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do you ever shine的中英对照歌词

2023-07-27 07:28:58

《Do You Ever Shine?》






Do you ever shine


Do you ever shine to live or die


If you run away from the fiction


You will still be trapped in the cage

还是胆怯 固步自封停滞不前

Do you ever shine


Do you ever shine to live or die


Do you get lost in the trouble


You will see the bright sunlight


Do you ever shine


Do you ever try


Do you ever try to live or die


If you know away from the fiction


You will still be trapped in the cage

还是胆怯 固步自封停滞不前

Do you ever try


Do you ever try to live or die


Do you get lost in the trouble


You will see the bright sunlight


Do you ever try


Do you ever shine


Do you ever shine to live or die


If you run away from the fiction


You will still be trapped in the cage

还是胆怯 固步自封停滞不前

Do you ever shine


Do you ever shine to live or die


Do you get lost in the trouble


You will see the bright sunlight

还是胆怯 固步自封停滞不前

Do you ever shine



Do you ever shine


Do you ever shine to live or die


If you run away from the fiction


You will still be trapped in the cage


Do you ever shine


Do you ever shine to live or die


Do you get lost in the trouble


You will see the bright sunlight


Do you ever shine


Do you ever try


Do you ever try to live or die


If you know away from the fiction


You will still be trapped in the cage







想要拨云见日 拨开那阴霾



do you ever try

Do you ever try to live or die



Do you ever try

Do you ever try to live or die


Do you ever try(你是否努力尝试过)





Do you ever shine

Do you ever shine to live or die



Do you ever shine

Do you ever shine to live or die(为生存或是毁灭)






Do you ever shine


Do you ever shine to live or die


If you run away from the fiction


You will still be trapped in the cage


Do you ever shine


Do you ever shine to live or die


Do you get lost in the trouble


You will see the bright sunlight


Do you ever shine


Do you ever try


Do you ever try to live or die


If you know away from the fiction


You will still be trapped in the cage



"do you ever shine"是什么意思?

“do you ever shine”的意思为:你曾经闪耀。《Do You Ever Shine》是五月天2014最新单曲,该曲为日剧《父子刑警》的主题曲,由小林武史作词,由阿信进行作曲,并由五月天演唱。该歌曲分为英语和日语版。《Do You Ever Shine》中文版歌词你是否闪耀过你是否让生命闪耀过即使你从虚幻中逃脱却依然无法挣脱枷锁你是否闪耀过你是否让生命闪耀过你是否深陷囹圄过却仍能看见耀眼光火你是否闪耀过你是否尝试过你是用生命尝试过如果你从虚幻中了解生活你将仍旧无法挣脱枷锁
2023-07-26 01:48:533

do you ever shine什么意思

do you ever shine你有没有照双语对照词典结果:百科释义《Do You Ever Shine?》是五月天2014最新单曲,该曲为日剧《父子刑警》的主题曲,由小林武史作词,由阿信进行作曲,并由五月天演唱。该歌曲分为英语和日语版。《Do You Ever Shine?》主题曲单曲在6/4于日本发行。查看更多>>例句:1.These skills will help you shine at work. 这些技艺会让你在工作的时候闪光。
2023-07-26 01:49:192

2023-07-26 01:49:251

求五月天的歌曲 doyouevershine中文歌词谢谢大家!

Do you ever shine你是否闪耀过 Do you ever shine to live or die你是否让生命闪耀过If you run away from the fiction即使你从虚幻中逃脱You will still be trapped in the cage却依然无法挣脱枷锁Do you ever shine你是否闪耀过Do you ever shine to live or die你是否让生命闪耀过Do you get lost in the trouble你是否深陷囹圄过You will see the bright sunlight却仍能看见耀眼光火Do you ever shine你是否闪耀过Do you ever try你是否尝试过Do you ever try to live or die你是用生命尝试过If you know away from the fiction如果你从虚幻中了解生活You will still be trapped in the cage你将仍旧无法挣脱枷锁
2023-07-26 01:49:333

do you ever shine 的日语歌词

日剧 Bitteru30fbBlood 主题曲作词:小林武史作曲:五月天阿信この街スピード加速する谁かが谁かとクロスする心の襞からいくつもの爱と欲望が流れ出すジャララ ジャラジャラ 音をたてジャララ ジャラジャラ 音をたてそれぞれこれ何を思ってどこへ生きていくのDo you ever shine?Do you ever shine to live or die?摩擦を避ければ 饲い惯らされるだけDo you ever shine?Do you ever shine to live or die?ぶつかり合うから 光が生まれたDo you ever shine?仆らの心の暗闇は変わらぬ世界の暗闇と确かに繋がっているんだろ匍匐前进でくぐり抜けジャララ ジャラジャラ 闇を抜けジャララ ジャラジャラ 闇を抜けまたどれこれ君に会っていつか感じ会えるDo you ever try?Do you ever try to live or die?その壁をクリアして 次が顕れてDo you ever try?Do you ever try to live or die?问题の本质に 手を伸ばして行けDo you ever try?恨みを舍てたら 希望の正义へいつか向かっている光さすいく色に変わる空仆らを越えていく不可思议な 力まで味方にしていこうDo you ever shine?Do you ever shine to live or die?ぶつかり合うから 光が生まれたDo you ever shine?Do you ever shine to live or die?闭じた时空さえも 开いて行くんだDo you ever shine?
2023-07-26 01:49:491

求歌曲名称,偶然听到女生版英文歌中唱到“do you ever shine”,歌词跟五月天的英文版差不多

这首歌的主要版本本来就是日文版,也叫do you ever shine
2023-07-26 01:49:572

五月天的将军令和Do You Ever Shine哪个音高?没听过的可以听一下回答我吗

2023-07-26 01:50:153

Do you ever 到底是什么意思??

2023-07-26 01:50:396

谁有五月天的 do you ever shine 的音乐链接?必赞求赞 哈
2023-07-26 01:50:531


绝对要听的十首英文励志歌曲   Miley Cyrus - The Climb   尽管如今的麦莉越发出位,但是当年青春励志的她,依然激励着每一个人!自从麦莉在Hannah Montana的电影版中,摘下假发,面对家乡人民唱出《The Climb》,这首歌就被不停的转载、引用、翻唱!说《The Climb》是史上最经典的励志歌曲之一,毫不为过。   Just keep pushing on "cause   只须奋力前行,因为   There"s always gonna be another mountain   总会有下一座山峦   I"m always gonna wanna make it move   在等我去将它移开   Always gonna be an uphill battle   总会有下一个山坡   Sometimes I"m gonna have to lose   很可能令我无法越过   Ain"t about how fast I get there   不在于我要用多久才能抵达顶峰   Ain"t about what"s waitin on the other side   不在于山那边到底是怎样的风景   It"s the climb   这就是攀登   P!nk - Fuckin" Perfect   去他妈的完美,我就是最完美的。《Fuckin Perfect》绝对振奋人心!与其活在他人的期待中,不如好好的做最真实的自己。   pretty pretty please Oh   姑娘 美丽的姑娘别这样   dont u ever ever feel   请你别想 你永远别想   like u less than ****ing perfect   不要觉得 你是那该死的完美当中的瑕疵品   pretty pretty please   姑娘 美丽的姑娘求求你   if u ever ever feel   要是你曾经一直觉得认为自己一无事处   like u loving u ****ing perfect to me   我爱你,在我眼里的你 是TM的最完美的   Katy Perry - Firework   Do you ever feel like a plastic bag, drifting through the windu2026u2026这首歌,连金正恩都爱!尽管当下诸事不顺,但是不要放弃,相信自己,相信自己的内心,相信自己拥有的强大力量。   Do you know that there"s still a chance for you   你知不知道其实你还有希望?   "Cause there"s a spark in you   因为你心里还是有火花   You just gotta ignite, the light, and let it shine   你只需要点燃那盏灯和让它发亮   Just own the night like the 4th of July   把晚上当作自己的"就像七月四日   "Cause baby you"re a firework   因为宝贝你是个烟花   Come on, show "em what you"re worth   来吧,让他们看你值多少   Kelly Clarkson - Break Away   Kelly的自传式歌曲,曾经困于现状的她,如今勇敢的挣脱束缚,放飞自我。   Maybe I don"t know where they"ll take me but   可能我并不知道,他们会把我带往何处,但   Gotta keep moving on,moving on   我必须继续前进,努力奋斗   Fly away,breakaway   展翅高飞,远走他乡   I"ll spread my wings   我将展开翅膀   And I"ll learn how to fly   我将学习飞翔   Though it"s not easy to tell you goodbye   虽然多么难以向你说声再见   I gotta take a risk   但我必须冒险   Take chance, Make a change, And breakaway   尝试一下,奋斗一回,远走他乡   Selena Gomez - Who Says   谁说你不完美?谁说你不漂亮?做真的自我,相信自己最美丽,相信自己最完美!不要做第二个谁,只要做第一个自己。   But when it comes to me   不过如果你问我   I wouldnu2019t want to be anybody else   我不想作除了自己的任何人   Na na na Iu2019m no beauty queen   我不是美丽女皇   Iu2019m just beautiful me   我只是美丽的我   Na na na Youu2019ve got every right   你拥有每个权利   To a beautiful life   去活得漂亮   c"mon Who says, Who says youu2019re not perfect   谁说,谁说你不完美   Who says youu2019re not worth it   谁说你不值得   Who says youu2019re the only one thatu2019s hurting   谁说只有你在伤心   Trust me   相信我   Thatu2019s the price of beauty   这就是美丽的代价   冰雪奇缘 - Let It Go   漫天冰雪的世界里,Elsa女王踏着剔透的冰花,用优美动听、暖心励志的《Let It Go》,唱出曾经的无限挣扎,也唱出终于解脱的轻松释然。   Don"t let them in, don"t let them see   不让他们走进来,不让他们看到   Be the good girl you always have to be   做一个好女孩,一直都要这样   Conceal, don"t feel, don"t let them know   掩饰、没有感觉、不要让他们知道   Well, now they know   好了,现在他们都知道了   Let it go, let it go   随心而行,随心而行   Can"t hold it back anymore   不能再抑制了   Let it go, let it go   随心而行,随心而行   Turn away and slam the door   转过身甩上门   I don"t care what they"re going to say   我不在乎他们会怎样说   Let the storm rage on   让风暴怒吼吧   The cold never bothered me anyway   寒冷再也不能烦扰我了   Eminem - Not Afraid   我们会一起走完这条路,即使暴风骤雨,随他是什么,严寒或酷暑,只想你知道,你不孤独!   And I just can"t keep living this way   我不能再这么活了   So starting today, I"m breaking out of this cage   从今天开始,我要挣脱枷锁   I"m standing up, Imma face my demons   我要站起来去面对这些恶魔   I"m manning up, Imma hold my ground   我正武装起来,坚持自己的立场   I"ve had enough, now I"m so fed up   我已经受够了,对这些忍无可忍了   Time to put my life back together right now   现在该是我重新开始的时候了   It was my decision to get clean, I did it for me   我决定理清这一切,就为自己   Admittedly i probably did it subliminally for you   应该说我可能是下意识的为了你们   So I could come back a brand new me, you helped see me through   所以我会以一个崭新的我回归,你们帮助我看清了自己   Taylor Swift - Sweeter Than Fiction   Taylor Swift献唱电影《One Chance/成名机会》的片尾曲,励志感人。电影记录了Paul Potts的故事,充满了正能量!36岁的Paul是一个普通的手机推销员,2007年他参加了《英国达人》,由于外表平淡无奇,观众和评委都对他表示出轻视和怀疑。然而当他开口演唱,全世界都被震惊!   Someday you won"t remember This pain   在将来的某一天你一定会忘记   you thought would last forever and ever   这些你曾认为无休止的疼痛   There you stand,ten feet tall   你会光荣这样站在那里,十英尺高,光芒万丈   I will say,"I knew it all along"   我会告诉你,这一天我早已预测到   Your eyes are wider than distance   你的目光比未来还遥远   This life is sweeter than fiction   这种日子像虚拟的小说一样梦幻又甜蜜   Just a shot,just a shot in the dark (oh,oh)   只要你敢想,这一切终究会实现   Christina Perri - Burning Gold   一成不变的生活,不是终点,当看到梦想的窗口,不要让它溜走,要敢于追求敢于改变。机会可遇不可得,但是机会,是留给又准备的人。   I can see my chance begin to fade   我可以看到我的机会开始消失   One Step forward and two back again   好不容易迈进了一步,却又退了两步回来   I wish the wind would carry a change   我希望风会携带变化   I"ve had enough   我受够了   I"m standing up   我要反抗   I need, I need a change   我需要,我需要改变   R. Kelly - I Believe I Can Fly   为飞人乔丹而写的震撼人心的经典励志!生命中很多奇迹等我去实现,但我知道要实现奇迹,就必须先从我做起。只要我能看见,就只有天空才是我的极限。   I"m leaning on the everlasting arms   我从永恒的臂膀中学习到它   If I can see it, then I can do it   如果我能看见,我就能做到   If I just believe it, there"s nothing to it   如果我只是相信它,它们就变得无足轻重   I believe I can fly   我相信我能够飞翔   I believe I can touch the sky   我相信我能触摸到天际   I think about it every night and day   每个日夜我都在思考   Spread my wings and fly away   能够张开翅膀尽情飞翔 ;
2023-07-26 01:51:111

求一首英文歌的名字~是女声的,很好听~do you want .......

katy perry <firework>
2023-07-26 01:51:2915

谁能翻译一下邦尼瑞特的《Will the sun ever shine again》?

雨水浇像天上的伤害好像这是黑暗的,因为魔鬼知道何时你怎么继续下去,永远不会知道某些将以往的太阳光芒再现? 猫喜欢它的,因为它已年开始打雷云露营,在山谷和峡谷你怎么继续下去, 当您不禁要问将以往的太阳光芒再现? 如果降雨持续下降? 如果保持灰色的天空? 如果保持装饰风永不消失? 也许不久的风暴将厌倦了吹也许这一切很快将结束, amenHow你去, 如果没有办法知道是否会永远的太阳光芒? 希望我可以说给我发一份迹象, 一个小光主啊,如果你听 ,多久才能呢? 将以往的太阳光芒再现?
2023-07-26 01:51:564

Do you ever feel like a plastic bag, drifting through the wind?

