a joke, anxious, he once again missed the victory with the victory. The following are the same as the "   In the face of such a cruel fact, we only find themselves so small. The following are the same as the "   Emmons, like a child, crying in his wife"s arms, telling his own injustice, and his wife is fighting the bitter heart, give him a sure smile - that scene will be fixed in my mind, A beautiful and heartbreaking picture. The following are the same as the "   The so-called "passionate heroes sentimental tears", when the sadness or joy in my heart, athletes will cry, they are like spring rain as precious, enough to be remembered for life. The following are the same as the "   No one denies that they are heroes, but after all they have limited success. Unsuccessful athletes are tragic heroes, like broken arm Venus, with regret and incomplete to the interpretation of another extreme beauty. The following are the same as the "   There is always a force of shock, such as occurred in the summer of this scene, so I harvest many, many. The following are the same as the "   Oh, the expression of summer vacation, the hero"s tears   暑假英语作文篇3   Summer day, accompanied by my father, my mother, I walked into the stadium"s door, I seem to be in a wonderful world: fountain in front of the two pots of the moon proudly in full bloom, surrounded by hundreds of small monkeys surrounded, Yan, really good school Jiayou Oh, the east of the flowers like white snow, the west of the flowers golden as gold, under the sun, yellow and white cross, exceptionally clear and pleasant, fountain, also full of elegant and free, Of the catchy season, the branches down, like a blush girl. The following are the same as the "   But also quietly in the reverie of me, suddenly, I heard a "toot, Come over," I was shocked, the original is my mother told me, I ran the wind like the past, my mother gave me a summer tutoring class , There are numbers, essays and moderators, I am very happy, because my favorite is that these, but the teacher reported that the teacher did not come back, so no, how much regret. The following are the same as the "   Regardless of the wind and rain, or the body some uncomfortable, I insist on class, to be honest, although this summer is harder, learning tasks are relatively heavy, but the bitter music, in the father, mother encouraged and accompanied by teachers Hard training, I gradually climb the wisdom of the pagoda, in the wisdom of the world walk, drink wisdom Xianquan, taste the wisdom of the fruit ... ...   Good a happy and meaningful summer vacation!
2023-01-07 19:37:141


bounce英 [baʊns]   美 [baʊns]  v.  (使)弹起; 反射; 蹦跳,上下晃动; 被拒付,退回; 试探; 开除; 与…探讨;n.  弹跳; 弹性; 活力; 反弹双语例句1. It was good to bounce ideas off another mind.  与别人谈谈自己的想法是有益的。2. She lets us do anything, even bounce on our beds.  她放任我们随心所欲,甚至连我们在床上蹦跳她也不管。3. They watched the dodgem cars bang and bounce.  他们看着那些碰碰车互相碰撞并弹开。4. Let"s bounce a few ideas around.  咱们交流一下看法吧。5. She"s got a lot of bounce.  她浑身都是劲.6. She has a lot of bounce.  她很有活力.7. The ball gave a high bounce.  那球弹得很高.8. The song"s so catchy it makes you bounce round the living room or tap your feet.  这首歌很动听,听着它你就会不由自主地在客厅里舞动,或是用脚打拍子。9. Attempts have been made to bounce member states into decisions with major financial implications.  已经努力迫使成员国制定具有重大金融意义的决策。10. " I call that"bounce ,"" Robert Kincaid said ; pointing upward.  罗伯特.金凯指着上面说: “ 我把这叫做‘反射".
2023-01-07 19:37:291

hip hop里的 hook是指什么??和beat什么区别

hook:Catchy part of a song that draws in the listener. not necessarily the chorus.beat: The beat of a piece of music is the main rhythm that it has.
2023-01-07 19:37:441


