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2023-05-19 18:09:26






adulation n. 谄媚;adulate vt. 谄媚,奉承;adulatory adj. 奉承的;adulator n. 好奉承的人; 阿杜拉
2023-01-07 17:08:571


  成年人是达到法定成年年龄的公民。中国《民法通则》规定:“18周岁以上的公民是成年人。”凡是满18周岁的公民,不论其性别、精神健康状况如何,均视为成年人。那么,你知道成年人的英文怎么说吗?   成年人的英文释义:   major   adult   grown-up   成年人的英文例句:    儿童 和成年人应该享有平等的权利。   Children and adult shall have equal rights.   当地的一位医生告诉我,该地区的成年人如果瞎了,就变成了废人。   A local doctor told me that an adult going blind in this area is on the slagheap.   他还认为,这种成年人 的童心 文化 可能会填补成年人和孩童之间的代沟。   He added that adult culture may fill the generation gap between adults and kids.   他还认为,这种成年人的童心文化可能会填补成年人和孩童之间的代沟。   He added that kidult culture may fill the generation gap between adults and kids.   阿谀奉承是有些成年人用于交易的无形的货币。 成年人英语怎么说   Adulation is an intangible currency used by some adults to make a deal.   一些成年人也喜欢布或海绵承担责任。   Some adults also prefer a cloth or sponge to shoulder rests.   两个成年人走进房间,谈妥价钱,发生了性关系。   Some people still think it is immoral to have sex befre marriage.   一个由友谊 编织 成的网络对我们成年人的幸福至关重要。   A friendship network is absolutely crucial for our wellbeing as adults.   成年人在这个小姑娘的无私面前自惭形秽。   Adults are humbled by the unselfishness of this little girl.   从那以后,你将维持在你的成年人身高。   After that, you will be at your adult height.   我不与成年人较量而与同年龄的伙伴相比衡量自己。   I measured myself not against adults but against age-mates.   考虑与成年人问题相反的青少年问题。   Consider the problems of the teenager contra those of the adult.   但是所有成年人共有的一件事,就是他们都经历过青春期。   But one thing all adults have in common is they made it through puberty.   但作为一个成年人,我明白他的心大部分时间还是处在正确的位置上。   But as an adult, I understand his heart was in the right place most of the time.   但是,这些往往是成年人。   But those tend to be in adults.   虽然也有些比赛是将乌龟排成一排在跑道上比赛,还有些比赛是允许成年人参与,但这些都是例外而非比赛规则。   Although there are races where turtles are lined up on a track and others thatallow adults to participate, these are the exception rather than the rule.   为什么我们成年人总远离奋斗?   Why we adults run away from struggle?   此外,还有一个沉默的成年人陪伴着他们,我猜想可能是父亲或叔叔。   There is also an adult with them, I assume a father or uncle. He is silent.   作为一个成年人,我有责任照顾你们的幸福安康,这当中也包括一起玩。   As an adult I have a responsibility to look out for your wellbeing, whichincludesshavingssome fun together.   该研究强调了这些成年人的独特的生存环境,比如他们害怕歧视,以及通常没有子女来帮助他们。   The study highlights how these adults have unique circumstances, such as fear ofdiscrimination and often the lack of children to help them.   他说,做为成年人就是要去观察这些蛛丝马迹。   The clues, he says, are there if adults watch for them.   你也许会感到你丈夫背叛了你。你可能固守着一个观念,就是成年人之间不应该有秘密,特别是关于孩子的问题上。   You may feel especially betrayed by your husband; you may subscribe to thebelief that there should be no secrets between the adults, especially about thekids.   既然如此,你作为一个成年人,怎么会仅仅因为在人生路上碰到一些困难就把自己看做失败者呢?   So, why do we as adults think that we are failures when we find something harderto do later on in life?   对于婴幼儿,他们没有学习如何与人接触,对于小孩子和成年人,这种无能力很快就会让他们成为别人攻击的对象。   As infants they do not learn how to interact with others, and as children andadults this inability quickly makes them a target for other people.   美国成年人每天从饮食中摄入钙质的平均水平只有大约700毫克。   American adults get only about 700 mg of calcium in their diet each day, on average.   了解它们的 方法 之一就是:从现在开始问每一个你认识的成年人,“你从事什么工作?”   One way to learn about them is to start asking every adult you know, "What doyou do for a living?   “供养美国”称它所帮助的40%的人群居住在家庭中,至少有一个成年人有工作。   Feeding America said 40%of the people it helps live in families with at least oneworking adult.   当你是一个成年人的时候,你不需要上学,而且从不没有家庭作业。   When you"re an adult, you do not have to go to school and you never havehomework.   然而,通常情况下,成年人失去创造力正是因为他们不让自己感到无聊。   But often, adults lose their creative reaction because they do not let themselvesbe bored.   “同在其他行业一样,在农业领域工作的成年人即使不比儿童干得更好,但也一定不会比他们差,”他补充道。   In agriculture, as in other sectors, there is no work that an adult cannot do equallywell, if not better, than a child," he added.   破伤风是致命的,但是儿童和成年人可以通过接种来预防。   Tetanus can be deadly. But children and adults can be protected against tetanuswith vaccinations.
2023-01-07 17:09:031


自负: [ zì fù ] 1. responsible2. conceited
2023-01-07 17:09:496


就是规定这样用,也没办法。congratulation 英[kənˌgrætʃuˈleɪʃn] 美[kənˌɡrætʃəˈleʃən, -ˌɡrædʒ-, kəŋ-] n. 贺词; 祝贺,恭喜; [例句]The letter arrived in congratulation of my graduation from the university.我收到了大学毕业的贺信。[其他] 复数:congratulations
2023-01-07 17:10:112


牙买加姜汁酒的英文:Jamaica gingerjamaica是什么意思:n. 牙买加He has spent a month basking in the adulation of the fans back in Jamaica. 他一个月里都陶醉在牙买加崇拜者的吹捧之中。The hydrodynamic head is provided by influx of fresh water from the interior of tropical Jamaica.水压头是由处于热带的牙买加内地流入的淡水提供的。Their ancestors had branched out from Haiti, overrunning Cuba, Jamaica, and the Bahamas他们的祖先从海地繁衍分枝,发展到古巴、牙买加和巴哈马群岛。The forests in Jamaica are wonderful. Just do not tell me you got a gnome as a friend or dated a fairy.牙买加的森林是极美妙的。不要告诉我你一个守护神交上朋友或者和一个仙女约会。 A religious sect originating in Jamaica whose members worship Haile Selassie as savior and regard Africa,especially Ethiopia,as the Promised Land.拉斯特法里主义起源于牙买加的一种宗教主义,其成员崇拜海尔·塞拉西,把他当作救世主并把非洲,特别是埃塞俄比亚作为圣地ginger是什么意思:n. 生姜;姜黄色;活力adj. 姜黄色的v. 使有活力;使兴奋There is no ginger in him.他身上没有活力。Ginger is a spice. 姜是调味品。And a ginger ale with lots of ice.一份姜汁,加很多冰块。 I preserved ginger in syrup.我用糖浆腌制姜。His hair was a bright shade of ginger.他的头发带一点姜黄色。
2023-01-07 17:10:311


The Moon and Sixpence 1Chapter II confess that when first I made acquaintance with Charles Strickland I never for a moment discerned that there was in him anything out of the ordinary. Yet now few will be found to deny his greatness. I do not speak of that greatness which is achieved by the fortunate politician or the successful soldier; that is a quality which belongs to the place he occupies rather than to the man; 我承认当我第一次和charles Strickland碰面时,我从未有任何一个瞬间察觉到他是那么的与众不同。直到现在,极少有人会怀疑他的伟大。这份伟大不是政客或者军功赫赫的战士的那种,这与其说是伟大不如说是特定局势下赋予的威名,这是由他们的身份带来的。 and a change of circumstances reduces it to very discreet proportions. The Prime Minister out of office is seen, too often, to have been but a pompous rhetorician(夸张的修辞), and the General without an armyis but the tame hero of a market town. The greatness of Charles Strickland was authentic. It may be that you do not like his art, but at all events you can hardly refuse it the tribute of your interest. 生词:d iscreet 形容词. (言行)谨慎的,考虑周到的 网络. 小心的,慎重的,言行谨慎的 但随着时间的流逝有的人的伟大越来越显得微不足道了。人们经常看到已经离任的首相不过是一个夸张爱演的演说家,一位退役的将军不过是小镇英雄。Charles Strickland的伟大是不可忽视的,就像你也许不喜欢他的艺术,但是你会难以拒绝他对你的吸引力。 He disturbs and arrests. The time has passed when he was an object of ridicule, and it is no longer a mark of eccentricity to defend or of perversity to extol him. His faults are accepted as the necessary complement to his merits. It is still possible to discuss his place in art, and the adulation(吹捧) of his admirers is perhaps no less capricious(变化无常的) than the disparagement (轻蔑)of his detractors(诋毁者); 他的作品时常扰乱你的心又能够扣住你的心弦。那个他备受众人嘲笑的时代已经过去了,当人们为他辩护或者赞美时不必被认为是怪异不可理解的。人们已经承认他的缺陷已经成为了他的美德中不可缺少的部分。他在艺术上的地位尽待争论,但对于那些诋毁和轻蔑他的人和他的崇拜者来说对他的赞美也许都出于任性、but one thing can never be doubtful, and that is that he had genius. To my mind the most interesting thing in art is the personality of the artist; and if that is singular, I am willing to excuse a thousand faults. I suppose Velasquez was a better painter than El Greco, but custom stales one"s admiration for him:the Cretan, sensual and tragic, proffers the mystery of his soul like a standing sacrifice. 但有一件事是无可争议的,那就是他确实是一个天才。在我心里艺术最有趣的在于艺术家的个人性格,假如艺术家是独特的,即使他有一个缺点,我也愿意给他说出一千个理由...我认为Velasquez比起El Greco是一位更优秀的画家,但传统意识中对他的作品看起来更多是乏味无趣的:他的作品就像克里特岛人,富有肉欲又兼具了悲剧的美,使他的作品的灵魂充满了谜一样的殉道者的精神。The artist,painter, poet, or musician, by his decoration, sublime or beautiful, satisfies the aesthetic sense; but that is a kin to the sexual instinct, and shares its barbarity: he lays before you also the greater gift of himself. To pursue his secret has something of the fascination of a detective story. It is a riddle which shares with the universe the merit of having no answer. 一位艺术家,画家,诗人,或者音乐家也好。用他的崇高的,美丽的作品把世界装扮起来,满足人们的审美,但也就像人类的本性一样,充满了美好,但也有粗鄙不堪的地方。他们向世人展示着他们伟大的作品以及他们本人,探求艺术家的本性就像看侦探小说一样令人兴奋不已,这就像探求宇宙的秘密,如此迷人但也许不会有答案。 The most insignificant of Strickland"s works suggests a personality which is strange, tormented, and complex; and it is this surely which prevents even those who do not like his pictures from being indifferent to them; it is this which has excited so curious an interest in his life and character. Strickland工作中最不显赫的作品也能让人们模模糊糊的和他的性格联系起来,古怪,倍感折磨,复杂.那些不喜欢他的作品的人肯定就是因为这个原因。但也正是那么多的人的对他的人生和性格拥有强烈好奇心。
2023-01-07 17:10:371

为什么after gradulation而不是gradulating?

这个问题是关于动名词与名词之间的区别,主要是看它们在句子里的需要。要点如下:1. 首先,你是说毕业之后吗?如果是,单词应该是after graduation,不是gradulatiob。2. 其次,名词通常不含有动作在里面,也不强调动作。比如It was my first job after graduation.(这是我毕业后第一份工作)3. 而动名词是非谓语动词,具有动词特点,放在介词后面,强调动作,但并非介词后面都要动名词。比如,After graduating she opted for a career in music.(毕业后,她选择了音乐职业) 又比如,The sight of her son graduating filled her with pride.(看到儿子毕业,她充满着自豪)
2023-01-07 17:10:423


Dear uncle jack: I am very glad to hear that you are promoted to the manager of your company.Congradulation. Your birthday will be coming soon.I hope that you will be happy,wealth,success. I look forward to seeing you as soon as possible. Yours sincere
2023-01-07 17:11:111

how great thou art的英文歌词

Oh Lord my God/主阿,我神!When I in awesome wonder/我每逢举目观看Consider all the works /你手所造Thy hands have made/一切奇妙大工I see the stars/看见星宿I hear the rolling thunder/又听到隆隆雷声Thy power throughout/你的大能The universe displayed/遍满了宇宙中Then sings my soul/我灵歌唱My Saviour, God, to Thee/赞美救主我神How great thou art/你真伟大!How great thou art/何等伟大!Then sings my soul/我灵歌唱My Saviour, God, to Thee/赞美救主我神How great Thou art/你真伟大How great Thou art/何等伟大!When Christ shall come/当主再来With shouts of adulation/欢呼声响彻天空And take me home/何等喜乐What joy shall fill my heart/主接我回天家Then I shall bow/我要跪下In humble adoration/谦恭的崇拜敬奉And there proclaim /并要颂扬My God How great Thou art/神阿,你真伟大。Then sings my soul/我灵歌唱My Saviour, God, to Thee/赞美救主我神How great Thou art/你真伟大!How great Thou art/何等伟大!Then sings my soul/我灵歌唱My Saviour, God, to Thee/赞美救主我神How great Thou art/你真伟大!How great Thou art/何等伟大!How great Thou art/你真伟大!How great Thou art/何等伟大!
2023-01-07 17:11:163


这个不会错的"Hamlet" is Shakespeare"s most glorious period of creative works in the ideological and artistic aspects of Shakespeare"s tragedy reflects the highest achievement is Shakespeare"s masterpiece, the drama of a model in the world. It is based on twelve end of the century Danish prince father"s story of revenge. Shakespeare"s humanistic point of view in order to deal with the original subject matter, and simply for revenge father"s story into a tragedy for the community, it has a strong flavor of the times and profound social significance. The story took place in Denmark, but the play within the description of the dissolute court of medicine, Chaochen Men adulation, and sinister cunning, and domestic popular discontent and social unrest. Claudius is not only the feudal tyrant, is also a period of primitive accumulation of bourgeois careerist. Hamlet and Claudius conflict is the main conflict in the opera, and its essence is the same humanist phase of the assets of the old and new social forces of evil, humanist ideas and social reality reflected in the sharp contradictions; at the same time reflect the thinking of humanism in the The popularity of the community, as well as for Hamlet"s inner desire for freedom and ideals. Hamlet in the play does not have its own life, his sense of survival lies in revenge for his father. The hatred of the enemy and the enemy and the struggle to become the basis of the feelings of Hamlet, which is the subject of this tragedy and ideas. Savor in "Hamlet" tragedy, we see not just the personal tragedy of Hamlet, in his tragedy, we can feel depressed in the hearts of the people"s anger and hatred, acts of people. In the ghost appears, he knew who had killed his father and determined to revenge. For Hamlet, revenge is the son as his own responsibility, because the murderer is the king, is on behalf of the autocratic monarchy and the overthrow of the king, will reverse the chaotic rescue this country on the brink of collapse, Thus not only the individual, or the entire country, the community as a whole. He bravely bear the responsibility, but also the very important responsibility: "This is a reversal of the confusion of the times, alas, the luck I have to take responsibility for restructuring the course of events!" To express his As a father to the prince"s firm determination and revenge as a humanist to take up the responsibility of reforming the course of events of vision; On the other hand, the performance of his dark face of the reality of the weight of any heavy-hearted mood and can do nothing about. Finally, in a contest in the killing Claudius, at the expense of himself. "The responsibility for reforming the course of events," failed to complete the final. Although he was killed by the enemy, but just get rid of a villain, rather than as a whole throughout the humanist ideals and career success. He is also aware of this, he hoped that before dying friend Hora Asahi his story to the world, people recognize the true face of the community to better face up to it, transforming it. Hamlet"s decadent feudal forces, although still dominant, but, as well as primitive accumulation period of the new whom the evil forces, the balance of power in the area is still much higher than the humanism represented by the new force. Hamlet and represent a great humanist and their limitations. They put the community"s struggle as "good" and "evil" of the struggle to reform the society hopes on the open-minded people the monarchy. Political reformist is in action on a lone fighter who. This determines that Hamlet can only end in tragedy, this is a personal tragedy, but also the tragedy of the times.
2023-01-07 17:11:313


就是这么用的 大家都习惯了 你去问外国人也不知道
2023-01-07 17:11:434


glove skirt socks glasses scarf trousers shoes pants cap
2023-01-07 17:11:573

英语the best form of flattery怎么翻译?

