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2023-07-27 08:47:22
TAG: 英文



One"s sense of honour makes it impossible to refuse.; a compelling obligation; a responsibility one cannot relinquish; act from a strong sense of duty; be incumbent on


现任的英语翻译 现任用英语怎么说

2023-07-26 04:41:382


2023-07-26 04:41:464


it"s my pleasure。。。
2023-07-26 04:41:564


不知道 啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊
2023-07-26 04:42:043

I find it incumbent that you see the inside of a prison cell

I fing it adj that(从句)you see(表语)
2023-07-26 04:42:123


curb future pluck-a-number-out-of-thin-air awards抑制未来凭空无据赔赏判决
2023-07-26 04:42:213


College reading
2023-07-26 04:42:306

incumbent operator是什么意思?

2023-07-26 04:42:442


董事长英文缩写是什么 首席执行官的缩写是CEOzhongcli LV122013-05-31满意答案muu216275LV12推荐于2019-10-07董事长的英文是Chairman of the Board,缩写Chairman。CEO(Chief Executive Officer )执行总裁,首席执行官。类似缩写:COO(Chief operating officer)首席运行官CFO(Chief financial officer)首席财务官CTO(Chief technology officer)首席技术官CIO(Chief information officer )首席信息总管CAO(Chief Administrative Officer)首席行政官扩展资料董事长(英语:Chairman of the board,简称:Chairman,日韩称会长),又被翻译成董事会主席。指的是一家公司的最高领导者,统领董事会。董事长也是董事之一,由董事会选出,其代表董事会领导公司的方向与策略。根据新公司法,有限公司可以设一名执行董事,不设董事会。所以也不一定有董事会,但至少需从股东选出一席董事(公司负责人)对外代表公司。股份有限公司必须有董事会,至少要设三席董事。董事长由董事会以全体董事过半数同意选举产生
2023-07-26 04:42:5311


仙度瑞拉就是Cinderella灰姑娘Once upon a time there was a young girl named Cinderella who woke up one morning and thought, This village is boring. I have an idea, she thought. I know how I can make changes in this village. I"ll run for office. And since the incumbent is a lame duck which is, of course, an elected official who has no reason to do the current job well because he or she isn"t planning on being re-elected. Exactly. And since the incumbent is a lame duck, I"ll be a shoe-in, she thought. And a shoe-in is a person who has a sure chance of being chosen. Well, suddenly a voice from behind her said, Not so fast, sweetie. Who are you? Cinderella asked. I"m your fairy godmother, but as of today I"m throwing my hat in the ring. And that, of course, means to compete also. "Ha," said Cinderella. I"ll win by a landslide, which means I will win easily and quickly.
2023-07-26 04:43:201


2023-07-26 04:43:401

There is no social problem it is more incumbent upon us to understand than this of the role of c

2023-07-26 04:43:493

Having now a good house and very sufficient ine he intended to marry; and in seeking a reconciliation with the Longbourn family he had a wife in view as he meant to chuse one of the daughters if he found them as handsome and amiable as they were represented by mon report. This was his plan of amends -- of atonement -- for inheriting their father"s estate; and he thought it an excellent one full of eligibility and suitableness and excessively generous and disinterested on his own part. 他现在已经有了一幢好房子,一笔可观的收入,想要结婚了。他所以要和浪博恩这家人家讲和修好,原是想要在他们府上找个太太。要是这家人家的几位小姐果真象大家所传闻的那么美丽可爱,他一定要挑选一个。这就是他所谓补偿的计划,赎罪的计划,为的是将来继承她们父亲的遗产时可以问心无愧。他认为这真是个独出心裁的办法,既极其妥善得体,又来得慷慨豪爽。 His plan did not vary on seeing them. -- Miss Ben"s lovely face confirmed his views and established all his strictest notions of what was due to seniority; and for the first evening she was his settled choice. The next morning however made an alteration ; for in a quarter of an hour"s te^te-a`-te^te with Mrs. Ben before breakfast a conversation beginning with his parsonage -house and leading naturally to the avowal of his hopes that a mistress for it might be found at Longbourn produced from her amid very plaisant *** iles and general encouragement a caution against the very Jane he had fixed on. -- 他看到这几位小姐之后,并没有变更本来的计划。一看到吉英那张可爱的脸蛋儿,他便拿定了主张,而且更加确定了他那些老式的想法,认为一切应当先娶最大的一位小姐。头一个晚上他就选中了她。不过第二天早上他又变更了主张,因为他和班纳特夫人亲亲密密地谈了一刻钟的话,开头谈谈他自己那幢牧师住宅,后来自然而然地把自己的心愿招供了出来,说是要在浪博恩找一位太太,而且要在她的令嫒们中间找一位。 "As to her younger daughters she could not take upon her to say -- she could not positively answer -- but she did not know of any prepossession ; -- her eldest daughter she must just mention -- she felt it incumbent on her to hint was likely to be very soon engaged." 班纳特太太亲切地微笑着,而且一再鼓励他,不过谈到他选定了吉英,她就不免要提请他注意一下子了。“讲到我几个小女儿,我没有什么意见──当然也不能一口答应──不过我还没有听说她们有什么对象;至于我的大女儿,我可不得不提一提──我觉得有责任提醒你一下──大女儿可能很快就要订婚了。” icient adj. 足够的,充分的 In order to maintain physical well being a person should eat wholesome food and get sufficient exercise. 为了维持身体健康,一个人应该吃有益健康的食品,并经常锻炼身体。 nciliation n. 调和,和解 We"ve tried our best to effect reconciliation beeen the o parties. 我们已尽了最大努力希望促成双方和解。 ble adj. 和蔼的,亲切的 He is an amiable person. 他是个可亲的人。 d v. 修正,改进 Please amend your copy of the contract accordingly. 请将你的合同文本作相应的修正。 ement n. 赎罪,弥补 Christ"s atonement is for the sins of mankind. 耶稣的赎罪是为了人类。 ibility n. 合格,资格 Her qualifications and experience confirm her eligibility for the job. 她的资历和经验决定她适宜做这项工作。 nterested adj. 不感兴趣的,无私欲的,公平的 动词disinterest的过去式和过去分词形式 He is a disinterested person. 他是一个没有私心的人。 ority n. 长辈,前任者的特权,老资格 Does seniority give one the right to mand? 难道年长资深就有权发号施令吗? ration n. 改变,变更 The timetable is subject to alteration. 时刻表有可能更改。 onage n. 牧师住宅,圣职薪俸 They say that away down in the village and even in the distant parsonage that cry raised the sleepers from their beds. 他们说,一路到村里,甚至到遥远的教堂住宅区,人们都被这声叫喊从牀上惊醒。 al n. 声明,公开宣称,公开承认 To make an earnest avowal or affirmation. 申明郑重地宣誓或肯定 laisant adj. 殷勤的,顺从的,彬彬有礼的 She"s always helpful and plaisant. 她总是又殷勤 又乐于助人。 tively adv. 必定地,确实地,断然地,绝对地,积极地 The weather in June was positively autumnal. 那六月的天气真像秋天似的。 ossession n. 预先形成的印象(全神贯注) mbent adj. 凭依的,依靠的,负有义务的 n. 领圣职的俸禄的牧师,在职者 It"s incumbent on you to advise your son before he leaves home. 在你儿子离家前给他忠告是你义不容辞的事。 ng now a good house and very sufficient ine he intended to marry; and in seeking a reconciliation with the Longbourn family he had a wife in view as he meant to chuse one of the daughters if he found them as handsome and amiable as they were represented by mon report. This was his plan of amends -- of atonement -- for inheriting their father"s estate; and he thought it an excellent one full of eligibility and suitableness and excessively generous and disinterested on his own part. 【句子翻译】他现在已经有了一幢好房子,一笔可观的收入,想要结婚了。他所以要和浪博恩这家人家讲和修好,原是想要在他们府上找个太太。要是这家人家的几位小姐果真象大家所传闻的那么美丽可爱,他一定要挑选一个。这就是他所谓补偿的计划,赎罪的计划,为的是将来继承她们父亲的遗产时可以问心无愧。他认为这真是个独出心裁的办法,既极其妥善得体,又来得慷慨豪爽。 【难句解析】having now a good...是做intended的伴随状语;intend to“准备、想要”;in view“看得见、意在”;...“和...一样”;on one"s own part“就某人自己来说”; I hear they intend to marry. 听说他们要结婚了。 I don"t intend to listen to this rubbish any longer! 我再也不想听这种无稽之谈了! In view of our long-standing relationship we agree to allow you a discount. 考虑到我们长期的关系,我方同意给你方折扣。 The old man is as old as the old tree. 这位老人像这棵古树一样古老。 I would like to end by quoting from British philosopher Bertrand Russell"s “Principles of Social Reconstruction” - “It is impossible to prevent others from feeling hostile but it is possible to avoid any reciprocal hostility on one"s own part by imaginative understanding and the sympathy which grow out of it.” 作为本文的结局,我想引用英国哲学家罗素的一段话。“我们无法防止他人敌视我们,但是我们却可以通过谅解和同情,不让自己敌视他人。” plan did not vary on seeing them. -- Miss Ben"s lovely face confirmed his views and established all his strictest notions of what was due to seniority; and for the first evening she was his settled choice. 【句子翻译】他看到这几位小姐之后,并没有变更本来的计划。一看到吉英那张可爱的脸蛋儿,他便拿定了主张,而且更加确定了他那些老式的想法,认为一切应当先娶最大的一位小姐。 【难句解析】on doing...“一...(就)...”;due“应得的、应有的”; The baby *** iled on seeing her mother. 这个宝宝看到妈妈就笑起来。 due profits 应得利润 felt it incumbent on her to hint was likely to be very soon engaged. 【句子翻译】她觉得有责任提醒一下──...可能很快就要订婚了; 【难句解析】be incumbent on“义不容辞”; It is particularly incumbent on those who never change their opinion to be secure of judging properly at first. 对于某些坚持已见的人说来,在拿定一个主张的时候,开头应该特别慎重地考虑一下。
2023-07-26 04:43:571


