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2023-05-19 18:12:05

【释义】:精确的; 绝对的


  1. strict    【读音】:英[strɪkt]    美[strɪkt]    

    【造句】The officials had issued strict instructions that we were not to get out of the jeep


  2. roughly  【读音】:  英[ˈrʌfli]    美[ˈrʌflɪ]    

    【释义】:粗略地; 大致上; 大体上; 粗暴地;  

    【造句】This trail was roughly parallel to the border.




反义词 kind。





roughly,英文单词,副词,作副词时意为“大略地;概略地”。搭配短语:roughly equal 大致相等 ; 约等于 ; 大约平等treating roughly 粗暴对待的tickle roughly 粗俗地开玩笑Turn roughly 扭亏为盈represent roughly 粗略地描绘talk roughly 粗略地说roughly same 大致相同Revolve roughly 缠绕roughly postingv 粗略
2023-01-07 18:16:591


roughly意思是粗糙地;概略地;大约;大致;差不多;粗暴地;粗鲁地。1 Roughly speaking, we have promoted our sales by 30% before Christmas.粗略地说,我们在圣诞来临之前已经把销售额提高了30%。2 The boy pushed his sister roughly to the other side.那个男孩粗暴地把他妹妹推到另一边。3 The walls were painted roughly, which makes me mad.墙被粉刷得粗糙不平,这点我很生气。4 There has been an increase of roughly 2.25 million.大概增长了225万5 He"s roughly six feet tall with dark, messy hair and warm hazel eyes.他大约6英尺高,黑头发,乱乱的,眼睛是温暖淡褐色。
2023-01-07 18:17:251


roughly 粗糙地,概略地。是个副词,由形容词rough加ly后缀构成。音标是 [" r∧fli ]。里面没有发 v的音啊!具体分r字母发[ r ],o字母发[ ∧], ugh 字母组合发[ f ], ly 发 [ li ]。
2023-01-07 18:17:371


roughly, around都可表示在距离、时间、数量等方面“接近,大约”。区别roughly意为“粗略,大约”,经常用来代替approximately或about。该词常含有随便、草率的意味。around意为“大约”,有时用于非正式场合,可以代替about或approximately例句Roughly speaking, I think we are heading for the depression.大体说来,我认为我们正走向萧条。He went to bed around midnight.他大约半夜才去睡觉。
2023-01-07 18:17:422


Roughly跟about一样喜欢用在名词前,如roughly three years 都是副词 本来位置在哪里都可以的,但习惯位于名词前 其实不能说就是修饰名词 three 才是修饰 我们汉语中 大约在 大约是应该不会当成形容词修饰词的
2023-01-07 18:17:512


副词 ad. 1.粗糙地2.粗暴地3.粗略地;大体上;大约
2023-01-07 18:17:594


rough词性变化如下:1、副词:roughly  2、名词:rougher  3、过去式:roughed  4、过去分词:roughed  5、现在分词:roughing  6、第三人称单数:roughs 用法1、rough指表面看起来或摸上去不平整的东西,用于产品时则表示未经打磨的,还可引申为“(言行)粗野的”等意思。2、rough用作副词时意思是“简陋地”,引申可指“粗暴地”“大致地”。3、rough在句中主要用作状语。4、rough通常只用作及物动词,接名词、代词作宾语。
2023-01-07 18:18:121

roughly coarsely有什么区别吗?

roughly 声音、动作方面粗鲁,大多指教养的欠缺,天性粗鲁coarsely 言语方面粗鲁,常含有主观故意。
2023-01-07 18:18:212


2023-01-07 18:18:308


roughadv. 粗糙地;粗略地;粗暴地roughly ["rʌfli]adv. 粗糙地;概略地roughly:粗略地 | 大致 | 大略地最大的差别就是意思不同啊,所以用处也不同
2023-01-07 18:19:001


rough: adv. 粗糙地;粗略地;粗暴地 with roughness or violence .e.g:he was pushed roughly aside they treated him rough.roughly: 大概 1. (of quantities) imprecise but fairly close to correct e.g rougly $3,000
2023-01-07 18:19:082

请高手答题: roughly是副词,为什么这里用副词修饰名词one?

roughly的确是副词,含义是【几乎,大概】但是这里roughly修饰的不是one,而是【one in six Amercians】,即【六分之一的美国人】这里的副词roughly修饰的不是名词,二是数词,即那个【六分之一】,功能和含义十分接近【approximately】副词并非绝对不能修饰名词的,如,It was rather a mess.里的rather。
2023-01-07 18:19:171

英语Roughly 2,224 acres怎么翻译?

