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英语翻译!And how will i do this?Henceforth will i look on all things with love and i will

2023-07-27 03:44:07




急啊好啊急傲娇告诉几个哦啊几个哦娃隔几天我根据我感觉陪我阿胶块高品位价格气魄接个健康 撒泼改进哦唉教给我好久



hence 因此,从此 ,古英语用法,接在一段的时间词后。henceforth 自此以后, 今后 from now on,表示从说话时起的今后。这样说能懂不?
2023-07-25 16:07:021

英语翻译 henceforth和hence是一个意思吗?

henceforth 英[u02c8hensu02c8fu0254:θ] 美[u02c8hu025bnsu02ccfu0254rθ] 副词 adv. 1.从今以后,从此以后 Henceforth I expect you to be punctual for meeting. 我希望你今后准时到会. hence 英[hens] 美[hu025bns] 副词 adv. 1.从此时起,从此处 The sports meet will be held three days hence. 运动会在三天后举行. 2.因此,所以 It"s handmade and hence expensive. 这是手工做的,因此很贵.
2023-07-25 16:07:091


2023-07-25 16:07:161

No longer confused.什么意思?henceforth.什么意思?

2023-07-25 16:07:331


问题一:起先和随后的近义词十个以上 起先近义词:开始,当初,早先,最先,起初,起首 随后的近义词:后来 - 之后 - 以后 然后 而后 问题二:后来的近义词是什么 然后、之后、以后、继而 随后 问题三:接着的近义词是什么 之后、然后、此后。 问题四:之后的近义词是什么 过后?[guò hòu] 多义项 词语?更多义项 【词目】过后 【拼音】guò hòu 中文名 过后 外文名 afterwards 拼音 guò hòu 解释 往后;一件事情发生之后 问题五:后来的近义词是什么 后来 近义词:厥后、自后、其后。 【厥后】 【自后】 自后 zìhòu [afterwards;henceforth] 从此以后 然自后余多在外,不常居。――明u30fb 归有光《项脊轩志》 【其后】 其后 qíhòu [later;afterwards] 在某时之后 其后,事情仍无起色 问题六:然后近义词 接着 问题七:随后和其次是不是近意词? 随后和其次不是近意词。 随后近意词――接着 ======================================== 柳浪闻莺各位芝麻竭诚为您解答 您的采纳是我们坚持百度的动力 ======================================== 问题八:后来的近义词。 答:近义词:之后 近义词,是指词汇意义相同或相近的词语,如“美好”和“美妙”、“懒惰”和“怠惰”、“枯萎”和“干枯”、“宽敞”和“宽阔”。与“近义词”意思相近的词为同义词。
2023-07-25 16:07:401

哈利波特 中什么是保密人

2023-07-25 16:07:504


莎士比亚的《十四行诗》包括1到12号的诗句,以及14号的诗句。这些诗都包含在《王子复仇记》这本书里。以下是一些代表性的诗句:From fairest creatures we desire increase,That thereby beauty"s rose might never die,But as the riper shrubs grow up the tree,But lagging in a longer, sicker light,Sick and bedrid, loath to医生和剂To sweet society howsoe"er they taste,But rather hold true-accents in memoryOf whom long since in love they snaffled wereBy whom they were begot and born, from whomThey are but trailing shadows, not substance,Shadows that live for evermore, though close,Close Fathom five in haunt of divers and sun.Thou art no shadow, but an actual son,Lang o"er-worn by many norws and fell回到已-cladIn self-comparisons,育从古给hourlyTo sums of self-respecting - such a brainIt steals from henceforth and forever more:It and its thoughts and deeds must not yet die,No, no, for it is - it is - he plunders me,My half-own brother - he has all my thoughtsMy best of thoughts, those prison-house foundation -My fair-built thoughts,不然他长期消耗Long since with him - no,他还-剪羊毛回答And what are left they cannot yet expire.这些诗的主题是爱情和死亡,以及生命如何因为爱而变得坚韧。其中还包含了一些隐喻和象征,例如美貌的玫瑰、成熟的树木、被困在监狱里的人等等。这些诗句表达了诗人对生命和爱情的深刻思考和感受。
2023-07-25 16:08:172


英语星期单词的用法   导语:一个星期有七天,英语中的星期名词用法几乎一样,下面我向大家介绍英语星期单词的用法,欢迎参考!   这里说的星期名单词主要指的是Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday七个。   1. 表示在星期几,我们通常是在星期名词前使用介词on。如:   That train only runs on Sunday. 那趟火车只在星期天开。   I will give you an answer on Friday at the latest. 我最迟星期五给你回答。   但在非正式文体(尤其是美国英语)中常可省去。如:   Iu2019ll see you Saturday. 星期六再见。   不过,若其前用了this, last, next, every等词,则不能再用介词on。如:   The concert takes place next Friday. 音乐会下星期五举行。   The Smiths go to church every Sunday. 史密斯全家每星期日都去教堂做礼拜。   注意,虽然当星期名词与this, next, last搭配时,其前不用介词on,但若语义需要,其前可用by, for, until, till, since等介词。如:   I have several engagements for next Monday. 我下周星期一有几个约会。   The job ought to be finished by next Monday. 这项工作应于下星期一以前完成。   Could you hold off your decision until next Saturday? 你可以推迟到下周星期六再做决定吗?   2. 当星期名词与月份名词连用时,星期名词通常应置于月份名词之前。如:   Weu2019ll be there on Sunday, June 19th. 我们将于6月19日,星期日,到达那里。   Friday 31 July 1925 henceforth became known as “Red Friday”. 1925年7月31日这个星期五从此就被称为“红色星期五”。   3. 关于星期名词的复数形式   (1) 星期名词有时可以有复数形式,表泛指性或经常性(其前可用介词on,也可省略介词而将其用作副词)。如:   On Sundays I like to sleep late. 星期天我爱睡懒觉。   The Blue Cafe closes on Mondays. 蓝色咖啡馆每星期一歇业休息。   Weu2019re nearly always at church on Sundays. 我们星期日几乎都在教堂做礼拜。   星期名词的复数形式在肯定句中与“every+星期名词”相似,但在否定句中区别较大。比较:   I donu2019t go there on Mondays. 我星期一不去那儿。   I donu2019t go there every Monday. 我并非每周星期一都去那儿。   (2) 有时星期名词的复数形式还可受数词以及many, few等的修饰。如:   I have spent many happy Sundays there. 我在那儿度过了许多愉快的星期天。   4. 在通常情况下,星期名词不与冠词连用,但有时为了表示“特指”可以带定冠词。如:   We had a card from her on the Friday after she got back. 在她回去后的那个星期五我们收到了她的明信片。   “When can I have my birthday party?” “On the Saturday nearest to it.” “我的生日庆祝会在哪天举行?”“就在离你生日最近的那个星期六吧。”   若要表示“某一个”的意思,可在星期名词前使用不定冠词。如:   Christmas Day falls on a Monday. 今年的圣诞节是星期一。   You wonu2019t catch me working on a Sunday! 你绝对见不到我在星期日工作!   5. 星期名词有时可使用所有格形式,表示星期几所举行的比赛、活动等,或所发生的情况、事件等。如:   He is our opponents in Saturdayu2019s game. 他就是我们星期六的.比赛对手。   He was placed fifth in last Saturdayu2019s race. 在上周六的径赛中,他名列第五。   She is confident of victory in Saturdayu2019s final. 她对在星期六的比赛中取得胜利充满信心。   Put me down for three tickets for Saturdayu2019s performance. 给我登记购买三张星期六的演出票。   Whou2019s going to organize the sandwiches for Mondayu2019s meeting? 谁来准备星期一会议上的三明治?   Police are holding two men in connection with last Thursdayu2019s bank robbery. 警方拘留了两名与上星期四的银行劫案有关的人。   Wall Street made Fridayu2019s running on the international stock exchange. 在国际股票交易中 华尔街星期五率先确定了走势行情。   Letu2019s hope the sunny weather keeps up for Saturdayu2019s tennis match. 但愿星期六网球比赛时还是这样的好天气。   6. 星期名词有时可直接用于另一名词前作定语,主要用法如下:   (1) 用于morning, afternoon, evening, night之前,表示星期几的早上、下午、晚上或夜晚等。如:   Letu2019s meet on Sunday evening. 咱们星期日晚上见吧。   They stayed till Monday morning. 他们住到星期一上午。   Iu2019m having a party next Saturday night. 星期六我举行晚会。   (2) 用于修饰week,表示“下个星期几后的一个星期”,通常译为“下下个星期几”。如:   Iu2019ll see you Thursday week. 我们下下周星期四见面吧。   Weu2019re off to Spain Sunday week. 我们下下个星期天去西班牙。   (3) 表示星期几进行的经常性或例行的工作或事务等。如:   the Sunday joint 礼拜天吃的大块烤肉(   I need a Saturday job. 我需要一份周末工作。   The Saturday rave craze seems to be on the way out. 星期六狂欢聚会热似乎就要过时了。   I hate all the hustle and bustle of Saturday shopping. 我讨厌星期六买东西那么挤来挤去的。   Sunday lunch with the in-laws has become something of a ritual. 星期天与姻亲们共进午餐已经成为例行公事。   You shouldnu2019t believe all the muck and scandal you read in the Sunday papers. 千万别尽信在星期日报纸上看到的秽迹丑闻。   She is in Greece on an assignment for one of the Sunday newspapers. 她在希腊为一家星期日报完成一项工作。   注意此用法与星期名词的所有格作定语的区别:用星期名词的所有格作定语,通常表示特定的某次活动或事件,而直接用星期名词作定语,则通常表示经常性或例行的活动或事务。比较:   Sunday meeting 周日例会(指每周日都举行的会议)   Sundayu2019s meeting 周日召开的会议(指某次特定的会议)   7. 一周的第一天是星期日还是星期一,在英语中似乎并没有严格的约定,请看以下有关词书的解释和说明:   (1)《剑桥国际英语词典》对week的解释是:   a period of seven days either from the beginning of Sunday to the end of Saturday or from the beginning of Monday to the end of Sunday(从星期日至星期六或从星期一至星期日的七天时间)   既然week既可以是从“星期日至星期六的七天”,也可以是“从星期一至星期日的七天”,那就说明一周的第一天可以是星期日,也可以是星期一。   (2)《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》在week词条下却有这样一句:   Sunday is the first day of the week. 星期日是一个星期的第一天。   然而有趣的是,该词典在同一页又将weekend(周末)解释为Saturday and Sunday。   既然Saturday and Sunday是“周末”,那Sunday又怎么可以是一个星期的第一天呢?   (3) 最新出版的《朗文当代高级英语辞典》认为:   在英国一周的第一天是星期一,而在美国一周的第一天是星期日。   根据此观点,在英国一周的第一天是星期一,而在美国一周的第一天是星期日。那《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》这本典型的英语词典(而非美语词典)为什么又说“Sunday is the first day of the week.”呢?   结论:在英语中,到底一周的第一天是星期日还是星期一,并没有严格约定。   8. 当星期名词与last, next连用时,若没有特定的上下文,可能有歧义。比如:   (1) last Friday:若是星期五以前说,它指“上周星期五”;若是星期五以后说,它指“本周星期五”。last Friday的实际意思是“上个星期五”(即刚刚过去的那个星期五)。   (2) next Friday:若是星期五以前说,它指“本周星期五”;若是星期五以后说,它指“下周星期五”。next Friday的实际意思是“下个星期五”(也就是即将要到来的那个星期五)。   9. 几个容易误解的表达   (1) a week today:其意为“下周的今天”,从时间长度上看,与a week from today同义。如:   The exams start a week today. 考试将在下周的今天举行。   He left today, which is a Tuesday, so he should be back a week today. 他是今天走的,而今天是星期二,所以他应该在下周的今天(即下周星期二)回来。   注:a week today 也可说成 today week。如:   Weu2019re leaving today week. 我们于下周的今天动身。   Weu2019re going on holiday today week. 我们下周的今天要去度假。   (2) a week yesterday:其意为“一个星期前的昨天”(即八天前)。如:   She started work a week yesterday. 她在一个星期前的昨天(即八天前)就开始工作了。   It was a week yesterday (that) we heard the news. 我们是在一个星期前的昨天(即八天前)听到这个消息的。   (3) a week ago today:其意为“上周的今天”“一个星期前的今天”(与汉语意思几乎对等),从时间长度上看,相当于seven days ago(七天前)。如:   They got married a week ago today. 他们是上周的今天结婚的。   注:类似的表达还有a year ago today(一年前的今天)、a month ago today(一个月前的今天)等。   (4)“a week (on) +星期名词”:其意为“下个星期几后的一个星期”,如a week (on) Tuesday的意思是“下个星期二后的一个星期”,也就是“下下个星期二”,英语词典对此的释义是seven days from next Tuesday或one week after next Tuesday。如:   Our holiday starts a week on Saturday. 我们的假期从下下个星期六开始。   Can I just check—are we going to meet a week this Sunday or a week next Sunday? 我可以核对一下吗——我们是从这个周日算起下一个周日见面,还是从下个周日算起下下个周日见面?   注:“a week (on) +星期名词”也可说成“星期名词+ week”。如:   Iu2019ll be home Thursday week. 我下下个星期四回家。   She has to go back to see the doctor Friday week. 下下周星期五她得去复诊。 ;
2023-07-25 16:08:251


