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求Priscilla Renea的的歌词中文翻译

2023-07-27 08:00:52

Verse 1:第一段

I took the sun, Brought it down to the earth我得到了太阳,击落他到了大地

I took the air, and bottled it up我得到了空气,把他憋在心里

I gave you the world, gave you my all我给你全世界,给你我的一切

I thought you deserved summer, spring, and fall我想你值得夏天,春天,和秋天

Guess it was too much, and I pushed you away想了太多,我推开了你

And all that I wanted, was for you to stay所有我要的,只想你留下来

I apologized for all my mistakes我为我所有的错误道歉

But yet you still left me, that cold winter day但你还是离开了我,在那个寒冷的冬天


I can"t believe I"m lying here我无法相信我躺在这儿

With nothing but the withered rose petals on the floor一无所有只剩地上凋谢了的玫瑰花瓣

And torn up pictures of me lying in your arms撕开了我躺在你臂弯里的那些照片

A broken heart一颗破碎的心

Now I"m so miserable现在我是如此的悲惨


Baby please, would you say what made you leave宝贝,求你告诉我什么让你离开

Would you tell me so I"ll know你可以告诉我么,我要知道

And I won"t do it anymore我不会再做了

(What"s on your mind, tell me...)你在想什么,告诉我

Please believe, I"ll do all you ask of me请相信,我会做你要我做的一切

If you tell me, would you tell me如果你告诉我,你可以告诉我么

Would you say what made you leave你可以说什么让你离开了我

I"m beggin you please我求你

Verse 2:第二段

I don"t mean, to sound like I need you我不是故意,听起来好像我需要你

But you have become much a part of me 但是你已经成为我很重要的一部分了

My heart doesn"t beat我的心停止跳动

Got no words to speak无话可说

Whenever you"re not here, whenever you leave当我不在这儿,当你离开

Can"t explain the feeling, but it"s so much like无法表达我的感受,但是那很像

Walking through the darkness, with nothing for light在黑暗中行走,没有一丝亮光

I"m praying you"ll see, what I really need我祈祷你能看到,我真正需要什么

I"m praying you"ll come back, you"ll come back to me我祈祷你能回来,你能回到我身边


You just left me lying here, 你就留下我躺在这儿

With nothing but the withered rose petals on the floor一无所有只剩地上凋谢了的玫瑰花瓣

And torn up pictures of me lying in your arms撕开了我躺在你臂弯里的那些照片

A broken heart一颗破碎的心

Now I"m so miserable现在我是如此的悲惨


Baby please, would you say what made you leave宝贝,求你告诉我什么让你离开

Would you tell me so I"ll know你可以告诉我么,我要知道

And I won"t do it anymore我不会再做了

(I wont" do it anymore)我不会再做了

Please believe, I"ll do all you ask of me请相信,我会做你要我做的一切

If you tell me, would you tell me如果你告诉我,你可以告诉我么

Would you say what made you leave你可以说什么让你离开了我

I"m beggin you please我求你


I"m tryin my hardest to, be the, best that I can for you我在尽我所能,做我可以为你做的一切

You got, so much more love in you, I know it我知道你有那么多的爱

If I can just get you to show it如果我可以让你看到

Maybe we"d start over again也许我们可以重新开始

You"d see the other side, of me你可以看到我的另一面

You"d see a better side, of me你可以看到我更好的一面

I swallowed all my pride, I"m beggin我放下我所有的骄傲,在乞求你

And I know that you know it我知道你知道

I can"t take no more so baby 我尽力了,宝贝

Please, would you say what made you leave求你告诉我为什么你要离开么

(Would you say what made you leave)告诉我什么让你离开

Would you tell me so I"ll know (oh)你可以告诉我么,我要知道

And I won"t do it anymore (and I won"t, and I won"t do it)我不会再犯了,我不会,我不会再犯了

Please believe, I"ll do all you ask of me (I"ll do all you ask of me)请相信,我会做你要我做的一切

If you tell me (would you tell me)如果你告诉我,请你告诉我

Would you say what made you leave求你告诉我为什么你要离开么

I"m beggin you please我求你

Baby please (Oh ooohhh)宝贝,求你

Would you say what made you leave请你告诉我为什么你要离开

Would you tell me so I"ll know请你告诉我我想知道

And I won"t do it anymore然后我不会再犯了

Please believe, I"ll do all you ask of me (yeeaahhh yeah)请相信,我会做你要我做的一切

If you tell me, would you tell me如果你告诉我,请你告诉我

Would you say what made you leave请你告诉我你为什么要离开

I"m beggin you please (pleaase)我求你

Oh oh ohhhh

Tell me so I"ll know告诉我让我知道


I"m begging you please, yeah, yeah我求你,求你



2023-07-26 02:54:362


2023-07-26 02:55:106


直译为:普里西拉例:The Adventures of Pricilla. 沙漠妖姬
2023-07-26 02:55:262

翻译Jasmine、April、Cecilia、Ginger、 Priscilla

这些都是英文名字阿... 不需要翻译的!音译照顺利... 洁瑟米, 艾波, 瑟西里亚, 晶洁, 皮里西亚.
2023-07-26 02:55:351


不错不错啊 LINDA 更好
2023-07-26 02:55:464

priscilla chan 祖籍哪里

  祖籍江苏徐州。  普莉希拉·陈(Priscilla Chan),女,1985年生,美籍华裔,与脸谱(Facebook)创办人马克·扎克伯格相恋。  2012年5月,普莉希拉-陈与恋爱9年的男友马克·扎克伯格结为夫妻。2015年12月2日,与马克·扎克伯格宣布,他们的女儿出生,名叫马克斯(Max)。
2023-07-26 02:56:051


