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A boy can do everything for girl ,he is just kidding,love must need our patience

2023-07-27 07:23:22

有一天女孩问男孩:ABCDEFG是什么意思?男孩回答:A boy can do everything for girl。 女孩很感动。有人告诉她别忘了后面还有HIJK ——He is just kidding!女孩回答:就算他骗我也没关系,后面还有LMNOPQ。。。Love Must Need Our Patience. Quiteness remains some trust。什么也不说,依然相信你。


A Boy Can Do Everything For Girl. He Is Just Kidding! Love Must Need Our Patience. Quietness Remains Some Trust. Unbelievable Victims Will X-Ray You Zealously.


A Boy Can Do Everything For Girl. He Is Just Kidding! Love Must Need Our Patience. Quietness Remains Some Trust. Unbelievable Victims Will X-Ray You Zealously.


just kidding什么意思

just kidding只是在开玩笑; 例句:1.I was just kidding! 我只是在开玩笑!2.I was just kidding anyway. 我是开玩笑的.
2023-07-26 01:36:404


I am just kidding.I am just joking.
2023-07-26 01:36:503

just kidding什么意思

2023-07-26 01:36:584


I was just kidding, don"t take it seriously
2023-07-26 01:37:203


A secret makes a woman woman.有秘密的女人更美丽。We can be both of God and the Devil, since we are trying to raise the dead and against the stream of time.我们是神也是恶魔,因为我们逆天而行、让死者复生。Move it, Angel!闪开、安吉尔!Seven Eight Nine Ten Ready or not…… Here I come…… I see you…… 7,8,9,10...准备好了吗...我来了……我看见你了…… Well, X means a kiss…… It"s feminine…… expression of affection…… But it could also…… be an evil stamp of hatred…… Sure…… It"s where a fatal silver arrow shoots…… X marks the target spot…… 好吧,X是一个吻 …… 它是女性的…… 爱的表示 …… 但是它也能 …… 是一张憎恨的邪恶标签 …… 当然 …… 也是一支致命银标的瞄准的 …… X是死亡的印记……Can you tell me, please, Gin? Do you believe in heaven? You must say coldly…… “It"s not like you to be so silly.” Until we lift our glasses filled with rotten sherry, please find the answer. I can"t wait…… Gin啊,请告诉我... 你相信天堂的存在吗? 你肯定会冷酷地说 …… "我不像你这么傻。"直到我们举起杯、斟满腐烂的雪利酒,请告诉我答案。我等不及了...贝姐的台词挺多啊。。。
2023-07-26 01:37:303

PSP rflash 刷机后来出现nah,just kidding是什么意思

他前面说“formating flash 0”(格式化f0中)先逗你玩“just kiding”(开玩笑啦)是针对上面那句话说的这个是作者跟你开的玩笑~~不能退出可能是卡住了,你重启一下就可以了
2023-07-26 01:37:371


2023-07-26 01:37:454

don’t mind i’m just kidding with you

1.I"m just kidding.是口语中的常用表达,意思为“我只是开玩笑而已” 2.选A.整句意思为“我们的北京校园之旅需要帮助”,for 这里表示“对象或目的”.
2023-07-26 01:38:041

A boy can do everything for girl。He is just kidding。Love must need our patienc.是什么意思?

A boy can do everything for girl。He is just kidding。Love must need our patienc.是什么意思?翻译:男孩可以为女孩做任何事。他只是在开玩笑。爱需要我们的耐心。男孩回答:A boy can do everything for girl. (一个男孩能为女孩做任何事)。女孩很感动。有人告诉她别忘了后面还有HIJKーーHe is just kidding. (他只是在开玩笑)。女孩回答:就算他骗我也没关系,后面还有LMNOPーーLove must need our patience.(爱必须有耐心 )。这告诉我们,在爱情里要有耐心,不怕被拒绝,就怕这只是三分钟热度。但或许有一天,你累了,那么就勇敢地转身吧!我们要有自知之明,若你喜欢的人真的不喜欢你,就不要执着了,因为不喜欢就是不喜欢。我相信总有一天,你会拥有被爱的权利。
2023-07-26 01:38:156

you just kidding me主谓结构

you are just kidding me 少了一个词you主语 are kidding 谓语 me宾语 纯手打 请尽快采纳 谢谢 祝好运
2023-07-26 01:38:392

i just kidding 和 i am just kidding有什么差别么..那干嘛要加am。。。

omg u serious this is like the easiest thing ever.... ( i just kidding) that doesn"t make sense and ( i am just kidding or i"m just kidding) is the proper way to say it...
2023-07-26 01:38:463

A boy can do everything for girl。 He is just kidding! Love must need our patience。 的翻译是什么?

2023-07-26 01:38:559


just,音标发音: [du0292u028cst] 。拓展:“just”的相关知识。Just in time:这个短语的意思是“恰好在时间上、及时地”,通常用来形容某个事件或行动在最后一刻完成。例如,“We arrived just in time for the concert”(我们恰好在时间上赶到了音乐会)。Just in case:这个短语的意思是“以防万一、预防措施”,通常用来形容为了避免某种不利情况而采取的预防措施。例如,“I brought an umbrella just in case it rains”(我带了一把伞,以防下雨)。Just deserts:这个短语的意思是“应得的惩罚、应得的报应”,通常用来形容那些做了坏事却没有受到应有的惩罚的人。例如,“He got his just deserts when he was fired for stealing from the company”(他因为从公司偷窃而被解雇,这是他应得的惩罚)。Just for fun:这个短语的意思是“只是为了好玩、只是为了开心”,通常用来形容那些不是很重要但很有趣的事情。例如,“We decided to go to the amusement park just for fun”(我们决定去游乐园只是为了好玩)。Just kidding:这个短语的意思是“只是开玩笑、不是真的”,通常用来表示自己说的话不是认真的。例如,“I"m just kidding, I don"t really hate you”(我只是开玩笑,我并不真的讨厌你)。
2023-07-26 01:39:101


