barriers / 阅读 / 详情

supermarket management

2023-07-27 02:33:44


名词 n.


He introduced better methods of management in this company.



The management is/are having talks with the workers.



It needed a good deal of management to persuade them to give me the job.



supermaket management






易安英语给你最权威回答哦,不止五种,请采纳!并关注!Where is the supermarket?Could you tell me how to find the supermarket?Could you tell me the way to the supermarket?Where can I find a supermarket?Is there a supermarket near here?Do you know where I can find a supermarket?Could you show me the way to the supermarket、Can you help me find a supermarket?等等。
2023-07-25 13:07:195

求一篇逛超市的英语作文 5句话就行

2023-07-25 13:07:374


Do you want to go to the supermarket with me?
2023-07-25 13:07:547


用英语写出几个你爱逛超市的理由写出翻译。, 请举出几个你爱逛超市的理由英语作文 I like going to supermarket.I can buy many things in the supermarket.I can buy food,snack,book,drink,and clothes in it.Sometimes I can sit in the handcart before we buy things.It is interesting.I can also play in it.There are entertainment tools for children to play in the supermarket.Every time I go to the supermarket with my mother,I would be very happy.For me,supermarket is my kingdom. 逛超市写英语日记(有翻译) Go to the supermarket Today, my mother and I went to the supermarket. I saw a lot of items and food. I saw some of the delicious, like in the past, but my mother to buy eggs, I do not think that in the past, otherwise it will get lost. After a while, my mother has bought things. So next time myself ...... delicious! 【参考翻译】 逛超市 今天,我和妈妈去了超市。 我看到了好多物品和食品。我看见一些好吃的,想过去,但是妈妈在买鸡蛋,我想不能过去,不然的话会走丢。过了一会,妈妈都买好东西了,所以……好吃的下次再见喽! 希望能帮助到你,望采纳! 用英语写出 我爱妈妈的十个理由 一、妈妈很爱我,我当然也要爱她啦! 二、妈妈径常给我给零用钱,我当然应该爱她嘛! 三、妈妈在工作上很努力,是个好妈妈,我就爱她。 四、妈妈老是给我买零食,我当然要爱她呀! 五、她是我的妈妈,我就爱她,每个孩子都爱妈妈嘛! 六、妈妈看上去和蔼可亲,我自然就爱她嘛! 七、妈妈从来不骂我打我,我当然要爱她啦! 八、妈妈很体贴人,我当然爱她啦! 九、我爱在网上看动画片,就是看一个小时,妈妈也不骂我,这么好的妈妈我当然爱她啦! 十、我爱妈妈,我爱妈妈。(爱一个人需要理由吗?需要吗?不需要吗?。。) 下面英文:First, my mother loves me, and I, of course, you have to love her! Second, my mother gave me to track regular pocket money, I should certainly do love her! Third, my mother worked very hard at work, is a good mother, I love her. Four, my mother always gave me snacks, I am of course you have to love her! Fifth, she is my mother, I love her, love my mother for each child it! Six, my mother looked amiable, and I naturally do love her! Seven, my mother never called me hit me, of course I love her to it! Eight, my mother is very considerate person, I am of course you love her! 9, I love watching cartoons online is to see an hour, my mother is not called me, I, of course, such a good mother you love her! 10, I love my mother, I love my mother. 怎样用英语翻译“告诉我,你爱她的理由” 很多说法: Tell me, what"s the reason you love her? Tell me, why you love her? Explain to me, what"s the reasons that you love her? .... 英语:therein中有几个单词,写出翻译 有there和in 哪儿,在 还有the和rein 这个 ,缰绳 驾驭 游泳圈用英语翻译写出缩写 是`S.R~ 希望能你能用的到 愿天天开心‘ 用英语写出我喜欢春天的理由,至少四句 I like spring best. In spring,it is getting warm and flowers begin to e out. Trees turn green. The days get longer.In spring,I can fly a kite and *** ell the flowers.This is very interesting.   I like spring,Because I can enjoy the beautiful season.我最喜欢春天.春天,天气渐暖,花开了,树边绿了,白天变长了.春天,我可以放风筝,闻花香.这是个有趣的季节.我喜欢春天,因为我喜欢这个美丽的季节. 希望能帮助到你,望采纳! 给出.的理由 英语翻译 翻译:give the reason of ..... 请给出迟到的理由 用英语翻译 Please give me your reason for being late? Why are you late?
2023-07-25 13:08:111


