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2023-07-27 02:40:34

Have you ever heard someone refer to their need for "personal space"? Have you ever started to feel uncomfortable when someone stands just a little too close to you? The term proxemics refers to the distance between people as they interact. Just as body movements and facial expressions can communicate a great deal of nonverbal information, so can this physical space between individuals.

Anthropologist Edward T. Hall described four levels of social distance that occur in different situations:

Intimate distance - 6 to 18 inchesThis level of physical distance often indicates a closer relationship or greater comfort between individuals. It often occurs during intimate contact such as hugging, whispering, or touching.

Personal distance - 1.5 to 4 feetPhysical distance at this level usually occurs between people who are family members or close friends. The closer the people can comfortably stand while interacting can be an indicator of the intimacy of the relationship.

Social distance - 4 to 12 feetThis level of physical distance is often used with individuals who are acquaintances. With someone you know fairly well, such as a co-worker you see several times a week, you might feel more comfortable interacting at a closer distance. In cases where you do not know the other person well, such as a postal delivery driver you only see once a month, a distance of 10 to 12 feet may feel more comfortable.

Public distance - 12 to 25 feetPhysical distance at this level is often used in public speaking situations. Talking in front of a class full of students or giving a presentation at work are good examples of such situations.

It is also important to note that the level of personal distance that individuals need to feel comfortable can vary from culture to culture. One oft-cited example is the different between people from Latin cultures and those from North America. People from Latin countries tend to feel more comfortable standing closer to one another as they interact, while those from North America need more personal distance.



verbal语法指的是使用语言表达的方式,比如口头语言、书面语言等,它们都是用语言表达的方式来传达信息。 nonverbal语法指的是不使用语言表达的方式,比如肢体语言、表情、动作等,它们都是用非语言表达的方式来传达信息。1、意思不同:verbal的意思有文字的;言语的;词语的;口头(而非书面)的;〈美口〉口供;非限定动词;〈罕〉同“verbal noun”;语文;口头的;语文部分,而nonverbal则表示不涉及言语的;非言语的;非语言的;不用语言的;非文字。2、词性不同:verbal有2种词性,即adj.(形容词)的时候表示文字的的意思 n.(名词)的时候表示〈美口〉口供的意思 而nonverbal有1种词性,即adj.(形容词)的时候表示不涉及言语的的意思 。verbal语法指的是使用语言表达的方式,比如口头语言、书面语言等,它们都是用语言表达的方式来传达信息。 nonverbal语法指的是不使用语言表达的方式,比如肢体语言、表情、动作等,它们都是用非语言表达的方式来传达信息。1、意思不同:verbal的意思有文字的;言语的;词语的;口头(而非书面)的;〈美口〉口供;非限定动词;〈罕〉同“verbal noun”;语文;口头的;语文部分,而nonverbal则表示不涉及言语的;非言语的;非语言的;不用语言的;非文字。2、词性不同:verbal有2种词性,即adj.(形容词)的时候表示文字的的意思 n.(名词)的时候表示〈美口〉口供的意思 而nonverbal有1种词性,即adj.(形容词)的时候表示不涉及言语的的意思 。1、Because nonverbal communication is so important, you need to use your eyes to listen as much or more as you use your ears.───非语言交际既然非常重要,那就需要用眼睛当成耳朵,“听”别人谈话。2、As a hand plays out, a person"s perception of his or her strength may change and be reflected in different nonverbal behavior(s).───当一局(hand,牌局)打完之后,对他或她力量的认识会被改变,并反射出不同的非语言行为。3、But when men lie, it is often nonverbal, as in doing what he says he would not do or not doing what he promised he would do.───但男人撒谎,通常是非语言的,譬如去做他说不会做的事情,或者不做他答应要做的事情。4、Without nonverbal cues, it"s easy to fear clients who contact you through the Internet.───在没有言语线索的状况下,是很容易会对那些通过互联网与你取得联系的客户产生恐惧感的。5、Nonverbal elements form a major part of any communication interchange.───非语言之要素在任何形式的双向沟通中占了很重要的一部份。6、Having three routines ready to go frees up your brain to focus on your delivery and nonverbal sexual cues.───用这三个惯例去解放你的大脑,专注于说话方式,做到不带有任何性暗示。
2023-07-25 13:25:061


您好,nonverbal 的反义词前缀是 non,而 non- 作为(前缀)有几种用法:1)表示“不”,“非”,比如 non-recognition2)表示“非”,比如:non-believer, nonconformist3)表示“不重要的”,比如:non-issue4)表示“无”,比如:non-aggression5)与副词组合,表示“非”,比如:non-unformly6)与动词组合构成形容词,表示“不致”;“无需”,比如:non-skid, non-iron除了 non- 可以作为反义词前缀以外,英语还有常用的 in- 和 un-,但 non- 通常用以表示中性否定,比如 non-human(非人类的),和 inhuman(无人性的;非人的)。
2023-07-25 13:25:241


2023-07-25 13:25:471

什么是“非言语交际”?它又有哪些主要的组成部分? 请简述这些组成部分。

非言语交际 (nonverbal communication) 或非言语行为(non—verbal behavior),就像“文化”一样,有狭义与广义的不同理解。广义的非言语交际包括除言语交际以外的所有交际行为。狭义的非言语交际应包括哪些内容,则仁者见仁,智者见智。
2023-07-25 13:26:041


能。非语言沟通能够验证语言沟通信息的真实性,非语言行为所包含的信息常常是在不知不觉中反映出来的,是人们内心情感的自然流露,它所传递的信息更具有真实性。 非语言沟通(Nonverbal Communication)是“通过非语言途径所呈现的信息”,既不包括口语的表达,也不包括书写文字、手语表达等沟通方式。
2023-07-25 13:26:111


1,“跨文化交际”的英语名称是“cross-cultural communication(或inter-cultural communication)”。它指本族语者与非本族语者之间的交际, 也指任何在语言和文化背景方面有差异的人们之间的交际。通俗来说就是如果你和外国人打交道(由于存在语言和文化背景的差异),应该注意什么问题,应该如何得体地去交流。2,nonverbal communication 非语言沟通是相对于语言沟通而言的,是指通过身体动作、体态、语气语调、空间距离等方式交流信息、进行沟通的过程。 在沟通中,信息的内容部分往往通过语言来表达,而非语言则作为提供解释内容的框架,来表达信息的相关部分。因此非语言沟通常被错误地认为是辅助性或支持性角色。3,paralanguage副语言沟通是通过非语词的声音,如重音、声调的变化,以及哭、笑、停顿来实现的。心理学家称非语词的声音信号为副语言。心理学的最新研究结果表明,副语言在沟通过程中起着十分重要的作用。一句话的含义不仅取决于其字面意思,还取决于它的弦外之音。语音表达方式的变化,尤其是语调的变化,可以使字面相同的一句话具有完全不同的含义。4,social functions of compliment 它是人们用以维系和促进各种人际关系的重要手段,恰当的的恭维会博得对方的好感,会使交际活动顺利进行,会使人际关系和谐融洽,会帮助建立或重建人际关系。5,sex and gender性与性别6,.high context culture 高语境文化,高语境传播的指的是,在传播是绝大部分信息或存于物质语境中,或内化在个人身上,极少存在于编码清晰的被传递的讯息中;低语境正好相反。东方社会很多都是“高语境”社会。7taboos禁忌,人们对神圣的、不洁的、危险的事物所持态度而形成的某种禁制。8,time language 时间语言,指在不同文化中从时间上透露出来的一些信号!
2023-07-25 13:26:281

typical nonverbal behaviors on space language什么意思

typical nonverbal behaviors on space language的意思是空间语言中的典型非言语行为 。空间语言是指人类利用空间来表达某种思想信息的一种社会语言,属于无声语言的范畴。非语言行为是咨询双方交流信息、沟通感情、建立关系的基本条件之一,也是咨询师帮助求助者的主要工具之一,因而言语行为在咨询中占有主要地位。非语言行为的运用是个体心理咨询技术之影响性技术之一,个体心理咨询技术包括:参与性技术与影响性技术。影响性技术包括面质、解释、指导、情感表达、内容表达、自我开放、影响性概述、非语言行为的运用。非语言行为包括目光注视、面部表情、身体语言、声音特质、空间距离、衣着及步态。空间语言中的典型非言语行为就是指空间距离。
2023-07-25 13:26:351