这里需要跳跃的时候按住跳跃键以及同时按住子弹键不放,就可以成功跳过去。如下图所示,很多人反应总是差一点,怎么都跳不过去。实际上其实需要加速就可以过了,加速键就是子弹键也是B键,如下图可以看B键的实际按键。同时按住跳跃键和子弹键就可以成功跳过去。拓展资料超级玛丽游戏讲述的小故事超级玛丽里,讲述了水管工马里奥跳来跳去,打败大魔王库巴,救出碧琪公主的故事。1、马里奥马里奥是一位矮小结实的意大利前水管工,帽子加背带工作服、大鼻子和胡子等特征,加上少许肥胖的身材,看起来与英雄的形象相差比较远,但他靠着勇敢的个性,强健的的体格,超强的跳跃能力,在蘑菇王国不断游历,打败大魔王,最后救出公主。2、库巴库巴是龟族的领导,同时是系列作中的大魔王,马里奥永远的宿敌,一直不断地绑架蘑菇王国的碧琪公主,也一直不断地被马里奥打败,库巴为何要侵略蘑菇王国的原因仍是不明,而马里奥通过努力终于营救了公主。3、碧琪公主碧琪公主是超级玛丽系列里的人物,她的发色以金色为主,早期可能因为主机缘故而有很多不同颜色。至于和马里奥是不是一对,有人认为不是。他们的根据是,在三代的结尾,马里奥“救出”她后,她先开了个无聊的玩笑,然后就说:byebye!(原文:Thank you ,But the princess is in another castle! Ha ha! Just kidding! Bye bye!)可见她“很讨厌马里奥”,只不过为了继续当公主,不得不假装跟着马里奥走。
2023-07-26 01:39:291


我开玩笑的英文翻译? I am kidding. 我跟你开玩笑的用英语怎么说 I was just joking. 你在开玩笑吗英文怎么说 Are you jok me 你在和我开玩笑吧。用英语怎么说 口语中,一般用 : Are you kidding?----来自考啊考团队专业英语顾问解答 我没有开玩笑.英语怎么说麻烦你告诉我 我没有开玩笑的翻译如下:I"m not kidding。 在英译汉方面,关键在于准确理解原文,在于译文中如何摆脱原文的拘束,避免洋腔洋调。这时候是使用汉语重写,所以对汉语的要求大一些。而在汉译英方面,关键在于如何综合运用所学的英文知识,将我们原本理解得相当明白的汉语文字,以准确的英语通顺地表达出来。这时候汉语对于我们是阅读的工具,应当说大部分人还是够用的,因而汉译英的时候难在英语的表达上。 以下是一些学习英语翻译的技巧: 1.翻译是按照原文的句型、精神、意义、情绪再现原稿整体效果的艺术性再创作。实际上它比写作还要费时费神费力。高翻译技巧不能仅靠阅读翻译理论和技巧的书籍。多种知识、多种体裁往往在同一资料中同时出现.要虚心学习,多思勤问,多查各种资料,必要时还要到现场考察,对原文读懂弄通,表达时符合有关行话,具备用简明、流畅、准确的语言自如地表达自己的思想的能力。 要透彻理解原文,了解两种文化差异,应当根据上下文、语境实际情况来译,而不能生搬硬套字典里的释义。 2.英汉两种语言不仅用词造句的语法结构不同,而且表达思想的方法不同,所用的形象也有不同。我们在翻译时必须以符合目的语的表达习惯的原则进行变通。由于英汉两种语言表达方式的不同,在进行翻译时,有时不能拘泥于词语的字面意思,生搬硬套或单求英汉句型上的对等,需要做些变通。 3.翻译者应该经常阅读一些时代感强的报刊书籍,以扩大知识面,有意识地积累新词,密切关注、及时收集、学以致用,更地道、更好地使用英语表达。 开个玩笑用英语怎么说? 比较随意一点的说法可以用:never mind,just kidding!(别介意,只是个玩笑) 如果是郑重一点的道歉可以用: sorry,i"m only joking.(对不起,我只是开玩笑。) 顺便说,回应朋友过火的玩笑时可以说:“i"m in no mood for your fooling!”(我可没心情开玩笑!) “开玩笑”用英语怎么说 1. pull one"s leg.捉弄某人。 2.Are you kidding?你在开玩笑吧?。 jest是词组:闹著玩 4.make fun of a trick 6.crack a joke 7.tease “你是在跟我开玩笑吗”的英文翻译 你是在跟我开玩笑吗 翻鸡:Are you kidding me? 解析:kid 欺骗;取笑;戏弄。这句是很口语的一句英语。 有问题请追问。 我只是开玩笑别当真用英语怎么说 我只是开玩笑,别当真 I was just kidding, don"t take it seriously 别拿我开玩笑了英文怎么说? don"t tease me
2023-07-26 01:40:041

13? wow someones talking about u hahahha just kidding的中文意思是??

哇 谈论你的人 哈哈 只是开玩笑…
2023-07-26 01:40:123

Thank you ,But the princess is in another castle! Ha ha! Just kidding! Bye bye!是什么意思?

2023-07-26 01:40:313


A secret makes a woman woman.秘密让女人更有女人味每次都说呢,好神秘
2023-07-26 01:40:4012


1.You think of the what to say!2.Swindle you3.Swindle you you believe that this talks me about may criticize what?4.Very naive5.Very naive that my regret may become a mare nest is real!6.You have been very relentless!7.I be a king!8.Do not ask chaos to talk!9.You dare to criticize one"s father"s elder brother this way!
2023-07-26 01:41:086

雅思口语表达 老外聊天必备缩写

  在我们和歪果仁聊天的过程中,你会发现,他们在发短信和社交网站上的发言,并不是“规规矩矩”的英语,而是更倾向于在日常生活中使用缩略的英语,和我一起来看看雅思口语表达 老外聊天必备缩写。   首先最简单的,是用一些发音类似的数字代替单词,尽可能减少打字数量,比如:   2 = to/too   Nice 2 meet u = Nice to meet you   2nite = tonight   4 = for   b4 = before   86 = eating snacks 吃东西(eight six的发音类似)  第二种是首字母缩写,即Acronyms。Acronyms是由每个单词的第一个字母组合而成的,比如UN就是指United Nations。短信里,首字母缩写常常被用在习惯用语中。另外,发声相似的词会被字母取代。这一类的缩写在口语聊天和日常交流的短信中是非常常用的,比如:BRB = be right back,同样的还有,BTW = by the way,TTYL = talk to you later,IDK = I don"t know,LOL = Laughing Out Loud。当然了,这样的缩写我们不仅在短信中使用,还在现实交流中使用,但是是朋友之间的交流,不要和上司用这类缩写。同样常用的缩写还有:   OIC = oh I see   BFN = Bye for now   ASAP = As soon as possible   FYI = For your information   JK = Just kidding   LMK = Let me know   FAQ = Frequently Asked Question   FYA = For your amusement   FB = Facebook   第三种,短信的缩略词不是指一些约定俗成的"don't" 或 "they're"之类的缩略,但两者的目的是一样的:即当意思很清楚的时候可将一些不需要的词省略。元音常常会被省略,但是你仍然可以保留这个词的大概发音。数字8有时候会发eight,所以later就写成l8r。数字4通常也被取代成for,就像2这个音就替代了to。类似的省略词有:   Plz = Please   Thx = Thanks   Cya = See you   L8r = Later   K = OK   U = You   R = Are   f2t = free to talk   soz/sry = sorry   srsly = seriously   sum1 = someone   好了,这么多聊天缩略语,抓紧学起来吧!
2023-07-26 01:41:231


