barriers / 阅读 / 详情

●~~~contain和include有什么具体的区别呢???例如SEA ____SALT.该填什么呢????????

2023-07-27 20:57:25


例如:The bill includes tax and service.


例如:Try to avoid foods which contain a lot fat.

通常一个句子来理解:The book contains five chapters, including one written by me.

including one written by me.

conta是包含所有的东西。又如,the meeting contains four parts.

the meeting contains four parts.

inclu是包含一部分的东西。又如,the speech includes self-introduction.






include: have sb/sth as part of a whole

contain: have or hold sth within itse






2023-07-26 05:18:142


2023-07-26 05:18:531

contain 与involve的区别

contain是包含,包括的意思,主语一般是物;involve是包括,笼罩,潜心于,使陷于的意思,习惯用语be involved in . 想了解的详细,建议你还是下个软件吧,灵格斯(Lingoes),我个人认为很好用,讲解的很详细,还有举例,还能整段翻译
2023-07-26 05:19:021


2023-07-26 05:19:121

英语词汇辨析 involve contain include 要有例句的

involve vt.[W] 1. 使卷入,连累;牵涉[(+in/with)] That"s no concern of mine. I"m not involved. 那与我无关,我未卷入. Don"t involve me in your quarrel! 不要把我牵扯进你们的争吵中! 2. 需要,包含,意味着[(+in)][+v-ing] His work involves occasional journeys. 他的工作偶尔需要出差旅行. 3. 使专注,使忙于[(+in)] He was involved in writing his doctoral dissertation. 他在聚精会神地写他的博士论文. contain vt.[W] 1. 包含;容纳 The jar contains ten glasses of water. 这只大口瓶能装十杯水. The pill contains vitamins. 这药丸中含有多种维生素. 2. 控制,遏制 I could not contain my laughter. 我无法控制自己不笑出声来. 3. 相当于 A gallon contains four quarts. 一加仑相当于四夸脱. 4. 【数】可被...除尽 10 contains 5 and 2. 十可被五和二除尽. include vt. 1. 包括,包含[W][+v-ing] The price includes both house and furniture. 价钱包括房子和家具. 2. 算入,包含于...里面 I include him among my friends. 我把他当作朋友. contain 包含以作为整体的全部(需列举所有事物) include 包含以作为整体的部分(不需要列举所有事物) involve: 必须包含某种结果,牵涉,包含 include 和contain都指具体的物质的实体和它们的各部分,involve侧重于非实体的事物及要素.
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include和contain的区别如下:contain:“包含”的意思,可用于表示包含所含之的全部 或部分。include:“包含”的意思。只能用于表示所包含之物中的一部分。contain多用于客观事物,例如,容器中有什么,什么是什么成分。include用于虚拟范畴,比如我们今天的任务,比如...等等。词性不同。contain和 include都是及物动词。include有时被用作介词,意思是“包含”,但是 contain不能做介词。在书面语言中, contain和 include不是通用的。在口语中, contain、 include是通用的。contain例句:Their diet contains a lot of fat.(1. B.p2)食物中脂肪含量高。include例句:Your book on printing has not been included in the list of new books你们那本用印刷术的书没有列入新书目录
2023-07-26 05:19:551


Oranges contain vitamin C. 柑桔含有维生素CThis textbook contain 16 lessons. 这本教科书共有十六课He could contain no longer. 他再也无法自制
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contain 是装东西的 装物品的 accommodate 是装人的 也就是人住的地方
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2023-07-26 05:20:596

contain与 include区别

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hold 容纳的意思
2023-07-26 05:21:426

contain近义词组 4个空的

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2023-07-26 05:22:132

contain 翻译成中文是什么

及物动词 vt. [W]1. 包含;容纳The jar contains ten glasses of water. 这只大口瓶能装十杯水。 The pill contains vitamins. 这药丸中含有多种维生素。 2. 控制,遏制I could not contain my laughter. 我无法控制自己不笑出声来。 3. 相当于A gallon contains four quarts. 一加仑相当于四夸脱。 4. 【数】可被...除尽10 contains 5 and 2. 十可被五和二除尽。
2023-07-26 05:22:331

