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2023-07-27 21:01:43
TAG: 文言文

1. 文言版冰雪奇缘歌词翻译

let it go》文言文版《如释冰》The snow glows white on the mountain tonight霜辄夜白,日暮尽苍生远。

Not a footprint to be seen独游偶影江水寒。A kingdom of isolation山门内外蜃城孑然。

And it looks like I"m the queen王于冰雪定萧山。The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside风掣千刃,寒啸千载,慰我心安。

Couldn"t keep it in, heaven knows I"ve tried身得托沧海,血以荐轩辕。Don"t let them in, don"t let them see勿近勿探,阴翳犹在。

Be the good girl you always have to be纲礼持之,也堪念存心善。Conceal, don"t feel, don"t let them know昨日无常,今时无往,Well, now they know然,尽矣说。

Let it go, let it go我如风,任去留。Can"t hold it back anymore休将鸿鹄比伏囚。

Let it go, let it go我如虹,任天阔。Turn away and slam the door;且听狂澜度三秋。

I don"t care what they"re going to say毋言多,不敢同苟32313133353236313431303231363533e58685e5aeb931333335346131合。Let the storm rage on一霰风摊破。

The cold never bothered me anyway唯我,敢挑只身赴寒流。It"s funny how some distance makes everything seem *** all啼笑远烟皆邈末,屋舍俨若蚁蝼。

And the fears that once controlled me can"t get to me at all时维往矣不胜惶恐,今非彼可制我。It"s time to see what I can do.To test the limits and break through适于旦夕,何以为兮。

假我之力,惊刹天地。No right, no wrong, no rules for me谁是谁非,方圆无稽。

I"m free肆意行。Let it go, let it go我如风,任去留。

I am one with the wind and sky浩荡中天气无咎。Let it go, let it go我如虹,任天阔。

You"ll never see me cry初晴乍逢霁雨后。Here I stand and here I"ll stay驾寒宫,划地为楼,Let the storm rage on不惧风萧索。

My power flurries through the air into the ground力拔千钧气贯地,聚息摄魄冰。My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around灵动珠齑腾霜起,重于游丝轻于絮。

And one thought crystallizes like an icy blast花晶盘郁撷绮思,玉宇观飞惊。I"m never going back, the past is in the past过眼翻覆往昔,何必执于归去。

Let it go, let it go我如风,任去留。And I"ll rise like the break of dawn愿化羲和驱夜魔。

Let it go, let it go我如虹,任天阔。That perfect girl is gone无暇过隙便无踪。

Here I stand in the light of day驾寒宫,向阳高耸。Let the storm rage on一霰风摊破。

The cold never bothered me anyway唯我,敢挑只身赴寒流。

2. 文言版冰雪奇缘歌词翻译

let it go》文言文版《如释冰》The snow glows white on the mountain tonight霜辄夜白,日暮尽苍生远。

Not a footprint to be seen独游偶影江水寒。A kingdom of isolation山门内外蜃城孑然。

And it looks like I"m the queen王于冰雪定萧山。The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside风掣千刃,寒啸千载,慰我心安。

Couldn"t keep it in, heaven knows I"ve tried身得托沧海,血以荐轩辕。Don"t let them in, don"t let them see勿近勿探,阴翳犹在。

Be the good girl you always have to be纲礼持之,也堪念存心善。Conceal, don"t feel, don"t let them know昨日无常,今时无往,Well, now they know然,尽矣说。

Let it go, let it go我如风,任去留。Can"t hold it back anymore休将鸿鹄比伏囚。

Let it go, let it go我如虹,任天阔。Turn away and slam the door;且听狂澜度三秋。

I don"t care what they"re going to say毋言多,不敢同苟合。Let the storm rage on一霰风摊破。

The cold never bothered me anyway唯我,敢挑只身赴寒流。It"s funny how some distance makes everything seem *** all啼笑远烟皆邈末,屋舍俨若蚁蝼。

And the fears that once controlled me can"t get to me at all时维往矣不胜惶恐,今非彼可制我。It"s time to see what I can do.To test the limits and break through适于旦夕,何以为兮。

假我之力,惊刹天地。No right, no wrong, no rules for me谁是谁非,方圆无稽。

I"m free肆意行。Let it go, let it go我如风,任去留。

I am one with the wind and sky浩荡中天气无咎。Let it go, let it go我如虹,任天阔。

You"ll never see me cry初晴乍逢霁雨后。Here I stand and here I"ll stay驾寒宫,划地为楼,Let the storm rage on不惧风萧索。

My power flurries through the air into the ground力拔千钧气贯地,聚息摄魄冰。My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around灵动珠齑腾霜起,重于游丝轻于絮。

And one thought crystallizes like an icy blast花晶盘郁撷绮思,玉宇观飞惊。I"m never going back, the past is in the past过眼翻覆往昔,何必执于归去。

Let it go, let it go我如风,任去留。And I"ll rise like the break of dawn愿化羲和驱夜魔。

Let it go, let it go我如虹,任天阔。That perfect girl is gone无暇过隙便无踪。

Here I stand in the light of day驾寒宫,向阳高耸。Let the storm rage on一霰风摊破。

The cold never bothered me anyway唯我,敢挑只身赴寒流。

3. let it go文言文是谁唱的

冰雪奇缘主题曲, 《Let It Go》(译名:随它吧)是华特迪士尼动画工作室的2013年动画作品《冰雪奇缘》当中的主题曲,由罗伯特·洛佩兹和克里斯汀·安徒生-洛佩兹作曲作词。在电影冰雪奇缘中,伊迪娜·门泽尔为主角Els配音并配唱,而收录于《冰雪奇缘》官方音乐带里是迪斯尼歌手黛米·洛瓦托版的《Let It Go》[1] 。

2014年3月2日晚,《Let It Go》获得第86届奥斯卡最佳原创歌曲奖[2-3] ,伊迪娜·门泽尔在现场演唱了此曲[1] 。《Let It Go》在《冰雪奇缘》热映的同时也引发了全球翻唱热潮[4] 。

4. 冰雪奇缘主题曲的翻译

The snow glows white on the mountain tonight;今晚白雪在山上闪烁 Not a footprint to be seen;一个脚印没有 A kingdom of isolation;与世隔绝的国土 And it looks like I"m the queen;我就像是一个皇后 The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside;狂风咆哮得像我内心一样的纷乱 Couldn"t keep it in, heaven knows I"ve tried;不能再困住我的感情了,只有上天才知逆我已努力过 Don"t let them in, don"t let them see;不让他们走进来,不让他们看到 Be the good girl you always have to be;做一个好女孩,一直都要这样 Conceal, don"t feel, don"t let them know;掩饰、没有感觉、不要让他们知道 Well, now they know;好了,现在他们都知道了 Let it go, let it go;随心而行,随心而行 Can"t hold it back anymore;不能再抑制了 Let it go, let it go;随心而行,随心而行 Turn away and slam the door;转过身甩上门 I don"t care what they"re going to say;我不在乎他们会怎样说 Let the storm rage on;让风暴怒吼吧 The cold never bothered me anyway;寒冷再也不能烦扰我了 It"s funny how some distance makes everything seem *** all;可笑的是,距离令所有东西都变得渺小了 And the fears that once controlled me can"t get to me at all;一度箝制我的恐惧再也不能控制我了 It"s time to see what I can do;是时候看看我能够做什麽了 To test the limits and break through;试验我的极限和突破 No right, no wrong, no rules for me;没有对错,也没有规则规范我了 I"m free;我自由了 Let it go, let it go;随心而行,随心而行 I am one with the wind and sky;我与风与天同在 Let it go, let it go;随心而行,随心而行 You"ll never see me cry;你不会再看到我哭泣 Here I stand and here I"ll stay;我就站在这里,我留在这里 Let the storm rage on;让风暴怒吼吧 My power flurries through the air into the ground;我的力量激荡空气深入地下 My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around;我的灵魂随着四周的冰片盘旋而上 And one thought crystallizes like an icy blast;思想化为结晶如一阵冰风 I"m never going back, the past is in the past;我不会再回去,过去已成往事 Let it go, let it go;随心而行,随心而行 And I"ll rise like the break of dawn;我像旭日从地上冒起 Let it go, let it go;随心而行,随心而行 That perfect girl is gone;那个完美女孩已不在了 Here I stand in the light of day;我就站在日光之下 Let the storm rage on;让风暴怒吼吧 The cold never bothered me anyway;寒冷再也不能烦扰我了。

5. 冰雪奇缘的主题曲,中文版



随它吧 随它吧


白雪发亮 铺满我的过往




漫天飞霜 像心里的风暴一样

只有天知道 我受过的伤



躲在现实梦境之间 不被发现

随它吧 随它吧


随它吧 随它吧


悬崖上 让我留下

随它吧 随它吧


留一点点的距离 让我跟世界分离

曾经困扰我的恐惧 消失在我回忆

夜里冰冷的空气 我终于能呼吸

我留下自己的过去 抹掉眼泪的痕迹

随它吧 随它吧


随它吧 随它吧


悬崖上 让我留下

随它吧 随它吧


封闭生活 我生命的选择

别再找我 过去已经离开我


随它吧 随它吧


随它吧 随它吧


悬崖上 让我留下

随它吧 随它吧





随它吧 (Mandarin End Credit Version) - 姚贝娜


曲:Kristen Anderson-Lopez&Robert Lopez

6. 冰雪奇缘主题曲《Let it go》的中文谐音

Let it go let it go

tou yi sang qiang qi a na 头桑墙漆啊

Let it go let it go

na nen yi jie dao na lei 嫩已接类









漫游记码 颇有玖期满


啊木豆 内摩斯部


Let it go let it go

tou yi sang qiang qi a na 头桑墙漆啊

Let it go let it go

na nen yi jie dao na lei 嫩已接类



Let it go let it go










Let it go let it go

tou yi sang qiang qi a na 头桑墙漆啊

Let it go let it go

na nen yi jie dao na lei 嫩已接类



Let it go let it go


同啊 内撒木 偶ner没抗乔搜集

异界嫩 叹啦 藕节跟内噶啊nia

ner 掐骑马

Let it go let it go

tou yi sang qiang qi a na 头桑墙漆啊

Let it go let it go

na nen yi jie dao na lei 嫩已接类



Let it go let it go



Let it go let it go◆◆


7. 求动画《冰雪奇缘》(Frozen)的主题曲《LetItGo》歌词的全文翻译

Letitgo放手吧Letitgo放手吧Can"tholditbackanymore再也拦不住了Letitgo放手吧Letitgo放手吧Turnmybackandslamthedoor转过身甩上门Thesnowglowswhiteonthemountaintonight今晚冰雪白了整座山林Notafootprinttobeseen没有留下任何足迹AkingdomofisolationanditlookslikeI"mtheQueen这是个被隔离的王国看来我就是这里的王后Thewindishowlingliketheswirlingstorminside狂风咆啸著像是王国里袭卷的暴风Couldn"tkeepitin,heavenknowsItried再也挡不住了上天知道我尽力了Don"tletthemin,don"tletthemsee不能让他们进来不能让他们知道Bethegoodgirlyoualwayshadtobe必须当个好女孩就像以前一样Conceal,don"tfeel藏起来拒绝所有感受Don"tletthemknow不能让他们知道Well,nowtheyknow但现在他们知道了Letitgo放手吧Letitgo放手吧Can"tholditbackanymore再也拦不住了Letitgo放手吧Letitgo放手吧Turnmybackandslamthedoor转过身甩上门AndhereIstand,andhereI"llstay我就站在这我将待在这Letitgo放手吧Letitgo放手吧Thecoldneverbotheredmeanyway这寒冷对我而言不算什麽It"sfunnyhowsomedistance这很有趣当你保持距离Makeseverythingseem *** all每个事物看起来是如此苗小Andthefearsthatoncecontrolledme那曾掌控我的恐惧Can"tgettomeatall再也无法侵袭我了Uphereinthecoldthinair上升到冰冷稀薄的空中Ifinallycanbreathe我终於能呼吸了IknowleftalifebehindbutI"mtorelievedtogrieve我知道我失去了我过去的生活但我已不再为此难受Letitgo放手吧Letitgo放手吧Can"tholditbackanymore再也拦不住了Letitgo放手吧Letitgo放手吧Turnmybackandslamthedoor转过身甩上门AndhereIstand,andhereI"llstay我就站在这我将待在这Letitgo放手吧Letitgo放手吧Thecoldneverbotheredmeanyway这寒冷对我而言不算什麽StandingfrozeninthelifeI"vechosen我选择了这冻结般的人生Youwon"tfindme,thepastissobehindme你找不到我的一切过往离我太遥远Buriedinthesnow深藏在大雪之中Letitgo放手吧Letitgo放手吧Can"tholditbackanymore再也拦不住了Letitgo放手吧Letitgo放手吧Turnmybackandslamthedoor转过身甩上门AndhereIstand,andhereI"llstay我就站在这我将待在这Letitgo放手吧Letitgo放手吧Thecoldneverbotheredmeanyway这寒冷对我而言不算什麽。

8. 《冰雪奇缘》主题曲的中文意思是什么










































na na na…

随它吧随它吧oh… 随它吧



rage on什么意思

愤怒,激昂,澎湃,你说的是《let it go》的 let the storm rage on 吧。。。
2023-07-26 05:34:081

Free 男子游泳部主题曲

2023-07-26 05:34:153

rage on是什么意思?