Do you ever feel like a plastic bag,   你可曾感到自己如同空中的塑料袋?   drifting through the wind   随风浪迹天涯   wanting to start again?   想要重新开始?   Do you ever feel, feel so paper thin   你又可曾感到自己单薄得如纸般脆弱   like a house of cards,   如同纸牌搭成的房子   one blow from caving in?   只要轻轻一吹全世界都会崩塌   Do you ever feel already buried deep?   你可曾感到自己被深埋地下   6 feet under screams but no one seems to hear a thing   在地狱中撕声呐喊 却没有人能听到你的声音   Do you know that there"s still a chance for you   但不管如何我想告诉你不要放弃   "Cause there"s a spark in you   因为我能感到你的胸口之中已经擦出火花   You just gotta ignite, the light, and let it shine   它就会发出全世界最耀眼的光芒   Just own the night like the 4th of July   把自己的夜晚当做七月四日   "Cause baby you"re a firework   我的朋友 别忘了你是一支烟火   Come on, show "em what you"re worth   来吧,让他们瞧瞧你的价值   Make "em go "Oh, oh, oh"   来吧 现在就点燃自己 《噢,噢,噢》   As you shoot across the sky-y-y   站在地上仰望的人们会对你刮目相看 为你欢呼空-空-空   Baby, you"re a firework   朋友 你就是那创造美丽的烟火   Come on, let your colors burst   来吧 给他们看看你酝藏已久的色彩   Make "em go "Oh, oh, oh"   来吧 现在就点燃自己 《噢,噢,噢》   You"re gonna leave "em falling down-own-own   这时你再俯瞰一切   你会发现曾经的恐惧其实都是那么渺小   You don"t have to feel like a waste of space   我的朋友 请你不要妄自菲薄   You"re original, cannot be replaced   你是如此的独一无二   没有人可以取代你的价值   If you only knew what the future holds   如果你知道什么掌控着未来   After a hurricane comes a rainbow   阳光总在风雨后   但愿你能忘记昨日的乌云 抬头望向明日的彩虹   Maybe your reason why all the doors are closed   也许事情并不是你所想象的那样绝望   So you could open one that leads you to the perfect road   只要你敢 就会有扇大门为你打开   Like a lightning bolt, your heart will blow   就像一触即炸的闪电球   你胸口中蕴藏的力量随时都有可能爆发   And when it"s time, you"ll know   你要做的 只是抓紧时间   You just gotta ignite, the light, and let it shine   你只需要点燃那盏灯和让它发亮   Just own the night like the 4th of July   把自己的夜晚当做七月四日   "Cause baby you"re a firework   我的朋友 别忘了你是一支烟火   Come on, show "em what you"re worth   来吧,让他们看看你的价值   Make "em go "Oh, oh, oh"   来吧 现在就点燃自己 《噢,噢,噢》   As you shoot across the sky-y-y   站在地上仰望的人们会对你刮目相看 为你欢呼空-空-空   Baby, you"re a firework   朋友 你就是那创造美丽的烟火   Come on, let your colors burst   来吧 给他们看看你酝藏已久的色彩   Make "em go "Oh, oh, oh"   来吧 现在就点燃自己 《噢,噢,噢》   You"re gonna leave "em falling down-own-own   来吧,让他们看看你的价值   Boom, boom, boom   叭,叭,叭   Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon   让我们的绚丽把月亮朦胧   It"s always been inside of you, you, you   以往你内心所梦想的   And now it"s time to let it through-ough-ough   现在是该放开的时候   "Cause baby you"re a firework   我的朋友 别忘了你是一支烟火   Come on, show "em what you"re worth   来吧,让他们看到你的价值   Make "em go "Oh, oh, oh"   来吧 现在就点燃自己 《噢,噢,噢》   As you shoot across the sky-y-y   站在地上仰望的人们会对你刮目相看 为你欢呼空-空-空   Baby, you"re a firework   朋友 你就是那创造美丽的烟火   Come on, let your colors burst   来吧 给他们看看你酝藏已久的色彩   Make "em go "Oh, oh, oh"   来吧 现在就点燃自己 《噢,噢,噢》   You"re gonna leave "em falling down-own-own   这时你再俯瞰一切   你会发现曾经的恐惧其实都是那么渺小   Boom, boom, boom   叭,叭,叭   Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon   让我们的绚丽把月亮朦胧   Boom, boom, boom   叭,叭,叭   Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon   让月亮也成为我们的观众
2023-07-26 01:52:031

艺术家:Katy Perry的烟火歌词

Firework Do you ever feel like a plastic bag,  你可曾感到自己如同空中的塑料袋?  drifting through the wind  随风浪迹天涯  wanting to start again?  想要重新开始?  Do you ever feel, feel so paper thin  你又可曾感到自己单薄得如纸般脆弱  like a house of cards,  如同纸牌搭成的房子  one blow from caving in?  只要轻轻一吹全世界都会崩塌  Do you ever feel already buried deep?  你可曾感到自己被深埋地下  6 feet under screams but no one seems to hear a thing  在地狱中撕声呐喊 却没有人能听到你的声音  Do you know that there"s still a chance for you  但不管如何我想告诉你不要放弃  "Cause there"s a spark in you  因为我能感到你的胸口之中已经擦出火花  You just gotta ignite, the light, and let it shine  它就会发出全世界最耀眼的光芒  Just own the night like the 4th of July  把自己的夜晚当做七月四日  "Cause baby you"re a firework  我的朋友 别忘了你是一支烟火  Come on, show "em what you"re worth  来吧,让他们瞧瞧你的价值  Make "em go "Oh, oh, oh"  来吧 现在就点燃自己 《噢,噢,噢》  As you shoot across the sky-y-y  站在地上仰望的人们会对你刮目相看 为你欢呼空-空-空  Baby, you"re a firework  朋友 你就是那创造美丽的烟火  Come on, let your colors burst  来吧 给他们看看你酝藏已久的色彩  Make "em go "Oh, oh, oh"  来吧 现在就点燃自己 《噢,噢,噢》  You"re gonna leave "em falling down-own-own  这时你再俯瞰一切  你会发现曾经的恐惧其实都是那么渺小  You don"t have to feel like a waste of space  我的朋友 请你不要妄自菲薄  You"re original, cannot be replaced  你是如此的独一无二  没有人可以取代你的价值  If you only knew what the future holds  如果你知道什么掌控着未来  After a hurricane comes a rainbow  阳光总在风雨后  但愿你能忘记昨日的乌云 抬头望向明日的彩虹  Maybe your reason why all the doors are closed  也许事情并不是你所想象的那样绝望  So you could open one that leads you to the perfect road  只要你敢 就会有扇大门为你打开  Like a lightning bolt, your heart will blow  就像一触即炸的闪电球  你胸口中蕴藏的力量随时都有可能爆发  And when it"s time, you"ll know  你要做的 只是抓紧时间  You just gotta ignite, the light, and let it shine  你只需要点燃那盏灯和让它发亮  Just own the night like the 4th of July  把自己的夜晚当做七月四日  "Cause baby you"re a firework  我的朋友 别忘了你是一支烟火  Come on, show "em what you"re worth  来吧,让他们看看你的价值  Make "em go "Oh, oh, oh"  来吧 现在就点燃自己 《噢,噢,噢》  As you shoot across the sky-y-y  站在地上仰望的人们会对你刮目相看 为你欢呼空-空-空  Baby, you"re a firework  朋友 你就是那创造美丽的烟火  Come on, let your colors burst  来吧 给他们看看你酝藏已久的色彩  Make "em go "Oh, oh, oh"  来吧 现在就点燃自己 《噢,噢,噢》  You"re gonna leave "em falling down-own-own  来吧,让他们看看你的价值  Boom, boom, boom  叭,叭,叭  Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon  让我们的绚丽把月亮朦胧  It"s always been inside of you, you, you  以往你内心所梦想的  And now it"s time to let it through-ough-ough  现在是该放开的时候  "Cause baby you"re a firework  我的朋友 别忘了你是一支烟火  Come on, show "em what you"re worth  来吧,让他们看到你的价值  Make "em go "Oh, oh, oh"  来吧 现在就点燃自己 《噢,噢,噢》  As you shoot across the sky-y-y  站在地上仰望的人们会对你刮目相看 为你欢呼空-空-空  Baby, you"re a firework  朋友 你就是那创造美丽的烟火  Come on, let your colors burst  来吧 给他们看看你酝藏已久的色彩  Make "em go "Oh, oh, oh"  来吧 现在就点燃自己 《噢,噢,噢》  You"re gonna leave "em falling down-own-own  这时你再俯瞰一切  你会发现曾经的恐惧其实都是那么渺小  Boom, boom, boom  叭,叭,叭  Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon  让我们的绚丽把月亮朦胧  Boom, boom, boom  叭,叭,叭  Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon  让月亮也成为我们的观众
2023-07-26 01:52:111


歌曲:Taylor Swift--Wildest Dreams
2023-07-26 01:52:302

一首dj英文歌男声的 刚开始是no nobody什么的

Shayne Ward - Until You
2023-07-26 01:52:464


don"t want to say goodbay
2023-07-26 01:52:554


花篝り 罗马文: Wa su re ka ke ta o mo i de ni A ka ri ga to mo ri da su Ho ta ru no yo u so re wa a na ta wo i to shi ku sa se ru no ne Na tsu ka shi ki u su i ka o ri i tsu ma de mu ne ko ga su… Yu ra ri yu ra ri ma u ha na ka ga ri a i ta shi o mo i to do ke te ku ta sa i chi ga u mi chi wo e ra n da ke re do i ma mo ko ko ro ga yo n de i ru Slowly now Pale moonlight Shine through your gentle eyes Trust all my love for you I wanna be strong for you I know we"ll be together Don"t let your feeling go Oh Please I feel you I hear you Do you believe in fate? Feel all my love for you (forever and ever more) I feel you I hear you Do you believe in fate? Feel all my love for you yeah yeah a na ta ga o mo tte i ru yo ri tsu yo ku na n ka na i yo na ga i ka mi wa a no hi no ma ma su ki da tte i tte ta ka ra... ki tsu ku ta i te ha na re nu yo u ni su be te wa su re sa se te yu ra ri yu ra ri ma u ha na ka ga ri yo ri so u ka ge ga ka sa na tte i ku a fu re ru o mo i yu ki wo to ka shi te ya tto a na ta ni de a e ru so shi te ki tto I feel you I hear you Do you believe in fate? Feel all my love for you (forever and ever more) All my love for you I feel you I hear you Do you believe in fate? Feel all my love for you (forever and ever more) ne ga i ka ke te mi ru ha na ka ga ri hi to ri ni shi na i to chya n to i tte ko no te no hi ra ni a ru nu ku mo ri ga yu me de a ri ma se n yo u ni 中文: 滴草由实-花之篝火 在快要遗忘的思念里 燃起一盏灯 象萤火虫一样 是它让我爱上了你啊 让人怀念的淡淡香气 一直让我 十分焦急 摇曳着 摇曳着 翩翩起舞的花之篝火啊 请把我想见你的心情 传达给你 虽然我们已选择了不同的路 至今我的心仍旧在呼唤 我并不比你所想的 更加坚强 长长的头发 还象那一天一样 因为你说过喜欢它 紧紧地 抱住我 为了不再离开 让我遗忘了一切 摇曳着 摇曳着 翩翩起舞的花藤啊 我俩依偎的身影相互重叠 漫溢的思念 融化了冰雪 终于得以与你相见 一定会 一定会 许下心愿 凝望着 花之篝火 勇敢地说出 "我不要一个人孤独" 在我手心里存留的温度 为了不让它只存在于梦里 日文: 忘れかけた思い出に 灯火(あかり)が灯りだす 蛍のよう それはあなたを 爱しくさせるのね 懐かしき淡い香り いつまで 胸焦がす… ゆらり ゆらり 舞う 花篝り 逢いたし思い 届けて下さい 违う道を选んだけれど 今も心が呼んでいる Slowly now Pale moonlight Shine through your gentle eyes Trust all my love for you I wanna be strong for you I know we"ll be together Don"t let your feeling go Oh Please I feel you I hear you Do you believe in fate? Feel all my love for you (forever and ever more) I feel you I hear you Do you believe in fate? Feel all my love for you yeah yeah あなたが思っているより 强くなんかないよ 长い髪は あの日のまま 好きだって言ってたから… きつく抱いて 离れぬように 全て忘れさせて (hold on me stay with me) ゆらり ゆらり 舞う 花篝り 寄り添う影が重なっていく 溢れる想い 雪を溶かして やっとあなたに出逢える そして きっと I feel you I hear you Do you believe in fate? Feel all my love for you (forever and ever more) All my love for you I feel you I hear you Do you believe in fate? Feel all my love for you (forever and ever more) 愿いかけて 见る 花篝り 一人にしないとちゃんと言って この手の平にある温もりが 梦でありませんように… I feel you I hear you Do you believe in fate? Feel all my love for you (forever and ever more) I still believe ~ため息~ 作词:滴草由実 作曲:徳永暁人 编曲:徳永暁人 やさしいね この空は yasashiine konosorawa 全てを见てるはずなのに... subeteomiteruhazunanoni 振り向けば雨が降る furimukebaamegafuru でも今振り向けば君が居る demoimafurimukebakimigairu I don"t know why 受话器の中を通り抜けて jyuwakinonakaotoorinukete 声が闻きたい素直になりたい koegakikitaisunaoninaritai haa...I"ll be with you haa...傍にいてよ sobaniiteyo haa...爱なんかいつかは... ainankaitsukawa なんてもう思えないよ nantemouomoenaiyo 想ふだけ 飞んでは逸れ soufudake tondewasore いつこんな泣きむしになっただろう itsukonnanakimushininattadarou But I still believe 云が晴れてゆく 君は他にいない kumogahareteyuku kimiwahokaniinai 生きてゆけない 思い出だけでは... ikiteyukenai omoidedakedewa haa...I"ll be with you haa...信じたいの shinjitaino haa...もし逢いたくなれば moshiaitakunareba かまわずすぐ逢いにゆくよ kamawazusuguainiyukuyo 君がいなくたって 毎日に埋もれて kimigainakutatte mainichiniumorete いっぱい诘まった爱も ippaitsumattaaimo 空き缶みたいになるのかな akikanmitaininarunokana でもこのため息の中には demokonotameikinonakaniwa ahh あの约束 anoyakusoku haa...君がいれば kimigaireba haa...明日はいらない ashitawairanai haa...例えどんな波にさらわれそうでも tatoedonnanaminisarawaresoudemo 爱してるよ aishiteruyo 中文: 这天空 真温柔 明明将所有的一切看的一清二楚的… 回顾以往 心在下雨 可是 现在 一回头 有你在身旁 I don"t know why 想透过电话筒 听听你的声音 不再伪装 haa… I"ll be with you haa… 请留在我身边 haa… 所谓的爱总有一天… 你说的这些话 我已经无法想像了呀 对你的思念 无法巧妙表达 飘散的消失匿迹 我何时变的这麼爱哭了呢 But I still believe 渐渐会拨云见天的 你是我的唯一 只靠著思念 是无法活下去的… haa… I"ll be with you haa… 我好想相信你喔 haa… 如果你想见我 没关系 我会马上去见你的喔 即使你不在 每天瓶子里埋藏 塞的满满的爱 是否也会变空呢? 但是 在这Tameiki(叹息声)中 有著那约定 haa… 只要有你在 haa… 明天可以不要 haa… 即使快被浪潮给冲走 我还是爱著你 haa… 只要有你在
2023-07-26 01:53:194


