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2023-07-27 07:46:19


英 [u02ccu026andu026au02c8vu026adu0292uu0259lau026azd]


赋予个性,个别地加以考虑( individualize的过去式和过去分词 )



With advanced computers, learning can be individualized and self-paced.



Since the Second World War, under the influence of the humanistic psychology, individualized teaching has sprung up.




2023-07-26 02:30:302


2023-07-26 02:30:403


个体化治疗(individualized drug therapy)是以每个患者的信息为基础决定治疗方针,从基因组成或表达变化的差异来把握治疗效果或毒副作用等应答的个性,对每个患者进行最适宜药物疗法的治疗。望采纳
2023-07-26 02:30:511

“针对性训练”英文怎么说 另外 有没有说

如果是针对某种个体的,可以转换为“个性化的”“与个人有关的”从而用individualized:individualized teaching因材施教a highly individualized approach to management很有针对性的管理方法
2023-07-26 02:31:013


IEP课程是个别化教育计划课程。IEP:个别化教育计划(individualized educational plan, 简称IEP)又译“个别化教育方案”。是指一份由学校与家长共同制定的针对学生个别需要的书面教育协定,它应记载学生的评定结果,该年度需提供的教育安置,相关服务及教学目标等。必须经家长或监护人同意方能实施。制定时亦听取学生本人的意见。个别化教育计划是落实个别化教育的载体,提升特殊教育质量的重要保。注:IEP源自美国。1975年,美国国会通过的94-142公法规定:必须为所有3-21岁的特殊儿童制定适合其需要的个别化教育计划,且须定期评估与修正。这一法案明确规定了IEP编写的要点,而且规定每一个特殊儿童都要通过IEP加以评定、施教。这一思想,对整个世界的特殊教育观念及做法都有极其深远的影响。1990年的101-476公法将转衔服务内容列为IEP的必要项目,要求学校负责制定个别化转衔计划(Individualizaed Transition Planning,简称ITP)。ITP必须在学生16岁之前制定,且每年修订。此外,如果情况允许,学校可以在学生14岁时为其制定ITP,以保障每个特殊学生在生涯转衔点皆能得到应有的协助。
2023-07-26 02:31:092


(一)差异教学的与个别化教学个别化教学(Individualized Instruction)是为满足每个学生的需要、兴趣和能力而设计的教学,根据学生的个别差异提出一些具体而有效的措施。在教学内容上,给与较广的材料,并用工艺学来扩大个人的学习;在学生学习上,使学生认清教学目标和评定成绩的标准,学生可选择不同的课程和适合自己的最佳学习途径进行学习,以达到规定的教育目标,并可自定学习进度与时间;教师的主要任务是劝告和提供咨询,帮助学生选定或设计学习活动,鼓舞学生个人的创造性,而非提供信息。差异教学不是个别化教学,即使有的时候教师需要进行个别化教学。一个进行个别化教学的教师会面对每一个初级学生会感到很疲惫,没有人希望教育者变成这样。当一个教师回答一个正在迷惑的学生的问题的时候,他站在学生身旁让他们感到安定,建议他们改变研究资源或者建议他们改变方法,这个教师就是在进行个别化教学同时也是差异教学,但是个别化教学是暂时的和必要的。差异课堂要求学生单独的学习或者在小组里学习,有的学生主要是在集体教学中学习,有的学生在小组中学习还有的学生单独的学习。一些教师错误的认为教室中的多群体或者最后单元的多种选择就是差异教学了,这并不是差异教学的根本特征,最重要的因素是学生是否分组,或者提供多种选择,这都是建立在教师要对她的学生进行深入的了解的基础上。当教师用评估来引导教学决定的时候,他就在进行差异教学了。(二)差异教学与因材施教因材施教是孔子提出来的,孔子认为“生而知之者上也,学而知之者次也”,从某种意义上说体现了“以教为中心”的思想。从“施”字上可以明显的看出。因材施教是在个别教学条件下产生的一种教学思想和策略。提倡因材施教这一教学思想和原则的人们普遍认为,因材施教是教学应遵循学生身心发展特点这一规律的反映。在教育教学过程中,虽然学生的身心发展在一定年龄阶段上具有一定的稳定性和普遍性,但由于每个人的素质、环境和所受教育的影响不同,以及主观努力等诸方面的差异,使处在同一年龄阶段中的不同学生的身心发展水平又表现出其特殊性和差异性。因此,教育、教学要照顾学生的个体差异,针对不同学生的不同特点,采取特殊措施,以适应每个学生的需要。这种以“适应”为主的教育、教学思想,看似合理,实则既不合理,也难以实践。而他们的本质区别是差异教学“以学生为中心”,差异教学关注的则是“教如何更好的为学服务”。差异教学中教师与学生是平等的,要求教师以“服务于学生”作为教学的一个出发点,差异教学提供学习内容,过程和成果的多元选择;差异教学以学生为中心;差异教学是全班、小组与个别教学的组合教和学是不可分的,教是为学服务的,并认为任何忽视或无视学生的教学都不能被称为真正意义上的教学。差异教学既看到学生的共性也看到学生的差异,立足于有差异的群体,提高所有受教育者的素质,培养既全面发展又具有个性的人才。差异教学既立足于学生的差异,又不消极的适应学生差异,而谋求创造种种条件,让每个学生的潜能都在原有的基础上得到充分发展。
2023-07-26 02:31:181

什么是IEP/504 Plan

The Individualized Education Program, also called the IEP, is a document that is developed for each public school child who needs special education. The IEP is created through a team effort, reviewed periodically.An IEP defines the individualized objectives of a child who has been determined to have a disability, as defined by federal regulations. The IEP is intended to help children reach educational goals more easily than they otherwise would.简单地说,IEP就是针对在学习上有困难的学生制订的“个别教育程序”,其目的是提高学生的学习能力以完成相应的学习任务并达成学习目标。A 504 plan is an attempt to remove barriers and allow students with disabilities to participate freely in both public elementary and secondary education.The 504 plan refers to Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act, which specifies that no one with a disability can be excluded from participating in federally funded programs or activities, including elementary, secondary or post-secondary schooling.How Is a 504 Plan Different From an Individualized Education Plan (IEP)?A 504 Plan is intended for children with a wide range of disabilities who are, nevertheless, able to participate and succeed in a general education classroom. An IEP, on the other hand, is intended for children with a specific set of diagnoses who will require special education services. A 504 Plan may include just one or two accommodations (a peanut-free environment, for example), while an IEP is a legal document which includes objectives, goals, accommodations, and a description of an agreed-upon educational setting.504 Plan 和 IEP的不同:504 Plan 同样也是针对在学习上有困难或有特殊需求的学生,但它所涵盖的学生范围比较广,甚至包括可以正常上学的学生,它所提供的支持也可以很简便。而 IEP 则有一套特殊的诊断程序和一系列的法律上的规程。
2023-07-26 02:31:471


2023-07-26 02:31:553


英语教学法包括:结构教学法、对话教学法、倒置课程教学法、交际教学法、语音教学法、多元智能教学法、情境教学法、个别化教学八种。1、结构教学法(Grammar-Translation Method): 传统的语法翻译法是通过大量的语法练习和翻译来教授英语语法和单词应用。2、对话教学法(Direct Method): 对话教学法包括启发、演示和练习三个阶段,强调英语语言运用在日常对话中的应用。3、倒置课程教学法(Inverted Classroom):该教学法中,学生在课堂外阅读学习内容,讨论和分享概念,而在课堂上则进行较为深入和个性化的交流和讨论。4、交际教学法(Communicative Language Teaching):交际教学法注重培养学生语言交流能力,强调学生在真实和自然的语境中使用英语。5、语音教学法(Audio-lingual Method):语音教学法着重于语音学习和口语练习,强调通过模仿、迅速反应和口语练习来发展说英语的能力。6、多元智能教学法(Multiple Intelligences Theory):多元智能教学法试图在课堂上针对不同类型的智能,采用多元化的教学方式,旨在提高学习效率和兴趣。7、情境教学法(Situated Learning):情境教学法强调学习和任务环境的紧密联系,通过真实的情境来掌握英语应用技能。8、个别化教学(Individualized Instruction):个别化教学法考虑到不同学生的学习特点,通过以学生为中心的教学方式来有效地帮助学生,强调学生对自己学习的负责。英语教学法作用英语教学法对于帮助学生更好掌握英语有着重要的作用,主要包括:1、提高学生的语言能力:不同的英语教学法都注重提高学生的英语口语、听说、读写能力和语感,能够帮助学生更快、更有效地学习英语。2、增强学生的英语应用能力:各种英语教学法都注重英语的实际应用与语境联系,帮助学生掌握英语语法、单词、拼音等,以便用于生活、工作等各个方面实际应用。3、激发学生的兴趣:良好的教学方法和策略可以使学生更加热爱英语学习,促进学生自发地学习英语,提高教育教学的积极性和效果。4、个性化教学:不同的学生在语言学习方面有着自己的特点、兴趣、目标和能力,不同的英语教学法可以针对不同的学生进行个性化的教学,实现有效的教学。5、提高教学效果:不同的教学法各有特点,采用适合自己的教学方法可以提升教学效果,使得学生更好地掌握英语。英语教学法的不断优化与创新也可以促进教育教学改革的不断深入,提升教育质量。
2023-07-26 02:32:021


2023-07-26 02:32:424

learning can be lote of fun.是什么意思

2023-07-26 02:32:593


2023-07-26 02:33:114


  在纽约大学医学院读医学专业,你可以以最适合职业目标的方式完成医学博士(MD)学位。你可以从多种选项中选择,量身定制。可选包括加速的三年制医学博士、四年或五年医学博士/硕士双学位以及四年制医学博士。在四年制选项中,你的学习包括临床前和临床研究。   无论你选择哪一种,纽约大学医学院都会采用与coursework匹配的课程阶段(而非学年)形式对你的医学博士学位学习进展进行追踪。四年制医学博士分四个阶段,具体如下:   第一阶段:前期见习(Preclerkship)   在纽约大学医学院的第一年,你需要完成为期18个月的前期见习。前期见习为生物科学打下基础。传统意义上,这部分课程在医学院持续24个月。前期见习模块包括医学实践。在实践中,你将学到各种实用技能,比如拜访患者、诊断、做笔录、有效沟通以及为医疗保健系统护航。   前期见习课程旨在为课堂所学概念做补充,其中包括那些与解剖学、生化学、细胞生物学、胚胎学、遗传学、免疫学、组织学、病理学、药理学、生理学等学科息息相关的概念。   第二阶段:核心见习(Core Clerkships)   核心见习为期12个月,重点是基于证据的护理对策以及与其他医疗保健团队的互动。地点在纽约大学健康中心、医学院、纽约哈伯医疗保健系统。此外,可通过纽约大学医疗保健网络轮流到病房和门诊部见习。   核心见习为四个时段,各时段均为期12周。它为学生提供的第一手患者护理体验——包括非卧床护理、医学、外科、神经内科、儿科、精神病学、妇产科、妇科——比其他大多数医学院大约早六个月。   四个时段中,有两个时段有一周的强化研讨伴随。在研讨会中,学生小组会就所学的概念和临床应用进行讨论。   第三阶段:个人化探究(Individualized Exploration)   攻读这个四年制医学博士学位,在完成核心见习之后,你将有六个月时间进行个人化探究。前六到八周属于受保护的学习时间,帮助你准备并参加美国医师执照考试第一部分考试(该考试分三个部分)。   此外,在这个阶段,你需要完成纽约大学医学院举办的综合临床技能测试。这个测试考察你对前期见习和核心见习阶段学习的临床技能,并给与个人化的反馈。这个测试有助于你参加美国医师执照考试的第二部分即临床技能考试。   完成医学院临床技能测试和美国医师执照考试第一部分考试之后,其余时间将学习选修课,并分科学习。   第四阶段:职业准备   在职业准备阶段,你需要完成一个重要的护理见习(care clerkship ),并从外科、医学、儿科中选择一个参与高级实习(advanced subinternship )。这些有助于你承担起更多的病人照护责任和准备你的实习(residency)。
2023-07-26 02:33:201


2023-07-26 02:33:403


2023-07-26 02:33:507

急求翻译 英语的。不要在线翻译 求各路大神帮帮忙 ,谢谢了

2023-07-26 02:34:0510


2023-07-26 02:34:303


楼上的是机器翻译。。错误太多了。。。翻译如下: 有四个层次的产品:核心,有形,增强,并承诺(见图7.1)。我们以核心产品开始,它鉴定了消费者感觉所得到时他们所购买的产品概念的那种感觉。派生的核心受益时,一个体重超重的45岁男性购买250美元的十速自行车不是交通工具,它是为更好的希望健康和改善状况。与此类似,即同一个人可以安装在他的后院$16,000的游泳池,而不是为了获得运动,但他的状态,以反映迫切需要。两者都是合法产品的核心。由于个性化的核心产品是如此,而且经常模糊,营销人员的专职任务是准确地确定一个特定的目标市场的核心产品。 一旦核心产品已经指出的,有形的产品变得很重要。这主要体现在有形的质量水平,特色,品牌,款式,包装等。从字面上看每一件产品包含这些组件到或多或少。除非产品之一的一类(如油画),消费者将至少使用这些有形的某些特征,以评估方案并作出选择。此外,每个产品的重要性将在情况和个人中表现不同。例如,对于25岁的史密斯先生,一个新的汽车(核心产品=运输)的特定品牌的选择是,如在45岁的造型和品牌名称(选择=克尔维特)有形要素为基础,其核心产品仍然相同的,而诸如质量水平和特点成为重要的有形成分(选择=奔驰)。 在下一个层面,在于增广的产品。每一件产品都通过备份主机的配套支撑服务。通常情况下,这些买家期望这些服务并拒绝coretangible的服务,如果他们无法使用。例子有卫生间和自动扶梯/电梯在一间百货公司的情况,并保证在一个草坪割草机的回报政策。陶氏化学已经赢得了作为一个公司,将拼命,以服务帐户的声誉。这意味着,陶氏销售代表将参观困扰农民盘后,以解决严重的问题。这种额外的服务是有争论的产品的一个组成部分,和其成功的关键。在具有许多强大的竞争对手和一些独特的产品的世界,对延伸产品的作用明显增加。 绝对是手工翻译,我可用了将近半个小时。。。 楼主不采纳就对不起我了。。。。O(∩_∩)O
2023-07-26 02:34:493


美国加州艺术学院讲学共有6个Colleges,分别是:Art艺术Art (BFA, MFA)艺术Graphic Design(BFA, MFA)平面设计Photography and Media(BFA, MFA)摄影与媒体加州艺术学院的摄影系隶属艺术学院,目前有十一名学生,含一名国际学生。在对学生的期许与要求方面,学校希望学生能对自己的作品产生自省性的评论,并了解自己的作品所传达出的内涵,学校鼓励学生在独立的个别学习之外,多参加小组讨论,这样会对个人目标的达成有所帮助。为了让学生不与现代艺术脱节,学校每年都会邀请七十多位艺术家来校作短期的授课,透过这样的接触与相互讨论有助于学生对现代艺术界的实际了解。本校入学申请时需缴交10-20张近期的正片作品。专业介绍:本科:Animation (BFA) 动画Architecture (BArch) 建筑Ceramics (BFA) 制陶Community Arts (BFA)Fashion Design (BFA) 时尚设计Film (BFA) 电影Furniture (BFA) 家具Glass (BFA) 玻璃Graphic Design (BFA) 图形设计Illustration (BFA) 插图Individualized Major (BFA)Industrial Design (BFA) 工业设计Interaction Design (BFA) (Launches fall 2011) 交互设计Interior Design (BFA) 室内设计Jewelry / Metal Arts (BFA) 珠宝/金属艺术Painting/Drawing (BFA) 绘画Photography (BFA) 摄影Printmaking (BFA) 版画Sculpture (BFA) 雕塑Textiles (BFA) 织物Visual Studies (BA) 视觉研究Writing and Literature (BA) 文学写作研究生:Architecture (MArch) 建筑Curatorial Practice (MA) 会展管理Design (MFA) 设计Fine Arts (MFA) 美术MBA in Design Strategy MBA设计战略Visual & Critical Studies (MA) 视觉和批判性研究Writing (MFA) 写作其它课程:Critical StudiesDiversity StudiesEcoTAPENGAGE at CCAFirst Year ProgramTeaching Certification
2023-07-26 02:34:581

