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2023-07-27 20:54:39





















Putin n. Vladimir Putin(弗拉基米尔·普京 ); [例句]There"s no doubt Mr Putin"s speech caught the mood of most deputies.无疑,普金先生的讲话充分反映了大多数代表的心情。put in 英[put in] 美[pu028at u026an] [词典] 做; (使) 在内; 在…上花费; 选举…执政; [例句]Wade was going to be paid a salary, instead of by the hour, whether he put inforty hours or not会按月给韦德开工资,而不是按小时,无论他是否工作了40个小时。
2023-07-26 05:11:011

put in是什么意思

2023-07-26 05:11:081


put inv.放进, 提出, 提交, 插入, 进入, 使就职, 种植, 进港To interpose:插入,插话:He put in a good word for me.他插进来为我说了一句好话To spend (time) at a location or job:花时间:在某一场所或工作上花费(时间):The inmate had put in six years at hard labor. She put in eight hours behind a desk.犯人已经做了六年的苦工。她在花了八小时办公put intov.使进入, 把...翻译成, 在...上种植The ship put in at Portsmouth to fuel.船驶入朴次茅斯港口加煤。The boat had to put into Liverpool for supplies."那艘船只得在利物浦停靠,装载补给品。" 前者侧重于把……放进去后的状态,后者着重于过程
2023-07-26 05:11:151


put on穿上,戴上put in放进……里面,插嘴put sth. to是向……加上sth.put over是推迟
2023-07-26 05:11:531


2023-07-26 05:12:011


普京(Putin)、梅德韦杰夫(Medvedev) 他们认识十多年了。相识于列宁格勒大学。一直是很好的朋友,私人关系自然没得说。关于梅德韦杰夫当选总统,实质上自然是普京亲自挑选的接班人。虽然他是总统,但是俄罗斯最有权利的人还是普京。  美国时代杂志评选的世界上最有权利的人,普京第三名,奥巴马第一名,我们胡主席第二名。  但是我这么说绝不是因为他们的评选,普京是从KGB(克格勃,俄罗斯情报局,前苏联肃反机构)出来的SPY,因为他,KGB恢复昔日的荣耀,他相信他的伙伴们能帮助他重建国家,所以现在俄罗斯高层及国家很多重要部门都是普京的忠实助手,克格勃的伙伴。  对俄罗斯群众来说,普京的地位也是无人能及的,他们尊重他相信他,除了少数没有良心的亲欧美集团和恐怖分子。梅德韦杰夫是个性情温和的人,但是并不懦弱不糊涂,他不会莫名其妙跟普京抢什么权利。不得不说,普京是个值得尊敬的人,尤其在爱国上,他绝对是独一无二的。相信梅德韦杰夫对于普京,是朋友加共进退的战士。  2012普京会回来当总统的说法如今再次出现,我觉得这有很大可能。普京曾说:给我20年,还你一个强大的俄罗斯。所以他一定要回来才能完成他的诺言,虽然他已经做的很好了。而梅德韦杰夫,也许因为普京忽视他太多,但是他是个值得尊重的人,他做的很好,很绅士却不退缩。
2023-07-26 05:12:191


2023-07-26 05:12:306


因为 布丁已经是pudding的音 译了,代表一种食品,再用它来称呼一国元首不太合适,所以另找译法。
2023-07-26 05:12:461


Vladimir V. PutinPresident of the Russian FederationVladimir Putin was born in Leningrad on October 7, 1952. In 1975, Putin graduated from the law department of the Leningrad State University. After graduation he worked at the Foreign Intelligence Service. He also worked for a long time in Germany. After his return to Leningrad, Putin became an aide to the vice-president of the Leningrad State University in charge of international issues. In 1990, he was adviser to chairman of the Leningrad City Council and in 1991-1994 chairman of the committee for foreign relations of the St. Petersburg Mayor"s Office. In 1994-1996, he was first deputy chairman of the city government and chairman of the committee for external relations. In 1996-1997, he was first deputy presidential business manager. In 1997-1998, Putin worked as head of the president"s Main Audit Directorate and presidential deputy chief of staff. From July 1998 to March 1999 he was director of the Federal Security Service. Between March 1999 and August 1999, Putin combined his job as Federal Security Service director with the work as Security Council secretary. On August 9, 1999, he was appointed first vice-prime minister and later on the same day he became acting prime minister. On March 26, 2000, he was elected the President of the Russian Federation. Putin is married with two daughters. His hobbies include sports, particularly wrestling.
2023-07-26 05:12:542