急需一篇题目为nonverbal communication的英语快速阅读的文章和题目以及答案。

People can communicate with each other through not only verbal communication but also nonverbal communication. Moreover, the latter plays an essential role in human communication. In human communication, people use body language to communicate, as well as verbal language. Body language is also called Kinesics. It belongs to the scope of nonverbal communication. Body language plays an important role in complementing, accenting, symbolizing or substituting utterance meaning. We should realize that body language, like verbal communication and culture, also has many similarities all over the world. However, body language from different cultures has many differences because of different regions, races and cultural customs. And it is restricted by its culture and has different cultural connotations.A famous anthropologist E.T.Hall pointed out “Silent language expresses more information than verbal language. Because it contains much information.” According to some researchers abroad, in people"s daily life, nonverbal communication takes part over 65% in all of information exchange. And body language is an important part of nonverbal communication. Many experts have shown the importance of body language in the cross-cultural communication. “A psychologist proposed a formula: the total impact of message = 7% verbal + 38% vocal +55% facial expressions and behavior.” Body language, like verbal language can express emotions, exchange ideas and deliver information. So we should know the cultural differences of body language to achieve efficient communication. “American linguist Samovar affirms that in a face-to-face communication, only about 35 percent of messages are sent by verbal behaviors and others are sent by nonverbal behaviors.” Verbal and nonverbal behaviors, which are both the important parts of human communication, can express feeling, interact ideas and send messages. They are the indispensable tools that can satisfy human communication.
2023-07-25 13:26:572

What are the major differences between verbal and nonverbal communication?

Both the verbal and nonverbal are the most powerful means of communication.but there are a lot differences between them. Usually we make ourselves understood by using different language.but if we meet someone who can"t understand our meaning we only can use our body language. It is very useful because it can help you make yourself easily understood. In other words, body language isn"t limited with National boundaries. Although we may not realize it when we talk with others we make ourselves understood not only by words. Body language is used especially to express feelings. This is usually described as giving out double messages - one message in words and an opposite message in body language. It is also difficult to lie or cover up our feelings through body language.We send messages to the people around us also by expressions and body movements. Research has shown that most people pay more attention to, and believe more readily, their impression of how a person acts through body language than what is said through words. As a consequence we tend to doubt, or put a question mark behind, the spoken words if they do not correspond with the language of the body .
2023-07-25 13:27:141

a master of nonverbal humour 的课文翻译

2023-07-25 13:27:265

求高中英语必修四课文翻译 "chemical or organic farming","a master of nonverbal humour"这两篇上有
2023-07-25 13:27:452

英语non-truck operation怎么翻译?

non-truck operation非卡车操作。
2023-07-25 13:28:043

英汉翻译原理 4

Unit 4   I、课外练习参考译文:   将来水的问题会变得更加尖锐复杂。不断增长的人口将大量增加城市废物,主要是生活污水。另一方面,用水需求的不断增长将使得可用于稀释废水的水量大大减少。快速发展的工业越来越多地采用各种复杂的化学方法,从而使废水大量增多,而很多废水中含有种种有害的化学物质。为了养活迅速增长的人口,农业必须集约化,这就会不断增加农用化学品的用量。由此看来,必须立即采取果断行动研究污染问题的整治措施。   整治污染问题的方法有两种。第一种是通过废物处理减少污染的危害,包括固体废物排放“之前”的处理和液体废物或污水的处理,从而实现水的循环利用或者尽量降低最终排放前的污染程度。   第二种方法是开发全部或部分废物的经济利用。农田中施用农家肥补充肥分或有机肥。有些地区使用污水处理厂排放的污水进行灌溉施肥。其他水处理厂排出的废水也可用作补充水源。现在,禽肉加工等许多行业正在把原先废弃的下脚料加工成可供出售的副产品,其他行业也在研究废弃物的经济利用可能途径。   II、英汉翻译原理第三讲:怎样理解原文?   「例25」For some people hope dies slowly.   「译文」对有些人来说,希望不会轻易破灭。   「例26」In planning my drive to the airport, I will factor in a cushion: to allow for the unexpected, such as heavy traffic or a flat tire.   「译文」我在安排开车前往机场时,总会考虑留一点时间,以防路上遇到交通堵塞或者轮胎漏气等意外情况。   「例27」The blue in his fine eyes seemed to preclude his being a Syrian, but there was an encouraging curve in his nostrils.   「译文」看他那双蓝眼睛,他似乎不可能是叙利亚人,但看他鼻子的曲线,却又使人觉得他很有可能是的。   「例28」The pace was comfortable, so I decided to stay where I was.   「译文」我觉得这种步速跑起来轻松,所以我就决定保持这种速度。   「例29」He always lives ahead of his salary.   「译文」他总是不到发薪水的日子就把钱花完了。或:他的薪水总是不够花。   美国语言教学家Wilga M. Rivers 说过理解中要掌握三个层次的意义,即词语意义、语法或结构意义以及社会和文化意义(the three levels of meaning: lexical meaning, structural or grammatical meaning, and social-cultural meaning)。   「例30」So that"s how I became just another kid in school.   「译文」就这样,我成了学校里一名和其他孩子一样的普通孩子。   「例31」At first, they were being nice.   「译文」起初人们只是出于一时的好心。   「例32」John Major faces severe social and economic problems as well as tough debate over European integration, but his top priority will be to maintain the Tories" long lease on 10 Downing Street.   「译文」梅杰面临严重的社会和经济问题以及关于欧洲统一的艰苦辩论,但是他的当务之急将是维系保守党的长期执政。   德国译学教授Wolfram Wilss说:   Translating requires the syntactic, semantic, stylistic and text-pragmatic comprehen-sion by the translator of the original texts.(翻译过程要求译者在句法、语义、文体和语篇语用各方面对原文的进行理解。)   一、要理解原文语句的内部关系:   「例33」Go to hell! You report what I have done to the authorities.   ×去你的吧!你去向领导汇报我对他们的不敬吧!   「译文」去你的吧!你去向领导汇报我的所作所为好啦!   「例34」He ate his savoury, and hurried the maid as she swept the crumbs.   ×他一边吃着最后的一道消食小吃,一边催促女佣人赶快打扫碎屑。   「译文」他吃完最后的一道消食小吃,在女佣人打扫碎屑时,催她快一点。   「例35」Derek fancies himself as a ladies" man, but he spends too much time admiring himself in the mirror for my liking.   ×德里克自以为是讨女人喜欢的人,可是为了讨我喜欢,他却花很多时间在镜子面前自我欣赏。   「译文」德里克自以为是个讨女人喜欢的人,可是我不喜欢他花那么多的时间在镜子面前自我欣赏。   III、课堂练习(以下各句的译文在理解上都有问题。请正确理解以下各句,并指出译文中的理解错误)及参考译文:   1.My delegation is not satisfied that the case has yet been made for convening such a broad conference.   ×我方代表团对于没有人提出理由说明应召开如此广泛的会议很不满意。   我方代表团认为,还没有人提出充分理由说明应召开如此广泛的会议。(satisfy 说服,使确信)   2.The nationalized industries have been spoon-fed for so long that they don"t care whether they give value for money, or make a profit or loss.   ×国有工业长期受到优厚待遇, 他们不在乎钱, 也不在乎盈利或亏损。   一些国有行业长期受到优厚待遇,他们不在乎钱花得是不是值得,也不在乎盈利或亏损。   3.I was not quite sure whether they had locked the door; and when I dared move, I got up and went to see. Alas! no jail was ever more secure.   ×我不敢肯定他们是不是把门锁上了;等到我敢走动的时候,我站起身来走过去看看。天啊!没有一所监狱更加牢固。   我不敢肯定他们是不是把门锁上了;等到我敢走动的时候,我站起身来走过去看看。天啊!锁得牢牢的好象监狱一般。   4.Very hesitatingly I selected a tube of blue paint, and with infinite precaution made a mark about as big as a bean on the snow-white field.   ×我迟疑不决地选了一管蓝色颜料,然后小心翼翼地画了一笔,就像雪白的田野上的一粒蚕豆那么大小。   我迟疑不决地选了一管蓝色颜料,然后非常小心翼翼地在画布雪白的底色上点了豆子般大小的一点。   5.I agree with you that many laws are unjust, but if you make every law a matter of conscience you will end up in jail.   ×我同意你的意见,很多法律是不公正的,但如果你都凭良心来制定每项法律的话,你最终就得坐牢。   我同意你的意见,很多法律是不公正的,但如果你对待每项法律都要讲良心的话,你最终就得坐牢。   6.Ring farewell to the century of physics, the one to which we split the atom and turned silicon into computing power,   ×向物理世纪告别吧,在这个世纪里,我们分裂了原子,把硅变为计算机的动力。   向物理学的世纪告别吧,在这个世纪里,我们实现了原子的分裂,我们把硅变成了计算能力。   7.The sun sets regularly on the Union Jack these days, but never on the English language.   ×现在太阳从英国国旗上有规则地落下,但是英语却不是这种情况。/ 现在英国国旗上照到的阳光日益减少,但英语却不是这种情况。   现在,英国已不再是个“日不落”的国家了,但是英语却还是在广泛地流行使用。(Union Jack英国国旗)   8.I hear the Hindoo teaching his favorite pupil the loves, wars, adages, transmitted safely to this day from poets who wrote three thousand years ago.   ×我听见有三千年前的诗人们书写的、完好无损地流传至今的、有印度教士传授给得意门生的、有关爱情故事、战争和格言。   我听见印度人在向他的得意门生传授爱情故事、战争和格言,这些都是由三千年前的诗人所写并完好地流传至今。   IV、课外练习(正确理解下列短文,并将其译成汉语):   First impressions are often lasting ones. Indeed, if you play your cards right, you can enjoy the benefits of what sociologists call the “halo effect.” This means that if you"re viewed positively within the critical first few minutes, the person you"ve met will likely assume everything you do is positive.   How you move and gesture will greatly influence an interviewer"s first impression of you. In a landmark study of communications, psychologists discovered that seven percent of any message about our feelings and attitudes comes from the words we use, 38 percent from our voice, and a startling 55 percent from our facial expressions. In fact, when our facial expression or tone of voice conflicts with our words, the listener will typically put more weight on the nonverbal message.   To make your first encounter a positive one, start with a firm handshake. If the interviewer doesn"t initiate the gesture, offer your hand first. Whenever you have a choice of seats, select a chair beside his or her desk, as opposed to one across from it. That way there are no barriers between the two of you and the effect is somewhat less confrontational. If you must sit facing the desk, shift your chair slightly as you sit down, or angle your body in the chair so you"re not directly in front of your interviewer.   Monitor your body language to make sure you don"t seem too desperate for the job, or too eager to please. Keep a Poker face in business situations. Inappropriate smiling is the most common example of a nonverbal behavior that undercuts verbal messages —— making you appear weak and unassertive. Good eye contact is also important. One study found that job applicants who make more eye contact are perceived as more alert, dependable, confident and responsible. (298 words)
2023-07-25 13:28:111