1.asl=age sex location 英文聊天开场最常用的对白,三个字母相应的代替了三句话,分别是how old are you? male or female? and where are you from? 一句话,我们的原则是越简单越好。   2.cuz/cos=because 因为的缩写   3.2=to 数字代替了字母   4.u/ya=you 你 r u/h r u=how are you 你好吗?你怎么样? 这是陌生人问好最惯用的问话,当两人熟络起来后,一般会用howare you doing?这样的句子问好,或者是what"s up? 注意回答不要局限于中国式的课本回答,fine,thank you,and you?外国人见多了这种回答会疯的,可以说good,great,just ok,terrible,very bad,soso…… 根据实际情况回答;而what"s up的回答一般为 not much,nothing等等 2=me too 我也是   7.brb=be right back 一会儿回来的说法,让我想起某变态不男不女的歌星扯着脖子唱的一首歌。   8.wb=welcome back 当一会儿回来的人回来的时候,你可以说欢迎回来,很礼貌的说法。   9.sup=what"s up 这个是熟人之间问好的常用形式,就好比中国人见面问“嘛呢?"回答就直接告诉别人你正在忙什么,如果没什么特别的可以回答not much/nothing speical,这就是最地道的表达。千万别以为sup就是supper,跟吃一点关系都没有。   10.uni=university 大学的缩写,在英语中,很多比较长的词都有特殊的缩写,大概美国人比较懒。   11.gvmt=government 政府的缩写   12.good nite/nite=good night 晚安,说到这,我们会发现,很多缩写都是按照读音来缩的,也就是说,一样的读音,拼写却更为简单了。night这个词中gh都是不发音的,只有n,i,t发音,而nite这个词,当一个单词结尾有不发音的e时,原音通常发字母本身的音,因此两个拼写不同的词发音却相同。   13.yes/yep/yeah “好”的几种表达 “不”的几种表达,个人认为总说no太单调,而且也太生硬了,可以试着其它的两种回答 dc=got disconnected 聊到一半时,却掉线了,这个时候应该怎么说呢?got dc是比较简单的表达。还有一种情况,就是电脑突然定住,需要重起,当你再度上线的时候,可以说my pc froze,我们用"冻"这个词,是比较生动贴切的。   16.wanna=want to 想要……   17.gotta=got to 要……样   18.gonna=going to 要去……   19.cya/c u=see you 再见的缩写   20.dunno=don"t know 不知道的缩写   21.kinda=kind of 一种……   22.prob"ly=probably 很有可能……   23.lemme=let me 让我……   24.n=and 和   25.r=are/our 是   26.gimme=give me 给我……   27.yrw=you are welcome 不客气   28.pvt=private 私人的   29.lota=lot of 很多   30.t/c=take care 保重的缩写,聊到最后要离开,说完再见还可以说一句保重,显得很有礼貌。或者,家里的客人要离开,送到门口时常常会说一句保重之类的话,英文的说法就是take care.   31.favo=favorite 最喜欢的   32.4=for 为……   33.b4=before 以前   34.j/k=just kidding 开玩笑的缩写,也可以说just joking,一般程度的开玩笑就可以说just kidding/just joking,如果某人说了一件另你感到吃惊的事,你可以反问"you kidding?",更深程度表达吃惊的用法是"you got to be kidding me?"如果这样说了,那就表示这件事是你做梦都没想到的。   35.ain"t=be not 不是   36.nvm=never mind 别介意   37.msg=message 信息   38.luv=love 爱   39.bro=brother 兄弟   40.sis=sister 姐妹   41.doc=doctor 医生   42.sorta=sort of 一种……   43.outa=out of ……之外   44.O.J.=orange juice桔汁的缩写,在快餐店,所有的东西,不论可数不可数的名词,前面通通可以加a/an,你可以说i want an O.J.   下面我为大家介绍快餐店各种食物的简单说法:   汉堡hamburger,一般来说直接说burger就好,双层汉堡叫做double burger   个人认为最最难吃的巨无霸叫做big mac   薯条是french fries,可以直接说fries(small medium big)   奶昔是milkshake,可以说成shake(strawberry,chocolate,vanilla)   可乐是coke,健怡可乐是diet coke   新地是sundae,发音同sunday星期天是一模一样的   麦香鸡是一种汉堡,它的英文说法却叫做m-chicken sandwich(鸡肉三明治)   麦香鱼是filet-o-fish   此外,很多人吃麦当劳McDonald很多年,却连Mc的正确读音还搞不清楚,经常听到有人把Mc读成mike,其实,Mc的正确读音是轻声的"么"。   如果在麦当劳里要套餐应该怎么说呢?套餐的说法是combo,你可以说,i want combo 1 to go.意思是我要一号餐,打包带走。   45.thanx=thanks   46.sms 经常发短信,那么发短信的正确说法是什么呢?可以说send a message,但更简单的说法是sms,你可以说 i will sms you,此外,sms的正确读音是[esmes].   47.gtg=gotta go 表示要走了,这句话的用途很广泛,想下线的时候可以这样说,在真实生活中也很常用,聊电话想挂的时候除了说hang up外,也可以说gotta go. of lot 英文聊天中出现频率的几个词之一,其实就是彪悍的笑,如果你不打haha的话,这个lol也可以表示大笑,并且三个字母组合起来的图案就如某人大笑的嘴,很是生动。
2023-07-26 01:41:301