简年13: 20170201 [中英互译] 马斯洛关于自我实现者的16个特征

马斯洛需求层次理论 Maslow"s hierarchy of needs 1.他们的判断力超乎常人,对事情观察得很透彻,只根据现在所发生的一些事,常常就能够正确地预测将来事情会如何演变。1. Self-actualized people show better judgement than ordinaries. Based on the what happens now, they will foresee the future progress correctly. 2.他们能够接纳自己、接纳别人,也能接受所处的环境。无论在顺境或逆境之中,他们能安之若命,处之泰然。虽然他们不见得喜欢现状,但他们会先接受这个不完美的现实(不会抱怨为何只有半杯水),然后负起责任改善现状。 2. They accept themselves, others and circumstances. They embrace the unknown and the ambiguous no matter adversity or prosperity, they are not threatened or afraid of it; instead, they accept it, are comfortable with it and are often attracted by it. Afterwards they take responsible to improve the current situation. 3.他们单纯、自然而无伪。他们对名利没有强烈的需求,因而不会戴上面具,企图讨好别人。有一句话说:“伟大的人永远是单纯的。”我相信,伟人的脑子里满有智慧,但常保一颗单纯善良的心。 3. They are simple, natural and honesty. They are not caring for the wealth and fame so much to avoid pleasing others only. There is one quote: "Great man is always simple" . I believe the great man keeps full wisdom with a simple and kind heart. 4.他们对人生怀有使命感,因而常把精力用来解决与众人有关的问题。他们也较不以自我为中心,不会单顾自己的事。 4. They have a strong sense of purpose for life and spend time to resolve public issues. They are not self-centered and only care for themselves. 5.他们享受独居的喜悦,也能享受群居的快乐。他们喜欢有独处的时间来面对自己、充实自己。 5. They enjoy the joy of solitude and group living both. They do like spend time alone to talk to and fulfill themselves. 6.他们不依靠别人满足自己安全感的需要。他们像是个满溢的福杯,喜乐有余,常常愿意与人分享自己,却不太需要向别人收取什么。 6. They fulfill safety needs not depending on others. They are like full cups sufficient happiness and joy, willing to share themselves without any payback. 7.他们懂得欣赏简单的事物,能从一粒细砂想见天堂,他们像天真好奇的小孩一般,能不断地从最平常的生活经验中找到新的乐趣,从平凡之中领略人生的美。 7) They are grateful and do not take their blessings for granted, and by doing so, maintain a fresh sense of wonder towards the universe. "Self-actualizing people have the wonderful capacity to appreciate again and again, freshly and naively, the basic goods of life, with awe, pleasure, wonder, and even ecstasy." 8.他们当中有许多人曾经历过 “天人合一” 的宗教经验。 Most of them have ever the experience of "Harmony between Man and Nature". 9.虽然看到人类有很多丑陋的劣根性,他们却仍满有悲天悯人之心、民胞物与之爱,能从丑陋之中看到别人善良可爱的一面。 They understand: "There are no perfect human beings! Persons can be found who are good, very good indeed, in fact, great. [...] And yet these very same people can at times be boring, irritating, petulant, selfish, angry, or depressed. To avoid disillusionment with human nature, we must first give up our illusions about it." 10.他们的朋友或许不是很多,然而所建立的关系,却比常人深入。他们可能有许多淡如水的君子之交,素未谋面,却彼此心仪,灵犀相通。 10. They share deep relationships with a few, but also feel identification and affection towards the entire human race. 11.他们比较民主,懂得尊重不同阶层、不同种族、不同背景的人,以平等和爱心相待。 11. They tend to be more kind and friendly almost everyone of suitable charterer regardless of class, education, political belief, race, or color with greater love and more perfect identification. 12.他们有智慧明辨是非,不会像一般人用绝对二分法(“不是好就是坏”或“黑人都是懒惰鬼”)分类判断。 they deliberate and make their own decisions, selecting what they see as good, and rejecting what they see as bad. They neither accept all, like a sheep, nor reject all, like the average rebel. 13.他们说话含有哲理,也常有诙而不谑的幽默。 They talk wisely with a good sense of humor. 14.他们心思单纯,像天真的小孩,极具创造性。他们真情流露,欢乐时高歌,悲伤时落泪,与那些喜怒不形于色,喜好“权术”、“控制”、“喜怒不形于色”的人截然不同。 They are simple with high creativeness. They are true man with true characteristics. They sing in happy time and cry in sad time. They are totally different with those possessive persons with "Poke-face". 15.他们的衣着、生活习惯、方式、处世为人的态度,看起来比较传统,保守,然而,他们的心态开明,在必要时能超越文化与传统的束缚。 15. They look conservative and conventional with their dressing, life styles and the way how to behave, however they are open-minded and individualized rather than being dictated by culture and society. 16.他们也会犯一些天真的错误,当他们对真善美执著起来时,会对其他琐事心不在焉。例如爱迪生有一次做研究太过专心,竟然忘了自己是否吃过饭,朋友戏弄他,说他吃过了,他信以为真,拍拍肚皮,满足地回到实验室继续工作。 16. They make some naive mistakes because they don"t pay attention to small things. Instead they focus on big things like truth, beauty and virtue. 据马斯洛的估计,世上大概只有1%的人,最后能成长到上述这种“不惑”、“知天命”、“耳顺”、“随心所欲而不逾距”、圆融逍遥、充满智慧的人生境界。 我不敢期望每个人都能达到这个境界,然而我相信,当我们愈趋近这种境界时,我们的人生会愈有喜乐、愈有意义。 成长是必须付代价的,因为成长永远包含着冒险、面对未知、尝试新经验、扩展个人的极限与改变。若不必成长,我们就不用改变自己,不用面对未知的危险,更不用花心神面对生活的挑战,从各种选择中做出新的决定。 Maslow estimated only 1% of population in this world will grow to such pinnacle of Self-Actualization with full of wisdom. I don"t think everyone will reach it, however our life will be happier and more meaningful when closing to it. growing pains because there are always adventures, uncertainties, new experience, maximization of potential, and changes along the journey. No need to change yourself, no need to face uncertainties, no need to waste time tackle the challenges and make new decisions if you don"t intend to grow up.
2023-07-26 02:35:151

79 iep的重点是什么?iep应该包括什么

IEP课程是个别化教育计划课程。IEP:个别化教育计划(individualized educational plan, 简称IEP)又译“个别化教育方案”。是指一份由学校与家长共同制定的针对学生个别需要的书面教育协定,它应记载学生的评定结果,该年度需提供的教育安置,相关服务及教学目标等。必须经家长或监护人同意方能实施。制定时亦听取学生本人的意见。个别化教育计划是落实个别化教育的载体,提升特殊教育质量的重要保。注:IEP源自美国。1975年,美国国会通过的94-142公法规定:必须为所有3-21岁的特殊儿童制定适合其需要的个别化教育计划,且须定期评估与修正。这一法案明确规定了IEP编写的要点,而且规定每一个特殊儿童都要通过IEP加以评定、施教。这一思想,对整个世界的特殊教育观念及做法都有极其深远的影响。1990年的101-476公法将转衔服务内容列为IEP的必要项目,要求学校负责制定个别化转衔计划(Individualizaed Transition Planning,简称ITP)。ITP必须在学生16岁之前制定,且每年修订。此外,如果情况允许,学校可以在学生14岁时为其制定ITP,以保障每个特殊学生在生涯转衔点皆能得到应有的协助。
2023-07-26 02:37:121


很大 真的
2023-07-26 02:38:119


早教面试英语自我介绍   来到一个陌生的地方时,我们往往需要进行适当的自我介绍,通过自我介绍可以得到他人的欣赏。那要怎么写好自我介绍呢?下面是我整理的早教面试英语自我介绍,希望对大家有所帮助。   早教面试英语自我介绍1   iMy name is XXX.i woulld like to apply for this job of english teacher for children.   My plan for the furture is that i would like to stay with children and share the moments in their lives and provide them with helpful advice. making friends with them and letting them feel you are the one they can talk and trust.Plus i like english very much.with this idea,i want to combine my love for children with my ability of english together,so i can work in a pleasant environment doing the great things i enjoy doing.   I consider myself with rich potential of qualitying out as a good english teacher.I have a heart for children,a loving and caring heart.And i would certainly place it upon my students,being their close friend and sister.while with my creative and relaxing english teaching method,students would learn english through interacting with me or the others instead of being told what to say.   I am also very open-minded and easy-going,which will make myself a popular figure everywhere.and of course i am very much the type of the girl next door.always willing to take in suggestions and create a fun classroom for our next generation.   I believe ive said quite enough of myself. I hope you now know more about me than just now. I would certainly cherish this job and get along very well with all people out here.I thank you very much again for giving me this opportunity to talk with you.   I look forward to hearing good news from you.   Thank you !   早教面试英语自我介绍2   Hi there, My name is cnapply for this job of english teacher for children.   My plan for the furture is that i would like to stay with children and share the moments in their lives and provide them with helpful advice. ma-ki-ng friends with them and letting them feel you are the one they can talk and cncombine my love for children with my ability of english together,so i can work in a pleasant environment doing the great things i enjoy doing.   I consider myself with rich potential of qualitying out as a good englishcnclose friend and cnmethod,students would learn english through interacting with me or the others instead of being told what to say.   I am also very open-minded and easy-going,which will make myself a popular figure cnvery much the type of the girl next cnand create a fun classroom for our next generation.   I believe ive said quite enough of myself. I hope you now know more about me than just now. I would certainly cherish this job and get along very well with all people outcnfor giving me this opportunity to talk with you.   I look forward to hearing good news from you soon.   Thank you !   早教面试英语自我介绍3   I graduated from Teachers College xx kindergarten teaching, 21 years old, loving and responsible, for the different stages of child care, individualized to target children.   I have worked in China West Normal University, Nanchong City, Sichuan Province subsidiary kindergarten, kindergarten and Chengdu in Sichuan Province Mingshan salt Thistle Melody International Foreign Language School Kindergarten kindergarten three were one to two months of internship, and later in Salt Thistle Foreign Language Primary School for a month, the kindergarten teaching internship during the patient can be completed together with the children to learn and play, and active concern and assistance in their daily lives.   not only taught children to learn textbook knowledge, but also focus on developing their learning interested in organizing activities to foster team work ability and the capacity so that each student can fully demonstrate their own to play their own advantages.   I am at work motivated, hard-working, in practice a lot of growth has enriched my professional and learned more and more practical knowledge, and also received teacher-led praise. Course work in the future, I would like to continue to learn and improve themselves. Please give me a chance to lead, I will move to prove my ability! ;
2023-07-26 02:38:291


关于英文专业求职信范文汇总七篇   时间是箭,去来迅疾,我们将带着新的期许,开启新一轮的`求职,此时是不是该好好写写求职信呢?求职信怎样写才能让人满意呢?下面是我帮大家整理的英文专业求职信7篇,希望对大家有所帮助。 英文专业求职信 篇1 敬启者:   据纽约商业图书出版社信托部经理白约翰先生称:贵公司拟于六月份增加会计职员若干名,本人拟参加此等职务应征。   对本人情况,阁下可从本函所附资料中获得了解,本人曾从事商业图书工作五年之久,获有各种经验。我现任职的公司已同意向阁下提供有关我在其公司服务的资料。   我除在两公司的信托部和会计部服务外,在财务管制方面,亦获得若干经验。在两个部门工作时,均负责日常行政工作。我在中央商业学校和布隆克斯学院所修课程,均与阁下会计部门业务有关。   希望阁下抽空给予接见。若需本人较详细资料,请按本函上方所载地址汇函通知。 Gentlemen,   I have been told by Mr.John L.Pak,Credit Manager, The Business Book Publishing,New York, with whom I believe you are acquainted,that you are expecting to make some additions to your accounting staff in June.I should like to be considered an applicant for one of these positions. You can see from the data sheet that is enclosed with this letter that I have had five years of varied experience in the book business.The orgpanies for which I have worked have given me permission to refer you to them for information about the quality of the work I did while in their employ. My work was in the credit department and in the accounting department in both orgpanies,with some experience also in inventory control. In both positions,I have been assigned with the daily office administration.The courses taken at Central orgmercial and the Bronx orgmunity College specifically prepare me for doing the accounting required in your department. I hope that you will give me an interview at some time convenient to you.If there is further information that you wish in the meantime,please let me know.I can always be reached at the address given at the beginning of this letter.   Very truly yours, 英文专业求职信 篇2   Dear Mr. Vice-Chancellor:   Hello! I am a XX year XX Chemical College graduates, graduating in a time when all I have to do a good job of preparation, there is sufficient confidence and capacity to engage in teaching and research work in chemistry. Sincerely hope that your school can teach, in effect you are under.   Comparison of the character I cheerful, straightforward man, peace love love love爱闹laugh, but able to get things done in a serious sense of responsibility, and thinking more active, with a strong sense of innovation and capabilities.   While studying at the school, majoring in chemistry and chemical with the curriculum and teaching-related experiments, the optional education, psychology, philosophy, the legal basis for such courses, a serious effort to learn, excellent results. Teaching practice, the active-depth classes, the careful study of teaching, with an open mind to seek division, made rapid progress in education by teachers and students alike, outstanding internship performance.   I am quite confident that their abilities, he directed and starred piece "youthful dream to fly," drama "Memory of Youth", also organized dance with my classmates had a rehearsal "happy home", "Chashan love", "Hongmei Chan, "and so on, also participated in dance competitions like school performance; I actively participate in school activities association training, also own the" Changchun Evening News "part-time clerk, in-depth community, the feelings of a lot; St. Paul, I have to create "dusty studio," Contact tutor for students to work to taste the hardships of the pioneering joy and success. After I contacted by phone to Zhejiang Pinghu internship, during the visit of the Soviet Union, hang two states, after Beijing, Shanghai, Dalian stop when they are, a simple march-site inspection, as a graduate to choose a reference direction. I am a brave people who dare to do, like at the moment, I think of their own future, are also doing their own efforts.   Make a good teacher is what I have been ideal; I have high education is people-oriented, individualized education. Education, teachers, schools should be a service for students. For all students, for students of all, I would like to use my life energy, carefully nurtured garden peach!   Finally, thank you for your busy schedule to read my cover letter, but also hope to have the opportunity to personally thank you! 英文专业求职信 篇3   the leadership of the distinguished company:   hello!   first of all, thank you for taking the time to look at my自荐信. my name is jiang yu-shu, aged 18 years old, height 174cm, from emei, sichuan, chengdu railway transportation is fine school classes - XX urban rail professional graduates. today, i am with emotion and presented the letter of the job. the reason excited, i decided to go to your company to achieve common success.   three years of secondary school life, i am hard-working hard, and strive upward, to study the foundation and expertise over the past three years, the subject of the record did not make-up, professional excellent academic performance in school has been rated as outstanding members of the period and outstanding student leaders . meet the national standard of putonghua, the computer has received the national certificate examination grade 4, while english has reached a national level 4.   three years of study and life, and cast my hard honest, warm and positive character, i have trained up the spirit of hard work to improve the self-judgment, planning, co-ordination capacity, etc., for their own into a new nutrition, for future work has laid a good foundation. i am from above the mtr station suitable for the work, to exchange with foreigners, for their direction. where who told with the need to run就往where there is a fat one by heat. order for passengers to get on and off, invalidity, old and young have a special care, to the subway station to their homes as warm as the well-being!   practice is the sole criterion for testing truth. therefore, the use of vacation time each year i participated in the spring, summer! that kind of work in order for the entire passenger satisfaction, passenger at ease. and visited the subway facilities, access to a lot of information on the mtr of the rules and regulations, regulatory requirements are more clearly! only one person i would like to apply to the actual intelligence work, serving the community, good for the community, so to prove their effectiveness in order to truly embody the value of their own! while it is the only candidate of the station as an ordinary member, but i firmly believe that the near future i will certainly be amazing progress and improvement for a higher-level positions. road is out of step by step. only down-to-earth, hard work to make even better results!   this job through my letter, i make you a more comprehensive and in-depth understanding, i would like to with great enthusiasm and sense of responsibility into the development of your company building. your choice is my aspiration. give me a chance also a great surprise you.   sincerely,   salute! 英文专业求职信 篇4 The leadership of the distinguished company:   Hello! Thank you for your busy schedule to take time to read my cover letter.   Through various channels, I learned about the situation of your company, know your company keep on exploring and innovating with the strength and the development of a strong future at the same time, the community has a high-profile reputation, so I can become a great yearning for a member of.   I am a graduating student of accounting, since the school years, I have been making strenuous efforts to do a good job should be done, I told myself: to learn not only seriously, but also to enhance their abilities, and strive to achieve all-round development.   Learn from the hard to learn and practice correct; from learning to focus on a wide range Shooters professional knowledge and broaden their knowledge and broaden thinking. At the same time, good people to learn, with great concentration, thinking, and constantly improve themselves and improve their own comprehensive quality.   With self-confidence, I recommend myself to you, if your company had the honor to become a member of, I will work hard, with an open mind due diligence, active play to their initiative and creativity to contribute to the company. Optional wood-liang and the Migratory birds, horses and people for the wing! I believe that your organization can give me a space to develop their talents, but also ask you to believe I can bring new vitality to your organization, the new results. Select your organization, I decided the most prudent. "Would like to take Kimigayo talents, explore the journey of my life."   Thank you again for the final reading of this letter and look forward to your reply as soon as possible.   Your organization would like to prosperity   Sincerely,   Salute 英文专业求职信 篇5   Dear leaders:   Hello!   I am a student at Suzhou University in electrical engineering and automation professions, will be graduating in July 20xx。 At school during the systematic study of the electrical engineering and automation—related knowledge。 Familiar with the motor, testing and maintenance of the basic theory。   In the four years of the learning process, on many occasions to use the knowledge to participate in Training metalworking activities。 On the one hand, the Training Center in the school for hands—operation, a better understanding of the book knowledge to digest; On the other hand, the relevant units for use as a holiday in advance to find internships, applying their knowledge and hone their own。 I am confident in my skills and knowledge to be able to endure hardship together with the will of the spirit of collaboration, will be able to deal with any challenges。 If hired, treasure, I will love and respect their jobs, do not live up to the expectations of the leadership。   I would like to attached a curriculum vitae detailing my experience, skills and qualifications。 Thanks to examine deeply grateful。 Able to go to the interview at any time。 If hired, can participate in the work of half a month。   Sincerely,   Salute! 英文专业求职信 篇6   Dear leaders:   Hello! Thank you very much for sparing the time to review my cover letter, I wish to give me the opportunity. As a professional graduates mathematics, mathematics and I love their invested great enthusiasm and energy. Learning to live in a few years, the systematic study of the mathematics profession in the knowledge gained through the internship experience.   I am a stronger character, studious devotion, self-confident, active thinking, able to quickly accept new things; easy communication, good teamwork and good大局观awareness, have a strong sense of responsibility, professionalism, and integration in a short period of time competent team of teachers and their work   In college, I am positive, and exert ourselves to achieve in all aspects of the development by leaps and bounds, and comprehensively improve the overall quality of their own, many school leaders have been named outstanding graduates colonel.   Has a strong ability to work, at school during the family has always served as part-time teaching post, so diligent, conscientious and responsible, well-taught, and strive to do our best, so parents have access to favorable 英文专业求职信 篇7 Dear Mr. Chamberlaine:   I am seeking a position where I can apply my experience as an environmental specialist. As an Environmental Project Manager in the Environmental Affairs Department of the Dow Chemical Company, I have gained experience in many areas of the environmental industry, especially hazardous substance and waste management as well as environmental legislation and compliance requirements.   Specific areas of accomplishment include:   - Company compliance with applicable local, state, and federal environmental regulations nationwide   - Design and implementation of training programs to limit company risk and liability in the hazardous substance management field   - Research and evaluation of cost-effective methods for hazardous substance reduction, recycling and conservation.   I am interested in an industry position in environmental compliance, hazardous substance management, and/or industrial environmental training and education. I am interested in a company that has a strong interest in developing pro-active programs to limit liability and risk in environmental affairs.   My resume is enclosed. Thank you for reviewing my credentials, and I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Wendel B. Thomas ;
2023-07-26 02:38:441


