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2023-05-19 18:14:30

point 英[pɔɪnt] 美[pɔɪnt]

n. 点;要点;得分;标点

vt. (意思上)指向;削尖;加标点于;指路

vi. 表明;指向

[例句]I explained the first point last week.


* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!

point 在英文中有观点的意思,on point 的意思是正好说中了,“正中要害”


oint 英[pɔɪnt]


n. 点;要点;得分;标点

vt. (意思上)指向;削尖;加标点于;指路

vi. 表明;指向

[例句]I explained the first point last week.




point的意思是观点。读音:英[pɔɪnt];美[pɔɪnt]释义:n.要点;得分;标点;[机]尖端vt.指向;弄尖;加标点于vi.表明;指向n. (Point)人名;(法)普安变形:过去式pointed、过去分词pointed、现在分词pointing、第三人称单数points、复数points双语例句I can"t give in to this point of view.在这个观点上我不能做出让步。The professor pointed his pen at Paul.教授用笔指着保罗。He pointed out that the game would be over soon.他指出比赛很快就要结束了。
2023-01-07 19:27:531


  point既能做名词也能做动词,那么你知道它们分别都是什么意思吗?下面我为大家带来point的英语意思和相关用法,欢迎大家一起学习!   point的英语音标   英 [pɔɪnt]   美 [pɔɪnt]   point的时态   过去分词: pointed   过去式: pointed   现在分词: pointing   point的意思   n. 要点;得分;标点;[机] 尖端   n. (Point)人名;(法)普安   vt. 指向;弄尖;加标点于   vi. 表明;指向   point的 近义词   main   point的词语用法   point作为名词使用时,通常用 短语 “point of view”来表达一个“观点”或者“意见”;   当表达“这是...的观点”时,通常用“from...point of view”,例如from my point of view...(我的观点是...);   point在美式英语中也用作“钢笔尖”或者“学分”,相当于英式英语中的“nib”与“credit”;   当point作为动词使用时,通常用“piont out”来表达“指出”,后可接双宾语。   They pointed us out the building.   They pointed the building out to us.   两句都指他们为我们指出那座建筑物。   n.(名词)   point用作名词时的意思比较多,可作“要点,论点,观点,尖端,尖儿,点; 小数点,标点,(某一)时刻,(某一)地点,分数,得分,条款,细目”“特点,特征,长处”等解,均用作可数名词。作“目的,意图”解时,是不可数名词,多与the 连用。   in point意思是“切题的,恰当的”; in point of意思是“就…而言,在…方面”; make a point of sth 意思是“特别重视某一事项”; not to put too fine a point on it意思是“不客气地说,直截了当地说”。   v.(动词)   point用作动词的意思是“削尖”“弄尖”“使尖锐”,引申表示为“指向”“对准”“加强”“强调”等。   point既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语; 用作不及物动词时,常与介词to,at,towards等连用,表示“指向某位置或方向”,或者表示“表明”“暗示”等。   point的词语辨析   n.(名词)   at the point of, in point of, on the point of   这组短语的意思并不完全相同。其区别在于 the point of和on the point of的意思都是“将近…的时候”“即将…的时候”,前者多接名词,后者多接动名词。例如:   The boy hurt in the accident lay at the point of death for weeks, then he got well.事故中受伤的男孩生命垂危达数星期,后来他恢复了健康。   I"m glad you"ve come.I was on the point of telephoning you, but you"ve saved me the trouble now.你来了,我真高兴。刚才我正要给你打电话,但现在你让我省事了。 point of意思是“关于”“就…而论”。例如:   In point of that test,I have discussed with him. 关于那个试验,我已经和他讨论了。   3.on the point of比 at the point of表示的时间更迫近。试体会   The man was at the point of death.   这人快要死了。   The man was on the point of death.   这人就要死了。   point的词汇搭配   point of view 观点;见地;立场   point out 指出,指明   at this point 这时候,此时此刻   point in 有意义;在…有作用   starting point 出发点;起始点   key point 关键点;要点   focal point 焦点   in point adv. 相关的   point的英语例句   1. The turning point in the process of growing up is when you discover the core of strength within you that survives all hurt.   当你从内心深处找到一种可以忍受一切痛苦的坚强力量时,你的成长历程就会出现飞跃。   2. I don"t see the point in it really. It"s just stupid.   我真的不理解这到底有什么意义,简直是愚蠢透顶。   3. It got to the point where he had to leave.   到了他不得不走的地步。   4. By 1973, this gap had narrowed almost to vanishing point.   到1973年,这一差距已缩小到几乎为零。   5. A point of order was raised in parliament by Mr Ben Morris.   本·莫里斯先生在议会就程序问题提出质询。   6. The argument contained herein takes exactly the opposite point of view.   本文所持的论点恰恰是站在相反的立场。   7. I should point out that these estimates cover just the hospital expenditures.   我应该指出,这些估算仅包括医院的费用。   8. His prose is vigorous and dense, occasionally to the point of obscurity.   他的 散文 文笔有力、内容庞杂,有时几近晦涩。   9. They shot him at point blank range with an automatic rifle.   他们用自动步枪近距离开枪射杀了他。   10. Make a point of backing up your files at regular intervals.   一定要定期备份文件。
2023-01-07 19:27:591


point可以作动词,名词。表示观点,论点,目的,指向,瞄准等意思。 一个简单的英语单词通常都有很多其他的意思,point也不例外,下面我们一起去了解一下他的各种意思和用法吧! 详细内容 01 point: n.论点;观点;见解;重点;要点;核心问题;意图;目的;理由。 v.(用手指头或物体)指,指向;瞄准;对着;朝向。 第三人称单数: points.复数: points.现在分词: pointing.过去式: pointed.过去分词: pointed. 02 短语: point in 有意义;在...有作用。 point out 指出;指明。 point to 指向;提出...作说明;表示。 point at 指着;指向;在...点上。 point of contact 接触点;联络点;联系点。 03 例句: 1,She made several interesting points in the article. 她在文章中提出了几个有趣的观点。 2,I"ll come straight to the point : we need more money. 我就直说吧:我们还需要钱。 3,Caries sets in at a weak point and spreads to rot the whole tooth. 龋发生在损伤点,然后扩散使整颗牙腐烂。 4,There seemed to be no point war-gaming an election 15 months away. 提前15个月演练选举活动似乎没什么意义。
2023-01-07 19:28:051