普莉希拉·跋利耶尔(プリシラu30fbバーリエル,Priscilla Bariel)是轻小说、漫画以及改编动画《Re:从零开始的异世界生活》中的虚拟角色,由田村由香里配音。 基本介绍 中文名 :普莉希拉·跋利耶尔 外文名 :プリシラu30fbバーリエル priscilla barielle 其他名称 :血色新娘 配音 :田村由香里(日本) 连思宇(中国台湾) 登场作品 :《Re:从零开始的异世界生活》 生日 :9月7日 年龄 :19 性别 :女 角色形象,身份背景,性格特点,角色能力,角色经历, 角色形象 身份背景 五位国王候补者之一。在丈夫莱普·跋利耶尔死后继承了跋利耶尔家。被忌讳的称为“血色新娘”,但本人毫无避讳,年龄为19岁,诞生日为9月7日。 性格特点 自称为妾身,言行举止无不透露出傲慢以及绝对自信,认为世上一切都会依照自身有利的局面行进。但本性善良。讨厌毫无尊严,摇尾乞怜的人。 角色能力 拥有“太阳的加护”在白天会有各式各样的行动补正。魔法性质为阳属性,结合加护而拥有优秀的阳魔法才能,拥有与库珥修比肩的战斗力。 角色经历 第三章王选会中,在王都与混混产生纷争时与昴接触,之后以认为有趣为理由,带领昴进入王城参加王选。知晓昴跟阿尔都是来自异世界,被阿尔教会一些英语单词。 web版第五章揭露其过去曾与大罪有过接触。疑似至今尚未登场的“傲慢”司教。
2023-07-26 02:56:121


2023-07-26 02:56:203

Priscilla Ahn普莉西雅“LALALA”2017巡回演唱会有哪几站 票价是多少

Priscilla Ahn普莉西雅“LALALA”2017巡回演唱会目前有三站:深圳、重庆、成都。票价:100/180/280/480 元。深圳站、演出时间:2017年5月20日 演出场馆:南山文体中心剧院大剧院,官方票务:趣票网。重庆站、演出时间:2017年5月17日,演出场馆:重庆人民大厦会堂;成都站、演出时间:2017年5月18日,演出场馆:SHE SAYS西婵国际剧场;
2023-07-26 02:56:271


无人可代替出自陈慧娴的《情意结》歌词选段:为何每次早餐,仍然魂离魄散,原来。那朝分手都要,啜泣中上班,明明能够过得这关,赢回旁人盛赞,原来顽强自爱这样难,难得的激情总枉费,残忍的好人都美丽,别怕你将无人会代替,你把玻璃放低请给我跪,愿这便和你有新话题。人物概述陈慧娴(Priscilla Chan),1965年7月28日出生于香港,中国香港女歌手。1984年凭借歌曲《逝去的诺言》出道,同年获得十大中文金曲最有前途新人奖。1985年因演唱歌曲《花店》而在香港歌坛受到关注。1986年演唱的歌曲《跳舞街》获得十大劲歌金曲最受欢迎Disco歌曲奖。1988年发行粤语专辑《秋色》。是你的朋友》,其中主打歌《千千阙歌》在华语地区获得关注,并获得十大中文金曲奖以及十大劲歌金曲奖。2008年获得9+2音乐先锋榜乐坛贡献奖。1989年宣布告别歌坛。1995年回归乐坛并发行专辑《Welcomeback》复出。1996年在香港红勘体育馆举行10场“雪映美白演唱会”。2000年在推出专辑《为你好》后淡出歌坛。2003年重返歌坛并签约环球唱片公司。2004年发行专辑《娴情时间》,同年宣布退出歌坛。2008年获得9+2音乐先锋榜乐坛贡献奖。2010年复出歌坛并发行国语单曲《雪飞花》。2015年发行粤语专辑《Evolve》。2016年在香港红磡体育馆举行“陈慧娴Priscilla-ism演唱会”。2019年11月24日在海口举行陈慧娴Priscilla-ism中国巡回演唱会。
2023-07-26 02:56:401


陈慧娴(Priscilla Chan),香港著名女歌手,以清晰而充满感情的唱腔著称。1984年以一首《逝去的诺言》出道,大受欢迎,并获选当年最有前途新人;1988年推出《娴情》大碟,标志着她成为香港一线女歌手;1989年,推出全年销量冠军大碟《永远是你的朋友》,并夺得多个个人大奖;但在事业巅峰时,她毅然放下一切远赴美国留学;1995年学成归来,回归乐坛大碟《Welcome back》连夺六星期IFPI销量冠军;1997年宝丽金唱片公司宣布陈慧娴的唱片累计总销量已超过1000万张,《千千阕歌》《飘雪》《归来吧》等多首歌曲已成为华语歌曲中永恒的经典! 中文名:陈慧娴外文名:Priscilla Chan别名:公主,PC 慧娴国籍:中国出生地:香港出生日期:1965年7月28日职业:歌手主要成就:香港十大中文金曲最有前途新人奖   祖籍:广东 广州番禺   血型:A 生肖:蛇   兴趣:唱歌 2010年亚洲巡回演唱海报喜欢的动物:猫   喜欢的歌星:Carpenters   喜欢的演员:Michael Douglas   喜欢的颜色:黑 白   喜欢的电影:Out of Africa,Somewhere in Time,A Passage to India   陈慧娴(Priscilla Chan),香港粤语流行乐坛天后,是上世纪八十至九十年代著名的实力兼偶像派女歌星,在八十年代被称为帽子天后的一代玉女歌星。1984年还学生时代的陈慧娴推出音乐作品《逝去的诺言》大受欢迎并获选最有前途新人,88年推出《娴情》大碟站稳乐坛一线,89年发行全年最受欢迎销量冠军大碟《永远是你的朋友》成为最受欢迎女歌手,在雄夺多个个人大奖、歌唱事业巅峰时侯,为了多年理想陈慧娴毅然退出歌坛,放下一切远赴美国读书……95年学成归来,回归乐坛大碟《Welcome back》又连夺六星期IFPI销量冠军;97年宝丽金宣布陈慧娴唱片总销量已超过1 陈慧娴写真集(18张) 000万张,而《千千阕歌》《飘雪》《归来吧》等多首歌曲亦成为华语乐坛永恒的经典!   陈慧娴的粤语歌曲亦从九十年代开始在中国大陆倍受女性歌迷推崇。   陈慧娴中学时入读当时跑马地蓝塘道的名校玛利诺中学(已更名为玛利曼中学),香港著名女歌手林忆莲就是她中五时的同班同学,预科后考入浸会学院英文系,1987年因发展事业退学,1990年就读于美国纽约州雪城大学,主修心理学,1994年尾以GPA-3.66分优异成绩毕业
2023-07-26 02:56:561