2023-07-25 16:08:402


The museum"s total exhibition area covers 1.17 hectares. The German-designed museum looks like overlapped books, a metaphor for learning.The exhibition space is composed of five pavilions dedicated respectively to history; technology; antique cars; famous brands and changing auto-themed exhibits. The history hall is located on the first floor and depicts significant events in the development of automobiles. The technology pavilion focuses on eight themes-manufacturing; conformation; design; materials; safety; comfort; electronic features and energy. Here visitors can experience the artificial intelligence in automobiles through interactive participation. The antique cars pavilion is on the second floor and displays forty cars manufactured in the U.S.A. and Europe between 1902 and 1977. The bulk of the cars are provided by America"s Blackhawk Auto Museum and range from the aristocratic Rolls-Royce to the simple and practical Model-T Ford. The famous brands hall is located on the third floor and emphasizes the vast number of auto brands that have surfaced in the last hundred years. The fifth pavilion is dedicated to showcasing exhibits of a temporary nature.The museum has over seventy classic vehicles on display representing twenty different brands that have had a significant impact in auto history. Brands range from the Rolls-Royce to such leading national brands as Ford, Citroen, Fiat, Volkswagen and Toyota. Even China"s first generation car the Red Flag CA72, first made in 1958, is on display.On Dec.18, 2009, the Automotive Exploration Hall was added to Shanghai Auto Museum and opened to the public. It focuses on automotive popular science. Young people and automotive enthusiasts can go there to understand the history, culture and science of automobiles.The Automotive Exploration Hall is located on the third floor in the museum and covers an area of 2,000 square meters (2,392 square yards). It is divided into three function areas including automotive elementary knowledge, automotive design and manufacture as well as experience area. There are over 10 real objects and machines demonstrating presentation and 20 multi-media interactive presentations, from which visitors can learn about the automobile"s structure, power, safety, comfort and future.The completion of the Automotive Exploration Hall has brought long steps to Shanghai Auto Museum in the goal of becoming a popular science museum on automobiles. At present, Shanghai Auto Museum is making efforts on the popularization and exchange of automotive culture and continues to cooperate with domestic and overseas manufacturers. Henceforth, the museum will keep up the good work to create it into a platform with wide international influence on the research and spread of automotive culture.
2023-07-25 16:08:501


英语中致力于的表达为devote oneself to。devote oneself to英[diu02c8vu0259ut wu028cnu02c8self tu:] 美[du026au02c8vot wu028cnu02c8su025blf tu]v. 致力; 献身于,专心于; 从事
2023-07-25 16:09:124

Smile happy是什么意思,急…谢谢!

2023-07-25 16:09:315

be known as和be known for的区别

"Be known as" 和 "be known for" 都是英语中的常用短语,它们有一些相似之处,但也存在一些区别。下面是两个短语的详细解释和区别:1. Be known as“Be known as” 通常指某人或某事物因为其名称、特征或某种特定的身份而被人们所知晓,可以翻译为“以…而闻名”。例如:- Michael Jordan is known as one of the greatest basketball players of all time (迈克尔·乔丹以其杰出的篮球技术而为人所知)。- New York City is known as the city that never sleeps (纽约市以其不夜城的形象而为人所知)。可以看出,“be known as”通常强调某人或某事物的身份或属性,而这种身份或属性已经被大家所熟知。2. Be known for"Be known for" 通常指某人或某事物因为其特定行为、技能或成就而受到人们关注和赞誉,可以翻译为“因…而著名”。例如:- Albert Einstein is known for his contributions to modern physics (阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦因为他对现代物理学做出的贡献而被人所知)。- Madonna is known for her music and performances (麦当娜因其音乐和表演而为人所知)。可以看出,“be known for”强调某人或某事物的特定行为、技能或成就,这些特点定义了他们在人们心中的形象和声誉。综上所述,“be known as”和“be known for”的主要区别在于前者强调某人或某事物的身份或属性,而后者则强调某人或某事物的特定行为、技能或成就。
2023-07-25 16:09:471


Woodrow WilsonThe World Must Be Made Safe For Every Peace-Loving Nation: The Fourteen PointsJanuary 8,1918WashingtonGentlemen of the Congress:Once more, as repeatedly before, the spokesmen of the central Empires have indicated their desire to discuss the objects of the war and the possible basis of a general peace.It will be our wish and purpose that the processes of peace, when they are begun, shall be absolutely open and that they shall involve and permit henceforth no secret understandings of any kind. The day of conquest and aggrandizement is gone by; so is also the day of secret covenants entered into in the interest of particular governments and likely at some unlooked-for moment to upset the peace of the world. It is this happy face, now clear to the view of every public man whose thoughts do not still linger in an age that is dead and gone, which makes it possible for every nation whose purposes are consistent with justice and the peace of the world to avow now or at any other time the objects it has in view.We entered this war because violations of right had occurred which touched us to the quick and make the life of our own people impossible unless they were corrected and the world secure once for all against their recurrence. What we demand in this war, therefore, is nothing peculiar to ourselves. It is that the world be made fit and safe to live in; and particularly that it be made safe for every peace-loving nation which, like our own, wishes to live its own life, determine its own institutions, be assured of justice and fair dealing by the other peoples of the world as against force and selfish aggression. All the peoples of the world are in effect partners in this interest, and for our own part we see very clearly that unless justice be done to others it will not be done to us. The program of the world"s peace therefore, is our program; and that program, the only possible program, as we see it, is this:1. Open covenants of peace, openly arrived at, after which there shall be no private international understandings of any kind but diplomacy shall proceed always frankly and in the public view.2. Absolute freedom of navigation upon the seas, outside territorial waters, alike in peace and in war, except as the seas may be closed in whole or in part by international action for the enforcement of international covenants.3. The removal, so far as possible, of all economic barriers and the establishment of an equality of trade conditions among all the nations consenting to the peace and associating themselves for its maintenance.4. Adequate guarantees given and taken that national armaments will be reduced to the lowest point consistent with domestic safety.5. A free, open-minded, and absolutely impartial adjustment of all colonial claims, based upon a strict observance of the principle that in determining all such questions of sovereignty the interests of the populations concerned must have equal weight with the equitable claims of the government whose title is to be determined.6. The evacuation of all Russian territory and such a settlement of all questions affecting Russia as will secure the best and freest cooperation of the other nations of the world in obtaining for her an unhampered and unembarrassed opportunity ofr the independent determination of her own political development and national policy and assure her of a sincere welcome into the society of free naions under institutions of her own choosing; and, more than a welcome, assistance also fo every kind that she may need and may herself desire. The treatment accorded Russia by her sister nations in the months to come will be the acid test of their good will, of their comprehension of her needs as distinguished from their own interests, and of their intelligent and unselfish sympathy.7. Belgium, the whole world will agree, must be evacuated and restored, without any attempt to limit the sovereignty which she enjoys in common with all other free nations. No other single act will serve as this will serve to restore confidence among the nations in the laws which they have themselves set and determined for the government of their relations with one another. Without this healing act the whole structure and validity of international law is forever impaired.8. All French territory should be freed and the invaded portions restored, and the wrong done to France by Prussia in 1871 in the matter of Alsace-Lorraine, which has unsettled the peace of the world for nearly fifty years, should be righted, in order that peace may once more be made secure in the interest of all.9. A readjustment of the frontiers of Italy should be effected along clearly recognizable lines of nationality.10. The peoples of Austria-Hungary, whose place among the nations we wish to see safeguarded and assured, should be accorded the freest opportunity to autonomous development.11. Rumania, Serbia, and Montenegro should be evacuated; occupied territories restored; Serbia accorded free and secure access to the sea; and the relations of the several Balkan states to one another determined by friendly counsel along historically established lines of allegiance and nationality; and international guarantees of the political and economic independence and territorial integrity of the several Balkan states should be entered into.12. The Turkish portion of the present Ottoman Empire should be assured a secure sovereignty, but the other nationalities which are now under Turkish rule should be assured an undoubted security of life and an absolutely unmolested opportunity of autonomous development, and the Dardanelles should be permanently opened as a free passage to the ships and commerce of al nations under international guarantees.13. An independent Polish state should erected which should include the territories inhabited by indisputably Polish populations, which should be assured a free and secure access to the sea, and whose political and economic independence and territorial integrity should be guaranteed by international covenant.14. A general association of nations must be formed under specific covenants for the purpose of affording mutual guarantees of political independence and territorial integrity to great and small states alike.In regard to these essential rectifications of wrong and assertions of right we feel ourselves to be intimate partners of all the governments and peoples associated together against the Imperialists. We cannot be separated in interest or divided in purpose. We stand together until the end.For such arrangements and covenants we are willing to fight and to continue to fight until they are achieved; but only because we wish the right to prevail and desire a just and stable peace such as can be secured only by removing the chief provocations to war, which this program does remove. We have no jealousy of German greatness, and there is nothing in this program that impairs it. We grudge her no achievement or distinction of learning or of pacific enterprise such as have made her record very bright and very enviable. We do not wish to injure her or to block in any way her legitimate influence or power. We do not wish to associate herself with us and the other peace-loving nations of the world in covenants of justice and law and fair dealing. We wish her only to accept a place of equality among the peoples of the world, the new world in which we now live, instead of a place of mastery.Neither do we presume to suggest to her any alteration or modification of her institutions. But it is necessary, we must frankly say, and necessary as a preliminary to any intelligent dealings with her on our part, that we should know whom her spokesmen speak for when they speak to us, whether for the Reichstag majority or for the military party and the men whose creed is imperial domination.We have spoken now, surely, in terms too concrete to admit of any further doubt or question. An evident principle runs through the whole program I have outlined. It is the principle of justice to all peoples and nationalities, and their right to live on equal terms of liberty and safety with one another, whether they be strong or weak. Unless this principle be made its foundation no part of the structure of international justice can stand. The people of the United States could act upon no other principle, and to the vindication of this principle they ready to devote their lives, their honor, and everything that they possess. The moral climax of this, the culminating and final war for human liberty has come, and they are ready to put their own strength, their own highest purpose, their own integrity and devotion to the test.
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此后的词语 此后的词语是什么

