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The old man is 70,he has a good old girl.翻译

2023-07-27 07:45:09


old girl在俚语中是老太婆,老伴的意思.



The team dance on the square is very popular with the old
2023-07-26 02:16:362


2023-07-26 02:16:501

old man是什么意思

old man的意思是“父亲”或“丈夫”。相似短语:old man n. 父亲, 丈夫dirty old man n. 老色鬼grand old man n. 元老,前辈a dirty old man 老淫棍the old man of the sea n. 摆脱不了的人old man of the sea 无法摆脱的,纠缠不休的人personated old man n. 老生The Old Man and the Sea 老人与海old man"s beard n. 〈植〉铁线莲old man of the mountain phr. 高山葵,膜质菊英汉例句:The oldman traced his name laboriously.老人费力地写下自己的名字。The oldman cannot walk without a crutch.这老人没有手杖就走不了路。Maybe you can call me moon oldman?你“月老晕低左“是假月老吧!我们反番版的!The oldman can hardly walk without stick.这老人没有手杖就走不了路。One year... l am an oldman,l cannot remember the year.有一年...我老了,记不得那是哪一年了
2023-07-26 02:16:571


2023-07-26 02:17:142


old man old man名词1 (C)老人2 [one"s~,the ~; 用单数] (俚)a. (自己的) 丈夫,老公b. (自己的) 父亲3 [the ~; 有时 O~ M~] (口语)a. 老大,老板,老总b. 船长; 队长4 喂,老兄the Old Man of the Sea纠缠不休的麻烦人物
2023-07-26 02:17:242

怎么解释old man

2023-07-26 02:17:388


问题一:老人用英语怎么写? old man 问题二:老人用英语怎么说 older和eld都是old的比较级,oldest和eldest都是old的最高级,older和oldest可以表示老的,旧的意思而elder和eldest常表示在兄弟姐妹之间的排行 elder brother=older brother哥哥 但不可与than连用只用于修饰名词。 elderly是委婉用语意为上了年纪的,外国人一般不说old man而用elderly man代替,the elderly泛指老人。 问题三:老年人用英文怎么说? 翻译为: 老年人[lǎo nián rén] 词典: old people; the aged; elderly people; senior citizens; old folks 网络: AGED; seniors; the old 问题四:老人用英语怎么说? old man 是老人的英语写法. 问题五:老人的英文怎么写 老人 [词典] elder; old man or woman; the aged; the old; one"s aged parents or grandparents; [例句] 那位老人确实过于肥胖了,不能算是健康。 The old man is really obese; it can"t be healthy. 问题六:一个老人用英文怎么说 an old man 问题七:老头英文怎么写 老头: old man 问题八:退休老人 用英文怎么说 retired old people 或 retired seniors
2023-07-26 02:17:521

是a old man还是an old man

an old man
2023-07-26 02:18:005

old man old people old person有什么区别

old man一般指年老的男性,或者是泛指老人;old people与old man的第二种用法相同,泛指老人;old person前面可以加冠词,如: an old person一个老人。
2023-07-26 02:18:212


2023-07-26 02:19:021


old man
2023-07-26 02:19:1312


The old manold fogey
2023-07-26 02:19:397


2023-07-26 02:19:555


2023-07-26 02:20:091


2023-07-26 02:20:297

Old Man (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Old Man (Album Version)歌手:NEIL YOUNG专辑:Decadeedit by lymanOld man look at my life,I"m a lot like you were.Old man look at my life,I"m a lot like you were.Old man look at my life,Twenty four and there"s so much moreLive alone in a paradiseThat makes me think of two.Love lost, such a cost,Give me things that don"t get lost.Like a coin that won"t get tossedRolling home to you.Old man take a look at my life I"m a lot like youI need someone to love me the whole day throughAh, one look in my eyes and you can tell that"s true.Lullabies, look in your eyes,Run around the same old town.Doesn"t mean that much to meTo mean that much to you.I"ve been first and lastLook at how the time goes past.But I"m all alone at last.Rolling home to you.Old man take a look at my life I"m a lot like youI need someone to love me the whole day throughAh, one look in my eyes and you can tell that"s true.Old man look at my life,I"m a lot like you were.Old man look at my life,I"m a lot like you were.neil"s funs, see you next time
2023-07-26 02:20:522


the broken and dusty almond trees still stood on the oldest streets,
2023-07-26 02:21:113

是a old man还是an old man?如果是an的话,那为什么university是用a呢?