2023-01-07 17:12:094


塔西佗《历史》He spoke a word only shows that his spirit was not mean. Because when a general insult him, he answered, "but I still your emperor! "then he failed in a meal under beaten: people in his death to his body to after the ravages of mean, as when the adulation of his live on the same mean《特伯雷故事》 "Not to get his revenge against revenge, cannot use a mistake to correct another mistake, so each other similar things is mutual growth, the cause and effect of each other""If you want to cause chilly, must follow the certain way, that is to say, should according to law, and shall not take far in the act of violence. Anything beyond the scope of practice is a crime, about which there and also said, "we all give evil for evil." if you said that in order to self defense, justice requires that we use of violent behavior, with the battle against violence against fight, this way, only without delay in that spot. And the action. In self-defense two not revenge for the purpose of line ah, is a good situation. But even so, when in self-defense still need to account
2023-01-07 17:12:271


2023-01-07 17:12:322


LZ原文由typo:No one is neutral 【about】 him(Stephens); he inspires either uncritical adulation or profound 【antipathy】 in those who work for him. --无人对他保持中立。(因为)对于为他工作(卖力)的人,他要么进行不加鉴别的奉承,要么非常反感他们。
2023-01-07 17:13:113


2023-01-07 17:13:224


The story is told almost entirely from the point of view of the first person narrator, David Copperfield himself, and was the first Dickens novel to do so.Critically, it is considered a Bildungsroman and would be influential in the genre which included Dickens"s own Great Expectations (1861), Thomas Hardy"s Jude the Obscure, Samuel Butler"s The Way of All Flesh, H. G. Wells"s Tono-Bungay, D. H. Lawrence"s Sons and Lovers, and James Joyce"s Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.As a bildungsroman, it has one major theme throughout, the disciplining of the hero"s emotional and moral life. We learn to go against "the first mistaken impulse of the undisciplined heart", a theme which is repeated throughout all the relationships and characters in the novel.Characters in the novel generally belong to one of three categories: Those who have disciplined hearts, those who lack disciplined hearts, or those who develop disciplined hearts over time. Characters who fall into the first category include the mature and caring Agnes Wickfield and the selfless and forgiving Mr. Peggotty. The greedy, scheming Uriah Heep and the egotistic and inconsiderate James Steerforth are examples of characters who belong in the second category. Members of the third category include David Copperfield himself, who learns to make wiser choices in his relationships through personal experience, and his aunt Betsy Trotwood, who lacks consideration for others early on, but becomes less inconsiderate over time. Dickens uses characters and events throughout the novel as comparisons and contrasts for each other in terms of wisdom and discipline. A good comparison is Agnes Wickfield and Dora Spenlow: Dora lacks maturity and is unable to handle stressful situations, often breaking out in tears, while Agnes remains calm and collected even when troubled, yielding to her emotions only rarely. Another good comparison is Ham and Mr. Peggotty, and Mrs. Steerforth and Miss Dartle: The latter two become distraught at the loss of Steerforth, allowing it to trouble them their whole lives, while the former two bear the loss of Emily with dignity and reservation. Despite the premise of this work, Dickens does not give David Copperfield a stiff or unnatural feel, making this novel a supreme display of his genius at work.[citation needed]Analysis of Major CharactersDavid CopperfieldAlthough David narrates his story as an adult, he relays the impressions he had from a youthful point of view. We see how David"s perception of the world deepens as he comes of age. We see David"s initial innocence in the contrast between his interpretation of events and our own understanding of them. Although David is ignorant of Steerforth"s treachery, we are aware from the moment we meet Steerforth that he doesn"t deserve the adulation David feels toward him. David doesn"t understand why he hates Uriah or why he trusts a boy with a donkey cart who steals his money and leaves him in the road, but we can sense Uriah"s devious nature and the boy"s treacherous intentions. In David"s first-person narration, Dickens conveys the wisdom of the older man implicitly, through the eyes of a child.David"s complex character allows for contradiction and development over the course of the novel. Though David is trusting and kind, he also has moments of cruelty, like the scene in which he intentionally distresses Mr. Dick by explaining Miss Betsey"s dire situation to him. David also displays great tenderness, as in the moment when he realizes his love for Agnes for the first time. David, especially as a young man in love, can be foolish and romantic. As he grows up, however, he develops a more mature point of view and searches for a lover who will challenge him and help him grow. David fully matures as an adult when he expresses the sentiment that he values Agnes"s calm tranquility over all else in his life.Uriah HeepUriah serves a foil to David and contrasts David"s qualities of innocence and compassion with his own corruption. Though Uriah is raised in a cruel environment similar to David"s, Uriah"s upbringing causes him to become bitter and vengeful rather than honest and hopeful. Dickens"s physical description of Uriah marks Uriah as a demonic character. He refers to Uriah"s movements as snakelike and gives Uriah red hair and red eyes. Uriah and David not only have opposing characteristics but also operate at cross-purposes. For example, whereas Uriah wishes to marry Agnes only in order to hurt David, David"s marriages are both motivated by love. The frequent contrast between Uriah"s and David"s sentiments emphasizes David"s kindness and moral integrity.While David"s character development is a process of increased self-understanding, Uriah grows in his desire to exercise control over himself and other characters. As Uriah gains more power over Mr. Wickfield, his sense of entitlement grows and he becomes more and more power-hungry. The final scenes of the novel, in which Uriah praises his jail cell because it helps him know what he should do, show Uriah"s need to exert control even when he is a helpless prisoner. But imprisonment does not redeem his evil—if anything, it compounds his flaws. To the end, Uriah plots strategies to increase his control. Because he deploys his strategies to selfish purposes that bring harm to others, he stands out as the novel"s greatest villain.James SteerforthSteerforth is a slick, egotistical, wealthy young man whose sense of self-importance overwhelms all his opinions. Steerforth underscores the difference between what we understand as readers and what David sees—and fails to see—in his youthful naïveté. David takes Steerforth"s kindness for granted without analyzing his motives or detecting his duplicity. When Steerforth befriends David at Salem House, David doesn"t suspect that Steerforth is simply trying to use David to make friends and gain status. Though Steerforth belittles David from the moment they meet, David is incapable of conceiving that his new friend might be taking advantage of him. Because Steerforth"s duplicity is so clear to us, David"s lack of insight into Steerforth"s true intentions emphasizes his youthful innocence. Steerforth likes David only because David worships him, and his final betrayal comes as a surprise to David but not to us.
2023-01-07 17:13:421


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2023-01-07 17:13:484

狄更斯 《大卫 科波菲尔》人物分析

David Copperfield Although David narrates his story as an adult, he relays the impressions he had from a youthful point of view. We see how David"s perception of the world deepens as he comes of age. We see David"s initial innocence in the contrast between his interpretation of events and our own understanding of them. Although David is ignorant of Steerforth"s treachery, we are aware from the moment we meet Steerforth that he doesn"t deserve the adulation David feels toward him. David doesn"t understand why he hates Uriah or why he trusts a boy with a donkey cart who steals his money and leaves him in the road, but we can sense Uriah"s devious nature and the boy"s treacherous intentions. In David"s first-person narration, Dickens conveys the wisdom of the older man implicitly, through the eyes of a child. David"s complex character allows for contradiction and development over the course of the novel. Though David is trusting and kind, he also has moments of cruelty, like the scene in which he intentionally distresses Mr. Dick by explaining Miss Betsey"s dire situation to him. David also displays great tenderness, as in the moment when he realizes his love for Agnes for the first time. David, especially as a young man in love, can be foolish and romantic. As he grows up, however, he develops a more mature point of view and searches for a lover who will challenge him and help him grow. David fully matures as an adult when he expresses the sentiment that he values Agnes"s calm tranquility over all else in his life.
2023-01-07 17:14:043


  演讲稿可以帮助发言者更好的表达。在生活中,演讲稿的使用频率越来越高,那么问题来了,到底应如何写一份恰当的演讲稿呢?下面是我帮大家整理的大学英语演讲稿,欢迎大家分享。 大学英语演讲稿1   Good morning, my dear teachers and friends! My name is Li Binge, from class four O five. Today, I am very happy to be here. My topic is “Our School”.   My dear friends, welcome to our school! My school is very beautiful! It has a big playground. We can play and do some sports there. Near the playground, there is a garden. Many trees and flowers are there. So the air is very clean and we can hear birds singing in the trees. It is so wonderful. Our teaching buildings are around the garden and look like our teachers" arms to welcome us. We can draw pictures in the art room on the first floor and read story-books in the library on the second floor. My classroom is on the third floor. It is clean and bright. We like to study in it. The computer room is on the fifth floor. We can sing and dance in the music room on the sixth floor. What a lot of fun! We can have lunch in the canteen near Defang Teaching Building.   In our school, our teachers work hard and help us with our lessons. We study hard and listen to teachers carefully. After class, our teachers play with us and we feel very happy.   Our school is so nice and our teachers are so kind. We all love them. Dear friends, do you like them?That"s all. Thanks! 大学英语演讲稿2   The vast historical tide, some successful, some failure; Some a fair death honors the whole life, some thing never dies. Ebb and flow, raise a number of "Confucius", which is mixed with many "qin GUI", carried away, that he wants to succeed by hook or by crook to get success, desire to have at the end of the day is celebrated, and find the right choice, but achievements generation of celebrities. Success, there are many paths, seeking a shortcut, tend to be at the end of the day to understand gave up a optimal choice and effort was not to make choices as it landed at all costs.   Reese, a desire for success, but "achievement" his "disease xian can envy", he should have been a generation of names, for the emperor should share, from a desire for success, by hook or by crook, he hit the han fei, creates the tragedy of burying Confucian. History is suppressed, the trend of the development of culture is suppressed, qin, Reese also destroyed, people took down the emperor, also remember the lis.   And qu yuan, created a new genre of Chinese literature, in a new way to the right interpretation of Chinese culture. Mr Yu optimal such a sentence: "the era of cultural celebrities, the more often not compatible with his age." Qu yuan is no exception, he king, dragon"s loyal due diligence, was shangguan doctor again and again of slander, and king huai, in the adulation of again and again to please blinds, unexpectedly also close, far from xian. Qu yuan to get the release time of exile, destroyed, chu qu yuan died also. Can he live in people"s hearts, the spirit of eternal. "World-wide all muddy I alone, public all drunk I wake up alone, 500 - word article 15 and successful composition 大学英语演讲稿3   Students, guests , teachers and Honorable Judges   Good morning !   my great pleasure to share my dream with you today. my dream is to become a teacher....   As the whole world has its boundaries, limits and freedom coexist in our life. I don"t expect complete freedom, which is impossible. I simply have a dream that supports my life.   I dream that one day, I could escape from the deep sea of thick schoolbooks and lead my own life. With my favorite fictions, I lie freely on the green grass, smelling the spring, listening to the wind singing, breathing the fresh and cool air and dissolve my soul in nature at last. Simple and short enjoyment can bring me great satisfaction.   I dream that one day the adults could throw their prejudice of comic and cartoon away. They could keep a lovely heart that can share sorrow and happiness with us while watching cartoon or doing personal things. That"s the real communication of heart to heart.   I have the belief that my dreams should come true. I am looking forward to some day coming when I am like a proud eagle, which flies to the blue and vast sky. 大学英语演讲稿4   “很久以前,有个国王,他的女儿貌美如花。老国王向所有来求婚的男士提出了三个任务作为挑战,而每一项任务都异常艰巨,几乎不可能完成。一天,来了一位年轻英俊的王子……”好了,下面的故事你们都知道了。三项任务在不同的版本中各不相同,但关键部分的情节都如出一辙:王子成功地过关,得到了公主的芳心。而故事的结局也都一样,最后一句都写道:“从此他们幸福地生活在一起。   为什么我们对如此美妙、如此不切实际,而我要说,如此缺乏想象力的东西这么乐此不疲呢?这样的故事又如何能够经历几代人的重复?我想,因为它是典型的成功的例子。故事的思想性很强,具有代表性。通过故事带给我们的启示,我们认识到了成功定义中的四个步骤;第一,目标的设定,有如故事里美丽的公主;第二,所遇到的困难和挑战,就像三大任务;第三,克服困难的过程,故事中青年经历重重难关可以作为象征;第四,就是成功的果实,如同幸福的婚姻。   这个故事不仅迎合了人们内心深处对成功的向往,也强调了过程和结果的不可分离。如果通往成功的道路崎岖曲折,那么成功的回报必然硕果累累,反之亦然。如果一个人继承了父辈的百万家产而生活得轻松富足,那么,即使在物质上,他也不能算是个成功人士,因为,他的财富并没有经过艰难困苦而获得。确切地说,“成功”这个词,不是个静态简单的定义。在我的理解中,真正意义上的成功是奋斗的过程和经历了奋斗之后赢得的满意的结果。请让我另举一例来阐明我的见解。   如果我们试着改变足球的比赛规则,将球门放得很大,换下大卫·希曼或其他任何的守门员,这样,随便哪个“大卫”,比如说,“大卫·贝克汉姆”,就可以轻松进球,然而这样进一球却不能给他带来成功的震颤与喜悦。如果我们再改一改比赛规则,不让阿森纳队的防守来守门,那么,贝克汉姆只要动动手,其实就是抬抬脚就能进一球,那样的话、,实际上也没有什么比赛可言了,因为赢球的意义已经不存在了。在接受挑战、克服困难和经历磨难的.过程中,“成功”的价值才得以丰满。取得成果的意义和所克服的艰难的程度成正比。所谓成功的概念不是一成不变的.而昙相对而言的,因为困难的性质也是相对意义上的。   正常人不费力气做成的事对于一个残疾人来说也许相当困难。获得了同正常人一样的能力,这个残疾人就获得了成功。这便是我们为什么崇敬史蒂芬·霍金的原因—虽然行动不便,受到了轮椅的限制,他依然为科学界作出了巨大的贡献。   就我自己而言,生性羞涩,容易怯场,不得不鼓起非常大的勇气来参加此次的演讲比赛。我完全可以待在一边,不参加大学级别的比赛,而落得轻松自在。可是,我还是选择了接受这一挑战来面对困难。现在我来了,如果我能够得第一的话.这对我来说就是巨大的成功。如果,我是最后一名—我希望情况不是这样—但如果我真的是最后一名,我也不会认为这次的尝试是一次失败,反而我要把它当作一次真正的成功来庆贺,因为我一部分的目标是对自己性格的锻炼—更加坚强、勇敢地面对困难。对我来说,这标志着我在通向成功人生的漫漫征途中又向前迈进了一步,尽管是很小的一步,但是我确实通过参与真正地获得了收益。   回到我们年轻英俊的王子和对“成功”的四步骤定义上吧,您也许已经注意到了财富、地位和名誉等这些世俗的标准在故事中并未提及,相反故事强调了克服重重困难的过程。古代的智慧已经对成功的意义下了定义,这也是我的定义。   谢谢! 大学英语演讲稿5   A long time ago, there was a huge apple tree. A little boy loved to come and lay around it every day. He climbed to the tree top, ate the apples, took a nap under the shadow… He loved the tree and the tree loved to play with him.   Time went by… the little boy had grown up and he no longer played around the tree every day. One day, the boy came back to the tree and he looked sad. “Come and play with me,” the tree asked the boy. “I am no longer a kid, I don"t play around trees anymore.” The boy replied, “I want toys. I need money to buy them.” “Sorry, but I don"t have money…but you can pick all my apples and sell them. So, you will have money.” The boy was so excited. He grabbed all the apples on the tree and left happily. The boy never came back after he picked the apples. The tree was sad.   One day, the boy returned and the tree was so excited. “Come and play with me,” the tree said. “I don"t have time to play. I have to work for my family. We need a house for shelter. Can you help me?” “Sorry, but I don"t have a house. But you can chop off my branches to build your house.” So the boy cut all the branches off the tree and left happily. The tree was glad to see him happy but the boy never came back since then. The tree was again lonely and sad.   One hot summer day, the boy returned and the tree was delighted. “Come and play with me!” the tree said. “I am sad and getting old. I want to go sailing to relax myself. Can you give me a boat?” “Use my trunk to build your boat. You can sail far away and be happy.” So the boy cut the tree trunk to make a boat. He went sailing and never showed up for a long time. The tree was happy, but it was not true. 大学英语演讲稿6   Ladies and Gentlemen, Good morning! I"m very glad to stand here and give you a short speech.   Man"s life is a process of growing up, actually I"m standing here is a growth. If a person"s life must constituted by various choices, then I grow up along with these choices. Once I hope I can study in a college in future, however that"s passed, as you know I come here, now I wonder what the future holds for me.   When I come to this school, I told to myself: this my near future, all starts here. Following I will learn to become a man, a integrated man, who has a fine body, can take on important task, has independent thought, an open mind, intensive thought, has the ability to judge right and wrong, has a perfect job. ??   Once my teacher said :” you are not sewing, you are stylist; never forget which you should lay out to people is your thought, not craft.” I will put my personality with my interest and ability into my study, during these process I will combine learning with doing. If I can achieve this “future”, I think that I really grow up. And I deeply believe kindred, good-fellowship and love will perfection and happy in the future. ??   How to say future? Maybe it"s a nice wish. Lets make up our minds, stick to it and surely well enjoy our life.
2023-01-07 17:14:161