2023-07-26 02:57:203

-- Priscilla Ahn 歌词的中文翻译

2023-07-26 02:57:352

寻求歌词《Dream》——Priscilla Ahn

Never Had A Dream Come TrueS Club 7Everybody"s got something they had to leave behind,One regret from yesterday that just seems to grow with time.There"s no use lookin" back or wonderin",Oh, this I know, but still I can"t find ways to let you go...I never had a dream come trueTil the day I found you.Even though I pretend that I moved on,You"ll always be my baby.I never found the words to say,You"re the one I think about each day.And I know no matter where life takes me to,A part of me will always be with you.Somewhere in my memory, I lost all sense of time.And tomorrow can never beCause yesterday is all that fills my mind.There"s no use lookin" back or wonderin",How it could be now or might have been.Oh, this I know, but still I can"t find ways to let you go...I never had a dream come trueTil the day I found you.Even though I pretend that I moved on,You"ll always be my baby.I never found the words to say,You"re the one I think about each day.And I know no matter where life takes me to,A part of me will always be with you.You"ll always be the dream that fills my head,Yes you will, say you will, you know you will, oh baby!You"ll always be the one I know I"ll never forget!There"s no use lookin" back or wonderin",Because love is a strange and funny thing.How it could be now or might have been.No matter how I try and try, I just can"t say goodbye!No, no, no, no!I never had a dream come trueTil the day I found you.Even though I pretend that I moved on,You"ll always be my baby.I never found the words to say,You"re the one I think about each day.And I know no matter where life takes me to,A part of me will always be with you.A part of me will always be with you...lrc的我也有,我给你说个方法,你用千千静听,听音乐,千千静听会自动下载歌词LRC的,我就是这么下载的,
2023-07-26 02:57:432


2023-07-26 02:57:526


2023-07-26 02:58:225


英文姓名: Priscilla Chan / Chan Wai Han 中文姓名: 陈慧娴 出生日期: 1965-7-28 出生地点: 香港 星 座: 狮子座 身 高: 158cm 体 重: 48kg 学 历: 心理学士 家庭状况: 父 、 母 、 一 弟 、 一 妹 喜欢人物: 父 母 喜欢动物: 猫 喜欢食物: 有椰子味的食物 喜欢颜色: Black and White 喜欢歌星: Carpenters(木匠兄妹) 喜欢演员: Michael Douglas 喜欢电影: Out of Africa(远离非洲);Somewhere in Time(似曾相识); A Passage to India(印度之旅) 成名曲目: [ 千千阙歌 ]、[ 飘雪 ]、[ 红茶馆 ] 个人爱好: 喜欢看电影,旅游 曾读学校: 中一至中七于玛丽诺书院(现改名为玛丽曼书院,地址:跑马地);University of Syracuse (主修心理学,地点:美国) 原属唱片公司: 宝丽金唱片公司(Polygram Record Co.,Hong Kong) 现属唱片公司: 新艺宝唱片有限公司 第一张唱片: 少女杂志 第一张个人大碟: 故事的感觉 成绩最好的大碟: [Welcome Back]连续十四个星期于IFPI唱片销量榜及IFPI唱片销量榜连续六星期冠军 曾参与的电影: 痴心的我 >> 历年奖项 1984 香港电台十大中文金曲获得最有前途新人奖 十大劲歌金曲季选入选歌:玻璃窗的爱、逝去的诺言 1985 十大劲歌金曲季选入选歌:花店 1986 十大劲歌金曲季选入选歌:跳舞街 十大劲歌金曲全年Disco最受欢迎歌曲:跳舞街 香港电台十大中文金曲: 痴情意外 1988 十大劲歌金曲季选入选歌:傻女 、Joe Le Taxi, 人生何处不相逢 十大劲歌金曲:傻女 十大中文金曲:傻女 叱吒乐坛流行榜:最受欢迎女歌手(银奖) 1989 十大劲歌金曲季选入选歌:千千阕歌 、夜机 十大劲歌金曲:千千阕歌 十大中文金曲:千千阕歌 、夜机 IFPI大奖:89年全年销量冠军叱吒乐坛流行榜:最受欢迎女歌手(铜奖) 叱吒乐坛流行榜:我最喜爱歌曲—千千阙歌 「永远是你的朋友」获得全年销量最高大碟 1992: 十大劲歌金曲季选入选歌:红茶馆 十大中文金曲:红茶馆 1994 十大劲歌金曲季选入选歌:今天的爱人是谁 1995 十大劲歌金曲季选入选歌:恋恋风尘、今天夜里总下雨、我寂寞 十大劲歌金曲:我寂寞 「飘」获得商业电台叱吒乐坛流行榜获得十大播放率最高歌曲 「Welcome Back」大碟於 IFPI 唱片销量榜连续六星期冠军 十大中文金曲:我寂寞 十大优秀歌手奖 1996 十大劲歌金曲季选入选歌:心满意足、奇妙旅程 十大劲歌金曲:奇妙旅程 劲爆颁奖礼劲爆情歌:奇妙旅程 香港电台十大中文金曲获得十大优秀流行歌手奖 1999 无线十大劲歌金曲第一季选入选歌:《正是爱 》 新城香港劲爆流行榜-劲爆本地榜第一位(三月二十至四月二日) 《正是爱》 香港电台中文歌曲龙虎榜第一位(三月二十日至三月二十六日) 《正是爱》 无线电视劲歌金榜第一位(三月二十九日至四月四日) 《正是爱》 >> 所有作品: 1984 《少女杂志》 《故事的感觉》 《千年恋人》(日语版) 1985 《 陈慧娴(priscilla chan)(花店)》 1986 《反叛》 1987 《跳舞街/反叛 Remix》 《变变变》《陈慧娴Remix+精选》 1988 《秋色》《Priscilla Chan Remix》《娴情》《傻女》(国语) 《不羁恋人/不住怨妇街/Joe Le Taxi Remix》 1989 《永远是你的朋友》《陈慧娴几时再见演唱会》《永远是你的陈慧娴》 《Priscilla Chan G.Hit永远是你的陈慧娴》 《24K GOLD-永远是你的陈慧娴》 《千千阕歌》 《夜机》 1990 《陈慧娴演唱会珍藏版卡拉OK》 《Priscilla Chan陈慧娴》 1991 《Get Up and Dance Priscilla Chan》 1992 《归来吧》《24K GOLD-陈慧娴 归来吧》 1993 《陈慧娴金曲精选26首》《陈慧娴原装卡拉OK》 《香港巨星听个够-陈慧娴精选辑 千千阕歌Forever Priscilla》 《你身边永是我》 1994 《今天的爱人是谁精选》《24K金藏集》 1995 《Welcome Back》《我不寂寞》《我心不死》(广播剧珍藏版) 《陈慧娴原装卡拉OK Vol. 2》 1996 《宝丽金超级超值系列-陈慧娴精选》 《宝丽金极品88音色系列-陈慧娴》 《陈慧娴心满意足》《雪映美白96演唱会》 《问题女人》 《第一太平银行Visa信用咭会员独有珍藏版-陈慧娴奇妙旅程》 1997 《心就要飞了》(国语碟)《慧娴 港乐奇妙旅程》 《宝丽金88极品音色系列-陈慧娴2》 《陈慧娴奇妙Music Videos卡拉OK》 1998 《宝丽金陈慧娴32首选》 《爱恋2000小时》《陈慧娴没有距离MTV卡拉OK Vol. 2》《陈慧娴+苏永康Music Is Live》《陈慧娴大西洋演唱会纪念珍藏版》 1999 《宝丽金88极品音色系列2in1-陈慧娴》《正视爱陈慧娴》 《宝丽金20世纪光辉印记-陈慧娴永远是你的朋友》 《宝丽金20世纪光辉印记-陈慧娴秋色》《感觉重温陈慧娴CD+VCD精选》 《环球2000超巨星系列-陈慧娴》《陈慧娴没有距离MTV卡拉OK》 2000 《为你好:陈慧娴》《环球1双情缘系列-陈慧娴》《陈慧娴演唱会珍藏版卡拉OK》 《雪映美白96陈慧娴演唱会卡拉OK》 2001 《陈慧娴MD精选》《陈慧娴痴心傻女》《陈慧娴好精选+Music Box》 《环球真经典-陈慧娴》 电影工作 1984 《风之谷》(日本卡通电影) 宫崎骏作品/陈慧娴配音 1986《痴心的我 Devoted to you》 跟张学友、罗美薇合作/陈慧娴………饰演 Priscilla 大型广播剧1995 《我心不死》 跟刘德华合作/陈慧娴………饰演 张海蓝 1998《爱恋二千小时》 陈慧娴………饰演 楠 1998《爱你》 跟许志安合作/陈慧娴………饰演 刚琴教师
2023-07-26 02:58:372