2023-01-07 19:37:584


My Fair LadyBets between friends have led to many historical successes and failures. My Fair Lady shows us what happens when a wager develops into a deeper relationship between teacher and student.Professor Henry Higgins (Rex Harrison) loves language. He believes that much of the nuances and grandeur of the spoken word is lost on the unrefined. When his friend Col. Hugh Pickering (Wilfrid Hyde-White) bets that he cannot fool society snobs into believing a woman from the streets is one of them, he gladly takes the challenge and chooses his protégé.With a fantastic, heavy Cockney accent, Eliza Doolittle (Audrey Hepburn), after much coercion, is selected to become his test subject. As he works with her on her diction, he slowly begins develop an affection for the girl in spite of their glaring differences in age and backgrounds.Through clever phrases such as ‘the rain in Spain stays mainly on the plain", Eliza slowly develops into a linguistically talented woman. To complete the transformation, she is given new clothes and a new look in hopes that she can pass for a refined lady.It is at a horse race that he chooses to expose her to the element he wants desperately to accept her. Prof. Higgins nearly finds success until her rambunctious nature releases itself in the heat of excitement surrounding the equine tournament.Believing he may have failed and growing angry with her failures, a rift begins to develop between the two which eventually explodes in tempers causing them to part ways. Meanwhile, Eliza has caught the attention of awkward young aristocrat Freddy Eynsford-Hill (Jeremy Brett) who loves her in spite of her flaws.My Fair Lady also looks deeply into the semi-romantic relationship between Eliza and Henry. Though they are trainer and pupil, there is a chemistry and bond that connects them to one another. And, although they have had a lover-like spat, they ultimately realize their affections for one another.Hepburn is mesmerizing as the sheepish girl Eliza. Her transition in mannerisms and speech patterns are amazing and, had Julie Andrews not turned in an equally impressive performance in Mary Poppins, there is little doubt that Hepburn would have won her second Academy Award for Best Actress. Harrison, however, did win the coveted prize. He was sufficiently bossy and doting, bringing the character life that might have been absent in different hands. However, there is nothing revelatory or overwhelmingly impressive about his performance.Director George Cukor handles the material admirably, keeping the film from drowning under a nearly three hour length. The music is captivating but features a few songs that are a touch on the annoying side. ‘With a Little Bit of Luck", while catchy, rides your brain like a bad headache. After the first chorus, you find yourself hoping that it will not have second or a third.My Fair Lady is one of half-a-dozen musicals that captured the Best Picture prize at the Oscars. It is typical of the awards-worthy work that graced the screen during this period. Punctuated with lavish costumes and vivid sets, Lady is every bit the entertainment spectacle one might expect.
2023-01-07 19:38:121

【英译中】福音专辑 介绍

The music business can be cruel towards a hard working, high reputable soloist or group. Those who minister for God sometimes exercise their faith and perseverance knowing His will is the priority. Even after two successful projects, both with critics and fans, Brent Jones
2023-01-07 19:38:184