狄更斯的《大卫科波菲尔》人物总结【急】 400字

额额。。。不用太华丽、普通些最好。。。应该说符合你水平最好。。。呵呵呐呐、给你一符合你水平的~~嗯、我网上看到给你复制的。。。很有爱很适合你~~~翻译出来肯定是原创的、没重复的!!呵呵The story is told almost entirely from the point of view of the first person narrator, David Copperfield himself, and was the first Dickens novel to do so.Critically, it is considered a Bildungsroman and would be influential in the genre which included Dickens"s own Great Expectations (1861), Thomas Hardy"s Jude the Obscure, Samuel Butler"s The Way of All Flesh, H. G. Wells"s Tono-Bungay, D. H. Lawrence"s Sons and Lovers, and James Joyce"s Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.As a bildungsroman, it has one major theme throughout, the disciplining of the hero"s emotional and moral life. We learn to go against "the first mistaken impulse of the undisciplined heart", a theme which is repeated throughout all the relationships and characters in the novel.Characters in the novel generally belong to one of three categories: Those who have disciplined hearts, those who lack disciplined hearts, or those who develop disciplined hearts over time. Characters who fall into the first category include the mature and caring Agnes Wickfield and the selfless and forgiving Mr. Peggotty. The greedy, scheming Uriah Heep and the egotistic and inconsiderate James Steerforth are examples of characters who belong in the second category. Members of the third category include David Copperfield himself, who learns to make wiser choices in his relationships through personal experience, and his aunt Betsy Trotwood, who lacks consideration for others early on, but becomes less inconsiderate over time. Dickens uses characters and events throughout the novel as comparisons and contrasts for each other in terms of wisdom and discipline. A good comparison is Agnes Wickfield and Dora Spenlow: Dora lacks maturity and is unable to handle stressful situations, often breaking out in tears, while Agnes remains calm and collected even when troubled, yielding to her emotions only rarely. Another good comparison is Ham and Mr. Peggotty, and Mrs. Steerforth and Miss Dartle: The latter two become distraught at the loss of Steerforth, allowing it to trouble them their whole lives, while the former two bear the loss of Emily with dignity and reservation. Despite the premise of this work, Dickens does not give David Copperfield a stiff or unnatural feel, making this novel a supreme display of his genius at work.[citation needed]Analysis of Major CharactersDavid CopperfieldAlthough David narrates his story as an adult, he relays the impressions he had from a youthful point of view. We see how David"s perception of the world deepens as he comes of age. We see David"s initial innocence in the contrast between his interpretation of events and our own understanding of them. Although David is ignorant of Steerforth"s treachery, we are aware from the moment we meet Steerforth that he doesn"t deserve the adulation David feels toward him. David doesn"t understand why he hates Uriah or why he trusts a boy with a donkey cart who steals his money and leaves him in the road, but we can sense Uriah"s devious nature and the boy"s treacherous intentions. In David"s first-person narration, Dickens conveys the wisdom of the older man implicitly, through the eyes of a child.David"s complex character allows for contradiction and development over the course of the novel. Though David is trusting and kind, he also has moments of cruelty, like the scene in which he intentionally distresses Mr. Dick by explaining Miss Betsey"s dire situation to him. David also displays great tenderness, as in the moment when he realizes his love for Agnes for the first time. David, especially as a young man in love, can be foolish and romantic. As he grows up, however, he develops a more mature point of view and searches for a lover who will challenge him and help him grow. David fully matures as an adult when he expresses the sentiment that he values Agnes"s calm tranquility over all else in his life.Uriah HeepUriah serves a foil to David and contrasts David"s qualities of innocence and compassion with his own corruption. Though Uriah is raised in a cruel environment similar to David"s, Uriah"s upbringing causes him to become bitter and vengeful rather than honest and hopeful. Dickens"s physical description of Uriah marks Uriah as a demonic character. He refers to Uriah"s movements as snakelike and gives Uriah red hair and red eyes. Uriah and David not only have opposing characteristics but also operate at cross-purposes. For example, whereas Uriah wishes to marry Agnes only in order to hurt David, David"s marriages are both motivated by love. The frequent contrast between Uriah"s and David"s sentiments emphasizes David"s kindness and moral integrity.While David"s character development is a process of increased self-understanding, Uriah grows in his desire to exercise control over himself and other characters. As Uriah gains more power over Mr. Wickfield, his sense of entitlement grows and he becomes more and more power-hungry. The final scenes of the novel, in which Uriah praises his jail cell because it helps him know what he should do, show Uriah"s need to exert control even when he is a helpless prisoner. But imprisonment does not redeem his evil—if anything, it compounds his flaws. To the end, Uriah plots strategies to increase his control. Because he deploys his strategies to selfish purposes that bring harm to others, he stands out as the novel"s greatest villain.James SteerforthSteerforth is a slick, egotistical, wealthy young man whose sense of self-importance overwhelms all his opinions. Steerforth underscores the difference between what we understand as readers and what David sees—and fails to see—in his youthful naïveté. David takes Steerforth"s kindness for granted without analyzing his motives or detecting his duplicity. When Steerforth befriends David at Salem House, David doesn"t suspect that Steerforth is simply trying to use David to make friends and gain status. Though Steerforth belittles David from the moment they meet, David is incapable of conceiving that his new friend might be taking advantage of him. Because Steerforth"s duplicity is so clear to us, David"s lack of insight into Steerforth"s true intentions emphasizes his youthful innocence. Steerforth likes David only because David worships him, and his final betrayal comes as a surprise to David but not to us.
2023-01-07 17:14:212


  你觉得它的英语水平怎么样,比得过我们学校的年级第一吗?下面是我给大家整理的你觉得怎么样的英语翻译,供大家参阅!   你觉得怎么样的英语翻译   1.what do you you think? do you feel?   3.what"s your feeling?   你觉得怎么样what do you you think的英语例句   1. "What do scientists you"ve spoken with think about that?"— "Well. to begin with. they doubt it"s going to work."   “跟你聊过的科学家是怎么看的?”——“嗯,首先,他们怀疑这能否行得通。”   2. What do your subordinates think of you?   你的下级如何评价你?   3. "So what do you think?" she said in a hoarse whisper.   “那么你认为如何?”她声音嘶哑地悄声问道。   4. "So what do you think will happen?" he asked eagerly.   “那么你觉得会发生什么?”他急切地问道。   5. You can"t do this! What do you think you"re doing?   你不能这样做!你以为自己在干些什么?   6. What do you think of the school, in your honest opinion?   坦率地说,你认为这个学校怎么样?   7. What do you think today"s developments will mean for him?   你认为今天的新情况对他意味着什么?   8. Tell me, what do you think of my theory?   你说说,我的理论怎么样?   9. What do you think he means by that?   你觉得他那么说是什么意思呢?   10. Oi, you! What do you think you"re doing?   嗨,你!你以为你在干什么?   11. What do you really think about it?   你到底对这事怎么看?   12. What do you think to this new musical group?   你认为这个新乐队 怎么样 ?   13. What do you think of this novel? -- Not too bad.   这本小说 怎么样 -- 还凑合.   14. What do you think about him?   你觉得他这个人 怎么样 ?   15. What do you think of Paris by night?   你认为巴黎的夜景 如何 ?   你觉得怎么样how do you feel的双语例句   1. How do you feel about going back to the neighborhood?   对回到这个街区你有何感想?   2. How do you feel, Dad?   爸爸,你感觉怎么样?   3. How do you feel towards the new teacher?   你对这位新来的老师印象 如何 ?   4. How do you feel today?   今天你感觉怎样?   5. How do you feel about that, babe?   宝贝儿,你觉得那个怎么样?   6. How do you feel now?   你感觉 怎么样 ?   7. How do you feel , Shane?   “夏恩, 你有什么感想啊? ”   8. How do you feel about all this adulation and hero worship?   对于这一切溢美之词及个人崇拜你怎么看?   9. How do you feel after a long vacation?   长假之后你感觉如何?   10. Dashan, I"m over here. It"s great to see you. How do you feel?   大山, 我在这边. 见到你我真高兴. 你感觉 怎么样 ?   11. OK, I"ll have a good sleep this afternoon. How do you feel now?   好的, 今天下午我会好好睡一觉的. 你现在感觉怎样?   12. How do you feel about America"s aerial bombardment of Afghanistan?   你怎么看美国轰炸阿富汗这件事?   13. How do you feel like the quality of our products?   你觉得我们产品的质量 怎么样 ?   14. How do you feel about leaving all of your benefits?   放弃你现有的利益,你是如何考虑的?   15. HOW do you feel about our 35 th National Day?   “国庆35周年,你有什么感想? ”   
2023-01-07 17:14:331

急求古希腊神话中 命运三女神的英文介绍,谢谢大家了

This is the famous classical period, subject from the greek myth. the ancient greece, people built a temple to god. all this adulation temple of the parthenon was topnotch.The parthenon is a sculpture 菲狄亚斯 in the art of its creation, the temple with the scale of a great relief, though not all one"s hands from 菲狄亚斯, but he is the chief designer of these sculptures, so from these sculptures can be clearly seen 菲狄亚斯 style.Temple is the ornamental carving is divided into three parts of the gable : things carved in stone sculpture, between a and type of over 160 meters with a carving.1687, The parthenon , temples were destroyed in war, or sculpture was burnt out and then were the englishman, made many valuable art works on the british, the sisters of fate "is one of them kept a good one. The sisters of fate of the parthenon"s east 人字形 gable all the statue of a group together. the three sisters is growe 克拉西斯, and a special law of persia. their task is spinning the fate of the line cut off while in life.They are imperial before zeus adviser simis"s daughter. the three look like a goddess of the world is no god, but between the two sisters are moving, and sat down in the stance of the individual"s personality had.Existing the three goddess statue that the head and his limbs have lost, but that beauty, quiet and smart, and still have a very beautiful.Especially sisters clothes processing, the greek thin dress in at three god, fine and complicated nature of the wet 衣褶, as the body of the ups and downs, the body beautiful outline vividly displayed.That these statues are not as cold as marble by, but the flesh and blood living person.
2023-01-07 17:14:391

找牛人帮我写英语作文 急急急!!!

坑 
2023-01-07 17:14:454


The story is told almost entirely from the point of view of the first person narrator, David Copperfield himself, and was the first Dickens novel to do so. Critically, it is considered a Bildungsroman and would be influential in the genre which included Dickens"s own Great Expectations (1861), Thomas Hardy"s Jude the Obscure, Samuel Butler"s The Way of All Flesh, H. G. Wells"s Tono-Bungay, D. H. Lawrence"s Sons and Lovers, and James Joyce"s Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. As a bildungsroman, it has one major theme throughout, the disciplining of the hero"s emotional and moral life. We learn to go against "the first mistaken impulse of the undisciplined heart", a theme which is repeated throughout all the relationships and characters in the novel. Characters in the novel generally belong to one of three categories: Those who have disciplined hearts, those who lack disciplined hearts, or those who develop disciplined hearts over time. Characters who fall into the first category include the mature and caring Agnes Wickfield and the selfless and forgiving Mr. Peggotty. The greedy, scheming Uriah Heep and the egotistic and inconsiderate James Steerforth are examples of characters who belong in the second category. Members of the third category include David Copperfield himself, who learns to make wiser choices in his relationships through personal experience, and his aunt Betsy Trotwood, who lacks consideration for others early on, but becomes less inconsiderate over time. Dickens uses characters and events throughout the novel as comparisons and contrasts for each other in terms of wisdom and discipline. A good comparison is Agnes Wickfield and Dora Spenlow: Dora lacks maturity and is unable to handle stressful situations, often breaking out in tears, while Agnes remains calm and collected even when troubled, yielding to her emotions only rarely. Another good comparison is Ham and Mr. Peggotty, and Mrs. Steerforth and Miss Dartle: The latter two become distraught at the loss of Steerforth, allowing it to trouble them their whole lives, while the former two bear the loss of Emily with dignity and reservation. Despite the premise of this work, Dickens does not give David Copperfield a stiff or unnatural feel, making this novel a supreme display of his genius at work.[citation needed] Analysis of Major Characters David Copperfield Although David narrates his story as an adult, he relays the impressions he had from a youthful point of view. We see how David"s perception of the world deepens as he comes of age. We see David"s initial innocence in the contrast between his interpretation of events and our own understanding of them. Although David is ignorant of Steerforth"s treachery, we are aware from the moment we meet Steerforth that he doesn"t deserve the adulation David feels toward him. David doesn"t understand why he hates Uriah or why he trusts a boy with a donkey cart who steals his money and leaves him in the road, but we can sense Uriah"s devious nature and the boy"s treacherous intentions. In David"s first-person narration, Dickens conveys the wisdom of the older man implicitly, through the eyes of a child. David"s complex character allows for contradiction and development over the course of the novel. Though David is trusting and kind, he also has moments of cruelty, like the scene in which he intentionally distresses Mr. Dick by explaining Miss Betsey"s dire situation to him. David also displays great tenderness, as in the moment when he realizes his love for Agnes for the first time. David, especially as a young man in love, can be foolish and romantic. As he grows up, however, he develops a more mature point of view and searches for a lover who will challenge him and help him grow. David fully matures as an adult when he expresses the sentiment that he values Agnes"s calm tranquility over all else in his life. Uriah Heep Uriah serves a foil to David and contrasts David"s qualities of innocence and compassion with his own corruption. Though Uriah is raised in a cruel environment similar to David"s, Uriah"s upbringing causes him to become bitter and vengeful rather than honest and hopeful. Dickens"s physical description of Uriah marks Uriah as a demonic character. He refers to Uriah"s movements as snakelike and gives Uriah red hair and red eyes. Uriah and David not only have opposing characteristics but also operate at cross-purposes. For example, whereas Uriah wishes to marry Agnes only in order to hurt David, David"s marriages are both motivated by love. The frequent contrast between Uriah"s and David"s sentiments emphasizes David"s kindness and moral integrity. While David"s character development is a process of increased self-understanding, Uriah grows in his desire to exercise control over himself and other characters. As Uriah gains more power over Mr. Wickfield, his sense of entitlement grows and he becomes more and more power-hungry. The final scenes of the novel, in which Uriah praises his jail cell because it helps him know what he should do, show Uriah"s need to exert control even when he is a helpless prisoner. But imprisonment does not redeem his evil—if anything, it compounds his flaws. To the end, Uriah plots strategies to increase his control. Because he deploys his strategies to selfish purposes that bring harm to others, he stands out as the novel"s greatest villain. James Steerforth Steerforth is a slick, egotistical, wealthy young man whose sense of self-importance overwhelms all his opinions. Steerforth underscores the difference between what we understand as readers and what David sees—and fails to see—in his youthful naïveté. David takes Steerforth"s kindness for granted without analyzing his motives or detecting his duplicity. When Steerforth befriends David at Salem House, David doesn"t suspect that Steerforth is simply trying to use David to make friends and gain status. Though Steerforth belittles David from the moment they meet, David is incapable of conceiving that his new friend might be taking advantage of him. Because Steerforth"s duplicity is so clear to us, David"s lack of insight into Steerforth"s true intentions emphasizes his youthful innocence. Steerforth likes David only because David worships him, and his final betrayal comes as a surprise to David but not to us.
2023-01-07 17:14:592