2023-07-26 04:44:053


问题一:上面用英语怎么说? 上面用英语为on,下面为under,左边为left,右边为right。 问题二:在…的上面用英语怎么说 30分 您的问题很简单。呵呵。百度知道很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题。 原句:在…的上面 翻译:above;up;on top;on prep on在...的表面上(接触) above在...的垂直上方(不接触) 总在最上面always on top 在那上面thereon;on which;thereupon 在一上面小时图片up in an hour 印在最上面的色彩over hue 睡在上面sleep on it 在文本上面Above Text 这边在上面this side up 悬挂在上面over 天在上面Heaven in the Above; 在上层床的上面above the top bunk bed;above the top bed 你的手在上面Your hand above 妈的它在上面Funky It Up 我住在你的上面I live upstairs from you 鸟儿在你的上面飞翔birds fly a锭ove you 标在上面的superscript 盖在上面的superjacent 横在上面的superincumbent 装在上面的middle engine 印在最上面的色彩over hue 百度知道永远给您最专业的英语翻译。 问题三:在什么的上面用英语怎么说 挨着的话 就用on the desk叮正上方 over the desk 斜上方 above the desk 问题四:在上面的英文翻译 on,over,above on表示在一物体上,强调两物相接触, over也表示在一物体上,但强调覆盖这一物体。 试比较: ① She put her coat on the bed. 她把大衣放在床上。 ② She put her coat over the sleeping baby. 她把大衣盖在那正在睡觉的孩子身上。 ③There"s a magazine lying open on the table.桌上有本杂志翻开着。 ④There"s a cloth over the table. 桌上摊着一块台布。 ⑤ The woman lifted a big jar on her head. 那位妇女头上顶着一只大坛子。 ⑥ She put her hands over her face. 她用手遮住脸。 over表示“越过”某一高度,具有动态之意, on仅表示“处于??之上”,是静态。 试比较: ⑦ They dragged heavy stones with ropes over their shoulders. 他们肩背绳索拖拽巨石。(绳在肩膀两边弯下去,不用on。) ⑧ To my horror, I saw, over my father"s shoulder, a gorilla, the worst enemy of the soldier in Africa. 使我感到恐怖的是,从我父亲的肩膀上看过去,我发现非洲士兵最危险的敌人--------一只大猩猩。(视线越过肩膀后,一直向前方延伸,不用on. ) ⑨ The farmers walked to their fields with hoes on their shoulders. 农民们肩上扛着锄头,向田地走去。(仅表示锄头所处的位置。是静态,用on,不用over. ) over和above都可以用来表示“高于”,相当于“higher than”。 例如: ① The water came up over/above our knees. 水已涨至我们膝盖之上。 ② Can you see the birds flying above/over the pear trees? 你看到那一片梨树上空飞翔的鸟吗? ▲如果要表示“覆盖”或“越过”,则用 over。 如: ③ There"s thick cloud over the south of England. 英格兰南部地区一片乌云。 ④ Electricity cables went over the fields. 电缆线越过田野。(这句也可以用across) ▲指数量时,我们一般用 over(=more than)表示“超过”,但如果指上下 垂直的度量以及海拔高度时,要用 above。试比较: ⑤ You have to be over 18 to see this film. 你得超过十八岁才能看这部电影。(不用above) ⑥ The temperature is three degrees above zero. 温度在零上三度。(不用over) ⑦ The mountain is over(=more than)4,000 metres above (higher than) sealevel. 那座山海拔有四千多米高。 ▲ over表示在某人或某物的正上方,反义......>> 问题五:在????上方 用英语怎么拼 1. on指在上方,且相互之间有接触。 如:There is a book on the desk. 2. over指在正上方,表示比较精确地靠近地垂直在上, 且相互之间没有接触。 如:His office is right over ours. 他的办公室就在我们头上。 注意:是指垂直在上 3. above指在正上方,但不强调是精确地“垂直在上”。且相互之间一般不接触,多用于引申义,表示“大于/高于/超出”等含义。 如:His office is above ours on the second floor. 他的办公室在我们的二楼。 注意:说话的人很可能在地下一层或者盯层, 只是表达那个人的办公室在他们的上面,不一定恰好在他们上面。 再如:The aeroplane was flying a few feet above the sea. 飞机正在距海面几英尺的低空飞行。 Above two hundred people attended the meeting. 二百多人出席了会议。 You can"t expect to succeed if you attempt tasks above your ability. 如果你要做能力达不到的事, 就别指望成功。 4. “那一只鸟在头顶上飞”用over/above都可以,因为鸟不可能和你的头顶接触。即: That bird is/was flying over/above my head. 当然用above最好,因为鸟不可能一直在你头顶垂直向上的地方飞翔。 “桥架在河上”用on/over/above都可以,因为桥有可能和河面接触(有桥墩),也有可能不合河面接触(无桥墩)。 即:The bridge is on/over/above the river. 问题六:在国际上用英语怎么说 10分 用副词 internationally 或者副词性介词短语 all over the world 就好。比如,“这个品牌在国际上都叫得响”,译成英文就是: This is a brand name that is well known all over the world. 或者 This is a brand name that is well known internationally. 问题七:在.……上面上药用英语怎么说 在.……上面上药 put some medicine on...
2023-07-26 04:44:171


看看这个可行Yale University was founded in 1701, is a private university. It and Harvard, and Princeton University share the honor, common for the United States over the years and the University Graduate School top position. Professor lineup school, curriculum, teaching his first class facilities. Beautiful Goethe George Dynasty-style architecture and modern construction of buildings and to each other films, the whole show was very classical and beautiful campus. Autumn leaves over the campus Staphylococcus frequently, those tan sun shines Elite built antique style towering buildings. Yale"s reputation, its beautiful and solemn, and sun, on the central campus to look around, the sense of history that imposing attracting outstanding students to the world : : The school is the strongest disciplines of social science, humanities and life sciences. Yale University Graduate School of Management in 1978 to create a unique curriculum -- public and private professional management (Pub1ic&PrivateManagement) courses, which focus on public and non-profit organizations for professional management training. Curriculum is 60% teaching, a case study of four, the latter half is public or non-profit agencies run cases. Yale University Master of Business Administration did not ask Mr. MBA but MPPM, whose source is also here. Yale has a total number of outstanding alumni : the recent two-term president of the United States are alumni of Yale University, George Bush is a Yale secret society known [skeleton and bones] member. Incumbent President Bill Clinton and his wife Hillary was in the Yale Library Lane awareness. Famous movie stars Judy, Forster, a "Time" magazine columnist Kevin, Tsui Lam is the famous Yale ..... Yale now has 12 colleges. Yale College : opening humanities, social sciences, natural sciences and engineering undergraduate courses awarding Bachelor of Arts, Science, arts studies degree. Graduate School : Yale College graduates offer postgraduate courses delegated Master of Arts and Doctor of Science degree, Master of Philosophy and Doctor of Philosophy.College : Yale College graduates and other institutions in the education of students with the corresponding courses, delegated medical doctorate. Seminaries : courses for the graduates of Yale College, a master"s degree awarding theology, a master"s degree in religious literature, the best students may pursue a master"s degree in theology. Law : courses for the graduates of Yale College, a master"s degree awarding research, Doctor of Laws (J. D. ) degree and LL.M., legal and penal science doctoral degrees. Arts :Yale College graduates to set up vocational courses, a master"s degree in Fine Arts awarded. Music : courses for the graduates of Yale College, a master"s degree awarding music, art or music, and musical arts degree. Forest and Environment Research Institute : courses for the graduates of Yale College, awarding the Master"s forests, forest M.Sc., environmental studies and a master"s degree and doctorate in forest. Architecture : YaleCollege graduates courses, vocational awarding master"s degrees and the construction of non-career environmental design degree. College of Nursing : courses for the graduates of Yale College, a master"s degree in science delegated care. Drama : Yale College graduates pursue graduate certificate courses for students, master"s and doctoral degrees awarded art. Agencies and regulatory institutions : Yale College graduates for courses, vocational degree or delegated management, but also the creation of institutional behaviour and the management of science degree courses . 耶鲁大学成立于1701年,是一所私立大学。它和哈佛、普林斯顿大学齐名,历年来共同角逐美国大学和研究生院前三名的位置。该校教授阵容、课程安排、教学设施方面堪称一流。漂亮的歌德式建筑和乔治王朝式的建筑与现代化的建筑交相互映,把整个校园点缀得十分古典和秀丽。秋季的校园中金黄暗红的落叶遍地,阳光斜照那些黄褐色巨石建成的古色古香的巍峨建筑物。耶鲁的名气、它的美丽和庄严,以及夕阳西下时站在校园中央向四周环视时那种凝重的历史感吸引着世界各地优秀的学子们…… 该校最强的学科是社会科学、人文科学以及生命科学。耶鲁大学管理研究生院于1978年创设了独特的课程——公营和私营企业专业管理(Pub1ic&PrivateManagement)课程,它着重公营及非赢利机构的专业管理训练。课程安排有六成是授课,四成为个案研究,后者有一半是公办或非赢利机构的个案。耶鲁大学的企管硕士不叫MBA而是MPPM,其来源也在于此。 耶鲁拥有总多杰出的校友:美国最近两任总统都是耶鲁大学校友,乔治·布希是耶鲁著名的秘密团体[骷髅和骨头]的一员。现任总统克林顿与他的夫人希拉莉就是在耶鲁的图书馆里认识的。著名影星朱迪·福斯特,《时代》周刊的著名专栏作家凯文·翠林都是耶鲁人…… 耶鲁现拥有12个学院。耶鲁学院:开设人文科学、社会科学、自然科学以及工程学本科课程,授文学士、理学士、文科研究学士学位。研究生院:为耶鲁学院毕业生开设研究生课程,授文学硕士、理科硕士、哲学硕士、哲学博士学位。医学院:为耶鲁学院毕业生以及在其它院校受过相应教育的学生开设课程,授医学博士学位。神学院:为耶鲁学院毕业生开设课程,授神学硕士,宗教文学硕士学位,优秀学生还可攻读神学硕士学位。法学院:为耶鲁学院毕业生开设课程,授法学研究硕士,法学博士(J. D.)学位以及法学硕士、法律科学博士和刑法博士学位。艺术学院:为耶鲁学院毕业生开设职业课程,授美术硕士学位。音乐学院:为耶鲁学院毕业生开设课程,授音乐硕士、音乐艺术硕士、以及音乐艺术博士学位。森林与环境研究学院:为耶鲁学院毕业生开设课程,授森林学硕士、森林科学硕士、环境研究硕士以及森林学博士学位。建筑学院:为耶鲁学院毕业生开设课程,授建筑硕士职业学位以及环境设计非职业学位。护理学院:为耶鲁学院毕业生开设课程,授护理科学硕士学位。戏剧学院:为耶鲁学院毕业生中攻读学位证书的学生开设课程,授美术硕士及博士学位。机构与管理学院:为耶鲁学院毕业生开设课程,授企业管理硕士职业学位,同时也开设机构行为和管理科学方面的博士学位课程。
2023-07-26 04:44:392