point做名词是有论点、观点、见解、重点、要点、核心问题、意图、目的、理由等意思。point做动词时有(用手指头或物体) 指,指向; 瞄准; 对着; 朝向等意思。 当然在英语中这些词汇都是需要我们放入具体的语境当中,在每个语境当中所表示的意思也不同。这一点跟我们汉语是不同的,但是我们虽然每个词语有固定的意思,但是单个字单个字组合在一起会形成不同的意思,虽然我们常用的字只有两千多,但是非常方便的。
2023-01-07 19:28:101


point英 [pɒɪnt]美 [pɔɪnt]n.小点,点;(几何等概念中的)点(文字中的)标点(尤指句号);小数点具体(或确定)的位置,地点;(空间的)一点(球类等运动员的)位置;(在某一位置上的)球员(时间上的)一点;特定时刻,瞬间(物理等概念上的)点;程度;阶段;地步细目;条款,(表示事项的)点特点,特征;动物的身体特征;(作为判定动物品种标准的)品质vt. 指向;弄尖;加标点于vi. 表明;指向n. (Point)人名;(法)普安 短语: match point 赛末点,迷失决胜分,拿到赛点West Point 西点军校,西点 (犹他州),西点 (阿拉巴马州)例句:1、In this point,I join with you. 在这一点上,我与你意见一致。2、We differ with them on this point. 在这一点上我们跟他们看法不同。3、I shall return to this point in the next chapter. 在下一章中我还要谈到这一点。希望帮到你 望采纳 谢谢 加油
2023-01-07 19:28:181


2023-01-07 19:28:242


point[pɔint]n.观点, 看法, 要点, 重点, 特点, 点, 地点, 小数点, 尖端, 岬角, 海角, 意义, 目标, 分数, (罗盘上的)方位点,(温度的)点, 插座, (字体)磅值 v.指, 指向, 朝向, 瞄准, 灰泥或水泥勾(某物)的砖缝例句与用法:`But she might not agree. " `You"ve got a point there/That"s a point".`可是她有可能不同意呀.'`你说得对[有道理].'At one point I thought she was going to refuse, but in the end she agreed.当时我以为她要拒绝,但最後她却同意了。I don"t see the point of her last remark.我不明白她最后那句话的意思。I"m in a hurry, so come to the point.我赶时间,直接了当说出来吧。词形变化:动词过去式: pointed | 动词过去分词: pointed | 动词现在分词: pointing | 动词第三人称单数: points |英英解释:名词 point:a geometric element that has position but no extensionthe precise location of something; a spatially limited locationa brief version of the essential meaning of somethinga specific identifiable position in a continuum or series or especially in a process同义词:degree, level, stagean isolated fact that is considered separately from the whole同义词:detail, iteman instant of time同义词:point in timethe object of an activitya V shape同义词:tip, peaka very small circular shape同义词:dotthe unit of counting in scoring a game or contesta promontory extending out into a large body of watera distinct part that can be specified separately in a group of things that could be enumerated on a list同义词:itema style in speech or writing that arrests attention and has a penetrating or convincing quality or effectan outstanding characteristic同义词:spotsharp endany of 32 horizontal directions indicated on the card of a compass同义词:compass pointa linear unit used to measure the size of type; approximately 1/72 incha punctuation mark (.) placed at the end of a declarative sentence to indicate a full stop or after abbreviations同义词:period, full stop, stop, full pointa V-shaped mark at one end of an arrow pointer同义词:headthe property of a shape that tapers to a sharp tip同义词:pointednessa distinguishing or individuating characteristicthe gun muzzle"s direction同义词:gunpointa wall socket同义词:power pointa contact in the distributor; as the rotor turns its projecting arm contacts them and current flows to the spark plugs同义词:distributor point, breaker point动词 point:indicate a place, direction, person, or thing; either spatially or figuratively同义词:indicate, showbe oriented同义词:orientdirect into a position for use同义词:charge, leveldirect the course; determine the direction of travelling同义词:steer, maneuver, manoeuver, manoeuvre, direct, head, guide, channelize, channelisebe a signal for or a symptom of同义词:bespeak, betoken, indicate, signalsail close to the wind同义词:luffmark (Hebrew words) with diacriticsmark with diacriticsmark (a psalm text) to indicate the points at which the music changesbe positionable in a specified mannerintend (something) to move towards a certain goal同义词:target, aim, place, directgive a point to同义词:sharpen, taperrepair the joints of bricks同义词:repoint
2023-01-07 19:29:371


point一词的用法1)point可作及物和不及物动词,常用于下列短语。(1)point out意为“指出,使注意”,后面可接名词,也可接从句作宾语。如:①The teacher pointed out the mistakes in the composition.老师指出了这篇作文中的错误。②He pointed out that it was important to remove weeds before sowing seed in the soil.他指出在土壤里播种以前先除草的重要性。1 ) point out that ……He pointed out that it was important to remove weeds before sowing seed in the soil . 他指出,播种前清除杂草是很重要的。At the meeting , he pointed out that agriculture should be put at the first place .2 ) point …… out 或 point out …指出 ( 某人或某事 )He quickly pointed out a mistake .Can you point out the finest pictures to me ? = Can you point me out the finest pictures ?(2)point to意为“指向”,强调方向,并不是指着该物体。而 point at 表示“指着某一物体,指人时一般表示粗鲁或不礼貌”。如:①He pointed to the door and there I saw a girl smiling at me.他指向门,我发现那里有一位姑娘朝我微笑着。②The teacher pointed at the map and told me where Britain was.老师指着地图告诉我英国的位置。2)point作名词时,有以下几种含义。①Please pay attention to the study of the language points in each unit请注意每一单元中语言重点的学习。②I failed to catch his point of view. 我没能领会他的观点。③You"ve missed the point of the joke。point既可作可数名词,又可作不可数名词,不可数时多与the连用;point作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语,用作不及物动词时常与介词to、at、towards等连用,表示“指向某位置或方向”。常用搭配有:make a point of sth,意为“特别重视某一事项”等。
2023-01-07 19:29:431