  Nonverbal Communications   Although most of us believe that we communicate almost exclusively with words, research has shown that nonverbal communication is at least as important. Gestures and tone of voice are important cues in determining othersu2019 responses to us. Individuals who are not aware of information conveyed nonverbally are at a social disadvantage. In fact, children who fail to “read” such messages tend to be unpopular and underachievers. Children who are overeager or speak loudly, for example, may offend other children, or adults. When they fail to adjust their behavior on the basis of othersu2019 responses, they aggravate the situation.   Adults may offend their peers also by their inattention to nonverbal responses. The sense of personal space varies among individuals and cultures. The salesman who puts his arm around the shoulder of a prospective buyer should realize the possible consequences of his gesture. physical contact conveys sense of intimacy that the relationship may or may not warrant. Standing very close to someone during a face-to-face conversation may produce a negative reaction. In fact, you may observe the person back away. practice and traditions are more permissive in some cultures than in ours. In Latin American countries between conversationalists is smaller than it is in the United States. In most situations, however, regardless of power often take or receive more space. picture a chairperson at a board or committee meeting sitting at the head or commanding center of the table. Think of the teacher whose large desk is surrounded by more space than the studentsu2019 smaller desks.   Tone of voice also conveys messages and emotions. “Beautiful” may be used to describe bouquet of roses or a black eye, but the tone of voice will not be the same. “Thanks a lot” can be said with genuine gratitude or with sarcasm.   Dog trainers report that dogs respond to tone of voice than to the particular words that are said. Dogs are often praised in a consistent tone of voice that may be slightly high-pitched and somewhat singsong. They will respond to this tone of voice with wagging tails even if the words donu2019t match.   6. The main point of the article is that____.   A. dogs and humans communicate the same way.   B. gestures and tone of voice convey a great deal of information.   C. our system of communication is changing rapidly.   D. only human beings are capable of verbal communication.   7. Nonverbal communication is important for____.   A. interpersonal relationships   B. dog trainings   C. foreign travel   D. communication between humans and other animals   8. According to the article, communication problems arise when____.   A. people send the wrong signals   B. individual miss nonverbal cues   C. culture clash   D. people use the same signal to mean differently   9. The issue of personal space is related to____.   A. religious values   B. shyness   C. power   D. privacy   10. The author includes the example about dogs to show that_____.   A. dogs are important too   B. nonverbal communication occurs in varied situations   C. tone of voice affects different ranges of hearing   D. dogs are more capable of nonverbal communication than other animals   参考答案:   6.B   道题考察我们对全文中心思想的把握。这篇文章的篇幅较短,所以判断文章的中心思想是比较容易。在文章第一段中,作者提到了手势和语调,它们在判断别人对我们的"回应时起着重要的暗示作用。既然可以起到重要的暗示作用,也就说明手势和语调可以传达大量的信息。   7.A   在文章的第段和第二段中都提到了非口头交流的重要性。不论大人还是小孩,如果忽略了非口语交流方式传达的信息,就会处于不利,甚至还会冒犯他人。所以说,非口头交流对人际关系很重要。   8.B   第一段中有这样一句话:Individuals who are not aware of information conveyed nonverbally are at a social disadvantage. 结合这句话以及后面段落中举出的例子,可以很容易判断出这一结论:如果人们忽略了非口头交流的暗示作用,就会引发交流上的问题和障碍。   9.C   文章的第三段告诉我们:在许多情况下,掌握着权力的人总是拥有更大的空间。这也从一个侧面反映出个人空间与权力是有联系的。   10.B   本文是围绕着非口头交流这一方式展开的,文章主要介绍了这种交流方式的重要作用以及它的一些特点。在文章末尾,作者给出了一个小狗的例子,以此来说明非口头交流(语调)甚至出现在与动物的交流中。可见,作者其实是要以此来说明非口头交流方式出现在不同的情况下。   In addition to their academic work,children in the United States are offered a wide range of activites in the after-school hours.   They are designed to help _1__ their skills,ability and appreciation of life; to give them a chance to practice leadership and __2_ responsibilities;_3__ school courses;and to provide additional outlets and stimuli.There is often a _4__ of activities from which to choose,such as nature clubs,musical organizations,science clubs,art and drama groups,or language clubs.A _5__ selection of sport activities is always available.__6_ every school has a student-run newspaper;often a photographic darkroom is also _7__,some of these activities take place during the school day,but _8__ are held after classes are over._9__ they"re optional they _10__ a part of the American educational experience. Parents encourage their children to participate in those program that __11_ suit their own special talents and interests.Much is learned during these off-duty hours,especially in _12__ of human "give-and-take".Americans believe this _13__ human relationships,social skills and a well-trained body,_14__ intellectual development .Both _15__ and college admission officers in the United States carefully consider the extra curricular activities _16__ students have participated,both during their free time after school and also during the long holidays.These indicate to them _17__ of a young person"s leadship potential enthusiasm,creativity,_18__ of interest,vitality and personality.They weigh these qualities,together with the academic record,in order to _19__ a student"s intelligence,perseverance and ability to use what he knows,_20__ merely repeating it by rot on examination papers.   1) A broaden B extend C stretch D concentrate   2) A resume B assume C adopt D presume   3) A to supplement B supplemening C to support D supporting   4) A scale B specimen C ring D range   5) A deep B long C wide D high   6) A Lastly B Virtually C Finally D Consequently   7) A possible B available C peobable D capable   8) A many B few C other D some   9) A Even though B in case C despite D however   10) A consider B considered C are considering D are considered   11) A most B best C least D worst   12) A conditions B terms C condition D term   13) A included B includes C to include D including   14) A after all B except for C as well D as well as   15) A employers B employees C parents D relatives   16) A which B that C in that D in which   17) A anything B something C everything D nothing   18) A bread B butter C breadth D broad   19) A assess B assume C assist D assign   20) A no more than B rather than C better than D less than   参考答案:   1--5 ABADC 6--10 BBAAD   11--15 BBBDA 16--20 DBCAB
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高一英语必修4卓别林那课文的翻译,18页的(A MASTER OF NONVERBAL HUMOUR)