  手捧粽子,缅怀离骚。龙舟竞渡,勇往直前。怎么写一篇7年级端午节的英语作文呢?下面是我给大家整理的端午节英语作文7年级,供你参考!   端午节英语作文7年级篇1   Today is the Dragon Boat Festival, the anniversary of qu yuan. In the morning, I wear beautiful dress, eat glutinous rice dumplings, follow the father. Mother went to grandmother"s house together. I saw my brother. My sister was waiting for me at the door.   As soon as I got off the bus, I was dragged into the room and played games. I was a patient, my sister was a doctor, my brother was a nurse, and we had a lot of fun. At noon, grandma made a full table lunch. We had lunch and we were happy. My aunt said, "I would be content to eat so much food every day."   In the afternoon, when our family returned to my grandmother"s house, aunty aunts arrived, and they had a lot of things to eat for our kids! We had a good time today.   今天是端午节,是屈原的纪念日。早晨,我穿着漂亮的裙子,吃过糯米粽子,就跟着爸爸.妈妈一起去了外婆家。我看到哥哥.妹妹早在门口等着我呢!   我一下车,便被他们拉进房间,玩起游戏来。我先当病人,妹妹当医生,哥哥当护士,玩得可起劲呢。中午,外婆做了满满一桌子丰盛的午餐,我们吃着午餐,心里美滋滋的。大舅妈说:“要是每天能吃到这么丰富的菜,我就心满意足了。”   下午,我们一家回到奶奶家时,小姑妈.大姑妈都来了,她们还发了好多东西给我们小孩吃呢!今天我们玩得可高兴了。   端午节英语作文7年级篇2   Every year on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, people celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival. During the Dragon Boat Festival, people will gather mugwort and eat zongzi to celebrate the festival.   In the morning, when I was fast asleep, grandma suddenly woke me up and said, "big grandson, get up. Let"s go and take mugwort." I got up at the news when I heard of artemisia. Grandma led me into the fields to gather mugwort. I heard my grandmother say that mugwort can also protect against colds. I think mugwort still has so many USES!   When she got home, grandma said, "I teach you the dumplings." I said, "ok." Grandma said: "rice dumplings and such an origin, according to legend, general qu yuan in order to defend the motherland, to surrender, then. Since qu yuan, a minister. People afraid of the fish eat qu yuan"s body, cast zongzi right here."   I know the origin of zongzi and have made the dumplings. I"m so happy today.   每年农历的五月初五,这天人们都要过端午节。端午节时人们都要采艾蒿,吃粽子,来庆祝节日。   早晨,我正在熟睡中,奶奶忽然叫我起床说:“大孙子,起床了,咱们一起去采艾蒿。”我一听说采艾蒿急忙起床。奶奶领我到地里去采艾蒿。我听奶奶说艾蒿还可以防感冒。我想原来艾蒿还有这么多用处啊!   回到家,奶奶说:“我教你包粽子。”我说:“好。”奶奶说:“包粽子还有这样一个由来,相传,大将军屈原为了保卫祖国的江山,宁死不屈,投河自尽。自从屈原投河自尽。人么怕鱼儿吃掉屈原的尸体,就在这里投下粽子。”   我今天知道了粽子的由来并亲手包了粽子。今天过得真开心。   端午节英语作文7年级篇3   Believe that everyone heard about the Dragon Boat Festival a catchy children"s song: "on May 5, is duanyang. Moxa leaf, wear a sachet. Eating zongzi, sprinkle sugar. Dragon boat launching pleasant goat."   The Dragon Boat Festival is a Dragon Boat Festival every year. Do you know why? It was to save the miluo river"s qu yuan. To put the dumplings into the river is to make the fish and shrimp crab full and stop eating the body of qu yuan.   Scholars believe that the Dragon Boat Festival is the dragon festival, a festival that commemorates the dragon gods from the southern minority in the past four or five thousand years ago. The Dragon Boat Festival in the south will eat "five yellow" : yellow fish, cucumber, salted duck egg yellow, yellow watercress and yellow rice wine. In fact, no matter the north of the south, this day also USES the male huang to draw a "king" on the forehead of the child, and also wear the colorful perfume pouch.   ? The Dragon Boat Festival is a lot of knowledge, if you have more knowledge, you can tell me.   相信大家都听过关于端午节一首好听的儿歌吧:“五月五,是端阳。插艾叶,戴香囊。吃粽子,撒白糖。龙船下水喜洋洋。”   每年的端午节都要划龙舟,你们知道为什么要这样吗?是为了捞救投汨罗江的屈原。把粽子投进江河,是让鱼蛟虾蟹吃饱了,不再去吃屈原的遗体。   学者闻一多认为,端午节是龙节,是四五千年以前南方少数民族纪念龙神的节日。南方过端午节要吃“五黄”:黄鱼、黄瓜、咸鸭蛋黄、黄豆瓣包的粽子、雄黄酒。其实无论南方北方,这一天还要用雄黄在儿童的额头上画个“王”字,还要佩戴五颜六色的香囊。   怎么样?端午节的知识还不少吧,如果你还有更多知识,可要告诉我呦。
2023-01-07 19:38:381