  楼主您好!  全名:弗拉基米尔·弗拉基米罗维奇·普京(俄文Владимир Владимирович Путин),英文(Vladimir V普京ladimirovich Putin)  昵称:瓦洛佳  职务:前俄罗斯总统(2届连任),现任俄罗斯总理,俄白联盟国家部长理事会主席 前任统一俄罗斯党党主席,今年5月7日宣誓就职任再次任总统。  身高:1.70米  毕业大学:列宁格勒大学(原圣彼得堡国立大学)  专业:法律  学历:经济学博士  毕业论文:论国际法中的最惠国原则  论文评价:优  毕业评语:诚实、纪律性强、具有高度责任感  家庭:妻子柳德米拉,女儿玛莎和卡佳  爱好:柔道,桑勃式摔跤,山地滑雪,游泳,马术,漂流  专长:精通德语,熟练驾驶各种车辆及直升机,出色使用各种枪械  最敬重的人:彼得大帝  最喜爱的作家:契诃夫,陀斯妥耶夫斯基  个人履历  1952年10月7日生于列宁格勒市(现圣彼得堡市)。  1970年入国立列宁格勒大学法律系学习。  1975年从国立列宁格勒大学法律系毕业后在苏联国家安全委员会对外情报局工作。  1985年至1990年他被派往民主德国工作。  1990年回国后,普京先后担任列宁格勒大学校长外事助理、圣彼得堡市市长顾问、圣彼得堡市对外联络委员会主席。  1994年任圣彼得堡市第一副市长。  1996年8月,普京开始担任俄联邦总统事务管理局副局长。  1997年3月任俄总统办公厅副主任兼监察局局长。  1998年5月任总统办公厅第一副主任,同年7月起任俄联邦安全局局长。  1999年3月任俄联邦安全会议秘书,同年8月9日被任命为第一副总理、代总理,8月16日就任总理。  1999年12月31日,叶利钦总统宣布辞去总统职务,普京出任代总统。  2000年3月26日普京当选为俄联邦总统,并于5月7日正式宣誓就职。  2004年3月14日连任总统、国家武装力量最高统帅、国家委员会主席。同年5月宣誓就任。  2007年年末,宣布支持的下任总统候选人——梅德韦杰夫。  在两届总统任期结束后,按照俄罗斯宪法规定于5月7日辞去总统职务。  2008年5月7日起,任“统一俄罗斯党”主席。  2008年5月8日,俄罗斯国家杜马通过普京担任政府总理的提名。  2011年9月24日,俄罗斯总统德米特里·梅德韦杰夫提议普京参加明年3月的总统选举。  2011年9月24日,俄罗斯总统德米特里·梅德韦杰夫提议普京参加明年3月的总统选举。     2011年11月,福布斯2011权力人物榜:俄罗斯总理普京已经宣布参选2012年总统,并且获胜几率很高,为此名列第二。     2011年11月27日,普京正式成为俄罗斯总统候选人。     2012年3月5日,普京以64.39%的得票率再次当选俄罗斯总统。  希望对您有帮助!
2023-07-26 05:13:011


Владимир Путин,这个名字没有什么特殊含义
2023-07-26 05:13:093


Vladimir V. PutinPresident of the Russian FederationVladimir Putin was born in Leningrad on October 7, 1952. In 1975, Putin graduated from the law department of the Leningrad State University. After graduation he worked at the Foreign Intelligence Service. He also worked for a long time in Germany. After his return to Leningrad, Putin became an aide to the vice-president of the Leningrad State University in charge of international issues. In 1990, he was adviser to chairman of the Leningrad City Council and in 1991-1994 chairman of the committee for foreign relations of the St. Petersburg Mayor"s Office. In 1994-1996, he was first deputy chairman of the city government and chairman of the committee for external relations. In 1996-1997, he was first deputy presidential business manager. In 1997-1998, Putin worked as head of the president"s Main Audit Directorate and presidential deputy chief of staff. From July 1998 to March 1999 he was director of the Federal Security Service. Between March 1999 and August 1999, Putin combined his job as Federal Security Service director with the work as Security Council secretary. On August 9, 1999, he was appointed first vice-prime minister and later on the same day he became acting prime minister. On March 26, 2000, he was elected the President of the Russian Federation. Putin is married with two daughters. His hobbies include sports, particularly wrestling.
2023-07-26 05:13:351


2023-07-26 05:13:4311


普京,弗拉基米尔(vladimir putin, 1952.10.7- )俄罗斯总统、安全会议主席、独联体国家元首理事会主席。 1952年10月7日生于俄罗斯第二大城市列宁格勒(后改名为圣彼得堡),昵称沃洛佳。经济学博士。1970年中学毕业后考入国立列宁格勒大学法律系国际法专业,1975年以优异成绩毕业,毕业论文题目是《一个国家如何才能获得别国的平等对待》,毕业评语是“诚实、纪律性强、具有高度责任感”。 精通德语,喜爱运动,特别爱好桑勃式摔跤、柔道和山地滑雪,大学时代荣获过桑勃式摔跤冠军。1974年成为列宁格勒的柔道冠军,并入选运动健将候选人之列。性格坚韧,有极强的耐力,很少表露感情。工作作风果断干练而谨慎,在车臣问题上持强硬立场。是1999年度“风云人物”奖获得者。2000年开始学英语,他是俄罗斯第一位学英语的领导人。 1999年12月31日,叶利钦总统宣布辞去总统职务,并宣布由普京代行总统职务。2000年1月25日起任独联体国家元首理事会主席。3月27日,俄罗斯中央选举委员会宣布,在已统计的94.27%的选票中,普京获52.94%的选票,超过法定票数,当选为俄罗斯第三届总统,5月7日正式宣誓就职。
2023-07-26 05:14:421


2023-07-26 05:14:572


2023-07-26 05:15:091


2023-07-26 05:15:216


oh la la ,Merde!天哪,操!
2023-07-26 05:15:396

put sth. in perspective是什么意思?