汪苏泷 【小星星 苦笑】 紫色迷情【迷人的危险】 小峰峰【替代品】 孙燕姿【明天的记忆 逆光】 郭静【聊天 心墙 在树上唱歌】 赛宁【小观园】 蘑菇红【屋顶花园】 徐良【红装 下个路口见 客观不可以】 河图【倾尽天下】 飞儿乐队【向日葵盛开的夏天】 彭于晏【转角的夏天】 依稀【请安静听完这一首】 网络歌手【卑恋 柒月 忧伤歌声】女版的 王若琳【迷宫】 阿朵【叹金莲】 何曼婷【明明说好不哭】 范玮琪 梁静茹的系列
2023-07-26 01:53:2714

Little Light Of Mine 歌词

歌曲名:Little Light Of Mine歌手:Rosenshontz专辑:Rock N Roll Teddy BearAddison Road - Little Light Of MineThere"s a little flame inside a soulSome shine brightSome shine smallThe rains will comeAnd the waters riseBut don"t you ever lose your lightIn this life you will knowLove and painJoy and sorrowSo when it hurtsWhen times get hardDon"t forget whos child you areThis little light of mineI"m gonna let it shineThis little light of mineI"m Gonna let it shineGonna let it shineMay you live each dayWith no regretMake the most of every chance you getAnd your eyes get wideWhen you look at the starsWith the same sense of wonder as a child"s heartMay the ones you loveTreasure the timeAnd for those who are goneKeep the memories aliveHold on to your dreamsDon"t you ever let goThere"s a fire inside youBurning with hopeThis little light of mineI"m gonna let it shineThis little light of mineI"m gonna let it shineGonna let it shineThere will be days when you wanna give upWhen the clouds settle inBut after the rain comes the sunDon"t you ever forgetDon"t forgetDon"t, don"t forgetOne day there will be no more painAnd we will finally see Jesus" faceSo until then I"m gonna tryTo brave the darkAnd let my little light shineThis little light of mineI"m gonna let it shineThis little light of mineI"m gonna let it shineGonna let it shineThis little light of mineI"m gonna let it shineThis little light of mineI"m gonna let it shineGonna let it shineOh, shineGonna let it shineThere"s a little light inside us all
2023-07-26 01:53:511

do you ever shine什么意思

do you ever shine的意思是你是否闪耀过光芒。例句:1. Do you ever murder the English language? 你有没有胡乱使用英语?2. How nice for you, Mr. Software: Do you ever unsuccessfully save? ). 软件先生,你真好, 你有过保存不成功的时候 吗 ? ).3. Do you ever seem to see specks in front of your eyes? 你眼睛前面曾似乎看见过小点 吗 ?
2023-07-26 01:54:122

do you ever shine什么意思

2023-07-26 01:54:212

do you ever shine歌词中文翻译

2023-07-26 01:54:372

父子刑警主题曲Do you ever shine?的平假名歌词

この街(まち) スピード加速(かそく)する谁(だれ)かが谁(だれ)かと クロスする心(こころ)のひだから いくつもの爱(あい)と欲望(よくぼう)が流(なが)れ出(だ)すJaLaLanJaLaLaLa音(おと)をたてJaLaLanJaLaLaLa音(おと)をたてそれ谁(だれ)カレ何(なに)を待(ま)って ここで生(い)きてゆくのDoYouEverShine?DoYouEverShine?tolive,ordie摩擦(まさつ)をさければ饲(か)いならされるだけDoYouEverShine?DoYouEverShine?tolive,ordieぶつかり合(あ)うから光(ひかり)が生(う)まれんだDoYouEverShine?仆(ぼく)らの心(こころ)の暗闇(くらやみ)は変(か)わらん世界(せかい)の暗闇(くらやみ)と确(たし)かにつながってんだろう匍匐(ほふく)で前进(ぜんしん) くぐり抜(ぬ)けJaLaLanJaLaLaLa闇(やみ)を抜(ぬ)けJaLaLanJaLaLaLa闇(やみ)を抜(ぬ)けまた谁(だれ)カレ君(きみ)に逢(あ)って いつか感(かん)じあえるDoYouEverTry?DoYouEverTry?tolive,ordieその壁(かべ)をクリアーして次(つぎ)が现(あらわ)れてDoYouEverTry?DoYouEverTry?tolive,ordie问题(もんだい)の本质(ほんしつ)に手(て)を伸(の)ばしてゆけDoYouEverTry?恨(うら)みを舍(す)てたら希望(きぼう)の旋律(せんりつ)いつか夜(よる)が明(あ)ける光(ひかり)射(さ)す几色(いくいろ)に変(か)わる空(そら)仆(ぼく)らを超(こ)えてゆく不可思议(ふかしぎ)な力(ちから)まで味方(みかた)にして君(きみ)とDoYouEverShine?DoYouEverShine?tolive,ordieぶつかり合(あ)うから光(ひかり)が生(う)まれんだDoYouEverShine?DoYouEverShine?tolive,ordie闭(と)じた时空(じくう)さえも开(ひら)いて行(い)くからDoYouEverShine?
2023-07-26 01:54:431

do you ever shine中文谐音歌词

Kono machi supīdo kaso ku suru抠NO麻吉 速杯耶逗 加速哭速噜谁(だれ)かが谁(だれ)かとくろすするdare ka ga dare ka to ku ro su su ru搭累 卡加 搭累卡逗 哭罗 速速噜心 (こころ)の ひだ からいくつものkokoro no hi da kara i ku tsu mo no抠抠罗 no he 蝶 卡啦咿哭嗞摸no爱情(爱い)とこ欲望(よくぼ) ながれだすai to ko yokubō ga na ga re da su爱咿逗抠 哭拨喔加 内加累搭速ダラララララーJaLaLan JaLaLaLa切啦切啦切啦啦~~~音(おと)を立(た)てoto o ta te喔逗喔塔蝶ダラララララーJaLaLan JaLaLaLa切啦切啦切啦啦~~音(おと)を立(た)てoto o ta te喔逗喔塔蝶それ 谁(だれ) 彼(かれ)のにをみゆまてso re da re ka re na ni o mi yo ma te唆累 搭累 卡累 no泥喔咪优忙蝶どこで生(い)きてゆくのdo ko de I ki te yu ku no逗抠day咿key te 优哭noDo you ever shineDo you ever shine to live or dieまさずを避(せ)ければma sa zu o sa ke re ba玛莎嗞喔沙K累巴这(か)い惯(ね)らされるだけka I na ra sa ru da ke卡咿内啦撒噜搭KDo you ever shineDo you ever shine to live or dieぶつかり会(あ) おからbu tsu ka ri a o ka ra卜嗞卡利啊喔卡啦光(ひかり)がうまれたhi ka ri ga o ma re dahe卡利加呜马拿呆Do ~you ~~ever shine仆(ぼく)らの (こころ)心の暗闇(くらやみ)はBo ku ra no ko ko ro no ku ra ya mi wa拨抠啦no抠抠罗no哭啦鸦咪哇変(か)わらん世界(せかい)の暗闇(くらやみ)とka wa ra n se kai no ku ra ya mi to卡哇啦咿世界a no哭啦鸦咪偷确(たし) かにつながながってんだろうta shi ka ni tsu na ga na ga da rou它西卡你嗞拿加拿加蝶a加喔をふくて注意(ちゅい) しりふくみねけo fu ku de chi yu i shi ri fu ku mi ne ke喔敷哭蝶注意西你敷哭咪内KダラララララーJaLaLan JaLaLaLa切啦切啦切啦啦~~闇(やみ)を抜(こ)けya mi o nu ke鸦咪喔内KダラララララーJaLaLan JaLaLaLa切啦切啦切啦啦~~闇(やみ)を抜(こ)けya mi o nu ke鸦咪喔内Kまた 谁(たれ)彼(かれ) 君(きみ)にってma ta da re ka re ki mi a tte马达 逗累卡累key咪雅蝶何时(いつ)か感(かんじ) あえるIt su ka ka nji a e ru咿嗞卡卡泥叽阿a噜D o you ever tryDo you ever try to live or dieその壁(かて)をくりあしてso no ka te o ku ri ā shi te唆罗卡蝶喔哭利啊西蝶次(つぎ)から笑(わら)ってtsu gi ka ra ra wa re te嗞key卡啦啦哇哪蝶Do you ever tryDo you ever try to live or die问题(もんざい)の本质(ほんしつ)にmon dai no hon shi tsu ni问呆no厚西嗞泥手(て)を伸(の) ばしてゆけte o no ba shi te yu ke蝶喔no巴西蝶优KDo you ever try~~~(高音处)恨(恨ま)みを舍(すけ)てたらura mi o su ke ta ra恨马咪喔撕K卡啦希望をの旋律(せんりつ) みてKibō o no se n ri mi te希望喔no善人咪蝶--------------间奏------------------------何时(いつ) てとをかが迎(は)えてる光差(ひかりさ)すit tsu te to o ka ga ha a te ru hi ka ri sa su伊嗞蝶逗 喔卡加哈蝶噜 嘻卡利撒稣逝(い)くり色(をに)変(か)わる空(そな)I ku ri o ni ka wa ru so na伊哭利喔泥卡哇噜唆哪仆(ぼく)らをこれえてゆくBo ku ra o ko ra te yu ku拨哭啦喔抠累蝶优哭不可思议(びかしし) なfu ka shi shi ga敷卡西西拿死(し)からまでに味方(たか)にしてねとchi ka ra ma de ni ta ka ni shi te ne to嘻卡啦马蝶泥塔卡呢嘻蝶内逗Do you ever shine (高音)Do you ever shine to live or dieぶつかり会(あ)からbu tsu ka ri a o ka ra卜嗞卡利啊喔卡啦光(ひかり)がうまれたhi ka ri ga o ma re dahe卡利加呜马拿呆Do you ever shine~~Do you ever shine to live or~~ dieたちたちくさえも te chi ta chi ku sa e mo塔唧塔唧哭撒a默ひらいていくからhi ra i te i ku ka rahe啦咿蝶咿哭卡啦Do you ever shine ~~(飙高音)---------END-------------------
2023-07-26 01:54:511

do you ever 歌词seal 唱的。

Katy Perry - Firework原唱-凯蒂 派瑞 -烟火Do you ever feel like a plastic bag/你可曾想过 自己像个垃圾袋,Drifting throught the wind/在风中飘来飘去Wanting to start again?/幻想着新的开始?Do you ever feel, feel so paper thin/你可曾感觉到,自己跟纸一样薄Like a house of cards/就像一所卡片搭建的房屋One blow from caving in?/风一吹就会坍塌?Do you ever feel already buried deep/你可曾感觉,自己已被深埋土壤?Six feet under scream/在六尺之下拼命呐喊But no one seems to hear a thing/却始终无人听见Do you know that there"s still a chance for you/你可知道 其实你还有一线希望Cause there"s a spark in you/因为你心中还有火花You just gotta ignite the light/你只需要点燃这火花And let it shine/让它发光Just own the night/尽情享受此夜Like the Fourth of July/把它当作七.四独立日的夜晚Cause baby you"re a firework/宝贝 因为你是一团焰火Come on show "em what your worth/来吧,让他们看到你的价值Make "em go "Oh, oh, oh!"/使他们尖叫 噢 噢 噢As you shoot across the sky-y-y/当你绚丽的焰火划破夜空Baby you"re a firework/宝贝 你是一团焰火Come on let your colors burst/来吧 让你的焰火灿烂爆发Make "em go "Oh, oh, oh!"/使他们尖叫 噢 噢 噢You"re gunna leave "em fallin" down-own-own/让他们羡慕嫉妒恨去吧You don"t have to feel like a waste of space/你不用觉得自己很多余 在浪费空间You"re original, cannot be replaced/因为你是独一无二 将无法被取代If you only knew what the future holds/但愿你知道未来会有什么After a hurricane comes a rainbow/风雨过后 就会出现彩虹Maybe you"re reason why all the doors are closed/大概这就是你将所有房门紧闭的原因So you can open one that leads you to the perfect road/因此 你可以打开一扇门 让你走向那阳光大道Like a lightning bolt, your heart will blow/就像一道闪电 你的心将会爆发And when it"s time, you"ll know/当时辰一到 你就会明白You just gotta ignite the light/你只需要点燃这火花And let it shine/让它发光 让它闪耀Just own the night/尽情享受此夜Like the Fourth of July/把它当作七.四独立日的夜晚Cause baby you"re a firework/宝贝 因为你是一团焰火Come on show "em what your worth/来吧,让他们看到你的价值Make "em go "Oh, oh, oh!"/使他们尖叫 噢 噢 噢As you shoot across the sky-y-y/当你绚丽的焰火划破夜空Baby you"re a firework/宝贝 你是一团焰火Come on slet your colors burst/来吧 让你的焰火灿烂爆发Make "em go "Oh, oh, oh!"/使他们尖叫 噢 噢 噢You"re gunna leave "em fallin" down-own-own/让他们羡慕嫉妒恨去吧Boom, boom, boom/叭 叭 叭Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon/比月亮还要明亮It"s always been inside of you, you, you/这一直以来都存在于你的心底And now it"s time to let it through/而现在是该放开心扉的时候了Cause baby you"re a firework/宝贝 因为你是一团焰火Come on show "em what your worth/来吧,让他们看到你的价值Make "em go "Oh, oh, oh!"/使他们尖叫 噢 噢 噢As you shoot across the sky-y-y/当你绚丽的焰火划破夜空Baby you"re a firework/宝贝 你是一团焰火Come on slet your colors burst/来吧 让你的焰火灿烂爆发Make "em go "Oh, oh, oh!"/使他们尖叫 噢 噢 噢You"re gunna leave "em goin "Oh, oh, oh!"/让他们羡慕嫉妒恨去吧Boom, boom, boom/叭 叭 叭Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon/比月亮还要明亮Boom, boom, boom/叭 叭 叭Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon/比月亮还要明亮
2023-07-26 01:54:591


firework-katy perry
2023-07-26 01:55:182

Do You Ever Feel, Feel So Paper thin?

