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2023-05-19 18:12:42
TAG: 英语

对??有好处的英语:be beneficial to。

be beneficial to

英 [bi: ˌbeniˈfiʃəl tu:]   美 [bi ˌbɛnəˈfɪʃəl tu]  




英 [ˌbenɪˈfɪʃl]   美 [ˌbɛnəˈfɪʃəl]  



1、The payment terms should be beneficial to both sides. 


2、One should be beneficial to the society when alive. 


























    2023-01-07 18:43:142


    顺手采纳答案好处的英语是goodness例句:what"s goodness for me ?对我有什么好处
    2023-01-07 18:43:224


    题库内容:优越的解释[superior;advantageous] 优胜;优良 处于优越的地位 详细解释 (1). 优渥 , 特别 优厚。 《魏书·常山王遵孙可悉陵从子昭传》 :“纳货 元叉 ,所以赠礼优越。” (2).优胜,优良。 沙汀 《还乡记》 二:“ 冯 家 不再 占有优越的地位。” 魏巍 《汉 江南 岸的 日日夜夜 》 :“在 汉江 南岸的狭小的滩头阵地上,隐伏着世界上第一流 勇敢 的军队,隐伏着具有优越战术 素养 的 英雄 的人!” 徐懋庸 《鸡肋》 :“但他 自恃 家世的高贵、 才华 的优越 并且 向蒙 魏王 的赏识,而这次的过失也不算太大,只要随机应变,总可以辩得过去的。” 词语分解 优的解释 优 (优) ō 美好 的,出众的:优良。优等。 古代指演剧的人:优伶。俳优( 滑稽 杂耍艺人)。 充足 ,富裕:优裕(富裕,充足)。优厚。优惠。优遇。 养尊处优 (处于尊贵的地位,过着优裕的 生活 , 用于 贬义)。 劣 越的解释 越 è 度过 ,超出:越过。越冬。越级。越轨。越权。越境。越位。越狱。越俎代庖。 声音、 情感 扬起,昂扬:激越。声音 清越 。 表示 程度 加深:越发(更加)。越加。越快越好。 消散:“ 精神 劳则越”。 失坠, 坠落
    2023-01-07 18:43:471

    it is advantageous to是什么意思

    2023-01-07 18:43:532


    1:we located the company once we entered the company.2:both of the factory manufacture company software.3:i had finished a chunk of the report.
    2023-01-07 18:44:001


    2023-01-07 18:44:091


    2023-01-07 18:44:153


    worthcontrolaccessrewardingpoliticalchange your mindunionencourage sb to do stto score a goal
    2023-01-07 18:44:254

    of all开头

    给出全文... Of all the advantageous characteristics to have,这个一般是前缀,后面要加东西的,比如 kind is the most important.是说在所有的好的特性中,善良是最重要的 advantageous是形容词...修饰characteristics的
    2023-01-07 18:44:381

    跪求好心人分享优越2015年上映的由 Jacqueline Kim主演的免费高清百度云资源

    链接: 提取码: 8g76《优越 Advantageous》导演: 詹妮弗·彭编剧: 杰奎琳·金、詹妮弗·彭主演: Jacqueline Kim类型: 科幻制片国家/地区: 美国语言: 英语、法语上映日期: 2015-01-26(圣丹斯电影节)、2015-06-23(美国)片长: 90 分钟又名: 2Q41:茱儿的礼物(台)在一个被猛增的财富掩盖了其经济危机的未来城市中,格温和她的女儿朱尔竭尽所能地坚持着自己的爱好,尽管她们的世界越来越不稳定
    2023-01-07 18:44:432


    2023-01-07 18:44:541


    2023-01-07 18:45:001


    优越的地理位置[词典] Advantageous geographical location; Superior geographical position[例句] 1、Advantageous geographical location and climate for the hotel offered a good opportunity, but also for the design to create a more abundant creativity and subject matter.优越的地理位置和气候为酒店提供了良好机遇,同时也为设计创造了更丰富的创意空间和题材。2、The superior geographical position, the convenience traffic conditions, have created the advantageous development superiority for the company. 优越的地理位置、方便的交通条件,为公司创造了得天独厚的发展优势。
    2023-01-07 18:45:051


    2023-01-07 18:45:114

    be beneficial to还是for sb?

    be beneficial for和be beneficial to两个用法都有,to是对人,for是对事。be beneficial for somebody to do sth是唯一的区别,此时只能使用for。其他的类型for和to都可以用,一般to是对人,for是对事;to本身是介词,后应接名词性的词,表示“对”、“向”等。1、All these factors proved to be beneficial for the opposition.所有这些因素都对反对派有利。2、These efforts will definitely be beneficial for the healthy development of organ transplantation in China in a long run.这些规范管理措施的实施必将有利于我国人体器官移植事业的健康和长远发展。beneficial1、adj.~ (to sth/sb)2、有利的;有裨益的;有用的 improving a situation; having a helpful or useful effect同义词: advantageous, favourable例句:1、Using computers has a beneficial effect on children"s learning.使用计算机对孩子们的学习有益。2、Having one IP address for some or all of the Ethernet adapters in a large multi-nodesystem can be beneficial for system administrators and network administration.可以让一个大型多节点系统中的一些或所有以太网适配器共用一个IP地址,这对系统管理和网络管理有帮助。
    2023-01-07 18:45:361

    求分析这句中的那几个it是表示什么 谢谢啦

    In scientific research it is often advantageous, if the solution of one problem presents difficulties, to add to it a second problem; just as it is easier to crack two nuts together instead of separately.=In scientific research it is often advantageous to add to it a second problem,if the solution of one problem presents difficulties; just as it is easier to crack two nuts together instead of separately.通过这个句子结构调整,原来所用的主体句子结构很清晰:①【It +be+形容词+ to do sth】.因此,几个it的用法就比较清晰:②【it 形式主语,代替后面的真主语不定式短语 to add to...】is often advantageousto add to 【it= the solution of one problem 】 a second problem; ③【 it 同①】 is easier to crack two nuts together instead of祝你开心如意!
    2023-01-07 18:45:491


    According to your previous letter,we can ask our agent to help solve the problem of delivery .We"ve already cut the price to the lowest,so I think FOB is still more suitable.If you don"t mind we could sign a contract with the capital of (单位)20,000,000per year .The delibery will be done immediately after the payment and we guarantee the quarlity so that you could set your heart at ease.Please don"t hesitate to tell us about the measures of the products you required so that I could get down to business the preparations for our successful cooperation.
    2023-01-07 18:45:543


