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关于 英文歌 Desperado

2023-07-27 22:51:03

Desperado:亡命之徒Eagles成名曲 Eagles,他们真的老了,可歌曲还是那么精彩。齐秦、藤田惠美、平井坚、西城男孩等等许多歌手都翻唱过这首著名的《亡命之徒》,前者清新,后者流畅,只是都没有老鹰乐队的原唱那样低沉、那样感人至深。   Eagles的歌总有些迷幻一样的比喻,当初那首同样有名的《加州旅馆》(Hotel Califonia)(点击收听)也是如此,有过相当的经历才会品出些许滋味。亡命之徒,自能享受到被整个世界放逐的快乐,可你又无法真正绝望,像一个亡命之徒一样去押最后的赌注,所以你只能伤感,把一段感情化为文字,把一段心痛化为回忆。或许,这就是那么多的人喜欢唱这首歌、喜欢指责亡命徒的原因……   Eagles乐队的成名作就是其第二张专辑《Desperado》(亡命之徒)。这是一张建立在乡村乐基础上的概念专辑,以十九世纪末美国中西部的法外之徒为概念,包括几首他们最有名的歌曲。整张专辑大概讲述这样一个故事:1880年的美国西部,21岁的杜林-达顿(Dooling Dalton)由于误人歧途而触犯法律踏上吉凶未卜的征程。 Desperado / Eagles   Desperado

why don"t you e to your senses?   You"ve been out riding fences for so long now   Oh

you"re a hard one. I know that you got your reasons   These things that are pleasing you can hurt you somehow   Don" you draw the queen of diamonds

boy? She"ll beat you if she"s able   You know the queen of hearts is always your best bet   Now it seems to me

some fine things have been laid upon your table   But you only want the ones that you can"t get   Desperado


you ain"t getting no youger   Your pain and your hunger

they"re driving you home   And freedom

oh freedom well

that"s just some people talking   Your prison is walking through this world all alone   Don"t your feet get cold in the winter time?   The sky won"t snow and the sun won"t shine   It"s hard to tell the night time from the day   You"re loosing all your highs and lows   Ain"t it funny how the feeling goes away?   Desperado

why don"t you e to your senses?   Come down from your fences

open the gate   It may be raining

but there"s a rainbow above you   You better let somebody love you

before it"s too late   亡命之徒   你为何执迷不悟   你已经将自己隔离在   藩篱之外太久   喔 你是个固执的家伙   但是我知道你有你自己的理由   但那些令你欢欣的事情   总有一天会伤害你   你不拿走方块皇后那张牌吗   男孩 若有机会她就会来攻击你   你知道红心皇后   一直是你最好的一张牌   在我看来现在这些好东西   早已摆在你面前   但你却只要那些得不到的   亡命之徒 噢   你已经不再年轻   你的苦痛 你的饥饿   它们正催促你的归程   自由啊 自由   那只是一般人的说法   独自行走天涯就是你的囚笼   冬日里你的双脚不感觉寒冷吗   天空不下雪 太阳也不照耀   简直无法分辨白天或黑夜   你的人生已一无所有   这种失去的感觉   不是让人啼笑皆非   亡命之徒 你为何执迷不悟   走出你的藩篱 打开心门   外面也许在下雨   但彩虹就在你的天上   最好开始接受别人的爱   以免为时已晚 事不宜迟

参考: big5.cri/gate/big5/gb.cri/11344/2007/01/23/



desperado [des·per·a·do || u201adespu0259"rɑu02d0du0259u028a]n. 暴徒; 亡命之徒
2023-07-26 09:59:014

desperado歌词 desperado歌曲简介

1、《Desperado》的歌词: Desperado, why dont you come to your senses? 亡命之徒 为何你还不清醒? You been out ridin fences for so long now 筑起心墙 已如此之久 Oh, youre a hard one 唉 你这个固执的家伙 I know that you got your reasons 但是我知道你有你的理由 These things that are pleasin you 那些现在让你快乐之事 Can hurt you somehow 也能使你心痛 Don you draw the queen of diamonds, boy 孩子 别抽那张方块Q (方块Q既可比喻金钱、权力,也可指物质化、难以高攀的女生) Shell beat you if shes able 它/她会带给你的只有伤痛 You know the queen of hearts is always your best bet 你清楚红心Q始终是你最好的选择(红心Q可喻指真爱) Now it seems to me, some fine things 现在在我看来 一些好牌 Have been laid upon your table 已摆在桌前 But you only want the ones that you cant get 可你眼里只有那些你无法得到的 Desperado, oh, you aint gettin no younger 亡命之徒 你已是年轻不再 Your pain and your hunger, theyre drivin you home 痛苦与饥饿 逼你回头 And freedom, oh freedom well, thats just some people talkin 自由,噢自由,那只是传说 Your prison is walking through this world all alone 形单影只 浪迹天涯 Dont your feet get cold in the winter time? 难道你的双脚在冬天不冷吗? The sky wont snow and the sun wont shine 天空不再飘雪 太阳不再闪耀 Its hard to tell the night time from the day 无法再分辨白天与昼夜 Youre loosin all your highs and lows 无法再感知快乐和悲伤 Aint it funny how the feeling goes away? 无悲无喜 浑浑噩噩 难道不可笑吗 Desperado, why dont you come to your senses? 亡命之徒 为何你还不清醒? Come down from your fences, open the gate 敞开心门吧 It may be rainin, but theres a rainbow above you 也许会有风雨 但是雨后定有彩虹在你之上 You better let somebody love you 你最好让某人来爱你 (Let somebody love you) (你最好让某人来爱你) You better let somebody love you, before its too late 你最好让某人来爱你 在一切都太晚之前 2、《Desperado》(亡命之徒)收录于Eagles(老鹰乐队)于1973年4月17日的第二张专辑《Desperado》中,歌曲由Glenn Frey(格列·弗雷)、Don Henley(唐·亨利)谱写并担任歌曲主音。
2023-07-26 09:59:271

Desperado 的歌词及中文翻译

年轻人,你丫长点心吧,为什么你还没清醒?怎么,骑墙很爽是吗哦,你丫臭又硬但是我知道你有你的理由但那些让你嗨翻的,也能把你掏空,那些令你觉得很爽的事情总能伤害到你不要去拿钻石的皇后(扑克牌里的方块Queen)(意指很闪耀的女生)方块Q她长得多像钻石啊,你不抽吗?但钻石她硬她膈应人啊,她会让你很难受抽那张红桃Q吧,你看她多像一颗心,你知道红心Queen是你最好的赌注 (意指应该寻找爱你的,你爱的女生)我心里就一句话在我看来,好牌已经摊你桌上了,你的面前有着很好的选择,但你只在乎那手膈应人的臭牌,你只要你得不到的那些你已经不年轻了痛了饿了,就从心回家吧自由,噢自由。那也只是人们嘴里说说而已。你要知道亡命天涯的人是没有自由的,他们去到哪里都是囚徒!你每天干的那些刀尖舔血的事只会让你变得麻木不仁,分不清白天黑夜,感受不到阳光的温暖……难道冬天时,你的双脚不冷吗?天空不会下雪,太阳也不会照耀谁的人生没个失意没个牛逼你为什么不清醒?人们常说"浪子回头金不换‘,像你以前那样,回家继续做个牛仔现在也许在下雨,但是你头上有一道彩虹从围栏上下来,打开(你心中的)闸门吧找个人爱你吧找颗心拥抱吧抽那张红桃吧
2023-07-26 10:00:104