2023-07-26 05:16:094

put perspective是什么意思

2023-07-26 05:16:184

Russian President Vladimir Putin是什么意思

2023-07-26 05:16:252


2023-07-26 05:16:334


2023-07-26 05:16:413


2023-07-26 05:16:491


动词。putinmoreeffort的词性是动词,动词加s是跟着句子人称变化,第一人称不加s。动词是表示动作或者状态的词,动词按照词义和在句子中所起的功能和作用可分为四类: 实义动词、系动词、助动词和情态动词。
2023-07-26 05:16:561


放进, 提出, 提交, 插入, 进入, 使就职, 种植, 进港。To interpose:插入,插话:He put in a good word for me.他插进来为我说了一句好话To spend (time) at a location or job:花时间:在某一场所或工作上花费(时间):The inmate had put in six years at hard labor. She put in eight hours behind a desk.犯人已经做了六年的苦工。她在花了八小时办公put intov.使进入, 把...翻译成, 在...上种植The ship put in at Portsmouth to fuel.船驶入朴次茅斯港口加煤。The boat had to put into Liverpool for supplies."那艘船只得在利物浦停靠,装载补给品。"前者侧重于把……放进去后的状态,后者着重于过程
2023-07-26 05:17:171

如何区分putin和put in?

一、put into的用法:put into的意思是插入,注入,(船)入港,侧重于使某物处于某种状态,强调的是状态。put into后只能接名词构成复合宾语。二、put in的用法:put in的意思是做,(使)在内;在某人或某物上花费,强调的是动作。后后接名词或代词作宾语,也可接双宾语,有时还可接以形容词、副词或介词短语充当补足语的复合宾语。三、重点词汇解释:1、putvt. 放;表达;移动;安置;赋予vi. 出发;击;航行;发芽n. 掷;笨蛋;投击;怪人adj. 固定不动的2、intoprep. 到……里面;触及,碰撞;朝,向;转向;关于;转变成;造成(某种结果);除;对……很有兴趣3、inprep. 在……内;在……之中(用于较大和较小数字之间);以……的数量;带……颜色的;以……方式;具有……特性;按照(表示方式)adv. 进入;在里头;到达;当选;涨潮;在屋里;在车站;收到;递交,送到;填写,着色;朝里,向中间;击球;(球)落在界内;(服装等)时髦扩展资料:put的用法:put的基本含义是放,搁,指将某物安放在一个固定的地点,使其形成某种状态。引申还可作提出,提交,估算,估价,评价,使从事活动,使致力于,推,送,继续行程的意思。put主要用作及物动词,后接名词或代词作宾语。也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可以转化为介词to/for的宾语。有时还可接以形容词、副词或介词短语充当补足语的复合宾语。put的过去式和过去分词均为put。
2023-07-26 05:17:391


分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: 谁知道啊!!! 解析: 同意!当然是Putin啦.听起来跟布丁差不多,嘿嘿,还是中文的翻译比较帅.全称是:Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin 另外,德语也是用Putin. 不过全称就是:Wladimir Wladimirowitsch Putin
2023-07-26 05:17:521

put in和putin

put in 加进 Put in more water, will you? 再加些水,好吗? 提交;提出 He put in a claim for $500 damages. 他提出一项五百美元赔偿的要求。 put in If you put in an amount of time or effort doing something, you spend that time or effort doing it. If you put in a request or put in for something, you formally request or apply for that thing. If you put in a remark, you interrupt someone or add to what they have said with the remark. Put yourself in my place. 把你自己放在我的位置上 Put it back in its place. 把它放回到原来的地方。 To put in place or position. 定位安放在一个位置或方向上 the first place 把……放在首位 treat snobbishly, put in one"s place. 势利地对待,使安分守己。
2023-07-26 05:18:001


