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2023-07-27 06:16:18
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pension[英][ˈpenʃn][美][ˈpɛnʃən]n.退休金,养老金; 膳宿费; 生活津贴; 寄宿学校; vt.发给…养老金[退休金]; 准予退休,强迫退休(并发给退休金); 第三人称单数:pensions复数:pensions现在进行时:pensioning过去式:pensioned例句:1.His pension would be seized. 他的养老金应该被没收。
2023-07-25 22:34:191


抚恤金英文参考如下:1、benefit payment2、pension3、smart money参考例句:1、There followed a long - drawn - out legal tussle over the compensation to be paid to the bereaved families.接踵而来的是一场为受难家属偿付抚恤金的旷日持久的法律纠纷。2、Embezzle the pension fund.挪用抚恤金3、He gets a disability pension from the government.他得到政府的伤残抚恤金。4、She could barely survive on the pittance she received as a widow"s pension.她靠着极少的孤寡抚恤金仅够口。5、She could barely survive on the pittance she received as a widow"s pension.她靠着极少的孤寡抚恤金仅够糊口。6、Claiming alimony, costs of support or upbringing, pensions for the disabled and medical expenses.追索赡养费、扶养费、抚育费、抚恤金、医疗费用的。7、The new insurance rules speculate that the disabled for the public benefit are to receive more money.新的保险条例规定因公伤残者将得到更多的抚恤金。
2023-07-25 22:34:561


最地道的翻译是golden linning
2023-07-25 22:35:233


问题一:"养老服务业"用英文怎么说 养老服务业 全部释义和例句>>Pension service industry 养老服务业 全部释义和例句>>Pension service industry 问题二:养老保障的英文怎么说 endowment insurance 养老保险 medical insurance 医疗保险 unemployment insurance 失业保险 employment injury insurance 工伤保险 maternity insurance 生育保险 housing fund 住房公积金 问题三:在家养老用英语怎么说 英文没有这个概念的,很多老人全都出去做事情,没钱也作,很少玩儿什么含饴弄孙的。经过工业文化之后,小区,社团,成为离退休人员的主要活动场所了,各种老年中心什么的都没人去,主要是华裔的去聚堆,打麻将,扯老婆舌,老公舌,什么的。这是实情。 进步。 找一找a typical day of a retiree,可能找到一些资料,真正英文的。 问题四:热门单词:“养老服务业”用英文怎么说 “养老服务业”可以用 elderly care service industry 表示,是为老年人提供生活照顾和护理服务(nursing service),满足老年人特殊的生活需求和精神需求的服务行业。面对人口老龄化(aging population)问题,如何养老也备受关注,各类养老服务应运而生,如居家养老服务(home-based care service)、社区养老服务(munity nursing service)等。 养老服务业 Pension services, [网络释义] 养老服务业old-age service industry 问题五:养老保险用英语怎么说 养老保险 endowment insurance Old-age insurance 这一规则暗示养老保险可能是可以转移的,但是并没有说明这究竟怎么运作---退休的外籍人士很难获得在中国的永久居住权。 The rules suggest that pensions may be portable, but do not say how exactly this will work―and it is difficult for retired foreigners to obtain permanent residency in China. 问题六:“养老保险”用英文怎么说 the old-age insurance system 问题七:家庭养老用英语怎么讲 养老。用英语怎么说 英文没有这个概念的,很多老人全都出去做事情,没钱也作,很少玩儿什么含饴弄孙的。经过工业文化矗后,小区,社团,成为离退休人员 问题八:“养老院”用英语怎么说? 1. beadhouse 2. resthome 3. rest home 问题九:社区养老的英文怎么说 1.养老 provide for the aged enjoy a life in retirement to live a retired life 2.这地方真适合养老 The place is suitable for live a retired life 3.这工作非常闲,像在养老一样 This job is very leisure,as enjoy a life in retirement
2023-07-25 22:35:301


2023-07-25 22:35:4111

department for work and pensions是哪个部门

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) (英国)就业及退休保障部
2023-07-25 22:36:141

pensioner是什么意思 pensioner的中文翻译、读音、例句?

pensioner的意思是”者、领养老金”,在日常中也代表”为金钱所收买的人”的意思,发音是[p"enu0283u0259nu0259],pensioner在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到27个与pensioner相关的释义和例句pensioner的释义1.者例句:i"m a pensioner, and a widower, too.翻译:我有退休金,而且是个鳏夫来源:郎文当代高级英语辞典2.领养老金例句:The pensioner, who lives in the village of Karanac, near the city of Osijek, in eastern Croatia, said he had no intention of abandoning his habit.翻译:这位退休老人生活在克罗地亚东部Osijek市附近的Karanac乡村,他说他没有意向要放弃他的习惯 来源:荷林斯高阶英汉词典3.为金钱所收买的人例句:The man who fired the deadly shot and later took his own life has been identified as a 78 year-old pensioner.翻译:那个开枪之后又举枪的人 – 身份以经确认 凶手现年xx岁,来源:牛津英汉双解词典4.养老金领取者 、为金钱所收买的人例句:Go someplace. Farmer or old age pensioner or… or whatever.翻译:找间房子或村舍 做个农夫或者跟班的或者来源:郎文英汉双解大词典用法及短语示例pensioner一般作为名词使用,在常见短语或俚语中出现较多英语例句1. The man who fired the deadly shot and later took his own life has been identified as a 78 year-old pensioner.翻译:那个开枪之后又举枪的人 – 身份以经确认 凶手现年xx岁,2. Go someplace. Farmer or old age pensioner or… or whatever.翻译:找间房子或村舍 做个农夫或者跟班的或者3. The oldest among July"s 615 participants is pensioner Gwynneth Pedler, 83, from Oxford, who plans to signal with semaphore flags.翻译:即将在xx月份登场的年纪最大的参与者是xx岁来自牛津的Gwynneth Pedler,她准备打旗语 4. So, Carl… killing a pensioner, it must have been hard work for ya.翻译:所以 Carl… 杀害一个退休工人 对你来说不容易吧5. The British pensioner is in the Guinness Book of Records as the “world"s most senior tattooed woman” .翻译:她以“世界上文身最多的老妇”被载入吉尼斯世界纪录6. has long been burned in the crematorium ash and still a pensioner . . . really do not know how this file is a pipe.翻译:早就在烧成灰了还在领养老金……真不知道这档案是怎么管的7. The approach is one of Gordon Brown"s policies that have undermined private pensions and created two pensioner nations.翻译:这种做法是戈登-布朗(GordonBrown)损害私人养老金并创造两个领养老金者国家的政策之一8. “Wechsler"s pensioner"s fund, and assets翻译:韦克斯勒养老金领取者的基金及资产9. ARPUTHAM AMMAL, a pensioner with curly silver hair and a wheezing cough, is an abolitionist.翻译:满头卷曲白发、不时气喘咳嗽的退休金领取人阿普塔姆·安马尔是一名主张废除死刑的支持者 10. The death of your pensioner will have to go on the back burner for a while.翻译:你手上老人家的案子可能要往后再搁一搁了11. So, what you"re telling me is this escalating violence is down to a vigilante pensioner?翻译:这么说 你是想告诉我 这起案子是退役的皇家海军老头干的?12. She was, i believe, for a time a servant or else a kind of pensioner of some relations of my own.翻译:我相信,她曾经是我某个亲戚家的女佣或是家仆13. it has insinuated itself into the lives of every pensioner, student, parent, library user, bus passenger, public employee and homeowner.翻译:它悄悄地潜伏在每个人的生活中,不论你是领养老金者、学生、家长、图书馆用户,还是公交车乘客、公职人员和房屋业主14. Plucking up courage, the man approaches the pensioner.翻译:年轻人鼓了鼓勇气,走近两位可敬的老人 15. Apparently it was necessary to lock up the pensioner for “preventative custody”: he has been dumped in Tihar jail, Delhi"s main prison, for the next seven days.翻译:显然, 以“预防性拘留”的名义关押这个领取养老金的人已经不可避免 :在接下来的7天里,哈扎尔都将被关在新德里最大的——Tihar里 近义词、反义词pensioner作为名词的时候,其近义词以及反义词有s、pensioners等自考/成考有疑问、不知道自考/成考考点内容、不清楚当地自考/成考政策,点击底部咨询官网老师,免费领取复习资料:
2023-07-25 22:36:331


因为它们对公共养老金提出了解决办法。翻译为英语:Because they offered solutions to public pensions. 注:完全没有问题,希望帮助到您。请及时点击采纳。
2023-07-25 22:36:431