Desperado 老鹰乐队 Desperado, why don"t you come to your senses? 亡命之徒,你为何执迷不悟? You been out ridin" fences for so long now. 你已经自闭了很久了 Oh, you"re a hard one, 喔,你是个固执的家伙 I know that you got your reasons, 我知道你有你自己的理由 these things that are pleasin" you can hurt you somehow. 但那些令你欢欣的事或许不知怎么就伤害到你 Don"t you draw the queen of diamonds, boy, 你不拿走方块皇后那张牌吗,男孩?(在美国,方块皇后代表暴力) she"ll beat you if she"s able, 它将会把你击垮 you know the queen of hearts is always your best bet. 红心皇后一直是你最好的一张牌(红心皇后代表仁慈) Now it seems to me some fine things have been laid upon your table, 我心目中的好牌都已摊开在你的面前 but you only want the ones that you can"t get. 但你却只要那些得不到的 Desperado, oh, you ain"t gettin" no younger, 亡命之徒,噢,你已经不再年轻 your pain and your hunger 你的苦痛,你的饥饿 they"re driving you home 它们正催促你的归程 And freedom, oh, freedom, well, that"s just some people talkin", 自由啊,自由,那只是一般人的说法 your prison is walkin" through this world all alone. 独自行走天涯就是你的囚笼 Don"t your feet get cold in the winter time? 冬日里你的双脚不感觉寒冷吗? The sky won"t snow and the sun won"t shine, 天空不下雪,太阳也不照耀 it"s hard to tell the nighttime from the day. 分辨不出白天或黑夜 You"re losin" all your highs and lows. Ain"t it funny how the feelin" goes away? 你已失去你的情感,变得麻木;这种失去的感觉很可笑吧 Desperado, why don"t you come to your senses? 亡命之徒,你为何执迷不悟? Come down from your fences, open the gate. 别再自闭了,打开心门 it may be raining 外面也许在下雨 but there"s a rainhow above you 但彩虹就在你的天上 you better let somebody love you 你最好找个人爱你 (let somebody love you) 你最好找个人爱上你 you better let somebody love you 你最好找个人爱上你 before it"s too late 事不宜迟
2023-07-26 10:00:252


Desperado的原唱是The Eagles老鹰乐队,这首歌被全球无数人翻唱 Desperado来自于西班牙语“失意之人”,个人认为翻译成“亡命之徒”最贴切。1973年老鹰乐队推出了自己的第二张专辑《Desperado》,这是一张半概念形式的唱片,整张专辑以十九世纪末美国中西部为背景,这张概念唱片大概讲述这样一个故事:1880年的美国西部,21岁的杜林.达顿(Dooling Dalton)由于误入歧途而触犯法律踏上吉凶未卜的征程。这首歌的节奏听起来相对比较低缓, 充满了劝诲的意义。别忽略已摆在你面前的美好的东西,而去追求那些不属于你的东西。You better let somebody love you,before it is too late。。。
2023-07-26 10:00:351


专辑名称:《Desperado》演唱歌手:老鹰乐队(The Eagles)发行时间:1973年4月17日录音:1973年,在英国伦敦的Island Studios录音室风格:摇滚、乡村摇滚长度:35分40秒唱片公司:Asylum唱片公司制作人:Glyn Johns《Desperado》(译为:《亡命之徒》)是美国摇滚乐队——老鹰乐队的第二张录音室专辑。在英国伦敦的Island Studios录音棚录制,并于1973年发行。《Desperado》是一张以Dalton Gang(译为:道尔顿帮;又译为:道尔顿兄弟)和美国旧时西部为灵感的概念专辑。虽然标题曲(歌曲Desperado)是老鹰乐队的代表曲目之一,但是它从来没有作为单曲发布。歌曲Desperado在2004年由《滚石》杂志(《Rolling Stone》)评选出的“史上最伟大的500首歌曲”中排名第494名(The 500 Greatest Songs of All Time)。但是,这张专辑产生出两首打榜单曲:Tequila Sunrise和Outlaw Man。分别达到了1973年美国公告牌第64名和第59名。虽然这张专辑在那时不是商业性作品,但多年来它被认为是具有创造性和艺术性的杰作。它也被作为老鹰乐队早期乡村风格的一个完美例子。比如歌曲Twenty-One,就展示了吉他手Bernie Leadon在班卓琴上的造诣。这张专辑在美国公告牌唱片销量榜上达到了第41名,销量达到200万张。这张专辑被很多人认为是有史以来最伟大的乡村摇滚专辑之一。
2023-07-26 10:00:431

谁有《Desperado》 歌词的中文翻译?拜托各位大神

《Desperado》 desperado,why don"t come to your senses? 亡命之徒,你为何执迷不悟? you"ve been out-riding fences for so long now 你已经犹豫了很久(或许你该清醒了) oh you"re hard one , 哦,你这固执的家伙 but I know that you"ve got your "reasons" 但我知道你有自己的“理由” these things that are pleasing you can hurt you somehow 那些取悦你的东西也同时在无端地伤害着你 don"t you draw the queen of diamonds boy 男孩,你为什么不孤注一掷呢?(弄一张方片皇后) she"ll beat you if she"s able 如果可以她将尽力打败你(如果你想毁掉你自己) you know the queen of hearts is always your best bet 你知道你一直都心存恐惧(你知道最好的赌注一直是红心) now it seems to me some fine things 现在,我眼中的好东西 have been laid upon your table 都已经放在你的桌上 but you only want the ones that you can"t get 但是你只留恋那还未得到的 desperado,oh,you ain"t gettin no younger 亡命之徒,噢,你已经不再年轻 your pain and your hunger 你的痛苦,你的饥饿 they"re driving you home 他们正驱赶你回家 freedom,oh,freedom well that"s just some people talking 自由,啊,自由,那只是人们说说而已 your prison is walking though this world all along 你的罪恶正蔓延到这一整个世界 don"t your feet get cold in the winter time 冬天,你的脚不冷吗? the sky won"t snow and the sun won"t shine 天空不下雪,太阳也不会再出现 it"s hard to tell the night time from the day 区分白天与夜晚是如此之难 you"re losin" all your highs and lows ,ain"t it funny how the feelin" goes away? 你正失去你的分寸,而你失去分寸的原因却这样可笑 desperado,why don"t come to your senses 亡命之徒,你为何执迷不悟? come down from your fences,open the gate 不要再犹豫了,放宽心 it may be raining 或许会下雨 but there"s a rainhow above you 但你的头上会出现彩虹的 you"d better let somebody love you 你最好让别人爱上你 (let somebody love you) 让别人爱上你 you"d better let somebody love you 你最好让别人爱上你 before it"s too late 在为时已晚之前...
2023-07-26 10:01:151


Lyrics:Don Henley/Glen Frey Music:Don Henley/Glen Frey Desperado why don"t you e to your senses? You been out ridin" fences for so long now. Oh you"re a hard one but I know that you"ve got your reasons. These things that are pleasin" you can hurt you somehow. Don"t you draw the queen of diamonds boy! She"ll beat you if she"s able. You know the queen of hearts is always your best bet. Now it seems to me some fine things have been laid upon your table but you only want the ones that you can"t get. Desperado ah you ain"t gettin" no younger. Your pain and your hunger they"re drivin" you home. Freedom oh freedom. That"s just some people talkin" Your prison is walking through this world all alone. Don"t your feet get cold in the wintertime? The sky won"t snow and the sun won"t shine. It"s hard to tell the nighttime from the day. You"re losin" all your highs and lows. Ain"t it funny how the feeling goes away? Desperado why don"t you e to your senses? Come down from your fences open the gate. It may be rainin" but there"s a rainbow above you. You better let somebody love you (2x) before it"s too late. ====[中译歌词]==== 亡命之徒 为何你不清醒一点 你筑起城墙把自己围起来已经很久了 噢!你真是个固执的家伙 我明白你一定有你的理由 但那些令你欢欣的事情 总有一天会伤害你 你不拿走方块皇后那张牌吗? 它将会把你击垮 红心皇后一直是你最好的一张牌 我心目中的好牌都已摊开在你的面前 但你却只要那些得不到的 亡命之徒 你已不再年轻 你的苦痛,你的饥饿 它们正催促你的归来 自由啊!自由 那只是一般人的说法 独自行走天涯就是你的囚笼 冬日里,你的双脚不觉得寒冷吗? 天空不下雪,太阳也不照耀 分辨不出白天或黑夜 你已一无所有 这种失去的感觉很可笑吧 亡命之徒 你为何还不清醒一点 走下你的城墙,打开大门 外面也许下著雨 但彩虹就在你的头顶上 你最好让别人爱你 你最好让别人爱你 在为时已晚之前 参考:
2023-07-26 10:01:231


Desperado是西班牙语中的单词 意为流亡者,失意者 ,是老鹰乐队的歌曲,westlife曾翻唱过。整张专辑大概讲述这样一个故事:1880年的美国西部,21岁的杜林.达顿(Dooling Dalton)由于误人歧途而触犯法律踏上吉凶未卜的征程 。
2023-07-26 10:01:301

The Carpenters Desperado中文歌词?