2023-07-26 05:34:314


Free!片头曲片头曲OP「Rage on」 CD名 《RAGE ON》 发售日 2013年7月17日 售价 1,200日元 收录曲目 1、RAGE ON【动画OP】作词:YORKE./作曲:Ta_2/编曲:下畑"Rio"良介/歌:OLDCODEX(主唱:铃木达央)2、Now I am作词:YORKE./作曲·编曲:eba/歌:OLDCODEX(主唱:铃木达央)3、RAGE ON(Instrumental)Dried Up Youthful Fame CD名 《Dried Up Youthful Fame》 发售日 2014年7月30日 售价 1,200日元 收录曲目 1、Dried Up Youthful Fame【动画第二季OP】作词:YORKE./作曲:Ta_2/编曲:eba/歌:OLDCODEX(主唱:铃木达央)2、Abendsonne作词·作曲:YORKE./编曲:Gz/歌:OLDCODEX(主唱:铃木达央)3、Dried Up Youthful Fame(Instrumental)片尾曲片尾曲ED「SPLASH FREE」 CD名 《SPLASH FREE》 发售日 2013年8月7日 售价 1,300日元 收录曲目 1、SPLASH FREE【动画ED】作词:こだまさおり /作曲·编曲:渡辺泰司/歌:STYLE FIVE(岛崎信长、铃木达央、代永翼、平川大辅)2、Water Surprise!作词:こだまさおり /作曲·编曲:山口朗彦/歌:七濑遥(岛崎信长) ,橘真琴(铃木达央)3、SPLASH FREE -DJ Chika a.k.a Inherit REMIX-4、SPLASH FREE (OFF VOCAL)5、Water Surprise! (OFF VOCAL) FUTURE FISH CD名 《FUTURE FISH》 发售日 2014年8月6日 售价 1,300日元 收录曲目 FUTURE FISH【动画第二季ED】作词:こだまさおり /作曲:本田光史郎/编曲:本田光史郎·TAKAROT/歌:STYLE FIVE(岛崎信长、铃木达央、宫野真守、代永翼、平川大辅)OSTEver Blue Sounds2013年10月2日收录内容■剧中BGM  ■OPu30fbED主题歌 TVサイズ■EVER BLUE (TV12话ED)歌手:STYLE FIVE  作词∶こだまさおり  作曲∶加藤达也角色歌Vol.1 七瀬 遥Vol.1 七瀬 遥(CV.岛崎信长)发售日2013年8月7日收录曲01. アオノカナタ02. JOY03. アオノカナタ (OFF VOCAL)04. JOY (OFF VOCAL)Vol.2 橘 真琴Vol.2 橘 真琴(CV.铃木达央)发售日2013年8月7日  收录曲01. 未来へのストローク02. 潮风のfriendship03. 未来へのストローク (OFF VOCAL)04. 潮风のfriendship (OFF VOCAL)Vol.3 松冈 凛Vol.3 松冈 凛(CV.宫野真守)发售日2013年9月4日收录曲01. Break our balance02. Aqua Gate03. Break our balance (OFF VOCAL)04. Aqua Gate (OFF VOCAL)Vol.4 叶月 渚Vol.4 叶月 渚(CV.代永翼)发售日2013年9月4日收录曲01. FUN!!02. Sunny Soda Breeze03. FUN!! (OFF VOCAL)04. Sunny Soda Breeze (OFF VOCAL)Vol.5 龙崎 怜Vol.5 龙崎 怜(CV.平川大辅)发售日2013年9月4日收录曲01. DIVE&FLY02. 水中飞行论における多角的アプローチ03. DIVE&FLY (OFF VOCAL)04. 水中飞行论における多角的アプローチ (OFF VOCAL)七瀬遥&橘真琴对唱系列 Vol.1/七瀬遥(CV.岛崎信长)&橘真琴(CV.铃木达央)发售日2013年9月4日收录曲01. Always Here02. my base, your pace03. Original Drama~遥&真琴~04. Always Here (Off Vocal)05. my base, your pace (Off Vocal)对唱系列 Vol.2/叶月 渚(CV.代永 翼) & 竜ヶ崎 怜(CV.平川大辅)发售日2013年9月4日收录曲01. サマーハイテンション☆02. 夏の终わりの夕间暮れ03. Original Drama~渚&怜~04. サマーハイテンション☆ (OFF VOCAL)05. 夏の终わりの夕间暮れ (OFF VOCAL)对唱系列 Vol.3/ 松冈 凛(CV.宫野真守) & 竜ヶ崎 怜(CV.平川大辅)发售日2013年9月4日收录曲01. VISION02. GO ALL OUT!!03. Original Drama~凛&怜~04. VISION (OFF VOCAL)05. GO ALL OUT!! (OFF VOCAL)对唱系列 Vol.4/七瀬遥(CV.岛崎信长)& 松冈 凛(CV.宫野真守)发售日2014年3月19日收录曲01.REAL WAVE02.きっと忘れない03.Original Drama~遥&凛~04.REAL WAVE(OFF VOCAL)05.きっと忘れない(OFF VOCAL)其它Remix迷你专辑「リミックスu30fbミニアルバム」发售日2013年10月23日收录曲01. SPLASH FREE -Boldo Remix-02. SPLASH FREE -DJ Chika a.k.a Inherit Remix-  03. SPLASH FREE -BOOBEE BROTHERS Remix-  04. EVER BLUE -acro jazz laboratories Remix-  05. Water Surprise! -Boldo Splash Remix-  06. Water Surprise! -yashigoren Remix-  07. Water Surprise! -王子マスター Remix-  08. EVER BLUE -Deep Deep Blue Remix-广播录音「イワトビちゃんねる」vol.1发售日:2013年8月21日パーソナリティ:岛﨑信长(七瀬 遥 役) , 铃木达央(橘 真琴 役)ゲスト:宫野真守(松冈 凛 役)收录内容01. Opening  02. Free! Talking!  03. Free! Training!  04. Free! Challenging!  05. Ending广播录音「イワトビちゃんねる」vol.2发售日:2013年9月25日パーソナリティ:岛﨑信长(七瀬 遥 役) , 铃木达央(橘 真琴 役)ゲスト:宫野真守(松冈 凛 役) , 代永 翼(叶月 渚 役) , 平川大辅(竜ヶ崎 怜 役)收录内容01. Opening  02. Free! Talking!  03. Free! Challenging!  04. Ending广播剧「岩鸢高校水泳部 活动日志1」发售日2013年8月21日收录曲01. とある日常の一コマ  02. 水着开発  03. もし彼氏にするなら? ~岩鸢编~  04. もし彼氏にするなら? ~鲛柄编~  05. 合宿  06. 渚と遥の出逢いの思い出  07. 鲛柄学园文化祭 ~伝统の冥土喫茶~广播剧「岩鸢高校水泳部 活动日志2」发售日2013年9月25日收录曲01. 渚と怜の开発シリーズ   02. 似鸟の同室日记u30fb4月   03. 遥の诞生日   04. 似鸟の同室日记u30fb7月   05. イカ祭り、リターンズ!   06. 似鸟の同室日记u30fb9月   07. 遥 vs 凛 カニ祭り顶上决戦   08. 似鸟の同室日记u30fb10月   09. 凛のお部屋访问   10. 似鸟の同室日记u30fb11月   11. 俺の妹がどこぞの男とデートなんてするわけがない   12. 似鸟の同室日记u30fb12月   13. 遥と真琴と兰と莲刀剑神域OP《IGNITE》(幽灵子弹篇)作词:Eir、小川智之,作曲:小川智之,编曲:Saku,歌:蓝井艾露第1话作为片尾曲使用。ED《Startear》(幽灵子弹篇)作词:春奈露娜、Saku,作曲、编曲:Saku,歌:春奈露娜百度百科搜就有了你很喜欢free和刀剑神域吗,我也是哎!O(∩_∩)O哈!
2023-07-26 05:34:391


OP Dried Up Youthful FameED FUTURE FISH
2023-07-26 05:34:485

let it go的歌词

The snow glows white on the mountain tonight,not a footprint to be seen. 今夜山中白雪发亮,四顾无人迹 A kingdom of isolation,and it looks like I"m the queen. 一个与世隔绝的王国,看起来我就像这里的女皇 The wind is howling like the swirling storm inside,couldn"t keep it in,heaven knows I"ve tried. 心绪激荡纷乱如咆哮风暴一样,难以安放,天知道,我已尽力 Don"t let them in,don"t let them see 不让他们进来,不让他们看见 Be the good girl you always have to be 仍旧努力做一个好女孩儿 Conceal,don"t feel,don"t let them know 努力隐藏,不去想,不让他们发现 Well,now they know 可是他们现在已发现 Let it go,let it go ,can"t hold it back anymore 放飞心灵,放飞心灵,不能再压抑 Let it go,let it go,turn away and slam the door. 放飞心灵,放飞心灵,转身将门砰然关闭It"s funny how some distance makes everything seem small 有趣的是距离使一切都变得渺小 And the fear once controlled me can never get to me at all 曾经攫住我的恐惧不再将我困扰 It"s time to see what I can do,to test the limits and break through 见证力量的时刻就要来临 No right no wrong,no rules for me 不分对错,没有戒律 I"m free 自由降临 Let it go,Let it go,I"m the one with the wind and sky 放飞心灵,放飞心灵,我与风和天空同在 Let it go,Let it go,you"ll never see me cry 放飞心灵,放飞心灵,不再哭泣 Here I stand and here I stay. 我站在这里,属于这片土地 Let the storm rage on. 让风暴肆虐
2023-07-26 05:35:031

超人归来韩国综艺2015里面的英文歌曲 歌词let it go

The snow glows white on the mountain tonight;今晚白雪在山上闪烁Not a footprint to be seen;一个脚印没有A kingdom of isolation;与世隔绝的国土And it looks like I"m the queen;我就像是一个皇后The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside;狂风咆哮得像我内心一样的纷乱Couldn"t keep it in, heaven knows I"ve tried;不能再困住我的感情了,只有上天才知逆我已努力过Don"t let them in, don"t let them see;不让他们走进来,不让他们看到Be the good girl you always have to be;做一个好女孩,一直都要这样Conceal, don"t feel, don"t let them know;掩饰、没有感觉、不要让他们知道Well, now they know;好了,现在他们都知道了Let it go, let it go;随心而行,随心而行Can"t hold it back anymore;不能再抑制了Let it go, let it go;随心而行,随心而行Turn away and slam the door;转过身甩上门I don"t care what they"re going to say;我不在乎他们会怎样说Let the storm rage on;让风暴怒吼吧The cold never bothered me anyway;寒冷再也不能烦扰我了It"s funny how some distance makes everything seem small;可笑的是,距离令所有东西都变得渺小了And the fears that once controlled me can"t get to me at all;一度箝制我的恐惧再也不能控制我了It"s time to see what I can do;是时候看看我能够做什麼了To test the limits and break through;试验我的极限和突破No right, no wrong, no rules for me;没有对错,也没有规则规范我了I"m free;我自由了Let it go, let it go;随心而行,随心而行I am one with the wind and sky;我与风与天同在Let it go, let it go;随心而行,随心而行You"ll never see me cry;你不会再看到我哭泣Here I stand and here I"ll stay;我就站在这里,我留在这里Let the storm rage on;让风暴怒吼吧My power flurries through the air into the ground;我的力量激荡空气深入地下My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around;我的灵魂随着四周的冰片盘旋而上And one thought crystallizes like an icy blast;思想化为结晶如一阵冰风I"m never going back, the past is in the past;我不会再回去,过去已成往事Let it go, let it go;随心而行,随心而行And I"ll rise like the break of dawn;我像旭日从地上冒起Let it go, let it go;随心而行,随心而行That perfect girl is gone;那个完美女孩已不在了Here I stand in the light of day;我就站在日光之下Let the storm rage on;让风暴怒吼吧The cold never bothered me anyway;寒冷再也不能烦扰我了!
2023-07-26 05:35:311