小学六年级英语作文my school

  母校,谢谢您给予我真挚的友谊。朋友在我的人生字典中是一个重要的角色。你知道怎么写一篇关于我的学校的英语作文吗?下面是我给大家精心挑选的小学六年级英语作文my school,希望大家喜欢!供你参考和阅读!   小学六年级英语作文my school篇1   School is like my home, I love my home - on campus.   In the school this warm family, teachers like mother care about us, the students help each other as brothers and sisters, here, we grow up happily, everyone in the mind have say a happy.   Morning, the trees and flowers in the flower beds have opened the smiling face, as if in said to me: "kid, wish you success," here, my classmates and I together, study happily, like a bird fly happily. "I love qiming, qiming also love me" this is one of my favourite. Qiming like a bright star lit up my heart, let me learn more knowledge, understand the world. If I admitted to the university, I will always remember the enlightenment school, remember qiming each teacher of the school, are they toil day and night, strict requirements for me, I was able to get such a good result, I love qiming, I thank you more enlightenment.   小学六年级英语作文my school篇2   Colorful life on campus, campus top catchy, campus playground is full of laughter, the students in the classroom to sit straight, corrects students" papers, the teacher in the office hard six years campus is our home, fun various campus.   Today is a new day for me, I am extremely delighted ran out of the door, humming a ditty toward the school, "hurry up, don"t be late!" "Know know!" Listened to mother"s words, I was in a hurry to run out of the house, along the way, some primary school students carry the heavy bag in sweet talk with their parents, some students cherish one time, take out the book to use time to take back and usually do not pay attention to the details of the looks very strange today.   小学六年级英语作文my school篇3   To the north of by our school, located in fushou. Whenever you enter our campus, attracted by the charactizing a fine environment.   Entered the school, the first thing you encounter is time square, next to a jovian lion, but it is under the fish tail, it can mouth spray, jet spray, fell in the water like thousands of pearls, the breeze is blowing, spray, such as fog, such as dust floats, and occasionally floating face, very cool! Through the teaching building, it is a big bed, green leaves are dotted with red, yellow, white, pink, all sorts of color of flowers, a distance, like a colorful silks and satins. Garden has a tall cedar both ends, it is the four seasons evergreen, like two pagoda, and like two mighty soldiers dressed in green military uniform. With a circle around the flower bed of Holly, they both like green fence, and like a row of loyal soldiers, moment to defend the security of flower bed every time to rest, each class classmate, gathered here with pointing tasting, from time to time there was a burst laughter.
2023-01-07 19:39:311

请帮忙翻译一下这句justin bieber的话

2023-01-07 19:39:369


  在普通物理学中,质量的概念是这样定义的:描写物质属性的物理量,物体具有产生引力作用和感受引力作用的属性。牛顿在17世纪发现的万有引力定律就是反映这一属性的规律。万有引力定律的表示式 中的m1和m2,就是相互作用的两个物体分别具有产生引力作用并能感受引力作用大小的量度,叫做引力质量。通常用天平、其它各种秤称量出来的物体的质量,实际上就是根据万有引力定律求出的该物体的引力质量。物体具有保持原有运动状态的属性——惯性。牛顿第二运动定律的表示式F=ma中的m,就是量度物体平动惯性大小的,叫惯性质量。  引力质量和惯性质量,是物体所具有的两种不同属性的量度。从万有引力定律和牛顿第二定律可以证明物体的引力质量和惯性质量成正比关系。如果把引力质量和惯性质量各选适当的单位,且把自由落体的加速度g定义为g=G. .M地/R2,式中R为地球的半径,则物体的惯性质量在数值上等于该物体的引力质量。正是这个原因,我们便可以对这两种质量不加区分,而统称为质量。  在牛顿力学中,物体的质量是一个恒定的不变量。在相对论力学中,质量并不是常数,而是与运动有关的,物体的质量与速度的关系式为m=m0/(1-v2/c2)1/2,式中m就是物体的运动质量,m0是物体静止时的质量,叫做静止质量,v为物体运动的速度,c为光速。物体质量的相对论改变,说明物体的惯性或产生和感受引力的属性发生了改变。由于任何物体都在运动,运动是物质存在的形式,所以,物体的属性与运动相关,这是很自然的事情。在低速运动的情况下,只是物体的这种属性改变极为微小,从而才认为物体的质量是恒定不变的。  能量的概念是这样定义的:能量简称能,物质各种形式的运动的普遍量度。一切物质都在运动,运动的形式各种各样,有机械运动、分子运动、电磁运动、原子运动等等。不同的运动形式是可以相互转化的,例如,水力发电过程中,是将机械运动转化为电磁运动;工作着的电动机,是将电磁运动转化为机械运动。在运动形式的转化过程中,有一个表征运动的物理量是守恒不变的,这就是能量。能量是描写物体状态的物理量,是研究对象状态的单值函数。无论什么形式的能量,其变化有两种量度:功和热量。能量不会创生,也不会消灭,只能从一个物体传给另一个物体,或从一种形态转化为另一种形态,这就是通常所说的能量守恒和转化的内容。
2023-01-07 19:40:061


song是可数名词,复数形式是songs,意思是:歌曲,歌集。 例句: We sang songs to pass the time. 我们借唱歌消磨时间。 It was one of his best-loved songs. 这是他最受喜爱的歌曲之一。 扩展资料   Most of his songs are pretty crummy.   他的.歌曲大多糟糕透顶。   He plays the same songs over and over.   他反复演奏同样的几首歌曲。   The songs were both catchy and cutting.   这些歌曲易上口且尖刻。   He whistled and sang snatches of songs.   他边用口哨吹边唱了几个歌曲的片段。   He is releasing an album of love songs.   他将发行一张情歌专辑。
2023-01-07 19:40:111