contain 是什么意思

vt包含,容纳,容忍vi自制v军 牵制(敌军)v数 可被...除尽
2023-07-26 05:22:413


contain的意思是:包含;包括;含有;容纳。一、短语搭配1、said to contain据说含有;据说包括;据说载列2、contain reference包含参考3、contain word包含单词4、message contain消息包含二、双语例句1、All the cells in the body contain the same genetic information.体内全部细胞都含有同样的遗传信息。2、The hall was partitioned to contain the noise of the computers.这个大厅被分隔成小间以遏制计算机的噪音。3、A new western policy to contain the conflict in Bosnia.控制波斯尼亚地区冲突的新的西方政策。4、He could barely contain himself from jumping up to exclaim.他几乎控制不住要跳起来惊叫。三、近义词involve牵涉;possess拥有;regulate调节。
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2023-07-26 05:23:222


  contain做动词有容纳;包含;抑制;克制等意思,那么你知道contain的第三人称单数是什么吗?下面我为大家带来contain的第三人称单数和用法例句,欢迎大家学习!   contain的第三人称单数:   contains   contain的用法:   contain的用法1:contain的基本意思是“包含”“容纳”,表示实际包含着某一部分或成分。引申可表示“抑制”“控制”等。   contain的用法2:contain是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语。表示“所属”“构成”关系时,不能用于进行体,不能用于被动结构,也不可用过去分词作定语; 作“控制,抑制”解时,多用于否定句或疑问句,其后接介词for〔with〕+高兴〔气愤〕等名词,也可指大小便“憋不住,忍不住”。   contain的用法3:contain有时还可表示“作u2026的边”“可被u2026除尽〔整除〕”解。   contain第三人称单数例句:   1. Our bone marrow contains fat in the form of small globules.   我们的骨髓中含有小球状的脂肪。   2. Decaffeinated coffee still contains some stimulants and other nasties linked with cancer.   脱咖啡因的咖啡仍含一些刺激物和其他可能致癌的有害物质。   3. The guide book contains a short write-up of each hotel.   指南上有对每个饭店的简评。   4. The 77,000-acre estate contains five of the highest peaks in Scotland.   7.7万英亩的私人土地上有5座苏格兰最高的山峰。   5. The Martian atmosphere contains only tiny amounts of water.   火星的大气层中只含有极少量的水。   6. This book contains observations about the causes of addictions.   该书包括有关成瘾原因的观察发现。   7. Yesterday"s letter contains a detailed account of the decisions.   昨天的那封信里有对这些决议的详细说明。   8. The whole urban sprawl of Ankara contains over 2.6m people.   安卡拉整个肆意扩展的城区容纳了260多万人口。   9. Greek yogurt contains much less fat than double cream.   希腊酸奶比高脂浓奶油所含脂肪要少得多。   10. The microscope contains a few hundred dollars-worth of electronic bits and bobs.   这架显微镜内有价值数百美元的电子元件。   11. A cup of black tea or black coffee contains no calories.   一杯不加牛奶的茶或咖啡不含热量。   12. The report contains a great deal of statistical information.    报告 中包含很多统计资料。   13. Each serving contains 240 calories.   每份食物含240卡热量。   14. The book contains few biographical details.   这本书没有什么生平细节。   15. The article contains several misleading statements.   这篇 文章 有几处误导性说法。
2023-07-26 05:23:371


contain表示包含,容纳的意思contain的固定搭配:contain with(v.+prep.)使(自己)抑制住 control (oneself) because of (a good feeling such as joy)〔说明〕 contain with常与can连用,且常用于否定句。例句:She could scarcely contain herself with delight when she opened the parcel.当她打开这个包裹的时候,她简直抑制不住自己兴奋的心情。
2023-07-26 05:24:181


contain英[ku0259nu02c8teu026an]v.包含; 含有; 容纳; 控制,克制,抑制(感情); 防止…蔓延(或恶化);
2023-07-26 05:25:422

英语contain the fire to its point of original怎么翻译?

英语contain the fire to its point of original 的意思是:把火控制到原来的高度。
2023-07-26 05:25:521


词义不同和词性不同。1、词义不同。contain:包含;牵涉;使陷于;潜心于。include:包含,包括。2、词性不同。contain:包括 ; 卷入 ,负累,央及,有贬义。include:服务包括;服务内容包括,中性词。
2023-07-26 05:26:111


contain指被作为组成部分而被“包含”或“容纳”在内。including和include指作为整体中的一部分而被包括进去。简单的说就是contain是全部的,而including是一部分。。。举例说明:This atlas contains 40 maps,including 3 of the Great Britain.该句中,前一句指该地图册包括40张地图,是指一共40张;后一句是指这个地图册中又3张是英国的,只是一部分而已。另外在提醒下哦,include和including的区别:句子,include+被包括部分句子,被包括部分+including
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2023-07-26 05:25:081