无声的幽默的大师 维克多?雨果曾经说过:“笑容如阳光,驱走人们脸上的冬天。”关于这一点,直到今天也没有人比查理?卓别林做的更好。在两次世界大战及中间艰苦的岁月里,他给美国和英国人民带来了快乐。在人们感到沮丧的时候,查理使人们开怀大笑,于是他们对自己的生活感到更加满足。 然而查理自己的生活也并不容易。他生于1889年,出身贫寒。他的父母都是音乐厅里贫穷的演员。你可能会感到惊奇,查理刚会说话时大人就教他唱歌,他刚会走路时大人就教他跳舞了。这样的训练在当时演员家庭中是很普遍的,尤其是在家庭收入经常不稳定的时候。不幸的是他的父亲去世了,使得他的家庭更加艰难,所以查理在童年时期就要照顾生病的母亲和弟弟。在十多岁的时候,凭借着自己的幽默,查理已经在英国成为最受欢迎的童星之一。他能够不说话而仅靠动作来模仿傻子做日常的工作。看他的表演没有人会感到无聊——他巧妙的表演使得一切都那么滑稽可笑。 随着时间的推移,他开始拍电影。他塑造的可爱的“小流浪汉”角色开始闻名于世,而查理越来越受欢迎。这个穷苦的无家可归的小流浪汉,留着小胡子,穿着大裤子、破鞋子,头顶着黑色的小圆帽。他手里拿着一根手杖迈着僵硬的步伐四处走动。这个角色是个社会生活中的失败者,但他乐观的精神和战胜困难的决心使他受到人们的喜爱。面对并不善待他的人,这个弱者依然保持友善的态度。 然而这个小流浪汉是如何把悲凉的遭遇变得滑稽可笑的呢?这里有一个例子,来自于他最著名的电影之一《淘金记》。19世纪中叶,在加利福尼亚州发现了金子。像其他很多人一样,小流浪汉和他的朋友也涌向那里去淘金,但却没有成功。相反,他们被暴风雪困在山边的一个小木屋中,没有任何东西可吃。他们饿极了,只好煮了一双皮鞋来充饥。查理首先挑出鞋带来吃,像吃意大利面条一样。然后他把皮鞋上端的皮子切下来,就像切下一块最好的牛排。最后他试着把鞋底割下来嚼着吃。他每一口都嚼得津津有味。查理的表演是那么有说服力,以至于你会相信这顿饭是他所吃过的最美味的一餐! 查理?卓别林自编、自导、自制他主演的电影。1972年他被授予奥斯卡特别奖,以表彰他在电影界的杰出工作。他生活在英国和美国,却在瑞士度过了生命中最后的日子,并于1977年安葬在那里。人们热爱和怀念这位伟大的演员,因为他鼓舞人们并增强他们的信心。夏洛克?福尔摩斯和华生医生去山区野营。他们在山区一块露天的地上躺了下来,头上顶着星星。夏洛克?福尔摩斯仰望着星空,轻声地说道:“华生,当你望着美丽的天空时,你想到了什么?”华生回答说:“我想到生命是如此的短促,而宇宙却是如此的漫长。”“不,不对,华生!”福尔摩斯说,“你到底想到了什么?”于是华生又试着回答:“我想到我是如此的渺 小,而天空是如此的广阔。”“再回答一次,华生!”福尔摩斯说。华生试着第三次回答了:“我想到宇宙是如此的寒冷,而人们睡在床上是如此的暖和。福尔摩斯说:“华生,你这个傻瓜!你应该想到有人把我们的帐篷偷走
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安财的吧 一节课哦
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出自"Decoding of Inconsistent Communications","Inference of Attitudes from Nonverbal Communication in Two Channels"。这两篇论文的综合。Mehrabian在1967年发表了两篇研究论文,一篇是"Decoding of Inconsistent Communications",另一篇是"Inference of Attitudes from Nonverbal Communication in Two Channels"。这两篇论文研究的都是描述正面或负面情绪或情感的单一词语,如Dear(亲爱的)或Terrible(可怕的)。前一篇是研究的语言(Words)和语调(Tone of Voice)的相关重要度,后一篇研究的是面部表情和语调的相关重要度。通过这两个研究的组合,Mehrabian得出了这个著名的55% 38% 7%的比例,即语言占7%,语调占38%,视觉即形象占55%。Mehrabian研究发现,肢体语言可以传递出55%的信息,语调可以传递出38%的信息,语言只能传递出7%的信息。换句话说,在人们有效地表达情绪或感受的时候,肢体语言、语调和语言三者需要综合来考虑。也就是说,这三个比例适用于判断一个人说的话和他的真实意图(感受或情绪)是否一致,93%(55%+38%)的概率可以通过他的肢体语言和语调判断出来。这时,非语言信息比语言更重要。这句话被看作是面试的终极公式:人与人之间的沟通所产生的影响力和信任度主要来自语言、语调和形象三个方面。其中语言占7%,语调占38%,视觉(即外在形象)占55%,由此可见形象在人与人之间交流的重要性。语言和语调由长时间的个人习惯自然形成,不容易改变,如果在短时间内刻意为之只会弄巧成拙。而合适的着装可以在你还没开口前就传达给HR一些关于你的信息。着装作为形象的第一要素,一直影响着人们与你打交道的态度和方式。形象管理体现在面试的每一个环节。在与HR见面之前,一张自信大方的证件照能够为你的简历增色不少,在面试中,正确的着装打扮的确会让你面试通过的概率增加。相关研究发现,超过50%的人会因为着装而有时感到不舒服,11%的人会因为着装常常感到不自在;76%的人认为舒适的着装会大大增加自信心。衣服是会说话的,大部分人都会自觉不自觉地通过衣着去判断一个人。作为公司的HR,他们说:“好的面试着装不一定能让你面试成功,但糟糕的面试着装一定能让你面试不成功!”可见“以貌取人”有时候不是没有道理的。
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广开-形考-10248网络金融 1、互联网金融平台模式成功的评判标准包括()。 2、金融的本质是支付交换,所以诚信守法是互联网金融企业得以生存发展的根本。 3、消费金融是针对个人的融资需求,这也是京东金融关注的重点。 4、( )属于我国网络保险存在的问题 5、电商金融不具有实体网点,能大量降低交易成本,同时互联网能利用大数据,做到精准放贷。 6、资格审查是指商户管理人员每月定期检查网上商户服务情况,跟进处理客户投诉。对服务质量差的商户将撤销其网上商户资格。 7、2014年4月,银监会、中国人民银行从保护客户资金、信息安全的角度出发,下发了《关于加强商业银行与第三方支付机构合作业务管理的通知》,规范商业银行和第三方支付机构的合作。 8、虚拟金融是以虚拟货币为主体的新型互联网资产创造、交易、支付、兑换等活动的总称,它目前的几种表现形态有( )。 9、下列属于腾讯自研的( ) 游戏 ,它们都挤入了世界电子竞技大赛赛场。 10、风险控制基本环节有( )。 11、电信运营商开展普惠式互联网金融的最根本基础和最大优势是( ) 12、( )是人类 历史 上第一次由非政府机构发行并控制的货币系统,它代表了虚拟货币向真实应用场景渗透的趋势。 13、关于支付宝说法不正确的是( ) 14、( )是一种基于互联网的开源支付协议,可以实现去中心化支付与清算功能。 15、传统金融监管体系局限性主要表现为( ) 16、未来互联网金融的发展前景趋势有( )。 17、下列有关移动支付说法不正确的是( ) 18、大数据金融是( )。 19、( )不是电信运营商深化转型面临的最大课题。 20、与互联网公司相比,电信运营商最大的差距( ) 21、金融产品最终体现为资金的支付,实质是金融参与者信用的交易。真正支撑金融产品的,是产品提供者背后的( ),这是信用的基础。 22、国内首家互联网保险公司是( ) 23、互联网金融的核心要素是( )。 24、大数据金融具有的优势不包括( )。 25、金融大数据信息是( )。 26、大数据金融首先需要面对的技术风险是( )。 27、( )是指管理者在正确分析金融风险的基础上,采取各种措施减少风险事件发生的可能性,或者把可能的损失控制在一定范围内。 28、中国商业零售领域第一家具有全国专业保险代理资质的公司是( ) 29、在大数据面前,实施行为修饰和造假难度( )。 30、( )是以虚拟货币为主体的新型互联网资产创造、交易、支付、兑换等活动的总称。 31、下列属于电信运营商的互联网金融产品是( ) 32、( ) 的生产只能来自于“挖矿”,巧妙的“挖矿”机制设计发挥着控制货币供给的功能。 33、目前制约我国网络保险发展的外部环境因素主要包括( )。 34、我国网络保险发展的业务风险主要包括( )。 35、电商金融平台模式下,资金供需双方( ),可大幅减少交易成本,降低贷款风险。 36、如果网络银行的安全系统曾经遭到破坏,无论这种破坏的原因是来自内部还是来自外部,都会影响 社会 公众对网络银行的商业信心。这种风险属于( )。 37、阿里小贷平台模式的核心能力是,先进的( )和专业能力。 38、影响我国网络银行发展的因素是多方面的,既有立法方面的问题,也有银行自身的问题,还存在着银行用户对网络银行接受程度的问题等,主要表现在( )几个方面 39、电商介入金融领域的途径在于深度挖掘交易数据,在交易闭环内为买卖双方提供资金融通服务,具体表现为( ) 40、网络保险具有的特性是( )。 41、下列选项中有那一项是不符合狭义网络保险的含义的( )。 42、阿里小贷最大的优势在于()优势。 43、电商金融凭借( )的 历史 交易信息和其他外部数据,形成大数据。 44、网络银行可以通过( )实现互联网和银行网络之间的路由选择,同时,还可以起到对流入银行的数据流进行过滤的功能。 45、电商金融凭借大数据,利用云计算,在风险可控的条件下,在消费者、供应商资金不足且有融资需求时,( )提供担保,将资金提供给资金需求方。 46、当网络银行没有足够的资金来源满足客户兑现电子货币或结算等要求时,就会面临( )。 47、互联网的迅速发展不仅极大地扩展了企业拥有的数据量,也使得企业更能够贴近客户,了解客户需求,实现( )的精准服务,增加用户黏性。 48、( )是目前国际上最新的银行服务形式,也是近年来国内商业银行开发建设的新热点。 49、与传统保险相比( )是网络保险的重要特性。 50、阿里小贷平台模式的最大的特点就是利用自身平台积累的( )优势,为平台商户提供便捷快速、无需担保、随借随还的小额贷款服务。 51、网络保险能解除传统保险中客户与保险机构的时间、空间制约主要体现的方式是( ) 52、正因为电商拥有的( )优势,电商金融成为众多企业争夺的领域。 53、阿里小贷平台模式的盈利模式是利息收入和( )收入等。 54、对于 社会 公众来说,网络保险的优势体现在( ) 55、网络银行的主要特征不包括( )。 56、对于银行等作为出资方的供应链金融来说,以京东为代表的供应链模式是以( )或行业龙头企业为主导的模式。 57、手机丢失后,应马上做到下列( ),以期最大限度地弥补损失 58、天使汇不断延伸的平台服务包括( )。 59、目前参与第三方支付市场竞争的主体已增加到400余家,其中( )家获得中国人民银行颁发的支付牌照,包括支付宝、财付通、银联在线、快线、百付宝、汇付天下、易宝支付、环迅支付等。 60、余额宝转入和转出都无需手续费,支付( )小时在线操作。用户可以利用自己的支付宝账户,开通余额宝并将资金转入余额宝账户中。 广开-形考-10150跨文化商务沟通 1、Directions: Read the following terms of intercultural communication and choose the appropriate Chinese equivalent for eacH. 2、I often asked Jim lots of questions, for he is as wise as ______. 