Do you ever feel like a plastic bag,   你可曾感到自己如同空中的塑料袋?   drifting through the wind   随风浪迹天涯   wanting to start again?   想要重新开始?   Do you ever feel, feel so paper thin   你又可曾感到自己单薄得如纸般脆弱   like a house of cards,   如同纸牌搭成的房子   one blow from caving in?   只要轻轻一吹全世界都会崩塌   Do you ever feel already buried deep?   你可曾感到自己被深埋地下   6 feet under screams but no one seems to hear a thing   在地狱中撕声呐喊 却没有人能听到你的声音   Do you know that there"s still a chance for you   但不管如何我想告诉你不要放弃   "Cause there"s a spark in you   因为我能感到你的胸口之中已经擦出火花   You just gotta ignite, the light, and let it shine   它就会发出全世界最耀眼的光芒   Just own the night like the 4th of July   把自己的夜晚当做七月四日   "Cause baby you"re a firework   我的朋友 别忘了你是一支烟火   Come on, show "em what you"re worth   来吧,让他们瞧瞧你的价值   Make "em go "Oh, oh, oh"   来吧 现在就点燃自己 《噢,噢,噢》   As you shoot across the sky-y-y   站在地上仰望的人们会对你刮目相看 为你欢呼空-空-空   Baby, you"re a firework   朋友 你就是那创造美丽的烟火   Come on, let your colors burst   来吧 给他们看看你酝藏已久的色彩   Make "em go "Oh, oh, oh"   来吧 现在就点燃自己 《噢,噢,噢》   You"re gonna leave "em falling down-own-own   这时你再俯瞰一切   你会发现曾经的恐惧其实都是那么渺小   You don"t have to feel like a waste of space   我的朋友 请你不要妄自菲薄   You"re original, cannot be replaced   你是如此的独一无二   没有人可以取代你的价值   If you only knew what the future holds   如果你知道什么掌控着未来   After a hurricane comes a rainbow   阳光总在风雨后   但愿你能忘记昨日的乌云 抬头望向明日的彩虹   Maybe your reason why all the doors are closed   也许事情并不是你所想象的那样绝望   So you could open one that leads you to the perfect road   只要你敢 就会有扇大门为你打开   Like a lightning bolt, your heart will blow   就像一触即炸的闪电球   你胸口中蕴藏的力量随时都有可能爆发   And when it"s time, you"ll know   你要做的 只是抓紧时间   You just gotta ignite, the light, and let it shine   你只需要点燃那盏灯和让它发亮   Just own the night like the 4th of July   把自己的夜晚当做七月四日   "Cause baby you"re a firework   我的朋友 别忘了你是一支烟火   Come on, show "em what you"re worth   来吧,让他们看看你的价值   Make "em go "Oh, oh, oh"   来吧 现在就点燃自己 《噢,噢,噢》   As you shoot across the sky-y-y   站在地上仰望的人们会对你刮目相看 为你欢呼空-空-空   Baby, you"re a firework   朋友 你就是那创造美丽的烟火   Come on, let your colors burst   来吧 给他们看看你酝藏已久的色彩   Make "em go "Oh, oh, oh"   来吧 现在就点燃自己 《噢,噢,噢》   You"re gonna leave "em falling down-own-own   来吧,让他们看看你的价值   Boom, boom, boom   叭,叭,叭   Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon   让我们的绚丽把月亮朦胧   It"s always been inside of you, you, you   以往你内心所梦想的   And now it"s time to let it through-ough-ough   现在是该放开的时候   "Cause baby you"re a firework   我的朋友 别忘了你是一支烟火   Come on, show "em what you"re worth   来吧,让他们看到你的价值   Make "em go "Oh, oh, oh"   来吧 现在就点燃自己 《噢,噢,噢》   As you shoot across the sky-y-y   站在地上仰望的人们会对你刮目相看 为你欢呼空-空-空   Baby, you"re a firework   朋友 你就是那创造美丽的烟火   Come on, let your colors burst   来吧 给他们看看你酝藏已久的色彩   Make "em go "Oh, oh, oh"   来吧 现在就点燃自己 《噢,噢,噢》   You"re gonna leave "em falling down-own-own   这时你再俯瞰一切   你会发现曾经的恐惧其实都是那么渺小   Boom, boom, boom   叭,叭,叭   Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon   让我们的绚丽把月亮朦胧   Boom, boom, boom   叭,叭,叭   Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon   让月亮也成为我们的观众
2023-07-26 01:55:251

June Christy And Bob Cooper的《Fireworks》 歌词

歌曲名:Fireworks歌手:June Christy And Bob Cooper专辑:The Cool School/Do Re MiFireworkDo you ever feel like a plastic bagDrifting throught the windWanting to start againDo you ever feel, feel so paper thinLike a house of cardsOne blow from caving inDo you ever feel already buried deepSix feet under screamBut no one seems to hear a thingDo you know that tehre"s still a chance for youCause there"s a spark in youYou just gotta ignite the lightAnd let it shineJust own the nightLike the Fourth of JulyCause baby you"re a fireworkCome on show "em what your worthMake "em go "Oh, oh, oh!"As you shoot across the sky-y-yBaby you"re a fireworkCome on let your colors burstMake "em go "Oh, oh, oh!"You"re gunna leave "em fallin" down-own-ownYou don"t have to feel like a waste of spaceYou"re original, cannot be replacedIf you only knew what the future holdsAfter a hurricane comes a rainbowMaybe you"re reason why all the doors are closedSo you can open one that leads you to the perfect roadLike a lightning bolt, your heart will blowAnd when it"s time, you"ll knowYou just gotta ignite the lightAnd let it shineJust own the nightLike the Fourth of JulyCause baby you"re a fireworkCome on show "em what your worthMake "em go "Oh, oh, oh!"As you shoot across the sky-y-yBaby you"re a fireworkCome on slet your colors burstMake "em go "Oh, oh, oh!"You"re gunna leave "em fallin" down-own-ownBoom, boom, boomEven brighter than the moon, moon, moonIt"s always been inside of you, you, youAnd now it"s time to let it throughCause baby you"re a fireworkCome on show "em what your worthMake "em go "Oh, oh, oh!"As you shoot across the sky-y-yBaby you"re a fireworkCome on slet your colors burstMake "em go "Oh, oh, oh!"You"re gunna leave "em goin "Oh, oh, oh!"Boom, boom, boomEven brighter than the moon, moon, moonBoom, boom, boomEven brighter than the moon, moon, moon
2023-07-26 01:55:321


《Firework 》歌曲原唱:Katy Perry填 词:Katy Perry,Tor Erik Hermansen谱 曲:Katy Perry,Mikkel Storleer Eriksen歌词:Do you ever feel like a plastic bag,   你可曾感到自己如同空中的塑料袋?   drifting through the wind   随风浪迹天涯   wanting to start again?   想要重新开始?   Do you ever feel, feel so paper thin   你又可曾感到自己单薄得如纸般脆弱   like a house of cards,   如同纸牌搭成的房子   one blow from caving in?   只要轻轻一吹全世界都会崩塌   Do you ever feel already buried deep?   你可曾感到自己被深埋地下   6 feet under screams but no one seems to hear a thing   在地狱中撕声呐喊 却没有人能听到你的声音   Do you know that there"s still a chance for you   但不管如何我想告诉你不要放弃   "Cause there"s a spark in you   因为我能感到你的胸口之中已经擦出火花   You just gotta ignite, the light, and let it shine   它就会发出全世界最耀眼的光芒   Just own the night like the 4th of July   把自己的夜晚当做七月四日   "Cause baby you"re a firework   我的朋友 别忘了你是一支烟火   Come on, show "em what you"re worth   来吧,让他们瞧瞧你的价值   Make "em go "Oh, oh, oh"   来吧 现在就点燃自己 《噢,噢,噢》   As you shoot across the sky-y-y   站在地上仰望的人们会对你刮目相看 为你欢呼空-空-空   Baby, you"re a firework   朋友 你就是那创造美丽的烟火   Come on, let your colors burst   来吧 给他们看看你酝藏已久的色彩   Make "em go "Oh, oh, oh"   来吧 现在就点燃自己 《噢,噢,噢》   You"re gonna leave "em falling down-own-own   这时你再俯瞰一切   你会发现曾经的恐惧其实都是那么渺小   You don"t have to feel like a waste of space   我的朋友 请你不要妄自菲薄   You"re original, cannot be replaced   你是如此的独一无二   没有人可以取代你的价值   If you only knew what the future holds   如果你知道什么掌控着未来   After a hurricane comes a rainbow   阳光总在风雨后   但愿你能忘记昨日的乌云 抬头望向明日的彩虹   Maybe your reason why all the doors are closed   也许事情并不是你所想象的那样绝望   So you could open one that leads you to the perfect road   只要你敢 就会有扇大门为你打开   Like a lightning bolt, your heart will blow   就像一触即炸的闪电球   你胸口中蕴藏的力量随时都有可能爆发   And when it"s time, you"ll know   你要做的 只是抓紧时间   You just gotta ignite, the light, and let it shine   你只需要点燃那盏灯和让它发亮   Just own the night like the 4th of July   把自己的夜晚当做七月四日   "Cause baby you"re a firework   我的朋友 别忘了你是一支烟火   Come on, show "em what you"re worth   来吧,让他们看看你的价值   Make "em go "Oh, oh, oh"   来吧 现在就点燃自己 《噢,噢,噢》   As you shoot across the sky-y-y   站在地上仰望的人们会对你刮目相看 为你欢呼空-空-空   Baby, you"re a firework   朋友 你就是那创造美丽的烟火   Come on, let your colors burst   来吧 给他们看看你酝藏已久的色彩   Make "em go "Oh, oh, oh"   来吧 现在就点燃自己 《噢,噢,噢》   You"re gonna leave "em falling down-own-own   来吧,让他们看看你的价值   Boom, boom, boom   叭,叭,叭   Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon   让我们的绚丽把月亮朦胧   It"s always been inside of you, you, you   以往你内心所梦想的   And now it"s time to let it through-ough-ough   现在是该放开的时候   "Cause baby you"re a firework   我的朋友 别忘了你是一支烟火   Come on, show "em what you"re worth   来吧,让他们看到你的价值   Make "em go "Oh, oh, oh"   来吧 现在就点燃自己 《噢,噢,噢》   As you shoot across the sky-y-y   站在地上仰望的人们会对你刮目相看 为你欢呼空-空-空   Baby, you"re a firework   朋友 你就是那创造美丽的烟火   Come on, let your colors burst   来吧 给他们看看你酝藏已久的色彩   Make "em go "Oh, oh, oh"   
2023-07-26 01:55:483