1. New York is located in the northeastern U.S., the United States one of the most economically developed states. 1777 independent state capital in Albany, New York is its largest city. U.S. population ranked third, about 19 million. New York, New York state had the nation"s largest port (Port of New York). 2. New York City is the largest city, was built in 1624, another name for the "Big Apple" (The Big Apple), Sleepless Town (The City That Never Sleeps). It is located in southeastern New York, is the world"s most important commercial and financial center. Population of about 18 million. The world famous Broadway (Broadway), New York"s Central Park (Central Park), Wall Street (Wall Street) and so on. 3. First, it is close to world-famous Silicon Valley, Silicon Valley can attract outstanding management experts to teach school, so that the learning environment is unique. Second, customized for different students of different learning programs. Third, More than 120 evening and weekend classes to choose from. Finally, NPU is one of the accepted American University by China. 4. In the future I want to go ... the company, so would like to study in depth management knowledge, NPU University MBA education has a unique way, tailored for different students with different learning program helps me to achieve career goals. 5. Financial Management (Financial Management) is an integral part of enterprise management, the course is to learn how to organize the corporate finance activities, dealing with financial relationships. 6. Human Resources Management (Human Resources Management), the course according to the needs of enterprise development, planned way rational allocation of human resources. 7. My cousin, a trading company in Beijing for three years, the company"s manager he graduated from the NPU, his income is 10 times that I have studied the plan, he gave me the university recommended . 8. COFCO (COFCO) was established in 1952, is one of China"s largest import and export enterprises, is the world"s top 500 enterprises. Many of its products are sold well in China, such as the Jindi chocolate, Mengniu milk. In recent years, COFCO a lot of demand for overseas students, this is the reason I chose the food.
2023-07-26 02:38:593

disinterested commentary什么意思

2023-07-26 02:39:224


2023-07-26 02:39:335


2023-07-26 02:40:059


这个问题我还真的研究过1,固定搭配错 result in/from 两种形式都有,但是常常用错 "as" a result 前面一定是as in addition 有时用成in a addition2,否定词用反 比如:value/evalue usually/rarely better/worse objective/subjective before/afteracception/rejection minority/majority等。。。很多,看见这些词时就要注意了,看它有没有用反3,单复数错 20percent 后面没有s哦,这是典型错误 指示代词it 用成了them。。。。4,状语从句用错 when/where经常被用成了what/that/which5,连词前后时态保持一致 and/ or前后语境色彩一致6,形容词,副词用错.修饰动词的时候常常用了形容词,所以看见动词的时候要注意了,而且一定要观察修饰它的词错没错7,多词或缺词 缺少成分了,很多问题也是少个状语,代词等 多成分了,也是和少的情况一样,如固定搭配多词或少词,和第一个问题中出现的情况一样这是我自己总结的,希望对你有帮助,但是我希望你还是多练完型,我认为还会出完型,但是改错也是必须要会的。
2023-07-26 02:40:342


【热门】英文求职信范文集合5篇   时间过得飞快,又到了寻求新的工作机会的时候,现在这个时候,写好一封求职信就十分有必要了!求职信怎样写才能让人满意呢?下面是我收集整理的英文求职信5篇,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。 英文求职信 篇1   1、求职信是求职者写给招聘单位的信函。求职信是自我表白,其目的和作用要是让人事主管看,因人事主管有太多的求职信函要看,因此要简明扼要。语言注意点求职信不同于简历。在介绍自己情况时,不可面面俱到,否则篇幅过长,反而不易得到重视。应重点突出与所应聘职位相关的自己的特点及特长。语言要有礼貌,要能体现出诚恳的态度和对工作的渴求。   求职信一般包括以下几个方面的内容:首先要阐述清楚招聘信息的来源,以及所申请的职位;其次简述个人信息;然后进一步强调自己的能力,表达抱负,并请求给予面试机会;最后提出自己的希望,希望得到面试的机会,并且告诉对方你的联系方式。   求职信的语言属于正式用语,在写作过程中一定要注意用词简洁准确,语气礼貌自信,态度不卑不亢,所给信息具有一定的可信度。尤其是在强调自身经历和优点的时候,更应把握尺度。   2、求职信的内容一般包括以下部分:   (1)写信的缘由;   (2)个人情况简介,例如;年龄、性别、文化程度、工作经历、工作技能、个人专长等;   (3)推荐人或证明人姓名以供录用方查询;   (4)约定面试时间。通常随求职信附上个人简历和两三封推荐信。   over letter writing format points:   if you want to rise to the personnel manager"s attention, writing a cover letter better. cover letter resume cover letter belongs to can be placed in front of resume can also be placed behind the resume. cover letter can be a useful complement to resume their own lack of a lack of descriptive words.   cover letter format, not fixed, but generally include three to five short paragraphs, the following paragraph written by five brief cover letter format format for writing the main points:   the first paragraph should be able to rise as a candidate recruiter for your interest and stimulate the enthusiasm of readers. why does the reader have to read the letter? you can dian she do?   the second paragraph must sell your value. you are able to meet reader needs and job requirements of the skills, abilities, qualifications, and credit for that?   display your outstanding achievements in the third paragraph, results and educational background, they must be able to directly support a strong second paragraph of content. if possible, quantify these achievements.   the fourth paragraph of the actions to be launched in the future. requests for interviews, or tell the reader you will call them within a week to discuss next step in the process.   the fifth paragraph should be very brief period, the end of the letter and expressed his thanks.   in general, a good cover letter also have the following characteristics:   (1) cover letter belong to an informal letter, it must be able to establish a harmonious atmosphere between the two sides. so, you want to use warm, energetic and exciting language to infect each other.   (2) in the beginning, to a brief description of where you saw the recruitment advertisement or obtained the information, you are more interested in what positions, which is virtually as a personnel manager"s job to help the busy.   (3) the cover letter must introduce you to future employers and your values.   (4) an effective cover letter should be easy to read, the font in the font larger than the resume, but also to short - three to five short paragraphs is sufficient.   (5) to ensure that the cover letter signed by name, date.   i how to write good cover letter   if you want to write a good cover letter, you must bear in mind the following suggestions:   (1) the use of special paper, written at the top of your name, address and telephone number. your resume to use the package of paper - it shows you the grade and professional demeanor.   (2) if you have a job of personnel manager"s name, units, then you can customize the cover letter attached to the beginning of the letter. cover letter specifically addressed to a particular individual.   (3) if you do not want custom-made for every letter, but would prefer to use the format for letters, use the king called "dear recruiter." (do not use "dear sir" because the recruitment of executives who may be a woman.)   (4) cover letter as far as possible the length of the control within a.   (5) in the cover letter to demonstrate your unique problem-solving skills, and with specific examples to support it.   (6) if not asked, would not be appropriate to talk about salary in cover letter.   (7) if you are asked for salary history and treatment requirements, then you are a modest opening the fan "window" (for example, can not be low to moderate level), and marked it can be re-negotiated (if possible) .   (8) to ensure that cover letter to a professional demeanor.   (9) to ensure that absolutely does not appear in the cover letter spelling, printing and grammatical errors.   (10) to ensure that a brief cover letter to convey his ideas. never mess, saying nothing.   (11) do not lie or exaggerate. in your cover letter and resume that everything must be able to be supported in the interview and confirmed.   (12) in the cover letter to avoid the negative and contradictory subject. the purpose of cover letter and resume to forward in your best leg. those negative material (often leaving a previous job termination, etc.) can be used in the interview alternative approach. 英文求职信 篇2   在外企求职的过程当中,一封出色的求职信是必不可少的。而撰写一封得体的英文求职信可能是你在准备应聘的过程中遇到的最棘手的问题。在求职的过程中,只有能体现个人才智的求职信,才能帮助你顺利地谋求到一份理想的工作。你需要仔细考虑你所写的求职信的目的,及其所可能产生的影响。信件要引起读者的兴趣,要反映出你的目的,要符合特定的环境要求。以下提供英文求职信写作宝典,各位求职者不妨予以参考。   求职信切忌空洞,求职信的内容要全面具体,同时又必须是相互关联的一个整体,这样的求职信才能真正对你的事业起到推动的作用。一封理想的"求职信应该注意如下的几点:   一、语言表达要简洁明了,避免使用太多的专业术语和过分复杂的句子。一方面用人单位不会在一份求职简历上花费太多的时间;另外一个方面,简洁的语言表述也能体现出你珍惜他人的时间。   二、在求职信的第一个段落当中应该明确地告诉对方你是在何家媒体看到应聘广告以及所要应聘职位的名称,例如Youradvertisementfor (职位名称)a Network Maintenance Engineer in (媒体名称)theApril 10Student Daily interested me。这样有助于对方了解招聘信息的有效传播途径。   三、语言客观实际。英文求职信中应避免自己的主观判断性的语言和评论性的话语,不要过分渲染自我尤其不要说出与事实不符的能力或特性来。为了避免过多的主观性描述,你可以在自己的简历当中用客观的数字和引述别人的话语来描述自己的实际情况。   例如:I have passed CET-6 with a high mark of 96.   四、重视开头、结尾。在求职信的结尾,我们通常要提及关于希望得到面试的事情。因此,结尾一样要引起重视。在表达自己的这样的意愿的时候,切忌软弱、羞怯的表达方式,例如:Ifyouthink I can fill the position after you have read my letter, Ishallbe glad to talk with you。   五、表现个人特色。求职的信件要具个人特色、亲切且能体现出专业水平。切不可过于随意,也不能拘泥于格式——商业信函应该是一种既正式、又非正式的文体。句子结构和长度应富于变化,使阅信人总保持兴趣。内容、语气、用词的选择和对希望的表达要积极,应该充分显示出你是一个乐观、有责任心、有创造力和通情达理的人。   另外还有一些内容虽然不属于求职信的一部分,但是也不能忽视,比如纸张的选用,一般采用品质优良的A4打印纸,正文用打印机打印出来。信件的结尾处签名必须是自己的手写签名。 英文求职信 篇3   Dear Mr。 Vice—Chancellor:   Hello! I am a XX year XX Chemical College graduates, graduating in a time when all I have to do a good of preparation, there is sufficient confidence and capacity to engage in teaching and research work in chemistry。 Sincerely hope that your school can teach, in effect you are under。   Comparison of the character I cheerful, straightforward man, peace love love love play laugh, but able to get things done in a serious sense of responsibility, and thinking more active, with a strong sense of innovation and capabilities。   While studying at the school, majoring in chemistry and chemical with the curriculum and teaching—related experiments, the optional education, psychology, philosophy, the legal basis for such courses, a serious effort to learn, excellent results。 Teaching practice, the active—depth classes, the careful study of teaching, with an open mind to seek division, made rapid progress in education by teachers and students alike, outstanding internship performance。   I am quite confident that their abilities, he directed and starred piece "youthful dream to fly," drama "Memory of Youth", also organized dance with my classmates had a rehearsal "happy home", "Chashan love", "Hongmei Chan, "and so on, also participated in dance competitions like school performance; I actively participate in school activities association training, also own the" Changchun Evening News "part—time clerk, in—depth community, the feelings of a lot; St。 Paul, I have to create "dusty studio," Contact tutor for students to work to taste the hardships of the pioneering joy and success。 After I contacted by phone to Zhejiang Pinghu internship, during the visit of the Soviet Union, hang two states, after Beijing, Shanghai, Dalian stop when they are, a simple march—site inspection, as a graduate to choose a reference direction。 I am a brave people who dare to do, like at the moment, I think of their own future, are also doing their own efforts。   Make a good teacher is what I have been ideal; I have high education is people—oriented, individualized education。 Education, teachers, schools should be a service for students。 For all students, for students of all, I would like to use my life energy, carefully nurtured garden peach!   Finally, thank you for your busy schedule to read my自荐信, but also hope to have the opportunity to personally thank you! 英文求职信 篇4   The leadership of the distinguished company:   Hello!   It is an honor in your busy schedule to read my cover letter, thank you! I am a Department of Automation, graduating students will receive bachelor"s degree. University during the period laid a solid theoretical foundation for the professional, good organizational skills, teamwork spirit, pragmatic style of work.   Proficient professional knowledge of digital signal processing technology, analog / digital electronics, C programming language, automatic control, 80X86 principle, etc.; skilled such as the use of Windows XX/XP operating system; skilled use of Office, Excel office automation software; learning photoshop, Flash such as mapping software.   Outstanding accomplishment on the quality of thinking, thinking of progress, Benedict Shou-cheng, a letter, propriety and learning the principles of life.   Social practice, a four-year university life, I have strict requirements, competency-based training, in particular the practice of manipulative ability are my strengths. Low job-seekers holding a book, read the mind of self-confidence sincere, and I look forward to your company to become one!   Sincerely,   Salute! 英文求职信 篇5 Dear leaders:   Hello!   I am a computer information management graduates. Candidates provided by your posts.   Imagine the difference between universities and the only truly experienced only know, university four-step song - "know of", this time with the popular sense, so I understand the lack of their own and their own advantage. From the initial confusion that now find themselves only. Ran Huang discovered their own values reflected the time has come, and it is imperative.   University during the period, in line with the attitude of rigorous study, I focus on the learning ability in the actual professional   Knowledge and practice, as I used to enhance their ability to work, laying a foundation. Computer Information Management computer system to train the basic theory and basic knowledge, familiar with computer systems commonly used software tools, the system has certain hardware and software operation, maintenance and development capabilities, can skilled use of computer systems for information processing and management of application-oriented vocational and technical talent.   I have said many times as the department"s student leaders, the organization has a strong co-ordination and management capabilities. Well and good humor is a sincere, serious and responsible work, willing to endure hardship with the spirit of teamwork. With teachers, students live in harmonious relationship between the institutions on several occasions made various评优honor and awards. And many organizations have been planning to carry out more innovative team activities, the majority of students responded positively enthusiastic participation.   At the same time I also actively participate in a variety of internship and social practice. Whether it is as a computer company   Of sales, or Bureau of Statistics of government organizations and institutions like the internship, I have taken seriously, do our best to complete each task. College has been the "social practice and scholarship."   Choice is the will of both sides, but I will work hard with their good performance to prove that your choice is correct. I hope you can give me this opportunity. Put themselves forward in this venture, I look forward to becoming a member of your organization, give full play to their talents. If your organization will be favored, I would certainly give a continuous learning and positive spirit of dedicated service to your organization and your organization develop a better future!   Finally, thank you for your reading, look forward to your reply, your company would like to prosperity!   Sincerely,   Salute! ;
2023-07-26 02:40:431