I hope that you can go to supermarket with me tomorrow.
2023-07-25 13:08:302

五年级的英语作文my favorite supermarket

2023-07-25 13:08:382


As a cityzen,i think supermarkets act an important part in our daily life,because they supply a comfort and convenient shopping environment.especialy office workers who have no time to buy different goods in different place,so supermarket deals with this proberm perfectly, for me i used to choose big supermarket,such as wal-mart,carrefour,trust-mart and so on,sometimes shopping in supermarket is really interesting and enjoying,you can see different kind of products,clean and beautiful,lovely and creative.
2023-07-25 13:08:521

near和next to 在什么情况下都可以互相替换吗?supermarket和shopping mall有什么不同?

near 在...附近next to 紧靠..距离上肯定是next to近supermarket超市shopping mall 购物中心美国人喜欢用mall的
2023-07-25 13:09:013

-- excuse me could you tell me --- -- in the supermarket

2023-07-25 13:09:092

Could you take me to the supermarket等于什么could you — — — — to the supermarket(4个空)

Could you show me how go to the supermarket
2023-07-25 13:09:174

英语作文:去超市 Go to the supermarket

  I went to the supermarket the other day with 10 yuan. I was a bit hungry, so I decided to buy a small pack of cookies which cost me 4 yuan. After I ate them, I was still hungry, so I decided to buy a small bag of potato chips which cost me another 3 yuan. After I ate them both, I was no longer hungry. However, I was very thirsty and wanted to buy a large bottle of milk to drink, but I didn"t have enough money left because even a small box of milk would cost me 2 yuan and I needed 2 yuan to pay the bus fare. So I gave it up at last.   我前几天带着10块钱去了超市。我有点饿了,所以我决定买了一小包饼干,花了我4块钱。吃完后,我还是饿了,所以我决定再花3块钱买了一小袋薯片。两个都吃完,肚子也不饿了。但是,我很渴,想买一大瓶牛奶喝,但我没有足够的钱,因为即使是一小盒牛奶也要2块钱,而且我还需要2块钱来支付车费。所以我最后放弃了。
2023-07-25 13:09:241