    E-commerce as a new business economic models, and has strong vitality. It caused the rapid development of innovative transactions, in particular the flow pattern changes. E-commerce logistics is the "four-" - the flow of information and business flow, capital flow, in a part of the logistics, e-commerce in goods and is the ultimate embodiment of services. At the same time the development of electronic commerce and that the logistics to the development of more advanced. Distribution is to flow and the close integration of the logistics, including the activities to flow and logistics activities, and will also include a number of functional elements of logistics. Speaking from the logistics, distribution logistics is a microcosm of or in a small scope of the activities of all the logistics. E-commerce distribution of commodity circulation in the more traditional distribution methods more easily with information, automation, social, intelligence, rationalize and simplify, making the smooth flow of goods, and make the best use of not only reduce production business inventories and accelerate cash flow and improve distribution efficiency and reduce distribution costs; also stimulated the demand of the society, the benefit of the entire community of macro-control, but also enhance the economic benefits of the whole society, and promote the healthy development of the market economy. This paper around the concept of e-commerce logistics and distribution, characteristics, and mode of operation start feasibility studies, from the development of e-commerce logistics and distribution, as well as the status quo and the challenges faced by our country in this field by the awkward position of the bottleneck encountered three expounding China"s e-commerce Distribution to be to cope with the difficulties and learn from all the literature and information, e-commerce logistics and distribution for our proposals and responses.
    2023-01-07 18:46:053


    1.Has implemented the standardization in the comments input, reduced the redundant input and the confirmation time. To our group"s day-to-day business, the establishment or renews manual, is advantageous to new person"s training. 2. simplifies in the work the unnecessary service, may also raise the working speed, also reduces in the operation the mistake. 3. from original manual reorganizes invoice date, presently automatically reorganizes using the Excel tool, may quicker complete the service. 4. about PM input, in system input later, if implements the work in 3 months, but must in off line and the WLA department relation, not only increased the work load, also often has the omission. If does not use in off line relates, WLA department basis system data judgment job date. 5. under the IT TEAM support, and consulted with WLA, finds the solution
    2023-01-07 18:46:162


    2023-01-07 18:46:299


    2023-01-07 18:46:581


    This is a nice thing.You"re always lucky because you can always obtain one more chance than others. With so many memories of the same campus feelings, also is the telephone, E-mail delivering some emotionsd, also have ideals, the same thoughts ,the waiting, however the difference is, she will be superior to the ex-girlfriend.she will be accepted more easily ,have a more generous heart.
    2023-01-07 18:47:046

    翻译 谢谢

    2023-01-07 18:47:254


    学生会的职位的英文:Position of Student Union其他短语表达1、raise position 提高地位2、regain position 重新夺回阵地3、resign position 辞去职务4、restore position 恢复职务5、seek position 寻找工作Position 读法 英 [pə"zɪʃn]  美 [pə"zɪʃn]    n. 位置;职位;立场;状态vt. 安置;定位例句1、She positioned herself near the warm fire.她待在温暖的炉子的旁边。2、The integrated child seat is positioned behind the driver"s seat.一体化儿童座椅安置在驾驶座后面。扩展资料词语用法1、position的基本意思是“位置,方位”,指人〔物〕所在的地点与其他地点相对而言的方位。是可数名词。2、position用于人时可指“姿势,姿态”,也可泛指人的“地位,身份”或“职位,职务”,引申可指人对事物所持的“见解,态度”,是可数名词。3、position还可指事物的“状态,状况,形势,境况”,只用作单数。4、在军事术语中position可表示“阵地”,是可数名词,常用于复数形式。词汇搭配1、take position 担任职务2、administrative position 行政职务3、advantageous position 有利的地位4、take up position 占领阵地5、weaken position of 削弱…的地位
    2023-01-07 18:47:391


      商务英语是以适应职场生活的语言要求为目的,内容涉及到商务活动的方方面面。接下来我为大家整理了商务英语常用语,希望对你有帮助哦!   商务英语常用语一:   Can we do a barter trade?   咱们能不能做一笔易货贸易呢?   Is it still a direct barter trade?   这还算是一种直接的易货贸易吗?   If you agree to our proposal of a barter trade, we"ll give you paper in exchange for your timber.   如果你方同意我们进行易货贸易的建议,我们将用纸与你们交换木材。   Shall we sign a triangle trade agreement?   我们订一个三角贸易协议好吗?   A triangle trade can be carried out among the three of us.   我们三方可进行三角贸易。   Compensation trade is, in fact, a kind of loan.   补偿贸易实际上是一种信贷。   We may agree to do processing trade with you.   我们同意与你们进行来料加工贸易。   If you"re interested in leasing trade, please let us know.   如果你们有意做租赁贸易,请告诉我们。   We wonder whether you do counter trade.   我们不知道你们是否做抵偿贸易。   We want to develop direct contact with Continental buyers for ourselves.   我们想为自己的公司同欧洲大陆的买主建立起直接的联系。   We see that your firm specializes in Light Industrial Goods, and we are willing to establish business relationship with you.   得知贵公司专门经营轻工业品,我们愿意与贵公司建立业务关系。   We are one of the largest importers of Electric Goods in this city, and we wish to establish business relationship with you.   我们是此地最大的电器进口商之一,愿意与你们建立业务关系。   We are willing to enter into business relationship with your company on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.   我们愿在平等互利的基础上与贵公司建立业务关系。   Our two countries have had trade relations for ten years.   我们两国之间已经有了10年的贸易关系。   We"ve never had any difficulties with our Chinese partners, and we"d like to make as many new contacts as we can.   和中国同行共事从来没有什么困难,希望今后我们之间尽可能多地建立新的关系。   We have made a very good start in our business with Japan.   我们和日本在业务上有了良好的开端。   Our company is thinking of expanding its business relationship with China.   我公司想扩大与中国的贸易关系。   As is known, we set great store by the trade relationship with the third world countries.   众所周知,我们十分重视同第三世界国家的贸易关系。   We look forward to reactivating our business relationship.   我们盼望我们的业务关系重新活跃起来。   We shall welcome a chance to renew our friendly relationship.   很高兴能有机会来恢复我们的友好关系。   We"ll try our best to widen our business relationship with you.   我们将尽力扩大同你们的贸易关系。   We"re writing you in order to establish business relationship.   我们写此信是为了与你方建立业务关系。   The arrangement will contribute to cement our pleasant relationship.   此项安排将有助于巩固我们良好的关系。   We"re willing to restore our business relationship.   我们希望能恢复贸易关系。   It will be advantageous if steps are taken to resume our business relationship on the basis of mutual benefit.   如果我们采取措施在互利的基础上恢复业务关系,对我们都是有利的。   The depressed market results in the stagnation of trade.   市场萧条导致贸易停滞。   We have been doing quite well in our business, we are willing to open an account with you.   我们的生意一直做得不错,希望能与你们建立帐户往来关系。   商务英语常用语二:   They mainly trade with Japanese firms.   他们主要和日本商行进行贸易。   For the past five years, we have done a lot of trade with your company.   在过去的五年中,我们与贵国进行了罅康拿骋住?/P>   Our trade is conducted on the basis of equality.   我们是在平等的基础上进行贸易。   There has been a slowdown in the wool trade with you.   和你们的羊毛贸易已有所减少。   Our foreign trade is continuously expanding.   我们的对外贸易不断发展。   Trade in leather has gone up (down) 3%.   皮革贸易上升(下降)了百分之三。   Trade in general is improving.   贸易情况正在好转。   Our company mainly trades in arts and crafts.   我们公司主要经营手工艺品。   They are well-known in trade circles.   他们在贸易界很有名望。   We trade with people in all countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.   我们在平等互利的基础上和各国人民进行贸易。   To respect the local custom of the buying country is one important aspect of China"s foreign policy.   尊重买方国家的风俗习惯是我国贸易政策的一个重要方面。   Our purpose is to explore the possibilities of developing trade with you.   我们的目的是和你们探讨一下发展贸易的可能性。
    2023-01-07 18:47:501