  认真看完一部作品以后,想必你有不少可以分享的东西,记录下来很重要哦,一起来写一篇观后感吧。那么我们如何去写观后感呢?下面是我收集整理的疯狂动物城观后感英文翻译,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。   一、《疯狂动物城》影评   狄更斯说过,这是最好的时代,这是最坏的时代;这是智慧的时代,这是愚蠢的时代。 在《疯狂动物城》里,动物们也经历着最好与最坏的时代。   虽说他们的城市已经现代化,他们已脱离野蛮的状态,没有食肉动物与食草动物的追逐与杀戮,法院、警局、商店以及五花八门的广告构成了这个世界,组成了这个时代。但,在这个并非十全十美的世界,在充满文明与秩序的同时,这里还有欺凌,还有歧视,还有各式各样的不公正。对了,幸好这里还有敢于挑战不公的勇气。   朱迪从小就有成为一名警官的梦想,尽管父母、旁人的再三劝阻,她却始终乐观,坚持追逐自己的梦想。但,朱迪作为一只小型动物,在警察训练的初期,她还是屡遭挫败。当她通过努力最终进入警局成为一名警官之时,却只被派去做一名交通警察。但朱迪带着小小的失望、开着小小的警车超额完成任务的时候,朱迪仍然开心,依旧积极,认为自己当初的坚持是对的。   动物城和人类社会一样,动物城里的角色境遇也不是一帆风顺的——朱迪遇到了尼克。尼克领着超级呆萌的“儿子”——体型超级小同时又拥有一双大耳朵的芬尼克,在冰棍店里惨兮兮地被店主欺负,朱迪出来主持了公道。芬尼克扛着大大的冰棍跟在尼克的后面艰难前进的景象让人增添无数好感。   实际上尼克大冰棍的另一个用处——制作小冰棍。一群小仓鼠整齐划一地走出来,步调一致地递上零钱,再快速地用两颗大门牙啃完,然后再以完全一致的步调把冰棍丢入垃圾桶。朱迪发现了不对劲儿,去找尼克理论,却被抢白一番:“踏进动物城,谁都怀揣着梦想,成为理想中的自己,但却一场空。你只能是你,狐狸还是狡猾,兔子依旧呆蠢。”朱迪感受到了第一次挫败。   所有的人,尤其是像朱迪这样初生牛犊不怕虎的年轻人,他们以为自己拥有年轻和梦想,生活即便会有坎坷,也不会多么艰难。但是“现实生活可比墙上的标语复杂多了”。凭借梦想就可以单枪匹马闯天下的人,除了拥有好运气——比如遇到狐尼克,还要有智慧与主动争取的心思。   在警局受到歧视并被狐狸教训了一番的朱迪十分失望,而自己在工作中过于认真的态度也让许多居民感到不满。但第二天一桩抢劫案的出现却让她一瞬间重拾信心。“我来处理,我是朱迪霍普斯警官,我去追!”尽管最后遭到了牛局长的责骂,却着实让她兴奋不已。 惊天大案开始浮出水面,朱迪揽下48小时破案的重任。从照片中她注意到了一个她熟悉的关键证人——狐尼克。外表是个儿童实则为成年人的耳廓狐芬尼克告诉了朱迪尼克的行踪。两个主人公再次碰面,并开启了破案之旅。   他们询问了自然主义者,明明记忆力很好却一直谦虚的牦牛亚克西让人哭笑不得。接着他们赶往警局尼克朋友闪电那里查找线索,一群树懒公职人员们慢条斯理的动作和交谈让急性子朱迪头疼不已。偏偏在朱迪刚要查询成功的时候,狐尼克坏笑着又上来打断:“嘿,闪电,你知道骆驼为什么有三个驼峰吗?”   朱迪和尼克先被大先生逮住,但是朱迪以前的一次无心之举却救了他们的命,两个人找到了有关键作用的司机后,却差点被野蛮化的司机吃掉。就在朱迪因为完不成任务将要被开除的时候,狐尼克机智地帮她开脱。查到了监控的两人再次踏上寻找的旅程,并最终找到野蛮化的动物们,两个人也成功地从马桶逃离险境。   这次冒险十分刺激,对朱迪是一个很大的考验,但其实对朱迪真正的考验还在后面。刚刚破获大案的朱迪在电视媒体前的一番发言让尼克怀疑起朱迪对自己的信任。不仅如此,朱迪的.发言又酿成了更大的灾难——动物城里的食肉动物与食草动物发生了严重的分裂与不   信任。对自己十分失望的朱迪辞去了警官的职务,回家操起了卖萝卜的旧业。此时,对于朱迪而言,无论是友谊,还是自己的梦想,都受到了严重的挑战。她耷拉着耳朵在兔窝镇卖着萝卜,对于自己曾经的追求、曾经的梦想,也有无限的怀疑。在追逐梦想的路上,困难与怀疑总是常伴左右。有的人坚持下来了,有的人在中途放弃。失掉了梦想的人可能也会过得很好,可终究他无法变成自己想要成为的模样。   动物城仍旧是那个动物城,时代仍旧是那个时代,不好不坏。可能会好了那么一点点——歧视会少一点,友谊会多一点,小动物们获得的机会会多一点,食肉动物和食草动物之间的不信任会少一点,动物城可能会变得更加和谐,但也仅限于此,是的,仅限于此。时代不会因你而改变,他人也不会因你而改变,改变的只有你自己。   