【 #英语资源# 导语】在学习、工作乃至生活中,大家总免不了要接触或使用作文吧,借助作文可以宣泄心中的情感,调节自己的心情。写起作文来就毫无头绪?以下是 为大家整理的内容,欢迎阅读参考。 1.有关购物的英语作文范文   I experienced shopping today.   In the afternoon, my mother gave me 100 yuan to go shopping in the supermarket. I held the money my mother gave me tightly in my hand and went to the supermarket.   The scenery on the roadside is very beautiful. The straight pine tree is like a sword stuck in the land. There are various leaves on the roadside, like palms and flames... I walked to the overpass, and a brother ran quickly and accidentally knocked me down, and the money in his hand was also knocked off. I felt my hand hurt. I thought: Today is my first shopping trip, and I can"t lose my money. I stood up to pick up the money and ran to the supermarket. When I got to the supermarket, I would look for things to buy. I found sausage and eggs, but I still had one thing to find. I kindly said to an aunt who served me, "Where did you buy bread, ginger and celery?" The waitress said kindly, "You can only buy bread, ginger and celery on the second floor." I"ve been looking for it for a long time, but I can"t find it because it"s on the second floor! I took the things I selected to the cashier and started to pay. I gave the cashier aunt 100 yuan, and the cashier aunt gave me 66 yuan and 80 cents. I saw that he missed me by two cents, so I carefully looked at my small invoice. It turned out that it was a medium bag that cost two cents, and finally I got it. Then I ran home. I saw my mother standing at the door, waving to me.   I am very happy today, because I learned to shop. 2.有关购物的英语作文范文   Whenever I think of my first shopping experience, I can"t help laughing.   I remember that it was a sunny day at that time. My mother and I went to the street. Walking along, I said to my mother: I want to drink water. My mother gave me 10 yuan to buy water for myself, and she told me again and again that I should pay for the things I bought before I could eat. I happily walked into the supermarket, wow! The supermarket is crowded with people, and I am dazzled by all kinds of food. I saw my favorite snack and ran quickly like an arrow without blinking. I was glad to forget my mother"s advice. I picked it up and wanted to open it. An aunt said to me, "Children, you can only eat after you pay for it.". I blushed with shame. I went to the water store again. There were all kinds of water. I took a bottle of Nutritional Express and left without even looking at the price. I saw all kinds of ice cream in front of the ice cream cabinet. It was really tempting! My mouth is watering. I really want to take a box! But what if my mother scolded me? But the ice cream was so tempting that I couldn"t help taking a box. When I came to the cash register, the line was like a long dragon. When I paid, my aunt told me that I needed 13 yuan, but what if I only had 10 yuan? I took money out of my bag and gave it to my aunt. Little friend, you just need to return a lot of fish. I had to reluctantly take out a lot of fish.   This was my first interesting shopping. I also gained a lot of knowledge from it and left me happy memories. 3.有关购物的英语作文范文   One Saturday evening, when I was doing my homework at home, I found that the automatic pen was broken. So I asked my mother to accompany me to buy a pen. We came to the "Meisui World" not far from home.   We first came to the underground supermarket. I saw rows of neat goods, including green vegetables, red tomatoes, live Boston lobsters, and giant king crabs. After looking, there was nothing I wanted to buy, so I went to the snack counter and took a bag of peanuts and a box of pistachios; Mom also chose the goods she wanted.   Then we came to Muji store on the third floor. Walking into the shop, a fragrance came to my nose. It was the spray from an ultrasonic incense machine. There are so many goods here! I learned to look like an adult, took the shopping basket, found the stationery counter, and selected the automatic pen and refill that I was satisfied with.   Then my mother gave me a hundred yuan bill and asked me to pay the bill. My heart was so nervous that my uncle at the cash register asked, "Is this what you want to buy?" I whispered, "Yes!" It was so easy to pay.   Finally, I gave the change back to my mother. She praised my ability and we went home happily. 4.有关购物的英语作文范文   At noon, I was doing my homework. When I found that the notebook was not enough, I asked my mother if she could buy it with her money. "Yes." Mom smiled and said. I happily took five yuan to buy the book.   Just getting on the bus, an old lady smiled and asked me, "How old are you, little friend?" "Seven and a half years old." I said at once. The old lady said, "Then I will test you! I bought eight bags of apples, eight in each bag. How many apples did I buy altogether?" "Eighty eight sixty-four!" I blurted out. The old lady praised me: "You are really skilled in mathematics!" My heart is very happy, just like eating my favorite orange.   When I got to the stationery store, I found a problem - the service desk was in the middle. "What do you buy, little friend?" The aunt asked kindly. I said, "I"ll buy one." "If you want to buy a notebook, you have to answer a question." "Ah? Why?" I asked without understanding. The aunt said, "This is a stationery shop. As long as you answer the questions correctly, you can get a notebook or pen." "Good!" I said with confidence. The aunt asked, "There are eight houses on the first floor, and two more on the second floor than on the first floor. How many houses are there on the second floor?" "There are ten rooms on the second floor." "Correct answer!" My aunt announced that I had won, and I went home with my booty in my arms.   If you study hard, you may have a chance of "free shopping"! 5.有关购物的英语作文范文   After learning Cambridge English this morning, my mother said, "It"s almost June 1, let"s go to Children"s World to pick out some clothes!" "Great!" I readily agreed.   When I arrived at the Children"s World, I found that the clothes here are all kinds of beautiful. As soon as my mother walked in, she was busy picking here and there. She soon picked out several clothes that were suitable for me, including green, blue, white, pink and black T-shirts, as well as shorts and skirts for suits... The saleswoman aunt enthusiastically helped me change clothes while introducing me that I was like a "model", changing clothes in turn, and came on the stage. I felt happy when I was a "little star". I liked several of them very much, but I didn"t want my mother to spend more money, so I said, "Don"t buy them." But my mother seemed to see my mind, and bought me six beautiful clothes as my children"s day gift at one go. When I got home, I couldn"t wait to take them out for cleaning, and sighed that I had a "shopping maniac" mother.   Although I call my mother a "shopping maniac", my mother seldom buys clothes for herself. When I grow up, I will make more money to buy my mother many beautiful clothes and dress her up beautifully.
2023-07-25 13:09:331


Can I have some discount on this? 这件商品能打个折扣么?How about XXX Yuan? XXX元怎么样?I think it is a little expensive for me. 我觉得这有点贵。I think this is not a good deal if you keep such a high price.我觉着这个东西如果你卖这么贵的话我买它不划算希望回答对你有帮助
2023-07-25 13:09:543

excuse me where is supermarket的答语怎么说?