美国财务会计准则委员会和国际会计准则理事会已经在适当得清除一些关于优先认股权和养老金的规定以便来对抗比方说来自特殊利益集团的敌意。首先主要的结构是The FASB and IASB have been exactly cleaning up rules on stock options and pensions against hostility from special interest。主干是主谓宾结构这你应该看得出,The FASB and IASB是主语,have been exactly cleaning up 是动词的过去完成进行时是谓语,而宾语是rules,而on stock options and pensions 是定语重句,关于什么什么的规定,against hostility from special interest是表示目的,for example 的确是插入语,而that是表示强调的意思,that在这里是指 cleaning up rules on stock options and pensions,它把that放在前面先表示强调,引起读者注意,然后在后一分句具体指明
2023-07-25 22:36:511


不是,元盛基金公司由大卫.哈丁于1997年在英国创办。 在此之前,大卫历任股票和商品期货交易员,并于1987年和Michael Adam、Martin Lueck 共同创立了AHL对冲基金。AHL公司后被英仕曼集团(Man Group)并购,成为了如今另一家久享盛名的量化对冲基金Man AHL。大卫创办元盛基金的初衷是为证明资产管理业务可依赖于实证科学研究。公司创办初期,大卫把 AHL 建立的趋势跟踪交易体系加以衍生,主要产品线为趋势跟踪 CTA 策略。随着管理规模和人员的扩充,公司后续增加了事件驱动、基本面分析等子策略。目前,公司的拳头产品为多策略产品,集合技术面宏观对冲、基本面宏观对冲、技术面权益和信用券种,以及基本面权益和信用券种策略,其中趋势跟踪部分贡献的收益已缩减至 25%左右。投资范围已扩展至全球 100 多个期货和远期市场、7000 余只权益及信用券种和外汇市场。大卫和他的团队是使用科学研究方法于金融领域的先导者和领军者,用量化交易策略在期货和股票市场取得成功。公司聘用人才大多为统计系、工程系、物理系背景,大卫本人也毕业于剑桥大学理论物理专业。截至2018年6月,元盛基金资产管理规模约258亿美元,在Pensions& Investments 的对冲基金排行榜中位居第15位。2010年起,元盛基金进入中国市场提供咨询服务。早期与华宝兴业基金共同成立了一只专户产品,负责提供期货研究技术。2018年,公司在国内登记备案为私募基金管理人,取名元盛基金。同年,元盛中国多元化一号私募基金于2018年7月31日成立。
2023-07-25 22:37:011


2023-07-25 22:37:451

请问在填招聘表的时候secondary education和tertiary education分别是指什么?

2023-07-25 22:37:543


2023-07-25 22:39:002


2023-07-25 22:39:103


nssi这是啥意思介绍如下:NSSI的全称:Nuclear Safety/Security Inspection | 中文意思:───核安全/保安检查。NSSI的全称:North Slope Science Initiative (Alaska) | 中文意思:───北坡科学倡议(阿拉斯加)。NSSI的全称:Non-Suicidal Self-Injury (intentional self damage) | 中文意思:───非自杀自我损伤(故意自我伤害)。NSSI的全称:Navrátil Software System Information | 中文意思:───Navrátil软件系统信息。NSSI的全称:No Significant Schedule Impact | 中文意思:───计划无显著影响。NSSI的全称:National Security Space Institute (formerly the Air Force Space Operations School) | 中文意思:───国家安全太空研究所(原空军空间作战学校)。NSSI的全称:National Social Security Institute (Bulgaria; pensions and benefits management) | 中文意思:───国家社会安全研究所(保加利亚;养老金和福利管理)。
2023-07-25 22:39:171

live on和live by 的区别

live on 依赖某人live by 依靠做某事而生存。
2023-07-25 22:39:543


2023-07-25 22:40:093


2023-07-25 22:40:286

make it to 后面都可以接那些内容呢?

2023-07-25 22:40:443

final-salary pension什么意思

final-salary pension 最终薪金养老
2023-07-25 22:40:512


2023-07-25 22:41:121


不打算你用来接纳,因为最后一题我怀疑里面的than was wsed over可能有错,希望我的回答能够多少为你解决疑问。(after the start of that 12-month period 什么意思)在首次/开始的第12个月的时期之后。(主要分析a fair bit of什么意思)一点合理的。。( as likely to smoke as中间为什么可以这么用)“as likely to smoke as those who didn`t visit them ”注意词组的用法。这是由构成的结构,作为这个整体复合句中的状语成份。(怎么分析这句话,什么意思)这句语从than was wsed over....这开始我也看不明白,暂时分析不到语法。多谢你提问,我也可以作为学习参考。
2023-07-25 22:41:203


2023-07-25 22:41:302

Payroll tax什么意思

Payroll tax 工资税income tax 所得税
2023-07-25 22:42:363


本文来自"英语汇作文网"欢迎分享本文,转载请保留出处!I don"t agree that young people enjoy life more than older people do.In my view,both of two groups have specific exceptions and entertainment in their ages.Generally,everyone in her/his age enjoys life,and every stage of live has especial meanings.With the development of social life and the improvement of life quality,both the young and the elderly are equally benifit from their life.It seems that today"s sociaty provides more facilities for the young people to use in their sparetime,such as go to a club or a cinema.But they have to wark hard for their career.They haveto earn more money for their family and kids.At the same time the older people have more time to go sightseeing and visiting ancient andtourist places as they have enough pensions.Most of them have family,children and grandchildren,and enjoy of being with them.They have more leisure time for reading favorite books and magazine and watching desired films and they spend a lot of time in parks and gardens.By this comparison ,I choose older people who enjoy more in their life.写了半天,望楼主采纳,谢谢
2023-07-25 22:42:451

请各位帮忙 写下 这几个英文题目的作文(80个字)谢谢!

这个可以做 但是太累了 弃权
2023-07-25 22:42:566

to say nothing of是什么意思及用法

to say nothing of没什么好说的双语对照词典结果:to say nothing of[英][tu: sei u02c8nu028cθiu014b u0254v][美][tu se u02c8nu028cθu026au014b u028cv]更不必说; 以上结果来自金山词霸网络释义1. 更不用说2. 何况收起例句:1.The reason is that earnings--to say nothing of profit margins--are already atall-time highs. 但这是不可能的,原因是利润已经处于历史最高点,更不要说利润率了。2.Yet the culture of, to say nothing of the union influence on, the socialdemocrats is against competition and private provision of public services. 不过,社民党的文化则是反对竞争和私人提供公共服务,更不必说工会的影响。3.In some countries the current figure could double by 2050, to say nothing ofthe cost of private pensions and extra spending on health and long-termcare. 数据显示,到2050年某些国家这一开销将极有可能翻倍,更不用说私人养老金以及在健康及长期个人保健上的开销了。
2023-07-25 22:43:111


领导作风家长式领导风格已经注意到佘诗曼(2001年),雷丁(1990)和思林(1976年),与管理职能的高级管理人员的首要观看和自己的员工福利,作为对下属企业的监护人。实际上,作为一个家庭的公司职能。这仍然是个案,即使在国有企业(国有企业)在此期间,共产党时代公司结构是根据俄罗斯和毛派原则(Kaple 1994年)。经初步纪律适应新系统的问题,国有企业逐渐演变回到儒家的管理风格与员工被当作家庭,关系式收买影响力,在员工的积极性和家庭(孙1993年参与;墙1990年)。国有企业作为其提供的“铁饭碗”的承诺,其中包括工人家庭住房,医疗保健,教育和人员养老金(罗伯茨,克利福德和米勒1997年)的一部分职工全面关怀。杨(2001)指出,“铁饭碗的重要性在这一时期国有企业在中国”的原则,并归因于侍从 - 一个网络系统下,乘客量的不平等地位的人("守护神"和"客户")结合形成的相互依存关系。杨均归功于侍从的影响中共党,中华传统文化的关系,互惠和社会阶级划分的特点。由于中国已经私有化,家长式的管理方式一直维持通过家庭拥有的业务(比约克曼和科克1995年),有效提升人力资源功能再次向卓越公司身份在中文(苏,张,胡尔普克1998年)。父系管理风格和不同配置的“铁饭碗”的特征也其他儒家影响,例如日本和韩国(藕池1981年的社会;雷丁1984年惠特利1991年)。在父权体制,中国企业往往有高度集中的决策仪器(佘诗曼2001),领导特质不是在东亚其他地区一致的,特别是日本(惠特利1991年)。
2023-07-25 22:43:215

final-salary pension是什么意思

final-salary pension最终薪金退休金
2023-07-25 22:43:352

catch up 在这里是什么意思?