  耳位具有辨别振动的功能,能将振动发出的声音转换成神经信号,然后传给大脑。那么你知道耳朵用英语怎么说吗?下面跟我一起学习关于耳朵的英语知识吧。   耳朵英语说法   ear    耳朵的英语例句   他耳朵里进了肥皂泡。   He had soap suds in his ears.   他用手指塞住耳朵。   He stuffed his fingers into his ears.   他粗暴地扯盖伊的耳朵。   He tweaked Guy"s ear roughly.   莉萨一只耳朵失聪,而且部分失明。   Lisa is deaf in one ear and partially blind.   医生检查我的耳朵。   The doctor looked into my ears.   这个消息万一传到她的耳朵里,她一定得大发雷霆。   If this news ever reaches her ears, she"ll be furious.   音乐的声音太大了,把我耳朵震得直响。   The music was so loud it made my ears ring.   狗听到脚步声竖起了耳朵。   The dog cocked its ears at the sound of footsteps.   西班牙猎狗是一种长着大耳朵的猎狗。   Spaniel is a breed of dog with large ears.   她的耳朵上吊着巨大的耳环。   Huge earrings dangled from her ears.   一个耳朵进一个耳朵出,当作耳边风。   It goes in one ear and out to the other.   眼睛会转、耳朵会摇摆的动物木偶   Puppet animals with eyes that move and ears that waggle   约翰意识到自己在亲吻并轻咬她的耳朵。   John found he was kissing and nibbling her ear.   她不再说话,竖起耳朵听着。   She stopped talking to prick up her ears.   如果你挠他的下巴,他的耳朵就会摆动。   His ears wiggled if you scratched his chin.   她耳朵里流出水样分泌物。   There was a watery discharge from her ear.   一提到皇室就竖起耳朵的人   Ears which prick up at the mention of royalty   她戴着小巧金耳钉的穿了耳洞的耳朵   Her pierced ears with their tiny gold studs   他突然竖起耳朵仔细倾听。   He suddenly cocked an ear and listened.   阿波罗当场把他那对不辨雅俗的耳朵变成了一对驴耳朵。   Apollo promptly transformed his depraved pair of ears into those of an ass.   她用一只耳朵听报纸,另一只耳朵专注与杂志。   She devotes one ear to the paper and the other to the magazine.   但最后一句话,提到令人担忧的最新贸易数据,还是让很多人竖起了耳朵。   But that last bit, the mention of the worrying new trade data, caught a number of ears.   关于耳朵的英文阅读:耳朵问题   His ear had a tiny air bubble in it. It bothered him a lot. He could hear an echo when he talked. The echo bothered him a lot. He tried to get rid of the tiny air bubble. He squeezed his nose, closed his mouth, and blew really hard. Nothing happened. He shook his head like a wet dog. Nothing happened. He stood on his head for 10 minutes. Nothing happened. He stuck his finger deep in his ear and pulled it out quickly. Nothing happened. The doctor gave him nose drops. Nothing happened. The doctor gave him ear drops. Nothing happened. He took a walk on a winter day. He slipped on the ice. He hit his head on the sidewalk. The bubble was gone!   他耳朵里有个小泡沫。这个气泡让他很苦恼。当他说话时他能听见回声。回声让他很烦恼。他试图去除掉这个小泡沫。他挤挤鼻子,合上嘴,并且使劲儿吹。什么也没发生。他像一条被淋湿的狗那样摇头。什么也没发生。他倒立了10分钟。什么也没发生。他用手指深挖耳朵并很快把手拿出来。什么也没发生。医生给了他滴鼻剂。什么也没发生。医生给他滴耳剂。什么也没发生。他在一个冬日里散步。他滑到在冰上。他的头撞到人行道。泡沫没有了!   关于耳朵的英文阅读:听MP3的时候请注意保护耳朵   Recent hearing tests on teens show an increase in hearing loss over the last generation, possibly as a result of increased earbud use.   Are you listening to me through headphones? Because hereu2019s a sample of what might be harming the ears of teenagers. [low-volume beating bass]   Just kidding—the last thing we want to do is damage your hearing. But that might be happening to adolescents. According to a study in the Journal of the American Medical Association, adolescents show a significant increase in hearing loss since the early "90s. [Josef Shargorodsky et al, ]   The study used two surveys. The first involved almost 3,000 adolescents tested between 1988 to 1994. The second involved 1,800 people tested in 2005 and 2006. There was a 31 percent increase in any kind of hearing loss in the second group versus the earlier one.   This problem affects millions of teens—one in five, according to the later survey. It can harm communication, social skills and education.   The researchers donu2019t make causal links, though they caution that loud sound exposure from listening to music might be particularly significant to adolescents. The rise in hearing loss does correlate with a rise in MP3 players and their earbuds.   目前对青少年的听力测试发现,与上一代的青少年相比,他们的听力损伤有所上升,其中的原因可能是使用耳塞越来越多的结果。 青少年的听力损伤增多了   你是通过耳机收听我的节目吗?我这里有一段音乐,它可能会损害青少年的耳朵。   仅仅开开玩笑而已——我们最不愿做的事情就是损害你的听力。不过这种情况可能正在青少年之中发生。根据发表在《美国医学会杂志》(Journal of the American Medical Association)上的一项研究结果,从上世纪90年代开始,青少年的听力损伤增加非常明显。   该研究利用了两个调查结果。第一个调查包括几乎3000名青少年,对他们的听力测试的时间是在1988年至1994年。第二个调查包括了1800名青少年,测试时间是在2005年和2006年。相比于早期的调查结果,第二组的青少年在任何一项听力损伤测试中都上升了31%。   这个问题影响了数百万的青少年—根据第二次调查结果,每5名青少年中就有1名青少年听力受损。这对交流、社交以及 教育 都会有害。虽然研究者们警告说,青少年听音乐的时候音量可能很高,但是他们并没有指出听音乐和听力损伤之间具有因果联系。不过,听力损伤的升高确实与MP3播放器以及耳塞的使用增加具有相关性。 猜你喜欢: 1. 招商用英语怎么说 2. 耳朵的英文读法 3. 耳朵的英文单词 4. 会员用英语怎么说 5. 物品用英语怎么说
2023-07-26 01:41:391

everything sucks just kidding是什么歌?

《Everything Sucks》。歌手:vaultboy所属专辑:Everything Sucks作词 : Jeremiah Daly作曲 : Jeremiah DalyEverything sucks诸事不顺Just kidding开个玩笑啦Everything is great万事大吉No really!真的没逗你I haven"t thought about my ex today.今天倒是没想前任Oh wait…等等I just did这不又想啦But I went outside但我几天来For the first time终于第一次In a few days出去遛弯儿了And it felt nice我感觉神清气爽And I might try要不我去试着Doing exercise锻炼锻炼Haha not really哈哈罢了罢了I wanna forget my bad days我想忘掉所有烦恼All my bad days那些糟糕的往事And be okay然后好好的And be okay做个没事人儿Spend my spare change我要去电玩城Down at the arcade花光所有零钱And then I"ll say然后我想说I"ll say我真想说Everything sucks诸事不顺Just kidding开个玩笑啦Everything is better than it used to be一切都在变好I didn"t write a song about my ex today至少今天没写关于前任的歌Oh wait噢 等等Ummm额But I called my friends但我今天给朋友打电话了And I told them我跟他们说We should hang out如果可以If it makes sense我们一起出去嗨啊Cause I miss them因为我想他们了And I hate being alone我真讨厌一个人待着No really太讨厌这种感觉啦I wanna forget my bad days真想忘掉那些破事儿All my bad days所有的不愉快And be okay然后满血复活And be okay然后满血复活Spend my spare change我要去电玩城Down at the arcade花光所有零花钱And then I"ll say然后我要说I"ll say我要说I wanna forget my bad days真想忘掉那些破事儿All my bad days所有的不愉快And be okay然后就好啦And be okay然后就好啦Spend my spare change去电玩城Down at the arcade花光我所有零花钱And then I"ll say然后我要说I"ll say我要说I wanna forget my bad days我想忘掉那些糟糕的日子All my bad days忘掉所有不愉快And be okay然后就好啦And be okay然后就好啦Spend my spare change去电玩城Down at the arcade花光我所有零钱And then I"ll say然后我要说I"ll say我要说Everything sucks真是诸事不顺事
2023-07-26 01:42:021