The Hanging Tree
2023-07-26 05:25:083


  仁爱版英语八年级上册的期末考试快到了,这时候我们可以找一些训练题来巩固知识。下面是我为大家带来的关于仁爱版英语八年级上册的期末训练试题,供大家参考。   仁爱版英语八年级上册期末训练试卷题目   Ⅰ.词汇10分   A根据句意及所给首字母,完成单词每题1分,共5分   1.Mr.Fat is a r man. He can buy everything he wants.   2.Jim Green is a foreigner. But he can travel to China easily because he has a p .   3.Yaoming is an e basketball player. He plays basketball very well in NBA.   4.The beautiful glass is b , so Mrs.Green has to buy another one.   5.Maria"s Father is a good worker. He can c the machine机器 easily.   6. The teacher came in with a big s_____. She was so happy.   7 Stupid is another way of saying s_____.   8. The medicine tasted b_____ and the boy spat it out吐出。   9. Follow the doctor"s a______ and you will get well soon.   10. Think it over before making important d_____, especially when you are in a bad mood.   B根据句意及所给汉语意思,完成句子每题1分,共5分   1.You can 打电话给me if you get to Fuzhou. I will meet you.   2. 起初,we didn"t like swimming at all.   3.Mrs.Lee is 对……严格要求us. Sh e often makes us do lots of homework.   4.I am not a child any more. I can 处理 my own business事情.   5.Don"t 放弃,you"ll succeed soon.   6. My father ______ ______ ______ 对……感到满意 my good results at school.   7. We will ______ ______轮流 to clean our classroom.   8. You can ______ ______打电话给 me if you get to Fuzhou. I will meet you.   9. Our math teacher is very patient and explains things to us _____ _____ _____ _____. 一次又一次。   10. ______ ______ ______ 别急! We will help you.   Ⅱ.选择填空15分    1.The boring film on TV make me to sleep.   A.wants want C.want    2.Michael often spends his weekends his grandparents.   A.with C.on    3.“It"s a piece of good news.” “Yes. good news it is!”   A.What B.What a C.How    4.Love Me Once More, Mom is so that I cry again and again.   A.moved B.moving C.moves    5.The man is so sad because the poor business.   A.for B.of    6.A: Why is the woman worried? B: she lost her little son.   A.So B.Since C.Because    7.Mr.Lee will be happy because he will have tickets Titanic. C.on    8.Jane looks so because she has a wonderful pet dog.   A.exciting B.excite C.excited    9.A: What Helen ? B: She is helpful. She always helps others in need.; like B.does; look like C.looks; like    10.Study hard, or your mother will worry about falling others.   A.before B.behind C.into    11.There is in Today"s newspaper. It"s dull.   A.nothing new nothing C.everything new    12.It is important for us English well.   A.studying study    13.A: Tony won 200 metres race in our school sports meeting B: .   A.Do well B.Well done C.Does well    14.Mr. Lee wants me to give in front of the class every day.   A.speak B.speech C.a speech    15.We can"t make before we think it over carefully.   A.decide B.decision C.a decision    16. The dish _____ nice.   A. sounds B. *** ells C. feels    17. I felt tired ______ I worked late last night.   A. because B. when C. if    18. He is not as ______ as his younger brother.   A. strong B. stronger C. strongest    19. — My watch ______. — Don"t worry. Let"s go to the Lost and Found.   A. is lost B. is broken C. has found    20. Don"t worry. There is ______ time to go.   A. some B. few C. little    21. He said ______ his English teacher last year.   A. thanks to B. thanks for C. thank    22. My mother usually gets used to ______ late.   A. go to bed B. go ing to bed C. getting to the bed    23. The *** ile on her face shows that she is ______ her work.   A. worried about B. pleased with C. sorry for    24. All the children like Mr. White very much because he often makes them _____.   A. laughed B. laugh C. laughing    25. We must ______ our clas *** ates at school.   A. got along with B. get along with C. get along    26. The old man feels ______ and ______.   A. alone; disappointed B. lonely; disappointed C. lonely; disappointing    27. I hope everything ______ well.   A. goes B. go C. gone    28. The teacher explained it ______ the students carefully.   A. to B. with C. at    29. Listening to music is a good way to help us be more ______ .   A. relaxed B. relax C. relaxing    30. Think it over before ______ important decisions.   A. to make B. make C. making   Ⅳ.综合填词8分   用所给词的正确形式填空   Last year an __1__ man came to visit us. He is Russian Preseident Vladimir Putin. Putin was born in st. Peter *** urg, Russia"s second 2 city, in 1952. He came to office in 2000. Four years later, he was a gain the _ _3 .   Putin does a good job _4 __ Russia great. People say that he is serious and capable有能力的. But young Putin wasn "t a top student at all. His student"s books and diaries from 40 years ago show this. At a time when the top mark 5 five, Putin got three for math and science. His art was even 6 , only two. He sometimes, forgot __7 his math homework. Once he forgot to wear school uniform. His teacher had to ask him to get out of the classroom. But Putin did very well in the moral class品德课. He always got full marks. He also 8 a strong love of Russia at an early age.   Ⅴ.看图完成对话,每空一词7分   Mother: Kate! It"s late. Why are you still in bed? You must get up and get ready for 1 . If you don"t go soon, you"ll be late.   Kate: I don"t 2 very well.   Mother: Oh dear! What"s wrong?   Kate: I don"t __3 . My head hurts.   Mother: Really? If you are __4 , you"ll have to_ 5 the doctor.   Kate: Can I have some breakfast first?   Mother: No, you _6_ eat anything until you see the doctor.   Kate: Mom, I feel a little __7 now.   Ⅵ.完形填空10分   A   The following is what Elsa from the Swedish Rock Band writes about her father.   