英译汉常用的方法技巧   在英译汉的过程中,有哪些好的方法与技巧呢?下面就和我一起来看看吧!   一、一词多义(Polysemy)   regular   regular reading / regular job / regular flight / regular visitor / regular speed / regular army / gasoline   delicate   delicate skin / porcelain / upbringing / living / health / stomach / vase / diplomatic question / difference / surgical operation / ear for music / sense of smell / touch / food   二、注意有线词的词义   He once again imparted to us his great knowledge, experience and wisdom.   He now saw plainly the meaning of all. In the beginning, he had got a job the first day; but now he was second-hand, a damaged article, and they did not want him. They had got the best out of him, and now they had thrown him away. The situation had now become desperate. Then came another incident.   三、词义的"引申(Extension or Generalization)   1) Extend the word meaning to cover an abstraction concept   His novel is a mirror of the times.   The OED is the final court of appeal in all matters concerning English words.   Sam knows he can depend on his family, rain or shine.   2) Extend the word meaning to cover a specific concept   In two years, he was a national phenomenon.   Public opinion is demanding more and more that something be done about noise.   Maryu2019s father, by his first marriage, had a daughter, Jane, Maryu2019s half-sister.   四、词义的褒贬(Commendatory and Derogatory)   The reckless driver died in the traffic accident.   Poor Joeu2019s panic lasted for two or three days; during which he did not visit the house.   It was time to hold a court and the subject for discussion was the future of that prisoner.   John was an aggressive salesman who did his job quite well.   The invaders met a stubborn resistance from the local people.   She was vexed by the persistent ringing of the phone.   Exercises   I have no opinion of that sort of man.   She put five dollars into my hand. “You have been a great man today.”   Iu2019m afraid youu2019re being too particular about your food.   I was the youngest son, and the youngest but two.   The picture flattered her.   The country not agreeing with her, she returned to England.   五、转译成动词   (一)名词转译动词(Convert nouns into verbs)   My admiration for him grew more.   He said he did not know whether Tom was ready for a showdown.   To some extent it gets into the question of the chicken or the egg.   The Nobel prizes in physics and chemistry were rewarded to Americans, giving the U.S. a clean sweep of all the 1976 Nobel prizes in the sciences.   Television is the transmission and reception of image of moving objects by radio waves.   In the absence of friction, the vehicle could not even be started.   Vietnamese War is a drain on American resources.   I am no drinker, nor smoker.   The application of electronic computers makes a tremendous rise in labor productivity.   (二)介词转译成动词(Convert prepositions into verbs)   There are many substances through which electric currents will not flow at all.   We are fortunate in our opponent.   Captain Ford was between the sheets by 9 last night.   The most he is after at this time is a chance to get more money.   I tried to talk him out of the idea, but he was unpleasant.   Millions of the people in the mountainous areas are finally off poverty.   “Coming!” Away she skimmed over the lawn, up the path, up the steps, across the veranda, and into the porch.   (三)形容词转译成动词(Convert adjectives into verbs)   He said the meeting was informative.   They were news-hungry.   It was a very informative meeting.   (四)副词转译成动词(Convert adverbs into verbs)   The experiment in chemistry was ten minutes behind.   It has snowed over.   Why should we let in foreign goods when Americans walk the streets because they canu2019t sell their own goods?   六、转译成名词   (一)动词转译成名词(Convert verbs into nouns)   She knows whatu2019s what.   They thought differently.   TV differs from radio in that it sends and receives pictures.   The computer is chiefly characterized by its accurate and rapid computations.   He roared, which threatened his enemies away.   The man I saw at the party looked and talked like an American.   (二)形容词转译成名词   The new treaty would be good for ten years.   The language of the poem is colloquial, yet itu2019s deep in its understanding of human emotions.   Then the monkeys were trained according to different plans so as to make them highly individualized.   Everyday experience shows us that heavy objects are more stable than light ones.   七、转译成形容词   名词转译成形容词   Their physical experiment was a success.   The nuclear power system designed in China is of great precision.   Said a New York bullion trader, “The marketu2019s gone banana.”   He found on this issue, as on Taiwan, an identity of approach.   In Europe, his name was well known, if not a household word.   八、其他词类转译   副词转译成名词   The air-conditioning unit is shown schematically on Page 2.   Oxygen is one of the important elements in the physical world, it is very active chemically.   The image must be dimensionally correct.   九、大量的英语被动句要化成汉语的主动句   1. He said the pact had now been reduced to less than a shadow.   2. She had no knowledge of this and had not been consulted on these reported plans.   3. What has just been written runs the risk of oversimplification.   4. Many voices have been raised demanding the setting up of an Arab common market.   十、以by为着眼点,进行多种译文   1. But real influence is not built up by striking attitude or by throwing insults.   2. Its sincerity is illustrated not only by its proposal but also by its deeds.   3. What I like best are the stern cliffs, with ranges of mountains soaring behind them, full of possibilities, peaks to be scaled only by the most daring.   4. Many expect that he will be outed by one of his rivals.   5. He said he was assured by the State Department that the U.S. is willing to normalize relations with his country.   十一、“it + be + p.p. + that clause”的句型,常以下列形式表达   1. It should be noted that he and she were academically more than just friends.   2. It should be understood that to err is human.   十二、汉译中需用被动式时,也最好多找一些字眼来取代“被”字   1. The visitor was flattered and impressed.   2. Everybody was fed up with her gossip.   3. He was set upon by two naked men.   4. If the expenditure is really necessary, the money can be found somehow.   5. He was released immediately after Batista fled Cuba.   十三、名词、动名词前增补动词   1. We often go to the school-run factory for labor.   2. Testing is a complicated problem and long experience is required for its mastery.   十四、英语抽象名词的翻译   1. He was still reluctant to talk substance.   2. Many changes take place during the transformation.   3. Her indifference kept all the visitors away from the exhibition hall.   4. From the evaporation of water people know that liquid can turn into gases under certain conditions.   十五、将具体形象的词译成该形象所具有的属性和特征,这是一种引申,需增词   1. It was a Godsend to him.   2. If you dare to play the fox with me, Iu2019ll shoot you at once.   十六、增添“概括”性的词   1. He had slept there before, in July and again in October.   2. Their host carved, poured, served, cut bread, talked, laughed, proposed health.   3. The government is doing its best to ease the tension in that area.   4. Proteins are composed of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen.   5. This report summed up the achievements in technology and education.   十七、英文中为避免重复而省略之词,汉译时需补上,作必要的重复   1. I hope that the meeting will not be too long, for it will only waste time.   十八、汉译文根据原文意思增加一些必要的解释性文字   1. And he launched into a speech, eloquently advocating his university of the future.   2. Those were the words that were to make the world blossom for, “like Aaronu2019s rod, with flowers”.   十九、增补量词   1. Repeat the experiment using a wooden ruler, a piece of glass, a metal spoon, a coin, a piece of paper, a pin, a plastic comb, a key, a pencil, a tin lid and a rubber eraser.   2. On April 24th 1970, China successfully launched its first man-made earth satellite.   二十、增补表示复数含义的词   1. But that the old workers helped us, we should have failed.   2. The moving parts of a machine are often oiled so that friction may be greatly reduced. ;
2023-07-26 02:40:581