he is just kidding什么意思中文

A boy can do everything for girl :一个男孩愿意为喜欢的女孩做任何事 He is just kidding :他只是开玩笑而已 Love must need our patience :爱需要我们的耐心 每句话的英文字母是ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP
2023-07-26 01:42:481

A boy can do everything for girl.He is just kidding.Love must need our patience. 是啥意思?

2023-07-26 01:43:161


just kidding 开玩笑的意思
2023-07-26 01:43:242


《曾子杀彘》翻译zengzi"s wife was going to the market. Her little son insisted on going with her, making a tearful scene. “Stay at home,” she said to the boy. “When I come back, I will slaughter1 a pig for you.” When she came back, Zengzi got ready to slaughter the pig. His wife stopped him, saying: “I was just kidding.” “A child is not to be kidded like that!” he replied. “A child does not know much and cannot judge for himself. He learns from his parents and listens to what they day. To lie to him is to teach him to lie to others. If a mother lies to her son, he will not trust her anymore. How is she then to educate him?” With that Zengzi went to slaughter the pig and prepare a good meal for their son.曾子的夫人去集市上去赶集,他的儿子哭着也要跟着去。他的母亲对他说:“你先回家呆着,待会儿我回来杀猪给你吃。”曾子的夫人到集市上回来,就看见曾子要捉小猪去杀。她就劝止说:“我只不过是跟孩子开玩笑罢了。”曾子说:“妻子,这可不能开玩笑啊!小孩子没有思考和判断能力,要向父母亲学习,听从父母亲给予的正确的教导。现在你欺骗他,这就是教孩子骗人啊!母亲欺骗儿子,儿子就不再相信自己的母亲了,这不是正确教育孩子的方法啊。”于是把猪杀了,煮后吃了。
2023-07-26 01:43:321


2023-07-26 01:43:415


简单的英语情书1   Dear Daisy,   It"s the end of the day and I was thinking about you, as usual. I want you to know how much I sincerely love the times we"ve spent talking. It means so much to me. It truly seems like I"ve known you forever and I honestly can"t imagine life without you now. There will be no looking back, no second thoughts and no regrets. I want you and need only you ... and that love will only grow stronger. Do not be scared my love. Sometimes life hits you with unexpected things that take you totally by surprise. All I can say is you"re the best surprise life has given me and your capacity for love, caring, and understanding never ceases to amaze me. I"ve truly been blessed by finding you and I"ll never let you go even if I have to bring you back to Florida myself!   Your darling,   Brian 简单的`英语情书2   My One And Only   To: Javier ~ From: Aura   Dear Javier,   I can still remember our first time together, the way you kissed me, the way your hands caressed my body, the way you looked at me. It"s truly amazing the way you completely changed my life around.   Just when I thought my life was never going to change, you came along and showed me a whole new world. A world filled with love, a world filled with respect, a world filled trust and then one day you took all that away from me and left me lost and alone. So, how can you now ask for all those things in return? Love is not a game.   It"s true I love you but I don"t trust you and I"m not sure I ever will, but I"m willing to try because my love is so completely true and I really do love you. So please try to understand me on those days that get so hard on us and things don"t always go our way. Don"t forget I was never untrue to you so don"t punish me for crimes that I never committed, "cause when you do that, it makes me feel really suffocated and it makes me push you away ... Yo siempre te amare con toda mi alma.   Love always. 简单的英语情书3   To: G.J.P. ~ From: Melissa   Dear G.J.P.,   Everyday, every moment that goes by I think of you. My brain tells me to give up, but my heart says I can"t stop loving you. I spend all day dreaming of the moment you would call to say you feel the same way. As much as I try to pretend, the truth is, I can"t stop loving you. I don"t know how to stop.   I will cherish the moments we have spent together, from our very first kiss to our last. I miss the way you kiss me, the way you look at me and rub my face, I miss you calling me Ms. Maynard (because you know it gets on my nerves), I miss you missing me, I miss everything about you, I miss our phone conversations and the way we would spend hours talking about our countries and the way we grew up. But most of all I miss my best friend.   I will place the moments we"ve shared together in a time capsule and hide it in the most secret place of my heart. And maybe 20 years from now, if or when we meet again, maybe then we can both open the capsule together and be reminded of our wonderful friendship.   Gosh, my life stinks! I mean I finally meet the right guy and he"s not available. I"m in love with you but I can"t be with you.   But, I"ve got to tell you, for the first time in months I can finally smile because although you didn"t say much the last time you called I knew you still cared.   You can keep on denying it, you can keep hiding from it, but trust me you are only lying to yourself. Everyday I ask myself why ... why do I feel this way? Why can"t I stop loving you? Then it dawned on me ... you put voodoo on me! Just kidding.   Before I go I want you to know that you will always have a special place in my heart, and like I"ve said many times before, I do not regret anything we"ve done. The only thing I regret is you telling me you love me because since then you have given me nothing but the cold shoulders.   Please don"t be scared, I want nothing but your friendship, well ... I do want more but I am willing to settle. I am not trying to make you feel bad or push you further away. I am just trying to make you understand what"s in my heart.   I love you with all my heart ... and I will always love you, G.J.P.   Love always,   Melissa
2023-07-26 01:43:551