3、He is not popular with his coworkers, since he is as cunning as a dead ________. 4、To be honest, she is as stupid as a ________. 5、Directions: Read the following terms of intercultural communication and choose the appropriate Chinese equivalent for eacH. 6、—These days Mr. Smith looks anxious and restless. What happened? —I heard his wife was in the family way this montH. 7、“No matter how successful he has become, my brother is still regarded as the black sheep of the family”. What does “the black sheep” mean here? 8、Many words from Chinese and English are different in both the denotational meanings and connotational meanings. Which of the following is an example for this? 9、Nonverbal communication includes all of the following but NOT _______. 10、nguage can sometimes lead to _______ since people of different cultures often have different forms of behavior for sending the same message or have different interpretations of the same signal. 11、Nonverbal communication can convey our _______ towards ourselves and towards the people we are communication witH. 12、The English equivalent for the Chinese expression “一箭双雕” will be ______. 13、What a ________ she is. You see, she always talks about her new car while meeting anybody. 14、The “OK” sign means in France that you think something is _________. 15、If you say you are relaxed, yet your voice quavers and your hands shakE. The audience can get the meaning that you are nervous. This is an example of the _______ function of nonverbal signs. 16、All of the following statements about nonverbal communication are true EXCEPT _______. 17、Which of following is NOT a nonverbal behavior in people"s communication? 18、Doyouknowthemanwho"sinabrownstudyunderthetreeoverthere? 19、Don"tbedepresseDLet"sworkhardandourcompanywillsoonbeoutofthereD 20、Youexpectedtoomuchofher.SheisagreenhandinteachingEnglish,anyway. 21、unhappiness,depression,regret,embarrassment,orignorancE(例如,在西方文化中,人们将沉默视为负面行为,因为它暗示着抗拒、不开心、沮丧、遗憾、尴尬或者漠视。)”可知正确答案。 22、wisdom.(然而,日本人却极为欣赏沉默,视其为成功的法宝。超过60%的日本商界女性表示她们更愿意嫁给喜欢沉默不语的男士,因为沉默等同于智慧。)”可知正确答案。 23、Mikewasinabluemoodyesterday. 24、Don"twavearedflaginfrontofhim;hefailedthedrivingtestagain. 25、SincemybrotherwasappointedtheCEO,thecompanyhasbeenrunningintheblacK 26、-eyeDWorkhardandyou"llmakeprogresssoon. 27、elephanttohim,becausehedoesn"tknowhowtouseit. 28、Ijustcan"tunderstandwhyyouwouldmarryhim.HeisayellowdoG 29、SomeEnglishwordsaboutanimalscarrybothdenotativeandconnotativemeanings 30、ManywordsfromChineseandEnglisharethesameinboththedenotationalmeaningsandconnotationalmeanings,suchas“fox”and“狐狸”. 31、TheChineseword“蝙蝠”carriesthesameconnotativemeaningswiththeEnglishword“bat”. 32、TheChineseword“龙”carriesthesamedenotativemeaningwiththeEnglishword“dragon”. 33、“HeisabitofdragonherE”TheequivalentChineseversionofthissentenceis:他在这一带为非作歹。 34、Accordingtothispassage,whatdoesnonverbalcommunicationinclude? 35、opentointerpretation.(人们对于由身体语言发出的信息以及我们安排时间和空间的方式一直都有不同的理解。)”可知正确答案。 36、moretroublesomewhenculturesdiffer.(对于文化相似的人们来说,解读非言语交际也很难,如果文化不同,那就更要麻烦得多。)”可知正确答案。 37、We know that the dog is regarded as man"s best friend in the west, and there are many metaphors that show people"s positive attitude towards the dog, such as ___A____. 38、He is not popular with his coworkers, since he is as cunning as a dead __B______. 39、To be honest, she is as stupid as a ________. 40、The ring gesture, where you form an “O” by holding the tip of your forefinger to the tip of your thumB means in France that you think something is ____B___. 41、of nonverbal signs. 42、Nobody can persuade him to do that. He is as timid as a _______. 43、of the family”. What does “the black sheep” mean here? 44、Nonverbal communication includes all of the following but NOT _______. 45、Paralanguage includes the following but NOT _______. 46、I often asked Jim lots of questions, for he is as wise as ______. 47、What a ________ she is. You see, she always talks about her new car while meeting anybody. 48、Which of following is NOT a nonverbal behavior in people"s communication? 49、The English equivalent for the Chinese expression “一箭双雕” will be ______. 50、the people we are communication witH 51、and connotational meanings. Which of the following is an example for this? 52、Nonverbal communication is used only as a means of accenting verbal communication. 53、In all cultures people nod to show agreement. 54、Silence may be interpreted differently in different cultures. 55、The gesture of nodding means "Yes" in all cultures. 56、In western countries, personal space is highly valueD 57、A boss who pats an employee on the back in addition to giving praise can increase the impact of the messagEThis means that nonverbal behaviors can add more information to verbal messages. 58、interpretations of the same signal. 59、In western countries, personal space is highly valueD西方国家非常重视人际距离。 60、This means that nonverbal behaviors can be used to repeat verbal messages.
2023-07-25 13:29:591