问题一:向上看用英语怎么说 Looked upwardly 问题二:往上看的英文怎么写? Look up 问题三:向上用英语怎么说? 您好,翻译为: up upward 希望帮助您 问题四:向上用英语怎么说呀? up upward 问题五:“小心轻放” 和 “向上” 用英文怎么讲 fragile!是易碎品的意思,就知道要小心轻放了,或者再加上handle with care,就是小心轻放的意思 up!再配合箭头,就知道了 有帮助请采纳~不懂欢迎追问~ 问题六:从……上面看用英语怎么说? 从上往下看,从高处往下看 overlook vt. 俯瞰, 耸出, 远眺, 没注意到 n. 眺望, 俯瞰中的景色 动词词组: [look down at]∶从高处往下看 从。厂。往下看: look down from ... 也可用 take(with) an overlook from ... 问题七:在…的上面用英语怎么说 30分 您的问题很简单。呵呵。百度知道很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题。 原句:在…的上面 翻译:above;up;on top;on prep on在...的表面上(接触) above在...的垂直上方(不接触) 总在最上面always on top 在那上面thereon;on which;thereupon 在一上面小时图片up in an hour 印在最上面的色彩over hue 睡在上面sleep on it 在文本上面Above Text 这边在上面this side up 悬挂在上面over 天在上面Heaven in the Above; 在上层床的上面above the top bunk bed;above the top bed 你的手在上面Your hand above 妈的它在上面Funky It Up 我住在你的上面I live upstairs from you 鸟儿在你的上面飞翔birds fly a锭ove you 标在上面的superscript 盖在上面的superjacent 横在上面的superincumbent 装在上面的middle engine 印在最上面的色彩over hue 百度知道永远给您最专业的英语翻译。 问题八:看在……的份上,用英语怎么说? for the sake of ..... 或者 for xxxx"s sake 问题九:在国际上用英语怎么说 10分 用副词 internationally 或者副词性介词短语 all over the world 就好。比如,“这个品牌在国际上都叫得响”,译成英文就是: This is a brand name that is well known all over the world. 或者 This is a brand name that is well known internationally.
2023-07-26 04:44:461


2023-07-26 04:44:558


您的问题很简单。呵呵。百度知道很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题。原句:在…的上面翻译:above;up;on top;on prep on在...的表面上(接触)above在...的垂直上方(不接触)总在最上面always on top在那上面thereon;on which;thereupon在一上面小时图片up in an hour印在最上面的色彩over hue睡在上面sleep on it在文本上面Above Text这边在上面this side up悬挂在上面over天在上面Heaven in the Above;在上层床的上面above the top bunk bed;above the top bed你的手在上面Your hand above妈的它在上面Funky It Up我住在你的上面I live upstairs from you鸟儿在你的上面飞翔birds fly above you标在上面的superscript盖在上面的superjacent横在上面的superincumbent装在上面的middle engine印在最上面的色彩over hue百度知道永远给您最专业的英语翻译。
2023-07-26 04:45:092


2023-07-26 04:45:173


IT =to understand
2023-07-26 04:46:422


  杨利伟是中国进入太空的第一人,中国共产党党员,中国人民解放军少将军衔,特级航天员。下面是我为你整理的关于杨利伟的简介英文,希望对你有用!   杨利伟简介   Yang Liwei is the first person to enter China into space. Male, Han nationality, Huludao City, Liaoning Province Suizhong County, university education, the Chinese Communist Party members, the Chinese People"s Liberation Army Major rank, super astronauts. He served as deputy director of the China Astronaut Research and Training Center, deputy director of the manned space flight astronaut system, the incumbent China"s manned space project office deputy director. He was the first generation of astronauts trained in China and was elected as an alternate member of the Central Committee at the 17th CPC National Congress. Yang Liwei in the original air force safe flight 1,350 hours. October 15, 2003 Beijing time 9:00, Yang Liwei by the Long March II rocket carrying Shenzhou V spacecraft for the first time into space, a symbol of China"s space career a big step forward, played a milestone role.   September 15, 2014, the Space Explorer Association 27th annual meeting in Beijing, Yang Liwei was awarded the Leonon Prize.   杨利伟人物经历   In 1983, Yang Liwei admitted to the Air Force Eighth Flight Academy.   In 1987 graduated from the Chinese People"s Liberation Army Air Force University, received a bachelor"s degree. Assigned to the Air Force Fighter Air Force Force as a pilot. In 1988 was awarded the rank of Air Force lieutenant, joined the Communist Party of China in 1988.   In September 1995, manned space engineering headquarters by the Central Military Commission approved, from the Air Force active pilots in the selection of preparatory astronauts. In mid-April 1997, he was in the clinical medicine, aerospace physiological function indicators, psychological quality tests have achieved excellent, as one of them.   In January 1998, he and other 13 Air Force outstanding pilots together to become China"s first generation of astronauts. As the astronauts brigade under the General Armament Department, at the time to the army, by the Air Force Major to Army Major. 2000 promoted to the rank of lieutenant colonel, serious efforts, tirelessly.   July 2003, the manned aerospace engineering astronauts evaluation committee assessment, with the ability to independently perform space flight, was awarded the three astronauts qualifications. When the rank of lieutenant colonel. October 15 Beijing time 9:00, Yang Liwei by the Long March II rocket carrying Shenzhou V spacecraft for the first time into space. He and technical experts make China the third master of manned space technology in the country. On October 15th, promoted to the rank of Colonel. October 16, Yang Liwei became the national people in the eyes of the national hero.   Before and after the Spring Festival in 2004, promoted the rank of Colonel. On December 09, Yang Liwei received a doctorate degree in honor from the Chinese University of Hong Kong.   In 2005, Yang Liwei as the Chinese astronauts research and training center deputy director, manned space flight astronauts system deputy commander.   In October 2007, he was elected as a member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.   July 22, 2008, promoted to major rank. November 17 in Wenchang Middle School in Hainan Province, the centennial celebration as Wenchang Middle School honorary president.   February 3, 2010, Suzhou College hired him as honorary professor, in March China"s manned space project office deputy director, May 15, he was hired by Jilin University for college students life instructor.   In 2011, he was elected a member of the International Academy of Astronautics.   On March 24, 2013, Yang Liwei was awarded the honorary doctorate degree from the University of Science and Technology of Macau.   杨利伟个人生活   June 21, 1965, Yang Liwei was born in Suizhong County, Suizhong County Sui town, grew up living in the sea, childhood he has a dream, hope that one day, like a seagull, flew toward the blue sky.   Yang Liwei childhood very much love reading, he wrote an essay "I saw Premier Zhou" was selected essays. Father Yang Deyuan, mother Wei Guilan with a middle school in the town when the teacher (father after the transfer to the county native company). Xiao Li Wei relatively weak since childhood, introverted, lack of courage. In order to change the character of small Li Wei, the annual summer vacation, my father consciously took him to climb the mountain, to the county six river to swim. Fall, take him to the mountains to climb trees to pick fruit. Since then, Xiao Liwei actually interested in adventure and sports, often with the partners Bashanshe wandering, Deng Fox Sin Dongshan visit Fox hole, to find the ruins of the temple, looking for the legendary "chain to wells." After watching the "glittering red star", "soldier Zhang Ga", "feathers letter" and other war scenes, he begged his father to help the same class of small partners to fight the Hong Ying gun, volunteered as a child head. And saw the "railway guerrillas", he has been dreaming of train drivers, but did not expect to become the first person in China"s space.
2023-07-26 04:46:491


In the cold winter night, an ordinary mother asked a barrel of steaming hot water to wash the feet of the children"s room and grandma.Little children see mother still not back to the room for a long time own stories, and then ran out of room to find mom.Little children are shrinking saw mother is low head for grandma washing the feet. My grandma said: "the day was cold, you do a day of live, tired and then don"t give I wash feet. You are so busy or sleep early!"Mother and took the us said: "mom, I"m not tired, the day was cold and many feet to your body, good!"The children heard these words grandma, we leave the door, to the right and ran. My mother to help grandma had finished washing the feet, and ready to return room give children to tell stories.Push the door, but didn"t see children, heart a panic, behind only hear from clear voice: "mother, wash your feet!"Turned around to see this less than one metre two children carry a pot of water to wash feet full. The mother and the children into the room, the child smiled at the mother said: "mom, I have to tell you the story of the toe..." On a cold winter"s night, a mediocre mother with a bucket of hot foot bath water go to child"s grandma"s House. Children see mother still not back to the room for to tell their own stories, ran out of the House to find her mother. Children saw mother is in the door with his head to Grandma washes. His grandmother said: "cold weather, you do a day of work, tired, you don"t have to wash my feet later. You are so busy we"d better rest early! "Mother will take over the thread of discourse says," MOM, I"m not tired, cold, bubbling feet, is good for your body! "Kid heard Grandma remarks, left door and ran to the right. Mother Grandma washed their feet, ready to back to the room to tell the children stories. Push the door, but did not see the children, a panic, one could hear from crisp voices behind: "MOM, wash your feet! "Go away, I saw this 1.2-meter child was not trying to deliver a pot full of washing the feet of water. The mother and the children into the room, kids smile and said to my mother, "MOM, I have to tell you sth foot story"在寒冷的冬天的夜晚,一位普普通通的母亲提了一桶热气腾腾的洗脚水向孩子的奶奶的房间走去。 In the cold winter night, an ordinary mother asked a barrel of steaming hot water to wash the feet of the children"s room and grandma. 小孩子见妈妈久久还不回房间给自己讲故事,便跑出房去找妈妈。 Little children see mother still not back to the room for a long time own stories, and then ran out of room to find mom. 小孩子在门缝里看见妈妈正低着头给奶奶洗脚。 Little children are shrinking saw mother is low head for grandma washing the feet. 奶奶说:“天冷了,你干了一天的活,累了吧,以后就别给我洗脚了。你这么忙还是早点休息吧!” My grandma said: "the day was cold, you do a day of live, tired and then don"t give I wash feet. You are so busy or sleep early!" 妈妈便接过话茬说:“妈,我不累,天冷了,多泡泡脚,对您的身体有好处!” Mother and took the us said: "mom, I"m not tired, the day was cold and many feet to your body, good!" 小孩子听见了奶奶这番话,便离开房门,向右边跑了过去。 The children heard these words grandma, we leave the door, to the right and ran. 妈妈帮奶奶洗完了脚,便准备回房给孩子讲故事。 My mother to help grandma had finished washing the feet, and ready to return room give children to tell stories. 推进房门,但没看见孩子,心一慌,只听见背后传来清脆的声音:“妈妈,洗脚!” Push the door, but didn"t see children, heart a panic, behind only hear from clear voice: "mother, wash your feet!" 转过身去,只见这不到一米二的孩子端着一盆满满的洗脚水。 Turned around to see this less than one metre two children carry a pot of water to wash feet full. 妈妈和孩子进了房间,小孩子笑着对妈妈说:“妈妈,我也给你讲脚丫子的故事……” The mother and the children into the room, the child smiled at the mother said: "mom, I have to tell you the story of the toe..."
2023-07-26 04:47:105