2023-07-26 05:18:085


弗拉基米尔·普京 (Vladimir Putin) 1952年10月7日生于列宁格勒市(现圣彼得堡市),1975年从国立列宁格勒大学法律系毕业后在苏联国家安全委员会对外情报局工作。1985年至1990年他被派往民主德国工作。 少年时代的普京1990年回国后,普京先后担任列宁格勒大学校长外事助理、圣彼得堡市市长顾问、圣彼得堡市对外联络委员会主席。1994年任圣彼得堡市第一副市长。1996年8月,普京开始担任俄联邦总统事务管理局副局长,1997年3月任俄总统办公厅副主任兼监察局局长,1998年5月任总统办公厅第一副主任,同年7月起任俄联邦安全局局长。1999年3月任俄联邦安全会议秘书,同年8月9日被任命为第一副总理、代总理,8月16日就任总理。1999年12月31日,叶利钦总统宣布辞去总统职务,普京出任代总统。2000年3月26日普京当选为俄联邦总统,并于5月7日正式宣誓就职。2004年3月,普京赢得大选胜利,连任总统,同年5月宣誓就任 。 普京夫妇登临中国长城普京精通德语,喜爱运动,特别爱好桑勃式摔跤、柔道和山地滑雪,大学时代荣获过桑勃式摔跤冠军,是1974年列宁格勒的柔道冠军,并入选运动健将候选人之列。他性格坚韧,有极强的耐力,很少表露感情。 普京曾于1994年作为圣彼得堡市第一副市长率团访华。2000年7月、2002年12月和2004年10月以总统身份访华。2006年3月对中国进行国事访问,并出席“俄罗斯年”开幕式和中俄经济工商界高峰论坛开幕式。 妻子柳德米拉1957年出生于波罗的海南岸的加里宁格勒,毕业于加里宁格勒第八中学,酷爱戏剧,喜欢文体活动。柳德米拉中学毕业后考入加里宁格勒工学院,因不喜欢工科而在两年后主动辍学,20世纪80年代初在加里宁格勒航空队当空姐。后进入列宁格勒国立大学语言系学习西班牙语。曾在俄罗斯的布良斯克市任大学教师。24岁时到列宁格勒度短假,在那里举行的音乐会上与普京相识。1983年7月28日与普京在涅瓦河的小轮船上举行婚礼。他们有两个女儿:卡佳和玛莎。
2023-07-26 05:18:232


关于普京:普京 弗拉基米尔 弗拉基米洛维奇 Владиu0301мир Владиu0301мирович Пуu0301тин(1952年10月7日出生于列宁格勒)俄罗斯国家和政治活动家,现任(第4届)俄罗斯联邦总统(2012年5月7日就任的)。普京(Путин)--姓来自于Путь,意思是道路。弗拉基米尔(Владимир)--名字,意思是控制掌握世界。弗拉基米洛维奇( Владимирович)--父称,表示父亲的名字弗拉基米尔(Владимир)。
2023-07-26 05:18:511


2023-07-26 05:19:191


2023-07-26 05:19:261


弗拉基米尔·弗拉基米罗维奇·普京(俄语:Владиu0301мир Владиu0301мирович Пуu0301тин)
2023-07-26 05:19:355

2023-07-26 05:20:026


put in place不是固定短语,in place才是固定短语(或习语),意为:“合适的;恰当的;在通常的位置;在适当的位置;就位的;已确定的;”。
2023-07-26 05:20:161


弗拉基米尔·普京 (Vladimir Putin) Владимир Владимирович Путин
2023-07-26 05:20:244


2023-07-26 05:20:3313


2023-07-26 05:21:061

下面这句话如何翻译?More of what 中what指的是什么?"Putin cronies是这个吗?

一名英国官方人员表示欧盟将会宣布与美国联合采取惩罚性措施,包括对俄罗斯银行业、能源业和防御(国防)的更多限制。更多的被一名官员称作”普京密友“的人将会被强加上旅行禁令(指禁止出国,因为欧盟国家不发签证,他们无法入境)。这里More of what 中what指的是 an official dubbed,这是从句,不影响整句意思,表示解释说明。去掉后就是More of"Putin cronies" would have travel bans imposed on them. what an official dubbed 是用来解释Putin cronies是从何而来的。
2023-07-26 05:21:151


2023-07-26 05:21:236

有一个已排好序的数组,今输入一个数,要求按原来排序的规律将它插入数组中。 我哪写错啦,求解~

/*putin:12 23 34 45 56 67 78 89 92putin x : 40putout:12 23 34 40 45 56 67 78 89 92Press any key to continue*/#include <stdio.h>void main() { int i,j,N = 10; int a[10] = {12,23,34,45,56,67,78,89,92}; int x; printf("putin: "); for(i = 0;i < N - 1;i++) printf("%d ",a[i]); printf(" putin x : "); scanf("%d",&x); for(i = 0;i < N - 1;i++) if(a[i] > x) break; if(i == N - 1) a[N - 1] = x; // 比最后的数还大时,将x直接填到单元N - 1中 else { // 否则 for(j = N - 2 ;j >= i;j--) a[j + 1] = a[j]; a[i] = x; } printf("putout: "); for(i = 0;i < 10;i++) printf("%d ",a[i]); printf(" ");}
2023-07-26 05:21:403