point可作及物和不及物动词,常用于下列短语。(1)point out意为“指出,使注意”,后面可接名词,也可接从句作宾语。(2)point to意为“指向”,强调方向,并不是指着该物体。而 point at 表示“指着某一物体,指人时一般表示粗鲁或不礼貌”。 point的短语 1、point to“显示,说明” 2、There is no point in doing sth.做某事没有意义。 3、be on the point of意思是“正要……的时候,即将……之时” 4、in point of意思是“关于,就……而言” 5、up to a point意思是“在某种程度上 6、to the point of意思是“到……程度”
2023-01-07 19:29:591


2023-01-07 19:30:042


point 英[pɔɪnt]美[pɔɪnt]n. 点; 要点; 得分; 标点;vt. (意思上) 指向; 削尖; 加标点于; 指路;vi. 指向; 表明;[例句]Demand-chain management captures information on consumer behaviour at the point of sale and feeds it up the supply chain.需求环节的管理层会捕捉销售点顾客购物行为的信息,然后把信息再反馈给供应环节。[其他] 第三人称单数:points 复数:points 现在分词:pointing 过去式:pointed 过去分词:pointed
2023-01-07 19:30:261

Point 能解释为方向吗?为什么? 同一个解释,怎么会有不同的英语单词?

2023-01-07 19:30:314


  Point在英文词组中的意思是尖,尖端,尖头。point在具体语境中有不同意思与用法。Point还意指“方针”,是日本最大的以休闲时尚服装闻名的上市集团之一,该集团旗下拥有众多品牌,其品牌的不同定位能给不同层次的消费者带来适合各自族群的服饰。    词语解释   Point作物动词时意为:尖、尖端、尖头。例句:Do you have a pencil with a sharper point?你有尖一点的铅笔吗?   Point还用来表示:特点、特征。例句:Dancing is not her strong point.。她不擅长跳舞。   Point还意作分数、得分。例句:In the game we got ten points while the Medical School got only three。比赛中我们得了十分,而医学院只得了三分。
2023-01-07 19:30:441

英语单词‘point to"是什么意思

2023-01-07 19:31:141


2023-01-07 19:31:201


point v 指向 point at sb n。要点 得分
2023-01-07 19:31:252

point 是什么意思

2023-01-07 19:31:336


point一词的用法1)point可作及物和不及物动词,常用于下列短语。(1)point out意为“指出,使注意”,后面可接名词,也可接从句作宾语。如:①The teacher pointed out the mistakes in the composition.老师指出了这篇作文中的错误。②He pointed out that it was important to remove weeds before sowing seed in the soil.他指出在土壤里播种以前先除草的重要性。 1 ) point out that …… He pointed out that it was important to remove weeds before sowing seed in the soil . 他指出,播种前清除杂草是很重要的。 At the meeting , he pointed out that agriculture should be put at the first place . 2 ) point …… out 或 point out …指出 ( 某人或某事 ) He quickly pointed out a mistake . Can you point out the finest pictures to me ? = Can you point me out the finest pictures ?(2)point to意为“指向”,强调方向,并不是指着该物体。而 point at 表示“指着某一物体,指人时一般表示粗鲁或不礼貌”。如:①He pointed to the door and there I saw a girl smiling at me.他指向门,我发现那里有一位姑娘朝我微笑着。②The teacher pointed at the map and told me where Britain was.老师指着地图告诉我英国的位置。2)point作名词时,有以下几种含义。①Please pay attention to the study of the language points in each unit请注意每一单元中语言重点的学习。②I failed to catch his point of view. 我没能领会他的观点。③You"ve missed the point of the joke.你没听出那个笑话的可笑之处。④His talk is short but quite to the point. 他的发言简洁切题。
2023-01-07 19:31:571

middie point 是数学什么意思

2023-01-07 19:32:032


2023-01-07 19:32:473


point 在英文中有观点的意思,on point 的意思是正好说中了,“正中要害”
2023-01-07 19:37:171


point英 [pɒɪnt]美 [pɔɪnt]n.小点,点;(几何等概念中的)点(文字中的)标点(尤指句号);小数点具体(或确定)的位置,地点;(空间的)一点(球类等运动员的)位置;(在某一位置上的)球员(时间上的)一点;特定时刻,瞬间(物理等概念上的)点;程度;阶段;地步细目;条款,(表示事项的)点特点,特征;动物的身体特征;(作为判定动物品种标准的)品质vt. 指向;弄尖;加标点于vi. 表明;指向n. (Point)人名;(法)普安 短语: match point 赛末点,迷失决胜分,拿到赛点West Point 西点军校,西点 (犹他州),西点 (阿拉巴马州)例句:1、In this point,I join with you. 在这一点上,我与你意见一致。2、We differ with them on this point. 在这一点上我们跟他们看法不同。3、I shall return to this point in the next chapter. 在下一章中我还要谈到这一点。希望帮到你 望采纳 谢谢 加油
2023-01-07 19:37:231