desperado <新美国梦>插曲 desperado,why don"t come to your senses? 亡命之徒,你为何执迷不悟? you"ve been out-riding fences for so long now 你已经自闭了很久了 oh you"re hard one , 喔,你是个固执的家伙 but I know that you"ve got your reasons 但是我知道你有你自己的理由 these things that are pleasing you can hurt you somehow 这些令你高兴的东西会伤害到你 don"t you draw the queen of diamonds boy 你怎么不去画一张方块皇后,男孩?(在美国,方块皇后代表暴力) she"ll beat you if she"s able 如果有可能,她会打败你 you know the queen of hearts is always your best bet 你知道你最好的赌注一直是红心皇后。(红心皇后代表仁慈) now it seems to me some fine things 现在,我眼中的好东西 have been laid upon your table 都放在你的桌子上 but you only want the ones that you can"t get 但是你只想要你拿不到的 desperado,oh,you ain"t gettin no younger 亡命之徒,噢,你已经不再年轻 your pain and your hunger 你的痛苦,你的饥饿 they"re driving you home 他们正带你回家 freedom,oh,freedom well that"s just some people talking 自由啊,自由,那只是人们的说法 your prison is walking though this world all along 你的罪恶正在独自蔓延到整个世界 don"t your feet get cold in the winter time 冬天你的脚不冷吗? the sky won"t snow and the sun won"t shine 天不下雪,太阳也不会出来 it"s hard to tell the night time from the day 区分白天与夜晚也很困难 you"re losin" all your highs and lows ,ain"t it funny how the feelin" goes away? 你正失去对世事的兴趣,而那种兴趣离开的原因不是很可笑吗? desperado,why don"t come to your senses 亡命之徒,你为何执迷不悟? come down from your fences,open the gate 别再自闭了,打开心门 it may be raining 或许会下雨 but there"s a rainhow above you 但你的头上会出现彩虹的 you"d better let somebody love you 你最好令别人爱上你 (let somebody love you) 令别人爱上你 you"d better let somebody love you 你最好令别人爱上你 before it"s too late 在为时已晚之前。
2023-07-26 10:01:501


Desperado,why don"t you come to your senses? You been out ridin"fences for so long now Oh,you"re a hard one ,but I know that you"ve got your reasons these things that are pleasin" you will hurt you somehow Don"t you draw the queen of diamonds ,boy she"ll beat you if she"s able You know the queen of hearts is always your best bet Now it seems to me some fine things Have been laid upon your table But you only want the ones that you can"t get Desperado,oh,you ain"t gettin" no younger Your pain and your hunger they"re drivin" you home And freedom,oh freedom well that"s just some people talkin" You"re prisoners walkin" through this world all alone Don"t you feet get clod in the wintertime The sky won"t snow and the sun won"t shine It"s hard to tell the night time from the day You"re losin" all your highs and lows Ain"t it funny how the feelin" goes away Desperado,why don"t you come to your senses Come down from your fences, open the gate It may be rainin", but there"s a rainbow above you You better let somebody love you(Let somebody love you) You better let somebody love you Before it"s too late
2023-07-26 10:01:592


Desperado原唱:The eagles(老鹰乐队)Desperado,why don"t you come to your senses?You been out ridin"fences for so long nowOh,you"re a hard one ,but I know that you"ve got your reasonsthese things that are pleasin" you will hurt you somehowDon"t you draw the queen of diamonds ,boyshe"ll beat you if she"s ableYou know the queen of hearts is always your best betNow it seems to me some fine thingsHave been laid upon your tableBut you only want the ones that you can"t getDesperado,oh,you ain"t gettin" no youngerYour pain and your hunger they"re drivin" you homeAnd freedom,oh freedom well that"s just some people talkin"You"re prisoners walkin" through this world all aloneDon"t you feet get clod in the wintertimeThe sky won"t snow and the sun won"t shineIt"s hard to tell the night time from the dayYou"re losin" all your highs and lowsAin"t it funny how the feelin" goes awayDesperado,why don"t you come to your sensesCome down from your fences, open the gateIt may be rainin", but there"s a rainbow above youYou better let somebody love you(Let somebody love you)You better let somebody love youBefore it"s too late
2023-07-26 10:02:141


  我觉得不同语言之间的互动,不能光靠简单的词句翻译来代替,尤其像歌词和诗篇或者散文这种靠细微感觉来体会的文字,感觉不同,理解不同,得出的东西也是不同的。我们可以将老鹰这首《Desperado》放在他们出歌的背景中去体会,《Desperado》(亡命之徒)这张建立在乡村乐基础上的概念专辑,以十九世纪末美国中西部的法外之徒为概念,其中包括了几首老鹰乐队最有名的歌曲。这张专辑也是他们的成名作哦。而整张专辑大概讲述的是这样一个故事:1880年的美国西部,21岁的杜林-达顿(Dooling Dalton)由于误人歧途而触犯法律踏上吉凶未卜的征程。放在这样的背景下,我们再去体会一下吧~  下面两种《Desperado》的中文翻译,我觉得都不错,你可以比较看看是否喜欢:  第一种:(是爱词霸上的一种翻译,更靠近专业词汇的翻译一些)  Desperado, why don"t you come to your senses?  亡命之徒,你为何执迷不悟?  You"ve been out riding fences for so long now  你已经将自己隔离在藩篱之外太久  Oh, you"re a hard one. I know that you got your reasons  喔,你是个固执的家伙。但是我知道你有你自己的理由  These things that are pleasing you can hurt you somehow  但那些令你欢欣的事情总有一天会伤害你  Don" you draw the queen of diamonds, boy? She"ll beat you if she"s able  你不拿走方块皇后那张牌吗,男孩?(在美国,方块皇后代表暴力)若有机会她就会来攻击你  You know the queen of hearts is always your best bet  你知道红心皇后一直是你最好的一张牌(红心皇后代表仁慈)  Now it seems to me, some fine things have been laid upon your table  在我看来现在这些好东西早已摆在你面前  But you only want the ones that you can"t get  但你却只要那些得不到的  Desperado, oh, you ain"t getting no youger  亡命之徒,噢,你已经不再年轻。  Your pain and your hunger, they"re driving you home  你的苦痛,你的饥饿,它们正催促你的归程  And freedom, oh freedom well, that"s just some people talking  自由啊,自由,那只是一般人的说法  Your prison is walking through this world all alone  独自行走天涯就是你的囚笼  Don"t your feet get cold in the winter time?  冬日里你的双脚不感觉寒冷吗?  The sky won"t snow and the sun won"t shine  天空不下雪,太阳也不照耀  It"s hard to tell the night time from the day  简直无法分辨白天或黑夜  You"re loosing all your highs and lows  你的人生已一无所有  Ain"t it funny how the feeling goes away?  这种失去的感觉不是让人啼笑皆非?  Desperado, why don"t you come to your senses?  亡命之徒,你为何执迷不悟?  Come down from your fences, open the gate  走出你的藩篱,打开心门  It may be raining, but there"s a rainbow above you  外面也许在下雨,但彩虹就在你的天上  You better let somebody love you, before it"s too late  最好开始接受别人的爱,以免为时已晚,事不宜迟  第二种:(是我理解的这首歌的中文意思,更靠近感觉一些,不太专业唉……呵呵)  Desperado亡命之徒  Why don"t you come to your senses  为何你不迷途知返  You"ve been out riding fences for so long now  你用筑起的伪装之墙隔离(ps:我觉得是为了保护自己的一种隔离)自己时日已如此久远(你问的out riding fences我觉得应该理解为将自己伪装起来、巩起心门的意思)  Oh, you"re a hard one  唉,你这食古不化的家伙(你问的hard应该是顽固、固执、执拗的意思)  But I know that you"ve got your reasons  即使(我)明白你定有自己的隐情  These things that are pleasing you Can hurt you somehow  (但)那些给你欢愉之事(总有一天)会伤你于无形  Don"t you draw the Queen of diamonds boy  你不丢弃所用之暴力么,男孩?(ps:在美国,方块皇后代表暴力)(你问的draw我觉得应该理解为放开、放弃、舍弃的意思)  She"ll beat you if she"s able  (因)它会时刻徘徊在你左右以期将你击垮  The Queen of hearts is always your best bet  仁慈(才)是你最好的伙伴(ps:红心皇后代表仁慈)(会)一直伴你左右  How it seems to me some fine things have been laid upon your table  (而)依我看来 这些美好的东西(早)已展现在你面前(且)那般触手可及  But you only want the ones you can"t get  而你却只求(那些)水中之花、镜中之月般虚幻的东西  Desperado  亡命之徒  Oh, you ain"t getting no younger  你已青春不在  Your pain and your hunger They"re driving you home  痛苦和渴求会迫你返乡  Freedom, ah, freedom That"s just some people talking  自由,啊, 自由只是一般人之所言  Your prison is walking thru this world all alone  天地茫茫以孤为牢,羁绊其中以独为囚  不喜欢古文的感觉也可以翻成:独自行走天涯,那才是你的囚笼(你提到的your prison我觉得应该理解为:禁锢你的牢笼、将你与世界隔断阻隔的障碍)  Don"t your feet get cold in the winter time  严冬时光 你怎能不感到寒意难挡呢!  The sky won"t snow and the sun won"t shine  (如果)天不再有雪降临,太阳也不再发出光芒  It"s hard to tell the night time from the day  (甚至)白昼与黑夜(也)不再有界限而不会更替变化  或者翻为:(甚至)再难分辨白昼与黑夜的分界  You"re losing all your highs and lows  (那)你所拥有的一切(不)皆成为过眼云烟消失殆尽  Ain"t it funny how the feeling goes away  这种茫然若失的感觉不令你啼笑皆非么?(PS:就是上面说的一无所有了的感觉)  Desperado  亡命之徒  Why don"t you come to your senses  你为何不迷途知返  Come down from your fences open the gate  卸去伪装 打开心门  It may be raining  外面可能雨落不息(ps:我觉得这里的外面是指身体外面,就是真正的现实世界里)  But there"s a rainbow above you  但必有彩虹于你的天空高挂(ps:而这里的天空应该是心灵里的天空挂着彩虹)  You better let somebody love you  你应该敞开心扉去接受(别人的)爱  You better let somebody love you Before it"s too late  在(一切)为时以晚之前你(的确)应该那样做吖。(即:敞开心扉去接受新爱)  或者翻成:你(的确)应该为接受新爱而敞开心扉了,在(一切)未晚之前
2023-07-26 10:02:211