2023-07-26 02:21:212

是a old man还是an old man

2023-07-26 02:21:511


复制了一篇不错的影评还,楼主迷茫的话也可以去老无所依的贴吧看看,不过其实东西方文化差异大,终究感觉不一样。老无所依(No Country For Old Men),就和它那完全脱离电影故事的译名一样,让看完电影的大众很迷茫.特别是那个结尾,看第一遍时谁都会让找个东西踹两脚的冲动.可是既然它拿了奥斯卡,那对大众的科普解释是不能少了.电影有很多精彩的对白和细节,不能一一点到,只是在这里讨论一下电影到底在说什么.不算影评,也不是什么非官方解释,抛砖引玉的砖头罢了.开始了~电影主要讲的是三个半人物的故事,汤米李琼斯饰演的警长贝尔,杀手史格(Chigurh),捡到钱的莫斯(Moss),还有半个人物是莫斯的老婆卡拉(Carla Jean). 故事发生在80年代初,两老墨黑帮交易viper黑吃黑,留下一堆viper和百万现钞在沙漠里.莫斯捡了钱,自然就引来黑帮追杀,黑帮派了几路人马追杀他,包括了史格这个超级无敌杀手,警长贝尔来办案,想保护莫斯,当然,常见电影的套路就是,贪财的都得死,莫斯就还是被干掉了,钱自然也回到失主手中,一个拾金不昧的反面宣传片,当然也有正面意义,昧了金的结果实在可悲啊.电影情节就这么简单,可是电影的结尾是那个老警长开始说他的两个梦,接着就突然结束了.WHAAAAATTTTT???第一个,也是最关键的问题来了,到底有没有史格这个杀手真实存在?理解这个问题,就能明白为什么说这部电影的故事是关于警长贝尔的,故事里是有人在拼命追杀莫斯,而且有好几路人马,有一路是一个很厉害的杀手,而且他杀了很多人,是不是用氧气罐,不一定,但一定是个类似的射高压气体的东西.那电影里的史格是什么?是不是长得那副滑稽脸和那个搞笑发型?应该不是.他是警长贝尔心里恐惧的东西.贝尔老爸是个老,是贝尔的偶像,刚直不阿,秉公执法.而贝尔虽然没有干坏事,但是他面对越来越堕落的社会和越来越猖獗的社会黑暗面,他放弃了抵抗,这也是在说,社会变坏不是仅仅因为坏人多了,同时也是因为好人少了,好人不敢站出来了.你一定要质疑我为什么说史格根本不存在,或者说是贝尔的想象.最简单的一个证据,就是在莫斯被干掉的旅馆房间史格和贝尔对峙的那幕.贝尔进去前,电影给了另外一个镜头,史格躲在房间里,拿着枪,可是贝尔进去后,浴室的窗户锁得好好的,根本没人,贝尔坐下来,看到钱早被拿走了.说明杀手XX来过,只是拿了钱早走了. 史格如果在房间里,以他之前的行为和他的能力,他没理由不杀贝尔.所以贝尔在开门前是在心理斗争,是否进去面对这个杀手,所以切了这个镜头,暗示贝尔"觉得史格在门另外一边".史格在电影里如此畅通无阻,见山开山,实际是贝尔心中对社会上恶势力的一种屈服,它们太厉害了,所以我没办法啊.史格的出现恰恰是用来表明贝尔的软弱.回到之前的氧气罐,联系贝尔和莫斯老婆卡拉讲的那个杀牛的"真实"故事,我们就明白,为什么贝尔给史格加上这个武器是因为贝尔看到被弹开的门锁就联想到的.而且在电影的一开始,也做了这样的伏笔,史格和贝尔坐在同样的地方喝了同样的一瓶牛奶,这也是在暗示他们的联系.从外观上,史格头发多到有点不舒服,而且贝尔是个秃顶的老头.小总结一下,史格也是代表了我们这个世界的黑暗面,贪婪,暴力,等等.莫斯到底怎么死的?怎么电影里对于他的死描绘得那么无心?电影里先演了一段莫斯和那个泳池边的女人调情的镜头,然后就切到贝尔警长来到旅馆,看到满地的尸体的镜头.观众被敲了一下脑子,电影不是一直围绕着莫斯手里的钱吗?怎么突然把枪战给剪了?因为这段镜头里,没有史格和贝尔,换句话说,枪战和贝尔无关,所以电影就是以贝尔的第一视角来处理这段情节的,一句话,电影是讲警长贝尔的故事的.那莫斯到底是怎么死的?首先,他打电话叫他老婆来碰头,要给她钱,自己打算和黑帮拼个鱼死网破.然后,他老婆卡拉带上妈要赶来这里,她妈被另外一伙儿墨西哥黑帮的人给骗出他们碰头的旅馆地址,就是那个冲来帮她提箱子的穿西装的小胡子.这伙儿人就先杀来了旅馆,干掉了莫斯,但是因为太匆忙,没找到那百万美金.钱还在空调口里躺着.