2023-01-07 17:15:081


China is celebrating its first Grand Slam tennis champion, the tattooed and free-spirited Li Na, not just as a new sporting icon but as a new face for her country.身上刺有纹身、行事不拘一格的李娜成为中国首位大满贯网球赛冠军,在国内,她不仅被誉为新的体育偶像,还被视为代表中国的一张新面孔。 Ms. Li"s popular appeal has been enhanced by her antiestablishment reputation since she broke away from the state sports administration in 2008 to climb the world tennis rankings on the strength of her individual talent and perseverance.6月4日,中国女网选手李娜在法网女子单打决赛中战胜意大利卫冕冠军斯齐亚沃尼,成为中国乃至亚洲首位在大满贯单打比赛中夺冠的选手。2008年,李娜脱离国家体育总局,凭着自己的才能和毅力攀登世界网球排行榜。自那以来,李娜的反传统声誉让她越发受到大众欢迎。Her victory over Francesca Schiavone 6-4, 7-6 in the final of the French Open on Saturday prompted a bout of giddy national euphoria. An estimated audience of 166 million watched the match on China Central Television.周六法国网球公开赛决赛中,李娜以6-4、7-6的比分击败斯齐亚沃尼(Francesca Schiavone),全中国欣喜若狂。据估计,有1.66亿观众通过中国中央电视台观看了这场比赛。Chinese state media have been swept along by the adulation. An editorial carried by the state-run Xinhua news agency on Sunday entitled "Li Na is the best PR for China," called her an "outstanding name card for China" and a "brilliant "diplomat."" It compared Ms. Li to Chinese NBA star Yao Ming, noting that both "can speak very fluent English, and both of them have a kind of sense of humor that is appreciated by foreigners."中国官方媒体沉浸在对李娜的赞誉之中。新华社周日发表一篇社评,题为“李娜是最好的国家公关”,将她称为“中国的新名片”,和一名“出色的外交官”。文章将李娜比作NBA中国球星姚明,因为“他们都能够说相当流利的英语,都有着为老外所欣赏的幽默感”。 The normally staid People"s Daily, the mouthpiece of the Chinese Communist Party, splashed a color picture of Ms. Li kissing the trophy at the top of its front page along with a gushing story framed in a celebratory red border. "Li Na reaches the summit of the Grand Slam," read the headline.平时一贯严肃的中共中央机关报《人民日报》,很隆重地在头版顶端位置刊登了一张李娜亲吻奖杯的彩色照片,并配以一篇热情洋溢的文稿,围上喜庆的红色边框。标题是“李娜登顶大满贯”。A commentary on Chinese Internet portal said that Ms. Li has "conquered the whole world with her unique charm as a lady from the East."中国门户网站新浪网发表的一篇评论说,李娜以其东方女性的独特魅力征服了整个世界。Ms. Li"s personal narrative has come to embody the wider aspirations of young Chinese to challenge convention and take risks. Much is made in the Chinese media of the flower tattoo on her chest.李娜的个人经历,让人看到中国更多年轻人挑战传统、承担风险的抱负。她胸口上的花朵状纹身获得了中国媒体的关注。
2023-01-07 17:15:131


反义词就是两个意思相反的词,包括:绝对反义词和相对反义词。分为成对的意义相反、互相对立的词。以下是我整理的人走茶凉的反义词作文,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。 1、读音 [Rén zǒu chá liáng] 本义:一杯茶,人走开了,自然慢慢地就凉了,冷了。寓意:世态炎凉。 2、近义词 世态炎凉,风消云散,酒阑人散 3、反义词 一如既往:一:完全;如:像;既往:从前。指态度或做法没有任何变化,还是像从前一样。 出自:《第二次握手·六》:“清末以来,到海外求学的中国人何止千百,在学业上有成就的"也大有人在,可是,中国又穷又弱的现状一如既往,丝毫无所改变。” 4、出处 出自《明代嫖经》与《青楼韵语》,原句是:来的都是客,全凭钱一囊,相逢开口笑,过后不思量,人一走,茶就凉。意指娼妓与嫖客都是假情假意,世利有加,不会对恩客付出真心。 5、英文翻译 Power gone, adulation done.
2023-01-07 17:15:191

# include "iostream.h" void main() { char *s="213142"; int a=0,b=0,c=0,d=0; int k; for(k=0;s[k];k++

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2023-01-07 17:15:242


另外还有:adorefondernesstendernesswarmthintimacyworshippassionardourdesirelustyearninginfatuation(热恋,着迷,迷恋,很好的一个词~)adulationbesottedness (沉醉,使痴迷)
2023-01-07 17:15:403


形容态度的英语词语Formal(informal) 正式, 礼仪, 拘谨 (非正式, 不拘礼, 通俗) Matter of fact 实事求是, 以事实为依据 Pedantic 迂腐, 卖弄学问, 学究式的, 空谈, 自夸学问, 书呆子气的 Personal(impersonal) 人性的, 涉及隐私的, 私人的, 人称的, 亲自的, 身体的 (客观的, 和个人无关的, 没有人情味的, 非人的) Respectful 表示尊敬的, 有礼貌的, 谦恭的 Disdainful 轻蔑的, 居傲的, 鄙视的 Adulation(adulatory) 谄媚的, 过分称赞的 Wonder 奇迹, 惊讶, 难以置信的 Affection(affectionate) 深情的, 亲切的, 挚爱的 Amusement(amusing) 有趣的, 使人发笑的, 消遣的, 愉快的 Approval(disapproval) 赞成的, 满意的 (不以为然的, 不赞成的, 非难的) Reverence(irreverence) 虔诚的, 表示尊敬的, 充满崇敬心的 (不敬的, 不逊的, 无礼的) Disappointment 使人失望的, 令人沮丧的, Sarcasm(sarcastic) 讽刺的, 讥讽的 Didactic 说教的, 教训的 Persuasive(convincing) 令人信服的, 有力的, 使人心悦诚服的 Diffident 无自信的, 谦虚谨慎的, 羞怯的 Indifferent 漠不关心的, 不重要的, 冷淡的 Kindly indulgence 温和地纵容, 任性的, 温和地宽容 Condemnation(condemnable) 该受责备的, 可非难的, 该罚的 Scientifically detached 学术上超然的, 学术上分离的, 科学态度冷淡的 Apologetic 道歉的, 急于认错的, 辩护的 Frustrated 挫折的, 挫败的, 无益的 Contemptuous 轻蔑的, 鄙视的, 瞧不起人的 Condescending 谦逊的, 故意屈尊的, 有优越感的 Paternal 父亲的, 似父亲的, 家长式统治的 Cynical 愤世嫉俗的, 讽刺的, 冷嘲的 Pitying 怜悯的, 遗憾的, 同情的 Bitter(bitterness) 痛苦的, 怀恨的 (悲痛, 怨恨) Factual 事实的, 实际的 Humorous 富幽默感的, 滑稽的, 诙谐的 Inventive 善于创造的, 发明的 Self-righteous 自以为是的 Insincere 不诚实的, 无诚意的, 伪善的 Matter-of-fact 事实的, 实际的, 事务性的, 平淡的 Share intellectual life 共享知识 Gloat over difficulty 在困难时幸灾乐祸 Slyly introduce the fact 狡猾地介绍事实 Stick to established facts 坚持已确立的观点 Impatient 不耐烦的, 着急的, 急切的 Adverse criticism 反向批评, 逆向评论 Violent distaste 极度的厌恶, 剧烈的嫌恶 Pleasure 心情舒畅的, 愉悦的
2023-01-07 17:15:511


2023-01-07 17:15:571

人走茶凉 用英语怎么说????

There is no more friendship if people leave each other just as the hot tea turns cold right after the guest leaves.
2023-01-07 17:16:163


汤姆·克鲁斯 Tom Cruise ...... Chief John Anderton 马克斯·冯·赛多 Max von Sydow ...... Director Lamar Burgess 斯蒂夫·哈里斯 Steve Harris ...... Jad 尼尔·麦克唐纳 Neal McDonough ...... Fletcher 帕特里克·基尔帕特里克 Patrick Kilpa ...... Knott 杰西卡·坎普莎 Jessica Capshaw ...... Evanna 理查德·科克 Richard Coca ...... Pre-Crime Cop Keith Campbell ...... Pre-Crime Cop Kirk B.R. Woller ...... Pre-Crime Cop Klea Scott ...... Pre-Crime Cop 弗兰克·吉里洛 Frank Grillo ...... Pre-Crime Cop 安娜·玛丽亚·霍斯福德 Anna Maria Ho ...... Casey Sarah Simmons ...... Lamar Burgess" Secre Eugene Osment ...... Jad"s Technician James Henderson ...... Office Worker Vene L. Arcoraci ...... Office WorkerVene Arcorac Erica Ford ...... Employee Keith Flippen ...... Tour Guide Nathan Taylor ...... Kid Tourist Radmar Agana Jao ...... Technician Karina Logue ...... Technician Elizabeth Anne Smith ...... Technician Victoria Kelleher ...... Technician 杰姆·拉什 Jim Rash ...... Technician 柯林·法瑞尔 Colin Farrell ...... Danny Witwer Stephen Ramsey ...... Jucket - Agent #1 周汤姆 Tom Choi ...... Paymen - Agent #2 Tom Whitenight ...... Price - Agent #3 Billy Morts ...... Foley - Agent #4 萨曼莎·莫顿 Samantha Morton ...... Agatha 丹尼尔·伦敦 Daniel London ...... WallyCaretaker Michael Dickman ...... Arthur Matthew Dickman ...... Dashiell Lois Smith ...... Dr. Iris Hineman 蒂姆·布莱克·尼尔森 Tim Blake Nels ...... Gideon George Wallace ...... Chief Justice PollardGeor 安·若伊森 Ann Ryerson ...... Dr. Katherine James 凯瑟琳·莫里斯 Kathryn Morris ...... Lara Clarke Tyler Patrick Jones ...... Older Sean Dominic Scott Kay ...... Younger Sean 阿依·格罗斯 Arye Gross ...... Howard Marks 阿什利·克劳 Ashley Crow ...... Sarah Marks 麦克·宾德尔 Mike Binder ...... Leo Crow 乔尔·格莱特斯/乔·格拉什 Joel Gretsc ...... Donald Dubin Jessica Harper ...... Anne Lively Bertell Lawrence ...... John Doe Jason Antoon ...... Rufus Riley at Cyber Parl Bill Mesnik ...... Cyber Parlor Customer 斯科特·弗兰克 Scott Frank ...... Conceited Customer Severin Wunderman ...... Skiing Customer Max Trumpower ...... Homeless Person Allie Raye ...... Hamburger Mom Rocael Rueda Leiva ...... Hamburger(as Rocael Rueda Nicholas Edwin Barb ...... Homework Boy Catfish Bates ...... Tenement Snitch 彼得·施特曼 Peter Stormare ...... Dr. Solomon Eddie Caroline Lagerfelt ...... GretaEyck Danny Lopes ...... Man Vanessa Cedotal ...... Woman Katy Boyer ...... Mother Adrianna Kamosa ...... Child Kari Gordon ...... Child Elizabeth Kamosa ...... Child Raquel Gordon ...... Child Laurel Kamosa ...... Child Fiona Hale ...... Old Woman Pamela Roberts ...... Violent Wife Clement Blake ...... HusbandClement E. Blake) Jerry Perchesky ...... Grandfather 维克多·莱德-怀兹勒 Victor Raider- ...... Attorney General Nash Nancy Linehan Charles ...... Celeste Burgess Nadia Axakowsky ...... Reporter Dude Walker ...... Reporter Tony Hill ...... Reporter Drakeel Burns ...... Reporter 威廉姆·麦普瑟 William Mapother ...... Hotel Clerk Morgan Hasson ...... Paperboy Andrew Sandler ...... Marks" Son Bonnie Morgan ...... Contortionist Kathi Copeland ...... Murder Bystander Ana Maria Quintana ...... Murder Bystander Lucille M. Oliver ...... Murder Bystander Gene Wheeler ...... Murder Bystander Tonya Ivey ...... Gap Girl David Stifel ...... Lycon - Seller of Black I Kurt Schwoebel ...... Adulation #1 Rebecca Ritz ...... Adulation #2 Beverly Morgan ...... Adulation #3 John Bennett ...... Adulation #4 Maureen Dunn ...... Adulation #5 Ron Ulstad ...... Adulation #6 Blake Bashoff ...... Pre-Crime Public Service David Doty ...... Pre-Crime Public Service Gina Gallego ...... Pre-Crime Public Service David Hornsby ...... Pre-Crime Public Service Anne Judson-Yager ...... Pre-Crime Public Service Meredith Monroe ...... Pre-Crime Public Service Benita Krista Nall ...... Pre-Crime Public Service Shannon O"Hurley ...... Pre-Crime Public Service Jorge Pallo ...... Pre-Crime Public Service Elizabeth Payne ...... Pre-Crime Public Service Ethan Sherman ...... Revo Sunglass Model Jarah ...... AMEX Polynesian WomanJara Miles Dinsmoor ...... Guinness Man Vanessa Asbert ...... Bulgari Model Michael Ahl ...... Agent (uncredited) Markus Alexander ...... Captain of Industry (uncr 保罗·托马斯·安德森 Paul Thomas An ...... Passenger on train (uncre Don Austin ...... Pre-Crime Officer (uncred Robert Randolph Caton ...... Dignitary (uncredited) 卡梅隆·克罗威 Cameron Crowe ...... Bus Passenger (uncredited Tom Cutler ...... Banquet Guest (uncredited 卡梅隆·迪亚兹 Cameron Diaz ...... Woman on Metro (uncredite Pamela Shoemaker ...... Woman with Stroller (uncr Bourke Floyd ...... Pre-Crime Officer (uncred Kimiko Cazanov ...... Mother on Metro (uncredit Steven Hack ...... PSA(uncredited) Tristan Cree Jackson ...... Pre-Crime(uncredited) Baron Jay ...... Pre-Crime Officer (uncred Nina Kaczorowski ...... Virtual Girl (uncredited) Rick Kain ...... Metro(uncredited) George Kardulias ...... Wealthy Patron (uncredite Payman Kayvanfar ...... Card Player (uncredited) Sunny Malick ...... Pre-Crime Employee (uncre Kelli Mandruk ...... Virtual Reality Girl (unc Miguel Mas ...... Passenger on train (uncre Sumalee Montano ...... Talking Billboard (uncred Rana Morrison ...... Lady at party (uncredited Peechee Neric ...... Tourist (uncredited) Marilyn Rising ...... Contortionist (uncredited Ian Salmon ...... Pre-Crime(uncredited) Riley Schmidt ...... Pre-Crime Employee (uncre Jay Shindell ...... Man in(uncredited) Daniel Browning Smith ...... Contortionist (uncredited Dollar Tan ...... PSA Crime(uncredited) Christian Taylor ...... Pre-Crime Officer (uncred Martha Terry ...... Pre-Crime(uncredited) Clyde Tull ...... Party Guest (uncredited) Paul Wasilewski ...... Nathan with Bicycle (uncr
2023-01-07 17:16:271