短文改错(Error Correction)属主观题型,要求考生在15分钟内找出并改正一篇短文中的10处错误。   一、改错形式有以下三类:   1.错词(words mistaken)。在标有题号的一行中有一词在词法、搭配或词义等方面有错误,要求考生找出错误并换上正确的词(change a word),这类错误在所有错误中占绝大多数。   2.缺词(words missing)。在标有题号的一行的任何位置——包括行首词前和行末词后——缺了一词,要求考生按语法、搭配或上下文语义的需要找出缺词的位置并补上所缺的词(insert a word)。   3.多词(words redundant)。在标有题号的一行中有一词按语法、搭配或上下文语义要求纯属多余,要求考生认定该多余的词并划去(cross out a word)。短文共有10处错误,但究竟哪一行多一词,哪一行缺一词或错一词,则没有任何规律和标记。历年考题的统计资料表明,绝大多数改错设计为错词一类。其主要原因除了命题因素外,更由于这类错误形式难度较大,并更能考查考生的实际语言驾驭能力。   改错规则:不论是错词,缺词或多词,考生在改错时只能动一个词。   二、短文改错的命题考点:   一)上下文语义方面的错误1.反义词。这是短文改错中出现频率较高也是短文改错中特色的一种错误类型,这类错误必须在透彻理解上下文语义的基础上才能发现并更正。常见的这类错误有:①派生反义词。如: encourage-discourage,load-unload,satisfy-dissatisfy等。②互补性反义词。如: dead-alive,boy-girl,man-woman,male-female,brother-sister,married-single等。③换位性反义词。如: buy-sell,give-receive,lend-borrow,husband-wife,parent-child, left-right等。④相对性反义词。如: easy-hard,big-small,cold-hot,old-young,wide-narrow,love-hate等。⑤按上下文语义,行中多用了not或no,或必须添上not或no. 2.连接性词语。连接性词语虽属传统的语法题,但其用法主要依据上下文语义上的逻辑关系,即对上下文的理解。短文改错设计中的连接性词语的错误包括:   ①并列连词。如: and,but,for,or等。②主从连词。这类词较多,如: because,(al)though,if,unless,before,after,until,as,while,whereas等。③连接性副词。如: however,moreover,besides,nevertheless,then,thus等。④连接性介词。如: because of,despite,besides,instead of等。   二)用法搭配方面的错误1.介词。介词主要涉及用法与搭配,是短文改错中出现频率,也是考生最易失分的一类题型,要在这类题型的辨错改错上有所突破,考生必须注意平时介词用法知识的积累。在改错中,请注意从以下几个方面辨认。①介词与动词的搭配。如: accuse sb.of, charge sb. with, prevent sb. from, prohibit sb.from, differ from, contribute to等。②介词与名词的搭配。如: count on,influence on, improve on, belief in, confidence in, advantage over, preference over, attitude to, solution to等。③介词与形容词的搭配。如: different from, indifferent to, dependent on, independent of, guil ty of, innocent of, persistent in, proficient in等。   ④由介词引起的短语。如: in contrast,in turn,in the long run,by means of,in terms of,on good/bad terms with,on the contrary,by chance,by turns等。   2.成语。短文改错的命题标的也常对准各类成语,尤其是成语中的介词、冠词和名词的单复数形式等。这类错误的出现频率也较高。①介词错误。如: take pride for(→in),abide to(→by),persist on(→in),have no ear to(→for)等。②冠词错误。如: in the contrast(in contrast), all of sudden(all of a sudden), keep a pace with(keep pace with)等。③名词单复数。如: take turn(take turns), make friend with(make friends with), keep/break one"s words(keep/ break one"s word)等。   三)动词方面的错误这方面的错误主要涉及:   1.分词。主要是现在分词和过去分词的误用。如: a puzzled question→a puzzling question an exciting girl→an excited girl 2.系动词。   ①be以外的其他系动词被误用作行为动词,后面应该接形容词作表语,但接了副词。如: The meal smells badly.→The meal smells bad.②系动词be在某些形容词前常受汉语影响而被遗漏。这些形容词有afraid,alive,aware,conscious,guilty,worth等。   3.动词的及物与不及物。改错中常有不及物动词被误用作及物动词(缺介词),或及物动词被误用作不及物动词(多介词)。前者如: complain the bad service there(应加of)后者如: consider of his suggestion(应删of)   4.短语动词。主要是带介词或副词的短语动词,常设计成介词或副词小品词的错误。由于这类错误主要是搭配问题,我们将它归入第二类用法搭配方面的错误一并讨论。   5.句型。这类错误主要涉及:   ①动词句型。主要是带复杂宾语的动词的固定搭配模式。如: find it neccessary to do sth. /spend sometime(in)doing sth. /make sth. /leave sb. /be seen to do/doing sth.等。   ②传统句型。即传统语法概念上与动词有关的句子模式。主要有以下几类: a)省略句型。如:   While watch TV,they heard someone upstairs shout“Fire!Fire!”(watch →watching)   b)动词非谓语形式作主语、宾语。有时需用it作形式主语或形式宾语。如: This is no good arguing with him.(This→It)   We think that necessary to have the bridge built first.(that→it)   在复合宾语中,有时可直接用动名词作宾语;动名词或动词不定式可以作主语,但动词原形则不能直接充当句子主语。如:   The new policy made to make our ends meet possible.(to make→making) Know only the rules is not enough.(Knows→Knowing或To know)   6.语气、语态、时态。这类错误在数量上所占比例极少,主要是虚拟语气的用法错误、被动语态的误用及过去时与现在时的混用。   四)其他语法方面的错误1.词性。涉及:①名词与动词的误用。如: approval——approve,sale——sell ②名词与形容词的误用。如: medicine——medical/ medicinal, emotion——emotional③形容词与副词的误用。如: high——highly,mere——merely这类错误常出现在be以外的系动词后。如: feel badly→feel bad, grow uneasily→grow uneasy 2.代词。代词错误是短文改错中出现频率较高的几类错误之一,几乎每套试题中都有。主要涉及:   ①指代错误。主要是第三人称代词指代的误用;不定代词one和those与人称代词you和them的混用及指人与指物的误用等。   ②关系代词的误用。主要为that与which、who与which、as与which的误用;what与that的混用;   ③形式代词it与this、that的误用。如:   find this important to preview the lesson(这里的this应改为形式宾语it)。   ④不定代词的误用。主要为不定代词与指示代词these或人称代词的误用;somone/sombody、everyone/everybody被误用作复数指代;some-、any-类合成代词与no-类合成代词的混用等。   3.名词的数。这类错误主要涉及:①可数名词与不可数名词概念的混淆;②需用复数时误用单数;③不规则复数名词的曲折变化形式错误等。如: find a work→find a job 2 woman doctors→2 women doctors these phenomenon→these phenomena 4.冠词。主要为:①该用冠词时漏用;②不该用冠词时赘用;③the与a/ an误用;④a与an混用。如: tell truth→tell the truth give a rise to→give rise to a“s”sign→an“s”sign 5.主谓一致。这类错误常被设计在句型较为复杂的结构中,要特别小心。常见以下几种情况:   ①主语较长或谓语动词离主语较远:   The child,being taken care of by its grandparents,are deaf and mute.(are →is)   ②倒装句:   Standing in a line along the corridor is3groups of young pioneers who will set out on an expedition.(is→are)   ③定语从句:   The book many students found interesting that were written by a famous American scientist came out only last month.(were→was)   ④特殊句型:   There are no denying the facts and there are no facts that can be turned a blind eye to either.(第一个are→is)   6.形容词、副词及其比较级。形容词和副词的错误设计主要为:①两者的词性混淆;②比较级错误。前者已在前面词性部分论及,后者主要涉及比较物与被比较物之间的平行问题。如:   My first daughter"s eyes are a little larger than my second daughter.(→second daughter"s)   五)近形近义类错误1.近形。主要指在拼写上容易混淆的单词。如:   adapt-adopt,crash-crush,confirm-conform,desert-dessert,formal-former,ingenious-ingenuous,instance-instant,personal-personnel,principal -principle,stationary-stationery等。   2.近义。主要指词义概念相近的词。如:   besides-except,doubt-suspect,discover-invent,efficient-effective,noise-voice 3.近形近义。主要指词义概念和拼写上都容易相混的单词。这类错误比近形或近义较多见,相对难度也略大,这样的单词有:   across-cross,affect-effect,econimic-economical,emigrate-immigrate, historic-historical,continual-continuous,assure-ensure-insure-sure,late -later-lately-latest-latter,medical-medicinal,rise-arise-raise-arouse, technique-technology等。   三、解题方法1.三步法解题:   (1)通读全文,了解全文大意和主题;   (2)找错并改正;   (3)通读全文,核对检验。   2.在短文改错过程中,还须遵循以下步骤:   (1)在理解句子的基础上,先从动词、句法的角度判断有无这方面的错误以及错误的位置;   (2)确定无句法错误后,再考虑用法、搭配和近形近义方面的错误; (3)在排除了上述两种可能后,应着重从语篇角度寻找有无上下文语义方面的错误(注意连接性词语和那些可能有反义词的词);   (4)注意标有题号的各行与上行或下行相临处的错误;   (5)若经过以上步骤还无法判断错误所在,则应暂时放弃该行,而继续往下做,待做完全文,对全文有更深入、更完整的理解的基础上进行检验时再作判断。宜从介词及一些简单而易被忽视的语法角度的“细微处”多加考虑。   例:   One major decision which faces the American student ready to begin higher education is the choice of attending a large university or a small college.The large university(provides wide range of specialized departments,as well numerous) 1.____ courses within such departments.The small college, (therefore,generally provides a limited number of) 2.____ (courses and specializations but offer a better student-faculty) 3.____(ratio,thus permit individualized attention to students.) 4.____ Because of its large student body(often exceeding 20,000)(consisting in many people from different countries,) 5.____ the university exposes its students to many different (culture,social and out-of-calss programmes. On the other) 6.____ hand,the smaller,more homogeneous(同类的)student(body of the big college affords greater opportunities in)7.____ such activities. Finally,the university closely approximates(the real world and which provides a relaxed,impersonal,)8.____ and sometimes anonymous(隐姓埋名的)existence.On(the contrast,the intimate atmosphere of the small college) 9.____ allows the student four years of structural living in which(to expect and preparing for the real world.In making his) 10.____ choice among educational institutions the student must, therefore,consider a great many factors.这是一篇比较综合性大学与一般学院的不同特点的说明文,从学生入学前对两类大学的选择这个角度阐述,以比较对照方式展开,共三个要点:①课程设置;②学生的社会、文化活动;③生活环境与气氛。   把握了短文的这些内容和特点后,我们应预测到短文中有较多互为反义的词语。可在改错时多加关注,现逐题解析如下: well→as well as,缺词题。属固定短语,as well as是连接性介词短语,as well可能出现在名词短语前。   72.therefore→however,错词题。连词错误,这题位于短文的第一个要点:课程设置方面两类大学的不同,要用到表示对照关系的转折词。   73.offer→offers,句子结构方面的错误。动词offer通过连词but与provides平行,同时受主语The small college支配。   74.permit→permitting,动词非谓语形式同时又是句子结构方面的错误。这里的permit与上一行的offer在句子结构上相互干扰,使不少考生陷入圈套,但如果两者在同一句法层次上的话,则permit前必须有并列连词,因为它是并列中的最后一项(语法规则:多项并列之最后两项之间必须有并列连词),由此可知两动词不是并列关系,连接性副词thus(或hence)前若没有并列连词,则其后面的动词一定是用现在分词,表示结果。   75.consisting in→consisting of,短语动词及介词搭配。根据上下文语义,这里应是“由…组成”而不是“在于”,故应当是consist of. 76.culture→cultural,并列结构与词性错误。上下文语义应是“使学生接触许多不同的文化、社会和课外活动”。   77.big→small,反义词。根据上下文,显然college属于小的学院。   78.删去and或which,多词题。句子结构及定语从句方面的错误。which 前有and,表示前面还必须有一与之并列的定语从句,但没有。故删去and,使which从句作real world的定语:让真实世界(作provides的逻辑主语)提供学生一种轻松的、非人格的、有时几乎是隐姓埋名的生活方式。或删去which,使provides与approximates并列。根据语义,这一改法比删去and更合逻辑。但两种改法都不算错。   79.On the contrast→On the contrary,固定短语用词错误。这题好多考生把介词On改成了In,主要想到了短词in contrast,但不能同时再删the,故无法以这一方式改动。   80.preparing→prepare,平行结构中的动词错误。在并列连词and前后显然要有形式一致的动词,但前面没有与preparing呼应的现在分词(注:同行中的living是in which中which的先行词,故一定是名词,而不是现在分词——这是词形表面上的干扰),故只能改动preparing使之与前面的动词不定式expect一致,这里也有考生将preparing改作prepares,用意是与句中谓语动词allows一致,但要注意,句中不定式expect是及物动词,它的宾语是“the real world”,必须与prepare for共享。
2023-07-26 02:41:051


个别化教育计划是为了帮助个别特殊学生的需要制定的,它能清楚的反映出一个残疾学生的需要。个别化教育计划(individualized education program)是指为接受特殊教育的每一位残疾学生而制定的适应其个人发展需要的教育方案。1975年美国国会颁布的《全体残障儿童教育法案》中规定的一项内容。该法令要求地方教育部门在对残疾学生实施特殊教育之前必须组织一个包括教育行政人员、任课教师、父母及学生本人(必要时)在内的小组,共同商定教育或训练的内容及措施,制定一份书面的教育方案。基本内容包括:(1)该生达到的教育水平的说明;(2)该生应达到的短期目标和年终目标;(3)给该生提供特殊教育和服务的项目及该生能够参加普通教育程度的说明;(4)实施上述教育服务的预定日期和实施期限;(5)以一年为周期的评估目标、评估办法及评估日程表。
2023-07-26 02:41:151

what are the advantages and disadvantages of learning in large classes?

Students can set up a good studying environment while lots of students studying together.As far as I am concerned,when I feel tired or bored,I"ll still pay attention because others are all listening carefully.So it has more advantages than study alone in this aspect. Now let"s see the disadvantages.Teacher cannot take care of everyone in the class,thus some students may think:If I don"t pay attention at just a minute,teacher won"t catch me.Then they will lose their time.There was a particular experiment,said if a worker was asked to pull a handle which linked to a spring scale .He scored 80.5kg.Then a few worker were asked to pull,the average of them was 35.4kg!Therefore,the strength may not be huge by many people.I think the two incidents are the some significant,for intance,it is no doubt that you will pay more attention in class when a teacher face to you only than in large classes,won"t you?In addition,the chaotic education system may be broken when too many students in one classroom. In a word,the amount of students in a classroom cannot be more,I think 30 is adequate.献丑了,高考完几天都在玩,什么都不会了.
2023-07-26 02:41:282


英译汉常用的方法和技巧   引导语:英译汉常用的方法和技巧,由应届毕业生培训网整理而成,谢谢您的阅读,祝您阅读愉快。    一、 词义的选择、引申和褒贬   1.一词多义(Polysemy)   regular   regular reading / regular job / regular flight / regular visitor / regular speed / regular army / gasoline   delicate   delicate skin / porcelain / upbringing / living / health / stomach / vase / diplomatic question / difference / surgical operation / ear for music / sense of smell / touch / food   2.注意有线词的词义   He once again imparted to us his great knowledge, experience and wisdom.   He now saw plainly the meaning of all. In the beginning, he had got a job the first day; but now he was second-hand, a damaged article, and they did not want him. They had got the best out of him, and now they had thrown him away. The situation had now become desperate. Then came another incident.   3.词义的引申(Extension or Generalization)   1) Extend the word meaning to cover an abstraction concept   His novel is a mirror of the times.   The OED is the final court of appeal in all matters concerning English words.   Sam knows he can depend on his family, rain or shine.   2) Extend the word meaning to cover a specific concept   In two years, he was a national phenomenon.   Public opinion is demanding more and more that something be done about noise.   Maryu2019s father, by his first marriage, had a daughter, Jane, Maryu2019s half-sister.   4.词义的"褒贬(Commendatory and Derogatory)   The reckless driver died in the traffic accident.   Poor Joeu2019s panic lasted for two or three days; during which he did not visit the house.   It was time to hold a court and the subject for discussion was the future of that prisoner.   John was an aggressive salesman who did his job quite well.   The invaders met a stubborn resistance from the local people.   She was vexed by the persistent ringing of the phone.   5.Exercises   I have no opinion of that sort of man.   She put five dollars into my hand. “You have been a great man today.”   Iu2019m afraid youu2019re being too particular about your food.   I was the youngest son, and the youngest but two.   The picture flattered her.   The country not agreeing with her, she returned to England.    二、 词类转译法   (一)转译成动词   (1)名词转译动词(Convert nouns into verbs)   My admiration for him grew more.   He said he did not know whether Tom was ready for a showdown.   To some extent it gets into the question of the chicken or the egg.   The Nobel prizes in physics and chemistry were rewarded to Americans, giving the U.S. a clean sweep of all the 1976 Nobel prizes in the sciences.   Television is the transmission and reception of image of moving objects by radio waves.   In the absence of friction, the vehicle could not even be started.   Vietnamese War is a drain on American resources.   I am no drinker, nor smoker.   The application of electronic computers makes a tremendous rise in labor productivity.   (2)介词转译成动词(Convert prepositions into verbs)   There are many substances through which electric currents will not flow at all.   We are fortunate in our opponent.   Captain Ford was between the sheets by 9 last night.   The most he is after at this time is a chance to get more money.   I tried to talk him out of the idea, but he was unpleasant.   Millions of the people in the mountainous areas are finally off poverty.   “Coming!” Away she skimmed over the lawn, up the path, up the steps, across the veranda, and into the porch.   (3)形容词转译成动词(Convert adjectives into verbs)   He said the meeting was informative.   They were news-hungry.   It was a very informative meeting.   (4)副词转译成动词(Convert adverbs into verbs)   The experiment in chemistry was ten minutes behind.   It has snowed over.   Why should we let in foreign goods when Americans walk the streets because they canu2019t sell their own goods?   (二)转译成名词   (1)动词转译成名词(Convert verbs into nouns)   She knows whatu2019s what.   They thought differently.   TV differs from radio in that it sends and receives pictures.   The computer is chiefly characterized by its accurate and rapid computations.   He roared, which threatened his enemies away.   The man I saw at the party looked and talked like an American.   (2)形容词转译成名词   The new treaty would be good for ten years.   The language of the poem is colloquial, yet itu2019s deep in its understanding of human emotions.   Then the monkeys were trained according to different plans so as to make them highly individualized.   Everyday experience shows us that heavy objects are more stable than light ones.   (三)转译成形容词   名词转译成形容词   Their physical experiment was a success.   The nuclear power system designed in China is of great precision.   Said a New York bullion trader, “The marketu2019s gone banana.”   He found on this issue, as on Taiwan, an identity of approach.   In Europe, his name was well known, if not a household word.   (四)其他词类转译   副词转译成名词   The air-conditioning unit is shown schematically on Page 2.   Oxygen is one of the important elements in the physical world, it is very active chemically.   The image must be dimensionally correct.    三、被动语态的译法   (一)大量的英语被动句要化成汉语的主动句   1. He said the pact had now been reduced to less than a shadow.   2. She had no knowledge of this and had not been consulted on these reported plans.   3. What has just been written runs the risk of oversimplification.   4. Many voices have been raised demanding the setting up of an Arab common market.   (二)以by为着眼点,进行多种译文   1. But real influence is not built up by striking attitude or by throwing insults.   2. Its sincerity is illustrated not only by its proposal but also by its deeds.   3. What I like best are the stern cliffs, with ranges of mountains soaring behind them, full of possibilities, peaks to be scaled only by the most daring.   4. Many expect that he will be outed by one of his rivals.   5. He said he was assured by the State Department that the U.S. is willing to normalize relations with his country.   (三)“it + be + p.p. + that clause”的句型,常以下列形式表达   1. It should be noted that he and she were academically more than just friends.   2. It should be understood that to err is human.   (四)汉译中需用被动式时,也最好多找一些字眼来取代“被”字   1. The visitor was flattered and impressed.   2. Everybody was fed up with her gossip.   3. He was set upon by two naked men.   4. If the expenditure is really necessary, the money can be found somehow.   5. He was released immediately after Batista fled Cuba.    四、增词法   (一)名词、动名词前增补动词   1. We often go to the school-run factory for labor.   2. Testing is a complicated problem and long experience is required for its mastery.   (二)英语抽象名词的翻译   1. He was still reluctant to talk substance.   2. Many changes take place during the transformation.   3. Her indifference kept all the visitors away from the exhibition hall.   4. From the evaporation of water people know that liquid can turn into gases under certain conditions.   (三)将具体形象的词译成该形象所具有的属性和特征,这是一种引申,需增词   1. It was a Godsend to him.   2. If you dare to play the fox with me, Iu2019ll shoot you at once.   (四)增添“概括”性的词   1. He had slept there before, in July and again in October.   2. Their host carved, poured, served, cut bread, talked, laughed, proposed health.   3. The government is doing its best to ease the tension in that area.   4. Proteins are composed of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen.   5. This report summed up the achievements in technology and education.   (五)英文中为避免重复而省略之词,汉译时需补上,作必要的重复   1. I hope that the meeting will not be too long, for it will only waste time.   (六)汉译文根据原文意思增加一些必要的解释性文字   1. And he launched into a speech, eloquently advocating his university of the future.   2. Those were the words that were to make the world blossom for, “like Aaronu2019s rod, with flowers”.   (七)增补量词   1. Repeat the experiment using a wooden ruler, a piece of glass, a metal spoon, a coin, a piece of paper, a pin, a plastic comb, a key, a pencil, a tin lid and a rubber eraser.   2. On April 24th 1970, China successfully launched its first man-made earth satellite.   (八)增补表示复数含义的词   1. But that the old workers helped us, we should have failed.   2. The moving parts of a machine are often oiled so that friction may be greatly reduced. ;
2023-07-26 02:41:361