晚上,那个很厉害的,专门用硬币当螺丝起子的杀手(注意,不是史格,起码长得不是史格的样子),来了,拿了钱,走了,然后警长贝尔来了...史格杀没杀莫斯的老婆卡拉?那个车祸有什么含义吗?当然杀了,原著小说很明白地写了这句.电影里史格看鞋子,也是在暗示他在确定鞋底没有血.史格给卡拉选硬币,为什么卡拉不肯选?这实际是在暗示她在电影里的命运,她其实没有选择的机会,为什么史格说莫斯有救卡拉的机会但却拉她进来来救自己?因为莫斯想把钱给卡拉,这样就算他被杀手追到,只要没有钱,他也不会死.但是只要卡拉被拉进来,和这笔钱扯上关系,她也死定了,就电影里来说,史格所代表的杀手拿走了钱,但是墨西哥黑帮那边的人还是没有在旅馆里找到钱,莫斯死了,他们还能找谁?当然是卡拉,他们会认为只有卡拉知道钱在哪里.所以莫斯打电话说要把钱给卡拉,实际就是他和史格之前对话的"映射","我现在给你一个机会,可以救你老婆."但是莫斯选择了不,他害死了卡拉.所以卡拉没有硬币,莫斯替她选了.你肯定要问,电影里不是史格杀了卡拉,不是那帮老墨啊?天,你还没明白,如果史格不是真的人物,电影这么演不是要传达一个信息吗?那史格最后被撞的车祸呢?很显然,这也是一个很有意思的情节,传递了电影里一直在表达的一个信息,世界被一股无形的力量所控制,就像那个硬币一样.莫斯如果不是犯傻半夜去送水,他是不是不会这么倒霉?史格和贝尔喝牛奶的地方,镜头一直在拍被风吹动的窗帘,风,一直是作为一种看不到,摸不着的力量的.代表了我们每个人的命运.史格代表的是世界上邪恶的,贪婪的,不好的力量,他们和所有人一样也会被命运之手戏弄,莫名其妙就出来车祸,可是精彩地在于他还是逃脱了,怎么逃的?用钱买来的,被收买的小孩甚至马上开始因为分赃不均开始吵架,这不就是我们的现实吗?那贝尔最后讲的那两个关于老爸的梦是什么意思?第一个梦,贝尔的老爸和贝尔在镇上见面,老爸给了贝尔一些钱,贝尔给弄丢了.这个梦说的是贝尔老爸是个好,贝尔想子承父业,做一个一辈子的好,可是他还是缺了点勇气,退休养老去了,所以自己感慨自己没有继承父亲的衣钵,算是丢了父亲的"钱".第二个梦,贝尔梦到老爸手里拿着"装了火的牛角",超过贝尔,要去某个地方生火,贝尔说如果自己去了那里,就能见到老爸.第二个梦在说什么呢?这个装火的牛角代表了什么了?首先,像月光一样洁白的牛角代表的是一种正直的力量,其次,火代表社会的秩序,我们需要一个像贝尔老爸一样的愿意站出来去把那些想乱窜的火苗(社会里负面,邪恶的力量)装进牛角里的好,而且他们要到别的地方去生火,来面对,来控制这些"火".贝尔知道如果自己选择和这些黑势力斗争,他就能和老爸一样,就能"见到老爸",可是现实是,"我醒了".贝尔没有见到老爸,因为他选择了逃避,这个社会越来越乱.贝尔之前和他叔叔Ellis(就是那个有一窝猫的老头)的对话里提到了当年Mac叔叔怎么死的,他勇敢地出来面对7,8个印第安马贼,虽然被打死,但是坏人们看到了他的勇气,只要有好人敢站出来,社会就有希望,但是现在呢?而且贝尔在讲梦的一开始强调说他爸死的时候比他现在年轻20岁,这里就是暗示"老人"的含义,老人不是说年龄老了,而是心老死了,想退休,想逃避了,贝尔是个"老人"(逃避者),这个社会不需要这样的"老人",需要的是敢于站出来的"年轻人".顺便说一下史格的名字,Anton Chigurh,重新排列一下,就是Caught In Horn(直译:装在号角里),所以史格就是这里说的"火",代表了社会上的"反秩序",邪恶的势力,贝尔老爸在的年代,正还能压邪,火都被搁号角里放着呢.最后的话回到电影的名称,No country For Old Men,电影的背景是1980年左右,美墨边境viper交易开始猖獗的时候,也是电影里讲的正开始不胜邪的开始,老人代表的是传统的,正确的价值观,正义的力量,贯穿电影所传递的信息就是整个社会都变得贪婪,向金钱,暴力,viper屈服,以前的"好人"又因为坏人的力量过于强大,妥协,甚至逃避,社会的堕落由此而来.所以No Country For Old Men根本不是什么老无所依,而是更接近于人心不古的意思.
2023-07-26 02:22:353