弗拉基米尔·弗拉基米罗维奇·普京(俄语:Владимир Владимирович Путин)
2023-07-26 05:21:556


普京·弗拉基米尔 (vladimir putin, 1952.10.7- ) 俄罗斯总统、安全会议主席、独联体国家元首理事会主席。 1952年10月7日生于俄罗斯第二大城市列宁格勒(后改名为圣彼得堡),经济学博士。1970年中学毕业后考入国立列宁格勒大学法律系国际法专业,1975年以优异成绩毕业,毕业论文题目是《一个国家如何才能获得别国的平等对待》,毕业评语是“诚实、纪律性强、具有高度责任感”。 1975年起在苏联国家安全委员会(克格勃)对外情报局工作,起初是级别较低的侦辑人员。曾进入克格勃海外谍报学院深造,并在此学习柔道。80年代被派往东德的德累斯顿工作,担任过东德莱比锡的德俄友好会馆代表。1989年回国后离开克格勃,任列宁格勒大学副校长的国际问题助理。1990年任列宁格勒市苏维埃主席阿纳托利·索布恰克的顾问(索布恰克曾是普京的大学老师)。1991—1992年任圣彼得堡市对外联络委员会主席。1994年任圣彼得堡市第一副市长兼对外联络委员会主席。 1994—1996年任圣彼得堡市第一副市长。 1996—1997年任俄罗斯总统事务管理局副局长,1997年3月26日—1998年4月任总统办公厅副主任兼总统办公厅监察总局局长。1998年5月25日—1998年7月任总统办公厅第一副主任,主管中央与地区关系问题。1998年7月25日起任俄联邦安全局局长,同年11月20日起任安全会议常务委员。1999年3月29日起任俄联邦安全局局长兼安全会议秘书,同年8月8日免去俄联邦安全局局长职务,11月15日免去安全会议秘书职务。 1999年8月9日起任俄罗斯第一副总理兼代总理,8月16日起正式任总理,同年9月起任俄罗斯和白俄罗斯执行委员会主席。 1999年12月31日,叶利钦总统宣布辞去总统职务,并宣布由普京代行总统职务。2000年1月25日起任独联体国家元首理事会主席。3月27日,俄罗斯中央选举委员会宣布,在已统计的94.27%的选票中,普京获52.94%的选票,超过法定票数,当选为俄罗斯第三届总统,5月7日正式宣誓就职,同日免去总理职务。 普京精通德语,喜爱运动,特别爱好桑勃式摔跤、柔道和山地滑雪,大学时代荣获过桑勃式摔跤冠军。1974年成为列宁格勒的柔道冠军,并入选运动健将候选人之列。性格坚韧,有极强的耐力,很少表露感情。工作作风果断干练而谨慎,在车臣问题上持强硬立场。是1999年度“风云人物”奖获得者。 普京的祖父出生在圣彼得堡,是名烹饪水平很高的厨师,第一次世界大战后被请到莫斯科郊区的哥尔克村,给列宁和乌里扬诺夫全家烧菜做饭。列宁去世后,他被调到斯大林的一座别墅,在那里工作了很长时间。 普京的父亲1911年出生在圣彼得堡,17岁结婚。曾在潜水舰队服役,在苏联卫国战争中受过伤。后来一直在工厂工作,是模范工人,任过车间党组织书记。共生有三个男孩,前两个先后夭折,他对唯一幸存的儿子普京的培养教育非常严格。 普京的妻子:柳德米拉 (lyudmila),80年代初在加里宁格勒航空队当空姐。曾在加里宁格勒工学院学习过一段时间,因不喜欢工程师专业,二年级时退学。后进入列宁格勒国立大学哲学系工农速成班学习。曾在俄罗斯的布良斯克市任大学教师。24岁时到列宁格勒度短假,在那里举行的阿尔卡季·赖金音乐会上与普京相识。1983年7月28日,与普京在涅瓦河的小轮船上举行婚礼,婚后住在普京父母家,直到普京调到莫斯科。 有两个女儿:卡佳13岁、玛莎14岁(2000年),曾在德国驻莫斯科使馆的专门学校学习,发展很全面,都会拉小提琴、弹钢琴。 1998至1999年家庭总收入30.88万卢布(28卢布约合1美元)。银行储蓄183.76万卢布。普京与夫人在圣彼得堡拥有两块地皮,在莫斯科州有1500平米,在普斯科夫州有600平米。在列宁格勒州有一座152.9平米的别墅,在圣彼得堡有两个车库。 主要活动及言论: 1999年8月,车臣非法武装分子侵入达吉斯坦,挑起战事,普京坚决主张出兵车臣以打击恐怖分子,捍卫国家统一和领土完整。 1999年8月9日,叶利钦总统推荐普京为下届总统候选人。同日,普京宣布参加2000年总统大选。 1999年12月31日,叶利钦总统任命他为代总统至2000年3月选出新总统为止。这之前,普京通过因特网发表文章《千年之交的俄罗斯》,强调俄罗斯要走富民强国之路,指出“俄罗斯思想”的重要性,主张加强国家的作用;认为“俄罗斯的思想”的要素是爱国主义、大国意识、国家主义和社会团结。评论家称此文章为普京竞选总统的纲领。 2000年1月1日,他在安全会议扩大会议上重申,俄罗斯将一如既往地同世界所有国家在平等、互谅、友好和互利合作的基础上建立关系”,确定了俄罗斯对外政策的连续性。他在上任的第一天即前往车臣,慰问了在那里作战的俄军士兵,并重申对这场战斗的支持,他说俄罗斯士兵的根本目标是结束俄罗斯的分裂。 2月8日,在会见莫斯科电子技术学院的大学生时说,只有那种欧洲式的“稳固的”政党体系才能确保政治的稳定。 2月25日,他以致选民公开信的形式在俄各大报上发表了他竞选总统的纲领,强调俄罗斯要走富民强国之路。公开信用近一半的篇幅分析了俄国内当前存在的主要问题。对今后全国的工作列出了四项优先重点:首先,要向贫穷开战;其次,要防范官僚和犯罪集团对市场经济的非法侵害;第三,应当恢复公民的个人尊严,从而增强崇高的民族尊严;第四,从本国民族利益出发,制定对外政策。他说,我们的第一个问题也是最主要的问题是意志削弱,失去了完成所开创的事业的国家意志和坚定信念。 3月31日,他强调,俄必须提高核遏制潜力的效率,保留和加强核武器综合体,原子能工业是优先发展的部门。 4月16日,开始对白俄罗斯、英国和乌克兰进行工作访问。 5月18日,开始中亚之行,访问独联体国家的乌兹别克斯坦和土库曼斯坦。 5月29日,他在克里姆林宫同欧盟代表团会晤后举行的记者招待会上说,无论在地理位置和文化方面,还是在经济一体化方面,俄罗斯过去、现在和将来都是欧洲国家,俄罗斯将一如既往把发展同欧洲的关系放在首位。 6月5日—6日应邀对意大利进行工作访问,他在同意大利总理阿马托会谈时表示,俄罗斯愿意同欧盟以及北约内的欧洲国家一起建立联合导弹防御系统,以对付美国坚持要单独部署的国家导弹防御系统。 6月15日,在柏林德国经济大厦发表演讲,重申俄罗斯反对美国“国家导弹防御系统”以及北约东扩的立场。 7月18日—19日,对中国进行国事访问。
2023-07-26 05:23:221