1accretion n. 自然的增加,增加物2 occasion n.场合,时刻;时机3 containerization n.集装箱化4 inflection n. 屈曲,变调,音调变化5 emulation n. 竞争,仿效6 formation n.形成;构成;形成物7 situation n.位置;处境;形势8 affliction n. 痛苦,折磨9 demoralization n. 道德颓废,堕落,士气沮丧10 explosion n.爆炸,爆发,炸裂11 expostulation n. 劝告,谏言12 ministration n. 职务,服侍,援助13 devastation n. 毁坏14 onion n.洋葱,洋葱头15 industrialization n. 工业化16 plantation n.种植园;栽植17 exoneration n. 免罪,免除18 adulation n. 谄媚,奉承,阿谀19 aviation n.航空,航空学20 correlation n.相互关系;对射21 emendation n. 订正,校订22 asseveration n. 断言,誓言23 disintegration n. 瓦解24 declaration n.宣布,宣言;申诉25 vaccination n. 预防注射,种痘26 cooperation n. 合作,协作27 defamation n. 破坏名誉,中伤,诽谤28 centurion n. 百夫长29 reduction n.减少,减小,缩减30 delusion n. 欺骗,幻想31 union n.联合;联合会,团结32 adjuration n. 严令,恳请,请愿33 immersion n. 沉入,浸入34 exhaustion n. 疲备,耗尽35 effusion n. 流出物,泻出36 excitation n. 刺激;激发,激励37 contribution n. 贡献38 imagination n.想象;想象力;空想39 dissection n. 解剖,切开40 celebration n.庆祝;庆祝会41 acceleration n.加速;加速度42 affection n.慈爱,爱;爱慕43 conflagration n. 建筑物或森林大火44 reprobation n. 非难,叱责,排斥45 objurgation n. 叱责,非难46 agglomeration n. 结块,凝聚,块47 intimidation n. 恐吓48 narration n.叙述;故事;叙述法49 asphyxiation n. 窒息50 peregrination n. 游历(尤指在国外)
2023-01-07 17:16:391


SAT 3500 Basic Word List A-C D-H I-O P-S T-Y abaseabashabateabbreviateabdicateabductionaberrantabetabeyanceabhorabjectabjureablutionabnegationabolishabominableaboriginalabortiveabradeabrasiveabridgeabrogateabscondabsoluteabsolveabsorbabstainabstemiousabstinenceabstractabstruseabundantabusiveabutabysmalabyssacademicaccedeaccelerateaccentuateaccessibleaccessoryacclaimacclimateacclivityaccoladeaccommodateaccompliceaccordaccostaccoutreaccretionaccrueacerbityaceticacidulousacknowledgeacmeacousticsacquiesceacquireacquittalacridacrimoniousacrophobiaactuarialactuateacuityacumenacuteadageadamantadaptaddendumaddictionaddleaddressadeptadhereadherentadjacentadjunctadmonishadmonitionadornadroitadulationadulterateadventadventitiousadversaryadverseadversityadvocacyadvocateaerieaestheticaffableaffectedaffidavitaffiliationaffinityaffirmationaffixafflictionaffluenceaffrontaftermathagendaagentagglomerationaggrandizeaggregateaggressoraghastagilityagitateagnosticagrarianalacrityalchemyalcovealias alienatealimentaryalimonyallayallegeallegianceallegoryalleviatealliterationallocatealloyalloyalludeallureallusionaloftaloofaltercationaltruisticamalgamateamassambidextrousambienceambiguousambivalenceambleambulatoryameliorateamenableamendamenitiesamiableamicableamissamityamnesiaamnestyamoralamorousamorphousamphibianamphitheaterampleamplifyamputateamuletanachronisticanalgesicanalogousanalogyanarchistanarchyanathemaancestryanchorancillaryanecdoteanemiaanestheticanguishangularanimatedanimosityanimusannalsannexannihilateannotateannuityannulanointanomalousanomalyanonymityanonymousantagonismantecedeantecedentsantediluviananthemanthologyanthropocentricanthropoidanthropologistanthropomorphicanticlimaxantidoteantipathyantiquatedantisepticantithesisapathyapeapertureapexaphasiaaphorismapiaryaplombapocalypticapocryphalapogeeapoliticalapologistapostateapotheosisappallapparatusapparitionappeaseappellationappendapplicationappositeappraiseappreciateapprehendapprehensionapprenticeshipappriseapprobationappropriateaproposaptitudeaquaticaquilinearablearbiterarbitraryarbitratorarboretumarcadearcanearchaeologyarchaicarchetypearchipelagoarchivesardentarduousariaaridaristocracyarmadaaromaticarousalarraignarrayarrayarrearsarrestarrogancearroyoarsenalarticulateartifactartificeartisanartlessascendancyascertainasceticascribeasepticashenasinineaskanceaskewasperityaspirantaspireassailassayassentassertassessmentassiduousassimilateassuageassumptionassuranceasteroidastigmatismastralastringentastronomicalastuteasunder asylumasymmetricatavismatheisticatlasatoneatrocityatrophyattainattentiveattenuateattestattributeattributeattritionatypicalaudaciousauditauditory,augmentauguryaugustaureoleauroralauspiciousaustereauthenticateauthoritarianauthoritativeautocraticautomatonautonomousautopsyauxiliaryavalancheavariceavengeaverseaversionavertaviaryavidavocationavowavuncularaweawryaxiomazurebabblebacchanalianbadgerbadinagebafflebaitbalefulbalkballastbalmbalmybanalbandybanebanteringbarbbardbaroquebarragebarrenbarricadebartererbaskbastionbatebaublebawdybeambeatificbeatitudebedizenbedragglebeelinebefuddlebegetbegrudgebeguilebehemothbelaborbelatedbeleaguerbeliebelittlebellicosebelligerentbemoanbemusedbenedictionbenefactorbeneficialbeneficiarybenevolentbenignbent bequeathberatebereavementbereftberserkbeseechbesetbesiegebesmirchbestialbestowbetokenbetraybetrothbevybiasedbicameralbickerbiennialbigotrybiliousbilkbillowingbivouacbizarreblanchblandblandishmentblareblaséblasphemyblatantbleakblightedblithebloatedbludgeonbluffbluffblunderblurtblusterbodebogusbohemianboisterousbolsterboltboltbombardmentbombasticboomingboonboorishboundlessbountifulbourgeoisbovinebowdlerizeboycottbraggartbrandishbravadobrawnbrazenbreachbreadthbrevitybrindledbristlingbrittlebroachbrochurebroochbrowbeatbrowsebruntbrusquebuccaneerbucolicbuffetbuffetbuffoonerybullionbulwarkbumptiousbungalowbunglebuoyantbureaucracyburgeonburlesqueburlyburnishbustlebuttressbuxomcabalcachecacophonouscadavercadaverouscadencecajolecalamitycalculatedcaldroncalibercalligraphycallouscallowcalorificcalumnycamaraderiecameocamouflagecandorcaninecannycantcantankerouscantatacantercantocanvasscapaciousCapacitycapitulatecapricecapriciouscaptioncaptivatecaratcardinalcardiologistcareencaricaturecarnagecarnalcarnivorouscarpingcartographercascadecastigatecasualtycataclysmcatalystcatapultcataractcatastrophecatcallcatechismcategoricalcater tocatharsiscatholiccaucuscaulkcausalcausticcavalcadecavaliercavilcedecelebratedceleritycelestialcelibatecensorcensoriouscensurecentigradecentrifugalcentripetalcenturioncerebralcerebrationceremoniouscertitudecessationcessionchafechaffchaffingchagrinchalicechameleonchampionChaoticcharismacharlatancharychasmchassischastechastenchastisechauvinistcheckcheckeredcherubicchicanerychidechimericalchiselchiselChivalrouscholericchoreographychortlechronicchroniclechurlishcipherciphercircuitouscircumlocutioncircumscribecircumspectcircumventcisterncitadelciteCivilclairvoyantclamberclamorclandestineclangorclapperclaspclaustrophobiacleaveCleftclemencyclenchclichéclienteleclimacticclimeClipcliquecloisterCloutcloyingClumpcoagulatecoalescecoalitioncoddlecodicilcodifycoercioncogentcogitatecognatecognitivecognizancecoherecohesioncoiffurecoincoincidencecolandercollaboratecollagecollatecollateralcolloquialcollusioncolossalcomatosecombustiblecomelycomeuppancecommandeercommemoratecommensuratecommiseratecommodiouscommunalcompactcompactcomparablecompatiblecompellingcompensatorycompilecomplacencycomplaisantcomplementcomplementarycompliancecompliantcomplicitycomponentcomposurecompoundcomprehensivecompresscomprisecompromisecompunctioncomputeconcaveconcedeconceitconcentricconceptionconcertedconcessionconciliatoryconcisecontrivedcontrovertcontusionconundrumconveneconventionconventionalconvergeconversantconverseconverseconvertconvexconveyanceconvictionconvivialconvokeconvolutedCopiouscoquettecordialcordoncornucopiacorollarycoronationcorporealcorpulentcorrelationcorroboratecorrodecorrosivecorrugatedCosmiccosmopolitancoteriecountenancecountenancecountermandculvertcumbersomecumulativecupiditycuratorcurmudgeoncursivecursorycurtailcynicalcynosure
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2023-01-07 17:17:043


Overall Summary The Three Musketeers is a marvelous journey and should be appreciated foremost for its engaging story. The techniques Dumas employed to such success in 1840-- particularly his mastery of the form of the Romance--still work today. As we saw in the closing portions of the book, Dumas gives us a fully developed Romance within his historical framework. He starts with levity and confidence, and ends with moroseness and doubt. The ending, indeed, seems to question many of the books dearly held values. D"Artagnan becomes a lieutenant in the Musketeers, but his promotion comes from the Cardinal--the Cardinal whom he and his four friends had fought so valiantly against for the first half of the novel. In the epilogue, d"Artagnan befriends the Comte de Rochefort, a Cardinalist agent. Was all that earlier fighting really worth it, then? Or was there something futile in all the Musketeers" efforts? Both the possibility of futility and this return to the normal at the end of a great Quest, characterize the form of the Romance as much as do its lighter aspects. Dumas sees the form through. With Dumas"s historical context in mind, the melancholy of the Romance becomes even more pronounced. It is almost as though Dumas presents this wonderful Romantic adventure, providing people with a chance to escape day to day toil and immerse themselves in better thoughts about their country, and then spurns it. He cannot bring himself to see the lie of Romanticism through to the end. Even bearing in mind that this turn to ambiguity is typical for the end of the Romance, it is hard not to interpret the ending of the novel as Dumas"s rejection of Romantic values. There are two sequels to The Three Musketeers, which Dumas wrote to capitalize on the success of the novel. They are entitled Vingt ans apres, published in 10 volumes in 1845, and Dix ans plus tard, ou le vicomte de Bragelonne, published in 26 parts from 1848-1850. The latter opens in 1660, and tells of a matured, powerful d"Artagnan, captain of the Musketeers. It also contains the account of Porthos"s heroic death. But despite these sequels, Dumas never fully recaptured his success of 1844. His estate and his health declined until, after a period of furious attempted productivity to recoup his debts, he died in 1870. The Romance left his life as well. But The Three Musketeers is not merely a Romance; it is also a great historical novel, and Dumas"s interesting approach to history also contributes to the success of his book. While he keeps his characters away from being major players in national events, he is not afraid of brazenly attributing human motives to history. In Dumas"s version, France and England very nearly fight a war simply because the Duke of Buckingham loves Anne of Austria: John Fenton assassinates Buckingham because of personal reasons provided by Milady, and so on. Part of the entertainment of The Three Musketeers is that, in seeming to avoid the great events and focus on petty affairs, Dumas explains the great events more satisfyingly and entertainingly than any direct explanation of affairs of state could hope to do. History does not have a face-- d"Artagnan has a face, and a handsome one at that. Dumas"s formula serves his story well. His incorporation of Romanticism into the historical novel lifted an entire genre of literature into public adulation, and gave the French people a story that reassured them about their country even as it brought them away from their country"s troubles. Popular literature must be considered on two fronts: aesthetically and socially, as literature and as a popular artifact. The best popular literature, like the work of Alexandre Dumas, supercedes the latter category to come into our minds as a work of literature in its own right. It is not necessary to know about Dumas"s life, or about French history, or about the genre of Romance, to enjoy The Three Musketeers. The superlative entertainment of the novel speaks for itself--which is why it remains so important and so interesting to study it.
2023-01-07 17:17:161


  大学英语说服类演讲稿1   I decided to be a middle school teacher after college. There are many reasons contribute to this decision.   Firstly, when I was a little boy, I have been dreaming of being a teacher. It seemed so fascinate to me and I hope I can make my dream come true.   Besides, I like so much to be with middle school students. Most of the students at that age are full of youthful spirity and I am sure their passion would pass to me. I will retain all the zest of adolescence.   The most important reason is that our country needs plenty of teachers. So far, teaching is considered a tough and low-income job in China. However, if we have not enough teachers, our future will lack of excellent scientist, managers, businessmen, soldiers and even goood workers and farmers. How can our country to be strong and wealthy?   I wish my country to be a better one. I am ready to be a teacher and hope all the persons with lofty ideals may dedicate themselves to this meaningful career.   大学英语说服类演讲稿2   The vast historical tide, some successful, some failure; Some a fair death honors the whole life, some thing never dies. Ebb and flow, raise a number of "Confucius", which is mixed with many "qin GUI", carried away, that he wants to succeed by hook or by crook to get success, desire to have at the end of the day is celebrated, and find the right choice, but achievements generation of celebrities. Success, there are many paths, seeking a shortcut, tend to be at the end of the day to understand gave up a optimal choice and effort was not to make choices as it landed at all costs.   Reese, a desire for success, but "achievement" his "disease xian can envy", he should have been a generation of names, for the emperor should share, from a desire for success, by hook or by crook, he hit the han fei, creates the tragedy of burying Confucian. History is suppressed, the trend of the development of culture is suppressed, qin, Reese also destroyed, people took down the emperor, also remember the lis.   And qu yuan, created a new genre of Chinese literature, in a new way to the right interpretation of Chinese culture. Mr Yu optimal such a sentence: "the era of cultural celebrities, the more often not compatible with his age." Qu yuan is no exception, he king, dragons loyal due diligence, was shangguan doctor again and again of slander, and king huai, in the adulation of again and again to please blinds, unexpectedly also close, far from xian. Qu yuan to get the release time of exile, destroyed, chu qu yuan died also. Can he live in peoples hearts, the spirit of eternal. "World-wide all muddy I alone, public all drunk I wake up alone, 500 - word article 15 and successful composition   大学英语说服类演讲稿3   I also realize that only those who bring happiness for others can be truly happy. So I often take part in activities concerning public welfare. I once went to a barren mountain village with my classmates. We taught the kids there who could not afford school. While showing them how broad and how civilized the outer world is, I was deeply touched by their eagerness to learn, their honesty and their purity. I couldnt control my tears on the day when we left. The precious experience with the poor kids made me aware of the responsibility on the shoulders of us, future teachers.   Besides study and social practice, there are entertainments as well. I do body building every day, hoping to keep healthy and energetic. We also write a play and put it on in our spare time.   Campus life is the most splendid time. But different people have different choices. The majority of students cherish their beautiful season and cherish the hope that one day theyll become outstanding. But there are indeed some students still under ignorance. They gather together for eating, drinking or playing cards. Theyre busy in searching for a girlfriend or a boyfriend. They forget completely about their mission as college students and the hope of their motherland.   Finally, I do hope everybody can try their best to become a worthy citizen of the country. I do hope everybody can become the backbone of our nation and make great contributions to society!   大学英语说服类演讲稿4   Work and play do not contradict each other; in fact, they complement each other. As the saying goes, "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." A life burdened with work leads you nowhere, for you would get tired and bored with your daily routine work. On the other hand, proper recreation will relieve the tension and discomfort of our monotonous life because it offers you various ways to let out your pent-up emotions.   What I usually do to relax after school is jogging and seeing movies. Usually I dont spare time for exercise, but I value the physical education class at school. Jogging several rounds in the field certainly relieves the days pressure. On weekends, Ill catch the morning movie for my visual enjoyment. I feel revived and energetic for another weeks work-load.
2023-01-07 17:17:281