An eight-year-old man
2023-07-26 02:22:458

The old man _______ a pair of glasses is Li Lei’s grandfathe?

A.with 名词A+with+名词B 表示“名词A带有名词B的属性” 这句话的翻译是:【戴着一副眼镜的】这位老人是李雷的爷爷、,3,C,2,B,2,wearing,2,选A B的话一个句子里两个谓语语法错误,可以改为who is wearing,C没这个搭配,D跟B一样简单句一个句子里不能出现两个谓语。,2,伴随状语 可以填:with或者wearing,2,A.with 表示伴随,在这里有限制作用,“戴眼镜的那个老人是李蕾的爷爷”,是戴眼镜的那个,不是其他。,2,答案是D 戴眼镜,用wear B为什么不行: 其一,作为主语的定语从名,引导词不能省略 其二,wear the glass不是短暂性动词,所以没有现在进行时,1,您好,答案是A,因为the old man 到空格这都属主语部分,因此空格处因是用于修饰the old man,在这些选项中只有A中的with作为介词可以用于修饰,0,选A。首先排除B、D,一个简单句中不可以有两个动词。与glasses搭配的介词不可以用in,穿衣服什么的才能用“in”,所以“C”也不选。,0,The old man _______ a pair of glasses is Li Lei"s grandfather. A.with wearing D.wears说明理由
2023-07-26 02:23:291

歌词里有policeman,old man。。。反正是一些职业~~~是call blong还是what U wanna be?

b what u wanna b 肯定
2023-07-26 02:23:384


2023-07-26 02:23:451

《this old man》歌词

哇哈哈哈 LS的复制粘贴太牛逼了!!
2023-07-26 02:23:544

Mr.White is _old.he is _old man.(an an,/ an,an /)

1不填 2an
2023-07-26 02:24:178

The old man walked in the street,_____________. A、followed by his son B、followed his son

选A 是伴随状语还原是:The old man walked in the street and he is followed by his son.
2023-07-26 02:24:354

( )is the old man?

(Where )is the old man?这个老男在哪里?
2023-07-26 02:25:013

short and heavy old man顺序

an old u3001heavy and short man
2023-07-26 02:25:082


2023-07-26 02:25:273


问题一:老年人用英文怎么说? 翻译为: 老年人[lǎo nián rén] 词典: old people; the aged; elderly people; senior citizens; old folks 网络: AGED; seniors; the old 问题二:老人用英语怎么说 older和eld都是old的比较级,oldest和eldest都是old的最高级,older和oldest可以表示老的,旧的意思而elder和eldest常表示在兄弟姐妹之间的排行 elder brother=older brother哥哥 但不可与than连用只用于修饰名词。 elderly是委婉用语意为上了年纪的,外国人一般不说old man而用elderly man代替,the elderly泛指老人。 问题三:老人用英文怎么说 old people不文明,你可以说senior people 问题四:老人用英语怎么写? old man 问题五:老年之家用英语怎么说 old people"s home 同学您好,如果问题已解决,记得右上角采纳哦~~~您的采纳是对我的肯定~谢谢哦 问题六:“老人”英语怎么说? 老人: 1. old people 2. the aged Relative explainations: Examples: 1. 老人喜欢穿软皮鞋。 Old people like to wear moccasins. 2. 就像其他老人一样,我祖父也老喜欢讲他当年的故事。 As is often the case with old people, my grandfather is fond of talking about good old days. 3. 老人有时爱忘事. Old people are sometimes forgetful. 4. 老人们为电影和小说的大胆感到震惊。 The old people is shocked by the new freedom in movies and novels. 5. 那位老人头发花白。 The old man has hoar hair. 老人 an aged man 年老人 senior citizen 老人。 an old man 古稀老人 a man of 70 winters 明智的老人 asagacious old man 健壮的老人 a hale old man 秃顶的老人 a bald old man 老人的家庭看护 home care for the elderly. 常喘的老人 a wheezy old man 衣衫褴褛的老人 a ragged old man 问题七:一个老人用英文怎么说 an old man 问题八:老年人的英文 没有 同时 含有 年老 又 退休 的 单词 retiree - 退休人士 elder, senior - 比较尊敬的称呼 问题九:“空巢老人”用英文怎么说 empty nester 空巢老人(Empty Nester)意指子女不在身边的独居老人。过去30年,内地经济高速发展,人们的观念也逐渐与西方接轨,独生子女长大后大多会离乡工作赚钱,留... empty nest elderly nest empty elderly empty nest old 例句: 那不勒斯位于佛罗里达西南部,是度假者、银发族和空巢老人的第一目的地。 Naples, in southwest Florida, is a premier destinations for vacationers, seniors,and empty-nesters. “很多年龄较大的工作者是空巢老人,”研究者菲舍说道,他是密歇根大学社会研究学院(ISR)的一名组织心理学家。 Many older workers are empty-nesters, says researcher Gwenith Fisher, anorganizational psychologist at the University of Michigan"s Institute for SocialResearch (ISR). 我并没有体会到母亲去世时他的扼腕之情,也没有理解他作为”空巢老人“强烈的孤独感,更没有意识到他许多朋友已经驾鹤西去。 I had not felt his remorse over Mom"s death, understood his intense loneliness as an empty nester, or realized most of his pals had long since light-beamed off the planet.
2023-07-26 02:25:351

