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2023-07-27 23:11:53
TAG: 英语



























headquarter[英]["hed"kwu0254:tu0259][美]["hed"kwu0254:tu0259]vi.设总部; vt.将…的总部设在; 把…放在总部里; 例句:1.It has its headquarter in aichi and generated about 179 billion dollars interms of revenue during 2006. 其总部位于日本爱知县,在2006年丰田创造了1790亿美元收入。2.The world red swastika society of taiwan headquarter. 世界红字会台湾总主会。
2023-07-26 10:46:542


headquarter[英]["hed"kwu0254:tu0259][美]["hed"kwu0254:tu0259]vi.设总部; vt.将…的总部设在; 把…放在总部里; Comprehension evaluation analysis of entry condition of enterprise group headquarter 企业集团总部入驻条件综合评价分析
2023-07-26 10:47:022


headquarter英["hed"kwu0254:tu0259]美["hed"kwu0254:tu0259]vi.设总部vt.将…的总部设在; 把…放在总部里网络本部; 企业总部; 总部1The planned area of BIIIB ( Phase II) is800,000 square meters, covering a research and development center, incubator, headquarter buildings, data center and disaster recovery center.根据建设总部基地的规划原则和市场需求,基地二期计划建设80万平米的总部建筑集群,包括研发中心、孵化器、总部楼宇、数据中心、灾备中心等。2The comprehensive technology about steel structure work of ICBC headquarter中国工商银行营业办公楼钢结构工程综合技术3Windham Realty Group strategically chose Shanghai as headquarter in China and set up an offices in Beijing as well.威翰地产战略性地选择了上海作为总部,并在北京设立了办事处。4Founded in 1964, headquarter in Boston of the U.S.创建于1964年,总部设在美国波士顿。
2023-07-26 10:47:111

headquarter 什么意思 是名词吗

2023-07-26 10:47:206


2023-07-26 10:47:361


subsidiary 子公司head office 总公司branch office 分公司parent company母公司/总公司自己的理解 (*^__^*) 嘻嘻……
2023-07-26 10:48:006


在公元 1947 年 11月13日,Buddhasasana Nuggaha Association (佛教正法兴隆会) 正式的在缅甸的仰光设立,由 Sir U Thwin 为主席。大会的主旨是提倡经典的研读和慧禅的修行。 Sir U Thwin 告诉大会他找到了适当的禅修导师,且要求缅甸政府的总理邀请马哈希尊者来禅修中心。公元 1949 年,缅甸总理 U Nu,以及曾任国会议员的 Sir U Thwin 邀请马哈西希尊者到仰光 Sir U Thwin 捐盖的禅修中心教学和指导四念住禅修; 此禅修中心由原来的五亩地扩展到二十亩,建筑物由六楝增至七十楝以上。它成了马哈希禅修中心的总部 (Headquarter)。这所禅修中心,其壮观的办公室里,四面墙上悬挂着一百多帧杰出禅师的法像,非常震摄人心。公元 1949 年 12月4日,马哈希尊者亲自指导第一批的 25 位学生修慧禅。随着修禅的人增加,尊者要不断说法的负担变得太重。于是于公元 1951 年 7月开始采用录音带的形式给新来的修禅学生说法.。在打禅中心创办的几年后,从马哈希尊者处修行完的人们在各地开始开设以 「马哈希」 为名的打禅中心。这甚至传到了其它原始 (Theravada) 佛教的国家,如泰国,斯里兰卡,柬埔寨,印度等等。根据公元 1972 年的调查,超过 700,000 人在各地马哈希打禅中心禅修。为了表彰马哈希尊者的成就和智慧,在公元 1952 年缅甸总统颁布他为 Aggamahapandita (the Exalted Wise One - 崇高的智慧者)。独立后的缅甸政府,为了促使原始佛教合谐,兴隆,同时为迎接三年后的 2,500年佛历,决议由国家赞助举行 「第六次佛教经典集会」 (The Great Sixth Buddhist Council)。缅甸政府指派马哈希尊者和 Nyaungyan 尊者,以及二位官员陪同,到泰国,斯里兰卡,印度,柬埔寨,越南进行商议结集大事。大会在 1954 年 5月17日缅甸仰光 「世界和平塔」 举行,为期二年有余,有2500僧侣列席。马哈希尊者被委派担任一个相当重要的角色--- 质询者 (Interrogator and Examiner — Chattha Sanghiti Pucchaka)。2,500 多年前,Maha Kassapa (大迦叶尊者),召集五百大阿罗汉在王舍城的 Cave of the Seven Leaves (七叶窟) 进行第一次经典集会,当年结集的程序是: Ananda (阿难尊者) 口诵经典,Upali (优波离尊者) 口诵律典,然后由 Maha Kassapa 三度质询口诵的内容,再经五百大阿罗汉共同认可通过。而 2,500 年后的第六次大结集,僧团推选马哈希尊者担任 Maha Kassapa 的角色,推选能熟背三藏被尊称为「三藏结集者」 的Vicitta-Sarabhivumsa (妙声) 尊者 担任 Ananda 和 Upali 的角色。二位尊者的巴利文学皆非常通达,优美,二年余间他们在僧团面前合作无疵地将巴利三藏重新背诵,质询。除了质询者的的职责外,马哈希尊者亦负责最后的审订,即在审订三藏的过程中,若遇到任何文法,语源和措辞,用字的问题时,其它人都会征询他的意见。口诵和质询经,律二藏后,缅甸政府和僧团代表复决议于公元 1956 年 7月的第二个满月日开始再举行论藏的听证,结集,这是第六次大集会的特色(The rehearsing of Commentaries--Atthakatthas and Dighas--Lengthy Collection of Discourses was a peculiar feature)。第六次集会的独特处是,将不在巴利经典上的各种版本的论书作了一次非常严密的勘校。勘校后追加到巴利三藏经上,而且全部陆续刊印出来,以作为现代世界上最具权威性,真实性的巴利大藏新范本。能熟读且精通这深广论书的人确是稀有可贵的,被推举出来的几位伟大论师的职责更加艰巨。马哈希尊者每天严谨的详查,细审和解释法义,他个人总共审订结集了一百十七册。第六次经典集会,写下上座部(Theravada) 各国僧团在现代史上的一次通力大合作记录,共同成就了历史性的伟大使命和贡献,使上座部的巴利三藏更具明确性,究查性,可靠性,刚好迎接佛历 2,500年。第二次世界大战时一位日本军官曾驻营过缅甸,在偶然的机缘下接触到上座部佛法; 战后,公元1955 年,他带领 12 位日本僧人和一位在家女居士造访缅甸上座部,时值第六次大结集,缅甸僧团代表答应于结集后将派遣僧人使节赴日交流法义和修行方法。于是在公元 1957 年 6 月,马哈希尊者等人奉派到日本东京,大板,Kyoto,Nara 及其它大城市的日本禅修中心 (Zen School) 弘法,并教导四念住慧禅。因此,马哈西禅修中心亦在日本成立。马哈希尊者为大集会编写二册巴利 Visuddhi Magga Atthakatha (清净道论注疏) 加入原版注疏后,再为了澄清,论正哈佛大学所出版的清净道论序文而写了一本 Visuddhi Magga Nidana Katha (清净道论导读),继大集会之后又花了约三年时间; 完稿后首先呈送给一位极负盛名于巴利文学的僧人作家 Vasetthabhivumsa 尊者修饰,他不但未改支字词组,反添写了几首锐敏,灵慧的偈子来表达这直下的见地和具有重大意义的导读(总共有七十四首偈子); 复呈僧团委员会审核,亦一样支字未改的一致通过。这本 Visuddhi Magga Nidana Katha (清净道论导读) 是被第六次僧团大结集所共同一致认可的。
2023-07-26 10:48:161