2023-07-26 05:23:302

VBS 自动输入

Sub test() Dim putin putin = InputBox("输入需要执行的列,以英文逗号隔开:") Dim column, MyArry, size MyArry = Split(putin, ",") size = UBound(MyArry) - LBound(MyArry) + 1 For i = 0 To size - 1 For indx = 1 To 25 column = UCase(MyArry(i)) & indx Range(column).Select ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "0.65" Next NextEnd Sub这个是Excel的宏脚本,你把代码放进去,执行下就OK
2023-07-26 05:23:371

bidding farewell to是什么意思

向(某人)告别例句:Russia will get a new president ( probably), but the petulantly pugnacious vladimir putin has no intention of bidding farewell to power.俄罗斯将有一位新总统产生,但任性好斗的弗拉基米尔普京(vladimir putin)无意告别权力。ps:bidding [英][u02c8bu026adu026au014b][美][u02c8bu026adu026au014b]n.投标; (尤指拍卖中的)出价; <非正>请求; 召唤; v.出价,投标( bid的现在分词 ); 恳求; 命令; 说(问候话);
2023-07-26 05:23:442


初中常用的,历年中考中屡次出现的短语:put on穿上,上演 Put the coat on,Mike,,it"s cold today. The theatre is putting on the works of Shakespeare"s.put away收拾,整理 Shall we put away the books?It"s really a great messput off推迟 You"d better put off your party, it is going to rain tomorrow.put down记下 I"ll put that down in ma diary.put up举起 Put your hand up if you know the answer.
2023-07-26 05:24:213