我眼中的霍金 英语作文

When I first read the wheelchair hawking "this article, it will be hawking that kind of optimism, grateful heart deeply moved.I also like the reporter that same, hawking is really lose too much, his whole life, there"s not a moment to leave a wheelchair, the whole body is only three fingers to move, the exchange also extremely difficult. Destiny is to HuoJinLai is unfair. But hawking"s answer has made me very surprised. Hawking used his a grateful heart, moved all the people. He replied: "my finger can also activities, I can still thinking big brain. Have I whole life the pursuit of the ideal, have I love and love my relatives and friends. Right, I have a thankful heart ` ` ` ` ` `"He faced his fate, he does not feel lost out. But feel also has many.After I read the very touched, in the heart after tremors. I also thought a for a long time. Suddenly, my brain flash across the sea of text in a: the living the most important is to should have the soul, to have the thought, the most important is to should have a thankful heart. As long as a person with these, then he is not worthless man. A person with these, then he is not worthless man. A person with these, is have, is happy, is happy ` ` ` ` ` `Hawking, a mortally ill, he can use optimistic attitude to look at life and destiny. With a grateful heart to treat people and things around. And we, a normal person, don"t just can"t do?No, it is not. As long as I have a thankful hin, will be a brain thinking man, then we can make their lofty. Have a good: "people can not is great, but it can make their lofty."I admire hawking, he used a normal people can"t imagine perseverance and grateful heart beat the disease. He constantly seeking spirit impressed me.
2023-07-26 04:47:373

【The Giver】中人物职业介绍

用英文吗??? 和我EN10做也好像。。。。。。。。 Jonas – the protagonist, an eleven year-old when the novel opens, who is selected to become Receiver of Memory at his Ceremony of Twelve. He is intelligent, brave, caring, sensitive, and determined. The Giver – the incumbent Receiver of Memory, who stores human experiences from the time before Sameness. The Community"s Elders rely upon his "wisdom" in the event of emergencies; because no one wants the pain that comes with keeping the necessary memories, this "honor" is restricted to one individual. He is frusutrated at the Elders for only consulting him during emergencies instead of all of the time, and seems somewhat disgusted by the actions of the community"s people, though he tells Jonas that they "know nothing" and therefore cannot be blamed. His real name is not known. Jonas"s Mother – an intelligent, practical woman who serves her Community as a judge. Jonas"s Father – a caring man, something of the ideal father figure, who works as a Nurturer for children in their first year of life. Later, Jonas learns that his father is, sometimes, responsible for the Release of defective children. Lily – Jonas"s talkative, curious, enthusiastic and outgoing younger sister. Asher – Jonas"s closest friend, a clumsy and easygoing boy who is assigned the position of Assistant Director of Recreation. Fiona – Female friend of both Jonas and Asher. Her red hair represents a failure of genetic engineering, as the Giver notes: "We never completely mastered Sameness. The genetic scientists are still... trying to work the kinks out. Hair like Fiona"s must drive them crazy." She works as a Caretaker for the Old. Despite her kind demeanor, she is adept at Releasing the elderly without emotion. She is referred to as Jonas"s "favorite female" as a result of his sexual emotions for her. Gabriel – an infant from the Nurturing Center whom Jonas"s father takes home for extra care. Slow in development and highly emotional, Gabriel is at risk of Release. Jonas takes him on his journey to Elsewhere. Gabriel is able to Receive memories from Jonas. He is also one of the only people other than Jonas and a female Six to have pale eyes. Rosemary – the Elders" previous selection to be the new Receiver of Memory, when Jonas was a Two. Her training failed, in a way which impacted the entire Community: defeated by the memories of loss and hurt which the Giver was forced to transfer, she asked for Release. Once she was released, the memories given her had no place to go, so they floated freely. The Giver reveals that Rosemary was his daughter, though some readers believe the Giver uses the term "daughter" metaphorically. Caleb – A child who drowned in the river near the town. Because of release, "natural" or accidental death is not known, so this shocks the community. They chant his name all day in a "Ceremony of Loss" until it fades from their memories.恩
2023-07-26 04:47:472


( j )条的授权要选择到达抽签会议期间,承运人必须有适当的经济权力的定期客运服务标题49南加州大学必须持有联邦航空管理局和运营机构根据部分121 , 129 (如适用)或135本章。 § 93.31最低使用要求。 [备选案文1-90百分比用法] [小组选择一个退出] ( a )除( b )款和( c )本节中,没有任何到达授权使用至少百分之九十的时间在2个月期间,应撤回美国联邦航空局后45天的通知受影响的航空公司由FAA和缝隙处举行调动由FAA 。 ( b )第(一)本条不适用于入住授权下得到§ 93.30在: ( 1 )头90天之后,它们分配给新进入者;或 ( 2 )头60天之后,他们在有限的分配现任或现任承运人。 ( c )第(一)本条不适用于授权的入住 航空承运人的罢工被迫停止运作,利用这些到达许可证。 (四)每航空公司和加拿大航空公司举行到达授权均应提出书面向美国联邦航空局缝隙处列出所有到达授权由承运人一起上市的到来授权实际操作的每一天的2 -本月报告期后14天内的最后一天2个月报告期间1月1日起每2个月以后。该报告应确定航班号,而到达授权使用和使用的设备。该报告应确定任何共同拥有权或控制权的,地,或在任何其他承运人。一位高级官员承运人应签署该报告。 (五)署长可免除段的要求(一)本节中出现极不寻常和不可预测的条件是无法控制的,承运人和存在期限为9天以上。实例的条件下可以放弃的理由是这一段的天气条件造成的限制运作的机场,在较长的时间或接地任何飞机类型。 ( f )在美国联邦航空局将视为授权使用任何到达举行由承运人在感恩节那天,星期五以下感恩节和期限,从12月24日通过的第一个星期日1 。 应该是这样吧。
2023-07-26 04:48:051

by the end of 与at the end of 有什么区别,两者常引导什么时态

bythe end of 的用法这个人错了
2023-07-26 04:48:167

《The Incumbent》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《The Incumbent》(Gansky, Alton)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: 6i4a书名:The Incumbent作者:Gansky, Alton出版年份:2004-10页数:336
2023-07-26 04:49:281


问题一:在????上方 用英语怎么拼 1. on指在上方,且相互之间有接触。 如:There is a book on the desk. 2. over指在正上方,表示比较精确地靠近地垂直在上, 且相互之间没有接触。 如:His office is right over ours. 他的办公室就在我们头上。 注意:是指垂直在上 3. above指在正上方,但不强调是精确地“垂直在上”。且相互之间一般不接触,多用于引申义,表示“大于/高于/超出”等含义。 如:His office is above ours on the second floor. 他的办公室在我们的二楼。 注意:说话的人很可能在地下一层或者盯层, 只是表达那个人的办公室在他们的上面,不一定恰好在他们上面。 再如:The aeroplane was flying a few feet above the sea. 飞机正在距海面几英尺的低空飞行。 Above two hundred people attended the meeting. 二百多人出席了会议。 You can"t expect to succeed if you attempt tasks above your ability. 如果你要做能力达不到的事, 就别指望成功。 4. “那一只鸟在头顶上飞”用over/above都可以,因为鸟不可能和你的头顶接触。即: That bird is/was flying over/above my head. 当然用above最好,因为鸟不可能一直在你头顶垂直向上的地方飞翔。 “桥架在河上”用on/over/above都可以,因为桥有可能和河面接触(有桥墩),也有可能不合河面接触(无桥墩)。 即:The bridge is on/over/above the river. 问题二:在…的上面用英语怎么说 30分 您的问题很简单。呵呵。百度知道很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题。 原句:在…的上面 翻译:above;up;on top;on prep on在...的表面上(接触) above在...的垂直上方(不接触) 总在最上面always on top 在那上面thereon;on which;thereupon 在一上面小时图片up in an hour 印在最上面的色彩over hue 睡在上面sleep on it 在文本上面Above Text 这边在上面this side up 悬挂在上面over 天在上面Heaven in the Above; 在上层床的上面above the top bunk bed;above the top bed 你的手在上面Your hand above 妈的它在上面Funky It Up 我住在你的上面I live upstairs from you 鸟儿在你的上面飞翔birds fly a锭ove you 标在上面的superscript 盖在上面的superjacent 横在上面的superincumbent 装在上面的middle engine 印在最上面的色彩over hue 百度知道永远给您最专业的英语翻译。 问题三:上面用英语怎么说? 上面用英语为on,下面为under,左边为left,右边为right。 问题四:上一个(用英语怎么说) last one 问题五:在什么的上面用英语怎么说 挨着的话 就用on the desk叮正上方 over the desk 斜上方 above the desk 问题六:在u30fbu30fbu30fb上面怎么用英语表达? on 介词 above 介词/副词 在。。。之上 问题七:在上面的英文翻译 on,over,above on表示在一物体上,强调两物相接触, over也表示在一物体上,但强调覆盖这一物体。 试比较: ① She put her coat on the bed. 她把大衣放在床上。 ② She put her coat over the sleeping baby. 她把大衣盖在那正在睡觉的孩子身上。 ③There"s a magazine lying open on the table.桌上有本杂志翻开着。 ④There"s a cloth over the table. 桌上摊着一块台布。 ⑤ The woman lifted a big jar on her head. 那位妇女头上顶着一只大坛子。 ⑥ She put her hands over her face. 她用手遮住脸。 over表示“越过”某一高度,具有动态之意, on仅表示“处于??之上”,是静态。 试比较: ⑦ They dragged heavy stones with ropes over their shoulders. 他们肩背绳索拖拽巨石。(绳在肩膀两边弯下去,不用on。) ⑧ To my horror, I saw, over my father"s shoulder, a gorilla, the worst enemy of the soldier in Africa. 使我感到恐怖的是,从我父亲的肩膀上看过去,我发现非洲士兵最危险的敌人--------一只大猩猩。(视线越过肩膀后,一直向前方延伸,不用on. ) ⑨ The farmers walked to their fields with hoes on their shoulders. 农民们肩上扛着锄头,向田地走去。(仅表示锄头所处的位置。是静态,用on,不用over. ) over和above都可以用来表示“高于”,相当于“higher than”。 例如: ① The water came up over/above our knees. 水已涨至我们膝盖之上。 ② Can you see the birds flying above/over the pear trees? 你看到那一片梨树上空飞翔的鸟吗? ▲如果要表示“覆盖”或“越过”,则用 over。 如: ③ There"s thick cloud over the south of England. 英格兰南部地区一片乌云。 ④ Electricity cables went over the fields. 电缆线越过田野。(这句也可以用across) ▲指数量时,我们一般用 over(=more than)表示“超过”,但如果指上下 垂直的度量以及海拔高度时,要用 above。试比较: ⑤ You have to be over 18 to see this film. 你得超过十八岁才能看这部电影。(不用above) ⑥ The temperature is three degrees above zero. 温度在零上三度。(不用over) ⑦ The mountain is over(=more than)4,000 metres above (higher than) sealevel. 那座山海拔有四千多米高。 ▲ over表示在某人或某物的正上方,反义......>> 问题八:上面的图片用英语怎么说 the pic亥ure above上面的图片 the picture below下面的图片 问题九:上面用英语怎么说? 上面用英语为on,下面为under,左边为left,右边为right。 问题十:在…的上面用英语怎么说 30分 您的问题很简单。呵呵。百度知道很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题。 原句:在…的上面 翻译:above;up;on top;on prep on在...的表面上(接触) above在...的垂直上方(不接触) 总在最上面always on top 在那上面thereon;on which;thereupon 在一上面小时图片up in an hour 印在最上面的色彩over hue 睡在上面sleep on it 在文本上面Above Text 这边在上面this side up 悬挂在上面over 天在上面Heaven in the Above; 在上层床的上面above the top bunk bed;above the top bed 你的手在上面Your hand above 妈的它在上面Funky It Up 我住在你的上面I live upstairs from you 鸟儿在你的上面飞翔birds fly a锭ove you 标在上面的superscript 盖在上面的superjacent 横在上面的superincumbent 装在上面的middle engine 印在最上面的色彩over hue 百度知道永远给您最专业的英语翻译。
2023-07-26 04:49:411