Priscilla Aurora Sandra哪个做女生英文名比较好?

2023-07-26 02:59:023


莎拉·卡特组成新霹雳娇娃三人组的影片《生死格斗》等,并凭借喜剧电视剧《愚人善事》(My Name Is Earl)中的表演在06年获得艾美奖和青少年选择奖的提名;虽然被当作性感偶像,杰米·普莱斯利却认为自己“很南方,很守旧”,并且对于在电影中裸露身体持保留意见《职场求爱记/一个女白领的日记 Beauty and the Briefcase 》(2010)...Editor 《霍顿与无名氏/霍顿听见了呼呼的声音 Horton Hears a Who 》 (2008) ...(voice) 《 Venus & Vegas 》 (2007) ...Tara《生死格斗DOA: Dead or Alive 》 (2006) ...Tina Armstrong《维加斯的单身派对 Bachelor Party Vegas 》 (2006) ...Herself《 CMT: The Greatest - Sexiest Southern Women 》 (2006) ...Herself (also archive footage)《 VH1 Rock Honors 》 (2006) ...Herself (Host)《 The 58th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards 》 (2006) ...Herself - Presenter/Nominee《 Cruel World 》 (2005) ...Catherine Anderson《超级名模之死 Death to the Supermodels 》 (2005) ...Tiffany《 Inked 》 (2005) ...Self《超级名模之死 Death to the Supermodels 》 (2005) ...producer《 My Name Is Earl 》 (2005) ...Joy Turner / ... (39 episodes, 2005-2007)《 Evel Knievel 》 (2004) ...Linda Bork《极速酷客/极速飞车Torque 》 (2004) ...China《 The Karate Dog 》 (2004) ...Ashley Wilkens《 MTV Bash: Carson Daly 》 (2003) ...Herself《 Spike TV VGA Video Game Awards 》 (2003) ...Herself《 Totally Gay! 》 (2003) ...Herself《 Demon Island 》 (2002) ...Tina《 The Johnny Chronicles 》 (2002) ...Charlie《 Footprints 》 (2002) ...《并非另一部青春片/非常男女/搞乜鬼青春杂作/少儿不宜Not Another Teen Movie 》 (2001) ...Priscilla《乔迪特历险记 Joe Dirt 》 (2001) ...Jill《花花公子 Tomcats 》 (2001) ...Tricia《即时引爆 Ticker 》 (2001) ...Claire Manning《 Reel Comedy: Joe Dirt 》 (2001) ...Herself《 The 28th Annual American Music Awards 》 (2001) ...Herself《 Best Actress 》 (2000) ...Karen Kroll《穷苦白人 Poor White Trash 》 (2000) ...Sandy Lake《百个女生一个男生 100 Girls 》 (2000) ...Cynthia, the Goddess《 MTV Rock "N" Jock Bowling 》 (2000) ...Bowler《 Trash 》 (1999) ...C.J. Callum《复仇战将 Coyote Moon 》 (1999) ...Dottie Matthews《 Jack & Jill 》 (1999) ...Audrey Griffin (19 episodes, 1999-2001) 《 Ringmaster 》 (1998) ...Angel Zorzak《等不及说爱你 Can"t Hardly Wait 》 (1998) ...Beth, Girlfriend #1《 Against the Law 》 (1997) ...Sally《欲海潮 3 Poison Ivy: The New Seduction 》 (1997) ...Violet《魔鬼佣兵Mercenary 》 (1997) ...Pre-teen American Girl
2023-07-26 02:59:121