Dear teacher, the classmates good morning. I am very honored to stand here to bring you a brief speech. Thank you.It was a few days before Christmas, happy to spend with you. (Prologue)In Chinese long ago is the Christmas day, now I got for christmas.With Christmas hat man, he has a long white beard, kindly and friendly face.He has many clever little assistant, the lovely elf.He and his friend moose and loaded with gifts of snowmobiles.When Christmas comes, moose will drag the sledge Santa Claus to our roof.When hear here, I couldn"t help asking father: "how he entered our house? "Dad said:" he is from the chimney came in, he will bring you love gift on your Christmas tree."Heard here, I will fight to let my dad gave me to buy a Christmas tree.I will put the tree in my bedroom, and then dress it is very nice.Dad said: "Santa Claus gift only to the child, now to go to bed. I fell asleep when you, Santa Claus will come to your bedroom, offer him a gift."I had to go to bed, but the heart is very want to see Santa what. So always opened his eyes and looked at the chimney secretly direction.The bedside with Christmas songs. Listening is asleep.My dream I saw Santa, he from fly to the sky, he saw us piled lovely snowman is very happy. Then from the chimney in, put gifts under the Christmas tree.The second day, I was glad to rush to the Christmas tree to find my gift. When I searched every corner, I feel very upset.When the father saw this time, they will be behind the gift to me.Now grow up to understand, Santa is not present, not in the hands of a man who wasn"t there. We"re going to love me every people who care about us. Their smile is our greatest happiness.To add one last word. I really want to say: "My Father Christmas greetings to you on behalf of god." Oh, a joke!In fact, I want to wish everyone a happy christmas. Wish you happy everyday.
2023-07-26 01:44:143


2023-07-26 01:44:233

求一首英文歌,歌词是coffe...什么的Party is over

2023-07-26 01:44:362


  我们学习英语翻译的技巧,从对话开始掌握。下面是我给大家整理的,供大家参阅!   经典   A:Excuse me.   A:打扰了。   B:What"s the matter?   B:怎么了?   A:I"ve been stolen.   A:我被偷了。   B:What was stolen?   B:什么被偷了?   A:I had my wallet stolen.   A:我的钱包被偷了。   B:Could you tell me the details?   B:请你告诉我细节好吗?   A:I had my wallet stolen while I was on the bus just now.   A:刚才在公交车上我的钱包被偷了。   B:What kind of wallet was it?   B:钱包是什么样的?   A:It"s a red leather one.   A:是个红色皮制钱包   B:Can you give me your address? We will notice you while we find it.   B:你能把你的地址给我吗?我们找到钱包后就通知你。   A:OK. Thank you.   A:好的。谢谢。   简单   A: hey what"s up man? 嗨,你好吗,哥们儿   B: not much, how ya doin? 还不错,你呢   A: I am doing all right, thx,我也还行,谢了   B: you watch the news today?你见天看新闻没啊   A: what news? 啥新闻   B: are you kidding me? didn"t you know that Seahawks have won~ 你Y开玩笑那?你不知道SEATTLE橄榄求赢了吗   A: Ah~~ I don"t watch football that much.哦,我不看橄榄求的   B: what??????? you suck!啥?你真DER   A: I mean, I don"t like football that much. I like basketball a lot. 我的意思是,我不喜欢橄榄求,我喜欢   篮球   B: oh~all right, have ya seen the new Mercedes-Benz C300 yet~ man, I am telling ya. Dat car looks HOT! It has sporty look, good shape, and it"s a benz! it"s only $31,000 thirty one thousand dollars.哦,好吧,你见过新宾士C300吗?我告诉你啊,那车真牛B,看起来很运动型,然后形状也不错,然后还是宾士,才31千美金。   A: I personally don"t like Benz, cuz I think it"s for *** s. I"d rather buy a BMW 3-series with that money.我其实不喜欢宾士的,因为我觉得那是给大人开的,我会用那钱买个BMW3系列   B: Sigh, what a nerd~ haha I am just kidding. So how is going with your girlfriend.咳~真 *** ,哈哈,开玩笑的啦。你跟你老婆怎么样啦。   A:weareallright, wasfun~Igotdrunkinthehotelandpukealloverthefloor.我们都很好啊,前几天去华盛顿洲东边,去了3天,很好玩,我在旅店里喝醉了,吐了1地B: haha, you bastard! k, I gota go, talk to you later man~哈哈你个禽兽!好啦,我得闪了,以后跟你侃88   A: k, take it easy, man!恩,88   必备   A: Could you tell me how much it is?   您能告诉我这个的价格是多少吗?   B: In the neighbourhoud of $ 500.   500美元左右。   A: That"s way too much money.   价格太贵了。   B: We can make dow by model.   我们可以根据型号给予优惠。   A: We have to ask for another price reduction.   再给我们优惠点儿吧。   B: You can fourget about another cut.   不能再降价了。   A: How much are you asking for this?   这个多少钱?   B: I"m offering them to you at 10 Euro a piece. Is that all right?   每件10欧元,您看怎么样?   A: Is tax already included in ther price?   这个价位含税吗?   B: Yes. Our price can"t be matched.   是的。我们的价格无人可比。   A: Would you consider a volume discount?   批量购进可以再优惠吗?   B: If you buy 1000 or more, you"ll get a 10% discount.   如果您能购进1000件以上我们就可以优惠10%。   A: I"ll accept your offer.   好的,我接受。   :爱面子   have a thin skin 爱面子   A:Why are you so interested in the girl?   A:你为什么对那个女孩这么感兴趣?   B:I"d like to take her to the party.   B:我想带她去参加舞会。   A:She has a thin skin. I bet she will not go out with you.   A:她脸皮很薄,我打赌她不会和你出去。   B:You just wait and see.   B:那你等著瞧吧。   :贪财   have an itching palm 贪财   A:Don"t trust him.   A:别信任他。   B:Why?   B:为什么?   A:He has an itching palm and is sure to cheat you out of your share of the profits.   A:他很贪财,肯定会从你身上骗得好处。   B:Then I must be careful about him.   B:那我必须小心了。    看过的人还:
2023-07-26 01:44:431


大家下午好。 正在同你们说话的这个男孩(指演讲者)叫David。我的父母叫我Davy, 因为这个名字听起来可爱些。我降临到这个世界上已经14年了(就是说自己14岁了)。在我小的时候,我的妈妈告诉我,我们生来都是超级明星。虽然我不相信这些话,我还是觉得自己是一个奇怪的孩子。我不喜欢运动,也不喜欢和别人玩,除了和我的朋友以外。所以不了解我的人会觉得我很安静。实际上,只有我最好的朋友知道我是个疯狂的男孩。我喜欢阅读和写作。有空的时候,我会召集朋友一起去玩。他们让我觉得很开心。 我最喜欢的歌手是Talor Swift(泰勒 斯威福特)。顺便说一下,我喜欢听英语歌。我认为这提高英语的最好方法。今天,在这个舞台上,我感到很大的压力。你们不知道我有多紧张。因为这是我第一次参加这种比赛。我不会半途而废的,就像上面提到的那样。我现在可以休息一会了吗? 我只是开玩笑的。等着我下次完美的表现吧。谢谢大家。
2023-07-26 01:44:543