2023-07-25 22:43:503

accrued expenses是什么意思

accrued expenses [释义] 应计费用;
2023-07-25 22:44:103

初一 英语 英俄政府用英语怎么翻译 请详细解答,谢谢! (17 19:59:22)

Britain and Russian governmentBritain 英国Russian 俄国government政府
2023-07-25 22:44:182

英语作文 你同不同意年轻人比老年人更享受生活 为什么

2023-07-25 22:44:282


用英语描述3种职业:1、Teacher: the teacher industry is more suitable for girls, and the work is not particularly tired. There are also winter vacation and summer vacation.The weekend weekend treatment is still good. Usually, we can take into account some things at home. In some first tier cities, the salary of teachers is about 8000, and the salary is still good.教师:教师这个行业比较适合女生,而且工作也不是特别累还有寒假和暑假等,周末双休待遇还是不错的,平时还能够顾及到家里面的一些事情,在一些一线城市教师工资在8千左右,薪资还是不错的。2、Accountant: there is a shortage of talents in this profession. The work content is the calculation of insurance premiums, compensation reserves, pensions and annuities.Women are more careful. It is more suitable to do this job. And the actuary"s salary is considerable.精算师:这个职业目前人才紧缺,工作内容是保险费、赔付准备金以及退休金和年金等计算工作,女性比较细心一些做这个工作还是比较适合的。而且精算师的工资待遇可观。3、With the development of the times, multilingualism will become an advantage. Women have more affinity and are especially suitable for this job.翻译员:随着时代的发展会多种语言成为一种优势,女性说话比较有亲和力特别适合这个工作。
2023-07-25 22:44:351