1. 古文版《letitgo》歌词 霜辄(zhé)夜白,日暮尽苍生远。 独游偶影江水寒。 山门内外蜃(shèn)城孑(jié)然。 王于冰雪定萧山。 风掣(chè)千刃,寒啸千载,慰我心安。 身得托沧海,血以荐轩辕。 勿近勿探,阴翳(yì)犹在。 纲礼持之,也堪念存心善。 昨日无常,今时无往, 然,尽矣说。 我如风,任去留。 休将鸿鹄(hóng hú)比伏囚。 我如虹,任天阔。 且听狂澜度三秋。 毋(wú)言多,不敢同苟合。 一霰(xiàn)风摊破。 唯我,敢挑只身赴寒流。 啼笑远烟皆邈(miǎo)末,屋舍俨(yǎn)若蚁蝼。 时维往矣不胜惶恐,今非彼可制我。 适于旦夕,何以为兮。假我之力,惊刹天地。 谁是谁非,方圆无稽。 肆意行。 我如风,任去留。 浩荡中天气无咎(jiù)。 我如虹,任天阔。 初晴乍逢霁(jì)雨后。 驾寒宫,划地为楼, 不惧风萧索。 力拔千钧气贯地,聚息摄魄冰。 灵动珠齑(jī)腾霜起,重于游丝轻于絮。 花晶盘郁撷(xié)绮(qǐ)思,玉宇观飞惊。 过眼翻覆往昔,何必执于归去。 我如风,任去留。 愿化羲和驱夜魔。 我如虹,任天阔。 无暇过隙便无踪。 驾寒宫,向阳高耸。 一霰(xiàn)风摊破。 唯我,敢挑只身赴寒流。 2. letitgo文言文版的作者是谁如释冰 作词:棉里 ;是一个网络填词人。 曲:Robert Lopez 词:Kristen Anderson-Lopez翻词:棉里 翻编曲:棉里翻唱:许晓云录制:棉里The snow glows white on the mountain tonight霜辄夜白,日暮尽苍生远。 Not a footprint to be seen独游偶影江水寒。 A kingdom of isolation山门内外蜃城孑然。And it looks like I"m the queen王于冰雪定萧山。 The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside风掣千刃,寒啸千载,慰我心安。Couldn"t keep it in, heaven knows I"ve tried身得托沧海,血以荐轩辕。 Don"t let them in, don"t let them see勿近勿探,阴翳犹在。Be the good girl you always have to be纲礼持之,也堪念存心善。 Conceal, don"t feel, don"t let them know昨日无常,今时无往,Well, now they know然,尽矣说。 Let it go, let it go我如风,任去留。 Can"t hold it back anymore休将鸿鹄比伏囚。Let it go, let it go我如虹,任天阔。 Turn away and slam the door;且听狂澜度三秋。I don"t care what they"re going to say毋言多,不敢同苟合。 Let the storm rage on一霰风摊破。The cold never bothered me anyway唯我,敢挑只身赴寒流。 It"s funny how some distance makes everything seem *** all啼笑远烟皆邈末,屋舍俨若蚁蝼。 And the fears that once controlled me can"t get to me at all时维往矣不胜惶恐,今非彼可制我。 It"s time to see what I can do。 To test the limits and break through适于旦夕,何以为兮。 假我之力,惊刹天地。No right, no wrong, no rules for me谁是谁非,方圆无稽。 I"m free肆意行。Let it go, let it go我如风,任去留。 I am one with the wind and sky浩荡中天气无咎。 Let it go, let it go我如虹,任天阔。 You"ll never see me cry初晴乍逢霁雨后。Here I stand and here I"ll stay驾寒宫,划地为楼,Let the storm rage on不惧风萧索。 My power flurries through the air into the ground力拔千钧气贯地,聚息摄魄冰。My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around灵动珠齑腾霜起,重于游丝轻于絮。 And one thought crystallizes like an icy blast花晶盘郁撷绮思,玉宇观飞惊。I"m never going back, the past is in the past过眼翻覆往昔,何必执于归去。 Let it go, let it go我如风,任去留。And I"ll rise like the break of dawn愿化羲和驱夜魔。 Let it go, let it go我如虹,任天阔。 That perfect girl is gone无暇过隙便无踪。 Here I stand in the light of day驾寒宫,向阳高耸。Let the storm rage on一霰风摊破。 The cold never bothered me anyway唯我,敢挑只身赴寒流。 3. 阅读下面的文言文,完成下面小题胡叟,字伦许,安定临泾人也世有 【答案】【小题1】A。 【小题2】 B。【小题3】D。 【小题4】其述前载||无违旧美||叙中世||有协时事||而未及鄙黩||人皆奇其才||畏其笔【小题5】(1)于是(他)来到长安观察风俗民情,不露姓名,隐藏行踪,害怕别人看见并认出。(2)我为德行而请命,拿钱财干什么? 【答案解析】【小题1】屈:屈服。 例如:富贵不能淫,贫贱不能移,威武不能屈,此之谓大丈夫。【小题2】而:皆为连词,连接状语和中心词。 【小题3】 “但因恃才傲物,言行偏激,得罪了京兆尹韦祖思,以致仕途受阻,一生坎坷。” 与原文“叟孤飘坎壈,未有仕路”不合。 【小题4】略【小题5】见译文胡叟,字叫伦许,是安定临泾人。 他的上代有做官之人,(他的姓)是西夏大姓。 胡叟小时候很聪明,年近十三岁,辨析疑难解释事理,在乡国闻名,他心里所领悟的(事理),同成年人辩驳,很少有被折服(的时候)。他所学的知识没有经过名师传授,友人劝他,胡叟说:“先圣的言论,精义传神的地方,它只有《易》吗?(我)还是认为值得思考的地方过半。 末世迂腐的读书人,略微转变刚柔的地位,哪里有探索深奥的道理没有征兆的呢?接近真理的精义,不一定在今世了。”等到他博览群书,再次用眼睛精读,都能在口中背诵出来。 (胡叟)喜欢写文章,既善于写典雅的词句,又精通通俗的词句。因为姚政将衰,于是(他)来到长安观察风俗民情,不露姓名,隐藏行踪,害怕别人看见并认出。 当时的京兆尹韦祖思,很少读典章,蔑视当时的人,知道胡叟到此地,宣召他与他见面。祖思像平常对待一般的读书人那样,招待胡叟很轻慢。 胡叟略微与祖思说了几句天气冷热的话,就拂衣而出来了。祖思坚决挽留胡叟,说:“正想同你谈论天人的时候,为什么急匆匆地要回去呢?”胡叟回答说:“谈论天人的人大概消亡很久了,同你互相了解,何必像这样夸耀自己啊。 ”于是不落坐就离开了。到了主人家,为韦、杜二族作赋,一夜就写完成,当时他年龄十八岁。 他的文章记述前人的记载,不违背旧美,叙述中世之事,有调和当时的事,然而不涉及轻贱侮慢之词。人们都以他的才华为奇,害怕他犀利的文笔。 世人还传诵他的文章,认为(他的文章)纯属玩笑不庄重。 胡叟孤身飘零困顿不得志,没有做官入仕的路,于是进入汉中。 刘义隆时梁、秦二州的刺史冯翊(yì)吉翰,认为胡叟是才士,对他相当地礼待。授予胡叟辅佐之职,不适合(胡叟)的志向。 没有多久,吉翰调往益州做官,胡叟随他进入蜀地,时常被豪俊所尊崇。当时蜀地的和尚法成,聚集带领僧兵,(人数)差不多达到千人,铸造丈六高的金像。 刘义隆憎恨法成聚众,将对他施加杀头刑罚。胡叟听到这件事,马上赶赴丹阳,开口申诉法成的好事,于是法成得以免罪。 又返回到蜀地。法成感激胡叟,赠送胡叟珍贵的物品,价值千余匹绸。 胡叟对法成说:“靠编织东西生活的是什么人,却能舍弃明珠。我为德行而请命,拿钱财干什么?”一点也不接受法成所赠的礼物。 补充:“纬”是“编”的意思。“萧”是蒿草的一种。 “恃纬萧而食者”就是指“靠获蒿编织东西为生的人”。“纬萧弃珠”有安贫乐道的意思。 “纬萧”典出《庄子·杂篇》,其中记载着这样一则故事: 人有见宋王者,锡车十乘,以其十乘骄稚庄子。庄子曰:“河上有家贫恃纬萧而食者,其子没于渊,得干金之珠。 其父谓其子曰:‘取石来锻之!夫千金之珠,必在九重之渊而骊龙颔下。子能得珠者,必遭其睡也。 使骊龙而寤,子尚奚微之有哉!"今宋国之深,非直九重之渊也;宋王之猛,非直骊龙也。子能得车者,必遭其睡也;使宋王而寤,子为齑粉夫!”或聘于庄子,庄子应其使曰:“子见夫牺牛乎?衣以文绣,食以刍叔。 及其牵而入于大庙,虽欲为孤犊,其可得乎!”翻译出来是:有个人拜见宋王,恩赐十辆车子,他用这十辆车子向庄子夸耀。庄子说:“河边有个家庭贫困靠获蒿编织畚蒉为生的人,他的儿子潜入深渊,得到价值千金的珍珠。 他的父亲对他的儿子说:‘拿石头来锤破它!这值干金的珍珠,一定在九重深渊驱龙的颔下,你能得到珍珠,定遇到龙在睡觉。 假使龙醒着,你还能得到什么呢!"现在宋国危机的深重,不止于九重的深渊;宋王的凶猛,不止于骊龙;你能得到车子,一定遇到他在睡觉。 假使宋王醒着,你就要粉身碎骨了!”楚国有人来聘请庄子。庄子回答使者说:“你见过祭祀的牛吗?披着纹彩锦绣,喂着饲草大豆,等到把它牵入太庙去,要想做只无人豢养的牛犊,怎能办得到呢!”。 4. 关于文言文与诗歌作粟粥待1、解释下列字的含义(1)既至(既)(2 1、解释下列字的含义(1)既至(既——已经)(2)于是乃释(乃——才,就)(3)举家号哭(举——全)2、仔细阅读文章,许允、许允妇、明帝各具有怎样的性格特征?许允——任人唯贤;许允妇——镇定自若、深明大义;明帝——明辨是非,善于纳谏.题金陵渡1、"潮落夜江斜月里,两三星火是瓜州"一句,将平常的渡口景色点染的饶有画意,请你用优美的语言描绘这个画面.一诗人站在小山楼上远望夜江,只见天边月已西斜,江上寒潮初落.落潮的夜江浸在斜月的光照里,在烟笼寒水的背景上,忽见远处有几点星火闪烁.2、这首诗抒发了作者怎样的思想感情?抒写了在旅途中的愁思,表现了自己心中的寂寞凄凉.。
2023-07-26 05:35:381


let it go《 冰雪奇缘》的主题曲
2023-07-26 05:35:462

求let it go的中文和英文版,带歌词,不要现场版。

2023-07-26 05:35:543


2023-07-26 05:36:183

暖暖的谐音 英文名字?