2023-07-26 02:59:283


陈慧娴12首最好听的粤语歌:1.千千阙歌2.人生何处不相逢3.飘雪4.傻女5.归来吧6.孤单的背影7.玻璃窗的爱8.红茶馆9.逝去的诺言10.夜机11.跳舞街12.月亮陈慧娴(Priscilla Chan),1965年7月28日出生于香港,中国香港流行乐女歌手。1984年凭借歌曲《逝去的诺言》出道;同年获得十大中文金曲最有前途新人奖。1985年因演唱歌曲《花店》而在香港歌坛受到关注。1986年演唱的歌曲《跳舞街》获得十大劲歌金曲最受欢迎Disco歌曲奖。1988年发行粤语专辑《秋色》,专辑中的歌曲《人生何处不相逢》成为其歌唱生涯的代表作品之一。1989年推出粤语专辑《永远是你的朋友》,其中主打歌《千千阕歌》在华语地区获得关注,并获得十大中文金曲奖以及十大劲歌金曲奖,同年宣布告别乐坛。1992年发行的粤语专辑《归来吧》取得四白金销量成绩,专辑中的歌曲《红茶馆》获得香港电台十大中文金曲奖。1995年正式回归乐坛,并发行专辑《Welcome back》。1996年在香港红磡体育馆举行10场“雪映美白演唱会”。2000年在推出专辑《为你好》后淡出歌坛。2003年重返歌坛并签约环球唱片公司。2004年宣布退出歌坛。2008年获得9+2音乐先锋榜乐坛贡献奖。2010年复出歌坛并发行国语单曲《雪飞花》。2015年发行粤语专辑《Evolve》。2016年在香港红磡体育馆举行“陈慧娴Priscilla-ism演唱会”。2019年11月24日在海口举行陈慧娴Priscilla-ism中国巡回演唱会。
2023-07-26 02:59:351


priscilla-ouchida普里西拉- ouchida丹麦语答题不易答案满意采纳谢谢思密达ps:如有问题继续追问
2023-07-26 02:59:542


Priscilla n. 普里西拉; (女子名) [网络] 何婉璋; [例句]Finally, I would return to Priscilla.最终将回到普里西拉身边。
2023-07-26 03:00:141


Priscillan.普里西拉(女子名)Priscilla词典[女子名] 普丽西拉来源于拉丁语,含义是“古代人”(the ancient)网络陈慧娴; 黄翠如; 普丽西拉双语例句1Finally, I would return to Priscilla.最终将回到普里西拉身边。
2023-07-26 03:00:231


陈慧娴英文名: Chan, Priscilla 生 日: 1965-7-28 身 高: 158cm 体 重: 94磅 星 座: 狮子座 学历: 大学(University of Syracuse 主修心理学) 家庭: 父、母、一弟、一妹 喜欢的歌星: Carpenters 喜欢的演员: Michael Douglas 喜欢的颜色: 黑 、白 喜欢的电影: Out of Africa, Somewhere in Time, A Passage to India 尊敬的人物: 父母 第一张唱片: 少女杂志 第一张个人大碟: 故事的感觉
2023-07-26 03:00:331


猫王(Elvis Presley),是20世纪最重要的流行音乐家之一,被誉为“摇滚乐之王”。他出生于美国田纳西州的图珀洛,1954年开始在孟菲斯的Sun唱片公司录制了自己的第一首单曲《That"s All Right》,之后在国际上迅速走红。他的音乐融合了当时的美国乡村、蓝调、福音和摇滚音乐,具有强烈的节奏感和情绪感染力。猫王曾获得三十多个白金唱片,是售出最多唱片的艺人之一。他也是电影明星,在20多年的电影生涯中出演了30多部电影。他在音乐和电影领域都取得了巨大的成就。猫王也是一位活跃的慈善家,为许多慈善事业做出了贡献。1977年8月16日,猫王在美国孟菲斯市因心脏骤停去世,享年42岁。尽管他已经逝去了40多年,但仍然是音乐历史上最伟大的艺人之一,对音乐界的影响至今仍在继续。
2023-07-26 03:00:463


2023-07-26 03:01:186

Priscilla Ahn的《Dream》 歌词

歌曲名:Dream歌手:Priscilla Ahn专辑:Priscilla Ahn EP + [Bonus]Priscilla Aha-DreamI was a little girl alone in my little worldwho dreamed of a little home for me.I played pretend between the trees,and fed my houseguests bark and leaves,and laughed in my pretty bed of green.I had a dreamThat I could fly from the highest swing.I had a dream.Long walks in the dark through woods grown behind the park,I asked God who I"m supposed to be.The stars smiled down on me,God answered in silent reverie.I said a prayer and fell asleep.I had a dreamThat I could fly from the highest tree.I had a dream.oh~Now I"m old and feeling grey.I don"t know what"s left to say about this lifeI"m willing to leave.I lived it full and I lived it well,there"s many tales I"ve lived to tell.I"m ready now, I"m ready now,I"m ready now to fly from the highest wing.I had a dream.
2023-07-26 03:01:341

Priscilla Ahn的《Dream》 歌词

歌曲名:Dream歌手:Priscilla Ahn专辑:Disturbia (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)Priscilla Aha-DreamI was a little girl alone in my little worldwho dreamed of a little home for me.I played pretend between the trees,and fed my houseguests bark and leaves,and laughed in my pretty bed of green.I had a dreamThat I could fly from the highest swing.I had a dream.Long walks in the dark through woods grown behind the park,I asked God who I"m supposed to be.The stars smiled down on me,God answered in silent reverie.I said a prayer and fell asleep.I had a dreamThat I could fly from the highest tree.I had a dream.oh~Now I"m old and feeling grey.I don"t know what"s left to say about this lifeI"m willing to leave.I lived it full and I lived it well,there"s many tales I"ve lived to tell.I"m ready now, I"m ready now,I"m ready now to fly from the highest wing.I had a dream.
2023-07-26 03:01:411