Overall Summary The Three Musketeers is a marvelous journey and should be appreciated foremost for its engaging story. The techniques Dumas employed to such success in 1840-- particularly his mastery of the form of the Romance--still work today. As we saw in the closing portions of the book, Dumas gives us a fully developed Romance within his historical framework. He starts with levity and confidence, and ends with moroseness and doubt. The ending, indeed, seems to question many of the books dearly held values. D"Artagnan becomes a lieutenant in the Musketeers, but his promotion comes from the Cardinal--the Cardinal whom he and his four friends had fought so valiantly against for the first half of the novel. In the epilogue, d"Artagnan befriends the Comte de Rochefort, a Cardinalist agent. Was all that earlier fighting really worth it, then? Or was there something futile in all the Musketeers" efforts? Both the possibility of futility and this return to the normal at the end of a great Quest, characterize the form of the Romance as much as do its lighter aspects. Dumas sees the form through. With Dumas"s historical context in mind, the melancholy of the Romance becomes even more pronounced. It is almost as though Dumas presents this wonderful Romantic adventure, providing people with a chance to escape day to day toil and immerse themselves in better thoughts about their country, and then spurns it. He cannot bring himself to see the lie of Romanticism through to the end. Even bearing in mind that this turn to ambiguity is typical for the end of the Romance, it is hard not to interpret the ending of the novel as Dumas"s rejection of Romantic values. There are two sequels to The Three Musketeers, which Dumas wrote to capitalize on the success of the novel. They are entitled Vingt ans apres, published in 10 volumes in 1845, and Dix ans plus tard, ou le vicomte de Bragelonne, published in 26 parts from 1848-1850. The latter opens in 1660, and tells of a matured, powerful d"Artagnan, captain of the Musketeers. It also contains the account of Porthos"s heroic death. But despite these sequels, Dumas never fully recaptured his success of 1844. His estate and his health declined until, after a period of furious attempted productivity to recoup his debts, he died in 1870. The Romance left his life as well. But The Three Musketeers is not merely a Romance; it is also a great historical novel, and Dumas"s interesting approach to history also contributes to the success of his book. While he keeps his characters away from being major players in national events, he is not afraid of brazenly attributing human motives to history. In Dumas"s version, France and England very nearly fight a war simply because the Duke of Buckingham loves Anne of Austria: John Fenton assassinates Buckingham because of personal reasons provided by Milady, and so on. Part of the entertainment of The Three Musketeers is that, in seeming to avoid the great events and focus on petty affairs, Dumas explains the great events more satisfyingly and entertainingly than any direct explanation of affairs of state could hope to do. History does not have a face-- d"Artagnan has a face, and a handsome one at that. Dumas"s formula serves his story well. His incorporation of Romanticism into the historical novel lifted an entire genre of literature into public adulation, and gave the French people a story that reassured them about their country even as it brought them away from their country"s troubles. Popular literature must be considered on two fronts: aesthetically and socially, as literature and as a popular artifact. The best popular literature, like the work of Alexandre Dumas, supercedes the latter category to come into our minds as a work of literature in its own right. It is not necessary to know about Dumas"s life, or about French history, or about the genre of Romance, to enjoy The Three Musketeers. The superlative entertainment of the novel speaks for itself--which is why it remains so important and so interesting to study it.
2023-01-07 17:17:411


complete!congradulationLet"s go!
2023-01-07 17:17:471


akin a. 血族的,同族的,同种的 2 albumen n. 蛋白,胚乳 3 albumin n. 蛋白质,蛋白素 4 alderman n. 市府参事,市议员 5 algerian a. 阿尔及利亚的 6 alien a.外国的 n.外国人 7 alienation n. 疏远,离间,割让 8 align v. & n. 定位,对准;vt. 排列;使成直线;使成一线;使结盟;校准,校直,结盟,合作,调节,调准;vi. 成一线,排成一行,(with)结盟 9 alimentation 营养 10 allan n. 艾伦(姓) 11 allegation n. (无证据的)指控 12 allen 阿伦(男名) 13 alliteration n. 头韵 14 allocation n. 分配;配给物;拨款,拨款权,拨给 15 allusion n. 暗示 16 alteration n.变更,改变;蚀变 17 altercation n. 争吵,争论 18 alternation n. 交互,轮流,隔一个 19 amain ad. 全力地,全速地,急速地,突然 20 amalgamation n. 与汞混合,融合,合并 21 amazon n. 女战士 22 ambition n.雄心,抱负,野心 23 amelioration n. 改善,改良,改进 24 amen int. 阿门 25 American a.美洲的 n.美国人 26 Americanization n. 美国化 27 amerindian n. 美洲印第安人 28 ammunition n. 军火,弹药 29 amortization n. 亦作 amortizement 30 amphibian a. 两栖类的,水陆两用的 31 amplification n. 扩大;加强 32 amputation n. 切断,切断手术 33 an art. 一(个,件,…);(不定冠词,在元音前);每一;任何一人;一个(本…) 34 andiron n. 柴架 35 animadversion n. 批评,非难 36 animation n. 兴奋,活跃 37 annexation n. 合并,附加,附加物 38 annihilation n. 歼灭,灭绝 39 annotation n. 注解 40 Annunciation n. 报喜,天使报喜节 41 anon ad. 不久,立刻,以后 42 antediluvian adj. 史前的,陈旧的 43 anticipation n.期望,预料;预期 44 antigen n. 抗原(注射于动物体内能使之产生抗体的物质) 45 antiquarian n. 古物研究者,收集古物者 46 antitoxin n. 抗毒素 47 apparition n. 幽灵,神奇的现象 48 abandon vt.丢弃;放弃,抛弃 49 abbreviation n.节略,缩写,缩短 50 abdication n. 逊位,弃权,辞职 51 abdomen n. 腹,下腹(胸部到腿部的部份) 52 aberration n. 越轨,光行差,心理失常,色差 53 ablution n. (宗教的)净礼,沐浴 54 abnegation n. 克己,自制 55 abolition n. 废除,革除 56 abomination n. 憎恨,痛恶,可憎的事物 57 abortion n. 流产,堕胎,失败,夭折 58 abrasion n. 表面,磨损 59 abrogation n. 取消,废除 60 absolution n. 赦免,免除 61 absorption n.吸收;专注 62 abstain v. 自动戒绝,抑制 63 abstraction n. 抽象化,心不在焉,提炼,抽象派作品 64 acceleration n.加速;加速度 65 acceptation n. 公认的意义,词义 66 accession n. 到达,即位,增加,同意 67 acclamation n. 欢呼 68 accommodation n.招待设备;预定铺位 69 accordion n. 手风琴 70 accretion n. 自然的增加,增加物 71 acculturation 文化移人,文化适应,文化交流 72 accumulation n. 积累 73 accusation n. 指控 74 achillean a. 象阿基利斯一样健壮的;勇敢的 75 acorn n. 橡实,橡子 76 acquisition n. (有价值的)获得 77 action n.行动;作用;功能 78 acumen n. 敏锐,明智 79 adadon vt. 抛弃,放弃 80 adaptation n. 适应 81 adcolumn 广告栏 82 addiction n. 沉迷;热衷;沈溺,上瘾 83 addition n.加,加法;附加物 84 adhesion n. 附着,粘着,固守,支持 85 adjoin vt.贴近,毗连;靠近 86 adjourn vi. 延期,休会,换地方 87 adjuration n. 严令,恳请,请愿 88 administration n.局(或署、处等) 89 admiration n.羡慕,钦佩;赞赏 90 admission n.允许进入;承认 91 admonition n. 警告,劝告,训诫 92 adoption n.收养;采纳,采取 93 adoration n. 爱慕,崇拜 94 adorn v. 装饰 95 adrenalin n. 肾上腺素 96 adulation n. 谄媚,奉承,阿谀 97 adulteration n. 掺杂,掺假的东西,冒充货 98 adumbration n. 轮廓,预示,阴影 99 aegean a. 爱琴海的 100 aeon n. 永世,无数的年代 101 affectation n. 做作,虚假 102 affection n.慈爱,爱;爱慕 103 affiliation n. 入会,加入 104 affirmation n. 肯定,断言,主张 105 affliction n. 痛苦,折磨 106 Afghanistan n. 阿富汗 107 African a.非洲的 n.非洲人 108 afternoon n.下午,午后 109 again
2023-01-07 17:18:091


英语中爱除了love外还有:like、adoration、adore、affection、cherish。一、like1、含义:prep. 像。conj. 如同。adv. 大概;和 ... 一样。adj. 相似的;同样的。v. 喜欢;想;愿意。n. 类似的人或物2、用法like的基本意思是“喜欢”“喜爱”,指对某人或某事赞赏或发生兴趣,有好感或不厌恶,主要用于使人愉快但尚不至唤起极大热情或迫切愿望的人与事。like是表示感觉的动词,不能用于进行体中,也不用于现在完成时,一般不用于被动结构。He likes to swim in big rivers.他喜欢在大河里游泳。二、adoration1、含义:n. 崇拜;爱慕2、用法adoration,英语单词,主要用作名词,作名词时译为“崇拜;爱慕”。Being a multi-selling megastar hasn"t always been mass adoration and adulation.作为多产的巨星并不总是有大众崇拜和谄媚。三、adore1、含义:vt. 爱慕;崇拜;很喜欢2、用法adore的基本意思是极度地“热爱,爱慕”,指感情上为一个爱慕对象的魅力所倾倒; 也可作“敬仰,崇拜”解,指把某人或物当作神或神圣的东西来崇拜或信奉。多接指人的名词,也可接以as短语充当补足语的复合宾语,作此解时不用于进行体。Men can only adore women who are adorable.男人们只爱慕那些让人爱慕的女人。四、affection1、含义:n. 影响;感情;喜爱;慈爱2、用法affection作“喜爱,深挚的感情”解时,是不可数名词,但前面可用不定冠词和修饰语,后面可接介词for或towards。当affection用于复数时,意思是“爱情,感情”。You appear to me to allow nothing for the influence of friendship and affection.我觉得你未免否定了友谊和感情对于一个人的影响。五、cherish1、含义:vt. 珍爱;抱有;抚育2、用法cherish的基本意思是“珍爱”,指高度评价某人〔物〕并怀有深厚的喜爱之情,常意味着非常亲密的友好关系。cherish也可指凭主观判断力,对某人〔物〕有较深的偏见或感激,此时可译作“拥有…”“怀有…”。I cherish my independence.我很珍惜我的自由。
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2023-01-07 17:18:492

Lesson 1, A great one goes out in style(课文,译文,课文解析)