2023-07-26 10:02:292


Eagles乐队的成名作就是其第二张专辑《Desperado》(亡命之徒)。这是一张建立在乡村乐基础上的概念专辑,以十九世纪末美国中西部的法外之徒为概念,包括几首他们最有名的歌曲。整张专辑大概讲述这样一个故事:1880年的美国西部,21岁的杜林-达顿(Dooling Dalton)由于误人歧途而触犯法律踏上吉凶未卜的征程。
2023-07-26 10:02:501

藤田惠美的《Desperado》 歌词

歌曲名:Desperado歌手:藤田惠美专辑:甘菊金韵演唱会 2004Desperado,why don"t you come to your senses?You been out ridin"fences for so long nowOh,you"re a hard one ,but I know that you"ve got your reasonsthese things that are pleasin" you will hurt you somehowDon"t you draw the queen of diamonds ,boyshe"ll beat you if she"s ableYou know the queen of hearts is always your best betNow it seems to me some fine thingsHave been laid upon your tableBut you only want the ones that you can"t getDesperado,oh,you ain"t gettin" no youngerYour pain and your hunger they"re drivin" you homeAnd freedom,oh freedom well that"s just some people talkin"You"re prisoners walkin" through this world all aloneDon"t you feet get clod in the wintertimeThe sky won"t snow and the sun won"t shineIt"s hard to tell the night time from the dayYou"re losin" all your highs and lowsAin"t it funny how the feelin" goes awayDesperado,why don"t you come to your sensesCome down from your fences, open the gateIt may be rainin", but there"s a rainbow above youYou better let somebody love you(Let somebody love you)You better let somebody love youBefore it"s too late
2023-07-26 10:02:581

许志安的《Desperado》 歌词

歌曲名:Desperado歌手:许志安专辑:2007 旧生会 演唱会5.Desperado 3:37Desperado,why don"t come to your sensesyou"ve been ridin fences for so long nowOh you"re got your reasonsthese things that are pleasing you can hurt you somehowDon"t you draw the queen of diamonds boyshe"ll beat you if she"s ableyou know the queen of hearts is always your best betnow it seems to me some fine thingshave been laid upon your tablebut you only want the ones that you can"t getDesperado,oh,you ain"t gettin no youngeryour pain and your hungerthey"re driving you homefreedom,oh,freedom well that"s just some people talkingYou "re prisners walking though this world all alongDon"t your feet get cold in the winter timethe sky won"t snow and the sun won"t shineIt"s hard to tell the night time from the dayyou"re losin" all your highs and lowsain"t it funny how the feel"in goes away.Desperado,why don"t come to your sensescome down from your fencesopen the gate it may be rainingbutthere"s a rainhow above youyou"d better let somebody love you(let somebody love you)you"d better let somebody love youbefore it"s too late
2023-07-26 10:03:051


2023-07-26 10:03:144

Gilbert Bécaud的《Desperado》 歌词

歌曲名:Desperado歌手:Gilbert Bécaud专辑:Le Coffret Essentiel (Remasterisé En 2011)林晓培 - Desperado作词:Don Henley/Glenn Frey作曲:Don Henley/Glenn FreyDesperado, why don"t you come to your sensesYou"ve been out riding" fences, for so long - now.Oh you"re a hard one.I know that you"ve got your reasons.These things that are pleasin"youcan hurt you somehow.Don"t you draw the queen of diamonds boyShe"ll beat you if she"s able.You know the queen of hearts is always your best bet.Now it seems to me, some fine thingshave been laid upon your table.But you only want the onesthat you can"t get.Desperado,Oh you ant getting no younger.Your pain and your hunger,They"re driving you home.And freedom oh freedom.Well that"s just some people talking.Your prison is walking through this world all alone.Don"t your feet get cold in the winter time?The sky won"t snow and the sun won"t shine.It"s hard to tell the night time from the day.And you"re losing all your highs and lowsant it funny how the feeling goes away...Why don"t you come to your senses?Come down from your fences, open the gate.It may be raining", but there"s a rainbow above you.You better let somebody love you.let somebody love you.You better let somebody love you...before it"s too.. late.
2023-07-26 10:03:431

Emi Fujita的《Desperado》 歌词

歌曲名:Desperado歌手:Emi Fujita专辑:Voices of AngelsEdit by 3rdfangDesperadoWhy don"t you come to your sencesYou"ve been out ridin" fences for so long nowOh, you"re a hard oneBut I know that you"ve got your reasonsThese things are pleasin" youCan hurt you somehowDon"t you draw the queen of diamonds boyShe"ll beat you if she"s ableThe queen of hearts is always your best betHow it seems to me some fine thingHave been laid upon your tableBut you want the ones you can"t getDesperadoOh you ain"t gettin" no youngerYour pain and your hungerThey"re drivin" you home, freedom, ah, freedomThat"s just some people talkin"You"re prisoners walkin"Through this would all aloneDon"t your feet get cold in the wintertimeThe sky won"t snow and the sun won"t shineIt"s hard to tell the night timeFrom your dayYou"re losin" all your highs and lowsAin"t it funny how the feelin" goes awayDesperadoWhy don"t you come to your sencesCome down from your fencesOpen the gateIt may be rainin"But there"s a rainbow above youYou better let somebody love youYou better let somebody love youBefore it"s too late
2023-07-26 10:03:501


Desperado 西班牙语 ,本意为失意之人。Eagles的歌总有些迷幻一样的比喻,当初那首同样有名的《加州旅馆》(Hotel Califonia)也是如此,有过相当的经历才会品出些许滋味。Desperado 翻译为 亡命之徒,亡命之徒自能享受到被整个世界放逐的快乐,可内心却又无法真正绝望,像一个亡命之徒一样去押最后的赌注,所以你只能伤感,把一段感情化为文字,把一段心痛化为回忆。
2023-07-26 10:03:581