  仁爱版英语八年级上册的期末考试快到了,这时候我们可以找一些训练题来巩固知识。下面是我为大家带来的关于仁爱版英语八年级上册的期末训练试题,供大家参考。   仁爱版英语八年级上册期末训练试卷题目   Ⅰ.词汇10分   A根据句意及所给首字母,完成单词每题1分,共5分   1.Mr.Fat is a r man. He can buy everything he wants.   2.Jim Green is a foreigner. But he can travel to China easily because he has a p .   3.Yaoming is an e basketball player. He plays basketball very well in NBA.   4.The beautiful glass is b , so Mrs.Green has to buy another one.   5.Maria"s Father is a good worker. He can c the machine机器 easily.   6. The teacher came in with a big s_____. She was so happy.   7 Stupid is another way of saying s_____.   8. The medicine tasted b_____ and the boy spat it out吐出。   9. Follow the doctor"s a______ and you will get well soon.   10. Think it over before making important d_____, especially when you are in a bad mood.   B根据句意及所给汉语意思,完成句子每题1分,共5分   1.You can 打电话给me if you get to Fuzhou. I will meet you.   2. 起初,we didn"t like swimming at all.   3.Mrs.Lee is 对……严格要求us. Sh e often makes us do lots of homework.   4.I am not a child any more. I can 处理 my own business事情.   5.Don"t 放弃,you"ll succeed soon.   6. My father ______ ______ ______ 对……感到满意 my good results at school.   7. We will ______ ______轮流 to clean our classroom.   8. You can ______ ______打电话给 me if you get to Fuzhou. I will meet you.   9. Our math teacher is very patient and explains things to us _____ _____ _____ _____. 一次又一次。   10. ______ ______ ______ 别急! We will help you.   Ⅱ.选择填空15分    1.The boring film on TV make me to sleep.   A.wants want C.want    2.Michael often spends his weekends his grandparents.   A.with C.on    3.“It"s a piece of good news.” “Yes. good news it is!”   A.What B.What a C.How    4.Love Me Once More, Mom is so that I cry again and again.   A.moved B.moving C.moves    5.The man is so sad because the poor business.   A.for B.of    6.A: Why is the woman worried? B: she lost her little son.   A.So B.Since C.Because    7.Mr.Lee will be happy because he will have tickets Titanic. C.on    8.Jane looks so because she has a wonderful pet dog.   A.exciting B.excite C.excited    9.A: What Helen ? B: She is helpful. She always helps others in need.; like B.does; look like C.looks; like    10.Study hard, or your mother will worry about falling others.   A.before B.behind C.into    11.There is in Today"s newspaper. It"s dull.   A.nothing new nothing C.everything new    12.It is important for us English well.   A.studying study    13.A: Tony won 200 metres race in our school sports meeting B: .   A.Do well B.Well done C.Does well    14.Mr. Lee wants me to give in front of the class every day.   A.speak B.speech C.a speech    15.We can"t make before we think it over carefully.   A.decide B.decision C.a decision    16. The dish _____ nice.   A. sounds B. *** ells C. feels    17. I felt tired ______ I worked late last night.   A. because B. when C. if    18. He is not as ______ as his younger brother.   A. strong B. stronger C. strongest    19. — My watch ______. — Don"t worry. Let"s go to the Lost and Found.   A. is lost B. is broken C. has found    20. Don"t worry. There is ______ time to go.   A. some B. few C. little    21. He said ______ his English teacher last year.   A. thanks to B. thanks for C. thank    22. My mother usually gets used to ______ late.   A. go to bed B. go ing to bed C. getting to the bed    23. The *** ile on her face shows that she is ______ her work.   A. worried about B. pleased with C. sorry for    24. All the children like Mr. White very much because he often makes them _____.   A. laughed B. laugh C. laughing    25. We must ______ our clas *** ates at school.   A. got along with B. get along with C. get along    26. The old man feels ______ and ______.   A. alone; disappointed B. lonely; disappointed C. lonely; disappointing    27. I hope everything ______ well.   A. goes B. go C. gone    28. The teacher explained it ______ the students carefully.   A. to B. with C. at    29. Listening to music is a good way to help us be more ______ .   A. relaxed B. relax C. relaxing    30. Think it over before ______ important decisions.   A. to make B. make C. making   Ⅳ.综合填词8分   用所给词的正确形式填空   Last year an __1__ man came to visit us. He is Russian Preseident Vladimir Putin. Putin was born in st. Peter *** urg, Russia"s second 2 city, in 1952. He came to office in 2000. Four years later, he was a gain the _ _3 .   Putin does a good job _4 __ Russia great. People say that he is serious and capable有能力的. But young Putin wasn "t a top student at all. His student"s books and diaries from 40 years ago show this. At a time when the top mark 5 five, Putin got three for math and science. His art was even 6 , only two. He sometimes, forgot __7 his math homework. Once he forgot to wear school uniform. His teacher had to ask him to get out of the classroom. But Putin did very well in the moral class品德课. He always got full marks. He also 8 a strong love of Russia at an early age.   Ⅴ.看图完成对话,每空一词7分   Mother: Kate! It"s late. Why are you still in bed? You must get up and get ready for 1 . If you don"t go soon, you"ll be late.   Kate: I don"t 2 very well.   Mother: Oh dear! What"s wrong?   Kate: I don"t __3 . My head hurts.   Mother: Really? If you are __4 , you"ll have to_ 5 the doctor.   Kate: Can I have some breakfast first?   Mother: No, you _6_ eat anything until you see the doctor.   Kate: Mom, I feel a little __7 now.   Ⅵ.完形填空10分   A   The following is what Elsa from the Swedish Rock Band writes about her father.   