    有案可查(yǒu"àn kě chá):有文件可查考。形容证据确凿,无可否认。我说的这些事,全都有案可查,不怕他们反驳。有板有眼(yǒu bǎn yǒu yǎn):比喻有条理,有层次。说起话来有板有眼。有备无患(yǒu bèi wú huàn):事先有准备,就可以避免疏漏或祸患。惟事事乃其有备,有备无患。——《书·说命中》有偿(yǒu cháng):关于为换取等价物而做出某事或给予某物的有偿合同有成(yǒu chéng):有成就;有成效。有成果。三年有成有翅难飞(yǒu chì nán fēi):长着翅膀也飞不出去,形容陷入无法摆脱的困境。有待(yǒu dài):尚待;需要等待。这个问题有待解决有道(yǒu dào):(1)有德有才或通达事理;(2)指政治清明,有德政。就有道而正也。——清·刘开《问说》;有道之士。——《吕氏春秋·察今》有道之士(yǒu dào zhī shì):明白事理的人。有道之士,贵以近知远,以今知古,以所见知所不见。——《吕氏春秋·察今》有德者(yǒu dé zhě):有好品德的人。共,同也,言有德者皆由俭来也。——宋·司马光《训俭示康》有的是(yǒu de shì):极言其多。好人有的是。有底(yǒu dǐ):知道底细或内情而有把握。有的放矢(yǒu dì fàng shǐ):有靶子才射箭,比喻说话、做事都有明确的目的。有方(yǒufāng):(1)得法。领导有方。(2)有违。此事只好得罪,有方尊命了。——《镜花缘》有福同享,有难同当(yǒu fú tóng xiǎng,yǒu nàn tóng dāng):共同分享幸福,共同渡过患难。指患难与共,同舟共济。有根(yǒu gēn):(1)根基厚实,有根底。工作能不能干得了,她心里有根。(2)有根据。姑娘听他说得有根,也就信了。(3)来头;有依恃。这个人有根,不可小看他。有骨头(yǒu gǔ tou):(1)有骨气。他是条有骨头的汉子。(2)[方]∶话里含尖刻,挖苦之意。他的话里有骨头。有关(yǒu guān):有关系;关涉,涉及。同这个问题有关的事实。有光纸(yǒu guāng zhǐ):一面光滑,一面较粗的纸,质地脆而薄,一般用作单面印刷或书写。 有轨电车yǒu guǐ diàn chē[trolley car] 一种载客的公共车辆,在轨道上行驶,通过触轮取得电力有国有家者yǒu guó yǒu jiā zhě[dukes or princes under an emperor and senior official] 诸侯和大夫。诸侯有国,大夫有家丘也闻有国有家者,不患寡而患不均。——《论语·季氏》有害yǒu hài[injurious;harmful;pernicious] 有破坏性的;可能有致命的结果的有害的习惯有恒yǒu héng[persevering] 有恒心,坚持不懈持之有恒有悔yǒuhuǐ[kick oneself for;be remorseful;deplore] 有所悔恨的力足以至焉,于人为可讥,而在己有悔。——宋·王安石《游褒禅山记》有奇yǒu jī[bits and pieces;odds and ends] 还有零头舟首尾长约八分有奇。——明·魏学洢《核舟记》有机yǒu jī(1) [organic](2)含碳的,尤指其中氢原子连接到碳原子上的化合物的有机溶剂(3)事物的各部分互相关联协调而不可分,就像一个生物体那样有机联系有机玻璃yǒu jī bō li[polymethyl methacrylate;lucite;organic glass] 用透明塑料制成的类似玻璃的无色固体;多用以制造光学和照明工具;着色后,可制造纽扣、牙刷柄和广告牌等有机合成yǒu jī hé chéng[organic synthesis] 利用化学合成方法把简单的有机物或无机物制成复杂的有机物,如合成橡胶,合成纤维有机化学yǒu jī huà xué[organic chemistry]化学的一个分支,主要论述烃类及其衍生物的化学有机可乘yǒu jī kě chéng[an opportunity to be taken advantage of] 有机会可趁,有空子可钻闻之窃喜其有机可乘。——《聊斋志异》有机酸yǒu jī suān[organic acid] 见“羧酸”有机体yǒu jī tǐ(1)[organism](2)使人感到或像是活的植物或动物的东西(3)在字面上只能用于有生命的体系,作为譬喻意义的用法,它暗示与生物系统的类比用法有机物yǒu jī wù[organic substance] 有机化合物有机质yǒu jī zhì[organic matter] 指动物、植物的遗体、粪便腐烂后变成的物质,内含植物所需的养料。有机质由微生物的作用可转化成腐殖质有及yǒu jí[be in time for;in time] 赶得上,来得及岂将有及乎?—— 汉·贾谊《论积贮疏》有几分yǒu jǐ fēn[in a measure] 有一些,有一点一个真假各有几分的声明有奸yǒu jiān[commit adultery] 有通奸行为有间yǒu jiàn(1)[for a moment]∶片刻,有一会儿立有间。——《韩非子·喻老》(2)[be a bit better]∶疾病稍稍减轻(3)[enmity]∶感情、关系出现隔阂有教无类yǒu jiào wú lèi[In education,there is no distinction between classes of wen] 不管贵贱贤愚,哪一类人都给予教育有教无类,童子羞予霸功,见德思齐,狂夫成于圣业。——《隋书·李德林传》有劲,有劲儿yǒu jìn,yǒu jìnr(1)[be tough]∶力气大男人大都比女人有劲(2)[fascinated]∶有兴趣他正玩得有劲有旧yǒu jiù[there exists the old friendship] 过去曾有交往这秋桐便和贾琏有旧,从未来过一次。——《红楼梦》经略洪承畴与之有旧。——清·全祖望《梅花岭记》有救yǒu jiù[can be saved] 还来得及抢救、挽救或补救有口皆碑yǒu kǒu jiē bēi[one"s name being in every mouth;be praised every where]碑:纪功碑。所有人的嘴都是活的纪功碑。比喻对突出的好人好事一致颂扬宫保的政声,有口皆碑。——《老残游记》有口无心yǒu kǒu wú xīn[be sharp-tongued but not malicious] 嘴上说的厉害,心里却没有啥老爷此时早看透了邓九公是个重交尚义、有口无心、年高好胜的人。——清·文康《儿女英雄传》有赖yǒu lài[depend on] 基于或取决于成功有赖于努力有劳yǒu láo[thanks for the trouble] 客气话,用于拜托或答谢别人代自己做事这件事有劳您了有理yǒu lǐ(1)[with good reason;be in the right]∶有道理有理、有利、有节(2)[rational]∶只包括加减乘除和有尽倍数的;不含有不尽根的3和2+3/5是有理式有理方程yǒu lǐ fāng chéng[general name for algebraic equation and fractional equation] 分式方程式和代数方程式的合称有理分式yǒu lǐ fēn shì[rational fraction]分子、分母均为有理数或多项式的分式有理函数yǒu lǐ hán shù[rational function]两个多项式之比有理式yǒu lǐ shì[rational formula]数字和文字经过有限次加、减、乘、除运算所得的式子有理数yǒu lǐ shù[rational number] 整数和分数(如2/3)的统称有理走遍天下yǒu lǐ zǒu biàn tiān xià只要有道理,任何地方都行得通。有力yǒu lì(1)[vigorous;strong;forceful]∶有力气;有力量有力如虎(2)[meritous]∶有功劳有力于先君(3)[powerful]∶有权势或有财力本地有力的绅士人家有利yǒu lì(1)[vantage]∶给斗争的两方中的一方以优势的东西(如战略地位或优势兵力)(2)[profit]∶强调酬劳达到有利可图的性质,常指获得金钱有利yǒu lì[advantageous;beneficial;favorable] 有利益、有好处对两国都有利的贸易协定有两下子yǒu liǎng xià zi[have real skill;be really sth.] [方]∶比喻有点本领有门,有门儿yǒu mén,yǒu ménr(1)[open]∶有一开口、通道或出口所有的房间都有门通向一间长的大厅(2)[get the hang]∶有办法。谓得其关键或诀窍(3)[be hopeful of a success]∶有希望听他的口气,这事看来有门儿了有苗yǒu miáo(1)[a tribe in ancient time] 即三苗,古代一个部落有苗不服。——《韩非子·五蠹》(2)又有苗乃服。有名yǒu míng[well-known;famous;celebrated] 出名;名字为大家所知有名的科学家有名无实yǒu míng wú shí[exist in name but not in reality;be merely nominal] 只具空名,并无实际有目共睹yǒu mù gòng dǔ(1)[be there for all to see;be obvious to all] 人人都看得见。比喻事实非常明显他在事业上的辉煌成就是有目共睹的(2)也说“有目共见”有奶便是娘yǒu nǎi biànshì niáng[obey any one who feeds him;whoever suckles me is my mother] 比喻贪利忘义,谁给好处就投靠谁有年yǒu nián[for years] 经过很多年从业有年业是有年。——明·刘基《卖柑者言》如是者亦有年。——唐·韩愈《朱文公校昌黎先生集》有盼儿yǒu pànr[be come hopeful] [方]∶有希望有气yǒu qì[be angry] 气恼,恼怒我遇见不合理的事就有气有气无力yǒu qì wú lì[wanly;feeble] 形容说话做事打不起精神来,或指非常疲惫直哭得个有气无力,没情没绪。——《醒世恒言》有钱yǒu qián[be in the money;rich;wealthy] 拥有钱财有钱能使鬼推磨yǒu qián néng shǐ guǐ tuī mò[with money you can make the devil turn the millstone;Money makes the mare to go] 旧指只要有钱,什么事都能办到正是“官无三日紧”,又道是有钱能使鬼推磨。——《喻世明言》有钱有势yǒu qián yǒu shì[access of money to power] 既有钱财,又有势力有钱有势的人的侄子有情yǒu qíng(1)[passion]∶指男女互相倾慕的感情。也指普通的感情天若有情天亦老(2)[interest]∶有意思、有趣曲外有情有请yǒu qǐng[send for sb"s presence] 主人让客时惯用的客套话有顷yǒu qīng[in a little while] 过了一会儿居有顷。——《战国策·齐策四》青衣人叫他且立堂下,有顷,判官已到。——《初刻拍案惊奇》后有顷。