【典故出处】:《周书 郭彦传》:「亡命之徒,咸从赋役。」 【成语意思】:指逃亡的人。也称冒险犯法;不顾性命的人。亡:无;命:名;亡命:逃匿则削除名籍;故以逃亡为亡命;即逃亡;流亡;徒:一类人(含贬义)。 【成语注音】:ㄨㄤˊ ㄇㄧㄥˋ ㄓㄧ ㄊㄨˊ 【通用拼音】:wang ming zhī tu 【拼音简写】:WMZT 【使用频率】:常用成语 【成语字数】:四字成语 【感情色彩】:贬义成语 【成语用法】:亡命之徒,偏正式;作主语、宾语;含贬义。 【成语结构】:偏正式成语 【成语正音】:之,不能读作「zī」。 【成语辨形】:之,不能写作「知」。 【英语翻译】:desperado 【日语翻译】:命しらずのやから 【俄语翻译】:отчаянный злодей <головорез> 【其他翻译】:<德>tollkuhner Draufgǎnger <Desperado><法>aventurier <homme capable de tout> 【成语谜语】:生卒;已故门生 【近义词】:不逞之徒 【反义词】:谦谦君子 【成语例句】:原来这个凶手是匪军一旅马希山的部下—杨三楞。身强力大,一手好枪法,能喝酒,是个不怕死的亡命之徒。(曲波《林海雪原》二八) 【成语故事】: 唐朝 末年,乐彦桢的儿子乐从训经常与狐朋狗友聚众滋事,他买通都统王铎的歌女,率领一帮亡命之徒杀了王铎的全家,夺取他的金银财宝。乐彦桢任相州刺史时,他更加肆无忌惮地滥杀无辜。不久乐彦桢被儿子气死。罗弘信率军消灭了乐从训这批亡命之徒
2023-07-26 10:04:141


desperado英 [u02ccdespu0259u02c8rɑ:du0259u028a] 美 [u02ccdespu0259u02c8rɑ:dou028a] n.亡命徒复数: desperadoes desperados1I"m your friend smoky Desperado from the west. 我是你朋友。从西部来的亡命之徒。
2023-07-26 10:04:471


desperado, why don"t you come to your senses?浪子啊,你为何执迷不悟?you been out ridin" fences for so long now长久以来你用伪装保护自己 oh, you"re a hard one哦,你是个顽固的人i know that you got your reasons我知道你有你的理由these things that are pleasin" you can hurt you somehow但那些令你欣喜的事情,总有一天会伤害你don" you draw the queen of diamonds, boy你不拿走方块皇后那张牌吗,男孩?(在美国,方块皇后代表暴力)she"ll beat you if she"s able若有机会她就会来攻击你you know the queen of heats is always your best bet你知道红心皇后一直是你最好的一张牌(红心皇后代表仁慈)now it seems to me, some fine things have been laid upon your table在我看来现在这些好东西早已摆在你面前but you only want the ones that you can"t get但你要的,却是你得不到的!desperado, oh, you ain"t gettin" no youger浪子,你已经不再年轻了your pain and your hunger, they"re drivin" you home生活的苦痛和艰辛,催促你回到那个本属于你的家and freedom, oh freedom well, that"s just some people talkin"自由啊自由,顺口之言岂能当真? your prison is walking through this world all alone你独自行走的天涯其实是你的囚笼don"t your feet get cold in the winter time?冬日里你的双脚不觉寒冷吗?the sky won"t snow and the sun won"t shine天空再不落雪,太阳也不闪耀 it"s hard to tell the night time from the day无从分辨昼夜you"re loosin" all your highs and lows你的人生已一无所有ain"t it funny how the feeling goes away?失去这种感觉是不是让人啼笑皆非?desperado, why don"t you come to your senses?浪子,你为何执迷不悟come down from your fences, open the gate不要再犹豫了,放宽心吧it may be rainin", but there"s a rainbow above you外面也许在下雨,但彩虹就在你的头上you better let somebody love you, before it"s too late你最好让别人来爱你,你最好让别人来爱你you better let somebody love you, before it"s too late你最好让他爱你吧,趁现在还不晚
2023-07-26 10:04:541


老鹰乐队在一片叫好声中推出了他们的第二张专辑《Desperado》, 这是一张概念唱片。整张专辑大概讲述这样一个故事:1880年的美国西部,21岁的杜林 达顿(Dooling Dalton)由于误人歧途而触犯法律踏上吉凶未卜的征程
2023-07-26 10:05:021


是Westlife(西城男孩)唱的-《Desperado》亡命之徒,以下是歌词中英对照:)~ Desperado,why don"t you come to your senses? 亡命之徒,为什么你还没清醒? You been out ridin"fences for so long now 你在围墙边呆了好久(意指这个人不碰爱情,一直维持在旁观看) Oh,you"re a hard one , 啊,真的很难劝动你 but I know that you"ve got your reasons 但是我知道你有你的理由 these things that are pleasin" you will hurt you somehow 那些令人开心的事总能伤害你 Don"t you draw the queen of diamonds ,boy. 男孩,不要去惹钻石的皇后(扑克牌里的方块queen),意指很闪耀的女生. she"ll beat you if she"s able 她会使你的生活很难受,如果她可以的话 You know the queen of hearts is always your best bet 你知道红心queen是你最好的赌注,(指应该寻找爱你的,你爱的女生) Now it seems to me some fine things Have been laid upon your table 在我看来,你的面前有很多选择 But you only want the ones that you can"t get 但你只要你得不到的那些. Desperado,oh,you ain"t gettin" no younger 亡命之徒啊,你已不再年轻 Your pain and your hunger they"re drivin" you home 你的痛苦和饥饿,把你赶回到原点 And freedom,oh freedom well that"s just some people talkin" 噢,自由,自由,那只是有些人说的 You"re prisoners walkin" through this world all alone 你是孤独闯世界的囚犯 Don"t you feet get clod in the wintertime 难道冬天时,你的双脚不冷吗? The sky won"t snow and the sun won"t shine 天空不会下雪,太阳也不会照耀 It"s hard to tell the night time from the day 白天和黑夜无法分清 You"re losin" all your highs and lows 你在失去开心和低落的感觉 Ain"t it funny how the feelin" goes away 你不觉得失去那种感觉很奇怪吗? Desperado,why don"t you come to your senses 亡命之徒啊,你为什么不清醒 Come down from your fences, open the gate 从围栏上下来,打开你(心中的)闸门吧 It may be rainin", but there"s a rainbow above you 现在也许在下雨,但你的头上有一道彩虹 You better let somebody love you(Let somebody love you) Before it"s too late 在一切都太迟之前,最好让她爱上你.
2023-07-26 10:05:101


2023-07-26 10:05:301


许巍《蓝莲花》是哪部电影的主题歌? 2007年动画《丁丁历险记》主题曲《蓝莲花》。 歌曲《蓝莲花》由许巍作词作曲并演唱,选自专辑《时光·漫步》,多次作为歌曲被选入电影、电视剧。《蓝莲花》的创作初衷是许巍写给唐朝著名僧人玄奘法师的,表达了对玄奘法师的敬意。整首歌曲有着浓厚的禅学味道。没有激昂的曲调,却震撼了无数人的心,给人力量! 2005年电影《独自等待》插曲《蓝莲花》。 2008年电影《一年到头》片尾曲《蓝莲花》。 《蓝莲花》 演唱:许巍 作词:许巍 作曲:许巍 歌词: 没有什么能够阻挡 你对自由的向往 天马行空的生涯 你的心了无牵挂 穿过幽暗的岁月 也曾感到彷徨 当你低头的瞬间 才发觉脚下的路 心中那自由的世界 如此的清澈高远 盛开着永不凋零 蓝莲花 没有什么能够阻挡 你对自由的向往 天马行空的生涯 你的心了无牵挂 穿过幽暗的岁月 也曾感到彷徨 当你低头的瞬间 才发觉脚下的路 心中那自由的世界 如此的清澈高远 盛开着永不凋零 蓝莲花 >是哪部电影的主题歌? > 尼古拉斯凯奇的《天使之城》 98年的经典爱情电影 ,电影好看 ,歌曲好听 尼古拉斯凯奇饰演的赛斯是一位天使,凡人看不到天使,只有将死的人才能看到他们。而天使的任务就是带走他们的灵魂。一天,赛斯出现在洛杉矶一家医院的手术间,医生正在极力抢救病人,但最终赛斯还是带走了他。 desperado是哪部电影的主题歌? 《杀人三步曲》 traveling light是哪部电影的主题歌? 末路狂花 :v.youku./v_show/id_XMjIxMTQ1MDk2. tomorrows way是哪部电影的主题歌 『Tomorrow"s way』是日本唱作女歌手YUI,于2005年6月22日所推出的单曲碟,并是在Sony Music Records旗下的第二张单曲碟。 松竹系电影「HINOKIO(我爱奇诺奥)」的主题歌。后来香港歌手薛凯琪翻唱了此曲,歌名为「Dear Fiona」。 Tomorrow"s way - 作词:YUI/作曲:YUI/编曲:铃木Daichi秀行/弦一彻(落合彻也) 小草是哪部电影的主题歌? 是一部电影里的歌曲,是一部很早的电影了,忘了名字,讲的是一对双胞胎姐妹,姐姐的男朋友受伤眼睛失明,姐姐变心,妹妹为了不让他伤心,冒充姐姐一直陪在准姐夫的身边,姐夫的眼睛复明后却悄悄离开,姐夫去找姐姐,发现了真相。这首歌就是妹妹为鼓励姐夫在医院的草坪上为姐夫唱的一首歌,吉他伴奏的。 say you say me是哪部电影的主题歌? 白夜逃亡 White Nights (1985) 导 演:泰勒·海克福德 Taylor Hackford 主 演:海伦·米伦 Helen Mirren 伊莎贝拉·罗塞里尼 Isabella Rossellini Mikhail Baryshnikov 约翰·格劳夫 John Glover Maryam d"Abo 格雷戈里·海因斯 Gregory Hines 丹尼尔·本泽利 Daniel Benzali Josephine Buchan 上 映:1985年11月22日 ( 美国 )更多地区 《白夜逃亡》的故事简单,最突出的就是巴希利科夫的表演,因为这部电影可说是为他度身订造,或者说就是关于他本人和其他众多俄罗斯艺术家的传奇故事:一个著名的俄罗斯芭蕾舞演员,如何利用到美国演出的机会,背叛自己的祖国和人民,滞留于敌国;这部电影的高明之处在于根本没去叙述最初的逃亡,而是倒推,当一个叛徒突然被偶然事件抛回到他当初千方百计要逃出的祖国时,面对他的将是怎样的局面? 《毕业歌》是哪部电影的主题歌? 毕业歌》 《桃李劫》的插曲,田汉作词,聂耳作曲。歌曲在影片中一群青年毕业前欢聚一堂时首次出现,影片结束时又再度响起,提示了影片主旨。在当时的时代背景下,由于歌曲表达了一代青年“天下兴亡,匹夫有责”的爱国 *** ,传唱一时,特别为青年学生所喜爱。 是电影《桃李劫》插曲,田汉词、聂耳曲。 《桃李劫》呦!
2023-07-26 10:05:381