朱迪不再空谈梦想,不再是之前那个对所有事情一无所知、对所有困难一无预料的兔子。在顶峰和低谷都经历过后,她懂得如何去完成一项艰险的事业,如何去维护友情,如何去思考,如何去信任。   她有自己最初的梦想,而且一直没有放弃。从年幼时期,就一直想成为警察,一直到长大,她成为了一名警官,然后用自己的努力证明了自己的能力。惊天大案的阴谋被她成功地发掘,一直到最后都能坚持初心,除恶扬善,不屈不挠。朱迪完成了自己的成长!   二、疯狂动物城影评   Zootopia: The cutest way to learn about prejudice, racism and cultural diversity   疯狂动物城:看似卖萌耍宝,实写人间百态。   This is the first animated movie I"ve seen for 2016. And I must say that Zootopia has really set the bar high in terms of overall quality. As of this writing it still has a 99% score on Rotten Tomatoes.   这是我2016年观看的第一部动画电影。我必须得承认,《疯狂动物城》的质量比动画电影界的平均水平高出了不是一星半点。我写成这篇文章的时候,这部片子在烂番茄上还保持着99%的超高新鲜度。   There is a lot of animated movies this year that circles around   animals like Kung Fu Panda, Finding Dory, ICE AGE 5, Norm of the North and Angry Birds but I think no animated film is grabbing adult themes, like racism and cultural prejudice, by the horns like Zootopia.   Zootopia sets itself apart is by attacking prejudice head-on. Rather than preaching or putting on kid gloves, Zootopia attempts to examine the “why” of prejudice rather than the surface elements. Through it"s clever, endearing characters, hilarious jokes, and honest sentiment, Zootopia comes away as a film that"s not only a joy to watch, but also one with a message that couldn"t feel more relevant right now.—Matt Goldberg Managing Editor of   2016年,以动物为主角的动画电影将会扎堆上映,其中不乏《功夫熊猫3》、《海底总动员2》、《冰川时代5》、《北极移民》和《愤怒的小鸟》这样的大作。但在我看来,没有一部动画电影能像《疯狂动物城》一样,如此直白而深刻地阐释了种族主义和文化偏见这类属于成年人的议题。“   《疯狂动物城》的特别之处在于,它直截了当地表达了对偏见和歧视的对抗。它没有讲大道理、没有含蓄晦涩地回避问题、更没有肤浅地对待问题,而是深入地剖析了偏见与歧视现象的根源。《疯狂动物城》将机敏可爱的角色、风趣幽默的笑话和真情实感结合在一起,使影片不仅成为了一部合家欢动画大作,更传递了和我们现在的生活息息相关的道理。”——马特·戈德堡   Zootopia sets up a world where animals evolved to a civilisation where predators and prey have learned to co-exist and create a thriving society.   《疯狂动物城》的世界观如下:动物们之间形成了一个文明社会,原本的捕食者和原本的猎物在这里学会了和谐共存,进而创建了一座美好繁荣的城市。   