此后的词语有:长此以往,一寒如此,此动彼应。 此后的词语有:长此以往,一寒如此,在此一举。2:拼音是、cǐ hòu。3:词性是、副词。4:结构是、此(左右结构)后(半包围结构)。5:注音是、ㄘˇㄏㄡ_。此后的具体解释是什么呢,我们通过以下几个方面为您介绍:一、词语解释【点此查看计划详细内容】从这以后,今后。二、引证解释⒈从这以后,今后。引《儒林外史》第五回:“此后知过必改。”鲁迅《朝花夕拾·藤野先生》:“此后每一星期要送给他看一回。”三、国语词典从今以后。如:「此后当奋发图强,力争上游。」四、网络解释此后此后,汉语词汇,释义为从这以后,今后。关于此后的近义词而后以来往后以后尔后今后从此关于此后的诗词《伤逝(此后十九首,尽同德精舍旧居伤怀时所》《招王质夫(自此后诗为__尉时作)》《郡斋旬假始命宴呈座客示郡寮(自此后在苏州作)》关于此后的诗句瘴雨蛮烟此后稀人才如此后来少甘从此后支离卧关于此后的单词henceforth关于此后的成语灭此朝食一寒如此乐此不疲此动彼应君以此始必以此终在此一举重此抑彼此恨绵绵长此以往实_处此关于此后的造句1、老电影此后用于蚀刻。2、一时欢喜,一生惦记,我认为是男人女人刚开始认识时相互吸引,一见钟情,此后一生的时间都彼此牵挂着对方。3、让思念汇集成海,然后让我在痛苦的包围中幸福的死去。我要真正的看着你的双眼,听到你的声音,感觉到你的心跳,索取你的体温,呼吸着你身上的味道,我要你对我笑,我要你的眼里只有我。我要我们相依靠的那一刻,胜过此后漫漫数十年的平淡光阴。4、来去匆匆,留下的是淡淡的足迹。来不及细数却已落满一地的相思,凋零一世的繁花。此后,该为谁描摹如诗的人生画卷;为谁守候夜的阑珊。5、我们三年前见过一面,此后再也没有见过。点此查看更多关于此后的详细信息
2023-07-25 16:11:321

用英文介绍中国古代文学 一百到一百五十字

:“China ancient times history of literature” the primary coverage has been teaches the Chinese 2000 for many years literature development historical, all previous dynasties important writer work, as well as the important literature phenomenon and the literature knowledge. This curriculum may call well-established in Beijing University"s teaching practice, in 1918 the Beijing University national studies gate namely was equipped with “the history of literature” a class, the national studies gate faculty and stipulates its teaching goal: “the history of literature is causing the scholar to know vicissitude and the faction each generation of literature”, henceforth this curriculum extension until now.
2023-07-25 16:11:403

and let thy feet

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J.K. Rowling (J.K.R owling) (full name Joanne Rowling), Kathleen British writer, created became popular in the world of "harry potter" series. Specific Joanne rowling, Catherine, 1965, July 31, was born in England Gwen gloucestershire. Her father is Royce luol aircraft factories a retired management personnel, mother is a laboratory technical personnel. Rowling childhood is wearing glasses plain-looking girl, very love learning, a little shy, flow nose, and also compared the wild. Since she was young like writing and story, 6 wrote an article with rabbit relevant story. My sister is her story of object. Creation of power and desire, henceforth never left her. She was once a short time of teachers and secretary. Rowling loves English literature, university majored in French. After graduation, she go alone Portugal development, immediately and local reporter who fall in love. But is that this marriage faster also go faster. Soon, she was with 3 months old daughter Jessica (Jessica) back in the UK, Edinburgh perched on a unheated small apartment. Find a job, she had to against low unemployment save crowded gold support myself and daughter. 24 years old, rowling in Manchester to London train journey, a emaciated, wears glasses dark-haired young wizard, have been at window of her smile. He suddenly broke into her life, making her initiation of the creation of harry potter"s idea. Although at that time her hand no paper and pen, but she began a powerful and unconstrained style to imagine, finally the harry potter story to the world of the boy. Hence, harry potter was born - an 11-year-old boy, small stature, black thatch of hair,
2023-07-25 16:13:001


【太5:13】 你们是世上的盐。盐若失了味,怎能叫他再咸呢?以后无用,不过丢在外面,被人践踏了。【太5:14】 你们是世上的光。城造在山上,是不能隐藏的。5:13 Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men. 5:14 Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. 盐=salt光=light
2023-07-25 16:13:081

英语 残奥运动员

  Du Jianping  Date of birth: In 1983 on October 31  Sex: Male  Native place: Zhejiang province gold ( China)  Live ground: Zhejiang province gold ( China)  Sport item: Swimming  Attend the game: Man 50 rice backstroke- S3| man 50 free 泳 in rices- S3| man 100 free 泳 in rices- S3| man 200 free in rices- S3  Peking is the swimming contestant sword that Chinese army corps take off 2008 Peking would the first gold medal is even to be born in 1 9 8 3, the City person of Zhejiang province gold.Current at disable and sick person in the gold east District of gold City a work, often is a gold east District to help , Chinese swimming brigade concentration training member of team.  He since the childhood because of getting the encephalitis linger effect, cause the half body be partial to the .The junior high school graduates, teacher to even mother in the sword of remaining younger sister Jean says:" the even score in sword is quite good, as long as the athletics score can get hold of 18 centses, can pass examination the inside ." from now on, mother the even swimming in the sword of enlightens the coach.She arrives with the son to practice the swimming in small pond, on practicing is a summer.  At a9 9 9 annuity City the firsts carries and would ascend, the sword of was even to get in the fifth place. go to the school concentration training of gold City afterwards, coach is" even type in sword" that the " dog plane type" that Chen"s male is plentiful. the even power of understanding in the sword of is very high, no longer than a month, steeped in pond to become Chen"s coach to design with meticulous care, December of that year, disable and sick person in whole province swimming game top the sword is even to acquire a gold a silver.  The sword of even 2 yearses get the disable and sick person in the third world the swimming championships gold medal,2 years world wheel chair sports games gets two gold medals,2 years are Athens the will win the S3 class backstroke and mixs with the free in, S20 class connects the dint three gold three silver a copper, and break a world record.2 years get the disable and sick person in world swimming open tournament 4 pieces of gold medals.  He acquires the whole country once and successively 5 1 labor medal, China 5 4 outstanding contribution medal, Zhejiang province labor model, the province youth of Zhejiang 5 4 medal etc. honor, and was recorded by the provincial government a the etc. is a.  The sword of even 5 months got the poliomyelitis, cause whole body paralyzed, leave only the head can still turn to move.Stay in the hospital 26 diva, the doctor shakes head helplessly:"1 : rebirth.This child keeps, all hasing no advantage to the nation, family." even mother in the sword of remaining younger sister Jean believes firmly the small sword the even liking, embracing him to beg to cure everywhere.Eat the special prescription and manage the , beat the full acupuncture cap-a-pie, the place that can run runs.  Maternal love water, order the intravenous drop drop is gradually the sword of 杜 even and vital and each a moment.At maternal look after with meticulous care with encourages every moment bottom, a day of 7 years old hour, the sword of is even to support suddenly the wall stands to get up the mother of …… the pleased pole but 泣 , feel all first bitter all diding not eat without paying.  The bridge east Tsun of the even house in the sword of place not the distant place is the region very well-known two fairy bridge, the bridge bottom is children to often play the aqueous place, the small sword is even although the leg feet is ineffective then, be not willing to abandon to swim the biggest fun in child in this village however.He likes to swim very much, feeling on arriving the water own arms and legs much more vivid, sometimes a bubble be 4 5 hours.Pass the swimming, he feel the arms and legs become more emollient than formerly.  The junior high school graduates, the teacher reminds remaining that younger sister Jean opens the proof:" the even score in sword is quite good, as long as the athletics score can get hold of 18 centses, can pass examination the inside ." from now on, mother the even swimming in the sword of enlightens the coach.She arrives with the son to practice the swimming in small pond, on practicing is a summer.  At 1999 annuity City the firsts carries meeting, the sword of was even to get in the fifth place.Arrive the school concentration training of gold City afterwards, the coach is Chen"s male plentiful.The first time meets, Chen"s coach encourages he say:" you are young, is light, the shape is high, the water feels good, is a good seedling to practice the swimming son." the sword of is even to cherish very much this time opportunity, practice ratio who all assiduous.Practice tired, Chen"s coach helps him after massaging, bite to jump into the swimming pool again.  His power of understanding is very high.No longer than a month, pond the " dog plane type" that steep became the " even type in sword" that Chen"s coach with meticulous care design,50 rice backstroke from enter 1 of hour in brigade divide 17 exaltations 48 second 67.December of that year, disable and sick person in whole province swimming game top the sword is even to acquire 1 gold 1 silver.  Henceforth, the sword of is even also fight the repeatedly, until Athens Olympic game last a the is astonishing, the walked 3 gold 3 silver, shock world.He were successively given to the whole country 5 1 labor medal, Chinese youth 5 4 outstanding contribution medal, the 12th would excellent athlete, Zhejiang in delegation in Chinese athletics province mold etc. title of honor, still win an election to often help for the gold City .  Often the year advertises for the war to also give the sword of 杜 the even leaving a lot of wounds disease, the training be over all want the massage very long-playing everyday." Peking would after ending, does your meeting torrent current back?" the reporter asks." as long as the nation needs, I will have been visitting the bottom.  Out to advertise for the Athens the 2004, the sword of is even with the Chinese athletics the delegation outs to advertise for the Athens, attending for the first time meeting.In Athens would, his one person acquires 3 gold medals,3 silver medals.December in 2007 6 ~ on 9, in disable and sick person in the United States whom the United States Washington"s University of Maryland hold swimming open tournament, the even one person in the sword of contracted for the S3 class 50 free in rices,100 free in rices,50 rice backstroke three gold medals.The sword of 杜 is even to were successively given to the whole country 5 1 labor medal, Chinese youth 5 4 outstanding contribution medal, the 12th would excellent athlete, the province mold of Zhejiang, Zhejiang in delegation in Chinese athletics 5 4 youth medal, still win an election to often help for the gold City .The ninth" Zhejiang ten big and outstanding youths" in this year makes awards the rites last, the sword of 杜 is even to is given to" excellent youth in Zhejiang" title of honor.  In 1985, the sword of is even to was born in the gold east District spruce town bridge east Tsun.Hour of 5 months, he had the misfortune to get the top the poliomyelitis, the whole body paralyzes.The mother starts embracing him begging to cure everywhere.At maternal look after with meticulous care with encourages bottom, a day of 7 years old hour, the sword of is even to support suddenly the wall stands to get up.Even house in the sword of nearby be two fairy bridge, bridge bottom is a river.Though by oneself the leg feet is inconvenient, the sword of is even to liked the top to swim however, sometimes a bubble be 4 5 hours.See the son likes so to swim, mother the even swimming in the sword of enlightens the coach.While practicing is a summer.In 1999, in gold City the first to acquire swimming game the 5.That year December, in disable and sick person in whole province swiming game, the sword of is even to acquire a gold a silver.Henceforth, the sword of is even and rampant, acquiring the outstanding score repeatedly.In 2004, in Athens would, the sword of 杜 was even to creates 3 gold 3 argent miracle.  For meeting challenge to battle Peking meeting, from started in last August, the sword of was even to is Peking attended the concentration training, connected to celebrate New Year"s Eve last year is also a swimming pool in Peking in the degree over of.Henceforth, he arrive the Kunming concentration training of Yunnan with the national brigade again.Soon ex-, he returns to again Peking proceeds the adaptability the training.Up to now, he already 8 many monthses did not return to gold .  Disable and sick person athlete name:Zhang Lixin  Date of birth:In 1983 on January 2  In 2008 on September 9, Peking meeting track and field events launches the day in the second game fights, at national man whom stadium proceed a rice connect in the game of the dint T53/ the Class of T54, Chinese brigade with 49 second 90 become champion.  The Chinese brigade were arranged the 5 ways, four stick contestants is a , Chao , piece"s respectively new with Lee tiger, after competing beginning, the Chinese brigade is in the lead the advantage for the quick acquisition, alsoing express very perfect in handing over to connect link, end and Chinese brigade with 49 second 90 be in the lead the absolute advantage of 2 seconds : in the second place to much become champion.The Chinese brigade onces break the world record with 49 score for 89s in first run game.
2023-07-25 16:13:281