100.用……做成(看不出材料) be make from
2023-07-25 13:30:104


2023-07-25 13:30:291


2023-07-25 13:30:451

英语教学中nonverbal behaviors 与nonverbal communication的区别

Nonverbal communication is communication without words.Nonverbal communication can be viewed as occurring whenever an individual communicates without the use of sounds.Nonverbal communication can be viewed as occurring whenever an individual communicates without the use of sounds.Nonverbal communication can be viewed as occurring whenever an individual communicates without the use of sounds.Nonverbal communication will be defined as the process by which nonverbal behaviors are used, either singly or in combination with verbal behaviors, in the exchange and interpretation of messages within a given situation or context. (L. A. Malandro, 1983)nonverbal behavior: Facial Expression, Gesture, Posture, Kinesics, Paralanguage, etc.前者是行为,后者是沟通是全面的,包括行为;Nonverbal behavior is sometimes used as the sole channel for communication of a message. People learn to identify facial expressions, body movements, ...另外我还下载了个PPT,2,幻灯片 2我参考了以下几个网站还有WIKI 英文版 电大英语快讯还有一个如果要写论文基本也够了。。。
2023-07-25 13:30:541

the importance of nonverbal communication是什么意思

2023-07-25 13:31:011

a master of nonverbal humour 的原文翻译

维克多 · 雨果曾经说过:"笑是太阳从人脸驱走冬天",到目前为止,没有人能比查理 · 卓别林做得更好。 他照亮了两次世界大战和在艰苦岁月中美国和英国的生活。 他使人们笑当他们感到沮丧,所以他们能感觉到他们的生活更充实。  查理的生活并非很容易!1889年他出生在一个贫困的家庭中。他的父母两个可怜的音乐厅表演者。您可能会震惊地发现查理教唱,只要他能发言,跳舞,他能走。 这种培训在那时的家庭是常见的,尤其是家庭收入时经常不确定。 遗憾的是他的父亲去世了,离开家庭更糟,所以童年查理度过了照顾生病的母亲和他的兄弟。 查理十几岁的时候,通过他的幽默已经成为英国最受欢迎的儿童演员之一。 他能哑剧和动作小丑和日常事务。 没有一个人曾经无聊看他-他微妙的演技使一切有趣。  随着时间的流逝,他开始制作电影。 他变得越来越受欢迎,成为已在世界各地称为他迷人的性格,小的流浪汉。 那个的流浪汉一式的胡子差、 无家可归的人戴着大裤子、 破旧的鞋子和一个小轮戴黑帽子。 他就携带手持拐杖绕着走。 此字符社会失败了,但他乐观的态度和决心克服一切困难的爱。 他是在劣势是好甚至当其他人都对他不友善的人。  是否小流浪汉怎样一个可悲的情况有趣? 下面是一个示例从他最著名的电影 「 淘金者。 它是 mid-nineteenth 世纪和金就已发现在加州。 很多人一样小流浪汉和他的朋友已送那里寻找的黄金,但没有成功。 而他们都藏在边缘的一座山的小木屋,期间一场暴风雪的东西吃。 它们太饿了他们试着他们晚饭煮一双皮鞋。 查利第一镐,花边并吃他们,如同它们是意大利面条。 然后他切掉了皮革鞋的如同它是最优秀的牛排。 最后他尝试切割和咀嚼鞋的底部。 他吃得很享受与每个口。 表演如此有说服力的它让你相信它是一种最好的饭菜他已不断尝到了 ! 查理 · 卓别林写、 定向和制作他主演的电影。 1972 年他得到他杰出的工作,在电影中的一个特殊的奥斯卡。 他住在英国和美国,但瑞士,其中他葬于 1977 年在度过了他的最后一年。 他是爱,是一种伟大的演员能以很大的信心鼓舞人记得。
2023-07-25 13:31:192


挑战是什么时解释另一个文化的非语言行为? (什么是有效的跨文化交际障碍?)相似之处(1)假设(2)语言的差异(3)非语言的误解(4)的成见和偏见(5)趋势评估(6)高焦虑或紧张
2023-07-25 13:31:282

找关于论述importance of nonverbal communication的材料

Nonverbal communication in sellingRecognition and analysis of nonverbal communication in sales transactions is relatively new. Only in the past 15 to 20 years has the subject been formally examined in detail. The presence and use of nonverbal communication, however, has been acknowledged for years. In the early 1900"s, Sigmund Freud noted that people cannot keep a secret even if they do not speak. A person"s gestures and actions reveal hidden feelings about something. Four major nonverbal communication channels are the physical space between buyer and seller, appearance, handshake, and body movements.The concept of territorial space refers to the area around the self that a person will not allow another person to enter without consent. Space considerations are important to sales-people because violations of territorial space without consent may set the customer"s defense mechanisms and create a barrier to communications. A person (buyer) has four main types of distances to consider--intimate (up to 2 feet), personal (2 to 4 feet), social (4 to 12 feet) and public (greater than 12 feet).Intimate space of up to 2 feet, or about arm"s length, is the most sensitive zone, since it is reserved for close friends, and loved ones. To enter intimate space in the buyer--seller relationship, for some prospects, could be socially unacceptable--even offensive.Personal space is the closest zone a stranger or business acquaintance is normally allowed to enter. Even in this zone, a prospect may be uncomfortable. Barriers, such as a desk, often reduce the threat implied when someone enters the zone.Social space is the area normally used for a sales presentation. Again, the buyer often uses a desk to maintain a distance of 4 feet or more between buyer and seller. Standing while facing a seated prospect may communicate to the buyer that the salesperson seems too dominating. Thus, the salesperson should normally stay seated to convey a relaxed manner.Public space can be used by the salesperson making a presentation to a group of people. It is similar to the distance between teacher and student in the classroom. People are at ease, and thus easy to communicate with at this distance because they do not feel threatened by the salesperson.Once territorial space has been established, general appearance is the next factor of nonverbal communication a salesperson conveys to a customer. Appearance not only conveys information such as age, sex, height, weight, and physical characteristics, but it also provides information on the personality.Hairstyle traditionally has been important in evaluating personal appearance. Today"s salespeople must consider the type of customer they call on and adjust their hairstyles accordingly. Both male and female salespeople should visit a hairstylist.Salespeople should carefully consider their grooming and its impact on customers perceptions. Some companies ask male salespersons to be clean shaven and wear conservative haircuts. Their female salespersons are asked to choose a simple businesslike, short-length hairstyle. Other companies leave grooming up to each individual. The important objective is to eliminate communication barriers.Wardrobe has always been a major determinant of sales success. A variety of books and articles have appeared on proper dress for business people. These books suggest that men and women sales representatives wear conservative, serious clothing that projects professionalism, just the right amount of authority, and a desire to please the customer.The nonverbal messages that salespeople emit through appearance should be positive in all situations. Characteristics of the buyer, cultural aspects of a sales territory, and the type of product being sold all determine a mode of dress. In considering these aspects, create a business wardrobe that sends positive, nonverbal messages in every sales situation. Once appropriate dress and hairstyle have been determined, the next nonverbal communication channel to consider is your contact with a prospect through the handshake.Today, a handshake is the most common way for two people to touch one another in a business situation, and some people feel that it is a revealing gesture. A firm handshake is more intense and is indicative of greater liking and warmer feelings. A prolonged handshake is more intimate than a brief one, and it could cause the customer discomfort, especially a sales call on a new prospect. A loosely clasped, cold, or limp handshake is usually interpreted as indicating that someone is aloof and unwilling to become involved.General rules for a successful handshake include extending your hand first--if appropriate. Remember, however, a few people may feel uncomfortable shaking hands with a stranger and of course international protocol may need to be followed in some situations. At times, you may want to let the customer initiate the gesture. Maintain eye contact with the customer during the handshake, griping the hand firmly. These actions allow you to establish an atmosphere of honesty and mutual respect--starting the presentation in a positive manner.Our last nonverbal communication channel is body movements. Body movements or body language generally send three types of messages: (1) acceptance (2) caution and (3) disagreement.Acceptance signals indicate that your buyer is favorably inclined toward you and your presentation. These signals give you the green light to proceed. Some common acceptance signals include these: Body angle--Leaning forward or upright at attention. Face--Smiling, pleasant expression, relaxed, eyes examining visual aids, direct eye contact, positive voice tones. Hands--Relaxed and generally open, perhaps performing business calculations on paper, firm handshake. Arms--Relaxed and generally open. Legs--Crossed and pointed toward you or uncrossed.Acceptance signals indicate that buyers perceive that your product might meet their needs. You have obtained their attention and interest. You are free to continue your planned sales presentation.Caution signals should alert you that buyers are either neutral or skeptical toward what you say. Caution signals are indicated by these characteristics: Body angle--Learning away from you. Face--Puzzled, little or no expression, eyes looking away or little eye contact, neutral or questioning voice tone. Arms--Crossed, tense. Hands--Moving, fidgeting with something, clasped. Legs--Moving, crossed away from you. Proper handling of caution signals requires that the sales representative consider a number of actions. First, adjust to the situation by slowing down or departing from the planned presentation. Second, use open ended questions that encourage buyers to talk and express their attitudes and beliefs. Third, carefully listen to what buyers say, and respond directly. Finally, project acceptance signals. Be positive, enthusiastic, and smile. Your objective in using these techniques is to change yellow caution signals to the green go ahead signal, and project acceptance signals. Additionally, stop the planned presentation. Second, temporarily reduce or eliminate any pressure. Third, let the buyer know you are aware that something upset them. Finally, use direct questions to determine a buyer"s attitudes and beliefs such as, "Have I said something you do not agree with?"In summary, remember the four nonverbal communication channels, territorial space, general appearance, the handshake, and body movement. Effective communication is essential in making a sale. Nonverbal communication signals are an important part of the total communication process between buyer and seller. Professionalsalespeople seek to learn and understand nonverbal communication to increase their sales success. Give them a try.
2023-07-25 13:31:551