有求必应yǒu qiú bì yìng[respond to every plea;grant whatever is requested] 只要有请求,就一定答应有趣yǒu qù[interesting;fascinating;amusing] 有兴味,有趣味一本有趣的书有人家儿yǒu rén jiār[be betrothed] 女子已定婚,指已有婆家有日子yǒu rì zi(1)[for days]∶指有好多天我们有日子没见面了(2)[have fixed a date]∶有确定的日期你们结婚有日子了没有有色金属yǒu sè jīn shǔ[non-ferrous metal] 除铁、锰、铬及其合金以外的金属有色人种yǒu sè rén zhǒng[coloured race] 白种人以外的人种有身yǒu shēn[be pregnant] 妇女怀孕,今说“有身子”且以汝之有身也,更恐不胜悲。——清·林觉民《与妻书》有神论yǒu shén lùn[theism] 相信有一位神或多位神的信仰有生yǒu shēng[human being] 有生命者,指人类有生之初。——清·黄宗羲《原君》有生力量yǒu shēng lì liàng(1)[effective strength]∶指军队里的战士、马匹等(2)[troops]∶泛指军队有声有色yǒu shēng yǒu sè[be vivid and dramatic;be fun of sound and colour]形容说话或写文章非常生动,十分精彩写月有声有色如此,后人复何从著笔耶?——清·洪亮吉《北江诗话》有始无终yǒu shǐ wú zhōng[start sth. but fail to carry it through] 指作事有头无尾,不能坚持到底有始有终yǒu shǐ yǒu zhōng[carry sth.through to the end] 指作事认真,贯彻始终有始有终,天地之经。——《晋书·后妃上》有恃无恐yǒu shì wú kǒng[be secure in the knowledge that one has strong backing] 因为有倚仗就无所畏惧或顾忌。含贬义现在县里有了凭据,所以他们有恃无恐。——《官场现形记》有事yǒu shì(1)[when problems crop up;if sth.happens]∶惹事;出现变故家里有事了(2)[problems]∶有工作干他有事干了,能自立了(3)[worry]∶忧愁或顾虑他心里有事,看上去不大高兴(4)[occupied;busy]∶忙,不闲我现 在有事,不能陪你出去(5)[resort to arms;use military forces]∶指军事,即用兵季氏将有事于颛臾。——《论语·季氏》有数yǒu shù[know how things stand and feel confident of handing them] 知道怎么回事,有信心他嘴上不说,但心中有数有数yǒu shù[not many;only a few] 数目不多有数的几天有司yǒu sī[official] 指官吏。古代设官分职,各有专司,故称陛下可将彼家属送有司问罪。——《三国演义》召有司案图。——《史记·廉颇蔺相如列传》宜付有司论其刑赏。——诸葛亮《出师表》授之于有司。——宋·王安石《答司马谏议书》有所益yǒu suǒ yì[benefit;have advantage] 有好处,有益处。所益:所字结构表示这是一个名词性词组,益处,好处孤常读书,自以为大有所益。——《资治通鉴·汉纪》有蹄类yǒu tí lèi[ungulate]哺乳动物类别,分奇蹄目和偶蹄目,身体较大,四肢细而长,有角质蹄,蹄数不等有条不紊yǒu tiáo bù wěn[with regularity and throughness;with tidy arrangement;methodically] 形容做事、说话有条有理,丝毫不乱若网在纲,有条而不紊。——《书·盘庚上》有头无尾yǒu tóu wú wěi[have a beginning but no end;leave sth.half done] 有开头没结尾。比喻办事不彻底然毕竟是他做得一项事完全,与今学者有头无尾底不同。——宋·朱熹《朱子语类》有头有尾yǒu tóu yǒu wěi[start off and finish] 既有开头,又有结尾。指做事能坚持到底斐然成章,也是自成一家了,做得一章有头有尾。——宋·朱熹《朱子语类》有望yǒu wàng[look bright;hopeful] 有可能性,有希望胜利有望有为yǒu wéi[promising] 做出成绩奋发有为大有为也。——宋·王安石《答司马谏议书》有味,有味儿yǒu wèi,yǒu wèir(1)[tasty]∶指食物滋味好这菜真有味,我爱吃(2)[stink]∶食物变质而馊臭饭有味了,吃了会闹肚子的(3)[delightful]∶有情趣这幅小品画很有味儿有…无…yǒu…wú…(1)[have…but]∶表示只有前者而没有后者有勇无谋(2)[have…but not]∶表示有前者没有后者(强调的说法)有增无减(3)[have…or not]∶表示有了前者就可以没有后者有备无患有喜yǒu xǐ[be in the family way;be pregnant] [口]∶[妇女]怀孕有戏yǒu xì[hopeful] [方]∶有苗头,有盼头经理一回来,这事就有戏了有隙可乘yǒu xì kě chéng[there is a crack to squeeze through;fulnerable] 指做事情考虑不周密,使别人能找出漏洞加以利用今魏有隙可乘,不就此时伐之,更待何时?——《三国演义》有限yǒu xiàn(1)[limited;finite]∶对范围、数量或时间长短有限制的(2)[slender]∶数量不多;程度不高为数有限诸侯之地有限。——宋·苏洵《六国论》有效yǒu xiào(1)[be good for;efficacious;effective]∶有成效,有效果未必有效(2)[valid]∶有效力有效期有些yǒu xiē(1)[some]∶有的有些有蹼足,有些有利爪(2)[somewhat;rather]∶有一些,稍微有些失望有心yǒu xīn[set one"s wind on;have a mind to] 有某种想法有心人有心力yǒu xīn lì[central force] 向一确定的固定点或动点吸引的力,或从一确定的固定点或动点排斥开的力有心人yǒu xīn rén[person who sets his mind on doing sth.useful] 有某种想法,肯动脑筋的人世上无难事,只怕有心人有形yǒu xíng[tangible;visible] 有一定的形体或形式有形资产有幸yǒu xìng[have the good fortune to;be lucky to] 有运气;机会好三生有幸有序yǒu xù(1)[ordered](2)具有按规律接连起来的元素;特指具有每对不同元素以不对称的传递关系相连系着的性质(3)有指定的首元素(4)溶剂和溶质的原子有规则地排列为特征有血有肉yǒu xuè yǒu ròu[vivid;lifelike] 赋予实质或真实感的他们用统计数字和程序细节来使总统的计划有血有肉有言在先yǒu yán zài xiān[make it clearly understood beforehand] 指事先把利害关系讲明,以提醒注意有眼不识泰山yǒu yǎn bù shí Tài Shān[have eyes but fail to see mount Tai-shan;entertain angel unawares] 比喻看不出才高、位高及有价值的人师父如此高强,必是个教头;小儿“有眼不识泰山”。——《水浒传》有要于时yǒu yào yú shí[have needs at that time] 对当时有需要。要,名词凡先王之法有要于时也。——《吕氏春秋·察今》有一搭没一搭yǒu yī dā méi yī dā(1)[try to make conversation]∶搭讪;无话找话我不懂,你们有一搭儿没一搭儿把我小时候的营生回老爷作吗?——《儿女英雄传》(2)[of little importance]∶表示有还是没有,都无关紧要有一得一yǒu yī dé yī[give the exact fact] 有多少算多少,应该是几就是几有一手儿yǒu yī shǒur(1) [be a master of one"s craft]∶有专长他打球有一手儿(2)[gang up with]∶男女之间不正当的关系那鲍二向来却就合厨子多浑虫的媳妇多姑娘有一手儿。——《红楼梦》有益yǒu yì[profitable;beneficial;useful] 有好处;有帮助有益的东西有意yǒu yì(1)[purposely;deliberately]∶故意有意举行一次化装舞会(2)[have a mind to;be disposed to]∶有心思有意帮忙有意思yǒu yì si(1)[interesting;enjoyable]∶有趣,耐人寻味最有意思的蜜蜂(2)[significant;meaningful]∶有意义他讲的话虽不多,但很有意思(3)指男女间有爱慕之心,有情意。她对你有意思,你没看出来?有勇无谋yǒu yǒng wú móu[have valor but lack strategy;with all courage and no resourcefulness;be foolhardy] 有勇气而无谋略王武俊有勇无谋,朱滔多疑少决,互相制劫。——《新唐书·陆贽传》有用yǒu yòng[valuable;useful] 可以利用、有价值、耐用食物对动物有用,湿润对植物有用有…有…yǒu…yǒu…[both…and;as well as] 既有这个又有那个,两方面兼而有之有头有尾有条有理有余yǒu yú(1)[have enough and to spare;have a surplus]∶有剩余绰绰有余(2)[more than;odd]∶有零五十有余有缘yǒu yuán[lot or luck by which people are brought together] 有缘分,有机缘有缘千里来相会有朝一日yǒu zhāo yī rì[one day;some time in the future] 即有那么一天有朝一日,我得比她还开通,才能挣上饭吃有志者事竟成yǒu zhì zhě shì jìng chéng[where there"s a will there"s a way;A willful man will have his way] 只要有决心有毅力,任何难题最终都会迎刃而解将军前在南阳,建此大策,常以为落落难合,有志者事竟成也。——《后汉书·耿传》有种yǒu zhǒng[those who have guts] 有气魄,有胆量有嘴没舌yǒu zuǐ méi shé[mute] 指不会说话,或见了人说不出话来这孩子真窝囊,有嘴没舌的,你就不会说话有嘴无心yǒu zuǐ wú xīn[fland] 比喻有啥说啥,并无用心。或指只是嘴上说说,无意真正实行。叔叔!她是有嘴无心的人,您和她别一般见识有子存焉yǒu zǐ cún yān[has still son](还)有儿子在。焉,表示陈述的语气词虽我之死,有子存焉。——《列子·汤问》有作其芒yǒu zuò qí máng[sabre-rattling]干将在磨刀石上磨出的剑刃发出了光芒干将发硎,有作其芒。——清·梁启超《谭嗣同传》
    2023-01-07 18:47:581