足球的由来 中英文对照

2023-07-26 04:50:053


2023-07-26 04:50:134


2023-07-26 04:50:336

LED中的 reflow是什么意思

LED很多专业英文得结合上下文来理解,单独一个词语恐怕翻译不准确reflow-LED中一般指回流焊工序incumbent design应该说目前采用的设计incumbent light sources目前采用的光源CA bulb可能是要有认证的灯泡LED中的分bin:LED在生产后期会根据光色进行分Bin(自动分光机),Bin就是人为给分光机设置的一个筛选标准,会有很多个Bin。这样分光出来的LED在波长 色温 电压等参数上才更加细化精准
2023-07-26 04:50:543

帮我翻译 这段 布莱尔在女王80寿辰时的祝词 谢谢!

Her Prime Ministers have better reason than most to know and appreciate her knowledge and experience. I am the tenth Prime Minister to serve her. Like each of my predecessors, I am profoundly grateful for her wise counsel. She has superb judgment, an intuitive empathy with people and, above all, an unshakeable and profound sense of duty. It is this sense of duty that motivates her and defines her reign and, since it communicates itself unobtrusively but none the less obviously to her subjects, brings her, I believe,the love of the people of this country. It is difficult in this day and age for the monarchy to balance the natural demands for accessibility and openness with the dignity and majesty of the monarch, but it is a balance that she has struck with immense skill. So I know that I speak for the whole House and, indeed, a grateful nation when I convey to Her Majesty the Queen our best wishes on her 80th birthday and say, "Long may she reign over us
2023-07-26 04:51:024


not... any more thannot ...any more than 是“不能;正如……不能”的意思例句1.He is not a poet any more than I am a scholar.他不是诗人,正如我不是学者一样“no more ... than”是“ 不 …… 也不 ” 的意思。例如:He is no more diligent than you. 你不勤奋,他也不勤奋
2023-07-26 04:51:102

Milky Bar Kid应该翻译成什么 好像是一个专有名词

Milkybar is a white chocolate confection that is produced by Nestlé and sold in Australia, New Zealand, India, Ireland and the United Kingdom. Milkybar 是一种白色巧克力甜食,是有雀巢公司生产销往澳大利亚,新西兰,印度,爱尔兰和英国。
2023-07-26 04:51:193


on prep.在...上a painting on the wall 墙上的一幅画在...旁, 靠近the inn on the road 路旁的旅店the town on the river 临河的城镇向着...march on London 向伦敦前进smile on sb. 对着某人笑在...时候; ...之后立即on the morning of May 5th 在五月五日早晨on arriving home 刚到家就...on analysis 经分析后根据; 凭; 靠act on principles 照原则办事live on 靠...生活On what ground? 凭什么理 由?关于; 论述a book on grammar 语法书是...的成员be on the committee 担任委员在从事...中, 处于...情况中on duty 值班on guard [the watch] 看守通过, 以...方式hear music on the radio 用收音机听音乐on the quiet 偷偷地由...支付, 由...承担All the expenses fall on me. 全部费用由我支付。It is incumbent on me to reclaim him. 劝他改过是我义不容辞的义务。一个又一个, 又, 累加loss on loss 一再损失heaps on heaps 许许多多冒...危险on pain of death 冒生命危险You bet she could cook, She was just on it. 她当然会烧菜, 她正好学会了这种手艺。短语:and so on等等be on at 不断地找岔[唠叨]be on it [美口]准备就绪; 决定动手做; 熟练(某事)be on to 知道; 识透; 对某人找岔子; 与...联系[商谈]get on to 知道; 识透; 对某人找岔子; 与...联系[商谈]have sth. on sb. 掌握某人的一些事实[证据]just on 差不多neither off nor on 优柔寡断的; 三心二意的; 没有关系的off and on (=on and off) 断断续续地; 不规则地on and after 自...起, ...以后on and on继续不断地on with 穿戴上; 开始; 继续
2023-07-26 04:51:271


您的问题很简单。呵呵。百度知道很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题。原句:在…的上面翻译:above;up;on top;on prep on在...的表面上(接触)above在...的垂直上方(不接触)总在最上面always on top在那上面thereon;on which;thereupon在一上面小时图片up in an hour印在最上面的色彩over hue睡在上面sleep on it在文本上面Above Text这边在上面this side up悬挂在上面over天在上面Heaven in the Above;在上层床的上面above the top bunk bed;above the top bed你的手在上面Your hand above妈的它在上面Funky It Up我住在你的上面I live upstairs from you鸟儿在你的上面飞翔birds fly above you标在上面的superscript盖在上面的superjacent横在上面的superincumbent装在上面的middle engine印在最上面的色彩over hue百度知道永远给您最专业的英语翻译。
2023-07-26 04:51:341

sabbatical officer造句 sabbatical officerの例文

Sabbatical officers are usually provided with a pving allowance or stipend. It is run by a team of eight elected sabbatical officers . Paid sabbatical officers are pmited to o terms of office. The paper has no sabbatical officers or paid staff. Unusually, the Postgraduate sabbatical officer works part-time, but is paid. However, sabbatical officers have continued to maintain relationships with counterparts in other unions. The poptical direction of the Students"Association is done through the Sabbatical Officers . The editor is elected by members of the students"union as a paid sabbatical officer . The College Officer will bring the issues raised to the relevant Sabbatical officer or SU department. Students"unions tend to be run by a team of student-elected sabbatical officers . It"s difficult to see sabbatical officer in a sentence. 用 sabbatical officer 造句挺难的 This is made up of five full-time sabbatical officers and five part-time officers. The current University of Manchester Students"Union Exec Team contains eight full-time sabbatical officers . All positions, bar the five sabbatical officers , work on a part-time voluntary basis. The Students"Union is run by six sabbatical officers and fifteen part-time unpaid officer positions. The main representatives are the three Sabbatical Officers who work full-time to represent and support students. There are now four student trustees, four external trustees and all six sabbatical officers are also trustees. It is run by a team of four sabbatical officers , who are elected annually from the student population. This sabbatical officer also attends a large number of university mittees so that the student voice can be heard. Following another occupation of Exam Schools in January 2004, the university pursued discippnary action against five OUSU sabbatical officers . Some Further Education colleges also have *** all numbers of sabbatical officers but these are rare, partly due to funding restrictions. Instead the Sabbatical officers are free to lead the organisation and drive the popcy agenda, rather than to administer it. A university students"union may have one or more sabbatical officers , with as many as eight being not unheard of. Along with the three full-time sabbatical officers , there are currently nine part-time officers responsible for specific areas. The Sabbatical Officers are elected for one year in office and work full-time either during or after pleting their degree. In 2013, Jamie Green and Ian Stewart became the first sabbatical officers to successfully run for and win re-election. The SU holds o sets of elections throughout the academic session, in October and March, to elect new officers and sabbatical officers . The sabbatical officers of University of Warwick Students"Union missioned a Kevin Gately memorial painting which still hangs in the student union building. The Union Officers Group consists of six sabbatical officers , and no non-sabbaticals, as of the 2009 / 10 academic year. The members of the Union elect annually a Student Officer Committee of five full-time sabbatical officers and thirteen non-sabbatical officers. The members of the Union elect annually a Student Officer Committee of five full-time sabbatical officers and thirteen non- sabbatical officers . It"s difficult to see sabbatical officer in a sentence. 用 sabbatical officer 造句挺难的 The Athletic Union has four full-time staff members and one sabbatical officer , the incumbent for 2015-16 is Luke Thomson. RamAir annually broadcasts the"Questions to Candidates"( Hustings ) for the student union elections of sabbatical officers and NUS conference delegates. As with most if not all Students"Unions, a yearly election takes place in which a number of sabbatical officers are elected. The OUSU Executive Committee includes six full-time salaried sabbatical officers , who generally serve in the year following pletion of their Final Examinations. In addition, recently staff from the Students"Union have been permitted to sit with the full-time Sabbatical Officers on various mittees. The UPSU Executive Officers or" Sabbatical Officers "are elected in March and decide the day-to-day running of the union. There are six part-time, non- sabbatical officers of the Students"Union who work to represent groups of students and their interests. This has e from the idea that they are simply a group of officers who seek to support one another during their time as sabbatical officers . The Students Union supports and represents the students of the University of Lincoln, sabbatical officers are elected by the student body and supported by the staff. Although most university student unions in the UK usually have paid, sabbatical officers , all positions within the mittee are held on an unpaid voluntary basis. Both portraits feature outgoing sabbatical officers from the Student Union at the university and were missioned as part of the celebrations marking the University s centenary year. It is entirely written and edited by student volunteers, except for the chief editor, which is a paid sabbatical officer position at the Students Union. The Union obtained charitable status in 2010 and is overseen by a Board of Trustees made up of student-elected sabbatical officers and full-time staff. Continuing professional staff, speciapsing in their own area of expertise, has replaced the Sabbatical officer " jack of all trades and master of none " philosophy. Previously a weekly pubpcation, since 2007 it has been fortnightly, when the role of editor changed from a paid sabbatical officer to a student volunteering position. It turned them into offices for non- sabbatical officers , which mean the station could not now produce anything off-air, from debates to trails. There are 18 Executive officers, seven of which are full-time Sabbatical Officers , with the remaining eleven being student"non-sabbatical"officers. These sabbatical officers are held accountable for the actions and decisions of the union, and often work closely with members of the Student Representative Council and other boards. The Union has an annual turnover of approximately ? milpon, the profit from which is used to provide services to students and to employ its staff and sabbatical officers . There have been a number of Young Green sabbatical officers with Student Unions such as LSE, Port *** outh, Keele Postgraduate Association, Manchester, Warwick, Teesside and Edinburgh. It"s difficult to see sabbatical officer in a sentence. 用 sabbatical officer 造句挺难的
2023-07-26 04:51:541