My father was born in Stockholm in 1948. He 1 there for eighteen years. He was good at languages, 2 he wasn"t good at science. He liked sports, and his 3 sport was football. In 1958, when he was 4 years old, the Football World Cup was in Sweden. He went to see many of them. When he was 15 years old, he started to play for Liverpod—a famous English team. He met my mother in Liverpod, and they got 5 in 1967.    1.A.went B.lived B.and C.but    3.A.favorite B.good C.hard    4.A.15 B.12 C.10    5.A.married B.paid C.hurt   B   Everyone likes to live in a clean and fortable environment. If the enviroment is 6 , it will make us not feel well. Sometimes we may be terribly ill. At that time we don"t want to 7 , we have to stay in bed and rest at 8 . So the environment is very important to us. It is germs细菌that makes us ill. There are germs everywhere. They are very *** all and we can"t 9 them with our own eyes. To keep us healthy, we should try our best to make our environment bee cleaner and tidier. This needs us to act 10 .    6.A.bad B.good C.nice    7.A.sleep B.drink B.home    9.A.feel B.find C.get    10.A.together B.slowly C.quietly   Ⅶ.阅读理解15分   A   My sister is an air hostess空中小姐.   Yesterday morning my sister was at the back of the plane. She was going to take food and drinks to the passengers. A little old woman came up to her and said, “Could you please tell me where the Ladies" Room is?”   “Certainly, Madam.” answered my sister,“It"s right at the other end of the plane in the front.”   The old woman went too far. She walked all the way to the front of the plane, opened the door in front of her and saw the captain 机长and his workmates in the *** all room. They were all busy with their work and didn"t see her. She went out again and came back to my sister.   “Oh, didn"t you find it?”asked my sister.   “Yes, I did.” said the little old woman,“But there were four men in the Ladies" Room watching TV!”    1. My sister works . a plane a shop a train    2.My sister"s duty is . take food and drinks to the passengers乘客 show the toilets to the passengers help the passengers    3.The old woman didn"t know where the Ladies" Room was because .   A.She travelled by plane for the first time   B.She wanted to talk with my sister C.There weren"t any toilets in the plane    4.The old woman went in the .   A.Men"s room B.control cabin驾驶舱 C.sitting room    5.The old woman thought .   A.the four men watched TV in the Ladies" Room sister fooled 捉弄her C.the Ladies" Room was at the back of the plane   B   Maria, Jane and Mary   Maria was very happy. She was at a new school, and the students were friendly. “Hi, Maria!” they said. But some students said, “Hi, Jane!” Maria didn"t understand. She asked another student. “Why do some students call me Jane?”“Oh,” t he student said, “Jane was a student here last year. Now she goes to a different school. You look like Jane. So some students think that you"re Jane.”   Maria wanted to see Jane. She got Jane"s adderss from a student and went to Jane"s house. Maria couldn"t believe her eyes. She really looked like Jane! They had the same colour eyes and the same *** ile. They had the same black hair and their birthdays were on the same day. And they were both adopted领养by two different families.   Later Maria and Jane found out that they were twin sisters. Soon after the girls were born, one family adopted Maria, and another family adopted Jane. Maria"s family never know about Jane and Jane"s family never know about Maria.   Maria and Jane"s story was in the newspaper. There was a photo of Maria and Jane next to the story. A girl named Mary saw the photo in the newspaper. Mary couldn"t believe her eyes. She really looked like Maria and Jane! And she, too, was adopted by a third family.   Later Mary met Maria and Jane. When Maria and Jane saw Mary, they were very surprised. Mary really looked like them! Why did Mary look like Maria and Jane? You can guess. Maria and Jane are not twins. Maria Jane and Mary are triplets三胞胎.    1. Maria was at the new school.   A.sorry B.happy C.sad    2.Some students thought .   A.Jane was Maria B.Maria was Mary C.Maria was Jane    3.Maria saw Jane . Jane"s house B. at school the classroom    4.Mary knew the story from .   A.the newspaper B.a book C.other people    5.Maria, Jane and Mary were .   A.clas *** ates B.sisters Cins   C   A man saw a boy standing beside a lake with a mirror 镜子.“Excuse me,” he said, “but could you tell me what you"re doing?”   “I"m fishing.”   “With a mirror? Could you tell me how it works?”the man asked.   “OK, but I want five dollars.”   The man wanted to know the secret very much, so he handed the boy the money.“Now show me how it works,” he said. “Well”, the boy began, “you hold 拿 the mirror towards the water, and when a fish goes by, the sunlight in the mirror gives him a surprise. He stops and doesn"t know what to do, and then you catch him at once. ”The man was surprised, “Can you really catch fish with the mirror? How many did you catch?”   “You"re the fifth today!” replied the boy.   阅读上面短文,然后判断句子正T误F。    1.The man wanted to look at the boy"s mirror.    2.The man gave the boy five dollars.    3.The boy caught five fish that day.    4.The boy got fifteen dollars that day.    5.When the man heard the boy"s words, he would be very happy.   Ⅷ.书面表达10分   [提示]昨天5月13日,星期天,是母亲节,我在花园里摘了些鲜花,送给母亲。爸爸到商店为她买了一条漂亮的女裙和一条项链。下午我们一起去看京剧,晚上我们一起去位于市中心的餐馆吃饭。   [提示词]Beijing Opera京剧 necklace项链   要求:按上面提示及提示词,根据题目,写一篇语句通顺的短文。70~80词。
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2023-07-26 05:25:112