 Woody: [in Bonnie"s room] Look, I just need to get out of here...   Buttercup: [dramatically] There is no way out!   [Woody stares at him in horror]   Buttercup: Just kidding. Door"s right over there. [he points]   胡迪:[在邦妮房间里] 我只是想离开这里…   独角马:[有"感情"地] 那是不可能的!   [胡迪惊恐地盯着他]   独角马:开个玩笑,门就在那里。[点了点头]   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------   Spanish Buzz:[immediately after being reset into Spanish mode, he speaks into his wrist communicator] Estrella de registro: He despertado de hiper-sueno en un planeta extrano.   Hamm: [to Rex] Now what did you do?   Rex: I just did what you told me!   Spanish Buzz:Estoy rodeado de criaturas alienígenas de intenciones desconocidas. Quién va ahí? Amigo o enemigo? [aims his laser at Woody]   Woody: Uh... amigos! We"re all amigos!   Spanish Buzz:[turns off laser and is suddenly friendly]Debo tener un aterrizaje forzoso y tuve mi memoria borrada. [helmet still up, he kisses Woody quickly on each cheek]   Spanish Buzz: Alguien ha visto a mi nave espacial?   Woody: [dumbstruck] We gotta switch him back.   巴斯:[突然重置成西班牙语模式,打开通讯器] 星际总部:我在一个陌生的星球上从睡眠状态中被唤醒。   火腿:[对抱抱龙] 看看你都做了什么?   抱抱龙:你怎么说的我就怎么做了!   巴斯:我被不明意图的外星生物包围着。——你们是什么人?朋友还是敌人?[把镭射瞄准胡迪]   胡迪:额……amigo,我们都是amigo(朋友)。   巴斯:[关上镭射 突然变得友好] 看来飞船的坠落使我失去记忆了。[戴着头盔 迅速亲了亲胡迪的脸]   巴斯:你们看见我的飞船了吗?   胡迪:[目瞪口呆] 我们得把他调回来。   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------   Andy: Now Woody, he"s been my pal for as long as I can remember. He"s brave, like a cowboy should be... And kind, and smart. But the thing that makes Woody special, is he"ll never give up on you.... ever. He"ll be there for you, no matter what.   安迪:从我记事时起,胡迪就是我的朋友了。他有一个牛仔应有的勇敢、善良与聪明。但胡迪最大的特点是他从不放弃…从不。无论如何,他都会在你身边。   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------   Andy: [taking a last look at his toys before he heads off to college] Thanks, guys.   安迪:[去大学前看了玩具们最后一眼] 谢谢,朋友们。   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------   [last lines]   Woody: So long... partner.   [最后台词]   胡迪:再见……伙伴。
2023-07-26 01:45:151

要一些有趣的英语短语 。

sky high :物价飞涨small potato:小人物talk back:顶嘴take a French leave:开小差pull one"s leg:开玩笑rack one"s brains:绞尽脑汁rainy days:需要钱的时候put in a word for someone:替某人说好话red—handed:当场on and on:不停地never learn:永远学不乖
2023-07-26 01:45:251

taylor swiftd的forever& always的歌词

Once upon a time I believe it was a Tuesday when I caught your eyeWe caught onto something, I hold on to the nightYou looked me in the eye and told me you loved meWere you just kidding Cause it seems to meThis thing is breaking down We almost never speakI don"t feel welcome anymore, Baby what happened please tell meCause one second it was perfect and now you"re halfway out the door[Chorus]And I stare at the phone and he still hasn"t calledAnd you feel so low you can"t feel nothin" at allAnd you flash back to when he said forever and alwaysOhh ohhhAnd it rains in your bedroom Everything is wrongIt rains when you"re here and it rains when you"re goneCause I was there when you said forever and alwaysWas I out of line?Did I say something way too honestThat made you run and hide like a scared little boyI looked into your eyes; thought I knew you for a minuteNow I"m not so sure.So here"s to everything Coming down to nothingHere"s to silence that cuts me to the core.Where is this going? Thought I knew for a minuteBut I don"t anymore.[Chorus]You didn"t mean it baby, I don"t think soOhhh ohhhhOh back up, baby back up, Did you forget everything?Back up, baby back up, Did you forget everything?[Chorus]Cause it rains in your bedroom Everything is wrongIt rains when you"re here and it rains when you"re goneCause I was there when you said forever and alwaysOhhhI stare at the phone and he still hasn"t calledAnd you feel so low you can"t feel nothin" at allAnd you flash back to when we said forever and alwaysAnd it rains in your bedroom Everything is wrongIt rains when you"re here and it rains when you"re goneCause I was there when you said forever and alwaysYou didn"t mean it baby, you said forever and always
2023-07-26 01:45:441

关于 开玩笑 陷害 戏弄 之类意思的 英语短语集合【最少4个】 thanks~~~

play a joke on pull gags on make fun of play a trick oncrack a joke
2023-07-26 01:45:544