Pete Sampras will leave the game as he played it, a modest, easy, all-time great.You see all kinds of retirements in sports, and most of them are emotionally anddifficult to watch. There"s the weeping news conference. There"s the endless,ceremonial you"ll-miss-me tour. There"s the stutterstep retirement, in whichthe athlete retires only to unretire when he craves attention or needs th money. Almost no one retires well. 皮特 桑普拉斯 就要离开赛场了,就像他奋 斗其中时一贯的姿态,谦逊、从容、历来卓越 。在体育圈,你肯定见过各种退役,它们大多 数时候都矫情浮夸到不堪入目。这其中有一把 鼻涕一把泪的新闻发布会;有没完没了、形式 隆重的纪念巡演;还有那种耍花枪式退役,在 这里那些运动员退役,只是为了在渴望博得眼 球或是手头拮据的时候好再杀个回马枪。总之 ,就没个人能好好退役一把的。 But Sampras is retiring in graceful self-control. He plans to announce his retirement in a ceremony at the U.S. Open tonight, and a lot of people wonder why Sampras won"t make more of the event, allow himself to be more elaborately feted. The simple answer is that Sampras doesn"t need it. He doesn"t need a last jolt of adrenaline or dose of adulation. He doesn"t need a prolonged ego bath. He doesn"t need more money, or trophies. He doesn"t need any of the things that other athletes find it so hard to walk away from. He"s content. 而 桑普拉斯 却正把退役这件事把控得风度 翩然。他计划在今天全美网球公开赛当晚的仪 式上宣布自己的退役,很多人好奇为什么塞浦 路斯不多为这件事做些准备,好让他自己能被 更澎湃地热爱。答案很简单, 桑普拉斯 不需要 。他并不需要最后的兴奋和麻醉,不需要日后 长久的孤芳自赏,也不需要更多的钱和奖杯。 对于其他运动员很难割舍的那些东西,他一律 不需要。因为,他已然知足。 That contentment is a kind of achievement in its own right. Sampras has made himself invisible since his victory in last year"s U.S. Open. His 14th major championship now stands as the last match of his career, the perfect finish. 这种知足本身就是一种成就。 桑普拉斯 在去 年取得美国网球公开赛的胜利之后,就开始刻 意淡出。他的第十四个重大锦标赛冠军现在就 矗立在他职业生涯的最后一场赛事上,完美的 结束。 He"s never played in another tournament. He"s declined all interviews. He"s simply stayed at home with his wife and new baby. Typically,he"s chosen the anticlimactic first night of this year"s tournment, rather than the last. to make his announcement. The session isn"t even sold out. 他没有参加其他联赛,也拒绝了所有的采 访,只是简单地在家陪着妻子和刚出世的孩子 。他代表性地选择年度联赛最冷淡的第一晚, 而非最后一晚,来做出他的宣布。这个赛季甚 至票都还没有卖完。 Some may find this disappointing. but I find it to be utterly true to who Sampras is. He never trusted fame, and always boxed up and guarded his ego. 有些人可能觉得这很扫兴,不过我却认为 这才完全符合 桑普拉斯 的性格。他从不信赖名 声,并且无时无刻不在坚守着得以完好保存的 自我。 Here are two true stories about Sampras, and how he consistently handled his success from the time he won his first U.S. Open at 19, to his last at 32. In 1996, Sampras was traveling cross-country in first class on a commercial jet, and sat next to Barry Bonds. Bonds didn"t recognize him, and Sampras, shyly, didn"t introduce himself. Behind Sampras sat a friend of Bonds, who wanted to sit with the ballplayer. Bonds pointed at Sampras. "If this kid gets [up], you can move up here," Bonds said. Sampras shugged and moved, without a word. 这里有两个真实故事,关于他自己以及他如何 始终如一地掌控那从19岁第一次拿到美国网球 公开赛开始,到23岁的最后一次的胜利:1996 年, 桑普拉斯 当时乘商务航班的头等舱做全国 巡游,他就坐在博瑞邦茨的旁边。邦茨没有认出 桑普拉斯 ,而 桑普拉斯 因为腼腆,也没有介绍 他自己。 桑普拉斯 的后面坐着一个邦茨的朋友 ,想跟网球球手坐在一起。邦茨指着 桑普拉斯 。“如果这孩子肯起来,你就坐过来吧。”邦 茨说道。 桑普拉斯 耸耸肩二话没说就让出了座 位。 At around the same time, he tried to go to dinner at a Florida steakhouse, only to find that the line for a table went out the door. Sampras, for perhaps the only time in his life, tried to use his influence. He walked up to the hostess and asked for a table. The hostess didn"t know who he was. Sampras went to the back of the line, embarrassed, and never did it again. 大概在同一时期,他去佛罗里达的一家牛 排店用餐,只是发现等着用餐的客人排到了店 门外, 桑普拉斯 也许是这辈子唯一一次想利用 他的影响力。他径直走向女服务员,向她征求 一个餐桌。女服务员根本不认识他,于是塞浦 路斯只好悻悻地回到队尾,以后再也没这样做 过。 Sampras has been the same reserved and methodical player throught his career, no matter how many tournaments he won or records he set. Which achievement will stand longest? His record 14 Grand Slam titles? His seven Wimbledon titles? His six straight years as the year-end No. 1 player in th world? It"s the latter that Sampras might be proudest of, because it bespeaks an entire philosophy of the game, tennis as ethic. He wasn"t just great, he was dependably great. He never tanked, never ducked a commitment and struck every ball with serious intent. His work habits were equal to his talent. 纵观整个职业生涯, 桑普拉斯 总是那样保 守那样按部就班,不论他赢得多少联赛,创造 多少纪录。哪一个成就能矗立最长时间?是他 的14个大满贯冠军的记录?是他的7个温网冠军 ?还是他蝉联六年的世界年终最佳球手?最近的那个才是 最值得 桑普拉斯 骄傲的,因为这个比 赛彰显了他网球伦理的全部信条。他不只是卓 越,他的卓越经得起考验。他从不掉链子,从 不回避承诺,以严格的意图打好每一个球。他的 工作习惯跟他的天资不相上下。 For this he was labeled boring, but the label did a disservice to a player who made professionalism into artistry, and vice versa. He played complete and deeply realized tennis, but the lulling beauty of his game was so hypnotic that audiences couldn"t imagine it came from sweat and work. In fact, it was the product of grim focus, self-deprivation and discipline. He burned to win so much that he got ulcers. He spent hours sweating with weights in a Florida garage with no air-conditioning---"They don"t air-condition the court at the Open", he said. 就因为这他被贴上了平平无奇的标签,这 个标签对将技术发挥成艺术的球手是一种伤害 ,反之亦然。当他全神贯注于网球比赛时那沉 稳的美是那样令人着迷,以至于观众无法想象 这一切来自于汗水和努力。事实上,这正是高 度专注,自我牺牲和严格训练的产物。他为了 胜利透支身体以至于得了溃疡。他在弗罗里达 的一个没有空调的车库里做负重训练,一练就 是好几个小时——“他们可不在公开赛球场上 开空调,”他说。 He traveled without seeing countries, rarely leaving his hotel expect to practice, and he ate the same monastic training diet for years, sauceless pasta and chicken. "Every meal, whether I liked it or not," he said. "Choking it down." A rare splurge was to go to Vegas to play blackjack for a weekend, or to Peter Luger"s steakhouse in New York, which more often than not left him queasy because he wasn"t used to such rich food. It was a source of frustration to him that the audience didn"t grasp how much offort was behind the ease. "People watch him win, and think that doesn"t look too hard," his coach, Paul Annacone, said. "But he"d like people to understand just how difficult it is." 他出门在外从来不去野外观光,如果不是 要去训练,他几乎不离开酒店,他常年吃着重 复的修士训练餐,鸡肉意面。“每一餐,不论 我是否喜欢,”他说。“都填下去。”偶尔的 挥霍就是周末去维加斯玩二十一点,要么就是 去纽约的皮特鲁格牛排餐厅,然而由于不习惯 吃太油腻的食物,经常是吃得他肠胃不适。观 众总是不关注他得意的背后所付出的许多努力 ,是让他产生挫败感的源头之一。“人们看他 赢,就去想那看起来不太难,”他的教练,鲍 安娜科纳,说“不过,他倒是希望别人能多了 解其中的不易。” The problem was that Sampras wasn"t willing to abandon his reserve in exchange for understanding. If that was the price, he preferred to be misunderstood. He suffered a rare public breakdown at the Australian Open, after learning that his coach and friend, Tim Gullikson, had terminal brain cancer, and wept on the court in the midst of match against Jim Courier. But later, he was bothered by his new popularity as a result of the episode. "It galled me that it took something like that for people to say, "He"s human," he said. 问题是, 桑普拉斯 并不会为 了换得理解就放弃他的保守。如果那是代价, 他宁愿被误解。澳洲公开赛上,在得知他的教 练和朋友,提姆高里克森,得了脑癌晚期之后 ,他鲜有的在公众场合下情绪崩溃,竟然在与 吉姆科瑞尔的对抗赛赛事进行中,他当场痛苦 。可是没过多久,他就被这段小插曲所带来的 新名声所困扰。“我为因为这件事而被别人说 成是凡人而感到侮辱,”他说。 He preferred to stay sheltered in the hills above Los Angeles in a home that was comfortabe, not palatial, and hidden behind towering old trees. " No one can see in and I can"t see out, and I like it that way," he said. "I"m Howard Hughes." He kept his trophies on a shelf in the TV room, and enjoyed showing them, but with typical self-deprecation. "They aren"t as heavy as you think," he said. 他更喜欢躲在洛杉矶山区那掩映在树从中,舒适但不奢华的房子里。“没有人能看进来,我 也望不出去,我喜欢这样。”他说,“我象是霍华德修斯。”他把他的战利品放在电视间的架 子上,乐意展示给我们看,带着典型的自嘲,他说,“他们并不想你所想象的那么重。” The press always found Sampras diffucult to render precisely because he was so moderate and well-regulated. His genius came without the McEnroe-esque emotional torture, and therefore was un-dramatic. He was neither heroic nor villainous, he was simply excellent. Greatness was his only real excess. A villain or tortured genious would have been easier to describe. He was not a good conductor for audience emotions, either, because the whole point of him was that he was great every day, and the last thing audiences want at a sports event is the everyday. 媒体总是发现 桑普拉斯 很难精确地润色, 因为他总是表现的很温和,控制得很好。他的 杰出并非来自于麦肯罗式的情感折磨,因此是 毫无戏剧色彩的。他既没有英雄气概也不是劣 迹斑斑,他只是简单的优秀。优秀是他仅有的 真实附加值。一个劣迹斑斑或一个饱受煎熬的 天才还相对比较容易描述。他不是一个观众情 绪的绝佳引导,因为他全部的要点在于他每天 都一样的优秀,而观众在赛场上最想要的东西 就是每天的不一样。 But I""ll miss him, both personally and professionally. I"ll miss his hugely aspiring game. cloaked in that lazybones demeanor. I"ll miss the prodigious sleeper, the slouchy, gangly, drowsy kid who napped in the player lounge and shuffled around in flip-flops for the past 15 years. I"ll miss the determined, glowering athlete who internalized pain but couldn"t keep it from coming out sideways. I"ll miss the dedicated player who made a champion out of himself by deciding that his work should be equal to his talent. I"ll miss his gorgeous classicism, his buried humor, his essential decency and his shy friendliness. 但我还是会想念他,不论是从私人的角度 还是从职业的角度。我会想念他隐藏在一副懒 骨头举止下那怀有巨大抱负的比赛。我会想念 那个伟大的沉睡者,那个15年来穿着人字拖在 休息间里打盹、走来走去的百无聊赖的颀长男 孩。我会想念那个将痛苦自己消化从不展露出 来的坚定地怒目而视的运动员。我会想念那个 在做出“自己的工作不能辜负自己天分”这个 决定之后就一意将自己打造成一个冠军的专注 球手。我会想念他华丽的古典主义,隐忍的幽 默感,骨子里的正派和腼腆的亲和力。 I suspect I won"t see Sampras coming out of retirement to struggle to one more quarterfinal, just so he can hear applause again. I won"t see a seedier, paunchy version of him on the senior tennis circuit a few years from now. The only place any of us is liable to see him is courtside at a Lakers game, or walking his baby in the park, contentedly. But then, Sampras has never wanted to be seen. He only wanted to be great. 不过,我觉得我再也见不到 桑普拉斯 从退 役中复出,只为赢得更多的掌声,而在更多的 四分之一决赛中拼搏了。我也不会在几年后的 高级网球巡回赛上见到一个不修边幅大腹便便 版本的他。我们中的任何一个有可能碰到他的 地方也许是湖人队比赛的赛场边,也许是他和 孩子安闲地散着步的公园。但是, 桑普拉斯 绝 对是不想被看到的。他只是想追求卓越。
2023-01-07 17:18:581


英语中爱除了love外还有:like、adoration、adore、affection、cherish。一、like1、含义:prep. 像。conj. 如同。adv. 大概;和 ... 一样。adj. 相似的;同样的。v. 喜欢;想;愿意。n. 类似的人或物2、用法like的基本意思是“喜欢”“喜爱”,指对某人或某事赞赏或发生兴趣,有好感或不厌恶,主要用于使人愉快但尚不至唤起极大热情或迫切愿望的人与事。like是表示感觉的动词,不能用于进行体中,也不用于现在完成时,一般不用于被动结构。He likes to swim in big rivers.他喜欢在大河里游泳。二、adoration1、含义:n. 崇拜;爱慕2、用法adoration,英语单词,主要用作名词,作名词时译为“崇拜;爱慕”。Being a multi-selling megastar hasn"t always been mass adoration and adulation.作为多产的巨星并不总是有大众崇拜和谄媚。三、adore1、含义:vt. 爱慕;崇拜;很喜欢2、用法adore的基本意思是极度地“热爱,爱慕”,指感情上为一个爱慕对象的魅力所倾倒; 也可作“敬仰,崇拜”解,指把某人或物当作神或神圣的东西来崇拜或信奉。多接指人的名词,也可接以as短语充当补足语的复合宾语,作此解时不用于进行体。Men can only adore women who are adorable.男人们只爱慕那些让人爱慕的女人。四、affection1、含义:n. 影响;感情;喜爱;慈爱2、用法affection作“喜爱,深挚的感情”解时,是不可数名词,但前面可用不定冠词和修饰语,后面可接介词for或towards。当affection用于复数时,意思是“爱情,感情”。You appear to me to allow nothing for the influence of friendship and affection.我觉得你未免否定了友谊和感情对于一个人的影响。五、cherish1、含义:vt. 珍爱;抱有;抚育2、用法cherish的基本意思是“珍爱”,指高度评价某人〔物〕并怀有深厚的喜爱之情,常意味着非常亲密的友好关系。cherish也可指凭主观判断力,对某人〔物〕有较深的偏见或感激,此时可译作“拥有…”“怀有…”。I cherish my independence.我很珍惜我的自由。
2023-01-07 17:19:041