Mr. Workabee - Priscilla ReneaHey Mr.WorkabeeI See You WorkingDo You Often ForgetThat You"Ve Got A Queen At Home?Yes She Sits On Her ThroneBut She Feels So Alone&& Da Buzz Around Town Is UCreep Around So Wat Are U Workin On?There Ain"t That Many Flowers In The GardenSo Wat Takes U From Dusk Till Dawn?I Hate 2 Be All In Ur Beeswax,But I"m Only Looking At The Facts&& It Won"t Be Soon b4 LongSomeone Else Is Bringing Honey HomeI Wanna Belive I"m Not That NieveWell Damn Don"t Reality StingHey Mr.WorkabeeI See You WorkingDo You Often ForgetThat You"Ve Got A Queen At Home?Yes She Sits On Her ThroneBut She Feels So Alone&& Da Buzz Around TownIs U Creep Around So Wat Are U Workin On?You Say U Feel Like I Don"t Appriciate UBut I Swear Sweet Darling Yes I DoI Juss Wish Dat U Ain"t Work So Late Ery Single DayEspecially Since Workabees Don"t Pillinate Till May&& It Won"t Be Soon b4 LongSome One Else Is Brining Honey HomeI Wanna Belive I"m Not That NieveWell Damn Don"t Reality StingHey Mr.WorkabeeI See You WorkingDo You Often ForgetThat You"Ve Got A Queen At Home?Yes She Sits On Her ThroneBut She Feels So Alone&& Da Buzz Around TownIs U Creep Around So Wat Are U Workin On?Hey Mr.WorkabeeI See You WorkingDo You Often ForgetThat You"Ve Got A Queen At Home?Yes She Sits On Her ThroneBut She Feels So Alone&& Da Buzz Around Town Is U CreepAround So Wat Are U Workin On?Mr.WorkabeeI See You WorkingDo You Often ForgetThat You"Ve Got A Queen At Home?Yes She Sits On Her ThroneBut She Feels So Alone&& Da Buzz Around Town Is U CreepAround So Wat Are U Workin On?
2023-07-26 03:01:512

Priscilla Ahn的《Dream》 歌词

歌曲名:Dream歌手:Priscilla Ahn专辑:Love Happens (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)DreamPriscilla AhnI was a little girl alonein my little worldwho dreamed of a little home for me.I played pretend between the trees,and fed my houseguests bark and leaves,and laughed in my pretty bed of green.I had a dreamThat I could fly from the highest swing.I had a dream.Long walks in the darkthrough woods grown behind the park,I asked God who I"m supposed to be.The stars smiled down on me,God answered in silent reverie.I said a prayer and fell asleep.I had a dreamThat I could fly from the highest tree.I had a dream.oh~Now I"m old and feeling grey.I don"t know what"s left to sayabout this lifeI"m willing to leave.I lived it full and I lived it well,there"s many tales I"ve lived to tell.I"m ready now, I"m ready now,I"m ready now to fly from the highest wing.I had a dream.
2023-07-26 03:01:581

Priscilla Ahn的《Rain》 歌词

歌曲名:Rain歌手:Priscilla Ahn专辑:Priscilla Ahn EP + [Bonus]RainPriscilla AhnWell it"s raining and it"s pouringAnd my old man, well he is snoringRainy day stayWell my brother, he builds a puzzleOn the blue rug with lazy bubblesRainy day please stayRain rain don"t go awayThe sun can come back another dayRainy day please stayWell my motherShe doesn"t bother with the dishes in the kitchenRainy day please stayWell now i am three thousand miles fromA rainy day with my dearest loversFathers dreaming of the fallMother covers with the shallBrothers in the yellow hallPainting pictures on the wallI am listening on the floorTo the sounds i used to knowRain is falling to the ground praying all the hopes are foundRain rain don"t go away,The sun can come back another dayRain please stayRain rain rain rain....editor, Capt.mist
2023-07-26 03:02:171

Priscilla Ahn的《Dream》 歌词

歌曲名:Dream歌手:Priscilla Ahn专辑:A Good DayDreamPriscilla AhnI was a little girl alonein my little worldwho dreamed of a little home for me.I played pretend between the trees,and fed my houseguests bark and leaves,and laughed in my pretty bed of green.I had a dreamThat I could fly from the highest swing.I had a dream.Long walks in the darkthrough woods grown behind the park,I asked God who I"m supposed to be.The stars smiled down on me,God answered in silent reverie.I said a prayer and fell asleep.I had a dreamThat I could fly from the highest tree.I had a dream.oh~Now I"m old and feeling grey.I don"t know what"s left to sayabout this lifeI"m willing to leave.I lived it full and I lived it well,there"s many tales I"ve lived to tell.I"m ready now, I"m ready now,I"m ready now to fly from the highest wing.I had a dream.
2023-07-26 03:02:251


2023-07-26 03:02:323


2023-07-26 03:02:431

Priscilla Ahn的《Oo La La》 歌词

歌曲名:《Oo La La》歌手:Priscilla Ahn所属专辑:《When You Grow Up》发行时间:2011-04-29 流派:流行 发行公司:EMI歌词:What if you took the long way downTo your favorite cafe on the east side of town?And you got stuck at the lightSo you turn down a side streetBut you couldn""t drive down ""cause it""s a Saturday swap meetOo la la, oo la la, oo la la, la laOo la la, oo la la, oo la la, la la ooSo you get out of your carAnd you walk through the crowdYou bargain for a teapot in the shape of an owlSo you walk and you walk and you walk to the coffee shopOo la la, oo la la, oo la la, la laOo la la, oo la la, oo la la, la la ooYou feel lonely and shyBut you take the empty seat next to the cute guyWhat if he smiled when you asked for the time?Your pen wouldn""t write, so he said, "Take mine"When your coffee got cold, he bought you anotherYou didn""t know it yet, but you were meant for each otherOo la la, oo la la, oo la la, la laOo la la, oo la la, oo la la, la la ooWhat if you talked ""til it was time to go?He said, "See you around"And you said, "Who knows?"But you knew in your heartThat you""d see him againAfter walking down a side street coming from a new directionOo la la, oo la la, oo la la, la laOo la la, oo la la, oo la la, la la oo试听:
2023-07-26 03:02:512

Priscilla Ahn的《Red Cape》 歌词

歌曲名:Red Cape歌手:Priscilla Ahn专辑:A Good Day歌词提供 KawaibabeI"m alive should have died in a plane crashFour long years agoLost my hope, couldn"t copeWith my fear of news on the radioBut I"ve got a long red capeThat"s caught in the engine of a planeThat"s flying way too lowYesterday a hurricane had blown away my long red capeAnd I, feel satisfiedI"m in peace, I feel sweetly releasedFrom all that I couldn"t let go.If I knew, what to doThe I guess I"d finally feel anewBut I can"t wear my cape"Cause I would be repeating a mistakeI just gotta let it goI just gotta let it goI just gotta let it, let it go, let it goI just gotta let it goYesterday a hurricaneHad blown away my long red capeAnd I, I, IFeel satisfied (-ied, -ied)Yesterday a hurricane had blown away my long red cape,And I feel satisfied
2023-07-26 03:02:581