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①Hua was the first world-famous scholar returned from overseas upon the founding of the People"s Republic of China. He fostered and educated many mathematicians of New China, his influence lasting several generations. He was a fellow of the Third World Academy of Sciences and the first Chinese member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences since its foundation in the late 19th Century. English mathematician Harry Bateman once praised Hua as "China"s Einstein", saying he was worthy to be a member of any famous science academy around the world. Mathematical accomplishments named after him include Hua"s theorem, Weil-Hua inequation, Hua"s inequation, Brauer-Cartan-Hua theorem, Hua matrices and Hua-Wang (Zhonglie) Method.In 1936, Hua went to Cambridge University to study. During the following two years, he wrote 18 articles, of which "Hua"s theorem" actually persuaded the famous English mathematician G.H. Hardy to revise one of his works just before its publication. Hua also solved the problem of a complete triangle sum estimation put forward by Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss, arousing a sensation in the university and becoming regarded as the "glory of Cambridge". After returning to China, he became a professor in Southwest Associated University and an academician of Academia Sinica (predecessor to Chinese Academy of Sciences in the PRC). His greatest work Additive Theory of Prime Numbers finished in 1942 won him First-Class honors in natural science. Later, he went to the Soviet Union and the United States to give lectures and was invited to be a researcher at Princeton Research Institute and tenured professor of Illinois University. He was the first chair of the Department of Mathematics and vice president of University of Science & Technology of China (USTC), head of Mathematics Institute and later Institute of Applied Mathematics of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), academician and vice president of CAS and vice chair of the Chinese Association for Science and Technology. In 1957, his work Harmonic analysis of functions of several complex variables in the classical domains won the first prize of State inventions.In the beginning of the 1960s, he applied mathematics to the national economy in a creative way, sorting out optimization aiming at improving craftsmanship and overall planning to handle the organization and management of production. He led a team to promote the two new methods in more than 20 provinces and municipalities around the country, achieving obvious economic profit. Mao Zedong wrote to him cherishing his "high aspirations" and offering his congratulations. He died of a heart attack in 1985 while giving a lecture in the University of Tokyo in Japan.②Hua Luogeng was a Chinese mathematician born in Jintan, Jiangsu. He was the founder and pioneer in many fields in mathematical research. He wrote more than 200 papers and monographs, many of which became classics. Since his sudden death while delivering a lecture at the University of Tokyo, Japan, many mathematics secondary education programs have been named after him. His book on additive prime number theory influenced many subsequent number theorists in China, including the renowned Chen Jingrun who obtained the best result so far towards the binary Goldbach conjecture. Hua also made contributions to the development of college education in China. He was the first Chair of the Department of Mathematics and Vice President of University of Science & Technology of China (USTC), a new type of Chinese university established by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) in 1958, which was aimed at fostering skilled researchers necessary for the economic development, defense and education in science and technology.Hua"s father was a small businessman. Hua met a capable math teacher in middle school who recognized his talent early and encouraged him to read advanced texts. Hua was partially paralyzed in his late teenage years, due to mistreatment of a prolonged illness during which he stayed in bed for half a year. His first significant result was concerned with a paper written by Dr. Su Jiaju who claimed to have a closed form radical solution of the quintics. Hua studied Abel"s original paper on the unsolvability of quintics and found a miscalculation in a 13x13 matrix in Su"s paper. Henceforth Hua published his rebuttal in an influential mathematics journal in China, which was noticed by some professors at Tsinghua University, especially Dr. Xiong Qinglai.Hua did not receive a formal university education. Although awarded several honorary PhDs, he never got a formal degree from any university.
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富含哲理的英文小故事如下:1、The man who is aware of himself is henceforth independent; and he is never bored, and life is only too short, and he is steeped through and through with profound yet temperate happiness. He alone lives, while other people。2、She had been shopping with her Mom in Wal-Mart. She must have been 6 years old, this beautiful brown haired, freckle-faced image of innocence. It was pouring outside. The kind of rain that gushes over the top of rain gutters。3、A man was going to the house of some rich person. As he went along the road, he saw a box of good apples at the side of the road. He said, "I do not want to eat those apples。
2023-07-25 16:14:171


1: my dream hello everyone! it is my great pleasure to share my dream with you today. my dream is to become a teacher. you know being a teacher is a thing that is very valuable and very interesting. i suggest that it must be a great fun to be with children all the day. and if i am a teacher, i can teach my students a lot of knowledge. they might become stronger and cleverer because of me. that is a very contented feeling. china is a developing country. chinese are not that excellent in their intellegent. so teachers in china might be very very important. they can provide the society with a lot of successful people, and make china a better place. do you think that i have a good dream? i will work hard to make my dream become true! thanks~ 我的梦想 你好大家!这是我很高兴能够分享我的梦想与你今天。 我的梦想是成为一名教师。 你知道作为一个教师,是一个东西,这是非常宝贵的,非常有趣。我认为它必须是一个伟大的乐趣与子女所有。如果我是一名教师,我可以教我的学生很多知识。他们可能会成为强大和聪明,因为我了。这是一个非常知足的感觉。 中国是一个发展中国家。中国人是不是优秀,在他们的智能。所以老师在中国可能非常非常重要的。他们可以提供社会了不少成功的人,使中国成为更美好的地方。 你认为我有一个很好的梦想,我将努力工作,使我的梦想变成真! 2: 我的梦想 Everyone has a dream. Now I"ll talk about my dream i What is my dream? I often ask myself. When I was a little boy, I wanted to be a soldier with a gun so that I could defend our motherland. Now I am a young boy with a new dream——to be a doc-tor. I want to be a famous doctor, helping the sick and saving their lives. Why has my dream changed? Well, at the age of 11 I was ill, badly ill. I was told that I had cancer. I had to leave both my school and my friends and go to the hospital. Every day I suf-fered the troubles caused by this illness. I also saw some people who were suffering and dying of ill-nesses. I made up my mind to become a doctor, so that I can help the sick people and cure them of their diseases. China is a develop-ing country. She needs good medicine and good doctors, especially in the countryside and lonely villages. I want to try my best to help the poor sick people of our country. I want to let them have an opportunity to receive excel-lent treatments for their illnesses without having to pay much or any money. I"ll do every bit to cure the incurable. I hope to see a world where there is no cancer, no Aids, no fatal diseases. I"m confident that through the joint efforts of you and me, man will put an end to his bodily sufferings and this dream of mine will one day be brought into reality. 这篇较上面的要好
2023-07-25 16:15:221


宋国有个农夫正在田里翻土。突然,他看见有一只野兔从旁边的草丛里慌慌张张地窜出来,一头撞在田边的树墩子上,便倒在那儿一动也不动了。农民走过去一看:兔子死了。因为它奔跑的速度太快,把脖子都撞折(shé)了。农民高兴极了,他一点力气没花,就白捡了一只又肥又大的野兔。他心想;要是天天都能捡到野兔,日子就好过了。从此,他再也不肯出力气种地了。每天,他把锄头放在身边,就躺在树墩子跟前,等待着第二只、第三只野兔自己撞到这树墩子上来。世上哪有那么多便宜事啊。农民不但没有再捡到撞死的野兔,就连他的田地却荒芜了。The song has in the farmer field to turn the soil. Suddenly, he sees to have a hare to flee flustered from the side thick patch of grass, hits on the edge tree pillar, as soon as then poured in there moves is also motionless. As soon as the farmer walks looked: The rabbit died. Because it runs the speed is too quick, hit the neck folds (shé). Farmer happy extremely, his strength has not spent, has been also fat on Bai Jian the big hare. He thought; If can pick the hare daily, the day felt better. Henceforth, he again was not willing to leave the strength to farm. Side every day, he places the hoe, lies down nearby the tree pillar, was waiting for second, third hare hit this tree pillar to come up. In the world where has that many cheap matters. Not only the farmer does not have the hare which picks again kills, his paddies actually went out of cultivation.
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Karen and Richard Carpenter, at the White House on August 1, 1972 The Carpenters were a vocal and instrumental duo, consisting of siblings Karen and Richard Carpenter. Carpenters were the #1 selling American music act of the 1970s. Though often referred to by the public as "The Carpenters", the duo"s official name on authorized recordings and press materials is simply "Carpenters", without the definite article. During a period in the 1970s when louder and wilder rock was in great demand, Richard and Karen produced a distinctively soft musical style that made them one of the best-selling music artists of all time.The Carpenters" melodic pop produced a record-breaking run of hit recordings on the American Top 40 and Adult Contemporary charts, and they became leading sellers in the soft rock, easy listening and adult contemporary genres. Carpenters had three #1 singles on the Billboard Hot 100 and fifteen #1 hits on the Adult Contemporary Chart (see the Carpenters discography). In addition, they had twelve top 10 singles (including their #1 hits). To date, Carpenters" album and single sales total more than 100 million units.During their 14-year career, the Carpenters recorded 11 albums, five of which contained top 10 singles (Close to You, Carpenters, A Song for You, Now & Then and Horizon), thirty-one singles, five television specials, and one short-lived television series. They toured in the United States, the United Kingdom, Japan, Australia, the Netherlands and Belgium. Their recording career ended with Karen"s death in 1983 from cardiac arrest due to complications of anorexia nervosa. Extensive news coverage of the circumstances surrounding her death increased public awareness of the consequences of eating disorders.希望帮到你啦~
2023-07-25 16:15:461