Don Henley(鼓、打击乐、主唱)Randy Meisner(贝斯吉他、民谣吉他、主唱)Glenn Frey(吉他、键盘、钢琴、口琴、主唱)Bernie Leadon(吉他、曼陀铃、班卓琴、主唱) Glyn Johns(制作人、录音师)Howard Kilgour(助理录音师)Barry Diament(混音)Ted Jensen(重混音)Jim Ed Norman(编排)Gary Burden(艺术指导、设计)Henry Diltz(文字、摄影)
2023-07-26 10:05:451

群星的《Desperado》 歌词

歌曲名:Desperado歌手:群星专辑:Baaarenstark!!! Herbst 20015.Desperado 3:37Desperado,why don"t come to your sensesyou"ve been ridin fences for so long nowOh you"re got your reasonsthese things that are pleasing you can hurt you somehowDon"t you draw the queen of diamonds boyshe"ll beat you if she"s ableyou know the queen of hearts is always your best betnow it seems to me some fine thingshave been laid upon your tablebut you only want the ones that you can"t getDesperado,oh,you ain"t gettin no youngeryour pain and your hungerthey"re driving you homefreedom,oh,freedom well that"s just some people talkingYou "re prisners walking though this world all alongDon"t your feet get cold in the winter timethe sky won"t snow and the sun won"t shineIt"s hard to tell the night time from the dayyou"re losin" all your highs and lowsain"t it funny how the feel"in goes away.Desperado,why don"t come to your sensescome down from your fencesopen the gate it may be rainingbutthere"s a rainhow above youyou"d better let somebody love you(let somebody love you)you"d better let somebody love youbefore it"s too late
2023-07-26 10:06:131

Westlife的《Desperado》 歌词

歌词:Desperado, why don"t you come to your senses?You been out ridin" fences for so long nowOh, you"re a hard oneI know that you got your reasonsThese things that are pleasin" youCan hurt you somehowDon" you draw the queen of diamonds, boyShe"ll beat you if she"s ableYou know the queen of heats is always your best betNow it seems to me, some fine thingsHave been laid upon your tableBut you only want the ones that you can"t getDesperado, oh, you ain"t gettin" no yougerYour pain and your hunger, they"re drivin" you homeAnd freedom, oh freedom well, that"s just some people talkin"Your prison is walking through this world all aloneDon"t your feet get cold in the winter time?The sky won"t snow and the sun won"t shineIt"s hard to tell the night time from the dayYou"re loosin" all your highs and lowsAin"t it funny how the feeling goes away?Desperado, why don"t you come to your senses?Come down from your fences, open the gateIt may be rainin", but there"s a rainbow above youYou better let somebody love you, before it"s too late
2023-07-26 10:06:213

罗忆诗的《Desperado》 歌词

歌曲名:Desperado歌手:罗忆诗罗忆诗 - Desperado作词:子斌/罗忆诗@mobimusic作曲:罗忆诗@mobimusicDesperado 爱你是个错你喜欢 没约束的生活你给的 像丛林的野火对你的爱我懦弱 我不要对你懦弱Baby 你就这样潇洒地走别再回头 谁稀罕你许下的海誓承诺留下的 请你都带走全都带走 却带不走你留给我的痛Desperado 一定又是我你没错 是我太寂寞爱得越多 你越是想逃脱我像飞蛾去扑火 我不要一错再错Baby 你就这样潇洒地走别再回头 谁稀罕你许下的海誓承诺留下的 请你都带走全都带走 却带不走你留给我的痛还能怎麼做 你选择自由 无话可说Desperado 爱你是个错Desperado
2023-07-26 10:06:291

Desperado (Desperado) 歌词

歌曲:Desperado演唱:Eagels作词:Ashlee Simpson 作曲:Basshunter 专辑:《Selected Works 1972-1999》 歌词:Desperado, why don"t you come to your senses?You been out ridin" fences for so long nowOh, you"re a hard oneI know that you got your reasonsThese things that are pleasin" youCan hurt you somehowDon" you draw the queen of diamonds, boyShe"ll beat you if she"s ableYou know the queen of heats is always your best betNow it seems to me, some fine thingsHave been laid upon your tableBut you only want the ones that you can"t getDesperado, oh, you ain"t gettin" no yougerYour pain and your hunger, they"re drivin" you homeAnd freedom, oh freedom well, that"s just some people talkin"Your prison is walking through this world all aloneDon"t your feet get cold in the winter time?The sky won"t snow and the sun won"t shineIt"s hard to tell the night time from the dayYou"re loosin" all your highs and lowsAin"t it funny how the feeling goes away?Desperado, why don"t you come to your senses?Come down from your fences, open the gateIt may be rainin", but there"s a rainbow above youYou better let somebody love you, before it"s too late
2023-07-26 10:06:372

罗伯特 邦菲利奥的《Desperado》 歌词

歌手:eaglesDesperado, why don"t you come to your senses?You been out ridin" fences for so long nowOh, you"re a hard oneI know that you got your reasonsThese things that are pleasin" youCan hurt you somehowDon" you draw the queen of diamonds, boyShe"ll beat you if she"s ableYou know the queen of heats is always your best betNow it seems to me, some fine thingsHave been laid upon your tableBut you only want the ones that you can"t getDesperado, oh, you ain"t gettin" no yougerYour pain and your hunger, they"re drivin" you homeAnd freedom, oh freedom well, that"s just some people talkin"Your prison is walking through this world all aloneDon"t your feet get cold in the winter time?The sky won"t snow and the sun won"t shineIt"s hard to tell the night time from the dayYou"re loosin" all your highs and lowsAin"t it funny how the feeling goes away?Desperado, why don"t you come to your senses?Come down from your fences, open the gateIt may be rainin", but there"s a rainbow above youYou better let somebody love you, before it"s too late
2023-07-26 10:06:441