2023-07-26 10:48:324

英国伦敦警察厅架构中 Met HQ是什么意思

要了解伦敦内的警察架构,首先请了解伦敦的行政区架构。我们广义说的伦敦市通常指的是大伦敦(GREATER LONDON), 然后大伦敦市中心包围了一个很小的行政区域。该区域就是我们一般所说的‘伦敦金融城",英文翻译则叫做‘伦敦城"(THE CITY OF LONDON)。所以请务必要辨别清楚大伦敦市和伦敦城的区别。-大伦敦市和伦敦城的警察架构是分开的,大伦敦市的警察部队叫做Metropolitan Police Service(简称MPS 或者 MET),至于以上提到的MET HQ相信就是指MET的headquarter总部,该总部正是大名鼎鼎的苏格兰场。MET 总部管理下的警察架构分为4大结构:1-Territorial Policing, 2-Specialist Crime & Operations, (这是楼主希望要的答案,就此作出回复,该部门是提供专业的警察力量,包括了所以各种各样的警察部队,例如交警、刑警、消防警等等,没找到中文翻译,按照字面意思就叫 专业犯罪&各种部门)3-Specialist Operations,(这个部门主要负责情治,高度安全保护任务和反恐都归这个部门管)4-六个行政服务部门:ProfessionalismPeople and Change Commercial and Finance Legal Services Media and CommunicationsDigital Policing-伦敦城的警察部队叫做 City of London Police,分作4大机构:Crime InvestigationEconomic CrimeIntelligence and InformationUniformed Policing最后查了这两个的官网都没找到shared support services,很抱歉,已尽力了,请追加评分谢谢。还有非专业翻译人员,名称翻译无法尽善尽美,请见谅。
2023-07-26 10:48:451


Production Management Division of the Ministry of Works-wood plantations Department of the Ministry of Finance Department of Customs Office audit Room production center
2023-07-26 10:48:545

state headquater

此句中的the state in which it is headquartered 把in which提前了,正常的语序是it is headquartered in the state
2023-07-26 10:49:081

求助:英语语法问题 our company is a good company with its headquarter locating located in Wuji.

2023-07-26 10:49:187

银行里公司部的英文怎么说啊 急~~~

公司部----Headquarter of company办理存款业务---Take deposits
2023-07-26 10:49:451


1 why do you choose this industry?Like this profession of the working environment and development prospects2: what are your weaknesses?My desire is strong!3. What about your company!I"m sorry, rarely, only know your company"s headquarters in * *.Talk about your friends and the case!I have many friends, although many friends, but I don"t like them!
2023-07-26 10:50:026

英文翻译: 该公司成立于1998年,总部设在香港,国内共有三家分公司,员工大约有1600人。

Our company was founded in 1998, headquarter based in Hong Kong, with 3 branches within China, has about 1,600 employees. The company has 180mil turnover in 2013. With the fast development of e-commerce, our business is growing rapidly as well.
2023-07-26 10:50:281


Except the two methods we talked with Mr. Hou, today we more like the third method, that is we will place 4 orders around June 20 beforehand and we promise the loan of 1 million dollars will be returned to the headquarter before July 10. In that case, the debt relationship between the manufactory and the headquarter will be fully released. We think this method is better for our future. We"re just wondering if the local bank of the headquarter can agree to extend the loan term to July 10?
2023-07-26 10:50:412