《Old Man》哪位给翻译下歌词

2023-07-26 02:25:422


Neil Young - Old Man尼尔·杨《父亲》Old man look at my life, 父亲啊,看看我的生活I"m a lot like you were. 跟你年轻时多么相像Old man look at my life, 父亲啊,看看我的生活I"m a lot like you were. 跟你年轻时多么相像Old man look at my life, 父亲啊,看看我的生活Twenty four and there"s so much more 二十四岁,前面的路还很长Live alone in a paradise 您却孤独的生活在天堂That makes me think of two. 不禁让我想起我们俩以前的日子Love lost, such a cost, 失去至亲,多么沉痛的代价Give me things that don"t get lost. Like a coin that won"t get tossed 这让我领悟到了刻骨铭心的道理,时刻萦绕于怀Rolling home to you. 我怀念有你的那个家Old man take a look at my life I"m a lot like you父亲啊,看看我的生活,跟你年轻时多么相像I need someone to love me the whole day through 每时每刻,我需要关爱Ah, one look in my eyesand you can tell that"s true. 注视着我的眼睛,你会感受到这种渴求多么地真实Lullabies, look in your eyes, 听着摇篮曲,脑海中浮现您慈祥的眼神Run around the same old town. 在这个永远没有什么变化的小镇Doesn"t mean that much to me 曾经对我来说是那么的无所谓To mean that much to you. 对您却是意义非凡I"ve been first and last.Look at how the time goes past. 我一直陪伴着你,任时光慢慢变老But I"m all alone at last. 但此刻你却只留我一个Rolling home to you. 我想要一个有你的家Old man take a look at my lifeI"m a lot like you 父亲啊,看看我的生活,跟你年轻时多么相像I need someone to love methe whole day through 每时每刻,我需要关爱Ah, one look in my eyesand you can tell that"s true.从我的眼神中你能清楚的看到这一点Old man look at my life, 父亲啊,看看我的生活I"m a lot like you were. 跟你年轻时多么相像Old man look at my life, 父亲啊,看看我的生活I"m a lot like you were. 跟你年轻时多么相像
2023-07-26 02:25:502


Neil Young - Old Man尼尔·杨《父亲》Old man look at my life, 父亲啊,看看我的生活I"m a lot like you were. 跟你年轻时多么相像Old man look at my life, 父亲啊,看看我的生活I"m a lot like you were. 跟你年轻时多么相像Old man look at my life, 父亲啊,看看我的生活Twenty four and there"s so much more 二十四岁,前面的路还很长Live alone in a paradise 您却孤独的生活在天堂That makes me think of two. 不禁让我想起我们俩以前的日子Love lost, such a cost, 失去至亲,多么沉痛的代价Give me things that don"t get lost. Like a coin that won"t get tossed 这让我领悟到了刻骨铭心的道理,时刻萦绕于怀Rolling home to you. 我怀念有你的那个家Old man take a look at my life I"m a lot like you父亲啊,看看我的生活,跟你年轻时多么相像I need someone to love me the whole day through 每时每刻,我需要关爱Ah, one look in my eyesand you can tell that"s true. 注视着我的眼睛,你会感受到这种渴求多么地真实Lullabies, look in your eyes, 听着摇篮曲,脑海中浮现您慈祥的眼神Run around the same old town. 在这个永远没有什么变化的小镇Doesn"t mean that much to me 曾经对我来说是那么的无所谓To mean that much to you. 对您却是意义非凡I"ve been first and last.Look at how the time goes past. 我一直陪伴着你,任时光慢慢变老But I"m all alone at last. 但此刻你却只留我一个Rolling home to you. 我想要一个有你的家Old man take a look at my lifeI"m a lot like you 父亲啊,看看我的生活,跟你年轻时多么相像I need someone to love methe whole day through 每时每刻,我需要关爱Ah, one look in my eyesand you can tell that"s true.从我的眼神中你能清楚的看到这一点Old man look at my life, 父亲啊,看看我的生活I"m a lot like you were. 跟你年轻时多么相像Old man look at my life, 父亲啊,看看我的生活I"m a lot like you were. 跟你年轻时多么相像
2023-07-26 02:25:561