寻求Priscilla ahn的 《city light 》的歌词

Look at me now, we"re on the townKicking up dust, it"s all for usCity lights, pretty lightsJust take me out to playDressing me up is red for luckSo much to do to hide the blueCity lights, pretty lightsJust wear me out they sayButtons and ribbons are finding their placeSmearing the make-up I put on my faceSpiders and lizards are tying my shoesWhispering, da da daFinding my crutch, a gentle touchFinding my dance, retreat advanceCity lights, pretty lightsJust ring me out to dryButtons and ribbons are finding their placeSmearing the make-up I put on my faceSpiders and lizards are tying my shoesWhispering, da da da
2023-07-26 03:03:063

求 Dream--Priscilla Ahn 的歌词啊

2023-07-26 03:03:143

Priscilla Ahn的《In A Tree》 歌词

歌曲名:In A Tree歌手:Priscilla Ahn专辑:In A TreeIn A TreePriscilla Ahnone two ready goLiving in a treeYeah that"s where I"d like to beWhen the world falls downNo one can say nothingWhich I guess means they"ll say somethingBut I won"t be aroundI"ll be in my treeLiving freeAs any child would wanna beChaos in the streets,Only hearts bear lonely beatsIn a world carved with steel and stoneMiscommunication leads to fear and hesitationAnd it won"t leave me aloneBut now in my treeI"m living freeAs any child would wanna beMaybe you and me can make a home for usand someday three from the strongest wood ofthe tallest tree and we"ll beLiving in a treeLiving freeAs any child would wanna beLa la la la la la la
2023-07-26 03:03:341


2023-07-26 03:03:425

我想问一下 猫王 甲壳虫 杰克逊 是都得过格莱美音乐大奖的吗,能介绍的具体一点吗?

2023-07-26 03:03:585


2023-07-26 03:04:163


2023-07-26 03:04:231


1. A mature man is _good at turning failure to success___(善于把失败变成成功). 2. She was so obsessed with her success in ice-skating that she __was never ready for the challenges in the real world__(从未对现实世界的挑战作好准备).3. The university offered Priscilla only a small loan and __she had to take care of the rest__她得自己筹划余下的钱).4. With the small income from her restaurant job, Mary_can hardly make the ends meet_(几乎无法使收支相抵).5. Only if you throw yourself into your studies __will you achieve your long-term goal at last_(你最终会达到你的长远目标).6. Priscilla said that ___it was not easy to get a balance between work and study___ (在工作和学习之间取得平衡不是一件易事). 7.__Preventing children from knowing that they have failed__ (庇护孩子不让他们知道自己已经失败) is anything but beneficial to their growth.8. Located to the northwest of London, Oxford University __is famous for its academic achievements__ (以其学术成就而闻名遐迩). 9. An intellectual genius, Einstein _equipped the modern world with a brand new idea of the time and space___(使现代人对时空有了全新的概念). 10. Many educators say that an ability to perform well on tests _has nothing to do with IQ__(与真正的智力无关).
2023-07-26 03:04:311


2023-07-26 03:04:526

Priscilla Ahn的《Torch Song》 歌词

歌曲名:Torch Song歌手:Priscilla Ahn专辑:When You Grow UpPriscilla Ahn - Torch song.Long ago, I thought I heard your nameI thought it was the sameAs all the boys I made into menBut you were different then.You are the only one to know meYou are the only one to seeYou were my one and onlyThe only one I ever learned to love.The ocean""s waves could not steal my heartThey can""t keep us apartSoon ahead, I will watch you goBut I won""t be alone.You are the only one to know meYou are the only one to careYou were my one and onlyThe only one I ever learned to love.You are the only one to know meYou are the only one who sawYou were my one and onlyThe only one I ever learned to loveThe only one I ever wanna loveThe only one I""m ever gonna love
2023-07-26 03:05:061

Priscilla Ahn的《Lullaby》 歌词

歌曲名:Lullaby歌手:Priscilla Ahn专辑:A Good Day歌词提供 KawaibabeHere"s a lullaby, for anyone who wants to fly,from their hometown where people drown,and where the townies die.This old library, has thirty books and one dictionary.But thats ok, no one reads anyway,we all watch tv.So here"s your lullaby.No girl, don"t cry.Just rest your head and go to bed,your time will come to fly...away.Never today, just dream your life away.SleepAll the dogs will die.They just can"t seem to stay alive.Cause in this town, our cop shoots them down.And we just let him go and sigh.Please god, please.Whats happened to our dreams?We"re losing hope, so we invest in dopeto feel our vacant feelingsSo here"s your boy, don"t cry.Just rest your head and go to bed,your time will come to fly...away.Never today, just dream your life away.Sleep
2023-07-26 03:05:131


中文名:埃尔维斯-普雷斯利 英文名:Elvis Presley 出生地:密西西比州 职业:摇滚歌手、演员 生日:1935年1月8日 祭日:1977年8月16日 配偶:Priscilla Presley 女儿:Lisa Marie Presley 地区:欧美 职业:歌手 身高:184 cm 星座:摩羯座 爱好:唱歌 血型:B 体重:曾经是195磅
2023-07-26 03:05:222