2023-07-25 13:10:023


第一篇Today I went shopping with my mother and mybrother. We went to “Ji Mai Long” to buy some things. There are lots of thingsin it.Some about eating, some about drinking and some about working. I likereading books very much, so I went to the second floor to read books. My motherbought some vegetables and meat with my brother. For about half an hour, wepaid money for things, then went home together .第二篇 wo!Today, I went shopping with mymother. There were lots of things in the supermarket. There were lots of books on Shelf A. there were toys and balls on Shelf B. there were pens and pencils on Shelf C. There are lots of fruits on Shelf D. There are clothes on Shelf E. I bought a new pen, a toy plane and a football. My mother bought some fruits, a shirt and some fish. We have a good time today.
2023-07-25 13:10:111

— Tom, could you go to the supermarket with me?— I’d like to, but my homework ______ and I have

C 试题分析:考查时态。本题主要考查的是现在完成时的用法,现在完成时表示过去发生的事情对现在的影响,或者过去发生的事情延续到现在;而一般过去时只表示过去发生过某件事情,不表示对现在的影响。句意:—Tom,你能和我一起去超市吗?—我想去的,但是我的家庭作业还没有完成,我明天就要交了。这里表示过去发生的事情对现在的影响,故C正确。点评:英语中的时态主要由动词的形式决定,因此在学习英语时态时,要注意分析动词形式及具体语境,想象在那个特定的时间动作所发生的背景,这个动作是经常性动作、一般性动作、进行性动作、完成性动作还是将要发生的动作。语态是动词的一种形式,表示主语和谓语动词之间的逻辑关系,被动语态表示主语是谓语动词所表示的动作的承受者。现在完成时的这一用法常用ever, never以及表示次数的词或短语作时间状语。
2023-07-25 13:10:281

I’m going to the supermarket.Let me get you some fruit.fruit 为什么不是复数

一般情况下,fruit被认为是不可数名词,但是用来指水果的种类或类别时,就是可数了 1. 表示“水果”时,通常用作总称或集体名词,不可数.如: He just lived on fruit. 他只靠吃水果维持生命. Would you like some more f...
2023-07-25 13:10:351

Can you tell me where the supermarket is?

Can you tell me where IS the supermarket ?这是一般疑问句,疑问词加BE动词
2023-07-25 13:10:517

把where is the supermarket can you tell me合成一句话

Can you tell me where the supermarket is 问句中的疑问部分用陈诉语气 所以后边句是where the supermarket is 而不是 where is the supermarket
2023-07-25 13:11:551

excuse me where can i find a supermarket

2是对的.. 但是这个句子不是定语从句,是宾语从句!用where来引导这个宾语从句,所以后面要用陈述语句. 至于Excuse me,but where can i find a supermarket?这个句子你仔细看一下,它与②I wonder where i can find a supermarket? 是不一样的.后者这个句子多了一个wonder!从而决定了它是一个宾语从句. 而前Excuse me,but where can i find a supermarket?这个句子仅仅只是普通的一个疑问句而不是宾语从句.
2023-07-25 13:12:051

Can you tell me where the supermarket is?

两种句型都可以。放最后是倒装,can you tell me where is the supermarket也是可以的。
2023-07-25 13:12:171

He sits opposite me还是to me?为什么?

不用to,本身就是介词 opposite to 是一个形容词介词短语,作副词再加to 好像没看到过。语感是一方面,但是语法是固定的。在聊天中,理解是没问题的,但是如果是书面的话就会有小儿科之嫌
2023-07-25 13:12:303