这个前面加the和an是的意思具体如下:1、“The”是定冠词,用于特指某个已知的人或物。当我们在提到一个特定的老人时,可以使用“the”来指代他。例如:“I saw the old manat the park yesterday.”(我昨天在公园看到了那个老人)。“An”是不定冠词,用于泛指、表示一类或任意的人或物。当我们在提到一个不特定的老人时,可以使用“an”来表示。例如:“An old man approached meonthes treet today.”(今天有个老人过来和我搭讪了)。
2023-07-26 02:26:031

《Old Man》哪位给翻译下歌词

Old Man Old man look at my life, 老人啊,看看我的生活吧 I"m a lot like you were. 我跟你真是一样 Old man look at my life, 老人啊,看看我的生活 I"m a lot like you were. 我跟你是一样 Old man look at my life, 老人啊看看我的生活 Twenty four 24岁 and there"s so much more 还有那么多年 Live alone in a paradise 生活在孤独的天堂 That makes me think of two. 那让我想起两个人的生活 Love lost, such a cost, 爱失去了,如此的代价 Give me things 给我些东西 that don"t get lost. 永远不会失去 Like a coin that won"t get tossed 就像烂铜子儿不会被扔掉 Rolling home to you. 滚回家去吧你 Old man take a look at my life 老人啊,看看我的生活 I"m a lot like you 我和你一样 I need someone to love me 我需要个人来爱我 the whole day through 一天到头都是这样 Ah, one look in my eyes 啊,我的眼里的神情 and you can tell that"s true. 你能判断这是真的 Lullabies, look in your eyes, 摇篮曲,听起来很美妙 Run around the same old town. 在同样的老镇子上四处游逛 Doesn"t mean that much to me 对我来说不算什么 To mean that much to you. 对你来说却意味深远 I"ve been first and last 我大概一直都在 Look at how the time goes past. 看着时间是怎样消逝 But I"m all alone at last. 但是最终是彻底的孤独 Rolling home to you. 滚回家去吧你 Old man take a look at my life 老人啊,看看我的生活 I"m a lot like you 我和你一样 I need someone to love me 我需要有个人来爱我 the whole day through 一天到晚都在这么想 Ah, one look in my eyes 啊,我眼里的神情 and you can tell that"s true. 你可以判断那是真的 Old man look at my life, 老人啊,看看我的生活吧 I"m a lot like you were. 我跟你很像 Old man look at my life, 老人啊,看看我的生活 I"m a lot like you were. 我的生活和你一样求采纳谢谢
2023-07-26 02:26:111

old man是可数名词吗?

当然是可数名词,它的复数形式是不规则的,是old men。
2023-07-26 02:26:181

Kate Walsh的《Old Man》 歌词

歌曲名:Old Man歌手:Kate Walsh专辑:Light & DarkOff With Their Heads - Old ManI"d had enough so i walked out the door,Don"t expect to hear much from me anymoreThis chapter is closed, its the end of the lineI can"t keep on feeling like this all the timeNone of the sadness is going awayNothing will change until you let yourself liveI know i"m like you in more ways than oneAnd i truly hate the man i"ve becomeI guess thats a part, yeah, its all crossed the lineYou"re running out of time, the ends almost hereAnd none of the sadness if going awayI never understood why you wanted nothing to do with meAnd in time everything will turn out all right,you"re not a part of itAnd every time i fall down and lose sight,you are the cause of itNo one will ever help me now, because no one will ever seeThe sickness and sadness that you so kindly passed on to meNow i roam around the world looking for lifeYou"re not apart of itAnd we"ve passed the point of making everything rightThats the worst part of itAnd in time everything will turn out all right, you"ll not be a part of itAnd every time i fall down and lose sight, you are the cause of itThe sickness and sadness that you kindly passed on to me
2023-07-26 02:26:261

this mam is old 和 this is an old men有什么区别?

这两个句子的区别在于主语和谓语的不同。第一个句子中的主语是“this man”,谓语是“is old”,意思是“这个人很老”。而第二个句子中的主语是“this”,谓语是“is an old man”,意思是“这是一个老人”。注意,“men”应该改为“man”,因为“men”是复数形式,而这里只有一个人
2023-07-26 02:26:331