去澳洲的Spouse Visa的拒签率很高,因为以前的虚假结婚太多。 由于澳大利亚国人对人类基本权利的重视,每年的移民接收配额中都有一个很大的比例是给予澳大利亚公民或永久居民的配偶的。在移民法中,配偶的界定并非以一纸婚书作为标准,而是看男女双方有没有实质上的夫妻亲密关系。因此,配偶签证可分为:订婚配偶类、已婚配偶类、未婚同居类。 V300类是同居配偶类临时居留签证; V309类是在澳大利亚境外提出申请的已婚配偶类临时居留签证; V100类是在澳大利亚境外提出申请的,已婚配偶类永久居留签证; V820类是在澳大利亚境内提出申请的,已婚配偶类永久居留过渡签证; V801类是在澳大利亚境内提出申请的,已婚配偶类永久居留签证; 配偶移民配额每年约500个。对申请人本身条件的要求不像技术移民(需要学历和专业经验)、投资移民(需要大笔资金及从商经验)和父母移民(需要计算子女数目)等类别那样严格。所以,它成为一条简单、直接和高效率的移民快捷方式。和所有其它西方国家移民当局所面临的问题一样,配偶移民除了真正相亲相爱缔结的佳偶以外,也吸引了一些人以配偶结婚为手段实现一方获利另一方移民的单纯g的,这些人的夫妻或同居关系有名无实,也因此引发澳大利亚移民当局对配偶申请人的审批与控制,务求去伪存真,使实质上有真实而持久亲密关系的爱侣得以团聚,也使有名无实的婚姻曝光。但是有时候,由于材料准备的不足及没有经验,即使是真正的配偶也有被拒签的可能。严格繁复的审批手续,使无论真假配偶移民的申请难度都很大。 类别和申请程序 一、已婚配偶 在申请人与澳大利亚公民或永久居民登记结婚后,就可以由后者提名,前者递交配偶移民签证申请。这类移民签证申请有2个步骤: 如果申请成功,申请人首先会获得一个为期2年的临时居留签证,在这2年时间内,移民局评审配偶双方是否共同生活在一种真实而持久的密切关系中。在澳大利亚境内申请是V820类,在澳大利亚境外申请是V309类。 随后,如果关系一直维持,则可以申请永久居留的配偶签证。在澳大利亚境内申请是801类,在澳大利亚境外申请是100类。 二、未婚夫妻 澳大利亚承认没有婚姻关系的同居男女也属配偶。该类签证要来申请人在递交移民申请时已经与配偶同居了至少12个月。这类移民签证申请有3个步骤: 居住于海外的申请人,由其身为澳大利亚公民和永久居民的未婚夫/妻担保,申请未婚配偶签证。同时表明,您真诚希望和您共同居住的未婚夫/妻结婚。在签证发出,申请人持签证入境澳大利亚后,申请人会获得一个为期9个月的未婚配偶临时签证。 在此期间必须和担保配偶注册结婚。 2年后转为正式永久居留签证。 本类别只能在澳大利亚境外递交申请。 所填表格的主要内容 申请赴配偶移民签证,必须填写澳大利亚移民部印制的47SP号表格,该表的内容包括8个部分: 第一部分:申请概况(Application overview) 序号 应该填写的内容 1 有多少名家庭成员(How many family members) 2 请的种类:在下列三项中选择一项:已婚配偶、未婚夫/妻、同居者(Spouse,fiancé,interdependent partner) 第二部分:以前申请签证的情况(Processing details) 序号 应该填写的内容 1 申请时,申请人是否在澳大利亚(Are you in Australia at he time of lodging this application) 2. 是否在等候另外一类申请签证的结果,如果是,请提供正在等候的另外一类申请签证的类别(Are you currently awaiting a decision on another visa application? Class of visa applied for) 3 是否有签证被撤消的记录(Have you ever had a visa canceled? 4 是否有曾被拒绝进入澳大利亚的记录(Have you ever been refused an permit or visa in Australia?) 5 是否曾经或者正在持有过桥签证 E(Have you held,or do you currently hold a bridging visa E?) 6 是否正在移民集中营(Are you currently in immigration detention?) 7 是否曾经到过澳大利亚,目前是否持有有效签证(Have you previous been to Australia,held or currently hold a visa for travel to Australia?) 第三部分:主申请人详情(Main applicant"s details) 序号 应该填写的内容 1 主申请人的住址、姓名、汉字写法、性别、出生年月日、出生地、护照号码、护照签发国家、签发地、签发日期、到期日期(Main applicant"s address, full name, name in Chinese, sex, date of birth, place of birth,details of passport) 2 主申请人国籍、居住地、婚姻状况(Of which countries are you a citizen? Country of current residence, current marital status) 3 主申请人以前的婚姻情况,如果曾经结婚,请提供前夫/妻的姓名、出生年月日、出生地、婚姻关系起止年月日、如何终止、有没有育有子女(Have you previously been married or been in interdependent relationship?) 4 主申请人的住址、通讯地址、电话号码、传真号码、电子邮件(Main applicant"s residential address,address for correspondence, telephone number ,fax number, fax number and email address) 5 是否指定代理人,是否授权澳大利亚移民部与指定的代理人联系(Have you appointed a agent,Do you agree to DIMA contacting a person you have nominated?) 6 母语语种、英语水平、其他语言水平(Mail language,How well do you communicate in English? Other languages you read,understand, understand, speak and write fluently) 7 移民后准备在澳大利亚哪个州居住(Where do you intend to live in Australia?) 8 移民时,准备携带多少资金、物品财产入境(What is the value of money, goods and assets which you intend to bring to Australia?) 9 身份证号码(Identification number) 10 家庭成员的详情,包括父母、兄弟姐妹、子女和其他受扶养者的性别、出生年月日、婚姻状况、居住国家;如果家庭成员在澳大利亚,持有的什么签证(Give details of all your family) 11 主申请人的子女是否在主申请人的监护之下、婚姻状况(Are all the children listed above in your care and legal custody? Marriage status) 12 其他人对主申请人的子女有设有监护权(Does other person have custodial, access or guardianship rights to any of these children?) 13 子女不和主申请人一起赴澳大利亚,何人对其承担抚养义务(Are any of the children not migrating with you in your care and legal custody?) 第四部分 配偶详情(Partner"s details) 序号 应该填写的内容 1 配偶姓名、汉字写法、性别、出生年月日、出生地(Partner"s full time ,partner"s in your Chinese language,sex, date of birth,place of birth) 2 配偶国籍或者在澳大利亚居住身份、目前居住国家、住址、电话号码、传真号码、电子邮件地址(What is you partner"s citizenship/residence status in Australia ?Partner"s country of current residence,residential address,telephone number, fax,number, fax number,email address) 3 配偶经常性职业(Partner"s usual occupation) 4 配偶以前是否有婚史,如果是,提供配偶前夫/妻的姓名、出生年月日、婚姻关系起止日期、如何终止的、育有多少孩子(Has your previously been married or been in a de facto or interdependent relationship? If yes, provide name of previous partner,date of birth,period of marriage or relationship? How did it end? Number of children) 5 配偶家庭成员详情;包括父母、兄弟姐妹、子女和其他受抚养者(Details of all your partner"s family, including partner"s parents,brothers and sisters,children and other dependents) 第五部分 恋爱婚姻详情(Details of love and marriage) 序号 应该填写的内容 1 何时、何地两人相识?(When and where did you and your first meet?) 2 何时、何地两人开始配偶关系?(When and where did you begin a relationship with your partner?) 3 两人准备维持持久的关系吗?(Do you and your partner intend to maintain a lasting relationship?) 4 如果你和你的配偶是一种同居关系,你同时还和其他人保持有法律上的婚姻关系吗?(If and your partner are living in de facto or interdependent relationship, and either of you still legally married to another person?) 5 两人发生这种关系仅仅是为了获得在澳大利亚永久居留身份吗?(Did you enter into this relationship with your partner solely to gain permanent residence in Australia?) 6 提供婚姻细节(Give details of marriage) 7 你和你的配偶是一种同居关系,你和你的配偶有血缘、收养关系吗?(If you are in an interdependent or de facto relationship, are you related to your by blood or adoption?) 8 如果你在澳大利亚申请,你入境时持有临时婚姻签证V300而且准备和担保人结婚吗?(If are applying in Australia,did you enter Australia as the holder of a subclass 300(Prospective marriage) visa and marry your sponsor?) 9 如果两人关系终止,你会通知移民部吗?(Will you inform the Department if your relationship with your partner ends before this application is decided?) 第六部分 健康和品格(Health and character) 序号 应该填写的内容 1 申请中包括的子女或者任何其他人是否曾经有过、或者现在有肺结核或任何其他严重疾病(包括精神病)、病情或残疾,如果是,请提供是否需要治疗、所需开支、危及他人等详情(Has the child,or any other person, included in this application, ever had or currently have tuberculosis or any other serious disease(including mental illness) ,condition or disability?) 2 申请中包括的子女或者任何其他人是否受过刑事处罚,如果是,请提供详情(Has the child,or any other person, included in this application, even been convicted of crime of offense in any country?If yes,provide details) 3 申请中包括的子女或者任何其他人是否服过兵役(Has the child,or any other person ,included in this application or not,ever served in the armed forces?) 4 过去 10年中居住超过 12个月的地址、居住起止年月日(In which countries has the child lived for 12 months or more during the last 10 years?Dates lived) 5 申请人以前是否被移民部书面允许在澳大利亚工作?(Have you ever been written permission by the Department of Immigration to work in Australia? 6 以前是否从澳大利亚领取过福利金(Have you ever been paid any benefits or received any social services from a government agency in Australia?) 7 是在澳大利亚境内还是境外申请(Are you apply in Australia or outside Australia?) 第七部分 提名人详情(Nomination details) 序号 应该填写的内容 1 提名人与被提名人关系,被提名人姓名、出生年月日、与提名人关系(I wish to nominate(name of applicant) for permanent residence in Australia because he/she is:my spouse(including de facto spouse)or my inter dependent partner.Full name,date of birth,relationship to partner. 2 以前是否在澳大利亚递交过提名申请或者在澳大利亚境外递交过担保申请,如果是,提供递交的日期、关系、递交申请的办公室、签证是否被批准、关系终止的日期及原因(Have you previously lodged a nomination for residence in Australia or a sponsorship for migration overseas?give date sponsorship/nomination,relationship to you,name of overseas post/Australian office where sponsorship or on was lodged.Was a visa granted,Date relationship ended,How relationship ended) 3 是否曾经是被提名/担保人(Were you originally sponsored/nominated as spouse,prospective spouse or inter dependent partner?) 4 通常居住在澳大利亚吗,是澳大利亚公民吗(Are you usually resident in Australia?) 5 过去 10年中居住超过 12个月的地址、居住起止年月日(In which countries has the child lived for 12 months or more during the last 10 years? Dates lived there) 6 是否曾经有过、或者现在有肺结核或任何其他严重疾病(包括精神病)、病情或残疾,如果是,请提供是否需要治疗、所需开支、危及他人等详情(has the child,or any other ,included in this application,ever had or currently have tuberculosis or any other serious disease(including mental illness),condition or disability?) 7 是否受过刑事处罚,如果是,请提供详情(Has the child,or any other person, included in this application ever been convicted of crime of offense in any country?If yes,provide details) 第八部分 需要补充的其他信息(Additional information) 序号 应该填写的内容 1 根据实际情况,填写自己认为需要补充说明的信息(Additional information) 2 在填写申请表格过程中,是否得到了有关人士的帮助,如果是,请提供帮助者的姓名、地址、移民代理号是否收费(Did you receive help completing this form.If yes,provide person"s name,his address,migration agent registration number.Were you charged a fee for this help?) 申请配偶移民的基本条件 一、申请获得两年配偶临居签证的基本条件 1. 已婚夫妻类别:有计划维持真实而长久的配偶关系( Your relationship is genuine and continuing)。这种关系的存在是批准移民的关键条件。 2.同居夫妻类别:若是同居关系,该段关系在申请前已经持续了12个月 (You and your partner have been in that relationship for the period of 12 months immediately preceding the date of application). 3.未婚夫妻类别:双方年满18岁 (Both you and your fiancé must be aged over 18 years);有资格在澳大利亚依法结婚;真诚的希望于担保人登记结婚,并维持真实和长久的婚姻关系;申请人于未婚配偶两人相互认识,而且相互了解 (You and your fiancé have met and are personally known to each other)。 二、获得永久配偶签证的基本条件(Basic requirements of awarding permanent spouse migration visa) 上述的已婚、同居和未婚类别,如果在2年临居期满后能够满足下列条件,则可以转为永久居留签证: 1.已申请并持有临居签证已超过2年(持未婚签证者必须已登记结婚至少2年); 2.担保人的担保维持有效(即配偶没有撤去担保); 3.与担保人保持真实而长久的关系,共同生活; 4.担保人的基本条件: 18岁或以上的通常在澳大利亚居住的澳大利亚公民或者永久居民(An adult(over 18)Australian citizen,Australian permanent resident usually resident in Australia); 以配偶或未婚配偶身份担保他人移民或被他人担保移民澳大利亚没有超过2次;而且,在过去的5年内未曾以配偶或未婚配偶签证担保他人或被他人担保移民澳大利亚; 没有从澳大利亚政府领取金额的养老金、补贴(It is unlikely that your assure could provide an acceptable assurance of support if they have received the full rate of any pensions or allowances from Australian government during the past year)。 在配偶类签证类别中,移民法一再地强调两人必须维持真实而长久的亲密关系。因此,如果该段关系破裂,担保人在临时签证的2年期限内撤回担保,则申请人将无法获得永久居留签证。 值得注意的一点是,有关的法规虽然都订立了严格的条件,但都有基于人道立场上的例外情况。例如,在涉及担保人死亡、虐待配偶或双方育有孩子等等情况下,申请人是可以不受担保人撤回担保的影响而依然获得永久居留签证的(Waiver of 2 Years Requirement)。 问与答 问1: 父母或他人包办的婚姻可否通过审批?答: 可以,只要婚姻符合真实和持久关系这一种标准。 问2: 担保人是否要提供经济担保?答: 不一定。首先,作为申请人的配偶,担保人是有义务保证申请人在澳大利亚境内头两年的生活开支不会有问题。但是移民局也不一定要求担保人出具经济担保证明,如果移民局认为有必要出具经济担保证明时,担保人配偶也不-定要兼做经济担保人,而可以另外请人担任此一角色。在此情况下,如果申请人在澳大利亚境内的头2年领取社会福利金的话,经济担保人就有法律责任去偿还该笔金额。 问3: 可以连同孩子一起申请吗?答: 可以,只要孩子未满18岁,未婚,在经济、生活和感情上依赖申请人,而且不会侵犯孩子另外一个家长的抚养权就行。 问4: 非法移民能够申请配偶签证移民吗?答: 能,但是申请表格一般要在澳大利亚境外递交。若申请人与担保人共有的儿女需要照顾或符合其它条件,则在澳大利亚境内递表也是可以的。 问5: 以前的婚姻关系未解决,可以申请配偶移民吗?答: 可以。请参阅本章中同居配偶签证的论述,一纸结婚证书并不是配偶移民签证的审批标准。 问6: 可否跳过两年的临居等候期?答: 可以。但是必须满足严格的临居等候期豁免条件,即申请人与担保人共同生活超过了5年,或在两年等候期没有届满以前孕育了子女等。 问7: 配偶移民申请者是否要面试?答: 有可能。如果移民局觉得有必要确认两人间的关系是否真实(及持久)的话,就会安排时间,通知双方出席面试。通过对两个人分别的问话,可以具体取得双方的关系、家庭、日常生活和亲密与否等情况,再以此做参考来证实两人的关系。
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越来越多的金融从业人员意识到金融硕士和特许金融分析师(CFA)资格是个人职业长足发展的金字招牌。在此总结一下目前大家对CFA的疑问以及CFA和金融硕士相比所学的知识点又有多大差别。1、基本定义CFA是美国特许金融分析师(Chartered FinancialAnalyst)的缩写,CFA 自1963 年设立以来,就已经成为全球投资业里最为严格与含金量最高的资格认证,广泛授予投资领域内的专业人员,包括基金经理、证券分析师、财务总监、投资顾问、投资银行家、交易员等等。CFA要求它的持有人建立严格而广泛的金融知识体系,掌握金融投资行业各个核心领域理论与实践知识,包括从基础概念的掌握,到分析工具的运用,以及资产的分配和投资组合管理。从基础性的协会道德守则(一级重点)、统计学、宏观微观经济学、货币银行学、财务报表分析(一级和二级重点)、公司理财,到结合实务的股权估值(二级重点)、投资组合管理(三级重点)、衍生品交易、另类投资。金融硕士专业学位项目主要培养具有坚实金融学理论基础和较高应用技能的专业人才,培养学生综合运用金融学、经济学、管理学、现代计量分析手段解决理论问题与实践问题的能力,使学生既了解国际金融业的前沿发展,又能密切联系中国的实践,具备比较强的研究能力和创新潜力,可以适应金融管理部门、各类金融机构和研究机构的工作。2、两者对比确切的说,金融硕士侧重研究型,CFA侧重应用型。CFA的难度应该来说是MBA水平,适合用于投行,对于金融硕士这种研究型的人来说,没有深度,一句话,没有技术性的细节。美国大学的金融硕士,与CFA等证书考试也有着紧密的联系。金融硕士课程几乎覆盖了CFA一级的课程。CFA二级的话开始有部分内容覆盖不到,但是有背景,稍稍思考一下很多东西理解也还是没问题,都是通的。CFA一级的知识量相当于国外金融本科的知识量。CFA一级知识是基础理论知识的打基础阶段,金融相关的所有知识都会让考生学习,考试考核也以理论知识定性判断。CFA一级首先就是涵盖了整个证券市场投资的产品介绍,这也是很多银行内训或者培训的出发点,权益类产品里面所提到的证券市场基本知识,还有权益类产品的基本估值模型,还有就是固定收益里面所提及的TIPS还有反利率债券,政府债券,公司企业债,MBS/ABS等等,最后就是期货期权,经济学里的财政政策和货币政策。CFA一级的内容国外金融硕士课程基本都有覆盖,理解基本不会有问题。如果上完硕士课程再去考CFA会事半功倍。虽然原理是一样的,但在CFA的内容细节上仍要注意,毕竟与金融硕士存在差异。CFA二级侧重实务知识的考核。如果说CFA一级考理论,二级则是考实务能力,CFA二级的知识水平和要求基本可以胜任投资分析员的知识和能力要求,这也就是为什么CFA二级在业内备受认可的原因。再次CFA二级的整个知识体系有了质上提升,那就是资产评估,而且偏重方向是金融资产评估,整个二级所围绕的出发点就是利用各种模型和定量分析原理,对复杂的金融市场进行预测和深度的观察,并且强调出财务分析的重要性,其侧重点其实在债券和股票估值的区分尤为明显,股权类资产所关注的是ROE的持续性还有利润率和收入的一致性,那么债券类的重点就是现金流是否充足或者就是各类资产的质量还有数量。所以整个二级所要告诉我们的,就是金融资产估值其实偏重于在基本面的基础上,在去利用模型和数学进行深度挖掘潜在价值,但是二级并没有把重点放在投资管理,二级的整个学习体系已经够一些分析师运用了,并且在实操过程中已经可以完完全全的覆盖了基本的价值评估原理,那就是现金流为主的折现。因为分析师报告主要面对的客户是企业咨询或者是其他另外的一些兼并重组事项,不一定就是针对一般的客户,这些在二级的公司理财还有财务章已经明确的给出了估值的解决方案。CFA三级以投资基金经理的思维和角度来综合评测投资组合的收益与风险,整体定位和把握每个投资分项的特性,如养老保险和风投、股票、国债的投资权重和突发问题处理等等。CFA三级所涵盖的内容就是一位成功的基金经理所必须掌握的技能,包括行为金融学,还有就是组合管理。这部分的内容和一级二级联系起来,我们再回头学习,其实CFA以及到三级就是一个分析师成长的过程,CFA的金融知识完完全全可以在以后同学们毕业面试中或者工作中充当坚强的后盾了,不需要再去花大量时间观看额外的书籍,而且CFA的例题还有习题里面的很多名词,也都是采用专业词汇进行描述的,这对提升大家的英语理解能力还有适应以后研读英文研究报告的能力,是有帮助的,这是很多国内的一些高难度考试时达不到的。虽然学习三个级别的考试内容通常需要独自完成,但在拿到CFA资格后,人们可以选择加入协会——CFA协会是全球性的机构,它开展职业继续教育,并提供社交机会,会员既可以独自展开联络,也可以在协会每年举办的诸多活动上发展人脉。以下为CFA详细的章节内容,大家可以看出CFA涉及到哪些知识点和相关领域:I. Ethical and Professional Standards(伦理和职业标准)A. Professional Standards of PracticeB. Ethical PracticesII. Quantitative Methods(定量方法)A. Time Value of MoneyB. ProbabilityC. Probability Distributions and Descriptive StatisticsD. Sampling and EstimationE. Hypothesis TestingF. Correlation Analysis and RegressionG. Time-Series AnalysisH. Simulation AnalysisI. Technical AnalysisIII. Economics(经济学)A. Market Forces of Supply and DemandB. The Firm and Industry OrganizationC. Measuring National Income and GrowthD. Business CyclesE. The Monetary SystemF. InflationG. International Trade and Capital FlowsH. Currency Exchange RatesI. Monetary and Fiscal PolicyJ. Economic Growth and DevelopmentK. Effects of Government RegulationL. Impact of Economic Factors on Investment MarketsIV. Financial Reporting and Analysis(财务报告与分析)A. Financial Reporting System (with an emphasis on IFRS)B. Analysis of Principal Financial StatementsC. Financial Reporting QualityD. Analysis of Inventories and Long-Lived AssetsE. Analysis of TaxesF. Analysis of DebtG. Analysis of Off-Balance-Sheet Assets and LiabilitiesH. Analysis of Pensions, Stock Compensation, and Other Employee BenefitsI. Analysis of Inter-Corporate InvestmentsJ. Analysis of Business CombinationsK. Analysis of Global OperationsL. Ratio and Financial AnalysisV. Corporate Finance(企业融资)A. Corporate GovernanceB. Dividend PolicyC. Capital Investment DecisionsD. Business and Financial RiskE. Capital Structure DecisionsF. Working Capital ManagementG. Mergers and Acquisitions and Corporate RestructuringVI. Equity Investments(股权投资)A. Types of Equity Securities and Their CharacteristicsB. Equity Markets: Characteristics and InstitutionsC. Equity Portfolio BenchmarksD. Valuation of Individual Equity SecuritiesE. Fundamental Analysis (Sector, Industry, Company)F. Equity Market Valuation and Return AnalysisG. Closely Held Companies and Inactively Traded SecuritiesH. Equity Portfolio Management StrategiesVII. Fixed Income(固定收益产品)A. Types of Fixed-Income Securities and Their CharacteristicsB. Fixed-Income Markets: Characteristics & InstitutionsC. Fixed Income Portfolio BenchmarksD. Fixed-Income Valuation (Sector, Industry, Company) and Return AnalysisE. Term Structure Determination and Yield SpreadsF. Analysis of Interest Rate RiskG. Analysis of Credit RiskH. Valuing Bonds with Embedded OptionsI. Structured ProductsJ. Fixed-Income Portfolio Management StrategiesVIII. Derivatives(衍生产品)A. Types of Derivative Instruments and Their CharacteristicsB. Forward Markets and Valuation of Forward ContractsC. Futures Markets and Valuation of Futures ContractsD. Options Markets and Valuation of Option ContractsE. Swaps Markets and Valuation of Swap ContractsF. Credit Derivatives Markets and InstrumentsG. Uses of Derivatives in Portfolio ManagementIX. Alternative Investments(另类投资)A. Types of Alternative Investments and Their CharacteristicsB. Real Estate ValuationC. Private Equity/Venture Capital ValuationD. Hedge Fund StrategiesE. Distressed Securities/BankruptciesF. Commodities and Managed FuturesG. Alternative Investment Management StrategiesG. CollectiblesX. Portfolio Management and Wealth Planning(投资组合管理和财富规划)A. The Investment Policy StatementB. Modern Portfolio Management ConceptsC. Behavioral FinanceD. Management of Individual/Family Investor PortfoliosE. Management of Institutional Investor PortfoliosF. Investment Manager SelectionG. Economic Analysis and Setting Capital Market ExpectationsH. Tax Efficiency StrategiesI. Asset AllocationJ. Portfolio Construction and RevisionK. Risk ManagementL. Execution of Portfolio Decisions (Trading)M. Performance EvaluationN. Presentation of Performance Results金融硕士方面:MSF金融学硕士主要的专业方向包括金融分析、投资管理以及公司财务等。典型的核心课程包括投资分析、公司财务以及财务管理或管理会计。其基础学科包括经济学、会计学、计量法(货币的时间价值与统计学概论)。主要的研究领域包括:证券管理、金融模型建构、兼并与并购以及实务期权等。尽管有一些非数量分析的选修课程,如公司治理、商业伦理以及商业战略等,但基本上MSF主要课程以数量学方面为主。 MSF课程也包括金融经济学、金融风险管理等经济学与管理学的分支与交叉学科。所以不论是金融、经济或一般商科的本科生都可以申请,但基本的申请条件是优秀的计算能力, 比如:微积分与概率。 同MBA下的金融相比,MSF主要研究金融领域,对于一般管理类学科涉及很少。也就是说MSF主要对金融或金融市场关注,而MBA更为多样化,虽然修金融的相关课程,但涉及商业领域的其它学科与领域,比如人力资源管理、经营管理等。由于并未读过金融硕士,但是由于前期准备工作还是不少,查过很多学校的课程设置和安排,也在网上搜罗了很多经验贴,部分摘取总结如下,希望大家不要喷~CFA项目主要学习证券管理和金融分析,在这些领域要比金融硕士更专业与深入,在其它领域就要差一些。一些大学的金融硕士根据CFA考试的内容与时间进行安排,一些大学的金融硕士项目干脆就定为金融分析专业。另有香港某大学国际银行与金融专业硕士,边上课边考CFA level 1,把CFA level 1 和金融专业硕士课程做个对比,可以看出两者的确有一部分是重合的,大家可以参考。CFA Level 1 :Topic 1: Ethical and Professional StandardsTopic 2:Quantitative MethodsTopic3:EconomicsTopic4:Financial Reporting and AnalysisTopic5:Corporate FinanceTopic6:Portfolio ManagementTopic7:Equity InvestmentTopic8:Fixed Income InvestmentsTopic9:DerivativesTopic10:Alternative InvestmentsMaster of International Banking and Finance:Term 1:Corporate FinanceInternational MacroeconomicsInvestment Theory and ApplicationsMultinational Financial ManagementFinancial EconometricsFinancial Institutions on the Chinese Mainland and in Hong KongManagement of Banks and Financial InstitutionsInternational Money and FinanceAccounting for Financial ProfessionalsTerm 2:Microeconomics of BankingDerivatives and Risk ManagementBusiness Valuation and Financial Statement AnalysisGlobalization and Financial Market DevelopmentCredit Risk ManagementFixed-Income SecuritiesComparative Development of International Financial CentersLegal Issues in the Regulation and Compliance of Financial and Banking Institutions可以说,CFA的内容广而不深,读了之后明白某些领域有什么流行的东西,但浅尝辄止,看它的数学工具就知道它用的是大众化的逻辑,我不是什么数学派,也知道逻辑文字可以表达的很到位, 但是如果你要仰慕的是国外的金融工程师,就不要浪费时间在CFA上面。我在上海遇到个复旦的高手,他现在解决问题都是到网上下载最新的金融文章和算法,编程计算,这才是金融工程师该干的活。 有很多人说难,一是可能他们英文不过关,但如果一个金融硕士毕业时阅读英文还有问题那真是白读了。我的老总有次跟我聊天,聊到他证券公司老总级别的朋友手下也有好多考CFA,一级很简单大家都能过,二级就有人不过,到了今年三级考过的人就出来了,以后会冒出更多,就不知道能管用不。国内金融证券市场的持续发展,越来越多的特许金融分析师(CFA)活跃于国内的金融投资舞台,许多已担任了如基金经理、投资总监、研究总监、财务总监等重要职位,年薪突破百万RMB的也是非常普遍。CFA对金融硕士是锦上添花的作用,对非金融硕士的本科师弟们和没有金融基础的朋友们更有极大的帮助。赢得CFA称号可以说标志着赢得全球、全行业的尊重与青睐!加油!
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  很多人会选择澳洲移民,那么澳洲配偶移民条件有哪些呢?下面和出国移民网一起来看看吧!欢迎阅读。   澳洲配偶移民条件介绍   澳大利亚配偶移民是以澳大利亚公民、永久居留者或符合资格的新西兰公民的配偶身份,潜在配偶(未婚妻或未婚夫)或依附关系身份办理移民。   一、申请澳洲配偶移民的基本条件:   申请获得两年配偶临居签证的基本条件   1. 已婚夫妻类别:有计划维持真实而长久的配偶关系( Your relationship is genuine and continuing)。这种关系的存在是批准移民的关键条件。   2.同居夫妻类别:若是同居关系,该段关系在申请前已经持续了12个月 (You and your partner have been in that relationship for the period of 12 months immediately preceding the date of application)。   3.未婚夫妻类别:双方年满18岁 (Both you and your fiancé must be aged over 18 years);有资格在澳大利亚依法结婚;真诚的希望于担保人登记结婚,并维持真实和长久的婚姻关系;申请人于未婚配偶两人相互认识,而且相互了解(You and your fiancé have met and are personally known to each other)。   获得永久配偶签证的基本条件(Basic requirements of awarding permanent spouse migration visa)   上述的已婚、同居和未婚类别,如果在2年临居期满后能够满足下列条件,则可以转为永久居留签证:   1.已申请并持有临居签证已超过2年(持未婚签证者必须已登记结婚至少2年);   2.担保人的担保维持有效(即配偶没有撤去担保);   3.与担保人保持真实而长久的关系,共同生活;   4.担保人的基本条件:   18岁或以上的通常在澳大利亚居住的澳大利亚公民或者永久居民(An adult(over 18)Australian citizen,Australian permanent resident usually resident in Australia);   以配偶或未婚配偶身份担保他人移民或被他人担保移民澳大利亚没有超过2次;而且,在过去的5年内未曾以配偶或未婚配偶签证担保他人或被他人担保移民澳大利亚;   没有从澳大利亚政府领取金额的养老金、补贴(It is unlikely that your assure could provide an acceptable assurance of support if they have received the full rate of any pensions or allowances from Australian government during the past year)。   在配偶类签证类别中,移民法一再地强调两人必须维持真实而长久的亲密关系。因此,如果该段关系破裂,担保人在临时签证的2年期限内撤回担保,则申请人将无法获得永久居留签证。   值得注意的一点是,有关的法规虽然都订立了严格的条件,但都有基于人道立场上的例外情况。例如,在涉及担保人死亡、虐待配偶或双方育有孩子等等情况下,申请人是可以不受担保人撤回担保的影响而依然获得永久居留签证的(Waiver of 2 Years Requirement)。   二、澳洲配偶移民相关注意事项   目前的澳大利亚配偶移民配额每年约500个。对申请人本身条件的要求不像技术移民(需要学历和专业经验)、投资移民(需要大笔资金及从商经验)和父母移民(需要计算子女数目)等类别那样严格。   这种形式的移民方式成为一条简单、直接和高效率的移民快捷方式。和所有其它西方国家移民当局所面临的问题一样。   澳大利亚配偶移民除了真正相亲相爱缔结的佳偶以外,也吸引了一些人以配偶结婚为手段实现一方获利另一方移民的单纯目的,这些人的夫妻或同居关系有名无实。   因此引发澳大利亚移民当局对配偶申请人的审批与控制,务求去伪存真,使实质上有真实而持久亲密关系的爱侣得以团聚,也使有名无实的婚姻曝光。   但是由于材料准备的不足及没有经验,即使是真正的配偶也有被拒签的可能。严格繁复的审批手续,使无论真假配偶移民的申请难度都很大。
2023-07-25 22:46:071