在激烈的市场竞争中,营销的竞争是企业赢得市场竞争的必要手段。营销中的竞争,实质上就是一个以产品为基础,以争取顾客为基本目标的,企业之间为获得更多经济利益在市场经营中所发生的冲突。这种冲突,以前常表现在商品的价格上,价格成为市场竞争的重要手段。企业为获得更多的市场份额,常围绕着价格而进行市场营销竞争。所谓削价竞争是指企业为改善产品的交易条件和增加产品的销售量,而单纯以降价让利为手段的竞争。削价竞争的发生主要有以下原因:一是市场产品供过于求,企业想要获得更多的营业额,以便在行业中得以生存;二是面对日益下降的市场份额,企业试图通过降低成本而取得在市场上的领导者地位;三是在经济衰退期间,愿意购买高价产品的顾客越来越少,企业会用降低价格的手段,赢得自己在消费者心目中的声誉。企业通过削价竞争一开始可能获得较高的销售额或利润,但是由于一方的削价竞争,很容易被对手仿效,而一旦被仿效,就会引发整个行业价格大战,造成过度削价,从而降低所有企业的收入。过度的削价竞争不但会影响所有企业的收入,而且会引导企业走入低质量的误区,更会失去顾客对该企业的忠诚度。一、目前饭店业的削价竞争目前饭店业已经走进了削价竞争这个误区。削价竞争的发生主要是由客观因素决定的:一是前些年很多地区由于宏观失控,饭店数量剧增,造成饭店供过于求。以 1998 年统计数字为例, 1997 各地区接待海外旅游人数为53200 102人,但全国涉外饭店共有客房701 736间,床位1 411 708张。全年接待能力为515 273 420人,远远大于需求量。客房出租率为53.78%,比上年下降了1.7个百分点。因而, 许多饭店为了提高客房出租率,用削价来吸引客人。二是受国内外经济环境的影响。由于国内廉政建设的开展,导致公款消费骤减,使饭店客源减少;同时,东南亚金融危机的影响和国内经济出现的一些问题,导致旅行社、会议组织等中间商普遍压价,饭店在日益下降的营业额中,为争得更多的市场份额,被动地采取了削价竞争。三是财政补贴和税负差异所带来的问题。目前我国某些饭店的上级部门财政补贴较多,某些饭店的赋税较少,这些因素的存在,导致饭店产品成本的差异。成本较低的饭店利用这些优势开展削价竞争,容易获利。四是众多的饭店在体制上面临着的“退出壁垒”的困境。这种“壁垒”是由多方面造成的,比如,有些饭店属于国有企业,破产时面临众多员工下岗的问题,迫于社会压力而采取过度削价手段以支撑饭店;有些饭店因无法转行,且又拖欠着大量资金,为应付债主采取过度削价的手段等等。多种“退出壁垒”因素的存在,使得饭店的所有者常利用简单的削价竞争来争取市场占有率,以支撑整个饭店的经营,从而形成了大部分饭店的削价竞争。五是饭店管理人员的素质和水平偏低。目前许多饭店的一些管理人员,特别是中层管理干部,对市场经济中的营销竞争内涵了解不深,不能掌握高级的竞争策略,只能采取简单的削价竞争策略。以上这些是导致目前饭店削价竞争的主要因素。削价竞争一经盛行,便很容易导致价格偏低,引起一系列弊端。主要表现在以下几方面:1、价格竞争是竞争对手易于仿效的一种方式, 很容易招致竞争对手以牙还牙的报复,以至两败俱伤,不能提高经济效益;以削价为手段,虽然可以吸引顾客于一时,但一旦恢复正常价格,销售额也将随之大大减少。2、饭店产品质量的下降。由于过度的削价, 饭店为保持正常利润,只能以削减成本为代价,如减少或降低服务用品、产品数量等,最终影响了饭店产品的质量和数量,降低了饭店的标准。3、影响整个饭店的品牌。品牌隐藏着产品标准, 它可以提高顾客对产品的认识,激发顾客的购买欲,最终提高顾客偏好。削价影响了饭店品牌所应具有的标准,从而失去客人对该饭店的情感和偏好,降低了饭店在社会上的形象和地位。4、影响饭店员工的积极性。由于过度的削价竞争, 使整个行业收益下降,也使饭店员工的收益下降。1994年,世界旅游组织提出的口号是:“高质量的员工,高质量的服务,高质量的旅游”。收入的减少,会给饭店员工带来不安和不满,他们发牢骚、泄怨气,工作也不再尽心尽职,员工跳槽现象也随之增加。饭店产品与服务互为渗透,互相支持,融合成一个不可分割的整体,员工在向顾客提供服务时,也正是顾客消费服务的时刻,具有服务产品与实质产品不可分离的特性。在提倡“以人为本”的年代,没有快乐的员工,就没有积极工作的员工,也就没有较高服务质量的饭店。以上一些弊端,已在目前较多饭店或多或少地存在,所以削价竞争在目前市场经济条件下,已越来越受到制约,如果再继续下去,饭店业必将走入死胡同或被外国集因所兼并。如何走出削价竞争的误区,是目前的当务之急。因此,寻求一种价格因素之外的非削价竞争策略,将成为改善当前的市场竞争状况和迅速提高饭店竞争力的一条必由之路。二、非价格竞争是现代饭店营销竞争的发展趋势在现代市场经济条件下,非价格竞争已逐渐成为市场营销主流。另外,从市场环境来看,经济的快速发展,使消费层次和购买力不断提高,购买者的注意力并不仅仅停留在商品价格上。不再是价格越低的商品越畅销,而是越能满足某种特定市场需要的产品越好卖。科学技术的发展,使得企业与消费者能够更有效地从产品自身构造(如质量、功能、商标、包装、服务等)上区别竞争商品。所谓非价格竞争,是指企业运用价格以外的营销手段,使本企业产品与竞争产品相区别,并使之具备差别优势,以推动产品销售的竞争方式。具体地说,非价格竞争表现为:在各类商品面前,以款式新颖、适销对路取胜;在同等商品面前,以质优取胜;在同等质量的商品面前,以价廉取胜;在同一价格的商品面前,以优质服务取胜。随着社会的进步和生产的发展,人们消费结构的日趋合理和消费水平的不断提高,非价格竞争的重要性日益明显,既可弥补削价竞争的局限性,又可开创更为全面和完善的竞争新格局。开展非价格竞争主要有以下几个方面的作用:首先,开展非价格竞争,有利于提高产品的质量。质量是产品的“灵魂”,是企业的“生命”,是品牌的“基础”。企业生产的产品有无销路和市场竞争力,很大程度上取决于产品质量的高低。消费者在市场选购商品的标准往往是一看质量,二看价格,而且最后起决定作用的常常是商品的质量。正如人们喜欢购买名牌产品,一则是为心理的需要,更重要的是消费者认为名牌质量优等,靠得住,信得过。其次,开展非价格竞争,有利于开发新产品,满足社会的需要。企业不断改进老产品,积极开发新产品,增加花色品种,扩大产品销路,也直接影响企业的竞争实力。如果一个企业缺乏创新精神,产品质量、品种几十年不变,就没有竞争力,必然缺乏生机和活力。企业在竞争中要做到刻意创新、锐意进取,做到人无我有,人有我新,人新我优。在当今商品的使用寿命日趋缩短的情况下,以最高的效率推出新产品占领市场,已成为企业非价格竞争的一个主要手段。再次,开展非价格竞争,有利于提高企业经营的市场灵敏度。企业在市场中生存,就要使生产经营的方向适应市场的需要,适应消费者的需要。企业能否适应市场需要、及时灵活地调整经营方向,是企业营销决策的关键。由于市场总是不断变化,企业只有主动走向市场,深入了解和研究市场,把消费者的需要作为自己生产经营的出发点和归宿,才能适应市场的需要而在竞争中取胜。最后,开展非价格竞争,有利于提高企业经济效益。企业产品质量好,适销对路,又能够不断适应市场需要进行创新,生产新的花色品种,这样的企业产品必然能扩大市场占有额,赢得大量回头客,增加赢利,提高经济效益和社会效益。由此可以看出,开展非价格竞争,有利于树立良好的企业形象,赢得消费者的信赖,从而巩固和扩大市场。饭店中的非价格竞争是更广泛层次上的竞争,因此,作为制订非价格竞争策略基础的产品及其促销活动,必须从产品整体的概念出发,从饭店的自身条件出发,结合饭店的有形资产和无形资产,围绕目标市场的促销策略来采取各种非价格竞争。一般而言,饭店非价格竞争策略,有如下几个方面可供参考:1.产品差异性策略。顾客需求的多样性,必然产生市场需求的差异性。差异性策略即人无我有,人有我优,人优我变的策略。饭店为寻求顾客的信任度和忠诚度,必须制造差异性,差异性越大,顾客的满意程度越高,在竞争中不与同行挤一条独木桥,而是另辟蹊径,以异致胜。所以,饭店在设计项目时,要注意项目的差异性,通过差异给顾客留下深刻的印象,留下美好的回忆。这样就会大大提高顾客的忠诚度和回头率。2.追求个性化服务。饭店的客人,在年龄、职业、经历、文化程度、兴趣爱好等各方面都是有个性差异的,对顾客“热情、礼貌、周到”等等,这些都是共性,但各人的情况又是不同的,只有满足了不同个性,才能提高饭店信誉及知名度,从而创造利润。在标准化服务的基础上,提供个性化服务和超常化服务。个性化服务(Personalized Service或Individualized Service)的概念源自发达国家,是指以标准化服务为基础,但不囿于标准,而是以客人需要为中心去提供各种服务,即针对性的服务,同时包括超越标准的特殊服务。顾客入住饭店,最基本的目的是为了获得饭店所提供的实际服务,然后才是价值,饭店实物产品必须与服务结合后,才能给客人以价值,价值的高低取决于服务水平的高低,要为顾客创造良好的经历,预见消费者的愿望和需求,做好客人想到的,服务员早已想到了,并已作了准备,顾客没想到的,服务员也想到了。所以饭店全体员工必须尽力了解顾客的整个消费过程,尽力从整体上提高顾客感觉中的消费价值,创造饭店产品在物有所值的同时,达到物超所值。如五星级的北京王府饭店规定:凡住店20次以上的客人,他的名字就列入“王府常客名录”。下榻客房,有专为他个人准备的信纸、信封、火柴和浴衣,上面均印有他烫金的名字。浴衣归他专用,他离开“王府”,浴衣收藏保管起来,再住“王府”,取出来仍由他穿。这种个性化服务使客人的自尊得到最大程度的满足。3.品牌策略。随着经济体制改革的进一步深入,世界经济一体化的程度加深。在市场供求关系趋向于供过于求的条件下,市场表现为买方市场,顾客处于主动地位,有了更多的选择机会。通常情况下,顾客是否购买某种商品,关键取决于顾客对这种商品的信赖程度,重要的是,顾客有品牌“偏好”心理,即品牌的忠诚度。在新的形势下,竞争的激烈程度和复杂程度越来越高,世界名牌饭店纷纷涌入国门,对中国饭店业造成了很大威胁,形成了新的挑战。品牌是一种资源,谁抢在前面,谁就能占有和运用这份资源,从而占领市场。如江苏一些饭店推出“大江南北宴”、“乾隆皇帝宴”等,在其它餐饮市场疲软的情况下,这些饭店的生意还门庭若市,很大程度上是品牌效应。目前,不少饭店品牌意识差,把精力放在产品的包装上,想用精美的包装掩饰平庸的产品,结果只会导致顾客的不信任,反而使大多数顾客对包装的产品越来越警惕,最终失去市场。面对新的挑战,中国饭店业必须着手品牌经营,注重品牌实力,塑造品牌形象,最终营造品牌优势,从而战胜竞争对手。4.促销宣传策略。促销的基本功能在于向消费者传递商品的信息,沟通生产者与消费者之间的联系,借此促进商品销售。饭店要利用较高级的促销策略,而不是单纯以削价竞争策略来促销。饭店可以通过新闻机构或饭店员工在社会上广泛宣传与推销饭店;通过适量的广告广为宣传,建立良好的饭店形象;饭店还可以与旅行社、旅行组织商、会议组织机构等中间商建立长期合作的渠道,培养饭店的客源渠道。这些促销策略都是饭店提高营销竞争力的关键砝码。目前,非价格竞争在现代饭店竞争中的作用已经十分突出,我们必须摆脱削价竞争的困境,在提高营销者竞争经验的基础上,建立和健全市场机制,利用非价格竞争的优势,把握现代饭店营销竞争发展的趋势,制定出饭店非价格竞争策略,这样才能在激烈的市场竞争中保证我国饭店业健康、顺利地发展。
2023-07-26 02:41:551

small class size是什么意思

small class sizes小班授课;精品小班授课 小型的课堂教育例句筛选1.Small class sizes are taken as a signal of high quality, so investing money tosave on teachers" salaries is not an attractive strategy.小型的课堂教育被认为是代表高质量的标志,因此投入资金来节省教师薪水并不是有吸引力的方案。
2023-07-26 02:42:047


The first group:In 1, mature enterprises affected by2, the economic crisis has lagged behindSecond group:In 1, the fair is still affected by the crisisIn 2, the exhibition market difficulty3, exhibitors have become cautious attitudeThird group:1, to further improve the procurement of personalized service2, focus on the promotion of enterprise and brand exhibition3, continue to establish trade docking discussion platform求采纳
2023-07-26 02:42:204


1.“育人为本,质量第一”的办学理念 The schooling philosophy of “human-centered and quality-oriented” 2.坚持因材施教、重视实践、提高素质的教育思想 Stick to the educational concepts of individualized,practice-focused and quality-oriented teaching. 3、神话建设机制 (是“深化”) Deepen the construction mechanism 4、大力推进 Vigorously promote ... 5、向……的目标迈进 Move torwards the goal of . 不明白可继续提问, 如果认可本回答,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮.
2023-07-26 02:42:281