用26个字母 不重复 每个字母只能用一次 连成一句话

2023-07-26 01:46:058


the lazy dog jumped over a stick
2023-07-26 01:46:225


Imagine me without you
2023-07-26 01:46:493


  钱虽不是无所不能,但没有钱却是万万不能,下面是我精心收集的关于金钱的英语对话给大家,希望这些有关金钱的英语对话会对大家有有所帮助!  关于金钱的英语对话篇一   Todd: if you had a million dollars...   James: Mm-hm...   Todd: if you won the lottery...   James: Yes.   Todd: What would you do?   James: I would buy a small island, build a house there, and invest the rest of my money so that I would never have to work again.   Todd: OK, So are you talking a tropical island, or...   James: A tropical island, yeah, or maybe I would give it all to charity and have a bridge named after me.   Todd: That"s two different things there. How bout the island? Would you want to be alone, on a secluded island or?   James: No, I would want all of my friends to come and visit me often.   Todd: OK. Nice. So how would you pass the time on this island?   James: I would read books. I would study. I would go swimming, go fishing, and play with my dog.   Todd: OK. Do think money can make people happy, can buy happiness?   James: No, but it can sometimes make it easier. It depends on what you buy.   关于金钱的英语对话篇二   Bank clerk: Good Morning, sir. What can I do for you?   Terry: Yes, I"d like to change Australian dollars for RMB.   Bank clerk: How much do you want to change?   Terry: I am not sure. What"s the rate today?   Bank clerk: It"s 1 Australian dollar to 6.1 Yuan RMB.   Terry: What was the rate yesterday?   Bank clerk: The rate was 1 Australia dollar to 6.5 Yuan yesterday.   Terry: Oh, the rate goes down.   Bank clerk: It does, sir. Do you still want to have it changed now?   Terry: Let me thinku2026 Will the rate still go down tomorrow?   Bank clerk: I don"t know, sir. But it won"t change much.   Terry: Well, I want to change 1000 Australian dollars for RMB.   Bank clerk: Okay. Please sign here in this form.   Terry: OK.   Bank clerk: Here is the 6,100 RMB.   Terry: Thank you very much.   听看学   银行职员:早上好,先生。请问有什么可能帮助你?   泰瑞:是的,我想把澳元换成国民币。   银行人员:你想换多少?   泰瑞:我不敢断定。今天的汇率是多少?   银行职员:1澳元兑6.1元人民币。   泰瑞:那昨天的汇率呢?   银行职员:是1澳元兑6.5元公民币。   泰瑞:哦,汇率跌了。   银行职员:是的,先生。您还想换吗?   泰瑞:我想想u2026u2026汇率明天将来还会跌吗?   银行职员:我不知道,先生。但不会有太大变革。   泰瑞:嗯,我想换1000澳元。   银行职员:好的。请在这张表格上签个名。   泰瑞:好的。   银行职员:这是你的6100元人民币。   泰瑞:谢谢。   关于金钱的英语对话篇三   Hey, what"s up?   嗨!最近怎么样?   Molly:Nothing much, just the usual. How about you?   老样子,没什么新鲜的。你呢?   Gordon:Everything is A-OK. I"m going to see a magician tonight. Do you want to come?   一切顺利。今晚我要去看 魔术 ,你来吗?   Molly:I"d love to, but I am short on cash.   我很想去,可我钱不够花了。   Gordon:No problem, I will spot you the cash.   没问题,我会借给你。   Molly:You always loan me dough, then you charge me interest.   你总是借给我钱,然后再收利息。   Gordon:I have changed, I am not so greedy anymore.   我现在改了,不再那么财迷了。   Molly:I don"t think friends and money should mix.   我觉得朋友之间应该明算帐。   Gordon:What kind a friend do you think I am? You are in a pinch and I want to help you out.   你把我当成什么朋友了?你有困难,我想帮你。   Molly:Well, I am in a bind, and I could use some extra greenbacks.   好吧,我现在有困难,我需要二十块钱。   Gordon:Great, here is 20 bucks, now, next week just give me the 30 back, plus ten dollars for interest.   很好,这里是二十块钱。下星期你要还我三十,十块钱利息。   Molly:What?   什么?   Gordon:Relax, I was just kidding.   别紧张,我在开玩笑。   猜你喜欢: 1. 关于金钱常用英语对话 2. 关于银行取钱英语对话 3. 关于银行的英语对话 4. 有关金钱经典英语名言 5. 关于金钱的名言英文
2023-07-26 01:46:571

求狼来了或小红帽的英语简介和英语感想 感想110字左右就可以 高分求 马上

2023-07-26 01:47:074


2023-07-26 01:47:404


2023-07-26 01:47:508


有一天女孩问男孩:ABCDEFG是什么意思?男孩回答:A boy can do everything for girl。女孩很感动。有人告诉她别忘了后面还有HIJK ——He is just kidding!(他只是在开玩笑)。女孩回答:就算他骗我也没关系,后面还有LMNOP——Love must need our patience(爱必须有耐心)。是这个小故事吗
2023-07-26 01:48:081


英文聊天中omg,jk,lol,Lmao的意思如下:1、omg意思是“哦,我的上帝”或者“哦,我的天啊”,omg是英文“Oh My God”的缩写,通常是表达惊叹、惊讶的含义。2、jk意思是“只是开个玩笑罢了”或者“开玩笑而已”,jk是英文“Just Kidding”的缩写,也有“Joking”开玩笑、戏谑的意思。3、lol意思是“笑”“哈哈哈”,lol是英文“Laugh(ing) Out Loud”或者“Lots Of Laugh”的缩写,通常在聊天中这个缩写意味着某些事的确十分好笑。4、Lmao的意思是“笑到我屁滚尿流”、“笑得我手臂都掉了”、“笑死我了“,对应的英文翻译分别为“laughing my ass off”、“Laughing My Arms Off”、“Laugh My Ass Off”,也是表示在聊天中遇到特别好笑的事情。扩展资料:英文聊天中还有缩写“thx”表达“谢谢你”的意思,英文翻译为“Thanks”或者“Thank you”。以及缩写“asap”表示“尽快”“速度一点”的意思,英文翻译为“As Soon As Possible”,以上的英文缩写都是在英文聊天中常用的缩写,但是不能在正规英语场合使用,比如英语写作、回复英语邮件等。
2023-07-26 01:48:151

求大神翻译下列这段歌词,给力的话加分!《大盗石川》片尾曲“ROSA” 顺便说下这歌曲的主题谢谢~扯淡勿扰

感觉到迎面而来的海风的鼻息轻吻我的肌肤 在雕刻之砂中溯寻记忆 于深海之底徐徐踟躇 吻我 于虚妄的梦境中 轻柔地吻我 剥落掉阴霾 是爱 让天空暴露它的幽蓝本色 拥抱失落于暴风雨中的绝色之姿 乌云 风雨 依然蒙蔽我的双眼 「复歌」 你若为雨 可会为我拭去泪水 你若成风 可会风干我的面颊 风中的玫瑰摇摆着 将红 泼洒入缥缈天空 阖上眼 你微笑的脸却浮现眼前 「复歌结束」 连你的爱都失去了 只剩下我一人 将自己埋葬在海洋的幽暗角落 当我成风 我将划过天际 在天地交界的罅隙 轻声私语出 那些我们为之维系着呼吸 为之坚持着梦想的啸叫 爱成为灰烬的时候 它还会带着永恒的意义幸存下去么 或者 它会在最初开始之前覆灭消亡么 仍旧感触得到脚下的土地 让世界舔舐属于我的精魂 做不到 相信这样的恶劣肮脏 我做不到 做不到 相信自己 相信崭新的苍穹中的幻影之魂 做不到 「复歌重复」
2023-07-26 01:40:233


2023-07-26 01:40:266

跪求!!!一首歌 。歌词里面有in my heart。请知道歌里面有这个词语的大侠都给予答复。再次感谢。

my heart will go on
2023-07-26 01:40:2015