Once upon a time there was a dream of me...Then there is a hopeless me...I entered high school, when all don"t know. Just remember from the sixth grade classroom, filled with hope for a middle school students, their efforts, After a lot of hard pupil, happily into the middle school. Although they think oneself very modest, actually they are crazy for themselves. Middle school students, eight of students, would say that doing nothing all day long, to play, go mad is a "winners" qualification. However, they are wrong, other disillusioned classmate already in the corner of the classroom in the drudgery, while they are still at the other end of the teaching building as if nothing has occurredly laugh wildly, willing, neglecting their youth.Someone once said: "a man what"s sad is ignorance."Unfortunately I was a sad person, from entered high school since, every time I try to make a good junior high school, but I don"t know a few metres apart but in six month classroom, no dream lot of classmates, and can dream of few - I didn"t go to study hard. I looked at the infinite sky and saw only confusion, helpless, I could feel only the devil and the deep blue sea sadness, despair, diffuse..."Say nothing in the world why is worrying feeling, said a friend like why heavy depart, intersect the young always try.some say why often memories in the future? Said the youth to a regretless why cry?" Light cold water at midnight, I looked up at the sky amazing.Everything was present direction confusion, calm SuoRao in lonely side, maybe it is helpless, but this is a good beautiful beauty...I understand, before we have all failed, but darkness is only temporary, "it brings you looked up at the sky of opportunity." Answer: CaiNaLv red-face arhat 2008-11-14 I 12:03 14.1% ten birthday, DuanCheng and XiaoLan divorced. Their war has lasted for three years, their marriage in my 10 years old birthday bankruptcy. From then on, they become strangers, the only contact is requested a me, I how miserable, and became a parents divorced children. Years later I know a person can"t think my poor, but in my 10 years old birthday that morning, I was wearing a new XiaoLan respectively, DuanCheng and hold me by the two hands, all like to stroll park like peace loving toward farewell, I really feel pity. from that day on, I and DuanCheng, my father, and LinJing, my stepmother living together. XiaoLan go out of our life, she is in my hair sprinkle a loving mother tears, gently said a sentence "don"t forget mother." I didn"t forget about her, I take a life of the past form memory her, she as the mother image in my heart gradually disappeared. Once I love her very much, when she and DuanCheng quarrel with those nights, I fell upon her knees crying, listen to her gently to tell her DuanCheng endless hatred, in her infusion of DuanCheng hatred I was already entrenched, but in the end, I was her hand over an enemy"s hand, she what qualifications that I remember she is my mother? from that day since I decided to start to love my father, he is my father, is my henceforth depend on, I will love him, please him, so they don"t lose depend on, my biggest fear is to welfare homes, or become street beggar. from that day since I decided to start to love my stepmother LinJing, I"ll not go to welfare life or become street mendicant, largely will depend on whether YuLinJing like me, if she likes me, my day is better than many. DuanCheng will I bring into our new home, the door opened, he and LinJing will embrace together, embrace get so close, like this there"s no man can take them apart. He never hugged my mother, also never hugged me, have YiHuEr I think they weren"t embrace, but to exhaustion systemic strength will each other, so think fear strangled, they parted, DuanCheng said to me: "winter ping, quick call aunt Lin." My darling ground to say: "aunt Lin." I moderate bowing, smiling, appearance is unprecedented cute adorable. LinJing bow saw my one eye, said: "this is winter ping? Come, aunt show you to your room." Her eyes were no feeling, she smile not gentle, in her beautiful face I see her love for me, my heart bottom, I hesitate instantly fall to follow her walk, fast to the door when you glance at my dad, he is looking at me, but his expressionless face. I can"t get a little encouragement and support. When dad"s face was wall blocking, I finally had to clear that feeling: and I never LinJing love one another, and, I am afraid of her. I raised my head, she still take no temperature smile to say to me: "winter ping, this is your room, do you like?" I received the she handed me a toy bear said: "I like it, thanks aunt Lin." She smiled, lightsome and beautiful land walked out, I put the cloth bear and carry them in his bosom, and hope it can give me a little warmth, but it and my body like cold, I sit beside the bed, suddenly remind of just forget pretend like and appreciate the expression. I am more tightly around the cloth bear, it is I at that time the only can hug. life live for who answer CaiNaLv: tell 2008-11-14 11.1% contemporary youth need have youth dreams"China boasts, youth dreams. I have a dream that one day to do a volunteer, for the poor children send knowledge of nutrition, let the scientific development to promote China"s rise, let our country flowers bloom in blue sky. After organization push to save, public vote, expert review procedures, "I with motherland altogether endeavour" youth dream activity 30 candidates fore..." (xinhua)Dream is an eternal faith, is the spirit of hard work, the dream is a single blazing heart. A without dreams is always an ordinary man. A nation without dream never is a no hope of ethnic groups. One needs to dream, a dream, a collective need family need to dream, one city, a country must have their own dreams.Realistic brilliant never began in great dream. Since the everlasting love, the Chinese nation is a dream of ethnic groups. From ancient lots of beautiful fairy tale, to the modem kuomingtang, construction of the three people"s principles and socialist new China, then to the construction of socialist harmonious society, the pursuit of communist ideal, there is no shortage of the power of a dream. In 2008, can saying is the Chinese dream years. The shenzhou number seven manned spacecraft carrying the Chinese nation impact space new heights by dream, realize the Chinese first walking in space. Hosting the 2008 Olympics and paralympics in Beijing, realize chinesenation hundred years of Olympic dream... The Chinese nation"s centenary even millennium dream come ture, the spirit of the Chinese nation unprecedented upsurge.Youth and dream always closely linked. Youth is life the most beautiful and the most precious season, the whole body full of passion of torrent, dreams of vision, full of youth and dream, full of brilliant future. As the saying goes, youth is a country and national development, is the backbone of the country and the hope of the nation lies. Comrade MAO zedong once image said: "youth like eight nine of the sun." Youth body always entrusts country and nation dream, youth is for country and nation create infinite glorious powerhouse.Promising young people always be full of dreams, no matter ordinary with great, always for your dreams struggles. This year the central departments concerned from regiment held "I and motherland altogether striving" youth dream activity, which can be seen from the grassroots ordinary young body full of change destiny, promoting social progress of great dream. Rural teachers always dream of change teaching conditions, education quality, help rural children out of the mountains, striding forward university, learn return society, change villages. Rural doctors always dream to improve medical and health conditions, dream help folks who master health knowledge. Youth volunteers always dreams of improving education, improving environmental protection, strengthen the social work, etc. Journalists and new rural construction enabler and some ordinary youth all dream for the improvement of people"s life and social development and national progress struggle...Cyl organizations held "youth dreams" activities is commendable. The organizer not only first eye is down, center of gravity slow down, to pay attention to grassroots organizations, attention to grassroots youth, also with funds, project, equipment, platform to help them realize their dreams. Although each dream to obtain the tens of thousands of yuan funded in today"s don"t seem to be much, but for a grassroots youth have is a lot of "astronomical" enough to instantly change their the realistic environment, to realize their dreams.From a recent lump grasp basic cyl built to hold "youth dreams" activities, and their attentively and core is consistent, that is leverage all can launch power, use all can use of resources, solid to construction and earnest effort stresses the development, verily, verily, verily, verily, service for basic-level organization for the youth services.We believe, bright young people in promising youth, led the vast Numbers of young youth will be an exciting, young people the youth and the dream will fly faster higher and further.
2023-07-25 16:15:541