how to use nonverbal communication in the presentation

How to use nonverbal communication in the presentationIn our daily life, in fact ,we often have to use nonverbal communication in the presentation, sometimes just helping to express us clearly ,but at other times, nonverbal communication can become essential or even vital .For instance,when talking about our experiences or something ,we may wear excited look or show blue expression ,Sometimes,we use body movement or gestures to help us express ourselves. Therefore,facial expressions and gestures can be hepful when we communicate with others,which is especially true for foreigners. With all the best!
2023-07-25 13:32:021

the importance of nonverbal communication是什么意思

the importance of nonverbal communication非语言交际的重要性双语例句1G Language They missed the importance of nonverbal communication. 低估了非语言交际的重要性。2Most people are hardly aware of the importance of nonverbal communication and do not realize its potential. 许多人很难意识到非言语交际的重要性及其潜力。
2023-07-25 13:32:101

a master of nonverbal humor 翻译

2023-07-25 13:32:282

a mester of nonverbal humour的全文翻译

你将句子写错了,应该是这样的 a master of non verbal humour 翻译为:非言语幽默大师
2023-07-25 13:32:352

what are the major differences between verbal and nonverbal communication?

When you communicate in verbal way,you express in the form of spoken words.However,when you communicate in the use of nonverbal methods,you may use facial expressions,gestures and even eye contact.
2023-07-25 13:32:431

哪位高手帮做下英语的阅读理解 谢谢

2023-07-25 13:32:513

英语必修四U3的a master of nonverbal humour原文,急急急急

As Victor Hugo once said, "Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face", and up to now nobody has been able to do this better than Charlie Chaplin. He brightened the lives of Americans and British through two world wars and the hard years in between. He made people laugh at a time when they felt depressed, so they could feel more content with their lives. Not that Charlie"s own life was easy! He was born in a poor family in 1889. His parents were both poor music hall performers. You may find it astonishing that Charlie was taught to sing as soon as he could speak and dance as soon as he could walk. Such training was common in acting families at this time, especially when the family income was often uncertain. Unfortunately his father died, leaving the family even worse off, so Charlie spent his childhood looking after his sick mother and his brother. By his teens, Charlie had, through his humour, become one of the most popular child actors in England. He could mime and act the fool doing ordinary everyday tasks. No one was ever bored watching him -his subtle acting made everything entertaining. As time went by, he began making films. He grew more and more popular as his charming character, the little tramp, became known throughout the world. The tramp, a poor, homeless man with a moustache, wore large trousers, worn-out shoes and a small round black hat. He walked around stilly carrying a walking stick. This character was a social failure but was loved for his optimism and determination to overcome all difficulties. He was the underdog who was kind even when others were unkind to him. How did the little tramp make a sad situation entertaining? Here is an example from one of his most famous films, The Gold Rush. It is the mid-nineteenth century and gold has just been discovered in California. Like so many others, the little tramp and his friend have rushed there in search of gold, but without success. Instead they are hiding in a small hut on the edge of a mountain during a snowstorm with nothing to eat. They are so hungry that they try boiling a pair of leather shoes for their dinner. Charlie first picks out the laces and eats them as if they were spaghetti. Then he cuts off the leather top of the shoe as if it were the finest steak. Finally he tries cutting and chewing the bottom of the shoe. He eats each mouthful with great enjoyment. The acting is so convincing that it makes you believe that it is one of the best meals he has ever tasted! Charlie Chaplin wrote, directed and produced the films he starred in. In 1972 he was given a special Oscar for his outstanding work in films. He lived in England and the USA but spent his last years in Switzerland, where he was buried in 1977. He is loved and remembered as a great actor who could inspire people with great confidence. 准确 望采纳!
2023-07-25 13:33:021

围绕“ways to communicate with each other”这一话题,写一篇80字左右的短文!

可以参考一下这两篇 (一)One of the first things we think about when we hear the word comnmnication is language. There are thousands of languages spoken around the world today. In fact, linguists say that there may be as many as 10,000. Speaking with others is an important means of communication, but we can also communicate without using words, that is by nonverbal communication. Nonverbal communication includes voice quality, eye movement, facial expression and body movements such as gestures and change in body position. But many people do not realize that everyone uses nonverbal communication. Sometimes, we "say" more with our faces and gestures than we do with our voices. Books, magazines, newspapers, radio, television, and telephone are other means of communication. Today we can also communicate over long distance with the help of communications satellites. Some scientists say that soon machines will be developed for sending messages through the earth. The technology necessary to build these machines is very complex. But the language we speak every day is much more complex than the most modern communications technology.(二)The world we are living in is amazing. There are countless living things. How can they live harmoniously? The answer is communication. Communication, of course, doesn"t need to be in words. We can talk to each other by a smile, a frown, a shrug of our shoulders, and a gesture with our hands. Shaking hands is a very common gesture, which is performed both on initial, greeting and departure. We know that birds and animals use a whole vocabulary of songs, sounds, and movements. Bees dance their signals, flying in certain patternthat tell other bees where to find nectar of honey. Can plants talks? Yes---but not in words. We have reasons to believe that trees do communicate with each other. Not long ago, researcher learned some surprising things. First, a willow tree attacked in the woods by caterpillars changes the chemistry of its leaves and made them taste so awful that the caterpillars go disgusted and stopped eating them.Then, ever more astonishing, the tree sent out special vapors---an alarm signal stimulating its neighbors to change the chemistry of their own leaves and make them less tasty. Communication is so important in the nature world. As human beings we should communicate with each other to make the earth peaceful.
2023-07-25 13:33:201