个体化治疗(individualized drug therapy)是以每个患者的信息为基础决定治疗方针,从基因组成或表达变化的差异来把握治疗效果或毒副作用等应答的个性,对每个患者进行最适宜药物疗法的治疗。望采纳
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其实,主动服务在餐饮、商业界更准确的应该是主动个性化服务。个性化服务是一种有针对性的服务方式,根据用户的设定来实现,依据各种渠道对资源进行收集、整理和分类,向用户提供和推荐相关信息,以满足用户的需求。从整体上说,个性化服务打破了传统的以被动服务模式,能够充分利用各种资源优势,主动开展以满足用户个性化需求为目的的全方位服务。个性化服务,作为一种服务思想和经营理念,不同的学者都提出了自己的见解。史丹(2006)指出所谓个性化服务(Personal Service),是指以顾客需求为中心,在满足顾客共性需求的基础上,针对顾客的个性特点和特殊需求,主动积极的为顾客提供差异性的服务,让顾客有一种自豪感、满足感,留下深刻的印象,赢得他们的忠诚而成为回头客。[14] 苏洪文(2002)认为个性化服务,是服务人员根据每位宾客的特别要求,提供相应的优质服务,使其在接受服务的同时满足生理、心理要求。[3] 邱萍(2004)认为个性化服务又称特殊服务,是服务人员在标准化的服务基础上,针对客人不同的兴趣爱好和个别要求所提供的服务,具有鲜明的针对性和灵活性。张延、金惠君(2005)认为:个性化服务( Personalized Service 或Individualized Service)有两层含义:一是指以标准化服务为基础,但不囿于标准,而是以客人需要为中心去提供各有针对性的差异化服务及超常规的特殊服务,以便让接受服务的客人有一种自豪感和满足感,并赢得他们的忠诚;二是指服务企业提供有自己个性和特色的服务项目。[23]以上所列的四种定义是比较有代表性的。业界对个性化服务没有统一的定义,很多研究者都认为个性化服务是针对客人的个别的、特殊的需求提供的。邱萍和张延等人认为个性化服务是以标准化服务为基础,苏洪文认为个性化服务是满足客人生理、心理要求的优质服务,把心理要求的满足突出来。史丹则是从顾客需求的角度,指出个性化服务能够使顾客获得自豪感和满足感而成为回头客,这是个性化服务的结果和目标。相比苏洪文,史丹把客人心理精神方面的满足更加具体化。张延的定义还扩展到饭店本身的个性和特色项目,比起其它三个定义内涵进一步扩展,这个定义也更加符合个性化服务的发展方向。二、个性化服务内涵苏洪文(2002)认为个性化服务内涵包括两个方面:满足顾客的个性化需求和体现员工的个性。并把它分为:灵活服务、癖好服务、意外服务、自选服务、心理服务和全能大师服务。苏洪文从员工与顾客的服务关系的角度来说明个性化服务的内涵,并且最先把个性化服务的内容分为六种形式,基本把个性化服务的内容包括进去。和苏洪文的观点不同,李晴(2006)认为个性化服务的内涵有3层:一是服务人员根据服务对象的特别需要提供有针对性的服务,并对客人的各种个别的需要进行归类、整理与分析,推出符合不同客人个性要求的服务;二是针对客人个性需要提供“特别关照”和“区别对待”的服务;三是既满足客人的个性化,又发挥企业和服务人员的个性特色。以上三方面的内容比起苏洪文内涵扩大了,指出要对客人的各种需求进行个归类、整理分析,找出规律以便为更多客人提供个性化服务。内容有独到之处,不过表述上有点过于繁杂。李晴(2006)把个性化服务分为四种类型:灵活服务与超常服务,主动服务与超前服务,细节服务与超值服务,情感服务与特色服务。钱学军(1999)把个性化服务分为:灵活服务与超常服务;超前服务与主动服务;温暖服务与情感服务;心理服务与超值服务。钱学军没有对这些内容做出解释。李晴和钱学军的两种分法较相似,他们都认为个性化服务包含:灵活服务与超常服务;主动服务与超前服务;超值服务和情感服务,但李晴强调细节服务和特色服务,而钱学军则指出心理服务和温暖服务的方式,笔者认为可以把他们综合起来。显然,钱、李二人和苏洪文对个性化服务内涵分析的角度和层次是不同的,苏主要基于顾客的角度和服务的内容出发,而钱、李则从饭店的角度和服务的方式出发。有关个性化服务内涵这方面研究比较少,不同的研究者从不同的角度和层次进行分析。业界应该加强这方面的研究,明确个性化服务的内涵,才能更好地发展个性化服务。三、个性化服务特点个性化服务的特点研究也不多,没有统一的定论,主要选取三个有代表性的观点进行分析。李晴(2006)指出个性化服务特点包括:多样性、意外性、开拓性、风险性。李晴从服务员的角度出发指出在我国个性化服务处于初期发展阶段,有些个性化服务是违反常规操作的,个性化服务风险性和开拓性并存。和李晴的观点不同,王斌(2002)认为个性化服务特点包括:主动性,多样性,超满足性。在多样性上,李晴明确指出要在服务方式、服务手段、服务项目、产品设计等方面提供多样性,比起王斌的观点更具体明确。王斌的超满足性和李晴的意外性在内涵上是一致的。史丹(2006)提出的个性化服务的特点包括:灵活性、特殊性、多样性、全能性、情感性和超满足性。史丹的六个特点与苏洪文的个性化服务内涵的“六个服务”是基本对应的,在超满足性上和王斌是一致的。上述学者都同意个性化服务具有超满足性。上述三种观点从不同的角度进行分析,以这些观点为基础,可以把个性化服务的特点归纳为:灵活性、主动性、多样性、特殊性、情感性、开拓性和风险性、全能性和超满足性。这样就较完整地概括了个性化服务的特点,这些特点和个性化服务的内涵是相对应的。四、饭店个性化服务的必要性传统的标准化服务手段受到广泛挑战,已不能适应饭店业日益激烈的竞争(苏洪文2002)。个性化服务提供有针对性的服务内容和服务方式,满足旅游者求新、求奇、求变的要求,凸现饭店经营的特色,展现出饭店的核心竞争力(程兴2001)。个性化服务成为新时代饭店业竞争优势的核心武器,成为饭店业纵深发展的航标。陈颖(2005)从产业结构和产品同质化外部环境的角度分析了个性化服务的必要性,认为中国饭店业结构不合理,饭店产品同质化情况严重,市场细分不充分,饭店业处于低利润甚至亏本状态,因此,中国饭店业求突破和发展的一个有利途径就是开发个性化、人性化服务产品,提高客人忠诚度。陈颖的研究角度较为宏观。李炳武(2005),从管理学和营销学两方面提出推行个性化服务的理论依据。在管理学上,采用赫兹伯格的双因素理论,将激发顾客消费的动机因素分为两类, 一类是“避免不满意”的因素, 称为保健因素; 另一类是“赢得满意”的因素, 称为魅力因素。标准化的服务是必要因素,个性化服务是魅力因素,使客人享受到“专门为我提供的服务”, 产生被“优待、重视”的良好感觉, 达到满意。利用双因素理论分析个性化服务的必要性是非常具有代表性的,很多研究者在文章中都采纳引用这个观点。在营销学上,李炳武将顾客需求满足分为3个发展阶段: 即量的满足时代、质的满足时代和个性化满足的时代,指出个性化服务是满足顾客需求的高级阶段, 能把饭店服务水平提升到一个全新的层面(饭店个性化服务研究综述)
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  教学理论是教育学的一个重要分支。它既是一门理论科学,也是一门应用科学;它既要研究教学的现象、问题,揭示教学的一般规律,也要研究利用和遵循规律解决教学实际问题的方法策略和技术。它既是描述性的理论,也是一种处方性和规范性的理论。  哲学取向的教学理论  源于苏格拉底和柏拉图的“知识即道德”的传统。这种理论认为教学的目的是形成人的道德,而道德又是通过知识积累自然形成的。为了实现道德目的,知识就成为教学的一切,依次便演绎出一种偏于知识授受为逻辑起点、从目的和手段进行展开的教学理论体系。这种理论的代表作有:苏联达尼洛夫等的《教学论》( 1957 )、斯卡特金主编的《中学教学论》( 1982 )和王策三的《教学论稿》( 1985 )。这种理论的基本主张是:( 1 )知识——道德本位的目的观。( 2 )知识授受的教学过程。( 3 )科目本位的教学内容。( 4 )语言呈示为主的教学方法。  行为主义教学理论  20 世纪初,以美国心理学家华生( J.B.Watson , 1878---1958 )为首发起的行为革命对心理学的发展进程影响很大。他在《行为主义者心目中的心理学》中指出,心理学是自然科学的一个纯客观的实验分支,它的理论目标在于预见和控制行为。因此,把刺激---反应作为行为的基本单位,学习即“刺激---反应”之间联结的加强,教学的艺术在于如何安排强化。由此派生出程序教学、计算机辅助教学、自我教学单元、个别学习法和视听教学等多种教学模式和方式。  其中以 B · F ·斯金纳( Burrhus Frederic Skinner, 1904---1990 )的程序教学理论影响最大,其理论的基本主张为:  1、预期行为结果的教学目标。斯金纳认为,“学习”即反应概率的变化;“理论”是对所观察到的事实解释;“学习理论”所要做的,是指出引起概率变化的条件。他还认为人类与动物的行为可能取决于前提性事件,也可能取决于结果性事件,所以我们可以安排各种各样的反应结果,以决定和预见有机体的行为。根据行为主义原理,教学的目的就是提供特定的刺激,以便引起学生的特定反应,所以教学目标越具体、越精确越好。美国教育心理学家布卢姆( B.S.Bloom , 1913---)等人的教育目标分类学与行为主义的基本假设是相一致的。  2、相倚组织的教学过程。所谓相倚组织,就是对强化刺激的系统控制。斯金纳认为,学生的行为是受行为结果影响的,若要学生做出合乎需要的行为反应,必须形成某种相倚关系,即在行为后有一种强化性的后果;倘若一种行为得不到强化,它就会消失。根据这一原理,形成了一种相倚组织的教学过程,这种教学过程对学习环境的设置、课程材料的设计和学生行为的管理做出了系统的安排。  包括五个阶段:  ①具体说明最终的行为表现:确定并明确目标,具体说明想要得到的行为结果,制定测量和记录行为的计划;  ②评估行为:观察并记录行为的频率,如有必要,记录行为的性质和当时的情景;  ③安排相倚关系:做出有关环境安排的决定,选择强化物和强化安排方式,确定最后的塑造行为的计划;  ④实施方案:安排环境并告知学生具体要求;  ⑤评价方案:测量所想到的行为反应,重现原来的条件,测量行为,然后再回到相倚安排中去。简单来看,行为主义者似乎关注的是“怎样教”,而不是“教什么”。事实上,根据行为科学的原理设计程序,直接涉及到要教什么,不教什么,他们侧重的是行为,并要以一种可以观察、测量的形式来具体说明课程内容和教学过程。  3、程序教学的方法。程序教学法是根据强化作用理论而来的。斯金纳认为,对有机体与其环境相互作用的一种适当的陈述,必须始终具体说明三件事:反应发生的场合;反应本身;强化结果。这三者之间的相互关系便是 “强化相倚关系(Contigencies of Reinforcement)”。根据强化相倚关系,斯金纳设计了两种促使有机体行为变化所采用的技术:塑造和渐退。塑造是指通过安排特定的强化相倚关系使有机体做出他(它)们行为库中原先不曾有过的复杂动作。渐退是指通过有差别的强化,缓慢地减少两种(或两种以上)刺激的特征,从而使有机体最终能对两种只有很小差异的刺激做出有辨别的反应。斯金纳对程序学习的处理有两种形式,一种是“直线式”,另一种程序学习的形式是 “分支式” ,它较直线式复杂,通常包括一种多重选择的格式,学生在被呈现若干信息之后,即要面临多重选择的问题,如果回答正确,便进入下一个信息系统,如果回答不正确,则给予补充信息。  程序教学的基本原则是:  ①逐步前进(Step-by-Step Progression);  ②经常反馈(Constant Feedback);  ③及时强化(Immediate Enforcement);  ④个别对待(Individualized Approach)。  认知教学理论  认知心理学家批判行为主义是在研究“空洞的有机体”,在个体与环境的相互作用上,认为是个体作用于环境,而不是环境引起人的行为,环境只是提供潜在刺激,至于这些刺激是否受到注意或被加工,这取决于学习者内部的心理结构。学习的基础是学习者内部心理结构的形成和改组,而不是刺激---反应连接的形成或行为习惯的加强或改变,教学就是促进学习者内部心理结构的形成或改组。提出认知教学理论的是美国教育心理学家布鲁纳和奥苏伯尔等,其中影响较大的是布鲁纳的认知结构教学理论,  其理论的基本主张为:  1、理智发展的教学目标。布鲁纳认为,发展学生的智力应是教学的主要目的。他在《教育过程》中指出,必须要强调教育的质量和理智的目标,也就是说,教育不仅要培养成绩优异的学生,而且还要帮助每个学生获得最好的理智发展。教育主要是“培养学生的操作技能、观察技能、想象技能以及符号运算技能”。  具体为:  ①鼓励学生发现自己猜想的价值和可修正性,以实现试图得出假设的激活效应;  ②培养学生运用心智解决问题能力的信心;  ③培养学生的自我促进;  ④培养学生“经济地运用心智”;  ⑤培养理智的诚实。  2、动机---结构---序列---强化原则。布鲁纳提出了相应的四条教学原则:  第一,动机原则。学习取决于学生对学习的准备状态和心理倾向。儿童对学习都具有天然的好奇心和学习的愿望,问题在于教师如何利用儿童的这种自然倾向,激发学生参与探究活动,从而促进儿童智慧的发展。  第二,结构原则。即要选择适当的知识结构,并选择适合于学生认知结构的方式,才能促进学习。这意味着教师应该认识到教学内容与学生已有知识之间的关系,知识结构应与学生的认知结构相匹配。  第三,程序原则。即要按最佳顺序呈现教学内容。由于学生的发展水平、动机状态、知识背景都可能会影响教学序列的作用,因此,如果发现教学效果不理想,教师就需要随时准备修正或改变教学序列。  第四,强化原则。即要让学生适时地知道自己学习的结果。但需要注意的是,教师不应提供太多的强化,以免学生过于依赖教师的指点。另外,要逐渐从强调外部奖励转向内部奖励。  3、学科知识结构。布鲁纳认为,任何学科知识都是一种结构性存在,知识结构本身具有理智发展的效力。他认为学习基本结构有四个好处:第一,如果学生知道了一门学科的基本结构或它的逻辑组织,就能理解这门学科;第二,如果学生了解了基本概念和基本原理,有助于学生把学习内容迁移到其他情景中去;第三,如果把教材组织成结构的形式,有助于学生记忆具体细节的知识;第四,如果给予学生适当的学习经验和对结构的合理陈述,即便是年幼儿童也能学习高级的知识,从而缩小高级知识与初级知识之间的差距。  4、发现教学方法。布鲁纳认为,学生的认知发展主要是遵循其特有的认识程序。学生不是被动的知识接受者,而是积极的信息加工者。教师的角色在于创设可让学生自己学习的环境,而不是提供预先准备齐全的知识。因此,他极力倡导使用发现法,强调学习过程,强调直觉思维,强调内在动机,强调信息提取。  情感教学理论  20 世纪 60 年代以来,人本主义作为心理学的第三势力崛起,力陈认知心理学的不足在于把人当做“冷血动物”,即没有感情的人,主张心理学要想真正成为关于人的科学,应该探讨完整的人,而不是把人分割成行为、认知等从属方面。人本主义心理学家认为,真正的学习涉及到整个人,而不仅仅是为学习者提供事实。真正的学习经验能够使学习者发现他自己独特的品质,发现自己作为一个人的特征。教学的本质即促进,促进学生成为一个完善的人。美国人本主义心理学家罗杰斯( Carl.R.Rogers,1902-1987 )的非指导性教学就是这一流派的代表,其基本主张是:  (1)教学目标,罗杰斯认为,最好的教育,目标应该是“充分发挥作用的人、自我发展的人和形成自我实现的人”。  (2)非指导性教学过程。罗杰斯把心理咨询的方法移植到教学中来,为形成促进学生学习的环境而构建了一种非指导性的教学模式。这种教学过程以解决学生的情感问题为目标,包括五个阶段:①确定帮助的情景,即教师要鼓励学生自由地表达自己的情感;②探索问题,即鼓励学生自己来界定问题,教师要接受学生的感情,必要时加以澄清;③形成见识,即让学生讨论问题,自由地发表看法,教师给学生提供帮助;④计划和抉择,即由学生计划初步的决定,教师帮助学生澄清这些决定;⑤整合,即学生获得较深刻的见识,并做出较为积极的行动,教师对此要予以支持。  (3)意义学习与非指导性学习。罗杰斯按照某种意义的连续,把学习分成无意义学习和意义学习。无意义学习(如记忆无意义的音节)只与心有关,它是发生在“颈部以上”的学习,没有情感或个人的意义参与,它与全人无关。意义学习不是那种仅仅涉及事实累积的学习,而是一种使个体的行为、态度、个性以及在未来选择行动方式时发生重大变化的学习。这不仅仅是一种增长知识的学习,而且是一种与每个人各部分经验都融合在一起的学习。这种意义学习主要包括四个要素:第一,学习具有个人参与的性质;第二,学习是自我发起的,即使有推动力或刺激来自外界,但要求发现、获得、掌握和领会的感觉是来自内部的;第三,学习是渗透性的;第四,学习是由学生自我评价的。这种意义学习实际上就是一种非指导性学习。非指导性学习既是一种理论,又是一种实践,它是一种教学模式。它的理论假设是:每个人都有健康发展的自然趋向,有积极处理多方面生活的可能性,充满真诚、信任和理解的人际关系会促成健康发展潜能的实现。它的基本原则是:教师在教学中必须有安全感,他信任学生,同时感到学生同样信任他,不能把学生当做“敌人”,倍加提防。课堂中的气氛必须是融洽、真诚、开放、相互支持的,以使学生自由地表达个人想法,自己引导个人的思想、情绪,自然地显示症结所在的情绪因素,并自己调整这种情绪的变化和决定变化的方向,从而改变相应的态度与行为。  (4)师生关系的品质。罗杰斯认为,教师作为“促进者”在教学过程中的作用表现为四个方面:①帮助学生澄清自己想要学什么;②帮助学生安排适宜的学习活动与材料;③帮助学生发现他们所学东西的个人意义;④维持某种滋育学习过程的心理气氛。罗杰斯认为,发挥促进者的作用,关键不在于课程设置、教师知识水平及视听教具,而在于“促进者和学习者之间的人际关系的某些态度品质”。这种态度品质包括三个方面:真诚、接受、理解。他认为,真诚是第一要素,是基本的。所谓真诚就是要求教师与学生坦诚相见、畅所欲言,不要有任何的做作和虚伪,喜怒哀乐要完全溢于言表。所谓接受,有时也称信任、奖赏,要求教师能够完全接受学生碰到某一问题时表露出来的畏惧和犹豫,并且接受学生达到目的时的那种惬意。所谓理解,罗杰斯常用“移情性的理解”一词,它是指教师要设身处地站在学生的立场上考察或认识学生的所思、所言、所为,而不是用教师的标准及主观的臆断来“框套”学生。
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个别化教育计划 iep是专门针对培智学生的吗