高分求高人翻译一篇公司简介 中译英

长沙贝特服装有限公司座落在人杰地灵的中国中心地带城市---长沙。系国务院公布的首批24个历史文化名城和第一批对外开放的旅游城市,也是全国商贸重镇,乃历代商家必争之地,坐享天时、地利、品牌优势。长沙贝特服装有限公司积十几年的服装贸易经验,强势进军中国品牌折扣服饰市场,即将涉足鞋类、皮具、饰品、精品等领域。 公司下设贝特品牌折扣(中国)运营总部和贝特品牌折扣(长沙)公司,总部利用先进而成熟的管理模式,富于创新的营销理念和优秀的市场推广团队,强大的服务保障体系以及对前沿流行趋势的精准掌握,构建了中国最完善的品牌服饰折扣销售平台,成为国内专业品牌服饰超值特卖机构。 BeiSa Garment Co. Ltd. locates in a central city of China, ChangSha, which is an inspiring place producing outstanding people. ChangSha is in the list of first lot of 24 historical and cultural cities published by State council and also the first batch of city opening to the outside world. ChangSha as an important domestic commercial city, is the most severe product market each generation of entrepreneur need to compete for. With its strength in time, geographic location and brand, BeiSa Garment Co. Ltd use its decades of clothing sales experience entered Chinese brand-discount clothing market by overwhelming might, the company will soon dabble in fields of footwear, leather products, accessory, high-quality goods etc. The company is composed of BeiSa Brand Discount management headquarter (China) and BeiSa Brand Discount corporation (ChangSa), the headquarter employs its mature and advanced management model, innovative marketing value and outstanding market promotion team, powerful customer services as well as precise prediction of fashion trend, to construct the most comprehensive selling platform for brand clothing discount in China, and gradually become the leading company with best quality and value in domestic professional brand clothing sale.贝特品牌折扣(中国)运营总部。本着对自身、对加盟商负责的态度,始终坚持以市场为导向,以“与全球时尚同步发展,与合作伙伴分享成功”为核心的人文经营理念,与全国八大服装派系,国内、国际近三千家一流服饰企业结成战略联盟,汇聚国际国内上千个知名品牌(爱美斯、哥弟、艾格、依恋、纤度、木帛、布衣奴、水云间、话题、水木年华、汉绣阁、阿枝、浪漫一身、江南布衣、秋水伊人、雨辉、波斯登、七匹狼、劲霸、利朗、金利来、鳄鱼、……)被誉为中国品牌服饰后起之秀。BeiTe brand discount management headquarter (China), use the attitude of responsible for itself and its business partners, always insist on market orientation, employ “developing simultaneously with the global fashion, sharing success with our business partner” as the core concept of its corporate value, form the strategic alliances with 8 domestic major clothing factions and nearly 3000 domestic and overseas first-class clothing companies, which include nearly one thousand of domestic and global famous brands such as 爱美斯、哥弟、艾格、依恋、纤度、木帛、布衣奴、水云间、话题、水木年华、汉绣阁、阿枝、浪漫一身、江南布衣、秋水伊人、雨辉、波斯登、七匹狼、劲霸、利朗、金利来、鳄鱼 etc. is regarded as the rising star of Chinese brand clothing.
2023-07-26 10:50:504

where is the headquarter of the un.

where is the headquarter of the un.联合国总部在哪里。
2023-07-26 10:51:113


hvh只有一种意思:人疱疹病毒,全称是:herpes virus hominis重点词汇:virus英['vau026aru0259s]释义:n.[病毒]病毒;恶毒;毒害n.(Virus)人名;(西)比鲁斯[复数:viruses]短语:Computer Virus[计]计算机病毒;电脑病毒;计较机病毒;盘算机病毒相近缩写词语:1、HVI英文缩写:HVI英文全称:High Viscosity Index中文解释:高粘度指数缩写分类:交通运输、工业工程2、HVT英文缩写:HVT英文全称:Headquarter Verification Test中文解释:总部鉴定测试缩写分类:轻工业
2023-07-26 10:51:202

什么是 4 wall EBITDA

一般用于Retail行业的EBITDA,很形象的一个词,是说在一家店四面墙里产生的EBITDA。与普通整个公司层面的EBITDA相比,它相当于一个store-level的operating income,包括进了维护一个店面所需要的成本费用,但去除了店面之上的corporate overhead(包括headquarter-level的工资、研发费用、管理费用等)。 4 wall EBITDA更直观地反映了一个店的盈利能力,对于一些投资者来说,我买你的店,并不买你的总部那些管理部门,这些费用无需考虑。另一方面,也是帮助决策,可以看到公司的主要成本是在Store-level还是Corporate-level,看可以从哪些方面进行成本控制等。
2023-07-26 10:51:441


2023-07-26 10:51:544


答案是located, 首先对locate 的词进行分析, 当表示vt时 是:“使…坐落在” ,凡是英文有“使.做”的一般用被动语态,这是一种去“使”形式,变成被动形式,就没有“使”,直接翻译为“做.”而此句是一个过去分词短语(有被动语态功能),必定是省去be的地点状语. 一般分词短语-ing形式 ,是表示主动,一般为不及物vi,locate 作vi 一般为口语,表示“定居,居住下来”,常用句子谓语,很少用作分词短语,所以此句应该为书面语,表示:坐落于.,用located合适.
2023-07-26 10:52:571


Enjoy eminent reputation Nie Er , be a legendary personage of place on Chinese modern music history. Nie Er former Nie Shou Xin , is a Yunnan Yu Xi City people. Though he being born in a poor medicine family, have been loved music but since childhood , little age has been learned performing various national musical instruments , the wonder child "", the genius teenager have been looked upon as by person".Nie Er leaves a hometown in 1930, arriving in Shanghai , will apply for the "bright moon song and dance drama agency under having entered the Li brocade sunshine leader, second years ", assume a post of the violin division. The Li brocade sunshine is a be enthusiastic in children song and dance music and popular song and dance music musician of place. When but, nation living or death is in the grip of a crisis behind "incident in 1931 Sep. Eighteenth, the bright moon song and dance drama agency has played fritter away people fight with will"s role on the program , objective singing light songs and dancing with rhythmic beauty but as early as performing greatly. Nie Er is extremely discontented with here, before July in 1932 thin out, continue publishing an article on newspaper and periodical, the predecessor "Li brocade sunshine carries out criticism on "music community that time.His workAnnounce "miner song " the first work from August , 1933 , take a sea-voyage eastward to Japan to April , 1935, Nie Er has left the print making peopel unforgettable within the time less than 2 years, on modern music circles of Chinese: Graceful meaningful emotional songs such as heartening mass song and "plum mother bend ", "beyond the Great Wall village daughter ", "lower singsong girl of cruel oppression of the people" such as having created ", having sold newspaper song ", "song graduating", "new female ". Write plus him song and he arrange 6 composition for an instrument such as reorganization"s other according to folk music, 41 common headquarter work. This outstanding ChengWhen Nie Er stays because of going to USSR via Japan on July 17 , 1935,swan natural pond seashore swims for , unfortunate drowning passes away , is 24-year-old all the year round only in Japan vine pond City. His immortal melody but, does not stop being accompanying so far still the Chinese nation continuing advancing bravely.
2023-07-26 10:53:051