Old Man (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Old Man (Album Version)歌手:NEIL YOUNG专辑:Greatest Hitsedit by lymanOld man look at my life,I"m a lot like you were.Old man look at my life,I"m a lot like you were.Old man look at my life,Twenty four and there"s so much moreLive alone in a paradiseThat makes me think of two.Love lost, such a cost,Give me things that don"t get lost.Like a coin that won"t get tossedRolling home to you.Old man take a look at my life I"m a lot like youI need someone to love me the whole day throughAh, one look in my eyes and you can tell that"s true.Lullabies, look in your eyes,Run around the same old town.Doesn"t mean that much to meTo mean that much to you.I"ve been first and lastLook at how the time goes past.But I"m all alone at last.Rolling home to you.Old man take a look at my life I"m a lot like youI need someone to love me the whole day throughAh, one look in my eyes and you can tell that"s true.Old man look at my life,I"m a lot like you were.Old man look at my life,I"m a lot like you were.neil"s funs, see you next time
2023-07-26 02:26:511

old man中文读音歌词

Neil Young - Old Man(括号内为中文读音,括号外中文是翻译意思)“父亲”Old man look at my life,(欧德曼卢克艾特买来福)I"m a lot like you were.(爱姆鹅老特莱克油唔儿)Old man look at my life,(欧德曼卢克艾特买来福)I"m a lot like you were..(爱姆鹅老特莱克油唔儿)父亲,看看我的人生我和你年轻时多么相像父亲,看看我的人生我和你年轻时多么相像Old man look at my life,(欧德曼卢克艾特买来福)Twenty four(吞题佛)and there"s so much more(俺的惹尔斯搜马奇摩尔)Live alone in a paradise(里唔娥隆音娥怕热戴斯)That makes me think of two.(热爱提梅克斯米星科嗷呜吐)父亲,看看我的人生二十四岁面前的路还长得很独自过着快乐无忧的生活这让我想要结婚成家了Love lost, such a cost,(拉乌老斯特,萨奇娥扣死特)Give me things(给呜米星斯)that don"t get lost.(载特懂特给特老斯特)Like a coin that won"t get tossed(莱克鹅可嗯栽特呜嗯特给特掏死特)Rolling home to you.(蹂躏猴姆吐油)失去爱人,多么沉重的代价这让我领悟到了刻骨铭心的道理Old man take a look at my life,(欧德曼特科娥卢克艾特买来福)I"m a lot like you(爱姆鹅老特莱克油)I need someone to love me(爱立德桑木晚吐拉乌米)the whole day through(这猴哦得斯肉)Ah, one look in my eyes(啊,完卢克音买爱死)and you can tell that"s true.(安得油看特哦载次醋)父亲,看看我的人生我和你多么相似我从早到晚都需要一个人来爱我啊,从我的眼神中可以清楚无疑地看到这一点Lullabies, look in your eyes,Run around the same old town.Doesn"t mean that much to meTo mean that much to you.??I"ve been first and lastLook at how the time goes past.But I"m all alone at last.Rolling home to you.??Old man take a look at my lifeI"m a lot like youI need someone to love methe whole day throughAh, one look in my eyesand you can tell that"s true.父亲,看看我的人生我和你多么相似我从早到晚都需要一个人来爱我啊,从我的眼神中可以清楚无疑地看到这一点Old man look at my life,I"m a lot like you were.Old man look at my life,I"m a lot like you were.父亲,看看我的人生我和你年轻时多么相像父亲,看看我的人生我和你年轻时多么相像
2023-07-26 02:26:591

neil young old man歌词翻译

2023-07-26 02:27:073


想到两首,《Be you wanna be》和《We will rock you》,歌词中的"old man"已加粗,楼楼可以看下。《Be you wanna be》歌词如下:  doctor, actor, lawyer or a singer  why not president, be a dreamer  you can be just the one you wanna be  police man, fire fighter or a post man  why not something like your old man  you can be just the one you wanna be  doctor, actor, lawyer or a singer  why not president, be a dreamer  you can be just the one you wanna be  I know that we all got one thing  that we all share together  we got that one nice dream  we live for  you never know what life could bring  coz nothing last for ever  just hold on to the team  you play for  I know you could reach the top  make sure that you won"t stop  be the one that you wanna be  now sing this with me  doctor, actor, lawyer or a singer  why not president, be a dreamer  you can be just the one you wanna be  police man, fire fighter or a post man  why not something like your old man  you can be just the one you wanna be  we may have different ways to think  but it doesn"t really matter  we all caught up in the steam  of this life  focus on every little thing  that"s what does really matter  luxury cars and bling  thats not real life  I know you could reach the top  make sure that you won"t stop  be the one that you wanna be  now sing this with me  doctor, actor, lawyer or a singer  why not president, be a dreamer  you can be just the one you wanna be  police man, fire fighter or a post man  why not something like your old man  you can be just the one you wanna be  last year I used to dream about this day  now I"m here I"m singing for you  I hope I could inspire you  coz I"ve got all the love, coz I"ve got all love for you  doctor, actor, lawyer or a singer  why not president, be a dreamer  you can be just the one you wanna be  police man, fire fighter or a post man  why not something like your old man  you can be just the one you wanna be2. 《We will rock you》歌词如下:Buddy you are a boy make a big noisePlaying in the street gonna be a big man somedayYou got mud on yo"faceYou big disgraceKickin" your can all over the placeSingin"We will we will rock youWe will we will rock youBuddy you are a young man hard manShoutin" in the street gonna take on the world somedayYou got blood on yo"faceYou big disgraceWavin" your banner all over the placeWe will we will rock youSingin"We will we will rock youBuddy you are an old man poor manPleadin" with your eyes gonna make you some peace some dayYou got mud on your faceYou big disgraceSomebody better put you back intoyour placeWe will we will rock youSingin"We will we will rock you
2023-07-26 02:27:151