陈慧娴档案 英文姓名: Priscilla Chan / Chan Wai Han 中文姓名: 陈慧娴 出生日期: 1965-7-28 出生地点: 香港 星 座: 狮子座 身 高: 158cm 体 重: 48kg 学 历: 心理学士 家庭状况: 父 、 母 、 一 弟 、 一 妹 喜欢人物: 父 母 喜欢动物: 猫 喜欢食物: 有椰子味的食物 喜欢颜色: Black and White 喜欢歌星: Carpenters(木匠兄妹) 喜欢演员: Michael Douglas 喜欢电影: Out of Africa(远离非洲);Somewhere in Time(似曾相识); A Passage to India(印度之旅) 成名曲目: [ 千千阙歌 ]、[ 飘雪 ]、[ 红茶馆 ] 个人爱好: 喜欢看电影,旅游 曾读学校: 中一至中七于玛丽诺书院(现改名为玛丽曼书院,地址:跑马地);University of Syracuse (主修心理学,地点:美国) 原属唱片公司: 宝丽金唱片公司(Polygram Record Co.,Hong Kong) 现属唱片公司: 新艺宝唱片有限公司 第一张唱片: 少女杂志 第一张个人大碟: 故事的感觉 成绩最好的大碟: [Welcome Back]连续十四个星期于IFPI唱片销量榜及IFPI唱片销量榜连续六星期冠军 曾参与的电影: 痴心的我 >> 历年奖项 1984 香港电台十大中文金曲获得最有前途新人奖 十大劲歌金曲季选入选歌:玻璃窗的爱、逝去的诺言 1985 十大劲歌金曲季选入选歌:花店 1986 十大劲歌金曲季选入选歌:跳舞街 十大劲歌金曲全年Disco最受欢迎歌曲:跳舞街 香港电台十大中文金曲: 痴情意外 1988 十大劲歌金曲季选入选歌:傻女 、Joe Le Taxi, 人生何处不相逢 十大劲歌金曲:傻女 十大中文金曲:傻女 叱吒乐坛流行榜:最受欢迎女歌手(银奖) 1989 十大劲歌金曲季选入选歌:千千阕歌 、夜机 十大劲歌金曲:千千阕歌 十大中文金曲:千千阕歌 、夜机 IFPI大奖:89年全年销量冠军叱吒乐坛流行榜:最受欢迎女歌手(铜奖) 叱吒乐坛流行榜:我最喜爱歌曲—千千阙歌 「永远是你的朋友」获得全年销量最高大碟 1992: 十大劲歌金曲季选入选歌:红茶馆 十大中文金曲:红茶馆 1994 十大劲歌金曲季选入选歌:今天的爱人是谁 1995 十大劲歌金曲季选入选歌:恋恋风尘、今天夜里总下雨、我寂寞 十大劲歌金曲:我寂寞 「飘」获得商业电台叱吒乐坛流行榜获得十大播放率最高歌曲 「Welcome Back」大碟於 IFPI 唱片销量榜连续六星期冠军 十大中文金曲:我寂寞 十大优秀歌手奖 1996 十大劲歌金曲季选入选歌:心满意足、奇妙旅程 十大劲歌金曲:奇妙旅程 劲爆颁奖礼劲爆情歌:奇妙旅程 香港电台十大中文金曲获得十大优秀流行歌手奖 1999 无线十大劲歌金曲第一季选入选歌:《正是爱 》 新城香港劲爆流行榜-劲爆本地榜第一位(三月二十至四月二日) 《正是爱》 香港电台中文歌曲龙虎榜第一位(三月二十日至三月二十六日) 《正是爱》 无线电视劲歌金榜第一位(三月二十九日至四月四日) 《正是爱》 >> 所有作品: 1984 《少女杂志》 《故事的感觉》 《千年恋人》(日语版) 1985 《 陈慧娴(priscilla chan)(花店)》 1986 《反叛》 1987 《跳舞街/反叛 Remix》 《变变变》《陈慧娴Remix+精选》 1988 《秋色》《Priscilla Chan Remix》《娴情》《傻女》(国语) 《不羁恋人/不住怨妇街/Joe Le Taxi Remix》 1989 《永远是你的朋友》《陈慧娴几时再见演唱会》《永远是你的陈慧娴》 《Priscilla Chan G.Hit永远是你的陈慧娴》 《24K GOLD-永远是你的陈慧娴》 《千千阕歌》 《夜机》 1990 《陈慧娴演唱会珍藏版卡拉OK》 《Priscilla Chan陈慧娴》 1991 《Get Up and Dance Priscilla Chan》 1992 《归来吧》《24K GOLD-陈慧娴 归来吧》 1993 《陈慧娴金曲精选26首》《陈慧娴原装卡拉OK》 《香港巨星听个够-陈慧娴精选辑 千千阕歌Forever Priscilla》 《你身边永是我》 1994 《今天的爱人是谁精选》《24K金藏集》 1995 《Welcome Back》《我不寂寞》《我心不死》(广播剧珍藏版) 《陈慧娴原装卡拉OK Vol. 2》 1996 《宝丽金超级超值系列-陈慧娴精选》 《宝丽金极品88音色系列-陈慧娴》 《陈慧娴心满意足》《雪映美白96演唱会》 《问题女人》 《第一太平银行Visa信用咭会员独有珍藏版-陈慧娴奇妙旅程》 1997 《心就要飞了》(国语碟)《慧娴 港乐奇妙旅程》 《宝丽金88极品音色系列-陈慧娴2》 《陈慧娴奇妙Music Videos卡拉OK》 1998 《宝丽金陈慧娴32首选》 《爱恋2000小时》《陈慧娴没有距离MTV卡拉OK Vol. 2》《陈慧娴+苏永康Music Is Live》《陈慧娴大西洋演唱会纪念珍藏版》 1999 《宝丽金88极品音色系列2in1-陈慧娴》《正视爱陈慧娴》 《宝丽金20世纪光辉印记-陈慧娴永远是你的朋友》 《宝丽金20世纪光辉印记-陈慧娴秋色》《感觉重温陈慧娴CD+VCD精选》 《环球2000超巨星系列-陈慧娴》《陈慧娴没有距离MTV卡拉OK》 2000 《为你好:陈慧娴》《环球1双情缘系列-陈慧娴》《陈慧娴演唱会珍藏版卡拉OK》 《雪映美白96陈慧娴演唱会卡拉OK》 2001 《陈慧娴MD精选》《陈慧娴痴心傻女》《陈慧娴好精选+Music Box》 《环球真经典-陈慧娴》 电影工作 1984 《风之谷》(日本卡通电影) 宫崎骏作品/陈慧娴配音 1986《痴心的我 Devoted to you》 跟张学友、罗美薇合作/陈慧娴饰演 Priscilla 大型广播剧1995 《我心不死》 跟刘德华合作/陈慧娴饰演 张海蓝 1998《爱恋二千小时》 陈慧娴饰演 楠 1998《爱你》 跟许志安合作/陈慧娴饰演 刚琴教师
2023-07-26 03:05:321