读音:英 [pɔɪnt];美 [pɔɪnt]    意思:n. 观点;看法;要点;重点;特点;点;地点;小数点;尖端;岬角;海角;意义;目标;分数;(罗盘上的)方位点;(温度的)点;插座;(字体)磅值;v. 指;指向;朝向;瞄准;灰泥或水泥勾(某物)的砖缝in point意思是“切题的,恰当的”; in point of意思是“就…而言,在…方面”; make a point of sth 意思是“特别重视某一事项”。扩展资料:point at,point to这两个短语的意思有所区别:1、point to的意思是“指向”; 而point at的意思是“指着”,含有某种目的性。以事物作主语时,用point to更常见。例如:The needle of a compass points to the north.罗盘指向北方。2、 point at可分开用,即point后直接跟名词或代词作宾语, at表示方向; 而point to不能这样用。例如:Point the gun at the target.用枪对准靶子。
2023-01-07 19:37:282

point 的中文意思 是翻译成中文

point [pCInt] n. 点,尖端,分数,要点,分数 vt. 弄尖,指向,指出,瞄准,加标点于 vi. 指,指向,表明
2023-01-07 19:38:421


point既可作可数名词,又可作不可数名词,不可数时多与the连用;point作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语,用作不及物动词时常与介词to、at、towards等连用,表示“指向某位置或方向”。常用搭配有:make a point of sth,意为“特别重视某一事项”等。 point一词的用法 1)point可作及物和不及物动词,常用于下列短语。 (1)point out意为“指出,使注意”,后面可接名词,也可接从句作宾语。如: ①The teacher pointed out the mistakes in the composition. 老师指出了这篇作文中的错误。 ②He pointed out that it was important to remove weeds before sowing seed in the soil.他指出在土壤里播种以前先除草的重要性。 1 ) point out that …… He pointed out that it was important to remove weeds before sowing seed in the soil . 他指出,播种前清除杂草是很重要的。 At the meeting , he pointed out that agriculture should be put at the first place . 2 ) point …… out 或 point out …指出 ( 某人或某事 ) He quickly pointed out a mistake . Can you point out the finest pictures to me ? = Can you point me out the finest pictures ? (2)point to意为“指向”,强调方向,并不是指着该物体。而 point at 表示“指着某一物体,指人时一般表示粗鲁或不礼貌”。如: ①He pointed to the door and there I saw a girl smiling at me. 他指向门,我发现那里有一位姑娘朝我微笑着。 ②The teacher pointed at the map and told me where Britain was. 老师指着地图告诉我英国的位置。 2)point作名词时,有以下几种含义。 ①Please pay attention to the study of the language points in each unit请注意每一单元中语言重点的学习。 ②I failed to catch his point of view. 我没能领会他的观点。 ③You"ve missed the point of the joke。
2023-01-07 19:38:471

英语.point的用法. 如题

point一词的用法 1)point可作及物和不及物动词,常用于下列短语. (1)point out意为“指出,使注意”,后面可接名词,也可接从句作宾语.如: ①The teacher pointed out the mistakes in the composition. 老师指出了这篇作文中的错误. ②He pointed out that it was important to remove weeds before sowing seed in the soil.他指出在土壤里播种以前先除草的重要性. 1 ) point out that …… He pointed out that it was important to remove weeds before sowing seed in the soil . 他指出,播种前清除杂草是很重要的. At the meeting , he pointed out that agriculture should be put at the first place . 2 ) point …… out 或 point out …指出 ( 某人或某事 ) He quickly pointed out a mistake . Can you point out the finest pictures to me ? = Can you point me out the finest pictures ? (2)point to意为“指向”,强调方向,并不是指着该物体.而 point at 表示“指着某一物体,指人时一般表示粗鲁或不礼貌”.如: ①He pointed to the door and there I saw a girl smiling at me. 他指向门,我发现那里有一位姑娘朝我微笑着. ②The teacher pointed at the map and told me where Britain was. 老师指着地图告诉我英国的位置. 2)point作名词时,有以下几种含义. ①Please pay attention to the study of the language points in each unit请注意每一单元中语言重点的学习. ②I failed to catch his point of view. 我没能领会他的观点. ③You"ve missed the point of the joke. 你没听出那个笑话的可笑之处. ④His talk is short but quite to the point. 他的发言简洁切题.
2023-01-07 19:38:571


如下:n.论点;观点;见解;重点;要点;核心问题;意图;目的;理由。v.(用手指头或物体)指,指向;瞄准;对着;朝向。point的第三人称单数和复数。单词发音:英 [pɔɪnts]、美 [pɔɪnts] 。双语例句:The points you make are fine, but the whole essay lacks coherence. 你提出的论点很好,但整篇文章缺乏呼应连贯。You need to signpost for the reader the various points you are going to make. 你需要向读者介绍你将阐述的各个论点。There is, in addition, one further point to make. 此外,还有一点要说。Medical care is still free at the point of use. 医疗保健在实际提供点仍然是免费的。At this point in time we just have to wait. 到这种时刻,我们只好等待了。
2023-01-07 19:39:031


point 英[pɔɪnt]美[pɔɪnt]n. 点; 要点; 得分; 标点;vt. 指向(意思上); 削尖; 加标点于; 指路;vi. 指向; 表明;[例句]I explained the first point last week.我在上周对第一点进行过解释。
2023-01-07 19:40:301


2023-01-07 19:40:483


1.分数,得分,如get points 得分 积分2.论点3.〈英〉(铁道的)道岔,转辙器4.点坐标数组5.【数】点;小数点;标点6.一小点,斑点
2023-01-07 19:41:004

point 是什么意思

point [pɔint] n. 要点, 论点, 观点 Some of these points will have to be further elaborated as we go along. 这些要点中, 有些我们在往下讨论时还得作进一步的详细阐述。 尖端; 尖儿 When you buy new pens, get one with a sharper point. 买新钢笔时要买尖儿比较尖的。 点; 小数点 When we read out 4.23, we say “four point two three”. 我们把4.23读作四点二三。 (某一)时刻; (某一)地点 分数, 得分 He conceded ten points to his opponent. 他让给自己的对手十分。 目的, 意图 If you have a definite purpose in mind, get to the point promptly. 如果你心里有明确的意图, 就干脆说出来。 条款; 细目 There is another point to be borne in mind. 另外一项条款是应当记住的。 vt. 削尖 Point this pencil for me, please. 请把铅笔给我削尖。 增强 He told a story to point his advice. 他讲了一个故事, 以增强他的忠告的力量。 vt. & vi. 指; 指向 It"s rude to point. 用手指人是不礼貌的。 这是电子词典里对point这个单词的解释及翻译,你可以看看,应该是对你有好处的。
2023-01-07 19:41:331