The snow glows white on the mountain tonight;今晚白雪在山上闪烁的四耨nou 阁楼四 外昂芒~特耐Not a footprint to be seen;一个脚印没有脑特 付普润~ 土逼CA kingdom of isolation;与世隔绝的国土饿king等么外~艘雷神And it looks like I"m the queen;我就像是一个皇后按 t 卢克斯莱 爱么(亏嗯)The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside;狂风咆哮得像我内心一样的纷乱的win 滴思号令来可迪斯 死我领 四多么因塞~~Couldn"t keep it in, heaven knows I"ve tried;不能再困住我的感情了,只有上天才知逆我已努力过苦等ki屁因 还问no子爱物踹~~~的Don"t let them in, don"t let them see;不让他们走进来,不让他们看到东特来den木因 懂来den木CBe the good girl you always have to be;做一个好女孩,一直都要这样逼的古德(狗儿) 呦喂死 还无土逼Conceal, don"t feel, don"t let them know;掩饰、没有感觉、不要让他们知道肯修懂fiu 懂来den木no~~~~Well, now they know;好了,现在他们都知道了外奥dei no~~~~~Let it go, let it go;随心而行,随心而行来地沟~~来地沟~~~~Can"t hold it back anymore;不能再抑制了看~后低白 可爱你抹~~Let it go, let it go;随心而行,随心而行来地沟~~ 来地沟~~~Turn away and slam the door;转过身甩上门特恩为按死来的(多儿)I don"t care what they"re going to say;我不在乎他们会怎样说爱动凯尔儿 我(迪儿)勾引图塞~~~Let the storm rage on;让风暴怒吼吧莱特四多 锐志昂The cold never bothered me anyway;寒冷再也不能烦扰我了的口耐窝包则米爱你喂~~-----It"s funny how some distance makes everything seem small;可笑的是,距离令所有东西都变得渺小了一次烦你好萨姆第四ten~四 (没课) 艾薇性C木四抹And the fears that once controlled me can"t get to me at all;一度箝制我的恐惧再也不能控制我了俺的fi儿万斯看臭的米 看该求米爱(特噢)~~~It"s time to see what I can do;是时候看看我能够做什麼了意思太土c 我特爱看度To test the limits and break through;试验我的极限和突破图太斯特的 厘米按布瑞克死如No right, no wrong, no rules for me;没有对错,也没有规则规范我了no乳癌 no肉 no入寺佛米~~~I"m free;我自由了爱么(福瑞)~~Let it go, let it go;随心而行,随心而行来地沟~~~来地沟~~I am one with the wind and sky;我与风与天同在爱慕玩wi则win 按的(私改) ~~~ (这句要读顺再唱)Let it go, let it go;随心而行,随心而行You"ll never see me cry;你不会再看到我哭泣有耐窝C米哭(乳癌)~Here I stand and here I"ll stay;我就站在这里,我留在这里(hi 儿)爱(私单)~~按~(hi儿)爱塞~~Let the storm rage on;让风暴怒吼吧莱特四多 锐志昂~~-----My power flurries through the air into the ground;我的力量激荡空气深入地下买泡饿服落瑞 司入地 艾饿淫图的 (故昂)~~~~My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around;我的灵魂随着四周的冰片盘旋而上买艘第四 白鹅岭 因腐肉zing发科的哦饿(如昂)~~And one thought crystallizes like an icy blast;思想化为结晶如一阵冰风按完 扫特 库瑞斯特 的来京四 来ging 来Z 不来~~死(这句也要读顺)I"m never going back, the past is in the past;我不会再回去,过去已成往事按耐我勾引百科 的帕斯 踢死阴霾配~~~~Let it go, let it go;随心而行,随心而行来地沟~~~来地沟~~~And I"ll rise like the break of dawn;我像旭日从地上冒起按奥乳癌子 来客的 布瑞克多Let it go, let it go;随心而行,随心而行来地沟~~~来地沟~~哦 哦哦~That perfect girl is gone;那个完美女孩已不在了带特(普额)飞科 (够儿) 第四刚~Here I stand in the light of day;我就站在日光之下(hi儿)爱(私单)~引得来恶妇dei~~~~~~~Let the storm rage on;让风暴怒吼吧莱特四多 锐志昂~~~~~~~The cold never bothered me anyway;寒冷再也不能烦扰我了!的口耐窝包则米爱你喂~~
2023-07-26 05:36:373


不这样做,不要求 对不起,我真的(真的) ,我无法完成,但我 我说不要不要不要去(有) 本人无意中japgosipeo你(不走) 我们爱爱情,然后是 如果你回去,我们像以前一样回到 为什么你不能说没有 不得不说请不要说这不是 我爱你也爱我,所以我认为到现在 她真的非常糟糕的坏女孩 你在这里我想这个理由的理由 您现在的位置疼痛 制止坏人谁真的爱我 现在停止(请停止) 现在,让我们mworageon人民热爱 不这样做,不要求 对不起,我真的(真的) ,我无法完成,但我 我说不要不要不要去(有) 本人无意中japgosipeo你(不走) 我疯了,疯狂的人(是)放牧放牧1 (是) 首先,我不相信 你真的不得不说,我不知道 (站) ,请马上停止的意思表示 (对不起)你的意思是没有更好的 (爱)没有告诉我 回来告诉我再次 (我疯了)我爱你 (我疯了) ,它现在已经结束 (我疯了) ,没有再次见到你 (不是您的)去你的生活 我们喜欢这首歌的旋律走向解体doelgeoni 是啊,请你告诉我,告诉我在哪里 你就能够真正naeopyido 不这样做,不要求 对不起,我真的(真的) ,我无法完成,但我 我说不要不要不要去(有) 本人无意中japgosipeo你(不走) 什么是地狱我做什么错事(什么) 我爱你一样,令人难以置信(难以置信) 现在你离开我你甘代(甘代)回 对不起,请不要再打电话 不要说,我真的爱 她不能谈论回交谈 我想我回去的会议之前 不要叫我现在再次chatjima 不爱我了我不认为 我是她唯一的 我爱你这么多,她没有太多 但她没有获得呼吁 我不想再次呼吁 不这样做,不要求 对不起,我真的(真的) ,我无法完成,但我 我说不要不要不要去(有) 本人无意中japgosipeo你(不走) 另一名妇女和生活美好的生活没有我 我会忘记我的生活
2023-07-26 05:36:451

有关at in on to of等介词的用法

in 1 [u026an]prep.1. 在…内;在…中;在…里面There is a pencil in the box.匣子里有一枝铅笔。He was standing in the room.他站在房间里。2. 在(某区域)…内;在…里in school在学校He lives in London.他住在伦敦。3. 在…之中The volcano is in eruption.火山正在喷发。The roses are in flower now.现在玫瑰正盛开。4. 从事(工作);在…方面to engage in trade从事贸易to be weak in English在英语方面不佳5. 穿着;戴着dressed in rags衣衫褴褛the man in the top hat戴着大礼帽的那人in uniform穿着制服a prisoner in irons戴着镣铐的囚犯6. 往;向(某方向)in this direction朝此方向in all directions四面八方7. 用to write in ink用墨水写to speak in English用英语讲话8. 在…期间in the 20th century在20世纪in summer在夏天in my absence在我不在的时间in his youth在他年轻时in the morning早晨9. 在…时间内;不到…的时间;在…之后It"s two o"clock. I"ll come in an hour."现在是两点钟,我一小时后来。"I"ll come and see you again in five days.过五天我再来看你。10. (表示事情进行或发生的方式) in fun 玩笑地11. (表示关系或比率)每Not one in ten of the boys could spell well.这些男孩中拼写正确的不到十分之一。12. (表示数或量) in great numbers 许多13. 在…方面;关于weak in judgment判断力差"The new generator is large in capacity, small in size and low in coal consumption."这台新发电机发电量大、体积小、耗煤量低。The two international companies are working in collaboration with each other in the development of new software.两家跨国公司在开发新软件方面相互合作。14. 处于…状态in a rage在愤怒中in a hurry匆忙地in love恋爱中15. 作为习惯用语:in all 总计;一共in that 因为adv.1. 在内2. 在家Is there anyone in?有人在家吗?My husband won"t be in until six o"clock.我丈夫要到六点钟才在家。3. 向中心点集中4. 时髦;流行adj.1. 在内的,内部的,生活在里面的2. 流行的,时髦的3. 小圈子的,小集团的n. the ins and outs (of sth.) 详情;细节 in 2 abbr. 英寸 (inch, inches) In symb. 〈化〉铟(indium)on [u0254n]prep. (= upon)(= upon)(= upon)(= upon)(= upon)1. 在…上sth. on the table在桌上的东西a ring on her finger她手上的戒指He stood on the clifftop looking out to the sea.他站在悬崖顶上眺望大海。The naughty boy sat on the edge of the fence dangling his legs."淘气的小男孩坐在栏杆边上,两腿悬空。"2. (悬挂、固定)在…上There is a list of our lessons on the wall.墙上有我们的课程表。3. 朝,向on my right在我右边to make an attack on the enemy向敌人进攻I"ll meet you on / at the corner of Smith Street and Main Road.我将在史密斯大街和湎洇路的十字路口与你会面。4. 关于a lesson on history历史课a book on breeding rabbits一本有关养兔的书5. 当…时候,在…时on Monday在星期一on October 1st在10月1 日6. 在…后立即Some magazines pay on acceptance, others on publication.一些杂志采用稿件后即付稿酬,另外一些则要到发表后才付。on thinking the matter over仔细考虑这件事之后On whose authority are you putting these posters here?你们得到谁的许可在这儿贴广告?The glass hit the corner of the table and broke on impact."玻璃杯碰到桌子角上,撞了个粉碎。"7. 以…方式;靠to travel on the ship乘轮船旅行They live on potatoes.他们靠吃马铃薯生活。8. 在…情况下;处于…状态on purpose故意地These officers are on leave.这些军官在休假。He went to Hong Kong on business.他到香港出差去了。The chief physician of the hospital is on circuit for most of the year.这个医院的主任医师一年中大部分时间都在作巡回医疗。adv.1. 继续着He worked on right through lunchtime.午餐时间他还在工作。The whole group worked on and on all night.全组人员连续不断地干了个通宵。2. 更远地;再向前地Time is getting on.时间渐晚。Shall we go on?我们继续向前吗?3. 开;处于工作状态中Switch the radio on.打开收音机。Put the alarm clock on for 7 o"clock.把闹钟拨到七点。4. 固定上to sew the button on钉钮扣5. (时钟)拨前地习惯用语:not on 不可能You can"t refuse now — it"s just not on!你现在不能拒绝,这是不可能的!adj.1. 开着的Is the gas on?煤气开着吗?The radio"s on but it isn"t working.收音机开着,但不响了。Is the water / electricity on yet?自来水/电通了吗?2. 发生着的;正在进行中的A new film is now on.现在正在上映一部新的电影。Is the match still on?比赛还在进行吗?What"s on television tonight?今晚电视还有什么节目?What"s she on about now?她又在唠叨些什么了?to [tu028a, tuu02d0]prep.1. (表示方向)经,向He pointed to the clock.他指着那个钟。2. (表示目标)到…去Give the book to him.把这本书给他。The mayor intended to get to the bottom of the matter.市长打算将此事寻根究底。3. (表示程度)达到This will relieve pressure on the trains to some extent.这将会在一定程度上减轻对火车的压力。The bus service has been cut to the bone.公共汽车服务已经削减到了最低限度。4. (表示状态)趋于,倾向She sang the baby to sleep.她给孩子唱歌唱到孩子睡着。5. (表示结果)导致They feared that the mummy would fall to pieces when they cut it open.他们担心在剖开时木乃伊会变成碎片。Bring the soup to the boil.请把汤煮沸。Wait until the lights change to green.等到绿灯亮了再走。6. 贴着cheek to cheek脸贴脸7. 对着face to face面对面He wouldn"t dare say rude things about her to her face.他不敢当面对她出言不逊。8. 从…到count from 10 to 20从10数到20She works from two o"clock to ten o"clock.她从两点钟工作到10点。9. 给予I want a present to give to my wife.我要送我妻子一件礼物。10. (表示拥有关系)归于,属于the key to the lock这把锁的钥匙11. 与…相比,比The score was 9 to 5.得分是九比五。12. (表示数量与单位的关系)There are 100 pence to every pound.1英镑有100便士。13. 对…表示敬意drink to sb."s health为某人的健康干杯14. (指时间)在…之前;直到…为止5 to 4差五分四点To date we have received more than five hundred applications.到此时为止,我们已经收到了五百多份申请书。The committe have never heard the whole story to this day.至今委员会还从未听到整个事情的始末。15. (表示相对的位置)在to the north of England在英格兰的北方The village lies to the east of the woods.村庄位于树林的东面。16. 对于;关于What"s your answer to that?你对那件事的答案是什么?(a number) to (a number)(一个数目)到(一个数目);(数目)和(数目)之间;比较;比例in 10 to 12 feet of water水深10到12英尺It"s 100 to 1 he"ll lose.他百分之百会输。adv.1. 醒过来He didn"t come to for half an hour after he"d hit his head.他撞伤头后过了半小时才醒过来。2. 关上,关闭The wind blew the door to.风把门给吹关上了。of [u0254v, u0259v; (US) u0254u02d0f]prep.1. …的;属于…的the wall of the garden花园的围墙He is of a clinging sort.他是那种老要依靠人家的人。2. 由…制成的;由…组成 的a dress of cotton棉布衣服3. 包含的;容纳的a bag of potatoes一袋土豆a kilo of butter一公斤黄油4. 在其中;…之中的一部分several of my friends我的几个朋友one of them他们中间的一个5. …所着的;…所做的the shooting of the hunters猎人的狩猎the plays of Shakespeare莎士比亚的戏剧6. 那是…;…的a friend of mine我的一位朋友7. (表示动宾关系)做…the shooting of animals对动物的射击8. 与…有关联的the results of the experiment实验的结果9. 就是这个the city of New York纽约市10. 以…为题的;有关…的stories of adventure冒险故事11. 具有…性质的a woman of great charm妩媚的女人12. 与…的关系east of Suez苏伊士以东13. (和某些短语搭配)由于,因为a lover of good music爱好音乐的人He died of fever.他死于高烧。
2023-07-26 05:36:531

求taylor swift的the diary of me 中文歌词!!