    Summary: Step of science and technology, solve ripe work day, whole world former quantity had greatly Increase. But to grow Cheng hit border pollution loud gold material most one of too with material. Solve and grow a large number of result gas CO2 and the whole Fluorine carbon (mainly CF4 and a small amount of C2F6) of room of Cheng ZhongSheng, harmful things such as distributing the harmful gas (Fluorine is with the sulfur dioxide), powder (including the Fluorine powder, oxidizing and carbon powder) and blue and green one (benzene and Zhyuan),etc., if some things are not paid attention to effectively, grow the heavy border and give birth to, so, how much is the worker"s border people"s note all the time in year. In recent years, expert at increase that series flow, solve determine the nature and sex and accuse of until take requirement high that grow. But it is since for l968 in Cheng controller (PLC) with,exhibition at decades, PLCs the 4th generation of that produce until later stage the 1990s specially, have, control function, Cheng control function, control function, according to control function, network communication multi-functional controller of function. Moreover because PLC exhibition of network complete day, make PLC and PLC network become large-scale to walk Engineer of first line control and put, how distributed PLC network become, take for worker importance of department become part by oneself by whom PLC become. Especially in vent one"s spleen, melt Cheng, control its more, do in great numbers, sex, worker with quantity main fact, should adopt PLC control, it adopt it control PLC than device more reliable after controlling,anti-interference ability, function of it can from piece, easy to revise and new function. PLC control department make it take, by being best and safe and reliable all right, use first, adopt PLC it controls to be can be with workers" degree not to vent one"s spleen, has improved from the competence of melting, with urging the improvement of enterprise"s skill step and management level too, previous worker with previous control, adopt PLC control, vent one"s spleen, do law, a effective one vent one"s spleen pollution of the border in week of the factory, enable and solve external one and get great improvement, the health of job people waits until the great guarantee, yes Have certain border benefits, human nature benefit and society"s benefit. In this text for worker for procedure,whose name is become, completions of function,and control,ground hardware, piece dispose respect lie between PLC and their PLC in vent one"s spleen, take to spend department. And can open for this text, PLC in controlling there aren"t importance of department by oneself,understanding ahead and. : Gasification, except that, speed, control fuzzily, PLC controls in the sack
    2023-01-07 18:48:062