名词 : 要点;得分;标点;[机] 尖端及物动 :指向;弄尖;加标点于不及物 : 表明;指向
2023-01-07 19:41:392


point 在英文中有观点的意思,on point 的意思是正好说中了,“正中要害”
2023-01-07 19:41:472


point 在英文中有观点的意思,on point 的意思是正好说中了,“正中要害”
2023-01-07 19:41:562


2023-01-07 19:40:362


题库内容:渡头的解释[ferry] 同 1 渡口 详细解释 犹渡口。过河的地方。 南朝 梁简文帝 《乌栖曲》 之一 :“采莲渡头拟 黄河 ,郎今欲渡畏 风波 。” 五代 张泌 《河渎神》 词:“ 回首 隔江烟火,渡头三两人家。” 元 谷子敬 《城南柳》 第三折:“我随后赶来,到这渡头,原来是个截头路。” 清 唐孙华 《进呈御览诗一百韵》 :“渡头看鹭白,劳尾息鱼赬。” 词语分解 渡的解释 渡 ù 横过水面:渡船。渡桥。渡河。摆渡。强渡。远渡重洋。 由此 到彼: 渡过 难关。 转手,移交:引渡。 过河的地方:渡口。渡头。 部首 :氵; 头的解释 头 (头) ó 人身体的最上部分或 动物 身体的最前的部分:头骨。 头脑 。头脸(a.头和脸;b.指面貌;c.指面子, 体面 )。头角(僶 )(喻 青年 的气概或 才华 )。 指头发或所 留头 发的样式:留头。 剃头 。
2023-01-07 19:40:371


Create a laundry list of marketing ideas, whether an event/promo/etc. Include a 1-2 sentence description foreach, topped off with a creative & catchy Wechat post title for that idea. Note: a “laundry list” is a LONG list,of ideas. : )
2023-01-07 19:40:432


2023-01-07 19:40:441

蜡字组词 汉字蜡怎么组词

1、蜡烛[là zhú] 解释:用蜡或其他油脂制成的供照明用的东西,多为圆柱形。 2、蜡纸[là zhǐ] 解释:表面涂蜡的纸,用来包裹东西,可以防潮。 3、蜡像[là xiàng] 解释:用蜡制成的人或物的形象。 4、蜡版[là bǎn] 解释:用蜡纸打字或刻写成的供油印用的底版。 5、蜡丸[là wán] 解释:用蜡做成的圆形外壳,内装药丸,古代也在蜡壳里面放传递的机密文书。 6、白蜡[bái là] 解释:白蜡虫分泌的蜡质,熔点较高,颜色洁白,是我国特产之一。可制蜡烛或药丸外壳,又可用来涂蜡纸,密封容器。
2023-01-07 19:40:441


第5题A differ from 和什么不一样第6题C 忍受、忍耐
2023-01-07 19:40:474


本文中,我为大家整理了描写秋天的景色的句子,一起来看看吧! 秋天美丽的景色写一段话30字 1、秋姑娘带着一身金黄,迈着轻盈的脚步,悄悄地来到了人间。顿时,果园里硕果累累,秋意浓浓,农作物都在欢快地歌唱。海棠果摇动着它那圆圆的小脸,冲你点头微笑,红艳艳的大苹果像挤在一起不敢见人的胖娃娃,拨开绿叶笑眯眯地往外瞧,金黄色的大柿子把树枝压弯了腰,火龙果见秋姑娘来了,可高兴了,把自己笑得甜甜的。 2、秋天到了,果实都成熟了,田里的庄稼在风中轻轻地摇动,好像在告诉人们:“可以收割了,快来呀!”。山坡上,树林里,树叶慢慢变黄了,风一吹,叶子飘落下来,像一只只蝴蝶在空中飞舞,美丽极了。蓝天上,成群的大雁排成一个“人”字,正要飞向南方呢。我喜欢这迷人的秋天。 3、那天,雨过天晴,秋高气爽。我骑着自行车背着书包愉快地行驶在回家的路上。你看!这儿地瓜秧藤蔓相绕,像一块黄绿色的地毯令人可爱;公路旁边的棉田像无边的白色海洋,一阵微风吹过,棉叶发出刷刷的声响;那边的玉米,挺拔茁壮,像茂密的森林,无边无际。 4、秋天在田野里。田野是金黄色的。黄澄澄的稻谷,远远望去,整个田野就像铺上了一块金色的地毯。 5、秋天的果园更是硕果累累,一派好景象。红艳艳的苹果像一盏盏红灯笼挂在枝头。那黄澄澄的桔子,像一个个金色的皮球。果园里的小枣像一颗颗红玛瑙镶嵌在树枝上。还有那一串串晶莹圆润的葡萄、个个果肉饱满的山楂和荔枝,像弯月一样的香蕉、还有那长得像葫芦的梨。 关于秋天的优美句子 一、金秋的阳光温馨恬静,金秋的微风和煦轻柔,金秋的蓝天白云飘逸,金秋的田野遍地金黄。 二、秋风过处,五谷飘香。那一片片庄稼,远看,好似翻滚着千层波浪;近看,稻谷笑弯了腰,高粱涨红了脸,玉米乐开了怀。 三、抬头仰望,天空瓦蓝瓦蓝的,洁净得好像刚洗过的蓝宝石,使人感到秋高气爽。金秋的阳光温馨恬静,秋风和熙轻柔,蓝天白云飘逸悠扬。 四、叶子从大树上落下,有的像蝴蝶翩翩起舞,有的像大雁展翅飞翔。地上洒满了落叶,像一条金光大道,载着我的梦想伸向远方。 五、杨树叶子黄了,挂在树上,好像一朵朵黄色的小花;飘落在空中,像一只只黄色的蝴蝶;落在树旁的小河里,仿佛是金色的小船。
2023-01-07 19:40:481