这是我亲自写的啊,可不是找的什么地方的,希望帮到你!<Remember to be happy>记得要快乐New season comes, and we start our study in the university again. 季节轮换,我们也在大学里开始新的学习。These days, no matter what I do, the special experiences during my summer holidays are always in my mind. 这些天,无论我做什么,暑假里的特殊经历总是在我的脑海里。I got a part-time job as a sales boy in a supermarket. Everyday, I met thousands of peole. I was excited to have such a job because I could have free entermainment by watching people from all walks of life. 我找到一份兼职工作,在超市里做售货员。每天,我都遇到成千上万的人。我很高兴做这样的工作,因为这给我机会获得免费的娱乐:观察各行各业的人们。A few days later, I felt a little disappointed. It seemed to me that all the people were not happy. Young couples quarrelled for buying expensive china or not; Parents and their children fight for the attractive toys; Old people have words with the sales woman just for saving a little money......几天之后,我感觉到有些失望。在我看来,我遇到的这些人都不快乐。年轻夫妻为买不买昂贵的瓷器而拌嘴;父母亲跟孩子为买不买诱人的玩具而争吵;老年人为省点小钱跟女售货员争执......None of those people would smile at others, to say nothing of saying hello! They were so involved in their own unhappy business!没有人对他人微笑,更别说打招呼了。他们只管自己的事情,而这些事情并不让人开心。I don"t know what upsets all those people so much, but in my own opinion, nothing can make us happier than what we have in our hand: brilliant talents, harmonious family, endless love, and our healthy bodies! I just want to emphasize that, this is a truth. So my short experiences in this luxuriously-decorated supermarket teach me at least one thing: remember to be happy, anytime!我不知道到底是什么使这些人们这么不快乐,但是在我看来,没有什么比我们手中所拥有的,聪明的才智,和睦的家庭,永恒的爱,健康的身体,更能让人幸福了。我必须强调,这是个事实!这短暂的经历至少告诉我一点:记得要快乐,任何时候!
2023-07-25 13:12:403

写作Shopping in the supermarket

A new supermarket in our neighbourhood has started business recently.It is only five minutes" walk from our college.Ding Hua asked me to go shopping with her,or rather,to see what the new supermarket was like. We went there yesterday.It was spacious,clean,tidy and brightly lit.There were row upon row of goods shelves filled with various kinds of goods.Two girl shop-assistants sat at two check-outs.Some other assistants were replenishing the shelves.But there were some who were just chatting with each other or just keeping watch on the customers. We moved about,looking at the attractive things on the shelves.But we only bought a few articles,Ding Hua chose a pair of slippers,and I picked up a bag of washing powder and a bottle of pickle. It is easy and convenient shoppiing in a supermarket.The first of those supermarkets were introduced into our cities from the developed countries only a couple of years ago,which shows that our economics are developing rapidly.But we think the quality of the staff members is to be raised.As far as we know,no shop assistants are chatting with each other or keeping watch on the customers in the supermarkets in developed countries
2023-07-25 13:12:531

—I wonder if you could go with me to the supermarket.—Sorry. I _______ my experiment report all.

D 试题分析:考查时态。本意的关键词是all the morning整个早晨,该时间状语常常与现在完成进行时连用。句意:—我想知道你是否和我一起去超市.—对不起。整个上午我都在写实验报告,我还没有写完。根据句意说明草早上开始到现在一直都在写实验报告。故使用现在完成进行时表示过去发生的倒装一直持续到现在。故D正确。
2023-07-25 13:13:031


2023-07-25 13:13:159

求黄老板的supermarket flowers歌词中文英译 实在不会英文啊 谢谢大佬了

2023-07-25 13:13:374

---I’m going to the supermarket, let me get you some fruit.---OK. Thanks for your _____________..

A :offer提议,意图;information信息,资料;message消息,启示;order命令,订单.句意:我要去超市了,让我给你买些水果吧!——好吧,谢谢你的好意。结合语境可知选A。点评:该题型是属于英语考试的基础题型,是必考内容。英语单词同汉语一样具有一词多义,一词多性的特点。解答此类问题首先要理解每个选项的基本含义,并注意交叉含义间的区别,了解其特殊用法,然后结合语境选择正确答案。
2023-07-25 13:13:471


问题一:逛超市怎么用英语讲 stroll the supermarket 问题二:逛超市的英语怎么说 5分 go shopping 或者 go to supermarket 问题三:我刚才去超市购物用英语怎么说? I went shopping in the supermarket just now. 问题四:要去超市购物怎么说用英语怎么说 go shopping 问题五:今天下午我和妈妈去逛超市用英语怎么说 This afternoon me and my mom耿went to the supermarket 问题六:我妈妈将要去超市购物用英文怎么说怎么说 My mother is going to the supermarket. 问题七:(今天晚上我和我的妈妈去超市)用英语怎么说 this evening I went to the supermarket with my mother). 问题八:XP会不会比98更加充分的发挥硬件的性能,从而使游戏运行更顺畅? 作为服役十余年的系统,它已经迎来了自己的归宿。现在,全世界的网友不禁为这一顽强存在于microsoft十余载的系统肃然起敬。只有不断地探索、尝试、创新,才能使系统运行更人性化。这一点,是XP无法与7和8.1相媲美的。 问题九:逛超市不需要讨价还价用英语怎么说? There is no need to bargain in a supermarket.
2023-07-25 13:14:121