  无论在学习、工作或是生活中,大家都写过作文,肯定对各类作文都很熟悉吧,借助作文可以提高我们的语言组织能力。相信许多人会觉得作文很难写吧,下面是我整理的话题英语作文8篇,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。 话题英语作文 篇1   Water is the source of life, life, human health without water. Few people can not eat, but you can"t days without water. And now, global 20 million people are in severe water shortages!!!!!!!!!! Water crisis, has to humans was a wake-up call!   China"s water resocurces, but most of all, is the sea water of the sea is salty, is not directly drinkable, Plus most all freshwater distribution in cold north and south poles and permanent snow mountain, this place is freshwater resources. And uneven distribution, east of north, south west of less than, the local water.   When I was a child I want to tap water, water has been flowing nonstop not? Mom and dad always told me what was recently and drought.   水是生命的源泉,生命的健康离不开水。很少有人不能吃,但不能没有水的日子。现在,全球20xx万人严重缺水!!!!!!!!!水危机,已经给人类敲响了警钟!   中国的水资源,但最重要的,是海的海水是咸的,是不能直接饮用,加上大部分淡水都分布在寒冷的南、北两极和终年积雪的高山上,这个地方是淡水资源。且分布不均,东向北,西南偏少,局部水。   小时候我想自来水,水一直流不停?爸爸妈妈总是告诉我最近发生了什么干旱。 话题英语作文 篇2   假如你是李华,你的笔友Mike从电视上得知前段时间北京多个地方出现雾霾(haze),非常担心,写E-mail询问有关情况,请回复。回复应包括以下要点:   1.实况描述;   2.对生活造成的影响;   3.成因简析与教训;   4.你个人的情况。   要求:1.词数100-120;   2.email的开头与结尾已给出,不计入总词数。   Dear Mike,   Thank you very much for your concern. ___________________________________   ______________________________________________________________________   Regards!   Yours,   Li Hua   参考范文:   One possible version:   Dear Mike,   Thank you very much for your concern. Last months several places in Beijing were blanketed with thick yellow fog. Everything around disappeared from oursight. Some highways were closed. Traffic jams were commonly seen in the streets. Many people, especially children and seniors, even found it difficult to breathe. As a result, local hospitals were crowded with people who had problems with their noses and lungs. Part of the cause was the dry weather, but the severely damaged environment contributed a lot to this nightmare. Personally I didn"t get any health problems in the haze because I stayed mostly indoors.But to make a significant change we really have to do more to protect our environment. To live a better life we have to push on with the economy, but it wound be meaningless if we have to achieve it at the cost of our breathing air.   Regards!   Yours,Li Hua 话题英语作文 篇3   5月12日我国四川汶川地区发生大地震以后,社会各界纷纷兴起捐款热潮,资助灾区人民。最近网上出现了捐款排名,针对该现象,同学们展开了激烈的讨论。观点如下   一部分同学认为另一部分同学认为1.捐款数目的大小并不2.表示爱心的大小   3.援助方式不4.是只有捐款一种。1.捐款数目越多表明自己越有爱心   2.捐款数目越多灾民收益越多   针对上述观点,谈谈你自己的看法。    [范文]   Our Sichuan Province has been suffering from unusually severe earthquakes since May 12th . The affected areas are vast, the economic loss is huge and the suffering of the people is painfully tremendous, so people around the world begin to show support by donating money. Recently there has been a contributions ranking on the web. Our students held a heated discussion on it.   Some students suppose that the amount of the money you donated can not be equated with your love and meanwhile there are various ways to aid the people in the disaster area besides donating money.   On the contrary other students hold the different opinions. They think that the money in donation is a standard which can measure your love. Besides the more money you donate the more help victims can receive, so the more the better.    个人观点一:   As far as I am concerned, how much the money you donate depends on the amount of the income. But the companies and factories should take more social responsibility to help the people rebuild their home, and therefore they should make more contributions. As a saying goes blood is thicker than water, we students should give out our hands without hesitation, and donate our pocket money no matter how much it is as every penny counts and every penny is your expression of love.    个人观点二:   As far as I am concerned, it does not matter how much money you donate. The most important thing is to show care and support to the victims of the quake. Donators should take their financial conditions into consideration, while doing charity. In addition, donation should not become a competition. Last but not least, that everyone does a good job in a matter within their own is also a contribution to the disaster areas. 话题英语作文 篇4   I love me to be full of joyous sound to laugh at the home town of language then. Spring, willow elder sister took off white dress, changed green marriage outfit. Smell of piquant little careless little brother cerebella bag, floret little sister showed white cheek. In farmer uncle afield arduous cultivated, sow. Our dot is on lawn amuse oneself. Birdie ases if to be attracted, also put sound to sing. Good echo stayed in that beautiful country. Summer, brook water clang clang flowing. Our children plays in river side amuse oneself. Old people talks of everything below shade. Cicada is crying, seem to saying: "Heat died to be heated up dead! " birdie is footloose on the sky the ground is happy fly.   Good memory kept in that beautiful open country. The autumn, maple elder sister waves falling red autumnal leaves, as if one year when receiving a bumper harvest. Floret preparation goes and its brother elder sisters left. Farmer uncle goes up in the field of the hope, reaping oneself labor gain. We work in help farmer uncle. Birdie gang ground is in and everything here leaves. Leave in what happiness stayed in the field that is full of mirth then sound. In the winter, heavy snow swirls underground rise. We are happy on alley ground amuse oneself. All plants succumbed, only that evergreen tree is in wind snow loftily stand erect. Animal people mostly hibernant. In this quiet winter, kept the track of wintry elder sister. 话题英语作文 篇5   Advertisements are forcing their way into people"s lives. People refer to advertisements in their daily lives because they are consumers. The advertisers are usually manufacturers, retailers and salesmen. Their merchandise needs to be advertised to bring it to the attention to the customers. Thus nearly every product is advertised in some way. To a large extent, good advertising leads to success while bad advertising can mean failure.   There are many ways to advertise and ‘ads" come in different forms. Newspapers carry advertisements. Some products are publicized on TV and radio which bring them into notice of a wide audience. Billboards also carry advertising. Advertising is a big industry now and many agencies have been set up to furnish a variety of forms.   However, advertising is not always truthful. A product is often misrepresented. The advertiser exaggerates the benefits of the merchandise he wants to sell. Thus, he misrepresents the truth. The consumer falls victim to such advertising. Millions of people have bought advertised products and have been dissatisfied with them。    【参考译文】   广告正以它们的方式进入到人们的生活中。人们在日常生活中与广告有关因为他们是消费者。广告商通常是制造商,零售商和批发商。他们的商品需要通过广告以引起消费者的关注。因而机会每种产品都以某种方式被广告。在很大程度上来说,好的广告带来成功,而差的广告意味着失败。   有很多方式可以打广告,广告的形式各不相同。报纸可以承载广告。有些产品在电视或者广播中宣传,这样能引起大众的注意。广告牌也可以承载广告。现在广告是一个大产业,并设立了很多机构提供各种形式的广告。   然而,广告并非总是真实的。一种产品通常是被歪曲呈现的。广告商夸大了他想销售的商品的好处。这样一来,他就扭曲了事实。消费者就成为了这类广告的受害者。数百万人们买了广告商品又对它们不满意。 话题英语作文 篇6   社会问题   1.最近,我们经常听到贫富差距扩大了的说法。一些人认为发达世界完全忽略了这个问题。   These days we often hear about the widening gap between the rich and poor. Some argue that developed world has totally ignored the problem.   2.也许当今困扰国家的最危险的现象是遍布各级政府的官员……。   Perhaps the most dangerous phenomenon gripping the nation today is official corruption, which is pervasive in all levels of government.   3.现在,中国面临的两大挑战是保持持续的经济增长和靠世界上仅仅百分之七的可耕地养活仍在增长的12亿人口。尽管遇到的困难很大,中国人无疑会表现出不知疲倦的活力,在两方面都取得巨大成功。   The two major challenges facing China today center on maintaining sustained economic growth and feeding its growing population of over 12 billion people with only seven percent of the world"s cultivable land. Despite the monumental difficulties involved, Chinese people will undoubtedly exhibit their indefatigable resilience and achieve great success in both regards.   4.历史上,人口过剩的问题从来没有比现在更加突出。   Never before in history has the issue of over population been more evident than now.   5.事实上,我们达到最终的目标还有很长的路要走,但是,取得一些成绩还是可能做到的。   We do, in fact,have a long way to go to reach our final goal, but achieving some remains well within the realm of possibility.   6.一位著名的思想家曾经写道:“对人类最大的威胁是人类自身!”如果事实确实如此,那么,现状应该促使我们对我们未来的生存进行思索了。   A famous thinker once wrote that "the greatest threat to mankind is mankind itself!" If this is indeed the case, then the current situation should make us ponder our future existence.   个人成功   1.对人们行为的多年观察使我能够得出这样的结论:平庸和成功的主要区别仅仅在于相关的个人。成功的个人不断寻求进步,而他们比较懒惰的同时代人仅仅满足于现状。   Years of observing human behavior has enabled me to conclude that the major difference between mediocrity and success lies solely with the individual concerned. Successful individuals consistently seek advancement, while their less industrious contemporaries are merely content with the status quo.   2.获得成功说起来比做起来容易,然而坚持不懈确实会有好结果。成功人士的最重要的特征之一是自信,第二是渴望,还有一个是决心。   While achieving success is easier said than done, persistence does in fact pay off. One of the most important traits of a successful person is self-confidence, another is desire, and still another is determination.   3.声称缺少机会不过是敷衍失败的借口。通常,失败最根本的原因是相关的个人本身缺乏动力。   Claiming a lack of opportunities is nothing more than a superficial excuse for justifying failure. The fundamental reason for failure is most often the lack of drive on the part of the individual involved.   4.微软的创始人比尔·盖茨是成功的经典范例。   Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft, is a classic example of success.   5.历史上有很多值得称赞和效法的伟人。   History abounds with great men worthy of adulation and emulation.   锻炼身体   什么引发了人们对锻炼越来越浓的兴趣?一方面,人们更加清楚地意识到保持身体健康的必要性。另一方面,不断提高的生活水平使中国人能够支付增加的娱乐支出。最主要的可能在于锻炼带来的保健和心理上的好处。   What has sparked the increasing interest in exercise? For one thing, people have gained a greater awareness of the need for physical fitness. For another, the constantly improving standard of living enables Chinese people to patronize the increasing number of recreational venues. The main thing perhaps centers on the health care and psychological benefits exercise provides.   青少年发展   1.对上升的少年自杀率的解释涉及很多复杂的因素。有的人把上升的原因归结为过分强调少年时期的成功,有的人指出是因为不断增长的同伴之间的.压力,还有人认为是对不断变化的社会价值的迷茫造成的。   The explanation for the phenomenon of the rising teenage suiide rate involves many complicated factors. Some attribute the rise to an overemphasis on early success, others point to mounting peer pressure,and still others to confusion over changing social values.   2.儿童的发展取决于很多因素,包括生理的和心理的。从婴儿期到青春期的正确的家长教育决定一个成熟的个人的体质及智力的状况。   Child development depends on a number of factors, both physical and psychological. Correct parental nurturing from infancy through adolescence determines both the physical and mental profile of a mature individual.   3.数据显示模仿的犯罪行为有大幅度的增加,这证明电视暴力是犯罪增加的一部分直接原因。   Television violence has contributed directly to rising crime,as evidenced by statistics showing a dramatic rise in copycat crimes.   社会美德   1.如今人类最常见的一个不足是不说真话。人们必须意识到不说真话、说谎话在过去没有,事实上,将来也永远不会变错误为正确。   One of the most common failures of people today is to avoid telling the truth.People must realize that avoidance and lying have never in the past and, in fact, never will right a wrong.   2.无论成功的决心多么坚定,成功的要求多么强烈,一个人永远不能丧失他/她的道德和社会觉悟。   However great the will to achieve, and however great the demand to succeed, one should never abandon his/her moral and social consciousness.   3.想象一下如果我们稍微多关心一下我们的同胞,世界将变得多美好。   Just imagine how great the word would be if we would only exhibit greater concern for our fellowman.   4.一个人仅仅为了帮助别人而愿意完全放弃生活的舒适是很罕见的。   It is rare to find a person willing to totally abandon the comforts of life simply to help others.   5.个人经验告诉我:和善地对待别人会得到数不清的好处。   Personal experience has taught that kindness to others pays untold dividends.   6.我们必须避免过分放纵和铺张浪费。相反,我们应该继续发扬节俭的优点以守护我们新获得的繁荣。   We must avoid overindulgence and conspicuous consumption. We must instead continue to recognize the benefits of thrift in order to protect our new found prosperity. 话题英语作文 篇7   In the past,my hometown was not very big, people lived a poor life. The houses were old and small.Pollution was serious,and there was rubbish everywhere.the traffic was not very convenient that so few people came here.   Now great changes have taken place in my hometown.The environment has become more beautiful.The mountains are all green,the river clearer and the sky bluer.Many people all have thier own cars and have a happy life everyday.And now, every year,thousands of people from all over the world come to visit our hometown.My hometown becomes more and more famous.   I"m sure my hometown will become better and better in the future.   中文   在过去,我的家乡并不大,人们过着简朴的生活.房子又老又旧又小,生活垃圾很多而且污染很严重.再加上家乡的交通不方便,所以很少人会知道我的家乡,很少人来旅游.   不过现在我的家乡发生了巨大的变化.家乡的环境变得非常美丽,山绿了,河清了,天蓝了.人们的生活也改变了,好多人都买了车,幸福的过着生活.并且,每年都有来自世界各地成千上万的的游客来参观我的家乡,也让我的家乡越来越出名了.   我相信,在不久的将来,我的家乡会变的越来越好,越来越美
2023-01-07 17:19:171

《给低头族的诗》及《look up》诗歌的英文原文是什么?

I have 422 friends, yet I amlonely我有422个朋友,但我还是孤伶伶的。I speakto all of them every day, yet none of them really know me.我每天跟他们所有人说话,但他们没有一人真正了解我。The problem I have sits in thespaces between我所拥有的问题,存在於那之中的空间Lookinginto their eyes, or at a name on a screen.是要看著他们的双眼,或是看著萤幕上的名字I took a step back and opened myeyes,我向后退了一步,并睁开我的双眼,I lookedaround and realized,我环顾四周,发现,Thismedia we call social is anything but这个我们称作社交的媒体一点也不社交When weopen our computers and it"s our doors we shut.当我们打开我们的电脑,我们就关上了那道门。All this technology we have, it"sjust an illusion,我们拥有的所有这些科技,只是个假象Communitycompanionship, a sense of inclusion, yet社会的陪伴、一种包容感,然而When youstep away from this device of delusion当你远离这个欺瞒的装置,Youawaken to see a world of confusion,你会觉醒看见这个充满混淆的世界,A worldwhere we"re slaves to the technology we mastered一个我们受到我们精通的科技所奴役的世界Whereinformation gets sold by some rich greedy bastard,在那儿资讯被某些富有贪婪的混蛋出卖,A worldof self interest, self image, self promotion一个充斥个人利益、个人影像、个人推广的世界Where weall share our best bits, but leave out the emotion.在那儿我们全都分享我们最好的一面,但将情绪抛诸脑后。We"re at our most happy with anexperience we share,我们在分享经验时是最快乐的,But isit the same if no one is there?但如果没人同在,还会是一样的吗?Be there for your friends andthey"ll be there too,对你的朋友伸出援手,他们也会同等付出But noone will be if a group message will do.但如果有个群组讯息可以做到的话,就没人会去做。We edit and exaggerate, craveadulation.我们编辑、夸大、渴望得到奉承。Wepretend not to notice the social isolation.我们假装没有注意到社交孤立。We putour words into order and tint our lives a glistening.我们将我们的文字依序编排,将我们的生活点缀得闪闪发光。We don"teven know if anyone is listening.我们甚至不晓得是否有任何人在倾听。Being alone isn"t a problem,孤独并不是个问题,Let mejust emphasize, if you read a book, paint a picture, or do some exercise.让我就再强调,如果你读本书、画幅画、或做些运动You"rebeing productive and present, not reserved and recluse.你是具有生产力且活在当下的,不是沉默且孤独的。You"rebeing awake and attentive and putting your time to good use.你正清醒且全心投入,并有效利用你的时间So whenyou"re in public, and you start to feel alone所以当你处在群众之中,你开始感到孤单的时候,Put yourhands behind your head, step away from the phone.就将你的双手放在头的后面,远离手机。Youdon"t need to stare at your menu, or at your contact list.你不需要盯著你的选单,或是你的通讯录。Justtalk to one another, learn to co-exist.只要跟彼此对话,学著共存。I can"t stand to hear the silenceof a busy commuter train我无法忍受听到繁忙的通勤火车上一声不响When noone wants to talk for the fear of looking insane.没人想要开口,因为怕看起来像疯子。We"rebecoming unsocial,我们正变得无法做社会交流,It nolonger satisfies to engage with one another, and look into someone"s eyes.与彼此交流、看著某人的双眼再也无法满足人们了。We"resurrounded by children, who since they were born,我们被孩子围绕,他们自出生后,Havewatched us living like robots, who now think it"s the norm.就看著我们像机器人般过活,现在认为这是种常态。It"s notvery likely you"ll make world"s greatest dad,你不大可能会成为世界上最好的爸爸,If youcan"t entertain a child without using an iPad.如果你没办法不用iPad就能取悦孩子的话。When I was a child, I"d never behome,当我还是个孩子,我从未待在家,Be outwith my friends, on our bikes we"d roam.我和我的朋友们外出,骑著我们的脚踏车闲晃。I"d wearholes on my trainers, and graze up my knees.我会穿著破洞的球鞋,擦伤我的双膝。We"dbuild our own clubhouse, high up in the trees.我们会筑起我们自己的俱乐部,高高地在树上。Now thepark"s so quiet, it gives me a chill,现在公园是如此地宁静,让我不寒而栗,See nochildren outside and the swings hanging still.看到没有孩子在外头,而秋千静止不动。There"sno skipping, no hopscotch, no church and no steeple.没有跳绳、没有跳房子游戏、没有上教堂、没有教堂的尖塔。We"re ageneration of idiots, smart phones and dumb people.我们是一个充满白痴、智慧型手机、和愚蠢人们的世代。So look up from your phone, shutdown the display.所以从你的手机抬起头来、关上萤幕。Take inyour surroundings, make the most of today.接纳你周遭的事物,将今天发挥到淋漓尽致。Just onereal connection is all it can take只要一次真正的接触,这就足以To showyou the difference that being there can make.告诉你亲临现场可以造成的不同。Be there in the moment that shegives you the look在她给了你那眼神的那一刻亲临现场That youremember forever as when love overtook当爱情席卷而来时你会永远记得The timeshe first held your hand, or first kissed your lips她第一次牵你的手、或是第一次吻你的唇之时The timeyou first disagreed but you still love her to bits.你们第一次争执,但你还是爱她爱到一发不可收拾之时。The timeyou don"t have to tell hundreds of what you"ve just done你不必细数上百件你才刚做好的事之时Becauseyou want to share this moment with just this one.因为你只想和这个人分享此时此刻。The timeyou sell your computer, so you can buy a ring你卖掉你的电脑,好能买只戒指之时For thegirl of your dreams, who is now the real thing.为了你梦中的女孩,她现在是千真万确的事情了。The timeyou want to start a family, and the moment when你想要成家之时,还有那一刻Youfirst hold your little girl, and get to fall in love again.你第一次抱著你的小女孩,并再次恋爱了。The timeshe keeps you up at night, and all you want is rest她整晚让你不得安宁、你想要的只有休息之时And thetime you wipe away the tears as your baby flees the nest还有当你的宝贝离巢而去,你擦去泪水之时The timeyour baby girl returns, with a boy for you to hold你的宝贝女儿回来,带著个男孩给你抱抱之时And thetime he calls you granddad and makes you feel real old.还有他叫你爷爷,让你感觉真的好老之时。The timeyou"ve taken all you"ve made, just by giving life attention.你记录下所有你曾做过的事情之时,仅仅是透过重视生活。And howyou"re glad you didn"t waste it, by looking down at some invention.还有你多麼庆幸你没有将它给浪费掉,因为光低头看著某些发明。The timeyou hold your wife"s hand, sit down beside her bed,你握著你妻子的手之时,坐在她的床边,You tellher that you love her and lay a kiss upon her head.你告诉她你爱她,并在她头上留下个吻。She thenwhispers to you quietly as her heart gives a final beat接著当她的心脏跳最后一下时,她低声悄悄地告诉你Thatshe"s lucky she got stopped by that lost boy in the street.她很幸运能被那在街头迷路的男孩给叫住。But none of these times everhappened, you never had any of this.但这些时光从未发生过,你未曾体验过这之中任何一个。Whenyou"re too busy looking down, you don"t see the chances you miss.当你太忙於低著头,你就看不见你错失的机会。So lookup from your phone, shut down those displays.所以从你的手机抬起头,关上那些萤幕。We havea final act existence, a set number of days.我们有个最终的存在期限,一段固定的天数。Don"twaste your life getting caught in the net,别浪费你的人生沉迷在网路中,As whenthe end comes nothing"s worse than regret.当人生终点来临时,没有什麼比悔恨更糟糕的。I"mguilty too of being part of this machine,对於成为这台机器的一部分我也深感罪恶Thisdigital world, we are heard but not seen在这个数位世界,我们被听见、但没有被看见Where wetype as we talk, and we read as we chat在那儿我们讲话用打字的,我们聊天用读的Where wespend hours together without making eye contact.在那儿我们聚在一起数个小时却没有眼神交流。So don"tgive into a life where you follow the hype.别陷入一段随波逐流的人生。Givepeople your love, don"t give them your "like."给人们你的爱,不要给他们你的「赞」。Disconnectfrom the need to be heard and defined.与想要被听见、被定义的需求断绝关系。Go outinto the world, leave distractions behind.走出去进入世界,将令人分心的事物给抛在后头。Look upfrom your phone. Shut down that display.从你的手机抬起头看看。关掉那萤幕。Stopwatching this video. Live life the real way.别再看这部影片了。以真实的方式过生活吧。
2023-01-07 17:19:232