2023-01-07 19:40:502

渡口是什么意思 渡口的解释

1、渡口(ferry)指的是道路越过河流以船渡方式衔接两岸交通的地点。包括码头、引道及管理设施。也指有船摆渡的,过河的地方。2、历史记载:(明)冯梦龙 《东周列国志》第七十二回:“(费)无极对曰:‘一面出榜四处悬挂,不拘何人,有能捕获伍员来者,赐粟五万石,爵上大夫;容留及纵放者,全家处斩。招各路关津渡口,凡来往行人,严加盘诘。又遣使遍告列国诸侯,不得收藏伍员。彼进退无路,纵一时不能就擒,其势已孤,安能成其大事哉?"”
2023-01-07 19:40:311

You are disgusting to me 究竟是“对我来说你很恶心” 还是“你很讨厌我”? 求专业人士回答

2023-01-07 19:40:297


2023-01-07 19:40:281


朋克 PUNK 摇滚乐的一种风格,其形式是追求简单直接快速,舍弃花哨,可以认为是反技术的。重金属 Heavy Metal 摇滚乐的一种风格,倚重失真吉他和复杂鼓击制造出隆隆之声,有“金属”感,所以叫重金属。现在的金属乐已经分得很细,所谓重金属只是传统的,老牌的金属摇滚乐。重金属崇尚技术,尤其是吉他,没有花哨的吉他solo几乎就不能叫做重金属。PUNK和METAL是有矛盾的,这是两个阵营,一下子很难解释清楚。如果找个例子,比如说在中国,早期的唐朝乐队,就是重金属,他们每首歌都不短而且都有大段大段的solo,地下婴儿乐队就是朋克,他们的歌都不长,而且都没什么solo,有也很简洁。重金属给人的感觉就是很重,有凝重感和秩序感。punk给人的感觉就是很躁,闹哄哄的你要插上一把吉他开个失真效果全扫开放和弦,就是punk,你要是只扫power chord还带闷音就是重金属...而所有这些解释其实都不准确甚至也没有什么解释是准确的摇滚乐不去听光看文字是很难理解的这里有比较理性的解释HeavyMetalOf all rock & roll"s myriad forms, heavy metal is the most extreme in terms of volume, machismo, and theatricality. There are numerous stylistic variations on heavy metal"s core sound, but they"re all tied together by a reliance on loud, distorted guitars (usually playing repeated riffs) and simple, pounding rhythms. Heavy metal has been controversial nearly throughout its existence — critics traditionally dismissed the music as riddled with over-the-top adolescent theatrics, and conservative groups have often protested what they perceive as evil lyrical content. Still, despite — or perhaps because of — those difficulties, heavy metal has become one of the most consistently popular forms of rock music ever created, able to adapt to the times yet keep its core appeal intact. For all its status as America"s rebellion soundtrack of choice, heavy metal was largely a British creation. The first seeds of heavy metal were sown in the British blues movement of the "60s, specifically among bands who found it hard to adjust to the natural swing of American blues. The rhythms became more squared-off, and the amplified electric instruments became more important, especially with the innovations of artists like the Kinks, the Who, Jimi Hendrix, Cream, and the Jeff Beck Group. Arguably the first true metal band, however, was Led Zeppelin. Initially, Zep played blues tunes heavier and louder than anyone ever had, and soon created an epic, textured brand of heavy rock that drew from many musical sources. Less subtle but perhaps even more influential was Black Sabbath, whose murky, leaden guitar riffs created a doomy fantasy world obsessed with drugs, death, and the occult. Following the blueprint laid down by Zep and Sabbath, several American bands modified heavy metal into more accessible forms during the "70s: the catchy tunes and outrageous stage shows of Alice Cooper and Kiss; the sleazy boogie of Aerosmith; and the flashy guitar leads and wild party rock of Van Halen (not to mention the distinctively minimalist grooves of Australia"s AC/DC). In the late "70s, a cache of British bands dubbed the New Wave of British Heavy Metal (including Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, and Motorhead) started playing metal faster, leaner, and with more menace than ever before. They helped influence a new American metal scene known as thrash in the "80s, which took shape as a reaction to metal"s new mainstream pop breakthrough, which came courtesy of Def Leppard"s Pyromania. Metal enjoyed its greatest presence on the charts during the "80s, thanks to a raft of glammed-up pop-metal bands, but thrash bands played complex riffs at breakneck speed, sometimes dispensing with vocal melody altogether. Thrashers like Metallica and Megadeth built rabid cult followings that pushed them into the mainstream around the same time that grunge wiped pop-metal off the charts. Mainstream metal in the "90s centered around a new hybrid called alternative metal, which (in its most commercially potent form) combined grinding thrash and grunge influences with hip-hop and industrial flourishes, though it broke with metal"s past in downplaying the importance of memorable riffs. Meanwhile, the underground grew harsher and bleaker, producing two similar, thrash-derived styles known as death metal and black metal, which produced some of the most abrasive, intense, hyperspeed music and graphic shock tactics the metal world had yet witnessed.PunkPunk Rock returned rock & roll to the basics — three chords and a simple melody. It just did it louder and faster and more abrasively than any other rock & roll in the past. Although there had been several bands to flirt with what became known as punk rock — including the garage rockers of the "60s and the Velvet Underground, the Stooges, and the New York Dolls — it wasn"t until the mid-"70s that punk became its own genre. On both sides of the Atlantic, young bands began forsaking the sonic excesses that distinguished mainstream hard rock and stripping the music down to its essentials. In New York, the first punk band was the Ramones; in London, the first punk band was the Sex Pistols. Although the bands had different agendas and sounds — the Ramones were faster and indebted to bubblegum, while the Pistols played Faces riffs sloppier and louder than the Faces themselves — the direct approach of the bands revolutionized music in both the U.K. and the U.S. In America, punk remained an underground sensation, eventually spawning the hardcore and indie-rock scenes of the "80s, but in the UK, it was a full-scale phenomenon. In the U.K., the Sex Pistols were thought of as a serious threat to the well-being of the government and monarchy, but more importantly, they caused countless bands to form. Some of the bands stuck close to the Pistols" original blueprint, but many found their own sound, whether it was the edgy pop of the Buzzcocks, the anthemic, reggae-informed rock of the Clash, or the arty experiments of Wire and Joy Division. Soon, punk splintered into post-punk (which was more experimental and artier than punk), new wave (which was more pop-oriented), and hardcore, which simply made punk harder, faster, and more abrasive. Throughout the "80s, punk was identified with the hardcore scenes in both America and England. In the early "90s, a wave of punk revivalists — led by Green Day and Rancid — emerged from the American underground. The new wave of punk rockers followed the same template as the original punks, but they tended to incorporate elements of heavy metal into their sound.懒得翻了,自己慢慢译吧。来自AMG
2023-01-07 19:40:235