IEP:个别化教育计划(individualized educational plan, 简称IEP)又译“个别化教育方案”。是指一份由学校与家长共同制定的针对学生个别需要的书面教育协定,它应记载学生的评定结果,该年度需提供的教育安置,相关服务及教学目标等。必须经家长或监护人同意方能实施。制定时亦听取学生本人的意见。个别化教育计划是落实个别化教育的载体,提升特殊教育质量的重要保IEP源自美国。1975年,美国国会通过的94-142公法规定:必须为所有3-21岁的特殊儿童制定适合其需要的个别化教育计划,且须定期评估与修正。这一法案明确规定了IEP编写的要点,而且规定每一个特殊儿童都要通过IEP加以评定、施教。这一思想,对整个世界的特殊教育观念及做法都有极其深远的影响。1990年的101-476公法将转衔服务内容列为IEP的必要项目,要求学校负责制定个别化转衔计划(Individualizaed Transition Planning,简称ITP)。ITP必须在学生16岁之前制定,且每年修订。此外,如果情况允许,学校可以在学生14岁时为其制定ITP,以保障每个特殊学生在生涯转衔点皆能得到应有的协助。
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谈当前饭店营销竞争新策略在激烈的市场竞争中,营销的竞争是企业赢得市场竞争的必要手段。营销中的竞争,实质上就是一个以产品为基础,以争取顾客为基本目标的,企业之间为获得更多经济利益在市场经营中所发生的冲突。这种冲突,以前常表现在商品的价格上,价格成为市场竞争的重要手段。企业为获得更多的市场份额,常围绕着价格而进行市场营销竞争。所谓削价竞争是指企业为改善产品的交易条件和增加产品的销售量,而单纯以降价让利为手段的竞争。削价竞争的发生主要有以下原因:一是市场产品供过于求,企业想要获得更多的营业额,以便在行业中得以生存;二是面对日益下降的市场份额,企业试图通过降低成本而取得在市场上的领导者地位;三是在经济衰退期间,愿意购买高价产品的顾客越来越少,企业会用降低价格的手段,赢得自己在消费者心目中的声誉。企业通过削价竞争一开始可能获得较高的销售额或利润,但是由于一方的削价竞争,很容易被对手仿效,而一旦被仿效,就会引发整个行业价格大战,造成过度削价,从而降低所有企业的收入。过度的削价竞争不但会影响所有企业的收入,而且会引导企业走入低质量的误区,更会失去顾客对该企业的忠诚度。一、目前饭店业的削价竞争目前饭店业已经走进了削价竞争这个误区。削价竞争的发生主要是由客观因素决定的:一是前些年很多地区由于宏观失控,饭店数量剧增,造成饭店供过于求。以 1998 年统计数字为例, 1997 各地区接待海外旅游人数为53200 102人,但全国涉外饭店共有客房701 736间,床位1 411 708张。全年接待能力为515 273 420人,远远大于需求量。客房出租率为53.78%,比上年下降了1.7个百分点。因而, 许多饭店为了提高客房出租率,用削价来吸引客人。二是受国内外经济环境的影响。由于国内廉政建设的开展,导致公款消费骤减,使饭店客源减少;同时,东南亚金融危机的影响和国内经济出现的一些问题,导致旅行社、会议组织等中间商普遍压价,饭店在日益下降的营业额中,为争得更多的市场份额,被动地采取了削价竞争。三是财政补贴和税负差异所带来的问题。目前我国某些饭店的上级部门财政补贴较多,某些饭店的赋税较少,这些因素的存在,导致饭店产品成本的差异。成本较低的饭店利用这些优势开展削价竞争,容易获利。四是众多的饭店在体制上面临着的“退出壁垒”的困境。这种“壁垒”是由多方面造成的,比如,有些饭店属于国有企业,破产时面临众多员工下岗的问题,迫于社会压力而采取过度削价手段以支撑饭店;有些饭店因无法转行,且又拖欠着大量资金,为应付债主采取过度削价的手段等等。多种“退出壁垒”因素的存在,使得饭店的所有者常利用简单的削价竞争来争取市场占有率,以支撑整个饭店的经营,从而形成了大部分饭店的削价竞争。五是饭店管理人员的素质和水平偏低。目前许多饭店的一些管理人员,特别是中层管理干部,对市场经济中的营销竞争内涵了解不深,不能掌握高级的竞争策略,只能采取简单的削价竞争策略。以上这些是导致目前饭店削价竞争的主要因素。削价竞争一经盛行,便很容易导致价格偏低,引起一系列弊端。主要表现在以下几方面:1、价格竞争是竞争对手易于仿效的一种方式, 很容易招致竞争对手以牙还牙的报复,以至两败俱伤,不能提高经济效益;以削价为手段,虽然可以吸引顾客于一时,但一旦恢复正常价格,销售额也将随之大大减少。2、饭店产品质量的下降。由于过度的削价, 饭店为保持正常利润,只能以削减成本为代价,如减少或降低服务用品、产品数量等,最终影响了饭店产品的质量和数量,降低了饭店的标准。3、影响整个饭店的品牌。品牌隐藏着产品标准, 它可以提高顾客对产品的认识,激发顾客的购买欲,最终提高顾客偏好。削价影响了饭店品牌所应具有的标准,从而失去客人对该饭店的情感和偏好,降低了饭店在社会上的形象和地位。4、影响饭店员工的积极性。由于过度的削价竞争, 使整个行业收益下降,也使饭店员工的收益下降。1994年,世界旅游组织提出的口号是:“高质量的员工,高质量的服务,高质量的旅游”。收入的减少,会给饭店员工带来不安和不满,他们发牢骚、泄怨气,工作也不再尽心尽职,员工跳槽现象也随之增加。饭店产品与服务互为渗透,互相支持,融合成一个不可分割的整体,员工在向顾客提供服务时,也正是顾客消费服务的时刻,具有服务产品与实质产品不可分离的特性。在提倡“以人为本”的年代,没有快乐的员工,就没有积极工作的员工,也就没有较高服务质量的饭店。以上一些弊端,已在目前较多饭店或多或少地存在,所以削价竞争在目前市场经济条件下,已越来越受到制约,如果再继续下去,饭店业必将走入死胡同或被外国集因所兼并。如何走出削价竞争的误区,是目前的当务之急。因此,寻求一种价格因素之外的非削价竞争策略,将成为改善当前的市场竞争状况和迅速提高饭店竞争力的一条必由之路。二、非价格竞争是现代饭店营销竞争的发展趋势在现代市场经济条件下,非价格竞争已逐渐成为市场营销主流。另外,从市场环境来看,经济的快速发展,使消费层次和购买力不断提高,购买者的注意力并不仅仅停留在商品价格上。不再是价格越低的商品越畅销,而是越能满足某种特定市场需要的产品越好卖。科学技术的发展,使得企业与消费者能够更有效地从产品自身构造(如质量、功能、商标、包装、服务等)上区别竞争商品。所谓非价格竞争,是指企业运用价格以外的营销手段,使本企业产品与竞争产品相区别,并使之具备差别优势,以推动产品销售的竞争方式。具体地说,非价格竞争表现为:在各类商品面前,以款式新颖、适销对路取胜;在同等商品面前,以质优取胜;在同等质量的商品面前,以价廉取胜;在同一价格的商品面前,以优质服务取胜。随着社会的进步和生产的发展,人们消费结构的日趋合理和消费水平的不断提高,非价格竞争的重要性日益明显,既可弥补削价竞争的局限性,又可开创更为全面和完善的竞争新格局。开展非价格竞争主要有以下几个方面的作用:首先,开展非价格竞争,有利于提高产品的质量。质量是产品的“灵魂”,是企业的“生命”,是品牌的“基础”。企业生产的产品有无销路和市场竞争力,很大程度上取决于产品质量的高低。消费者在市场选购商品的标准往往是一看质量,二看价格,而且最后起决定作用的常常是商品的质量。正如人们喜欢购买名牌产品,一则是为心理的需要,更重要的是消费者认为名牌质量优等,靠得住,信得过。其次,开展非价格竞争,有利于开发新产品,满足社会的需要。企业不断改进老产品,积极开发新产品,增加花色品种,扩大产品销路,也直接影响企业的竞争实力。如果一个企业缺乏创新精神,产品质量、品种几十年不变,就没有竞争力,必然缺乏生机和活力。企业在竞争中要做到刻意创新、锐意进取,做到人无我有,人有我新,人新我优。在当今商品的使用寿命日趋缩短的情况下,以最高的效率推出新产品占领市场,已成为企业非价格竞争的一个主要手段。再次,开展非价格竞争,有利于提高企业经营的市场灵敏度。企业在市场中生存,就要使生产经营的方向适应市场的需要,适应消费者的需要。企业能否适应市场需要、及时灵活地调整经营方向,是企业营销决策的关键。由于市场总是不断变化,企业只有主动走向市场,深入了解和研究市场,把消费者的需要作为自己生产经营的出发点和归宿,才能适应市场的需要而在竞争中取胜。最后,开展非价格竞争,有利于提高企业经济效益。企业产品质量好,适销对路,又能够不断适应市场需要进行创新,生产新的花色品种,这样的企业产品必然能扩大市场占有额,赢得大量回头客,增加赢利,提高经济效益和社会效益。由此可以看出,开展非价格竞争,有利于树立良好的企业形象,赢得消费者的信赖,从而巩固和扩大市场。饭店中的非价格竞争是更广泛层次上的竞争,因此,作为制订非价格竞争策略基础的产品及其促销活动,必须从产品整体的概念出发,从饭店的自身条件出发,结合饭店的有形资产和无形资产,围绕目标市场的促销策略来采取各种非价格竞争。一般而言,饭店非价格竞争策略,有如下几个方面可供参考:1.产品差异性策略。顾客需求的多样性,必然产生市场需求的差异性。差异性策略即人无我有,人有我优,人优我变的策略。饭店为寻求顾客的信任度和忠诚度,必须制造差异性,差异性越大,顾客的满意程度越高,在竞争中不与同行挤一条独木桥,而是另辟蹊径,以异致胜。所以,饭店在设计项目时,要注意项目的差异性,通过差异给顾客留下深刻的印象,留下美好的回忆。这样就会大大提高顾客的忠诚度和回头率。2.追求个性化服务。饭店的客人,在年龄、职业、经历、文化程度、兴趣爱好等各方面都是有个性差异的,对顾客“热情、礼貌、周到”等等,这些都是共性,但各人的情况又是不同的,只有满足了不同个性,才能提高饭店信誉及知名度,从而创造利润。在标准化服务的基础上,提供个性化服务和超常化服务。个性化服务(Personalized Service或Individualized Service)的概念源自发达国家,是指以标准化服务为基础,但不囿于标准,而是以客人需要为中心去提供各种服务,即针对性的服务,同时包括超越标准的特殊服务。顾客入住饭店,最基本的目的是为了获得饭店所提供的实际服务,然后才是价值,饭店实物产品必须与服务结合后,才能给客人以价值,价值的高低取决于服务水平的高低,要为顾客创造良好的经历,预见消费者的愿望和需求,做好客人想到的,服务员早已想到了,并已作了准备,顾客没想到的,服务员也想到了。所以饭店全体员工必须尽力了解顾客的整个消费过程,尽力从整体上提高顾客感觉中的消费价值,创造饭店产品在物有所值的同时,达到物超所值。如五星级的北京王府饭店规定:凡住店20次以上的客人,他的名字就列入“王府常客名录”。下榻客房,有专为他个人准备的信纸、信封、火柴和浴衣,上面均印有他烫金的名字。浴衣归他专用,他离开“王府”,浴衣收藏保管起来,再住“王府”,取出来仍由他穿。这种个性化服务使客人的自尊得到最大程度的满足。3.品牌策略。随着经济体制改革的进一步深入,世界经济一体化的程度加深。在市场供求关系趋向于供过于求的条件下,市场表现为买方市场,顾客处于主动地位,有了更多的选择机会。通常情况下,顾客是否购买某种商品,关键取决于顾客对这种商品的信赖程度,重要的是,顾客有品牌“偏好”心理,即品牌的忠诚度。在新的形势下,竞争的激烈程度和复杂程度越来越高,世界名牌饭店纷纷涌入国门,对中国饭店业造成了很大威胁,形成了新的挑战。品牌是一种资源,谁抢在前面,谁就能占有和运用这份资源,从而占领市场。如江苏一些饭店推出“大江南北宴”、“乾隆皇帝宴”等,在其它餐饮市场疲软的情况下,这些饭店的生意还门庭若市,很大程度上是品牌效应。目前,不少饭店品牌意识差,把精力放在产品的包装上,想用精美的包装掩饰平庸的产品,结果只会导致顾客的不信任,反而使大多数顾客对包装的产品越来越警惕,最终失去市场。面对新的挑战,中国饭店业必须着手品牌经营,注重品牌实力,塑造品牌形象,最终营造品牌优势,从而战胜竞争对手。4.促销宣传策略。促销的基本功能在于向消费者传递商品的信息,沟通生产者与消费者之间的联系,借此促进商品销售。饭店要利用较高级的促销策略,而不是单纯以削价竞争策略来促销。饭店可以通过新闻机构或饭店员工在社会上广泛宣传与推销饭店;通过适量的广告广为宣传,建立良好的饭店形象;饭店还可以与旅行社、旅行组织商、会议组织机构等中间商建立长期合作的渠道,培养饭店的客源渠道。这些促销策略都是饭店提高营销竞争力的关键砝码。目前,非价格竞争在现代饭店竞争中的作用已经十分突出,我们必须摆脱削价竞争的困境,在提高营销者竞争经验的基础上,建立和健全市场机制,利用非价格竞争的优势,把握现代饭店营销竞争发展的趋势,制定出饭店非价格竞争策略,这样才能在激烈的市场竞争中保证我国饭店业健康、顺利地发展。
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IC课程(IC=Individualized Cross-cultural Curriculum)个性化跨文化课程体系,是为了培养多样化、国际化人才,为中国学生量身定制的国际化课程体系,克服了现有常见课程体系 (高考、IB、A-Level、外国高中课程AP等)的缺陷或不适应大部分中国学生之缺点,由创始人陈起永以及中西方教育专家、从业者采用独特创新的课程设计,按照美国顶尖大学(如常春藤盟校)录取大学新生的标准,对学生进行个性化、中国化、国际化培养的课程体系。IB课程IB即国际文凭组织IBO(International Baccalaureate Organisation),为全球学生开设从幼儿园到大学预科的课程,为3-19岁的学生提供智力,情感,个人发展,社会技能等方面的教育,使其获得学习,工作以及生存于世的各项能力。AP课程为美国大学先修课程、美国大学预修课程。指由美国大学理事会(The College Board)提供的在高中授课的大学课程。来源于网络
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