    区别如下:advantage 为名词,advantageous 为形容词。供参考
    2023-01-07 18:48:221


    be good for,例如:医生说这对我们是有好处的.Doctors say it is good for good to,例如:合理的饮食对人们身体有好处.Reasonable diet structure will do good to their health.of benefit to,例如:他的建议对人民有好处.His suggestion is of benefit to the people.profit,例如:进行加工贸易对我们双方都有好处.Do processing business will profit both of us.favor,例如:这些减免只对富人有好处.Those cuts favor the wealthy.
    2023-01-07 18:48:282


    be beneficial to
    2023-01-07 18:48:393


    favorable["feivərəbl, "feivərəbəl] adj. 有利的, 顺利的, 良好的, 赞同的conducive[kən"dju:siv] adj. 有助的, 有益的advantageous[.ædvən"teidʒəs] adj. 有利的, 有助的, 有益的
    2023-01-07 18:48:542


    be beneficial to 有益于 be good for 对...有益 be conducive to adj.有益于
    2023-01-07 18:49:032


    Be good for
    2023-01-07 18:49:154


    2023-01-07 18:49:322

    be advantageous to 还是 for sth. ??

    be advantageous to对什么来说是先进的
    2023-01-07 18:49:573


    2023-01-07 18:50:092

    对 。。。。有好处,用英语怎么说?

    is good for sth
    2023-01-07 18:50:213


    be good fordo good to
    2023-01-07 18:50:362

    be advantageous to do还是doing

    be advantageous to do,意思是做什么事对...有利。
    2023-01-07 18:50:481

    be advantageous to与be superior to的区别

    前者是be advantageous to do后者是be superior to sb懂了没?区别还是蛮大的,主要在于用法。如果满意,请采纳,谢谢^^
    2023-01-07 18:50:531