2023-01-07 19:40:228


  认真看完一部作品以后,想必你有不少可以分享的东西,记录下来很重要哦,一起来写一篇观后感吧。那么我们如何去写观后感呢?下面是我收集整理的疯狂动物城观后感英文翻译,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。   一、《疯狂动物城》影评   狄更斯说过,这是最好的时代,这是最坏的时代;这是智慧的时代,这是愚蠢的时代。 在《疯狂动物城》里,动物们也经历着最好与最坏的时代。   虽说他们的城市已经现代化,他们已脱离野蛮的状态,没有食肉动物与食草动物的追逐与杀戮,法院、警局、商店以及五花八门的广告构成了这个世界,组成了这个时代。但,在这个并非十全十美的世界,在充满文明与秩序的同时,这里还有欺凌,还有歧视,还有各式各样的不公正。对了,幸好这里还有敢于挑战不公的勇气。   朱迪从小就有成为一名警官的梦想,尽管父母、旁人的再三劝阻,她却始终乐观,坚持追逐自己的梦想。但,朱迪作为一只小型动物,在警察训练的初期,她还是屡遭挫败。当她通过努力最终进入警局成为一名警官之时,却只被派去做一名交通警察。但朱迪带着小小的失望、开着小小的警车超额完成任务的时候,朱迪仍然开心,依旧积极,认为自己当初的坚持是对的。   动物城和人类社会一样,动物城里的角色境遇也不是一帆风顺的——朱迪遇到了尼克。尼克领着超级呆萌的“儿子”——体型超级小同时又拥有一双大耳朵的芬尼克,在冰棍店里惨兮兮地被店主欺负,朱迪出来主持了公道。芬尼克扛着大大的冰棍跟在尼克的后面艰难前进的景象让人增添无数好感。   实际上尼克大冰棍的另一个用处——制作小冰棍。一群小仓鼠整齐划一地走出来,步调一致地递上零钱,再快速地用两颗大门牙啃完,然后再以完全一致的步调把冰棍丢入垃圾桶。朱迪发现了不对劲儿,去找尼克理论,却被抢白一番:“踏进动物城,谁都怀揣着梦想,成为理想中的自己,但却一场空。你只能是你,狐狸还是狡猾,兔子依旧呆蠢。”朱迪感受到了第一次挫败。   所有的人,尤其是像朱迪这样初生牛犊不怕虎的年轻人,他们以为自己拥有年轻和梦想,生活即便会有坎坷,也不会多么艰难。但是“现实生活可比墙上的标语复杂多了”。凭借梦想就可以单枪匹马闯天下的人,除了拥有好运气——比如遇到狐尼克,还要有智慧与主动争取的心思。   在警局受到歧视并被狐狸教训了一番的朱迪十分失望,而自己在工作中过于认真的态度也让许多居民感到不满。但第二天一桩抢劫案的出现却让她一瞬间重拾信心。“我来处理,我是朱迪霍普斯警官,我去追!”尽管最后遭到了牛局长的责骂,却着实让她兴奋不已。 惊天大案开始浮出水面,朱迪揽下48小时破案的重任。从照片中她注意到了一个她熟悉的关键证人——狐尼克。外表是个儿童实则为成年人的耳廓狐芬尼克告诉了朱迪尼克的行踪。两个主人公再次碰面,并开启了破案之旅。   他们询问了自然主义者,明明记忆力很好却一直谦虚的牦牛亚克西让人哭笑不得。接着他们赶往警局尼克朋友闪电那里查找线索,一群树懒公职人员们慢条斯理的动作和交谈让急性子朱迪头疼不已。偏偏在朱迪刚要查询成功的时候,狐尼克坏笑着又上来打断:“嘿,闪电,你知道骆驼为什么有三个驼峰吗?”   朱迪和尼克先被大先生逮住,但是朱迪以前的一次无心之举却救了他们的命,两个人找到了有关键作用的司机后,却差点被野蛮化的司机吃掉。就在朱迪因为完不成任务将要被开除的时候,狐尼克机智地帮她开脱。查到了监控的两人再次踏上寻找的旅程,并最终找到野蛮化的动物们,两个人也成功地从马桶逃离险境。   这次冒险十分刺激,对朱迪是一个很大的考验,但其实对朱迪真正的考验还在后面。刚刚破获大案的朱迪在电视媒体前的一番发言让尼克怀疑起朱迪对自己的信任。不仅如此,朱迪的.发言又酿成了更大的灾难——动物城里的食肉动物与食草动物发生了严重的分裂与不   信任。对自己十分失望的朱迪辞去了警官的职务,回家操起了卖萝卜的旧业。此时,对于朱迪而言,无论是友谊,还是自己的梦想,都受到了严重的挑战。她耷拉着耳朵在兔窝镇卖着萝卜,对于自己曾经的追求、曾经的梦想,也有无限的怀疑。在追逐梦想的路上,困难与怀疑总是常伴左右。有的人坚持下来了,有的人在中途放弃。失掉了梦想的人可能也会过得很好,可终究他无法变成自己想要成为的模样。   动物城仍旧是那个动物城,时代仍旧是那个时代,不好不坏。可能会好了那么一点点——歧视会少一点,友谊会多一点,小动物们获得的机会会多一点,食肉动物和食草动物之间的不信任会少一点,动物城可能会变得更加和谐,但也仅限于此,是的,仅限于此。时代不会因你而改变,他人也不会因你而改变,改变的只有你自己。   朱迪不再空谈梦想,不再是之前那个对所有事情一无所知、对所有困难一无预料的兔子。在顶峰和低谷都经历过后,她懂得如何去完成一项艰险的事业,如何去维护友情,如何去思考,如何去信任。   她有自己最初的梦想,而且一直没有放弃。从年幼时期,就一直想成为警察,一直到长大,她成为了一名警官,然后用自己的努力证明了自己的能力。惊天大案的阴谋被她成功地发掘,一直到最后都能坚持初心,除恶扬善,不屈不挠。朱迪完成了自己的成长!   二、疯狂动物城影评   Zootopia: The cutest way to learn about prejudice, racism and cultural diversity   疯狂动物城:看似卖萌耍宝,实写人间百态。   This is the first animated movie I"ve seen for 2016. And I must say that Zootopia has really set the bar high in terms of overall quality. As of this writing it still has a 99% score on Rotten Tomatoes.   这是我2016年观看的第一部动画电影。我必须得承认,《疯狂动物城》的质量比动画电影界的平均水平高出了不是一星半点。我写成这篇文章的时候,这部片子在烂番茄上还保持着99%的超高新鲜度。   There is a lot of animated movies this year that circles around   animals like Kung Fu Panda, Finding Dory, ICE AGE 5, Norm of the North and Angry Birds but I think no animated film is grabbing adult themes, like racism and cultural prejudice, by the horns like Zootopia.   Zootopia sets itself apart is by attacking prejudice head-on. Rather than preaching or putting on kid gloves, Zootopia attempts to examine the “why” of prejudice rather than the surface elements. Through it"s clever, endearing characters, hilarious jokes, and honest sentiment, Zootopia comes away as a film that"s not only a joy to watch, but also one with a message that couldn"t feel more relevant right now.