请英语高手帮我翻译一下~谢啦~ Third-party logistics enterprise customer relationship management effectiveness evaluation study 英语高手帮我翻译一下,谢谢啦 I raised a rabbit with my roommate when I was at school, I got to know the rabbit could shout and also ate meat at that time. 上学时和室友养过兔子,那时才知道兔子是会叫的,还吃肉 To blossom blue .Is to blossom without you .英语高手帮我翻译一下.谢谢啦 忧伤肆意绽放,花开花落,没有你,已经无所谓了 请英语高手帮我翻译一下.谢谢,翻译英文 Antibacterial Liquid Handwasher (Honey Suckle) (Lavender) (Green Tea) Fragranced Liquid Handwasher (Lily scent) (Rose scent) (Tea Tree scent) 请问“香薰物语洗手液”中的“语”是什么意思? 还有你可以用 Fragrance 代替 Scent. 请英语高手帮我翻译一下,谢谢。 I return back to our headquarter the last projuect has been done. After e back to headquarter,i wish i could improve my professional standards by cooperate with colleauges. 英语高手 帮我翻译一篇英语文章,谢谢啦 文章呢? 请英语高手帮我翻译一下 I just want to keep enough love, gentilesse and *** artness, so I can encounter you when I wake up. 请英语高手来帮我翻译一下,谢谢 办公处 识别码 英语高手帮我翻译一个英语句子 谢谢啦 怎么这句话没有主语啊 我加一个they 作为主要把 They begin to fight for the treasure which was left by Gore D Roger,a storied pirates. 英语高手进!帮忙翻译下~谢啦 You finally appeared, if you don"t, I will take you to fet
2023-07-26 10:53:131


(FARFT)The State Administration of Radio Film and Television
2023-07-26 10:53:213


2023-07-26 10:53:417


警察局和派出所分别用英文怎么说~他们两个英文中应该不同吧,为什么很多人把这两个都说是:police station呢?我想要知道为什么他们说派出所也是police ...
2023-07-26 10:53:567


Mr: ministers 1.Thank you for your letter of September 13, how your company manager Mr Aaron mike has been accepted our invitation to visit Beijing next month 5, we will discuss in detail the cooperation both in the next five years, especially the joint venture factory building materials.Please call or fax the exact flight, we will ChenYongBo deputy general manager Mr. To the airport.Sincerely hope that Mr McKellen visit pleasant and fruitful.(signature),Li jgBeijing building materials Co., LTDMarcom manager(this letter will be sent to the third avenue in Frankfurt, Germany, 69, gaby building machinery Co., LTD, with its overseas department supervisor, letter managers do agent with Mr McKellen visit schedule. The name phoneticize first letter for the typist WBX, Beijing building materials Co., LTD is XiSanHuan: Beijing north - 6 hollow zip code for 100081)2 write your soul that a more following websitesWrite date: June 2009, 5The writer"s name and address: Beijing yongding chemical industrial no.119 86, Mr. LiuXingHua import manager trade centerThe name and address of the addressee: American New York street - 78 04e Pacific industrial Co., LTD. Sales manager Mr. Robert Ronald ReaganThe content of the letter should include the following:In the morning of * receive xp - 13 the goods under your orderCommodity inspection, JingTianJin * that the goods specified in the contract contains moisture more than 2 percent* this is your first time order, the hope can fully satisfy customer demandWriting a claim letter, * ask for all or partial replacement goodsBusiness letters are used in a standardized format
2023-07-26 10:54:132


People"s Posts and Telecommunications News (PPTN) is directly under the supervision of the Ministry of Information Industry (MII) of China, People"s Posts and Telecommunications News Agency(PPTNA) is the authoritative news agency in China"s communication and information industry.Currently, PPTNA possesses three newspapers as People"s Posts and Telecommunications News (PPTN), China Netizen News, and China Philately; and three magazines as China Telecom Industry, China Radio Management, and Posts and Telecommunications Enterprises Management. It also runs a website----China Information Industry Net(CNII) ,a TV news program-producing center and China Philately Net.PPTN is one of the earliest industrial newspapers established in China and the most valuable publications with the largest circulation. The masthead of “People"s Posts and Telecommunications” in Chinese was inscribed by Chairman Mao Zedong at Xibaipo in December 1948 to the newspaper under preparation. After 50 years" development, PPTN has become the number one publication in China"s communication industry. It sets up a bridge for domestic and foreign professionals, helps them enhance the understanding and extend the cooperation; hence brings itself great fame in the communication industry at home and abroad.Based on PPTNA"s six publications (including three newspapers and three periodicals), CNII is also backed by PPTNA"s journalists who endeavor to collect latest industrial information at home and abroad. Therefore, CNII can offer timely, full-scale and authoritative information,information consultation, information technology and products release for domestic and foreign info-communications industry.After years of construction, PPTNA has fostered a group of expert journalists, most of whom possess a bachelor degree or a master degree. Meanwhile, PPTNA has led the capital"s journalism industry in building the computer-editing network, and its whole procedures of news collecting, editing and publishing are computerized. The editors and reporters in headquarter as well as reporters throughout the country are equipped with high-tech tools as computer and digital camera. Reporters in other places are also able to send the contributions and news photos to the Intranet via Internet; thus the timeliness of news reporting is greatly improved.To serve the information industry in every aspect, PPTNA also organizes activities as forum and seminar on important issues in the industry, in order to discuss the developing strategy with the enterprises. Many of the activities were widely welcomed in the field, such as "99 China Information Harbour Forum,New Telecom Forum,2000 Summit Seminar on Trend of Wireless Communication Development in the New Century, and publishing of the series of analyzing articles of ten focus issues in China"s current telecom industry.With the coming of information times, PPTNA is facing the new developing opportunities. To comply with the requirement of MII, the publications issued by PPTNA will expand reporting scopes and enhance the reporting qualities. PPTNA will endeavor to build itself into an authoritative newspaper group with high efficiency in China"s communication and information industry, and devote itself to the development of our national information industry.
2023-07-26 10:54:201