emba是什么意思如下:EMBA英文全称为EXECUTIVE MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION,直译为高级管理人员MBA,或高层管理人员工商管理硕士,通常称为高级工商管理硕士。EMBA最早诞生于美国芝加哥大学管理学院,它设立的目的就是为高级管理人员服务的,旨在培养具有高度政治素养、责任心和职业道德的中、高层管理者,有别于MBA,以及其他各类针对企业高级管理者的在职研修班等EDP培训。EMBA研究生教育旨在培养具有高度政治素养、责任心和职业道德的高层管理者,使他们通过系统学习,全面掌握现代企业管理理论和决策方法,深入了解国内外企业的商业模式,具备在复杂的国内外经济、社会和技术环境下制定企业发展战略、进行企业日常经营管理决策、领导企业参与国内外竞争的能力和知识。扩展资料EMBA的课程设置EMBA课程分为必修课、核心课和选修课。EMBA课程主要有战略成本管理、谈判与冲突管理、商务模式创新、运作管理、营销战略与管理、CEO财务分析、企业竞争战略、领导力与组织发展、人力资源开发战略、资本市场与资本运作、公司战略与变革、市场营销与管理、管理实战沙盘、商务英语、管理决策经济学、宏观经理理论与实践、商务沟通等。1)必修课包括:社会主义经济理论与实践、商务英语。可作为核心课程的主要课程包括:管理经济学、组织行为学、数据模型与决策、会计学、公司理财、营销管理、战略管理、信息管理、国际企业管理、人力资源管理和领导学等。2)选修课主要课程有:运营管理、人力资源管理与开发、技术创新管理、项目管理、创新与变革管理、知识管理、企业研究方法、管理沟通与谈判、商业伦理、领导学、危机管理、财务报表分析与经营决策、项目投资与融资决策、风险管理、电子商务、商法、国际金融、企业政策、公司治理、环境管理、现代科技知识、公共政策等。
2023-07-26 05:25:121