工作证明 英文翻译 如下

该同志自1980年开始一直在我公司工作,现任集团公司党办主任。 The comrades have been since 1980 in my company, incumbent group company DangBan director. 该同志月薪2500元, The comrades salary 2500 yuan, 年薪30000元。 Yearly salary 30,000 yuan. 特此声明。 Declare. 公司地址:吉林省延吉市爱丹路743号 Address: jilin yanji, love Dan lk 743 电话: Phone: 传真: Fax: 延边东北亚客运集团有限公司 Northeast of yanbian passenger group Co., LTD 该同志自1981年开始一直在我院工作,现任影像科副主任护师。 The comrades have been since 1981 work in our hospital, deputy director of junior &senior current video branch. 该同志月薪4000元, The comrades salary 4000 yuan, 年薪48000元。 Yearly salary 48000 dollars. 特此声明 I hereby declare that 医院地址:吉林省延吉市局子街1662号。 Hospital address: JuZi street, jilin province 1662 yanji. 延边脑科医院 Yanbian neurologist hospital
2023-07-26 04:52:021


ZhuMu word male uncle. In five years old, there is filial piety says. Parents sick, diet, poor but not all thumbs complex often. And learn, continue to speak zhuang indulged in verse, or think, don"t know when to WangShi headgear. Early shall lift. At the end of the emperor, jianhuai rogue revolt, state county cannot ban. Or said general LiangJi yue: "ZhuGongShu concurrently endowment wenwu, JiShi, if think &creditability first seek the Lord, the thief insufficient flat also." Hebei meal WenMu name, but also the monarch, make BingShi Canon what see kiss, task. And huan emperor queen faces fierce, shun style-came toward, mourinho to kiss, hope to have heavy clusters-baotang, because to support a royal push catastrophes, playing to admonish ji, remember Often when feeling is JiaoBo, admires vesteralen tuk, is make the freemasons thick theory ". Jose mourinho and the theory of "the diffidation, also pose when works. LiangJi arrogant not violent, Quan confrontations jie poison, mourinho GuLi, afraid to accumulate for compassion, throughout its complex played. Remember doing Ji not, Louisiana and longitudinal put day zi, if the left and right sides, traffic official yishan, let the children, guests thought state county dispensation. Mourinho also remember playing extremely cgsee period, ji will not be enlightened. MuYan cut, but also very not sin. Yongxing reign, river overflow, hundreds of thousands of households, the bleaching harm ordinary people Jin, waste streams were removing road. JiZhou rogue especially more, so Zhuo mourinho for JiZhou officials. Congressional have three people for official, and often roommaid Xi gurdwaras mourinho. Mourinho disease, phrase do not meet. Ji WenMu jiqing hosiery long river, the solution YinShou incumbent forty more than person. And to the county, and disintegrated, playing until committing suicide. 1,100-mile slightly expedient, do like a thief handsome. Heave disintegrated dignitaries as their agents, or is dead prison. Anyone who has ZhaoZhong official, be buried anping, but for jade magazine, OuRen. Mourinho smell, the county AnYan. Collectors feared, hence its strict profile coffins, Chen hair tomb, and accept the corpse out of his family. Emperor smell great anger, under MuTingWei jail time. TaiXue scholar LiuTao etc thousands drawn emperor tabled his committed, but deadly. Mourinho at home for several years, the firm has many phase presenter, hence levy worship ya-men. Mourinho was deep CDC officials, and in the next work, shiki leaves, except the desire. Is hydrophobic say can go province, according to the complex leah to early qing LvYouJiuZhang, more choose subpolar chun and the constitution mingda, to make up for its place. Emperor not na. After mourinho JinJian, mouth because of complex Chen often waits, yellow door appropriate is sent, bo choose "SuDe, with participation cascc Confucianism. Emperor nu, should not. Mourinho volts would not play. Since then in several of the official detractors. MuSuGang, not satisfied, habitat, are resentful hair examined. Deferred fit for six years, he, a kremlin sixty-four. Shou shi decades, foods cloth, home nirvikalpa fortune. ZhuMu see partial party concerning yue destroyed vulgar volunteers suppression of the private suichuan friends swim the diffidation "theory basis thought MuZhen and solitary mourinho ACTS with friendly points less rejects all because of chivalry born for party comrades and friends &artificial forget righteousness chuas brahmachari solitary words of its geared also! 希望对你有帮助
2023-07-26 04:52:492


从u2f83u2f30的u2f42章中转u2f00部分贴过来,可以加深对这个问题的理解。上市公司要约收购,必须在法律框架内进u2f8f。u2f50如我国《证券法》第四章上市公司的收购规定:第 u2f0bu2f17五条【收购u2f45式】投资者可以采取要约收购、协议收购及其他合法u2f45式收购上市公司。第u2f0bu2f17 六条【书u2faf报告和公告】通过证券交易所的证券交易,投资者持有或者通过协议、其他安排与他u2f08 共同持有u2f00个上市公司已发u2f8f的股份达到百分之五时,应当在该事实发u2f63之u2f47起三u2f47内,向国务院证券监督管理机构、证券交易所作出书u2faf报告,通知该上市公司,并予公告;在上述期限内,不得再u2f8f买卖该上市公司的股票。投资者持有或者通过协议、其他安排与他u2f08共同持有u2f00个上市公司已发u2f8f的股份达到百分之五后,其所持该上市公司已发u2f8f的股份u2f50例每增加或者减少百分之五,应当依照前款规定进u2f8f报告和公告。在报告期限内和作出报告、公告后u2f06u2f47内,不得再u2f8f买卖该上市公司的股票。上述条u2f42,使得上市公司要约收购中,出现了两个法律难题,u2f00是报告和披露义务。u2f06是u2f00致u2f8f动 u2f08问题。这两个问题紧密相关,也是万科u2f24战的焦点之u2f00。 u2f00、报告和披露义务。之所以规定报告义务,是为了公平起u2ec5。上市公司收购的攻防之战,如果不设这种义务,收购u2f45不仅仅是“u2ed4u2f1d”的野蛮u2f08,u2f7d是已经通过特洛伊u2f4au2ee2u2f0a城了,守城u2f00u2f45难免措u2f3f不及,不甚公平。另外,对于中u2f29投资者u2f7du2f94,如果信息披露越充分,他们作出选择越容易。u2f50如收购u2f45在5%持股时应报告,u2f7d收购u2f45直到25%才报告,中u2f29股u2ea0本来可能会吃到五个涨停版,u2f7d现在可能只能吃到两个涨停板,或者在不该抛的时候已经抛售了。这种违法是不是会造成中u2f29股u2ea0的损失(交易损失、机会损失等),从u2f7d获得赔偿?虽然主张这种损失赔偿在我国司法实践中并不多u2ec5,但笔者认为理论上是可u2f8f的,u2f7d且国外的司法实践中较为常u2ec5。但是,如果不遵守这u2f00报告义务,有什么惩罚后果,我国《证券法》没有说,这就留下了隐患。有的国家或者地区是明确u2f74法的,u2f50如说,《韩国资本市场法》第150条就规定,对于不报告者,不报告u2f7d超出5%的份额,不得u2f8f使表决权,u2f7d且u2fa6融委员会可以责令其在六个u2f49内处分该违反份额。我国台湾地区企业并购法也专u2ed4对这个问题修订u2f74法,增加了u2f00条,提出在不报告的情况下,超出应报告份额(10%)的部分u2f46表决权。中国证券法移植了不少美国证券法,u2f7d证券市场u2fae常发达的美国,虽然在证券交易法(SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934,(以下简称“SEA”)Section13(d)规定了5%的报告义务,但竟然对违反该义务的后果也没有作出u2f74法规定,全靠法官在个案中解释,导致不同巡回区的法院分成两派。 u2f00派法官认为,SEA Section13(d)是美国1968年 Williams Act演变u2f7d来。Williams Actu2f74法之时, u2f74法资料显示,“Congress intended to do no more than give incumbent management an opportunity to express and explain its position. The Congress expressly disclaimed an intention to provide a weapon for management to discourage takeover bids or prevent large accumulations of stock which would create the potential for such attempts. Indeed, the Act"s draftsmen commented upon the extreme care which was taken to avoid tipping the balance of regulation in favor of management or in favor of the person making the takeover bid”.u2f24意就是说,相关u2f74法是为了保证现任管理层与外来收购者之间的平衡,仅仅给予他们提出反驳意u2ec5的
2023-07-26 04:52:574