2012年2月,以桂纶镁为在台湾商业广告代言人,被誉为在台湾市场上最受瞩目的智能手机应用程序之一。2012年3月发布的“计算机版”可传送图文短信等实时通信。同年12月,发布了名为“连我”的中文版本,正式进入中国大陆市场。据悉这款软件可以和新浪微博、人人网、飞信等主流社交服务互通。2013年1月11日,连我的使用人数正式突破1亿人。同年4月1日,连我正式独立营运,NHN Japan公司更名为“LINE株式会社”。4月11日,连我开始在香港展开宣传攻势,连我的事务总经理姜玄玭表示希望在香港可以争取到八成的使用率。2013年5月1日,连我的使用人数正式突破1亿5000万人。5月16日,连我正式成立台湾分公司“连我 Taiwan”。7月23日,连我的使用人数正式突破2亿人,11月更突破3亿人。用户中有5000万来自日本、1700万来自台湾。2013年5月10日,App Store 管理者要求LINE撤除送礼贴图的功能,因此连我决定于5月10日14:00退出iPhone版的向好友赠送付费贴图、购买赠送贴图专用的代币的功能。Android 用户仍可继续使用。2013年6月9日,连我总经理姜玄玭说明,相对于其他国家地区,在台湾PC版的用户特别多,也因为如此,Line针对PC版的用户所提供的Line Web Store服务也于10月1日特别在台湾首先上线,让PC版的用户也可以同时享有和手机App一样,购买连我的贴图或是Game的道具。2014年1月25日,为了感谢台湾用户的热情支持,连我 headquarter 决定将世界首场《HERE WE ARE in TAIPEI-连我 FRIENDS交互乐园》献给台湾,并邀台湾地区的民众共襄盛举。2015年1月9日,日本通信应用Line本周在东京推出打车服务,并已公布了将这项服务推向全国的详细计划,与Uber展开了直接对抗。 2015年2月,移动聊天应用Line刚刚推出了一项新服务,方便品牌企业和中小企业通过该平台与客户和用户展开沟通。这项新服务可以免费使用,但Line会对“靓号”收取费用(第一年为24美元,之后每年12美元),免费帐户每月限发1000条消息。如果想要多发送一些消息,可以每月支付50美元包5万条消息,超出部分每条0.01美元。
2023-07-26 10:54:331


2023-07-26 10:54:585


Job performance:Technology department minister1, 09, transfer separation products, product line planning, quality tracking and improvement;2, 10 years, the organization SD (Sauer Danfoss) series valve product development, finish four products directly;3, 10 years, the completion of the 146 lines, 148 lines, issue the tooling drawings and process arrangement plan;4, 2011-2012, finished 124 kinds of new brake discs for TRW Europe program development, at the same time completed the TRW Europe the development of high carbon brake disc samples;5, 2011-2011, complete the company product list, mold, production line position (according to the product and production line features) management. (more than 1500 kinds of products, more than 800 sets of mould);6, 12 years, complete brake drums project development;7, 12 years, completed 600 kinds of brake disc production transfer, alignment and the stable quality of work.Quality management department minister1, 2009, and passed the TS16949 quality system certification, and is responsible for continuously improving the quality system;2, in 2012 passed the review and every year for renewal of the supervision and audit;3, in 2010 passed the SD of the quality system audit, improve effectiveness validation from SD us quality engineer, smoothly into SD qualified suppliers;4, 2011 by TRW quality system audit, for DF series production ready the production of brake discs. And in 12 years, began to batch delivery.Foundry technology quality foundry factory director, vice factory director/agentDepartment: foundryReporting object: casting director (branch manager)The number of subordinates: 600Job responsibilities:Foundry technology quality vice director1, to track the quality of east long production line improvement;2, the new material (carbon brake disc) new product material and control the rejection rate;3, organize foundry engineer, workshop problems for research;Agent foundry factory director (2008, 4-2009, 2)1, complete the headquarter of production tasks, and maintain production schedule to coordinate with headquarter;2, to complete production tasks indicators issued based (yield, scrap rate, delivery period);3, complete temporary tasks;4, organization, technology, quality, equipment, production personnel to evaluate production orders, make monthly production deployment;5, the organization to achieve annual target of production, equipment and technological transformation.Job performance:Foundry technology quality vice director1, complete improvement of east long line brake disc technology, stable product quality;2, to finalize the design of carbon brake disc materials;3, improved the technology of single-chip brake disc, solved the monolithic brake disc shrinkage, and improved the monolithic process production rate of the brake disc and labor efficiency;4, the promotion of a box of four pieces of brake disc process, and make it standardized.Foundry factory director1, again according to the actual circumstance of the workshop, make the post capacity and wage norm;2, lead the casting plant for the first time, finish the monthly output of 4000 tons, and maintain production for 3 months.Technical engineerDepartment: technical departmentReporting object: department ministerNumber of subordinates: 0Job responsibilities:Casting GongYiYuan1, the design of casting process and tooling, and tracking improvement;2, Magma casting internal quality simulation;3, the casting process and the improvement of the quality;4, new product development and PPAP submission.Job performance:1, 2005, the organization and through the first article and mass production of automotive OEM (responsible for the casting process and Pro/E 3 d mold design, Magma simulation, process documents writing, casting inspection instruction and progress tracking coordination, PPAP submission, on-site training, etc.);2, 2005-2006, improved the casting tooling design process, using Pro/E, combined with the Magma simulation and manufacture cost, reducing process and make the design process from 3 d to 2 d instead, reduces the design variation; And use this process to develop the two sets of auto bracket mould;Design 3, 2006, the east long line and hunter line equipment design manual brake disc technology, standardization of the design process.
2023-07-26 10:55:251