2023-07-26 05:25:121

一首歌 有一段好像是something wrong/right/ture,it·s angle(忘记了,大概是这样的吧),请大大们说歌名

《It"s alright》?
2023-07-26 05:25:134


主要由以下几个方面造成:1. 毫米波雷达对材料的吸收和散射敏感。非金属材料通常具有复杂的介电特性,其材料内部可能存在多种吸收介质,如水分、油脂等,导致毫米波的能量被吸收或散射,从而影响测量精度。2. 毫米波雷达对材料表面的特性敏感。非金属材料表面可能存在着不规则的形态结构(例如多孔、粗糙等),这些结构会散射毫米波信号,导致雷达接收到反射信号质量下降。3. 同时,非金属材料在不同环境条件下的介电常数和介磁常数等参数可能存在变化,这可能会导致不同环境下的测量结果有所出入。因此,毫米波雷达在对非金属材料进行测量时,需要考虑影响因素,并根据不同的材料特性和测量环境进行相应的校验和校准,以提高测量精度。
2023-07-26 05:25:161


2023-07-26 05:25:171


身无彩凤双飞翼,心有灵犀一点通上一句:昨夜星辰昨夜风,画楼西畔桂堂东来自百度汉语|报错无题·昨夜星辰昨夜风_百度汉语[作者] 李商隐 [全文] 昨夜星辰昨夜风,画楼西畔桂堂东。身无彩凤双飞翼,心有灵犀一点通。隔座送钩春酒暖,分曹射覆蜡灯红。嗟余听鼓应官去,走马兰台类转蓬。
2023-07-26 05:25:182

e3是什么意思 e3的中文翻译、读音、例句?

e3在中文中有”通信线路”的意思,其次还有”通信线路”的意思,在线读音是[e3],e3常被用作名词,在《英语发音在线词典》中,共找到83个与e3相关的句子e3的释义1.通信线路例句:You"re not worth the gruel it costs to feed you!翻译:{fs183cH3E3E4B} You"re not worth the gruel it costs to feed you!自考/成考有疑问、不知道自考/成考考点内容、不清楚当地自考/成考政策,点击底部咨询官网老师,免费领取复习资料:
2023-07-26 05:25:191


2023-07-26 05:25:031

When you look up to the sky the Angle starts to cry是什么歌的歌词。

Then Silence Kjartan Salvesen [00:00.00]***Then Silence*** [00:08.00]***Kjartan Salvesen*** [00:23.62]It"s not about tomorrow [00:26.69]forget about today [00:29.71]there"s matter anyway [00:32.94]you"ve turn a pain to sorrow [00:36.07]the thing will last spin [00:38.97]then we miss you. [00:41.30]i cannot do what"s been down [00:44.87]forgive me it"s over [00:49.71]and silence [00:52.00]so you say you love"s goodbye [00:56.33]and leave the world behind [00:59.60]and pray,you never let them down [01:05.18]when you look up to the sky [01:09.28]the angels start to cry [01:12.09]for you were singing it out. [01:17.70] [01:30.79] [01:42.53]never got to tell you [01:45.72]i wish i had to know [01:48.74]we should"ve been go [01:51.81]and never said how will you [01:54.97]let me in to your life [01:57.93]and i miss you [02:00.30]sometimes it"s worser than now [02:03.94]and let it go [02:08.59]then silence. [02:10.75]so you say you love"s goodbye [02:15.18]and leave the world behind [02:18.37]and pray,you never let them down [02:24.05]when you look up to the sky [02:27.83]the angels start to cry [02:30.92]for you were singing it out. [02:37.26] [02:46.96]when all of the angels are singing [02:53.16]you were given them grace alived [02:59.37]i know you in my heart still with me [03:05.78]you still alive [03:10.83]so you say you love"s goodbye [03:15.06]and leave the world behind [03:18.46]and pray,you never let them down [03:24.15]when you look up to the sky [03:27.91]the angels start to cry [03:31.06]for you were singing it out. [03:38.10] [03:57.99]so you say you love"s goodbye [04:02.62]and leave the world behind [04:05.75]and pray,you never let them down [04:11.58]when you look up to the sky [04:15.27]the angels start to cry [04:18.36]for you were singing it out. Then Silence Kjartan Salvesen 专辑名称:Then Silence 歌手姓名:Kjartan Salvesen 唱片公司:DaWorks 发行日期:Sep 10, 2007 专辑流派:Pop Rock 专辑曲目: 01. Blow 02. Leaving Me 03. Enemy 04. Then Silence 05. Live For Today 06. Lonely Man In Memphis 07. You Are 08. Can"t Be As Bad As That 09. Blunt 10. Babyboy 专辑介绍: 在以史无前例最高票数赢得“挪威偶像”冠军、专辑销售累计40000张、单曲销售累计50000张,拥有一支歌曲排行No.1、在25000人面前演出的经历之后,KJARTAN的唱片公司还在说:“我们不想你做‘你自己"的音乐!”现在,让这句话见鬼去吧! KJARTAN 做了每个艺人都应该做的事:写一些真正的好歌!在2007年,KJARTAN希望与大家分享自己独立制作的成果。 他找上了创作人Boots Ottestad (Robbie Williams, Tim McGraw)、Edie Kuhnle (Thomas Dybdahl) 和Nate Campany (The Click Five). 在弗吉尼亚,稍后在纽约,他们用简单的音符,意味深长的歌词和一台磁带式录音机创造了奇迹。KJARTAN将回来告诉你他的故事,请认真聆听这前所未有的动人故事!
2023-07-26 05:25:022