The Issue of Employment for Gradutes As we all know, the situation of employment graduate is urgent nowadays. Employment becomes a major social issue in our country. More and more people pay great attention to it. This issue result from two aspects. First many undergraduates are finding jobs. They hope to get a job with high salary and other pensions. So the government and the society face great pressure. More job opportunities are needed to create for them. On the other hand, there are many vacancies of jobs in the west. So there comes an imbalance between the supply and demand in the east and the west. Few people want to seek jobs in the west. They prefer to live in the major cities, such as Beijing , shanghai and other developped areas. To solve this issue, it is a better choice to encourage people to seek jobs in the west. This also help to develop local economy and offer a brandew chance for graduates.关于毕业生的就业问题 我们都知道,毕业生就业形势非常迫切。就业成为我国的一大社会问题。越来越多的人重视它。 这个问题源于两个方面。第一,许多大学生正在找工作。他们希望得到一份高薪的工作和养老金。因此,政府和社会面临巨大的压力。需要更多的就业机会为他们创造。 另一方面,在西部有很多的职位空缺职位。所以就有了东部和西部一种不平衡的供应和需求关系。很少有人想去西部地区工作,因为他们喜欢住在大城市,如北京,上海等发达城市。 为了解决这个问题,一个好的办法是鼓励人们选择去西部工作。这也有助于发展西部地区的经济,为毕业生提供了一个工作机会。
2023-07-25 22:46:151