2023-07-26 10:55:443


1) The sales representative of 100 威s uses Palm Pilot or portable computer to accept new sale order, collecting the competitor"s marketing dynamic state in the meantime; (2)The supplier of 100 威s returns all zero loose datas 拢 sorting, deliver without a break to 100 威 head offices everyday; (3) Brand the managers of 100 威s start analytical se datas for collecting; (4) 100 威 brand the managers adjust strategy in time, in the meantime to each go together with to sell a company to issue new activity instruction greatly; (5) Go together with to sell the companies to link BudNet, obtain the latest circumstance; The sale personnel of 100 威s according to company with go together with a suggestion of selling the companies to re- set out a product to put to put and turnover the stock in the store in time.
2023-07-26 10:55:525


we are a sub-branch in shanghai of germany XX company, now our headquarter has requirement of XX product, please make the quotation according to the different purchasing quantity and supply the delivery time as well.
2023-07-26 10:56:091

各位英语神仙拜托了 汉译英 下面的英语自我介绍

First of all thank the company for giving me this opportunity to introduce myself, I graduated from Heilongjiang University of Technology in 2008 the English Department, at school, I was a good completion of this professional teaching content and applications based on my hobbies to learn my school International Economics and Trade, in 2008 also received a Bachelor of Arts degree in economics and international trade。 英语专业八级水平者为你解答
2023-07-26 10:56:174


2023-07-26 10:56:274


Li Shu Ling , enters the Gelan bodyguard in 1989 , at that time, enterprise does not shout the Gelan bodyguard , has not also begun to make a microwave oven yet. She is arranged to be allotted the hair workshop in down, ding-dang vice worker who carries and sews a sack"s. Be already considered as level of education comparatively highly within enterprise since she is that high school graduates,taking the utmost care getting a company therefore helps advance career. Arrive at 1994 , just let her be used for textile goods outlet, go and be a travelling merchant running customhouse. Have arrived at second years , microwave oven overseas market being founded formally, her and another graduate of two high school obj1 = " 位" ? has been exchanged pass away thereupon, right away, heavy responsibility taking on up the overseas market opening up the Gelan bodyguard microwave oven. This is talented person of the earliest Gelan bodyguard overseas business headquarter structure. When at that time, reading a book in enterprise only when 386 one computers are available,they had contacted also never a computer , can only choose that study of cash is present use. That to get on the Internet receives and dispatches E-mail is a piece of the great event getting person down very much , that foreign language also is big obstacles , that counts foundation because of they all only have high school English, is not very solid. Face to face, they inspect a dictionary , a letter of credit also asks to turn two over, still , finclause whether half know or not. At that time, they run in the daytime go round Bank of China to ask for advice , English school evil repairs in going to in the evening.
2023-07-26 10:56:343

为什么 巴可投影机都这么贵?

2023-07-26 10:56:574

寻英语高手翻译 汉译英

easy-going personality,calm,with tenacious voliton and certain capabilities to learn,stronger team-work spirite ,warmer work enthusiasm,excelent ability to adapt to the new enviroment,as well as sense of dresponsibility and brilliant might for either interchange or communication .
2023-07-26 10:57:208

求翻译,不胜感激。 积分就这么多了,请见谅。

2023-07-26 10:57:363

为什么 巴可投影机都这么贵?

1934Lucien De Puydt在比利时波珀林市成立巴可公司,从美国进口元器件装配收音机,因此公司命名为“比利时美国收音机公司”(Belgian American Radio Corporation),或Barco。Barco established.1949巴可生产第一台电视机First TV manufactured.1968巴可开始多元化和国际化Diversification and international expansion.1981巴可生产第一台投影机Video projection.1986巴可电子公司和巴可工业公司分别于1986和1987在布鲁塞尔证券交易所上市交易。Barco quoted on the stock market.1996巴可发布第一台医疗显示器First medical displays launched.1999巴可用LED技术打开新市场LED technology opens new markets.2002Martin De Prycker先生成为巴可CEOMartin De Prycker appointed new CEO.2003巴可和北京利亚德成立全合资公司,专注全彩LED市场BarcoLeyard joint venture. Joint venture with China-based Beijing Leyard Electronics Technology Co. Ltd. Further strengthens position in full-color LED market.2007巴可10%的销售收入来自中国Barco realizes 10% of sales in China.2008巴可收购High End Systems, Inc.进一步强化其在演出与会展市场的领导地位Barco acquires Texas-based High End Systems, Inc.2009Eric Van Zele先生成为巴可公司新CEOEric Van Zele appointed new CEO of Barco.巴可中国历史 1985 巴可香港办事处成立Barco Hong Kong office has been established1994 巴可北京办事处成立Barco Beijing office has been established1995 巴可上海办事处成立Barco Shanghai office has been established2000 巴可在新建的中央军委大楼的主要会议室安装了两个投影显示系统Barco China installed two main projector systems for China Military Committee2002 中国区总部迁至上海Barco China moved its headquarter to Shanghai2003 北京昌平设立生产及研发基地Barco set up the manufacture and R&D center in Beijing Changping2004 巴可获得上海F1国际赛车场订单Barco won the LED order of F1 Shanghai2005 巴可LED入主上海网球大师杯主赛场Shanghai Tennis Master Cup2006 巴可获得中国银行监控中心大单Bank of China2007 获得GDC 700台数字电影订单,成为中国数字电影设备采购第一大单Barco signs contract with GDC Technology for supply of 700 digital cinema projectors in China2007 巴可获得上海电信控制室系统大单Shanghai Telcom2007 巴可为北京京信大厦安装国内最大单体LED屏幕Barco Brings China"s Largest Full-Color LED Screen To Life in Beijing Jingxin Building2008 巴可为北京奥运会全面提供领先的可视化解决方案Barco is the Leading Supplier of Visualization Equipment to the Beijing Olympics2009 巴可成就全运会开幕式巨碗流连经典如诗如画Barco brings excitement to "All China Games" opening ceremony with dazzling "giant cone-shaped" visual display
2023-07-26 10:57:452