名字叫 评<论犯罪与刑罚>一书 很长的,139页,约42章呢~十分喜欢的话不如买下来,书店应该12快
2023-07-26 04:53:062


英语六级名人作文   名人事例不断的"激励着我们的成长。下面是我整理的英语六级名人作文,希望能帮到大家!   英语六级名人作文【1】   Zhou Enlai was born in Huai"an,Jiangsu,on March 5,1898.In 1917,he finished school in Nankai Middle School,and then went to France to learn Marxist theory.In 1922,he joined the Chinese Communist Party.After that,he was active in his work and directed the Party work in Shanghai.   He led the famous uprising①----Nanchang Uprising on August 1st,1927.Then he took part in the Long March.From 1937 to 1945,he worked in South China.   After the People"s Republic of China was founded,he was elected Premier②of China.He put all his heart into the work and always worked until midnight.He had no time to think about himself,but only the Chinese people.   Premier Zhou died on January 8th,1976.The whole nation was in deep sorrow at his death for he was loved by all the people.Our beloved Premier Zhou will always be alive in our Chinese people"s hearts.He was a great Marxist and communist.   英语六级名人作文【2】   Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the 32ndPresident of the United States and a central figure in world events during the mid-20th century, leading the United States during a time of worldwide economic crisis and world war. The only American president elected to more than two terms, he forged a durable coalition that realigned American politics for decades. FDR defeated incumbent Republican Herbert Hoover in November 1932, at the depths of the Great Depression. FDR"s combination of optimism and activism contributed to reviving the national spirit.Working closely with Winston Churchill andJoseph Stalin in leading the Allies against Germany and Japan in World War II, he died just as victory was in sight.   英语六级名人作文【3】   Deng Yaping,28,is a world-famous woman player of table tennis.She comes from Henan Province. At the age of 4,she began to play ping-pong under her father"s instructions. When she was 8 years old,she won the championship in the national competition of the amateur sports school. In 1988 she entered the National Training Team. After that she won medals one after another,including gold medals in the 1 l th Asian Games" Table Tennis Competition and the 41st World Table Tennis Championship and two gold medals in the 25th Olympic Games. Is she born a table tennis player? No. She is only 1.5 meters in height,which is her disadvantage. However,she overcame it by hard work and perservance.Her success proves where there is a will,there is a way.   英语六级名人作文【4】   Lei Feng was a model soldier, On December 1 8,1940, he was born in a poor peasant family in a little mountain village of Hunan Province. He didn"t go to school till 1950. At the age of 18, he worked as a steel worker. He was often praised for his good job. On January 8, 1960, he joined the army.   In the same year, he joined the Communist Party. He loved the Party and the people, and constantly did good for others. As a result, he became a model soldier. After his death, Chairman Mao called on the people to "Learn from Comrade Lei Feng". The whole nation were moved by his deeds. Lei Feng"s spirit will live in our hearts forever ;
2023-07-26 04:53:411


2023-07-26 04:53:564

all of us做主语,谓语动词用单数还是复数

  all of us做主语,谓语动词复数。all of us是“我们所有人”,表示多数,谓语用复数。例如:  1. It is incumbent upon all of us to make an extra effort.  我们所有人都必须加倍努力。  2. When things go wrong, all of us naturally feel disappointed and frustrated.  出问题时,我们大家自然都感到失望和沮丧。
2023-07-26 04:54:031


问题一:从……上面看用英语怎么说? 从上往下看,从高处往下看 overlook vt. 俯瞰, 耸出, 远眺, 没注意到 n. 眺望, 俯瞰中的景色 动词词组: [look down at]∶从高处往下看 从。厂。往下看: look down from ... 也可用 take(with) an overlook from ... 问题二:在里面。 用英语怎么说 inside prep.少于;在……之内 adj里面的;内部的;秘密的 adv在里面into prep. 到…里;深入…之中;成为…状况;进入到…之内 问题三:在什么里面用英语怎么说 in in my bag 在我包里面 问题四:在…的上面用英语怎么说 30分 您的问题很简单。呵呵。百度知道很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题。 原句:在…的上面 翻译:above;up;on top;on prep on在...的表面上(接触) above在...的垂直上方(不接触) 总在最上面always on top 在那上面thereon;on which;thereupon 在一上面小时图片up in an hour 印在最上面的色彩over hue 睡在上面sleep on it 在文本上面Above Text 这边在上面this side up 悬挂在上面over 天在上面Heaven in the Above; 在上层床的上面above the top bunk bed;above the top bed 你的手在上面Your hand above 妈的它在上面Funky It Up 我住在你的上面I live upstairs from you 鸟儿在你的上面飞翔birds fly a锭ove you 标在上面的superscript 盖在上面的superjacent 横在上面的superincumbent 装在上面的middle engine 印在最上面的色彩over hue 百度知道永远给您最专业的英语翻译。 问题五:在这里用英文怎么说 在这里here 作者在这里安插了一段倒叙。 At this point the writer puts in (inserts) a flashback. 他在自己村里也许算个要人,但在这里却不足道。 He may be a man of consequence in his own village, but he is nobody here. 长年在这里住 stay here regularly 除非在这里修个水库,才能解决灌溉问题。 Only when a reservoir is built here can we solve our irrigation problem. 行李先存在这里,回头再来取。 Let"s check our luggage here and e back for it later. 青年人在这里是可以大有作为的。 There are plenty of opportunities for young people here. 我不打算在这里耽搁多久。I won"t be here for long. 我将留在这里一直到十二点钟。 I shall stay here until twelve o"clock. 如果你在这里工作,就必须服从命令。 You"ll have to toe the mark if you work here. 我们打算在这里搞个发电站。 We"re thinking of putting up a power station here. 外国企业家对在这里投资有顾虑。 Foreign busines *** en had misgivings about investment here. 问题六:看重这个词 用英语怎么说 看重 regard sth as very important do care about 我看重的是综合能力 I do care about the integrative capacity I regard the integrative capacity as very important think highly of *** 看重某人 think the world of *** 非常看重某人 问题七:不要把…看得太重用英语怎么说? 不要把…看得太重Don"t …Think too highly of 问题八:电影中的“了解”,用英语怎么说?经常看到电影上警察特种部队,收到命令后,说了一句“了解”,用英语... 40分 翻译成“了解”不太恰当,原句是“Got it”翻译成“收到”好一点 问题九:在什么的上面用英语怎么说 挨着的话 就用on the desk叮正上方 over the desk 斜上方 above the desk 问题十:其中用英语怎么说 40分 其中 [qí zhōng] among in 关联词条:thereinto thereamong ; of ;others 例句:那老太太每天去买报纸,不多时便觉乐在其中,因为她主要是想和店主聊天。For the old lady buying the daily newspaper soon became an end in itself, since she really just wanted to chat with the shopkeeper. 飞机在大西洋中部飞行时,触中一个发动机出了故障。One of the plane"s engines gave out in mid-Atlantic. 孩子们在河边玩耍,突然其中一个滑了一跤跌进河里。The children were playing by the river when one of them slipped and fell in. 希望采纳
2023-07-26 04:54:101


2023-07-26 04:54:183


I love my motherland There is a beatiful country standing in the east of the world .She has red soil , big mountains,long rivers and hardworking people ,she is just like a diamond ,shinning all the time ,and she is my dearest country -------China ! I love my motherland !Because I love the different races of my country !Each race has its own culture and customs.Some people are kindhearted,some people are ggenerous,some people are humourous...anyway ,I can"t display evry race of my country ,but what I want to tell you is that the Chinese people are great.Because of them ,our motherland is developing day by day .Our country is becoming much stronger tham before . My country has so many great places of interest ,which is known not only to every citizen ,but also to the world .When the foreigners talk about China ,they all extend their thums and sayEn...China is a famous and fantastic country !Yes,that"s ture ! We have the Great Wall ,the world"s second longest river ,the oldest history and the most glorious culture .As wa all know ,China is one of the largest countries in the world ,when it is snowing in the north ,the flowers have come out in the south ,when the people in the south are enjoying the sunshine on the beach ,the people in the north are skiing on the ice .How marvelous it is !So now I can speak to the world loudly My country is really great !My country is really beautifulu3002
2023-07-26 04:54:294