弗兰肯斯坦英文版里的好词好句 给20分 好的再追加分

弗兰肯斯坦 = FrankensteinNothing contributes so much to tranquillize the mind as a steady purpose--a point on which the soul may fix its intellectual eye.--Letter 1We are unfashioned creatures, but half made up.--Letter 4You seek for knowledge and wisdom, as I once did; and I ardently hope that the gratification of your wishes may not be a serpent to sting you, as mine has been.--Letter 4Curiosity, earnest research to learn the hidden laws of nature, gladness akin to rapture, as they were unfolded to me, are among the earliest sensations I can remember.--Chapter 2No human being could have passed a happier childhood than myself. My parents were possessed by the very spirit of kindness and indulgence. We felt that they were not the tyrants to rule our lot according to their caprice, but the agents and creators of all the many delights which we enjoyed.--Chapter 2The labours of men of genius, however erroneously directed, scarcely ever fail in ultimately turning to the solid advantage of mankind.--Chapter 3Life and death appeared to me ideal bounds, which I should first break through, and pour a torrent of light into our dark world.--Chapter 3Learn from me, if not by my precepts, at least by my example, how dangerous is the acquirement of knowledge and how much happier that man is who believes his native town to be the world, than he who aspires to become greater than his nature will allow.--Chapter 4It was already one in the morning; the rain pattered dismally against the panes, and my candle was nearly burnt out, when, by the glimmer of the half-extinguished light, I saw the dull yellow eye of the creature open ...--Chapter 4The different accidents of life are not so changeable as the feelings of human nature. I had worked hard for nearly two years, for the sole purpose of infusing life into an inanimate body. For this I had deprived myself of rest and health. I had desired it with an ardor that far exceeded moderation; but now that I had finished, the beauty of the dream vanished, and breathless horror and disgust filled my heart. Unable to endure the aspect of the being I had created, I rushed out of the room.--Chapter 4How can I describe my emotions at this catastrophe, or how delineate the wretch whom with such infinite pains and care I had endeavoured to form? His limbs were in proportion, and I had selected his features as beautiful. Beautiful! -- Great God! His yellow skin scarcely covered the work of muscles and arteries beneath; his hair was of a lustrous black, and flowing; his teeth of a pearly whiteness; but these luxuriances only formed a more horrid contrast with his watery eyes, that seemed almost of the same colour as the dun white sockets in which they were set, his shrivelled complexion and straight black lips.--Chapter 5While I watched the tempest, so beautiful yet terrific, I wandered on with a hasty step. This noble war in the sky elevated my spirits; I clasped my hands, and exclaimed aloud, "William, dear angel! this is thy funeral, this thy dirge!"--Chapter 7A flash of lightning illuminated the object, and discovered its shape plainly to me; its gigantic stature, and the deformity of its aspect, more hideous than belongs to humanity, instantly informed me that it was the wretch, the filthy demon, to whom I had given life.--Chapter 7All men hate the wretched; how then, must I be hated, who am miserable beyond all living things! Yet you, my creator, detest and spurn me, they creature, to whom thou art bound by ties only dissoluble by the annihilation of one of us.--Chapter 10I am alone and miserable; man will not associate with me; but one as deformed and horrible as myself would not deny herself to me. My companion must be of the same species and have the same defects. This being you must create.--Chapter 15You can blast my other passions, but revenge remains -- revenge, henceforth dearer than light of food! I may die, but first you, my tyrant and tormentor, shall curse the sun that gazes on your misery.--Chapter 20Life is obstinate and clings closest where it is most hated.--Chapter 23The companions of our childhood always possess a certain power over our minds which hardly any later friend can obtain. They know our infantine dispositions, which, however they may be afterwards modified, are never eradicated.--Chapter 24Seek happiness in tranquility and avoid ambition, even if it be only the apparently innocent one of distinguishing yourself in science and discoveries.--Chapter 24Oh! Be men, or be more than men. Be steady to your purposes and firm as a rock. This ice is not made of such stuff as your hearts may be; it is mutable and cannot withstand you if you say that it shall not.--Chapter 24
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英语励志短篇文章   很多事情努力了未必有结果,但是不努力却什么改变也没有。接下来由我为大家整理出英语励志短篇文章,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家!   英语励志短篇文章1   Power of Self Talk   Life is like a big swing, dangling between the depths of happiness and sadness. As soon as we descend down the slope of sadness, we accelerate over the ever-feel-good acclivity of happiness. At times of distress, when we are down we slip over an abyss of emotional trauma and frustrations. One who can rise above the occasion, is the architect of many wins over sorrows.   To come above tougher times you have to pep yourself up, when you are feeling low, lost and confused. This can be done effectively by self-talk. Self-talk is a way of talking to oneself. It can be effectively used for soul searching. When talking to ourselves, we hardly lie as our conscience controls our speech. Self talk is efficient because when we are vocal about our thoughts, it makes a larger impact on our mind.   Our brain then receives the same message from the mind as well as the ears. This repetition pep talks and thoughts fine tunes the performance of brain.   Self-talk is a software, which when properly loaded onto our mind directs ourselves for better results and a healthy mind. Actually many times in our life, we find others advising us to do better in studies, sports, life etc. We usually get bugged by these people and blank our ears out of their constructive suggestions. It is because it doesnt come from within us. And when something comes from within you, you always try your best to do justice to it. Self-talk can thus ameliorate our status.Each one of us has some good points and some bad ones.   Though we hardly admit in pubic, we know in our mind that we could do better in some areas of our personal landscape. This get better attitude can be converted into a practical reality using self-talk.   If you are an introvert and you want to be the gregarious person like you friend next door, all you need to do is talk to yourself. Tell yourself with all the sincerity and emotions that "I can be like him. I am a natural born speaker. I do like people and speaking comes naturally to me. I just have to be ready to listen and speak". Suppose you love a person and want to tell him or her, then just say to yourselves "I love her with all my heart. She is the only one and I know it. If I dont let her know, it would be grave injustice on my part.   Every person loves to be loved. Even she will". These are just some examples I have explained. Its up to you to program your own mantra. If you are highly optimistic to do better, there is no better motivator than self-talk. So guys start talking.   生活像一具大秋千,总在开心和忧愁间摇摆。每当我们陷入忧愁的低谷时,我们以开始冲向开心的谷顶。在深陷悲痛,跌入感情创伤和绝望的深渊的时候,能够从中走出来的,就是战胜悲伤的赢家。   当你感觉情绪低落,失落和迷惘时,要从艰难中走出,你要不断激励自己。这可以用自我交谈的方式有效地实现。自我交谈其实就是与自己对话,它能够有效地运用于灵魂的探索。当我们和自己谈话时,我们很难说谎,因为我们的良心支配着交谈。自我交谈之所以有效,是因为我们可以听到自己的想法,这对我们思想有很强的影响力。我们的大脑像耳朵一样从思想中接受信息。重复激励的谈话和想法会调节大脑的反应。自我交谈是一个软件,当它被恰如其分地转载我们的思想时,它就能指引我们得到好的结果和一个健康的心态。实际上我闪在生活中常发觉别人劝告自己要在学习、体育和生活等方面做得更好。我们经常对别人在我们耳边的唠叨感到厌烦,对富有建设性的建议也听不进去。这是因为这不是来自我们内心的声音。当这个声音来自你的内心时,你就会全力以赴去实现它。因此,与自己对话可以改善我们的现状。每个人都有优点和弱点。虽然我们不会在公共场合承认,我们清楚自己在个人生活的某些方面可以做得更好。通过自我交谈我们可以做得更好,这个观点就能在生活中变为现实。   如果你是内向型的,你想如你隔壁的朋友那样出众,你所要做的就是和自己交谈。充满诚挚和感情地告诉自己“我可以像他一样,我是个天生的演说家。我确实喜欢人们,和人交谈很自然。我只要准备好倾听和谈话就是了。” 假设你爱一个人,你想告诉他或她,那么就对自己说“我全心全意地爱她,我知道她是我的唯一。如果我不告诉她,这对自己很不公平。每个人都喜欢他人所爱的。她也一样。” 这些只是我用来解释的例子,怎么说取决于你自己。   如果你非常乐观地想做得更好,自我交谈就是最好的办法。所以,开始交谈吧!   英语励志短篇文章2   Extend the Miracle   My skills, my mind, my heart, and my body will stagnate, rot, and die lest I put them to good use. I have unlimited potential. Only a small portion of my brain do I employ; only a paltry amount of my muscles do I flex. A hundredfold or more can I increase my accomplishments of yesterday and this I will do, beginning today.   Nevermore will I be satisfied with yesterdays accomplishments nor will I indulge, anymore, in self-praise for deeds which in reality are too small to even acknowledge. I can accomplish far more than I have, and I will, for why should the miracle which produced me end with my birth? Why can I not extend that miracle to my deeds of today?   And I am not on this earth by chance. I am here for a purpose and that purpose is to grow into a mountain, not to shrink to a grain of sand. Henceforth will I apply all my efforts to become the highest mountain of all and I will strain my potential until it cries for mercy.   I have been given eyes to see and a mind to think and now I know a great secret of life for I perceive, at last, that all my problems, discouragements, and heartaches are, in truth, great opportunities in disguise. I will no longer be fooled by the garments they wear for mine eyes are open. I will look beyond the cloth and I will not be deceived.   我的技艺,我的头脑,我的心灵,我的身体,若不善加利用,都将随着时间的流逝而迟钝,腐朽,甚至死亡。我的潜力无穷无尽,脑力、体能稍加开发,就能超过以往的任何成就。从今天开始。我就要开发潜力。   我不再因昨日的成绩沾沾自喜,不再为微不足道的成绩目吹自擂。我能做的比已经完成的更好。我的出生并非最后一样奇迹,为什么自己不能再创奇迹呢?   我不是随意来到这个世上的。我生来应为高山。而非草芥。从今往后,我要竭尽全力成为群峰之巅。将我的潜能发挥到最大限度。   我有双眼,可以观察;我有头脑,可以思考。现在我已洞悉了一个人生中伟大的奥秘。我发现,一切问题、沮丧、悲伤,都是乔装打扮的机遇之神。我不再被他们的外表所蒙骗,我已睁开双眼,看破了他们的伪装。   英语励志短篇文章3   We"re Just Beginning   “We are reading the first verse of the first chapter of a book whose pages are infinite…”   I do not know who wrote those words, but I have always liked them as a reminder that the future can be anything we want to make it. We can take the mysterious, hazy future and carve out of it anything that we can imagine, just as a sculptor carves a statue from a shapeless stone.   We are all in the position of the farmer. If we plant a good seed, we reap a good harvest. If our seed is poor and full of weeds, we reap a useless crop. If we plant nothing at all, we harvest nothing at all.   I want the future to be better than the past. I don"t want it contaminated by the mistakes and errors with which history is filled. We should all be concerned about the future because that is where we will spend the remainder of our lives.   The past is gone and static. Nothing we can do will change it. The future is before us and dynamic. Everything we do will affect it. Each day brings with it new frontiers, in our homes and in our business, if we only recognize them. We are just at the beginning of the progress in every field of human endeavor.   “我们正在读一本书的第一章第一行,这本书的页数是无限的……”   我不知道是谁写的,可我很喜欢这句话,它提醒我们未来是由自己创造的。我们可以把神秘、不可知的未来塑造成我们想象中的任何模样,犹如雕刻家将未成形的石头刻成雕像。英语励志短文   我们每个人都像是农夫。洒下良种将有丰收,播下劣种或生满野草便将毁去收成。没有耕耘则会一无所获。   我希望未来比过去更加美好,希望未来不会沾染历史的"错误与过失。我们都应举目向前,因我们的余生要用未来书写。   往昔已逝,静如止水;我们无法再作改变。而前方的未来正生机勃勃;我们所做的每一件事都将会影响着它。只要我们认识到这些,无论是在家中还是在工作上,每天我们的面前都会展现出新的天地。在人类致力开拓的每一片领域上,我们正站在进步的起跑点。   英语励志短篇文章4   You are Absolutely Unique   Enjoy that uniquenesss1. You do not have to pretend in order to seem more like someone else. You do not have to lie to hide the parts of you that are not like what you see in anyone else.   You were meant to be different. Nowhere, in all of history, will the same things be going on in anyone"s mind, soul and spirit as are going on in yours right now.   If you did not exist, there would be a hole in creation, a gap2 in history, and something missing from the plan for humankind. Treasure your uniqueness. It is a gift given only to you. Enjoy it and share it!   No one can reach out to others in the same way that you can. No one can speak your words. No one can convey your meanings. No one can comfort others with your kind of comfort. No one can bring your kind of understanding to another person. No one can be cheerful and light-hearted3 and joyous4 in your way. No one can smile your smile. No one else can bring the whole unique impact of you to another human being.   Share your uniqueness. Let it flow out freely among your family and friends, and the people you meet in the rush and clutter of living, wherever you are. That gift of yourself was given to you to enjoy and share. Give yourself away!   See it! Receive it!   Let it inform you, move you and inspire you!   You are unique!   请欣赏你自己的独特吧!你不用伪装自己以使你看起来和别人一样,也无需掩藏你在别人看来所具有的独特性。   你生来与众不同。现在你所拥有的思想,灵魂,精神是任何时刻、任何地点的其他人都不曾拥有的。   如果你不存在了,那么上帝的作品中就有了一个缺憾,历史也不再完整,人类发展也有了缺失。   珍惜你所拥有的独特性。这是上天给你的礼物,请欣赏并学会分享它。   没有人能像你一样乐于帮助别人。没有人能像你一样表达自己。也没人能够表达你想传达的意思。没有人能用你所特有的方式来安慰别人。也没有人能够像你一样善解人意。没有人能像你一样感受快乐、无忧无虑,也没有人能像你一样微笑。总而言之,没有人能够把你的特性展示给其他人。   分享你的独特性吧!尽情地将你的独一无二展示给其他人,英语短文不管是你的亲人和朋友还是你在纷繁复杂的生活中所遇到的路人。请欣赏并分享上帝给你的这份独特的礼物吧。释放你自己!   感知它并且接受它!   听从你的独特性,让它影响你、感动你并且激励你前进!   你是独一无二的!   英语励志短篇文章5   industry (diligence)   it is a matter of course that industry will bring us success, wealth and good luck. i am sure that a hard-working person can always succeed in the work which he wants to do. this is unchangeable truth. idleness is the opposite of industry. it is the source of all evil. an idle man only enjoys playing and making pleasures. that he is doomed to failure is of no doubt. we should not follow his example.   勤勉会带给我们成功,财富和好运乃是当然之事。我确信一个苦干的人终是能够做成功他所要做的工作。这是不易之定理。 懒惰是勤勉的反面。它是万恶之源泉。一个懒惰的人只享受玩耍和寻乐。他命运注定失败是毫无疑问的。我们不应学他的榜样。   英语励志短篇文章6   The story goes that some time ago, a man punished his 3-year-old daughter for wasting a roll of gold wrapping paper. Money was tight and he became infuriated when the child tried to decorate a box to put under the Christmas tree. Nevertheless, the little girl brought the gift to her father the next morning and said, "This is for you, Daddy.”   The man was embarrassed by his earlier overreaction, but his anger flared again when he found out the box was empty. He yelled at her, stating, "Dont you know, when you give someone a present, there is supposed to be something inside? The little girl looked up at him with tears in her eyes and cried, "Oh, Daddy, its not empty at all. I blew kisses into the box. Theyre all for you, Daddy."   The father was crushed. He put his arms around his little girl, and he begged for her forgiveness. Only a short time later, an accident took the life of the child. It is also told that her father kept that gold box by his bed for many years and, whenever he was discouraged, he would take out an imaginary kiss and remember the love of the child who had put it there.   In a very real sense, each one of us, as humans beings, have been given a gold container filled with unconditional love and kisses... from our children, family members, friends, and God. There is simply no other possession, anyone could hold, more precious than this. ;
2023-07-25 16:16:231


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Can be stayed not living in your road going back having some of dark to worry about that let your one people think of along me is mild because I am insufficient by me being accompanying you to walk since you speak can not share responsibility you sad if such unspeakable right away regretful readjust oneself to a certain extent in heart I sorrowful leave for self you beautiful make you dragging herefrom I again not happy reason I sorrowful leave for self you beautiful make you dragging I think of I not bad endure sorrowful whether or not use you also meeting remember I Whether be or not can lead you by hand Oh not demanding to be afraid that you have a hard time turn around and making you dragging with regard to such my meeting knowing to leave my sadness for self your beauty along like this all along I am herefrom still not happier reason why getting up I think that I can firmly bear sorrowful pretend not to have you in life herefrom I you are in ends of the earth ceaselessly disregarding you in waiting for your information to be able to be accompanied let you walk since your doctrine stays by me here day and night frequently whether whether may remember me once in a while but also may remember me with you or not or not whether or not To whether may or not to use whether or no
2023-07-25 16:17:044