约2,224英亩列句1.Roughly 2,224 acres of the picturesque Danube Delta — home to 300 species of birds — have filled with wildlife.风景如画的多瑙河三角洲(约300种鸟类的栖息地)面积约有2224英亩,它也是三百多种鸟类的栖息地,处处是野生动植物。2.Among them, in 2018, creating new marine national parks covering roughly 25 million acres in the southern Atlantic Ocean.于是在 2018 年,我们又继续打造了新的海洋国家公园,覆盖了南大西洋海域约 2500 万英亩的面积。
2023-01-07 18:19:234


rough:adv.粗糙地;粗略地;粗暴地 with roughness or violence (`rough" is an informal variant for `roughly")e.g:he was pushed roughly aside they treated him rough.roughly:大概 1.(of quantities) imprecis...
2023-01-07 18:19:371


大致反义词:确定,准确大致[dàzhì]1. [roughly]:就主要方面说;大体上对这个问题,我们和你的看法大致相同2. [about]:大概;大约这项工程大致两年可以完工 大致[dàzhì]1. [general]:不是绝对精确的这个州的岩层结构的大致走向是从东北到西南2. [round]:大致正确的;尤指大致相等于十、百、千或其倍数的他每年赢利的大致数目是五千美元之谱
2023-01-07 18:19:426


2023-01-07 18:20:021

英语Roughly 2,224 acres怎么翻译?

“Roughly 2,224 acres”的英语翻译为“大约2,224英亩”。
2023-01-07 18:20:0711


1. David. When Beckham arrives at Japan, the excited fans hurry to greet.2. to celebrate my older female cousin"s wedding ceremony, my mother"s sister and the mother"s sister"s husband have arranged a party. 3. Cull. The Marx related communism"s partial works are complete in the British Library. There has the capacity for alcohol book 4. museum ancient Tao Huyi its bright luster and the exquisite craft have attracted the land"s the artist.5. “do not not treasure like this to clothes, “mother said. “if you do laundry carefully, and folds neatly them, clothes will stand wear. 6. the competition is from beginning to end getting more and more intense. 7. I must rent that set of belt furniture"s house possibility to be young---The house-owner asks a price too high the 8. imperial family family and the ordinary family is the same. They will also have the difference, sometimes also will quarrel.
2023-01-07 18:20:452


About 最为通用,常可与almost和nearly换用,但about用于表示时间、数量的“大约”时,实际数量可能多也可能少。Roughly 指按精略估计,常代替about。常用的短语有:Roughly speaking(粗略地讲)。
2023-01-07 18:20:532

at roughly什么意思?

roughly是一个副词,意思是.粗略地;大约;粗暴地;粗糙地;粗鲁地at roughly是大约在
2023-01-07 18:21:011


2023-01-07 18:21:106

英语dropped by roughly 5%怎么翻译?

dropped by roughly 5%翻译之后他的意思是:下降了约5%
2023-01-07 18:21:3110


粗的英语是:thick。细的英语是:thin。详细解释:thick 英[θɪk] 美[θɪk] adj. 粗的,浓的,茂密的; 厚的,粗大的; 稠密的; 不透明的; adv. 密集地; 不清晰地; 〈口〉太过分; 频频地,时常; n. 最厚的部分; 最活跃或最激烈的部分; 〈口〉笨蛋; 〈俚〉可可粉; [例句]For breakfast I had a thick slice of bread and syrup早餐我吃了一片厚厚的涂了糖浆的面包。thin 英[θɪn] 美[θɪn] adj. 薄的; 瘦的; 细的; 稀少的; vt. 使瘦; 使淡; 使稀疏; vi. 变薄; 变瘦; 变淡; [例句]A thin cable carries the signal to a computer一根细电缆将信号传送给一台计算机。
2023-01-07 18:23:036

be roughly made里这个made是什么词性?