2023-07-26 05:24:593


2023-07-26 05:24:561


Lookin" forward from center stage站在中央舞台,我迫不及待To graduation day等着毕业那一天到来 Time to get the future started那是未来起飞的时刻What we leave what we take with us我们留下什麽,又带走什麽 No matter what不论如何It"s somethin" we"re a part of都曾经是我们的一部分 We learn to fly我们在这里学会飞翔Together side by side(Side by side)我们一起 肩并肩(肩并肩) I Just hope the rest of my life...我只希望将来一辈子...Will feel as good as my都会美好如我的High school musical歌舞青春Who says we have to let it go, It"s the best part we"ve ever known谁说我们一定要遗忘 那是我们一生中最好的时光Step into the future, but hold on to虽然一脚踏进未来,但仍然要紧紧抓住High school musical歌舞青春Let"s celebrate where we come from让我们一起赞美来时路The friends who"ve been there all along, just like...一路上朋友相伴,就像...A High school...High School...Musical...一场歌舞...歌舞...青春...Improvisation without a script, 全是即兴演出,没有剧本no ones written it没有人事先写好and now we have the chance to现在机会是我们的,一起写下青春But Some day we"ll be lookin" back但是有一天我们会回首 Memories we"ll have我们会有满满回忆all the songs that we lived through记得所有共同经历过的歌曲The best of times最好的时光so why leave them behind所以,为什麽要抛掉呢Why cant the rest of my life...为什麽接下来的一辈子...Be like my...不能像我的...High school musical (Yeah)歌舞青春(耶)Who says we have to let it go谁说我们一定要遗忘It"s the best part we"ve ever known那是我们一生中最好的时光Step into the future...We"ll hold on to虽然一脚踏进未来...但仍然要紧紧抓住High school musical歌舞青春Let"s celebrate where we come from(her)让我们一起赞美来时路(嘿)The fiends who"ve been there all along 一路上相伴的朋友just right没错Now we finally realize现在我们终於知道Who we are, it just took some time自己的份量,虽然花了一点时间You have to learn and live to see the truth我们必须踏实生活,学习看清真相Live to see the truth学习看清真相That Nothing"s ever impossible没有不可能的事into the future we all freefall我们都是自由落体,掉进未来But Foever we"ll always have High School但是我们会永远记得高校High...歌...Time to party,now celebrate抓狂时间到了,一起庆祝吧School舞..."Cause the world"s one big stage因为世界是个巨大的舞台Musical青春Any part you want can be yours想演什麽角色都可以Everybody sing,yeah大家一起唱,耶High...歌...But the show is never gonna close但是表演永远不会结束School...舞...It"s what got us here we know我们知道来到这里就是为了未来Musical青春High School lives on forever more高校生活永不结束High School...歌舞High School Musical...歌舞青春High School Musical歌舞青春Who says we have to let it go谁说我们一定要遗忘It"s the best part we"ve ever known那是我们一生中最好的时光Step into the future...We"ll hold on to虽然一脚踏进未来...但仍然要紧紧抓住High school musical歌舞青春Let"s celebrate where we come from让我们一起赞美来时路The fiends who"ve been there all along 一路上相伴的朋友Oh yeah,I wish that life could be like a...喔耶,我希望人生能像一场High School Musical歌舞青春Who says we have to let it go谁说我们一定要遗忘It"s the best part we"ve ever known那是我们一生中最好的时光Step into the future...We"ll hold on to虽然一脚踏进未来...但仍然要紧紧抓住High school musical歌舞青春Let"s celebrate where we come from让我们一起赞美来时路All together,makes it better大家一起来,让回忆变得更美好Memories that last forever回忆持续到永远I want the rest of my life to我要接下来的人生Feel just like a感觉就像一场歌...舞...青春
2023-07-26 05:24:546