Desperado 老鹰乐队 Desperado, why don"t you come to your senses? 亡命之徒,你为何执迷不悟? You been out ridin" fences for so long now. 你已经自闭了很久了 Oh, you"re a hard one, 喔,你是个固执的家伙 I know that you got your reasons, 我知道你有你自己的理由 these things that are pleasin" you can hurt you somehow. 但那些令你欢欣的事或许不知怎么就伤害到你 Don"t you draw the queen of diamonds, boy, 你不拿走方块皇后那张牌吗,男孩?(在美国,方块皇后代表暴力) she"ll beat you if she"s able, 它将会把你击垮 you know the queen of hearts is always your best bet. 红心皇后一直是你最好的一张牌(红心皇后代表仁慈) Now it seems to me some fine things have been laid upon your table, 我心目中的好牌都已摊开在你的面前 but you only want the ones that you can"t get. 但你却只要那些得不到的 Desperado, oh, you ain"t gettin" no younger, 亡命之徒,噢,你已经不再年轻 your pain and your hunger 你的苦痛,你的饥饿 they"re driving you home 它们正催促你的归程 And freedom, oh, freedom, well, that"s just some people talkin", 自由啊,自由,那只是一般人的说法 your prison is walkin" through this world all alone. 独自行走天涯就是你的囚笼 Don"t your feet get cold in the winter time? 冬日里你的双脚不感觉寒冷吗? The sky won"t snow and the sun won"t shine, 天空不下雪,太阳也不照耀 it"s hard to tell the nighttime from the day. 分辨不出白天或黑夜 You"re losin" all your highs and lows. Ain"t it funny how the feelin" goes away? 你已失去你的情感,变得麻木;这种失去的感觉很可笑吧 Desperado, why don"t you come to your senses? 亡命之徒,你为何执迷不悟? Come down from your fences, open the gate. 别再自闭了,打开心门 it may be raining 外面也许在下雨 but there"s a rainhow above you 但彩虹就在你的天上 you better let somebody love you 你最好找个人爱你 (let somebody love you) 你最好找个人爱上你 you better let somebody love you 你最好找个人爱上你 before it"s too late 事不宜迟
2023-07-26 10:06:521


亡命之徒什么意思?亡命之徒怎么读? 参考答案: 拼音:wáng mìng zhī tú,简 拼:wmzt 成语解释:指逃亡的人。也指冒险犯法,不顾性命的人。 成语出处:《周书·郭彦传》:“亡命之徒,咸从赋役。” 成语例句:原来这个凶手是匪军一旅马希山的部下—杨三楞。身强力大,一手好枪法,能喝酒,是个不怕死的亡命之徒。 注音:ㄨㄤˊ ㄇㄧㄥˋ ㄓㄧ ㄊㄨˊ 亡命之徒的近义词:不逞之徒 为非作歹,不能得手的人如有不逞之徒,想趁机捣乱,就杀头不赦。丁玲《水》 亡命之徒的反义词:谦谦君子 ∶谦虚而严于律己的人谦谦君子,卑以自牧也。《易·谦》 ∶现多指故作谦虚的人或事事谦让 成语语法:偏正式;作主语、宾语;含贬义 常用程度:常用成语 感情*色彩:贬义成语 成语结构:偏正式成语 产生年代:古代成语 英语翻译:desperado 俄语翻译:отчаянный злодей <головорез> 日语翻译:命しらずのやから 其他翻译:<德>tollkühner draufgǎnger <desperado><法>aventurier <homme capable de tout> 成语谜语:生卒;已故门生 读音注意:之,不能读作“zī”。 写法注意:之,不能写作“知”。
2023-07-26 10:07:071

王若琳的《Desperado》 歌词

歌曲名:Desperado歌手:王若琳专辑:Time in a bottle王若琳 - DesperadoDesperado, why don"t you come to your sensesYou"ve been out ridin" fences,for so long - now.Ohh you"re a hard one.I know that you"ve got your reasons.These things that are pleasin"youCan hurt you somehow.Don"t you draw the queen of diamonds boyShe"ll beat you if she"s able.You know the queen of hearts is always your best bet.Now it seems to me, some fine thingsHave been laid upon your table.But you only want the onesThat you can"t get.Desperado,Ohhhh you aint getting no younger.Your pain and your hunger,They"re driving you home.And freedom, ohh freedom.Well that"s just some people talking.Your prison is walking through this world all alone.Don"t your feet get cold in the winter time?The sky won"t snow and the sun won"t shine.It"s hard to tell the night time from the day.And you"re losing all your highs and lowsaint it funny how the feeling goesaway...Desperado,Why don"t you come to your senses?come down from your fences, open the gate.It may be rainin", but there"s a rainbow above you.You better let somebody love you.(let sombody love you)You better let somebody love youbefore it"s too late.
2023-07-26 10:07:342

Desperado (Live) 歌词

歌曲名:Desperado (Live)歌手:Alice Cooper专辑:A Fistful of Alice< Desperado >Alice CooperI"m a gamblerAnd I"m a runnerBut you knew thatWhen you lay downI"m a pictureOf ugly storiesI"m a killerAnd I"m a clownStep into the street by sundownStep into your last goodbyeYou"re a target just by livingTwenty dollars will make you dieI wear laceAnd I wear black leatherMy hands are lightning upon my gunMy shots are cleanAnd my, my shots are finalMy shots are deadlyAnd when it"s doneYou"re as stiff as my smoking barrelYou"re as dead as a desert nightYou"re a notchAnd I"m a legendYou"re at peaceAnd I must hideTell me where the hell I"m goingLet my bones fall in the dustCan"t you hear that ghost that"s callingAs my Colt begins to rustIn the dustI"m a killerI"m a clownI"m a priestThat"s gone to town
2023-07-26 10:07:421

藤田惠美的《Desperado》 歌词

歌曲名:Desperado歌手:藤田惠美专辑:camomileDesperado,why dont you come to your senses?You been out ridinfences for so long nowOh,youre a hard one ,but I know that youve got your reasonsthese things that are pleasin you will hurt you somehowDont you draw the queen of diamonds ,boyshell beat you if shes ableYou know the queen of hearts is always your best betNow it seems to me some fine thingsHave been laid upon your tableBut you only want the ones that you cant getDesperado,oh,you aint gettin no youngerYour pain and your hunger theyre drivin you homeAnd freedom,oh freedom well thats just some people talkinYoure prisoners walkin through this world all aloneDont you feet get clod in the wintertimeThe sky wont snow and the sun wont shineIts hard to tell the night time from the dayYoure losin all your highs and lowsAint it funny how the feelin goes awayDesperado,why dont you come to your sensesCome down from your fences, open the gateIt may be rainin, but theres a rainbow above youYou better let somebody love you(Let somebody love you)You better let somebody love you
2023-07-26 10:07:571


  歌词  desperado,why don"t you come to your senses? 亡命之徒,你为何执迷不悟? you"ve been out-riding fences for so long now 你已经自闭了很久了 oh you"re hard one , 喔,你是个固执的家伙 but I know that you"ve got your reasons 但是我知道你有你自己的理由 these things that are pleasing you can hurt you somehow 这些令你高兴的东西会伤害到你 don"t you draw the queen of diamonds boy 你怎么不丢弃那张方块皇后,男孩?(在美国,方块皇后代表暴力) she"ll beat you if she"s able 如果有可能,她会打败你 you know the queen of hearts is always your best bet 你知道你最好的赌注一直是红心皇后。(红心皇后代表仁慈) now it seems to me some fine things 现在,我眼中的好东西 have been laid upon your table 都放在你的桌子上 but you only want the ones that you can"t get 但是你只想要你拿不到的 desperado,oh,you ain"t gettin no younger 亡命之徒,噢,你已经不再年轻 your pain and your hunger 你的痛苦,你的饥饿 they"re driving you home 他们正带你回家 freedom,oh,freedom well that"s just some people talking 自由啊,自由,那只是人们的说法 your prison is walking though this world all along 你的罪恶正在独自蔓延到整个世界 don"t your feet get cold in the winter time 冬天你的脚不冷吗? the sky won"t snow and the sun won"t shine 天不下雪,太阳也不会出来 it"s hard to tell the night time from the day 区分白天与夜晚也很困难 you"re losin" all your highs and lows ,ain"t it funny how the feelin" goes away? 你正失去对世事的兴趣,而那种兴趣离开的原因不是很可笑吗? desperado,why don"t you come to your senses 亡命之徒,你为何执迷不悟? come down from your fences,open the gate 别再自闭了,打开心门 it may be raining 或许会下雨 but there"s a rainbow above you 但你的头上会出现彩虹的 you"d better let somebody love you 你最好令别人爱上你 (let somebody love you) 令别人爱上你 you"d better let somebody love you 你最好令别人爱上你 before it"s too late 在为时已晚之前。  相关介绍  Eagles乐队的成名作就是其第二张专辑《Desperado》(亡命之徒)。这是一张建立在乡村乐基础上的概念专辑,以十九世纪末美国中西部的法外之徒为概念,包括几首他们最有名的歌曲。整张专辑大概讲述这样一个故事:1880年的美国西部,21岁的杜林-达顿(Dooling Dalton)由于误人歧途而触犯法律踏上吉凶未卜的征程。
2023-07-26 10:08:141