be done可以表示被动,还可以表示状态。这里是表示状态,当作形容词,用副词修饰就好说啦。
2023-01-07 18:23:253


2023-01-07 18:23:402


suitably 等于这个
2023-01-07 18:23:483

most roughly翻译

1.没有想着要听起来像Mayor Ota 2.这里的wander是名词.主语就是wander.翻译为:最粗略地在一般的书店旁的闲逛.
2023-01-07 18:24:091

“粗”的英文怎么写? 我要的是英文单词,

vulgar unfinished thick rude rough coarse crude 都是...不知道你要的是什么状态下的 或者形容什么的? 形容词 1.(长条东西直径大的) wide (in diameter); thick: 例句:a thick rod;粗竿 a thick rope;粗绳 2.(长条东西两长边的距离宽的) wide (in breadth); thick: 例句:bushy eyebrows and big eyes;粗眉大眼 thick lines粗线条 3.(颗粒大; 毛糙) coarse; crude; rough: 例句:coarse cloth;粗布 rough,work-soiled hands;粗黑的手 4.(声音大而低) gruff; husky: 例句:a husky voice;粗嗓子 a deep,gruff voice粗声大气 5.(疏忽; 不周密) careless; negligent: 例句:usually careless,but quite sharp at times; crude in most matters,but subtle in some粗中有细 6.(鲁莽; 粗野) rude; unrefined; vulgar: 例句:speak rudely; use coarse language说话很粗 副词 (略微; 稍微) roughly; slightly: 例句:be roughly in shape;粗具规模 can read and write a little粗通文字
2023-01-07 18:24:151

略略的英语翻译 略略用英语怎么说

omit[oˈmɪt]vt.略;遗漏;删掉;未(做);[例句]Omit thesaltinthis recipe省略菜谱中放盐这一步。
2023-01-07 18:24:212


通过大气蒸发的失水量是用模型来测量的,这种模型对其他形式的失水量测量同样适用.我觉得“ that correct for the other sources of water loss”的意思就是对测量其他形式的失水量也适用.
2023-01-07 18:24:291

There are roughly three New Yorks句子结构分析包括roughly修饰什么?

作状语,修饰谓语are There are roughly (状语)three New Yorks(主语)
2023-01-07 18:24:341

粗的 英语怎么说

2023-01-07 18:24:406

有个英文单词听着是念 (rua fu)请问有没有谁知道这是什么单词??

2023-01-07 18:25:022

中译英 "粗略了解"

take a general picuture of ....
2023-01-07 18:25:196

Crystal it is roughly 中文是什么

2023-01-07 18:25:412

roughly speaking是什么意思

roughly speaking粗略地说双语对照词典结果:roughly speaking[英][ˈrʌflɪ ˈspi:kɪŋ][美][ˈrʌflɪ ˈspikɪŋ]adv.大约说来; 很高兴为您解答祝你生活愉快,学习进步答题不易,您的采纳是我答题的动力如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问如果满意记得采纳哦·~~
2023-01-07 18:25:501


rough的读音:英 [rʌf]  美 [rʌf] 。adj. (表面)粗糙的,不平的;(网球或软式墙网球拍)粗面的;粗暴的,猛烈的;(地方)多暴力的,犯罪盛行的;汹涌的,风浪很大的;粗制的,不完善的n. (高尔夫球场的)深草区(the rough);草稿,草图;<旧,非正式> 粗野的人,暴徒;未加工的宝石;高低不平的地面;粗糙的部分;艰苦,不愉快v. 粗制,对……粗加工;草拟,画……的轮廓;使不平,把……弄毛糙;<非正式> 因陋就简地生活;粗暴地对待;(在美式橄榄球、冰球等比赛中对对手)动粗adv. <非正式> 粗糙地,粗暴地;<英> 风餐露宿【名】 (Rough)(英)拉夫(人名)短语Rough Number 粗糙数rough sand 粗砂 ; 细砂Rough Type 粗鲁的文字 ; [微] 粗糙型 ; 粗糙型rough estimate 匡算 ; [数] 粗略估计 ; 估算Rough running 不平稳运转Rough colony 粗糙菌落 ; 粗糙型菌落She rested her cheek against the roughness of his jacket.她把脸靠在了他粗糙的夹克上。They roughly pushed her forward.他们粗暴地向前推她。
2023-01-07 18:25:551

or so什么意思

2023-01-07 18:26:096

roughly speaking是什么意思

2023-01-07 18:26:352

English is the largest of the four countries ,and for convenience it is divided roughly into three