2023-07-26 10:58:133


Shanghai is a metropolitan city with well-developed business and industry, and it is also a city that holds the leading place in China"s arts, sciences and education. The city has a relatively short history, but its first library dated back as early as 150 years ago. In 1847, shortly after Shanghai opened its door to the world as a port city, the Library of the Xu Jiahui Catholic Church was founded. With a collection of 200,000 volumes in both Chinese and Western languages, it was the first library established in Shanghai that had certain features of a modern library. Shanghai East Library, the first library run by Chinese opened in 1925. In 1950, the Shanghai Cultural Heritage Managing Committee began a campaign to collect books and immediately received donations from many scholars and celebrities. In about one year, this collection amounted to more than 200,000 volumes, of which some were rare books. The committee also started to buy books from abroad. In 1952, by the time when Shanghai Library was founded, it had a collection of more than 700,000 volumes. In 1953, the Shanghai Cultural Bureau began to take charge of Shanghai Library, and in 1958, the Cultural Bureau decided to merge The Library of Historical Documents, The Shanghai Sciences and Technology Library, and the Shanghai Newspaper and Periodical Library into Shanghai Library. Shanghai Library has hence become the second largest comprehensive public library in China, on account of its collection, its services and the librarians" professional skills.When first established, Shanghai Library was located in the former "Racecourse Building", which had an area of 30,000 m2. There were altogether 150 library staff, serving the needs of the general readers as well as the industry, business and government organizations. The library also provided the Union Catalog of Chinese Books and interlibrary loan services, offering professional training to smaller libraries, and held various activities such as exhibitions, book discussions, seminars, etc. The library published many reference books, too. As a result, Shanghai Library has greatly helped the development of library profession in China and the scientific research in this field.With the rapidly increasing number of publications, the library acquisitions exceeded the capacity of the building in the 70s, which affected the shelving, and hence, the circulation. In 1983, the Shanghai Cultural Bureau began to make research and proposals for the construction of a new library building. In 1990, then Shanghai Mayor Zhu Rongji urged the leaders of Shanghai Library to focus their attention on the planning of the new library construction. With this great concern of the municipal government, the new building laid its first foundation stone on September 1, 1993. In 1995, Shanghai Library and Institute of Scientific & Technical Information of Shanghai (ISTIS) merged together to serve the general public, the academia and the government with its combined facilities and resources. The new building opened to the public in the next year, and soon became a landmark of the city. It styles itself in the shape of pyramids with escalating cubic blocks, which symbolizes the solid foundation of cultural heritage and the endless efforts by human being in pursuit of knowledge. According to the statistics of early 2004, Shanghai Library boasts a collection of 49.98 million items, more than 160 million of which are in circulation. The library is open to the public throughout the year, and each day an average 8,000 readers visit the library.Shanghai Library is also the headquarter of Shanghai Central Libraries, a citywide library network in which the members are coordinating each other in acquisition, circulation, resource building and sharing, and staff training. This system consists of altogether 34 district and county public libraries, university libraries and special libraries (Y 2004 figure). Meanwhile, by carrying out inter-library loans with OCLC (Online Computer Library Center), the British Library and the Library of Congress of America, Shanghai Library is actively engaged itself in overseas cooperation, making the resources sharing across the boundaries of industries, regions and countries possible. Shanghai Library aims to deliver the knowledge that helps stimulate the wisdom and ignite the aspiration, through its excellent services and sincere cooperation. Shanghai Library is now trying its best towards the objective of becoming a "world-class city library".
2023-07-26 10:58:221


简介:牧野成立于1937年,作为机床生产行业的先锋,已有相当悠久的历史,我们坚持不懈地追求完美。总部设立于日本东京,牧野的生产与销售网络遍布全球,包括美国,德国,新加坡和牧野中国(本部在江苏昆山)。我们有上海,北京,大连,东莞,重庆,宁波、天津等分支机构。随着在中国业务的迅速发展,牧野中国诚邀富有创造力,勇于开拓的有志之士与我们共同创造未来。Established in the year 1937, Makino has a long tradition as a pioneer machine tool builder, consistently seeking uncompromising perfection.With headquarter in Tokyo, Japan, Makino carries out production and sales activities overseas through local subsidiaries, including Makino Inc. in the U.S.,Makino GmbH in Germany, Makino Asia Pte Ltd in Singapore and Makino (China) Co.,Ltd.(Kunshan) with offices in Shanghai, Beijing, Dalian, Dongguan, Chongqing, Ningbo and Tianjing.With our fast growing business in China, we want to invite you to join our team.公司地址:昆山市玉山镇牧野路2号(城北路与北门路交叉口向北100米)乘车路线:乘“1路”公交车,至“城北路”站台下车,向北走100米简历投递邮箱:法定代表人:NEO ENG CHONG (梁永聪)成立日期:2002-07-23注册资本:3000万美元所属地区:江苏省统一社会信用代码:91320583739583232K经营状态:在业所属行业:制造业公司类型:有限责任公司(外国法人独资)人员规模:100-499人企业地址:江苏省昆山市玉山镇牧野路2号经营范围:设计、生产、加工三轴及以上联动的数控机床、数控系统、伺服装置及零部件和相关产品的研究开发;机器相关应用软件的开发生产;FTL柔性生产线制造;销售自产产品。从事与本企业生产同类产品的商业批发、佣金代理(拍卖除外)及进出口业务;并提供相关产品的技术和维修服务、机床安装、调试。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动)
2023-07-26 10:59:061