Katy Perry的Firewok 第38秒我也挺喜欢的
2023-07-26 01:55:562

distant dreamer歌词

  《 Teenage dream 》的中英文对照歌词  You think I"m pretty without any make-up on  你觉得我不用化妆也很美  You think I"m funny when I tell the punchline wrong  你认为我把俗语说错的时候很有趣  I know you get me  我知道你爱上我了  So I let my walls come down, down  所以我也准备好了  Before you met me  遇见你之前  I was a alright but things were kinda heavy  我一直过得很好,但有些事总是很烦  You brought me to life  你把我带进了新的生活  Now every February  现在每个二月  You"ll be my Valentine,Valentine  你就是我的情人节  Let"s go all the way tonight  今夜就一同开始走向未来  No regrets, just love  不后悔,只要彼此相爱  We can dance, until we die  让我们共舞,直到永远  You and I, will be young forever  你和我,将永远年轻  You make me feel like I"m livin" a teenage dream  你让我感觉我生活在年轻时的梦想中  The way you turn me on  这就是对我爱的体现  I can"t sleep  让我无法入眠  Let"s run away and  让我们一起离开  Don"t ever look back  永不回头  Don"t ever look back  永不回头  My heart stops when you look at me  当你看我时,我就好像没有了心跳  Just one touch  只要一个小小的触摸  Now baby I believe this is real  我就能相信这是如此真实  So take a chance and  所以就这样碰碰运气  Don"t ever look back  永不回头  Don"t ever look back  永不回头  We drove to Cali  我们开车到Cali  And got drunk on the beach  在沙滩上痛快畅饮  Got a motel and  找一个汽车旅馆  Built a fort out of sheets  在床上建一个城堡  I finally found you my missing puzzle piece  最终我找到了我迷失的那一块拼图  I"m complete  这才是我完整的人生  Let"s go all the way tonight  今夜就一同开始走向未来  No regrets, just love  不后悔,只要彼此相爱  We can dance, until we die  让我们共舞,直到永远  You and I, will be young forever  你和我,将永远年轻  You make me feel like I"m livin" a teenage dream  你让我感觉我生活在年轻时的梦想中  The way you turn me on  这就是对我爱的体现  I can"t sleep  让我无法入眠  Let"s run away and  让我们一起离开  Don"t ever look back  永不回头  Don"t ever look back  永不回头  My heart stops when you look at me  当你看我时,我就好像没有了心跳  Just one touch  只要一个小小的触摸  Now baby I believe this is real  我就能相信这是如此真实  So take a chance and  所以就这样碰碰运气  Don"t ever look back  永不回头  Don"t ever look back  永不回头  I"mma get your heart racing in my skin tights jeans  我从我的紧身牛仔裤中感受到了你的心跳  Be your teenage dream tonight  今晚我就要成你年轻时的梦  Let you put your hands on me in my skin tight jeans  把你的手放入我的紧身牛仔裤  Be your teenage dream tonight  今晚我就要成你年轻时的梦  Yoooouuu  你......  You make me feel like I"m livin" a teenage dream  你让我感觉我生活在年轻时的梦想中  The way you turn me on  这就是对我爱的体现  I can"t sleep  让我无法入眠  Let"s run away and  让我们一起离开  Don"t ever look back  永不回头  Don"t ever look back  永不回头  No  别  My heart stops when you look at me  当你看我时,我就好像没有了心跳  Just one touch  只要一个小小的触摸  Now baby I believe this is real  我就能相信这是如此真实  So take a chance and  所以就这样碰碰运气  Don"t ever look back  永不回头  Don"t ever look back  永不回头  I"mma get your heart racing in my skin tights jeans  我从我的紧身牛仔裤中感受到了你的心跳  Be your teenage dream tonight  今晚我就要成你年轻时的梦  Let you put your hands on me in my skin tight jeans  把你的手放入我的紧身牛仔裤  Be your teenage dream tonight  今晚我就要成你年轻时的梦  (Tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight)  今夜...今夜...今夜...今夜...今夜...  《Firework》歌词  Do you ever feel like a plastic bag,  你可曾想过自己像个垃圾袋,  drifting through the wind  在风中飘来飘去,  wanting to start again?  想要重新开始?  Do you ever feel, feel so paper thin  你可曾感觉到,自己跟纸一样薄  like a house of cards,  就像一屋子的卡,  one blow from caving in?  风一吹就会倒下?  Do you ever feel already buried deep?  你可曾想过,自己被埋得很深?  6 feet under screams but no one seems to hear a thing  在六尺下喊呀喊但谁都听不见  Do you know that there"s still a chance for you  你知不知道其实你还有希望?  "Cause there"s a spark in you  因为你心里还是有火花  You just gotta ignite, the light, and let it shine  你只需要点燃那盏灯和让它发亮  Just own the night like the 4th of July  把晚上当作自己的就像七月四日  "Cause baby you"re a firework  因为宝贝你是个烟花  Come on, show "em what you"re worth  来吧,让他们看你值多少  take "em go "Oh, oh, oh"  让他们叫《噢,噢,噢》  As you shoot across the sky-y-y  当你闪过天空-空-空  Baby, you"re a firework  宝贝,你是个烟花  Come on, let your colors burst  来吧,让你的颜色爆发  Make "em go "Oh, oh, oh"  让他们叫《噢,噢,噢》  You"re gonna leave "em falling down-own-own  你会让他们跌倒-倒-倒  You don"t have to feel like a waste of space  你不用觉得你再浪费位置  You"re original, cannot be replaced  你是独一无二的,不能被取代  If you only knew what the future holds  要是你知道未来掌握着什么  After a hurricane comes a rainbow  飓风后的彩虹  Maybe your reason why all the doors are closed  可能你是所有门都关上的理由  So you could open one that leads you to the perfect road  所以你就能开一扇让你到达完美路途的门  Like a lightning bolt, your heart will blow  就像闪电,你的心会爆发  And when it"s time, you"ll know  到了对的时间,你就会知道  You just gotta ignite, the light, and let it shine  你只需要点燃那盏灯和让它发亮  Just own the night like the 4th of July  把晚上当作自己的就像七月四日  "Cause baby you"re a firework  因为宝贝你是个烟花  Come on, show "em what you"re worth  来吧,让他们看你值多少  Make "em go "Oh, oh, oh"  让他们叫《噢,噢,噢》  As you shoot across the sky-y-y  当你闪过天空-空-空  Baby, you"re a firework  宝贝,你是个烟花  Come on, let your colors burst  来吧,让你的颜色爆发  Make "em go "Oh, oh, oh"  让他们叫《噢,噢,噢》  You"re gonna leave "em falling down-own-own  你会让他们跌倒-倒-倒  Boom, boom, boom  叭,叭,叭  Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon  比月亮还亮  It"s always been inside of you, you, you  从以前都一直在你内心里  And now it"s time to let it through-ough-ough  现在是该放开的时间  "Cause baby you"re a firework  因为宝贝你是个烟花  Come on, show "em what you"re worth  来吧,让他们看你值多少  Make "em go "Oh, oh, oh"  让他们叫《噢,噢,噢》  As you shoot across the sky-y-y  当你闪过天空-空-空  Baby, you"re a firework  宝贝,你是个烟花  Come on, let your colors burst  来吧,让你的颜色爆发  Make "em go "Oh, oh, oh"  让他们叫《噢,噢,噢》  You"re gonna leave "em falling down-own-own  你会让他们跌倒-倒-倒  Boom, boom, boom  叭,叭,叭  Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon  比月亮还亮  Boom, boom, boom  叭,叭,叭  Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon  比月亮还亮
2023-07-26 01:56:031


1.专辑:Twins x At17 拉阔音乐会歌手:Twins语种:粤语发行公司:英皇娱乐发行时间:2005年09月23日1.Opening 2.明爱暗恋补习社 3.女扮男生 4.女校男生 5.正教育 6.士多啤梨苹果橙 7.我爱班房 8.成人礼 9.三分钟后 10.变变变 11.Talk 12.Porcelein 13.始终一天 14.森巴皇后 15.千金+女人味+千金Medley 16.Talk 17.星光游乐园 18.下一站天后 19.风筝与风 20.十八变 21.丢架 22.Talk 23.你讲你爱我 24.唱歌 25.The best is yet to come 26.他和她的事情 27.天生一对+流星雨 28.十个救火的少年 29.La La 世界 30.忘情森巴舞 31.心急人上 32.博览道fans 杀人事件2.专辑:Samba歌手:Twins语种:国/粤语发行公司:英皇娱乐发行时间:2005年6月24日歌曲名称 试听 歌词 点歌 收藏 铃声 1.快乐红白蓝 2.咖啡迷 3.黑色喜剧 4.热粉红 5.森巴皇后 6.救生圈 7.红睡星 8.狂想曲 9.两星期 10.一点一滴 11.森巴 (“森巴皇后”)3.专辑:见习爱神 (第二版)歌手:Twins语种:国/粤语发行公司:英皇娱乐发行时间:2005年04月21日1.无敌超人 (O.T. 大红大紫) 2.见习爱神 (O.T. 明爱暗恋补习社) 3.莫斯科没有眼泪 (O.T. 下一站天后) 4.只要我长大 (O.T. 眼红红) 5.香浓 6.瓶中沙 7.一半女生 8.星光游乐园 9.同样的两个梦 (O.T. 风筝与风) 10.数彩虹 11.老鼠爱大米 (广东版) Twins 12.老鼠爱大米 (国语版) Twins4.专辑:见习爱神歌手:Twins语种:国语发行公司:英皇娱乐发行时间:2005年03月18日1.无敌超人 2.见习爱神 3.莫斯科没有眼泪 4.只要我长大 5.香浓 6.瓶中沙 7.一半女生 8.星光游乐园 9.同样的两个梦 10.数彩虹5.专辑:八星报喜贺贺喜 (新曲+精选)歌手:Twins语种:暂无发行公司:英皇娱乐发行时间:2005年1月21日6.专辑:Such a Better Day(新曲+精选)歌手:Twins语种:粤语发行公司:2004年12月10日发行时间:英皇娱乐1.精选 (New) 2.冬令时间 (New) 3.士多啤梨苹果橙 4.下一站天后 5.饮歌 6.千金 7.你讲你爱我 8.女人味 9.夏日狂哗 10.双失情人节 11.大浪漫主义 12.二人世界杯 13.眼红红 14.女校男生 15.18变 (New) 16.追女仔 (New) 17.多谢失恋 18.死性不改 (Twins + Boy"z 合唱版) 19.爱情当入樽 20.乱世佳人 21.朋友的爱 22.恋爱大过天 23.丢架 24.大红大紫 25.风筝与风 26.拍住上 27.梨涡浅笑 28.我们的纪念册7.专辑:Singing in the Twins Wonderland Vol.4歌手:Twins语种:英文发行公司:英皇娱乐集团(HK)发行时间:2004-9-61.Goodbye to you 2.Three blind mice 3.Fishes,Fishes Where are You? 4.Starry skies 5.The more we get together 6.Friends 7.How Much 8.The three little kittens 9.I habe got six pence 10.How do you do? 11.Ring a ring of roses 12.Froggie Froggie 13.Our school will shine 14.I had a little nut tree 15.Table and chair 16.To the circus 17.When I was a young girl 18.The train 19.Everbody jump 20.Sunny Day8.专辑:英皇钢琴热恋系列歌手:Twins语种:暂无发行公司:英皇娱乐发行时间:2004年7月1.乱世佳人 2.饮歌 3.风筝与风 4.下一站天后 5.多谢失恋 6.朋友的爱 7.眼红红 8.女校男生 9.恋爱大过天 10.陈永仁 11.大浪漫主义 12.明爱暗恋补习社 13.我们的纪念册 14.和平日 15.士多啤梨苹果橙 16.童子军 17.慌心假期 18.人比人 19.你讲你爱我 20.双失情人节9.专辑:Girl Power歌手:Twins语种:粤语发行公司:英皇娱乐发行时间:2004年6月25日1.女人味 2.约会自己 3.受之有愧 4.施比爱 5.爱无敌 (电影 千机变II之花都大战 主题曲) 6.07 奥运 7.丢架 8.安全感 9.美丽无比 10.烈女 11.拍住上 10.专辑:Singing in the Twins Wonderland Vol.3歌手:Twins语种:英语/粤语发行公司:英皇娱乐集团发行时间:2004年4月3日1.The Music Room 2.I ve Got No Strings 3.Good Morning To You 4.Did You Ever See A Lassie? 5.The Library 6.Cuckoo Clock 7.Sing A Song 8.Ding Dong Bell 9.Hide And Seek 10.Are You Sleeping? 11.Can Tou Tell Me What This Is? 12.Follow Me 13.I Have Two Hands 14.On The Way To School 15.DONKEY DONKEY 16.Boy & Girl 17.Ten Green Bottles 18.The Hokey Pokey 19.Merry Go Round 20.By The Beach 21.伟大的发明家 - 爱迪生 22.童话作家 - 安徒生 23.护士之母 - 南丁格尔11.专辑:Magic歌手:Twins语种:粤语发行公司:英皇娱乐发行时间:2004年01月14日1.两个好 2.士多啤梨苹果橙 3.饮歌 4.轻功 5.零四好玩 6.Gimme 5 7.陈永仁 8.双失情人节 9.蜜月 10.世界儿女 11.帅哥无用 (国语)12.专辑:Singing in the Twins Wonderland Vol.2歌手:Twins语种:英/粤语发行公司:英皇娱乐发行时间:2003年11月21日1.Baa Baa Black Sheep 2.Bingo 3.Colour Song 4.Twinkle Twinkle Little Star 5.Old MacDonald Had A Farm 6.Finger Song 7.Two Little Eyes 8.Auld Lang Syne 9.Row Row Row Your Boat 10.Do Re Mi 11.I Saw Three Ships 12.Oh!Suzanna 13.Silent Night 14.The Morning Song 15.Head And Shoulder Knees And Toes 16.Hush Little Baby 17.Looby Loo 18.Little Bird 19.ABC 20.Hickory Dickory Dock 21.葡萄园的农夫 22.得意忘形的蚊子 23.背盐的驴子13.专辑:进化论歌手:Twins语种:粤语发行公司:英皇唱片发行时间:2003.09.041.乱世佳人 2.你讲你爱我 3.慌心假期 4.You Know What I Mean 5.朋友的爱 6.夏日狂哗 7.高温瑜伽 8.香港纽约 9.Beautiful Day 10.三角圆舞 14.专辑:下一站天后歌手:Twins语种:国语发行公司:-发行时间:2003年5月1.下一站天后15.专辑:Twins歌手:Twins语种:国语发行公司:未知发行时间:2003年4月1.风筝与风 2.百试不厌 3.明爱暗恋补习社 4.女校男生 5.学生手册 6.换季 7.我们的纪念册 8.风筝与风(Lost And Found Version) 9.NO 1 10.爱情当入樽 11.二人世界杯 12.Ichiban兴奋 13.你是我的UFO 14.大红大紫 15.高手看招 16.星星月亮太阳 17.眼红红 18.恋爱大过天 19.朋友仔 20.梨涡浅笑 21.发梦见过你 22.人比人 23.快熟时代 24.大浪漫主义16.专辑:我们的纪念册歌手:Twins语种:国语发行公司:未知发行时间:2002年1.二人世界杯 2.发梦见到你 3.分飞燕 4.高手看招 5.哥哥 6.活动教学 7.没法做足一百分 8.朋友仔 9.我们的纪念册 10.眼红红 11.友谊第一 17.专辑:双生儿歌手:Twins语种:粤语发行公司:英皇唱片发行时间:2002年1.大浪漫主义 2.涉谷车站见 3.神奇两女侠 4.着睡衣睡觉 5.孖宝668 18.专辑:爱情当入樽歌手:Twins语种:粤语发行公司:英皇唱片发行时间:2002年1.爱情当入樽(Air Mix) 2.爱情当入樽 3.飞线 4.和平日(We Mix) 5.和平日 6.恋爱大过天 7.女校男生(Back To School Mix) 8.学生手册 9.有所不知(Marie主题曲)还有小苦妹 新出的国语专集。实在太多啦。。。。我只知道这么多啦。
2023-07-26 01:56:111

求twins的专辑包括歌名 要很全的
2023-07-26 01:56:314

求evan taubenfeld-better than you和story of me and you和waiting的歌词

大家资源共享下~~给你的是:cheater of the year(我个人很喜欢这首......
2023-07-26 01:56:462

would you be happier中文歌词

(注:纯手工翻译,不足之处请见谅。)Have you ever wonder where the story ends, and how it all began, I do 你曾怀疑过爱情会在哪结束又是怎么开始的吗? 我有过Did you ever dream you were the movie star with popcorn in your hand, I did 你曾手里拿着爆米花,却梦想过自己是个电影明星吗?我有过Do you ever think you"re someone else inside, when no one understands you are 当没人理解你的时候,你是否认曾在梦中把自己想象成别人And wanna disappear inside a dream 想要消失在梦中but never wanna wake, wake up 永不醒来Then you stumble on tomorrow, and trip over today 明日会蹒跚,今日被绊倒Would you be happier if you were someone together 就算你们在一起,你会更开心吗?Would the sun shine brighter if you played a bigger part 就算你是个名人,阳光会更灿烂吗?Would you be wonderful if it wasn"t for the weather 就算天气不好,你也能依然愉快吗?You"re gonna be just fine (gonna be just fine) 想要开心就尽情地开心吧Are you not afraid to tell your story now, 你现在仍惧怕表现自己吗?when everyone is done it"s too late 当每个人都这样做的时候,就太晚了Was everything you"ve ever said or done not the way you planned, mistake 你所说所做的每件事都不是所计划好的,会出错。So you promised that tomorrow, be different than today 所以,你向自己许诺,一定要让明天与今天不同(重复*)So don"t worry baby 所以,宝贝,别担心You"re racing for tomorrow, not finished with today 你为明天而拼搏,却不能与今天断绝关系(重复*)Don"t worry baby 别担心,宝贝Gonna be just fine 一切都会好的(重复*)
2023-07-26 01:56:531