Martin Todsharow的《Old Man》 歌词

歌曲名:Old Man歌手:Martin Todsharow专辑:WüStenblumeedit by lymanOld man look at my life,I"m a lot like you were.Old man look at my life,I"m a lot like you were.Old man look at my life,Twenty four and there"s so much moreLive alone in a paradiseThat makes me think of two.Love lost, such a cost,Give me things that don"t get lost.Like a coin that won"t get tossedRolling home to you.Old man take a look at my life I"m a lot like youI need someone to love me the whole day throughAh, one look in my eyes and you can tell that"s true.Lullabies, look in your eyes,Run around the same old town.Doesn"t mean that much to meTo mean that much to you.I"ve been first and lastLook at how the time goes past.But I"m all alone at last.Rolling home to you.Old man take a look at my life I"m a lot like youI need someone to love me the whole day throughAh, one look in my eyes and you can tell that"s true.Old man look at my life,I"m a lot like you were.Old man look at my life,I"m a lot like you were.neil"s funs, see you next time
2023-07-26 02:27:231

一个英语阅读题One day an old man sold a big tiger. A young man came?

1) Did the old man sell a tiger or a lion? A.A tiger B.A lion C.A tiger and a lion A 文章第一句One day an old man sold a big tiger. 2) Who bought the tiger? A.The young man B,An old man C.I don"t know C,文中说After the old man sold the tiger,he gave the young man some money.木有说谁买的. 3) What did the young man get in the end? A.some meat.B.Some money C.Nothing B 文中说After the old man sold the tiger,he gave the young man some money. 4) Who had two bad eyes,the tiger or the young man? A.The tiger B.The young man.C.The old man B 老人问“How can you see the bad ears?“意思是老虎的耳朵有问题,文章最后 The young man answered,” Because I want to see what a lion looks like but my eyes are not good.”年轻人说自己的眼睛有问题. 5) Why did the young man look at the tiger nearly and slowly? A.Because he wanted to buy the tiger. B.Because he wanted to know what the lion looked like. C.Because he liked the tiger. B 还是最后那句 The young man answered,” Because I want to see what a lion looks like but my eyes are not good.” 他想知道狮子长什么样.,4,1 A One day an old man sold a big tiger. 2 C After the old man sold the tiger,前后文中未提到谁买走。 3 B he gave the young man some money 4 B The young man answered,” Because I want to see what a ...,2,A C B B B,2,一个英语阅读题 One day an old man sold a big tiger. A young man came very near to the tiger and began to look at it slowly. The old man went up to him and said near his ear. “Don"t say anything about the tiger before I sell it, then you can get some money.” “All right.” said the young man. After the old man sold the tiger, he gave the young man some money and asked, “How can you see the bad ears? “ ”I don"t see the bad ears, “said the young man.” Then why do you look at it so nearly and slowly?” asked the old man. The young man answered,” Because I want to see what a lion looks like but my eyes are not good.” 1) Did the old man sell a tiger or a lion? A. A tiger B. A lion C. A tiger and a lion 2) Who bought the tiger? A. The young man B, An old man C. I don"t know 3) What did the young man get in the end? A. some meat. B. Some money C. Nothing 4) Who had two bad eyes, the tiger or the young man? A. The tiger B. The young man. C. The old man 5) Why did the young man look at the tiger nearly and slowly? A. Because he wanted to buy the tiger. B. Because he wanted to know what the lion looked like. C. Because he liked the tiger.
2023-07-26 02:27:301


要看单词音标的第一个音素是否是元音音素. 如果是,就用an;不是,就用a. 元音字母开头不用an,因为第一个音素是辅音:例如:a unit,a university等,这里例子第一个发音是juu02d0,是辅音音素. 辅音字母开头要用an,因为第一个音素是元音:例如:an hour,an honest 等,这里h是不发音的. 本题中,old的音标是:u0259u028ald,是元音开头,所以前面得用an,正确的表达是an old man.而unversity的音标是:juu02d0nu026a"vu025cu02d0su026atu026a,很明显第一个音素是辅音,所以前面用a.
2023-07-26 02:27:371


a retired old man 退休老人
2023-07-26 02:27:451


26 years old
2023-07-26 02:28:134


2023-07-26 02:28:433


歌曲名:Old Man歌手: NEIL YOUNG满意请采纳。
2023-07-26 02:28:513