Desperado   desperado,why don"t you come to your senses?   亡命之徒,你为何执迷不悟?   you"ve been out-riding fences for so long now   你已经自闭了很久了   oh you"re hard one ,   喔,你是个固执的家伙   but I know that you"ve got your reasons   但是我知道你有你自己的理由   these things that are pleasing you can hurt you somehow   这些令你高兴的东西会伤害到你   don"t you draw the queen of diamonds boy   你怎么不去画一张方块皇后,男孩?(在美国,方块皇后代表暴力)   she"ll beat you if she"s able   如果有可能,她会打败你   you know the queen of hearts is always your best bet   你知道你最好的赌注一直是红心皇后。(红心皇后代表仁慈)   now it seems to me some fine things   现在,我眼中的好东西   have been laid upon your table   都放在你的桌子上   but you only want the ones that you can"t get   但是你只想要你拿不到的   desperado,oh,you ain"t gettin no younger   亡命之徒,噢,你已经不再年轻   your pain and your hunger   你的痛苦,你的饥饿   they"re driving you home   他们正带你回家   freedom,oh,freedom well that"s just some people talking   自由啊,自由,那只是人们的说法   your prison is walking though this world all along   你的罪恶正在独自蔓延到整个世界   don"t your feet get cold in the winter time   冬天你的脚不冷吗?   the sky won"t snow and the sun won"t shine   天不下雪,太阳也不会出来   it"s hard to tell the night time from the day   区分白天与夜晚也很困难   you"re losin" all your highs and lows ,ain"t it funny how the feelin" goes away?   你正失去对世事的兴趣,而那种兴趣离开的原因不是很可笑吗?   desperado,why don"t you come to your senses   亡命之徒,你为何执迷不悟?   come down from your fences,open the gate   别再自闭了,打开心门   it may be raining   或许会下雨   but there"s a rainhow above you   但你的头上会出现彩虹的   you"d better let somebody love you   你最好令别人爱上你   (let somebody love you)   令别人爱上你   you"d better let somebody love you   你最好令别人爱上你   before it"s too late   在为时已晚之前。
2023-07-26 10:08:221


Desperado 歌手:eagles Desperado, why don"t you come to your senses? You been out ridin" fences for so long now Oh, you"re a hard one I know that you got your reasons These things that are pleasin" you Can hurt you somehow Don" you draw the queen of diamonds, boy She"ll beat you if she"s able You know the queen of heats is always your best bet Now it seems to me, some fine things Have been laid upon your table But you only want the ones that you can"t get Desperado, oh, you ain"t gettin" no youger Your pain and your hunger, they"re drivin" you home And freedom, oh freedom well, that"s just some people talkin" Your prison is walking through this world all alone Don"t your feet get cold in the winter time? The sky won"t snow and the sun won"t shine It"s hard to tell the night time from the day You"re loosin" all your highs and lows Ain"t it funny how the feeling goes away? Desperado, why don"t you come to your senses? Come down from your fences, open the gate It may be rainin", but there"s a rainbow above you You better let somebody love you, before it"s too late亡命之徒-老鹰合唱团 亡命客啊 为何不回归你的本性呢 你脱离正常藩篱的日子已经够久了 喔,你真是个难缠的家伙 但我知道这其中一定有你抱持的理由 爽的同时 有时候也会踢到铁板的 ( 话说的好_水能载舟亦能覆舟 ) 方块Q不丢吗?小子 总有一天 你会栽在她手里的 另外红心Q一直都是你的好牌档 现在摊在桌面上的 对我来说算不错的啦 偏偏你就要去追求你所追求不到的那一桩 不要命的家伙 你已不再年少罗 痛苦和饥辘 会让你更快投胎早早回家吃自己的 自由,( 哈哈 )所谓的自由 那只是其他人说说罢了 而牢狱将会伴你渡过孤独余生哪 天际不再飘雪而阳光更不再普照 你的双脚在冬天不冷吗 分不清更说不明昼夜的差异 在丧失你所有的所有的时候 情感的远离与感受的散落 不觉得可笑吗 亡命之徒 为何不回归你的本性呢 破除你心中的象牙塔 打开心房吧 也许是阴霾满天雨丝纷飞 但{蓝波}的彩虹将会在你抬头的地方 你最好能与人为伍接受被爱 ( 与人为伍接受被爱 ) 你最好能够接受关爱 在...在....在... 还来得及的关头
2023-07-26 10:08:421

许志安&陈奕迅的《Desperado》 歌词

歌手:eaglesDesperado, why don"t you come to your senses?You been out ridin" fences for so long nowOh, you"re a hard oneI know that you got your reasonsThese things that are pleasin" youCan hurt you somehowDon" you draw the queen of diamonds, boyShe"ll beat you if she"s ableYou know the queen of heats is always your best betNow it seems to me, some fine thingsHave been laid upon your tableBut you only want the ones that you can"t getDesperado, oh, you ain"t gettin" no yougerYour pain and your hunger, they"re drivin" you homeAnd freedom, oh freedom well, that"s just some people talkin"Your prison is walking through this world all aloneDon"t your feet get cold in the winter time?The sky won"t snow and the sun won"t shineIt"s hard to tell the night time from the dayYou"re loosin" all your highs and lowsAin"t it funny how the feeling goes away?Desperado, why don"t you come to your senses?Come down from your fences, open the gateIt may be rainin", but there"s a rainbow above youYou better let somebody love you, before it"s too late
2023-07-26 10:08:491

Carpenters的《Desperado》 歌词

歌曲名:Desperado歌手:Carpenters专辑:HorizonCarpenters - DesperadoDesperado, why don"t you come to your senses?You been out ridin" fences for so long nowOh, you"re a hard oneBut I know that you got your reasonsThese things that are pleasin" youCan hurt you somehowDon"t you draw the queen of diamonds boyShe"ll beat you if she"s ableYou know the queen of hearts is always your best betNow it seems to me, some fine thingsHave been laid upon your tableBut you only want the ones that you can"t getDesperado, oh, you ain"t gettin" no youngerYour pain and your hunger, they"re drivin" you homeAnd freedom, oh freedom well,that"s just some people talkin"Your prison is walking through this world all aloneDon"t your feet get cold in the winter time?The sky won"t snow and the sun won"t shineIt"s hard to tell the night time from the dayYou"re losin" all your highs and lowsAin"t it funny how the feeling goes away?Desperado, why don"t you come to your senses?Come down from your fences, open the gateIt may be rainin", but there"s a rainbow above youYou better let somebody love you(let somebody love you)You better let somebody love youbefore it"s too late
2023-07-26 10:08:571

求高人 帮忙音译歌曲 desperado

2023-07-26 10:09:042


亡命之徒,你为何执迷不悟? 你已经将自己隔离在藩篱之外太久喔,你是个固执的家伙。但是我知道你有你自己的理由 但那些令你欢欣的事情总有一天会伤害你你不拿走方块皇后那张牌吗,男孩?(在美国,方块皇后代表暴力)若有机会她就会来攻击你你知道红心皇后一直是你最好的一张牌(红心皇后代表仁慈)在我看来现在这些好东西早已摆在你面前,但你却只要那些得不到的亡命之徒,噢,你已经不再年轻。你的苦痛,你的饥饿,它们正催促你的归程 自由啊,自由,那只是一般人的说法,独自行走天涯就是你的囚笼 冬日里你的双脚不感觉寒冷吗? 天空不下雪,太阳也不照耀,简直无法分辨白天或黑夜你的人生已一无所有,这种失去的感觉不是让人啼笑皆非?亡命之徒,你为何执迷不悟?走出你的藩篱,打开心门 外面也许在下雨,但彩虹就在你的天上最好开始接受别人的爱,以免为时已晚,事不宜迟相关介绍 Eagles乐队的成名作就是其第二张专辑《Desperado》(亡命之徒)。这是一张建立在乡村乐基础上的概念专辑,以十九世纪末美国中西部的法外之徒为概念,包括几首他们最有名的歌曲。整张专辑大概讲述这样一个故事:1880年的美国西部,21岁的杜林-达顿(Dooling Dalton)由于误人歧途而触犯法律踏上吉凶未卜的征程。
2023-07-26 10:09:112


2023-07-26 10:09:181

The Carpenters Desperado中文歌词?

2023-07-26 10:09:262


2023-07-26 10:09:343


Eagles乐队的成名作就是其第二张专辑《Desperado》(亡命之徒)。这是一张建立在乡村乐基础上的概念专辑,以十九世纪末美国中西部的法外之徒为概念,包括几首他们最有名的歌曲。整张专辑大概讲述这样一个故事:1880年的美国西部,21岁的杜林-达顿(Dooling Dalton)由于误人歧途而触犯法律踏上吉凶未卜的征程。
2023-07-26 10:09:521