Would You Be Happier? (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Would You Be Happier? (Lp Version)歌手:The Corrs专辑:Would You Be Happier?Have you ever wonder where the story ends,and how it all began, I doDid you ever dream you were the movie starwith popcorn in your hand, I didDo you ever think you"re someone else inside,when no one understands you areAnd wanna disappear inside a dreambut never wanna wake, wake upThen you stumble on tomorrow, and trip over todayWould you be happier if you were someone togetherWould the sun shine brighter if you played a bigger partWould you be wonderful if it wasn"t for the weatherYou"re gonna be just fine (gonna be just fine)Are you not afraid to tell your story now,when everyone is done it"s too lateWas everything you"ve ever said or donenot the way you planned, mistakeSo you promised that tomorrow, be different than todayWould you be happier if you were someone togetherWould the sun shine brighter if you played a bigger partWould you be wonderful if it wasn"t for the weatherYou"re gonna be just fineI think you"re gonna be just fineYou"re gonna be just fineSo don"t worry babyYou"re racing for tomorrow, not finished with todayWould you be happier if you were someone togetherWould the sun shine brighter if you played a bigger partWould you be wonderful if it wasn"t for the weatherI think you"re gonna be just fineWould we be happier if we were someone togetherWould the sun shine brighter if we played a bigger partWould we be wonderful if it wasn"t for the weatherI think we"re gonna be just fineI think you"re gonna be just fineDon"t worry babyGonna be just fineDon"t worry honeyGonna be just fineDon"t worry babyGonna be just fine
2023-07-26 01:57:011


抄的嘻嘻兽人=- 苦工- =建造音效= - Ready to work! 准备工作 =选定音效= - Hmmm? 恩? - Yes? 是的? - Something need doing? 要做点什么吗? - What you want? 你想要什么? =行动/执行动作音效= - Okie dokie. 好的好的 - Be happy to. 很乐意 - Work, work. 干活呀干活 - I can do that. 我做的了 =骂玩家音效= - Whhaaaaaattt? 什 么??? - Me busy, leave me alone. 我很忙,别烦我 - No time for play. 没时间玩耍 - Me not that kind of Orc. 我不是那种兽人 =攻击音效= - [.vs 英雄] Why not? 为什么不? - I""ll try 我试一下 - Get em! 扁他们! - Ok 好! =击中音效= - Owww! 喔 咕噜兽- =建造音效= - My life for the Horde! 为部落而生! =选定音效= - Yes? 是的? - Huh? 哈? - Master? 主人? - What you want? 你想要我干什么? =行动/执行动作音效= - Loktar! 兽人语 - Zugzug! 兽人语 - Dabu! 兽人语 - Swobu! 兽人语 =骂玩家音效= - Why you poking me again? 为什么又戳我? - Why don""t you lead an army instead of touching me? 你怎么不去指挥部队而一直碰我? - Poke, poke, poke, is that all you do? 戳戳戳,你就会干这个吗? - Eww, that was kind of nice. 呃,这还差不多 - Me so horned, me hurt you long time! 我有角,我会伤到你的哦 - Me no sound like Yoda, do I? 我听起来不象尤达(星战系列),(以尤达的口气)是吗? - It not easy being green... (用唱的) 绿皮肤可不简单哟~ =攻击音效= - [.vs 英雄] For the Horde! 为了部落! - Hiyah! 嗨呀! - Time for killing! 杀戮的时刻到了! - Time to die! 去死吧! 猎头者- =建造音效= - Venegence for Zulti 为Zul"jin报仇!(zul"jin是魔兽2中的巨魔族老大) =选定音效= - Who you want me kill? 想让我杀谁? - What? 什么? - Wasch you want me do?* 想让我干吗?(Wasch you=what you,读读看是不是这样?) - Wasch you want me go?* 想让我去哪?(该是where""j you,参见 creeps中的Forest troll页) =行动/执行动作音效= - Ahhh! 啊! - Anything you want 怎样都行 - Joo got it man!* 了解了兄弟 - Yeah, hehe hehe hehe he! 耶~呵呵,呵呵,呵呵,呵! =骂玩家音效= - Wasch you bother me for?* 为什么烦我 - Leave it to me, I take a big weight off your shoulders! 交给我吧,我给你减轻负担 - Schoo wanna buy a cigar?* (Schoo = you) 你想来只烟吗? - Luuucyy! - Say hello to my lil friend.跟我的小朋友说声好 =攻击音效= - [.vs 英雄] Asdingo! 兽人语 - Asdingo! 兽人语 - Don""t mess with the bad guy! 别惹我,我是个坏人! - It""s time for a lil blood! 血债血偿! 弩车 - (注解:音效全是噪音没有文字 ) 牛头人 - =建造音效= - May my ancestors watch over me! 愿我的祖先注视着我! =选定音效= - Bring it on! 来吧! - I am able to help! 我帮的上忙 - How now! 现在怎么样? =行动/执行动作音效= - For the Tribes! 为了部落! - Immediately! 马上! - Well done! 干的好! =骂玩家音效= - Do not push me, or I wil impale you on my horns! 别推我,要不我会用我的角顶你。 - Doubles! - Got Milk? 要奶吗? - There""s a lot at stake here! 别的地方有很多树桩! - Hey, what are these letters burned on my ass? 嗨,在我PP上印的什么字? - Oh ley !** - (玻璃碎裂) Sorry! 抱歉! =攻击音效= - [.vs 英雄] Ruuuuaahh! 喊声 - Death to the enemies of the Horde! 部落的敌人受死吧! - Death to the Enemy! 敌人受死吧! - Start running! 逃跑吧! =击中音效= - Euuhhhhh! 喊声 狼骑兵- (趣味注解: 他的死亡音效文件名是""raiderdeath""但他叫做 ""wolfrider"" ) =建造音效= - Ready to ride! (狼的喘气和吠叫声) 狼骑就绪! =选定音效= - Yes Cheiftan? (狼的喘气声) 是,酋长? - Hmmmm? (狼的呻吟声) 恩?? - Need something? (狼的喘气声) 需要什么吗? - Say the word! (狼的吠叫声) 说啊! =行动/执行动作音效= - No problem! (狼的吠叫声) 没问题! - Hi yah!* (狼的跑动声) 嗨呀! - Mush! (狼的跑动声和呻吟声) - Let""s ride! (狼的跑动声和呻吟声) 冲吧! =骂玩家音效= - Down boy! (狼的吠叫声) 下来,小孩! - You""re annoying my dog! (狼的吠叫声) 你若恼我的狗了! - What""s that smell? (狼的喘气声) Oh! Bad dog! (狼的哭叫声) 那是什么气味?啊!坏狗狗! - I""m hungry like the wolf! (狼的笑声) (注解: 听起来想狼的笑声... 当然,如果它们能笑的话) (用唱的) 我饿的象头狼! =攻击音效= - [.vs 英雄] For the glory of the War Chief! 为了酋长的荣耀! - Sick em! (狼的咆哮声) - Taste my steel! (狼的吠叫声) 尝尝我的铁刃! - For Doomhammer! (狼的吠叫声) 为了毁灭之锤(一个部落吧?) 飞龙骑士- =建造音效= - Ready to soar Master! 准备飞行,主人! =选定音效= - Are there enemies above? 有敌人在天上吗? - Un double!* - Sping Chieftan!* 正在侦察,酋长! - I need order! 我需要命令! =行动/执行动作音效= - To the winds! 与风同行 - Let""s fly! 我们飞吧! - Onward and upward! 向前,向上! - Yee Haw! 呀呼~ =骂玩家音效= - Peter! I can fly! Peter,我会飞了!Peter. - I can see my house! 我看家我家房子了! - The onnnly way to fly! 飞行的唯一办法 - I""m getting a little dizzy! 我有点头晕了! - Flash! (飞兽在咆哮) Ah ha ha! 闪光吧,啊哈哈! - Fly the friendly skies! 飞向友好的天空! - Look, up in the sky! It""s a bird! It""s a plane! It""s ME! 看天上,那是一只鸟,那是一架飞机,那是我! =攻击音效= - [.vs 英雄] Death to all who oppose the Horde! 挡我部落者死! - Die! 死! - Death from above! 空中者死! - Victory for the Horde! 我族必胜! - For the glory of the Horde! 为了部落的荣耀! 柯多兽- (趣味注解: 在游戏和建造描述里面它们都叫""Kodo"" 但是在音效文件里面它们都叫 ""Koto"" ) 所有其他音效都是柯多兽的咆哮. =骂玩家音效= - Here comes the beast again! 野兽又回来啦! 萨满法师 - =建造音效= - Storm, Earth, and Fire, head my call! 风暴,大地,火焰,接受我的召唤吧! =选定音效= - Yes? 是? - Yes, War Chief? 是,酋长? - How can I help? 要我怎么帮忙? - Direct me! 指引我吧! =行动/执行动作音效= - Understood! 了解! - A wise plan! 明智的计划! - For the Horde! 为了部落! - Right away! 马上! =骂玩家音效= - You ever get hit by lightning where the sun don""t shine?你曾在没有太阳的地方被雷击过吗? (闪电声) (注解: 哎哟!) - Back off pup! 后退,小子! - The sky is falling! 天空,正在坠落! - Raindrops keep falling on my head! (用唱的) 雨水不停落在我的额头~~ - No time for play, we have war to ! 没有时间玩啦,我们有仗要打! - Electrifying! 放电! - Blame it on the rain! Huh ha ha! 怪那些雨水吧!哼哈哈哈! =攻击音效= - [.vs 英雄] I dedicate my power to the Horde! 为部落贡献我的力量! - Thunder! (雷鸣声) 雷! - Power to the Horde! 以部落的力量! - Feel the ground trrremble!* 感受大地的颤抖吧! - Lightning! (闪电声) 电! 巨魔巫医- =建造音效= - Someone call for de doctor?* 有人召唤巫医吗? =选定音效= - I hear de summons!* 我听到了你的呼唤! - How may I serve? 我要怎样服务? - You sick, me help? 你生病,我帮忙? - What you be cravin?* 你在渴望什么? =行动/执行动作音效= - Pasdingo! 兽人语 - Ride eway!* (Right away!) 立刻! - Da be good choice, man!* 正确的选择,兄弟! =骂玩家音效= - E com bou com!* ** 兽人语 - Do you be feelin well?* 你感觉好吗? - I may have somethin for ya!* 我可能有东西要给你 - We be jammin! 有干扰! - It""s a cook book. A cook book! 这是一本烹调书,一本烹调书! - Soil and grain is made from Trolls! - [广播员]: Fankuisan? [Fakuisan]: Yes? Go ahead. [广播员]: What the Iron Troll is doing right now, is putting the heads in a pot. They have to boil for 20 minutes, so that the eyes can be used in a second dish, an eye and ra**erry sorbet. [女声]: Mmmm! Sounds good! (可以清楚得听见头普通一声掉进水的声音) [广播员]: Fankuisan? [Fakuisan]: 恩?说吧. [广播员]: 现在武装巨魔在做的就是把他们的头放进一个罐子里.蒸他们20分钟,然后眼睛就可以用在甜点上,一个有眼睛的果汁冰糕. [女声]: 恩~~~~听起来不错啊~!(可以清楚得听见头普通一声掉进水的声音) =攻击音效= - [.vs 英雄] Ahhh! 啊!! - I do it... Now! 现在就做! - Blah aha hul!* ** 兽人语! - Blah! 剑圣- (英雄,城镇中心) =建造音效= - I obey the six vengance! =选定音效= - I am yours! 我属于你! - Ohh! 噢! - Yesa, Lord!* 是,主人! - What task is there?有什么任务? =行动/执行动作音效= - I hearo and obey!* 我听从命令!(剑圣说的是日式英语……把r音发成鲁等) - Hai! 日语,嗨咿! - Excellent choice! 完美的选择! - Yes, huh! 是,哈! =骂玩家音效= - Snatch the pebble from my hand, grasshopper! - My a blade can cut through armor, and still cut a tomato!* 我的刀可以切穿盔甲,切到里面的番茄(心脏) - Twin blade action, for clean, close shave everytime! 看我的双刀流……每次都可以把脸刮的很干净~(剔须刀呀?) - Wasabi! 日语,芥末 (……剑圣整个一日本武士) =Attack Sounds= - [.vs 英雄] For the burning Blade! 为了燃烧之刃 - Taste a* my blade! 尝尝我的利刃 - Ailease! *喊声* - Hooah! *吼声* 先知- (英雄,城镇中心) =建造音效= - The future is ours! 未来属于我们! =选定音效= - My eyes are open. 我洞悉一切 - Seeing is believing! 眼见为实 - Do you need my counsel? 需要我的忠告吗? - Destiny awaits. 命运在等待 =行动/执行动作音效= - It is certain. 确信无疑 - Of course. 当然 - I see. 明白 - Watch out! =骂玩家音效= - I see dead people. 我看见死人了(开地图秘籍哦,果然是farseer) - Touch you tongue to mine! 敢用你的舌头舔我! (狼的呻吟声) - Concentrate and ask again. 思想集中一点!再问我一遍 - Outlook not so good. 前景不太理想(暗指微软的outlook不太好用) - Reply hazy. Try again! 回答的摸棱两可,再说一遍! =攻击音效= - [.vs 英雄] Spirits of Earth and Storm, strike! 大地与风暴的灵魂啊,攻击吧! - Strike! 进攻! - Look out! 注意! - Attack! 进攻! 牛头人酋长- (英雄,城镇中心) =建造音效= - I have an axe to grind! 我有把斧子要磨 =选定音效= - I stand ready! 我准备好了 - Your command? 你的命令? - Your order? 你的指示? - What would you ask of me? 你要我做什么? =行动/执行动作音效= - Done! 完成! - For my ancestors!为了我的祖先们! - An excellent plan! 好计划! - Yes Chieftan? 是,酋长?(他自己也是酋长哦) =骂玩家音效= - Mmmm. My back is killing me! 唔,我的后背要了我的命。 - I need to take a load off! 我需要减轻负荷。 - Rrrrggg! I think I have a splinter! 呃啊~~~~我想我的骨头碎了! - These poles are heavy, I should find someone else to tote em!这些柱子好沉啊,我该找别的人来背它(找个真人来作我的图腾) - I used to have to go to war uphills, both ways!我以前打仗的时候还得上坡,两个方面…… - Your way, right away! 一是你上,二是马上 =攻击音效= - [.vs 英雄] For the War Chief and the Tribes! 为了酋长和部落! - For the Tribes! 为了部落! - Honorguide me!* 荣誉引导着我! - None shall pass! 把命留下!
2023-07-26 01:57:123