    雅思A开头 词汇

    第一章 IELTS听力核心词汇表Aability n..能力,智能,才能absent-minded adj.心不在焉的abstract n.摘要,概括;adj.抽象的abuse n..刻薄的话,漫骂;滥用,妄用academic adj.学术性的;大学的,教学(上)的,学业的accentuate vt.使突出,强调,着重指出acceptable adj.合意的,令人满意的,可接受的access n.进入,入口,接近,途径,通路accident n.事故,意外事件accommodation n.住处,住所,住宿,公寓,房子accompany vt. 1.陪伴,陪同; 2.带有,配有,伴随accomplishment n..成就,完成,实现accounting n.会计,财会accumulate v.积累,积聚accurate adj. 准确的,精确的ache n../v. 疼痛,隐隐作痛achieve v. 取得,获得acknowledge v. 1.承认,供认;2. 致谢acquire v. 获得,获取,习得adat vt. (使)适应,适合addict v. 吸毒成瘾,沉溺, 嗜好addictive adj. 使成瘾的, 上瘾的, 会习惯的additional adj. 额外的, 追加的, 附加的, 另外的address n. 地址,住址adequate adj.1.适当的, 足够的, 充分的; 2.可以胜任的; 3.差强人意的adhere v. 依附,坚持,粘住,依附administration n.. 管理,行政,执行admire v. 欣赏, 敬慕,敬仰admittance n. 入场,准许进入adopt vt. 1. 收养; 2. 采纳,采用advanced adj.高级的,先进的,现代的advantage n.. 有利条件,优势,益处advantageous adj. 非常有利的,有优势的advertise v. 做广告,登广告advertisement n.广告,广告语advice n.. 意见,建议advise v. 劝告,忠告,建议affair n. 事件,事情,事务affect v. 影响affirmative adj. 肯定的,赞成的affluent adj. 富裕的,富足的afford v. 买得起,经得起,承当得起agenda n.. (会议的)议(事日)程aggravate v. 使加剧,使恶化agreement n.赞同,同意,协议agriculture n. . 农业,农学air-conditioning adj.装了空调的aircraft n.班机,飞机airport n.机场aisle n.. 过道alcohol n.1.酒精; 2. 含酒精的饮料,酒alcoholic adj. 1.含酒精的; 2.喝酒的,喝酒引起的; n. 酗酒者,嗜饮成僻而伤身者align v. 使一致,与……结盟amend v. (规则、法律的)修改,修正,改正amount n. 数量,总数,数额analysis n. 1.分析; 2. 分析研究analytical adj. 分析性的,分析型的annex vt. 吞并,兼并,霸占(领土或小国)announcement n.. 宣布,通告,布告,启事annual adj. 一年一度的,每年的anticipate vt. 1.预期,期望; 2.预料,预防anxiety n. 焦虑,当心,不安apartment n.(美)公寓的单元住房apeal n.. 1.恳求,呼吁; 2. 感染力,吸引力; vi. 1.恳求,强烈呼吁;2.使喜欢,吸引appear n. 出现,演出appendix n. (书末的)附录applicant n. 申请人,中报人application n. 1. 申请,申报; 2. 应用,运用,实用apply v. 1.申请,申报; 2.应用,运用appoint v. 委任,指派appreciate v. 欣赏,理解approach n.1.靠近,接近; 2.方法,步骤appropriate adj. 恰当的,合适的approval n.批准,准许approved adj.批准的,认可的approximate adj. 近似的,大约的,大概的archaeologist n.. 考古学家architecture n.建筑学,建筑,建筑风格argument n..1.争论,争辩; 2.论据,论点arranged adj. 已安排的,安排好的array n.. 1.排列整齐的一队人; 2.一长列物品; 3.阵列,数列,方阵arrogant adj. 傲慢的,妄自尊大的art n.. 艺术,美术arthritis n..关节炎article n. 文章,商品artificial adj. 1.人造的,人工的,假的; 2.虚假的,不真挚的,矫揉造作的artist n. 艺术家,画家aspect n.(事态、想法、计划等的某一)方面assembly n. 1.装配,组件; 2.集合,大会assert vt. 1.断言,宣称,声明,力陈; 2.(坚决)主张,坚持,维护assess v. 估计,估价assessment n. (对学生的学习情况进行)评估asset n. 1.资产,财产; 2.有价值的资源(技能,人才); 3.优点,长处assignment n. (分配、指派的)工作,任务,作业assistant n. 管理员,助理,助手associate v. 1.把……与……聪想在一起; 2.与…结合, 与……合伙; n.. 同事,伙伴association n. 1.协会,社团; 2.结合,合伙,联合; 3.联想assumption n. . 假定,假设,并无证据的设想assurance n. 1.担保,保证; 2.自信,把握; 3.(人寿)保险assured adj. 自信的,确定的,有把握的athlete n. (尤指田径)运动员athletic adj. 擅长体育运动的,运动员的atmosphere n.. 1.大气,大气层; 2.气氛,氛围,环境attempt n. 试图,尝试attendance n.出勤,参加attention n.注意,留心,专心,注意力attract v. 吸引,引起,招引attraction n.. 吸引力,卖点attribute v.导致,引发,归因audience n.. 听众,观众audio adj.听力的,录音的,声频的,音频的auditorium n.大礼堂author n.. 作者,作家authority n..1.权利,权威,威信 ; 2.当权者,官方,当局,公共事业机关automatic adj. 1.自动的,自动化的; 2.不假思索的,无意识的autumn n.秋季,秋天auxiliary n..1.助动词; 2.助手; adj. 辅助的available adj. 可以借的,可用的,可入住的avenue n.. 1.(城市的)大街,林荫道; 2.(尤指通向房子的)林荫小路average adj. 平均的,普通的avoid vt. 1.回避,(故意)避开; 2.防止(发生某事),避免(做某事)
    2023-01-07 18:50:591

    对??有好处 英语

    对??有好处的英语:be beneficial to。be beneficial to英 [bi: ˌbeniˈfiʃəl tu:]   美 [bi ˌbɛnəˈfɪʃəl tu]  v.有益于;利于。重点词汇:beneficial英 [ˌbenɪˈfɪʃl]   美 [ˌbɛnəˈfɪʃəl]  adj.有利的,有益的;[法]可享受利益的。例句:1、The payment terms should be beneficial to both sides. 付款条件应该对双方都有利。2、One should be beneficial to the society when alive. 活着就要做个对社会有益的人。扩展资料:beneficial的基本意思是“有益的,有利的”,可指有利于财政方面的富足,更常指有利于精神或身体健康。beneficial在法律术语中可作“有使用权的;有权益的”解,此时不用于比较等级。beneficial,advantageous,profitable这些形容词均含有“有益的,有利的”之意。1、beneficial侧重对健康、身心或事业有益。2、advantageous多指能直接导致相对优势或有助于达到目的的事。3、profitable多用于指能获得实用的或可获利的事。
    2023-01-07 18:51:091

    is more advantageous than 后面跟 in that 句型

    A is more advantageous in that 句型+than B 就搞定了啊。
    2023-01-07 18:51:182


    Good, I say some things on Track, Track one is divided into five, as you can see, each of which the shoes or venues have different requirements, from below we find in several video Some differences. These videos are some of the background music very nicely. They can see what action is different, and the need to spend some venues-pile, and the need to limit the U-roller sports, such as Taiwan, FSK, racing, round dance is not special requirements. Shoes, we see a number of pictures, skate 5 general, there are four, Turret long, big wheels, offset order, to facilitate rapid acceleration and taxiways; only four-Hua Xie, the middle two wheels, Small wheels at both ends, Turret short, easy to do synchronized moves, and the limit is four shoes, the middle two rounds of small, easy to do some action. To Play Track, Hu Ju is essential, safety first. Here are some tricks Track action title, this is just some of the most common. Finally share with you a video. 中文 » 英语 翻译 更好的翻译建议 感谢您为 Google 翻译提供翻译建议。我们会利用您的建议在将来更新我们的系统时提高翻译质量。 Good, I say some things on Track, Track one is divided into five, as you can see, each of which the shoes or venues have different requirements, from below we find in several video Some differences. These videos are some of the background music very nicely. They can see what action is different, and the need to spend some venues-pile, and the need to limit the U-roller sports, such as Taiwan, FSK, racing, round dance is not special requirements. Shoes, we see a number of pictures, skate 5 general, there are four, Turret long, big wheels, offset order, to facilitate rapid acceleration and taxiways; only four-Hua Xie, the middle two wheels, Small wheels at both ends, Turret short, easy to do synchronized moves, and the limit is four shoes, the middle two rounds of small, easy to do some action. To Play Track, Hu Ju is essential, safety first. Here are some tricks Track action title, this is just some of the most common. Finally share with you a video.
    2023-01-07 18:51:274