2023-07-26 05:24:501


2023-07-26 05:24:494


arm in arm 臂挽着臂 hand in hand手拉着手 side by side 肩并着肩 face to face 脸对着脸 back to back 背对着背 shoulder to shoulder 肩并肩 neck and neck (赛跑时)并驾齐驱 二、表时间、频度的英语叠词 on and on 不断地 more and more 越来越多 again and again 一再,再三 by and by 不久,逐渐 三、其他的英语叠词 lots and lots 许许多多 one by one 一个个,逐一 little by little 一点点,逐渐 word for word 一个字一个字地,逐字地 step by step 一步一步地
2023-07-26 05:24:441


  空调是大家最为关注的一件电器,它使得室内可以冬暖夏凉,让人们的生活可以更为舒适,不过也正因为如此,经常的使用它,也造成了一些问题。空调变得智能化的一点就是如果出现问题会及时的进行显示,当一些标识亮起的时候就是空调内部有了相应的问题,大家只要根据标识就可以判断是哪部分的问题,找到出问题的原因,然后就能够尽快的解决了。  E3的意思压缩机低压保护。  原因以及解决方法:  1,确定环境温度是否太低。  2,判断是控制故障还是系统故障,可先把主控板上的LPP插头和主板上的零线N短接起来,如果室内机运行正常,可确定室内机主板或显示板没问题,故障出现在室内、外机连接线、插接头或室外机低压开关上。  3,外机连接线和插头,把万用表调在欧姆挡上,把一个表笔接在主板上拔掉的LPP保护线上,另一个表笔接在零线N上,如果阻值为0,说明故障在低压开关上,反之是线路问题。第四步通过压力表来判断是系统漏氟,还是堵塞。  空调显示尘满怎么办  “尘满”的出现主要就是为了提醒用户清洗滤网。很多人对清洗滤网不重视,甚至不清楚长时间不清洗滤网所带来的后果:首先有可能影响到空调的运行和制冷效果,导致风量减少,制冷效果差,进而会影响到空调的使用寿命,其次空调工作时吸入的空气中包含有一定的灰尘﹑螨虫﹑病毒等有害物,它们一部分粘附在过滤网上,长时间不清洗滤网会让此类细菌和真菌在空调内部滋生,导致出风霉臭,甚至异味,对室内空调环境产生污染,影响家人的身体健康。  1、首先反电源切断  2、把柜机的下部分拆开;如果是挂机,在室内机的两侧有两个暗拉手(凹槽),用两手稍稍用力向外掀起面板即可。如果是柜机,在机器下部进风面板的塑料栅栏上有两个塑料装饰帽,拔掉装饰帽就露出固定螺栓,只要卸掉固定螺栓即可。  3、注意!据说进风滤网都采用纳米材料,所以要正确清理,用软毛刷顺着纹路边刷边拍的方法,最好不要用水洗  4、找到螺钉位或者有些是通过一个卡位来牢固那个外壳的,拆开那个外壳后就可以看到那个滤尘网了;把它拆下来用清水清洗干净,晾干后装回去就可以了。  空调的标识除了正常的运作以外,有的就是故障标识和提示标识,e3就属于提示性的标识,所谓提示性标识,它就是为了提醒大家空调目前使用的状况不太好,大家要注意自己的使用行为,或者是电压、电流等问题,这种情况就要格外小心了。故障标识就是指空调内部有了毛病,已经影响了空调的正常使用,所以大家需要及时的找售后人员来修理。土巴兔在线免费为大家提供“各家装修报价、1-4家本地装修公司、3套装修设计方案”,还有装修避坑攻略!点击此链接:【】,就能免费领取哦~
2023-07-26 05:24:421

东方神起总共唱过多少首歌啊 我要歌名阿亲可以到这里找一下,他们的歌在这里很全的。^^
2023-07-26 05:24:423


2023-07-26 05:24:401