英语作文要想写得好,离不开平时的积累,高分作文一般胜在行文清晰、准确、简洁三点,这就是公认的英语满分作文“黄金三定律”,为保证所写文章清晰明了,一是越确切具体越好,二是组织结构富有逻辑性。姐姐现在就为你们提供三篇与英语作文题目有关的范文,记得好好参考哦,如果对你有帮助记得点个赞再走。【一】U0001f338U0001f338U0001f338案例来咯英语作文:The majority of the students, making up 70%, are more realistic and don"t expect a high salary. They think it sensible to land a job as soon as possible. In this way, they hope to reduce the burden on their families. They also believe there are better opportunities for development offered in the west or in rural areas.In order to be better prepared for the future job-hunting, one fifth of them choose to stay in universites for further education, or go to vacational schools to learn practical skills. The rest 10% are brave enough to start a company of their own, thus creating jobs for other graduates as well as themselves. The choice isboth challenging and rewarding.翻译:大部分的学生,占70%,更现实,不要期望高工资。他们认为尽快把工作做的很明智。以这种方式,他们希望减轻他们的家庭负担。他们还认为,在西方或在农村地区提供更好的发展机会。为了给今后的求职做好准备,五分之一的人选择呆在大学深造,或进入职业学校学习实用技能。其余的10%个人都有足够的勇气去开创自己的公司,从而为其他大学毕业生创造就业机会。选择的是挑战和奖励。【二】U0001f338U0001f338U0001f338案例来咯英语作文:According to the statistics, only 58% of college graduates could find jobs in their specialties. Why do college graduates find it increasingly difficult to get a rewarding job?One reason perhaps is that many colleges and universities fail to adapt their courses to the development of economy. Degree courses offered in these institutions of higher learning are so outdated, irrelevant and impractical that the students themselves find it hard to translate their book knowledge into real job skills. Second, there is an oversupply of graduates in certain specialties.So many of them can not enter the professions for which they are trained. College graduates are valuable resources in our country. The problems they encounter in job hunting deserve more attention.翻译:据统计,只有58%的大学毕业生能在自己的专业领域找到工作。为什么大学毕业生发现它越来越难找到一份有益的工作吗?其中一个原因可能是,许多学院和大学没有使他们的课程适应经济的发展。这些高等院校提供的学位课程已经太过时了 学生们自己也发现很难把他们的书籍知识转化为真正的工作技能。其次,某些专业的毕业生数量供应过剩。他们中的许多人不能进入他们所接受培训的职业。大学毕业生是我国宝贵的资源。他们在求职过程中遇到的问题值得更多的关注。【三】U0001f338U0001f338U0001f338案例来咯英语作文:As we all know, the situation of employment graduate is urgent nowadays. Employment becomes a major social issue in our country. More and more people pay great attention to it.This issue result from two aspects. First many undergraduates are finding jobs. They hope to get a job with high salary and other pensions. So the government and the society face great pressure. More job opportunities are needed to create for them.On the other hand, there are many vacancies of jobs in the west. So there comes an imbalance between the supply and demand in the east and the west. Few people want to seek jobs in the west. They prefer to live in the major cities, such as Beijing , shanghai and other developped areas.翻译:众所周知,当今高校毕业生的就业形势十分紧迫。就业已成为我国的一个主要社会问题。越来越多的人非常关注它。这个问题来自于两个方面。首先,许多本科生都在找工作。他们希望得到一份高薪和其他养老金的工作。所以政府和社会都面临着巨大的压力。更多 我们需要为他们创造就业机会。另一方面,西方也有很多职位空缺。因此,东西方的供需关系存在不平衡。很少有人愿意在西方国家找工作。他们预先 将居住在主要城市,如北京、上海等发展地区。
2023-07-25 22:46:223