哈1中,Hermione的第一个镜头,在火车上,几乎是她的独场了,Ron只有一句话H:"Has anyone see a turtle?A boy named 纳威 lost one"Ron摇头 手中有魔杖H:"oh you are playing magic.Let"s see them"Ron咳嗽:"Sun shine freezy butter millo,turn the stupid red fat rat YELLOW"nothing ever happenedH:"do you think it"s a real spell.Well it doesn"t ues isn"t it.Imean I just try some simple spells by myself, but they all work to me."坐在Harry对面,用魔杖指着HarryH:"pick an example o-ke-las bo-pa-las"Harry脱下眼镜 作吃惊状H也吃惊状"oh cretid, you are Harry Potter,I"m Hermione Granger,and you are...."面对Ron 疑惑状Ron:"i"m Ron wesley"Hermione不屑状:"pleasure"转向HarryH:"You two better change your robes may be we"ll arrive soon"Hermione走出车厢,在门口,再次回头,对Ron说"you had a dirt on your nose bu the way,did you know??It"s here"指自己的鼻子.然后走了Ron茫然的碰了碰自己同样的地方 -end-这是我自己写的哦 楼主用我的吧!!!!
2023-07-26 01:57:332


yesterday 我认为不错 你可以试试
2023-07-26 01:57:4211

唱的NANA,除了这首歌还有什么歌,谁知道他的详细的资料啊 Nana -lonely中文歌词 歌手:Nana 专辑:Nana Lonely I am lonely lonely lonely 我孤单,我好孤单. I am lonely lonely in my life 我的生活如此寂寞 I am lonely lonely lonely 我孤单,我好孤单. God help me help me to survive! 上帝啊帮我活下去吧。 Remember first time we met day one 记得我们初次相遇的那一天。 Kids in the garden" playin" games heaven" fun 孩子们在花园里弹唱, Excitin" and amazin" havin" 如同在天堂中嬉戏。 a real friend of mine 我的挚友懂得我的心声, Feel my heartbeat and for 拥有真正的朋友多么开心。 real friend of mine Face to face and eye to eye 执子之手,心心相映。 Usin" our hands to buy and supply 在寒冷的一月到六月 Chillin" is cool from january to june And we still stiked together 可我有你,和你如胶似漆。 like the glue And know the rules 相信你我天荒地老 Forever you and i and believe 我们知道游戏的规则 it was clear 如此的清楚明了 If i ever should fall i could count on you with no fear 有你在,我将无所畏惧。 Runnin" out of time i see who"s fake Alone without protection 时间漂逝我看到欺骗 from all them snakes All for one one for all i was told 在这险恶的世界里 Black white yellow no matter 人人为我,我为人人 if your young or old 有人如此告诉我 Nana"s in the house to let you know 不管肤色如何,不在乎年轻或老去。 What i see is how i fell and damn NANA告诉你 I"m alone] 我看到的就是我的感觉,我只拥有我自己。 I am lonely lonely lonely 我孤单,我孤单啊 I am lonely lonely in my life 我的生活如此寂寞 I am lonely lonely lonely 我孤单,我孤单啊 God help me help me to survive! 上帝啊帮我活下去吧 (Everybody"s tripppin" on me Oh lord come help me please (所有的人把我欺压, I did some bad things in my life Why can"t you rescue me 噢,神啊救救我吧 "cause you"ve got all i need 生活中我一定犯了错 I know i got to pay the price) 为什么你不拯救我啊 {Cheppin" thru the streets at night 我知道我要付出代价,这就是我孤独的原因) after a fuss and fight 深夜,穿过那寂静的 Tears in my eyes i"m a man 街道 lookin" for the light 泪盈满眶,我向往光明。 Dark is the path 前方的路一片黑暗 i know he will rescue me 我知道谁将拯救我,上帝是我的牧羊人 The lord is my shepard 他是我唯一的惧怕 i"m cool despite emergency 我心静如水,尽管危险仍在 Whom shall i fear exept the god Thank you for the blessin 谢谢你的祝福 , and the skils on the mic 赐予我美妙的歌喉 Five years we know there"s no diggity 五年了,活的没有尊严 Free at last see the light in me 我终将获得灵魂的自由。 生生死死无人可避免 What goes up must come down 我会陪你走向死亡之巅, 向前看不在回头 I"ll be around while you heading towards deathtown Allways look forward hardly never look back 留过多少泪啊,受过多少磨 So many tears and 难。 the snakes on my jock Now i"m riding in my big fat ride 我已踏上寻找光明的旅徒 Your ass is late so look for the line 你来晚了就要到队伍后面 Nana in the house to let you know NANA告诉你, What i see is how 我看到的就是我的感觉 i feel so leave me alone } 所以不要打扰我 I am lonely lonely lonely 我孤单,我好孤单. I am lonely lonely in my life 我的生活如此寂寞 I am lonely lonely lonely 我孤单,我好孤单. God help me help me to survive! 上帝啊帮我活下去吧 Knock on my door whom you lookin" for 敲打我门的人儿啊,你在找谁 A dream or reality enemies at my door 是美丽的梦想还是残酷的现实? Eyes i realize 我知道这是幻想,我一定是激动难忍 it"s fantasize i must be high 在我死前让我好好活一次吧 So let me live before i die 抢过酒瓶,卷起冒子 Once again grab the bottle twist the cap 你有你的生活,我有我的 To survive your life is yours my life is mine No emotions in this world full of lies 这个世界满是谎言,残酷无情。 Step by step and be versatile 一步一印走好自己的路 Love peace and cash 热爱和平和或者毁灭 that"s what is"s all about 这就是全部 Alone by yourself than you 毫无疑问,你所依靠的只有自己 lack there"s no doubt about 我总是专注于事,努力改进。 I"m always into something making moves to improve What would you do 如果你是我,你将如何? if you were in my shoes Boom a letter oops another suicide 让情绪低落,然后解决自己。 Meet me for a ride at the boulevard 我将和你一起找寻 Nana"s in the house to let you know Nana告诉你, What i see is how i feel 所看既是所觉 and damn i"m alone 我只拥有我自己 歌词与MP3试听 : Nana的官方网站:
2023-07-26 01:58:053


是Katy Perry的Fireworks
2023-07-26 01:58:202


Fly - Avril LavigneThere"s a light inside of all of usIt"s never hiding, you just have to light itIt"s the one thing that you gotta trustIt"s like a diamond, you just have to find itSo if you ever feel like giving upYeah, just remember thatWe were all meant to flySpread your wings across the universeIt"s your time toIt"s your time to shineThere"s a light inside of all of usSoon you"ll find thatIt"s your time to flyYour time to flyA little help is all it ever takesSomebody has to tell you it"s worth fightingA single step becomes a leap of faithThat"s when you realize you started flyingSo don"t you ever say you"re giving upNo, there"s no looking backWe were all meant to flySpread your wings across the universeIt"s your time toIt"s your time to shineThere"s a light inside of all of usSoon you"ll find thatIt"s your time to flyIt"s your time to flyJust reach upDon"t give upUntil you"ve touched the skyJust reach upDon"t give upUntil you"ve realizedThat we were all meant to flySpread your wings across the universeIt"s your time toIt"s your time to shineThere"s a light inside of all of usSoon you"ll find thatIt"s your time to fly, flyIt"s you time toIt"s you time to shine, shineSoon you"ll find thatIt"s your time to flySpread your wings across the universeIt"s you time toIt"s your time to shineThere"s a light inside of all of usSoon you"ll find thatIt"s your time to fly
2023-07-26 01:58:281