用英文写两篇介绍中国肢体语言作文 带翻译的 谢谢

Body language is a broad term for forms of communication using body movements or gestures instead of, or in addition to, sounds, verbal language, or other forms of communication. It forms part of the category of paralanguage, which describes all forms of human communication that are not verbal language. This includes the most subtle of movements that many people are not aware of, including winking and slight movement of the eyebrows. In addition body language can also incorporate the use of facial expressions.Paralanguage, including body language, has been extensively studied in social psychology. In common parlance and popular psychology, the term is most often applied to body language that is considered involuntary, even though the distinction between voluntary and involuntary body language is often controversial. For example, a smile may be produced either consciously or unconsciously.Voluntary body language refers to movement, gestures and poses intentionally made by a person (e.g., conscious smiling, hand movements and imitation). It can apply to many types of soundless communication. Generally, movement made with full or partial intention and an understanding of what it communicates can be considered voluntary.
2023-07-25 13:33:301


译文:当我们用手势或面部表情互相交流时,我们就在进行无声表达。这是一种不用文字来表达含义或感情的方式。例如,微笑和握手表示欢迎。挥手表示“你好”或者“再见”。当我们赞成他人时,我们通过点头来表示赞同,而摇头则表示不赞同。当我们无法做出某种决定时,我们会皱眉。这些动作在讲汉语和讲英语的人看来都表示同样的意思。短语:communicate with each other 互相交流engage in参加; 从事; 忙于For instance例如agree with与某人〔观点〕一致, 同意〔赞同〕某人的意见
2023-07-25 13:33:508


  表述特定内容所使用的特定的语言 方法 、手段,是表达方式。它是 文章 构成的一种形式要素。那么你知道表达方式用英语怎么说吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下吧。   表达方式的英语说法1:   means of expression   表达方式的英语说法2:   Expression way   表达方式相关英语表达:   实用表达方式 Practical Expressions   英语表达方式 the English expressions   英语数字表达方式 English numeric expressions   语言表达方式 language expressing   基因表达方式 gene expression   强调表达方式 the methods of emphatic expressions   表达方式的英语例句:   1. These expressions are often used interchangeably, but they do have different meanings.   这些表达方式经常相互替代使用,但它们的含义却有所不同。   2. This is the autor"s peculiar mode of expression.   这是那位作家所特有的一种表达方式.   3. I am no pedant and avoid being dogmatic concerning English grammar and expression.   我不是书呆子,不想在英语语法和表达方式上过于教条主义。   4. Laughter is one of the most infectious expressions of emotion.   笑是最具感染力的情感表达方式之一。   5. Naturally, we tend to use old representations in our new environments.   同样很自然的,在新的环境里, 我们习惯于采用旧的表达方式.   6. The level of formality determines the precise mode of expression.   不同的礼节程度决定所需的确切表达方式.   7. He had such a fanciful, pictorial way of saying things.   他有一种隐晦曲折 、 光怪陆离的表达方式.   8. There are variant formulations of some of the maxims.   有些准则有多种表达方式.   9. That expression has been sanctioned by usage.   那种表达方式在惯用法上已被认可.   10. Gestures are a nonverbal means of expression.   打手势是一种非言语的表达方式.   11. There are several ways for an application to present information or feedback to users.   当程序需要为用户提供信息或者反馈时,可以有多种表达方式.   12. Their lack of form, represents the weakening of an older line of didactic communication.   他们在写作上没有形式, 表明老一派说教性的表达方式已在走下坡路.   13. His lack of certainty in writing represents the beginning of a new line of communication.   他写作上举棋不定,表明一种新的表达方式已在开始.   14. He had more enimies and hatreds than anyone could easily guess from his thoughtful expression.   从他的思想表达方式难以被人猜透来看,他的敌人和仇家是不会多的.   15. You can"t learn English well without watching out for idiomatic ways of saying things.   你如果不密切注意讲话中的习惯表达方式,那就学不好英语.
2023-07-25 13:34:081


2023-07-25 13:34:164


在美国,把食指和拇指连接成一个圈,其余三个手指展开用来表示“一切顺利,是宇航员和政客常用的手势。而在法国和比利时,这个手势表示“你什么也不是”。 对于即将到另一个国家的人还有其他一些身势语也值得注意,例如说话人之间应保持的距离。美国人认为可接受的范围为8英尺到手臂的长度,更近的距离会使他们感到不适。 和美国人谈话时,目光接触十分重要。如果你在和美国人说话时向下看,她/他可能会认为你很窘迫,害怕,或是试图隐藏什么。 在一个国家里,除了知道如何利用身势语交流,还应知道一些禁忌的话题。在美国,初次见面时避免谈及一些话题,比如他们的年龄,体重,宗教信仰,婚姻状况,收入状况或某样东西花费了多少钱。你可以谈谈工作,天气,交通问题,体育,食物、新闻、住处、消费话题(电脑、修车等等)和旅行或假期计划。 这几个例子说明你的动作比你的言语更为重要。在特殊的文化背景下,你的所言和所为同样重要。
2023-07-25 13:34:355

topic sentence怎么写?

2023-07-25 13:34:512


2023-07-25 13:34:591

What are the major differences between verbal and nonverbal communication?

2023-07-25 13:35:092


2023-07-25 13:35:161

英语小作文, I want to say----- 半命题英语小作文,

I want to say that learning a foreign language is a valuable skill that brings numerous benefits. Learning a new language opens up doors to new opportunities and broadens our horizons in several ways.Firstly, learning a foreign language enhances our communication abilities. It allows us to connect with people from different cultures and backgrounds, fostering understanding and building bridges between communities. Communication becomes more effective and meaningful when we can speak the language of others.Secondly, language learning improves cognitive abilities. It challenges our brains, improves memory, and enhances problem-solving skills. Studies have shown that bilingual individuals have better multitasking abilities and improved focus.Additionally, learning a foreign language provides a deeper insight into different cultures. It helps us appreciate diversity and promotes cultural sensitivity. We gain a broader perspective on the world and develop a greater appreciation for other traditions and customs.Furthermore, knowing a foreign language can boost career opportunities. In a globalized world, businesses and organizations value individuals who can communicate with international partners and customers. Proficiency in a foreign language can give a competitive edge in the job market.In conclusion, learning a foreign language brings numerous benefits, including improved communication skills, cognitive development, cultural understanding, and enhanced career prospects. It is a valuable skill that opens doors to new opportunities and enriches our lives.
2023-07-25 13:35:263


2023-07-25 13:36:001

help wanted a team player文章翻译

2023-07-25 13:36:112


2023-07-25 13:36:181


在几乎任何关于沟通模型的讲座和书本中,都广泛的引用Albert Mehrabian的研究结果,就是著名的7-38-55%规则。一般表述是“沟通中7%的信息是文字表达的,38%的是从语音语气传递的,55%是来自肢体语言。” 但是,这是一个广泛而普遍的“误传“,根据Albert Mehrahbian自己的语言来说,“这个研究结论只适用于对于情绪和喜好的表达,对于其他类型的信息传递,这个公式是不适用的。” 也就是说,当我们想判断一个人的情绪和好恶,ta的文字只提供7%的有效信息,语音语调提供38%的有效信息,而肢体语言提供55%的有效信息。(这下我觉得合理多了) 不过似乎大家并不太介意这个错误,原因是: 一,所有人都这么说,怎么会错呢?要是错,也是梅拉比安自己的错。哈哈哈 二,这个比例特别反常识,反常识的东西比较抓人眼球 三,你知道一个特别反常识的东西,显得你特别有知识有层次 以下是在这个网站提供的信息里 Mehrabian 自己的原文: "Total Liking = 7% Verbal Liking + 38% Vocal Liking + 55% Facial Liking. Please note that this and other equations regarding relative importance of verbal and nonverbal messages were derived from experiments dealing with communications of feelings and attitudes (i.e., like–dislike). Unless a communicator is talking about their feelings or attitudes, these equations are not applicable. Also see references 286 and 305 in Silent Messages – these are the original sources of my findings."
2023-07-25 13:36:251


Not language social intercourse in the western difference in the culture in inside
2023-07-25 13:36:472