Manager 餐厅经理 Job Description 工作描述 PLACE OF WORK: RESTAURANT 工作地点 餐厅 JOB OVERVIEW: Responsible for the management of all aspects of the restaurant functions, 工作概述: in accordance with restaurant standards. Directs implements and maintains a service and management philosophy which serves as a guide to respective staff. 有责任按照餐厅标准向管理层报告餐厅所有事宜,指导实施并保持管 理层的经营理念。 REPORTS TO: Management 报告对象: 管理层 KEY RELATIONSHIPS: Internal: Restaurant Staff, Bar Staff, Stewarding/Kitchen Staff 主要工作关系: /Catering/Storeroom. 内部: 餐厅、酒吧、保洁、厨房、外卖库房等各部门员工。 External: Restaurant guests, other staff of the building and suppliers. 外部: 餐厅客人,大厦其他工作人员及供应商。 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS: Requirements are representative of minimum levels of knowledge, skills 工作标准说明: and/or abilities to perform this job successfully, the incumbent will possess the abilities or aptitudes to perform each duty proficiently. 对此职位所有要求仅代表基础的知识,技巧,和/或能力,要成功完成此项工作,需要发挥自己的能力或才干,才能熟练胜任每个工作。 Qualifications: Essential: 1) High school graduate, some college. 从业资格: 必备的: 高中毕业。 2) Minimum 18 years of age. 年满18岁。 3) 2 years experience as an Assistant Restaurant Manager/Supervisor, preferably in a Hotel of similar standing. 两年餐厅经理助理或主管工作经验,最好是在酒店。 4) Food handling certificate. 食品人员从业资格证明(健康证)。 5) Knowledge of various food service styles (i.e. French service, Russian service, butler style service). 具备各种餐饮服务知识。如法餐、意餐、管家服务等。 6) Ability to satisfactorily communicate in English with guests, management and co-workers to their understanding. 能够流利的用英语和客人、管理层和同事交流。 7) Ability to provide legible communication. 能够提供清晰的交流。 8) Ability to compute basic mathematical calculations. 能够进行基本的计算。 9) Familiarity with food and beverage cost controls. 熟悉食品和饮料的成本控制。 Desirable: 1) College degree. 理想的: 大学毕业。 2) Previous experience in cashiering/order taking and food service. 曾受过财务、食品点单及服务等的培训。 3) Certification of previous training in liquor, wine and food service. 曾受过烈酒、葡萄酒和食品服务等的培训。 4) Any previous culinary training. 曾受过任何餐饮方面的培训。 5) Computer training. 曾受过电脑培训。 Skills: Essential: 1) Ability to enforce restaurant standards, policies and 工作技能: 必备的: procedures with restaurant staff. 与员工实施餐厅的标准、规章制度和流程。 2) Ability to prioritise and organise work assignments; delegate work. 能够有组织有顺序的完成分配的工作。 3) Ability to direct performance of restaurant staff and follow up with corrections where needed. 能够指导餐厅员工正确的完成工作。 4) Ability to motivate restaurant staff and maintain a cohesive team. 能够激励餐厅员工并团结大家,使团队具有凝聚力。 5) Ability to ascertain restaurant training needs and provide such training. 能够发现餐厅员工需要何种培训并提供此类培训。 6) Ability to be a clear thinker, analyse and resolve problems exercising good judgement. 思路清晰,具备良好的判断能力,分析问题解决问题。 7) Ability to focus attention on details 关注细节。 8) Ability to suggestively sell menu items, beverages and wines. 有建议的向客人推荐餐厅菜单上的菜品,酒水 9) Ability to exert physical effort in transporting equipment and wares. 能够将食品,酒水安全的运送给客人 10) Ability to ensure security and confidentiality of guest and company information. 能够确保公司和客人的安全以及机密。 11) Ability to work without direct supervision. 在无人监督的情况下能够独立完成工作职责。 Desirable: 1) Previous guest relations training. 理想的: 1)曾受过客户关系培训。 ESSENTIAL JOB FUNCTIONS 基本工作职责: 1) Maintain complete knowledge of: 保持以下各项的全面知识: a) All liquor brands, beers and non-alcoholic selections available in the restaurant. 餐厅所有烈酒、啤酒及无酒精饮料的品牌。 b) The particular characteristics and description of all of the wines on the wine list. 所有葡萄酒的品牌、产地、特征等。 c) Designated glassware and garnishes for drinks. 各种饮料所用的杯子和装饰物。 d) All menu items, preparation method/time, ingredients, sauces, portion sizes, garnishes, presentation and prices. 菜单所有项目的烹调方式/时长、原材料、酱汁、分量大小、装饰物、外观、价格。 e) Daily menu specials. 每日特色。 f) Dining room layout, table/seat/station numbers, proper table set-ups, room capacity, hours of operation, price range and dress code. 餐厅摆设、桌子/椅子/服务台的数量、正确的餐桌摆台、餐位数量、营业时间、价位以及着装要求。 g) Correct maintenance and use of equipment. 各种设备的使用和保养。 h) All restaurant policies/service procedures. 餐厅所有规章制度和服务流程。 2) Check storage areas for proper supplies, organisation and cleanliness. Instruct designated personnel to rectify any cleanliness/organisation deficiencies. 检查库存的正常供应、存放和清洁度。指定人员及时改正任何不足之处。 3) Establish par levels for supplies and equipment. Complete requisitions to replenish shortages or additional items needed for the anticipated business. 制定所需物品及设备的存货量。(及时领货补充短缺或领取额外的物品为预定做准备) 4) Requisition linen required for business. 申请领取营业所需布草。 5) Meet with the Chef to review daily specials; update board throughout shift. Ensure that staffs are aware of such. 每天与厨师沟通,查询每日特色,并在班前更新在交流板上保证所有员工知道。 6) Review sales for previous day; resolve discrepancies with Accounting. Track revenue against budget. 检查前一天销售情况,并与财务人员解决任何出入。与预算对照销售。 7) Prepare weekly work schedules in accordance with staffing guidelines and labour forecasts. Adjust schedules throughout the shift to meet the business demands. 每星期根据员工政策制定时间表,并根据营业状况对时间表做出调整。 8) Ensure that staff report to work as scheduled. Document any late or absent employees. 保证员工按照时间表工作,记录任何迟到或旷工员工。 9) Co-ordinate breaks for staff. 协调员工的休息时间。 10) Assign work and side duties to staff in accordance with restaurant procedures. Communicate additions or changes to the assignments as they arise throughout the shift. Identify situations which compromise the restaurant standards and delegate these tasks. 按照餐厅流程为员工分配任务,在例会时与大家沟通任何改动或其他工作,识别对餐厅不利的情况并分配这些任务。 11) Monitor the preparation of station assignments, ensuring compliance to restaurant standards. 检查服务台的物品准备情况,确保其遵守餐厅标准。 12) Conduct pre-shift meeting with staff and review all information pertinent to the day"s business. 每天负责开班前例会,回顾任何与营业有关的信息。 13) Inspect grooming and attire of staff; rectify any deficiencies. 检查员工的制服和仪容仪表,及时纠正不足之处。 14) Inspect, plan and ensure that all materials and equipment are in complete readiness for service; rectify any deficiencies 检查所有物品及设备保证其完好,随时可以使用。及时纠正不足之处。 15) Constantly monitor staff performance in all phases of service and job functions, ensuring that all procedures are carried out to restaurant standards; rectify any deficiencies with respective personnel. 经常监督员工在所有时期的工作表现,确保所有流程都依据餐厅标准完成。 16) Inspect table set-ups; check for cleanliness, neatness and agreement to restaurant standards; rectify any deficiencies. 检查餐桌的摆设、清洁度、平整是否符合餐厅标准,及时纠正不足之处。 17) Inspect all aspects of the restaurant environment ensuring compliance with standards of cleanliness and order. 检查餐厅环境所有方面确保餐厅清洁并遵守餐厅规定。 18) Ensure that the host/hostess stand is clean, organised and stocked with designated supplies. 保证领位台整洁有序,所需物品准备充足。 19) Review the reservation book, pre-assign designated tables and follow up on all special requests. 开餐前检查预定本,如有任何特殊需求及时解决。 20) Ensure that specified amount of menus and drink lists are available and in good condition for each meal period. Ensure that daily specials are inserted into each menu. 保证开餐前有足够的菜单、酒水单,并保持菜单、酒水单的清洁。保证每日特色的菜单在里面。 21) Check the pick-up station and side stations, ensuring agreement to standards of cleanliness, supply of stock and organisation. 检查传菜台是否整洁,所需物品是否充足。 22) Monitor and assist host/hostess in greeting and escorting guests to their tables according to restaurant procedures. Ensure that tables are seated to best service the guests. 按照餐厅服务流程监督并协助领位员问候客人并引领客人入座。 23) Anticipate heavy business times and organise procedures. 能够预见餐厅生意的高峰期并安排行动。 24) Anticipate guests" needs, respond promptly and acknowledge all guests, however busy and whatever time of day. Promote positive guest relations at all times. 即使在忙时也能够预知客人需求并礼貌的示意客人,任何时刻都保持积极的客户关系。 25) Monitor and handle guest complaints and ensuring guest satisfaction. 受理客人投诉,保证客人满意。 26) Monitor guest reactions and confer frequently with service staff to ensure guest satisfaction. 观察客人反映并与服务员经常沟通,保证客人满意。 27) Check the status of all orders and ensure that they are delivered within designated timelines. 检查所有点单的情况,保证所有菜品及时送给客人。 28) Monitor and ensure that all tables are cleared and reset according to restaurant procedures. 按照餐厅流程检查所有桌子是否整洁,是否重新摆好。 29) Monitor and maintain cleanliness and working condition of restaurant equipment, supplies and work areas. 监督并保持餐厅设备,储备和工作区域的整洁。 30) Assist restaurant staff with their job functions to ensure optimum service to guests. 帮助餐厅员工完成其工作职责保证提供最好的服务。 31) Answer restaurant phone within 3 rings, using correct salutations and telephone etiquette. 遵照正确的电话礼仪在电话铃响3声之内接起电话。 32) Handle void checks in accordance with accounting procedures. 按照财务章程处理取消账单。 33) Assist servers with expediting problem payments. Ensure all cashiering procedures are processed in compliance with accounting procedures. 帮助服务员快速处理结账问题,确保每一步骤都遵守财务制度。 34) Run system closing reports and ensure that all servers" checks are closed before they sign out. 每天做出系统报告,保证所有账单均已关闭。 35) Ensure all closing duties for staff are completed before staff sign out. 确保所有员工下班前其工作均已完成。 36) Conduct a month formal training programme on the required job functions with criterion expected and restaurant orientation with new hires. Conduct ongoing training with existing staff. 做出每月的培训计划,为新入职的员工作入职培训,为现有员工作长期培训。 37) Provide feedback to staff on their performance. Handle disciplinary problems and counsel employees according to restaurant standards. 为每个员工提供其表现回馈,按照餐厅规章处理违纪问题并对违纪员工做出警告。 38)Foster and promote a co-operative working climate, maximising productivity and employee morale. 培养促进工作的合作氛围,鼓舞员工士气,将生产效率最大化。 39) Complete work orders for maintenance repairs and submit to Engineering. Contact Engineering directly for urgent repairs. 完成维修工作单并送到工程部,如情况紧急,直接与工程部联系。 40) Complete all paperwork and closing duties in accordance with restaurant standards. 按照餐厅标准完成所有文件工作和关餐职责。 41) Review status of assignments and any follow up action with on-coming Supervisor. 检查所有工作的完成情况以及跟进行动。 SECONDARY FUNCTIONS: 次要职责 1) Complete and direct scheduled inventories. 完成并指导盘点工作。 2) Prepare weekly forecast of revenues, covers and labour costs. 每星期准备流水、客人数量和劳动成本的预测。 3) Conduct monthly restaurant meetings. 完成餐厅的每月例会。 4) Interview restaurant applicants. 为求职者面试。 5) Relieve host/hostess. 接替领位员的工作。 6) Order restaurant flowers from approved supplier. 从得到餐厅许可的供应商那里订购鲜花。 NOTE: 注意: A review of this description has excluded the marginal functions of the position that are incidental to the performance of fundamental job duties. All duties and requirements are essential job functions. 此工作描述未包含此职位所必需的基础的附带职能,所有职责和要求均为必需具备的职能。 This job description in no way states or implies that these are the only duties to be performed by the employee occupying this position. Employees will be required to perform any other job-related duties assigned by the management. 此工作描述中所列并非全部该职位职责,管理层有权要求员工从事其他相关工作。
2023-07-26 04:54:371