   Supermarket   I like going to supermarket. I can buy many things in the supermarket. I can buy food, snack, book, drink, and clothes in it. Sometimes I can sit in the handcart before we buy things. It is interesting. I can also play in it. There are entertainment tools for children to play in the supermarket. Every time I go to the supermarket with my mother, I would be very happy. For me, supermarket is my kingdom.    【参考翻译】    超市   我喜欢去逛超市。在超市我可以买很多东西。我可以买食物,零食,饮料,书,衣服。有时候在还没买到东西前我可以坐在手推车里。这很有趣。我也可以在超市里面玩。超市里面有供小孩子玩的娱乐工具。每次我和我妈妈一起去超市的时候,我会很高兴。对我来说,超市就是我的王国。
2023-07-25 13:14:211


怎么去超市用英语怎么说? How can I go to the supermarket? 在超市的英语怎么说? in the supermarket 我要去超市。用英语怎么说 您好,这句话用英语说就是: i am going to the supermarket.英文表述不唯一,这是个比较简单而且符合英文语言习惯的表述。 满意就采纳吧。 步行去超市用英文怎么说(2种) walk to supermarket 我准备去超市用英文怎么说 I am going to the supermarket. 询问去超市的路 用英语怎么说? 1)Excuse me,can you tell me the way to the supermarket,please? 2)How can I get to the supermaket?丹 3)Do you know the way to the supermarket? 我刚才去超市购物用英语怎么说? I went shopping in the supermarket just now. (今天晚上我和我的妈妈去超市)用英语怎么说 this evening I went to the supermarket with my mother).
2023-07-25 13:14:461


There is a supermarket near my home .It is convenient for me to buy daily things .It is very big . There are varieties of things there ,such as vegetables , school things , food and so on . The supermarket locates in the centre of the city .So there are always crowded with customers .Their service is good ,and the things sold there is cheaper .We all like to buy daily things there .
2023-07-25 13:15:143

supermarkets 英语作文100字左右

2023-07-25 13:15:362


She often took me to the supermarket
2023-07-25 13:15:447


2023-07-25 13:16:202


Let me introduce you the Times Supermarket which is near my home.there are all kinds of goods in it. There are fourfloors of shops in the Supermarket .On the first floor,there are many clothes shops. On the second floor , there are many sports shops and food shops. Youcan buy some books on the third floor. On the top floor ,there are a lot of restaurants. You can enjoy different kinds of food here. The supermarket opens at 8 am and closes at 9 pm. How useful the supermarket is!
2023-07-25 13:16:312


go to the supermarket
2023-07-25 13:16:582


您好,译成英语:How can I get to the supermarket?同义句:Can you.tell me.theq way to the supermarket?
2023-07-25 13:17:073


Could you tell me how I can get to the supermarket?Could you tell me where the supermarket is?Could you tell me the way to the supermarket?OK?
2023-07-25 13:17:142

求英语题答案。。希望各位大神帮帮忙!! Would you like to the supermarket with me?改为同义句

第一句好像对不上空格的数量啊1. Do you mind2. do not have3. have no relation to
2023-07-25 13:17:263

---What about to the supermarket with me?&nbs...

A 试题分析:句意:——和我一起去超市怎么样?——那是一个好主意。根据短语what about doing sth.?做某事怎么样?故此处用动名词going。故选A。
2023-07-25 13:17:351