后此的解释 后此的解释是什么

后此的词语解释是:后此hòucǐ。(1)在此以后。 后此的词语解释是:后此hòucǐ。(1)在此以后。 拼音是:hòu cǐ。 结构是:后(半包围结构)此(左右结构)。 注音是:ㄏㄡ_ㄘˇ。后此的具体解释是什么呢,我们通过以下几个方面为您介绍:一、网络解释【点此查看计划详细内容】后此后此hòucǐ[afterwards;henceforth]在此以后前此后此皆属过。——清·李渔《闲情偶寄·种植部》关于后此的诗词《苏台秋兴·沧桑变后此孤城》《书杜集后·风骚而后此英灵》关于后此的诗句方姚而后此沉酣别后此时重此后此意谁知得关于后此的成语此动彼应一寒如此长此以往灭此朝食此恨绵绵实_处此重此抑彼诸如此例此发彼应君以此始必以此终关于后此的词语一寒如此重此抑彼长此以往实_处此灭此朝食乐此不疲此动彼应诸如此例在此一举此发彼应点此查看更多关于后此的详细信息
2023-07-25 16:17:111

forever in love是什么意思

2023-07-25 16:17:513

英语写作要说五个观点是first second ...fifth?有没有别个方法

atthistime;first;second;atlast;next;previously;simultaneously同时地;eventually;lastbutnotleast;tobeginwith;tostartwith;toendwith;finally;seeing...由于,因为;sincethen;firstofall;afterwards后来;followingthis;preceding先前的;originally最初的ultimate最终的,极限的,根本的and;also;too;aswellas;either...,or...;both...and...furthermore此外,而且;moreover而且,此外;further进一步地,此外;Inthisway;still;notonly...butalso...;not...but...;inaddition(to);additionally,muchmoreinteresting,morespecifically更具体地说,next,besides;asfaras...isconcerned至于;moreover此外;inotherwords;alongthislineofconsideration;on (the)onehand...在一方面,ontheotherhand...;even;asa sayinggoes...;inordertodoit...;meanwhile同时;atthesametime;accordingly因此;Inthefirstplace...,inthesecondplace...;equallyimportant; ofevengreaterappeal.forexample;forinstance例如;inthiscase既然假若这样;namely也就是instanceinfact;especially;particularly特别,尤其;moreover(此外);naturally;whatismoreimportant;inreality事实上;certainly;ofcourse;indeed;inparticular;nottomention...;believeitornot;undeniably(无可置疑);otherthingbeingequal;itiscertain/surethat...;tobestrict;tobetrue;bydefinition;definitely明确地,肯定地;undoubtedly;withoutadoubt;intruth,inanyevent(不论怎样);withoutreservation(毫无保留地);obviously,notonly..but(also...),both...and...first;second;thirdly;next;then;attheoutset(在开始时),followingthis;atthistime;now;atthispoint;after;afterward后来;afterthis;subsequently后来;lastly最终;finally;consequently所以,因此;beforethis;previously;precedingthis;simultaneously同时地;concurrently(同时发生的)atonce;immediately;atlength终于,最后;inthemeantime同时;meanwhile;atthesametime;intheend;then;soon;notlongafter;later;atonce;atlast;finally;sometimeago;atpresent;allofasudden突然;fromthistimeon;fromtimetotime;sincethen;when;whenever;nextpoint;afewminuteslater;formerly;as;once;since;occasionally偶然地;inamoment;shortly立刻;whereupon于是,因此;previouslyHenceforth今后
2023-07-25 16:18:001


2023-07-25 16:18:306


henceforthadv. 今后;自此以后henceadv. 因此;今后
2023-07-25 16:18:501

求 ::苏轼生平英文版的。。。谢谢了。

Elegant Forever Su Shi--Biography"Eastward flows the great river, whose waves have washed away gallant heroes of eternity."West of the old fort they say stands the red cliff where General Zhou of the Three Kingdoms won his early fame. Jagged rocks pierce the clouds, towering waves dash on the shore, rolling up a thousand heaps of snow. What a fair picture of rivers and mountains. How many heroes there were at that time? I think of the day when Feng Ji first married Xiao Qiao, He was so brave and bright. A plumed fan in hand and silk cap on his head, he was laughing, jesting. A strong enemy was annihilated like smoke and dust. Traveling through the old kingdom in my dream, I should be laughed at for such sentiments. My hair turning gray at such an early age. Life is full of dreams. I pour out this wine . Well, you probably heard of this big name. The man is Su Shi, a great literary master who called himself "Dong Po Ju Shi". About nine hundred years ago, there lived a family, surnamed "Su," in Mei Shan, Si Chuan Province. Maybe blessed by heaven, three literary masters were born into the Su family. That made an interesting topic in Chinese literature. Both Su Shi"s father, Su Xun, and brother, Su Ce, were literary masters, too. In 1057 A.D., 22 year-old Su Shi participated in a civil service examination, and impressed O Young Xiu, the official in charge, with an essay entitled "On Punishment During War."? The senior literary master, O Young, could not help admiring young Su Shi"s talent. He said "I should make way for this young man, so he can cut a brilliant figure." Su Shi began his political career at the age of 25 when his political talent started to bloom. Several years later Prime Minister Wong An Shi launched a series of reforms with which Su disagreed. The disagreement was such that they became almost incompatible. The forthright Su Shi finally gave up his post in the capital and asked to be transferred to Hang Zhou. The three year stay in Hung Zhou made one of the most dramatic pages in Su"s life. He once wrote with passion."The lake filled with green ripples under a sunny sky,the mountain vast with hazy mist, but the West Lake which, compared to Xi Shi,is as beautiful as ever, light or heavy makeup." Beside the beautiful West Lake, Su Shi revealed without reserve his love for poetry, wine and beautiful women. He not only did extensive travelling, enjoying all the beautiful scenery of Hang Zhou, but also took a second wife named Zhao Yun, literally "Morning Cloud," who followed him loyally throughout his much frustrated life lying before him. Su Shi was a very outspoken man. Whenever he saw policies against people"s will, and endangering their interests, he gave vent to his indignation through his essays and poems. That eventually led to his banishment and frequent transfer of posts. After he served his term in Hangchow, he was transferred to Mi Zhou, later to Chuchow, and after that to Fuchow, by which time he had already turned 44. Less than three months after he was transferred to Chu Zhou , he was put into prison on the charge of slandering the emperor and the prime minister. It was an unjustified literary persecution. Someone deliberately misinterpreted some of his poems. Su Shi however was not defeated. He learned to train his personality in distress. Gradually an outspoken, offensive and bold character gave way to a moderate, broadminded and mature one. When he was released about 100 days later, Su shi was a completely different person. From then on no sadness in life could defeat him, from then on no trouble in life could worry him. A man was seen walking out from the prison, reborn to life. A much frustrated life almost always helps to make a great man. Su shi served one good example. Had it not been for a literary persecution, Su shi might not have cultivated such a broad minded attitude toward life, nor could he have come up with some of the greatest masterpieces of Chinese literature. After he was released from jail, Su was banished to Huangzhou, where he served as a deputy captain of the local militia. Forty five year old Su accepted the lowly post philosophically. Su"s five year stay in Huangchow marked the turning point of his life. The passions and arrogance of his younger days wore out gradually in remote and impoverished Huangzhou. His writing style therefore witnessed dramatic change. Impoverished as he was, Su shi was a happy man. In casual attire he mingled joyfully with villagers and aging?? rustic people. In 1084, Su left Huangzhou for Huzhou on the emperor"s orders. It was such a long, wearing journey that his youngest son died on the way. Grief stricken, Su petitioned the emperor to let the family stay in Chang Zhou temporarily because Ruzhou was very far away and they were running out of money. His request was granted. But just as the Sus were about to go to Chang Zhou, the emperor passed away. The new emperor treated Su Dong Po with great respect. Within less than two years, Su received several promotions and finally was called back to serve in the capital. That was the climax of his political career. Unfortunately, it didn"t last long. Back in the capital, Su got into constant strife while fighting for the welfare of the people. In such an unpleasant atmosphere, Su decided to leave the capital. When Su was 54, the emperor approved his transfer to Hangchow. Sixteen years after his last stay in Hangchow, Su returned with joy. He was much welcomed by the people there. As soon as Su took his post he found his hands full dealing with natural disasters and man made calamities. One of his great achievements was to have a dike built along the West Lake. That dike was named Su Dike in his memory. The construction was very important for water conservancy and prevention of floods. Several years later, Su was called back to the capital on the order of the emperor"s mother, but he was soon transferred to a post away from the capital. The exile didn"t come to an end until Emperor Gui Zhong came to the throne in 1101 and an amnesty was given? Unfortunately the poet"s life also came to an end. A year later Su Dung Po died; he was 66.
2023-07-25 16:19:013


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2023-07-25 16:18:288


ELISA的英文全称是enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays 即酶联免疫吸附测定。顾名思义,该方法涉及到用酶标记(联接)抗体或抗原和免疫吸附(一般指抗原抗体的反应)过程。该方法可以广泛地用于测定各种生物分子。
2023-07-25 16:18:302


throat是喉咙的意思。throat,英语单词,主要用作为名词、动词,作名词时译为“喉咙;嗓子,嗓音;窄路”;作动词时译为“开沟于;用喉音说”。短语搭配:sore throat:咽喉痛。have a sore throat:嗓子疼。throat的双语例句:1、He held the knife to her throat.他拿刀子顶着她的喉咙。2、They say somebody slit her throat.他们说有人割断了她的喉咙。3、My throat tickles.我嗓子发痒。
2023-07-25 16:18:302