The movie is a buddy cop film where the two main characters,   Officer Judy Hopps (the first rabbit to become a cop) and Nick Wilde (a sly street hustler)have to solve the mystery of 14 missing animals. Through their mystery adventure they meet a lot of different   characters and learn things about each other and about themselves.   整部电影讲述了一个警探搭档的故事。朱蒂·霍普斯警官(第一只成为警察的兔子)和尼克·王尔德(狐狸,狡猾的街头骗子)合作侦破一起14只动物的离奇失踪案。他们在探案途中结识了许多不同的动物,同时逐渐了解了对方,更加深了对自己的认识。   以下是一些有意思的评论:   Just some interesting points of observation   I personally found how they created the world of Zootopia   amazing. I think that our local city planners could learn   a thing or two about creating an inclusive city by watching this film.   我觉得动画师构造出来的动物城太奇妙了。负责我们自己城市规划工作的人没准儿能从这部动画片里学学怎么设计一座多姿多彩的城市。   Voice Casting of the movie was great. I especially liked   Idris Elba doing the voice of Chief Bogo and Shakira as Gazelle   这部片子的配音超赞!我特别喜欢伊德瑞斯·艾尔巴配的公牛警长Bogo和夏奇拉配的Gazelle。   The movie is highly accurate to reflect the current times like how a politician is using fear to pit most of the mammals against Zootopia"s minority population of predators.   这部电影在反映现实社会上做得特别出色,尤其是片子里一个政客利用恐惧心理煽动城里大多数的哺乳动物对抗占少数的捕食者那部分。   In an interview with Jason Bateman, the original lead protagonist was the fox Nick Wilde but Disney eventually made the changed and showed the story through the eyes of Bunny Officer Judy Hopps.   在与杰森·贝特曼的一次采访中我们得知,迪士尼原定让狐狸尼克当主角,但最终故事的主角换成了兔子警官朱蒂。整个故事也是从她的视角展开叙述的。   Overall Zootopia was light, funny, has a nice message about working to achieve your dreams and has a catchy pop song to go with it. But the magic is how they tied in cultural diversity and our need to   recognise our own prejudices and correct it. In this day and age there should already be less hate and hopefully both children and adults learn this lesson.   总的来说,《疯狂动物城》轻松、愉快,传递了坚持梦想不放弃的正能量,还贡献了一首与这个主题相得益彰的歌曲。但影片的闪光点在于其将这一主题与文化多样性结合起来,并且强调了我们要认识并改正自己内心有偏见的一面。现在这个时代应该少些仇恨,希望大人和孩子都能明白这个道理。
2023-01-07 19:40:171