of not being conscious o
2023-07-25 22:47:083


用英语描述3种职业:1、Teacher: the teacher industry is more suitable for girls, and the work is not particularly tired. There are also winter vacation and summer vacation.The weekend weekend treatment is still good. Usually, we can take into account some things at home. In some first tier cities, the salary of teachers is about 8000, and the salary is still good.教师:教师这个行业比较适合女生,而且工作也不是特别累还有寒假和暑假等,周末双休待遇还是不错的,平时还能够顾及到家里面的一些事情,在一些一线城市教师工资在8千左右,薪资还是不错的。2、Accountant: there is a shortage of talents in this profession. The work content is the calculation of insurance premiums, compensation reserves, pensions and annuities.Women are more careful. It is more suitable to do this job. And the actuary"s salary is considerable.精算师:这个职业目前人才紧缺,工作内容是保险费、赔付准备金以及退休金和年金等计算工作,女性比较细心一些做这个工作还是比较适合的。而且精算师的工资待遇可观。3、With the development of the times, multilingualism will become an advantage. Women have more affinity and are especially suitable for this job.翻译员:随着时代的发展会多种语言成为一种优势,女性说话比较有亲和力特别适合这个工作。
2023-07-25 22:47:151

live on和live by 的区别

live on和live by的区别在于使用的介词不同,意思就完全不同。一、意义不相同。live by的意思是“靠?过活”,指的是手段:live on的意思是“靠?为生”,指的是来源。例如:1、He lived by writing.他以写作为生。2、With the rising cost of living, it is hard for the old people to live on their pensions.由于生活费用不断上涨,老年人靠养老金生活已很困难了。二、读音不同。live on的英式读法是[lu026av u0252n];美式读法是[liu02d0v ɑu02d0n]。live by的英式读法是[lu026av bau026a];美式读法是[liu02d0v bau026a]。live作名词时意思是活着;居住;过着。作形容词时意思是活的;直播的;现场的;带电的;燃烧着的;当前的。作副词时意思是现场。扩展资料:单词解析:1、用法:v. (动词)1)live的基本意思是“居住,住”,引申可作“活,生存”“以某种方式生活”“继续存在,留存”“享受生活”等解。2)live可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时通常接同源宾语,有时也接experience等和动词不同源的词,表示“过?的生活,有?的实践或经历”。3)live也可用作系动词,意思是“活着”,常接形容词作表语。4)live可如be般用于存在句(There...),位于there之后,主语之前,其人称和数应与主语一致。5)live后接副词on表示“继续活下去”;接介词on则表示“以?为食”“靠?生活”;后接介词with表示“与?同住”“寄宿在?”。2、词义辨析:live on, live off这两者都可表示“靠?过活”。接职业时只能用live off,不能用live on。例如:1)He prefers to live on his salary and not to spend his savings.他愿意花他的工资生活而不动用储蓄金。2)For the first half of the year we live off the silkworms;for the second half, we live off the land.头半年我们靠养蚕生活,后半年靠种地生活。参考资料:百度百科-Live
2023-07-25 22:47:441


2023-07-25 22:48:023


方说来自特殊利益集团的敌意。首先主要的结构是The FASB and IASB have been exactly cleaning up rules on stock options and pensions against hostility from special interest。主干是主谓宾结构这你应该看得出,The FASB and IASB是主语,have been exactly cleaning up 是动词的过去完成进行时是谓语,而宾语是rules,而on stock options and pensions 是定语重句,关于什么什么的规定,against hostility from special interest
2023-07-25 22:48:331

live by 与live on 的区别?