我要给朋友写信 我跟小王学了中文 给田中什么呢
2023-07-25 16:18:216


  常见的ELISA试剂盒都有:一、食品安全检验ELISA试剂盒是指食品中的激素、药物、霉菌毒素、过敏原残留、转基因产品的检测试剂盒,以及微生物、维生素等的检测产品。包括植物病毒、细菌、真菌、植物激素和转基因作物的农业诊断试剂盒,以及动植物疾病诊断类如猪、牛、羊、马等家畜和禽类以及宠物类检测试剂盒。二、生物原装ELISA试剂盒以及各类国产ELISA试剂盒1、细胞因子检测试剂盒:如白介素、选择素、集落刺激因子,肿瘤坏死因子,干扰素,转化生长因子,趋化因子,细胞因子受体,粘附分子,生长因子,凋亡因子等等2、心肌梗塞检测ELISA试剂盒如肌钙蛋白,肌红蛋白,C-反应蛋白等等3、内分泌检测ELISA试剂盒如甲状腺,胰腺,性激素,孕酮,睾酮,生长激素,生长抑素,内皮素,皮质醇,骨钙素,催乳素,促肾上腺皮质激素,促卵泡素,雌二醇,雌三醇,5-羟色胺,17-羟孕酮等等4、肝纤维化检测ELISA试剂盒如纤维连接蛋白,透明质酸,胶原,基质金属蛋白酶抑制因子,基质金属蛋白酶,层粘蛋白等等5、自身免疫检测ELISA试剂盒如甲状腺,盐水可提取核抗原抗体(ENA),抗核抗体,DNA,抗心磷脂抗体,类风湿因子,循环免疫复合物,抗胰岛细胞抗体,胰蛋白酶原,Sm,大疱性类疱疮,蛋白酶,短膜虫法,肝-肾,肝-肾-胃,肌内膜抗体,角蛋白抗体,抗核抗体,抗核糖体蛋白抗体,抗聚角蛋白微丝蛋白抗体,抗链O,抗卵巢抗体,抗平滑肌抗体,抗线粒体抗体,等等7、优生优育检测ELISA试剂盒如早早孕,新生儿TSH,胎膜早破检测,抗子宫内膜抗体,抗心磷脂抗体,抗透明带抗体,抗卵细胞透明带抗体,抗卵巢抗体,抗精子抗体,巨细胞病毒,弓形体,风疹病毒,分娩预测,单核白细胞增多症,单纯疱疹病毒,促卵泡素,促黄体生成素,便隐血试纸,HCG等等8、传染病检测ELISA试剂盒如幽门螺杆菌,乙脑,乙肝,丙肝,丁肝,戊肝,庚肝,衣原体,性病,腺病毒,微小病毒B19,天疱疮,水痘-带状疱疹病毒,生殖支原体,伤寒,沙眼,腮腺炎,人型支原体,麻疹,轮状病毒,流行性出血热,淋球菌,莱姆病,柯萨奇,抗解尿支原体,军团菌,结核,胶原,尖锐湿疣,甲肝,脊髓灰质炎,急性胰腺炎尿胰蛋白酶,霍乱,呼吸道合胞病毒,肝吸虫,副流感,肺炎,带状疱疹,传染性单核细胞增多症,层粘蛋白,布鲁氏杆菌,百日咳,白喉,艾柯病毒,EB 病毒,A族链球菌等等9、特种蛋白检测ELISA试剂盒如免疫球蛋白,抗链O-aso,类风湿因子RF,C反应蛋白,微量白蛋白,β-2微球蛋白human,铁蛋白,转铁蛋白transferrin等等10、肿瘤标志物检测ELISA试剂盒如肿瘤标志物,组织多肽抗原,肿瘤相关因子,胰腺癌,直肠癌,细胞角蛋白片段,胃肠癌,铁蛋白,糖链抗原,神经特异性稀醇化酶,上皮膜抗原,乳腺癌,人抗小鼠抗体,前列腺,甲胎蛋白,肝癌,大肠癌,肺癌,大小便隐血检测,癌胚抗原,β-2微球蛋白等等
2023-07-25 16:18:201


第51话:新阶段 解散草莓组合在留学的两年之后,小莓回到了日本分校,并且升到了高一年级,可是,小莓组却解散了,小莓在高中部和柠檬,留美还有Johnny分在A组,花房和安堂都表示要提前去完成自己的梦想(后被坚野点破说是因为小莓的快速进步促使)。坚野则因为成绩优秀而跳级到二年级(和大小姐一个班),小莓很失落,遇到剪成短发的天王寺,拿到了一封来自安利老师的信,去的路上遇到坚野,发现他也收到了,询问他为什么没有向自己解释(好几次小莓想要去牵坚野的手,可惜没成功),安利老师建了一个玛丽花园,里面有各种各样的甜点店,让坚野,小莓,柠檬和Johnny来经营糕点店,小莓很吃惊……第52话:强尼和玉米!项目始于亨利的愿望,使城镇周围一Suitsushoppu,是与樫野草莓和主要街花园县,约翰尼,孟四的费用。在开展一个新团队的第一天,准备进行使他们的第一家餐馆的想法,约翰尼是一个热情的看起来并不正式的人。强尼的甜点精灵玉米很有礼貌的出现。强尼和真吵架,巧克力和玉米劝架反被二人吼了一声。恼怒的玉米终于发飙了。(强悍啊!绝对强悍的火焰,都黑乎乎的了哎!)强尼和真很乖的以跪拜礼向玉米道歉。为采用什么风格的店铺而烦恼的四人,最终.........(不告诉你了,自己去看吧,剧透很严重的捏!)第53话:新草莓组合四人各自经营自己的店铺。小莓因没有多少顾客而被强尼带去逛其它的店铺。柠檬问真要不要去跟着,真羞红脸的敲柠檬的头。(吃醋了哦吃醋了哦)而后.................小莓了解到强尼其实是个并不轻浮的人。小莓在反驳强尼说真的话的时候,提到真眼睛里就闪光。强尼有些嫉妒地说“如果哪天你讲我的时候眼睛里也能闪光就好了”。在二人走后,真出现!!(原来还是跟去了啊- -。)...........(后面的自己去看吧....)第54话:机会损失和废弃浪费安堂为了能使店继续经营下去,一个晚上都在研制新的产品,但却因为疲劳过度晕倒了,牛奶糖也和安堂起了争执。而草莓因为强尼所说的话想起了以前浏览各国时的经历,提出不能只做一种地方的和式甜点。并与加奈和其他人向安堂说出这个观点。而在本集中五月也出现了。大家感动了安堂,让他意识到店铺不能只靠自己。新开张后,店里生意变好了,草莓她们也确定了自己的目标。第55话:精灵的梦境探险坚野草莓强尼和柠檬为了自己的店铺的生意,一直在尝试着做出一种新的口味的糕点,而就在这时,糕点王国的一封信:他们的能力升级了,拥有了“穿梭卡片”能够随时随地到糕点王国,同时他们又收到坚写了一封信,请巧克力他们去帮忙,因为吊车尾组合的考试一直不能合格。巧克力他们找到坚野,说了声再见,准备出发,可是香草和巧克力都想试一下“穿梭卡片”的威力,没有想到竟然把强尼他们也带到糕点王国,他们找到了坚,开始了糕点王国之旅。在巧克力山上,天野采了一朵巧克力花,没想到在登山的时候和坚野摔下去,醒来以后,坚野的衣服给了天野,他没有衣服了,两人说着说着,肚子饿了,刚好吃了那巧克力花,一天以后,香草一伙人下山救了他们,继续旅途。第56话:迷失在年轮森林小莓等人在年轮蛋糕林收集水果,吊车尾在收集材料的途中,却被一个老人误会关进大牢。小莓他们做了糕点给老人品尝,老人说什么也不肯吃,不知为什么,老人又改变主意。最终老人知道了这是误会,放了吊车尾组合。Johnny捉到了丢垃圾的“凶手”,原来是老人的孙子,很饿没有东西吃,在年轮森林里吃东西,乱丢垃圾。第57话:在旅途中发现的宝物小莓等人经过重重路途,终于到了蛋之乡,在这里,他们找到了最适合做甜品的蛋,同时,蛋之乡的会长告诉他们其实每一个精灵都是从蛋里生出来的。并告诉了他们他们都是父母爱的结晶,小莓等人十分感动,同时樫他们也在努力地为糕点晋级考试做准备,但樫总觉得少了点什么,这时候樫的妈妈出现了,原来帮助他们过年轮蛋糕林的、给他们做什菜汤的、送他们蔬菜的都是樫的妈妈,樫十分感动,在晋级考试上,樫用妈妈种的土豆做了“糕点王国”并得到了糕点女王的赞可。成功合格,最后,樫决定用妈妈种出的蔬菜开一家商店,母子俩成功合作!第58话:孤独的心安利老师委托小莓好好学习去美国的天王寺店里学习。小莓他们去了天王寺的店里,理查德看见小莓激动的把她抱了起来真和Johnny非常生气(笑ing) ,真发现店里很清闲,觉得有点不对劲。第二天真和小莓到街上去逛,小莓突然被绑架(其实是被Johnny 绑架)真也莫名其妙的被美夜带到了飞机上。晚上安利老师告诉小莓他们天王寺开的店营业额一直没上升,并派小莓他们查找原因......第59话:振作的誓言因为天王寺的的店营业额一直没有上涨,安利老师也对天王寺下了最后的通牒如果在一周内营业额还是没有上涨的话将会把店让给别人,于是天王寺的心情非常消极以至于把消极的心情带到了糕点里,被小莓发现,小莓为此很是担心,当然再小莓发现之前,理査德把糕点端给小莓然后说了一句非常欠扁的话,那就是:还是我家小莓最好!当然下场是被真和Johnny推到一边[于是 汗~真是难得的意见一致~]回到正题 由于小莓发现了可以在网上销售打折兑换券这样做的话 可以增加人气,然后小莓就把这一想法告诉了大家,也得到了大家也都同意了,在试营的第一天取得了不错的成绩~........第60话:我的甜点小屋天王寺之前和现在的营业额都是上线趋势,由于天王寺之前都忙于准备各种点心,从来没有休息过一天,琳达给你天王寺一张由她做伴的演唱会门票,让天王寺百忙之中也休息一天,天王寺终于在小莓和大家的百般劝说种答应了,将店铺教给大家。到了星期天,天王寺准备出去逛街,在路上遇到了一家人因为给女儿做的结婚蛋糕在途中被打翻了,天王寺帮他们把蛋糕做好,而且更漂亮。那家人邀请她参加结婚典礼。天王寺很高兴呢!当到晚上时,大家都赶去观看琳达跳舞,天王寺在琳达的舞姿中得到启发,做了一个名叫【Forest de linda】以琳达的森林为名的糕点,卖的特别好,也把店里的法国点心换成了纽约点心,把店里装扮成以鲜花为主,特别漂亮!因此客人暴多,安利老师也认可了,放心的把店交给了天王寺。第61话 : 暴风雨之夜Johnny被大小姐挖走了,而且,大小姐和Jonny向小莓等人宣战,称平安夜之前,如果小莓的店里的营业额比他们低,坚野就要和小城美夜结婚,Jonny和小莓交往;若小莓胜利,大小姐和Jonny就不再纠缠小莓和坚野。花房和安堂得知后,把坚野拉出屋子,结果让坚野承认了喜欢小莓的事实。经过一夜的努力,“梦色蛋糕师”终于完成!第62话:冰冷的夜晚大家为了赢得和小城美夜的比赛,做了十分充足的准备。但第二天早上,小莓走进食堂,发现大小姐居然在电视上做广告!而且,他们搭乘列车时,发现车的外表也印上了大小姐和Jonny的广告,车内也贴满了。小莓萎靡不振,被坚野“骂”(不能说是骂吧)了一顿,豁然开朗,也就不再消沉。早上销售状况不好,虽然下午因为试吃,客人变得多,但销售额只有20万左右,而大小姐一天的销售额居然就有385万,是小莓他们的20倍!在柠檬的建议下,第二天开设了Open kitchen。虽然第二天增加了20%的营业额,但距离大小姐还差的很远。第63话:神圣之夜天王寺麻里得知了小莓在日本和大小姐比赛的事情,不仅贡献出了【Forest de linda】的秘方,而且还在后面赶到了日本帮助大家。小莓也贡献出了自己的草莓挞。销售额不断地往上升。终于到了圣诞前夜。两队一比销售额,居然一模一样。大小姐想蒙混过关,但Johnny却自己承认他们输了,原因是他们有花大价钱做广告,并且最后还降价出售了圣诞甜点。小莓激动地抱住了坚野。最后一点的时候坚野和小莓走在雪地里,樫野向小莓告白,真诚的说:“之后也这样一起做糕点吧!”同时强抱了小莓,双方都脸红了。正准备KISS时美夜和强尼又突然出现了,欲将紧抱的两人分开,却被推进了草丛中,摔倒的小莓压在了樫野的身上,两人顺理成章KISS。最后两人接到安利老师电话,嘱托他们去伦敦继续发展店铺,樫野对小莓说“一起走吧”然后牵手奔跑!------------------------------------------------------------------全剧终-----------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-07-25 16:18:202

How is the weather ?是什么意思

2023-07-25 16:18:1310