excse me,wheres the supermarket

Excuse me,where"s the supermarket?劳驾,超市在哪儿?
2023-07-25 13:17:561

I wonder who will go to the supermarket with me.正确么

2023-07-25 13:18:074

把where is the supermarket can you tell me合成一句话

2023-07-25 13:18:151


Last night, my mother and I went to the supermarket to buy things, when approaching the supermarket I saw an old uncle in selling grass rot, called my mother to buy me a cup of grass rot, I thirst anxious, and immediately picked up the cup with relish drink up, drink less thirty-four, I feel a little mouth all must be made.Later, I heard my mother say to know, this grass rot both refreshing thirst can also detoxify, and this grass to eat rotten taste good, I listened to my mother introduced me to grass rot, while in the supermarket in search of grass to do rot raw materials, and take a long time did not find the grass rot raw materials, so I asked: "Mom is not our supermarket wrong?" Mother said: "! absolutely nothing wrong, surely this supermarket," I ran to ask ask the salesman, he took us to a place to sell milk, I asked the salesman: "Auntie, grass rotten milk will not be doing it?" the salesman smiled at me and said: "Of course not, something rotten grass grass juice frozen juice made out to do, and when the grass has since become frozen juice jelly. "Then to find a place that sell jelly jelly and black sesame paste together, while doing with grass jelly just rot He is black, called the black jelly black jelly and black sesame paste together, is simply no different, very bright salesman eyes with one hand to pick out the black jelly I have some of what you see above Usage: Just put every edible 4-5 tablespoons, add some water, but also to add some peppermint
2023-07-25 13:18:401

用所给词的适当形式填空 答案 保证正确 标出题号

6. I (watched ) TV last night.  7. They (planted ) some trees last year.  8. We always (have) lunch at school.  9. Tom (likes ) Chinese food.  10. Listen, Nancy (is laughing ) in the dining-room.  11. They (have stayed ) in London for 3 days last year.  12. (Did )you (have) a good rest last night.  13. He (had ) a fever yesterday, but now he (feels )better.  14. Mr. Brown (taught) us English last term.  15. Miss Li (teaches) us English now.  16. I (was ) a student in 1976.  17. He (cleaned ) our classroom yesterday.  18. My mother ( is ) a worker.  19. They (will / are going to do) their homework in the classroom now.  20. Milan (plays ) the piano every evening.  填空I  1. -What (did) Su Hai ( do ) last Sunday? She (went ) for a walk.  2. -Did you go (swimming ) last Saturday? -No. We (watched ) a film.  3. -What ( does ) Wang Bing usually ( do ) after school?    -He usually (goes ) home and (teaches ) his little brother.  4. - (Is ) Miss Li in the teachers" office now? -No. She"s (taking ) photos.  5. -What"s the weather like? -It"s( rainy ) . It has a lot of ( rain ) here.   6. ( There is ) some water in the glass. ( There are ) a lot of people in the garden. a teacher and some students in the classroom. (there be)  7. Helen (likes ) (draw ing ) horses. She is (drawing ) in the study now.  8. I ( have ) two pens. You (have ) three pens. Our teacher ( has ) four, Ben and Liu Lu ( have ) twelve.   9. I (made ) a cake yesterday. She (flew) a kite last Sunday.  10. My sister ( goes ) to the supermarket every Sunday. Tomorrow she is ( going ) to the supermarket with me.   11. Yesterday (was ) my birthday, we (had ) a birthday party in my home, I (got) many presents from my friends.  12. We ( don"t ) have any masks. Yang Ling ( doesn"t) have any, too.   13. My rubber (was ) in the desk just now, but it ( is ) in my pocket now.   14. -Do you jump (farther ) than my friend ? -No, I jumps as (far) as your friend.  15. The ( beautiful ) butterfly flies (beautifully )  16. He (goes) (jogging ) every day. I want to (go) (jogging ) with him in the playground .  17. Sandy has lots of CDs. She (listens ) to music every day .  18. Sam wants (to buy) a lot of things .  19. Look , my father ( is playing ) basketball with his friends. He is a good basketball .   20. Let (me ) have a look . Oh, it isn"t (my ) ruler, I think this ruler is   (his), give it to (him ).加油!不明白再问!如果帮到你,请采纳,谢谢!
2023-07-25 13:18:502

please tall me get to the supermarket

please tall me how to get to the supermarket
2023-07-25 13:18:591

me,excuse,is,where,the,bookstore? home,my,is,to,next,the,supermarket. 连词成句,谢谢。帮帮忙!!

excuse me,where is the bookstore?my home is next to the supermarket.
2023-07-25 13:19:083

can yon tell me 什么的way to什么supermarket

how to get to the supermarket
2023-07-25 13:19:171

it is surprising to me that the supermarket whic

2023-07-25 13:19:373