不一样。一、memo(备忘录)的介绍memo(备忘录)总体上应包括这几部分:To, From, Date, Subject以及正文部分。具体而言:1、To: 备忘录对象如果具体到人,最好写出全名,尤其不能“重名”,如Bill Tom,Bill和Tom都是名(Given name),而不是姓(Family name),一个简单的处理方法就是use others name,比如男名Bill Gates,Michael Scofield, Jay Chou或女名Britney Spears, Jennifer Aniston等;若显示关系亲密,还可以把名字缩写,比如B. Gates, M. Scofield, J. Chou, B. Spears, J. Aniston等;如果写给上级,还应该加上尊称甚至职位,比如Mr. Bill Gates — Managing Director, Mr. Jay Chou — Art Director等;现代商务写作中流行开放标点(Open Punctuation),即标点不影响理解的时候可以不用,所以Mr./Ms./Mrs.后面的省略点也可以省去,简单写成Mr/Ms/Mrs;最好不要省去名字。2、From: 备忘录作者要点同上,一般不用尊称,只有对方不知道自己身份的时候才后缀职位名称。3、Date: 日期BEC属于英联邦国家的考试,日期的写法一般为日、月、年,比如7 December 2002,注意月份用英文而不是数字,以免和日期混淆,可以缩写,比如将一月写作Jan(也可以用开放标点)。二、memo的范文:From: Olive HR ManagerTo: All staffDate: 12 June, 2008Subject: Appointment of FranciscoHere we announce the appointment of Mrs. Francisco as our new Sales Manager of the Headquarter. She will be starting her job next Monday morning. There will be a small welcome party by 9:00 that day so everyone please be on time.三、Memo备忘录写作方法:写作之前要考虑以下因素:Who is going to read my memo?What has the reader already known about this?What does the reader need to know?How is the reader going to respond my memo?四、范文示例To: All StaffFrom: Bill GatesDate: 7 December 2002Subject: Staff RewardThe profits of our company this month went up 10% compared with the same period last year, due to your hard work and long working hours. I would like to thank you for your long devoted service. A trip to Hawaii has been arranged next month as a prize. Enjoy!memo英文格式怎么写?memo,意思为备忘录,英文格式如下:TO: (readers" names and job titles)FROM: (your name and job title)DATE: (complete and current date)SUBJECT: (what the memo is about, highlighted in some way)
2023-07-26 10:59:151

可口可乐公司英文简介 最好不要太长,只要能说上1-2分钟就可以了

That Coca-Cola Company is set up in 1892 ,general headquarter is set up in USA Qiao Ya Zhou Atlanta at present,is maximal the whole world drink company ,the binomial (Coca-Cola row owning the whole world 48% marketplace occupation ratio and the whole world first three big drink is first,Pepsi second,low quantity of heat Coca-Cola third),whose camp in 2001 is collected amounting to 20 ,92 million U.S.dollar,the common stock stockholder"s equity is 11 ,351 million U.S.dollar then.But Coca-Cola owns 160 kinds drink brands in 200 countries ,also is a maximal the whole world juice drink dealer (include the Minute Maid brand) including that soft drink ,motion drink ,milk kind drink the product ,juice ,tea and coffee,before first Coca-Cola of USA row be that the person gets the market share exceeding 40%,Sprite is that the quickest drink ,other brand include Berk then grow up,the fruit country and billow. 可口可乐公司成立于1892年,目前总部设在美国乔亚州亚特兰大,是全球最大的饮料公司,拥有全球48%市场占有率以及全球前三大饮料的二项(可口可乐排名第一,百事可乐第二,低热量可口可乐第三),其2001年营收达20,092百万美元,普通股股东权益则为11,351百万美元.可口可乐在200个国家拥有160种饮料品牌,包括汽水、运动饮料、乳类饮品、果汁、茶和咖啡,亦是全球最大的果汁饮料经销商(包括Minute Maid品牌),在美国排名第一的可口可乐为其取得超过40%的市场占有率,而雪碧则是成长最快的饮料,其它品牌包括伯克,水果国度以及大浪.
2023-07-26 10:59:281


nieer isn"t a piece of shit.
2023-07-26 10:59:382


英语中分公司、总公司,子公司、母公司的表达方式有哪些? 总公司headoffice/headquarter 分公司affiliate 子公司subsidiary 母公司holding panyaffiliate是分公司还是子公司我忘了 分公司确实可以说成branch,比如China bank Shanghai branch segment比department好像是要小 顺序觉得是 holding pany>headquarter>affiliate/branch/subsidiary/department>segment>office >group>team “子公司”、“隶属于”用英语怎么说? subsidiary 子公司 be attach to 隶属于 呵呵,考BEC的时候学的 求采纳 xx公司的子公司英文怎样说 A subsidiary of 母公司,子公司,总公司,分公司用英语分别怎么表达? Parent pany 母公司 Affiliated pany子公司 Head Office 总公司 Branch Office 分公司 母公司和子公司用英语怎么说 母公司 : parent pany 子公司:subsidiary pany
2023-07-26 10:59:451


问题一:一公斤用英语怎么说 One kilogram 问题二:一公斤,半公斤,和一公斤半用英语怎么说? 依次: one kilo; half a kilo; a kilo and a half 问题三:每公斤用英语怎么说? Kilogram How much per kilogram. 但是外国人用英镑比较多 Pound. 1 Kilogram = 2.2 Pound. How much per pound. The information you requested regarding our brand will be fax to you to tommorrow, the headquarter is preparing it now. 问题四:每公斤用英语怎么写 per kg 每公斤 per hektare 每公顷 问题五:1块钱1斤 英语怎么说 5分 说实话 ,英语里没有斤这个单位, 英文中只有公斤, kilo 如果你要表达一元一斤, 你可以说两元一公斤, Two Yuan a kilo 当然你也可以说半公叮, One Yuan half a kilo也可以换算 one yuan half a kilo. 自己按照汉语造一个“斤”就是 one yuan per jin 在网上搜搜还有一个单词就是catty One yuan a catty 但我怀疑这个词的正确性 问题六:一公斤苹果用英语怎么说 One kilogram of apple 问题七:“1斤”如何翻译? 1斤=半公斤,half a kilo 1斤=500克,500 gram
2023-07-26 10:59:521