I"m a laid back, t-shirt blue jean mood ring kind of girlHey yeah, but what"s the word on youLay low, I"m a mission rebel angel devilA little left of the middleSometimes I get temperamentalHere I am, an open bookTurn the page, it"s all the rageGet a look on the insideBut what you get is what you seeBaby you hold the keyTo the diary of me I"m poetry, complicated simply statedHey yeah, baby how about youI was born freeI"m a cell phone hippie, are you with meWhen I mess up I don"t get up I just get downHere I am, an open bookTurn the page, it"s all the rageGet a look on the insideBut what you get is what you seeBaby you hold the keyTo the diary of me It"s raining on SundayThere"s nothing on TV Yesterday was lonelyYou"re the only one who gets meMy mind is like an island drifting through the oceanI can"t stop thinking about youI bet you"re thinking of me tooHere I am, an open bookTurn the page, it"s all the rageGet a look on the insideBut what you get is what you seeBaby you hold the keyTo the diary of me Here I am, an open bookTurn the page, it"s all the rageGet a look on the insideBut what you get is what you seeBaby you hold the keyTo the diary of me
2023-07-26 05:37:144


我不知道四级作文是什么There are many factors that contributes to one"s success. one of the quality would be being strong. The strength of being strong plays an important role in helping a person succeed. Being strong means being courageous, being persistent, and hardwork.courage is a very valuable thing. people who has courage they take responsiblity and leads the team. they are the leaders and pioneers in the society because they are not afraid of making mistakes. They have the courage to face their failure but works until they succeed. people who have courage is also very confident and does not easily get intimidated by big challenge.people who are strong are very persistent. being persistent is not stubborness, though it inherits all the good side of stubborness meaning not giving up on challenges easily and not being knocked down by external forces easily. their motivation toward a goal does not easily diminish. Thus they will be a step closer to success than anyone else. (not done)
2023-07-26 05:37:243

听到一首英文歌歌词好像是呜呜呜,呜呜呜,just doing around that way我并不确定但是发音大概是这样急求

walk way
2023-07-26 05:37:334


2023-07-26 05:37:423


几乎每张地图都有一些故事的。太多了你可以补充提问我再告诉你,还有主城的名字也都很著名。技能的话每个职业都有自己的标志性技能,比如盗贼的潜行,开锁,法师的变羊,闪现,冰箱,吹风,奥爆(我玩法师比较多)骑士的无敌,光环,战士的冲锋,拦截,破釜沉舟德鲁伊的变形,牧师的治疗术,术士的地狱火,猎人的假死,陷阱,萨满的嗜血,图腾,死亡骑士的凋零等。只是依照个人感觉举例的啊,并不是很完全。专有名词的英文,国服的话英文并不多,输出职业建成dps,坦克职业建成T(tank的缩写)治疗职业直接就叫 奶或者治疗了。还有一些常用的,比如暂时不玩了就称自己已经 afk,副本简称用的比较多,比如打LK(巫妖王)的团队副本简称icc,红玉圣殿简称RS奥杜亚简称uld或者拼音ady纳克萨玛斯(打克尔苏加德)naxx十字军(打小强)toc70级的团队本,黑暗神庙(打伊利丹)BT,海山(打阿克蒙德)HS太阳井(基尔加丹)sw还有刷白鸡坐骑的副本魔导师平台简称PT = =!刷乌鸦坐骑的副本赛泰克大厅就叫stk60级团队本,熔火之心(一般都去刷风头做风剑)MC。这些就是平时经常提到的副本和缩写。
2023-07-26 05:37:522

翻译英文 lose yourself

2023-07-26 05:38:026

最经典的100首摇滚 国外的。

2023-07-26 05:38:195


Despair BillyVocals: Maximum the HormoneLyrics: Maximum the RyoComposition: Maximum the RyoEternally depressed on this one pageA fleeting strategy in those eyesWithout even an appeal, evil becomes law and will connect to prisonA deadly poison in my notebook; I embrace fear in carnal desiresThe drool at the delusion of a great lie is incessantJudgment; to prate about generalizing crimesDo you know who is the plan of breakthroughs and such?Acquittal worldPunishment wordThe heat to be gained is exactly the “death pirates”It compensates for the law gameDespair the BillyC"mon, moralsGo on, the unstoppable EraserRainDespair the BillyC"mon, moralsGo on, the unstoppable EraserRainThe unstoppable EraserRainThe reddened song of destructionWon"t it end?Since when has it been half-noise?Didn"t “that” lurk and fell in the world?Who will rewrite the filths of the world?This lower domain that stirs in the chain of annihilationMaster, extermination, the suicide bombing of destinyAcquittal worldPunishment wordThe heat to be gained is exactly the “death pirates”It compensates for the law gameDespair the BillyC"mon, moralsGo on, the unstoppable EraserRainDespair the BillyC"mon, moralsGo on, the unstoppable EraserRainThe unstoppable EraserRainLove, comparison of intelligence, tensionAn egotistically bent sadistThe iron hammer of fragments of wicked thoughtsLife being robbed awayIt"s saturated with heinous people; kill the criminals immediatelyVerdict! “Human rights”, “cases”, “hatred”, spread viscera for repentanceWhy does the god of death chuckle over the consequence?Truth, everyone can"t know about its sorrow“KILA”We are the “KILA”My name is “KILA”Even your “KILA”“KILA”We are the “KILA”My name is “KILA”Even your “KILA”Above, there"s the scene of bloodshed of a dark funeral; truth discussion PEACEError, chagrin, pitiful for many tens of millenniaAbove, there"s the scene of bloodshed of a dark funeral; truth discussion PEACEError, chagrin, pitiful for many tens of millenniaRage, turbulent times, the pain in despairDespair the BillyC"mon, moralsGo on, the unstoppable EraserRainDespair the BillyC"mon, moralsGo on, the unstoppable EraserRainThe Bloody of my Dancin" heartLove, its thunderous tone color is rawThe Bloody of my Dancin" heartLove, its thunderous tone color is rawIt"s an unstoppable destiny, a chain racePS: 演唱者 Maximum the Hormone (マキシマム ザ ホルモン) 是日本男子乐队
2023-07-26 05:39:321


OP1「around the world」歌:move OP2「BREAK IN2 THE NITE」歌:moveED1「Rage your dream」歌:move ED2「奇迹の蔷薇(キセキノハナ)」歌:Galla「头文字D Second Stage」OP「Blazin" Beat」歌:move ED「キミがいる」歌:Galla 「头文字D Fourth Stage」 OP1「DOGFIGHT」歌:moveOP2「Noizy Tribe」歌:move ED1「Blast My Desire」歌:move ED2「Nobody reason~ノアの方舟」歌:move插曲!《头文字D》 1、「究极のとうふ屋ドリフト」 SPACE BOY / DAVE RODGERS ——→(歌曲名/歌手) NO ONE SLEEP IN TOKYO / EDO BOYS 2、「リベンジ宣言!ほえるターボ」 BE MY BABE / JILLY REMEMBER ME / LESLIE PARRISH SPARK IN THE DARK / MAN POWER 3、「ダウンヒルスペシャリスト登场」 DON"T STOP THE MUSIC / LOU GRANT 4、「交流戦突入!」 DANCE AROUND THE WORLD / DELTA QUEENS GET ME POWER / MEGA NRG MAN RUNNING IN THE 90"S / MAX COVERI 5、「决着!ドッグファイト!」 HEARTBEAT / NATHALIE BREAK THE NIGHT / TOMMY K BACK ON THE ROCKS / MEGA NRG MAN 6、「新たなる挑戦者」 BACK ON THE ROCKS / MEGA NRG MAN 7、「走り屋のプライド」 BACK ON THE ROCKS / MEGA NRG MAN SAVE ME / LESLIE PARRISH 8、「タイムアップ寸前!」 MY ONLY STAR / SUSAN BELL 9、「限界バトル!ハチロク VS GT-R」 Rage your dream / move(インストゥルウメンタル) RUNNING IN THE 90"S / MAX COVERI BACK ON THE ROCKS / MEGA NRG MAN BURNING UP FOR YOU / SARA 10、「爆裂!5连ヘアピン」 HEARTBEAT / NATHALIE LONELY LOVE / SOPHIE 11、「デンジャラス慎吾登场!」 NIGHT FEVER / DAVE RODGERS & MEGA NRG MAN DANCING / VICKY VALE 12、「FR杀しのデスマッチ!」 LOVE & MONEY / ZA-ZA DANCING / VICKY VALE 13、「イツキの初デート」 DANCING / VICKY VALE ROCK IT DOWN / move 14、「进化するドリフトの天才!」 DON"T STAND SO CLOSE / DR.LOVE DANCING QUEEN / KING & QUEEN 15、「拓海u30fb怒涛の激走!」 I NEED YOUR LOVE / DAVE SIMON World of move / move Rage your dream / move over drive / move See you, my best love / move 16、「碓氷峠のエンジェル」 この回では何も使われていません。 17、「サドンデスu30fbデスマッチ」 LOVE IS IN DANGER / PRISCILLA MAYBE TONITE / NORMA SHEFFIELD 18、「热风!激走!碓氷峠」 LOST INTO THE NIGHT / ELISA STAY / VICTORIA WINGS OF FIRE / MAKO & SAYUKI 19、「决着!スーパードリフト」 EVERYBODY"S WARMING / TENSION WINGS OF FIRE / MAKO & SAYUKI 20、「ジu30fbエンドu30fbオブu30fbサマー」 Wanna fly to be wild / move Rage your dream / move 21、「スーパースターからの挑戦状」 SATURDAY NIGHT FEVER / DAVE RODGERS 22、「激闘!ヒルクライム」 LOVE & MONEY / ZA-ZA ONE NIGHT IN ARABIA / GO GO GIRLS 23、「雨のダウンヒルバトル」 ROCK IT DOWN / move NIGHT OF FIRE / NIKO past days ~追忆 / move World of move / move 24、「赤城の白い彗星!」 SAVE ME / LESLIE PARRISH Bust the future wall / move 25、「决戦!ラストバトル」 Bust the future wall / move World of move / move BOOM BOOM JAPAN / DAVE RODGERS BLACK OUT / OVERLOAD 26、「新ダウンヒル伝说!」(最终回) NIGHT & DAY / MR.GROOVE BEAT OF THE RISING SUN / DAVE RODGERS take me higher / move 《头文字D Second Stage》1、「掟やぶりのスーパーウェポン!」 BURNING DESIRE / MEGA NRG MAN 2、「ランエボ军団、秋名出撃!」 100 / DAVE RODGERS 3、「败北の予感」 MIKADO / DAVE MC LOUD 100 / DAVE RODGERS I LOVE YOU LIKE YOU ARE / VALENTINA 4、「燃えない胜利」 MAKE MY DAY / DERRECK SIMONS TAKE MY SOUL / MICKEY B. EVER AND EVER / QUEEN OF TIMES 5、「破灭へのカウントダウン」 SPEEDY SPEED BOY / MARKO POLO DON"T YOU (FORGET ABOUT MY LOVE) / SOPHIE 6、「さようならハチロク」 GOODBYE YELLOW BRICK ROAD / WAIN L 7、「赤城バトル 白と黒の闪光!」 MAKE MY DAY / DERRECK SIMONS 8、「そのクルマ 凶暴につき」 STATION TO STATION / DERRECK SIMONS 9、「ニューハチロク诞生」 BIG IN JAPAN / ROBERT PATTON 10、「宣戦布告ハチロクターボ!」 この回では何も使われていません 11、「封印は解き放たれた」 この回では何も使われていません 12、「ハチロク VS ハチロク 魂のバトル」 GIMME THE NIGHT / DAVE McLOUD MAKE UP YOUR MIND / WAIN L 13、「移りゆく季节の中で」(最终回) GRAND PRIX / MEGA NRG MAN DEJA VU / DAVE RODGERS 《头文字D Fourth Stage》 1、「プロジェクトD」 LET"S GO, COME ON / MANUEL 2、「全开!ダウンヒルバトル」 GO BEAT CRAZY / FASTWAY WE"LL SEE HEAVEN / DIGITAL PLANET 3、「东堂塾最强の男」 THE FIRE"S ON ME / SPOCK 4、「二つのアドバイス」 SPEED CAR / D-TEAM REVOLUTION / FASTWAY 5、「胜利へのスタートライン」 GIVE ME YOUR LOVE / dino starr NIGHT TRIP / SylverR 6、「ブラインドu30fbアタック」 DON"T GO BABY / maiko ALL AROUND / Lia SECRET LOVE / Nutty FOREVER YOUNG / SYMBOL SKY HIGH / Lia 7、「岚のハチゴーターボ」 SUPERTONIC LADY(SUPERSONIC) / MEGA NRG MAN MIDNIGHT LOVER / DUSTY 8、「运命のFDバトル」 FLY AWAY / DIGITAL PLANET RIGHT NOW / DARK ANGELS 9、「恭子の告白」 POWER OF SOUND / ACE 10、「崎玉エリア最终兵器」 STEEL BLADE / JEAN LOVE 11、「雨のダウンヒル」 TOKYO LIGHTS / ACE DRIVIN" CRAZY / ACE RASING HELL / FASTWAY 12、「葛藤のストレート」 MOVIN" UP MOVING NOW / JEAN LOVE ON MY WINGS / MANUEL I BELIEVE IN LOVIN"YOU / BRAIN ICE WHAT YOU NEED / MANUEL 13、「モチベーション」 WILD REPUTATION 2005 / DAVE RODGERS I WANNA BE THE NIGHT / CHRIS T 14、「悲しきロンリードライバー」 GET THE FUTURE / maiko 15、「4WDコンプレックス」 NO CONTROL / MANUEL 16、「怒りのヒルu30fbクライム」 BLOOD AND FIRE / POWERFUL T. KINGO KING"O BEAT / FASTWAY I JUST WANNA CALL YOU NOW / NORMA SHEFFIELD 17、「崎玉エリア最终决戦」 MISSION IMPOSSIBLE / NICK MANSELL FLY IN THE SKY / KAREN 18、「ラストu30fbドライブ」 円 -MADOKA- / SaGa 19、「ゴッドフットとゴッドアーム」 CITY LOVER CITY RIDER / MATT LAND 20、「超绝GT-R!」 GO GO MONEY(FRIDAY NIGHT Ver.) / NEO BACK ON THE ROCKS / MEGA NRG MAN SO FRAGILE / PAMSY 21、「ドッグファイト」 LOOKA BOMBA / GO 2 BACK ON THE ROCKS / MEGA NRG MAN RIDER OF THE SKY / ACE 22、「ワンハンドステアの魔术」 STOP TO GIVE UP / EUROFUNK 23、「エンドレスバトル」 ELDORADO / DAVE RODGERS CHEMICAL LOVE / KEVIN & CHERRY ALL THAT I WANT / MR.M 24、「终わらない挑戦」(最终回) LUCKY MAN / DAVE RODGERS TAKUMI / NEO Rage your dream / move
2023-07-26 05:39:413