—Matt Goldberg Managing Editor of   2016年,以动物为主角的动画电影将会扎堆上映,其中不乏《功夫熊猫3》、《海底总动员2》、《冰川时代5》、《北极移民》和《愤怒的小鸟》这样的大作。但在我看来,没有一部动画电影能像《疯狂动物城》一样,如此直白而深刻地阐释了种族主义和文化偏见这类属于成年人的议题。“   《疯狂动物城》的特别之处在于,它直截了当地表达了对偏见和歧视的对抗。它没有讲大道理、没有含蓄晦涩地回避问题、更没有肤浅地对待问题,而是深入地剖析了偏见与歧视现象的根源。《疯狂动物城》将机敏可爱的角色、风趣幽默的笑话和真情实感结合在一起,使影片不仅成为了一部合家欢动画大作,更传递了和我们现在的生活息息相关的道理。”——马特·戈德堡   Zootopia sets up a world where animals evolved to a civilisation where predators and prey have learned to co-exist and create a thriving society.   《疯狂动物城》的世界观如下:动物们之间形成了一个文明社会,原本的捕食者和原本的猎物在这里学会了和谐共存,进而创建了一座美好繁荣的城市。   The movie is a buddy cop film where the two main characters,   Officer Judy Hopps (the first rabbit to become a cop) and Nick Wilde (a sly street hustler)have to solve the mystery of 14 missing animals. Through their mystery adventure they meet a lot of different   characters and learn things about each other and about themselves.   整部电影讲述了一个警探搭档的故事。朱蒂·霍普斯警官(第一只成为警察的兔子)和尼克·王尔德(狐狸,狡猾的街头骗子)合作侦破一起14只动物的离奇失踪案。他们在探案途中结识了许多不同的动物,同时逐渐了解了对方,更加深了对自己的认识。   以下是一些有意思的评论:   Just some interesting points of observation   I personally found how they created the world of Zootopia   amazing. I think that our local city planners could learn   a thing or two about creating an inclusive city by watching this film.   我觉得动画师构造出来的动物城太奇妙了。负责我们自己城市规划工作的人没准儿能从这部动画片里学学怎么设计一座多姿多彩的城市。   Voice Casting of the movie was great. I especially liked   Idris Elba doing the voice of Chief Bogo and Shakira as Gazelle   这部片子的配音超赞!我特别喜欢伊德瑞斯·艾尔巴配的公牛警长Bogo和夏奇拉配的Gazelle。   The movie is highly accurate to reflect the current times like how a politician is using fear to pit most of the mammals against Zootopia"s minority population of predators.   这部电影在反映现实社会上做得特别出色,尤其是片子里一个政客利用恐惧心理煽动城里大多数的哺乳动物对抗占少数的捕食者那部分。   In an interview with Jason Bateman, the original lead protagonist was the fox Nick Wilde but Disney eventually made the changed and showed the story through the eyes of Bunny Officer Judy Hopps.   在与杰森·贝特曼的一次采访中我们得知,迪士尼原定让狐狸尼克当主角,但最终故事的主角换成了兔子警官朱蒂。整个故事也是从她的视角展开叙述的。   Overall Zootopia was light, funny, has a nice message about working to achieve your dreams and has a catchy pop song to go with it. But the magic is how they tied in cultural diversity and our need to   recognise our own prejudices and correct it. In this day and age there should already be less hate and hopefully both children and adults learn this lesson.   总的来说,《疯狂动物城》轻松、愉快,传递了坚持梦想不放弃的正能量,还贡献了一首与这个主题相得益彰的歌曲。但影片的闪光点在于其将这一主题与文化多样性结合起来,并且强调了我们要认识并改正自己内心有偏见的一面。现在这个时代应该少些仇恨,希望大人和孩子都能明白这个道理。
2023-01-07 19:40:171

"ferry"在英英词典里是什么意思? 用英语解释“ferry”这个单词

n. 1. 渡船2. 渡口vt. 1. 渡运, 运送
2023-01-07 19:40:141


汉字                           蜡 (字典、组词)    蜡的笔顺   读音                                làzhà部首                                  虫    笔画数                               14    笔画    名称                           竖、横折、横、竖、横、点、横、竖 、竖、横、竖、横折、横、横、    
2023-01-07 19:40:142