My father was born in Stockholm in 1948. He 1 there for eighteen years. He was good at languages, 2 he wasn"t good at science. He liked sports, and his 3 sport was football. In 1958, when he was 4 years old, the Football World Cup was in Sweden. He went to see many of them. When he was 15 years old, he started to play for Liverpod—a famous English team. He met my mother in Liverpod, and they got 5 in 1967.    1.A.went B.lived B.and C.but    3.A.favorite B.good C.hard    4.A.15 B.12 C.10    5.A.married B.paid C.hurt   B   Everyone likes to live in a clean and fortable environment. If the enviroment is 6 , it will make us not feel well. Sometimes we may be terribly ill. At that time we don"t want to 7 , we have to stay in bed and rest at 8 . So the environment is very important to us. It is germs细菌that makes us ill. There are germs everywhere. They are very *** all and we can"t 9 them with our own eyes. To keep us healthy, we should try our best to make our environment bee cleaner and tidier. This needs us to act 10 .    6.A.bad B.good C.nice    7.A.sleep B.drink B.home    9.A.feel B.find C.get    10.A.together B.slowly C.quietly   Ⅶ.阅读理解15分   A   My sister is an air hostess空中小姐.   Yesterday morning my sister was at the back of the plane. She was going to take food and drinks to the passengers. A little old woman came up to her and said, “Could you please tell me where the Ladies" Room is?”   “Certainly, Madam.” answered my sister,“It"s right at the other end of the plane in the front.”   The old woman went too far. She walked all the way to the front of the plane, opened the door in front of her and saw the captain 机长and his workmates in the *** all room. They were all busy with their work and didn"t see her. She went out again and came back to my sister.   “Oh, didn"t you find it?”asked my sister.   “Yes, I did.” said the little old woman,“But there were four men in the Ladies" Room watching TV!”    1. My sister works . a plane a shop a train    2.My sister"s duty is . take food and drinks to the passengers乘客 show the toilets to the passengers help the passengers    3.The old woman didn"t know where the Ladies" Room was because .   A.She travelled by plane for the first time   B.She wanted to talk with my sister C.There weren"t any toilets in the plane    4.The old woman went in the .   A.Men"s room B.control cabin驾驶舱 C.sitting room    5.The old woman thought .   A.the four men watched TV in the Ladies" Room sister fooled 捉弄her C.the Ladies" Room was at the back of the plane   B   Maria, Jane and Mary   Maria was very happy. She was at a new school, and the students were friendly. “Hi, Maria!” they said. But some students said, “Hi, Jane!” Maria didn"t understand. She asked another student. “Why do some students call me Jane?”“Oh,” t he student said, “Jane was a student here last year. Now she goes to a different school. You look like Jane. So some students think that you"re Jane.”   Maria wanted to see Jane. She got Jane"s adderss from a student and went to Jane"s house. Maria couldn"t believe her eyes. She really looked like Jane! They had the same colour eyes and the same *** ile. They had the same black hair and their birthdays were on the same day. And they were both adopted领养by two different families.   Later Maria and Jane found out that they were twin sisters. Soon after the girls were born, one family adopted Maria, and another family adopted Jane. Maria"s family never know about Jane and Jane"s family never know about Maria.   Maria and Jane"s story was in the newspaper. There was a photo of Maria and Jane next to the story. A girl named Mary saw the photo in the newspaper. Mary couldn"t believe her eyes. She really looked like Maria and Jane! And she, too, was adopted by a third family.   Later Mary met Maria and Jane. When Maria and Jane saw Mary, they were very surprised. Mary really looked like them! Why did Mary look like Maria and Jane? You can guess. Maria and Jane are not twins. Maria Jane and Mary are triplets三胞胎.    1. Maria was at the new school.   A.sorry B.happy C.sad    2.Some students thought .   A.Jane was Maria B.Maria was Mary C.Maria was Jane    3.Maria saw Jane . Jane"s house B. at school the classroom    4.Mary knew the story from .   A.the newspaper B.a book C.other people    5.Maria, Jane and Mary were .   A.clas *** ates B.sisters Cins   C   A man saw a boy standing beside a lake with a mirror 镜子.“Excuse me,” he said, “but could you tell me what you"re doing?”   “I"m fishing.”   “With a mirror? Could you tell me how it works?”the man asked.   “OK, but I want five dollars.”   The man wanted to know the secret very much, so he handed the boy the money.“Now show me how it works,” he said. “Well”, the boy began, “you hold 拿 the mirror towards the water, and when a fish goes by, the sunlight in the mirror gives him a surprise. He stops and doesn"t know what to do, and then you catch him at once. ”The man was surprised, “Can you really catch fish with the mirror? How many did you catch?”   “You"re the fifth today!” replied the boy.   阅读上面短文,然后判断句子正T误F。    1.The man wanted to look at the boy"s mirror.    2.The man gave the boy five dollars.    3.The boy caught five fish that day.    4.The boy got fifteen dollars that day.    5.When the man heard the boy"s words, he would be very happy.   Ⅷ.书面表达10分   [提示]昨天5月13日,星期天,是母亲节,我在花园里摘了些鲜花,送给母亲。爸爸到商店为她买了一条漂亮的女裙和一条项链。下午我们一起去看京剧,晚上我们一起去位于市中心的餐馆吃饭。   [提示词]Beijing Opera京剧 necklace项链   要求:按上面提示及提示词,根据题目,写一篇语句通顺的短文。70~80词。
2023-07-26 05:25:101