英国是这四个国家中最大的一个,为方便起见,人们把她大致分为三个区域。 副词修饰动词可以放在动词前也可以放在后面。
2023-01-07 18:26:432

how about to do还是doing?

how about doing。没有how about to do,因为about本身属介词,介词后面要加名词或者动词ing形式。how about doing = what about doing,意译为“做某事怎么样”,表向对方提出的建议。重点词汇:about英[ə'baʊt]释义:adv.大约;将近;到处;(特定位置)四下;闲着;周围;掉头prep.关于;目的是;针对;忙于;因为;在……到处;在……四处;在……附近;在……(具有某种品质);围绕;为……感到adj.在场的,可得到的;就要……的;四处走动的;有证据的,在起作用的n.(About)(法、印、美)阿布(人名)短语:About Us关于我们;公司介绍;新闻中心词语辨析:almost,nearly,about,approximately,around,roughly这些副词均有“大约,差不多”之意。1、almost指在程度上相差很小,差不多。2、nearly与almost含义基本相同,侧重指数量、时间或空间上的接近。3、about常可分almost和nearly换用,但about用于表示时间、数量的“大约”时,实际数量可能多也可能少。4、approximately多用于书面语,指精确度接近某个标准以致误差可忽略不计。5、around多用于非正式场合,常见于美国英语。6、roughly指按粗略估计,常代替about。
2023-01-07 18:26:521


细[xì][形]thin; slender; in small particles; fine; careful ; 圆[yuán]circle; circular; round; a surname; 粗[cū][形]wide ; thick; coarse; crude; [副](略微; 稍微) roughly; slightly ;
2023-01-07 18:27:041


2023-01-07 18:27:102

the last amount of

意思不同,ROUGHLY 是粗略地的意思. be roughly equivalent to 是粗略地相当于的意思
2023-01-07 18:27:221

roughly speaking是什么意思

2023-01-07 18:27:502


粗暴的英语翻译,粗暴用英文怎么写、英语怎么说,中译英...粗暴—— 中文翻译成英文 谷歌翻译 rough 0 百度翻译 Rude 0 必应翻译 Gross 0 有道翻译 rough词典解释ruderoughcrudebrutal网络...
2023-01-07 18:27:583


1 是说电鳗可以产生高达800伏特的强烈电击.这种电击通过它生活的环境--水--来传递 这个短语就是说产生一股强力的..2 是说电鳗产生出的这种shock( 可以说是冲击吧...)可以达到相当于它身体长度的距离直译过来就是 这种强度的冲击可以传播到大约相当于它身体长度的距离还对不上么= =?
2023-01-07 18:28:102


这句话没有问题。Learning 是主语,every day只能是副语。
2023-01-07 18:28:184

roughly speaking是什么意思

roughly speaking英[ˈrʌflɪ ˈspi:kɪŋ]美[ˈrʌflɪ ˈspikɪŋ]adv. 大约说来;大体说来;粗略地讲例句:1.Roughly speaking, I think we are heading for the depression.大体说来,我认为我们正走向萧条。2.The same, roughly speaking, is true of energy use per head.大体而言,人均能源使用量也是如此。3.Roughly speaking, there are three main schools of thought on the matter.粗略地讲,关于这个问题有三个主要的流派。4.Roughly speaking, the trip takes about an hour.大致来说,这次旅程大概需要一小时。5.Roughly speaking there is an upward trend in the marker.大致来说,市场行情有上升的趋势。
2023-01-07 18:28:321


亲 你自个不是写的挺清楚吗,主要是to one"s credit,意为(某人)值得赞扬的是,其它要么就是时态问题咯,主句是过去时,宾语中的短句用到了过去完成时
2023-01-07 18:28:381