『壹』 适合五六年级的全英文故事书 你可以选择看精简版本的,新华书店或者网上都搜所得到的,我个人觉得比较好的英文书籍有《呼啸山庄》《简爱》《傲慢与偏见》《哈利波特》《小王子》等等,想要提高阅读能力,增加阅读量是必然的,同时,如果你有条件的话,可以试着去看看改编的电影,练听力的同时还开拓了视野。 『贰』 英语寓言故事 必须原创 不要太长,小学五六年级水平 我怕在这儿打字,会发不出去。已经发给你三封消息了,是syzxxjcls发的,里面是答案,一定要采纳我啊!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 『叁』 英语小故事短文小学六年级 Just after class,a teacher asked to a student"Boy, why have you got cotton in your ear? Is it infected? You look very pain," "No, sir, but you just told me everything my a ear went in one ear and out. so I am trying to stop it." “孩子,你为什么用棉花塞住耳朵?它感染了吗?” “没有,老师。可是你昨天说你告诉我的知识都是一个耳朵里进,一个耳朵里出,所以我要把它堵在里面。” 选我吧,我打字很慢,不容易啊~ 『肆』 适合六年级小学生有趣的英语故事 我找了一些英语笑话,不知道适合不适合。我今年九月份读初一,这些都能看得懂,我想六年级的学生应该没什么问题。 (1)Bedtime Prayers Julie was saying her bedtime prayers. "Please God," she said, "Make Naples the capital of Italy. Make Naples the capital of Italy." Her mother interrupted and said, "Julie, why do you want God to make Naples the capital of Italy?" And Julie replied, "Because that/"s what I put in my geography exam!" 睡前祷告词 朱莉叶在做睡前祷告。“祷告上帝,”她说,“让那不勒斯成为意大利的首都吧。让那不勒斯成为意大利的首都吧。” 妈妈打断她说:“朱莉叶,你为什么求上帝让那不勒斯成为意大利的首都呢?” 朱莉叶回答说:“因为我在地理考卷上是这么写的。” 2.He Won Tommy: How is your little brother, Johnny? Johnny: He is ill in bed. He hurt himself. Tommy: That"s too bad. How did that happen? Johnny: We played who could lean furthest out of the window, and he won. 他赢了 汤姆:约翰尼,你小弟弟好吗? 约翰尼:他害病卧床了。他受了伤。 汤姆:真糟糕,怎么回事儿? 约翰尼:我们做游戏,看谁能把身子探出窗外最远,他赢了。 3.Drunk One day, a father and his little son were going home. At this age, the boy was interested in all kinds of things and was always asking questions. Now, he asked, "What"s the meaning of the word "Drunk", dad?" "Well, my son," his father replied, "look, there are standing o policemen. If I regard the o policemen as four then I am drunk." "But, dad," the boy said, " there"s only ONE policeman!" 醉酒 一天,父亲与小儿子一道回家。这个孩子正处于那种对什么事都很感兴趣的年龄,老是有提不完的问题。他向父亲发问道:“爸爸,‘醉"字是什么意思?” “唔,孩子,”父亲回答说,“你瞧那儿站着两个警察。如果我把他们看成了四个,那么我就算醉了。” “可是,爸爸, ”孩子说,“那儿只有一个警察呀!” 4.Tom: William has asked me for a loan of five pounds. Should I be doing right in lending it to him? Jack: Certainly. Tom: And why? Jack: Because otherwise he would try to borrow it from me. 汤姆:威廉向我借五英镑。我该不该借给他? 杰克:当然应该了。 汤姆:为什么? 杰克:否则他就该跟我借了 5.Good Boy Little Robert asked his mother for o cents. "What did you do with the money I gave you yesterday?" "I gave it to a poor old woman," he answered. "You"re a good boy," said the mother proudly. "Here are o cents more. But why are you so interested in the old woman?" "She is the one who sells the candy." 好孩子 小罗伯特向妈妈要两分钱。 “昨天给你的钱干什么了?” “我给了一个可怜的老太婆,”他回答说。 “你真是个好孩子,”妈妈骄傲地说。“再给你两分钱。可你为什么对那位老太太那么感兴趣呢?” “她是个卖糖果的。” 希望这些资料能对你有用. 『伍』 小学英语小故事(六年级) There was a man who had seven sons, but he had no daughter, greatly though he longed for one. At last his wife told him that they could again expect a child and, sure enough, when it was born it was a baby girl. There was great rejoicing, but the child was weak and puny, so weak that it had to be christened at once. The father told one of the boys to go quickly to the spring and fetch christening water; the other six ran along with him, and because each of them wanted to be the first to dip the jug into the well, it fell in and sank. So there they stood and didn"t know what to do, and none of them dared go home. When they didn"t e back their father got impatient and said:" I"ll wager they"ve been playing some game again and fotten all about it, the godless brats." He was afraid the little girl would have to die unbaptized, and in his rage he cried out:" I wish those boys would all turn into ravens." He"d scarcely spoken the words when he heard a whirring of wings in the air overhead, looked up and saw seven coal-black ravens flying away. 有个人,他有七个儿子,他很希望有个女儿,可是怎么盼也没有。好不容易,妻子又怀孕了。生下来一看,果然是个女孩。他们非常高兴。但是孩子太小,又非常虚弱,非得马上急救洗礼不可。父亲打发一个男孩立即到井台去打洗礼水,其余六个也跟着去了。在井台旁,他们都争着先打水,结果罐子掉进井里,沉了下去。他们不知道该怎么办才好,都真楞楞地站在那儿,谁也不敢回家了。父亲在家里等得不耐烦了,就说:“我敢说这些无法无天的孩子一定是贪玩,把打水的事给忘了。”他担心女孩子不经洗礼会死,就生气地大声喊起来:“淘气鬼,都变成乌鸦才好呢!”这话刚出口,就听到头顶有“吧哒吧哒”鸟儿拍打翅膀的声音。他抬头一看,只见空中有七只漆黑漆黑的乌鸦飞过去了。 The parents were unable now to take back the curse, and yet, grief-stricken as they were at the loss of their seven sons, they look some fort from their beloved little daughter, who soon got well and strong and became more beautiful with every day that passed. For a long time the little girl didn"t even know that she had had brothers, for her parents took care not to mention them, but one day by chance she heard some people talking about her. "The girl"s beautiful, of course," they were saying, "but she"s to blame really for her seven brothers" misfortune." This made her very sad, and she went to her father and mother and asked whether it was true then that she had had brothers and what had bee of them. So now it was no longer possible for her parents to conceal from her what had happened, though they told her that it had been God"s will and that her birth had only been the innocent occasion for it. But day after day she was conscience-stricken about it, and felt that it was her ty to free her brothers from the spell again. The thought gave her no peace, so in the end she left home secretly and went off into the wide world to try and trace her brothers wherever they might be, and rescue them at whatever cost. She took nothing with her but a ring belonging to her parents to remember them by, a loaf of bread for when she was hungry, a jug of water for when she was thirsty, and a little chair for when she was tired. 这咒语再也不能收回了,父母失去了七个儿子,心里非常悲伤,可是有了个可爱的女儿,看到她很快地结实起来,长得一天比一天漂亮,他们心里多少还得到一些安慰。女孩子一点也不知道哥哥们的事,父母也倍加小心,不提此事。可是,有一天她偶然听到人们议论说:“那女孩子,别看长得漂亮,她七个哥哥就是因为她才倒霉的。”女孩子非常难过,就去问父母:“我有哥哥吗?要是有,他们都到哪里去了?”这样,父母再也瞒不住了,只好说:“那是老天爷的安排啊!你恰巧生在那个时候。这可不是你的罪过!”尽管如此,女孩子每天仍感到痛苦。她想,她应该设法救哥哥们,使他们摆脱咒语。她再也不能平静了,于是,她悄悄地从家里溜出来,下决心不管遇到什么困难,不管到哪里,也得找到他们。她从家里只带了一只小戒指,是父母给她作纪念的;一块面包,是肚子饿的时候吃的;一壶水,是渴的时候喝的;还有一只小凳子,是疲乏的时候坐着用的。 She went on and on, further and further, till she reached the end of the world. There she came to the sun, but it was too hot and terrible and it devoured little children. Quickly she ran away and went to the moon, but it was too cold and it was grisly and evil, and when it noticed the child it sail:” I *** ell human flesh.” So she hurried off as fast as she could and came to the stars, and they were friendly and kind to her, and each of them was sitting on its own little chair. But the morning star got up and gave her a little chicken"s leg and said:” If you don"t have this chicken"s leg, you won"t be able to unlock the glass mountain, and inside the glass mountain is where your brothers are.” 小女孩上路了,她走啊走,走得远远直到天边。她走到太阳这里来。太阳非常热,又太可怕了,它要把小孩子大口大口地吃掉。她急忙跑开,又来到月亮这儿。可是,月亮太冷了,还特别残忍,心肠歹毒,一发觉孩子来了就说:“有人肉味了!”于是小女孩飞快地逃跑了。她来到星星这里。星星友好亲切,一个个都坐在各自的椅子上。一颗启明星站起来,给她一个小鸡腿说:“你的七个哥哥,都住在玻璃山上。你要是没有这只小鸡腿,就打不开那玻璃山的大门。” The girl took the leg, wrapped it up well in a piece of cloth, and set off again and went on and on until she came to the glass mountain. The gate was locked, and she tried to take out the chicken"s leg; but when she unwrapped the cloth it was empty, and she had lost the gift of the kindly stars. What was she to do now? she wanted to rescue her brothers, but she had no key to the glass mountain. The good little sister took a knife, chopped off one of her little fingers, stuck it in the lock and successfully opened the gate. When she got inside, a little dwarf came to meet her, saying:” My child, what are you looking for?” “I"m looking for my brothers, the seven ravens,” she answered. The dwarf said:” My masters the ravens are not at home, but if you would like to wait here till they get back, then e in.” Then the dwarf brought in the ravens" supper on seven little plates and in seven little cups, and the little sister ate a morsel from each plate and drank a sip from each cup; but into the last cup she dropped the ring she had brought with her. 小女孩接过鸡腿,小心翼翼地包在小布片里,又往前走。走啊走,好不容易走到了玻璃上。山门紧琐着。她想拿出小鸡腿来,可是,打开小布包一看,空空的。她把好心的星星的礼物弄丢了。怎么办才好呢?她想救出哥哥们,可是没有玻璃山的钥匙了。好心的小妹妹,拿出小刀,割下一个手指头, *** 门里去,门一下子就打开了。她走进去,有一个小矮人儿过来问:“我的孩子,你找谁?”“我找我的哥哥--变成七只乌鸦的哥哥们,”小女孩回答说。“我的主人--乌鸦都不在家,你要是等他们回家,就请进来吧!”小矮人儿或。然后,他端近来七个小盘子和七个小酒杯,里面装着七只乌鸦吃的东西。小妹妹把每一个小盘子里的东西都吃一点儿,把每一个酒杯里的酒都喝一口。最后,她在最后边的小酒杯里放进了她带来的小戒指。 Suddenly she heard a whirring and fluttering noise in the air, and the dwarf said:” Here e my lords the ravens flying home.” And they came, asked for food and drink and looked for their plates and cups. Then one after another of them said:” Who"s been eating from my plate? Who"s been drinking out of my cup? This must have been a human mouth.” And when the seventh of them had got to the bottom of his cup, the ring rolled out towards him. Then he looked at it and recognized it as a ring belonging to his father and mother, and said:” My God grant that our little sister is here; if she were, we should be freed from the spell.” The girl was standing listening behind the door, and when she heard him speak this wish she stepped out, and as she did so the ravens recovered their human shape. And they hugged and kissed each other and went happily home. 突然,她听到鸟儿拍打翅膀的沙沙响。小矮人儿说:“我的主人们飞回来了!”乌鸦飞来了,找到了他们的小盘子和小酒杯,又要吃的,又要喝的。乌鸦一个接一个地说:“谁吃了我盘子里的东西了?谁喝我小酒杯里的酒了?”“这一定是人嘴吃的!”第七只乌鸦喝酒喝到杯底的时候,小戒指滚到他嘴边来。一看见这只戒指,他明白了:这是爸爸和妈妈的戒指啊。他说:“上帝保佑我们,如果我们的小妹妹来了,我们可就得救了!”小妹妹站在门后,听到他的祝愿就走了出来。于是,七只乌鸦都恢复了人形,他们高兴地互相拥抱亲吻,然后回家去了。 『陆』 小学生六年级英语小故事 On the holiday, we went to Huangsang mountain (黄山)。 That place is very beautiful, because we saw a lot of high and strange trees. Huangshang is so great, it"s really high that people can touch the cloud. It seems you are flying when you are on the top of it. This tour is really great! I would like to go again. 在假期里,我们去了黄山。 那个地方真是好美啊,有很多很高很奇怪的树。 黄山太宏伟了, 它真是很高啊,高到就像能碰到云。 好像你在飞一样,如果你站在它的顶部。 这次旅游太好玩了。我下次还想去去。 =。= 放心使用吧(本人现居悉尼) 『柒』 五六年级的英语故事 A tiger is hungry. He sees a rabbit sleeping under a big tree.”What a fat rabbit! It must be yummy!” he walks to the rabbit. At that time, he sees a horse running across the forest. “it"s bigger than the rabbit. Let me eat the horse first, then e to eat the rabbit.” The tiger thinks and runs after the horse. But the horse runs faster and faster. The tiger is too hungry. He can"t catch it. When he es back, the rabbit runs away!At last, the tiger has nothing to eat. He"s cold and hungry! 一只老虎饿了,他看见一只白兔睡在大树下,“多么胖的兔子啊!一定美味!”他走向白兔,在这时候,他看见一匹马在森林中跑步,“他比兔子大,让我先吃马,然后再来吃白兔。”老虎一边思考一边跑在马后,但是马越跑越快。老虎太饿了,他不能追上他,当他回来时,白兔跑了!最后,老虎什么也没吃到。他很冷并且很饿。 追问: 我要三个 回答: 没有了 追问: 哦,算了吧 『捌』 求小学五年级的英语小故事 Bob is a bad child. He is always late for school and never does his homework.One day, his teacher called his mother. His mother was very surprised when the teacher said:" Bob was great today! He saved a little boy who fell into the water!" She was very happy. When Bob came home, she asked him:"why didn"t you tell me that you saved a boy?" Bob was not happy and said:" well, I had to save him because I pushed him in." 鲍勃是个坏学生。他天天迟到也从来不做作业。一天,他老师给他妈妈打电话,说:“鲍勃今天太棒了!他救了一个落水的小男生!”他妈妈十分高兴。当鲍勃回来时,他妈妈就问他:“你为什么不跟我说你救了一个落水的男生呢?”鲍勃不怎么高兴,说道:“我必须救他,因为是我把他推下水的。” 讲慢一点就能凑足3分钟的! 相信姐姐,英文绝对没有错误!加油把。应该够简单的吧。
2023-07-26 05:39:561