-=兽人=- 苦工- =建造音效= - Ready to work! 准备工作 =选定音效= - Hmmm? 恩? - Yes? 是的? - Something need doing? 要做点什么吗? - What you want? 你想要什么? =行动/执行动作音效= - Okie dokie. 好的好的 - Be happy to. 很乐意 - Work, work. 干活呀干活 - I can do that. 我做的了 =骂玩家音效= - Whhaaaaaattt? 什 么??? - Me busy, leave me alone. 我很忙,别烦我 - No time for play. 没时间玩耍 - Me not that kind of Orc. 我不是那种兽人 =攻击音效= - [.vs 英雄] Why not? 为什么不? - I""ll try 我试一下 - Get em! 扁他们! - Ok 好! =击中音效= - Owww! 喔 咕噜兽- =建造音效= - My life for the Horde! 为部落而生! =选定音效= - Yes? 是的? - Huh? 哈? - Master? 主人? - What you want? 你想要我干什么? =行动/执行动作音效= - Loktar! 兽人语 - Zugzug! 兽人语 - Dabu! 兽人语 - Swobu! 兽人语 =骂玩家音效= - Why you poking me again? 为什么又戳我? - Why don""t you lead an army instead of touching me? 你怎么不去指挥部队而一直碰我? - Poke, poke, poke, is that all you do? 戳戳戳,你就会干这个吗? - Eww, that was kind of nice. 呃,这还差不多 - Me so horned, me hurt you long time! 我有角,我会伤到你的哦 - Me no sound like Yoda, do I? 我听起来不象尤达(星战系列),(以尤达的口气)是吗? - It not easy being green... (用唱的) 绿皮肤可不简单哟~ =攻击音效= - [.vs 英雄] For the Horde! 为了部落! - Hiyah! 嗨呀! - Time for killing! 杀戮的时刻到了! - Time to die! 去死吧! 猎头者- =建造音效= - Venegence for Zulti 为Zul"jin报仇!(zul"jin是魔兽2中的巨魔族老大) =选定音效= - Who you want me kill? 想让我杀谁? - What? 什么? - Wasch you want me do?* 想让我干吗?(Wasch you=what you,读读看是不是这样?) - Wasch you want me go?* 想让我去哪?(该是where""j you,参见 creeps中的Forest troll页) =行动/执行动作音效= - Ahhh! 啊! - Anything you want 怎样都行 - Joo got it man!* 了解了兄弟 - Yeah, hehe hehe hehe he! 耶~呵呵,呵呵,呵呵,呵! =骂玩家音效= - Wasch you bother me for?* 为什么烦我 - Leave it to me, I take a big weight off your shoulders! 交给我吧,我给你减轻负担 - Schoo wanna buy a cigar?* (Schoo = you) 你想来只烟吗? - Luuucyy! - Say hello to my lil friend.跟我的小朋友说声好 =攻击音效= - [.vs 英雄] Asdingo! 兽人语 - Asdingo! 兽人语 - Don""t mess with the bad guy! 别惹我,我是个坏人! - It""s time for a lil blood! 血债血偿! 弩车 - (注解:音效全是噪音没有文字 ) 牛头人 - =建造音效= - May my ancestors watch over me! 愿我的祖先注视着我! =选定音效= - Bring it on! 来吧! - I am able to help! 我帮的上忙 - How now! 现在怎么样? =行动/执行动作音效= - For the Tribes! 为了部落! - Immediately! 马上! - Well done! 干的好! =骂玩家音效= - Do not push me, or I wil impale you on my horns! 别推我,要不我会用我的角顶你。 - Doubles! - Got Milk? 要奶吗? - There""s a lot at stake here! 别的地方有很多树桩! - Hey, what are these letters burned on my ass? 嗨,在我PP上印的什么字? - Oh ley !** - (玻璃碎裂) Sorry! 抱歉! =攻击音效= - [.vs 英雄] Ruuuuaahh! 喊声 - Death to the enemies of the Horde! 部落的敌人受死吧! - Death to the Enemy! 敌人受死吧! - Start running! 逃跑吧! =击中音效= - Euuhhhhh! 喊声 狼骑兵- (趣味注解: 他的死亡音效文件名是""raiderdeath""但他叫做 ""wolfrider"" ) =建造音效= - Ready to ride! (狼的喘气和吠叫声) 狼骑就绪! =选定音效= - Yes Cheiftan? (狼的喘气声) 是,酋长? - Hmmmm? (狼的呻吟声) 恩?? - Need something? (狼的喘气声) 需要什么吗? - Say the word! (狼的吠叫声) 说啊! =行动/执行动作音效= - No problem! (狼的吠叫声) 没问题! - Hi yah!* (狼的跑动声) 嗨呀! - Mush! (狼的跑动声和呻吟声) - Let""s ride! (狼的跑动声和呻吟声) 冲吧! =骂玩家音效= - Down boy! (狼的吠叫声) 下来,小孩! - You""re annoying my dog! (狼的吠叫声) 你若恼我的狗了! - What""s that smell? (狼的喘气声) Oh! Bad dog! (狼的哭叫声) 那是什么气味?啊!坏狗狗! - I""m hungry like the wolf! (狼的笑声) (注解: 听起来想狼的笑声... 当然,如果它们能笑的话) (用唱的) 我饿的象头狼! =攻击音效= - [.vs 英雄] For the glory of the War Chief! 为了酋长的荣耀! - Sick em! (狼的咆哮声) - Taste my steel! (狼的吠叫声) 尝尝我的铁刃! - For Doomhammer! (狼的吠叫声) 为了毁灭之锤(一个部落吧?) 飞龙骑士- =建造音效= - Ready to soar Master! 准备飞行,主人! =选定音效= - Are there enemies above? 有敌人在天上吗? - Un double!* - Sping Chieftan!* 正在侦察,酋长! - I need order! 我需要命令! =行动/执行动作音效= - To the winds! 与风同行 - Let""s fly! 我们飞吧! - Onward and upward! 向前,向上! - Yee Haw! 呀呼~ =骂玩家音效= - Peter! I can fly! Peter,我会飞了!Peter. - I can see my house! 我看家我家房子了! - The onnnly way to fly! 飞行的唯一办法 - I""m getting a little dizzy! 我有点头晕了! - Flash! (飞兽在咆哮) Ah ha ha! 闪光吧,啊哈哈! - Fly the friendly skies! 飞向友好的天空! - Look, up in the sky! It""s a bird! It""s a plane! It""s ME! 看天上,那是一只鸟,那是一架飞机,那是我! =攻击音效= - [.vs 英雄] Death to all who oppose the Horde! 挡我部落者死! - Die! 死! - Death from above! 空中者死! - Victory for the Horde! 我族必胜! - For the glory of the Horde! 为了部落的荣耀! 柯多兽- (趣味注解: 在游戏和建造描述里面它们都叫""Kodo"" 但是在音效文件里面它们都叫 ""Koto"" ) 所有其他音效都是柯多兽的咆哮. =骂玩家音效= - Here comes the beast again! 野兽又回来啦! 萨满法师 - =建造音效= - Storm, Earth, and Fire, head my call! 风暴,大地,火焰,接受我的召唤吧! =选定音效= - Yes? 是? - Yes, War Chief? 是,酋长? - How can I help? 要我怎么帮忙? - Direct me! 指引我吧! =行动/执行动作音效= - Understood! 了解! - A wise plan! 明智的计划! - For the Horde! 为了部落! - Right away! 马上! =骂玩家音效= - You ever get hit by lightning where the sun don""t shine?你曾在没有太阳的地方被雷击过吗? (闪电声) (注解: 哎哟!) - Back off pup! 后退,小子! - The sky is falling! 天空,正在坠落! - Raindrops keep falling on my head! (用唱的) 雨水不停落在我的额头~~ - No time for play, we have war to ! 没有时间玩啦,我们有仗要打! - Electrifying! 放电! - Blame it on the rain! Huh ha ha! 怪那些雨水吧!哼哈哈哈! =攻击音效= - [.vs 英雄] I dedicate my power to the Horde! 为部落贡献我的力量! - Thunder! (雷鸣声) 雷! - Power to the Horde! 以部落的力量! - Feel the ground trrremble!* 感受大地的颤抖吧! - Lightning! (闪电声) 电! 巨魔巫医- =建造音效= - Someone call for de doctor?* 有人召唤巫医吗? =选定音效= - I hear de summons!* 我听到了你的呼唤! - How may I serve? 我要怎样服务? - You sick, me help? 你生病,我帮忙? - What you be cravin?* 你在渴望什么? =行动/执行动作音效= - Pasdingo! 兽人语 - Ride eway!* (Right away!) 立刻! - Da be good choice, man!* 正确的选择,兄弟! =骂玩家音效= - E com bou com!* ** 兽人语 - Do you be feelin well?* 你感觉好吗? - I may have somethin for ya!* 我可能有东西要给你 - We be jammin! 有干扰! - It""s a cook book. A cook book! 这是一本烹调书,一本烹调书! - Soil and grain is made from Trolls! - [广播员]: Fankuisan? [Fakuisan]: Yes? Go ahead. [广播员]: What the Iron Troll is doing right now, is putting the heads in a pot. They have to boil for 20 minutes, so that the eyes can be used in a second dish, an eye and ra**erry sorbet. [女声]: Mmmm! Sounds good! (可以清楚得听见头普通一声掉进水的声音) [广播员]: Fankuisan? [Fakuisan]: 恩?说吧. [广播员]: 现在武装巨魔在做的就是把他们的头放进一个罐子里.蒸他们20分钟,然后眼睛就可以用在甜点上,一个有眼睛的果汁冰糕. [女声]: 恩~~~~听起来不错啊~!(可以清楚得听见头普通一声掉进水的声音) =攻击音效= - [.vs 英雄] Ahhh! 啊!! - I do it... Now! 现在就做! - Blah aha hul!* ** 兽人语! - Blah! 剑圣- (英雄,城镇中心) =建造音效= - I obey the six vengance! =选定音效= - I am yours! 我属于你! - Ohh! 噢! - Yesa, Lord!* 是,主人! - What task is there?有什么任务? =行动/执行动作音效= - I hearo and obey!* 我听从命令!(剑圣说的是日式英语……把r音发成鲁等) - Hai! 日语,嗨咿! - Excellent choice! 完美的选择! - Yes, huh! 是,哈! =骂玩家音效= - Snatch the pebble from my hand, grasshopper! - My a blade can cut through armor, and still cut a tomato!* 我的刀可以切穿盔甲,切到里面的番茄(心脏) - Twin blade action, for clean, close shave everytime! 看我的双刀流……每次都可以把脸刮的很干净~(剔须刀呀?) - Wasabi! 日语,芥末 (……剑圣整个一日本武士) =Attack Sounds= - [.vs 英雄] For the burning Blade! 为了燃烧之刃 - Taste a* my blade! 尝尝我的利刃 - Ailease! *喊声* - Hooah! *吼声* 先知- (英雄,城镇中心) =建造音效= - The future is ours! 未来属于我们! =选定音效= - My eyes are open. 我洞悉一切 - Seeing is believing! 眼见为实 - Do you need my counsel? 需要我的忠告吗? - Destiny awaits. 命运在等待 =行动/执行动作音效= - It is certain. 确信无疑 - Of course. 当然 - I see. 明白 - Watch out! =骂玩家音效= - I see dead people. 我看见死人了(开地图秘籍哦,果然是farseer) - Touch you tongue to mine! 敢用你的舌头舔我! (狼的呻吟声) - Concentrate and ask again. 思想集中一点!再问我一遍 - Outlook not so good. 前景不太理想(暗指微软的outlook不太好用) - Reply hazy. Try again! 回答的摸棱两可,再说一遍!
2023-07-26 01:58:551

Nobody Ever Told You 歌词

歌曲名:Nobody Ever Told You歌手:Carrie Underwood专辑:Blown AwayNobody ever told you"Take off all the makeup girlShine your light, show the worldDon"t be shy, don"t be scaredYou don"t have to hide under thereLet"s throw away all the magazinesTurn off the static on the TVWish you could see yourself the way I doNobody ever told youNobody ever told youYou shine like a diamondGlitter like a goldAnd you need to knowWhen nobody ever told youYeahLa la la la laMirror mirror on the wallActing like he knows it allTells you lies of vanityHe doesn"t care what"s underneathAll hung up on the negativeDoesn"t have to be the way it isWish you could see yourself the way I doNobody ever told youNobody ever told youYou shine like a diamondGlitter like a goldAnd you need to knowWhen nobody ever told youFree as a bird,Up on a watchJust like a flower growing wildYou"re beautiful, you"re beautifulNobody ever told you,Nobody ever told youYou shine like a diamondGlitter like a goldAnd you need to knowWhen nobody ever told youYou shine like a diamondGlitter like a goldAnd you need to knowWhen nobody ever told you
2023-07-26 01:59:031

our school will shine today歌词

2023-07-26 01:59:292

Waiting On You 歌词

歌曲名:Waiting On You歌手:STEVE EARLE专辑:Copperhead RoadWaiting On YouDavid Coverdale & Jimmy PageCoverdale·PageMy heart is breaking, my whole life is shakingEvery way I turn, I know this love is gonna burn meBut, I"m waiting on you, no matter what you doEver since you went away, I suffer each an" every dayAn" I can"t hide the heartache anymoreYou left me all alone, just waiting by the telephoneToo scared to step outside this prison doorAn" I"m waiting on youNo matter what you say, no matter what you doThis heart is dedicated to you"Til the rivers run dry and the sun no longer shinesI"m still gonna make you mineI"m waiting on you, waiting on youEver since I started drinking, my ship"s been slowly sinkingSo tell me what"s a man supposed to doWhen people stop and stare and see me drowning in despair"Cos it"s written on my face, what I"ve been going throughAn" I"m waiting on youNo matter what you say, no matter what you doThis heart is dedicated to you"Til the rivers run dry and the sun no longer shinesI"m still gonna make you mineI"m waiting on you, waiting on youI"m waiting on you, waiting on youMy heart is breaking, my whole life is shakingEvery way I turn, I know this love is gonna burnLove is gonna burn, love is gonna burnBurn me, baby, burn, your love is gonna burnEver since you went away, I"ve suffered each an" every dayAn" I can"t hide the loneliness no moreAll the tears I"ve cried, all the love I"ve been deniedAn" still you find me waiting on you, baby, baby, babeNo matter what you say, no matter what you doThis heart is dedicated to you"Til the rivers run dry and the sun no longer shinesI"ll be waiting on you, waiting on youMy heart is dedicated to youAn" I"m waiting on you, waiting on youNo matter what you say, no matter what you doThis heart is dedicated to you"Til the rivers run dryI"ll be waiting on you, waiting on youMy heart is dedicated to youAn" I"m waiting on you, waiting on youNo matter what you say, no matter what you doMy heart is dedicated to you"Til the rivers run dryI"ll be waiting on you, babe
2023-07-26 01:59:491

Waiting On You 歌词

歌曲名:Waiting On You歌手:The Pointer Sisters专辑:Having A PartyWaiting On YouDavid Coverdale & Jimmy PageCoverdale·PageMy heart is breaking, my whole life is shakingEvery way I turn, I know this love is gonna burn meBut, I"m waiting on you, no matter what you doEver since you went away, I suffer each an" every dayAn" I can"t hide the heartache anymoreYou left me all alone, just waiting by the telephoneToo scared to step outside this prison doorAn" I"m waiting on youNo matter what you say, no matter what you doThis heart is dedicated to you"Til the rivers run dry and the sun no longer shinesI"m still gonna make you mineI"m waiting on you, waiting on youEver since I started drinking, my ship"s been slowly sinkingSo tell me what"s a man supposed to doWhen people stop and stare and see me drowning in despair"Cos it"s written on my face, what I"ve been going throughAn" I"m waiting on youNo matter what you say, no matter what you doThis heart is dedicated to you"Til the rivers run dry and the sun no longer shinesI"m still gonna make you mineI"m waiting on you, waiting on youI"m waiting on you, waiting on youMy heart is breaking, my whole life is shakingEvery way I turn, I know this love is gonna burnLove is gonna burn, love is gonna burnBurn me, baby, burn, your love is gonna burnEver since you went away, I"ve suffered each an" every dayAn" I can"t hide the loneliness no moreAll the tears I"ve cried, all the love I"ve been deniedAn" still you find me waiting on you, baby, baby, babeNo matter what you say, no matter what you doThis heart is dedicated to you"Til the rivers run dry and the sun no longer shinesI"ll be waiting on you, waiting on youMy heart is dedicated to youAn" I"m waiting on you, waiting on youNo matter what you say, no matter what you doThis heart is dedicated to you"Til the rivers run dryI"ll be waiting on you, waiting on youMy heart is dedicated to youAn" I"m waiting on you, waiting on youNo matter what you say, no matter what you doMy heart is dedicated to you"Til the rivers run dryI"ll be waiting on you, babe
2023-07-26 01:59:571

Waiting On You 歌词

歌曲名:Waiting On You歌手:Doky Brothers专辑:Doky Brothers 2Waiting On YouDavid Coverdale & Jimmy PageCoverdale·PageMy heart is breaking, my whole life is shakingEvery way I turn, I know this love is gonna burn meBut, I"m waiting on you, no matter what you doEver since you went away, I suffer each an" every dayAn" I can"t hide the heartache anymoreYou left me all alone, just waiting by the telephoneToo scared to step outside this prison doorAn" I"m waiting on youNo matter what you say, no matter what you doThis heart is dedicated to you"Til the rivers run dry and the sun no longer shinesI"m still gonna make you mineI"m waiting on you, waiting on youEver since I started drinking, my ship"s been slowly sinkingSo tell me what"s a man supposed to doWhen people stop and stare and see me drowning in despair"Cos it"s written on my face, what I"ve been going throughAn" I"m waiting on youNo matter what you say, no matter what you doThis heart is dedicated to you"Til the rivers run dry and the sun no longer shinesI"m still gonna make you mineI"m waiting on you, waiting on youI"m waiting on you, waiting on youMy heart is breaking, my whole life is shakingEvery way I turn, I know this love is gonna burnLove is gonna burn, love is gonna burnBurn me, baby, burn, your love is gonna burnEver since you went away, I"ve suffered each an" every dayAn" I can"t hide the loneliness no moreAll the tears I"ve cried, all the love I"ve been deniedAn" still you find me waiting on you, baby, baby, babeNo matter what you say, no matter what you doThis heart is dedicated to you"Til the rivers run dry and the sun no longer shinesI"ll be waiting on you, waiting on youMy heart is dedicated to youAn" I"m waiting on you, waiting on youNo matter what you say, no matter what you doThis heart is dedicated to you"Til the rivers run dryI"ll be waiting on you, waiting on youMy heart is dedicated to youAn" I"m waiting on you, waiting on youNo matter what you say, no matter what you doMy heart is dedicated to you"Til the rivers run dryI"ll be waiting on you, babe
2023-07-26 02:00:061


you are the one It early in the morningsoon another day will dawnI can wait to feel your armsaround me againI believe that we couldlay down the worldtogether we could livethe dream that never endsOpen up the doorjust a little morebaby let me inYou are the one, You are the onewho can make moments last foreverThe one that makes the sun shinewhere ever you gowhy make it harder, than it has to bejust listen, I give you loveif you give me your heartEverytime I near youtime is standing stillthere nothing you can fixwith your heavenly smileI would never leave youmy love is for lifetaking things for grandedwas never my styleJust give a little lovesay you never stopl do anythingYou are the one, You are the onewho can make moments last foreverThe one that makes the sun shinewhere ever you gowhy make it harder, than it has to bejust listen, l give you loveIf you give me your heartAnd l do anythingif you give me your heartahh ahh yeahl do anythingYou are the one, You are the onewho can make moments last foreverThe one that makes the sun shinewhere ever you gogive a little lovesay you never stopand l do anythingl give you loveif you give me your heartohhhhh ohhhhhWhere ever you goyou are the onewhy make it harder, than it has to bejust listen, l give you loveif you give me your heart
2023-07-26 02:00:151