    英文翻译 高手进 环境保护类相关

    About the source of pollution general survey, hoped turns because the tunnel, thanks the source of pollution is refers to produces, the operative activity produces the harmful effect place, the equipment, the equipment or other pollutant to the environment emissions deleterious substance or to the environment has the source. The source of pollution general survey is to the source of pollution data comprehensive check and the statistics. the first nation source of pollution coarse work will start officially in February, 2008, the census data strict definition uses in the source of pollution general survey goal, does not reduce work suspension hooks and so on duty, goal responsibility system inspection and pollution charge with “25” the total quantity, does not take to the general survey object implementation punishment charge basis. the this general survey"s goal is, investigates thoroughly the nation industrial pollution source, the agricultural source of pollution, the life source of pollution, the central pollution to process the facility quantity, the profession and the local distribution, the main pollutant type and the withdrawal, the emissions whereabouts, each pollution governs facility situations and so on movement condition, pollution government level and pollution government expense. the nation source of pollution general survey is the significant national condition investigation, is knows our country environmental aspect comprehensively the important means. Does well the national source of pollution general survey, understood accurately the pollutant the emission behaviour, is advantageous to the correct judgment environment situation, the science formulation environmental protection policy and the plan; Is advantageous in the effective implementation main pollutant discharge total quantity control plan, practical environmental enhancement quality; Is advantageous in enhances the environment supervision and the law enforcement level, the safeguard country environmental safety; Is advantageous in strengthens and improves the macroeconomic regulation and control, the promotion readjustment of the economic structure, the advancement resource conservation, the environment friendly society constructs. 有什么疑问发消息给我
    2023-01-07 18:51:434


    2023-01-07 18:51:581


    satisfactory:Giving satisfaction sufficient to meet a demand or requirement; adequate. 强调的是满足预期、满足要求。同意词有“acceptable”。它只是可以接受,并没有超出预期。来源是satisfy。使满意,使认可。可以看出来是一种对结果的评估。desirable: 1. Worth having or seeking, as by being useful, advantageous, or pleasing。 2. Worth doing or achieving; advisable: a desirable reform; a desirable outcome.这里两重意思,一个是值得拥有,一个是值得去追寻。来源是desire。渴望。可以看出来是一种强烈的愿望,内心的期待。
    2023-01-07 18:52:041

    翻译 麻烦啦,谢谢

    Then , how do raise interactive woollen cloth of classroom? First, the classroom takes a dialogue seriously. The dialogue is the important content that English studies , is the form carrying out language training fairly good on the student. New teaching material arrangement all is originally with the dialogue , aims at creating a scene by the dialogue , arouses the interest that the student studies. Think that I am keeping a childishness in mind creating the scene conversation together with a students quiz game , they argue and when playing the part of a role , they will be very happy. Secondly, in class makes use of multi-media. Multi-media , this modernize the sense organ educating means to be able to mobilize student seeing and hearing sufficiently. Listen to a sound recording and watch a video tape, can promote student"s interest, also can the image show English knowledge learned by us more. English sound recording , standard pronunciation, meeting make student feeling kind, a segment of the scene being both excellent in voice and affection dialogue records a video especially , also is feeling of making student kind of be personally on the scene, the student looks at active imitation of queen , usualness playing , meeting improve tremendously, student"s hearing composes in reply spoken language expressing an ability. Learn both happy and fervent. Thirdly, move game to receive a classroom. Game is a knowledge , interest , the competitiveness continuum. It conforms to lively student natural instincts easy to move , can change being "amusing" "dully" , changes passive take on into active study about. Such as: Specifically for what class of student very difficult every to be saved within short time mimics the priority sentence pattern expressing a fluency and writing down familiar condition, the teacher may make use of "silent words " game, linguistic competence cultivating their fleetness , listening to accurately , saying , writing. Fourthly, role finishing playing self in classroom. Harmonious teacher-student relations are that the student gains the knowledge key factor. Teacher and student"s mentality distance needs teaching now and then as far as possible closer, the teacher can melt in the student among, enter into the spirit of a character heart and soul. Such gets rid of dialogue import experiencing and understanding that, but deepens impression , memonic, dialogue "Hello , my name is beneficial to fostering a student to use English if the thought ability, teaching, . What is your name , please "? Now and then, the teacher can go to the student"s seat edge, in ask the student about and additionally appropriate direction, saying: "Nice to meet you. " Now and then, the teacher can shake hands with the student, in teacher and student tacit agreement composition, the student has realized successful delight , the student has been not keeping a respectful distance , but being delighted for but being close to that to the teacher. Fifth, designs that the scene carries out performance in the classroom. In class carries out performance , can make action , scene , language be organically combined getting up, easy to foster a student to understand and wield English directly ability. Make use of the similar scene or create with the real life, the teacher is backed by a scene , action and expression come to be in progress hearing of an activity. The teacher is ready for standard action first , requires that the student takes turns at performing and then. If teaching unit 8 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are? One class hour , teacher say English as well as composing setting an example acting , choose several students , one play Policeman and then, one play the people want to ask for help teacher serving as audience in one side , may point out an "actor"s line" when necessary , whole class is performed and then mark by spells for some set. The student can have known the text content and sentence pattern structure well right away. Sixth, sentence or poetry and song arranging into a few having rhythm in classroom. The poetry and song rhythm Qing Xin is lucid and lively , read back cut tinkling and loud, whose leisurely melodious sentiment, reads the queen being magnificently conceived, and is able to give student soul open and enlighten. If small poem "Fly my nice kite/ Fly my nice kite/ Fly, fly very high/ up to the sky. " The student is recited again and again to here, not only have understood the poem content, and have aroused their imaginative faculty. In this happy atmosphere, the student can experience the delight studying.
    2023-01-07 18:52:093


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    2023-01-07 18:52:213


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    2023-01-07 18:52:374