Part Of The Process 歌词

歌曲名:Part Of The Process歌手:Morcheeba专辑:Big Calm-= Morcheeba 《 Part Of The Process 》=-……杭州 > Pub 1991 < 棒儿……Angry faces, cursing loudChanging places, falling proudBehind the bomb, no one caresTime is money, Were taught to tearIt"s all part of the processWe all love looking downAll we want is some successBut the chance is never aroundHow can we show, how to feelSituation aint so realChopping wood wont stop the rageWe need targets on war we wage……杭州 > Pub 1991 < 棒儿……It"s all part of the processWe all love looking downAll we want is some successBut the chance is never aroundYou smash they grab til it"s goneAttempt to grow and fix undoneAnd I am the way it"s all to scaleWe"re all companions on which we sailIt"s all part of the processWe all love looking downAll we want is some successBut the chance is never aroundBut the chance
2023-07-26 05:40:031


叫做《献给海上遇险的人们》(for those in perli on the sea)Eternal Father, strong to save, Whose arm hath bound the restless wave, Who bid"st the mighty ocean deep Its own appointed limits keep; Oh hear us when we cry to Thee For those in peril on the sea. O Christ, whose voice the waters heard, And hushed their raging at Thy word, Who walkedst on the foaming deep, And calm amidst its rage didst sleep; Oh, hear us when we cry to Thee For those in peril on the sea. O Holy Spirit, who didst brood Upon the waters dark and rude, And bid their angry tumult cease, And give, for wild confusion, peace: Oh, hear us when we cry to Thee For those in peril on the sea. O Trinity of love and power, All trav"lers shield in danger"s hour; From rock and tempest, fire and foe, Protect them wheresoe"er they go; Eternal Father Strong To Save
2023-07-26 05:40:101

一段歌词 求精确翻译 谢谢!

I"ve been tryna figure out a way of what I wanna say 我一直尝试找出一种方式来说出我想说的But everytime I"m about to say it, my pride just gets in the way 但每当我要说出,我的自尊心就阻碍我But tonight that aint" the case, I came to say what I wanna say但今晚不管什么情况,我都要说出我想说的 My mind can think whatever, I promise I won"t obey不论我的思维能想到什么,我保证我不会服从 I"ve been fighting through the stress, tryna get if off my chest我一直在同压力抗争,尝试一吐为快But I guess, you"re the only who truly knows me best 但我猜,你是唯一也是最能真正了解我的人And we fighting every other day, but now it"s nothing new我们每天都在抗争,但现在一切了无新意It"s another typical day of the life of me and you这是生命中我和你之间特有的一天 Some things you just can"t fix, that"s the way it gotta be 有些东西你就不能修复,这是它存在的方式 So I put the blame on you, then you bring it back on me所以我对你的责备,你会同样再返还给我 Don"t you see that we throwing these problems up in a circle? 难道你没有看到我们把这些问题变成一种恶性循环了吗?And if we continue with it, our love will never go further如果我们这样继续下去,我们的爱将不可能走得更远 It"s the truth babygirl, don"t act like you don"t know这就是真理,我亲爱的女孩,不要表现出不知道的样子 Everybody else does, we easily let it show每个人都明白,我们只是让它表现出来 We holding on to something that we will know never last 我们抱着一种信念,不到最后我们将永远不会知道结局So maybe we should call it quits and just leave it in the past, what you think... 因此,也许我们应该放弃它,只让它留在过去,你又怎么想呢... VERSE TWO 诗二Been here for a while, feels like I"m stuck now 在这里已经有一段时间,感觉就像我现在被困住了This is the reason why I didn"t wanna settle down 这就是为什么我不想安定下来的原因 I know I love you, but love is so complicated 我知道我爱你,但爱是如此复杂 And now were both debating on something that love created 而且我们现在会在一些因爱而生的东西上不停争论But it"s so hard when you fall in love at such an early age但在这么早的年龄爱上将会面临艰难 Different girl, same story, you"re just scared to turn the page不同的女孩,同样的故事,你只是害怕翻开新的一页 So I break into a rage, fresh up outta the cage 所以我暴跳如雷,想呼吸笼外的新鲜空气I can"t even look at you, I got nothing else to say我甚至不能看着你,我也没有什么别的可说 You begging me to speak for at least 5 minutes 你求我多说一点,哪怕至少5分钟40 minutes go by and we still ain"t even finished40分钟到了,我们仍旧没有完成 What the hell do I do? To finally prove to you 我究竟在做什么?终于证明给你That there ain"t another man that will love you like I do有没有另外一个人,将像我这样爱你 You say you found another; I say I found another too你说你发现了另一个这样的人,我说我也发现了 But we both know deep inside that"s not really true但我们都知道内心深处,这不是真的 It"s only me and you, and nothing will come between us这只是我和你,我们之间没有任何阻碍So if it"s really love, I just hope we really mean it所以,如果这是真的爱,我只希望我们能拥有真心 VERSE THREE 诗三I try to hold in my tears, but I just cannot do it我尝试抑制我的眼泪,但我不能I know you ain"t worth it, but I am about to lose it我知道你不值得爱,但我也将失去它 Wait, what am I saying?! Cus baby you are worth it等一下,我在说什么?!宝贝,你是值得的 And people call us crazy but we like to call it perfect 人们说我们疯狂,但我们喜欢称之为完美One second I wanna kiss you, the other, I wanna hit you 这一秒钟,我要亲吻你,下一秒,我想打你 Lying, cheating, fighting, what couple don"t got issues?说谎,欺骗,打架,什么是夫妇间不存在的问题? I"m about to snap, and like magnets we attract突然地,我们像磁铁彼此吸引 But no matter how bad, we just keep on coming back 但是,无论情况多坏,我们还是会回来I promise that I"ve changed,我承诺我会改变 I promise I"m not the same 我承诺我将不同I can promise this that and that,我能保证这些,那些 But I know that I"ll never change但我知道,我永远不会改变 I can"t get away, I"m addicted to the pain我无法脱身,我沉迷于痛苦 You always made sure, I"ll never fall in love again你总是相信,我永远不会再次坠入爱河 You"re the pieces to my puzzle, you complete me so it seems 你是我的拼图,你将我成就为如此It was never my intention to smother you in my needs在我需要时扼杀你,这永远不可能是我的打算 The moral of the story, is I hope you understand 这个故事的寓意,是我希望你明白There" ain"t another man that will love you like I can不会另有一个男人,像我这样爱你
2023-07-26 05:40:291