朋克 PUNK 摇滚乐的一种风格,其形式是追求简单直接快速,舍弃花哨,可以认为是反技术的。重金属 Heavy Metal 摇滚乐的一种风格,倚重失真吉他和复杂鼓击制造出隆隆之声,有“金属”感,所以叫重金属。现在的金属乐已经分得很细,所谓重金属只是传统的,老牌的金属摇滚乐。重金属崇尚技术,尤其是吉他,没有花哨的吉他solo几乎就不能叫做重金属。PUNK和METAL是有矛盾的,这是两个阵营,一下子很难解释清楚。如果找个例子,比如说在中国,早期的唐朝乐队,就是重金属,他们每首歌都不短而且都有大段大段的solo,地下婴儿乐队就是朋克,他们的歌都不长,而且都没什么solo,有也很简洁。重金属给人的感觉就是很重,有凝重感和秩序感。punk给人的感觉就是很躁,闹哄哄的你要插上一把吉他开个失真效果全扫开放和弦,就是punk,你要是只扫power chord还带闷音就是重金属...而所有这些解释其实都不准确甚至也没有什么解释是准确的摇滚乐不去听光看文字是很难理解的这里有比较理性的解释HeavyMetalOf all rock & roll"s myriad forms, heavy metal is the most extreme in terms of volume, machismo, and theatricality. There are numerous stylistic variations on heavy metal"s core sound, but they"re all tied together by a reliance on loud, distorted guitars (usually playing repeated riffs) and simple, pounding rhythms. Heavy metal has been controversial nearly throughout its existence — critics traditionally dismissed the music as riddled with over-the-top adolescent theatrics, and conservative groups have often protested what they perceive as evil lyrical content. Still, despite — or perhaps because of — those difficulties, heavy metal has become one of the most consistently popular forms of rock music ever created, able to adapt to the times yet keep its core appeal intact. For all its status as America"s rebellion soundtrack of choice, heavy metal was largely a British creation. The first seeds of heavy metal were sown in the British blues movement of the "60s, specifically among bands who found it hard to adjust to the natural swing of American blues. The rhythms became more squared-off, and the amplified electric instruments became more important, especially with the innovations of artists like the Kinks, the Who, Jimi Hendrix, Cream, and the Jeff Beck Group. Arguably the first true metal band, however, was Led Zeppelin. Initially, Zep played blues tunes heavier and louder than anyone ever had, and soon created an epic, textured brand of heavy rock that drew from many musical sources. Less subtle but perhaps even more influential was Black Sabbath, whose murky, leaden guitar riffs created a doomy fantasy world obsessed with drugs, death, and the occult. Following the blueprint laid down by Zep and Sabbath, several American bands modified heavy metal into more accessible forms during the "70s: the catchy tunes and outrageous stage shows of Alice Cooper and Kiss; the sleazy boogie of Aerosmith; and the flashy guitar leads and wild party rock of Van Halen (not to mention the distinctively minimalist grooves of Australia"s AC/DC). In the late "70s, a cache of British bands dubbed the New Wave of British Heavy Metal (including Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, and Motorhead) started playing metal faster, leaner, and with more menace than ever before. They helped influence a new American metal scene known as thrash in the "80s, which took shape as a reaction to metal"s new mainstream pop breakthrough, which came courtesy of Def Leppard"s Pyromania. Metal enjoyed its greatest presence on the charts during the "80s, thanks to a raft of glammed-up pop-metal bands, but thrash bands played complex riffs at breakneck speed, sometimes dispensing with vocal melody altogether. Thrashers like Metallica and Megadeth built rabid cult followings that pushed them into the mainstream around the same time that grunge wiped pop-metal off the charts. Mainstream metal in the "90s centered around a new hybrid called alternative metal, which (in its most commercially potent form) combined grinding thrash and grunge influences with hip-hop and industrial flourishes, though it broke with metal"s past in downplaying the importance of memorable riffs. Meanwhile, the underground grew harsher and bleaker, producing two similar, thrash-derived styles known as death metal and black metal, which produced some of the most abrasive, intense, hyperspeed music and graphic shock tactics the metal world had yet witnessed.PunkPunk Rock returned rock & roll to the basics — three chords and a simple melody. It just did it louder and faster and more abrasively than any other rock & roll in the past. Although there had been several bands to flirt with what became known as punk rock — including the garage rockers of the "60s and the Velvet Underground, the Stooges, and the New York Dolls — it wasn"t until the mid-"70s that punk became its own genre. On both sides of the Atlantic, young bands began forsaking the sonic excesses that distinguished mainstream hard rock and stripping the music down to its essentials. In New York, the first punk band was the Ramones; in London, the first punk band was the Sex Pistols. Although the bands had different agendas and sounds — the Ramones were faster and indebted to bubblegum, while the Pistols played Faces riffs sloppier and louder than the Faces themselves — the direct approach of the bands revolutionized music in both the U.K. and the U.S. In America, punk remained an underground sensation, eventually spawning the hardcore and indie-rock scenes of the "80s, but in the UK, it was a full-scale phenomenon. In the U.K., the Sex Pistols were thought of as a serious threat to the well-being of the government and monarchy, but more importantly, they caused countless bands to form. Some of the bands stuck close to the Pistols" original blueprint, but many found their own sound, whether it was the edgy pop of the Buzzcocks, the anthemic, reggae-informed rock of the Clash, or the arty experiments of Wire and Joy Division. Soon, punk splintered into post-punk (which was more experimental and artier than punk), new wave (which was more pop-oriented), and hardcore, which simply made punk harder, faster, and more abrasive. Throughout the "80s, punk was identified with the hardcore scenes in both America and England. In the early "90s, a wave of punk revivalists — led by Green Day and Rancid — emerged from the American underground. The new wave of punk rockers followed the same template as the original punks, but they tended to incorporate elements of heavy metal into their sound.懒得翻了,自己慢慢译吧。来自AMG
2023-01-07 19:40:235


Create a laundry list of marketing ideas, whether an event/promo/etc. Include a 1-2 sentence description foreach, topped off with a creative & catchy Wechat post title for that idea. Note: a “laundry list” is a LONG list,of ideas. : )
2023-01-07 19:40:432