live on和live by的区别在于使用的介词不同,意思就完全不同。一、意义不相同。live by的意思是“靠?过活”,指的是手段:live on的意思是“靠?为生”,指的是来源。例如:1、He lived by writing.他以写作为生。2、With the rising cost of living, it is hard for the old people to live on their pensions.由于生活费用不断上涨,老年人靠养老金生活已很困难了。二、读音不同。live on的英式读法是[lu026av u0252n];美式读法是[liu02d0v ɑu02d0n]。live by的英式读法是[lu026av bau026a];美式读法是[liu02d0v bau026a]。live作名词时意思是活着;居住;过着。作形容词时意思是活的;直播的;现场的;带电的;燃烧着的;当前的。作副词时意思是现场。扩展资料:单词解析:1、用法:v. (动词)1)live的基本意思是“居住,住”,引申可作“活,生存”“以某种方式生活”“继续存在,留存”“享受生活”等解。2)live可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时通常接同源宾语,有时也接experience等和动词不同源的词,表示“过?的生活,有?的实践或经历”。3)live也可用作系动词,意思是“活着”,常接形容词作表语。4)live可如be般用于存在句(There...),位于there之后,主语之前,其人称和数应与主语一致。5)live后接副词on表示“继续活下去”;接介词on则表示“以?为食”“靠?生活”;后接介词with表示“与?同住”“寄宿在?”。2、词义辨析:live on, live off这两者都可表示“靠?过活”。接职业时只能用live off,不能用live on。例如:1)He prefers to live on his salary and not to spend his savings.他愿意花他的工资生活而不动用储蓄金。2)For the first half of the year we live off the silkworms;for the second half, we live off the land.头半年我们靠养蚕生活,后半年靠种地生活。参考资料:百度百科-Live
2023-07-25 22:48:581


用英语描述3种职业:1、Teacher: the teacher industry is more suitable for girls, and the work is not particularly tired. There are also winter vacation and summer vacation.The weekend weekend treatment is still good. Usually, we can take into account some things at home. In some first tier cities, the salary of teachers is about 8000, and the salary is still good.教师:教师这个行业比较适合女生,而且工作也不是特别累还有寒假和暑假等,周末双休待遇还是不错的,平时还能够顾及到家里面的一些事情,在一些一线城市教师工资在8千左右,薪资还是不错的。2、Accountant: there is a shortage of talents in this profession. The work content is the calculation of insurance premiums, compensation reserves, pensions and annuities.Women are more careful. It is more suitable to do this job. And the actuary"s salary is considerable.精算师:这个职业目前人才紧缺,工作内容是保险费、赔付准备金以及退休金和年金等计算工作,女性比较细心一些做这个工作还是比较适合的。而且精算师的工资待遇可观。3、With the development of the times, multilingualism will become an advantage. Women have more affinity and are especially suitable for this job.翻译员:随着时代的发展会多种语言成为一种优势,女性说话比较有亲和力特别适合这个工作。
2023-07-25 22:49:131


Theresa Mary May (born 1 October 1956) is the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and Leader of the Conservative Party. She has been the Member of Parliament (MP) for Maidenhead since 1997. May identifies as aOne-Nation Conservative and is characterised as a liberal Conservative.The daughter of a vicar, May grew up in Oxfordshire. From 1977 until 1983, she worked for the Bank of England, and from 1985 until 1997 at the Association for Payment Clearing Services, also serving as a councillor for the London Borough of Merton"s Durnsford Ward. After unsuccessful attempts to be elected to the House of Commons in 1992 and 1994, she was elected MP for Maidenhead in the 1997 general election. May served in a number of roles in theShadow Cabinets of William Hague, Iain Duncan Smith, Michael Howard, and David Cameron, including Shadow Leader of the House of Commons and Shadow Work and Pensions Secretary. She was also the Chairman of the Conservative Partyfrom 2002 until 2003.After the formation of the Coalition Government following the 2010 general election, May was appointed Home Secretary and Minister for Women and Equalities, giving up the latter role in 2012. Reappointed after the Conservative victory in the 2015 general election, she went on to become the longest-serving Home Secretary sinceJames Chuter Ede over 60 years previously, pursuing reform of the police, taking a harder line on drug policy and introducing restrictions on immigration.[3]Following the resignation of David Cameron on 24 June 2016, May announced her candidacy for the leadership of the Conservative Party and quickly emerged as the front-runner. She won the first ballot of Conservative MPs on 5 July by a significant margin, and two days later won the votes of 199 MPs, going forward to face a vote of Conservative Party members in a contest with Andrea Leadsom. Leadsom"s withdrawal from the election on 11 July led to May"s appointment as leader the same day. She was appointed Prime Minister two days later.来自wiki
2023-07-25 22:49:491

2.Over 65 shades of grey

Over 65 shades of grey To get the most out of longer lives, a new age category is neededWHAT do you call someone who is over 65 but not yet elderly? This stage of life, between work and decrepitude,lacks a name. “Geriactives” errs too much on the side of senescence. “Sunsetters” and “night cappers” risk being patronizing. Perhaps “Nyppies” (Not Yet Past It) or “Owls” (Older, Working Less, Still earning) ring truer. Branding an age category might sound like a frivolous exercise. But life stages are primarily social constructs, and history shows that their emergence can trigger deep changes in attitudes. Such change is needed if the questions that swirl around rising longevity are to get a fitting answer. End of Generation zzz Before 1800 no country in the world had an average life expectancy at birth beyond 40. Today there is not a country that does not. Since 1900, more years have been added to human life than in the rest of history combined, initially by reducing child mortality and lately by stretching lifespans. Longevity is one of humanity"s great accomplishments. Yet it is seen as one of society"s great headaches. The problem lies in the increasing dependency of the old on the young. By 2100, the ratio of 65-plussers to “working-age” people will triple. As the world greys, growth, tax revenues and workforces will decline while spending on pensions and health care will increase. So, at least, goes the orthodoxy. Doom-mongers tend to miss a bigger point, however. Those extra years of life are predominantly healthy ones. Five of the additional six years that a British boy born in 2015 can expect to live, compared with one born in 1990, will be healthy, according to the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, at the University ofWashington. Too many governments and firms fail to recognise this fact, instead lumping all the extra years in the damning category of65 and over. This binary way of thinking, seeing retirement as a cliff edge over which workers and consumers suddenly tumble, bears little relation to the real world. It also encourages unimaginative policy, whereby the retirement age is occasionally moved as lifespans lengthen.A more radical approach would start by acknowledging that, in the rich world at least, many of the old are still young. As this week"s special report argues, they want to work, but more flexibly. They want to spend money, too. In western Europe the over-60s will account for 59% of consumption growth in cities between now and 2030, says McKinsey, a consultancy. Declaring a new stage of life could help change perceptions. It has done so before. Today"s conception of childhood emerged in the 19th century, paving the way for child-protection laws and a golden age of children"s literature. Spotty, awkward 15-year-olds predated the 1940s, but only then did mystified adults coin the label “teenagers”, fuelling all sorts of products and services, from bobby socks to the music industry. In 1944 Life wrote that “American businessmen, many of whom have teen-age daughters, have only recently begun to realise that teen-agers make up a big and special market.” By the mid-1960s both Time and Newsweek had splashed “The Teen-Agers” on their covers. Marking out youthful old age as a distinct phase of life might have a similar effect, prodding employers and policymakers to think differently about how to keep the young old active. As life becomes longer, the word “retirement”, which literally means withdrawal to a place of seclusion, has become misleading. At 65 you are not clapped out, but pre-tired. So, as they embark on the next stage, here"s to all those pre-tirees.
2023-07-25 22:49:561

1 Air Supply Goodbye

Goodbye Air SupplyI can see the pain living in your eyesAnd I know how hard you triedYou deserve to have so much moreI can feel your heart and I sympathizeAnd I"ll never criticize all you"ve ever meant to my life*I don"t want to let you downI don"t want to lead you onI don"t want to hold you backFrom where you might belongYou would never ask me whyMy heart is so disguisedI just can"t live a lie anymoreI would rather hurt myself than to ever make you cryThere"s nothing left to say but goodbyeYou deserve the chance at the kind of loveI"m not sure I"m worthy ofLosing you is painful to me (*)You would never ask me whyMy heart is so disguisedI just can"t live a lie anymoreI would rather hurt myself than to ever make you cryThere"s nothing left to tryThough it"s gonna hurt us bothThere"s no other way than to say goodbye 再 见 空中补给合唱团我看得见你眼中的痛楚我也晓得你曾努力尝试你应该得到这许多我能感同身受,心有所悯你在我生命中的意义,我绝不多做评断我不想让你失望不想带领你走我不想挽回你从你归属的地方你从来不问我原因我的内心充满矫饰我不能再活在谎言中我宁愿伤害自己,也不愿让你哭泣除了再见,还能说什麽你该拥有爱的机会我不确定自己是否值得失去你,我十分痛苦你从来不问我原因我的内心充满伪装我不能再活在谎言中我宁愿伤害自己,也不愿让你哭泣已没有机会可以再试了虽然这将会伤害我俩除了说再见,别无他路
2023-07-25 22:49:422