求Rachel Chan - Lame这首歌歌词

Rachel Chan - Lame LyricsArtist: Rachel ChanAlbum: GoJealousy Modesty Tests in Biology Milk Curds F words Telling someone they"re a nerd Cocaines insane Getting High Wrecks your brain Its a dumb thing to do Along with Getting Drunk Being Dumb Trying hard to fall in love Skinny Jeans Harasee Too much popularity Cheating Tweeting Overeating Blame Game Zits Its.all.lame I"m not holier than you I just can"t stand These things we do and to me its all the same Its just lame Work Stress PMS Bending over in a dress Dirty Dancing Always glancing at the boys WAIT Smelly shoes Bad news Summer School NOT COOL But its a good thing to do I can"t stand: Artichokes Egg Yokes Vegiemite on burnt toast Cellulite Bug bites Guys who wanna pick a fight Speeding Bleeding Trick or Treating B.O Zits its.all.lame I"m not holier than you I just can"t stand These things we do and to me its all the same Its just lame But I"m not holier than you I just can"t stand These things we do and to me its all the same LAME LAME LAME LAME LAME Road rage Bad grades Shaving with a dull blade Stubbing toes Yellow Snow Static on the Radio Rug Burns Wrong Turns Studying for midterms but its a good thing to do I can"t stand: Itchy eyes White Lies Being forced to say goodbye Horse flys Fake Crys Stale Fries Super size Dating Waiting Overstating I HATE ZITS its.all.lame! I"m not holier than you I just can"t stand These things we do and to me its all the same Its just lame I"m not holier than you I just can"t stand These things we do and to me its all the same lame!
2023-07-26 05:40:384

求头文字D1到3所有音乐名 有全部的下载。
2023-07-26 05:40:484

一首感人的英文歌,歌词里面有安德 嘿儿

SING - Ed SheeranIt"s late in the eveningGlass on the sideI"ve, been sat with youFor most of the nightIgnoring everybody herewe wished they would disappearSo, maybe we could get down nowAnd I don"t wanna knowIf you"re getting ahead of the programI want you to be mine, ladyand to hold your body closetake another step into the no-mans landfor the longest time, ladyI need ya darlingcome onset the toneif you feel ya fallingwon"t ya let me know, oh-oh-oh-oh-ohIf you love me come on get involvedFeeling rushing through you from your head to toeoh-oh-oh-oh-ohSINGoh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-ohoh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-ohLouder!oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-ohSINGoh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-ohThis love is a blazeI saw flames from the side of the stageAnd the firebrigade comes in a couple of daysUntil then we got nothing to say and nothing to knowBut something to drink and maybe something to smokeLet it go until I wrote a changeSinging we found love in a local rage noI don"t really know what I"m supposed to sayBut I can just figure it out and hope and prayI told them my name and said it"s nice to meet yaAnd then she handed me of a bottle of water filled with tequilaI already know she"s a keeperJust from this one small act of kindness, I"m in deepIf anybody finds out I"m meant to drive homeBut I"m drunk and gonna live it now not?We just sit on the couch one thingLed to another now she"s kissing my mouthI need ya darlingcome onset the toneif you feel ya fallingwon"t ya let me know, oh-oh-oh-oh-ohIf you love me come on get involvedFeeling rushing through you from your head to toeoh-oh-oh-oh-ohSINGoh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-ohoh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-ohLouder!oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-ohSINGoh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-ohCan you feel it?All the guys in here don"t really wanna danceCan you feel it?All that I can here is music from the backCan you feel it?Found you hiding here so hoped you taked my hand darling
2023-07-26 05:41:421


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  1、9月。其他英文月份缩写一月份等于JAN。 二月份等于FEB。 三月份等于MAR。 四月份等于APR。 五月份等于MAY。 六月份等于JUN。 七月份等于JUL。八月份等于AUG。九月份等于SEP。 十月份等于OCT。 十一月份等于NOV。十二月份等于DEC。   2、九月——September。记忆:九月Student”上School”。记忆说明:九月是S字母开头,学生和学校(Student、School)也是S开头。暑假结束了,September是Student到School的日子。   3、September——9月。老历法的7月,正是凯撒大帝改革历法后的9月,拉丁文Septem是7月的意思。虽然历法改革了,但人们仍袭用旧名称来称呼9月。英语9月September,便由此演变而来。
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职业战队名字推荐 战队名:The lamb of God (上帝的宠儿) 简称:TLG 战队名:The Knights Templar(圣殿骑士) 简称:TKT 战队名:Violet Lifelong Kudos( 紫罗兰终身的荣耀) 简称:VLK 战队名:Death From Heaven(死神天降) 简称:DFH 战队名:The burning legion(燃烧军团) 简称:TBL 战队名:Die legion(死亡军团) 简称:DL 战队名:Vanish Last Killer(消失的最后杀手) 简称:VLK 战队名:Titans Army Group(泰坦军团) 简称:TAG 战队名:God of War(战神) 简称:GW 战队名:The Brotherhood(兄弟会) 简称:TB 以上为英文简称战队名字,大家也可以在选择搭配中文组成完整的战队名字 个人战队名字 【黑骑战队】 【丿7.彩丨战队】 〓傲视※战队〓 众神之巅 王之守护 荣耀之冠 火线三兄弟 只手遮天 光与暗
2023-07-26 05:35:381


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2023-07-26 05:35:411

a lot of怎么读

2023-07-26 05:35:433

a lot 和lots of的区别

a lot 和lots of的区别如下:1、a lot of:通常作书面用语,用在更加正式的场合里。lots of:比较口语化,用在比较口语的场合中。一般是以BE动词+lots of+情态动词这样的形式出现。alot of与lots of两者使用的场合不同,alot of通常作为书面用语,在正式的场合里使用;lots of比较口语化,用在比较口语的场合中,一般是BE动词加上lots of再加上情态动词,这样的形式出现较多。2、alot of与lots of两者所修饰的词语不同,alot of除了可以修饰可数名词也可以修饰不可数名词,lots of只能修饰可数名词。3、alot of与a lot of的用法不同,a lot表示许多,可修饰可数名词,也可以修饰不可数名词,与many和much相同,a lot of作可数名词时表示一批,某一批人,有单复数形式,a lot不可作状语,修饰动词去。4、alot of与a lot of的侧重点不同,alot of修饰动词,有副词性,可用作状语,也具有名词性,可作宾语等,a lot of修饰名词,有形容词性,可用作定语修饰可数名词复数或者是不可数名词。
2023-07-26 05:35:201


2023-07-26 05:35:181


以华为P50手机为例:进入设置 > 应用和服务 > 应用分身 ,开启所需应用后的开关。开启后,桌面将生成两个应用图标。
2023-07-26 05:35:173

比赛延迟、改期或取消 英文翻译

The competition retards, changes the time or cancels
2023-07-26 05:35:176

Brotherhood-John Dreamer这首歌哪里有资源或者直接给我下载地址 跪求感激不谢

2023-07-26 05:35:172

a lot和a lot of的区别

2023-07-26 05:35:121


2023-07-26 05:35:105

put off &postpone&delay&defer的区别??

put off 推迟,推延;阻止,劝阻postpone [pu0259ustu02c8pu0259un]vt.推迟,延期,delay [di"lei] n. 耽搁,迟滞v. 耽搁,延迟defer [di"fu0259:] v. 延期
2023-07-26 05:35:062

a few,a few of,a lot和a lot of有什么区别?

A lot用在句末,比如Thanks a lot A lot of=Lots of,形容很多,不可数名词和可数名词都可用. Few 可用作限制形容词,表示很少:He has very few(=not many,a small number of)friends.也可用作补语:These trees were few and far between.还可以用作代词或名词:Many students took exam,but few passed. A few 可用作限制形容词,表示几个,少数:Are there any streets in this village?No,there are none,but there are a few paths. A little 表示有一点(肯定),而little表示很少(否定).A little 可用作限制形容词,修饰名词:"Have you much food to spare?""No,I have little=(not much).""Have you any food to spare?""Yes,I have a little(=some little,some) food.也可用作代词或名词,还可用作副词.
2023-07-26 05:35:051

EMBA是什么学位 全写是什么 ?

EMBA最早诞生于美国芝加哥大学管理学院,它设立的目的就是为高级管理人员服务的。EMBA英文全称为EXECUTIVE MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION,直译为高级管理人员MBA,或高层管理人员工商管理硕士,通常称为高级工商管理硕士。读EMBA的学员一般由公司推荐,利用业余时间集中上课,课程内容广泛,理论与实践相结合。其实质是一种具有学位的在职培训。在中国,读EMBA业已成为一种身份和地位的象征,是拓展建立高端人脉关系的便捷之路。虽然上课时间相对短暂,但EMBA的学习并不是一个轻松的过程。在读的EMBA学员,他们都是自掏腰包,但均表示没有把学费作为首要考虑因素,而是更看重商学院的品牌。国外发展在美国,读EMBA学员来自各类公司,如制造部门、金融部门、贸易部门、政府部门,加拿大读EMBA的学员来自政府部门的较多。他们的平均入学年龄为38岁,96%的人取得大学学士学位,一般具有10年的管理经验,年收入为78000美元。有60%的EMBA项目开设国际经营、贸易和金融方面的课程。还有10%的项目,学校会组织学生就某一国际问题专门到国外进行为期一周的学术访问。有些学院设立知名人士系列讲座,请成功的企业家、政府官员和社会名流给学员演讲并和学员交流。在国外,继续深造被看成是一项投资,读EMBA的学员希望两年几万美金的投资,学成之后能够得到回报应该是不成问题。具有EMBA学习背景,又有很多年工作经验的人,很受用人单位的欢迎。各学校学费标准差别很大,平均每人每年学费为11000美金,著名的学校学费高达25000美元。中国发展1993年,香港中文大学商学院推出香港首个EMBA课程,是亚洲首创EMBA课程的高校。1999年,北京大学光华管理学院在国内大学中第一个创办了EMBA项目。2002年7月,国务院学位委员会办公室批准暨南大学、浙江大学、北京大学、上海交通大学等32所高等院校开展高级管理人员工商管理硕士专业学位教育,各院校开始陆续招生。中国EMBA教育采用EMBA市场化运作模式,国家赋予培养院校招生、录取和培养方式上较大的自主权,使EMBA教育基本上与市场的实际需求接轨。经过多年的运作,中国EMBA教育已具备了一定的规模,办学模式和教学方法也不断探索创新,经历了初创、发展到成熟的过程。伴随着世界政治经济形势的发展变化,EMBA从诞生以来也经历了不断发展变化的过程。孕育了比较丰富的、先进的管理思想,精辟分析的理念,特别是引领了新的市场价值不断凸显。EMBA的同学已经遍布全国,在国民经济发展的各个领域都发挥着精英骨干的作用。这是中国EMBA发展的现状,也是中国EMBA取得的骄人成绩,并且中国的EMBA还在以60%的增长率吸收更大的社会中坚力量的加入。EMBA专业学位教育制度的建立,也顺应了中国经济和教育发展的大趋势。全国工商管理硕士(MBA)教育指导委员会官网2016年4月1日在显要位置发布了《教育部关于进一步规范工商管理硕士专业学位研究生教育的意见》(以下简称《规范意见》)。教育部的这一《规范意见》对工商管理硕士的招生纪律、合理定价、教学管理等方面进行了明确规范,新规明确要求从2017年起,高级管理人员工商管理硕士(EMBA)将纳入全国统一的硕士研究生入学,由教育部统一划线、各学校按需调整录取,从2016年12月1日开始,各院校不得再自行组织EMBA招生考试。
2023-07-26 05:35:009